path: root/yjit/src/asm/arm64/arg
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8 files changed, 544 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/arg/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/arg/
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index 0000000000..6b71a73d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/arg/
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+/// Immediates used by the logical immediate instructions are not actually the
+/// immediate value, but instead are encoded into a 13-bit wide mask of 3
+/// elements. This allows many more values to be represented than 13 bits would
+/// normally allow, at the expense of not being able to represent every possible
+/// value.
+/// In order for a number to be encodeable in this form, the binary
+/// representation must consist of a single set of contiguous 1s. That pattern
+/// must then be replicatable across all of the bits either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or
+/// 32 times (rotated or not).
+/// For example, 1 (0b1), 2 (0b10), 3 (0b11), and 4 (0b100) are all valid.
+/// However, 5 (0b101) is invalid, because it contains 2 sets of 1s and cannot
+/// be replicated across 64 bits.
+/// Some more examples to illustrate the idea of replication:
+/// * 0x5555555555555555 is a valid value (0b0101...) because it consists of a
+/// single set of 1s which can be replicated across all of the bits 32 times.
+/// * 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0 is a valid value (0b1111000011110000...) because it
+/// consists of a single set of 1s which can be replicated across all of the
+/// bits 8 times (rotated by 4 bits).
+/// * 0x0ff00ff00ff00ff0 is a valid value (0000111111110000...) because it
+/// consists of a single set of 1s which can be replicated across all of the
+/// bits 4 times (rotated by 12 bits).
+/// To encode the values, there are 3 elements:
+/// * n = 1 if the pattern is 64-bits wide, 0 otherwise
+/// * imms = the size of the pattern, a 0, and then one less than the number of
+/// sequential 1s
+/// * immr = the number of right rotations to apply to the pattern to get the
+/// target value
+pub struct BitmaskImmediate {
+ n: u8,
+ imms: u8,
+ immr: u8
+impl TryFrom<u64> for BitmaskImmediate {
+ type Error = ();
+ /// Attempt to convert a u64 into a BitmaskImmediate.
+ ///
+ /// The implementation here is largely based on this blog post:
+ ///
+ fn try_from(value: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ if value == 0 || value == u64::MAX {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ fn rotate_right(value: u64, rotations: u32) -> u64 {
+ (value >> (rotations & 0x3F)) |
+ (value << (rotations.wrapping_neg() & 0x3F))
+ }
+ let rotations = (value & (value + 1)).trailing_zeros();
+ let normalized = rotate_right(value, rotations & 0x3F);
+ let zeroes = normalized.leading_zeros();
+ let ones = (!normalized).trailing_zeros();
+ let size = zeroes + ones;
+ if rotate_right(value, size & 0x3F) != value {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ Ok(BitmaskImmediate {
+ n: ((size >> 6) & 1) as u8,
+ imms: (((size << 1).wrapping_neg() | (ones - 1)) & 0x3F) as u8,
+ immr: ((rotations.wrapping_neg() & (size - 1)) & 0x3F) as u8
+ })
+ }
+impl BitmaskImmediate {
+ /// Attempt to make a BitmaskImmediate for a 32 bit register.
+ /// The result has N==0, which is required for some 32-bit instructions.
+ /// Note that the exact same BitmaskImmediate produces different values
+ /// depending on the size of the target register.
+ pub fn new_32b_reg(value: u32) -> Result<Self, ()> {
+ // The same bit pattern replicated to u64
+ let value = value as u64;
+ let replicated: u64 = (value << 32) | value;
+ let converted = Self::try_from(replicated);
+ if let Ok(ref imm) = converted {
+ assert_eq!(0, imm.n);
+ }
+ converted
+ }
+impl BitmaskImmediate {
+ /// Encode a bitmask immediate into a 32-bit value.
+ pub fn encode(self) -> u32 {
+ 0
+ | ((self.n as u32) << 12)
+ | ((self.immr as u32) << 6)
+ | (self.imms as u32)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_failures() {
+ [5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19].iter().for_each(|&imm| {
+ assert!(BitmaskImmediate::try_from(imm).is_err());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_negative() {
+ let bitmask: BitmaskImmediate = (-9_i64 as u64).try_into().unwrap();
+ let encoded: u32 = bitmask.encode();
+ assert_eq!(7998, encoded);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_2_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x5555555555555555);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b111100 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_2_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000001, imms: 0b111100 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_4_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x1111111111111111);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b111000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_4_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x6666666666666666);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000011, imms: 0b111001 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_4_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000011, imms: 0b111010 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_8_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0101010101010101);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b110000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_8_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x1818181818181818);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000101, imms: 0b110001 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_8_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xfefefefefefefefe);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000111, imms: 0b110110 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_16_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0001000100010001);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b100000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_16_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xff8fff8fff8fff8f);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b001001, imms: 0b101100 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_16_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xfffefffefffefffe);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b001111, imms: 0b101110 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_32_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0000000100000001);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b000000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_32_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x3fffff003fffff00);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b011000, imms: 0b010101 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_32_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xfffffffefffffffe);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b011111, imms: 0b011110 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_64_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0000000000000001);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 1, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b000000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_64_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0000001fffff0000);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 1, immr: 0b110000, imms: 0b010100 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_64_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xfffffffffffffffe);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 1, immr: 0b111111, imms: 0b111110 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_64_invalid() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(u64::MAX);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Err(())));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_all_valid_32b_pattern() {
+ let mut patterns = vec![];
+ for pattern_size in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32_u64] {
+ for ones_count in 1..pattern_size {
+ for rotation in 0..pattern_size {
+ let ones = (1_u64 << ones_count) - 1;
+ let rotated = (ones >> rotation) |
+ ((ones & ((1 << rotation) - 1)) << (pattern_size - rotation));
+ let mut replicated = rotated;
+ let mut shift = pattern_size;
+ while shift < 32 {
+ replicated |= replicated << shift;
+ shift *= 2;
+ }
+ let replicated: u32 = replicated.try_into().unwrap();
+ assert!(BitmaskImmediate::new_32b_reg(replicated).is_ok());
+ patterns.push(replicated);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patterns.sort();
+ patterns.dedup();
+ // Up to {size}-1 ones, and a total of {size} possible rotations.
+ assert_eq!(1*2 + 3*4 + 7*8 + 15*16 + 31*32, patterns.len());
+ }
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index 0000000000..f711b8b0d8
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/// Various instructions in A64 can have condition codes attached. This enum
+/// includes all of the various kinds of conditions along with their respective
+/// encodings.
+pub struct Condition;
+impl Condition {
+ pub const EQ: u8 = 0b0000; // equal to
+ pub const NE: u8 = 0b0001; // not equal to
+ pub const CS: u8 = 0b0010; // carry set (alias for HS)
+ pub const CC: u8 = 0b0011; // carry clear (alias for LO)
+ pub const MI: u8 = 0b0100; // minus, negative
+ pub const PL: u8 = 0b0101; // positive or zero
+ pub const VS: u8 = 0b0110; // signed overflow
+ pub const VC: u8 = 0b0111; // no signed overflow
+ pub const HI: u8 = 0b1000; // greater than (unsigned)
+ pub const LS: u8 = 0b1001; // less than or equal to (unsigned)
+ pub const GE: u8 = 0b1010; // greater than or equal to (signed)
+ pub const LT: u8 = 0b1011; // less than (signed)
+ pub const GT: u8 = 0b1100; // greater than (signed)
+ pub const LE: u8 = 0b1101; // less than or equal to (signed)
+ pub const AL: u8 = 0b1110; // always
+ pub const fn inverse(condition: u8) -> u8 {
+ match condition {
+ Condition::EQ => Condition::NE,
+ Condition::NE => Condition::EQ,
+ Condition::CS => Condition::CC,
+ Condition::CC => Condition::CS,
+ Condition::MI => Condition::PL,
+ Condition::PL => Condition::MI,
+ Condition::VS => Condition::VC,
+ Condition::VC => Condition::VS,
+ Condition::HI => Condition::LS,
+ Condition::LS => Condition::HI,
+ Condition::LT => Condition::GE,
+ Condition::GE => Condition::LT,
+ Condition::GT => Condition::LE,
+ Condition::LE => Condition::GT,
+ Condition::AL => Condition::AL,
+ _ => panic!("Unknown condition")
+ }
+ }
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index 0000000000..f4a6bc73a0
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+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/arg/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/// There are a lot of instructions in the AArch64 architectrue that take an
+/// offset in terms of number of instructions. Usually they are jump
+/// instructions or instructions that load a value relative to the current PC.
+/// This struct is used to mark those locations instead of a generic operand in
+/// order to give better clarity to the developer when reading the AArch64
+/// backend code. It also helps to clarify that everything is in terms of a
+/// number of instructions and not a number of bytes (i.e., the offset is the
+/// number of bytes divided by 4).
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct InstructionOffset(i32);
+impl InstructionOffset {
+ /// Create a new instruction offset.
+ pub fn from_insns(insns: i32) -> Self {
+ InstructionOffset(insns)
+ }
+ /// Create a new instruction offset from a number of bytes.
+ pub fn from_bytes(bytes: i32) -> Self {
+ assert_eq!(bytes % 4, 0, "Byte offset must be a multiple of 4");
+ InstructionOffset(bytes / 4)
+ }
+impl From<i32> for InstructionOffset {
+ /// Convert an i64 into an instruction offset.
+ fn from(value: i32) -> Self {
+ InstructionOffset(value)
+ }
+impl From<InstructionOffset> for i32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction offset into a number of instructions as an i32.
+ fn from(offset: InstructionOffset) -> Self {
+ offset.0
+ }
+impl From<InstructionOffset> for i64 {
+ /// Convert an instruction offset into a number of instructions as an i64.
+ /// This is useful for when we're checking how many bits this offset fits
+ /// into.
+ fn from(offset: InstructionOffset) -> Self {
+ offset.0.into()
+ }
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index 0000000000..7eb37834f9
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+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/arg/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// This module contains various A64 instruction arguments and the logic
+// necessary to encode them.
+mod bitmask_imm;
+mod condition;
+mod inst_offset;
+mod sf;
+mod shifted_imm;
+mod sys_reg;
+mod truncate;
+pub use bitmask_imm::BitmaskImmediate;
+pub use condition::Condition;
+pub use inst_offset::InstructionOffset;
+pub use sf::Sf;
+pub use shifted_imm::ShiftedImmediate;
+pub use sys_reg::SystemRegister;
+pub use truncate::{truncate_imm, truncate_uimm};
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index 0000000000..c2fd33302c
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+/// This is commonly the top-most bit in the encoding of the instruction, and
+/// represents whether register operands should be treated as 64-bit registers
+/// or 32-bit registers.
+pub enum Sf {
+ Sf32 = 0b0,
+ Sf64 = 0b1
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the number of bits of an
+/// register operand directly into an Sf enum variant.
+impl From<u8> for Sf {
+ fn from(num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ match num_bits {
+ 64 => Sf::Sf64,
+ 32 => Sf::Sf32,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid number of bits: {}", num_bits)
+ }
+ }
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index 0000000000..4602ac64ab
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+/// How much to shift the immediate by.
+pub enum Shift {
+ LSL0 = 0b0, // no shift
+ LSL12 = 0b1 // logical shift left by 12 bits
+/// Some instructions accept a 12-bit immediate that has an optional shift
+/// attached to it. This allows encoding larger values than just fit into 12
+/// bits. We attempt to encode those here. If the values are too large we have
+/// to bail out.
+pub struct ShiftedImmediate {
+ shift: Shift,
+ value: u16
+impl TryFrom<u64> for ShiftedImmediate {
+ type Error = ();
+ /// Attempt to convert a u64 into a BitmaskImm.
+ fn try_from(value: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ let current = value;
+ if current < 2_u64.pow(12) {
+ return Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL0, value: current as u16 });
+ }
+ if (current & (2_u64.pow(12) - 1) == 0) && ((current >> 12) < 2_u64.pow(12)) {
+ return Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL12, value: (current >> 12) as u16 });
+ }
+ Err(())
+ }
+impl From<ShiftedImmediate> for u32 {
+ /// Encode a bitmask immediate into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(imm: ShiftedImmediate) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | (((imm.shift as u32) & 1) << 12)
+ | (imm.value as u32)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_no_shift() {
+ let expected_value = 256;
+ let result = ShiftedImmediate::try_from(expected_value);
+ match result {
+ Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL0, value }) => assert_eq!(value as u64, expected_value),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected shift value")
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_maximum_no_shift() {
+ let expected_value = (1 << 12) - 1;
+ let result = ShiftedImmediate::try_from(expected_value);
+ match result {
+ Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL0, value }) => assert_eq!(value as u64, expected_value),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected shift value")
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_with_shift() {
+ let result = ShiftedImmediate::try_from(256 << 12);
+ assert!(matches!(result, Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL12, value: 256 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unencodable() {
+ let result = ShiftedImmediate::try_from((256 << 12) + 1);
+ assert!(matches!(result, Err(())));
+ }
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index 0000000000..41d71920cb
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/// The encoded representation of an A64 system register.
+pub enum SystemRegister {
+ ///
+ NZCV = 0b1_011_0100_0010_000
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index 0000000000..85d56ff202
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// There are many instances in AArch64 instruction encoding where you represent
+// an integer value with a particular bit width that isn't a power of 2. These
+// functions represent truncating those integer values down to the appropriate
+// number of bits.
+/// Truncate a signed immediate to fit into a compile-time known width. It is
+/// assumed before calling this function that the value fits into the correct
+/// size. If it doesn't, then this function will panic.
+/// When the value is positive, this should effectively be a no-op since we're
+/// just dropping leading zeroes. When the value is negative we should only be
+/// dropping leading ones.
+pub fn truncate_imm<T: Into<i32>, const WIDTH: usize>(imm: T) -> u32 {
+ let value: i32 = imm.into();
+ let masked = (value as u32) & ((1 << WIDTH) - 1);
+ // Assert that we didn't drop any bits by truncating.
+ if value >= 0 {
+ assert_eq!(value as u32, masked);
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(value as u32, masked | (u32::MAX << WIDTH));
+ }
+ masked
+/// Truncate an unsigned immediate to fit into a compile-time known width. It is
+/// assumed before calling this function that the value fits into the correct
+/// size. If it doesn't, then this function will panic.
+/// This should effectively be a no-op since we're just dropping leading zeroes.
+pub fn truncate_uimm<T: Into<u32>, const WIDTH: usize>(uimm: T) -> u32 {
+ let value: u32 = uimm.into();
+ let masked = value & ((1 << WIDTH) - 1);
+ // Assert that we didn't drop any bits by truncating.
+ assert_eq!(value, masked);
+ masked
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_truncate_imm_positive() {
+ let inst = truncate_imm::<i32, 4>(5);
+ let result: u32 = inst;
+ assert_eq!(0b0101, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_truncate_imm_negative() {
+ let inst = truncate_imm::<i32, 4>(-5);
+ let result: u32 = inst;
+ assert_eq!(0b1011, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_truncate_uimm() {
+ let inst = truncate_uimm::<u32, 4>(5);
+ let result: u32 = inst;
+ assert_eq!(0b0101, result);
+ }