diff options
13 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/Gemfile b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/Gemfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..982b9de67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+source ''
+gem 'matrix'
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/Gemfile.lock b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bb3c69025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ remote:
+ specs:
+ matrix (0.4.2)
+ x86_64-darwin-20
+ matrix
+ 2.3.3
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/authors.markdown b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/authors.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26ebe24da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/authors.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+* Tomoya Ishida (tompng)
+ *
+ * cctld: jp
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/entry.rb b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/entry.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97beacc684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/entry.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ eval((s=%~c=(0..35
+ ).map{s[2*_1+1]}*'';class$Inte
+ ger;def$quXinclude(Math ;spXo(a)=self*
+ a.pow(87X=h=32.chr;g=PI/480;ls=(sp*31X,89)%89;
+ def$abX+'eval((s=%'+(n=? .next)+s*88.chr+[nXs()=[a
+ =self%X+'.split(',sp*25+'?'+88.chr+');(0..36).mapX89,89-
+ a].miX{s[2*_1].split}',sp*31+"'$',$/)))"]*$/)Xn;end
+ ;reqX.split$/;trap(:INT){puts;exit};q=->t,i{a,y=((t+i*99)Xuire
+ 'matrX%960). ivmod(80);[(a*(7+i)+i*23)%79+(y+a)/(5+i%4)%2,39Xix';1
+ 5.tiX-y/2]};p=->t,u{a=->b,c{(0..5).sum{(u%2-1)*E**(t*(b+c*_1)*gXmes{
+ |i,*X.i+ i*u+=5+sin(u*u))}};x,z=a[5,3]. 5,3].rect;x+=y.Xv|z=
+ *?!Xi a[19,4];z+=w;r=(4+(x.abs+z.i).ab };t=(0..959).fX..?
+ W,?Xind{|t|(0..29).all?{x,y=q[t,_1];(x 2||h=ls[y][x]X[,*
+ ?]..X[/[^!-}]/]}};h=($**h+h).chr;eval( []} ->(x,yX?};a
+ =(0X,a,b){x=x*36+39.5;y=19.5-y*18;b*=1 |i|((yX..1
+ 34)X-b).ceil..y+b).map{|j|((x-i)/a+(y j)/ .times{
+ p{zXx,z=p[t,_1];l=u```=0;while``````(l<1)``; u+```=0 ;d=x-y;
+dex(Xl+=(d.abs+(z-w``)``.i).ab``s*1.``1 ;x``,z=y``,w;o[v``=``x.r d.imag/Xc[i+
+15*Xd.abs*l*sin(2*``l-t``*g*80``-_1) l*(``1-l)/``6,a``=l*( -l)**2*0.X_1]
+)};X7,a*2]&&o[v,z,``0.0``3,l**`` ``times``{|i``|(8+i).times{|Xw=*
+MatXj|o[sin(i)/2+````` ```sin( `/2.0`````````)*j/200,j*0.0Xrix
+[*(X5-1,0.02,0.1]``}} ``. q[t,``_1];m``[y][x]= };i=-X0..
+44).X1;$><<(['%%','[H .map{|j|(0..79).map{|k|x=(Xmap{
+ |i,X -39.5)/35.8;y=( i+=1;m[j][k]?h:c[i]):ls[j]X*b|
+ v<<X[k];}*''}*$/<<0) 1)%9 te"`")#qv.jSaL{=;q(Q}4fXa.z
+ ip(Xjs(:#tK`Jm))FKO /A9(2'%iorvf7 eEa0uV xv+Q@qUU](L@&Py .1v'X0..
+ ).suXydSEH{-GI|-5(,z G5evpq,[b50 D[ t {on,I?VStS`?G@LoqFCXm{|j
+ ,k|Xj1.QnxKz!mH%o# )b2Seut,]! 48 lBieJGi 5jeNPD#b}H3X-(p
+ =(iXaVz#8*+US,hgF 5#6]y-` 4hy HN hF75WjD!0IxJ$sX+k)
+ .powX+UP"cNUE9- G< tHvV;Ib <-s U T ? vlE xylg=x#X(i+k
+ ,88)XV9u$9lKb9 @C do7+-w >l { v9 { P l ga%]AK<e&'X+1)*
+ (j||(X4ifK/6S+ k} @@*a} 6rS xn"Q[M 8 `|g>$#BrjXb<<p;
+ 0))}XtbDp'Kc t2 Dat9C s C rL+ g,j]Tf B< eMI+zzkWX;b}]
+ .lup.XtVP<ak IM E/+)B jwv uB (Twqed D* dyf_dT7Xsolve
+ (v);13Xn:8 #_ RiSTO, [Fk m O]O#"+ a_ cT_.X5.time
+ s{c[i+X e5 T`FBEC q*f 2 o@{a<eUG aW PX15*_1]
+ =z[a[_1]X z_@`nll 7F1 2 [=^uS0z^ 6X||w.shif
+ t]}};eval(Xfg K#R N bp-E_Xc)~.split(
+ ?X);(0..36).map{s[2*_1].split}
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/remarks.markdown b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/remarks.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70601908b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/01-tompng/remarks.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+### Remarks
+Just run it with no argument:
+ ruby entry.rb
+Or run it with one non-ascii half-width character argument:
+ ruby entry.rb ⬮
+ ruby entry.rb 𓆡
+I confirmed the following implementations/platforms:
+* ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision 95aff21468) [x86_64-darwin19]
+* ruby 3.1.0p0 (2021-12-25 revision fb4df44d16) [x86_64-darwin20]
+### Description
+This program is an aquatic quine.
+Some characters in the code are overwritten with `" "`, but this program can restore the missing parts.
+Every frame of this animation is an executable ruby program that let fishes start swimming again from their current position.
+### Internals
+#### Error Correction
+Error correction is performed for each block of length 135.
+It consists of 89 kinds of characters(`[*('!'..'W'), '[', *(']'..'}')]`) and satisfies the following constraint.
+matrix(size: 45x135) * block_vector(size: 135) % 89 == zero_vector(size: 45)
+To restore the missing characters in the block, we need to solve a linear equation problem in modulo 89.
+This can be achieved by using bundled gem 'matrix' and overwriting some methods.
+require 'matrix'
+matrix = Matrix[[3, 1, 4], [1, 5, 9], [2, 6, 5]]
+class Integer
+ def quo(x) = self * x.pow(87, 89) % 89 # Fermat's little theorem. 89 is a prime number.
+ def abs() = [self % 89, 89 - self % 89].min # To avoid division by multiple of 89.
+answer = matrix.lup.solve([1, 2, 3]) #=> Vector[24, 42, 83]
+(matrix * answer).map { _1 % 89 } #=> Vector[1, 2, 3]
+#### Resuming Animation
+The entire animation of this fish tank is a loop of 960 frames.
+This program uses position of the floating bubbles to detect current frame number from the executed source code.
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/authors.markdown b/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/authors.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26ebe24da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/authors.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+* Tomoya Ishida (tompng)
+ *
+ * cctld: jp
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/entry.rb b/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/entry.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e2e2bcf74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/entry.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ q=->{!sleep _1/1e2};p=(
+ c=0..2).map{[_1/9r ,0,5**_1.i/3,1,0]}
+ require'socket';puts'op' "en http://localhost:#{(
+ ]*s=3;;!{0<_1[3]=[_1[3]+_1[4]/8.0,1
+ ].min};9.times{{[2**(_1*t.i)/_4**0.5/(1+Math.sin(2*t-
+ 9*_1%2)**32/16),_2+_4*( _3-_2)]};r=[s*3/2,84].min;g=->{x,y=
+(s*(1+_1+1i)/2).rect;x<0 ||x>=s-1||y<0||y>=s-1?0:((l=f[y+1])[
+x+1]*(a=x%1)+(1-a)*l[x] )*(b=y%1)+(1-b)*((l=f[y])[x+1]*a+(1-
+a)*l[x])};f=(1..r).map {|y|(1..r).map{|x|z=1.5+1.5i-3.0*(y
+.i+x)/r;[h.sum{g[_1.*z +_2]}*0.9,1].min}};s=r};c=f.flatten
+redo};loop{s=w.accept ;{r=s.gets;h='HTTP/1.1 '+
+"200 OK\r\nContent-" 'T' "ype:text/html\r\n\r\n";r['/ ']?s.
+ <<(h+'<style>ifram' 'e{' 'opacity:0;height:0;}input{wid'+
+ 'th:252px;}</styl' 'e>' '<form target="i"><input src="'+
+ "g#{rand}\" type" '="im' 'age"><iframe name="i"></ifra'+
+ 'me></form>'):r ['/g'] ?(h[/:.+l/]=?:'image/gif';s<<
+ h+'GIF8' '7a'+[84,
+ 84,246,0,*(0..383).map {15*_1. /(383r)**(3-_1%
+ 3)*17}].pack('v3c*'); loop{ s<<[67434785,5,
+ 44,84,84,7,{_1* 127} .each_slice(126
+ ).map{[127,128,*_1 ] .pack'c*'}*'',
+ 1,129].pack('V3x' 'v2na*c2x');q[
+ 5];q.[]1while(r ==r=c)}):(x,y,
+ z=r.scan(/\d+/).map{_1.to_f/
+ 126-1};z&&p<<[rand-0.5,(
+ z=x+y.i)*1.5,z/(z.
+ abs+0.9),0,-p[
+ -3][4]=-1]
+ s.<<h);s
+ .close
+ }}
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/remarks.markdown b/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/remarks.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b2d3fd84b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/02-tompng/remarks.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+### Remarks
+1. Run it with `ruby entry.rb 8080`
+2. Open "http://localhost:8080"
+3. Click on the screen and interact with it
+I confirmed the following implementations/platforms:
+* Ruby Version
+ * ruby 3.1.0p0 (2021-12-25 revision fb4df44d16) [x86_64-darwin20]
+* Browser
+ * Chrome(macOS, Android)
+ * Firefox(macOS)
+ * Edge(macOS)
+### Description
+This program is an HTTP server that provides a fractal creature playground.
+You can see the heartbeat of a mysterious fractal creature. Clicking on the screen will change the shape of the creature.
+Surprisingly, this interactive webpage is built without JavaScript.
+### Internals
+Fractal: Iterated function system
+Rendering from server: Streaming animated GIF
+Sending click event to server: `<input type="image" src="streaming.gif">` with `<form target="invisible_iframe">`
+### Limitations
+Does not work on Safari and iOS.
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/03-mame/authors.markdown b/sample/trick2022/03-mame/authors.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e420fdf5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/03-mame/authors.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+* Yusuke Endoh
+ *
+ * cctld: jp
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/03-mame/entry.rb b/sample/trick2022/03-mame/entry.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e48d3724d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/03-mame/entry.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+.chars} {puts'TRICK+2022'
+ \ { ;
+#';$><< b
+ ?!
+};#{s=' ' # 0
+! s[0]? ( b=$<.read ;'
+} ub( ,''}
+';a= ''<<32
+b.lines {puts( ?.. *(
+b.size) .gsub(/./) {
+b.sub!( /^#$`\K(\S)
+ /x,a)?$1:a }
+ .rstrip)}):
+ ( [ 12,1,12,11].
+cycle { | i | t = ( s *
+10+ %(\e[A)*
+10. times{t[i*
+ _1 ] = 'TRICK+2022'[
+ _1 ] };$><<t
+ sleep 1})
+ }"
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/03-mame/remarks.markdown b/sample/trick2022/03-mame/remarks.markdown
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c38279f016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/03-mame/remarks.markdown
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Execute the program normally.
+$ ruby entry.rb
+It shakes a string.
+... Wait! This is not all.
+Next, please apply "leftward gravity" to each letter in the file.
+IOW, if there is a space to the left of a letter, move it to the left.
+Here, you may want to use the following command.
+$ sed "s/ //g" entry.rb | tee up.rb
+This program applies "upward gravity" to each letter in an input text.
+The following demo will help you understand what this means.
+$ cat test.txt
+$ ruby up.rb test.txt
+Now, here's where we come in.
+Please apply "upward gravity" to entry.rb.
+$ ruby up.rb entry.rb | tee left.rb
+I think that you already noticed that.
+This program applies "leftward gravity" to an input text.
+$ cat test.txt
+$ ruby left.rb test.txt
+`sed` is no longer required to create `up.rb`; just use `left.rb`.
+$ ruby left.rb entry.rb > up.rb
+We've come to the final stage.
+Please apply `left.rb` to `left.rb`.
+$ ruby left.rb left.rb | tee horizontal.rb
+$ ruby horizontal.rb
+Of course, it is also possible to apply `up.rb` to `up.rb`.
+$ ruby up.rb up.rb | tee vertical.rb
+$ ruby vertical.rb
+Can you tell how they work? Enjoy analyzing!
+Code reading tips (spoiler)
+Some code fragments are highly reused between the programs.
+For example, note that this program has one code fragment to input a text
+(`b=$>.read`); `up.rb` and `left.rb` share and use this code fragment.
+Also, `horizontal.rb` and `vertical.rb` share the fragment `puts'TRICK+2022'`.
+Sometimes letters in very distant places are reused all over the place.
+Can you tell how it detects if it is already aligned or not yet?
+Here is a simplified version of the gimmick to switch behavior when
+"\ #{puts('not left-aligned yet')}
+ # {puts('left-aligned')}"
+And for top-aligned:
+x#{puts('not top-aligned yet')}
+It is also necessary to detect "top-left-aligned" and "left-top-aligned".
+I made tons of subtle adjustments and trial-and-error to create the program.
+I no longer know precisely how it works.
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/03-mame/test.txt b/sample/trick2022/03-mame/test.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18802153a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/03-mame/test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ R
+ I
+ C
+ K
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ 2
+ 0
+ 2
+ 2
diff --git a/sample/trick2022/ b/sample/trick2022/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b2af6f86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/trick2022/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+This directory contains the award-winning entries of
+the 4th Transcendental Ruby Imbroglio Contest for rubyKaigi (TRICK 2022).
+THESE ARE BAD EXAMPLES! You must NOT use them as a sample code.
+* 01-tompng/entry.rb: "Best fishbowl" -- Tomoya Ishida (tompng)
+* 02-tompng/entry.rb: "Most interactive code" -- Tomoya Ishida (tompng)
+* 03-mame/entry.rb: "Most anti-gravity" -- Yusuke Endoh
+These files are licensed under MIT license.
+For the contest outline and other winning entries, see: