path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
15 hours[PRISM] Enable integer testKevin Newton
17 hours[PRISM] Use redundant return flagKevin Newton
17 hours[ruby/prism] Location#slice_lines, Node#slice_linesKevin Newton
18 hours[ruby/prism] Add a flag on returns when they are redundantKevin Newton
18 hours[ruby/irb] Suppress command return valuesStan Lo
19 hours[ruby/openssl] Only CSR version 1 (encoded as 0) is allowed by PKIX standardsJob Snijders
19 hours[PRISM] Fix up if condition branch coverage locationKevin Newton
19 hours[PRISM] Fix up branch coverage for &. with blockKevin Newton
19 hours[PRISM] Enable branch coverage for if/unless conditionalsKevin Newton
19 hours[PRISM] Enable branch coverage for while/until loopsKevin Newton
19 hours[PRISM] Enable branch coverage for case pattern matchingKevin Newton
19 hours[PRISM] Enable branch coverage for caseKevin Newton
19 hours[PRISM] Enable branch coverage for &.Kevin Newton
19 hours[PRISM] Modify test_coverage to take prism into accountKevin Newton
24 hours[ruby/irb] Command registration should take both strings and symbolsStan Lo
44 hours[ruby/reline] Fix inputrc nested $if $else $endif bugtomoya ishida
44 hoursDon't use assert_separately in Bug 20453 testDaniel Colson
45 hours[Bug #20453] segfault in Regexp timeoutDaniel Colson
48 hours[PRISM] Enable more passing testsKevin Newton
2 days[ruby/net-http] Skip test_session_reuse_but_expire with OpenSSL 3.3Xi Ruoyao
3 days[ruby/prism] Warn for nested hashes as wellKevin Newton
3 days[ruby/irb] Memoize helper method instances with Singleton moduleStan Lo
3 days[ruby/reline] Long line performancetomoya ishida
3 days[ruby/irb] Revert "Memoize helper method instances with Singleton module"Stan Lo
3 days[ruby/irb] Memoize helper method instances with Singleton moduleStan Lo
4 daysSync IRB f9347b1 (#10611)Stan Lo
4 daysSkip test_inspect_under_gc_compact_stress w/ RJIT tooTakashi Kokubun
4 days[ruby/prism] Implement case equality on nodesPhilip Mueller
5 days[rubygems/rubygems] Bump rb-sysdependabot[bot]
5 days[rubygems/rubygems] Bump rb-sysdependabot[bot]
7 days[ruby/irb] Stop using ExtendCommandBundle internallyStan Lo
7 days[ruby/zlib] Clear temporary directoryNobuyoshi Nakada
7 days[ruby/irb] Remove exit command workaround, handle IRB_EXIT intomoya ishida
7 daysensure ibf_load_setup is only passed String paramsZack Deveau
8 days[ruby/irb] Add MultiIRB commands testKuniaki Igarashi
8 days[ruby/reline] Implement `show-all-if-ambiguous` featureMari Imaizumi
9 days[ruby/irb] Fix % escape in prompt formattomoya ishida
9 days[ruby/irb] Accept " " for colorizing "\t" testtomoya ishida
9 daysAdd a hint of `ASCII-8BIT` being `BINARY`Jean Boussier
9 days[ruby/ipaddr] Add IPAddr.cidr to return ip address in cidr notationBen Fritsch
10 days[ruby/prism] Add a reflection API for determining the fields of a nodeKevin Newton
10 days[ruby/reline] Refactor nomultiline and multiline mode differencetomoya ishida
10 daysrelax unused block warning for duck typingKoichi Sasada
10 days[Feature #20335] `Thread.each_caller_location` argumentsNobuyoshi Nakada
10 daysskip on Prism generated iseqKoichi Sasada
10 daystest_uplus_minus: Use a different string literalJean Boussier
10 days`ISeq#to_a` respects `use_block` statusKoichi Sasada
10 days[ruby/stringio] strio_read: preserve buffer encoding on partialJean byroot Boussier
11 days[ruby/reline] Implement changing editing modeMari Imaizumi
11 days[rubygems/rubygems] Honor a specified path as the temporary diretory if givenNobuyoshi Nakada