path: root/spec/bundler/commands/pristine_spec.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-12-12[rubygems/rubygems] Make tests compatible with paths that contain a + charMartin Emde
2023-12-07[rubygems/rubygems] Use modern hashes consistentlyDavid Rodríguez
2022-07-27[rubygems/rubygems] Use main as default branch for Bundler specsDavid Rodríguez
2022-06-26[rubygems/rubygems] Fix pending Bundler specsDavid Rodríguez
2021-05-11Sync bundler & rubygemsDavid Rodríguez
2020-09-17Fix typos [ci skip]Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA
2020-06-18[rubygems/rubygems] s/install_gemfile!/install_gemfileDavid Rodríguez
2020-06-18[rubygems/rubygems] s/bundle!/bundleDavid Rodríguez
2020-06-18[rubygems/rubygems] Make helpers raise by defaultDavid Rodríguez
2020-05-22Marked the failing examples with the current master branch on ruby repositoryHiroshi SHIBATA
2020-05-22Sync Bundler PR #3624Hiroshi SHIBATA
2020-05-13Update the bundler version with master branchHiroshi SHIBATA
2020-01-08Merge bundler-2.1.4Hiroshi SHIBATA
2019-08-18[bundler/bundler] Remove unnecessary rubygems monkeypatchDavid Rodríguez
2019-08-03[bundler/bundler] Normalize file:// handling in specsDavid Rodríguez
2019-04-14Merge Bundler 2.1.0.pre.1 as developed version from upstream.hsbt
2019-01-04Merge Bundler 2.0.1 from upstream.hsbt
2018-12-11Downgrade Bundler 1.17.x from 2.0.0.hsbt
2018-11-12Merge Bundler-2.0.0.pre1 from upstream.hsbt
2018-11-02Added bundler as default gems. Revisit [Feature #12733]hsbt
2017-12-22Postponing the Bundler merge.hsbt
2017-12-21Merge release version of bundler-1.16.1 from upstream.hsbt
2017-11-01Update bundled bundler to 1.16.0.hsbt
2017-09-08Merge bundler to standard libraries.hsbt