path: root/misc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc')
14 files changed, 915 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/misc/.vscode/settings.json b/misc/.vscode/settings.json
index b0f3576025..7b1a38c536 100644
--- a/misc/.vscode/settings.json
+++ b/misc/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -2,4 +2,7 @@
"rust-analyzer.cargo.features": [
+ "rust-analyzer.cargo.unsetTest": [
+ "yjit",
+ ],
diff --git a/misc/call_fuzzer.rb b/misc/call_fuzzer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3f9f90490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/call_fuzzer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+require 'optparse'
+require 'set'
+# Number of iterations to test
+num_iters = 10_000
+# Parse the command-line options do |opts|
+ opts.on("--num-iters=N") do |n|
+ num_iters = n.to_i
+ end
+# Format large numbers with comma separators for readability
+def format_number(pad, number)
+ s = number.to_s
+ i = s.index('.') || s.size
+ s.insert(i -= 3, ',') while i > 3
+ s.rjust(pad, ' ')
+# Wrap an integer to pass as argument
+# We use this so we can have some object arguments
+class IntWrapper
+ def initialize(v)
+ # Force the object to have a random shape
+ if rand() < 50
+ @v0 = 1
+ end
+ if rand() < 50
+ @v1 = 1
+ end
+ if rand() < 50
+ @v2 = 1
+ end
+ if rand() < 50
+ @v3 = 1
+ end
+ if rand() < 50
+ @v4 = 1
+ end
+ if rand() < 50
+ @v5 = 1
+ end
+ if rand() < 50
+ @v6 = 1
+ end
+ @value = v
+ end
+ attr_reader :value
+# Generate a random argument value, integer or string or object
+def sample_arg()
+ c = ['int', 'string', 'object'].sample()
+ if c == 'int'
+ return rand(0...100)
+ end
+ if c == 'string'
+ return 'f' * rand(0...100)
+ end
+ if c == 'object'
+ return
+ end
+ raise "should not get here"
+# Evaluate the value of an argument with respect to the checksum
+def arg_val(arg)
+ if arg.kind_of? Integer
+ return arg
+ end
+ if arg.kind_of? String
+ return arg.length
+ end
+ if arg.kind_of? Object
+ return arg.value
+ end
+ raise "unknown arg type"
+# List of parameters/arguments for a method
+class ParamList
+ def initialize()
+ self.sample_params()
+ self.sample_args()
+ end
+ # Sample/generate a random set of parameters for a method
+ def sample_params()
+ # Choose how many positional arguments to use, and how many are optional
+ num_pargs = rand(10)
+ @opt_parg_idx = rand(num_pargs)
+ @num_opt_pargs = rand(num_pargs + 1 - @opt_parg_idx)
+ @num_pargs_req = num_pargs - @num_opt_pargs
+ @pargs = (0...num_pargs).map do |i|
+ {
+ :name => "p#{i}",
+ :optional => (i >= @opt_parg_idx && i < @opt_parg_idx + @num_opt_pargs)
+ }
+ end
+ # Choose how many kwargs to use, and how many are optional
+ num_kwargs = rand(10)
+ @kwargs = (0...num_kwargs).map do |i|
+ {
+ :name => "k#{i}",
+ :optional => rand() < 0.5
+ }
+ end
+ # Choose whether to have rest parameters or not
+ @has_rest = @num_opt_pargs == 0 && rand() < 0.5
+ @has_kwrest = rand() < 0.25
+ # Choose whether to have a named block parameter or not
+ @has_block_param = rand() < 0.25
+ end
+ # Sample/generate a random set of arguments corresponding to the parameters
+ def sample_args()
+ # Choose how many positional args to pass
+ num_pargs_passed = rand(@num_pargs_req..@pargs.size)
+ # How many optional arguments will be filled
+ opt_pargs_filled = num_pargs_passed - @num_pargs_req
+ @pargs.each_with_index do |parg, i|
+ if parg[:optional]
+ parg[:default] = rand(100)
+ end
+ if !parg[:optional] || i < @opt_parg_idx + opt_pargs_filled
+ parg[:argval] = rand(100)
+ end
+ end
+ @kwargs.each_with_index do |kwarg, i|
+ if kwarg[:optional]
+ kwarg[:default] = rand(100)
+ end
+ if !kwarg[:optional] || rand() < 0.5
+ kwarg[:argval] = rand(100)
+ end
+ end
+ # Randomly pass a block or not
+ @block_arg = nil
+ if rand() < 0.5
+ @block_arg = rand(100)
+ end
+ end
+ # Compute the expected checksum of arguments ahead of time
+ def compute_checksum()
+ checksum = 0
+ @pargs.each_with_index do |arg, i|
+ value = (arg.key? :argval)? arg[:argval]:arg[:default]
+ checksum += (i+1) * arg_val(value)
+ end
+ @kwargs.each_with_index do |arg, i|
+ value = (arg.key? :argval)? arg[:argval]:arg[:default]
+ checksum += (i+1) * arg_val(value)
+ end
+ if @block_arg
+ if @has_block_param
+ checksum += arg_val(@block_arg)
+ end
+ checksum += arg_val(@block_arg)
+ end
+ checksum
+ end
+ # Generate code for the method signature and method body
+ def gen_method_str()
+ m_str = "def m("
+ @pargs.each do |arg|
+ if !m_str.end_with?("(")
+ m_str += ", "
+ end
+ m_str += arg[:name]
+ # If this has a default value
+ if arg[:optional]
+ m_str += " = #{arg[:default]}"
+ end
+ end
+ if @has_rest
+ if !m_str.end_with?("(")
+ m_str += ", "
+ end
+ m_str += "*rest"
+ end
+ @kwargs.each do |arg|
+ if !m_str.end_with?("(")
+ m_str += ", "
+ end
+ m_str += "#{arg[:name]}:"
+ # If this has a default value
+ if arg[:optional]
+ m_str += " #{arg[:default]}"
+ end
+ end
+ if @has_kwrest
+ if !m_str.end_with?("(")
+ m_str += ", "
+ end
+ m_str += "**kwrest"
+ end
+ if @has_block_param
+ if !m_str.end_with?("(")
+ m_str += ", "
+ end
+ m_str += "&block"
+ end
+ m_str += ")\n"
+ # Add some useless locals
+ rand(0...16).times do |i|
+ m_str += "local#{i} = #{i}\n"
+ end
+ # Add some useless if statements
+ @pargs.each_with_index do |arg, i|
+ if rand() < 50
+ m_str += "if #{arg[:name]} > 4; end\n"
+ end
+ end
+ m_str += "checksum = 0\n"
+ @pargs.each_with_index do |arg, i|
+ m_str += "checksum += #{i+1} * arg_val(#{arg[:name]})\n"
+ end
+ @kwargs.each_with_index do |arg, i|
+ m_str += "checksum += #{i+1} * arg_val(#{arg[:name]})\n"
+ end
+ if @has_block_param
+ m_str += "if block; r =; checksum += arg_val(r); end\n"
+ end
+ m_str += "if block_given?; r = yield; checksum += arg_val(r); end\n"
+ if @has_rest
+ m_str += "raise 'rest is not array' unless rest.kind_of?(Array)\n"
+ m_str += "raise 'rest size not integer' unless rest.size.kind_of?(Integer)\n"
+ end
+ if @has_kwrest
+ m_str += "raise 'kwrest is not a hash' unless kwrest.kind_of?(Hash)\n"
+ m_str += "raise 'kwrest size not integer' unless kwrest.size.kind_of?(Integer)\n"
+ end
+ m_str += "checksum\n"
+ m_str += "end"
+ m_str
+ end
+ # Generate code to call into the method and pass the arguments
+ def gen_call_str()
+ c_str = "m("
+ @pargs.each_with_index do |arg, i|
+ if !arg.key? :argval
+ next
+ end
+ if !c_str.end_with?("(")
+ c_str += ", "
+ end
+ c_str += "#{arg[:argval]}"
+ end
+ @kwargs.each_with_index do |arg, i|
+ if !arg.key? :argval
+ next
+ end
+ if !c_str.end_with?("(")
+ c_str += ", "
+ end
+ c_str += "#{arg[:name]}: #{arg[:argval]}"
+ end
+ c_str += ")"
+ # Randomly pass a block or not
+ if @block_arg
+ c_str += " { #{@block_arg} }"
+ end
+ c_str
+ end
+iseqs_compiled_start = RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats[:compiled_iseq_entry]
+start_time =
+num_iters.times do |i|
+ puts "Iteration #{i}"
+ lst =
+ m_str = lst.gen_method_str()
+ c_str = lst.gen_call_str()
+ checksum = lst.compute_checksum()
+ f =
+ # Define the method on f
+ puts "Defining"
+ p m_str
+ f.instance_eval(m_str)
+ #puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(f.method(:m))
+ #exit 0
+ puts "Calling"
+ c_str = "f.#{c_str}"
+ p c_str
+ r = eval(c_str)
+ puts "checksum=#{r}"
+ if r != checksum
+ raise "return value #{r} doesn't match checksum #{checksum}"
+ end
+ puts ""
+# Make sure that YJIT actually compiled the tests we ran
+# Should be run with --yjit-call-threshold=1
+iseqs_compiled_end = RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats[:compiled_iseq_entry]
+if iseqs_compiled_end - iseqs_compiled_start < num_iters
+ raise "YJIT did not compile enough ISEQs"
+puts "Code region size: #{ format_number(0, RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats[:code_region_size]) }"
+end_time =
+itrs_per_sec = num_iters / (end_time - start_time)
+itrs_per_hour = 3600 * itrs_per_sec
+puts "#{'%.1f' % itrs_per_sec} iterations/s"
+puts "#{format_number(0, itrs_per_hour.round)} iterations/hour"
diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..cf4ec76fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Stop at first error
+set -e
+# TODO: boost --num-iters to 1M+ for actual test
+export NUM_ITERS=25000
+# Enable code GC so we don't stop compiling when we hit the code size limit
+ruby --yjit-call-threshold=1 --yjit-code-gc misc/call_fuzzer.rb --num-iters=$NUM_ITERS
+# Do another pass with --verify-ctx
+ruby --yjit-call-threshold=1 --yjit-code-gc --yjit-verify-ctx misc/call_fuzzer.rb --num-iters=$NUM_ITERS
diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
index 85507fb540..6034a389bb 100644
--- a/misc/
+++ b/misc/
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
+import argparse
import textwrap
-# Usage:
-# cfp: Dump the current cfp
-# cfp 1: Dump the caller cfp
+# usage: [-h] [-a | --all | --no-all] [-s STACK_SIZE] [uplevel]
+# Dump a control frame
+# positional arguments:
+# uplevel CFP offset from the stack top
+# options:
+# -h, --help show this help message and exit
+# -a, --all, --no-all dump all frames
+# -s STACK_SIZE, --stack-size STACK_SIZE
+# override stack_size (useful for JIT frames)
class CFP(gdb.Command):
# frame types
@@ -35,44 +45,77 @@ class CFP(gdb.Command):
def __init__(self):
super(CFP, self).__init__('cfp', gdb.COMMAND_USER)
- def invoke(self, offset, from_tty):
- if not offset:
- offset = '0'
- cfp = f'(ruby_current_ec->cfp + ({offset}))'
+ self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Dump a control frame')
+ self.parser.add_argument('uplevel', type=int, nargs='?', default=0, help='CFP offset from the stack top')
+ self.parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help='dump all frames')
+ self.parser.add_argument('-s', '--stack-size', type=int, help='override stack_size (useful for JIT frames)')
+ def invoke(self, args, from_tty):
+ try:
+ args = self.parser.parse_args(args.split())
+ except SystemExit:
+ return
+ cfp = f'(ruby_current_ec->cfp + ({args.uplevel}))'
end_cfp = self.get_int('ruby_current_ec->vm_stack + ruby_current_ec->vm_stack_size')
- cfp_count = int((end_cfp - self.get_int('ruby_current_ec->cfp')) / self.get_int('sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)'))
- print('CFP (count={}, addr=0x{:x}):'.format(cfp_count, self.get_int(cfp)))
+ cfp_index = int((end_cfp - self.get_int(cfp) - 1) / self.get_int('sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)'))
+ if args.all:
+ cfp_count = int((end_cfp - self.get_int('ruby_current_ec->cfp')) / self.get_int('sizeof(rb_control_frame_t)')) - 1 # exclude dummy CFP
+ for i in range(cfp_count):
+ print('-' * 80)
+ self.invoke(str(cfp_count - i - 1), from_tty)
+ return
+ print('CFP (addr=0x{:x}, index={}):'.format(self.get_int(cfp), cfp_index))
gdb.execute(f'p *({cfp})')
if self.get_int(f'{cfp}->iseq'):
local_size = self.get_int(f'{cfp}->iseq->body->local_table_size - {cfp}->iseq->body->param.size')
param_size = self.get_int(f'{cfp}->iseq->body->param.size')
- print(f'Params (size={param_size}):')
- for i in range(-3 - local_size - param_size, -3 - local_size):
- self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i))
- print()
- print(f'Locals (size={local_size}):')
- for i in range(-3 - local_size, -3):
- self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i))
- print()
+ if local_size:
+ print(f'Params (size={param_size}):')
+ for i in range(-3 - local_size - param_size, -3 - local_size):
+ self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i))
+ print()
+ if param_size:
+ print(f'Locals (size={local_size}):')
+ for i in range(-3 - local_size, -3):
+ self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i))
+ print()
- self.print_stack(cfp, -3, self.rp(cfp, -3))
- self.print_stack(cfp, -2, self.specval(cfp, -2))
- self.print_stack(cfp, -1, self.frame_types(cfp, -1))
+ self.print_env(cfp, -3, self.rp_env(cfp, -3))
+ self.print_env(cfp, -2, self.specval(cfp, -2))
+ self.print_env(cfp, -1, self.frame_types(cfp, -1))
- stack_size = int((self.get_int(f'{cfp}->sp') - self.get_int(f'{cfp}->__bp__')) / 8)
- print(f'Stack (size={stack_size}):')
- for i in range(0, stack_size):
- self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i))
- print(self.regs(cfp, stack_size))
+ # We can't calculate BP for the first frame.
+ # vm_base_ptr doesn't work for C frames either.
+ if cfp_index > 0 and self.get_int(f'{cfp}->iseq'):
+ if args.stack_size is not None:
+ stack_size = args.stack_size
+ else:
+ stack_size = int((self.get_int(f'{cfp}->sp') - self.get_int(f'vm_base_ptr({cfp})')) / 8)
+ print(f'Stack (size={stack_size}):')
+ for i in range(0, stack_size):
+ self.print_stack(cfp, i, self.rp(cfp, i))
+ print(self.regs(cfp, stack_size))
+ def print_env(self, cfp, bp_index, content):
+ ep_index = bp_index + 1
+ address = self.get_int(f'((rb_control_frame_t *){cfp})->ep + {ep_index}')
+ value = self.get_env(cfp, bp_index)
+ regs = self.regs(cfp, bp_index)
+ if content:
+ content = textwrap.indent(content, ' ' * 3).lstrip() # Leave the regs column empty
+ content = f'{content} '
+ print('{:2} 0x{:x} [{}] {}(0x{:x})'.format(regs, address, bp_index, content, value))
def print_stack(self, cfp, bp_index, content):
- address = self.get_int(f'{cfp}->__bp__ + {bp_index}')
+ address = self.get_int(f'vm_base_ptr({cfp}) + {bp_index}')
value = self.get_value(cfp, bp_index)
regs = self.regs(cfp, bp_index)
if content:
@@ -81,9 +124,9 @@ class CFP(gdb.Command):
print('{:2} 0x{:x} [{}] {}(0x{:x})'.format(regs, address, bp_index, content, value))
def regs(self, cfp, bp_index):
- address = self.get_int(f'{cfp}->__bp__ + {bp_index}')
+ address = self.get_int(f'vm_base_ptr({cfp}) + {bp_index}')
regs = []
- for reg, field in { 'EP': 'ep', 'BP': '__bp__', 'SP': 'sp' }.items():
+ for reg, field in { 'EP': 'ep', 'SP': 'sp' }.items():
if address == self.get_int(f'{cfp}->{field}'):
return ' '.join(regs)
@@ -92,9 +135,13 @@ class CFP(gdb.Command):
value = self.get_value(cfp, bp_index)
return self.get_string(f'rp {value}').rstrip()
+ def rp_env(self, cfp, bp_index):
+ value = self.get_env(cfp, bp_index)
+ return self.get_string(f'rp {value}').rstrip()
# specval: block_handler or previous EP
def specval(self, cfp, bp_index):
- value = self.get_value(cfp, bp_index)
+ value = self.get_env(cfp, bp_index)
if value == 0:
if value == self.get_int('rb_block_param_proxy'):
@@ -103,7 +150,7 @@ class CFP(gdb.Command):
def frame_types(self, cfp, bp_index):
types = []
- value = self.get_value(cfp, bp_index)
+ value = self.get_env(cfp, bp_index)
magic_mask = self.get_int('VM_FRAME_MAGIC_MASK')
for magic in self.FRAME_MAGICS:
@@ -118,8 +165,12 @@ class CFP(gdb.Command):
return ' | '.join(types)
+ def get_env(self, cfp, bp_index):
+ ep_index = bp_index + 1
+ return self.get_int(f'((rb_control_frame_t *){cfp})->ep[{ep_index}]')
def get_value(self, cfp, bp_index):
- return self.get_int(f'{cfp}->__bp__[{bp_index}]')
+ return self.get_int(f'vm_base_ptr({cfp})[{bp_index}]')
def get_int(self, expr):
return int(self.get_string(f'printf "%ld", ({expr})'))
diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
index 95e03c6209..400ccb45b9 100755
--- a/misc/
+++ b/misc/
@@ -197,18 +197,16 @@ def string2cstr(rstring):
flags = rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".basic->flags").unsigned
if flags & RUBY_T_MASK != RUBY_T_STRING:
raise TypeError("not a string")
+ clen = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".len").value, 0)
if flags & RUBY_FL_USER1:
cptr = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.heap.ptr").value, 0)
- clen = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.heap.len").value, 0)
cptr = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.embed.ary").location, 0)
- clen = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.embed.len").value, 0)
return cptr, clen
def output_string(debugger, result, rstring):
cptr, clen = string2cstr(rstring)
- expr = "print *(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (clen, cptr)
- append_command_output(debugger, expr, result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (clen, cptr), result)
def fixnum_p(x):
return x & RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG != 0
@@ -227,6 +225,9 @@ def append_command_output(debugger, command, result):
+def append_expression(debugger, expression, result):
+ append_command_output(debugger, "expression " + expression, result)
def lldb_rp(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):
if not ('RUBY_Qfalse' in globals()):
@@ -258,13 +259,13 @@ def lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val):
elif fixnum_p(num):
print(num >> 1, file=result)
elif flonum_p(num):
- append_command_output(debugger, "print rb_float_value(%0#x)" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "rb_float_value(%0#x)" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif static_sym_p(num):
if num < 128:
print("T_SYMBOL: %c" % num, file=result)
print("T_SYMBOL: (%x)" % num, file=result)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p rb_id2name(%0#x)" % (num >> 8), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "rb_id2name(%0#x)" % (num >> 8), result)
print('immediate(%x)' % num, file=result)
@@ -292,13 +293,13 @@ def lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val):
print('T_NIL: %s%s' % (flaginfo, val.Dereference()), file=result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_OBJECT:
result.write('T_OBJECT: %s' % flaginfo)
- append_command_output(debugger, "print *(struct RObject*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RObject*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_CLASS or flType == RUBY_T_MODULE or flType == RUBY_T_ICLASS:
result.write('T_%s: %s' % ('CLASS' if flType == RUBY_T_CLASS else 'MODULE' if flType == RUBY_T_MODULE else 'ICLASS', flaginfo))
- append_command_output(debugger, "print *(struct RClass*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RClass*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
tRClass = target.FindFirstType("struct RClass")
if not val.Cast(tRClass).GetChildMemberWithName("ptr").IsValid():
- append_command_output(debugger, "print *(struct rb_classext_struct*)%0#x" % (val.GetValueAsUnsigned() + tRClass.GetByteSize()), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct rb_classext_struct*)%0#x" % (val.GetValueAsUnsigned() + tRClass.GetByteSize()), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_STRING:
result.write('T_STRING: %s' % flaginfo)
@@ -312,12 +313,12 @@ def lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val):
if len == 0:
- append_command_output(debugger, "print *(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (len, ptr), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (len, ptr), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_SYMBOL:
result.write('T_SYMBOL: %s' % flaginfo)
tRSymbol = target.FindFirstType("struct RSymbol").GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRSymbol)
- append_command_output(debugger, 'print (ID)%0#x ' % val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->id").GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, '(ID)%0#x ' % val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->id").GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
tRString = target.FindFirstType("struct RString").GetPointerType()
output_string(debugger, result, val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->fstr").Cast(tRString))
elif flType == RUBY_T_ARRAY:
@@ -343,12 +344,12 @@ def lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val):
if ptr.GetValueAsSigned() == 0:
- append_command_output(debugger, "expression -fx -- ((struct RArray*)%0#x)->as.ary" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "-fx -- ((struct RArray*)%0#x)->as.ary" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
- append_command_output(debugger, "expression -Z %d -fx -- (const VALUE*)%0#x" % (len, ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned()), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "-Z %d -fx -- (const VALUE*)%0#x" % (len, ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned()), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_HASH:
result.write("T_HASH: %s" % flaginfo)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RHash *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RHash *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_BIGNUM:
tRBignum = target.FindFirstType("struct RBignum").GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRBignum)
@@ -356,15 +357,15 @@ def lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val):
if flags & RUBY_FL_USER2:
print("T_BIGNUM: sign=%s len=%d (embed)" % (sign, len), file=result)
- append_command_output(debugger, "print ((struct RBignum *) %0#x)->as.ary" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "((struct RBignum *) %0#x)->as.ary" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
len = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.len").GetValueAsSigned()
print("T_BIGNUM: sign=%s len=%d" % (sign, len), file=result)
print(val.Dereference(), file=result)
- append_command_output(debugger, "expression -Z %x -fx -- (const BDIGIT*)((struct RBignum*)%d)->as.heap.digits" % (len, val.GetValueAsUnsigned()), result)
- # append_command_output(debugger, "x ((struct RBignum *) %0#x)->as.heap.digits / %d" % (val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), len), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "-Z %x -fx -- (const BDIGIT*)((struct RBignum*)%d)->as.heap.digits" % (len, val.GetValueAsUnsigned()), result)
+ # append_expression(debugger, "((struct RBignum *) %0#x)->as.heap.digits / %d" % (val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), len), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_FLOAT:
- append_command_output(debugger, "print ((struct RFloat *)%d)->float_value" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "((struct RFloat *)%d)->float_value" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_RATIONAL:
tRRational = target.FindFirstType("struct RRational").GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRRational)
@@ -397,39 +398,39 @@ def lldb_inspect(debugger, target, result, val):
flag = val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->typed_flag")
if flag.GetValueAsUnsigned() == 1:
print("T_DATA: %s" % val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->type->wrap_struct_name"), file=result)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RTypedData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RTypedData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
print("T_DATA:", file=result)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_NODE:
tRTypedData = target.FindFirstType("struct RNode").GetPointerType()
- append_command_output(debugger, "p (node_type) %d" % nd_type, result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "(node_type) %d" % nd_type, result)
val = val.Cast(tRTypedData)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RNode *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RNode *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_MOVED:
tRTypedData = target.FindFirstType("struct RMoved").GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRTypedData)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RMoved *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RMoved *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_MATCH:
tRTypedData = target.FindFirstType("struct RMatch").GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRTypedData)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RMatch *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RMatch *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_IMEMO:
# I'm not sure how to get IMEMO_MASK out of lldb. It's not in globals()
imemo_type = (flags >> RUBY_FL_USHIFT) & 0x0F # IMEMO_MASK
print("T_IMEMO: ", file=result)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p (enum imemo_type) %d" % imemo_type, result)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct MEMO *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "(enum imemo_type) %d" % imemo_type, result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct MEMO *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_STRUCT:
tRTypedData = target.FindFirstType("struct RStruct").GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRTypedData)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RStruct *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RStruct *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
elif flType == RUBY_T_ZOMBIE:
tRZombie = target.FindFirstType("struct RZombie").GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRZombie)
- append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct RZombie *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ append_expression(debugger, "*(struct RZombie *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
print("Not-handled type %0#x" % flType, file=result)
print(val, file=result)
diff --git a/misc/lldb_rb/commands/ b/misc/lldb_rb/commands/
index edb74a415b..b56a3eae4e 100644
--- a/misc/lldb_rb/commands/
+++ b/misc/lldb_rb/commands/
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ class HeapPageCommand(RbBaseCommand):
page = self._get_page(self.frame.EvaluateExpression(command))
- self._append_command_output(debugger, "p (struct heap_page *) %0#x" % page.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
- self._append_command_output(debugger, "p *(struct heap_page *) %0#x" % page.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ self._append_expression(debugger, "(struct heap_page *) %0#x" % page.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
+ self._append_expression(debugger, "*(struct heap_page *) %0#x" % page.GetValueAsUnsigned(), result)
def _get_page(self, val):
addr = val.GetValueAsUnsigned()
diff --git a/misc/lldb_rb/commands/ b/misc/lldb_rb/commands/
index 9da9688b96..06b2516d50 100644
--- a/misc/lldb_rb/commands/
+++ b/misc/lldb_rb/commands/
@@ -13,4 +13,3 @@ class RbID2StrCommand(RbBaseCommand):
val = self.frame.EvaluateExpression(command)
inspector = RbInspector(debugger, result, self.ruby_globals)
diff --git a/misc/lldb_rb/ b/misc/lldb_rb/
index 893064db90..785a54b3e3 100644
--- a/misc/lldb_rb/
+++ b/misc/lldb_rb/
@@ -5,4 +5,3 @@ class LLDBInterface:
self.process =
self.thread = self.process.GetSelectedThread()
self.frame = self.thread.GetSelectedFrame()
diff --git a/misc/lldb_rb/ b/misc/lldb_rb/
index d786a010b6..70a5addd6d 100644
--- a/misc/lldb_rb/
+++ b/misc/lldb_rb/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class RbBaseCommand(LLDBInterface):
self.internal_dict = _internal_dict
def __call__(self, debugger, command, exe_ctx, result):
+ self.ruby_globals = RbBaseCommand.lldb_init(debugger)
self.build_environment(debugger), command, exe_ctx, result)
@@ -54,4 +55,3 @@ class RbBaseCommand(LLDBInterface):
def get_long_help(self):
return self.__class__.help_string
diff --git a/misc/lldb_rb/ b/misc/lldb_rb/
index 0428b7fc3f..86b38dbbbd 100644
--- a/misc/lldb_rb/
+++ b/misc/lldb_rb/
@@ -108,11 +108,15 @@ class RbObject(LLDBInterface):
return False
+ def as_type(self, type_name):
+ return self.val.Cast(self.tRValue.GetPointerType()).GetValueForExpressionPath("->as."+type_name)
def ary_ptr(self):
+ rval = self.as_type("array")
if self.flags & self.ruby_globals["RUBY_FL_USER1"]:
- ptr = self.val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.ary")
+ ptr = rval.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.ary")
- ptr = self.val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.ptr")
+ ptr = rval.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.ptr")
return ptr
def ary_len(self):
@@ -122,19 +126,18 @@ class RbObject(LLDBInterface):
self.flUser7 | self.flUser8 | self.flUser9)
) >> (self.flUshift + 3))
- len = self.val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.len")
+ rval = self.as_type("array")
+ len = rval.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.len").GetValueAsSigned()
return len
def bignum_len(self):
- if self.flags & flUser2:
+ if self.flags & self.flUser2:
len = ((self.flags &
(self.flUser3 | self.flUser4 | self.flUser5)
) >> (self.flUshift + 3))
- len = self.val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.len")
+ len = (self.as_type("bignum").GetValueForExpressionPath("->as.heap.len").
+ GetValueAsUnsigned())
return len
diff --git a/misc/lldb_rb/ b/misc/lldb_rb/
index b6cfe2fe77..a6bbd385cd 100644
--- a/misc/lldb_rb/
+++ b/misc/lldb_rb/
@@ -16,25 +16,26 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
+ def _append_expression(self, expression):
+ self._append_command_output("expression " + expression)
def string2cstr(self, rstring):
"""Returns the pointer to the C-string in the given String object"""
if rstring.TypeIsPointerType():
rstring = rstring.Dereference()
flags = rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".basic->flags").unsigned
+ clen = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".len").value, 0)
if flags & self.ruby_globals["RUBY_FL_USER1"]:
cptr = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.heap.ptr").value, 0)
- clen = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.heap.len").value, 0)
cptr = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.embed.ary").location, 0)
- clen = int(rstring.GetValueForExpressionPath(".as.embed.len").value, 0)
return cptr, clen
def output_string(self, rstring):
cptr, clen = self.string2cstr(rstring)
- expr = "print *(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (clen, cptr)
- self._append_command_output(expr)
+ self._append_expression("*(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (clen, cptr))
def fixnum_p(self, x):
return x & self.ruby_globals["RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG"] != 0
@@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
def generic_inspect(self, val, rtype):
tRType ="struct %s" % rtype).GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRType)
- self._append_command_output("p *(struct %s *) %0#x" % (rtype, val.GetValueAsUnsigned()))
+ self._append_expression("*(struct %s *) %0#x" % (rtype, val.GetValueAsUnsigned()))
def inspect(self, val):
rbTrue = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_Qtrue"]
@@ -59,6 +60,9 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
rbUndef = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_Qundef"]
rbImmediateMask = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK"]
+ if self.inspect_node(val):
+ return
num = val.GetValueAsSigned()
if num == rbFalse:
print('false', file=self.result)
@@ -71,13 +75,13 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
elif self.fixnum_p(num):
print(num >> 1, file=self.result)
elif self.flonum_p(num):
- self._append_command_output("print rb_float_value(%0#x)" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ self._append_expression("rb_float_value(%0#x)" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
elif self.static_sym_p(num):
if num < 128:
print("T_SYMBOL: %c" % num, file=self.result)
print("T_SYMBOL: (%x)" % num, file=self.result)
- self._append_command_output("p rb_id2name(%0#x)" % (num >> 8))
+ self._append_expression("rb_id2name(%0#x)" % (num >> 8))
elif num & rbImmediateMask:
print('immediate(%x)' % num, file=self.result)
@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_OBJECT"):
self.result.write('T_OBJECT: %s' % flaginfo)
- self._append_command_output("print *(struct RObject*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ self._append_expression("*(struct RObject*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
elif (rval.is_type("RUBY_T_CLASS") or
rval.is_type("RUBY_T_MODULE") or
@@ -107,10 +111,10 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
self.result.write('T_%s: %s' % (rval.type_name.split('_')[-1], flaginfo))
tRClass ="struct RClass")
- self._append_command_output("print *(struct RClass*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ self._append_expression("*(struct RClass*)%0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
if not val.Cast(tRClass).GetChildMemberWithName("ptr").IsValid():
- self._append_command_output(
- "print *(struct rb_classext_struct*)%0#x" %
+ self._append_expression(
+ "*(struct rb_classext_struct*)%0#x" %
(val.GetValueAsUnsigned() + tRClass.GetByteSize())
@@ -118,6 +122,10 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
self.result.write('T_STRING: %s' % flaginfo)
tRString ="struct RString").GetPointerType()
+ chilled = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_FL_USER3"]
+ if (rval.flags & chilled) != 0:
+ self.result.write("[CHILLED] ")
rb_enc_mask = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_ENCODING_MASK"]
rb_enc_shift = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_ENCODING_SHIFT"]
encidx = ((rval.flags & rb_enc_mask) >> rb_enc_shift)
@@ -130,11 +138,21 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
self.result.write('[enc=%d] ' % encidx)
+ coderange = rval.flags & self.ruby_globals["RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_MASK"]
+ if coderange == self.ruby_globals["RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_7BIT"]:
+ self.result.write('[7BIT] ')
+ elif coderange == self.ruby_globals["RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_VALID"]:
+ self.result.write('[VALID] ')
+ elif coderange == self.ruby_globals["RUBY_ENC_CODERANGE_BROKEN"]:
+ self.result.write('[BROKEN] ')
+ else:
+ self.result.write('[UNKNOWN] ')
ptr, len = self.string2cstr(val.Cast(tRString))
if len == 0:
- self._append_command_output("print *(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (len, ptr))
+ self._append_expression("*(const char (*)[%d])%0#x" % (len, ptr))
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_SYMBOL"):
self.result.write('T_SYMBOL: %s' % flaginfo)
@@ -142,12 +160,10 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
tRString ="struct RString").GetPointerType()
val = val.Cast(tRSymbol)
- self._append_command_output(
- 'print (ID)%0#x ' % val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->id").GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ self._append_expression('(ID)%0#x ' % val.GetValueForExpressionPath("->id").GetValueAsUnsigned())
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_ARRAY"):
- tRArray ="struct RArray").GetPointerType()
len = rval.ary_len()
ptr = rval.ary_ptr()
@@ -166,19 +182,20 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
if ptr.GetValueAsSigned() == 0:
- self._append_command_output(
- "expression -fx -- ((struct RArray*)%0#x)->as.ary" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ self._append_expression("-fx -- ((struct RArray*)%0#x)->as.ary" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
- self._append_command_output(
- "expression -Z %d -fx -- (const VALUE*)%0#x" % (len, ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned()))
+ self._append_expression("-Z %d -fx -- (const VALUE*)%0#x" % (len, ptr.GetValueAsUnsigned()))
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_HASH"):
self.result.write("T_HASH: %s" % flaginfo)
- self._append_command_output("p *(struct RHash *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ ptr = val.GetValueAsUnsigned()
+ self._append_expression("*(struct RHash *) %0#x" % ptr)
+ if rval.flags & self.ruby_globals["RUBY_FL_USER3"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(struct st_table *) (%0#x + sizeof(struct RHash))" % ptr)
+ else:
+ self._append_expression("*(struct ar_table *) (%0#x + sizeof(struct RHash))" % ptr)
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_BIGNUM"):
- tRBignum ="struct RBignum").GetPointerType()
sign = '-'
if (rval.flags & self.ruby_globals["RUBY_FL_USER1"]) != 0:
sign = '+'
@@ -186,17 +203,16 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
if rval.flags & self.ruby_globals["RUBY_FL_USER2"]:
print("T_BIGNUM: sign=%s len=%d (embed)" % (sign, len), file=self.result)
- self._append_command_output("print ((struct RBignum *) %0#x)->as.ary"
+ self._append_expression("((struct RBignum *) %0#x)->as.ary"
% val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
print("T_BIGNUM: sign=%s len=%d" % (sign, len), file=self.result)
- print(val.Dereference(), file=self.result)
- self._append_command_output(
- "expression -Z %x -fx -- (const BDIGIT*)((struct RBignum*)%d)->as.heap.digits" %
- (len, val.GetValueAsUnsigned()))
+ print(rval.as_type("bignum"), file=self.result)
+ self._append_expression("-Z %d -fx -- ((struct RBignum*)%d)->as.heap.digits" %
+ (len, val.GetValueAsUnsigned()))
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_FLOAT"):
- self._append_command_output("print ((struct RFloat *)%d)->float_value"
+ self._append_expression("((struct RFloat *)%d)->float_value"
% val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_RATIONAL"):
@@ -237,31 +253,18 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
print("T_DATA: %s" %
- self._append_command_output(
- "p *(struct RTypedData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ self._append_expression("*(struct RTypedData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
print("T_DATA:", file=self.result)
- self._append_command_output(
- "p *(struct RData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
- elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_NODE"):
- tRNode ="struct RNode").GetPointerType()
- rbNodeTypeMask = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_NODE_TYPEMASK"]
- rbNodeTypeShift = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_NODE_TYPESHIFT"]
- nd_type = (rval.flags & rbNodeTypeMask) >> rbNodeTypeShift
- val = val.Cast(tRNode)
- self._append_command_output("p (node_type) %d" % nd_type)
- self._append_command_output("p *(struct RNode *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ self._append_expression("*(struct RData *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_IMEMO"):
imemo_type = ((rval.flags >> self.ruby_globals["RUBY_FL_USHIFT"])
print("T_IMEMO: ", file=self.result)
- self._append_command_output("p (enum imemo_type) %d" % imemo_type)
- self._append_command_output("p *(struct MEMO *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ self._append_expression("(enum imemo_type) %d" % imemo_type)
+ self._append_expression("*(struct MEMO *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
elif rval.is_type("RUBY_T_FILE"):
self.generic_inspect(val, "RFile")
@@ -282,3 +285,229 @@ class RbInspector(LLDBInterface):
print("Not-handled type %0#x" % rval.type, file=self.result)
print(val, file=self.result)
+ def inspect_node(self, val):
+ tRNode ="struct RNode").GetPointerType()
+ # if val.GetType() != tRNode: does not work for unknown reason
+ if val.GetType().GetPointeeType().name != "NODE":
+ return False
+ rbNodeTypeMask = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_NODE_TYPEMASK"]
+ rbNodeTypeShift = self.ruby_globals["RUBY_NODE_TYPESHIFT"]
+ flags = val.Cast(tRNode).GetChildMemberWithName("flags").GetValueAsUnsigned()
+ nd_type = (flags & rbNodeTypeMask) >> rbNodeTypeShift
+ self._append_expression("(node_type) %d" % nd_type)
+ if nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_SCOPE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_scope_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_BLOCK"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_block_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_IF"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_if_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_UNLESS"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_unless_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CASE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_case_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CASE2"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_case2_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CASE3"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_case3_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_WHEN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_when_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_IN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_in_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_WHILE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_while_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_UNTIL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_until_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ITER"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_iter_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_FOR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_for_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_FOR_MASGN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_for_masgn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_BREAK"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_break_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_NEXT"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_next_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_REDO"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_redo_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_RETRY"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_retry_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_BEGIN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_begin_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_RESCUE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_rescue_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_RESBODY"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_resbody_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ENSURE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_ensure_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_AND"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_and_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_OR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_or_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_MASGN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_masgn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_LASGN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_lasgn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DASGN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_dasgn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_GASGN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_gasgn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_IASGN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_iasgn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CDECL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_cdecl_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CVASGN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_cvasgn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_OP_ASGN1"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_op_asgn1_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_OP_ASGN2"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_op_asgn2_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_OP_ASGN_AND"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_op_asgn_and_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_OP_ASGN_OR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_op_asgn_or_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_OP_CDECL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_op_cdecl_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CALL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_call_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_OPCALL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_opcall_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_FCALL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_fcall_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_VCALL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_vcall_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_QCALL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_qcall_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_SUPER"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_super_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ZSUPER"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_zsuper_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_LIST"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_list_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ZLIST"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_zlist_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_HASH"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_hash_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_RETURN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_return_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_YIELD"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_yield_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_LVAR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_lvar_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DVAR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_dvar_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_GVAR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_gvar_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CONST"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_const_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CVAR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_cvar_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_NTH_REF"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_nth_ref_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_BACK_REF"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_back_ref_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_MATCH"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_match_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_MATCH2"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_match2_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_MATCH3"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_match3_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_STR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_str_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DSTR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_dstr_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_XSTR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_xstr_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DXSTR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_dxstr_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_EVSTR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_evstr_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_REGX"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_regx_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DREGX"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_dregx_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ONCE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_once_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ARGS"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_args_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ARGS_AUX"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_args_aux_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_OPT_ARG"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_opt_arg_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_KW_ARG"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_kw_arg_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_POSTARG"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_postarg_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ARGSCAT"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_argscat_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ARGSPUSH"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_argspush_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_SPLAT"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_splat_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DEFN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_defn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DEFS"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_defs_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ALIAS"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_alias_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_VALIAS"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_valias_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_UNDEF"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_undef_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_CLASS"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_class_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_MODULE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_module_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_SCLASS"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_sclass_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_COLON2"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_colon2_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_COLON3"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_colon3_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DOT2"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_dot2_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DOT3"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_dot3_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_FLIP2"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_flip2_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_FLIP3"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_flip3_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_SELF"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_self_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_NIL"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_nil_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_TRUE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_true_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_FALSE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_false_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ERRINFO"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_errinfo_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DEFINED"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_defined_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_POSTEXE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_postexe_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_DSYM"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_dsym_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ATTRASGN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_attrasgn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_LAMBDA"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_lambda_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ARYPTN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_aryptn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_HSHPTN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_hshptn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_FNDPTN"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_fndptn_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_ERROR"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_error_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_LINE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_line_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ elif nd_type == self.ruby_globals["NODE_FILE"]:
+ self._append_expression("*(rb_node_file_t *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ else:
+ self._append_expression("*(NODE *) %0#x" % val.GetValueAsUnsigned())
+ return True
diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
deleted file mode 100644
index cc37b990ea..0000000000
--- a/misc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#coding: utf-8
-# Usage: run `command script import -r misc/` on LLDB
-from __future__ import print_function
-import lldb
-import os
-import shlex
-def list_comments(debugger, command, result, internal_dict):
- target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
- process = target.GetProcess()
- thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
- frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
- # Get the different types we need
- rb_darray_meta_t = target.FindFirstType("rb_darray_meta_t")
- codeblock_t = target.FindFirstType("codeblock_t")
- yjit_comment = target.FindFirstType("yjit_comment")
- # Get the global variables we need
- comments = target.FindFirstGlobalVariable("yjit_code_comments")
- cb = target.FindFirstGlobalVariable("cb").Cast(codeblock_t.GetPointerType())
- # Get the address of the memory block we're using
- mem_addr = cb.GetChildMemberWithName("mem_block").GetValueAsUnsigned()
- # Find the size of the darray comment list
- meta = comments.Cast(rb_darray_meta_t.GetPointerType())
- size = meta.GetChildMemberWithName("size").GetValueAsUnsigned()
- # Get the address of the block following the metadata header
- t_offset = comments.GetValueAsUnsigned() + rb_darray_meta_t.GetByteSize()
- # Loop through each comment and print
- for t in range(0, size):
- addr = lldb.SBAddress(t_offset + (t * yjit_comment.GetByteSize()), target)
- comment = target.CreateValueFromAddress("yjit_comment", addr, yjit_comment)
- string = comment.GetChildMemberWithName("comment")
- comment_offset = mem_addr + comment.GetChildMemberWithName("offset").GetValueAsUnsigned()
- print("%0#x %s" % (comment_offset, string.GetSummary()), file = result)
-def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict):
- debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f lldb_yjit.list_comments lc")
diff --git a/misc/ruby-style.el b/misc/ruby-style.el
index 13aad77b3d..45fdccc6f2 100644
--- a/misc/ruby-style.el
+++ b/misc/ruby-style.el
@@ -66,6 +66,17 @@
(access-label /)
+ "prism"
+ '("bsd"
+ (c-basic-offset . 4)
+ (tab-width . 8)
+ (indent-tabs-mode . nil)
+ (setq show-trailing-whitespace t)
+ (c-offsets-alist
+ (case-label . +)
+ )))
(defun ruby-style-c-mode ()
diff --git a/misc/ b/misc/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..61434e5eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+from collections import Counter, defaultdict
+import os.path
+# Aggregating cycles per symbol and dso
+total_cycles = 0
+category_cycles = Counter()
+detailed_category_cycles = defaultdict(Counter)
+categories = set()
+def truncate_symbol(symbol, max_length=50):
+ """ Truncate the symbol name to a maximum length """
+ return symbol if len(symbol) <= max_length else symbol[:max_length-3] + '...'
+def categorize_symbol(dso, symbol):
+ """ Categorize the symbol based on the defined criteria """
+ if dso == '':
+ return '[sqlite3]'
+ elif 'SHA256' in symbol:
+ return '[sha256]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('[JIT] gen_send'):
+ return '[JIT send]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('[JIT]'):
+ return '[JIT code]'
+ elif '::' in symbol or symbol.startswith('yjit::') or symbol.startswith('_ZN4yjit'):
+ return '[YJIT compile]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('rb_vm_') or symbol.startswith('vm_') or symbol in {
+ "rb_call0", "callable_method_entry_or_negative", "invoke_block_from_c_bh",
+ "rb_funcallv_scope", "setup_parameters_complex", "rb_yield"}:
+ return '[interpreter]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('rb_hash_') or symbol.startswith('hash_'):
+ return '[rb_hash_*]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('rb_ary_') or symbol.startswith('ary_'):
+ return '[rb_ary_*]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('rb_str_') or symbol.startswith('str_'):
+ return '[rb_str_*]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('rb_sym') or symbol.startswith('sym_'):
+ return '[rb_sym_*]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('rb_st_') or symbol.startswith('st_'):
+ return '[rb_st_*]'
+ elif symbol.startswith('rb_ivar_') or 'shape' in symbol:
+ return '[ivars]'
+ elif 'match' in symbol or symbol.startswith('rb_reg') or symbol.startswith('onig'):
+ return '[regexp]'
+ elif 'alloc' in symbol or 'free' in symbol or 'gc' in symbol:
+ return '[GC]'
+ elif 'pthread' in symbol and 'lock' in symbol:
+ return '[pthread lock]'
+ else:
+ return symbol # Return the symbol itself for uncategorized symbols
+def process_event(event):
+ global total_cycles, category_cycles, detailed_category_cycles, categories
+ full_dso = event.get("dso", "Unknown_dso")
+ dso = os.path.basename(full_dso)
+ symbol = event.get("symbol", "[unknown]")
+ cycles = event["sample"]["period"]
+ total_cycles += cycles
+ category = categorize_symbol(dso, symbol)
+ category_cycles[category] += cycles
+ detailed_category_cycles[category][(dso, symbol)] += cycles
+ if category.startswith('[') and category.endswith(']'):
+ categories.add(category)
+def trace_end():
+ if total_cycles == 0:
+ return
+ print("Aggregated Event Data:")
+ print("{:<20} {:<50} {:>20} {:>15}".format("[dso]", "[symbol or category]", "[top-most cycle ratio]", "[num cycles]"))
+ for category, cycles in category_cycles.most_common():
+ ratio = (cycles / total_cycles) * 100
+ dsos = {dso for dso, _ in detailed_category_cycles[category]}
+ dso_display = next(iter(dsos)) if len(dsos) == 1 else "Multiple DSOs"
+ print("{:<20} {:<50} {:>20.2f}% {:>15}".format(dso_display, truncate_symbol(category), ratio, cycles))
+ # Category breakdown
+ for category in categories:
+ symbols = detailed_category_cycles[category]
+ category_total = sum(symbols.values())
+ category_ratio = (category_total / total_cycles) * 100
+ print(f"\nCategory: {category} ({category_ratio:.2f}%)")
+ print("{:<20} {:<50} {:>20} {:>15}".format("[dso]", "[symbol]", "[top-most cycle ratio]", "[num cycles]"))
+ for (dso, symbol), cycles in symbols.most_common():
+ symbol_ratio = (cycles / category_total) * 100
+ print("{:<20} {:<50} {:>20.2f}% {:>15}".format(dso, truncate_symbol(symbol), symbol_ratio, cycles))
+# There are two ways to use this script:
+# 1) perf script -s misc/ -- native interface
+# 2) perf script > perf.txt && misc/ perf.txt -- hack, which doesn't require perf with Python support
+# In both cases, __name__ is "__main__". The following code implements (2) when sys.argv is 2.
+if __name__ == "__main__" and len(sys.argv) == 2:
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print("Usage: <filename>")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as file:
+ for line in file:
+ # [Example]
+ # ruby 78207 3482.848465: 1212775 cpu_core/cycles:P/: 5c0333f682e1 [JIT] getlocal_WC_0+0x0 (/tmp/
+ row = line.split(maxsplit=6)
+ period = row[3] # "1212775"
+ symbol, dso = row[6].split(" (") # "[JIT] getlocal_WC_0+0x0", "/tmp/\n"
+ symbol = symbol.split("+")[0] # "[JIT] getlocal_WC_0"
+ dso = dso.split(")")[0] # "/tmp/"
+ process_event({"dso": dso, "symbol": symbol, "sample": {"period": int(period)}})
+ trace_end()