path: root/yjit/src/asm/arm64
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+# Arm64
+This module is responsible for encoding YJIT operands into an appropriate Arm64 encoding.
+## Architecture
+Every instruction in the Arm64 instruction set is 32 bits wide and is represented in little-endian order. Because they're all going to the same size, we represent each instruction by a struct that implements `From<T> for u32`, which contains the mechanism for encoding each instruction. The encoding for each instruction is shown in the documentation for the struct that ends up being created.
+In general each set of bytes inside of the struct has either a direct value (usually a `u8`/`u16`) or some kind of `enum` that can be converted directly into a `u32`. For more complicated pieces of encoding (e.g., bitmask immediates) a corresponding module under the `arg` namespace is available.
+## Helpful links
+* [Arm A64 Instruction Set Architecture]( Official documentation
+* []( A website that encodes Arm assembly syntax
+* [hatstone]( A wrapper around the Capstone disassembler written in Ruby
+* []( A web-based disassembler
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+/// Immediates used by the logical immediate instructions are not actually the
+/// immediate value, but instead are encoded into a 13-bit wide mask of 3
+/// elements. This allows many more values to be represented than 13 bits would
+/// normally allow, at the expense of not being able to represent every possible
+/// value.
+/// In order for a number to be encodeable in this form, the binary
+/// representation must consist of a single set of contiguous 1s. That pattern
+/// must then be replicatable across all of the bits either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or
+/// 32 times (rotated or not).
+/// For example, 1 (0b1), 2 (0b10), 3 (0b11), and 4 (0b100) are all valid.
+/// However, 5 (0b101) is invalid, because it contains 2 sets of 1s and cannot
+/// be replicated across 64 bits.
+/// Some more examples to illustrate the idea of replication:
+/// * 0x5555555555555555 is a valid value (0b0101...) because it consists of a
+/// single set of 1s which can be replicated across all of the bits 32 times.
+/// * 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0 is a valid value (0b1111000011110000...) because it
+/// consists of a single set of 1s which can be replicated across all of the
+/// bits 8 times (rotated by 4 bits).
+/// * 0x0ff00ff00ff00ff0 is a valid value (0000111111110000...) because it
+/// consists of a single set of 1s which can be replicated across all of the
+/// bits 4 times (rotated by 12 bits).
+/// To encode the values, there are 3 elements:
+/// * n = 1 if the pattern is 64-bits wide, 0 otherwise
+/// * imms = the size of the pattern, a 0, and then one less than the number of
+/// sequential 1s
+/// * immr = the number of right rotations to apply to the pattern to get the
+/// target value
+pub struct BitmaskImmediate {
+ n: u8,
+ imms: u8,
+ immr: u8
+impl TryFrom<u64> for BitmaskImmediate {
+ type Error = ();
+ /// Attempt to convert a u64 into a BitmaskImmediate.
+ ///
+ /// The implementation here is largely based on this blog post:
+ ///
+ fn try_from(value: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ if value == 0 || value == u64::MAX {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ fn rotate_right(value: u64, rotations: u32) -> u64 {
+ (value >> (rotations & 0x3F)) |
+ (value << (rotations.wrapping_neg() & 0x3F))
+ }
+ let rotations = (value & (value + 1)).trailing_zeros();
+ let normalized = rotate_right(value, rotations & 0x3F);
+ let zeroes = normalized.leading_zeros();
+ let ones = (!normalized).trailing_zeros();
+ let size = zeroes + ones;
+ if rotate_right(value, size & 0x3F) != value {
+ return Err(());
+ }
+ Ok(BitmaskImmediate {
+ n: ((size >> 6) & 1) as u8,
+ imms: (((size << 1).wrapping_neg() | (ones - 1)) & 0x3F) as u8,
+ immr: ((rotations.wrapping_neg() & (size - 1)) & 0x3F) as u8
+ })
+ }
+impl BitmaskImmediate {
+ /// Attempt to make a BitmaskImmediate for a 32 bit register.
+ /// The result has N==0, which is required for some 32-bit instructions.
+ /// Note that the exact same BitmaskImmediate produces different values
+ /// depending on the size of the target register.
+ pub fn new_32b_reg(value: u32) -> Result<Self, ()> {
+ // The same bit pattern replicated to u64
+ let value = value as u64;
+ let replicated: u64 = (value << 32) | value;
+ let converted = Self::try_from(replicated);
+ if let Ok(ref imm) = converted {
+ assert_eq!(0, imm.n);
+ }
+ converted
+ }
+impl BitmaskImmediate {
+ /// Encode a bitmask immediate into a 32-bit value.
+ pub fn encode(self) -> u32 {
+ 0
+ | ((self.n as u32) << 12)
+ | ((self.immr as u32) << 6)
+ | (self.imms as u32)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_failures() {
+ [5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19].iter().for_each(|&imm| {
+ assert!(BitmaskImmediate::try_from(imm).is_err());
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_negative() {
+ let bitmask: BitmaskImmediate = (-9_i64 as u64).try_into().unwrap();
+ let encoded: u32 = bitmask.encode();
+ assert_eq!(7998, encoded);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_2_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x5555555555555555);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b111100 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_2_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000001, imms: 0b111100 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_4_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x1111111111111111);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b111000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_4_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x6666666666666666);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000011, imms: 0b111001 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_4_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000011, imms: 0b111010 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_8_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0101010101010101);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b110000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_8_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x1818181818181818);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000101, imms: 0b110001 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_8_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xfefefefefefefefe);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000111, imms: 0b110110 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_16_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0001000100010001);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b100000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_16_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xff8fff8fff8fff8f);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b001001, imms: 0b101100 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_16_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xfffefffefffefffe);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b001111, imms: 0b101110 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_32_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0000000100000001);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b000000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_32_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x3fffff003fffff00);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b011000, imms: 0b010101 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_32_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xfffffffefffffffe);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 0, immr: 0b011111, imms: 0b011110 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_64_minimum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0000000000000001);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 1, immr: 0b000000, imms: 0b000000 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_64_rotated() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0x0000001fffff0000);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 1, immr: 0b110000, imms: 0b010100 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_64_maximum() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(0xfffffffffffffffe);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Ok(BitmaskImmediate { n: 1, immr: 0b111111, imms: 0b111110 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_size_64_invalid() {
+ let bitmask = BitmaskImmediate::try_from(u64::MAX);
+ assert!(matches!(bitmask, Err(())));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_all_valid_32b_pattern() {
+ let mut patterns = vec![];
+ for pattern_size in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32_u64] {
+ for ones_count in 1..pattern_size {
+ for rotation in 0..pattern_size {
+ let ones = (1_u64 << ones_count) - 1;
+ let rotated = (ones >> rotation) |
+ ((ones & ((1 << rotation) - 1)) << (pattern_size - rotation));
+ let mut replicated = rotated;
+ let mut shift = pattern_size;
+ while shift < 32 {
+ replicated |= replicated << shift;
+ shift *= 2;
+ }
+ let replicated: u32 = replicated.try_into().unwrap();
+ assert!(BitmaskImmediate::new_32b_reg(replicated).is_ok());
+ patterns.push(replicated);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ patterns.sort();
+ patterns.dedup();
+ // Up to {size}-1 ones, and a total of {size} possible rotations.
+ assert_eq!(1*2 + 3*4 + 7*8 + 15*16 + 31*32, patterns.len());
+ }
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+/// Various instructions in A64 can have condition codes attached. This enum
+/// includes all of the various kinds of conditions along with their respective
+/// encodings.
+pub struct Condition;
+impl Condition {
+ pub const EQ: u8 = 0b0000; // equal to
+ pub const NE: u8 = 0b0001; // not equal to
+ pub const CS: u8 = 0b0010; // carry set (alias for HS)
+ pub const CC: u8 = 0b0011; // carry clear (alias for LO)
+ pub const MI: u8 = 0b0100; // minus, negative
+ pub const PL: u8 = 0b0101; // positive or zero
+ pub const VS: u8 = 0b0110; // signed overflow
+ pub const VC: u8 = 0b0111; // no signed overflow
+ pub const HI: u8 = 0b1000; // greater than (unsigned)
+ pub const LS: u8 = 0b1001; // less than or equal to (unsigned)
+ pub const GE: u8 = 0b1010; // greater than or equal to (signed)
+ pub const LT: u8 = 0b1011; // less than (signed)
+ pub const GT: u8 = 0b1100; // greater than (signed)
+ pub const LE: u8 = 0b1101; // less than or equal to (signed)
+ pub const AL: u8 = 0b1110; // always
+ pub const fn inverse(condition: u8) -> u8 {
+ match condition {
+ Condition::EQ => Condition::NE,
+ Condition::NE => Condition::EQ,
+ Condition::CS => Condition::CC,
+ Condition::CC => Condition::CS,
+ Condition::MI => Condition::PL,
+ Condition::PL => Condition::MI,
+ Condition::VS => Condition::VC,
+ Condition::VC => Condition::VS,
+ Condition::HI => Condition::LS,
+ Condition::LS => Condition::HI,
+ Condition::LT => Condition::GE,
+ Condition::GE => Condition::LT,
+ Condition::GT => Condition::LE,
+ Condition::LE => Condition::GT,
+ Condition::AL => Condition::AL,
+ _ => panic!("Unknown condition")
+ }
+ }
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+/// There are a lot of instructions in the AArch64 architectrue that take an
+/// offset in terms of number of instructions. Usually they are jump
+/// instructions or instructions that load a value relative to the current PC.
+/// This struct is used to mark those locations instead of a generic operand in
+/// order to give better clarity to the developer when reading the AArch64
+/// backend code. It also helps to clarify that everything is in terms of a
+/// number of instructions and not a number of bytes (i.e., the offset is the
+/// number of bytes divided by 4).
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct InstructionOffset(i32);
+impl InstructionOffset {
+ /// Create a new instruction offset.
+ pub fn from_insns(insns: i32) -> Self {
+ InstructionOffset(insns)
+ }
+ /// Create a new instruction offset from a number of bytes.
+ pub fn from_bytes(bytes: i32) -> Self {
+ assert_eq!(bytes % 4, 0, "Byte offset must be a multiple of 4");
+ InstructionOffset(bytes / 4)
+ }
+impl From<i32> for InstructionOffset {
+ /// Convert an i64 into an instruction offset.
+ fn from(value: i32) -> Self {
+ InstructionOffset(value)
+ }
+impl From<InstructionOffset> for i32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction offset into a number of instructions as an i32.
+ fn from(offset: InstructionOffset) -> Self {
+ offset.0
+ }
+impl From<InstructionOffset> for i64 {
+ /// Convert an instruction offset into a number of instructions as an i64.
+ /// This is useful for when we're checking how many bits this offset fits
+ /// into.
+ fn from(offset: InstructionOffset) -> Self {
+ offset.0.into()
+ }
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+// This module contains various A64 instruction arguments and the logic
+// necessary to encode them.
+mod bitmask_imm;
+mod condition;
+mod inst_offset;
+mod sf;
+mod shifted_imm;
+mod sys_reg;
+mod truncate;
+pub use bitmask_imm::BitmaskImmediate;
+pub use condition::Condition;
+pub use inst_offset::InstructionOffset;
+pub use sf::Sf;
+pub use shifted_imm::ShiftedImmediate;
+pub use sys_reg::SystemRegister;
+pub use truncate::{truncate_imm, truncate_uimm};
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+/// This is commonly the top-most bit in the encoding of the instruction, and
+/// represents whether register operands should be treated as 64-bit registers
+/// or 32-bit registers.
+pub enum Sf {
+ Sf32 = 0b0,
+ Sf64 = 0b1
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the number of bits of an
+/// register operand directly into an Sf enum variant.
+impl From<u8> for Sf {
+ fn from(num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ match num_bits {
+ 64 => Sf::Sf64,
+ 32 => Sf::Sf32,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid number of bits: {}", num_bits)
+ }
+ }
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+/// How much to shift the immediate by.
+pub enum Shift {
+ LSL0 = 0b0, // no shift
+ LSL12 = 0b1 // logical shift left by 12 bits
+/// Some instructions accept a 12-bit immediate that has an optional shift
+/// attached to it. This allows encoding larger values than just fit into 12
+/// bits. We attempt to encode those here. If the values are too large we have
+/// to bail out.
+pub struct ShiftedImmediate {
+ shift: Shift,
+ value: u16
+impl TryFrom<u64> for ShiftedImmediate {
+ type Error = ();
+ /// Attempt to convert a u64 into a BitmaskImm.
+ fn try_from(value: u64) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+ let current = value;
+ if current < 2_u64.pow(12) {
+ return Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL0, value: current as u16 });
+ }
+ if (current & (2_u64.pow(12) - 1) == 0) && ((current >> 12) < 2_u64.pow(12)) {
+ return Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL12, value: (current >> 12) as u16 });
+ }
+ Err(())
+ }
+impl From<ShiftedImmediate> for u32 {
+ /// Encode a bitmask immediate into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(imm: ShiftedImmediate) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | (((imm.shift as u32) & 1) << 12)
+ | (imm.value as u32)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_no_shift() {
+ let expected_value = 256;
+ let result = ShiftedImmediate::try_from(expected_value);
+ match result {
+ Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL0, value }) => assert_eq!(value as u64, expected_value),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected shift value")
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_maximum_no_shift() {
+ let expected_value = (1 << 12) - 1;
+ let result = ShiftedImmediate::try_from(expected_value);
+ match result {
+ Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL0, value }) => assert_eq!(value as u64, expected_value),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected shift value")
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_with_shift() {
+ let result = ShiftedImmediate::try_from(256 << 12);
+ assert!(matches!(result, Ok(ShiftedImmediate { shift: Shift::LSL12, value: 256 })));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_unencodable() {
+ let result = ShiftedImmediate::try_from((256 << 12) + 1);
+ assert!(matches!(result, Err(())));
+ }
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+/// The encoded representation of an A64 system register.
+pub enum SystemRegister {
+ ///
+ NZCV = 0b1_011_0100_0010_000
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+// There are many instances in AArch64 instruction encoding where you represent
+// an integer value with a particular bit width that isn't a power of 2. These
+// functions represent truncating those integer values down to the appropriate
+// number of bits.
+/// Truncate a signed immediate to fit into a compile-time known width. It is
+/// assumed before calling this function that the value fits into the correct
+/// size. If it doesn't, then this function will panic.
+/// When the value is positive, this should effectively be a no-op since we're
+/// just dropping leading zeroes. When the value is negative we should only be
+/// dropping leading ones.
+pub fn truncate_imm<T: Into<i32>, const WIDTH: usize>(imm: T) -> u32 {
+ let value: i32 = imm.into();
+ let masked = (value as u32) & ((1 << WIDTH) - 1);
+ // Assert that we didn't drop any bits by truncating.
+ if value >= 0 {
+ assert_eq!(value as u32, masked);
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(value as u32, masked | (u32::MAX << WIDTH));
+ }
+ masked
+/// Truncate an unsigned immediate to fit into a compile-time known width. It is
+/// assumed before calling this function that the value fits into the correct
+/// size. If it doesn't, then this function will panic.
+/// This should effectively be a no-op since we're just dropping leading zeroes.
+pub fn truncate_uimm<T: Into<u32>, const WIDTH: usize>(uimm: T) -> u32 {
+ let value: u32 = uimm.into();
+ let masked = value & ((1 << WIDTH) - 1);
+ // Assert that we didn't drop any bits by truncating.
+ assert_eq!(value, masked);
+ masked
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_truncate_imm_positive() {
+ let inst = truncate_imm::<i32, 4>(5);
+ let result: u32 = inst;
+ assert_eq!(0b0101, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_truncate_imm_negative() {
+ let inst = truncate_imm::<i32, 4>(-5);
+ let result: u32 = inst;
+ assert_eq!(0b1011, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_truncate_uimm() {
+ let inst = truncate_uimm::<u32, 4>(5);
+ let result: u32 = inst;
+ assert_eq!(0b0101, result);
+ }
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+/// The size of the register operands to this instruction.
+enum Size {
+ /// Using 32-bit registers.
+ Size32 = 0b10,
+ /// Using 64-bit registers.
+ Size64 = 0b11
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the number of bits of an
+/// register operand directly into a Size enum variant.
+impl From<u8> for Size {
+ fn from(num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ match num_bits {
+ 64 => Size::Size64,
+ 32 => Size::Size32,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid number of bits: {}", num_bits)
+ }
+ }
+/// The struct that represents an A64 atomic instruction that can be encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
+/// | size rs.............. rn.............. rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct Atomic {
+ /// The register holding the value to be loaded.
+ rt: u8,
+ /// The base register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The register holding the data value to be operated on.
+ rs: u8,
+ /// The size of the registers used in this instruction.
+ size: Size
+impl Atomic {
+ ///
+ pub fn ldaddal(rs: u8, rt: u8, rn: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, rs, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0100;
+impl From<Atomic> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: Atomic) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.size as u32) << 30)
+ | (0b11 << 28)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (0b111 << 21)
+ | (( as u32) << 16)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rt as u32)
+ }
+impl From<Atomic> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: Atomic) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldaddal() {
+ let result: u32 = Atomic::ldaddal(20, 21, 22, 64).into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf8f402d5, result);
+ }
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index 0000000000..f15ef2a9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/// Which operation to perform.
+enum Op {
+ /// Perform a BR instruction.
+ BR = 0b00,
+ /// Perform a BLR instruction.
+ BLR = 0b01,
+ /// Perform a RET instruction.
+ RET = 0b10
+/// The struct that represents an A64 branch instruction that can be encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
+/// | op... rn.............. rm.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct Branch {
+ /// The register holding the address to be branched to.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The operation to perform.
+ op: Op
+impl Branch {
+ /// BR
+ ///
+ pub fn br(rn: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rn, op: Op::BR }
+ }
+ /// BLR
+ ///
+ pub fn blr(rn: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rn, op: Op::BLR }
+ }
+ /// RET
+ ///
+ pub fn ret(rn: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rn, op: Op::RET }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b101;
+impl From<Branch> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: Branch) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | (0b11 << 30)
+ | (FAMILY << 26)
+ | (1 << 25)
+ | ((inst.op as u32) << 21)
+ | (0b11111 << 16)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ }
+impl From<Branch> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: Branch) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_br() {
+ let result: u32 = Branch::br(0).into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd61f0000, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_blr() {
+ let result: u32 = Branch::blr(0).into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd63f0000, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ret() {
+ let result: u32 = Branch::ret(30).into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd65f03C0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ret_rn() {
+ let result: u32 = Branch::ret(20).into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd65f0280, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fcc07f69aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+use super::super::arg::{InstructionOffset, truncate_imm};
+/// The struct that represents an A64 conditional branch instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 |
+/// | imm19........................................................... cond....... |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct BranchCond {
+ /// The kind of condition to check before branching.
+ cond: u8,
+ /// The instruction offset from this instruction to branch to.
+ offset: InstructionOffset
+impl BranchCond {
+ /// B.cond
+ ///
+ pub fn bcond(cond: u8, offset: InstructionOffset) -> Self {
+ Self { cond, offset }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b101;
+impl From<BranchCond> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: BranchCond) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | (1 << 30)
+ | (FAMILY << 26)
+ | (truncate_imm::<_, 19>(inst.offset) << 5)
+ | (inst.cond as u32)
+ }
+impl From<BranchCond> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: BranchCond) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use super::super::super::arg::Condition;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b_eq() {
+ let result: u32 = BranchCond::bcond(Condition::EQ, 32.into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x54000400, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b_vs() {
+ let result: u32 = BranchCond::bcond(Condition::VS, 32.into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x54000406, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b_eq_max() {
+ let result: u32 = BranchCond::bcond(Condition::EQ, ((1 << 18) - 1).into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x547fffe0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b_eq_min() {
+ let result: u32 = BranchCond::bcond(Condition::EQ, (-(1 << 18)).into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x54800000, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be4920ac76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/// The struct that represents an A64 breakpoint instruction that can be encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 |
+/// | imm16.................................................. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct Breakpoint {
+ /// The value to be captured by ESR_ELx.ISS
+ imm16: u16
+impl Breakpoint {
+ /// BRK
+ ///
+ pub fn brk(imm16: u16) -> Self {
+ Self { imm16 }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b101;
+impl From<Breakpoint> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: Breakpoint) -> Self {
+ let imm16 = inst.imm16 as u32;
+ 0
+ | (0b11 << 30)
+ | (FAMILY << 26)
+ | (1 << 21)
+ | (imm16 << 5)
+ }
+impl From<Breakpoint> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: Breakpoint) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_brk() {
+ let result: u32 = Breakpoint::brk(7).into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd42000e0, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74debac7f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+use super::super::arg::{InstructionOffset, truncate_imm};
+/// The operation to perform for this instruction.
+enum Op {
+ /// Branch directly, with a hint that this is not a subroutine call or
+ /// return.
+ Branch = 0,
+ /// Branch directly, with a hint that this is a subroutine call or return.
+ BranchWithLink = 1
+/// The struct that represents an A64 branch with our without link instruction
+/// that can be encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 0 1 0 1 |
+/// | op imm26.................................................................................... |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct Call {
+ /// The PC-relative offset to jump to in terms of number of instructions.
+ offset: InstructionOffset,
+ /// The operation to perform for this instruction.
+ op: Op
+impl Call {
+ /// B
+ ///
+ pub fn b(offset: InstructionOffset) -> Self {
+ Self { offset, op: Op::Branch }
+ }
+ /// BL
+ ///
+ pub fn bl(offset: InstructionOffset) -> Self {
+ Self { offset, op: Op::BranchWithLink }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b101;
+impl From<Call> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: Call) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.op as u32) << 31)
+ | (FAMILY << 26)
+ | truncate_imm::<_, 26>(inst.offset)
+ }
+impl From<Call> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: Call) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bl() {
+ let result: u32 = Call::bl(0.into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x94000000, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bl_positive() {
+ let result: u32 = Call::bl(256.into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x94000100, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bl_negative() {
+ let result: u32 = Call::bl((-256).into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x97ffff00, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b() {
+ let result: u32 = Call::b(0.into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x14000000, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b_positive() {
+ let result: u32 = Call::b(((1 << 25) - 1).into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x15ffffff, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b_negative() {
+ let result: u32 = Call::b((-(1 << 25)).into()).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x16000000, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1950e95b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+use super::super::arg::Sf;
+/// The struct that represents an A64 conditional instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 |
+/// | sf rm.............. cond....... rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct Conditional {
+ /// The number of the general-purpose destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The number of the first general-purpose source register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The condition to use for the conditional instruction.
+ cond: u8,
+ /// The number of the second general-purpose source register.
+ rm: u8,
+ /// The size of the registers of this instruction.
+ sf: Sf
+impl Conditional {
+ /// CSEL
+ ///
+ pub fn csel(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, cond: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, cond, rm, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b101;
+impl From<Conditional> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: Conditional) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | (1 << 28)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (1 << 23)
+ | ((inst.rm as u32) << 16)
+ | ((inst.cond as u32) << 12)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rd as u32)
+ }
+impl From<Conditional> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: Conditional) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use super::super::super::arg::Condition;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_csel() {
+ let result: u32 = Conditional::csel(0, 1, 2, Condition::NE, 64).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x9a821020, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b474b00a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+use super::super::arg::{Sf, ShiftedImmediate};
+/// The operation being performed by this instruction.
+enum Op {
+ Add = 0b0,
+ Sub = 0b1
+// Whether or not to update the flags when this instruction is performed.
+enum S {
+ LeaveFlags = 0b0,
+ UpdateFlags = 0b1
+/// The struct that represents an A64 data processing -- immediate instruction
+/// that can be encoded.
+/// Add/subtract (immediate)
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 0 0 0 1 0 |
+/// | sf op S sh imm12.................................... rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct DataImm {
+ /// The register number of the destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The register number of the first operand register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// How much to shift the immediate by.
+ imm: ShiftedImmediate,
+ /// Whether or not to update the flags when this instruction is performed.
+ s: S,
+ /// The opcode for this instruction.
+ op: Op,
+ /// Whether or not this instruction is operating on 64-bit operands.
+ sf: Sf
+impl DataImm {
+ /// ADD (immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn add(rd: u8, rn: u8, imm: ShiftedImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm, s: S::LeaveFlags, op: Op::Add, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ADDS (immediate, set flags)
+ ///
+ pub fn adds(rd: u8, rn: u8, imm: ShiftedImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm, s: S::UpdateFlags, op: Op::Add, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// CMP (immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn cmp(rn: u8, imm: ShiftedImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::subs(31, rn, imm, num_bits)
+ }
+ /// SUB (immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn sub(rd: u8, rn: u8, imm: ShiftedImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm, s: S::LeaveFlags, op: Op::Sub, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// SUBS (immediate, set flags)
+ ///
+ pub fn subs(rd: u8, rn: u8, imm: ShiftedImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm, s: S::UpdateFlags, op: Op::Sub, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b1000;
+impl From<DataImm> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: DataImm) -> Self {
+ let imm: u32 = inst.imm.into();
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | ((inst.op as u32) << 30)
+ | ((inst.s as u32) << 29)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (1 << 24)
+ | (imm << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<DataImm> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: DataImm) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add() {
+ let inst = DataImm::add(0, 1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x91001c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adds() {
+ let inst = DataImm::adds(0, 1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xb1001c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cmp() {
+ let inst = DataImm::cmp(0, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf1001c1f, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub() {
+ let inst = DataImm::sub(0, 1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd1001c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_subs() {
+ let inst = DataImm::subs(0, 1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf1001c20, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a742121f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+use super::super::arg::{Sf, truncate_uimm};
+/// The operation being performed by this instruction.
+enum Op {
+ Add = 0b0,
+ Sub = 0b1
+// Whether or not to update the flags when this instruction is performed.
+enum S {
+ LeaveFlags = 0b0,
+ UpdateFlags = 0b1
+/// The type of shift to perform on the second operand register.
+enum Shift {
+ LSL = 0b00, // logical shift left (unsigned)
+ LSR = 0b01, // logical shift right (unsigned)
+ ASR = 0b10 // arithmetic shift right (signed)
+/// The struct that represents an A64 data processing -- register instruction
+/// that can be encoded.
+/// Add/subtract (shifted register)
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 0 1 1 0 |
+/// | sf op S shift rm.............. imm6............... rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct DataReg {
+ /// The register number of the destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The register number of the first operand register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The amount to shift the second operand register by.
+ imm6: u8,
+ /// The register number of the second operand register.
+ rm: u8,
+ /// The type of shift to perform on the second operand register.
+ shift: Shift,
+ /// Whether or not to update the flags when this instruction is performed.
+ s: S,
+ /// The opcode for this instruction.
+ op: Op,
+ /// Whether or not this instruction is operating on 64-bit operands.
+ sf: Sf
+impl DataReg {
+ /// ADD (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn add(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ rd,
+ rn,
+ imm6: 0,
+ rm,
+ shift: Shift::LSL,
+ s: S::LeaveFlags,
+ op: Op::Add,
+ sf: num_bits.into()
+ }
+ }
+ /// ADDS (shifted register, set flags)
+ ///
+ pub fn adds(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ rd,
+ rn,
+ imm6: 0,
+ rm,
+ shift: Shift::LSL,
+ s: S::UpdateFlags,
+ op: Op::Add,
+ sf: num_bits.into()
+ }
+ }
+ /// CMP (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn cmp(rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::subs(31, rn, rm, num_bits)
+ }
+ /// SUB (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn sub(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ rd,
+ rn,
+ imm6: 0,
+ rm,
+ shift: Shift::LSL,
+ s: S::LeaveFlags,
+ op: Op::Sub,
+ sf: num_bits.into()
+ }
+ }
+ /// SUBS (shifted register, set flags)
+ ///
+ pub fn subs(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ rd,
+ rn,
+ imm6: 0,
+ rm,
+ shift: Shift::LSL,
+ s: S::UpdateFlags,
+ op: Op::Sub,
+ sf: num_bits.into()
+ }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0101;
+impl From<DataReg> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: DataReg) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | ((inst.op as u32) << 30)
+ | ((inst.s as u32) << 29)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (1 << 24)
+ | ((inst.shift as u32) << 22)
+ | ((inst.rm as u32) << 16)
+ | (truncate_uimm::<_, 6>(inst.imm6) << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<DataReg> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: DataReg) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add() {
+ let inst = DataReg::add(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x8b020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adds() {
+ let inst = DataReg::adds(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xab020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cmp() {
+ let inst = DataReg::cmp(0, 1, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xeb01001f, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub() {
+ let inst = DataReg::sub(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xcb020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_subs() {
+ let inst = DataReg::subs(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xeb020020, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ddae8e8de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+use super::super::arg::truncate_imm;
+/// Whether this is a load or a store.
+enum Op {
+ Load = 1,
+ Store = 0
+/// The type of indexing to perform for this instruction.
+enum Index {
+ /// No indexing.
+ None = 0b00,
+ /// Mutate the register after the read.
+ PostIndex = 0b01,
+ /// Mutate the register before the read.
+ PreIndex = 0b11
+/// The struct that represents an A64 halfword instruction that can be encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 |
+/// | op imm12.................................... rn.............. rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// LDRH (pre-index/post-index)
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 |
+/// | op imm9.......................... index rn.............. rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct HalfwordImm {
+ /// The number of the 32-bit register to be loaded.
+ rt: u8,
+ /// The number of the 64-bit base register to calculate the memory address.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The type of indexing to perform for this instruction.
+ index: Index,
+ /// The immediate offset from the base register.
+ imm: i16,
+ /// The operation to perform.
+ op: Op
+impl HalfwordImm {
+ /// LDRH
+ ///
+ pub fn ldrh(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm12: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, index: Index::None, imm: imm12, op: Op::Load }
+ }
+ /// LDRH (pre-index)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldrh_pre(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, index: Index::PreIndex, imm: imm9, op: Op::Load }
+ }
+ /// LDRH (post-index)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldrh_post(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, index: Index::PostIndex, imm: imm9, op: Op::Load }
+ }
+ /// STRH
+ ///
+ pub fn strh(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm12: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, index: Index::None, imm: imm12, op: Op::Store }
+ }
+ /// STRH (pre-index)
+ ///
+ pub fn strh_pre(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, index: Index::PreIndex, imm: imm9, op: Op::Store }
+ }
+ /// STRH (post-index)
+ ///
+ pub fn strh_post(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, index: Index::PostIndex, imm: imm9, op: Op::Store }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b111100;
+impl From<HalfwordImm> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: HalfwordImm) -> Self {
+ let (opc, imm) = match inst.index {
+ Index::None => {
+ assert_eq!(inst.imm & 1, 0, "immediate offset must be even");
+ let imm12 = truncate_imm::<_, 12>(inst.imm / 2);
+ (0b100, imm12)
+ },
+ Index::PreIndex | Index::PostIndex => {
+ let imm9 = truncate_imm::<_, 9>(inst.imm);
+ (0b000, (imm9 << 2) | (inst.index as u32))
+ }
+ };
+ 0
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | ((opc | (inst.op as u32)) << 22)
+ | (imm << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rt as u32)
+ }
+impl From<HalfwordImm> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: HalfwordImm) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldrh() {
+ let inst = HalfwordImm::ldrh(0, 1, 8);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x79401020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldrh_pre() {
+ let inst = HalfwordImm::ldrh_pre(0, 1, 16);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x78410c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldrh_post() {
+ let inst = HalfwordImm::ldrh_post(0, 1, 24);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x78418420, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldrh_post_negative() {
+ let inst = HalfwordImm::ldrh_post(0, 1, -24);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x785e8420, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_strh() {
+ let inst = HalfwordImm::strh(0, 1, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x79000020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_strh_pre() {
+ let inst = HalfwordImm::strh_pre(0, 1, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x78000c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_strh_post() {
+ let inst = HalfwordImm::strh_post(0, 1, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x78000420, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3eade205c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+use super::super::arg::{InstructionOffset, truncate_imm};
+/// The size of the operands being operated on.
+enum Opc {
+ Size32 = 0b00,
+ Size64 = 0b01,
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the number of bits of an
+/// register operand directly into an Sf enum variant.
+impl From<u8> for Opc {
+ fn from(num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ match num_bits {
+ 64 => Opc::Size64,
+ 32 => Opc::Size32,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid number of bits: {}", num_bits)
+ }
+ }
+/// The struct that represents an A64 load literal instruction that can be encoded.
+/// LDR
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 1 0 0 0 |
+/// | opc.. imm19........................................................... rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct LoadLiteral {
+ /// The number of the register to load the value into.
+ rt: u8,
+ /// The PC-relative number of instructions to load the value from.
+ offset: InstructionOffset,
+ /// The size of the operands being operated on.
+ opc: Opc
+impl LoadLiteral {
+ /// LDR (load literal)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldr_literal(rt: u8, offset: InstructionOffset, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, offset, opc: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0100;
+impl From<LoadLiteral> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: LoadLiteral) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.opc as u32) << 30)
+ | (1 << 28)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (truncate_imm::<_, 19>(inst.offset) << 5)
+ | (inst.rt as u32)
+ }
+impl From<LoadLiteral> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: LoadLiteral) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr_positive() {
+ let inst = LoadLiteral::ldr_literal(0, 5.into(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x580000a0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr_negative() {
+ let inst = LoadLiteral::ldr_literal(0, (-5).into(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x58ffff60, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3426b9ba5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/// Whether or not to shift the register.
+enum S {
+ Shift = 1,
+ NoShift = 0
+/// The option for this instruction.
+enum Option {
+ UXTW = 0b010,
+ LSL = 0b011,
+ SXTW = 0b110,
+ SXTX = 0b111
+/// The size of the operands of this instruction.
+enum Size {
+ Size32 = 0b10,
+ Size64 = 0b11
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the number of bits of an
+/// register operand directly into a Size enum variant.
+impl From<u8> for Size {
+ fn from(num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ match num_bits {
+ 64 => Size::Size64,
+ 32 => Size::Size32,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid number of bits: {}", num_bits)
+ }
+ }
+/// The struct that represents an A64 load instruction that can be encoded.
+/// LDR
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 |
+/// | size. rm.............. option.. S rn.............. rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct LoadRegister {
+ /// The number of the register to load the value into.
+ rt: u8,
+ /// The base register with which to form the address.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// Whether or not to shift the value of the register.
+ s: S,
+ /// The option associated with this instruction that controls the shift.
+ option: Option,
+ /// The number of the offset register.
+ rm: u8,
+ /// The size of the operands.
+ size: Size
+impl LoadRegister {
+ /// LDR
+ ///
+ pub fn ldr(rt: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, s: S::NoShift, option: Option::LSL, rm, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0100;
+impl From<LoadRegister> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: LoadRegister) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.size as u32) << 30)
+ | (0b11 << 28)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (0b11 << 21)
+ | ((inst.rm as u32) << 16)
+ | ((inst.option as u32) << 13)
+ | ((inst.s as u32) << 12)
+ | (0b10 << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rt as u32)
+ }
+impl From<LoadRegister> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: LoadRegister) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr() {
+ let inst = LoadRegister::ldr(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf8626820, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5c8a3c294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+use super::super::arg::truncate_imm;
+/// The size of the operands being operated on.
+enum Size {
+ Size8 = 0b00,
+ Size16 = 0b01,
+ Size32 = 0b10,
+ Size64 = 0b11,
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the number of bits of an
+/// register operand directly into an Sf enum variant.
+impl From<u8> for Size {
+ fn from(num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ match num_bits {
+ 64 => Size::Size64,
+ 32 => Size::Size32,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid number of bits: {}", num_bits)
+ }
+ }
+/// The operation to perform for this instruction.
+enum Opc {
+ STR = 0b00,
+ LDR = 0b01,
+ LDURSW = 0b10
+/// What kind of indexing to perform for this instruction.
+enum Index {
+ None = 0b00,
+ PostIndex = 0b01,
+ PreIndex = 0b11
+/// The struct that represents an A64 load or store instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 |
+/// | size. opc.. imm9.......................... idx.. rn.............. rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct LoadStore {
+ /// The number of the register to load the value into.
+ rt: u8,
+ /// The base register with which to form the address.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// What kind of indexing to perform for this instruction.
+ idx: Index,
+ /// The optional signed immediate byte offset from the base register.
+ imm9: i16,
+ /// The operation to perform for this instruction.
+ opc: Opc,
+ /// The size of the operands being operated on.
+ size: Size
+impl LoadStore {
+ /// LDR (immediate, post-index)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldr_post(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::PostIndex, imm9, opc: Opc::LDR, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// LDR (immediate, pre-index)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldr_pre(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::PreIndex, imm9, opc: Opc::LDR, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// LDUR (load register, unscaled)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldur(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::None, imm9, opc: Opc::LDR, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// LDURH Load Register Halfword (unscaled)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldurh(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::None, imm9, opc: Opc::LDR, size: Size::Size16 }
+ }
+ /// LDURB (load register, byte, unscaled)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldurb(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::None, imm9, opc: Opc::LDR, size: Size::Size8 }
+ }
+ /// LDURSW (load register, unscaled, signed)
+ ///
+ pub fn ldursw(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::None, imm9, opc: Opc::LDURSW, size: Size::Size32 }
+ }
+ /// STR (immediate, post-index)
+ ///
+ pub fn str_post(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::PostIndex, imm9, opc: Opc::STR, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// STR (immediate, pre-index)
+ ///
+ pub fn str_pre(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::PreIndex, imm9, opc: Opc::STR, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// STUR (store register, unscaled)
+ ///
+ pub fn stur(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::None, imm9, opc: Opc::STR, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// STURH (store register, halfword, unscaled)
+ ///
+ pub fn sturh(rt: u8, rn: u8, imm9: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, idx: Index::None, imm9, opc: Opc::STR, size: Size::Size16 }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0100;
+impl From<LoadStore> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: LoadStore) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.size as u32) << 30)
+ | (0b11 << 28)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | ((inst.opc as u32) << 22)
+ | (truncate_imm::<_, 9>(inst.imm9) << 12)
+ | ((inst.idx as u32) << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rt as u32)
+ }
+impl From<LoadStore> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: LoadStore) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr_post() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::ldr_post(0, 1, 16, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf8410420, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr_pre() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::ldr_pre(0, 1, 16, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf8410c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldur() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::ldur(0, 1, 0, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf8400020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldurb() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::ldurb(0, 1, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x38400020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldurh() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::ldurh(0, 1, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x78400020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldur_with_imm() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::ldur(0, 1, 123, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf847b020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldursw() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::ldursw(0, 1, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xb8800020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldursw_with_imm() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::ldursw(0, 1, 123);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xb887b020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_str_post() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::str_post(0, 1, -16, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf81f0420, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_str_pre() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::str_pre(0, 1, -16, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf81f0c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stur() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::stur(0, 1, 0, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf8000020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stur_negative_offset() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::stur(0, 1, -1, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf81ff020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stur_positive_offset() {
+ let inst = LoadStore::stur(0, 1, 255, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf80ff020, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8216c2200a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/// The operation being performed for this instruction.
+enum Op {
+ Store = 0,
+ Load = 1
+/// The size of the registers being operated on.
+enum Size {
+ Size32 = 0b10,
+ Size64 = 0b11
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the number of bits of an
+/// register operand directly into a Size enum variant.
+impl From<u8> for Size {
+ fn from(num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ match num_bits {
+ 64 => Size::Size64,
+ 32 => Size::Size32,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid number of bits: {}", num_bits)
+ }
+ }
+/// The struct that represents an A64 load or store exclusive instruction that
+/// can be encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
+/// | size. op rs.............. rn.............. rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct LoadStoreExclusive {
+ /// The number of the register to be loaded.
+ rt: u8,
+ /// The base register with which to form the address.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The register to be used for the status result if it applies to this
+ /// operation. Otherwise it's the zero register.
+ rs: u8,
+ /// The operation being performed for this instruction.
+ op: Op,
+ /// The size of the registers being operated on.
+ size: Size
+impl LoadStoreExclusive {
+ /// LDAXR
+ ///
+ pub fn ldaxr(rt: u8, rn: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, rs: 31, op: Op::Load, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// STLXR
+ ///
+ pub fn stlxr(rs: u8, rt: u8, rn: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, rn, rs, op: Op::Store, size: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0100;
+impl From<LoadStoreExclusive> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: LoadStoreExclusive) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.size as u32) << 30)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | ((inst.op as u32) << 22)
+ | (( as u32) << 16)
+ | (0b111111 << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rt as u32)
+ }
+impl From<LoadStoreExclusive> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: LoadStoreExclusive) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldaxr() {
+ let inst = LoadStoreExclusive::ldaxr(16, 0, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xc85ffc10, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stlxr() {
+ let inst = LoadStoreExclusive::stlxr(17, 16, 0, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xc811fc10, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b24916f8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+use super::super::arg::{BitmaskImmediate, Sf};
+// Which operation to perform.
+enum Opc {
+ /// The AND operation.
+ And = 0b00,
+ /// The ORR operation.
+ Orr = 0b01,
+ /// The EOR operation.
+ Eor = 0b10,
+ /// The ANDS operation.
+ Ands = 0b11
+/// The struct that represents an A64 bitwise immediate instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// AND/ORR/ANDS (immediate)
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 0 0 1 0 0 |
+/// | sf opc.. N immr............... imms............... rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct LogicalImm {
+ /// The register number of the destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The register number of the first operand register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The immediate value to test.
+ imm: BitmaskImmediate,
+ /// The opcode for this instruction.
+ opc: Opc,
+ /// Whether or not this instruction is operating on 64-bit operands.
+ sf: Sf
+impl LogicalImm {
+ /// AND (bitmask immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn and(rd: u8, rn: u8, imm: BitmaskImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm, opc: Opc::And, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ANDS (bitmask immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn ands(rd: u8, rn: u8, imm: BitmaskImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm, opc: Opc::Ands, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// EOR (bitmask immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn eor(rd: u8, rn: u8, imm: BitmaskImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm, opc: Opc::Eor, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// MOV (bitmask immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn mov(rd: u8, imm: BitmaskImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn: 0b11111, imm, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ORR (bitmask immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn orr(rd: u8, rn: u8, imm: BitmaskImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// TST (bitmask immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn tst(rn: u8, imm: BitmaskImmediate, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::ands(31, rn, imm, num_bits)
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b1001;
+impl From<LogicalImm> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: LogicalImm) -> Self {
+ let imm: u32 = inst.imm.encode();
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | ((inst.opc as u32) << 29)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (imm << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<LogicalImm> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: LogicalImm) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_and() {
+ let inst = LogicalImm::and(0, 1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x92400820, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ands() {
+ let inst = LogicalImm::ands(0, 1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf2400820, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_eor() {
+ let inst = LogicalImm::eor(0, 1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd2400820, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mov() {
+ let inst = LogicalImm::mov(0, 0x5555555555555555.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xb200f3e0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orr() {
+ let inst = LogicalImm::orr(0, 1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xb2400820, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tst() {
+ let inst = LogicalImm::tst(1, 7.try_into().unwrap(), 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf240083f, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a96805c9f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+use super::super::arg::{Sf, truncate_uimm};
+/// Whether or not this is a NOT instruction.
+enum N {
+ /// This is not a NOT instruction.
+ No = 0,
+ /// This is a NOT instruction.
+ Yes = 1
+/// The type of shift to perform on the second operand register.
+enum Shift {
+ LSL = 0b00, // logical shift left (unsigned)
+ LSR = 0b01, // logical shift right (unsigned)
+ ASR = 0b10, // arithmetic shift right (signed)
+ ROR = 0b11 // rotate right (unsigned)
+// Which operation to perform.
+enum Opc {
+ /// The AND operation.
+ And = 0b00,
+ /// The ORR operation.
+ Orr = 0b01,
+ /// The EOR operation.
+ Eor = 0b10,
+ /// The ANDS operation.
+ Ands = 0b11
+/// The struct that represents an A64 logical register instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// AND/ORR/ANDS (shifted register)
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 0 1 0 |
+/// | sf opc.. shift N rm.............. imm6............... rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct LogicalReg {
+ /// The register number of the destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The register number of the first operand register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The amount to shift the second operand register.
+ imm6: u8,
+ /// The register number of the second operand register.
+ rm: u8,
+ /// Whether or not this is a NOT instruction.
+ n: N,
+ /// The type of shift to perform on the second operand register.
+ shift: Shift,
+ /// The opcode for this instruction.
+ opc: Opc,
+ /// Whether or not this instruction is operating on 64-bit operands.
+ sf: Sf
+impl LogicalReg {
+ /// AND (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn and(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::And, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ANDS (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn ands(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Ands, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// EOR (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn eor(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Eor, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// MOV (register)
+ ///
+ pub fn mov(rd: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn: 0b11111, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// MVN (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn mvn(rd: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn: 0b11111, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::Yes, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ORN (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn orn(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::Yes, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ORR (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn orr(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// TST (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn tst(rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd: 31, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Ands, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0101;
+impl From<LogicalReg> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: LogicalReg) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | ((inst.opc as u32) << 29)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | ((inst.shift as u32) << 22)
+ | ((inst.n as u32) << 21)
+ | ((inst.rm as u32) << 16)
+ | (truncate_uimm::<_, 6>(inst.imm6) << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<LogicalReg> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: LogicalReg) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_and() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::and(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x8a020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ands() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::ands(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xea020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_eor() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::eor(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xca020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mov() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::mov(0, 1, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xaa0103e0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mvn() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::mvn(0, 1, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xaa2103e0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orn() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::orn(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xaa220020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orr() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::orr(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xaa020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tst() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::tst(0, 1, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xea01001f, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..683e643189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+use super::super::arg::Sf;
+/// The struct that represents an A64 multiply-add instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 |
+/// | sf rm.............. ra.............. rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct MAdd {
+ /// The number of the general-purpose destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The number of the first general-purpose source register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The number of the third general-purpose source register.
+ ra: u8,
+ /// The number of the second general-purpose source register.
+ rm: u8,
+ /// The size of the registers of this instruction.
+ sf: Sf
+impl MAdd {
+ /// MUL
+ ///
+ pub fn mul(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, ra: 0b11111, rm, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+impl From<MAdd> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: MAdd) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | (0b11011 << 24)
+ | ((inst.rm as u32) << 16)
+ | ((inst.ra as u32) << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rd as u32)
+ }
+impl From<MAdd> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: MAdd) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mul_32() {
+ let result: u32 = MAdd::mul(0, 1, 2, 32).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x1B027C20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mul_64() {
+ let result: u32 = MAdd::mul(0, 1, 2, 64).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x9B027C20, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfffd914ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// This module contains various A64 instructions and the logic necessary to
+// encode them into u32s.
+mod atomic;
+mod branch;
+mod branch_cond;
+mod breakpoint;
+mod call;
+mod conditional;
+mod data_imm;
+mod data_reg;
+mod halfword_imm;
+mod load_literal;
+mod load_register;
+mod load_store;
+mod load_store_exclusive;
+mod logical_imm;
+mod logical_reg;
+mod madd;
+mod smulh;
+mod mov;
+mod nop;
+mod pc_rel;
+mod reg_pair;
+mod sbfm;
+mod shift_imm;
+mod sys_reg;
+mod test_bit;
+pub use atomic::Atomic;
+pub use branch::Branch;
+pub use branch_cond::BranchCond;
+pub use breakpoint::Breakpoint;
+pub use call::Call;
+pub use conditional::Conditional;
+pub use data_imm::DataImm;
+pub use data_reg::DataReg;
+pub use halfword_imm::HalfwordImm;
+pub use load_literal::LoadLiteral;
+pub use load_register::LoadRegister;
+pub use load_store::LoadStore;
+pub use load_store_exclusive::LoadStoreExclusive;
+pub use logical_imm::LogicalImm;
+pub use logical_reg::LogicalReg;
+pub use madd::MAdd;
+pub use smulh::SMulH;
+pub use mov::Mov;
+pub use nop::Nop;
+pub use pc_rel::PCRelative;
+pub use reg_pair::RegisterPair;
+pub use sbfm::SBFM;
+pub use shift_imm::ShiftImm;
+pub use sys_reg::SysReg;
+pub use test_bit::TestBit;
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7cb9215b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+use super::super::arg::Sf;
+/// Which operation is being performed.
+enum Op {
+ /// A movz operation which zeroes out the other bits.
+ MOVZ = 0b10,
+ /// A movk operation which keeps the other bits in place.
+ MOVK = 0b11
+/// How much to shift the immediate by.
+enum Hw {
+ LSL0 = 0b00,
+ LSL16 = 0b01,
+ LSL32 = 0b10,
+ LSL48 = 0b11
+impl From<u8> for Hw {
+ fn from(shift: u8) -> Self {
+ match shift {
+ 0 => Hw::LSL0,
+ 16 => Hw::LSL16,
+ 32 => Hw::LSL32,
+ 48 => Hw::LSL48,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid value for shift: {}", shift)
+ }
+ }
+/// The struct that represents a MOVK or MOVZ instruction.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 0 0 1 0 1 |
+/// | sf op... hw... imm16.................................................. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct Mov {
+ /// The register number of the destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The value to move into the register.
+ imm16: u16,
+ /// The shift of the value to move.
+ hw: Hw,
+ /// Which operation is being performed.
+ op: Op,
+ /// Whether or not this instruction is operating on 64-bit operands.
+ sf: Sf
+impl Mov {
+ /// MOVK
+ ///
+ pub fn movk(rd: u8, imm16: u16, hw: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, imm16, hw: hw.into(), op: Op::MOVK, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// MOVZ
+ ///
+ pub fn movz(rd: u8, imm16: u16, hw: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, imm16, hw: hw.into(), op: Op::MOVZ, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b1000;
+impl From<Mov> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: Mov) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | ((inst.op as u32) << 29)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (0b101 << 23)
+ | ((inst.hw as u32) << 21)
+ | ((inst.imm16 as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<Mov> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: Mov) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movk_unshifted() {
+ let inst = Mov::movk(0, 123, 0, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf2800f60, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movk_shifted_16() {
+ let inst = Mov::movk(0, 123, 16, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf2A00f60, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movk_shifted_32() {
+ let inst = Mov::movk(0, 123, 32, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf2C00f60, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movk_shifted_48() {
+ let inst = Mov::movk(0, 123, 48, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xf2e00f60, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movz_unshifted() {
+ let inst = Mov::movz(0, 123, 0, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd2800f60, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movz_shifted_16() {
+ let inst = Mov::movz(0, 123, 16, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd2a00f60, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movz_shifted_32() {
+ let inst = Mov::movz(0, 123, 32, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd2c00f60, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movz_shifted_48() {
+ let inst = Mov::movz(0, 123, 48, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd2e00f60, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d58b3574a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+/// The struct that represents an A64 nop instruction that can be encoded.
+/// NOP
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct Nop;
+impl Nop {
+ /// NOP
+ ///
+ pub fn nop() -> Self {
+ Self {}
+ }
+impl From<Nop> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(_inst: Nop) -> Self {
+ 0b11010101000000110010000000011111
+ }
+impl From<Nop> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: Nop) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_nop() {
+ let inst = Nop::nop();
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd503201f, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd1a2b9367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/// Which operation to perform for the PC-relative instruction.
+enum Op {
+ /// Form a PC-relative address.
+ ADR = 0,
+ /// Form a PC-relative address to a 4KB page.
+ ADRP = 1
+/// The struct that represents an A64 PC-relative address instruction that can
+/// be encoded.
+/// ADR
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 0 0 0 0 |
+/// | op immlo immhi........................................................... rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct PCRelative {
+ /// The number for the general-purpose register to load the address into.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The number of bytes to add to the PC to form the address.
+ imm: i32,
+ /// Which operation to perform for this instruction.
+ op: Op
+impl PCRelative {
+ /// ADR
+ ///
+ pub fn adr(rd: u8, imm: i32) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, imm, op: Op::ADR }
+ }
+ /// ADRP
+ ///
+ pub fn adrp(rd: u8, imm: i32) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, imm: imm >> 12, op: Op::ADRP }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b1000;
+impl From<PCRelative> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: PCRelative) -> Self {
+ let immlo = (inst.imm & 0b11) as u32;
+ let mut immhi = ((inst.imm >> 2) & ((1 << 18) - 1)) as u32;
+ // Toggle the sign bit if necessary.
+ if inst.imm < 0 {
+ immhi |= 1 << 18;
+ }
+ 0
+ | ((inst.op as u32) << 31)
+ | (immlo << 29)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (immhi << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<PCRelative> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: PCRelative) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adr_positive() {
+ let inst = PCRelative::adr(0, 5);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x30000020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adr_negative() {
+ let inst = PCRelative::adr(0, -5);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x70ffffc0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adrp_positive() {
+ let inst = PCRelative::adrp(0, 0x4000);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x90000020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adrp_negative() {
+ let inst = PCRelative::adrp(0, -0x4000);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x90ffffe0, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87690e3b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+use super::super::arg::truncate_imm;
+/// The operation to perform for this instruction.
+enum Opc {
+ /// When the registers are 32-bits wide.
+ Opc32 = 0b00,
+ /// When the registers are 64-bits wide.
+ Opc64 = 0b10
+/// The kind of indexing to perform for this instruction.
+enum Index {
+ StorePostIndex = 0b010,
+ LoadPostIndex = 0b011,
+ StoreSignedOffset = 0b100,
+ LoadSignedOffset = 0b101,
+ StorePreIndex = 0b110,
+ LoadPreIndex = 0b111
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the number of bits of a
+/// register operand directly into an Opc variant.
+impl From<u8> for Opc {
+ fn from(num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ match num_bits {
+ 64 => Opc::Opc64,
+ 32 => Opc::Opc32,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid number of bits: {}", num_bits)
+ }
+ }
+/// The struct that represents an A64 register pair instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// STP/LDP
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 0 1 0 0 |
+/// | opc index..... imm7.................... rt2............. rn.............. rt1............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct RegisterPair {
+ /// The number of the first register to be transferred.
+ rt1: u8,
+ /// The number of the base register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The number of the second register to be transferred.
+ rt2: u8,
+ /// The signed immediate byte offset, a multiple of 8.
+ imm7: i16,
+ /// The kind of indexing to use for this instruction.
+ index: Index,
+ /// The operation to be performed (in terms of size).
+ opc: Opc
+impl RegisterPair {
+ /// Create a register pair instruction with a given indexing mode.
+ fn new(rt1: u8, rt2: u8, rn: u8, disp: i16, index: Index, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rt1, rn, rt2, imm7: disp / 8, index, opc: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// LDP (signed offset)
+ /// LDP <Xt1>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<imm>}]
+ ///
+ pub fn ldp(rt1: u8, rt2: u8, rn: u8, disp: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::new(rt1, rt2, rn, disp, Index::LoadSignedOffset, num_bits)
+ }
+ /// LDP (pre-index)
+ /// LDP <Xt1>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>, #<imm>]!
+ ///
+ pub fn ldp_pre(rt1: u8, rt2: u8, rn: u8, disp: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::new(rt1, rt2, rn, disp, Index::LoadPreIndex, num_bits)
+ }
+ /// LDP (post-index)
+ /// LDP <Xt1>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>], #<imm>
+ ///
+ pub fn ldp_post(rt1: u8, rt2: u8, rn: u8, disp: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::new(rt1, rt2, rn, disp, Index::LoadPostIndex, num_bits)
+ }
+ /// STP (signed offset)
+ /// STP <Xt1>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>{, #<imm>}]
+ ///
+ pub fn stp(rt1: u8, rt2: u8, rn: u8, disp: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::new(rt1, rt2, rn, disp, Index::StoreSignedOffset, num_bits)
+ }
+ /// STP (pre-index)
+ /// STP <Xt1>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>, #<imm>]!
+ ///
+ pub fn stp_pre(rt1: u8, rt2: u8, rn: u8, disp: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::new(rt1, rt2, rn, disp, Index::StorePreIndex, num_bits)
+ }
+ /// STP (post-index)
+ /// STP <Xt1>, <Xt2>, [<Xn|SP>], #<imm>
+ ///
+ pub fn stp_post(rt1: u8, rt2: u8, rn: u8, disp: i16, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self::new(rt1, rt2, rn, disp, Index::StorePostIndex, num_bits)
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0100;
+impl From<RegisterPair> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: RegisterPair) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.opc as u32) << 30)
+ | (1 << 29)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | ((inst.index as u32) << 22)
+ | (truncate_imm::<_, 7>(inst.imm7) << 15)
+ | ((inst.rt2 as u32) << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rt1 as u32)
+ }
+impl From<RegisterPair> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: RegisterPair) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldp() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::ldp(0, 1, 2, 0, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa9400440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldp_maximum_displacement() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::ldp(0, 1, 2, 504, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa95f8440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldp_minimum_displacement() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::ldp(0, 1, 2, -512, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa9600440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldp_pre() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::ldp_pre(0, 1, 2, 256, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa9d00440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldp_post() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::ldp_post(0, 1, 2, 256, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa8d00440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stp() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::stp(0, 1, 2, 0, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa9000440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stp_maximum_displacement() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::stp(0, 1, 2, 504, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa91f8440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stp_minimum_displacement() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::stp(0, 1, 2, -512, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa9200440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stp_pre() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::stp_pre(0, 1, 2, 256, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa9900440, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stp_post() {
+ let inst = RegisterPair::stp_post(0, 1, 2, 256, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xa8900440, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8602998980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+use super::super::arg::{Sf, truncate_uimm};
+/// The struct that represents an A64 signed bitfield move instruction that can
+/// be encoded.
+/// SBFM
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 |
+/// | sf N immr............... imms............... rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct SBFM {
+ /// The number for the general-purpose register to load the value into.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The number for the general-purpose register to copy from.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The leftmost bit number to be moved from the source.
+ imms: u8,
+ // The right rotate amount.
+ immr: u8,
+ /// Whether or not this is a 64-bit operation.
+ n: bool,
+ /// The size of this operation.
+ sf: Sf
+impl SBFM {
+ /// ASR
+ ///
+ pub fn asr(rd: u8, rn: u8, shift: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ let (imms, n) = if num_bits == 64 {
+ (0b111111, true)
+ } else {
+ (0b011111, false)
+ };
+ Self { rd, rn, immr: shift, imms, n, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// SXTW
+ ///
+ pub fn sxtw(rd: u8, rn: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, immr: 0, imms: 31, n: true, sf: Sf::Sf64 }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b1001;
+impl From<SBFM> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: SBFM) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | (1 << 24)
+ | ((inst.n as u32) << 22)
+ | (truncate_uimm::<_, 6>(inst.immr) << 16)
+ | (truncate_uimm::<_, 6>(inst.imms) << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<SBFM> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: SBFM) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_asr_32_bits() {
+ let inst = SBFM::asr(0, 1, 2, 32);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x13027c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_asr_64_bits() {
+ let inst = SBFM::asr(10, 11, 5, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x9345fd6a, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sxtw() {
+ let inst = SBFM::sxtw(0, 1);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x93407c20, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d2685a997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+use super::super::arg::Sf;
+/// The operation to perform for this instruction.
+enum Opc {
+ /// Logical left shift
+ LSL,
+ /// Logical shift right
+/// The struct that represents an A64 unsigned bitfield move instruction that
+/// can be encoded.
+/// LSL (immediate)
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 |
+/// | sf N immr............... imms............... rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct ShiftImm {
+ /// The register number of the destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The register number of the first operand register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The immediate value to shift by.
+ shift: u8,
+ /// The opcode for this instruction.
+ opc: Opc,
+ /// Whether or not this instruction is operating on 64-bit operands.
+ sf: Sf
+impl ShiftImm {
+ /// LSL (immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn lsl(rd: u8, rn: u8, shift: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ ShiftImm { rd, rn, shift, opc: Opc::LSL, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// LSR (immediate)
+ ///
+ pub fn lsr(rd: u8, rn: u8, shift: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ ShiftImm { rd, rn, shift, opc: Opc::LSR, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// Returns a triplet of (n, immr, imms) encoded in u32s for this
+ /// instruction. This mirrors how they will be encoded in the actual bits.
+ fn bitmask(&self) -> (u32, u32, u32) {
+ match self.opc {
+ // The key insight is a little buried in the docs, but effectively:
+ // LSL <Wd>, <Wn>, #<shift> == UBFM <Wd>, <Wn>, #(-<shift> MOD 32), #(31-<shift>)
+ // LSL <Xd>, <Xn>, #<shift> == UBFM <Xd>, <Xn>, #(-<shift> MOD 64), #(63-<shift>)
+ Opc::LSL => {
+ let shift = -(self.shift as i16);
+ match self.sf {
+ Sf::Sf32 => (
+ 0,
+ (shift.rem_euclid(32) & 0x3f) as u32,
+ ((31 - self.shift) & 0x3f) as u32
+ ),
+ Sf::Sf64 => (
+ 1,
+ (shift.rem_euclid(64) & 0x3f) as u32,
+ ((63 - self.shift) & 0x3f) as u32
+ )
+ }
+ },
+ // Similar to LSL:
+ // LSR <Wd>, <Wn>, #<shift> == UBFM <Wd>, <Wn>, #<shift>, #31
+ // LSR <Xd>, <Xn>, #<shift> == UBFM <Xd>, <Xn>, #<shift>, #63
+ Opc::LSR => {
+ match self.sf {
+ Sf::Sf32 => (0, (self.shift & 0x3f) as u32, 31),
+ Sf::Sf64 => (1, (self.shift & 0x3f) as u32, 63)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b10011;
+impl From<ShiftImm> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: ShiftImm) -> Self {
+ let (n, immr, imms) = inst.bitmask();
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | (1 << 30)
+ | (FAMILY << 24)
+ | (n << 22)
+ | (immr << 16)
+ | (imms << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<ShiftImm> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: ShiftImm) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lsl_32() {
+ let inst = ShiftImm::lsl(0, 1, 7, 32);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x53196020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lsl_64() {
+ let inst = ShiftImm::lsl(0, 1, 7, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd379e020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lsr_32() {
+ let inst = ShiftImm::lsr(0, 1, 7, 32);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x53077c20, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lsr_64() {
+ let inst = ShiftImm::lsr(0, 1, 7, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd347fc20, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e9b231fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+/// The struct that represents an A64 signed multiply high instruction
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 |
+/// | rm.............. ra.............. rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct SMulH {
+ /// The number of the general-purpose destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The number of the first general-purpose source register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The number of the third general-purpose source register.
+ ra: u8,
+ /// The number of the second general-purpose source register.
+ rm: u8,
+impl SMulH {
+ /// SMULH
+ ///
+ pub fn smulh(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, ra: 0b11111, rm }
+ }
+impl From<SMulH> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: SMulH) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | (0b10011011010 << 21)
+ | ((inst.rm as u32) << 16)
+ | ((inst.ra as u32) << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | (inst.rd as u32)
+ }
+impl From<SMulH> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: SMulH) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_smulh() {
+ let result: u32 = SMulH::smulh(0, 1, 2).into();
+ assert_eq!(0x9b427c20, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..108737a870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+use super::super::arg::SystemRegister;
+/// Which operation to perform (loading or storing the system register value).
+enum L {
+ /// Store the value of a general-purpose register in a system register.
+ MSR = 0,
+ /// Store the value of a system register in a general-purpose register.
+ MRS = 1
+/// The struct that represents an A64 system register instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// MSR/MRS (register)
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 |
+/// | L o0 op1..... CRn........ CRm........ op2..... rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct SysReg {
+ /// The register to load the system register value into.
+ rt: u8,
+ /// Which system register to load or store.
+ systemreg: SystemRegister,
+ /// Which operation to perform (loading or storing the system register value).
+ l: L
+impl SysReg {
+ /// MRS (register)
+ ///
+ pub fn mrs(rt: u8, systemreg: SystemRegister) -> Self {
+ SysReg { rt, systemreg, l: L::MRS }
+ }
+ /// MSR (register)
+ ///
+ pub fn msr(systemreg: SystemRegister, rt: u8) -> Self {
+ SysReg { rt, systemreg, l: L::MSR }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b110101010001;
+impl From<SysReg> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: SysReg) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | (FAMILY << 20)
+ | ((inst.l as u32) << 21)
+ | ((inst.systemreg as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rt as u32
+ }
+impl From<SysReg> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: SysReg) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mrs() {
+ let inst = SysReg::mrs(0, SystemRegister::NZCV);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd53b4200, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_msr() {
+ let inst = SysReg::msr(SystemRegister::NZCV, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xd51b4200, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c57a05ad2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+use super::super::arg::truncate_imm;
+/// The upper bit of the bit number to test.
+enum B5 {
+ /// When the bit number is below 32.
+ B532 = 0,
+ /// When the bit number is equal to or above 32.
+ B564 = 1
+/// A convenience function so that we can convert the bit number directly into a
+/// B5 variant.
+impl From<u8> for B5 {
+ fn from(bit_num: u8) -> Self {
+ match bit_num {
+ 0..=31 => B5::B532,
+ 32..=63 => B5::B564,
+ _ => panic!("Invalid bit number: {}", bit_num)
+ }
+ }
+/// The operation to perform for this instruction.
+enum Op {
+ /// The test bit zero operation.
+ TBZ = 0,
+ /// The test bit not zero operation.
+ TBNZ = 1
+/// The struct that represents an A64 test bit instruction that can be encoded.
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 1 0 1 1 |
+/// | b5 op b40............. imm14.......................................... rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct TestBit {
+ /// The number of the register to test.
+ rt: u8,
+ /// The PC-relative offset to the target instruction in term of number of
+ /// instructions.
+ imm14: i16,
+ /// The lower 5 bits of the bit number to be tested.
+ b40: u8,
+ /// The operation to perform for this instruction.
+ op: Op,
+ /// The upper bit of the bit number to test.
+ b5: B5
+impl TestBit {
+ /// TBNZ
+ ///
+ pub fn tbnz(rt: u8, bit_num: u8, offset: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, imm14: offset, b40: bit_num & 0b11111, op: Op::TBNZ, b5: bit_num.into() }
+ }
+ /// TBZ
+ ///
+ pub fn tbz(rt: u8, bit_num: u8, offset: i16) -> Self {
+ Self { rt, imm14: offset, b40: bit_num & 0b11111, op: Op::TBZ, b5: bit_num.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b11011;
+impl From<TestBit> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: TestBit) -> Self {
+ let b40 = (inst.b40 & 0b11111) as u32;
+ let imm14 = truncate_imm::<_, 14>(inst.imm14);
+ 0
+ | ((inst.b5 as u32) << 31)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | ((inst.op as u32) << 24)
+ | (b40 << 19)
+ | (imm14 << 5)
+ | inst.rt as u32
+ }
+impl From<TestBit> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: TestBit) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tbnz() {
+ let inst = TestBit::tbnz(0, 0, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x37000000, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tbnz_negative() {
+ let inst = TestBit::tbnz(0, 0, -1);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x3707ffe0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tbz() {
+ let inst = TestBit::tbz(0, 0, 0);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x36000000, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tbz_negative() {
+ let inst = TestBit::tbz(0, 0, -1);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x3607ffe0, result);
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a94d435b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/
@@ -0,0 +1,1680 @@
+#![allow(dead_code)] // For instructions and operands we're not currently using.
+use crate::asm::CodeBlock;
+mod arg;
+mod inst;
+mod opnd;
+use inst::*;
+// We're going to make these public to make using these things easier in the
+// backend (so they don't have to have knowledge about the submodule).
+pub use arg::*;
+pub use opnd::*;
+/// Checks that a signed value fits within the specified number of bits.
+pub const fn imm_fits_bits(imm: i64, num_bits: u8) -> bool {
+ let minimum = if num_bits == 64 { i64::MIN } else { -(2_i64.pow((num_bits as u32) - 1)) };
+ let maximum = if num_bits == 64 { i64::MAX } else { 2_i64.pow((num_bits as u32) - 1) - 1 };
+ imm >= minimum && imm <= maximum
+/// Checks that an unsigned value fits within the specified number of bits.
+pub const fn uimm_fits_bits(uimm: u64, num_bits: u8) -> bool {
+ let maximum = if num_bits == 64 { u64::MAX } else { 2_u64.pow(num_bits as u32) - 1 };
+ uimm <= maximum
+/// ADD - add rn and rm, put the result in rd, don't update flags
+pub fn add(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ DataReg::add(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(uimm12)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ DataImm::add(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, uimm12.try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Imm(imm12)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ if imm12 < 0 {
+ DataImm::sub(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, (-imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ } else {
+ DataImm::add(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, (imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ }
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to add instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// ADDS - add rn and rm, put the result in rd, update flags
+pub fn adds(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ DataReg::adds(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(imm12)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ DataImm::adds(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, imm12.try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Imm(imm12)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ if imm12 < 0 {
+ DataImm::subs(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, (-imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ } else {
+ DataImm::adds(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, (imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ }
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to adds instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// ADR - form a PC-relative address and load it into a register
+pub fn adr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, imm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, imm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Imm(imm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == 64, "The destination register must be 64 bits.");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(imm, 21), "The immediate operand must be 21 bits or less.");
+ PCRelative::adr(rd.reg_no, imm as i32).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to adr instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// ADRP - form a PC-relative address to a 4KB page and load it into a register.
+/// This is effectively the same as ADR except that the immediate must be a
+/// multiple of 4KB.
+pub fn adrp(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, imm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, imm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Imm(imm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == 64, "The destination register must be 64 bits.");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(imm, 32), "The immediate operand must be 32 bits or less.");
+ PCRelative::adrp(rd.reg_no, imm as i32).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to adr instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// AND - and rn and rm, put the result in rd, don't update flags
+pub fn and(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ LogicalReg::and(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(imm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ let bitmask_imm = if rd.num_bits == 32 {
+ BitmaskImmediate::new_32b_reg(imm.try_into().unwrap())
+ } else {
+ imm.try_into()
+ }.unwrap();
+ LogicalImm::and(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, bitmask_imm, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to and instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// ANDS - and rn and rm, put the result in rd, update flags
+pub fn ands(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ LogicalReg::ands(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(imm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ let bitmask_imm = if rd.num_bits == 32 {
+ BitmaskImmediate::new_32b_reg(imm.try_into().unwrap())
+ } else {
+ imm.try_into()
+ }.unwrap();
+ LogicalImm::ands(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, bitmask_imm, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ands instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// ASR - arithmetic shift right rn by shift, put the result in rd, don't update
+/// flags
+pub fn asr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, shift: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, shift) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(shift)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(shift, 6), "The shift operand must be 6 bits or less.");
+ SBFM::asr(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, shift.try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to asr instruction: asr {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", rd, rn, shift),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// Whether or not the offset between two instructions fits into the branch with
+/// or without link instruction. If it doesn't, then we have to load the value
+/// into a register first.
+pub const fn b_offset_fits_bits(offset: i64) -> bool {
+ imm_fits_bits(offset, 26)
+/// B - branch without link (offset is number of instructions to jump)
+pub fn b(cb: &mut CodeBlock, offset: InstructionOffset) {
+ assert!(b_offset_fits_bits(offset.into()), "The immediate operand must be 26 bits or less.");
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = Call::b(offset).into();
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// Whether or not the offset in number of instructions between two instructions
+/// fits into the b.cond instruction. If it doesn't, then we have to load the
+/// value into a register first, then use the b.cond instruction to skip past a
+/// direct jump.
+pub const fn bcond_offset_fits_bits(offset: i64) -> bool {
+ imm_fits_bits(offset, 19)
+/// CBZ and CBNZ also have a limit of 19 bits for the branch offset.
+pub use bcond_offset_fits_bits as cmp_branch_offset_fits_bits;
+/// B.cond - branch to target if condition is true
+pub fn bcond(cb: &mut CodeBlock, cond: u8, offset: InstructionOffset) {
+ assert!(bcond_offset_fits_bits(offset.into()), "The offset must be 19 bits or less.");
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = BranchCond::bcond(cond, offset).into();
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// BL - branch with link (offset is number of instructions to jump)
+pub fn bl(cb: &mut CodeBlock, offset: InstructionOffset) {
+ assert!(b_offset_fits_bits(offset.into()), "The offset must be 26 bits or less.");
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = Call::bl(offset).into();
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// BLR - branch with link to a register
+pub fn blr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match rn {
+ A64Opnd::Reg(rn) => Branch::blr(rn.reg_no).into(),
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand to blr instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// BR - branch to a register
+pub fn br(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match rn {
+ A64Opnd::Reg(rn) => Branch::br(rn.reg_no).into(),
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand to br instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// BRK - create a breakpoint
+pub fn brk(cb: &mut CodeBlock, imm16: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match imm16 {
+ A64Opnd::None => Breakpoint::brk(0).into(),
+ A64Opnd::UImm(imm16) => {
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(imm16, 16), "The immediate operand must be 16 bits or less.");
+ Breakpoint::brk(imm16 as u16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to brk instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// CMP - compare rn and rm, update flags
+pub fn cmp(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ DataReg::cmp(rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rn.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Imm(imm12)) => {
+ DataImm::cmp(rn.reg_no, (imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rn.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(imm12)) => {
+ DataImm::cmp(rn.reg_no, imm12.try_into().unwrap(), rn.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to cmp instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// CSEL - conditionally select between two registers
+pub fn csel(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd, cond: u8) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ Conditional::csel(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, cond, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to csel instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// EOR - perform a bitwise XOR of rn and rm, put the result in rd, don't update flags
+pub fn eor(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ LogicalReg::eor(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(imm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ let bitmask_imm = if rd.num_bits == 32 {
+ BitmaskImmediate::new_32b_reg(imm.try_into().unwrap())
+ } else {
+ imm.try_into()
+ }.unwrap();
+ LogicalImm::eor(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, bitmask_imm, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to eor instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDADDAL - atomic add with acquire and release semantics
+pub fn ldaddal(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rs: A64Opnd, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rs, rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rs), A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Reg(rn)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rs.num_bits == rt.num_bits && rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ Atomic::ldaddal(rs.reg_no, rt.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rs.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldaddal instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDAXR - atomic load with acquire semantics
+pub fn ldaxr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Reg(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rn.num_bits, 64, "rn must be a 64-bit register.");
+ LoadStoreExclusive::ldaxr(rt.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldaxr instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDP (signed offset) - load a pair of registers from memory
+pub fn ldp(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt1: A64Opnd, rt2: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt1, rt2, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt1), A64Opnd::Reg(rt2), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt1.num_bits == rt2.num_bits, "Expected source registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 10), "The displacement must be 10 bits or less.");
+ assert_ne!(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, "Behavior is unpredictable with pairs of the same register");
+ RegisterPair::ldp(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt1.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldp instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDP (pre-index) - load a pair of registers from memory, update the base pointer before loading it
+pub fn ldp_pre(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt1: A64Opnd, rt2: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt1, rt2, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt1), A64Opnd::Reg(rt2), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt1.num_bits == rt2.num_bits, "Expected source registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 10), "The displacement must be 10 bits or less.");
+ assert_ne!(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, "Behavior is unpredictable with pairs of the same register");
+ RegisterPair::ldp_pre(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt1.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldp instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDP (post-index) - load a pair of registers from memory, update the base pointer after loading it
+pub fn ldp_post(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt1: A64Opnd, rt2: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt1, rt2, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt1), A64Opnd::Reg(rt2), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt1.num_bits == rt2.num_bits, "Expected source registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 10), "The displacement must be 10 bits or less.");
+ assert_ne!(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, "Behavior is unpredictable with pairs of the same register");
+ RegisterPair::ldp_post(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt1.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldp instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDR - load a memory address into a register with a register offset
+pub fn ldr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ LoadRegister::ldr(rt.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldr instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDR - load a PC-relative memory address into a register
+pub fn ldr_literal(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: InstructionOffset) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match rt {
+ A64Opnd::Reg(rt) => {
+ LoadLiteral::ldr_literal(rt.reg_no, rn, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldr instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDRH - load a halfword from memory
+pub fn ldrh(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rt.num_bits, 32, "Expected to be loading a halfword");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 12), "The displacement must be 12 bits or less.");
+ HalfwordImm::ldrh(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldrh instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDRH (pre-index) - load a halfword from memory, update the base pointer before loading it
+pub fn ldrh_pre(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rt.num_bits, 32, "Expected to be loading a halfword");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 9), "The displacement must be 9 bits or less.");
+ HalfwordImm::ldrh_pre(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldrh instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDRH (post-index) - load a halfword from memory, update the base pointer after loading it
+pub fn ldrh_post(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rt.num_bits, 32, "Expected to be loading a halfword");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 9), "The displacement must be 9 bits or less.");
+ HalfwordImm::ldrh_post(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldrh instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// Whether or not a memory address displacement fits into the maximum number of
+/// bits such that it can be used without loading it into a register first.
+pub fn mem_disp_fits_bits(disp: i32) -> bool {
+ imm_fits_bits(disp.into(), 9)
+/// LDR (post-index) - load a register from memory, update the base pointer after loading it
+pub fn ldr_post(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "All operands must be of the same size.");
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "The displacement must be 9 bits or less.");
+ LoadStore::ldr_post(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldr instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDR (pre-index) - load a register from memory, update the base pointer before loading it
+pub fn ldr_pre(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "All operands must be of the same size.");
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "The displacement must be 9 bits or less.");
+ LoadStore::ldr_pre(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldr instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDUR - load a memory address into a register
+pub fn ldur(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Reg(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "All operands must be of the same size.");
+ LoadStore::ldur(rt.reg_no, rn.reg_no, 0, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "Expected displacement to be 9 bits or less");
+ LoadStore::ldur(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operands for LDUR")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDURH - load a byte from memory, zero-extend it, and write it to a register
+pub fn ldurh(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "Expected displacement to be 9 bits or less");
+ LoadStore::ldurh(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operands for LDURH")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDURB - load a byte from memory, zero-extend it, and write it to a register
+pub fn ldurb(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == 8, "Expected registers to have size 8");
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "Expected displacement to be 9 bits or less");
+ LoadStore::ldurb(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operands for LDURB")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LDURSW - load a 32-bit memory address into a register and sign-extend it
+pub fn ldursw(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "Expected displacement to be 9 bits or less");
+ LoadStore::ldursw(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to ldursw instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LSL - logical shift left a register by an immediate
+pub fn lsl(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, shift: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, shift) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(uimm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(uimm, 6), "Expected shift to be 6 bits or less");
+ ShiftImm::lsl(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, uimm as u8, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operands combination to lsl instruction")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// LSR - logical shift right a register by an immediate
+pub fn lsr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, shift: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, shift) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(uimm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(uimm, 6), "Expected shift to be 6 bits or less");
+ ShiftImm::lsr(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, uimm as u8, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operands combination to lsr instruction")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// MOV - move a value in a register to another register
+pub fn mov(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { reg_no: 31, num_bits: 64 }), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(rm.num_bits == 64, "Expected rm to be 64 bits");
+ DataImm::add(31, rm.reg_no, 0.try_into().unwrap(), 64).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { reg_no: 31, num_bits: 64 })) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == 64, "Expected rd to be 64 bits");
+ DataImm::add(rd.reg_no, 31, 0.try_into().unwrap(), 64).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rm.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ LogicalReg::mov(rd.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::UImm(0)) => {
+ LogicalReg::mov(rd.reg_no, XZR_REG.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::UImm(imm)) => {
+ let bitmask_imm = if rd.num_bits == 32 {
+ BitmaskImmediate::new_32b_reg(imm.try_into().unwrap())
+ } else {
+ imm.try_into()
+ }.unwrap();
+ LogicalImm::mov(rd.reg_no, bitmask_imm, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to mov instruction")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// MOVK - move a 16 bit immediate into a register, keep the other bits in place
+pub fn movk(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, imm16: A64Opnd, shift: u8) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, imm16) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::UImm(imm16)) => {
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(imm16, 16), "The immediate operand must be 16 bits or less.");
+ Mov::movk(rd.reg_no, imm16 as u16, shift, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to movk instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// MOVZ - move a 16 bit immediate into a register, zero the other bits
+pub fn movz(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, imm16: A64Opnd, shift: u8) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, imm16) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::UImm(imm16)) => {
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(imm16, 16), "The immediate operand must be 16 bits or less.");
+ Mov::movz(rd.reg_no, imm16 as u16, shift, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to movz instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// MRS - move a system register into a general-purpose register
+pub fn mrs(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, systemregister: SystemRegister) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match rt {
+ A64Opnd::Reg(rt) => {
+ SysReg::mrs(rt.reg_no, systemregister).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to mrs instruction")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// MSR - move a general-purpose register into a system register
+pub fn msr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, systemregister: SystemRegister, rt: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match rt {
+ A64Opnd::Reg(rt) => {
+ SysReg::msr(systemregister, rt.reg_no).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to msr instruction")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// MUL - multiply two registers, put the result in a third register
+pub fn mul(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ MAdd::mul(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to mul instruction")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// SMULH - multiply two 64-bit registers to produce a 128-bit result, put the high 64-bits of the result into rd
+pub fn smulh(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == 64, "smulh only applicable to 64-bit registers");
+ SMulH::smulh(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to mul instruction")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// MVN - move a value in a register to another register, negating it
+pub fn mvn(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rm.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ LogicalReg::mvn(rd.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to mvn instruction")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// NOP - no-operation, used for alignment purposes
+pub fn nop(cb: &mut CodeBlock) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = Nop::nop().into();
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// ORN - perform a bitwise OR of rn and NOT rm, put the result in rd, don't update flags
+pub fn orn(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits, "Expected registers to be the same size");
+ LogicalReg::orn(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to orn instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// ORR - perform a bitwise OR of rn and rm, put the result in rd, don't update flags
+pub fn orr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ LogicalReg::orr(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(imm)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ let bitmask_imm = if rd.num_bits == 32 {
+ BitmaskImmediate::new_32b_reg(imm.try_into().unwrap())
+ } else {
+ imm.try_into()
+ }.unwrap();
+ LogicalImm::orr(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, bitmask_imm, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to orr instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STLXR - store a value to memory, release exclusive access
+pub fn stlxr(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rs: A64Opnd, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rs, rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rs), A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Reg(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rs.num_bits, 32, "rs must be a 32-bit register.");
+ assert_eq!(rn.num_bits, 64, "rn must be a 64-bit register.");
+ LoadStoreExclusive::stlxr(rs.reg_no, rt.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rn.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to stlxr instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STP (signed offset) - store a pair of registers to memory
+pub fn stp(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt1: A64Opnd, rt2: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt1, rt2, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt1), A64Opnd::Reg(rt2), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt1.num_bits == rt2.num_bits, "Expected source registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 10), "The displacement must be 10 bits or less.");
+ assert_ne!(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, "Behavior is unpredictable with pairs of the same register");
+ RegisterPair::stp(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt1.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to stp instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STP (pre-index) - store a pair of registers to memory, update the base pointer before loading it
+pub fn stp_pre(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt1: A64Opnd, rt2: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt1, rt2, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt1), A64Opnd::Reg(rt2), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt1.num_bits == rt2.num_bits, "Expected source registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 10), "The displacement must be 10 bits or less.");
+ assert_ne!(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, "Behavior is unpredictable with pairs of the same register");
+ RegisterPair::stp_pre(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt1.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to stp instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STP (post-index) - store a pair of registers to memory, update the base pointer after loading it
+pub fn stp_post(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt1: A64Opnd, rt2: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt1, rt2, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt1), A64Opnd::Reg(rt2), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt1.num_bits == rt2.num_bits, "Expected source registers to be the same size");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 10), "The displacement must be 10 bits or less.");
+ assert_ne!(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, "Behavior is unpredictable with pairs of the same register");
+ RegisterPair::stp_post(rt1.reg_no, rt2.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt1.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to stp instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STR (post-index) - store a register to memory, update the base pointer after loading it
+pub fn str_post(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "All operands must be of the same size.");
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "The displacement must be 9 bits or less.");
+ LoadStore::str_post(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to str instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STR (pre-index) - store a register to memory, update the base pointer before loading it
+pub fn str_pre(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rt.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "All operands must be of the same size.");
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "The displacement must be 9 bits or less.");
+ LoadStore::str_pre(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rt.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to str instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STRH - store a halfword into memory
+pub fn strh(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rt.num_bits, 32, "Expected to be loading a halfword");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 12), "The displacement must be 12 bits or less.");
+ HalfwordImm::strh(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to strh instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STRH (pre-index) - store a halfword into memory, update the base pointer before loading it
+pub fn strh_pre(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rt.num_bits, 32, "Expected to be loading a halfword");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 9), "The displacement must be 9 bits or less.");
+ HalfwordImm::strh_pre(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to strh instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STRH (post-index) - store a halfword into memory, update the base pointer after loading it
+pub fn strh_post(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rt.num_bits, 32, "Expected to be loading a halfword");
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(rn.disp.into(), 9), "The displacement must be 9 bits or less.");
+ HalfwordImm::strh_post(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to strh instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STUR - store a value in a register at a memory address
+pub fn stur(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rn.num_bits == 32 || rn.num_bits == 64);
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "Expected displacement to be 9 bits or less");
+ LoadStore::stur(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16, rn.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to stur instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// STURH - store a value in a register at a memory address
+pub fn sturh(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::Mem(rn)) => {
+ assert!(rn.num_bits == 16);
+ assert!(mem_disp_fits_bits(rn.disp), "Expected displacement to be 9 bits or less");
+ LoadStore::sturh(rt.reg_no, rn.base_reg_no, rn.disp as i16).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to stur instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// SUB - subtract rm from rn, put the result in rd, don't update flags
+pub fn sub(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ DataReg::sub(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(uimm12)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ DataImm::sub(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, uimm12.try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Imm(imm12)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ if imm12 < 0 {
+ DataImm::add(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, (-imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ } else {
+ DataImm::sub(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, (imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ }
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to sub instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// SUBS - subtract rm from rn, put the result in rd, update flags
+pub fn subs(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(
+ rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits && rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits,
+ "All operands must be of the same size."
+ );
+ DataReg::subs(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(uimm12)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ DataImm::subs(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, uimm12.try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Imm(imm12)) => {
+ assert!(rd.num_bits == rn.num_bits, "rd and rn must be of the same size.");
+ if imm12 < 0 {
+ DataImm::adds(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, (-imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ } else {
+ DataImm::subs(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no, (imm12 as u64).try_into().unwrap(), rd.num_bits).into()
+ }
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to subs instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// SXTW - sign extend a 32-bit register into a 64-bit register
+pub fn sxtw(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rd: A64Opnd, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rd, rn) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rd), A64Opnd::Reg(rn)) => {
+ assert_eq!(rd.num_bits, 64, "rd must be 64-bits wide.");
+ assert_eq!(rn.num_bits, 32, "rn must be 32-bits wide.");
+ SBFM::sxtw(rd.reg_no, rn.reg_no).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to sxtw instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// RET - unconditionally return to a location in a register, defaults to X30
+pub fn ret(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rn: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match rn {
+ A64Opnd::None => Branch::ret(30).into(),
+ A64Opnd::Reg(reg) => Branch::ret(reg.reg_no).into(),
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand to ret instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// TBNZ - test bit and branch if not zero
+pub fn tbnz(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, bit_num: A64Opnd, offset: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, bit_num, offset) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::UImm(bit_num), A64Opnd::Imm(offset)) => {
+ TestBit::tbnz(rt.reg_no, bit_num.try_into().unwrap(), offset.try_into().unwrap()).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to tbnz instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// TBZ - test bit and branch if zero
+pub fn tbz(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, bit_num: A64Opnd, offset: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rt, bit_num, offset) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rt), A64Opnd::UImm(bit_num), A64Opnd::Imm(offset)) => {
+ TestBit::tbz(rt.reg_no, bit_num.try_into().unwrap(), offset.try_into().unwrap()).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to tbz instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// TST - test the bits of a register against a mask, then update flags
+pub fn tst(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rn: A64Opnd, rm: A64Opnd) {
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = match (rn, rm) {
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::Reg(rm)) => {
+ assert!(rn.num_bits == rm.num_bits, "All operands must be of the same size.");
+ LogicalReg::tst(rn.reg_no, rm.reg_no, rn.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ (A64Opnd::Reg(rn), A64Opnd::UImm(imm)) => {
+ let bitmask_imm = if rn.num_bits == 32 {
+ BitmaskImmediate::new_32b_reg(imm.try_into().unwrap())
+ } else {
+ imm.try_into()
+ }.unwrap();
+ LogicalImm::tst(rn.reg_no, bitmask_imm, rn.num_bits).into()
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Invalid operand combination to tst instruction."),
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// CBZ - branch if a register is zero
+pub fn cbz(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, offset: InstructionOffset) {
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(offset.into(), 19), "jump offset for cbz must fit in 19 bits");
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = if let A64Opnd::Reg(rt) = rt {
+ cbz_cbnz(rt.num_bits, false, offset, rt.reg_no)
+ } else {
+ panic!("Invalid operand combination to cbz instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// CBNZ - branch if a register is non-zero
+pub fn cbnz(cb: &mut CodeBlock, rt: A64Opnd, offset: InstructionOffset) {
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(offset.into(), 19), "jump offset for cbz must fit in 19 bits");
+ let bytes: [u8; 4] = if let A64Opnd::Reg(rt) = rt {
+ cbz_cbnz(rt.num_bits, true, offset, rt.reg_no)
+ } else {
+ panic!("Invalid operand combination to cbnz instruction.")
+ };
+ cb.write_bytes(&bytes);
+/// Encode Compare and Branch on Zero (CBZ) with `op=0` or Compare and Branch on Nonzero (CBNZ)
+/// with `op=1`.
+/// <>
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | sf 0 1 1 0 1 0 op |
+/// | imm19........................................................... Rt.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+fn cbz_cbnz(num_bits: u8, op: bool, offset: InstructionOffset, rt: u8) -> [u8; 4] {
+ ((Sf::from(num_bits) as u32) << 31 |
+ 0b11010 << 25 |
+ u32::from(op) << 24 |
+ truncate_imm::<_, 19>(offset) << 5 |
+ rt as u32).to_le_bytes()
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ /// Check that the bytes for an instruction sequence match a hex string
+ fn check_bytes<R>(bytes: &str, run: R) where R: FnOnce(&mut super::CodeBlock) {
+ let mut cb = super::CodeBlock::new_dummy(128);
+ run(&mut cb);
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", cb), bytes);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_imm_fits_bits() {
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(i8::MAX.into(), 8));
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(i8::MIN.into(), 8));
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(i16::MAX.into(), 16));
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(i16::MIN.into(), 16));
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(i32::MAX.into(), 32));
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(i32::MIN.into(), 32));
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(i64::MAX, 64));
+ assert!(imm_fits_bits(i64::MIN, 64));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_uimm_fits_bits() {
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(u8::MAX.into(), 8));
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(u16::MAX.into(), 16));
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(u32::MAX.into(), 32));
+ assert!(uimm_fits_bits(u64::MAX, 64));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add_reg() {
+ check_bytes("2000028b", |cb| add(cb, X0, X1, X2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add_uimm() {
+ check_bytes("201c0091", |cb| add(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add_imm_positive() {
+ check_bytes("201c0091", |cb| add(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_imm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add_imm_negative() {
+ check_bytes("201c00d1", |cb| add(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_imm(-7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adds_reg() {
+ check_bytes("200002ab", |cb| adds(cb, X0, X1, X2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adds_uimm() {
+ check_bytes("201c00b1", |cb| adds(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adds_imm_positive() {
+ check_bytes("201c00b1", |cb| adds(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_imm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adds_imm_negative() {
+ check_bytes("201c00f1", |cb| adds(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_imm(-7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adr() {
+ check_bytes("aa000010", |cb| adr(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_imm(20)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_adrp() {
+ check_bytes("4a000090", |cb| adrp(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_imm(0x8000)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_and_register() {
+ check_bytes("2000028a", |cb| and(cb, X0, X1, X2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_and_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("20084092", |cb| and(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_and_32b_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("404c0012", |cb| and(cb, W0, W2, A64Opnd::new_uimm(0xfffff)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ands_register() {
+ check_bytes("200002ea", |cb| ands(cb, X0, X1, X2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ands_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("200840f2", |cb| ands(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_asr() {
+ check_bytes("b4fe4a93", |cb| asr(cb, X20, X21, A64Opnd::new_uimm(10)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bcond() {
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns(0x100);
+ check_bytes("01200054", |cb| bcond(cb, Condition::NE, offset));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_b() {
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns((1 << 25) - 1);
+ check_bytes("ffffff15", |cb| b(cb, offset));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_b_too_big() {
+ // There are 26 bits available
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns(1 << 25);
+ check_bytes("", |cb| b(cb, offset));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_b_too_small() {
+ // There are 26 bits available
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns(-(1 << 25) - 1);
+ check_bytes("", |cb| b(cb, offset));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bl() {
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns(-(1 << 25));
+ check_bytes("00000096", |cb| bl(cb, offset));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_bl_too_big() {
+ // There are 26 bits available
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns(1 << 25);
+ check_bytes("", |cb| bl(cb, offset));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_bl_too_small() {
+ // There are 26 bits available
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns(-(1 << 25) - 1);
+ check_bytes("", |cb| bl(cb, offset));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_blr() {
+ check_bytes("80023fd6", |cb| blr(cb, X20));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_br() {
+ check_bytes("80021fd6", |cb| br(cb, X20));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cbz() {
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns(-1);
+ check_bytes("e0ffffb4e0ffff34", |cb| {
+ cbz(cb, X0, offset);
+ cbz(cb, W0, offset);
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cbnz() {
+ let offset = InstructionOffset::from_insns(2);
+ check_bytes("540000b554000035", |cb| {
+ cbnz(cb, X20, offset);
+ cbnz(cb, W20, offset);
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_brk_none() {
+ check_bytes("000020d4", |cb| brk(cb, A64Opnd::None));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_brk_uimm() {
+ check_bytes("c00120d4", |cb| brk(cb, A64Opnd::new_uimm(14)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cmp_register() {
+ check_bytes("5f010beb", |cb| cmp(cb, X10, X11));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cmp_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("5f3900f1", |cb| cmp(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_uimm(14)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_csel() {
+ check_bytes("6a018c9a", |cb| csel(cb, X10, X11, X12, Condition::EQ));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_eor_register() {
+ check_bytes("6a010cca", |cb| eor(cb, X10, X11, X12));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_eor_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("6a0940d2", |cb| eor(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_eor_32b_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("29040152", |cb| eor(cb, W9, W1, A64Opnd::new_uimm(0x80000001)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldaddal() {
+ check_bytes("8b01eaf8", |cb| ldaddal(cb, X10, X11, X12));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldaxr() {
+ check_bytes("6afd5fc8", |cb| ldaxr(cb, X10, X11));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldp() {
+ check_bytes("8a2d4da9", |cb| ldp(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X12, 208)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldp_pre() {
+ check_bytes("8a2dcda9", |cb| ldp_pre(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X12, 208)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldp_post() {
+ check_bytes("8a2dcda8", |cb| ldp_post(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X12, 208)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr() {
+ check_bytes("6a696cf8", |cb| ldr(cb, X10, X11, X12));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr_literal() {
+ check_bytes("40010058", |cb| ldr_literal(cb, X0, 10.into()));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr_post() {
+ check_bytes("6a0541f8", |cb| ldr_post(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 16)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldr_pre() {
+ check_bytes("6a0d41f8", |cb| ldr_pre(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 16)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldrh() {
+ check_bytes("6a194079", |cb| ldrh(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 12)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldrh_pre() {
+ check_bytes("6acd4078", |cb| ldrh_pre(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 12)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldrh_post() {
+ check_bytes("6ac54078", |cb| ldrh_post(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 12)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldurh_memory() {
+ check_bytes("2a004078", |cb| ldurh(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X1, 0)));
+ check_bytes("2ab04778", |cb| ldurh(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X1, 123)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldur_memory() {
+ check_bytes("20b047f8", |cb| ldur(cb, X0, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X1, 123)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldur_register() {
+ check_bytes("200040f8", |cb| ldur(cb, X0, X1));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ldursw() {
+ check_bytes("6ab187b8", |cb| ldursw(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 123)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lsl() {
+ check_bytes("6ac572d3", |cb| lsl(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_uimm(14)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lsr() {
+ check_bytes("6afd4ed3", |cb| lsr(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_uimm(14)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mov_registers() {
+ check_bytes("ea030baa", |cb| mov(cb, X10, X11));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mov_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("eaf300b2", |cb| mov(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_uimm(0x5555555555555555)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mov_32b_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("ea070132", |cb| mov(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_uimm(0x80000001)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mov_into_sp() {
+ check_bytes("1f000091", |cb| mov(cb, X31, X0));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mov_from_sp() {
+ check_bytes("e0030091", |cb| mov(cb, X0, X31));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movk() {
+ check_bytes("600fa0f2", |cb| movk(cb, X0, A64Opnd::new_uimm(123), 16));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_movz() {
+ check_bytes("600fa0d2", |cb| movz(cb, X0, A64Opnd::new_uimm(123), 16));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mrs() {
+ check_bytes("0a423bd5", |cb| mrs(cb, X10, SystemRegister::NZCV));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_msr() {
+ check_bytes("0a421bd5", |cb| msr(cb, SystemRegister::NZCV, X10));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mul() {
+ check_bytes("6a7d0c9b", |cb| mul(cb, X10, X11, X12));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mvn() {
+ check_bytes("ea032baa", |cb| mvn(cb, X10, X11));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_nop() {
+ check_bytes("1f2003d5", |cb| nop(cb));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orn() {
+ check_bytes("6a012caa", |cb| orn(cb, X10, X11, X12));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orr_register() {
+ check_bytes("6a010caa", |cb| orr(cb, X10, X11, X12));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orr_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("6a0940b2", |cb| orr(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orr_32b_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("6a010032", |cb| orr(cb, W10, W11, A64Opnd::new_uimm(1)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ret_none() {
+ check_bytes("c0035fd6", |cb| ret(cb, A64Opnd::None));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ret_register() {
+ check_bytes("80025fd6", |cb| ret(cb, X20));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stlxr() {
+ check_bytes("8bfd0ac8", |cb| stlxr(cb, W10, X11, X12));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stp() {
+ check_bytes("8a2d0da9", |cb| stp(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X12, 208)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stp_pre() {
+ check_bytes("8a2d8da9", |cb| stp_pre(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X12, 208)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stp_post() {
+ check_bytes("8a2d8da8", |cb| stp_post(cb, X10, X11, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X12, 208)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_str_post() {
+ check_bytes("6a051ff8", |cb| str_post(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, -16)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_str_pre() {
+ check_bytes("6a0d1ff8", |cb| str_pre(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, -16)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_strh() {
+ check_bytes("6a190079", |cb| strh(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 12)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_strh_pre() {
+ check_bytes("6acd0078", |cb| strh_pre(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 12)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_strh_post() {
+ check_bytes("6ac50078", |cb| strh_post(cb, W10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 12)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stur_64_bits() {
+ check_bytes("6a0108f8", |cb| stur(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_mem(64, X11, 128)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_stur_32_bits() {
+ check_bytes("6a0108b8", |cb| stur(cb, X10, A64Opnd::new_mem(32, X11, 128)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub_reg() {
+ check_bytes("200002cb", |cb| sub(cb, X0, X1, X2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub_uimm() {
+ check_bytes("201c00d1", |cb| sub(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub_imm_positive() {
+ check_bytes("201c00d1", |cb| sub(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_imm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub_imm_negative() {
+ check_bytes("201c0091", |cb| sub(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_imm(-7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_subs_reg() {
+ check_bytes("200002eb", |cb| subs(cb, X0, X1, X2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_subs_imm_positive() {
+ check_bytes("201c00f1", |cb| subs(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_imm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_subs_imm_negative() {
+ check_bytes("201c00b1", |cb| subs(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_imm(-7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_subs_uimm() {
+ check_bytes("201c00f1", |cb| subs(cb, X0, X1, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sxtw() {
+ check_bytes("6a7d4093", |cb| sxtw(cb, X10, W11));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tbnz() {
+ check_bytes("4a005037", |cb| tbnz(cb, X10, A64Opnd::UImm(10), A64Opnd::Imm(2)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tbz() {
+ check_bytes("4a005036", |cb| tbz(cb, X10, A64Opnd::UImm(10), A64Opnd::Imm(2)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tst_register() {
+ check_bytes("1f0001ea", |cb| tst(cb, X0, X1));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tst_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("3f0840f2", |cb| tst(cb, X1, A64Opnd::new_uimm(7)));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tst_32b_immediate() {
+ check_bytes("1f3c0072", |cb| tst(cb, W0, A64Opnd::new_uimm(0xffff)));
+ }
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..108824e08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+/// This operand represents a register.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub struct A64Reg
+ // Size in bits
+ pub num_bits: u8,
+ // Register index number
+ pub reg_no: u8,
+impl A64Reg {
+ pub fn with_num_bits(&self, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ assert!(num_bits == 8 || num_bits == 16 || num_bits == 32 || num_bits == 64);
+ Self { num_bits, reg_no: self.reg_no }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub struct A64Mem
+ // Size in bits
+ pub num_bits: u8,
+ /// Base register number
+ pub base_reg_no: u8,
+ /// Constant displacement from the base, not scaled
+ pub disp: i32,
+impl A64Mem {
+ pub fn new(num_bits: u8, reg: A64Opnd, disp: i32) -> Self {
+ match reg {
+ A64Opnd::Reg(reg) => {
+ Self { num_bits, base_reg_no: reg.reg_no, disp }
+ },
+ _ => panic!("Expected register operand")
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub enum A64Opnd
+ // Dummy operand
+ None,
+ // Immediate value
+ Imm(i64),
+ // Unsigned immediate
+ UImm(u64),
+ // Register
+ Reg(A64Reg),
+ // Memory
+ Mem(A64Mem)
+impl A64Opnd {
+ /// Create a new immediate value operand.
+ pub fn new_imm(value: i64) -> Self {
+ A64Opnd::Imm(value)
+ }
+ /// Create a new unsigned immediate value operand.
+ pub fn new_uimm(value: u64) -> Self {
+ A64Opnd::UImm(value)
+ }
+ /// Creates a new memory operand.
+ pub fn new_mem(num_bits: u8, reg: A64Opnd, disp: i32) -> Self {
+ A64Opnd::Mem(A64Mem::new(num_bits, reg, disp))
+ }
+ /// Convenience function to check if this operand is a register.
+ pub fn is_reg(&self) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ A64Opnd::Reg(_) => true,
+ _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ /// Unwrap a register from an operand.
+ pub fn unwrap_reg(&self) -> A64Reg {
+ match self {
+ A64Opnd::Reg(reg) => *reg,
+ _ => panic!("Expected register operand")
+ }
+ }
+// argument registers
+pub const X0_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 0 };
+pub const X1_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 1 };
+pub const X2_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 2 };
+pub const X3_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 3 };
+pub const X4_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 4 };
+pub const X5_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 5 };
+// caller-save registers
+pub const X9_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 9 };
+pub const X10_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 10 };
+pub const X11_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 11 };
+pub const X12_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 12 };
+pub const X13_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 13 };
+pub const X14_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 14 };
+pub const X15_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 15 };
+pub const X16_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 16 };
+pub const X17_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 17 };
+// callee-save registers
+pub const X19_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 19 };
+pub const X20_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 20 };
+pub const X21_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 21 };
+pub const X22_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 22 };
+// zero register
+pub const XZR_REG: A64Reg = A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 31 };
+// 64-bit registers
+pub const X0: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X0_REG);
+pub const X1: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X1_REG);
+pub const X2: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X2_REG);
+pub const X3: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X3_REG);
+pub const X4: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X4_REG);
+pub const X5: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X5_REG);
+pub const X6: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 6 });
+pub const X7: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 7 });
+pub const X8: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 8 });
+pub const X9: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X9_REG);
+pub const X10: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X10_REG);
+pub const X11: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X11_REG);
+pub const X12: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X12_REG);
+pub const X13: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X13_REG);
+pub const X14: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X14_REG);
+pub const X15: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X15_REG);
+pub const X16: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 16 });
+pub const X17: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 17 });
+pub const X18: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 18 });
+pub const X19: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X19_REG);
+pub const X20: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X20_REG);
+pub const X21: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X21_REG);
+pub const X22: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(X22_REG);
+pub const X23: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 23 });
+pub const X24: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 24 });
+pub const X25: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 25 });
+pub const X26: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 26 });
+pub const X27: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 27 });
+pub const X28: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 28 });
+pub const X29: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 29 });
+pub const X30: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 64, reg_no: 30 });
+pub const X31: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(XZR_REG);
+// 32-bit registers
+pub const W0: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 0 });
+pub const W1: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 1 });
+pub const W2: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 2 });
+pub const W3: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 3 });
+pub const W4: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 4 });
+pub const W5: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 5 });
+pub const W6: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 6 });
+pub const W7: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 7 });
+pub const W8: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 8 });
+pub const W9: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 9 });
+pub const W10: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 10 });
+pub const W11: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 11 });
+pub const W12: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 12 });
+pub const W13: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 13 });
+pub const W14: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 14 });
+pub const W15: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 15 });
+pub const W16: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 16 });
+pub const W17: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 17 });
+pub const W18: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 18 });
+pub const W19: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 19 });
+pub const W20: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 20 });
+pub const W21: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 21 });
+pub const W22: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 22 });
+pub const W23: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 23 });
+pub const W24: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 24 });
+pub const W25: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 25 });
+pub const W26: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 26 });
+pub const W27: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 27 });
+pub const W28: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 28 });
+pub const W29: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 29 });
+pub const W30: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 30 });
+pub const W31: A64Opnd = A64Opnd::Reg(A64Reg { num_bits: 32, reg_no: 31 });
+// C argument registers
+pub const C_ARG_REGS: [A64Opnd; 4] = [X0, X1, X2, X3];
+pub const C_ARG_REGREGS: [A64Reg; 4] = [X0_REG, X1_REG, X2_REG, X3_REG];