path: root/spec/ruby/core/kernel/srand_spec.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-16Restore the global random seedNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-12-16Fix Kernel#srand and Kernel#rand descriptions [ci skip]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-12-16Refine wording about the default random seed [ci skip]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-12-16Use `to_s` and `puts` in testsNobuyoshi Nakada
2020-12-21Use Integer instead of Fixnum/BignumNobuyoshi Nakada
2020-06-27Update to ruby/spec@b6b7752Benoit Daloze
2019-07-27Update to ruby/spec@875a09eBenoit Daloze
2018-03-04Update to ruby/spec@c1b568beregon
2017-09-20Move spec/rubyspec to spec/ruby for consistencyeregon