diff options
-rw-r--r--test/csv/line_endings.gzbin59 -> 0 bytes
43 files changed, 1 insertions, 11485 deletions
diff --git a/gems/bundled_gems b/gems/bundled_gems
index 15944356cd..4d9e6cbf94 100644
--- a/gems/bundled_gems
+++ b/gems/bundled_gems
@@ -32,3 +32,4 @@ rinda 0.2.0
drb 2.2.0
nkf 0.2.0
syslog 0.1.2
+csv 3.2.8
diff --git a/lib/csv.rb b/lib/csv.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e8aa20ddd2..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2882 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: US-ASCII
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# = csv.rb -- CSV Reading and Writing
-# Created by James Edward Gray II on 2005-10-31.
-# See CSV for documentation.
-# == Description
-# Welcome to the new and improved CSV.
-# This version of the CSV library began its life as FasterCSV. FasterCSV was
-# intended as a replacement to Ruby's then standard CSV library. It was
-# designed to address concerns users of that library had and it had three
-# primary goals:
-# 1. Be significantly faster than CSV while remaining a pure Ruby library.
-# 2. Use a smaller and easier to maintain code base. (FasterCSV eventually
-# grew larger, was also but considerably richer in features. The parsing
-# core remains quite small.)
-# 3. Improve on the CSV interface.
-# Obviously, the last one is subjective. I did try to defer to the original
-# interface whenever I didn't have a compelling reason to change it though, so
-# hopefully this won't be too radically different.
-# We must have met our goals because FasterCSV was renamed to CSV and replaced
-# the original library as of Ruby 1.9. If you are migrating code from 1.8 or
-# earlier, you may have to change your code to comply with the new interface.
-# == What's the Different From the Old CSV?
-# I'm sure I'll miss something, but I'll try to mention most of the major
-# differences I am aware of, to help others quickly get up to speed:
-# === \CSV Parsing
-# * This parser is m17n aware. See CSV for full details.
-# * This library has a stricter parser and will throw MalformedCSVErrors on
-# problematic data.
-# * This library has a less liberal idea of a line ending than CSV. What you
-# set as the <tt>:row_sep</tt> is law. It can auto-detect your line endings
-# though.
-# * The old library returned empty lines as <tt>[nil]</tt>. This library calls
-# them <tt>[]</tt>.
-# * This library has a much faster parser.
-# === Interface
-# * CSV now uses keyword parameters to set options.
-# * CSV no longer has generate_row() or parse_row().
-# * The old CSV's Reader and Writer classes have been dropped.
-# * CSV::open() is now more like Ruby's open().
-# * CSV objects now support most standard IO methods.
-# * CSV now has a new() method used to wrap objects like String and IO for
-# reading and writing.
-# * CSV::generate() is different from the old method.
-# * CSV no longer supports partial reads. It works line-by-line.
-# * CSV no longer allows the instance methods to override the separators for
-# performance reasons. They must be set in the constructor.
-# If you use this library and find yourself missing any functionality I have
-# trimmed, please {let me know}[].
-# == Documentation
-# See CSV for documentation.
-# == What is CSV, really?
-# CSV maintains a pretty strict definition of CSV taken directly from
-# {the RFC}[]. I relax the rules in only one
-# place and that is to make using this library easier. CSV will parse all valid
-# CSV.
-# What you don't want to do is to feed CSV invalid data. Because of the way the
-# CSV format works, it's common for a parser to need to read until the end of
-# the file to be sure a field is invalid. This consumes a lot of time and memory.
-# Luckily, when working with invalid CSV, Ruby's built-in methods will almost
-# always be superior in every way. For example, parsing non-quoted fields is as
-# easy as:
-# data.split(",")
-# == Questions and/or Comments
-# Feel free to email {James Edward Gray II}[]
-# with any questions.
-require "forwardable"
-require "date"
-require "stringio"
-require_relative "csv/fields_converter"
-require_relative "csv/input_record_separator"
-require_relative "csv/parser"
-require_relative "csv/row"
-require_relative "csv/table"
-require_relative "csv/writer"
-# == \CSV
-# === \CSV Data
-# \CSV (comma-separated values) data is a text representation of a table:
-# - A _row_ _separator_ delimits table rows.
-# A common row separator is the newline character <tt>"\n"</tt>.
-# - A _column_ _separator_ delimits fields in a row.
-# A common column separator is the comma character <tt>","</tt>.
-# This \CSV \String, with row separator <tt>"\n"</tt>
-# and column separator <tt>","</tt>,
-# has three rows and two columns:
-# "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
-# Despite the name \CSV, a \CSV representation can use different separators.
-# For more about tables, see the Wikipedia article
-# "{Table (information)}[]",
-# especially its section
-# "{Simple table}[]"
-# == \Class \CSV
-# Class \CSV provides methods for:
-# - Parsing \CSV data from a \String object, a \File (via its file path), or an \IO object.
-# - Generating \CSV data to a \String object.
-# To make \CSV available:
-# require 'csv'
-# All examples here assume that this has been done.
-# == Keeping It Simple
-# A \CSV object has dozens of instance methods that offer fine-grained control
-# of parsing and generating \CSV data.
-# For many needs, though, simpler approaches will do.
-# This section summarizes the singleton methods in \CSV
-# that allow you to parse and generate without explicitly
-# creating \CSV objects.
-# For details, follow the links.
-# === Simple Parsing
-# Parsing methods commonly return either of:
-# - An \Array of Arrays of Strings:
-# - The outer \Array is the entire "table".
-# - Each inner \Array is a row.
-# - Each \String is a field.
-# - A CSV::Table object. For details, see
-# {\CSV with Headers}[#class-CSV-label-CSV+with+Headers].
-# ==== Parsing a \String
-# The input to be parsed can be a string:
-# string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
-# \Method CSV.parse returns the entire \CSV data:
-# CSV.parse(string) # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# \Method CSV.parse_line returns only the first row:
-# CSV.parse_line(string) # => ["foo", "0"]
-# \CSV extends class \String with instance method String#parse_csv,
-# which also returns only the first row:
-# string.parse_csv # => ["foo", "0"]
-# ==== Parsing Via a \File Path
-# The input to be parsed can be in a file:
-# string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
-# path = 't.csv'
-# File.write(path, string)
-# \Method returns the entire \CSV data:
-# # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# \Method CSV.foreach iterates, passing each row to the given block:
-# CSV.foreach(path) do |row|
-# p row
-# end
-# Output:
-# ["foo", "0"]
-# ["bar", "1"]
-# ["baz", "2"]
-# \Method CSV.table returns the entire \CSV data as a CSV::Table object:
-# CSV.table(path) # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:3>
-# ==== Parsing from an Open \IO Stream
-# The input to be parsed can be in an open \IO stream:
-# \Method returns the entire \CSV data:
-# do |file|
-# end # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# As does method CSV.parse:
-# do |file|
-# CSV.parse(file)
-# end # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# \Method CSV.parse_line returns only the first row:
-# do |file|
-# CSV.parse_line(file)
-# end # => ["foo", "0"]
-# \Method CSV.foreach iterates, passing each row to the given block:
-# do |file|
-# CSV.foreach(file) do |row|
-# p row
-# end
-# end
-# Output:
-# ["foo", "0"]
-# ["bar", "1"]
-# ["baz", "2"]
-# \Method CSV.table returns the entire \CSV data as a CSV::Table object:
-# do |file|
-# CSV.table(file)
-# end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:3>
-# === Simple Generating
-# \Method CSV.generate returns a \String;
-# this example uses method CSV#<< to append the rows
-# that are to be generated:
-# output_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
-# csv << ['foo', 0]
-# csv << ['bar', 1]
-# csv << ['baz', 2]
-# end
-# output_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
-# \Method CSV.generate_line returns a \String containing the single row
-# constructed from an \Array:
-# CSV.generate_line(['foo', '0']) # => "foo,0\n"
-# \CSV extends class \Array with instance method <tt>Array#to_csv</tt>,
-# which forms an \Array into a \String:
-# ['foo', '0'].to_csv # => "foo,0\n"
-# === "Filtering" \CSV
-# \Method CSV.filter provides a Unix-style filter for \CSV data.
-# The input data is processed to form the output data:
-# in_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
-# out_string = ''
-# CSV.filter(in_string, out_string) do |row|
-# row[0] = row[0].upcase
-# row[1] *= 4
-# end
-# out_string # => "FOO,0000\nBAR,1111\nBAZ,2222\n"
-# == \CSV Objects
-# There are three ways to create a \CSV object:
-# - \Method returns a new \CSV object.
-# - \Method CSV.instance returns a new or cached \CSV object.
-# - \Method \CSV() also returns a new or cached \CSV object.
-# === Instance Methods
-# \CSV has three groups of instance methods:
-# - Its own internally defined instance methods.
-# - Methods included by module Enumerable.
-# - Methods delegated to class IO. See below.
-# ==== Delegated Methods
-# For convenience, a CSV object will delegate to many methods in class IO.
-# (A few have wrapper "guard code" in \CSV.) You may call:
-# * IO#binmode
-# * #binmode?
-# * IO#close
-# * IO#close_read
-# * IO#close_write
-# * IO#closed?
-# * #eof
-# * #eof?
-# * IO#external_encoding
-# * IO#fcntl
-# * IO#fileno
-# * #flock
-# * IO#flush
-# * IO#fsync
-# * IO#internal_encoding
-# * #ioctl
-# * IO#isatty
-# * #path
-# * IO#pid
-# * IO#pos
-# * IO#pos=
-# * IO#reopen
-# * #rewind
-# * IO#seek
-# * #stat
-# * IO#string
-# * IO#sync
-# * IO#sync=
-# * IO#tell
-# * #to_i
-# * #to_io
-# * IO#truncate
-# * IO#tty?
-# === Options
-# The default values for options are:
-# # For both parsing and generating.
-# col_sep: ",",
-# row_sep: :auto,
-# quote_char: '"',
-# # For parsing.
-# field_size_limit: nil,
-# converters: nil,
-# unconverted_fields: nil,
-# headers: false,
-# return_headers: false,
-# header_converters: nil,
-# skip_blanks: false,
-# skip_lines: nil,
-# liberal_parsing: false,
-# nil_value: nil,
-# empty_value: "",
-# strip: false,
-# # For generating.
-# write_headers: nil,
-# quote_empty: true,
-# force_quotes: false,
-# write_converters: nil,
-# write_nil_value: nil,
-# write_empty_value: "",
-# }
-# ==== Options for Parsing
-# Options for parsing, described in detail below, include:
-# - +row_sep+: Specifies the row separator; used to delimit rows.
-# - +col_sep+: Specifies the column separator; used to delimit fields.
-# - +quote_char+: Specifies the quote character; used to quote fields.
-# - +field_size_limit+: Specifies the maximum field size + 1 allowed.
-# Deprecated since 3.2.3. Use +max_field_size+ instead.
-# - +max_field_size+: Specifies the maximum field size allowed.
-# - +converters+: Specifies the field converters to be used.
-# - +unconverted_fields+: Specifies whether unconverted fields are to be available.
-# - +headers+: Specifies whether data contains headers,
-# or specifies the headers themselves.
-# - +return_headers+: Specifies whether headers are to be returned.
-# - +header_converters+: Specifies the header converters to be used.
-# - +skip_blanks+: Specifies whether blanks lines are to be ignored.
-# - +skip_lines+: Specifies how comments lines are to be recognized.
-# - +strip+: Specifies whether leading and trailing whitespace are to be
-# stripped from fields. This must be compatible with +col_sep+; if it is not,
-# then an +ArgumentError+ exception will be raised.
-# - +liberal_parsing+: Specifies whether \CSV should attempt to parse
-# non-compliant data.
-# - +nil_value+: Specifies the object that is to be substituted for each null (no-text) field.
-# - +empty_value+: Specifies the object that is to be substituted for each empty field.
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/common/row_sep.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/common/col_sep.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/common/quote_char.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/field_size_limit.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/converters.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/unconverted_fields.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/headers.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/return_headers.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/header_converters.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/skip_blanks.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/skip_lines.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/strip.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/liberal_parsing.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/nil_value.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/parsing/empty_value.rdoc
-# ==== Options for Generating
-# Options for generating, described in detail below, include:
-# - +row_sep+: Specifies the row separator; used to delimit rows.
-# - +col_sep+: Specifies the column separator; used to delimit fields.
-# - +quote_char+: Specifies the quote character; used to quote fields.
-# - +write_headers+: Specifies whether headers are to be written.
-# - +force_quotes+: Specifies whether each output field is to be quoted.
-# - +quote_empty+: Specifies whether each empty output field is to be quoted.
-# - +write_converters+: Specifies the field converters to be used in writing.
-# - +write_nil_value+: Specifies the object that is to be substituted for each +nil+-valued field.
-# - +write_empty_value+: Specifies the object that is to be substituted for each empty field.
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/common/row_sep.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/common/col_sep.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/common/quote_char.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/generating/write_headers.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/generating/force_quotes.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/generating/quote_empty.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/generating/write_converters.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/generating/write_nil_value.rdoc
-# :include: ../doc/csv/options/generating/write_empty_value.rdoc
-# === \CSV with Headers
-# CSV allows to specify column names of CSV file, whether they are in data, or
-# provided separately. If headers are specified, reading methods return an instance
-# of CSV::Table, consisting of CSV::Row.
-# # Headers are part of data
-# data = CSV.parse(<<~ROWS, headers: true)
-# Name,Department,Salary
-# Bob,Engineering,1000
-# Jane,Sales,2000
-# John,Management,5000
-# data.class #=> CSV::Table
-# data.first #=> #<CSV::Row "Name":"Bob" "Department":"Engineering" "Salary":"1000">
-# data.first.to_h #=> {"Name"=>"Bob", "Department"=>"Engineering", "Salary"=>"1000"}
-# # Headers provided by developer
-# data = CSV.parse('Bob,Engineering,1000', headers: %i[name department salary])
-# data.first #=> #<CSV::Row name:"Bob" department:"Engineering" salary:"1000">
-# === \Converters
-# By default, each value (field or header) parsed by \CSV is formed into a \String.
-# You can use a _field_ _converter_ or _header_ _converter_
-# to intercept and modify the parsed values:
-# - See {Field Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Field+Converters].
-# - See {Header Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Header+Converters].
-# Also by default, each value to be written during generation is written 'as-is'.
-# You can use a _write_ _converter_ to modify values before writing.
-# - See {Write Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Write+Converters].
-# ==== Specifying \Converters
-# You can specify converters for parsing or generating in the +options+
-# argument to various \CSV methods:
-# - Option +converters+ for converting parsed field values.
-# - Option +header_converters+ for converting parsed header values.
-# - Option +write_converters+ for converting values to be written (generated).
-# There are three forms for specifying converters:
-# - A converter proc: executable code to be used for conversion.
-# - A converter name: the name of a stored converter.
-# - A converter list: an array of converter procs, converter names, and converter lists.
-# ===== Converter Procs
-# This converter proc, +strip_converter+, accepts a value +field+
-# and returns <tt>field.strip</tt>:
-# strip_converter = proc {|field| field.strip }
-# In this call to <tt>CSV.parse</tt>,
-# the keyword argument <tt>converters: string_converter</tt>
-# specifies that:
-# - \Proc +string_converter+ is to be called for each parsed field.
-# - The converter's return value is to replace the +field+ value.
-# Example:
-# string = " foo , 0 \n bar , 1 \n baz , 2 \n"
-# array = CSV.parse(string, converters: strip_converter)
-# array # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# A converter proc can receive a second argument, +field_info+,
-# that contains details about the field.
-# This modified +strip_converter+ displays its arguments:
-# strip_converter = proc do |field, field_info|
-# p [field, field_info]
-# field.strip
-# end
-# string = " foo , 0 \n bar , 1 \n baz , 2 \n"
-# array = CSV.parse(string, converters: strip_converter)
-# array # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# Output:
-# [" foo ", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=0, line=1, header=nil>]
-# [" 0 ", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=1, line=1, header=nil>]
-# [" bar ", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=0, line=2, header=nil>]
-# [" 1 ", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=1, line=2, header=nil>]
-# [" baz ", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=0, line=3, header=nil>]
-# [" 2 ", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=1, line=3, header=nil>]
-# Each CSV::FieldInfo object shows:
-# - The 0-based field index.
-# - The 1-based line index.
-# - The field header, if any.
-# ===== Stored \Converters
-# A converter may be given a name and stored in a structure where
-# the parsing methods can find it by name.
-# The storage structure for field converters is the \Hash CSV::Converters.
-# It has several built-in converter procs:
-# - <tt>:integer</tt>: converts each \String-embedded integer into a true \Integer.
-# - <tt>:float</tt>: converts each \String-embedded float into a true \Float.
-# - <tt>:date</tt>: converts each \String-embedded date into a true \Date.
-# - <tt>:date_time</tt>: converts each \String-embedded date-time into a true \DateTime
-# .
-# This example creates a converter proc, then stores it:
-# strip_converter = proc {|field| field.strip }
-# CSV::Converters[:strip] = strip_converter
-# Then the parsing method call can refer to the converter
-# by its name, <tt>:strip</tt>:
-# string = " foo , 0 \n bar , 1 \n baz , 2 \n"
-# array = CSV.parse(string, converters: :strip)
-# array # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# The storage structure for header converters is the \Hash CSV::HeaderConverters,
-# which works in the same way.
-# It also has built-in converter procs:
-# - <tt>:downcase</tt>: Downcases each header.
-# - <tt>:symbol</tt>: Converts each header to a \Symbol.
-# There is no such storage structure for write headers.
-# In order for the parsing methods to access stored converters in non-main-Ractors, the
-# storage structure must be made shareable first.
-# Therefore, <tt>Ractor.make_shareable(CSV::Converters)</tt> and
-# <tt>Ractor.make_shareable(CSV::HeaderConverters)</tt> must be called before the creation
-# of Ractors that use the converters stored in these structures. (Since making the storage
-# structures shareable involves freezing them, any custom converters that are to be used
-# must be added first.)
-# ===== Converter Lists
-# A _converter_ _list_ is an \Array that may include any assortment of:
-# - Converter procs.
-# - Names of stored converters.
-# - Nested converter lists.
-# Examples:
-# numeric_converters = [:integer, :float]
-# date_converters = [:date, :date_time]
-# [numeric_converters, strip_converter]
-# [strip_converter, date_converters, :float]
-# Like a converter proc, a converter list may be named and stored in either
-# \CSV::Converters or CSV::HeaderConverters:
-# CSV::Converters[:custom] = [strip_converter, date_converters, :float]
-# CSV::HeaderConverters[:custom] = [:downcase, :symbol]
-# There are two built-in converter lists:
-# CSV::Converters[:numeric] # => [:integer, :float]
-# CSV::Converters[:all] # => [:date_time, :numeric]
-# ==== Field \Converters
-# With no conversion, all parsed fields in all rows become Strings:
-# string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
-# ary = CSV.parse(string)
-# ary # => # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# When you specify a field converter, each parsed field is passed to the converter;
-# its return value becomes the stored value for the field.
-# A converter might, for example, convert an integer embedded in a \String
-# into a true \Integer.
-# (In fact, that's what built-in field converter +:integer+ does.)
-# There are three ways to use field \converters.
-# - Using option {converters}[#class-CSV-label-Option+converters] with a parsing method:
-# ary = CSV.parse(string, converters: :integer)
-# ary # => [0, 1, 2] # => [["foo", 0], ["bar", 1], ["baz", 2]]
-# - Using option {converters}[#class-CSV-label-Option+converters] with a new \CSV instance:
-# csv =, converters: :integer)
-# # Field converters in effect:
-# csv.converters # => [:integer]
-# # => [["foo", 0], ["bar", 1], ["baz", 2]]
-# - Using method #convert to add a field converter to a \CSV instance:
-# csv =
-# # Add a converter.
-# csv.convert(:integer)
-# csv.converters # => [:integer]
-# # => [["foo", 0], ["bar", 1], ["baz", 2]]
-# Installing a field converter does not affect already-read rows:
-# csv =
-# csv.shift # => ["foo", "0"]
-# # Add a converter.
-# csv.convert(:integer)
-# csv.converters # => [:integer]
-# # => [["bar", 1], ["baz", 2]]
-# There are additional built-in \converters, and custom \converters are also supported.
-# ===== Built-In Field \Converters
-# The built-in field converters are in \Hash CSV::Converters:
-# - Each key is a field converter name.
-# - Each value is one of:
-# - A \Proc field converter.
-# - An \Array of field converter names.
-# Display:
-# CSV::Converters.each_pair do |name, value|
-# if value.kind_of?(Proc)
-# p [name, value.class]
-# else
-# p [name, value]
-# end
-# end
-# Output:
-# [:integer, Proc]
-# [:float, Proc]
-# [:numeric, [:integer, :float]]
-# [:date, Proc]
-# [:date_time, Proc]
-# [:all, [:date_time, :numeric]]
-# Each of these converters transcodes values to UTF-8 before attempting conversion.
-# If a value cannot be transcoded to UTF-8 the conversion will
-# fail and the value will remain unconverted.
-# Converter +:integer+ converts each field that Integer() accepts:
-# data = '0,1,2,x'
-# # Without the converter
-# csv = CSV.parse_line(data)
-# csv # => ["0", "1", "2", "x"]
-# # With the converter
-# csv = CSV.parse_line(data, converters: :integer)
-# csv # => [0, 1, 2, "x"]
-# Converter +:float+ converts each field that Float() accepts:
-# data = '1.0,3.14159,x'
-# # Without the converter
-# csv = CSV.parse_line(data)
-# csv # => ["1.0", "3.14159", "x"]
-# # With the converter
-# csv = CSV.parse_line(data, converters: :float)
-# csv # => [1.0, 3.14159, "x"]
-# Converter +:numeric+ converts with both +:integer+ and +:float+..
-# Converter +:date+ converts each field that Date::parse accepts:
-# data = '2001-02-03,x'
-# # Without the converter
-# csv = CSV.parse_line(data)
-# csv # => ["2001-02-03", "x"]
-# # With the converter
-# csv = CSV.parse_line(data, converters: :date)
-# csv # => [#<Date: 2001-02-03 ((2451944j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, "x"]
-# Converter +:date_time+ converts each field that DateTime::parse accepts:
-# data = '2020-05-07T14:59:00-05:00,x'
-# # Without the converter
-# csv = CSV.parse_line(data)
-# csv # => ["2020-05-07T14:59:00-05:00", "x"]
-# # With the converter
-# csv = CSV.parse_line(data, converters: :date_time)
-# csv # => [#<DateTime: 2020-05-07T14:59:00-05:00 ((2458977j,71940s,0n),-18000s,2299161j)>, "x"]
-# Converter +:numeric+ converts with both +:date_time+ and +:numeric+..
-# As seen above, method #convert adds \converters to a \CSV instance,
-# and method #converters returns an \Array of the \converters in effect:
-# csv ='0,1,2')
-# csv.converters # => []
-# csv.convert(:integer)
-# csv.converters # => [:integer]
-# csv.convert(:date)
-# csv.converters # => [:integer, :date]
-# ===== Custom Field \Converters
-# You can define a custom field converter:
-# strip_converter = proc {|field| field.strip }
-# string = " foo , 0 \n bar , 1 \n baz , 2 \n"
-# array = CSV.parse(string, converters: strip_converter)
-# array # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# You can register the converter in \Converters \Hash,
-# which allows you to refer to it by name:
-# CSV::Converters[:strip] = strip_converter
-# string = " foo , 0 \n bar , 1 \n baz , 2 \n"
-# array = CSV.parse(string, converters: :strip)
-# array # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
-# ==== Header \Converters
-# Header converters operate only on headers (and not on other rows).
-# There are three ways to use header \converters;
-# these examples use built-in header converter +:downcase+,
-# which downcases each parsed header.
-# - Option +header_converters+ with a singleton parsing method:
-# string = "Name,Count\nFoo,0\n,Bar,1\nBaz,2"
-# tbl = CSV.parse(string, headers: true, header_converters: :downcase)
-# tbl.class # => CSV::Table
-# tbl.headers # => ["name", "count"]
-# - Option +header_converters+ with a new \CSV instance:
-# csv =, header_converters: :downcase)
-# # Header converters in effect:
-# csv.header_converters # => [:downcase]
-# tbl = CSV.parse(string, headers: true)
-# tbl.headers # => ["Name", "Count"]
-# - Method #header_convert adds a header converter to a \CSV instance:
-# csv =
-# # Add a header converter.
-# csv.header_convert(:downcase)
-# csv.header_converters # => [:downcase]
-# tbl = CSV.parse(string, headers: true)
-# tbl.headers # => ["Name", "Count"]
-# ===== Built-In Header \Converters
-# The built-in header \converters are in \Hash CSV::HeaderConverters.
-# The keys there are the names of the \converters:
-# CSV::HeaderConverters.keys # => [:downcase, :symbol]
-# Converter +:downcase+ converts each header by downcasing it:
-# string = "Name,Count\nFoo,0\n,Bar,1\nBaz,2"
-# tbl = CSV.parse(string, headers: true, header_converters: :downcase)
-# tbl.class # => CSV::Table
-# tbl.headers # => ["name", "count"]
-# Converter +:symbol+ converts each header by making it into a \Symbol:
-# string = "Name,Count\nFoo,0\n,Bar,1\nBaz,2"
-# tbl = CSV.parse(string, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol)
-# tbl.headers # => [:name, :count]
-# Details:
-# - Strips leading and trailing whitespace.
-# - Downcases the header.
-# - Replaces embedded spaces with underscores.
-# - Removes non-word characters.
-# - Makes the string into a \Symbol.
-# ===== Custom Header \Converters
-# You can define a custom header converter:
-# upcase_converter = proc {|header| header.upcase }
-# string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
-# table = CSV.parse(string, headers: true, header_converters: upcase_converter)
-# table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
-# table.headers # => ["NAME", "VALUE"]
-# You can register the converter in \HeaderConverters \Hash,
-# which allows you to refer to it by name:
-# CSV::HeaderConverters[:upcase] = upcase_converter
-# table = CSV.parse(string, headers: true, header_converters: :upcase)
-# table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
-# table.headers # => ["NAME", "VALUE"]
-# ===== Write \Converters
-# When you specify a write converter for generating \CSV,
-# each field to be written is passed to the converter;
-# its return value becomes the new value for the field.
-# A converter might, for example, strip whitespace from a field.
-# Using no write converter (all fields unmodified):
-# output_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
-# csv << [' foo ', 0]
-# csv << [' bar ', 1]
-# csv << [' baz ', 2]
-# end
-# output_string # => " foo ,0\n bar ,1\n baz ,2\n"
-# Using option +write_converters+ with two custom write converters:
-# strip_converter = proc {|field| field.respond_to?(:strip) ? field.strip : field }
-# upcase_converter = proc {|field| field.respond_to?(:upcase) ? field.upcase : field }
-# write_converters = [strip_converter, upcase_converter]
-# output_string = CSV.generate(write_converters: write_converters) do |csv|
-# csv << [' foo ', 0]
-# csv << [' bar ', 1]
-# csv << [' baz ', 2]
-# end
-# output_string # => "FOO,0\nBAR,1\nBAZ,2\n"
-# === Character Encodings (M17n or Multilingualization)
-# This new CSV parser is m17n savvy. The parser works in the Encoding of the IO
-# or String object being read from or written to. Your data is never transcoded
-# (unless you ask Ruby to transcode it for you) and will literally be parsed in
-# the Encoding it is in. Thus CSV will return Arrays or Rows of Strings in the
-# Encoding of your data. This is accomplished by transcoding the parser itself
-# into your Encoding.
-# Some transcoding must take place, of course, to accomplish this multiencoding
-# support. For example, <tt>:col_sep</tt>, <tt>:row_sep</tt>, and
-# <tt>:quote_char</tt> must be transcoded to match your data. Hopefully this
-# makes the entire process feel transparent, since CSV's defaults should just
-# magically work for your data. However, you can set these values manually in
-# the target Encoding to avoid the translation.
-# It's also important to note that while all of CSV's core parser is now
-# Encoding agnostic, some features are not. For example, the built-in
-# converters will try to transcode data to UTF-8 before making conversions.
-# Again, you can provide custom converters that are aware of your Encodings to
-# avoid this translation. It's just too hard for me to support native
-# conversions in all of Ruby's Encodings.
-# Anyway, the practical side of this is simple: make sure IO and String objects
-# passed into CSV have the proper Encoding set and everything should just work.
-# CSV methods that allow you to open IO objects (CSV::foreach(), CSV::open(),
-# CSV::read(), and CSV::readlines()) do allow you to specify the Encoding.
-# One minor exception comes when generating CSV into a String with an Encoding
-# that is not ASCII compatible. There's no existing data for CSV to use to
-# prepare itself and thus you will probably need to manually specify the desired
-# Encoding for most of those cases. It will try to guess using the fields in a
-# row of output though, when using CSV::generate_line() or Array#to_csv().
-# I try to point out any other Encoding issues in the documentation of methods
-# as they come up.
-# This has been tested to the best of my ability with all non-"dummy" Encodings
-# Ruby ships with. However, it is brave new code and may have some bugs.
-# Please feel free to {report}[] any issues you
-# find with it.
-class CSV
- # The error thrown when the parser encounters illegal CSV formatting.
- class MalformedCSVError < RuntimeError
- attr_reader :line_number
- alias_method :lineno, :line_number
- def initialize(message, line_number)
- @line_number = line_number
- super("#{message} in line #{line_number}.")
- end
- end
- # The error thrown when the parser encounters invalid encoding in CSV.
- class InvalidEncodingError < MalformedCSVError
- attr_reader :encoding
- def initialize(encoding, line_number)
- @encoding = encoding
- super("Invalid byte sequence in #{encoding}", line_number)
- end
- end
- #
- # A FieldInfo Struct contains details about a field's position in the data
- # source it was read from. CSV will pass this Struct to some blocks that make
- # decisions based on field structure. See CSV.convert_fields() for an
- # example.
- #
- # <b><tt>index</tt></b>:: The zero-based index of the field in its row.
- # <b><tt>line</tt></b>:: The line of the data source this row is from.
- # <b><tt>header</tt></b>:: The header for the column, when available.
- # <b><tt>quoted?</tt></b>:: True or false, whether the original value is quoted or not.
- #
- FieldInfo =, :line, :header, :quoted?)
- # A Regexp used to find and convert some common Date formats.
- DateMatcher = / \A(?: (\w+,?\s+)?\w+\s+\d{1,2},?\s+\d{2,4} |
- \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} )\z /x
- # A Regexp used to find and convert some common DateTime formats.
- DateTimeMatcher =
- / \A(?: (\w+,?\s+)?\w+\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2},?\s+\d{2,4} |
- # ISO-8601 and RFC-3339 (space instead of T) recognized by DateTime.parse
- \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
- (?:[T\s]\d{2}:\d{2}(?::\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?(?:[+-]\d{2}(?::\d{2})|Z)?)?)?
- )\z /x
- # The encoding used by all converters.
- ConverterEncoding = Encoding.find("UTF-8")
- # A \Hash containing the names and \Procs for the built-in field converters.
- # See {Built-In Field Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Built-In+Field+Converters].
- #
- # This \Hash is intentionally left unfrozen, and may be extended with
- # custom field converters.
- # See {Custom Field Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Custom+Field+Converters].
- Converters = {
- integer: lambda { |f|
- Integer(f.encode(ConverterEncoding)) rescue f
- },
- float: lambda { |f|
- Float(f.encode(ConverterEncoding)) rescue f
- },
- numeric: [:integer, :float],
- date: lambda { |f|
- begin
- e = f.encode(ConverterEncoding)
- e.match?(DateMatcher) ? Date.parse(e) : f
- rescue # encoding conversion or date parse errors
- f
- end
- },
- date_time: lambda { |f|
- begin
- e = f.encode(ConverterEncoding)
- e.match?(DateTimeMatcher) ? DateTime.parse(e) : f
- rescue # encoding conversion or date parse errors
- f
- end
- },
- all: [:date_time, :numeric],
- }
- # A \Hash containing the names and \Procs for the built-in header converters.
- # See {Built-In Header Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Built-In+Header+Converters].
- #
- # This \Hash is intentionally left unfrozen, and may be extended with
- # custom field converters.
- # See {Custom Header Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Custom+Header+Converters].
- HeaderConverters = {
- downcase: lambda { |h| h.encode(ConverterEncoding).downcase },
- symbol: lambda { |h|
- h.encode(ConverterEncoding).downcase.gsub(/[^\s\w]+/, "").strip.
- gsub(/\s+/, "_").to_sym
- },
- symbol_raw: lambda { |h| h.encode(ConverterEncoding).to_sym }
- }
- # Default values for method options.
- # For both parsing and generating.
- col_sep: ",",
- row_sep: :auto,
- quote_char: '"',
- # For parsing.
- field_size_limit: nil,
- max_field_size: nil,
- converters: nil,
- unconverted_fields: nil,
- headers: false,
- return_headers: false,
- header_converters: nil,
- skip_blanks: false,
- skip_lines: nil,
- liberal_parsing: false,
- nil_value: nil,
- empty_value: "",
- strip: false,
- # For generating.
- write_headers: nil,
- quote_empty: true,
- force_quotes: false,
- write_converters: nil,
- write_nil_value: nil,
- write_empty_value: "",
- }.freeze
- class << self
- # :call-seq:
- # instance(string, **options)
- # instance(io = $stdout, **options)
- # instance(string, **options) {|csv| ... }
- # instance(io = $stdout, **options) {|csv| ... }
- #
- # Creates or retrieves cached \CSV objects.
- # For arguments and options, see
- #
- # This API is not Ractor-safe.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With no block given, returns a \CSV object.
- #
- # The first call to +instance+ creates and caches a \CSV object:
- # s0 = 's0'
- # csv0 = CSV.instance(s0)
- # csv0.class # => CSV
- #
- # Subsequent calls to +instance+ with that _same_ +string+ or +io+
- # retrieve that same cached object:
- # csv1 = CSV.instance(s0)
- # csv1.class # => CSV
- # csv1.equal?(csv0) # => true # Same CSV object
- #
- # A subsequent call to +instance+ with a _different_ +string+ or +io+
- # creates and caches a _different_ \CSV object.
- # s1 = 's1'
- # csv2 = CSV.instance(s1)
- # csv2.equal?(csv0) # => false # Different CSV object
- #
- # All the cached objects remains available:
- # csv3 = CSV.instance(s0)
- # csv3.equal?(csv0) # true # Same CSV object
- # csv4 = CSV.instance(s1)
- # csv4.equal?(csv2) # true # Same CSV object
- #
- # ---
- #
- # When a block is given, calls the block with the created or retrieved
- # \CSV object; returns the block's return value:
- # CSV.instance(s0) {|csv| :foo } # => :foo
- def instance(data = $stdout, **options)
- # create a _signature_ for this method call, data object and options
- sig = [data.object_id] +
- options.values_at(*DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys)
- # fetch or create the instance for this signature
- @@instances ||=
- instance = (@@instances[sig] ||= new(data, **options))
- if block_given?
- yield instance # run block, if given, returning result
- else
- instance # or return the instance
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # filter(in_string_or_io, **options) {|row| ... } -> array_of_arrays or csv_table
- # filter(in_string_or_io, out_string_or_io, **options) {|row| ... } -> array_of_arrays or csv_table
- # filter(**options) {|row| ... } -> array_of_arrays or csv_table
- #
- # - Parses \CSV from a source (\String, \IO stream, or ARGF).
- # - Calls the given block with each parsed row:
- # - Without headers, each row is an \Array.
- # - With headers, each row is a CSV::Row.
- # - Generates \CSV to an output (\String, \IO stream, or STDOUT).
- # - Returns the parsed source:
- # - Without headers, an \Array of \Arrays.
- # - With headers, a CSV::Table.
- #
- # When +in_string_or_io+ is given, but not +out_string_or_io+,
- # parses from the given +in_string_or_io+
- # and generates to STDOUT.
- #
- # \String input without headers:
- #
- # in_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
- # CSV.filter(in_string) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end # => [["FOO", 0], ["BAR", -1], ["BAZ", -2]]
- #
- # Output (to STDOUT):
- #
- # FOO,0
- # BAR,-1
- # BAZ,-2
- #
- # \String input with headers:
- #
- # in_string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
- # CSV.filter(in_string, headers: true) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- #
- # Output (to STDOUT):
- #
- # Name,Value
- # FOO,0
- # BAR,-1
- # BAZ,-2
- #
- # \IO stream input without headers:
- #
- # File.write('t.csv', "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2")
- #'t.csv') do |in_io|
- # CSV.filter(in_io) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end
- # end # => [["FOO", 0], ["BAR", -1], ["BAZ", -2]]
- #
- # Output (to STDOUT):
- #
- # FOO,0
- # BAR,-1
- # BAZ,-2
- #
- # \IO stream input with headers:
- #
- # File.write('t.csv', "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2")
- #'t.csv') do |in_io|
- # CSV.filter(in_io, headers: true) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end
- # end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- #
- # Output (to STDOUT):
- #
- # Name,Value
- # FOO,0
- # BAR,-1
- # BAZ,-2
- #
- # When both +in_string_or_io+ and +out_string_or_io+ are given,
- # parses from +in_string_or_io+ and generates to +out_string_or_io+.
- #
- # \String output without headers:
- #
- # in_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
- # out_string = ''
- # CSV.filter(in_string, out_string) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end # => [["FOO", 0], ["BAR", -1], ["BAZ", -2]]
- # out_string # => "FOO,0\nBAR,-1\nBAZ,-2\n"
- #
- # \String output with headers:
- #
- # in_string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
- # out_string = ''
- # CSV.filter(in_string, out_string, headers: true) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # out_string # => "Name,Value\nFOO,0\nBAR,-1\nBAZ,-2\n"
- #
- # \IO stream output without headers:
- #
- # in_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
- #'t.csv', 'w') do |out_io|
- # CSV.filter(in_string, out_io) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end
- # end # => [["FOO", 0], ["BAR", -1], ["BAZ", -2]]
- #'t.csv') # => "FOO,0\nBAR,-1\nBAZ,-2\n"
- #
- # \IO stream output with headers:
- #
- # in_string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2"
- #'t.csv', 'w') do |out_io|
- # CSV.filter(in_string, out_io, headers: true) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end
- # end # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- #'t.csv') # => "Name,Value\nFOO,0\nBAR,-1\nBAZ,-2\n"
- #
- # When neither +in_string_or_io+ nor +out_string_or_io+ given,
- # parses from {ARGF}[rdoc-ref:ARGF]
- # and generates to STDOUT.
- #
- # Without headers:
- #
- # # Put Ruby code into a file.
- # ruby = <<-EOT
- # require 'csv'
- # CSV.filter do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end
- # EOT
- # File.write('t.rb', ruby)
- # # Put some CSV into a file.
- # File.write('t.csv', "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2")
- # # Run the Ruby code with CSV filename as argument.
- # system(Gem.ruby, "t.rb", "t.csv")
- #
- # Output (to STDOUT):
- #
- # FOO,0
- # BAR,-1
- # BAZ,-2
- #
- # With headers:
- #
- # # Put Ruby code into a file.
- # ruby = <<-EOT
- # require 'csv'
- # CSV.filter(headers: true) do |row|
- # row[0].upcase!
- # row[1] = - row[1].to_i
- # end
- # EOT
- # File.write('t.rb', ruby)
- # # Put some CSV into a file.
- # File.write('t.csv', "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2")
- # # Run the Ruby code with CSV filename as argument.
- # system(Gem.ruby, "t.rb", "t.csv")
- #
- # Output (to STDOUT):
- #
- # Name,Value
- # FOO,0
- # BAR,-1
- # BAZ,-2
- #
- # Arguments:
- #
- # * Argument +in_string_or_io+ must be a \String or an \IO stream.
- # * Argument +out_string_or_io+ must be a \String or an \IO stream.
- # * Arguments <tt>**options</tt> must be keyword options.
- # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
- def filter(input=nil, output=nil, **options)
- # parse options for input, output, or both
- in_options, out_options =, {row_sep: InputRecordSeparator.value}
- options.each do |key, value|
- case key
- when /\Ain(?:put)?_(.+)\Z/
- in_options[$1.to_sym] = value
- when /\Aout(?:put)?_(.+)\Z/
- out_options[$1.to_sym] = value
- else
- in_options[key] = value
- out_options[key] = value
- end
- end
- # build input and output wrappers
- input = new(input || ARGF, **in_options)
- output = new(output || $stdout, **out_options)
- # process headers
- need_manual_header_output =
- (in_options[:headers] and
- out_options[:headers] == true and
- out_options[:write_headers])
- if need_manual_header_output
- first_row = input.shift
- if first_row
- if first_row.is_a?(Row)
- headers = first_row.headers
- yield headers
- output << headers
- end
- yield first_row
- output << first_row
- end
- end
- # read, yield, write
- input.each do |row|
- yield row
- output << row
- end
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # foreach(path_or_io, mode='r', **options) {|row| ... )
- # foreach(path_or_io, mode='r', **options) -> new_enumerator
- #
- # Calls the block with each row read from source +path_or_io+.
- #
- # \Path input without headers:
- #
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # in_path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(in_path, string)
- # CSV.foreach(in_path) {|row| p row }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ["foo", "0"]
- # ["bar", "1"]
- # ["baz", "2"]
- #
- # \Path input with headers:
- #
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # in_path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(in_path, string)
- # CSV.foreach(in_path, headers: true) {|row| p row }
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- #
- # \IO stream input without headers:
- #
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #'t.csv') do |in_io|
- # CSV.foreach(in_io) {|row| p row }
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # ["foo", "0"]
- # ["bar", "1"]
- # ["baz", "2"]
- #
- # \IO stream input with headers:
- #
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #'t.csv') do |in_io|
- # CSV.foreach(in_io, headers: true) {|row| p row }
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- #
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- #
- # With no block given, returns an \Enumerator:
- #
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- # CSV.foreach(path) # => #<Enumerator: CSV:foreach("t.csv", "r")>
- #
- # Arguments:
- # * Argument +path_or_io+ must be a file path or an \IO stream.
- # * Argument +mode+, if given, must be a \File mode.
- # See {Access Modes}[rdoc-ref:File@Access+Modes].
- # * Arguments <tt>**options</tt> must be keyword options.
- # See {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing].
- # * This method optionally accepts an additional <tt>:encoding</tt> option
- # that you can use to specify the Encoding of the data read from +path+ or +io+.
- # You must provide this unless your data is in the encoding
- # given by <tt>Encoding::default_external</tt>.
- # Parsing will use this to determine how to parse the data.
- # You may provide a second Encoding to
- # have the data transcoded as it is read. For example,
- # encoding: 'UTF-32BE:UTF-8'
- # would read +UTF-32BE+ data from the file
- # but transcode it to +UTF-8+ before parsing.
- def foreach(path, mode="r", **options, &block)
- return to_enum(__method__, path, mode, **options) unless block_given?
- open(path, mode, **options) do |csv|
- csv.each(&block)
- end
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # generate(csv_string, **options) {|csv| ... }
- # generate(**options) {|csv| ... }
- #
- # * Argument +csv_string+, if given, must be a \String object;
- # defaults to a new empty \String.
- # * Arguments +options+, if given, should be generating options.
- # See {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Creates a new \CSV object via <tt>, **options)</tt>;
- # calls the block with the \CSV object, which the block may modify;
- # returns the \String generated from the \CSV object.
- #
- # Note that a passed \String *is* modified by this method.
- # Pass <tt>csv_string</tt>.dup if the \String must be preserved.
- #
- # This method has one additional option: <tt>:encoding</tt>,
- # which sets the base Encoding for the output if no no +str+ is specified.
- # CSV needs this hint if you plan to output non-ASCII compatible data.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Add lines:
- # input_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # output_string = CSV.generate(input_string) do |csv|
- # csv << ['bat', 3]
- # csv << ['bam', 4]
- # end
- # output_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\nbat,3\nbam,4\n"
- # input_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\nbat,3\nbam,4\n"
- # output_string.equal?(input_string) # => true # Same string, modified
- #
- # Add lines into new string, preserving old string:
- # input_string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # output_string = CSV.generate(input_string.dup) do |csv|
- # csv << ['bat', 3]
- # csv << ['bam', 4]
- # end
- # output_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\nbat,3\nbam,4\n"
- # input_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # output_string.equal?(input_string) # => false # Different strings
- #
- # Create lines from nothing:
- # output_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
- # csv << ['foo', 0]
- # csv << ['bar', 1]
- # csv << ['baz', 2]
- # end
- # output_string # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if +csv_string+ is not a \String object:
- # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Integer into String)
- # CSV.generate(0)
- #
- def generate(str=nil, **options)
- encoding = options[:encoding]
- # add a default empty String, if none was given
- if str
- str =
- str.set_encoding(encoding) if encoding
- else
- str = +""
- str.force_encoding(encoding) if encoding
- end
- csv = new(str, **options) # wrap
- yield csv # yield for appending
- csv.string # return final String
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # CSV.generate_line(ary)
- # CSV.generate_line(ary, **options)
- #
- # Returns the \String created by generating \CSV from +ary+
- # using the specified +options+.
- #
- # Argument +ary+ must be an \Array.
- #
- # Special options:
- # * Option <tt>:row_sep</tt> defaults to <tt>"\n"> on Ruby 3.0 or later
- # and <tt>$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR</tt> (<tt>$/</tt>) otherwise.:
- # * This method accepts an additional option, <tt>:encoding</tt>, which sets the base
- # Encoding for the output. This method will try to guess your Encoding from
- # the first non-+nil+ field in +row+, if possible, but you may need to use
- # this parameter as a backup plan.
- #
- # For other +options+,
- # see {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns the \String generated from an \Array:
- # CSV.generate_line(['foo', '0']) # => "foo,0\n"
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if +ary+ is not an \Array:
- # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `find' for :foo:Symbol)
- # CSV.generate_line(:foo)
- #
- def generate_line(row, **options)
- options = {row_sep: InputRecordSeparator.value}.merge(options)
- str = +""
- if options[:encoding]
- str.force_encoding(options[:encoding])
- else
- fallback_encoding = nil
- output_encoding = nil
- row.each do |field|
- next unless field.is_a?(String)
- fallback_encoding ||= field.encoding
- next if field.ascii_only?
- output_encoding = field.encoding
- break
- end
- output_encoding ||= fallback_encoding
- if output_encoding
- str.force_encoding(output_encoding)
- end
- end
- (new(str, **options) << row).string
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # CSV.generate_lines(rows)
- # CSV.generate_lines(rows, **options)
- #
- # Returns the \String created by generating \CSV from
- # using the specified +options+.
- #
- # Argument +rows+ must be an \Array of row. Row is \Array of \String or \CSV::Row.
- #
- # Special options:
- # * Option <tt>:row_sep</tt> defaults to <tt>"\n"</tt> on Ruby 3.0 or later
- # and <tt>$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR</tt> (<tt>$/</tt>) otherwise.:
- # * This method accepts an additional option, <tt>:encoding</tt>, which sets the base
- # Encoding for the output. This method will try to guess your Encoding from
- # the first non-+nil+ field in +row+, if possible, but you may need to use
- # this parameter as a backup plan.
- #
- # For other +options+,
- # see {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns the \String generated from an
- # CSV.generate_lines([['foo', '0'], ['bar', '1'], ['baz', '2']]) # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception
- # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `each' for :foo:Symbol)
- # CSV.generate_lines(:foo)
- #
- def generate_lines(rows, **options)
- self.generate(**options) do |csv|
- rows.each do |row|
- csv << row
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # open(file_path, mode = "rb", **options ) -> new_csv
- # open(io, mode = "rb", **options ) -> new_csv
- # open(file_path, mode = "rb", **options ) { |csv| ... } -> object
- # open(io, mode = "rb", **options ) { |csv| ... } -> object
- #
- # possible options elements:
- # keyword form:
- # :invalid => nil # raise error on invalid byte sequence (default)
- # :invalid => :replace # replace invalid byte sequence
- # :undef => :replace # replace undefined conversion
- # :replace => string # replacement string ("?" or "\uFFFD" if not specified)
- #
- # * Argument +path+, if given, must be the path to a file.
- # :include: ../doc/csv/arguments/io.rdoc
- # * Argument +mode+, if given, must be a \File mode.
- # See {Access Modes}[rdoc-ref:File@Access+Modes].
- # * Arguments <tt>**options</tt> must be keyword options.
- # See {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
- # * This method optionally accepts an additional <tt>:encoding</tt> option
- # that you can use to specify the Encoding of the data read from +path+ or +io+.
- # You must provide this unless your data is in the encoding
- # given by <tt>Encoding::default_external</tt>.
- # Parsing will use this to determine how to parse the data.
- # You may provide a second Encoding to
- # have the data transcoded as it is read. For example,
- # encoding: 'UTF-32BE:UTF-8'
- # would read +UTF-32BE+ data from the file
- # but transcode it to +UTF-8+ before parsing.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # These examples assume prior execution of:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With no block given, returns a new \CSV object.
- #
- # Create a \CSV object using a file path:
- # csv =
- # csv # => #<CSV io_type:File io_path:"t.csv" encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">
- #
- # Create a \CSV object using an open \File:
- # csv =
- # csv # => #<CSV io_type:File io_path:"t.csv" encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With a block given, calls the block with the created \CSV object;
- # returns the block's return value:
- #
- # Using a file path:
- # csv = {|csv| p csv}
- # csv # => #<CSV io_type:File io_path:"t.csv" encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">
- # Output:
- # #<CSV io_type:File io_path:"t.csv" encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">
- #
- # Using an open \File:
- # csv = {|csv| p csv}
- # csv # => #<CSV io_type:File io_path:"t.csv" encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">
- # Output:
- # #<CSV io_type:File io_path:"t.csv" encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if the argument is not a \String object or \IO object:
- # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of Symbol into String)
- #
- def open(filename, mode="r", **options)
- # wrap a File opened with the remaining +args+ with no newline
- # decorator
- file_opts = options.dup
- unless file_opts.key?(:newline)
- file_opts[:universal_newline] ||= false
- end
- options.delete(:invalid)
- options.delete(:undef)
- options.delete(:replace)
- options.delete_if {|k, _| /newline\z/.match?(k)}
- begin
- f =, mode, **file_opts)
- rescue ArgumentError => e
- raise unless /needs binmode/.match?(e.message) and mode == "r"
- mode = "rb"
- file_opts = {encoding: Encoding.default_external}.merge(file_opts)
- retry
- end
- begin
- csv = new(f, **options)
- rescue Exception
- f.close
- raise
- end
- # handle blocks like Ruby's open(), not like the CSV library
- if block_given?
- begin
- yield csv
- ensure
- csv.close
- end
- else
- csv
- end
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # parse(string) -> array_of_arrays
- # parse(io) -> array_of_arrays
- # parse(string, headers: ..., **options) -> csv_table
- # parse(io, headers: ..., **options) -> csv_table
- # parse(string, **options) {|row| ... }
- # parse(io, **options) {|row| ... }
- #
- # Parses +string+ or +io+ using the specified +options+.
- #
- # - Argument +string+ should be a \String object;
- # it will be put into a new StringIO object positioned at the beginning.
- # :include: ../doc/csv/arguments/io.rdoc
- # - Argument +options+: see {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing]
- #
- # ====== Without Option +headers+
- #
- # Without {option +headers+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+headers] case.
- #
- # These examples assume prior execution of:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With no block given, returns an \Array of Arrays formed from the source.
- #
- # Parse a \String:
- # a_of_a = CSV.parse(string)
- # a_of_a # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
- #
- # Parse an open \File:
- # a_of_a = do |file|
- # CSV.parse(file)
- # end
- # a_of_a # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With a block given, calls the block with each parsed row:
- #
- # Parse a \String:
- # CSV.parse(string) {|row| p row }
- #
- # Output:
- # ["foo", "0"]
- # ["bar", "1"]
- # ["baz", "2"]
- #
- # Parse an open \File:
- # do |file|
- # CSV.parse(file) {|row| p row }
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- # ["foo", "0"]
- # ["bar", "1"]
- # ["baz", "2"]
- #
- # ====== With Option +headers+
- #
- # With {option +headers+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+headers] case.
- #
- # These examples assume prior execution of:
- # string = "Name,Count\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With no block given, returns a CSV::Table object formed from the source.
- #
- # Parse a \String:
- # csv_table = CSV.parse(string, headers: ['Name', 'Count'])
- # csv_table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:5>
- #
- # Parse an open \File:
- # csv_table = do |file|
- # CSV.parse(file, headers: ['Name', 'Count'])
- # end
- # csv_table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With a block given, calls the block with each parsed row,
- # which has been formed into a CSV::Row object:
- #
- # Parse a \String:
- # CSV.parse(string, headers: ['Name', 'Count']) {|row| p row }
- #
- # Output:
- # # <CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Count":"0">
- # # <CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Count":"1">
- # # <CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Count":"2">
- #
- # Parse an open \File:
- # do |file|
- # CSV.parse(file, headers: ['Name', 'Count']) {|row| p row }
- # end
- #
- # Output:
- # # <CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Count":"0">
- # # <CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Count":"1">
- # # <CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Count":"2">
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if the argument is not a \String object or \IO object:
- # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `close' for :foo:Symbol)
- # CSV.parse(:foo)
- def parse(str, **options, &block)
- csv = new(str, **options)
- return csv.each(&block) if block_given?
- # slurp contents, if no block is given
- begin
- ensure
- csv.close
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # CSV.parse_line(string) -> new_array or nil
- # CSV.parse_line(io) -> new_array or nil
- # CSV.parse_line(string, **options) -> new_array or nil
- # CSV.parse_line(io, **options) -> new_array or nil
- # CSV.parse_line(string, headers: true, **options) -> csv_row or nil
- # CSV.parse_line(io, headers: true, **options) -> csv_row or nil
- #
- # Returns the data created by parsing the first line of +string+ or +io+
- # using the specified +options+.
- #
- # - Argument +string+ should be a \String object;
- # it will be put into a new StringIO object positioned at the beginning.
- # :include: ../doc/csv/arguments/io.rdoc
- # - Argument +options+: see {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing]
- #
- # ====== Without Option +headers+
- #
- # Without option +headers+, returns the first row as a new \Array.
- #
- # These examples assume prior execution of:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #
- # Parse the first line from a \String object:
- # CSV.parse_line(string) # => ["foo", "0"]
- #
- # Parse the first line from a File object:
- # do |file|
- # CSV.parse_line(file) # => ["foo", "0"]
- # end # => ["foo", "0"]
- #
- # Returns +nil+ if the argument is an empty \String:
- # CSV.parse_line('') # => nil
- #
- # ====== With Option +headers+
- #
- # With {option +headers+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+headers],
- # returns the first row as a CSV::Row object.
- #
- # These examples assume prior execution of:
- # string = "Name,Count\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #
- # Parse the first line from a \String object:
- # CSV.parse_line(string, headers: true) # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Count":"0">
- #
- # Parse the first line from a File object:
- # do |file|
- # CSV.parse_line(file, headers: true)
- # end # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Count":"0">
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if the argument is +nil+:
- # # Raises ArgumentError (Cannot parse nil as CSV):
- # CSV.parse_line(nil)
- #
- def parse_line(line, **options)
- new(line, **options).each.first
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # read(source, **options) -> array_of_arrays
- # read(source, headers: true, **options) -> csv_table
- #
- # Opens the given +source+ with the given +options+ (see,
- # reads the source (see CSV#read), and returns the result,
- # which will be either an \Array of Arrays or a CSV::Table.
- #
- # Without headers:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- # # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
- #
- # With headers:
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #, headers: true) # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- def read(path, **options)
- open(path, **options) { |csv| }
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # CSV.readlines(source, **options)
- #
- # Alias for
- def readlines(path, **options)
- read(path, **options)
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # CSV.table(source, **options)
- #
- # Calls with +source+, +options+, and certain default options:
- # - +headers+: +true+
- # - +converters+: +:numeric+
- # - +header_converters+: +:symbol+
- #
- # Returns a CSV::Table object.
- #
- # Example:
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- # CSV.table(path) # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- def table(path, **options)
- default_options = {
- headers: true,
- converters: :numeric,
- header_converters: :symbol,
- }
- options = default_options.merge(options)
- read(path, **options)
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- #
- #
- #, **options)
- #, **options)
- #
- # Returns the new \CSV object created using +string+ or +io+
- # and the specified +options+.
- #
- # - Argument +string+ should be a \String object;
- # it will be put into a new StringIO object positioned at the beginning.
- # :include: ../doc/csv/arguments/io.rdoc
- # - Argument +options+: See:
- # * {Options for Parsing}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Parsing]
- # * {Options for Generating}[#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating]
- # For performance reasons, the options cannot be overridden
- # in a \CSV object, so those specified here will endure.
- #
- # In addition to the \CSV instance methods, several \IO methods are delegated.
- # See {Delegated Methods}[#class-CSV-label-Delegated+Methods].
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Create a \CSV object from a \String object:
- # csv ='foo,0')
- # csv # => #<CSV io_type:StringIO encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">
- #
- # Create a \CSV object from a \File object:
- # File.write('t.csv', 'foo,0')
- # csv ='t.csv'))
- # csv # => #<CSV io_type:File io_path:"t.csv" encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:"," row_sep:"\n" quote_char:"\"">
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if the argument is +nil+:
- # # Raises ArgumentError (Cannot parse nil as CSV):
- #
- #
- def initialize(data,
- col_sep: ",",
- row_sep: :auto,
- quote_char: '"',
- field_size_limit: nil,
- max_field_size: nil,
- converters: nil,
- unconverted_fields: nil,
- headers: false,
- return_headers: false,
- write_headers: nil,
- header_converters: nil,
- skip_blanks: false,
- force_quotes: false,
- skip_lines: nil,
- liberal_parsing: false,
- internal_encoding: nil,
- external_encoding: nil,
- encoding: nil,
- nil_value: nil,
- empty_value: "",
- strip: false,
- quote_empty: true,
- write_converters: nil,
- write_nil_value: nil,
- write_empty_value: "")
- raise"Cannot parse nil as CSV") if data.nil?
- if data.is_a?(String)
- if encoding
- if encoding.is_a?(String)
- data_external_encoding, data_internal_encoding = encoding.split(":", 2)
- if data_internal_encoding
- data = data.encode(data_internal_encoding, data_external_encoding)
- else
- data = data.dup.force_encoding(data_external_encoding)
- end
- else
- data = data.dup.force_encoding(encoding)
- end
- end
- @io =
- else
- @io = data
- end
- @encoding = determine_encoding(encoding, internal_encoding)
- @base_fields_converter_options = {
- nil_value: nil_value,
- empty_value: empty_value,
- }
- @write_fields_converter_options = {
- nil_value: write_nil_value,
- empty_value: write_empty_value,
- }
- @initial_converters = converters
- @initial_header_converters = header_converters
- @initial_write_converters = write_converters
- if max_field_size.nil? and field_size_limit
- max_field_size = field_size_limit - 1
- end
- @parser_options = {
- column_separator: col_sep,
- row_separator: row_sep,
- quote_character: quote_char,
- max_field_size: max_field_size,
- unconverted_fields: unconverted_fields,
- headers: headers,
- return_headers: return_headers,
- skip_blanks: skip_blanks,
- skip_lines: skip_lines,
- liberal_parsing: liberal_parsing,
- encoding: @encoding,
- nil_value: nil_value,
- empty_value: empty_value,
- strip: strip,
- }
- @parser = nil
- @parser_enumerator = nil
- @eof_error = nil
- @writer_options = {
- encoding: @encoding,
- force_encoding: (not encoding.nil?),
- force_quotes: force_quotes,
- headers: headers,
- write_headers: write_headers,
- column_separator: col_sep,
- row_separator: row_sep,
- quote_character: quote_char,
- quote_empty: quote_empty,
- }
- @writer = nil
- writer if @writer_options[:write_headers]
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.col_sep -> string
- #
- # Returns the encoded column separator; used for parsing and writing;
- # see {Option +col_sep+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+col_sep]:
- #'').col_sep # => ","
- def col_sep
- parser.column_separator
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.row_sep -> string
- #
- # Returns the encoded row separator; used for parsing and writing;
- # see {Option +row_sep+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+row_sep]:
- #'').row_sep # => "\n"
- def row_sep
- parser.row_separator
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.quote_char -> character
- #
- # Returns the encoded quote character; used for parsing and writing;
- # see {Option +quote_char+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+quote_char]:
- #'').quote_char # => "\""
- def quote_char
- parser.quote_character
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.field_size_limit -> integer or nil
- #
- # Returns the limit for field size; used for parsing;
- # see {Option +field_size_limit+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+field_size_limit]:
- #'').field_size_limit # => nil
- #
- # Deprecated since 3.2.3. Use +max_field_size+ instead.
- def field_size_limit
- parser.field_size_limit
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.max_field_size -> integer or nil
- #
- # Returns the limit for field size; used for parsing;
- # see {Option +max_field_size+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+max_field_size]:
- #'').max_field_size # => nil
- #
- # Since 3.2.3.
- def max_field_size
- parser.max_field_size
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.skip_lines -> regexp or nil
- #
- # Returns the \Regexp used to identify comment lines; used for parsing;
- # see {Option +skip_lines+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+skip_lines]:
- #'').skip_lines # => nil
- def skip_lines
- parser.skip_lines
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.converters -> array
- #
- # Returns an \Array containing field converters;
- # see {Field Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Field+Converters]:
- # csv ='')
- # csv.converters # => []
- # csv.convert(:integer)
- # csv.converters # => [:integer]
- # csv.convert(proc {|x| x.to_s })
- # csv.converters
- #
- # Notes that you need to call
- # +Ractor.make_shareable(CSV::Converters)+ on the main Ractor to use
- # this method.
- def converters
- do |converter|
- name = Converters.rassoc(converter)
- name ? name.first : converter
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.unconverted_fields? -> object
- #
- # Returns the value that determines whether unconverted fields are to be
- # available; used for parsing;
- # see {Option +unconverted_fields+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+unconverted_fields]:
- #'').unconverted_fields? # => nil
- def unconverted_fields?
- parser.unconverted_fields?
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.headers -> object
- #
- # Returns the value that determines whether headers are used; used for parsing;
- # see {Option +headers+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+headers]:
- #'').headers # => nil
- def headers
- if @writer
- @writer.headers
- else
- parsed_headers = parser.headers
- return parsed_headers if parsed_headers
- raw_headers = @parser_options[:headers]
- raw_headers = nil if raw_headers == false
- raw_headers
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.return_headers? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns the value that determines whether headers are to be returned; used for parsing;
- # see {Option +return_headers+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+return_headers]:
- #'').return_headers? # => false
- def return_headers?
- parser.return_headers?
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.write_headers? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns the value that determines whether headers are to be written; used for generating;
- # see {Option +write_headers+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+write_headers]:
- #'').write_headers? # => nil
- def write_headers?
- @writer_options[:write_headers]
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.header_converters -> array
- #
- # Returns an \Array containing header converters; used for parsing;
- # see {Header Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Header+Converters]:
- #'').header_converters # => []
- #
- # Notes that you need to call
- # +Ractor.make_shareable(CSV::HeaderConverters)+ on the main Ractor
- # to use this method.
- def header_converters
- do |converter|
- name = HeaderConverters.rassoc(converter)
- name ? name.first : converter
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.skip_blanks? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns the value that determines whether blank lines are to be ignored; used for parsing;
- # see {Option +skip_blanks+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+skip_blanks]:
- #'').skip_blanks? # => false
- def skip_blanks?
- parser.skip_blanks?
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.force_quotes? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns the value that determines whether all output fields are to be quoted;
- # used for generating;
- # see {Option +force_quotes+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+force_quotes]:
- #'').force_quotes? # => false
- def force_quotes?
- @writer_options[:force_quotes]
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.liberal_parsing? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns the value that determines whether illegal input is to be handled; used for parsing;
- # see {Option +liberal_parsing+}[#class-CSV-label-Option+liberal_parsing]:
- #'').liberal_parsing? # => false
- def liberal_parsing?
- parser.liberal_parsing?
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.encoding -> encoding
- #
- # Returns the encoding used for parsing and generating;
- # see {Character Encodings (M17n or Multilingualization)}[#class-CSV-label-Character+Encodings+-28M17n+or+Multilingualization-29]:
- #'').encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
- attr_reader :encoding
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.line_no -> integer
- #
- # Returns the count of the rows parsed or generated.
- #
- # Parsing:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- # do |csv|
- # csv.each do |row|
- # p [csv.lineno, row]
- # end
- # end
- # Output:
- # [1, ["foo", "0"]]
- # [2, ["bar", "1"]]
- # [3, ["baz", "2"]]
- #
- # Generating:
- # CSV.generate do |csv|
- # p csv.lineno; csv << ['foo', 0]
- # p csv.lineno; csv << ['bar', 1]
- # p csv.lineno; csv << ['baz', 2]
- # end
- # Output:
- # 0
- # 1
- # 2
- def lineno
- if @writer
- @writer.lineno
- else
- parser.lineno
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.line -> array
- #
- # Returns the line most recently read:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- # do |csv|
- # csv.each do |row|
- # p [csv.lineno, csv.line]
- # end
- # end
- # Output:
- # [1, "foo,0\n"]
- # [2, "bar,1\n"]
- # [3, "baz,2\n"]
- def line
- parser.line
- end
- ### IO and StringIO Delegation ###
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :@io, :binmode, :close, :close_read, :close_write,
- :closed?, :external_encoding, :fcntl,
- :fileno, :flush, :fsync, :internal_encoding,
- :isatty, :pid, :pos, :pos=, :reopen,
- :seek, :string, :sync, :sync=, :tell,
- :truncate, :tty?
- def binmode?
- if @io.respond_to?(:binmode?)
- @io.binmode?
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def flock(*args)
- raise NotImplementedError unless @io.respond_to?(:flock)
- @io.flock(*args)
- end
- def ioctl(*args)
- raise NotImplementedError unless @io.respond_to?(:ioctl)
- @io.ioctl(*args)
- end
- def path
- @io.path if @io.respond_to?(:path)
- end
- def stat(*args)
- raise NotImplementedError unless @io.respond_to?(:stat)
- @io.stat(*args)
- end
- def to_i
- raise NotImplementedError unless @io.respond_to?(:to_i)
- @io.to_i
- end
- def to_io
- @io.respond_to?(:to_io) ? @io.to_io : @io
- end
- def eof?
- return false if @eof_error
- begin
- parser_enumerator.peek
- false
- rescue MalformedCSVError => error
- @eof_error = error
- false
- rescue StopIteration
- true
- end
- end
- alias_method :eof, :eof?
- # Rewinds the underlying IO object and resets CSV's lineno() counter.
- def rewind
- @parser = nil
- @parser_enumerator = nil
- @eof_error = nil
- @writer.rewind if @writer
- @io.rewind
- end
- ### End Delegation ###
- # :call-seq:
- # csv << row -> self
- #
- # Appends a row to +self+.
- #
- # - Argument +row+ must be an \Array object or a CSV::Row object.
- # - The output stream must be open for writing.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Append Arrays:
- # CSV.generate do |csv|
- # csv << ['foo', 0]
- # csv << ['bar', 1]
- # csv << ['baz', 2]
- # end # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- #
- # Append CSV::Rows:
- # headers = []
- # CSV.generate do |csv|
- # csv <<, ['foo', 0])
- # csv <<, ['bar', 1])
- # csv <<, ['baz', 2])
- # end # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- #
- # Headers in CSV::Row objects are not appended:
- # headers = ['Name', 'Count']
- # CSV.generate do |csv|
- # csv <<, ['foo', 0])
- # csv <<, ['bar', 1])
- # csv <<, ['baz', 2])
- # end # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if +row+ is not an \Array or \CSV::Row:
- # CSV.generate do |csv|
- # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `collect' for :foo:Symbol)
- # csv << :foo
- # end
- #
- # Raises an exception if the output stream is not opened for writing:
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, '')
- # do |file|
- # do |csv|
- # # Raises IOError (not opened for writing)
- # csv << ['foo', 0]
- # end
- # end
- def <<(row)
- writer << row
- self
- end
- alias_method :add_row, :<<
- alias_method :puts, :<<
- # :call-seq:
- # convert(converter_name) -> array_of_procs
- # convert {|field, field_info| ... } -> array_of_procs
- #
- # - With no block, installs a field converter (a \Proc).
- # - With a block, defines and installs a custom field converter.
- # - Returns the \Array of installed field converters.
- #
- # - Argument +converter_name+, if given, should be the name
- # of an existing field converter.
- #
- # See {Field Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Field+Converters].
- # ---
- #
- # With no block, installs a field converter:
- # csv ='')
- # csv.convert(:integer)
- # csv.convert(:float)
- # csv.convert(:date)
- # csv.converters # => [:integer, :float, :date]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # The block, if given, is called for each field:
- # - Argument +field+ is the field value.
- # - Argument +field_info+ is a CSV::FieldInfo object
- # containing details about the field.
- #
- # The examples here assume the prior execution of:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #
- # Example giving a block:
- # csv =
- # csv.convert {|field, field_info| p [field, field_info]; field.upcase }
- # # => [["FOO", "0"], ["BAR", "1"], ["BAZ", "2"]]
- #
- # Output:
- # ["foo", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=0, line=1, header=nil>]
- # ["0", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=1, line=1, header=nil>]
- # ["bar", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=0, line=2, header=nil>]
- # ["1", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=1, line=2, header=nil>]
- # ["baz", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=0, line=3, header=nil>]
- # ["2", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=1, line=3, header=nil>]
- #
- # The block need not return a \String object:
- # csv =
- # csv.convert {|field, field_info| field.to_sym }
- # # => [[:foo, :"0"], [:bar, :"1"], [:baz, :"2"]]
- #
- # If +converter_name+ is given, the block is not called:
- # csv =
- # csv.convert(:integer) {|field, field_info| fail 'Cannot happen' }
- # # => [["foo", 0], ["bar", 1], ["baz", 2]]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises a parse-time exception if +converter_name+ is not the name of a built-in
- # field converter:
- # csv =
- # csv.convert(:nosuch) => [nil]
- # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `arity' for nil:NilClass)
- #
- def convert(name = nil, &converter)
- parser_fields_converter.add_converter(name, &converter)
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # header_convert(converter_name) -> array_of_procs
- # header_convert {|header, field_info| ... } -> array_of_procs
- #
- # - With no block, installs a header converter (a \Proc).
- # - With a block, defines and installs a custom header converter.
- # - Returns the \Array of installed header converters.
- #
- # - Argument +converter_name+, if given, should be the name
- # of an existing header converter.
- #
- # See {Header Converters}[#class-CSV-label-Header+Converters].
- # ---
- #
- # With no block, installs a header converter:
- # csv ='')
- # csv.header_convert(:symbol)
- # csv.header_convert(:downcase)
- # csv.header_converters # => [:symbol, :downcase]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # The block, if given, is called for each header:
- # - Argument +header+ is the header value.
- # - Argument +field_info+ is a CSV::FieldInfo object
- # containing details about the header.
- #
- # The examples here assume the prior execution of:
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- #
- # Example giving a block:
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # csv.header_convert {|header, field_info| p [header, field_info]; header.upcase }
- # table =
- # table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # table.headers # => ["NAME", "VALUE"]
- #
- # Output:
- # ["Name", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=0, line=1, header=nil>]
- # ["Value", #<struct CSV::FieldInfo index=1, line=1, header=nil>]
- # The block need not return a \String object:
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # csv.header_convert {|header, field_info| header.to_sym }
- # table =
- # table.headers # => [:Name, :Value]
- #
- # If +converter_name+ is given, the block is not called:
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # csv.header_convert(:downcase) {|header, field_info| fail 'Cannot happen' }
- # table =
- # table.headers # => ["name", "value"]
- # ---
- #
- # Raises a parse-time exception if +converter_name+ is not the name of a built-in
- # field converter:
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # csv.header_convert(:nosuch)
- # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `arity' for nil:NilClass)
- #
- def header_convert(name = nil, &converter)
- header_fields_converter.add_converter(name, &converter)
- end
- include Enumerable
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.each -> enumerator
- # csv.each {|row| ...}
- #
- # Calls the block with each successive row.
- # The data source must be opened for reading.
- #
- # Without headers:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =
- # csv.each do |row|
- # p row
- # end
- # Output:
- # ["foo", "0"]
- # ["bar", "1"]
- # ["baz", "2"]
- #
- # With headers:
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # csv.each do |row|
- # p row
- # end
- # Output:
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # <CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if the source is not opened for reading:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =
- # csv.close
- # # Raises IOError (not opened for reading)
- # csv.each do |row|
- # p row
- # end
- def each(&block)
- return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given?
- begin
- while true
- yield(
- end
- rescue StopIteration
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # -> array or csv_table
- #
- # Forms the remaining rows from +self+ into:
- # - A CSV::Table object, if headers are in use.
- # - An \Array of Arrays, otherwise.
- #
- # The data source must be opened for reading.
- #
- # Without headers:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- # csv =
- # # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
- #
- # With headers:
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # path = 't.csv'
- # File.write(path, string)
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if the source is not opened for reading:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =
- # csv.close
- # # Raises IOError (not opened for reading)
- #
- def read
- rows = to_a
- if parser.use_headers?
-, headers: parser.headers)
- else
- rows
- end
- end
- alias_method :readlines, :read
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.header_row? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if the next row to be read is a header row\;
- # +false+ otherwise.
- #
- # Without headers:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =
- # csv.header_row? # => false
- #
- # With headers:
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # csv.header_row? # => true
- # csv.shift # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
- # csv.header_row? # => false
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if the source is not opened for reading:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =
- # csv.close
- # # Raises IOError (not opened for reading)
- # csv.header_row?
- def header_row?
- parser.header_row?
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.shift -> array, csv_row, or nil
- #
- # Returns the next row of data as:
- # - An \Array if no headers are used.
- # - A CSV::Row object if headers are used.
- #
- # The data source must be opened for reading.
- #
- # Without headers:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =
- # csv.shift # => ["foo", "0"]
- # csv.shift # => ["bar", "1"]
- # csv.shift # => ["baz", "2"]
- # csv.shift # => nil
- #
- # With headers:
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # csv.shift # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
- # csv.shift # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # csv.shift # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- # csv.shift # => nil
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if the source is not opened for reading:
- # string = "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =
- # csv.close
- # # Raises IOError (not opened for reading)
- # csv.shift
- def shift
- if @eof_error
- eof_error, @eof_error = @eof_error, nil
- raise eof_error
- end
- begin
- rescue StopIteration
- nil
- end
- end
- alias_method :gets, :shift
- alias_method :readline, :shift
- # :call-seq:
- # csv.inspect -> string
- #
- # Returns a \String showing certain properties of +self+:
- # string = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # csv =, headers: true)
- # s = csv.inspect
- # s # => "#<CSV io_type:StringIO encoding:UTF-8 lineno:0 col_sep:\",\" row_sep:\"\\n\" quote_char:\"\\\"\" headers:true>"
- def inspect
- str = ["#<", self.class.to_s, " io_type:"]
- # show type of wrapped IO
- if @io == $stdout then str << "$stdout"
- elsif @io == $stdin then str << "$stdin"
- elsif @io == $stderr then str << "$stderr"
- else str << @io.class.to_s
- end
- # show IO.path(), if available
- if @io.respond_to?(:path) and (p = @io.path)
- str << " io_path:" << p.inspect
- end
- # show encoding
- str << " encoding:" <<
- # show other attributes
- ["lineno", "col_sep", "row_sep", "quote_char"].each do |attr_name|
- if a = __send__(attr_name)
- str << " " << attr_name << ":" << a.inspect
- end
- end
- ["skip_blanks", "liberal_parsing"].each do |attr_name|
- if a = __send__("#{attr_name}?")
- str << " " << attr_name << ":" << a.inspect
- end
- end
- _headers = headers
- str << " headers:" << _headers.inspect if _headers
- str << ">"
- begin
- str.join('')
- rescue # any encoding error
- do |s|
- e = Encoding::Converter.asciicompat_encoding(s.encoding)
- e ? s.encode(e) : s.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
- end.join('')
- end
- end
- private
- def determine_encoding(encoding, internal_encoding)
- # honor the IO encoding if we can, otherwise default to ASCII-8BIT
- io_encoding = raw_encoding
- return io_encoding if io_encoding
- return Encoding.find(internal_encoding) if internal_encoding
- if encoding
- encoding, = encoding.split(":", 2) if encoding.is_a?(String)
- return Encoding.find(encoding)
- end
- Encoding.default_internal || Encoding.default_external
- end
- def normalize_converters(converters)
- converters ||= []
- unless converters.is_a?(Array)
- converters = [converters]
- end
- converters.collect do |converter|
- case converter
- when Proc # custom code block
- [nil, converter]
- else # by name
- [converter, nil]
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Processes +fields+ with <tt>@converters</tt>, or <tt>@header_converters</tt>
- # if +headers+ is passed as +true+, returning the converted field set. Any
- # converter that changes the field into something other than a String halts
- # the pipeline of conversion for that field. This is primarily an efficiency
- # shortcut.
- #
- def convert_fields(fields, headers = false)
- if headers
- header_fields_converter.convert(fields, nil, 0)
- else
- parser_fields_converter.convert(fields, @headers, lineno)
- end
- end
- #
- # Returns the encoding of the internal IO object.
- #
- def raw_encoding
- if @io.respond_to? :internal_encoding
- @io.internal_encoding || @io.external_encoding
- elsif @io.respond_to? :encoding
- @io.encoding
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def parser_fields_converter
- @parser_fields_converter ||= build_parser_fields_converter
- end
- def build_parser_fields_converter
- specific_options = {
- builtin_converters_name: :Converters,
- }
- options = @base_fields_converter_options.merge(specific_options)
- build_fields_converter(@initial_converters, options)
- end
- def header_fields_converter
- @header_fields_converter ||= build_header_fields_converter
- end
- def build_header_fields_converter
- specific_options = {
- builtin_converters_name: :HeaderConverters,
- accept_nil: true,
- }
- options = @base_fields_converter_options.merge(specific_options)
- build_fields_converter(@initial_header_converters, options)
- end
- def writer_fields_converter
- @writer_fields_converter ||= build_writer_fields_converter
- end
- def build_writer_fields_converter
- build_fields_converter(@initial_write_converters,
- @write_fields_converter_options)
- end
- def build_fields_converter(initial_converters, options)
- fields_converter =
- normalize_converters(initial_converters).each do |name, converter|
- fields_converter.add_converter(name, &converter)
- end
- fields_converter
- end
- def parser
- @parser ||=, parser_options)
- end
- def parser_options
- @parser_options.merge(header_fields_converter: header_fields_converter,
- fields_converter: parser_fields_converter)
- end
- def parser_enumerator
- @parser_enumerator ||= parser.parse
- end
- def writer
- @writer ||=, writer_options)
- end
- def writer_options
- @writer_options.merge(header_fields_converter: header_fields_converter,
- fields_converter: writer_fields_converter)
- end
-# Passes +args+ to CSV::instance.
-# CSV("CSV,data").read
-# #=> [["CSV", "data"]]
-# If a block is given, the instance is passed the block and the return value
-# becomes the return value of the block.
-# CSV("CSV,data") { |c|
-# { |a| a.include?("data") }
-# } #=> true
-# CSV("CSV,data") { |c|
-# { |a| a.include?("zombies") }
-# } #=> false
-# CSV options may also be given.
-# io =
-# CSV(io, col_sep: ";") { |csv| csv << ["a", "b", "c"] }
-# This API is not Ractor-safe.
-def CSV(*args, **options, &block)
- CSV.instance(*args, **options, &block)
-require_relative "csv/version"
-require_relative "csv/core_ext/array"
-require_relative "csv/core_ext/string"
diff --git a/lib/csv/core_ext/array.rb b/lib/csv/core_ext/array.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8beb06b082..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/core_ext/array.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-class Array # :nodoc:
- # Equivalent to CSV::generate_line(self, options)
- #
- # ["CSV", "data"].to_csv
- # #=> "CSV,data\n"
- def to_csv(**options)
- CSV.generate_line(self, **options)
- end
diff --git a/lib/csv/core_ext/string.rb b/lib/csv/core_ext/string.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b1d31c2a4..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/core_ext/string.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-class String # :nodoc:
- # Equivalent to CSV::parse_line(self, options)
- #
- # "CSV,data".parse_csv
- # #=> ["CSV", "data"]
- def parse_csv(**options)
- CSV.parse_line(self, **options)
- end
diff --git a/lib/csv/csv.gemspec b/lib/csv/csv.gemspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 11c5b0f2a6..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/csv.gemspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
- require_relative "lib/csv/version"
-rescue LoadError
- # for Ruby core repository
- require_relative "version"
- do |spec|
- = "csv"
- spec.version = CSV::VERSION
- spec.authors = ["James Edward Gray II", "Kouhei Sutou"]
- = [nil, ""]
- spec.summary = "CSV Reading and Writing"
- spec.description = "The CSV library provides a complete interface to CSV files and data. It offers tools to enable you to read and write to and from Strings or IO objects, as needed."
- spec.homepage = ""
- spec.licenses = ["Ruby", "BSD-2-Clause"]
- lib_path = "lib"
- spec.require_paths = [lib_path]
- files = []
- lib_dir = File.join(__dir__, lib_path)
- if File.exist?(lib_dir)
- Dir.chdir(lib_dir) do
- Dir.glob("**/*.rb").each do |file|
- files << "lib/#{file}"
- end
- end
- end
- doc_dir = File.join(__dir__, "doc")
- if File.exist?(doc_dir)
- Dir.chdir(doc_dir) do
- Dir.glob("**/*.rdoc").each do |rdoc_file|
- files << "doc/#{rdoc_file}"
- end
- end
- end
- spec.files = files
- spec.rdoc_options.concat(["--main", ""])
- rdoc_files = [
- "LICENSE.txt",
- "",
- "",
- ]
- recipes_dir = File.join(doc_dir, "csv", "recipes")
- if File.exist?(recipes_dir)
- Dir.chdir(recipes_dir) do
- Dir.glob("**/*.rdoc").each do |recipe_file|
- rdoc_files << "doc/csv/recipes/#{recipe_file}"
- end
- end
- end
- spec.extra_rdoc_files = rdoc_files
- spec.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.5.0"
- # spec.add_dependency "stringio", ">= 0.1.3"
- spec.add_development_dependency "bundler"
- spec.add_development_dependency "rake"
- spec.add_development_dependency "benchmark_driver"
- spec.add_development_dependency "test-unit", ">= 3.4.8"
diff --git a/lib/csv/fields_converter.rb b/lib/csv/fields_converter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d15977d379..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/fields_converter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CSV
- # Note: Don't use this class directly. This is an internal class.
- class FieldsConverter
- include Enumerable
- #
- # A CSV::FieldsConverter is a data structure for storing the
- # fields converter properties to be passed as a parameter
- # when parsing a new file (e.g., parser_options))
- #
- def initialize(options={})
- @converters = []
- @nil_value = options[:nil_value]
- @empty_value = options[:empty_value]
- @empty_value_is_empty_string = (@empty_value == "")
- @accept_nil = options[:accept_nil]
- @builtin_converters_name = options[:builtin_converters_name]
- @need_static_convert = need_static_convert?
- end
- def add_converter(name=nil, &converter)
- if name.nil? # custom converter
- @converters << converter
- else # named converter
- combo = builtin_converters[name]
- case combo
- when Array # combo converter
- combo.each do |sub_name|
- add_converter(sub_name)
- end
- else # individual named converter
- @converters << combo
- end
- end
- end
- def each(&block)
- @converters.each(&block)
- end
- def empty?
- @converters.empty?
- end
- def convert(fields, headers, lineno, quoted_fields)
- return fields unless need_convert?
- fields.collect.with_index do |field, index|
- if field.nil?
- field = @nil_value
- elsif field.is_a?(String) and field.empty?
- field = @empty_value unless @empty_value_is_empty_string
- end
- @converters.each do |converter|
- break if field.nil? and @accept_nil
- if converter.arity == 1 # straight field converter
- field = converter[field]
- else # FieldInfo converter
- if headers
- header = headers[index]
- else
- header = nil
- end
- quoted = quoted_fields[index]
- field = converter[field,, lineno, header, quoted)]
- end
- break unless field.is_a?(String) # short-circuit pipeline for speed
- end
- field # final state of each field, converted or original
- end
- end
- private
- def need_static_convert?
- not (@nil_value.nil? and @empty_value_is_empty_string)
- end
- def need_convert?
- @need_static_convert or
- (not @converters.empty?)
- end
- def builtin_converters
- @builtin_converters ||= ::CSV.const_get(@builtin_converters_name)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/csv/input_record_separator.rb b/lib/csv/input_record_separator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a99343c0c..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/input_record_separator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-require "English"
-require "stringio"
-class CSV
- module InputRecordSeparator
- class << self
- if RUBY_VERSION >= "3.0.0"
- def value
- "\n"
- end
- else
- def value
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/csv/parser.rb b/lib/csv/parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4da87fbac8..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/parser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1288 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "strscan"
-require_relative "input_record_separator"
-require_relative "row"
-require_relative "table"
-class CSV
- # Note: Don't use this class directly. This is an internal class.
- class Parser
- #
- # A CSV::Parser is m17n aware. The parser works in the Encoding of the IO
- # or String object being read from or written to. Your data is never transcoded
- # (unless you ask Ruby to transcode it for you) and will literally be parsed in
- # the Encoding it is in. Thus CSV will return Arrays or Rows of Strings in the
- # Encoding of your data. This is accomplished by transcoding the parser itself
- # into your Encoding.
- #
- # Raised when encoding is invalid.
- class InvalidEncoding < StandardError
- end
- # Raised when unexpected case is happen.
- class UnexpectedError < StandardError
- end
- #
- # CSV::Scanner receives a CSV output, scans it and return the content.
- # It also controls the life cycle of the object with its methods +keep_start+,
- # +keep_end+, +keep_back+, +keep_drop+.
- #
- # Uses StringScanner (the official strscan gem). Strscan provides lexical
- # scanning operations on a String. We inherit its object and take advantage
- # on the methods. For more information, please visit:
- #
- #
- class Scanner < StringScanner
- alias_method :scan_all, :scan
- def initialize(*args)
- super
- @keeps = []
- end
- def each_line(row_separator)
- position = pos
- rest.each_line(row_separator) do |line|
- position += line.bytesize
- self.pos = position
- yield(line)
- end
- end
- def keep_start
- @keeps.push(pos)
- end
- def keep_end
- start = @keeps.pop
- string.byteslice(start, pos - start)
- end
- def keep_back
- self.pos = @keeps.pop
- end
- def keep_drop
- @keeps.pop
- end
- end
- #
- # CSV::InputsScanner receives IO inputs, encoding and the chunk_size.
- # It also controls the life cycle of the object with its methods +keep_start+,
- # +keep_end+, +keep_back+, +keep_drop+.
- #
- # CSV::InputsScanner.scan() tries to match with pattern at the current position.
- # If there's a match, the scanner advances the "scan pointer" and returns the matched string.
- # Otherwise, the scanner returns nil.
- #
- # returns the "rest" of the string (i.e. everything after the scan pointer).
- # If there is no more data (eos? = true), it returns "".
- #
- class InputsScanner
- def initialize(inputs, encoding, row_separator, chunk_size: 8192)
- @inputs = inputs.dup
- @encoding = encoding
- @row_separator = row_separator
- @chunk_size = chunk_size
- @last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
- @keeps = []
- read_chunk
- end
- def each_line(row_separator)
- return enum_for(__method__, row_separator) unless block_given?
- buffer = nil
- input =
- position = @scanner.pos
- offset = 0
- n_row_separator_chars = row_separator.size
- # trace(__method__, :start, input)
- while true
- input.each_line(row_separator) do |line|
- @scanner.pos += line.bytesize
- if buffer
- if n_row_separator_chars == 2 and
- buffer.end_with?(row_separator[0]) and
- line.start_with?(row_separator[1])
- buffer << line[0]
- line = line[1..-1]
- position += buffer.bytesize + offset
- @scanner.pos = position
- offset = 0
- yield(buffer)
- buffer = nil
- next if line.empty?
- else
- buffer << line
- line = buffer
- buffer = nil
- end
- end
- if line.end_with?(row_separator)
- position += line.bytesize + offset
- @scanner.pos = position
- offset = 0
- yield(line)
- else
- buffer = line
- end
- end
- break unless read_chunk
- input =
- position = @scanner.pos
- offset = -buffer.bytesize if buffer
- end
- yield(buffer) if buffer
- end
- def scan(pattern)
- # trace(__method__, pattern, :start)
- value = @scanner.scan(pattern)
- # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, :last, value) if @last_scanner
- return value if @last_scanner
- read_chunk if value and @scanner.eos?
- # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, value)
- value
- end
- def scan_all(pattern)
- # trace(__method__, pattern, :start)
- value = @scanner.scan(pattern)
- # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, :last, value) if @last_scanner
- return value if @last_scanner
- # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, :nil) if value.nil?
- return nil if value.nil?
- while @scanner.eos? and read_chunk and (sub_value = @scanner.scan(pattern))
- # trace(__method__, pattern, :sub, sub_value)
- value << sub_value
- end
- # trace(__method__, pattern, :done, value)
- value
- end
- def eos?
- @scanner.eos?
- end
- def keep_start
- # trace(__method__, :start)
- adjust_last_keep
- @keeps.push([@scanner, @scanner.pos, nil])
- # trace(__method__, :done)
- end
- def keep_end
- # trace(__method__, :start)
- scanner, start, buffer = @keeps.pop
- if scanner == @scanner
- keep = @scanner.string.byteslice(start, @scanner.pos - start)
- else
- keep = @scanner.string.byteslice(0, @scanner.pos)
- end
- if buffer
- buffer << keep
- keep = buffer
- end
- # trace(__method__, :done, keep)
- keep
- end
- def keep_back
- # trace(__method__, :start)
- scanner, start, buffer = @keeps.pop
- if buffer
- # trace(__method__, :rescan, start, buffer)
- string = @scanner.string
- if scanner == @scanner
- keep = string.byteslice(start,
- string.bytesize - @scanner.pos - start)
- else
- keep = string
- end
- if keep and not keep.empty?
- @inputs.unshift(
- @last_scanner = false
- end
- @scanner =
- else
- if @scanner != scanner
- message = "scanners are different but no buffer: "
- message += "#{@scanner.inspect}(#{@scanner.object_id}): "
- message += "#{scanner.inspect}(#{scanner.object_id})"
- raise UnexpectedError, message
- end
- # trace(__method__, :repos, start, buffer)
- @scanner.pos = start
- end
- read_chunk if @scanner.eos?
- end
- def keep_drop
- _, _, buffer = @keeps.pop
- # trace(__method__, :done, :empty) unless buffer
- return unless buffer
- last_keep = @keeps.last
- # trace(__method__, :done, :no_last_keep) unless last_keep
- return unless last_keep
- if last_keep[2]
- last_keep[2] << buffer
- else
- last_keep[2] = buffer
- end
- # trace(__method__, :done)
- end
- def rest
- end
- def check(pattern)
- @scanner.check(pattern)
- end
- private
- def trace(*args)
- pp([*args, @scanner, @scanner&.string, @scanner&.pos, @keeps])
- end
- def adjust_last_keep
- # trace(__method__, :start)
- keep = @keeps.last
- # trace(__method__, :done, :empty) if keep.nil?
- return if keep.nil?
- scanner, start, buffer = keep
- string = @scanner.string
- if @scanner != scanner
- start = 0
- end
- if start == 0 and @scanner.eos?
- keep_data = string
- else
- keep_data = string.byteslice(start, @scanner.pos - start)
- end
- if keep_data
- if buffer
- buffer << keep_data
- else
- keep[2] = keep_data.dup
- end
- end
- # trace(__method__, :done)
- end
- def read_chunk
- return false if @last_scanner
- adjust_last_keep
- input = @inputs.first
- case input
- when StringIO
- string =
- raise InvalidEncoding unless string.valid_encoding?
- # trace(__method__, :stringio, string)
- @scanner =
- @inputs.shift
- @last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
- true
- else
- chunk = input.gets(@row_separator, @chunk_size)
- if chunk
- raise InvalidEncoding unless chunk.valid_encoding?
- # trace(__method__, :chunk, chunk)
- @scanner =
- if input.respond_to?(:eof?) and input.eof?
- @inputs.shift
- @last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
- end
- true
- else
- # trace(__method__, :no_chunk)
- @scanner ="".encode(@encoding))
- @inputs.shift
- @last_scanner = @inputs.empty?
- if @last_scanner
- false
- else
- read_chunk
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize(input, options)
- @input = input
- @options = options
- @samples = []
- prepare
- end
- def column_separator
- @column_separator
- end
- def row_separator
- @row_separator
- end
- def quote_character
- @quote_character
- end
- def field_size_limit
- @max_field_size&.succ
- end
- def max_field_size
- @max_field_size
- end
- def skip_lines
- @skip_lines
- end
- def unconverted_fields?
- @unconverted_fields
- end
- def headers
- @headers
- end
- def header_row?
- @use_headers and @headers.nil?
- end
- def return_headers?
- @return_headers
- end
- def skip_blanks?
- @skip_blanks
- end
- def liberal_parsing?
- @liberal_parsing
- end
- def lineno
- @lineno
- end
- def line
- last_line
- end
- def parse(&block)
- return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given?
- if @return_headers and @headers and @raw_headers
- headers =, @raw_headers, true)
- if @unconverted_fields
- headers = add_unconverted_fields(headers, [])
- end
- yield headers
- end
- begin
- @scanner ||= build_scanner
- if quote_character.nil?
- parse_no_quote(&block)
- elsif @need_robust_parsing
- parse_quotable_robust(&block)
- else
- parse_quotable_loose(&block)
- end
- rescue InvalidEncoding
- if @scanner
- ignore_broken_line
- lineno = @lineno
- else
- lineno = @lineno + 1
- end
- raise, lineno)
- rescue UnexpectedError => error
- if @scanner
- ignore_broken_line
- lineno = @lineno
- else
- lineno = @lineno + 1
- end
- message = "This should not be happen: #{error.message}: "
- message += "Please report this to"
- raise, lineno)
- end
- end
- def use_headers?
- @use_headers
- end
- private
- # A set of tasks to prepare the file in order to parse it
- def prepare
- prepare_variable
- prepare_quote_character
- prepare_backslash
- prepare_skip_lines
- prepare_strip
- prepare_separators
- validate_strip_and_col_sep_options
- prepare_quoted
- prepare_unquoted
- prepare_line
- prepare_header
- prepare_parser
- end
- def prepare_variable
- @need_robust_parsing = false
- @encoding = @options[:encoding]
- liberal_parsing = @options[:liberal_parsing]
- if liberal_parsing
- @liberal_parsing = true
- if liberal_parsing.is_a?(Hash)
- @double_quote_outside_quote =
- liberal_parsing[:double_quote_outside_quote]
- @backslash_quote = liberal_parsing[:backslash_quote]
- else
- @double_quote_outside_quote = false
- @backslash_quote = false
- end
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- else
- @liberal_parsing = false
- @backslash_quote = false
- end
- @unconverted_fields = @options[:unconverted_fields]
- @max_field_size = @options[:max_field_size]
- @skip_blanks = @options[:skip_blanks]
- @fields_converter = @options[:fields_converter]
- @header_fields_converter = @options[:header_fields_converter]
- end
- def prepare_quote_character
- @quote_character = @options[:quote_character]
- if @quote_character.nil?
- @escaped_quote_character = nil
- @escaped_quote = nil
- else
- @quote_character = @quote_character.to_s.encode(@encoding)
- if @quote_character.length != 1
- message = ":quote_char has to be nil or a single character String"
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
- @escaped_quote_character = Regexp.escape(@quote_character)
- @escaped_quote =
- end
- end
- def prepare_backslash
- return unless @backslash_quote
- @backslash_character = "\\".encode(@encoding)
- @escaped_backslash_character = Regexp.escape(@backslash_character)
- @escaped_backslash =
- if @quote_character.nil?
- @backslash_quote_character = nil
- else
- @backslash_quote_character =
- @backslash_character + @escaped_quote_character
- end
- end
- def prepare_skip_lines
- skip_lines = @options[:skip_lines]
- case skip_lines
- when String
- @skip_lines = skip_lines.encode(@encoding)
- when Regexp, nil
- @skip_lines = skip_lines
- else
- unless skip_lines.respond_to?(:match)
- message =
- ":skip_lines has to respond to \#match: #{skip_lines.inspect}"
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
- @skip_lines = skip_lines
- end
- end
- def prepare_strip
- @strip = @options[:strip]
- @escaped_strip = nil
- @strip_value = nil
- @rstrip_value = nil
- if @strip.is_a?(String)
- case @strip.length
- when 0
- raise ArgumentError, ":strip must not be an empty String"
- when 1
- # ok
- else
- raise ArgumentError, ":strip doesn't support 2 or more characters yet"
- end
- @strip = @strip.encode(@encoding)
- @escaped_strip = Regexp.escape(@strip)
- if @quote_character
- @strip_value = +
- "+".encode(@encoding))
- @rstrip_value = +
- "+\\z".encode(@encoding))
- end
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- elsif @strip
- strip_values = " \t\f\v"
- @escaped_strip = strip_values.encode(@encoding)
- if @quote_character
- @strip_value ="[#{strip_values}]+".encode(@encoding))
- @rstrip_value ="[#{strip_values}]+\\z".encode(@encoding))
- end
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- end
- end
- begin
- rescue TypeError
- else
- end
- def prepare_separators
- column_separator = @options[:column_separator]
- @column_separator = column_separator.to_s.encode(@encoding)
- if @column_separator.size < 1
- message = ":col_sep must be 1 or more characters: "
- message += column_separator.inspect
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
- @row_separator =
- resolve_row_separator(@options[:row_separator]).encode(@encoding)
- @escaped_column_separator = Regexp.escape(@column_separator)
- @escaped_first_column_separator = Regexp.escape(@column_separator[0])
- if @column_separator.size > 1
- @column_end =
- @column_ends = @column_separator.each_char.collect do |char|
- end
- @first_column_separators = +
- "+".encode(@encoding))
- else
- @column_end = @column_separator
- else
- @column_end =
- end
- @column_ends = nil
- @first_column_separators = nil
- end
- escaped_row_separator = Regexp.escape(@row_separator)
- @row_end =
- if @row_separator.size > 1
- @row_ends = @row_separator.each_char.collect do |char|
- end
- else
- @row_ends = nil
- end
- @cr = "\r".encode(@encoding)
- @lf = "\n".encode(@encoding)
- @line_end ="\r\n|\n|\r".encode(@encoding))
- @not_line_end ="[^\r\n]+".encode(@encoding))
- end
- # This method verifies that there are no (obvious) ambiguities with the
- # provided +col_sep+ and +strip+ parsing options. For example, if +col_sep+
- # and +strip+ were both equal to +\t+, then there would be no clear way to
- # parse the input.
- def validate_strip_and_col_sep_options
- return unless @strip
- if @strip.is_a?(String)
- if @column_separator.start_with?(@strip) || @column_separator.end_with?(@strip)
- raise ArgumentError,
- "The provided strip (#{@escaped_strip}) and " \
- "col_sep (#{@escaped_column_separator}) options are incompatible."
- end
- else
- if"\\A[#{@escaped_strip}]|[#{@escaped_strip}]\\z").match?(@column_separator)
- raise ArgumentError,
- "The provided strip (true) and " \
- "col_sep (#{@escaped_column_separator}) options are incompatible."
- end
- end
- end
- def prepare_quoted
- if @quote_character
- @quotes = +
- "+".encode(@encoding))
- no_quoted_values = @escaped_quote_character.dup
- if @backslash_quote
- no_quoted_values << @escaped_backslash_character
- end
- @quoted_value ="[^".encode(@encoding) +
- no_quoted_values +
- "]+".encode(@encoding))
- end
- if @escaped_strip
- @split_column_separator = +
- "*".encode(@encoding) +
- @escaped_column_separator +
- @escaped_strip +
- "*".encode(@encoding))
- else
- if @column_separator == " ".encode(@encoding)
- @split_column_separator =
- else
- @split_column_separator = @column_separator
- end
- end
- end
- def prepare_unquoted
- return if @quote_character.nil?
- no_unquoted_values = "\r\n".encode(@encoding)
- no_unquoted_values << @escaped_first_column_separator
- unless @liberal_parsing
- no_unquoted_values << @escaped_quote_character
- end
- @unquoted_value ="[^".encode(@encoding) +
- no_unquoted_values +
- "]+".encode(@encoding))
- end
- def resolve_row_separator(separator)
- if separator == :auto
- cr = "\r".encode(@encoding)
- lf = "\n".encode(@encoding)
- if @input.is_a?(StringIO)
- pos = @input.pos
- separator = detect_row_separator(, cr, lf)
- elsif @input.respond_to?(:gets)
- if @input.is_a?(File)
- chunk_size = 32 * 1024
- else
- chunk_size = 1024
- end
- begin
- while separator == :auto
- #
- # if we run out of data, it's probably a single line
- # (ensure will set default value)
- #
- break unless sample = @input.gets(nil, chunk_size)
- # extend sample if we're unsure of the line ending
- if sample.end_with?(cr)
- sample << (@input.gets(nil, 1) || "")
- end
- @samples << sample
- separator = detect_row_separator(sample, cr, lf)
- end
- rescue IOError
- # do nothing: ensure will set default
- end
- end
- separator = InputRecordSeparator.value if separator == :auto
- end
- separator.to_s.encode(@encoding)
- end
- def detect_row_separator(sample, cr, lf)
- lf_index = sample.index(lf)
- if lf_index
- cr_index = sample[0, lf_index].index(cr)
- else
- cr_index = sample.index(cr)
- end
- if cr_index and lf_index
- if cr_index + 1 == lf_index
- cr + lf
- elsif cr_index < lf_index
- cr
- else
- lf
- end
- elsif cr_index
- cr
- elsif lf_index
- lf
- else
- :auto
- end
- end
- def prepare_line
- @lineno = 0
- @last_line = nil
- @scanner = nil
- end
- def last_line
- if @scanner
- @last_line ||= @scanner.keep_end
- else
- @last_line
- end
- end
- def prepare_header
- @return_headers = @options[:return_headers]
- headers = @options[:headers]
- case headers
- when Array
- @raw_headers = headers
- quoted_fields = [false] * @raw_headers.size
- @use_headers = true
- when String
- @raw_headers, quoted_fields = parse_headers(headers)
- @use_headers = true
- when nil, false
- @raw_headers = nil
- @use_headers = false
- else
- @raw_headers = nil
- @use_headers = true
- end
- if @raw_headers
- @headers = adjust_headers(@raw_headers, quoted_fields)
- else
- @headers = nil
- end
- end
- def parse_headers(row)
- quoted_fields = []
- converter = lambda do |field, info|
- quoted_fields << info.quoted?
- field
- end
- headers = CSV.parse_line(row,
- col_sep: @column_separator,
- row_sep: @row_separator,
- quote_char: @quote_character,
- converters: [converter])
- [headers, quoted_fields]
- end
- def adjust_headers(headers, quoted_fields)
- adjusted_headers = @header_fields_converter.convert(headers, nil, @lineno, quoted_fields)
- adjusted_headers.each {|h| h.freeze if h.is_a? String}
- adjusted_headers
- end
- def prepare_parser
- @may_quoted = may_quoted?
- end
- def may_quoted?
- return false if @quote_character.nil?
- if @input.is_a?(StringIO)
- pos = @input.pos
- sample =
- else
- return false if @samples.empty?
- sample = @samples.first
- end
- sample[0, 128].index(@quote_character)
- end
- class UnoptimizedStringIO # :nodoc:
- def initialize(string)
- @io =, "rb:#{string.encoding}")
- end
- def gets(*args)
- @io.gets(*args)
- end
- def each_line(*args, &block)
- @io.each_line(*args, &block)
- end
- def eof?
- @io.eof?
- end
- end
- def build_scanner
- inputs = @samples.collect do |sample|
- end
- if @input.is_a?(StringIO)
- inputs <<
- else
- inputs << @input
- end
- begin
- chunk_size_value = ENV[SCANNER_TEST_CHUNK_SIZE_NAME]
- rescue # Ractor::IsolationError
- # Ractor on Ruby 3.0 can't read ENV value.
- chunk_size_value = SCANNER_TEST_CHUNK_SIZE_VALUE
- end
- chunk_size = Integer((chunk_size_value || "1"), 10)
- @encoding,
- @row_separator,
- chunk_size: chunk_size)
- end
- else
- def build_scanner
- string = nil
- if @samples.empty? and @input.is_a?(StringIO)
- string =
- elsif @samples.size == 1 and
- @input != ARGF and
- @input.respond_to?(:eof?) and
- @input.eof?
- string = @samples[0]
- end
- if string
- unless string.valid_encoding?
- index = string.lines(@row_separator).index do |line|
- !line.valid_encoding?
- end
- if index
- raise, @lineno + index + 1)
- end
- end
- else
- inputs = @samples.collect do |sample|
- end
- inputs << @input
-, @encoding, @row_separator)
- end
- end
- end
- def skip_needless_lines
- return unless @skip_lines
- until @scanner.eos?
- @scanner.keep_start
- line = @scanner.scan_all(@not_line_end) || "".encode(@encoding)
- line << @row_separator if parse_row_end
- if skip_line?(line)
- @lineno += 1
- @scanner.keep_drop
- else
- @scanner.keep_back
- return
- end
- end
- end
- def skip_line?(line)
- line = line.delete_suffix(@row_separator)
- case @skip_lines
- when String
- line.include?(@skip_lines)
- when Regexp
- @skip_lines.match?(line)
- else
- @skip_lines.match(line)
- end
- end
- def validate_field_size(field)
- return unless @max_field_size
- return if field.size <= @max_field_size
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "Field size exceeded: #{field.size} > #{@max_field_size}"
- raise, @lineno)
- end
- def parse_no_quote(&block)
- @scanner.each_line(@row_separator) do |line|
- next if @skip_lines and skip_line?(line)
- original_line = line
- line = line.delete_suffix(@row_separator)
- if line.empty?
- next if @skip_blanks
- row = []
- quoted_fields = []
- else
- line = strip_value(line)
- row = line.split(@split_column_separator, -1)
- quoted_fields = [false] * row.size
- if @max_field_size
- row.each do |column|
- validate_field_size(column)
- end
- end
- n_columns = row.size
- i = 0
- while i < n_columns
- row[i] = nil if row[i].empty?
- i += 1
- end
- end
- @last_line = original_line
- emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
- end
- end
- def parse_quotable_loose(&block)
- @scanner.keep_start
- @scanner.each_line(@row_separator) do |line|
- if @skip_lines and skip_line?(line)
- @scanner.keep_drop
- @scanner.keep_start
- next
- end
- original_line = line
- line = line.delete_suffix(@row_separator)
- if line.empty?
- if @skip_blanks
- @scanner.keep_drop
- @scanner.keep_start
- next
- end
- row = []
- quoted_fields = []
- elsif line.include?(@cr) or line.include?(@lf)
- @scanner.keep_back
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- return parse_quotable_robust(&block)
- else
- row = line.split(@split_column_separator, -1)
- quoted_fields = []
- n_columns = row.size
- i = 0
- while i < n_columns
- column = row[i]
- if column.empty?
- quoted_fields << false
- row[i] = nil
- else
- n_quotes = column.count(@quote_character)
- if
- quoted_fields << false
- # no quote
- elsif n_quotes == 2 and
- column.start_with?(@quote_character) and
- column.end_with?(@quote_character)
- quoted_fields << true
- row[i] = column[1..-2]
- else
- @scanner.keep_back
- @need_robust_parsing = true
- return parse_quotable_robust(&block)
- end
- validate_field_size(row[i])
- end
- i += 1
- end
- end
- @scanner.keep_drop
- @scanner.keep_start
- @last_line = original_line
- emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
- end
- @scanner.keep_drop
- end
- def parse_quotable_robust(&block)
- row = []
- quoted_fields = []
- skip_needless_lines
- start_row
- while true
- @quoted_column_value = false
- @unquoted_column_value = false
- @scanner.scan_all(@strip_value) if @strip_value
- value = parse_column_value
- if value
- @scanner.scan_all(@strip_value) if @strip_value
- validate_field_size(value)
- end
- if parse_column_end
- row << value
- quoted_fields << @quoted_column_value
- elsif parse_row_end
- if row.empty? and value.nil?
- emit_row([], [], &block) unless @skip_blanks
- else
- row << value
- quoted_fields << @quoted_column_value
- emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
- row = []
- quoted_fields = []
- end
- skip_needless_lines
- start_row
- elsif @scanner.eos?
- break if row.empty? and value.nil?
- row << value
- quoted_fields << @quoted_column_value
- emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
- break
- else
- if @quoted_column_value
- if liberal_parsing? and (new_line = @scanner.check(@line_end))
- message =
- "Illegal end-of-line sequence outside of a quoted field " +
- "<#{new_line.inspect}>"
- else
- message = "Any value after quoted field isn't allowed"
- end
- ignore_broken_line
- raise, @lineno)
- elsif @unquoted_column_value and
- (new_line = @scanner.scan(@line_end))
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "Unquoted fields do not allow new line " +
- "<#{new_line.inspect}>"
- raise, @lineno)
- elsif
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "Illegal quoting"
- raise, @lineno)
- elsif (new_line = @scanner.scan(@line_end))
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "New line must be <#{@row_separator.inspect}> " +
- "not <#{new_line.inspect}>"
- raise, @lineno)
- else
- ignore_broken_line
- raise"TODO: Meaningful message",
- @lineno)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def parse_column_value
- if @liberal_parsing
- quoted_value = parse_quoted_column_value
- if quoted_value
- @scanner.scan_all(@strip_value) if @strip_value
- unquoted_value = parse_unquoted_column_value
- if unquoted_value
- if @double_quote_outside_quote
- unquoted_value = unquoted_value.gsub(@quote_character * 2,
- @quote_character)
- if quoted_value.empty? # %Q{""...} case
- return @quote_character + unquoted_value
- end
- end
- @quote_character + quoted_value + @quote_character + unquoted_value
- else
- quoted_value
- end
- else
- parse_unquoted_column_value
- end
- elsif @may_quoted
- parse_quoted_column_value ||
- parse_unquoted_column_value
- else
- parse_unquoted_column_value ||
- parse_quoted_column_value
- end
- end
- def parse_unquoted_column_value
- value = @scanner.scan_all(@unquoted_value)
- return nil unless value
- @unquoted_column_value = true
- if @first_column_separators
- while true
- @scanner.keep_start
- is_column_end = @column_ends.all? do |column_end|
- @scanner.scan(column_end)
- end
- @scanner.keep_back
- break if is_column_end
- sub_separator = @scanner.scan_all(@first_column_separators)
- break if sub_separator.nil?
- value << sub_separator
- sub_value = @scanner.scan_all(@unquoted_value)
- break if sub_value.nil?
- value << sub_value
- end
- end
- value.gsub!(@backslash_quote_character, @quote_character) if @backslash_quote
- if @rstrip_value
- value.gsub!(@rstrip_value, "")
- end
- value
- end
- def parse_quoted_column_value
- quotes = @scanner.scan_all(@quotes)
- return nil unless quotes
- @quoted_column_value = true
- n_quotes = quotes.size
- if (n_quotes % 2).zero?
- quotes[0, (n_quotes - 2) / 2]
- else
- value = quotes[0, n_quotes / 2]
- while true
- quoted_value = @scanner.scan_all(@quoted_value)
- value << quoted_value if quoted_value
- if @backslash_quote
- if @scanner.scan(@escaped_backslash)
- if @scanner.scan(@escaped_quote)
- value << @quote_character
- else
- value << @backslash_character
- end
- next
- end
- end
- quotes = @scanner.scan_all(@quotes)
- unless quotes
- ignore_broken_line
- message = "Unclosed quoted field"
- raise, @lineno)
- end
- n_quotes = quotes.size
- if n_quotes == 1
- break
- else
- value << quotes[0, n_quotes / 2]
- break if (n_quotes % 2) == 1
- end
- end
- value
- end
- end
- def parse_column_end
- return true if @scanner.scan(@column_end)
- return false unless @column_ends
- @scanner.keep_start
- if @column_ends.all? {|column_end| @scanner.scan(column_end)}
- @scanner.keep_drop
- true
- else
- @scanner.keep_back
- false
- end
- end
- def parse_row_end
- return true if @scanner.scan(@row_end)
- return false unless @row_ends
- @scanner.keep_start
- if @row_ends.all? {|row_end| @scanner.scan(row_end)}
- @scanner.keep_drop
- true
- else
- @scanner.keep_back
- false
- end
- end
- def strip_value(value)
- return value unless @strip
- return value if value.nil?
- case @strip
- when String
- while value.delete_prefix!(@strip)
- # do nothing
- end
- while value.delete_suffix!(@strip)
- # do nothing
- end
- else
- value.strip!
- end
- value
- end
- def ignore_broken_line
- @scanner.scan_all(@not_line_end)
- @scanner.scan_all(@line_end)
- @lineno += 1
- end
- def start_row
- if @last_line
- @last_line = nil
- else
- @scanner.keep_drop
- end
- @scanner.keep_start
- end
- def emit_row(row, quoted_fields, &block)
- @lineno += 1
- raw_row = row
- if @use_headers
- if @headers.nil?
- @headers = adjust_headers(row, quoted_fields)
- return unless @return_headers
- row =, row, true)
- else
- row =,
- @fields_converter.convert(raw_row, @headers, @lineno, quoted_fields))
- end
- else
- # convert fields, if needed...
- row = @fields_converter.convert(raw_row, nil, @lineno, quoted_fields)
- end
- # inject unconverted fields and accessor, if requested...
- if @unconverted_fields and not row.respond_to?(:unconverted_fields)
- add_unconverted_fields(row, raw_row)
- end
- yield(row)
- end
- # This method injects an instance variable <tt>unconverted_fields</tt> into
- # +row+ and an accessor method for +row+ called unconverted_fields(). The
- # variable is set to the contents of +fields+.
- def add_unconverted_fields(row, fields)
- class << row
- attr_reader :unconverted_fields
- end
- row.instance_variable_set(:@unconverted_fields, fields)
- row
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/csv/row.rb b/lib/csv/row.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 86323f7d0a..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/row.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "forwardable"
-class CSV
- # = \CSV::Row
- # A \CSV::Row instance represents a \CSV table row.
- # (see {class CSV}[../CSV.html]).
- #
- # The instance may have:
- # - Fields: each is an object, not necessarily a \String.
- # - Headers: each serves a key, and also need not be a \String.
- #
- # === Instance Methods
- #
- # \CSV::Row has three groups of instance methods:
- # - Its own internally defined instance methods.
- # - Methods included by module Enumerable.
- # - Methods delegated to class Array.:
- # * Array#empty?
- # * Array#length
- # * Array#size
- #
- # == Creating a \CSV::Row Instance
- #
- # Commonly, a new \CSV::Row instance is created by parsing \CSV source
- # that has headers:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.each {|row| p row }
- # Output:
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- #
- # You can also create a row directly. See ::new.
- #
- # == Headers
- #
- # Like a \CSV::Table, a \CSV::Row has headers.
- #
- # A \CSV::Row that was created by parsing \CSV source
- # inherits its headers from the table:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table.first
- # row.headers # => ["Name", "Value"]
- #
- # You can also create a new row with headers;
- # like the keys in a \Hash, the headers need not be Strings:
- # row =[:name, :value], ['foo', 0])
- # row.headers # => [:name, :value]
- #
- # The new row retains its headers even if added to a table
- # that has headers:
- # table << row # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:5>
- # row.headers # => [:name, :value]
- # row[:name] # => "foo"
- # row['Name'] # => nil
- #
- #
- #
- # == Accessing Fields
- #
- # You may access a field in a \CSV::Row with either its \Integer index
- # (\Array-style) or its header (\Hash-style).
- #
- # Fetch a field using method #[]:
- # row =['Name', 'Value'], ['foo', 0])
- # row[1] # => 0
- # row['Value'] # => 0
- #
- # Set a field using method #[]=:
- # row =['Name', 'Value'], ['foo', 0])
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":0>
- # row[0] = 'bar'
- # row['Value'] = 1
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":1>
- #
- class Row
- # :call-seq:
- #, fields, header_row = false) -> csv_row
- #
- # Returns the new \CSV::Row instance constructed from
- # arguments +headers+ and +fields+; both should be Arrays;
- # note that the fields need not be Strings:
- # row =['Name', 'Value'], ['foo', 0])
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":0>
- #
- # If the \Array lengths are different, the shorter is +nil+-filled:
- # row =['Name', 'Value', 'Date', 'Size'], ['foo', 0])
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":0 "Date":nil "Size":nil>
- #
- # Each \CSV::Row object is either a <i>field row</i> or a <i>header row</i>;
- # by default, a new row is a field row; for the row created above:
- # row.field_row? # => true
- # row.header_row? # => false
- #
- # If the optional argument +header_row+ is given as +true+,
- # the created row is a header row:
- # row =['Name', 'Value'], ['foo', 0], header_row = true)
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":0>
- # row.field_row? # => false
- # row.header_row? # => true
- def initialize(headers, fields, header_row = false)
- @header_row = header_row
- headers.each { |h| h.freeze if h.is_a? String }
- # handle extra headers or fields
- @row = if headers.size >= fields.size
- else
- end
- end
- # Internal data format used to compare equality.
- attr_reader :row
- protected :row
- ### Array Delegation ###
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :@row, :empty?, :length, :size
- # :call-seq:
- # row.initialize_copy(other_row) -> self
- #
- # Calls superclass method.
- def initialize_copy(other)
- super_return_value = super
- @row = @row.collect(&:dup)
- super_return_value
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.header_row? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if this is a header row, +false+ otherwise.
- def header_row?
- @header_row
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.field_row? -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if this is a field row, +false+ otherwise.
- def field_row?
- not header_row?
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.headers -> array_of_headers
- #
- # Returns the headers for this row:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table.first
- # row.headers # => ["Name", "Value"]
- def headers
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # field(index) -> value
- # field(header) -> value
- # field(header, offset) -> value
- #
- # Returns the field value for the given +index+ or +header+.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Fetch field value by \Integer index:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.field(0) # => "foo"
- # row.field(1) # => "bar"
- #
- # Counts backward from the last column if +index+ is negative:
- # row.field(-1) # => "0"
- # row.field(-2) # => "foo"
- #
- # Returns +nil+ if +index+ is out of range:
- # row.field(2) # => nil
- # row.field(-3) # => nil
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Fetch field value by header (first found):
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.field('Name') # => "Foo"
- #
- # Fetch field value by header, ignoring +offset+ leading fields:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.field('Name', 2) # => "Baz"
- #
- # Returns +nil+ if the header does not exist.
- def field(header_or_index, minimum_index = 0)
- # locate the pair
- finder = (header_or_index.is_a?(Integer) || header_or_index.is_a?(Range)) ? :[] : :assoc
- pair = @row[minimum_index..-1].public_send(finder, header_or_index)
- # return the field if we have a pair
- if pair.nil?
- nil
- else
- header_or_index.is_a?(Range) ? : pair.last
- end
- end
- alias_method :[], :field
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # fetch(header) -> value
- # fetch(header, default) -> value
- # fetch(header) {|row| ... } -> value
- #
- # Returns the field value as specified by +header+.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With the single argument +header+, returns the field value
- # for that header (first found):
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.fetch('Name') # => "Foo"
- #
- # Raises exception +KeyError+ if the header does not exist.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With arguments +header+ and +default+ given,
- # returns the field value for the header (first found)
- # if the header exists, otherwise returns +default+:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.fetch('Name', '') # => "Foo"
- # row.fetch(:nosuch, '') # => ""
- #
- # ---
- #
- # With argument +header+ and a block given,
- # returns the field value for the header (first found)
- # if the header exists; otherwise calls the block
- # and returns its return value:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.fetch('Name') {|header| fail 'Cannot happen' } # => "Foo"
- # row.fetch(:nosuch) {|header| "Header '#{header} not found'" } # => "Header 'nosuch not found'"
- def fetch(header, *varargs)
- raise ArgumentError, "Too many arguments" if varargs.length > 1
- pair = @row.assoc(header)
- if pair
- pair.last
- else
- if block_given?
- yield header
- elsif varargs.empty?
- raise KeyError, "key not found: #{header}"
- else
- varargs.first
- end
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.has_key?(header) -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if there is a field with the given +header+,
- # +false+ otherwise.
- def has_key?(header)
- !!@row.assoc(header)
- end
- alias_method :include?, :has_key?
- alias_method :key?, :has_key?
- alias_method :member?, :has_key?
- alias_method :header?, :has_key?
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # row[index] = value -> value
- # row[header, offset] = value -> value
- # row[header] = value -> value
- #
- # Assigns the field value for the given +index+ or +header+;
- # returns +value+.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Assign field value by \Integer index:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row[0] = 'Bat'
- # row[1] = 3
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Bat" "Value":3>
- #
- # Counts backward from the last column if +index+ is negative:
- # row[-1] = 4
- # row[-2] = 'Bam'
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Bam" "Value":4>
- #
- # Extends the row with <tt>nil:nil</tt> if positive +index+ is not in the row:
- # row[4] = 5
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bad" "Value":4 nil:nil nil:nil nil:5>
- #
- # Raises IndexError if negative +index+ is too small (too far from zero).
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Assign field value by header (first found):
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row['Name'] = 'Bat'
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Bat" "Name":"Bar" "Name":"Baz">
- #
- # Assign field value by header, ignoring +offset+ leading fields:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row['Name', 2] = 4
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo" "Name":"Bar" "Name":4>
- #
- # Append new field by (new) header:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row['New'] = 6
- # row# => #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0" "New":6>
- def []=(*args)
- value = args.pop
- if args.first.is_a? Integer
- if @row[args.first].nil? # extending past the end with index
- @row[args.first] = [nil, value]
-! { |pair| pair.nil? ? [nil, nil] : pair }
- else # normal index assignment
- @row[args.first][1] = value
- end
- else
- index = index(*args)
- if index.nil? # appending a field
- self << [args.first, value]
- else # normal header assignment
- @row[index][1] = value
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # row << [header, value] -> self
- # row << hash -> self
- # row << value -> self
- #
- # Adds a field to +self+; returns +self+:
- #
- # If the argument is a 2-element \Array <tt>[header, value]</tt>,
- # a field is added with the given +header+ and +value+:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row << ['NAME', 'Bat']
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo" "Name":"Bar" "Name":"Baz" "NAME":"Bat">
- #
- # If the argument is a \Hash, each <tt>key-value</tt> pair is added
- # as a field with header +key+ and value +value+.
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row << {NAME: 'Bat', name: 'Bam'}
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo" "Name":"Bar" "Name":"Baz" NAME:"Bat" name:"Bam">
- #
- # Otherwise, the given +value+ is added as a field with no header.
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row << 'Bag'
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo" "Name":"Bar" "Name":"Baz" nil:"Bag">
- def <<(arg)
- if arg.is_a?(Array) and arg.size == 2 # appending a header and name
- @row << arg
- elsif arg.is_a?(Hash) # append header and name pairs
- arg.each { |pair| @row << pair }
- else # append field value
- @row << [nil, arg]
- end
- self # for chaining
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.push(*values) -> self
- #
- # Appends each of the given +values+ to +self+ as a field; returns +self+:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.push('Bat', 'Bam')
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo" "Name":"Bar" "Name":"Baz" nil:"Bat" nil:"Bam">
- def push(*args)
- args.each { |arg| self << arg }
- self # for chaining
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # delete(index) -> [header, value] or nil
- # delete(header) -> [header, value] or empty_array
- # delete(header, offset) -> [header, value] or empty_array
- #
- # Removes a specified field from +self+; returns the 2-element \Array
- # <tt>[header, value]</tt> if the field exists.
- #
- # If an \Integer argument +index+ is given,
- # removes and returns the field at offset +index+,
- # or returns +nil+ if the field does not exist:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.delete(1) # => ["Name", "Bar"]
- # row.delete(50) # => nil
- #
- # Otherwise, if the single argument +header+ is given,
- # removes and returns the first-found field with the given header,
- # of returns a new empty \Array if the field does not exist:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.delete('Name') # => ["Name", "Foo"]
- # row.delete('NAME') # => []
- #
- # If argument +header+ and \Integer argument +offset+ are given,
- # removes and returns the first-found field with the given header
- # whose +index+ is at least as large as +offset+:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.delete('Name', 1) # => ["Name", "Bar"]
- # row.delete('NAME', 1) # => []
- def delete(header_or_index, minimum_index = 0)
- if header_or_index.is_a? Integer # by index
- @row.delete_at(header_or_index)
- elsif i = index(header_or_index, minimum_index) # by header
- @row.delete_at(i)
- else
- [ ]
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.delete_if {|header, value| ... } -> self
- #
- # Removes fields from +self+ as selected by the block; returns +self+.
- #
- # Removes each field for which the block returns a truthy value:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.delete_if {|header, value| value.start_with?('B') } # => true
- # row # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo">
- # row.delete_if {|header, value| header.start_with?('B') } # => false
- #
- # If no block is given, returns a new Enumerator:
- # row.delete_if # => #<Enumerator: #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo">:delete_if>
- def delete_if(&block)
- return enum_for(__method__) { size } unless block_given?
- @row.delete_if(&block)
- self # for chaining
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # self.fields(*specifiers) -> array_of_fields
- #
- # Returns field values per the given +specifiers+, which may be any mixture of:
- # - \Integer index.
- # - \Range of \Integer indexes.
- # - 2-element \Array containing a header and offset.
- # - Header.
- # - \Range of headers.
- #
- # For +specifier+ in one of the first four cases above,
- # returns the result of <tt>self.field(specifier)</tt>; see #field.
- #
- # Although there may be any number of +specifiers+,
- # the examples here will illustrate one at a time.
- #
- # When the specifier is an \Integer +index+,
- # returns <tt>self.field(index)</tt>L
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.fields(1) # => ["Bar"]
- #
- # When the specifier is a \Range of \Integers +range+,
- # returns <tt>self.field(range)</tt>:
- # row.fields(1..2) # => ["Bar", "Baz"]
- #
- # When the specifier is a 2-element \Array +array+,
- # returns <tt>self.field(array)</tt>L
- # row.fields('Name', 1) # => ["Foo", "Bar"]
- #
- # When the specifier is a header +header+,
- # returns <tt>self.field(header)</tt>L
- # row.fields('Name') # => ["Foo"]
- #
- # When the specifier is a \Range of headers +range+,
- # forms a new \Range +new_range+ from the indexes of
- # <tt>range.start</tt> and <tt>range.end</tt>,
- # and returns <tt>self.field(new_range)</tt>:
- # source = "Name,NAME,name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.fields('Name'..'NAME') # => ["Foo", "Bar"]
- #
- # Returns all fields if no argument given:
- # row.fields # => ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
- def fields(*headers_and_or_indices)
- if headers_and_or_indices.empty? # return all fields--no arguments
- else # or work like values_at()
- all = []
- headers_and_or_indices.each do |h_or_i|
- if h_or_i.is_a? Range
- index_begin = h_or_i.begin.is_a?(Integer) ? h_or_i.begin :
- index(h_or_i.begin)
- index_end = h_or_i.end.is_a?(Integer) ? h_or_i.end :
- index(h_or_i.end)
- new_range = h_or_i.exclude_end? ? (index_begin...index_end) :
- (index_begin..index_end)
- all.concat(fields.values_at(new_range))
- else
- all << field(*Array(h_or_i))
- end
- end
- return all
- end
- end
- alias_method :values_at, :fields
- # :call-seq:
- # index(header) -> index
- # index(header, offset) -> index
- #
- # Returns the index for the given header, if it exists;
- # otherwise returns +nil+.
- #
- # With the single argument +header+, returns the index
- # of the first-found field with the given +header+:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.index('Name') # => 0
- # row.index('NAME') # => nil
- #
- # With arguments +header+ and +offset+,
- # returns the index of the first-found field with given +header+,
- # but ignoring the first +offset+ fields:
- # row.index('Name', 1) # => 1
- # row.index('Name', 3) # => nil
- def index(header, minimum_index = 0)
- # find the pair
- index = headers[minimum_index..-1].index(header)
- # return the index at the right offset, if we found one
- index.nil? ? nil : index + minimum_index
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.field?(value) -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if +value+ is a field in this row, +false+ otherwise:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.field?('Bar') # => true
- # row.field?('BAR') # => false
- def field?(data)
- fields.include? data
- end
- include Enumerable
- # :call-seq:
- # row.each {|header, value| ... } -> self
- #
- # Calls the block with each header-value pair; returns +self+:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.each {|header, value| p [header, value] }
- # Output:
- # ["Name", "Foo"]
- # ["Name", "Bar"]
- # ["Name", "Baz"]
- #
- # If no block is given, returns a new Enumerator:
- # row.each # => #<Enumerator: #<CSV::Row "Name":"Foo" "Name":"Bar" "Name":"Baz">:each>
- def each(&block)
- return enum_for(__method__) { size } unless block_given?
- @row.each(&block)
- self # for chaining
- end
- alias_method :each_pair, :each
- # :call-seq:
- # row == other -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if +other+ is a /CSV::Row that has the same
- # fields (headers and values) in the same order as +self+;
- # otherwise returns +false+:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # other_row = table[0]
- # row == other_row # => true
- # other_row = table[1]
- # row == other_row # => false
- def ==(other)
- return @row == other.row if other.is_a? CSV::Row
- @row == other
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.to_h -> hash
- #
- # Returns the new \Hash formed by adding each header-value pair in +self+
- # as a key-value pair in the \Hash.
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.to_h # => {"Name"=>"foo", "Value"=>"0"}
- #
- # Header order is preserved, but repeated headers are ignored:
- # source = "Name,Name,Name\nFoo,Bar,Baz\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.to_h # => {"Name"=>"Foo"}
- def to_h
- hash = {}
- each do |key, _value|
- hash[key] = self[key] unless hash.key?(key)
- end
- hash
- end
- alias_method :to_hash, :to_h
- # :call-seq:
- # row.deconstruct_keys(keys) -> hash
- #
- # Returns the new \Hash suitable for pattern matching containing only the
- # keys specified as an argument.
- def deconstruct_keys(keys)
- if keys.nil?
- to_h
- else
- keys.to_h { |key| [key, self[key]] }
- end
- end
- alias_method :to_ary, :to_a
- # :call-seq:
- # row.deconstruct -> array
- #
- # Returns the new \Array suitable for pattern matching containing the values
- # of the row.
- def deconstruct
- fields
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.to_csv -> csv_string
- #
- # Returns the row as a \CSV String. Headers are not included:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.to_csv # => "foo,0\n"
- def to_csv(**options)
- fields.to_csv(**options)
- end
- alias_method :to_s, :to_csv
- # :call-seq:
- # row.dig(index_or_header, *identifiers) -> object
- #
- # Finds and returns the object in nested object that is specified
- # by +index_or_header+ and +specifiers+.
- #
- # The nested objects may be instances of various classes.
- # See {Dig Methods}[rdoc-ref:dig_methods.rdoc].
- #
- # Examples:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.dig(1) # => "0"
- # row.dig('Value') # => "0"
- # row.dig(5) # => nil
- def dig(index_or_header, *indexes)
- value = field(index_or_header)
- if value.nil?
- nil
- elsif indexes.empty?
- value
- else
- unless value.respond_to?(:dig)
- raise TypeError, "#{value.class} does not have \#dig method"
- end
- value.dig(*indexes)
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # row.inspect -> string
- #
- # Returns an ASCII-compatible \String showing:
- # - Class \CSV::Row.
- # - Header-value pairs.
- # Example:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # row = table[0]
- # row.inspect # => "#<CSV::Row \"Name\":\"foo\" \"Value\":\"0\">"
- def inspect
- str = ["#<", self.class.to_s]
- each do |header, field|
- str << " " << (header.is_a?(Symbol) ? header.to_s : header.inspect) <<
- ":" << field.inspect
- end
- str << ">"
- begin
- str.join('')
- rescue # any encoding error
- do |s|
- e = Encoding::Converter.asciicompat_encoding(s.encoding)
- e ? s.encode(e) : s.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")
- end.join('')
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/csv/table.rb b/lib/csv/table.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fb19f5453f..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/table.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1055 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "forwardable"
-class CSV
- # = \CSV::Table
- # A \CSV::Table instance represents \CSV data.
- # (see {class CSV}[../CSV.html]).
- #
- # The instance may have:
- # - Rows: each is a Table::Row object.
- # - Headers: names for the columns.
- #
- # === Instance Methods
- #
- # \CSV::Table has three groups of instance methods:
- # - Its own internally defined instance methods.
- # - Methods included by module Enumerable.
- # - Methods delegated to class Array.:
- # * Array#empty?
- # * Array#length
- # * Array#size
- #
- # == Creating a \CSV::Table Instance
- #
- # Commonly, a new \CSV::Table instance is created by parsing \CSV source
- # using headers:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.class # => CSV::Table
- #
- # You can also create an instance directly. See ::new.
- #
- # == Headers
- #
- # If a table has headers, the headers serve as labels for the columns of data.
- # Each header serves as the label for its column.
- #
- # The headers for a \CSV::Table object are stored as an \Array of Strings.
- #
- # Commonly, headers are defined in the first row of \CSV source:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.headers # => ["Name", "Value"]
- #
- # If no headers are defined, the \Array is empty:
- # table =[])
- # table.headers # => []
- #
- # == Access Modes
- #
- # \CSV::Table provides three modes for accessing table data:
- # - \Row mode.
- # - Column mode.
- # - Mixed mode (the default for a new table).
- #
- # The access mode for a\CSV::Table instance affects the behavior
- # of some of its instance methods:
- # - #[]
- # - #[]=
- # - #delete
- # - #delete_if
- # - #each
- # - #values_at
- #
- # === \Row Mode
- #
- # Set a table to row mode with method #by_row!:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- #
- # Specify a single row by an \Integer index:
- # # Get a row.
- # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # # Set a row, then get it.
- # table[1] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bam', 3])
- # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":3>
- #
- # Specify a sequence of rows by a \Range:
- # # Get rows.
- # table[1..2] # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":3>, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- # # Set rows, then get them.
- # table[1..2] = [
- #['Name', 'Value'], ['bat', 4]),
- #['Name', 'Value'], ['bad', 5]),
- # ]
- # table[1..2] # => [["Name", #<CSV::Row "Name":"bat" "Value":4>], ["Value", #<CSV::Row "Name":"bad" "Value":5>]]
- #
- # === Column Mode
- #
- # Set a table to column mode with method #by_col!:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- #
- # Specify a column by an \Integer index:
- # # Get a column.
- # table[0]
- # # Set a column, then get it.
- # table[0] = ['FOO', 'BAR', 'BAZ']
- # table[0] # => ["FOO", "BAR", "BAZ"]
- #
- # Specify a column by its \String header:
- # # Get a column.
- # table['Name'] # => ["FOO", "BAR", "BAZ"]
- # # Set a column, then get it.
- # table['Name'] = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
- # table['Name'] # => ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
- #
- # === Mixed Mode
- #
- # In mixed mode, you can refer to either rows or columns:
- # - An \Integer index refers to a row.
- # - A \Range index refers to multiple rows.
- # - A \String index refers to a column.
- #
- # Set a table to mixed mode with method #by_col_or_row!:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- #
- # Specify a single row by an \Integer index:
- # # Get a row.
- # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # # Set a row, then get it.
- # table[1] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bam', 3])
- # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":3>
- #
- # Specify a sequence of rows by a \Range:
- # # Get rows.
- # table[1..2] # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":3>, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- # # Set rows, then get them.
- # table[1] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bat', 4])
- # table[2] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bad', 5])
- # table[1..2] # => [["Name", #<CSV::Row "Name":"bat" "Value":4>], ["Value", #<CSV::Row "Name":"bad" "Value":5>]]
- #
- # Specify a column by its \String header:
- # # Get a column.
- # table['Name'] # => ["foo", "bat", "bad"]
- # # Set a column, then get it.
- # table['Name'] = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
- # table['Name'] # => ["Foo", "Bar", "Baz"]
- class Table
- # :call-seq:
- #, headers = nil) -> csv_table
- #
- # Returns a new \CSV::Table object.
- #
- # - Argument +array_of_rows+ must be an \Array of CSV::Row objects.
- # - Argument +headers+, if given, may be an \Array of Strings.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Create an empty \CSV::Table object:
- # table =[])
- # table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:1>
- #
- # Create a non-empty \CSV::Table object:
- # rows = [
- #[], []),
- #[], []),
- #[], []),
- # ]
- # table =
- # table # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- #
- # ---
- #
- # If argument +headers+ is an \Array of Strings,
- # those Strings become the table's headers:
- # table =[], headers: ['Name', 'Age'])
- # table.headers # => ["Name", "Age"]
- #
- # If argument +headers+ is not given and the table has rows,
- # the headers are taken from the first row:
- # rows = [
- #['Foo', 'Bar'], []),
- #['foo', 'bar'], []),
- #['FOO', 'BAR'], []),
- # ]
- # table =
- # table.headers # => ["Foo", "Bar"]
- #
- # If argument +headers+ is not given and the table is empty (has no rows),
- # the headers are also empty:
- # table =[])
- # table.headers # => []
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Raises an exception if argument +array_of_rows+ is not an \Array object:
- # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `first' for :foo:Symbol):
- #
- #
- # Raises an exception if an element of +array_of_rows+ is not a \CSV::Table object:
- # # Raises NoMethodError (undefined method `headers' for :foo:Symbol):
- #[:foo])
- def initialize(array_of_rows, headers: nil)
- @table = array_of_rows
- @headers = headers
- unless @headers
- if @table.empty?
- @headers = []
- else
- @headers = @table.first.headers
- end
- end
- @mode = :col_or_row
- end
- # The current access mode for indexing and iteration.
- attr_reader :mode
- # Internal data format used to compare equality.
- attr_reader :table
- protected :table
- ### Array Delegation ###
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :@table, :empty?, :length, :size
- # :call-seq:
- # table.by_col -> table_dup
- #
- # Returns a duplicate of +self+, in column mode
- # (see {Column Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Column+Mode]):
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.mode # => :col_or_row
- # dup_table = table.by_col
- # dup_table.mode # => :col
- # dup_table.equal?(table) # => false # It's a dup
- #
- # This may be used to chain method calls without changing the mode
- # (but also will affect performance and memory usage):
- # dup_table.by_col['Name']
- #
- # Also note that changes to the duplicate table will not affect the original.
- def by_col
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.by_col! -> self
- #
- # Sets the mode for +self+ to column mode
- # (see {Column Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Column+Mode]); returns +self+:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.mode # => :col_or_row
- # table1 = table.by_col!
- # table.mode # => :col
- # table1.equal?(table) # => true # Returned self
- def by_col!
- @mode = :col
- self
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.by_col_or_row -> table_dup
- #
- # Returns a duplicate of +self+, in mixed mode
- # (see {Mixed Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Mixed+Mode]):
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true).by_col!
- # table.mode # => :col
- # dup_table = table.by_col_or_row
- # dup_table.mode # => :col_or_row
- # dup_table.equal?(table) # => false # It's a dup
- #
- # This may be used to chain method calls without changing the mode
- # (but also will affect performance and memory usage):
- # dup_table.by_col_or_row['Name']
- #
- # Also note that changes to the duplicate table will not affect the original.
- def by_col_or_row
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.by_col_or_row! -> self
- #
- # Sets the mode for +self+ to mixed mode
- # (see {Mixed Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Mixed+Mode]); returns +self+:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true).by_col!
- # table.mode # => :col
- # table1 = table.by_col_or_row!
- # table.mode # => :col_or_row
- # table1.equal?(table) # => true # Returned self
- def by_col_or_row!
- @mode = :col_or_row
- self
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.by_row -> table_dup
- #
- # Returns a duplicate of +self+, in row mode
- # (see {Row Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Row+Mode]):
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.mode # => :col_or_row
- # dup_table = table.by_row
- # dup_table.mode # => :row
- # dup_table.equal?(table) # => false # It's a dup
- #
- # This may be used to chain method calls without changing the mode
- # (but also will affect performance and memory usage):
- # dup_table.by_row[1]
- #
- # Also note that changes to the duplicate table will not affect the original.
- def by_row
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.by_row! -> self
- #
- # Sets the mode for +self+ to row mode
- # (see {Row Mode}[#class-CSV::Table-label-Row+Mode]); returns +self+:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.mode # => :col_or_row
- # table1 = table.by_row!
- # table.mode # => :row
- # table1.equal?(table) # => true # Returned self
- def by_row!
- @mode = :row
- self
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.headers -> array_of_headers
- #
- # Returns a new \Array containing the \String headers for the table.
- #
- # If the table is not empty, returns the headers from the first row:
- # rows = [
- #['Foo', 'Bar'], []),
- #['FOO', 'BAR'], []),
- #['foo', 'bar'], []),
- # ]
- # table =
- # table.headers # => ["Foo", "Bar"]
- # table.delete(0)
- # table.headers # => ["FOO", "BAR"]
- # table.delete(0)
- # table.headers # => ["foo", "bar"]
- #
- # If the table is empty, returns a copy of the headers in the table itself:
- # table.delete(0)
- # table.headers # => ["Foo", "Bar"]
- def headers
- if @table.empty?
- @headers.dup
- else
- @table.first.headers
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table[n] -> row or column_data
- # table[range] -> array_of_rows or array_of_column_data
- # table[header] -> array_of_column_data
- #
- # Returns data from the table; does not modify the table.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Fetch a \Row by Its \Integer Index::
- # - Form: <tt>table[n]</tt>, +n+ an integer.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
- # - Return value: _nth_ row of the table, if that row exists;
- # otherwise +nil+.
- #
- # Returns the _nth_ row of the table if that row exists:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # table[1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- #
- # Counts backward from the last row if +n+ is negative:
- # table[-1] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- #
- # Returns +nil+ if +n+ is too large or too small:
- # table[4] # => nil
- # table[-4] # => nil
- #
- # Raises an exception if the access mode is <tt>:row</tt>
- # and +n+ is not an \Integer:
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # # Raises TypeError (no implicit conversion of String into Integer):
- # table['Name']
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Fetch a Column by Its \Integer Index::
- # - Form: <tt>table[n]</tt>, +n+ an \Integer.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt>.
- # - Return value: _nth_ column of the table, if that column exists;
- # otherwise an \Array of +nil+ fields of length <tt>self.size</tt>.
- #
- # Returns the _nth_ column of the table if that column exists:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # table[1] # => ["0", "1", "2"]
- #
- # Counts backward from the last column if +n+ is negative:
- # table[-2] # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- #
- # Returns an \Array of +nil+ fields if +n+ is too large or too small:
- # table[4] # => [nil, nil, nil]
- # table[-4] # => [nil, nil, nil]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Fetch Rows by \Range::
- # - Form: <tt>table[range]</tt>, +range+ a \Range object.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
- # - Return value: rows from the table, beginning at row <tt>range.start</tt>,
- # if those rows exists.
- #
- # Returns rows from the table, beginning at row <tt>range.first</tt>,
- # if those rows exist:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # rows = table[1..2] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # rows = table[1..2] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # If there are too few rows, returns all from <tt>range.start</tt> to the end:
- # rows = table[1..50] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # Special case: if <tt>range.start == table.size</tt>, returns an empty \Array:
- # table[table.size..50] # => []
- #
- # If <tt>range.end</tt> is negative, calculates the ending index from the end:
- # rows = table[0..-1]
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # If <tt>range.start</tt> is negative, calculates the starting index from the end:
- # rows = table[-1..2]
- # rows # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # If <tt>range.start</tt> is larger than <tt>table.size</tt>, returns +nil+:
- # table[4..4] # => nil
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Fetch Columns by \Range::
- # - Form: <tt>table[range]</tt>, +range+ a \Range object.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt>.
- # - Return value: column data from the table, beginning at column <tt>range.start</tt>,
- # if those columns exist.
- #
- # Returns column values from the table, if the column exists;
- # the values are arranged by row:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_col!
- # table[0..1] # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
- #
- # Special case: if <tt>range.start == headers.size</tt>,
- # returns an \Array (size: <tt>table.size</tt>) of empty \Arrays:
- # table[table.headers.size..50] # => [[], [], []]
- #
- # If <tt>range.end</tt> is negative, calculates the ending index from the end:
- # table[0..-1] # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
- #
- # If <tt>range.start</tt> is negative, calculates the starting index from the end:
- # table[-2..2] # => [["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
- #
- # If <tt>range.start</tt> is larger than <tt>table.size</tt>,
- # returns an \Array of +nil+ values:
- # table[4..4] # => [nil, nil, nil]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Fetch a Column by Its \String Header::
- # - Form: <tt>table[header]</tt>, +header+ a \String header.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>
- # - Return value: column data from the table, if that +header+ exists.
- #
- # Returns column values from the table, if the column exists:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # table['Name'] # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # col = table['Name']
- # col # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- #
- # Modifying the returned column values does not modify the table:
- # col[0] = 'bat'
- # col # => ["bat", "bar", "baz"]
- # table['Name'] # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- #
- # Returns an \Array of +nil+ values if there is no such column:
- # table['Nosuch'] # => [nil, nil, nil]
- def [](index_or_header)
- if @mode == :row or # by index
- (@mode == :col_or_row and (index_or_header.is_a?(Integer) or index_or_header.is_a?(Range)))
- @table[index_or_header]
- else # by header
- { |row| row[index_or_header] }
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table[n] = row -> row
- # table[n] = field_or_array_of_fields -> field_or_array_of_fields
- # table[header] = field_or_array_of_fields -> field_or_array_of_fields
- #
- # Puts data onto the table.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Set a \Row by Its \Integer Index::
- # - Form: <tt>table[n] = row</tt>, +n+ an \Integer,
- # +row+ a \CSV::Row instance or an \Array of fields.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
- # - Return value: +row+.
- #
- # If the row exists, it is replaced:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # new_row =['Name', 'Value'], ['bat', 3])
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # return_value = table[0] = new_row
- # return_value.equal?(new_row) # => true # Returned the row
- # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bat", "Value"=>3}
- #
- # With access mode <tt>:col_or_row</tt>:
- # table.by_col_or_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>
- # table[0] =['Name', 'Value'], ['bam', 4])
- # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bam", "Value"=>4}
- #
- # With an \Array instead of a \CSV::Row, inherits headers from the table:
- # array = ['bad', 5]
- # return_value = table[0] = array
- # return_value.equal?(array) # => true # Returned the array
- # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bad", "Value"=>5}
- #
- # If the row does not exist, extends the table by adding rows:
- # assigns rows with +nil+ as needed:
- # table.size # => 3
- # table[5] = ['bag', 6]
- # table.size # => 6
- # table[3] # => nil
- # table[4]# => nil
- # table[5].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bag", "Value"=>6}
- #
- # Note that the +nil+ rows are actually +nil+, not a row of +nil+ fields.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Set a Column by Its \Integer Index::
- # - Form: <tt>table[n] = array_of_fields</tt>, +n+ an \Integer,
- # +array_of_fields+ an \Array of \String fields.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt>.
- # - Return value: +array_of_fields+.
- #
- # If the column exists, it is replaced:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # new_col = [3, 4, 5]
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # return_value = table[1] = new_col
- # return_value.equal?(new_col) # => true # Returned the column
- # table[1] # => [3, 4, 5]
- # # The rows, as revised:
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"foo", "Value"=>3}
- # table[1].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bar", "Value"=>4}
- # table[2].to_h # => {"Name"=>"baz", "Value"=>5}
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- #
- # If there are too few values, fills with +nil+ values:
- # table[1] = [0]
- # table[1] # => [0, nil, nil]
- #
- # If there are too many values, ignores the extra values:
- # table[1] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- # table[1] # => [0, 1, 2]
- #
- # If a single value is given, replaces all fields in the column with that value:
- # table[1] = 'bat'
- # table[1] # => ["bat", "bat", "bat"]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Set a Column by Its \String Header::
- # - Form: <tt>table[header] = field_or_array_of_fields</tt>,
- # +header+ a \String header, +field_or_array_of_fields+ a field value
- # or an \Array of \String fields.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:col</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
- # - Return value: +field_or_array_of_fields+.
- #
- # If the column exists, it is replaced:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # new_col = [3, 4, 5]
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # return_value = table['Value'] = new_col
- # return_value.equal?(new_col) # => true # Returned the column
- # table['Value'] # => [3, 4, 5]
- # # The rows, as revised:
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"foo", "Value"=>3}
- # table[1].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bar", "Value"=>4}
- # table[2].to_h # => {"Name"=>"baz", "Value"=>5}
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- #
- # If there are too few values, fills with +nil+ values:
- # table['Value'] = [0]
- # table['Value'] # => [0, nil, nil]
- #
- # If there are too many values, ignores the extra values:
- # table['Value'] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- # table['Value'] # => [0, 1, 2]
- #
- # If the column does not exist, extends the table by adding columns:
- # table['Note'] = ['x', 'y', 'z']
- # table['Note'] # => ["x", "y", "z"]
- # # The rows, as revised:
- # table.by_row!
- # table[0].to_h # => {"Name"=>"foo", "Value"=>0, "Note"=>"x"}
- # table[1].to_h # => {"Name"=>"bar", "Value"=>1, "Note"=>"y"}
- # table[2].to_h # => {"Name"=>"baz", "Value"=>2, "Note"=>"z"}
- # table.by_col!
- #
- # If a single value is given, replaces all fields in the column with that value:
- # table['Value'] = 'bat'
- # table['Value'] # => ["bat", "bat", "bat"]
- def []=(index_or_header, value)
- if @mode == :row or # by index
- (@mode == :col_or_row and index_or_header.is_a? Integer)
- if value.is_a? Array
- @table[index_or_header] =, value)
- else
- @table[index_or_header] = value
- end
- else # set column
- unless index_or_header.is_a? Integer
- index = @headers.index(index_or_header) || @headers.size
- @headers[index] = index_or_header
- end
- if value.is_a? Array # multiple values
- @table.each_with_index do |row, i|
- if row.header_row?
- row[index_or_header] = index_or_header
- else
- row[index_or_header] = value[i]
- end
- end
- else # repeated value
- @table.each do |row|
- if row.header_row?
- row[index_or_header] = index_or_header
- else
- row[index_or_header] = value
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.values_at(*indexes) -> array_of_rows
- # table.values_at(*headers) -> array_of_columns_data
- #
- # If the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>,
- # and each argument is either an \Integer or a \Range,
- # returns rows.
- # Otherwise, returns columns data.
- #
- # In either case, the returned values are in the order
- # specified by the arguments. Arguments may be repeated.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns rows as an \Array of \CSV::Row objects.
- #
- # No argument:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.values_at # => []
- #
- # One index:
- # values = table.values_at(0)
- # values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">]
- #
- # Two indexes:
- # values = table.values_at(2, 0)
- # values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">]
- #
- # One \Range:
- # values = table.values_at(1..2)
- # values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # \Ranges and indexes:
- # values = table.values_at(0..1, 1..2, 0, 2)
- # pp values
- # Output:
- # [#<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">,
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns columns data as row Arrays,
- # each consisting of the specified columns data for that row:
- # values = table.values_at('Name')
- # values # => [["foo"], ["bar"], ["baz"]]
- # values = table.values_at('Value', 'Name')
- # values # => [["0", "foo"], ["1", "bar"], ["2", "baz"]]
- def values_at(*indices_or_headers)
- if @mode == :row or # by indices
- ( @mode == :col_or_row and indices_or_headers.all? do |index|
- index.is_a?(Integer) or
- ( index.is_a?(Range) and
- index.first.is_a?(Integer) and
- index.last.is_a?(Integer) )
- end )
- @table.values_at(*indices_or_headers)
- else # by headers
- { |row| row.values_at(*indices_or_headers) }
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table << row_or_array -> self
- #
- # If +row_or_array+ is a \CSV::Row object,
- # it is appended to the table:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table <<, ['bat', 3])
- # table[3] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bat" "Value":3>
- #
- # If +row_or_array+ is an \Array, it is used to create a new
- # \CSV::Row object which is then appended to the table:
- # table << ['bam', 4]
- # table[4] # => #<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":4>
- def <<(row_or_array)
- if row_or_array.is_a? Array # append Array
- @table <<, row_or_array)
- else # append Row
- @table << row_or_array
- end
- self # for chaining
- end
- #
- # :call-seq:
- # table.push(*rows_or_arrays) -> self
- #
- # A shortcut for appending multiple rows. Equivalent to:
- # rows.each {|row| self << row }
- #
- # Each argument may be either a \CSV::Row object or an \Array:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # rows = [
- #, ['bat', 3]),
- # ['bam', 4]
- # ]
- # table.push(*rows)
- # table[3..4] # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"bat" "Value":3>, #<CSV::Row "Name":"bam" "Value":4>]
- def push(*rows)
- rows.each { |row| self << row }
- self # for chaining
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.delete(*indexes) -> deleted_values
- # table.delete(*headers) -> deleted_values
- #
- # If the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>,
- # and each argument is either an \Integer or a \Range,
- # returns deleted rows.
- # Otherwise, returns deleted columns data.
- #
- # In either case, the returned values are in the order
- # specified by the arguments. Arguments may be repeated.
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns rows as an \Array of \CSV::Row objects.
- #
- # One index:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # deleted_values = table.delete(0)
- # deleted_values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">]
- #
- # Two indexes:
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # deleted_values = table.delete(2, 0)
- # deleted_values # => [#<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">, #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">]
- #
- # ---
- #
- # Returns columns data as column Arrays.
- #
- # One header:
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # deleted_values = table.delete('Name')
- # deleted_values # => ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
- #
- # Two headers:
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # deleted_values = table.delete('Value', 'Name')
- # deleted_values # => [["0", "1", "2"], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]]
- def delete(*indexes_or_headers)
- if indexes_or_headers.empty?
- raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1+)"
- end
- deleted_values = do |index_or_header|
- if @mode == :row or # by index
- (@mode == :col_or_row and index_or_header.is_a? Integer)
- @table.delete_at(index_or_header)
- else # by header
- if index_or_header.is_a? Integer
- @headers.delete_at(index_or_header)
- else
- @headers.delete(index_or_header)
- end
- { |row| row.delete(index_or_header).last }
- end
- end
- if indexes_or_headers.size == 1
- deleted_values[0]
- else
- deleted_values
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.delete_if {|row_or_column| ... } -> self
- #
- # Removes rows or columns for which the block returns a truthy value;
- # returns +self+.
- #
- # Removes rows when the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>;
- # calls the block with each \CSV::Row object:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # table.size # => 3
- # table.delete_if {|row| row['Name'].start_with?('b') }
- # table.size # => 1
- #
- # Removes columns when the access mode is <tt>:col</tt>;
- # calls the block with each column as a 2-element array
- # containing the header and an \Array of column fields:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # table.headers.size # => 2
- # table.delete_if {|column_data| column_data[1].include?('2') }
- # table.headers.size # => 1
- #
- # Returns a new \Enumerator if no block is given:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.delete_if # => #<Enumerator: #<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>:delete_if>
- def delete_if(&block)
- return enum_for(__method__) { @mode == :row or @mode == :col_or_row ? size : headers.size } unless block_given?
- if @mode == :row or @mode == :col_or_row # by index
- @table.delete_if(&block)
- else # by header
- headers.each do |header|
- delete(header) if yield([header, self[header]])
- end
- end
- self # for chaining
- end
- include Enumerable
- # :call-seq:
- # table.each {|row_or_column| ... ) -> self
- #
- # Calls the block with each row or column; returns +self+.
- #
- # When the access mode is <tt>:row</tt> or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>,
- # calls the block with each \CSV::Row object:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.by_row! # => #<CSV::Table mode:row row_count:4>
- # table.each {|row| p row }
- # Output:
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"foo" "Value":"0">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"bar" "Value":"1">
- # #<CSV::Row "Name":"baz" "Value":"2">
- #
- # When the access mode is <tt>:col</tt>,
- # calls the block with each column as a 2-element array
- # containing the header and an \Array of column fields:
- # table.by_col! # => #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>
- # table.each {|column_data| p column_data }
- # Output:
- # ["Name", ["foo", "bar", "baz"]]
- # ["Value", ["0", "1", "2"]]
- #
- # Returns a new \Enumerator if no block is given:
- # table.each # => #<Enumerator: #<CSV::Table mode:col row_count:4>:each>
- def each(&block)
- return enum_for(__method__) { @mode == :col ? headers.size : size } unless block_given?
- if @mode == :col
- headers.each.with_index do |header, i|
- yield([header, {|row| row[header, i]}])
- end
- else
- @table.each(&block)
- end
- self # for chaining
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table == other_table -> true or false
- #
- # Returns +true+ if all each row of +self+ <tt>==</tt>
- # the corresponding row of +other_table+, otherwise, +false+.
- #
- # The access mode does no affect the result.
- #
- # Equal tables:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # other_table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table == other_table # => true
- #
- # Different row count:
- # other_table.delete(2)
- # table == other_table # => false
- #
- # Different last row:
- # other_table << ['bat', 3]
- # table == other_table # => false
- def ==(other)
- return @table == other.table if other.is_a? CSV::Table
- @table == other
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.to_a -> array_of_arrays
- #
- # Returns the table as an \Array of \Arrays;
- # the headers are in the first row:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.to_a # => [["Name", "Value"], ["foo", "0"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "2"]]
- def to_a
- array = [headers]
- @table.each do |row|
- array.push(row.fields) unless row.header_row?
- end
- array
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.to_csv(**options) -> csv_string
- #
- # Returns the table as \CSV string.
- # See {Options for Generating}[../CSV.html#class-CSV-label-Options+for+Generating].
- #
- # Defaults option +write_headers+ to +true+:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.to_csv # => "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- #
- # Omits the headers if option +write_headers+ is given as +false+
- # (see {Option +write_headers+}[../CSV.html#class-CSV-label-Option+write_headers]):
- # table.to_csv(write_headers: false) # => "foo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- #
- # Limit rows if option +limit+ is given like +2+:
- # table.to_csv(limit: 2) # => "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\n"
- def to_csv(write_headers: true, limit: nil, **options)
- array = write_headers ? [headers.to_csv(**options)] : []
- limit ||= @table.size
- limit = @table.size + 1 + limit if limit < 0
- limit = 0 if limit < 0
- @table.first(limit).each do |row|
- array.push(row.fields.to_csv(**options)) unless row.header_row?
- end
- array.join("")
- end
- alias_method :to_s, :to_csv
- #
- # Extracts the nested value specified by the sequence of +index+ or +header+ objects by calling dig at each step,
- # returning nil if any intermediate step is nil.
- #
- def dig(index_or_header, *index_or_headers)
- value = self[index_or_header]
- if value.nil?
- nil
- elsif index_or_headers.empty?
- value
- else
- unless value.respond_to?(:dig)
- raise TypeError, "#{value.class} does not have \#dig method"
- end
- value.dig(*index_or_headers)
- end
- end
- # :call-seq:
- # table.inspect => string
- #
- # Returns a <tt>US-ASCII</tt>-encoded \String showing table:
- # - Class: <tt>CSV::Table</tt>.
- # - Access mode: <tt>:row</tt>, <tt>:col</tt>, or <tt>:col_or_row</tt>.
- # - Size: Row count, including the header row.
- #
- # Example:
- # source = "Name,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- # table = CSV.parse(source, headers: true)
- # table.inspect # => "#<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:4>\nName,Value\nfoo,0\nbar,1\nbaz,2\n"
- #
- def inspect
- inspected = +"#<#{self.class} mode:#{@mode} row_count:#{to_a.size}>"
- summary = to_csv(limit: 5)
- inspected << "\n" << summary if summary.encoding.ascii_compatible?
- inspected
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/csv/version.rb b/lib/csv/version.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 100c684ac4..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/version.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CSV
- # The version of the installed library.
- VERSION = "3.2.9"
diff --git a/lib/csv/writer.rb b/lib/csv/writer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 030a295bc9..0000000000
--- a/lib/csv/writer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require_relative "input_record_separator"
-require_relative "row"
-class CSV
- # Note: Don't use this class directly. This is an internal class.
- class Writer
- #
- # A CSV::Writer receives an output, prepares the header, format and output.
- # It allows us to write new rows in the object and rewind it.
- #
- attr_reader :lineno
- attr_reader :headers
- def initialize(output, options)
- @output = output
- @options = options
- @lineno = 0
- @fields_converter = nil
- prepare
- if @options[:write_headers] and @headers
- self << @headers
- end
- @fields_converter = @options[:fields_converter]
- end
- #
- # Adds a new row
- #
- def <<(row)
- case row
- when Row
- row = row.fields
- when Hash
- row = @headers.collect {|header| row[header]}
- end
- @headers ||= row if @use_headers
- @lineno += 1
- if @fields_converter
- quoted_fields = [false] * row.size
- row = @fields_converter.convert(row, nil, lineno, quoted_fields)
- end
- i = -1
- converted_row = row.collect do |field|
- i += 1
- quote(field, i)
- end
- line = converted_row.join(@column_separator) + @row_separator
- if @output_encoding
- line = line.encode(@output_encoding)
- end
- @output << line
- self
- end
- #
- # Winds back to the beginning
- #
- def rewind
- @lineno = 0
- @headers = nil if @options[:headers].nil?
- end
- private
- def prepare
- @encoding = @options[:encoding]
- prepare_header
- prepare_format
- prepare_output
- end
- def prepare_header
- headers = @options[:headers]
- case headers
- when Array
- @headers = headers
- @use_headers = true
- when String
- @headers = CSV.parse_line(headers,
- col_sep: @options[:column_separator],
- row_sep: @options[:row_separator],
- quote_char: @options[:quote_character])
- @use_headers = true
- when true
- @headers = nil
- @use_headers = true
- else
- @headers = nil
- @use_headers = false
- end
- return unless @headers
- converter = @options[:header_fields_converter]
- @headers = converter.convert(@headers, nil, 0, [])
- @headers.each do |header|
- header.freeze if header.is_a?(String)
- end
- end
- def prepare_force_quotes_fields(force_quotes)
- @force_quotes_fields = {}
- force_quotes.each do |name_or_index|
- case name_or_index
- when Integer
- index = name_or_index
- @force_quotes_fields[index] = true
- when String, Symbol
- name = name_or_index.to_s
- if @headers.nil?
- message = ":headers is required when you use field name " +
- "in :force_quotes: " +
- "#{name_or_index.inspect}: #{force_quotes.inspect}"
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
- index = @headers.index(name)
- next if index.nil?
- @force_quotes_fields[index] = true
- else
- message = ":force_quotes element must be " +
- "field index or field name: " +
- "#{name_or_index.inspect}: #{force_quotes.inspect}"
- raise ArgumentError, message
- end
- end
- end
- def prepare_format
- @column_separator = @options[:column_separator].to_s.encode(@encoding)
- row_separator = @options[:row_separator]
- if row_separator == :auto
- @row_separator = InputRecordSeparator.value.encode(@encoding)
- else
- @row_separator = row_separator.to_s.encode(@encoding)
- end
- @quote_character = @options[:quote_character]
- force_quotes = @options[:force_quotes]
- if force_quotes.is_a?(Array)
- prepare_force_quotes_fields(force_quotes)
- @force_quotes = false
- elsif force_quotes
- @force_quotes_fields = nil
- @force_quotes = true
- else
- @force_quotes_fields = nil
- @force_quotes = false
- end
- unless @force_quotes
- @quotable_pattern =
-"[\r\n".encode(@encoding) +
- Regexp.escape(@column_separator) +
- Regexp.escape(@quote_character.encode(@encoding)) +
- "]".encode(@encoding))
- end
- @quote_empty = @options.fetch(:quote_empty, true)
- end
- def prepare_output
- @output_encoding = nil
- return unless @output.is_a?(StringIO)
- output_encoding = @output.internal_encoding || @output.external_encoding
- if @encoding != output_encoding
- if @options[:force_encoding]
- @output_encoding = output_encoding
- else
- compatible_encoding = Encoding.compatible?(@encoding, output_encoding)
- if compatible_encoding
- @output.set_encoding(compatible_encoding)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def quote_field(field)
- field = String(field)
- encoded_quote_character = @quote_character.encode(field.encoding)
- encoded_quote_character +
- field.gsub(encoded_quote_character,
- encoded_quote_character * 2) +
- encoded_quote_character
- end
- def quote(field, i)
- if @force_quotes
- quote_field(field)
- elsif @force_quotes_fields and @force_quotes_fields[i]
- quote_field(field)
- else
- if field.nil? # represent +nil+ fields as empty unquoted fields
- ""
- else
- field = String(field) # Stringify fields
- # represent empty fields as empty quoted fields
- if (@quote_empty and field.empty?) or (field.valid_encoding? and @quotable_pattern.match?(field))
- quote_field(field)
- else
- field # unquoted field
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/helper.rb b/test/csv/helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ff3aa38b10..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-require "tempfile"
-require "test/unit"
-require "csv"
-require_relative "../lib/with_different_ofs"
-module CSVHelper
- def with_chunk_size(chunk_size)
- begin
- yield
- ensure
- end
- end
- def with_verbose(verbose)
- original = $VERBOSE
- begin
- $VERBOSE = verbose
- yield
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = original
- end
- end
- def with_default_internal(encoding)
- original = Encoding.default_internal
- begin
- with_verbose(false) do
- Encoding.default_internal = encoding
- end
- yield
- ensure
- with_verbose(false) do
- Encoding.default_internal = original
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/interface/test_delegation.rb b/test/csv/interface/test_delegation.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 349257633b..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/interface/test_delegation.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVInterfaceDelegation < Test::Unit::TestCase
- class TestStringIO < self
- def setup
- @csv ="h1,h2")
- end
- def test_flock
- assert_raise(NotImplementedError) do
- @csv.flock(File::LOCK_EX)
- end
- end
- def test_ioctl
- assert_raise(NotImplementedError) do
- @csv.ioctl(0)
- end
- end
- def test_stat
- assert_raise(NotImplementedError) do
- @csv.stat
- end
- end
- def test_to_i
- assert_raise(NotImplementedError) do
- @csv.to_i
- end
- end
- def test_binmode?
- assert_equal(false, @csv.binmode?)
- end
- def test_path
- assert_equal(nil, @csv.path)
- end
- def test_to_io
- assert_instance_of(StringIO, @csv.to_io)
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/interface/test_read.rb b/test/csv/interface/test_read.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b35dc2e01..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/interface/test_read.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVInterfaceRead < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def setup
- super
- @data = ""
- @data << "1\t2\t3\r\n"
- @data << "4\t5\r\n"
- @input =["interface-read", ".csv"], binmode: true)
- @input << @data
- @input.rewind
- @rows = [
- ["1", "2", "3"],
- ["4", "5"],
- ]
- end
- def teardown
- @input.close(true)
- super
- end
- def test_foreach
- rows = []
- CSV.foreach(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
- rows << row
- end
- assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- end
- if respond_to?(:ractor)
- ractor
- def test_foreach_in_ractor
- ractor = do |path|
- rows = []
- CSV.foreach(path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
- rows << row
- end
- rows
- end
- rows = [
- ["1", "2", "3"],
- ["4", "5"],
- ]
- assert_equal(rows, ractor.take)
- end
- end
- def test_foreach_mode
- rows = []
- CSV.foreach(@input.path, "r", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
- rows << row
- end
- assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- end
- def test_foreach_enumerator
- rows = CSV.foreach(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").to_a
- assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- end
- def test_closed?
- csv =, "r+", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n")
- assert_not_predicate(csv, :closed?)
- csv.close
- assert_predicate(csv, :closed?)
- end
- def test_open_auto_close
- csv = nil
- do |_csv|
- csv = _csv
- end
- assert_predicate(csv, :closed?)
- end
- def test_open_closed
- csv = nil
- do |_csv|
- csv = _csv
- csv.close
- end
- assert_predicate(csv, :closed?)
- end
- def test_open_block_return_value
- return_value = do
- "Return value."
- end
- assert_equal("Return value.", return_value)
- end
- def test_open_encoding_valid
-, "w") do |file|
- file << "\u{1F600},\u{1F601}"
- end
-, encoding: "utf-8") do |csv|
- assert_equal([["\u{1F600}", "\u{1F601}"]],
- csv.to_a)
- end
- end
- def test_open_encoding_invalid
-, "w") do |file|
- file << "\u{1F600},\u{1F601}"
- end
-, encoding: "EUC-JP") do |csv|
- error = assert_raise(CSV::InvalidEncodingError) do
- csv.shift
- end
- assert_equal([Encoding::EUC_JP, "Invalid byte sequence in EUC-JP in line 1."],
- [error.encoding, error.message])
- end
- end
- def test_open_encoding_nonexistent
- _output, error = capture_output do
-, encoding: "nonexistent") do
- end
- end
- assert_equal("path:0: warning: Unsupported encoding nonexistent ignored\n",
- error.gsub(/\A.+:\d+: /, "path:0: "))
- end
- def test_open_encoding_utf_8_with_bom
-, "w") do |file|
- file << "\u{FEFF}\u{1F600},\u{1F601}"
- end
-, encoding: "bom|utf-8") do |csv|
- assert_equal([["\u{1F600}", "\u{1F601}"]],
- csv.to_a)
- end
- end
- def test_open_invalid_byte_sequence_in_utf_8
-, "w", encoding: Encoding::CP932) do |rows|
- error = assert_raise(Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError) do
- rows << ["\x82\xa0"]
- end
- assert_equal('"\x82" on UTF-8',
- error.message)
- end
- end
- def test_open_with_invalid_nil
-, "w", encoding: Encoding::CP932, invalid: nil) do |rows|
- error = assert_raise(Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError) do
- rows << ["\x82\xa0"]
- end
- assert_equal('"\x82" on UTF-8',
- error.message)
- end
- end
- def test_open_with_invalid_replace
-, "w", encoding: Encoding::CP932, invalid: :replace) do |rows|
- rows << ["\x82\xa0".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)]
- end
-, encoding: Encoding::CP932) do |csv|
- assert_equal([["??"]],
- csv.to_a)
- end
- end
- def test_open_with_invalid_replace_and_replace_string
-, "w", encoding: Encoding::CP932, invalid: :replace, replace: "X") do |rows|
- rows << ["\x82\xa0".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)]
- end
-, encoding: Encoding::CP932) do |csv|
- assert_equal([["XX"]],
- csv.to_a)
- end
- end
- def test_open_with_undef_replace
- # U+00B7 Middle Dot
-, "w", encoding: Encoding::CP932, undef: :replace) do |rows|
- rows << ["\u00B7"]
- end
-, encoding: Encoding::CP932) do |csv|
- assert_equal([["?"]],
- csv.to_a)
- end
- end
- def test_open_with_undef_replace_and_replace_string
- # U+00B7 Middle Dot
-, "w", encoding: Encoding::CP932, undef: :replace, replace: "X") do |rows|
- rows << ["\u00B7"]
- end
-, encoding: Encoding::CP932) do |csv|
- assert_equal([["X"]],
- csv.to_a)
- end
- end
- def test_open_with_newline
-, col_sep: "\t", universal_newline: true) do |csv|
- assert_equal(@rows, csv.to_a)
- end
- File.binwrite(@input.path, "1,2,3\r\n" "4,5\n")
-, newline: :universal) do |csv|
- assert_equal(@rows, csv.to_a)
- end
- end
- def test_parse
- assert_equal(@rows,
- CSV.parse(@data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n"))
- end
- def test_parse_block
- rows = []
- CSV.parse(@data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row|
- rows << row
- end
- assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- end
- def test_parse_enumerator
- rows = CSV.parse(@data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").to_a
- assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- end
- def test_parse_headers_only
- table = CSV.parse("a,b,c", headers: true)
- assert_equal([
- ["a", "b", "c"],
- [],
- ],
- [
- table.headers,
- table.each.to_a,
- ])
- end
- def test_parse_line
- assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"],
- CSV.parse_line("1;2;3", col_sep: ";"))
- end
- def test_parse_line_shortcut
- assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"],
- "1;2;3".parse_csv(col_sep: ";"))
- end
- def test_parse_line_empty
- assert_equal(nil, CSV.parse_line("")) # to signal eof
- end
- def test_parse_line_empty_line
- assert_equal([], CSV.parse_line("\n1,2,3"))
- end
- def test_read
- assert_equal(@rows,
-, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n"))
- end
- if respond_to?(:ractor)
- ractor
- def test_read_in_ractor
- ractor = do |path|
-, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n")
- end
- rows = [
- ["1", "2", "3"],
- ["4", "5"],
- ]
- assert_equal(rows, ractor.take)
- end
- end
- def test_readlines
- assert_equal(@rows,
- CSV.readlines(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n"))
- end
- def test_open_read
- rows =, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
- end
- assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- end
- def test_open_readlines
- rows =, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
- csv.readlines
- end
- assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- end
- def test_table
- table = CSV.table(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n")
- assert_equal([
-[:"1", :"2", :"3"], [4, 5, nil]),
- ]),
- table)
- end
- def test_shift # aliased as gets() and readline()
-, "rb+", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
- rows = [
- csv.shift,
- csv.shift,
- csv.shift,
- ]
- assert_equal(@rows + [nil],
- rows)
- end
- end
- def test_enumerator
-, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
- assert_equal(@rows, csv.each.to_a)
- end
- end
- def test_shift_and_each
-, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
- rows = []
- rows << csv.shift
- rows.concat(csv.each.to_a)
- assert_equal(@rows, rows)
- end
- end
- def test_each_twice
-, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
- assert_equal([
- @rows,
- [],
- ],
- [
- csv.each.to_a,
- csv.each.to_a,
- ])
- end
- end
- def test_eof?
- eofs = []
-, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv|
- eofs << csv.eof?
- csv.shift
- eofs << csv.eof?
- csv.shift
- eofs << csv.eof?
- end
- assert_equal([false, false, true],
- eofs)
- end
- def test_new_nil
- assert_raise_with_message ArgumentError, "Cannot parse nil as CSV" do
- end
- end
- def test_options_not_modified
- options = {}.freeze
- CSV.foreach(@input.path, **options)
-, **options) {}
- CSV.parse("", **options)
- CSV.parse_line("", **options)
-, **options)
- CSV.readlines(@input.path, **options)
- CSV.table(@input.path, **options)
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/interface/test_read_write.rb b/test/csv/interface/test_read_write.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c371e9c5fc..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/interface/test_read_write.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVInterfaceReadWrite < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def test_filter
- input = <<-CSV.freeze
- output = ""
- CSV.filter(input, output,
- in_col_sep: ";",
- out_col_sep: ",",
- converters: :all) do |row|
-! {|n| n * 2}
- row << "Added\r"
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, output)
- end
- def test_filter_headers_true
- input = <<-CSV.freeze
- output = ""
- CSV.filter(input, output, headers: true) do |row|
- row[0] += "X"
- row[1] = row[1].to_i + 1
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, output)
- end
- def test_filter_headers_true_write_headers
- input = <<-CSV.freeze
- output = ""
- CSV.filter(input, output, headers: true, out_write_headers: true) do |row|
- if row.is_a?(Array)
- row[0] += "X"
- row[1] += "Y"
- else
- row[0] += "X"
- row[1] = row[1].to_i + 1
- end
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, output)
- end
- def test_filter_headers_array_write_headers
- input = <<-CSV.freeze
- output = ""
- CSV.filter(input, output,
- headers: ["Name", "Value"],
- out_write_headers: true) do |row|
- row[0] += "X"
- row[1] = row[1].to_i + 1
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, output)
- end
- def test_instance_same
- data = ""
- assert_equal(CSV.instance(data, col_sep: ";").object_id,
- CSV.instance(data, col_sep: ";").object_id)
- end
- def test_instance_append
- output = ""
- CSV.instance(output, col_sep: ";") << ["a", "b", "c"]
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, output)
- CSV.instance(output, col_sep: ";") << [1, 2, 3]
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, output)
- end
- def test_instance_shortcut
- assert_equal(CSV.instance,
- CSV {|csv| csv})
- end
- def test_instance_shortcut_with_io
- io =
- from_instance = CSV.instance(io, col_sep: ";") { |csv| csv << ["a", "b", "c"] }
- from_shortcut = CSV(io, col_sep: ";") { |csv| csv << ["e", "f", "g"] }
- assert_equal(from_instance, from_shortcut)
- assert_equal(from_instance.string, "a;b;c\ne;f;g\n")
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb b/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd39a7663..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/interface/test_write.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVInterfaceWrite < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def setup
- super
- @output =["interface-write", ".csv"])
- end
- def teardown
- @output.close(true)
- super
- end
- def test_generate_default
- csv_text = CSV.generate do |csv|
- csv << [1, 2, 3] << [4, nil, 5]
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, csv_text)
- end
- if respond_to?(:ractor)
- ractor
- def test_generate_default_in_ractor
- ractor = do
- CSV.generate do |csv|
- csv << [1, 2, 3] << [4, nil, 5]
- end
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, ractor.take)
- end
- end
- def test_generate_append
- csv_text = <<-CSV
- CSV.generate(csv_text) do |csv|
- csv << ["last", %Q{"row"}]
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, csv_text)
- end
- def test_generate_no_new_line
- csv_text = CSV.generate("test") do |csv|
- csv << ["row"]
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, csv_text)
- end
- def test_generate_line_col_sep
- line = CSV.generate_line(["1", "2", "3"], col_sep: ";")
- assert_equal(<<-LINE, line)
- end
- def test_generate_line_row_sep
- line = CSV.generate_line(["1", "2"], row_sep: nil)
- assert_equal(<<-LINE.chomp, line)
- end
- def test_generate_line_shortcut
- line = ["1", "2", "3"].to_csv(col_sep: ";")
- assert_equal(<<-LINE, line)
- end
- def test_generate_lines
- lines = CSV.generate_lines([["foo", "bar"], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
- assert_equal(<<-LINES, lines)
- end
- def test_headers_detection
- headers = ["a", "b", "c"]
-, "w", headers: true) do |csv|
- csv << headers
- csv << ["1", "2", "3"]
- assert_equal(headers, csv.headers)
- end
- end
- def test_lineno
-, "w") do |csv|
- n_lines = 20
- n_lines.times do
- csv << ["a", "b", "c"]
- end
- assert_equal(n_lines, csv.lineno)
- end
- end
- def test_append_row
-, "wb") do |csv|
- csv <<
-[], ["1", "2", "3"]) <<
-[], ["a", "b", "c"])
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV,, mode: "rb"))
- end
- if respond_to?(:ractor)
- ractor
- def test_append_row_in_ractor
- ractor = do |path|
-, "wb") do |csv|
- csv <<
-[], ["1", "2", "3"]) <<
-[], ["a", "b", "c"])
- end
- end
- ractor.take
- assert_equal(<<-CSV,, mode: "rb"))
- end
- end
- def test_append_hash
-, "wb", headers: true) do |csv|
- csv << [:a, :b, :c]
- csv << {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
- csv << {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV,, mode: "rb"))
- end
- def test_append_hash_headers_array
-, "wb", headers: [:b, :a, :c]) do |csv|
- csv << {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
- csv << {a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV,, mode: "rb"))
- end
- def test_append_hash_headers_string
-, "wb", headers: "b|a|c", col_sep: "|") do |csv|
- csv << {"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}
- csv << {"a" => 4, "b" => 5, "c" => 6}
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV,, mode: "rb"))
- end
- def test_write_headers
- "wb",
- headers: "b|a|c",
- write_headers: true,
- col_sep: "|" ) do |csv|
- csv << {"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}
- csv << {"a" => 4, "b" => 5, "c" => 6}
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV,, mode: "rb"))
- end
- def test_write_headers_empty
- "wb",
- headers: "b|a|c",
- write_headers: true,
- col_sep: "|" ) do |csv|
- end
- assert_equal(<<-CSV,, mode: "rb"))
- end
- def test_options_not_modified
- options = {}.freeze
- CSV.generate(**options) {}
- CSV.generate_line([], **options)
- CSV.filter("", "", **options)
- CSV.instance("", **options)
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/line_endings.gz b/test/csv/line_endings.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 39e1729ee4..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/line_endings.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_column_separator.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_column_separator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d6eaa7b6de..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_column_separator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseColumnSeparator < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def test_comma
- assert_equal([["a", "b", nil, "d"]],
- CSV.parse("a,b,,d", col_sep: ","))
- end
- def test_space
- assert_equal([["a", "b", nil, "d"]],
- CSV.parse("a b d", col_sep: " "))
- end
- def test_tab
- assert_equal([["a", "b", nil, "d"]],
- CSV.parse("a\tb\t\td", col_sep: "\t"))
- end
- def test_multiple_characters_include_sub_separator
- assert_equal([["a b", nil, "d"]],
- CSV.parse("a b d", col_sep: " "))
- end
- def test_multiple_characters_leading_empty_fields
- data = <<-CSV
- assert_equal([
- [nil, nil, "A", "B", "C"],
- ["1", "2", "3"],
- ],
- CSV.parse(data, col_sep: "<=>"))
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_convert.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_convert.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c9195c71d9..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_convert.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseConvert < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def setup
- super
- @data = "Numbers,:integer,1,:float,3.015"
- @parser =
- @custom = lambda {|field| /\A:(\S.*?)\s*\Z/ =~ field ? $1.to_sym : field}
- @time = Time.utc(2018, 12, 30, 6, 41, 29)
- @windows_safe_time_data = @time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
- @preserving_converter = lambda do |field, info|
- f = field.encode(CSV::ConverterEncoding)
- return f if info.quoted?
- begin
- Integer(f, 10)
- rescue
- f
- end
- end
- @quoted_header_converter = lambda do |field, info|
- f = field.encode(CSV::ConverterEncoding)
- return f if info.quoted?
- f.to_sym
- end
- end
- def test_integer
- @parser.convert(:integer)
- assert_equal(["Numbers", ":integer", 1, ":float", "3.015"],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_float
- @parser.convert(:float)
- assert_equal(["Numbers", ":integer", 1.0, ":float", 3.015],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_float_integer
- @parser.convert(:float)
- @parser.convert(:integer)
- assert_equal(["Numbers", ":integer", 1.0, ":float", 3.015],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_integer_float
- @parser.convert(:integer)
- @parser.convert(:float)
- assert_equal(["Numbers", ":integer", 1, ":float", 3.015],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_numeric
- @parser.convert(:numeric)
- assert_equal(["Numbers", ":integer", 1, ":float", 3.015],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_all
- @data << ",#{@windows_safe_time_data}"
- @parser =
- @parser.convert(:all)
- assert_equal(["Numbers", ":integer", 1, ":float", 3.015, @time.to_datetime],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_custom
- @parser.convert do |field|
- /\A:(\S.*?)\s*\Z/ =~ field ? $1.to_sym : field
- end
- assert_equal(["Numbers", :integer, "1", :float, "3.015"],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_builtin_custom
- @parser.convert(:numeric)
- @parser.convert(&@custom)
- assert_equal(["Numbers", :integer, 1, :float, 3.015],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_custom_field_info_line
- @parser.convert do |field, info|
- assert_equal(1, info.line)
- info.index == 4 ? Float(field).floor : field
- end
- assert_equal(["Numbers", ":integer", "1", ":float", 3],
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_custom_field_info_header
- headers = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
- @parser =, headers: headers)
- @parser.convert do |field, info|
- info.header == "three" ? Integer(field) * 100 : field
- end
- assert_equal(,
- ["Numbers", ":integer", 100, ":float", "3.015"]),
- @parser.shift)
- end
- def test_custom_blank_field
- converter = lambda {|field| field.nil?}
- row = CSV.parse_line('nil,', converters: converter)
- assert_equal([false, true], row)
- end
- def test_nil_value
- assert_equal(["nil", "", "a"],
- CSV.parse_line(',"",a', nil_value: "nil"))
- end
- def test_empty_value
- assert_equal([nil, "empty", "a"],
- CSV.parse_line(',"",a', empty_value: "empty"))
- end
- def test_quoted_parse_line
- row = CSV.parse_line('1,"2",3', converters: @preserving_converter)
- assert_equal([1, "2", 3], row)
- end
- def test_quoted_parse
- expected = [["quoted", "unquoted"], ["109", 1], ["10A", 2]]
- rows = CSV.parse(<<~CSV, converters: @preserving_converter)
- "quoted",unquoted
- "109",1
- "10A",2
- assert_equal(expected, rows)
- end
- def test_quoted_alternating_quote
- row = CSV.parse_line('"1",2,"3"', converters: @preserving_converter)
- assert_equal(['1', 2, '3'], row)
- end
- def test_quoted_parse_headers
- expected = [["quoted", :unquoted], ["109", "1"], ["10A", "2"]]
- table = CSV.parse(<<~CSV, headers: true, header_converters: @quoted_header_converter)
- "quoted",unquoted
- "109",1
- "10A",2
- assert_equal(expected, table.to_a)
- end
- def test_quoted_parse_with_string_headers
- expected = [["quoted", :unquoted], %w[109 1], %w[10A 2]]
- table = CSV.parse(<<~CSV, headers: '"quoted",unquoted', header_converters: @quoted_header_converter)
- "109",1
- "10A",2
- assert_equal(expected, table.to_a)
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_each.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_each.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ce0b71d058..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_each.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseEach < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def test_twice
- data = <<-CSV
- csv =
- assert_equal([
- [["Ruby", "2.6.0", "script"]],
- [],
- ],
- [
- csv.to_a,
- csv.to_a,
- ])
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_general.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_general.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a565ff2ef8..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_general.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require "timeout"
-require_relative "../helper"
-# Following tests are my interpretation of the
-# {CSV RCF}[]. I only deviate from that
-# document in one place (intentionally) and that is to make the default row
-# separator <tt>$/</tt>.
-class TestCSVParseGeneral < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- BIG_DATA = "123456789\n" * 512
- def test_mastering_regex_example
- ex = %Q{Ten Thousand,10000, 2710 ,,"10,000","It's ""10 Grand"", baby",10K}
- assert_equal( [ "Ten Thousand", "10000", " 2710 ", nil, "10,000",
- "It's \"10 Grand\", baby", "10K" ],
- CSV.parse_line(ex) )
- end
- # Old Ruby 1.8 CSV library tests.
- def test_std_lib_csv
- [ ["\t", ["\t"]],
- ["foo,\"\"\"\"\"\",baz", ["foo", "\"\"", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\"\"bar\"\"\",baz", ["foo", "\"bar\"", "baz"]],
- ["\"\"\"\n\",\"\"\"\n\"", ["\"\n", "\"\n"]],
- ["foo,\"\r\n\",baz", ["foo", "\r\n", "baz"]],
- ["\"\"", [""]],
- ["foo,\"\"\"\",baz", ["foo", "\"", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\r.\n\",baz", ["foo", "\r.\n", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\r\",baz", ["foo", "\r", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\",baz", ["foo", "", "baz"]],
- ["\",\"", [","]],
- ["foo", ["foo"]],
- [",,", [nil, nil, nil]],
- [",", [nil, nil]],
- ["foo,\"\n\",baz", ["foo", "\n", "baz"]],
- ["foo,,baz", ["foo", nil, "baz"]],
- ["\"\"\"\r\",\"\"\"\r\"", ["\"\r", "\"\r"]],
- ["\",\",\",\"", [",", ","]],
- ["foo,bar,", ["foo", "bar", nil]],
- [",foo,bar", [nil, "foo", "bar"]],
- ["foo,bar", ["foo", "bar"]],
- [";", [";"]],
- ["\t,\t", ["\t", "\t"]],
- ["foo,\"\r\n\r\",baz", ["foo", "\r\n\r", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\r\n\n\",baz", ["foo", "\r\n\n", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"foo,bar\",baz", ["foo", "foo,bar", "baz"]],
- [";,;", [";", ";"]] ].each do |csv_test|
- assert_equal(csv_test.last, CSV.parse_line(csv_test.first))
- end
- [ ["foo,\"\"\"\"\"\",baz", ["foo", "\"\"", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\"\"bar\"\"\",baz", ["foo", "\"bar\"", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\r\n\",baz", ["foo", "\r\n", "baz"]],
- ["\"\"", [""]],
- ["foo,\"\"\"\",baz", ["foo", "\"", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\r.\n\",baz", ["foo", "\r.\n", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\r\",baz", ["foo", "\r", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"\",baz", ["foo", "", "baz"]],
- ["foo", ["foo"]],
- [",,", [nil, nil, nil]],
- [",", [nil, nil]],
- ["foo,\"\n\",baz", ["foo", "\n", "baz"]],
- ["foo,,baz", ["foo", nil, "baz"]],
- ["foo,bar", ["foo", "bar"]],
- ["foo,\"\r\n\n\",baz", ["foo", "\r\n\n", "baz"]],
- ["foo,\"foo,bar\",baz", ["foo", "foo,bar", "baz"]] ].each do |csv_test|
- assert_equal(csv_test.last, CSV.parse_line(csv_test.first))
- end
- end
- # From: [ruby-core:6496]
- def test_aras_edge_cases
- [ [%Q{a,b}, ["a", "b"]],
- [%Q{a,"""b"""}, ["a", "\"b\""]],
- [%Q{a,"""b"}, ["a", "\"b"]],
- [%Q{a,"b"""}, ["a", "b\""]],
- [%Q{a,"\nb"""}, ["a", "\nb\""]],
- [%Q{a,"""\nb"}, ["a", "\"\nb"]],
- [%Q{a,"""\nb\n"""}, ["a", "\"\nb\n\""]],
- [%Q{a,"""\nb\n""",\nc}, ["a", "\"\nb\n\"", nil]],
- [%Q{a,,,}, ["a", nil, nil, nil]],
- [%Q{,}, [nil, nil]],
- [%Q{"",""}, ["", ""]],
- [%Q{""""}, ["\""]],
- [%Q{"""",""}, ["\"",""]],
- [%Q{,""}, [nil,""]],
- [%Q{,"\r"}, [nil,"\r"]],
- [%Q{"\r\n,"}, ["\r\n,"]],
- [%Q{"\r\n,",}, ["\r\n,", nil]] ].each do |edge_case|
- assert_equal(edge_case.last, CSV.parse_line(edge_case.first))
- end
- end
- def test_james_edge_cases
- # A read at eof? should return nil.
- assert_equal(nil, CSV.parse_line(""))
- #
- # With Ruby 1.8 CSV it's impossible to tell an empty line from a line
- # containing a single +nil+ field. The old CSV library returns
- # <tt>[nil]</tt> in these cases, but <tt></tt> makes more sense to
- # me.
- #
- assert_equal(, CSV.parse_line("\n1,2,3\n"))
- end
- def test_rob_edge_cases
- [ [%Q{"a\nb"}, ["a\nb"]],
- [%Q{"\n\n\n"}, ["\n\n\n"]],
- [%Q{a,"b\n\nc"}, ['a', "b\n\nc"]],
- [%Q{,"\r\n"}, [nil,"\r\n"]],
- [%Q{,"\r\n."}, [nil,"\r\n."]],
- [%Q{"a\na","one newline"}, ["a\na", 'one newline']],
- [%Q{"a\n\na","two newlines"}, ["a\n\na", 'two newlines']],
- [%Q{"a\r\na","one CRLF"}, ["a\r\na", 'one CRLF']],
- [%Q{"a\r\n\r\na","two CRLFs"}, ["a\r\n\r\na", 'two CRLFs']],
- [%Q{with blank,"start\n\nfinish"\n}, ['with blank', "start\n\nfinish"]],
- ].each do |edge_case|
- assert_equal(edge_case.last, CSV.parse_line(edge_case.first))
- end
- end
- def test_non_regex_edge_cases
- # An early version of the non-regex parser fails this test
- [ [ "foo,\"foo,bar,baz,foo\",\"foo\"",
- ["foo", "foo,bar,baz,foo", "foo"] ] ].each do |edge_case|
- assert_equal(edge_case.last, CSV.parse_line(edge_case.first))
- end
- assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse_line("1,\"23\"4\"5\", 6")
- end
- end
- def test_malformed_csv_cr_first_line
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse_line("1,2\r,3", row_sep: "\n")
- end
- assert_equal("Unquoted fields do not allow new line <\"\\r\"> in line 1.",
- error.message)
- end
- def test_malformed_csv_cr_middle_line
- csv = <<-CSV
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse(csv)
- end
- assert_equal("Unquoted fields do not allow new line <\"\\r\"> in line 4.",
- error.message)
- end
- def test_malformed_csv_unclosed_quote
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse_line('1,2,"3...')
- end
- assert_equal("Unclosed quoted field in line 1.",
- error.message)
- end
- def test_malformed_csv_illegal_quote_middle_line
- csv = <<-CSV
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse(csv)
- end
- assert_equal("Illegal quoting in line 4.",
- error.message)
- end
- def test_the_parse_fails_fast_when_it_can_for_unquoted_fields
- assert_parse_errors_out('valid,fields,bad start"' + BIG_DATA)
- end
- def test_the_parse_fails_fast_when_it_can_for_unescaped_quotes
- assert_parse_errors_out('valid,fields,"bad start"unescaped' + BIG_DATA)
- end
- def test_field_size_limit_controls_lookahead
- assert_parse_errors_out( 'valid,fields,"' + BIG_DATA + '"',
- field_size_limit: 2048 )
- end
- def test_field_size_limit_max_allowed
- column = "abcde"
- assert_equal([[column]],
- CSV.parse("\"#{column}\"",
- field_size_limit: column.size + 1))
- end
- def test_field_size_limit_quote_simple
- column = "abcde"
- assert_parse_errors_out("\"#{column}\"",
- field_size_limit: column.size)
- end
- def test_field_size_limit_no_quote_implicitly
- column = "abcde"
- assert_parse_errors_out("#{column}",
- field_size_limit: column.size)
- end
- def test_field_size_limit_no_quote_explicitly
- column = "abcde"
- assert_parse_errors_out("#{column}",
- field_size_limit: column.size,
- quote_char: nil)
- end
- def test_field_size_limit_in_extended_column_not_exceeding
- data = <<~DATA
- "a","b"
- "
- 2
- ",""
- assert_nothing_raised(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse(data, field_size_limit: 4)
- end
- end
- def test_field_size_limit_in_extended_column_exceeding
- data = <<~DATA
- "a","b"
- "
- 2345
- ",""
- assert_parse_errors_out(data, field_size_limit: 5)
- end
- def test_max_field_size_controls_lookahead
- assert_parse_errors_out( 'valid,fields,"' + BIG_DATA + '"',
- max_field_size: 2048 )
- end
- def test_max_field_size_max_allowed
- column = "abcde"
- assert_equal([[column]],
- CSV.parse("\"#{column}\"",
- max_field_size: column.size))
- end
- def test_max_field_size_quote_simple
- column = "abcde"
- assert_parse_errors_out("\"#{column}\"",
- max_field_size: column.size - 1)
- end
- def test_max_field_size_no_quote_implicitly
- column = "abcde"
- assert_parse_errors_out("#{column}",
- max_field_size: column.size - 1)
- end
- def test_max_field_size_no_quote_explicitly
- column = "abcde"
- assert_parse_errors_out("#{column}",
- max_field_size: column.size - 1,
- quote_char: nil)
- end
- def test_max_field_size_in_extended_column_not_exceeding
- data = <<~DATA
- "a","b"
- "
- 2
- ",""
- assert_nothing_raised(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse(data, max_field_size: 3)
- end
- end
- def test_max_field_size_in_extended_column_exceeding
- data = <<~DATA
- "a","b"
- "
- 2345
- ",""
- assert_parse_errors_out(data, max_field_size: 4)
- end
- def test_row_sep_auto_cr
- assert_equal([["a"]], CSV.parse("a\r"))
- end
- def test_row_sep_auto_lf
- assert_equal([["a"]], CSV.parse("a\n"))
- end
- def test_row_sep_auto_cr_lf
- assert_equal([["a"]], CSV.parse("a\r\n"))
- end
- def test_seeked_string_io
- input_with_bom ="\ufeffあ,い,う\r\na,b,c\r\n")
- assert_equal([
- ["あ", "い", "う"],
- ["a", "b", "c"],
- ],
- end
- private
- {
- "YJIT"=>1, # for --yjit-call-threshold=1
- "MJIT"=>5, "RJIT"=>5, # for --jit-wait
- }.any? do |jit, timeout|
- if (RubyVM.const_defined?(jit) and
- jit = RubyVM.const_get(jit) and
- jit.respond_to?(:enabled?) and
- jit.enabled?)
- end
- end
- def assert_parse_errors_out(data, timeout: PARSE_ERROR_TIMEOUT, **options)
- assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- Timeout.timeout(timeout) do
- CSV.parse(data, **options)
- fail("Parse didn't error out")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_header.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_header.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e8c3786d68..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_header.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVHeaders < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def setup
- super
- @data = <<-CSV
- end
- def test_first_row
- [:first_row, true].each do |setting| # two names for the same setting
- # activate headers
- csv = nil
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse(@data, headers: setting)
- end
- # first data row - skipping headers
- row = csv[0]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([%w{first A}, %w{second B}, %w{third C}], row.to_a)
- # second data row
- row = csv[1]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([%w{first 1}, %w{second 2}, %w{third 3}], row.to_a)
- # empty
- assert_nil(csv[2])
- end
- end
- def test_array_of_headers
- # activate headers
- csv = nil
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse(@data, headers: [:my, :new, :headers])
- end
- # first data row - skipping headers
- row = csv[0]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal( [[:my, "first"], [:new, "second"], [:headers, "third"]],
- row.to_a )
- # second data row
- row = csv[1]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([[:my, "A"], [:new, "B"], [:headers, "C"]], row.to_a)
- # third data row
- row = csv[2]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([[:my, "1"], [:new, "2"], [:headers, "3"]], row.to_a)
- # empty
- assert_nil(csv[3])
- # with return and convert
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse( @data, headers: [:my, :new, :headers],
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: lambda { |h| h.to_s } )
- end
- row = csv[0]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([["my", :my], ["new", :new], ["headers", :headers]], row.to_a)
- assert_predicate(row, :header_row?)
- assert_not_predicate(row, :field_row?)
- end
- def test_csv_header_string
- # activate headers
- csv = nil
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse(@data, headers: "my,new,headers")
- end
- # first data row - skipping headers
- row = csv[0]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([%w{my first}, %w{new second}, %w{headers third}], row.to_a)
- # second data row
- row = csv[1]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([%w{my A}, %w{new B}, %w{headers C}], row.to_a)
- # third data row
- row = csv[2]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([%w{my 1}, %w{new 2}, %w{headers 3}], row.to_a)
- # empty
- assert_nil(csv[3])
- # with return and convert
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse( @data, headers: "my,new,headers",
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: :symbol )
- end
- row = csv[0]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([[:my, "my"], [:new, "new"], [:headers, "headers"]], row.to_a)
- assert_predicate(row, :header_row?)
- assert_not_predicate(row, :field_row?)
- end
- def test_csv_header_string_inherits_separators
- # parse with custom col_sep
- csv = nil
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse(",", "|"), col_sep: "|",
- headers: "my|new|headers" )
- end
- # verify headers were recognized
- row = csv[0]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([%w{my first}, %w{new second}, %w{headers third}], row.to_a)
- end
- def test_return_headers
- # activate headers and request they are returned
- csv = nil
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse(@data, headers: true, return_headers: true)
- end
- # header row
- row = csv[0]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal( [%w{first first}, %w{second second}, %w{third third}],
- row.to_a )
- assert_predicate(row, :header_row?)
- assert_not_predicate(row, :field_row?)
- # first data row - skipping headers
- row = csv[1]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([%w{first A}, %w{second B}, %w{third C}], row.to_a)
- assert_not_predicate(row, :header_row?)
- assert_predicate(row, :field_row?)
- # second data row
- row = csv[2]
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([%w{first 1}, %w{second 2}, %w{third 3}], row.to_a)
- assert_not_predicate(row, :header_row?)
- assert_predicate(row, :field_row?)
- # empty
- assert_nil(csv[3])
- end
- def test_converters
- # create test data where headers and fields look alike
- data = <<-CSV
- # normal converters do not affect headers
- csv = CSV.parse( data, headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- converters: :numeric )
- assert_equal([%w{1 1}, %w{2 2}, %w{3 3}], csv[0].to_a)
- assert_equal([["1", 1], ["2", 2], ["3", 3]], csv[1].to_a)
- assert_nil(csv[2])
- # header converters do affect headers (only)
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse( data, headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- converters: :numeric,
- header_converters: :symbol )
- end
- assert_equal([[:"1", "1"], [:"2", "2"], [:"3", "3"]], csv[0].to_a)
- assert_equal([[:"1", 1], [:"2", 2], [:"3", 3]], csv[1].to_a)
- assert_nil(csv[2])
- end
- def test_builtin_downcase_converter
- csv = CSV.parse( "One,TWO Three", headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: :downcase )
- assert_equal(%w{one two\ three}, csv.headers)
- end
- def test_builtin_symbol_converter
- # Note that the trailing space is intentional
- csv = CSV.parse( "One,TWO Three ", headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: :symbol )
- assert_equal([:one, :two_three], csv.headers)
- end
- def test_builtin_symbol_raw_converter
- csv = CSV.parse( "a b,c d", headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: :symbol_raw )
- assert_equal([:"a b", :"c d"], csv.headers)
- end
- def test_builtin_symbol_converter_with_punctuation
- csv = CSV.parse( "One, Two & Three ($)", headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: :symbol )
- assert_equal([:one, :two_three], csv.headers)
- end
- def test_builtin_converters_with_blank_header
- csv = CSV.parse( "one,,three", headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: [:downcase, :symbol, :symbol_raw] )
- assert_equal([:one, nil, :three], csv.headers)
- end
- def test_custom_converter
- converter = lambda { |header|" ", "_") }
- csv = CSV.parse( "One,TWO Three",
- headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: converter )
- assert_equal(%w{One TWO_Three}, csv.headers)
- end
- def test_table_support
- csv = nil
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) do
- csv = CSV.parse(@data, headers: true)
- end
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Table, csv)
- end
- def test_skip_blanks
- @data = <<-CSV
- expected = [%w[1 2 3]]
- CSV.parse(@data, headers: true, skip_blanks: true) do |row|
- assert_equal(expected.shift, row.fields)
- end
- expected = [%w[A B C], %w[1 2 3]]
- CSV.parse( @data,
- headers: true,
- return_headers: true,
- skip_blanks: true ) do |row|
- assert_equal(expected.shift, row.fields)
- end
- end
- def test_headers_reader
- # no headers
- assert_nil(
- # headers
- csv =, headers: true)
- assert_equal(true, csv.headers) # before headers are read
- csv.shift # set headers
- assert_equal(%w[first second third], csv.headers) # after headers are read
- end
- def test_blank_row
- @data += "\n#{@data}" # add a blank row
- # ensure that everything returned is a Row object
- CSV.parse(@data, headers: true) do |row|
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- end
- end
- def test_nil_row_header
- @data = <<-CSV
- csv = CSV.parse(@data, headers: true)
- # ensure nil row creates Row object with headers
- row = csv[0]
- assert_equal([["A"], [nil]],
- [row.headers, row.fields])
- end
- def test_parse_empty
- assert_equal([]),
- CSV.parse("", headers: true))
- end
- def test_parse_empty_line
- assert_equal([]),
- CSV.parse("\n", headers: true))
- end
- def test_specified_empty
- assert_equal([],
- headers: ["header1"]),
- CSV.parse("", headers: ["header1"]))
- end
- def test_specified_empty_line
- assert_equal([["header1"], [])],
- headers: ["header1"]),
- CSV.parse("\n", headers: ["header1"]))
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_inputs_scanner.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_inputs_scanner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 81327c187f..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_inputs_scanner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseInputsScanner < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include CSVHelper
- def test_scan_keep_over_chunks_nested_back
- input ="abcdefghijklmnl")
- scanner =[input],
- Encoding::UTF_8,
- nil,
- chunk_size: 2)
- scanner.keep_start
- assert_equal("abc", scanner.scan_all(/[a-c]+/))
- scanner.keep_start
- assert_equal("def", scanner.scan_all(/[d-f]+/))
- scanner.keep_back
- scanner.keep_back
- assert_equal("abcdefg", scanner.scan_all(/[a-g]+/))
- end
- def test_scan_keep_over_chunks_nested_drop_back
- input ="abcdefghijklmnl")
- scanner =[input],
- Encoding::UTF_8,
- nil,
- chunk_size: 3)
- scanner.keep_start
- assert_equal("ab", scanner.scan(/../))
- scanner.keep_start
- assert_equal("c", scanner.scan(/./))
- assert_equal("d", scanner.scan(/./))
- scanner.keep_drop
- scanner.keep_back
- assert_equal("abcdefg", scanner.scan_all(/[a-g]+/))
- end
- def test_each_line_keep_over_chunks_multibyte
- input ="ab\n\u{3000}a\n")
- scanner =[input],
- Encoding::UTF_8,
- nil,
- chunk_size: 1)
- each_line = scanner.each_line("\n")
- assert_equal("ab\n",
- scanner.keep_start
- assert_equal("\u{3000}a\n",
- scanner.keep_back
- assert_equal("\u{3000}a\n", scanner.scan_all(/[^,]+/))
- end
- def test_each_line_keep_over_chunks_fit_chunk_size
- input ="\na")
- scanner =[input],
- Encoding::UTF_8,
- nil,
- chunk_size: 1)
- each_line = scanner.each_line("\n")
- assert_equal("\n",
- scanner.keep_start
- assert_equal("a",
- scanner.keep_back
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_invalid.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_invalid.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ddb59e2b9a..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_invalid.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseInvalid < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_no_column_mixed_new_lines
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse("\n" +
- "\r")
- end
- assert_equal("New line must be <\"\\n\"> not <\"\\r\"> in line 2.",
- error.message)
- end
- def test_ignore_invalid_line
- csv =<<-CSV, headers: true, return_headers: true)
- headers = ["head1", "head2", "head3"]
- assert_equal(, headers),
- csv.shift)
- assert_equal(, ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"]),
- csv.shift)
- assert_equal(false, csv.eof?)
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- csv.shift
- end
- assert_equal("Illegal quoting in line 3.",
- error.message)
- assert_equal(false, csv.eof?)
- assert_equal(, ["ggg", "hhh", "iii"]),
- csv.shift)
- assert_equal(true, csv.eof?)
- end
- def test_ignore_invalid_line_cr_lf
- data = <<-CSV
-"2",""NOT" OK"\r
- csv =
- assert_equal(['1', 'OK'], csv.shift)
- assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) { csv.shift }
- assert_equal(['3', 'OK'], csv.shift)
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_liberal_parsing.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_liberal_parsing.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5796d10828..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_liberal_parsing.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseLiberalParsing < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def test_middle_quote_start
- input = '"Johnson, Dwayne",Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson'
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse_line(input)
- end
- assert_equal("Illegal quoting in line 1.",
- error.message)
- assert_equal(["Johnson, Dwayne", 'Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson'],
- CSV.parse_line(input, liberal_parsing: true))
- end
- def test_middle_quote_end
- input = '"quoted" field'
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse_line(input)
- end
- assert_equal("Any value after quoted field isn't allowed in line 1.",
- error.message)
- assert_equal(['"quoted" field'],
- CSV.parse_line(input, liberal_parsing: true))
- end
- def test_endline_after_quoted_field_end
- csv ="A\r\n\"B\"\nC\r\n", liberal_parsing: true)
- assert_equal(["A"], csv.gets)
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- csv.gets
- end
- assert_equal('Illegal end-of-line sequence outside of a quoted field <"\n"> in line 2.',
- error.message)
- assert_equal(["C"], csv.gets)
- end
- def test_quote_after_column_separator
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse_line('is,this "three," or four,fields', liberal_parsing: true)
- end
- assert_equal("Unclosed quoted field in line 1.",
- error.message)
- end
- def test_quote_before_column_separator
- assert_equal(["is", 'this "three', ' or four"', "fields"],
- CSV.parse_line('is,this "three, or four",fields',
- liberal_parsing: true))
- end
- def test_backslash_quote
- assert_equal([
- "1",
- "\"Hamlet says, \\\"Seems",
- "\\\" madam! Nay it is; I know not \\\"seems.\\\"\"",
- ],
- CSV.parse_line('1,' +
- '"Hamlet says, \"Seems,' +
- '\" madam! Nay it is; I know not \"seems.\""',
- liberal_parsing: true))
- end
- def test_space_quote
- input = <<~CSV
- Los Angeles, 34°03'N, 118°15'W
- New York City, 40°42'46"N, 74°00'21"W
- Paris, 48°51'24"N, 2°21'03"E
- assert_equal(
- [
- ["Los Angeles", " 34°03'N", " 118°15'W"],
- ["New York City", " 40°42'46\"N", " 74°00'21\"W"],
- ["Paris", " 48°51'24\"N", " 2°21'03\"E"],
- ],
- CSV.parse(input, liberal_parsing: true))
- end
- def test_double_quote_outside_quote
- data = %Q{a,""b""}
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse(data)
- end
- assert_equal("Any value after quoted field isn't allowed in line 1.",
- error.message)
- assert_equal([
- [["a", %Q{""b""}]],
- [["a", %Q{"b"}]],
- ],
- [
- CSV.parse(data, liberal_parsing: true),
- CSV.parse(data,
- liberal_parsing: {
- double_quote_outside_quote: true,
- }),
- ])
- end
- class TestBackslashQuote < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend ::DifferentOFS
- def test_double_quote_outside_quote
- data = %Q{a,""b""}
- assert_equal([
- [["a", %Q{""b""}]],
- [["a", %Q{"b"}]],
- ],
- [
- CSV.parse(data,
- liberal_parsing: {
- backslash_quote: true
- }),
- CSV.parse(data,
- liberal_parsing: {
- backslash_quote: true,
- double_quote_outside_quote: true
- }),
- ])
- end
- def test_unquoted_value
- data = %q{\"\"a\"\"}
- assert_equal([
- [[%q{\"\"a\"\"}]],
- [[%q{""a""}]],
- ],
- [
- CSV.parse(data, liberal_parsing: true),
- CSV.parse(data,
- liberal_parsing: {
- backslash_quote: true
- }),
- ])
- end
- def test_unquoted_value_multiple_characters_col_sep
- data = %q{a<\\"b<=>x}
- assert_equal([[%Q{a<"b}, "x"]],
- CSV.parse(data,
- col_sep: "<=>",
- liberal_parsing: {
- backslash_quote: true
- }))
- end
- def test_quoted_value
- data = %q{"\"\"a\"\""}
- assert_equal([
- [[%q{"\"\"a\"\""}]],
- [[%q{""a""}]],
- [[%q{""a""}]],
- ],
- [
- CSV.parse(data, liberal_parsing: true),
- CSV.parse(data,
- liberal_parsing: {
- backslash_quote: true
- }),
- CSV.parse(data,
- liberal_parsing: {
- backslash_quote: true,
- double_quote_outside_quote: true
- }),
- ])
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_quote_char_nil.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_quote_char_nil.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fc3b646759..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_quote_char_nil.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseQuoteCharNil < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def test_full
- assert_equal(["a", "b"], CSV.parse_line(%Q{a,b}, quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_end_with_nil
- assert_equal(["a", nil, nil, nil], CSV.parse_line(%Q{a,,,}, quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_nil_nil
- assert_equal([nil, nil], CSV.parse_line(%Q{,}, quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_unquoted_value_multiple_characters_col_sep
- data = %q{a<b<=>x}
- assert_equal([[%Q{a<b}, "x"]], CSV.parse(data, col_sep: "<=>", quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_csv_header_string
- data = <<~DATA
- first,second,third
- A,B,C
- 1,2,3
- assert_equal(
-["my", "new", "headers"], ["first", "second", "third"]),
-["my", "new", "headers"], ["A", "B", "C"]),
-["my", "new", "headers"], ["1", "2", "3"])
- ]),
- CSV.parse(data, headers: "my,new,headers", quote_char: nil)
- )
- end
- def test_comma
- assert_equal([["a", "b", nil, "d"]],
- CSV.parse("a,b,,d", col_sep: ",", quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_space
- assert_equal([["a", "b", nil, "d"]],
- CSV.parse("a b d", col_sep: " ", quote_char: nil))
- end
- def encode_array(array, encoding)
- array.collect do |element|
- element ? element.encode(encoding) : element
- end
- end
- def test_space_no_ascii
- encoding = Encoding::UTF_16LE
- assert_equal([encode_array(["a", "b", nil, "d"], encoding)],
- CSV.parse("a b d".encode(encoding),
- col_sep: " ".encode(encoding),
- quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_multiple_space
- assert_equal([["a b", nil, "d"]],
- CSV.parse("a b d", col_sep: " ", quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_multiple_characters_leading_empty_fields
- data = <<-CSV
- assert_equal([
- [nil, nil, "A", "B", "C"],
- ["1", "2", "3"],
- ],
- CSV.parse(data, col_sep: "<=>", quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_line
- lines = [
- "abc,def\n",
- ]
- csv =""), quote_char: nil)
- lines.each do |line|
- csv.shift
- assert_equal(line, csv.line)
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_read.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_read.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ba6fe985a9..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_read.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseRead < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def test_shift
- data = <<-CSV
- csv =
- assert_equal([
- ["1"],
- [["2"], ["3"]],
- nil,
- ],
- [
- csv.shift,
- csv.shift,
- ])
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_rewind.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_rewind.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0aa403b756..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_rewind.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseRewind < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def parse(data, **options)
- csv =, **options)
- records = csv.to_a
- csv.rewind
- [records, csv.to_a]
- end
- def test_default
- data = <<-CSV
- assert_equal([
- [["Ruby", "2.6.0", "script"]],
- [["Ruby", "2.6.0", "script"]],
- ],
- parse(data))
- end
- def test_have_headers
- data = <<-CSV
- assert_equal([
- [["Language", "Version", "Type"],
- ["Ruby", "2.6.0", "script"])],
- [["Language", "Version", "Type"],
- ["Ruby", "2.6.0", "script"])],
- ],
- parse(data, headers: true))
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_row_separator.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_row_separator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd8e75152..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_row_separator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseRowSeparator < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- include CSVHelper
- def test_multiple_characters
- with_chunk_size("1") do
- assert_equal([["a"], ["b"]],
- CSV.parse("a\r\nb\r\n", row_sep: "\r\n"))
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_skip_lines.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_skip_lines.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fea02eb04..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_skip_lines.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseSkipLines < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- include CSVHelper
- def test_default
- csv ="a,b,c\n")
- assert_nil(csv.skip_lines)
- end
- def test_regexp
- csv = <<-CSV
- #3
- assert_equal([
- ["1"],
- ["4"],
- ],
- CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/))
- end
- def test_regexp_quoted
- csv = <<-CSV
- assert_equal([
- ["1"],
- ["#3"],
- ["4"],
- ],
- CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/))
- end
- def test_string
- csv = <<-CSV
- assert_equal([
- ["1"],
- ["4"],
- ],
- CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => "."))
- end
- class RegexStub
- end
- def test_not_matchable
- regex_stub =
- csv ="1\n", :skip_lines => regex_stub)
- error = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- csv.shift
- end
- assert_equal(":skip_lines has to respond to #match: #{regex_stub.inspect}",
- error.message)
- end
- class Matchable
- def initialize(pattern)
- @pattern = pattern
- end
- def match(line)
- @pattern.match(line)
- end
- end
- def test_matchable
- csv = <<-CSV
-# 2
-# 4
- assert_equal([
- ["1"],
- ["3"],
- ],
- CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines =>\A#/)))
- end
- def test_multibyte_data
- value = "\u3042\u3044\u3046"
- with_chunk_size("5") do
- assert_equal([[value], [value]],
- CSV.parse("#{value}\n#{value}\n",
- :skip_lines => /\A#/))
- end
- end
- def test_empty_line_and_liberal_parsing
- assert_equal([["a", "b"]],
- CSV.parse("a,b\n",
- :liberal_parsing => true,
- :skip_lines => /^$/))
- end
- def test_crlf
- assert_equal([["a", "b"]],
- CSV.parse("a,b\r\n,\r\n",
- :skip_lines => /^,+$/))
- end
- def test_crlf_strip_no_last_crlf
- assert_equal([["a"], ["b"]],
- CSV.parse("a\r\nb",
- row_sep: "\r\n",
- skip_lines: /^ *$/,
- strip: true))
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_strip.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_strip.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c5e35209cc..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_strip.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseStrip < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def test_both
- assert_equal(["a", "b"],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{ a , b }, strip: true))
- end
- def test_left
- assert_equal(["a", "b"],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{ a, b}, strip: true))
- end
- def test_right
- assert_equal(["a", "b"],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{a ,b }, strip: true))
- end
- def test_middle
- assert_equal(["a b"],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{a b}, strip: true))
- end
- def test_quoted
- assert_equal([" a ", " b "],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{" a "," b "}, strip: true))
- end
- def test_liberal_parsing
- assert_equal([" a ", "b", " c ", " d "],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{" a ", b , " c "," d " },
- strip: true,
- liberal_parsing: true))
- end
- def test_string
- assert_equal(["a", " b"],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{ a , " b" },
- strip: " "))
- end
- def test_no_quote
- assert_equal([" a ", " b "],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{" a ", b },
- strip: %Q{"},
- quote_char: nil))
- end
- def test_do_not_strip_cr
- assert_equal([
- ["a", "b "],
- ["a", "b "],
- ],
- CSV.parse(%Q{"a" ,"b " \r} +
- %Q{"a" ,"b " \r},
- strip: true))
- end
- def test_do_not_strip_lf
- assert_equal([
- ["a", "b "],
- ["a", "b "],
- ],
- CSV.parse(%Q{"a" ,"b " \n} +
- %Q{"a" ,"b " \n},
- strip: true))
- end
- def test_do_not_strip_crlf
- assert_equal([
- ["a", "b "],
- ["a", "b "],
- ],
- CSV.parse(%Q{"a" ,"b " \r\n} +
- %Q{"a" ,"b " \r\n},
- strip: true))
- end
- def test_col_sep_incompatible_true
- message = "The provided strip (true) and " \
- "col_sep (\\t) options are incompatible."
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, message) do
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{"a"\t"b"\n},
- col_sep: "\t",
- strip: true)
- end
- end
- def test_col_sep_incompatible_string
- message = "The provided strip (\\t) and " \
- "col_sep (\\t) options are incompatible."
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, message) do
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{"a"\t"b"\n},
- col_sep: "\t",
- strip: "\t")
- end
- end
- def test_col_sep_compatible_string
- assert_equal(
- ["a", "b"],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{\va\tb\v\n},
- col_sep: "\t",
- strip: "\v")
- )
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/parse/test_unconverted_fields.rb b/test/csv/parse/test_unconverted_fields.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 437124ebd3..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/parse/test_unconverted_fields.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-class TestCSVParseUnconvertedFields < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def setup
- super
- @custom = lambda {|field| /\A:(\S.*?)\s*\Z/ =~ field ? $1.to_sym : field}
- @headers = ["first", "second", "third"]
- @data = <<-CSV
- end
- def test_custom
- row = CSV.parse_line("Numbers,:integer,1,:float,3.015",
- converters: [:numeric, @custom],
- unconverted_fields: true)
- assert_equal([
- ["Numbers", :integer, 1, :float, 3.015],
- ["Numbers", ":integer", "1", ":float", "3.015"],
- ],
- [
- row,
- row.unconverted_fields,
- ])
- end
- def test_no_fields
- row = CSV.parse_line("\n",
- converters: [:numeric, @custom],
- unconverted_fields: true)
- assert_equal([
- [],
- [],
- ],
- [
- row,
- row.unconverted_fields,
- ])
- end
- def test_parsed_header
- row = CSV.parse_line(@data,
- converters: :numeric,
- unconverted_fields: true,
- headers: :first_row)
- assert_equal([
- [1, 2, 3]),
- ["1", "2", "3"],
- ],
- [
- row,
- row.unconverted_fields,
- ])
- end
- def test_return_headers
- row = CSV.parse_line(@data,
- converters: :numeric,
- unconverted_fields: true,
- headers: :first_row,
- return_headers: true)
- assert_equal([
- @headers),
- @headers,
- ],
- [
- row,
- row.unconverted_fields,
- ])
- end
- def test_header_converters
- row = CSV.parse_line(@data,
- converters: :numeric,
- unconverted_fields: true,
- headers: :first_row,
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: :symbol)
- assert_equal([
- @headers),
- @headers,
- ],
- [
- row,
- row.unconverted_fields,
- ])
- end
- def test_specified_headers
- row = CSV.parse_line("\n",
- converters: :numeric,
- unconverted_fields: true,
- headers: %w{my new headers},
- return_headers: true,
- header_converters: :symbol)
- assert_equal([
-[:my, :new, :headers],
- ["my", "new", "headers"]),
- [],
- ],
- [
- row,
- row.unconverted_fields,
- ])
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_data_converters.rb b/test/csv/test_data_converters.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c20a5d1f4b..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/test_data_converters.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "helper"
-class TestCSVDataConverters < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def setup
- super
- @win_safe_time_str ="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
- end
- def test_builtin_integer_converter
- # does convert
- [-5, 1, 10000000000].each do |n|
- assert_equal(n, CSV::Converters[:integer][n.to_s])
- end
- # does not convert
- (%w{junk 1.0} + [""]).each do |str|
- assert_equal(str, CSV::Converters[:integer][str])
- end
- end
- def test_builtin_float_converter
- # does convert
- [-5.1234, 0, 2.3e-11].each do |n|
- assert_equal(n, CSV::Converters[:float][n.to_s])
- end
- # does not convert
- (%w{junk 1..0 .015F} + [""]).each do |str|
- assert_equal(str, CSV::Converters[:float][str])
- end
- end
- def test_builtin_date_converter
- # does convert
- assert_instance_of(
- Date,
- CSV::Converters[:date][@win_safe_time_str.sub(/\d+:\d+:\d+ /, "")]
- )
- # does not convert
- assert_instance_of(String, CSV::Converters[:date]["junk"])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter
- # does convert
- assert_instance_of( DateTime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][@win_safe_time_str] )
- # does not convert
- assert_instance_of(String, CSV::Converters[:date_time]["junk"])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_iso8601_date
- iso8601_string = "2018-01-14"
- datetime =, 1, 14)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][iso8601_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_iso8601_minute
- iso8601_string = "2018-01-14T22:25"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][iso8601_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_iso8601_second
- iso8601_string = "2018-01-14T22:25:19"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][iso8601_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_iso8601_under_second
- iso8601_string = "2018-01-14T22:25:19.1"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][iso8601_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_iso8601_under_second_offset
- iso8601_string = "2018-01-14T22:25:19.1+09:00"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1, "+9")
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][iso8601_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_iso8601_offset
- iso8601_string = "2018-01-14T22:25:19+09:00"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19, "+9")
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][iso8601_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_iso8601_utc
- iso8601_string = "2018-01-14T22:25:19Z"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][iso8601_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_minute
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_second
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_under_second
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19.1"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_under_second_offset
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19.1+09:00"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1, "+9")
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_offset
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19+09:00"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19, "+9")
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_utc
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14 22:25:19Z"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_minute
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_second
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_under_second
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19.1"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_under_second_offset
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19.1+09:00"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19.1, "+9")
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_offset
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19+09:00"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19, "+9")
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
- def test_builtin_date_time_converter_rfc3339_tab_utc
- rfc3339_string = "2018-01-14\t22:25:19Z"
- datetime =, 1, 14, 22, 25, 19)
- assert_equal(datetime,
- CSV::Converters[:date_time][rfc3339_string])
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_encodings.rb b/test/csv/test_encodings.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a7a60f2e..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/test_encodings.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "helper"
-class TestCSVEncodings < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- include CSVHelper
- def setup
- super
- require 'tempfile'
- @temp_csv_file ="test_csv. .csv")
- @temp_csv_path = @temp_csv_file.path
- @temp_csv_file.close
- end
- def teardown
- @temp_csv_file.close!
- super
- end
- ########################################
- ### Hand Test Some Popular Encodings ###
- ########################################
- def test_parses_utf8_encoding
- assert_parses( [ %w[ one two … ],
- %w[ 1 … 3 ],
- %w[ … 5 6 ] ], "UTF-8" )
- end
- def test_parses_latin1_encoding
- assert_parses( [ %w[ one two Résumé ],
- %w[ 1 Résumé 3 ],
- %w[ Résumé 5 6 ] ], "ISO-8859-1" )
- end
- def test_parses_utf16be_encoding
- assert_parses( [ %w[ one two … ],
- %w[ 1 … 3 ],
- %w[ … 5 6 ] ], "UTF-16BE" )
- end
- def test_parses_shift_jis_encoding
- assert_parses( [ %w[ 一 二 三 ],
- %w[ 四 五 六 ],
- %w[ 七 八 九 ] ], "Shift_JIS" )
- end
- ###########################################################
- ### Try Simple Reading for All Non-dummy Ruby Encodings ###
- ###########################################################
- def test_reading_with_most_encodings
- each_encoding do |encoding|
- begin
- assert_parses( [ %w[ abc def ],
- %w[ ghi jkl ] ], encoding )
- rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError
- fail("Failed to support #{}.")
- end
- end
- end
- def test_regular_expression_escaping
- each_encoding do |encoding|
- begin
- assert_parses( [ %w[ abc def ],
- %w[ ghi jkl ] ], encoding, col_sep: "|" )
- rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError
- fail("Failed to properly escape #{}.")
- end
- end
- end
- def test_read_with_default_encoding
- data = "abc"
- default_external = Encoding.default_external
- each_encoding do |encoding|
-, "wb", encoding: encoding) {|f| f << data}
- begin
- no_warnings do
- Encoding.default_external = encoding
- end
- result =[0][0]
- ensure
- no_warnings do
- Encoding.default_external = default_external
- end
- end
- assert_equal(encoding, result.encoding)
- end
- end
- #######################################################################
- ### Stress Test ASCII Compatible and Non-ASCII Compatible Encodings ###
- #######################################################################
- def test_auto_line_ending_detection
- # arrange data to place a \r at the end of CSV's read ahead point
- encode_for_tests([["a" * 509]], row_sep: "\r\n") do |data|
- assert_equal("\r\n".encode(data.encoding),
- end
- end
- def test_csv_chars_are_transcoded
- encode_for_tests([%w[abc def]]) do |data|
- %w[col_sep row_sep quote_char].each do |csv_char|
- assert_equal( "|".encode(data.encoding),
-, csv_char.to_sym => "|").send(csv_char) )
- end
- end
- end
- def test_parser_works_with_encoded_headers
- encode_for_tests([%w[one two three], %w[1 2 3]]) do |data|
- parsed = CSV.parse(data, headers: true)
- assert_all?(parsed.headers, "Wrong data encoding.") {|h| h.encoding == data.encoding}
- parsed.each do |row|
- assert_all?(row.fields, "Wrong data encoding.") {|f| f.encoding == data.encoding}
- end
- end
- end
- def test_built_in_converters_transcode_to_utf_8_then_convert
- encode_for_tests([%w[one two three], %w[1 2 3]]) do |data|
- parsed = CSV.parse(data, converters: :integer)
- assert_all?(parsed[0], "Wrong data encoding.") {|f| f.encoding == data.encoding}
- assert_equal([1, 2, 3], parsed[1])
- end
- end
- def test_built_in_header_converters_transcode_to_utf_8_then_convert
- encode_for_tests([%w[one two three], %w[1 2 3]]) do |data|
- parsed = CSV.parse( data, headers: true,
- header_converters: :downcase )
- assert_all?(parsed.headers, "Wrong data encoding.") {|h| == "UTF-8"}
- assert_all?(parsed[0].fields, "Wrong data encoding.") {|f| f.encoding == data.encoding}
- end
- end
- def test_open_allows_you_to_set_encodings
- encode_for_tests([%w[abc def]]) do |data|
- # read and write in encoding
-, "wb:#{}") { |f| f << data }
-, "rb:#{}") do |csv|
- csv.each do |row|
- assert_all?(row, "Wrong data encoding.") {|f| f.encoding == data.encoding}
- end
- end
- # read and write with transcoding
-, "wb:UTF-32BE:#{}") do |f|
- f << data
- end
-, "rb:UTF-32BE:#{}") do |csv|
- csv.each do |row|
- assert_all?(row, "Wrong data encoding.") {|f| f.encoding == data.encoding}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def test_foreach_allows_you_to_set_encodings
- encode_for_tests([%w[abc def]]) do |data|
- # read and write in encoding
-, "wb", encoding: data.encoding) { |f| f << data }
- CSV.foreach(@temp_csv_path, encoding: data.encoding) do |row|
- row.each {|f| assert_equal(f.encoding, data.encoding)}
- end
- # read and write with transcoding
-, "wb:UTF-32BE:#{}") do |f|
- f << data
- end
- CSV.foreach( @temp_csv_path,
- encoding: "UTF-32BE:#{}" ) do |row|
- assert_all?(row, "Wrong data encoding.") {|f| f.encoding == data.encoding}
- end
- end
- end
- def test_read_allows_you_to_set_encodings
- encode_for_tests([%w[abc def]]) do |data|
- # read and write in encoding
-, "wb:#{}") { |f| f << data }
- rows =, encoding:
- assert_all?(rows.flatten, "Wrong data encoding.") {|f| f.encoding == data.encoding}
- # read and write with transcoding
-, "wb:UTF-32BE:#{}") do |f|
- f << data
- end
- rows = @temp_csv_path,
- encoding: "UTF-32BE:#{}" )
- assert_all?(rows.flatten, "Wrong data encoding.") {|f| f.encoding == data.encoding}
- end
- end
- #################################
- ### Write CSV in any Encoding ###
- #################################
- def test_can_write_csv_in_any_encoding
- each_encoding do |encoding|
- # test generate_line with encoding hint
- begin
- csv = %w[abc d|ef].map { |f| f.encode(encoding) }.
- to_csv(col_sep: "|", encoding:
- rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError
- next
- end
- assert_equal(encoding, csv.encoding)
- # test generate_line with encoding guessing from fields
- csv = %w[abc d|ef].map { |f| f.encode(encoding) }.to_csv(col_sep: "|")
- assert_equal(encoding, csv.encoding)
- # writing to files
- data = encode_ary([%w[abc d,ef], %w[123 456 ]], encoding)
-, "wb:#{}") do |f|
- data.each { |row| f << row }
- end
- assert_equal(data,, encoding:
- end
- end
- def test_encoding_is_upgraded_during_writing_as_needed
- data = ["foo".force_encoding("US-ASCII"), "\u3042"]
- assert_equal("US-ASCII",
- assert_equal("UTF-8",
- assert_equal("UTF-8", data.join('')
- assert_equal("UTF-8",
- end
- def test_encoding_is_upgraded_for_ascii_content_during_writing_as_needed
- data = ["foo".force_encoding("ISO-8859-1"), "\u3042"]
- assert_equal("ISO-8859-1",
- assert_equal("UTF-8",
- assert_equal("UTF-8", data.join('')
- assert_equal("UTF-8",
- end
- def test_encoding_is_not_upgraded_for_non_ascii_content_during_writing_as_needed
- data = ["\u00c0".encode("ISO-8859-1"), "\u3042"]
- assert_equal([
- "ISO-8859-1",
- "UTF-8",
- ],
- data.collect {|field|})
- assert_raise(Encoding::CompatibilityError) do
- data.to_csv
- end
- end
- def test_explicit_encoding
- bug9766 = '[ruby-core:62113] [Bug #9766]'
- s = CSV.generate(encoding: "Windows-31J") do |csv|
- csv << ["foo".force_encoding("ISO-8859-1"), "\u3042"]
- end
- assert_equal(["foo,\u3042\n".encode(Encoding::Windows_31J), Encoding::Windows_31J], [s, s.encoding], bug9766)
- end
- def test_encoding_with_default_internal
- with_default_internal(Encoding::UTF_8) do
- s = CSV.generate( Encoding::Big5), encoding: Encoding::Big5) do |csv|
- csv << ["漢字"]
- end
- assert_equal(["漢字\n".encode(Encoding::Big5), Encoding::Big5], [s, s.encoding])
- end
- end
- def test_row_separator_detection_with_invalid_encoding
- csv ="invalid,\xF8\r\nvalid,x\r\n".force_encoding("UTF-8"),
- encoding: "UTF-8")
- assert_equal("\r\n", csv.row_sep)
- end
- def test_invalid_encoding_row_error
- csv ="valid,x\rinvalid,\xF8\r".force_encoding("UTF-8"),
- encoding: "UTF-8", row_sep: "\r")
- error = assert_raise(CSV::InvalidEncodingError) do
- csv.shift
- csv.shift
- end
- assert_equal([Encoding::UTF_8, "Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 in line 2."],
- [error.encoding, error.message])
- end
- def test_string_input_transcode
- value = "\u3042\u3044\u3046"
- csv =, encoding: "UTF-8:EUC-JP")
- assert_equal([[value.encode("EUC-JP")]],
- end
- def test_string_input_set_encoding_string
- value = "\u3042\u3044\u3046".encode("EUC-JP")
- csv ="UTF-8"), encoding: "EUC-JP")
- assert_equal([[value.encode("EUC-JP")]],
- end
- def test_string_input_set_encoding_encoding
- value = "\u3042\u3044\u3046".encode("EUC-JP")
- csv ="UTF-8"),
- encoding: Encoding.find("EUC-JP"))
- assert_equal([[value.encode("EUC-JP")]],
- end
- private
- def assert_parses(fields, encoding, **options)
- encoding = Encoding.find(encoding) unless encoding.is_a? Encoding
- orig_fields = fields
- fields = encode_ary(fields, encoding)
- data = ary_to_data(fields, **options)
- parsed = CSV.parse(data, **options)
- assert_equal(fields, parsed)
- parsed.flatten.each_with_index do |field, i|
- assert_equal(encoding, field.encoding, "Field[#{i + 1}] was transcoded.")
- end
-, "wb") {|f| f.print(data)}
-, "rb:#{encoding}", **options) do |csv|
- csv.each_with_index do |row, i|
- assert_equal(fields[i], row)
- end
- end
- begin
- "rb:#{encoding}:#{__ENCODING__}",
- **options) do |csv|
- csv.each_with_index do |row, i|
- assert_equal(orig_fields[i], row)
- end
- end unless encoding == __ENCODING__
- rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError
- end
- options[:encoding] =
-, **options) do |csv|
- csv.each_with_index do |row, i|
- assert_equal(fields[i], row)
- end
- end
- options.delete(:encoding)
- options[:external_encoding] =
- options[:internal_encoding] =
- begin
-, **options) do |csv|
- csv.each_with_index do |row, i|
- assert_equal(orig_fields[i], row)
- end
- end unless encoding == __ENCODING__
- rescue Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError
- end
- end
- def encode_ary(ary, encoding)
- { |row| { |field| field.encode(encoding) } }
- end
- def ary_to_data(ary, **options)
- encoding = ary.flatten.first.encoding
- quote_char = (options[:quote_char] || '"').encode(encoding)
- col_sep = (options[:col_sep] || ",").encode(encoding)
- row_sep = (options[:row_sep] || "\n").encode(encoding)
- { |row|
- { |field|
- [quote_char, field.encode(encoding), quote_char].join('')
- }.join(col_sep) + row_sep
- }.join('').encode(encoding)
- end
- def encode_for_tests(data, **options)
- yield ary_to_data(encode_ary(data, "UTF-8"), **options)
- yield ary_to_data(encode_ary(data, "UTF-16BE"), **options)
- end
- def each_encoding
- Encoding.list.each do |encoding|
- next if encoding.dummy? # skip "dummy" encodings
- yield encoding
- end
- end
- def no_warnings
- old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
- yield
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = old_verbose
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_features.rb b/test/csv/test_features.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d6eb2dc13b..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/test_features.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
- require "zlib"
-rescue LoadError
-require_relative "helper"
-require "tempfile"
-class TestCSVFeatures < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- TEST_CASES = [ [%Q{a,b}, ["a", "b"]],
- [%Q{a,"""b"""}, ["a", "\"b\""]],
- [%Q{a,"""b"}, ["a", "\"b"]],
- [%Q{a,"b"""}, ["a", "b\""]],
- [%Q{a,"\nb"""}, ["a", "\nb\""]],
- [%Q{a,"""\nb"}, ["a", "\"\nb"]],
- [%Q{a,"""\nb\n"""}, ["a", "\"\nb\n\""]],
- [%Q{a,"""\nb\n""",\nc}, ["a", "\"\nb\n\"", nil]],
- [%Q{a,,,}, ["a", nil, nil, nil]],
- [%Q{,}, [nil, nil]],
- [%Q{"",""}, ["", ""]],
- [%Q{""""}, ["\""]],
- [%Q{"""",""}, ["\"",""]],
- [%Q{,""}, [nil,""]],
- [%Q{,"\r"}, [nil,"\r"]],
- [%Q{"\r\n,"}, ["\r\n,"]],
- [%Q{"\r\n,",}, ["\r\n,", nil]] ]
- def setup
- super
- @sample_data = <<-CSV
- @csv =
- end
- def test_col_sep
- [";", "\t"].each do |sep|
- TEST_CASES.each do |test_case|
- assert_equal( { |t|",", sep) unless t.nil? },
- CSV.parse_line(",", sep),
- col_sep: sep ) )
- end
- end
- assert_equal([",,,", nil], CSV.parse_line(",,,;", col_sep: ";"))
- end
- def test_col_sep_nil
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError,
- ":col_sep must be 1 or more characters: nil") do
- CSV.parse(@sample_data, col_sep: nil)
- end
- end
- def test_col_sep_empty
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError,
- ":col_sep must be 1 or more characters: \"\"") do
- CSV.parse(@sample_data, col_sep: "")
- end
- end
- def test_row_sep
- error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do
- CSV.parse_line("1,2,3\n,4,5\r\n", row_sep: "\r\n")
- end
- assert_equal("Unquoted fields do not allow new line <\"\\n\"> in line 1.",
- error.message)
- assert_equal( ["1", "2", "3\n", "4", "5"],
- CSV.parse_line(%Q{1,2,"3\n",4,5\r\n}, row_sep: "\r\n"))
- end
- def test_quote_char
- TEST_CASES.each do |test_case|
- assert_equal( {|t|'"', "'") unless t.nil?},
- CSV.parse_line('"', "'"),
- quote_char: "'" ))
- end
- end
- def test_quote_char_special_regexp_char
- TEST_CASES.each do |test_case|
- assert_equal( {|t|'"', "|") unless t.nil?},
- CSV.parse_line('"', "|"),
- quote_char: "|"))
- end
- end
- def test_quote_char_special_regexp_char_liberal_parsing
- TEST_CASES.each do |test_case|
- assert_equal( {|t|'"', "|") unless t.nil?},
- CSV.parse_line('"', "|"),
- quote_char: "|",
- liberal_parsing: true))
- end
- end
- def test_csv_char_readers
- %w[col_sep row_sep quote_char].each do |reader|
- csv ="abc,def", reader.to_sym => "|")
- assert_equal("|", csv.send(reader))
- end
- end
- def test_row_sep_auto_discovery
- ["\r\n", "\n", "\r"].each do |line_end|
- data = "1,2,3#{line_end}4,5#{line_end}"
- discovered =
- assert_equal(line_end, discovered)
- end
- assert_equal("\n","\n\r\n\r").row_sep)
- assert_equal($/,"").row_sep)
- assert_equal($/,
- end
- def test_line
- lines = [
- %Q(\u{3000}abc,def\n),
- %Q(\u{3000}abc,"d\nef"\n),
- %Q(\u{3000}abc,"d\r\nef"\n),
- %Q(\u{3000}abc,"d\ref")
- ]
- csv =''))
- lines.each do |line|
- csv.shift
- assert_equal(line, csv.line)
- end
- end
- def test_lineno
- assert_equal(5, @sample_data.lines.to_a.size)
- 4.times do |line_count|
- assert_equal(line_count, @csv.lineno)
- assert_not_nil(@csv.shift)
- assert_equal(line_count + 1, @csv.lineno)
- end
- assert_nil(@csv.shift)
- end
- def test_readline
- test_lineno
- @csv.rewind
- test_lineno
- end
- def test_unknown_options
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword/) {
-, unknown: :error)
- }
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword/) {
-, universal_newline: true)
- }
- end
- def test_skip_blanks
- assert_equal(4, @csv.to_a.size)
- @csv =, skip_blanks: true)
- count = 0
- @csv.each do |row|
- count += 1
- assert_equal("line", row.first)
- end
- assert_equal(3, count)
- end
- def test_csv_behavior_readers
- %w[ unconverted_fields return_headers write_headers
- skip_blanks force_quotes ].each do |behavior|
- assert_not_predicate("abc,def"), "#{behavior}?", "Behavior defaulted to on.")
- csv ="abc,def", behavior.to_sym => true)
- assert_predicate(csv, "#{behavior}?", "Behavior change now registered.")
- end
- end
- def test_converters_reader
- # no change
- assert_equal( [:integer],
-"abc,def", converters: [:integer]).converters )
- # just one
- assert_equal( [:integer],
-"abc,def", converters: :integer).converters )
- # expanded
- assert_equal( [:integer, :float],
-"abc,def", converters: :numeric).converters )
- # custom
- csv ="abc,def", converters: [:integer, lambda { }])
- assert_equal(2, csv.converters.size)
- assert_equal(:integer, csv.converters.first)
- assert_instance_of(Proc, csv.converters.last)
- end
- def test_header_converters_reader
- # no change
- hc = :header_converters
- assert_equal([:downcase],"abc,def", hc => [:downcase]).send(hc))
- # just one
- assert_equal([:downcase],"abc,def", hc => :downcase).send(hc))
- # custom
- csv ="abc,def", hc => [:symbol, lambda { }])
- assert_equal(2, csv.send(hc).size)
- assert_equal(:symbol, csv.send(hc).first)
- assert_instance_of(Proc, csv.send(hc).last)
- end
- # reported by Kev Jackson
- def test_failing_to_escape_col_sep
- assert_nothing_raised(Exception) {, col_sep: "|") }
- end
- # reported by Chris Roos
- def test_failing_to_reset_headers_in_rewind
- csv ="forename,surname", headers: true, return_headers: true)
- csv.each {|row| assert_predicate row, :header_row?}
- csv.rewind
- csv.each {|row| assert_predicate row, :header_row?}
- end
- def test_gzip_reader
- zipped = nil
- assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError) do
- zipped =
- File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "line_endings.gz")
- )
- )
- end
- assert_equal("\r\n", zipped.row_sep)
- ensure
- zipped.close
- end if defined?(Zlib::GzipReader)
- def test_gzip_writer
- Tempfile.create(%w"temp .gz") {|tempfile|
- tempfile.close
- file = tempfile.path
- zipped = nil
- assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError) do
- zipped =
- end
- zipped << %w[one two three]
- zipped << [1, 2, 3]
- zipped.close
- assert_include( {|f|},
- $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, "@row_sep did not default")
- }
- end if defined?(Zlib::GzipWriter)
- def test_inspect_is_smart_about_io_types
- str ="string,data").inspect
- assert_include(str, "io_type:StringIO", "IO type not detected.")
- str =$stderr).inspect
- assert_include(str, "io_type:$stderr", "IO type not detected.")
- Tempfile.create(%w"temp .csv") {|tempfile|
- tempfile.close
- path = tempfile.path
-, "w") { |csv| csv << "one,two,three\n1,2,3\n" }
- str = { |csv| csv.inspect }
- assert_include(str, "io_type:File", "IO type not detected.")
- }
- end
- def test_inspect_shows_key_attributes
- str = @csv.inspect
- %w[lineno col_sep row_sep quote_char].each do |attr_name|
- assert_match(/\b#{attr_name}:[^\s>]+/, str)
- end
- end
- def test_inspect_shows_headers_when_available
- csv ="one,two,three\n1,2,3\n", headers: true)
- assert_include(csv.inspect, "headers:true", "Header hint not shown.")
- csv.shift # load headers
- assert_match(/headers:\[[^\]]+\]/, csv.inspect)
- end
- def test_inspect_encoding_is_ascii_compatible
- csv ="one,two,three\n1,2,3\n".encode("UTF-16BE"))
- assert_send([Encoding, :compatible?,
- Encoding.find("US-ASCII"), csv.inspect.encoding],
- "inspect() was not ASCII compatible.")
- end
- def test_version
- assert_not_nil(CSV::VERSION)
- assert_instance_of(String, CSV::VERSION)
- assert_predicate(CSV::VERSION, :frozen?)
- assert_match(/\A\d\.\d\.\d\z/, CSV::VERSION)
- end
- def test_table_nil_equality
- assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError) { CSV.parse("test", headers: true) == nil }
- end
- # non-seekable input stream for testing
- class DummyIO
- extend Forwardable
- def_delegators :@io, :gets, :read, :pos, :eof? # no seek or rewind!
- def initialize(data)
- @io =
- end
- end
- def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_lf
- c ="one,two,three\nfoo,bar,baz\n"))
- assert_equal [["one", "two", "three"], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]], c.each.to_a
- end
- def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_cr
- c ="one,two,three\rfoo,bar,baz\r"))
- assert_equal [["one", "two", "three"], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]], c.each.to_a
- end
- def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_cr_lf
- c ="one,two,three\r\nfoo,bar,baz\r\n"))
- assert_equal [["one", "two", "three"], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]], c.each.to_a
- end
- def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_1024_over_lf
- table = (1..10).map { |row| (1..200).map { |col| "row#{row}col#{col}" }.to_a }.to_a
- input = { |line| line.join(",") }.join("\n")
- c =
- assert_equal table, c.each.to_a
- end
- def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_1024_over_cr_lf
- table = (1..10).map { |row| (1..200).map { |col| "row#{row}col#{col}" }.to_a }.to_a
- input = { |line| line.join(",") }.join("\r\n")
- c =
- assert_equal table, c.each.to_a
- end
- def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_many_cr_only
- # input with lots of CRs (to make sure no bytes are lost due to look-ahead)
- c ="foo\r" + "\r" * 9999 + "bar\r"))
- assert_equal [["foo"]] + [[]] * 9999 + [["bar"]], c.each.to_a
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_patterns.rb b/test/csv/test_patterns.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 881f03a3a4..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/test_patterns.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require_relative "helper"
-class TestCSVPatternMatching < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_hash
- case{A B C}, [1, 2, 3])
- in B: b, C: c
- assert_equal([2, 3], [b, c])
- end
- end
- def test_hash_rest
- case{A B C}, [1, 2, 3])
- in B: b, **rest
- assert_equal([2, { A: 1, C: 3 }], [b, rest])
- end
- end
- def test_array
- case{A B C}, [1, 2, 3])
- in *, matched
- assert_equal(3, matched)
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_row.rb b/test/csv/test_row.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b717945041..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/test_row.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "helper"
-class TestCSVRow < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def setup
- super
- @row ={A B C A A}, [1, 2, 3, 4])
- end
- def test_initialize
- # basic
- row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3])
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", 3]], row.to_a)
- # missing headers
- row ={A}, [1, 2, 3])
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([["A", 1], [nil, 2], [nil, 3]], row.to_a)
- # missing fields
- row ={A B C}, [1, 2])
- assert_not_nil(row)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row)
- assert_equal([["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", nil]], row.to_a)
- end
- def test_row_type
- # field rows
- row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3]) # implicit
- assert_not_predicate(row, :header_row?)
- assert_predicate(row, :field_row?)
- row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3], false) # explicit
- assert_not_predicate(row, :header_row?)
- assert_predicate(row, :field_row?)
- # header row
- row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3], true)
- assert_predicate(row, :header_row?)
- assert_not_predicate(row, :field_row?)
- end
- def test_headers
- assert_equal(%w{A B C A A}, @row.headers)
- end
- def test_field
- # by name
- assert_equal(2, @row.field("B"))
- assert_equal(2, @row["B"]) # alias
- # by index
- assert_equal(3, @row.field(2))
- # by range
- assert_equal([2,3], @row.field(1..2))
- # missing
- assert_nil(@row.field("Missing"))
- assert_nil(@row.field(10))
- # minimum index
- assert_equal(1, @row.field("A"))
- assert_equal(1, @row.field("A", 0))
- assert_equal(4, @row.field("A", 1))
- assert_equal(4, @row.field("A", 2))
- assert_equal(4, @row.field("A", 3))
- assert_equal(nil, @row.field("A", 4))
- assert_equal(nil, @row.field("A", 5))
- end
- def test_fetch
- # only by name
- assert_equal(2, @row.fetch('B'))
- # missing header raises KeyError
- assert_raise KeyError do
- @row.fetch('foo')
- end
- # missing header yields itself to block
- assert_equal 'bar', @row.fetch('foo') { |header|
- header == 'foo' ? 'bar' : false }
- # missing header returns the given default value
- assert_equal 'bar', @row.fetch('foo', 'bar')
- # more than one vararg raises ArgumentError
- assert_raise ArgumentError do
- @row.fetch('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
- end
- end
- def test_has_key?
- assert_equal(true, @row.has_key?('B'))
- assert_equal(false, @row.has_key?('foo'))
- # aliases
- assert_equal(true, @row.header?('B'))
- assert_equal(false, @row.header?('foo'))
- assert_equal(true, @row.include?('B'))
- assert_equal(false, @row.include?('foo'))
- assert_equal(true, @row.member?('B'))
- assert_equal(false, @row.member?('foo'))
- assert_equal(true, @row.key?('B'))
- assert_equal(false, @row.key?('foo'))
- end
- def test_set_field
- # set field by name
- assert_equal(100, @row["A"] = 100)
- # set field by index
- assert_equal(300, @row[3] = 300)
- # set field by name and minimum index
- assert_equal([:a, :b, :c], @row["A", 4] = [:a, :b, :c])
- # verify the changes
- assert_equal( [ ["A", 100],
- ["B", 2],
- ["C", 3],
- ["A", 300],
- ["A", [:a, :b, :c]] ], @row.to_a )
- # assigning an index past the end
- assert_equal("End", @row[10] = "End")
- assert_equal( [ ["A", 100],
- ["B", 2],
- ["C", 3],
- ["A", 300],
- ["A", [:a, :b, :c]],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, "End"] ], @row.to_a )
- # assigning a new field by header
- assert_equal("New", @row[:new] = "New")
- assert_equal( [ ["A", 100],
- ["B", 2],
- ["C", 3],
- ["A", 300],
- ["A", [:a, :b, :c]],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, nil],
- [nil, "End"],
- [:new, "New"] ], @row.to_a )
- end
- def test_append
- # add a value
- assert_equal(@row, @row << "Value")
- assert_equal( [ ["A", 1],
- ["B", 2],
- ["C", 3],
- ["A", 4],
- ["A", nil],
- [nil, "Value"] ], @row.to_a )
- # add a pair
- assert_equal(@row, @row << %w{Header Field})
- assert_equal( [ ["A", 1],
- ["B", 2],
- ["C", 3],
- ["A", 4],
- ["A", nil],
- [nil, "Value"],
- %w{Header Field} ], @row.to_a )
- # a pair with Hash syntax
- assert_equal(@row, @row << {key: :value})
- assert_equal( [ ["A", 1],
- ["B", 2],
- ["C", 3],
- ["A", 4],
- ["A", nil],
- [nil, "Value"],
- %w{Header Field},
- [:key, :value] ], @row.to_a )
- # multiple fields at once
- assert_equal(@row, @row.push(100, 200, [:last, 300]))
- assert_equal( [ ["A", 1],
- ["B", 2],
- ["C", 3],
- ["A", 4],
- ["A", nil],
- [nil, "Value"],
- %w{Header Field},
- [:key, :value],
- [nil, 100],
- [nil, 200],
- [:last, 300] ], @row.to_a )
- end
- def test_delete
- # by index
- assert_equal(["B", 2], @row.delete(1))
- # by header
- assert_equal(["C", 3], @row.delete("C"))
- end
- def test_delete_if
- assert_equal(@row, @row.delete_if { |h, f| h == "A" and not f.nil? })
- assert_equal([["B", 2], ["C", 3], ["A", nil]], @row.to_a)
- end
- def test_delete_if_without_block
- enum = @row.delete_if
- assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum)
- assert_equal(@row.size, enum.size)
- assert_equal(@row, enum.each { |h, f| h == "A" and not f.nil? })
- assert_equal([["B", 2], ["C", 3], ["A", nil]], @row.to_a)
- end
- def test_fields
- # all fields
- assert_equal([1, 2, 3, 4, nil], @row.fields)
- # by header
- assert_equal([1, 3], @row.fields("A", "C"))
- # by index
- assert_equal([2, 3, nil], @row.fields(1, 2, 10))
- # by both
- assert_equal([2, 3, 4], @row.fields("B", "C", 3))
- # with minimum indices
- assert_equal([2, 3, 4], @row.fields("B", "C", ["A", 3]))
- # by header range
- assert_equal([2, 3], @row.values_at("B".."C"))
- end
- def test_index
- # basic usage
- assert_equal(0, @row.index("A"))
- assert_equal(1, @row.index("B"))
- assert_equal(2, @row.index("C"))
- assert_equal(nil, @row.index("Z"))
- # with minimum index
- assert_equal(0, @row.index("A"))
- assert_equal(0, @row.index("A", 0))
- assert_equal(3, @row.index("A", 1))
- assert_equal(3, @row.index("A", 2))
- assert_equal(3, @row.index("A", 3))
- assert_equal(4, @row.index("A", 4))
- assert_equal(nil, @row.index("A", 5))
- end
- def test_queries
- # fields
- assert(@row.field?(4))
- assert(@row.field?(nil))
- assert(!@row.field?(10))
- end
- def test_each
- # array style
- ary = @row.to_a
- @row.each do |pair|
- assert_equal(ary.first.first, pair.first)
- assert_equal(ary.shift.last, pair.last)
- end
- # hash style
- ary = @row.to_a
- @row.each do |header, field|
- assert_equal(ary.first.first, header)
- assert_equal(ary.shift.last, field)
- end
- # verify that we can chain the call
- assert_equal(@row, @row.each { })
- # without block
- ary = @row.to_a
- enum = @row.each
- assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum)
- assert_equal(@row.size, enum.size)
- enum.each do |pair|
- assert_equal(ary.first.first, pair.first)
- assert_equal(ary.shift.last, pair.last)
- end
- end
- def test_each_pair
- assert_equal([
- ["A", 1],
- ["B", 2],
- ["C", 3],
- ["A", 4],
- ["A", nil],
- ],
- @row.each_pair.to_a)
- end
- def test_enumerable
- assert_equal( [["A", 1], ["A", 4], ["A", nil]],
- { |pair| pair.first == "A" } )
- assert_equal(10, @row.inject(0) { |sum, (_, n)| sum + (n || 0) })
- end
- def test_to_a
- row ={A B C}, [1, 2, 3]).to_a
- assert_instance_of(Array, row)
- row.each do |pair|
- assert_instance_of(Array, pair)
- assert_equal(2, pair.size)
- end
- assert_equal([["A", 1], ["B", 2], ["C", 3]], row)
- end
- def test_to_hash
- hash = @row.to_hash
- assert_equal({"A" => @row["A"], "B" => @row["B"], "C" => @row["C"]}, hash)
- hash.keys.each_with_index do |string_key, h|
- assert_predicate(string_key, :frozen?)
- assert_same(string_key, @row.headers[h])
- end
- end
- def test_to_csv
- # normal conversion
- assert_equal("1,2,3,4,\n", @row.to_csv)
- assert_equal("1,2,3,4,\n", @row.to_s) # alias
- # with options
- assert_equal( "1|2|3|4|\r\n",
- @row.to_csv(col_sep: "|", row_sep: "\r\n") )
- end
- def test_array_delegation
- assert_not_empty(@row, "Row was empty.")
- assert_equal([@row.headers.size, @row.fields.size].max, @row.size)
- end
- def test_inspect_shows_header_field_pairs
- str = @row.inspect
- @row.each do |header, field|
- assert_include(str, "#{header.inspect}:#{field.inspect}",
- "Header field pair not found.")
- end
- end
- def test_inspect_encoding_is_ascii_compatible
- assert_send([Encoding, :compatible?,
- Encoding.find("US-ASCII"),
- @row.inspect.encoding],
- "inspect() was not ASCII compatible.")
- end
- def test_inspect_shows_symbol_headers_as_bare_attributes
- str = { |h| h.to_sym }, @row.fields).inspect
- @row.each do |header, field|
- assert_include(str, "#{header}:#{field.inspect}",
- "Header field pair not found.")
- end
- end
- def test_can_be_compared_with_other_classes
- assert_not_nil([ ], [ ]), "The row was nil")
- end
- def test_can_be_compared_when_not_a_row
- r = @row == []
- assert_equal false, r
- end
- def test_dig_by_index
- assert_equal(2, @row.dig(1))
- assert_nil(@row.dig(100))
- end
- def test_dig_by_header
- assert_equal(2, @row.dig("B"))
- assert_nil(@row.dig("Missing"))
- end
- def test_dig_cell
- row ={A}, [["foo", ["bar", ["baz"]]]])
- assert_equal("foo", row.dig(0, 0))
- assert_equal("bar", row.dig(0, 1, 0))
- assert_equal("foo", row.dig("A", 0))
- assert_equal("bar", row.dig("A", 1, 0))
- end
- def test_dig_cell_no_dig
- row ={A}, ["foo"])
- assert_raise(TypeError) do
- row.dig(0, 0)
- end
- assert_raise(TypeError) do
- row.dig("A", 0)
- end
- end
- def test_dup
- row =["A"], ["foo"])
- dupped_row = row.dup
- dupped_row["A"] = "bar"
- assert_equal(["foo", "bar"],
- [row["A"], dupped_row["A"]])
- dupped_row.delete("A")
- assert_equal(["foo", nil],
- [row["A"], dupped_row["A"]])
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/test_table.rb b/test/csv/test_table.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e8ab74044e..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/test_table.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "helper"
-class TestCSVTable < Test::Unit::TestCase
- extend DifferentOFS
- def setup
- super
- @rows = [{A B C}, [1, 2, 3]),
-{A B C}, [4, 5, 6]),
-{A B C}, [7, 8, 9]) ]
- @table =
- @header_table =
- [{A B C}, %w{A B C}, true)] + @rows
- )
- @header_only_table =[], headers: %w{A B C})
- end
- def test_initialize
- assert_not_nil(@table)
- assert_instance_of(CSV::Table, @table)
- end
- def test_modes
- assert_equal(:col_or_row, @table.mode)
- # non-destructive changes, intended for one shot calls
- cols = @table.by_col
- assert_equal(:col_or_row, @table.mode)
- assert_equal(:col, cols.mode)
- assert_equal(@table, cols)
- rows = @table.by_row
- assert_equal(:col_or_row, @table.mode)
- assert_equal(:row, rows.mode)
- assert_equal(@table, rows)
- col_or_row = rows.by_col_or_row
- assert_equal(:row, rows.mode)
- assert_equal(:col_or_row, col_or_row.mode)
- assert_equal(@table, col_or_row)
- # destructive mode changing calls
- assert_equal(@table, @table.by_row!)
- assert_equal(:row, @table.mode)
- assert_equal(@table, @table.by_col_or_row!)
- assert_equal(:col_or_row, @table.mode)
- end
- def test_headers
- assert_equal(@rows.first.headers, @table.headers)
- end
- def test_headers_empty
- t =[])
- assert_equal, t.headers
- end
- def test_headers_only
- assert_equal(%w[A B C], @header_only_table.headers)
- end
- def test_headers_modified_by_row
- table =[], headers: ["A", "B"])
- table << ["a", "b"]
- table.first << {"C" => "c"}
- assert_equal(["A", "B", "C"], table.headers)
- end
- def test_index
- ##################
- ### Mixed Mode ###
- ##################
- # by row
- @rows.each_index { |i| assert_equal(@rows[i], @table[i]) }
- assert_equal(nil, @table[100]) # empty row
- # by row with Range
- assert_equal([@table[1], @table[2]], @table[1..2])
- # by col
- @rows.first.headers.each do |header|
- assert_equal( { |row| row[header] }, @table[header])
- end
- assert_equal([nil] * @rows.size, @table["Z"]) # empty col
- # by cell, row then col
- assert_equal(2, @table[0][1])
- assert_equal(6, @table[1]["C"])
- # by cell, col then row
- assert_equal(5, @table["B"][1])
- assert_equal(9, @table["C"][2])
- # with headers (by col)
- assert_equal(["B", 2, 5, 8], @header_table["B"])
- ###################
- ### Column Mode ###
- ###################
- @table.by_col!
- assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table[1])
- assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table["B"])
- ################
- ### Row Mode ###
- ################
- @table.by_row!
- assert_equal(@rows[1], @table[1])
- assert_raise(TypeError) { @table["B"] }
- ############################
- ### One Shot Mode Change ###
- ############################
- assert_equal(@rows[1], @table[1])
- assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table.by_col[1])
- assert_equal(@rows[1], @table[1])
- end
- def test_set_row_or_column
- ##################
- ### Mixed Mode ###
- ##################
- # set row
- @table[2] = [10, 11, 12]
- assert_equal([%w[A B C], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12]], @table.to_a)
- @table[3] =[A B C], [13, 14, 15])
- assert_equal( [%w[A B C], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15]],
- @table.to_a )
- # set col
- @table["Type"] = "data"
- assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type],
- [1, 2, 3, "data"],
- [4, 5, 6, "data"],
- [10, 11, 12, "data"],
- [13, 14, 15, "data"] ],
- @table.to_a )
- @table["Index"] = [1, 2, 3]
- assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index],
- [1, 2, 3, "data", 1],
- [4, 5, 6, "data", 2],
- [10, 11, 12, "data", 3],
- [13, 14, 15, "data", nil] ],
- @table.to_a )
- @table["B"] = [100, 200]
- assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index],
- [1, 100, 3, "data", 1],
- [4, 200, 6, "data", 2],
- [10, nil, 12, "data", 3],
- [13, nil, 15, "data", nil] ],
- @table.to_a )
- # verify resulting table
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- # with headers
- @header_table["Type"] = "data"
- assert_equal(%w[Type data data data], @header_table["Type"])
- ###################
- ### Column Mode ###
- ###################
- @table.by_col!
- @table[1] = [2, 5, 11, 14]
- assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index],
- [1, 2, 3, "data", 1],
- [4, 5, 6, "data", 2],
- [10, 11, 12, "data", 3],
- [13, 14, 15, "data", nil] ],
- @table.to_a )
- @table["Extra"] = "new stuff"
- assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index Extra],
- [1, 2, 3, "data", 1, "new stuff"],
- [4, 5, 6, "data", 2, "new stuff"],
- [10, 11, 12, "data", 3, "new stuff"],
- [13, 14, 15, "data", nil, "new stuff"] ],
- @table.to_a )
- ################
- ### Row Mode ###
- ################
- @table.by_row!
- @table[1] = (1..6).to_a
- assert_equal( [ %w[A B C Type Index Extra],
- [1, 2, 3, "data", 1, "new stuff"],
- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
- [10, 11, 12, "data", 3, "new stuff"],
- [13, 14, 15, "data", nil, "new stuff"] ],
- @table.to_a )
- assert_raise(TypeError) { @table["Extra"] = nil }
- end
- def test_set_by_col_with_header_row
- r = [{X Y Z}, [97, 98, 99], true) ]
- t =
- t.by_col!
- t['A'] = [42]
- assert_equal(['A'], t['A'])
- end
- def test_each
- ######################
- ### Mixed/Row Mode ###
- ######################
- i = 0
- @table.each do |row|
- assert_equal(@rows[i], row)
- i += 1
- end
- # verify that we can chain the call
- assert_equal(@table, @table.each { })
- # without block
- enum = @table.each
- assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum)
- assert_equal(@table.size, enum.size)
- i = 0
- enum.each do |row|
- assert_equal(@rows[i], row)
- i += 1
- end
- ###################
- ### Column Mode ###
- ###################
- @table.by_col!
- headers = @table.headers
- @table.each do |header, column|
- assert_equal(headers.shift, header)
- assert_equal(@table[header], column)
- end
- # without block
- enum = @table.each
- assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum)
- assert_equal(@table.headers.size, enum.size)
- headers = @table.headers
- enum.each do |header, column|
- assert_equal(headers.shift, header)
- assert_equal(@table[header], column)
- end
- ############################
- ### One Shot Mode Change ###
- ############################
- @table.by_col_or_row!
- @table.each { |row| assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row) }
- @table.by_col.each { |tuple| assert_instance_of(Array, tuple) }
- @table.each { |row| assert_instance_of(CSV::Row, row) }
- end
- def test_each_by_col_duplicated_headers
- table = CSV.parse(<<-CSV, headers: true)
- assert_equal([
- ["a", ["1", "11"]],
- ["a", ["2", "12"]],
- [nil, ["3", "13"]],
- [nil, ["4", "14"]],
- ["b", ["5", "15"]],
- ],
- table.by_col.each.to_a)
- end
- def test_each_split
- yielded_values = []
- @table.each do |column1, column2, column3|
- yielded_values << [column1, column2, column3]
- end
- assert_equal(@rows.collect(&:to_a),
- yielded_values)
- end
- def test_enumerable
- assert_equal( @rows.values_at(0, 2),
- { |row| (row["B"] % 2).zero? } )
- assert_equal(@rows[1], @table.find { |row| row["C"] > 5 })
- end
- def test_to_a
- assert_equal([%w[A B C], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], @table.to_a)
- # with headers
- assert_equal( [%w[A B C], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]],
- @header_table.to_a )
- end
- def test_to_csv
- csv = <<-CSV
- # normal conversion
- assert_equal(csv, @table.to_csv)
- assert_equal(csv, @table.to_s) # alias
- # with options
- assert_equal( csv.gsub(",", "|").gsub("\n", "\r\n"),
- @table.to_csv(col_sep: "|", row_sep: "\r\n") )
- assert_equal( csv.lines.to_a[1..-1].join(''),
- @table.to_csv(:write_headers => false) )
- # with headers
- assert_equal(csv, @header_table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_to_csv_limit_positive
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 2))
- end
- def test_to_csv_limit_positive_over
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 5))
- end
- def test_to_csv_limit_zero
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: 0))
- end
- def test_to_csv_limit_negative
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: -2))
- end
- def test_to_csv_limit_negative_over
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv(limit: -5))
- end
- def test_append
- # verify that we can chain the call
- assert_equal(@table, @table << [10, 11, 12])
- # Array append
- assert_equal([A B C], [10, 11, 12]), @table[-1])
- # Row append
- assert_equal(@table, @table <<[A B C], [13, 14, 15]))
- assert_equal([A B C], [13, 14, 15]), @table[-1])
- end
- def test_delete_mixed_one
- ##################
- ### Mixed Mode ###
- ##################
- # delete a row
- assert_equal(@rows[1], @table.delete(1))
- # delete a col
- assert_equal( { |row| row["A"] }, @table.delete("A"))
- # verify resulting table
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_delete_mixed_multiple
- ##################
- ### Mixed Mode ###
- ##################
- # delete row and col
- second_row = @rows[1]
- a_col = { |row| row["A"] }
- a_col_without_second_row = a_col[0..0] + a_col[2..-1]
- assert_equal([
- second_row,
- a_col_without_second_row,
- ],
- @table.delete(1, "A"))
- # verify resulting table
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_delete_column
- ###################
- ### Column Mode ###
- ###################
- @table.by_col!
- assert_equal( { |row| row[0] }, @table.delete(0))
- assert_equal( { |row| row["C"] }, @table.delete("C"))
- # verify resulting table
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_delete_row
- ################
- ### Row Mode ###
- ################
- @table.by_row!
- assert_equal(@rows[1], @table.delete(1))
- assert_raise(TypeError) { @table.delete("C") }
- # verify resulting table
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_delete_with_blank_rows
- data = "col1,col2\nra1,ra2\n\nrb1,rb2"
- table = CSV.parse(data, :headers => true)
- assert_equal(["ra2", nil, "rb2"], table.delete("col2"))
- end
- def test_delete_if_row
- ######################
- ### Mixed/Row Mode ###
- ######################
- # verify that we can chain the call
- assert_equal(@table, @table.delete_if { |row| (row["B"] % 2).zero? })
- # verify resulting table
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_delete_if_row_without_block
- ######################
- ### Mixed/Row Mode ###
- ######################
- enum = @table.delete_if
- assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum)
- assert_equal(@table.size, enum.size)
- # verify that we can chain the call
- assert_equal(@table, enum.each { |row| (row["B"] % 2).zero? })
- # verify resulting table
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_delete_if_column
- ###################
- ### Column Mode ###
- ###################
- @table.by_col!
- assert_equal(@table, @table.delete_if { |h, v| h > "A" })
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_delete_if_column_without_block
- ###################
- ### Column Mode ###
- ###################
- @table.by_col!
- enum = @table.delete_if
- assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum)
- assert_equal(@table.headers.size, enum.size)
- assert_equal(@table, enum.each { |h, v| h > "A" })
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, @table.to_csv)
- end
- def test_delete_headers_only
- ###################
- ### Column Mode ###
- ###################
- @header_only_table.by_col!
- # delete by index
- assert_equal([], @header_only_table.delete(0))
- assert_equal(%w[B C], @header_only_table.headers)
- # delete by header
- assert_equal([], @header_only_table.delete("C"))
- assert_equal(%w[B], @header_only_table.headers)
- end
- def test_values_at
- ##################
- ### Mixed Mode ###
- ##################
- # rows
- assert_equal(@rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.values_at(0, 2))
- assert_equal(@rows.values_at(1..2), @table.values_at(1..2))
- # cols
- assert_equal([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9]], @table.values_at("A", "C"))
- assert_equal([[2, 3], [5, 6], [8, 9]], @table.values_at("B".."C"))
- ###################
- ### Column Mode ###
- ###################
- @table.by_col!
- assert_equal([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9]], @table.values_at(0, 2))
- assert_equal([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9]], @table.values_at("A", "C"))
- ################
- ### Row Mode ###
- ################
- @table.by_row!
- assert_equal(@rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.values_at(0, 2))
- assert_raise(TypeError) { @table.values_at("A", "C") }
- ############################
- ### One Shot Mode Change ###
- ############################
- assert_equal(@rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.values_at(0, 2))
- assert_equal([[1, 3], [4, 6], [7, 9]], @table.by_col.values_at(0, 2))
- assert_equal(@rows.values_at(0, 2), @table.values_at(0, 2))
- end
- def test_array_delegation
- assert_not_empty(@table, "Table was empty.")
- assert_equal(@rows.size, @table.size)
- end
- def test_inspect_shows_current_mode
- str = @table.inspect
- assert_include(str, "mode:#{@table.mode}", "Mode not shown.")
- @table.by_col!
- str = @table.inspect
- assert_include(str, "mode:#{@table.mode}", "Mode not shown.")
- end
- def test_inspect_encoding_is_ascii_compatible
- assert_send([Encoding, :compatible?,
- Encoding.find("US-ASCII"),
- @table.inspect.encoding],
- "inspect() was not ASCII compatible." )
- end
- def test_inspect_with_rows
- additional_rows = [{A B C}, [101, 102, 103]),
-{A B C}, [104, 105, 106]),
-{A B C}, [107, 108, 109]) ]
- table = + additional_rows)
- str_table = table.inspect
- assert_equal(<<-CSV, str_table)
-#<CSV::Table mode:col_or_row row_count:7>
- end
- def test_dig_mixed
- # by row
- assert_equal(@rows[0], @table.dig(0))
- assert_nil(@table.dig(100)) # empty row
- # by col
- assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table.dig("B"))
- assert_equal([nil] * @rows.size, @table.dig("Z")) # empty col
- # by row then col
- assert_equal(2, @table.dig(0, 1))
- assert_equal(6, @table.dig(1, "C"))
- # by col then row
- assert_equal(5, @table.dig("B", 1))
- assert_equal(9, @table.dig("C", 2))
- end
- def test_dig_by_column
- @table.by_col!
- assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table.dig(1))
- assert_equal([2, 5, 8], @table.dig("B"))
- # by col then row
- assert_equal(5, @table.dig("B", 1))
- assert_equal(9, @table.dig("C", 2))
- end
- def test_dig_by_row
- @table.by_row!
- assert_equal(@rows[1], @table.dig(1))
- assert_raise(TypeError) { @table.dig("B") }
- # by row then col
- assert_equal(2, @table.dig(0, 1))
- assert_equal(6, @table.dig(1, "C"))
- end
- def test_dig_cell
- table =[["A"], [["foo", ["bar", ["baz"]]]])])
- # by row, col then cell
- assert_equal("foo", table.dig(0, "A", 0))
- assert_equal(["baz"], table.dig(0, "A", 1, 1))
- # by col, row then cell
- assert_equal("foo", table.dig("A", 0, 0))
- assert_equal(["baz"], table.dig("A", 0, 1, 1))
- end
- def test_dig_cell_no_dig
- table =[["A"], ["foo"])])
- # by row, col then cell
- assert_raise(TypeError) do
- table.dig(0, "A", 0)
- end
- # by col, row then cell
- assert_raise(TypeError) do
- table.dig("A", 0, 0)
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/write/test_converters.rb b/test/csv/write/test_converters.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0080b4c5..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/write/test_converters.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-module TestCSVWriteConverters
- def test_one
- assert_equal(%Q[=a,=b,=c\n],
- generate_line(["a", "b", "c"],
- write_converters: ->(value) {"=" + value}))
- end
- def test_multiple
- assert_equal(%Q[=a_,=b_,=c_\n],
- generate_line(["a", "b", "c"],
- write_converters: [
- ->(value) {"=" + value},
- ->(value) {value + "_"},
- ]))
- end
- def test_nil_value
- assert_equal(%Q[a,NaN,29\n],
- generate_line(["a", nil, 29],
- write_nil_value: "NaN"))
- end
- def test_empty_value
- assert_equal(%Q[a,,29\n],
- generate_line(["a", "", 29],
- write_empty_value: nil))
- end
-class TestCSVWriteConvertersGenerateLine < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestCSVWriteConverters
- extend DifferentOFS
- def generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- CSV.generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- end
-class TestCSVWriteConvertersGenerate < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestCSVWriteConverters
- extend DifferentOFS
- def generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- CSV.generate(**kwargs) do |csv|
- csv << row
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/write/test_force_quotes.rb b/test/csv/write/test_force_quotes.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 622dcb021b..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/write/test_force_quotes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-module TestCSVWriteForceQuotes
- def test_default
- assert_equal(%Q[1,2,3#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["1", "2", "3"]))
- end
- def test_true
- assert_equal(%Q["1","2","3"#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["1", "2", "3"],
- force_quotes: true))
- end
- def test_false
- assert_equal(%Q[1,2,3#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["1", "2", "3"],
- force_quotes: false))
- end
- def test_field_name
- assert_equal(%Q["1",2,"3"#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["1", "2", "3"],
- headers: ["a", "b", "c"],
- force_quotes: ["a", :c]))
- end
- def test_field_name_without_headers
- force_quotes = ["a", "c"]
- error = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- generate_line(["1", "2", "3"],
- force_quotes: force_quotes)
- end
- assert_equal(":headers is required when you use field name " +
- "in :force_quotes: " +
- "#{force_quotes.first.inspect}: #{force_quotes.inspect}",
- error.message)
- end
- def test_field_index
- assert_equal(%Q["1",2,"3"#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["1", "2", "3"],
- force_quotes: [0, 2]))
- end
- def test_field_unknown
- force_quotes = [1.1]
- error = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- generate_line(["1", "2", "3"],
- force_quotes: force_quotes)
- end
- assert_equal(":force_quotes element must be field index or field name: " +
- "#{force_quotes.first.inspect}: #{force_quotes.inspect}",
- error.message)
- end
-class TestCSVWriteForceQuotesGenerateLine < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestCSVWriteForceQuotes
- extend DifferentOFS
- def generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- CSV.generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- end
-class TestCSVWriteForceQuotesGenerate < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestCSVWriteForceQuotes
- extend DifferentOFS
- def generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- CSV.generate(**kwargs) do |csv|
- csv << row
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/write/test_general.rb b/test/csv/write/test_general.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4788d99e81..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/write/test_general.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-module TestCSVWriteGeneral
- include CSVHelper
- def test_tab
- assert_equal("\t#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}",
- generate_line(["\t"]))
- end
- def test_quote_character
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"""",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", %Q["], "baz"]))
- end
- def test_quote_character_double
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"""""",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", %Q[""], "baz"]))
- end
- def test_quote
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"""bar""",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", %Q["bar"], "baz"]))
- end
- def test_quote_lf
- assert_equal(%Q["""\n","""\n"#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([%Q["\n], %Q["\n]]))
- end
- def test_quote_cr
- assert_equal(%Q["""\r","""\r"#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([%Q["\r], %Q["\r]]))
- end
- def test_quote_last
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"bar"""#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", %Q[bar"]]))
- end
- def test_quote_lf_last
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"\nbar"""#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", %Q[\nbar"]]))
- end
- def test_quote_lf_value_lf
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"""\nbar\n"""#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", %Q["\nbar\n"]]))
- end
- def test_quote_lf_value_lf_nil
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"""\nbar\n""",#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", %Q["\nbar\n"], nil]))
- end
- def test_cr
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"\r",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "\r", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_lf
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"\n",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "\n", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_cr_lf
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"\r\n",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "\r\n", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_cr_dot_lf
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"\r.\n",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "\r.\n", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_cr_lf_cr
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"\r\n\r",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "\r\n\r", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_cr_lf_lf
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"\r\n\n",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "\r\n\n", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_cr_lf_comma
- assert_equal(%Q["\r\n,"#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["\r\n,"]))
- end
- def test_cr_lf_comma_nil
- assert_equal(%Q["\r\n,",#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["\r\n,", nil]))
- end
- def test_comma
- assert_equal(%Q[","#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([","]))
- end
- def test_comma_double
- assert_equal(%Q[",",","#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([",", ","]))
- end
- def test_comma_and_value
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"foo,bar",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "foo,bar", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_one_element
- assert_equal(%Q[foo#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo"]))
- end
- def test_nil_values_only
- assert_equal(%Q[,,#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([nil, nil, nil]))
- end
- def test_nil_double_only
- assert_equal(%Q[,#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([nil, nil]))
- end
- def test_nil_values
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,,,#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", nil, nil, nil]))
- end
- def test_nil_value_first
- assert_equal(%Q[,foo,baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([nil, "foo", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_nil_value_middle
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,,baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", nil, "baz"]))
- end
- def test_nil_value_last
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,baz,#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "baz", nil]))
- end
- def test_nil_empty
- assert_equal(%Q[,""#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([nil, ""]))
- end
- def test_nil_cr
- assert_equal(%Q[,"\r"#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([nil, "\r"]))
- end
- def test_values
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,bar#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "bar"]))
- end
- def test_semi_colon
- assert_equal(%Q[;#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([";"]))
- end
- def test_semi_colon_values
- assert_equal(%Q[;,;#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([";", ";"]))
- end
- def test_tab_values
- assert_equal(%Q[\t,\t#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["\t", "\t"]))
- end
- def test_col_sep
- assert_equal(%Q[a;b;;c#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["a", "b", nil, "c"],
- col_sep: ";"))
- assert_equal(%Q[a\tb\t\tc#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["a", "b", nil, "c"],
- col_sep: "\t"))
- end
- def test_row_sep
- assert_equal(%Q[a,b,,c\r\n],
- generate_line(["a", "b", nil, "c"],
- row_sep: "\r\n"))
- end
- def test_force_quotes
- assert_equal(%Q["1","b","","already ""quoted"""#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([1, "b", nil, %Q{already "quoted"}],
- force_quotes: true))
- end
- def test_encoding_utf8
- assert_equal(%Q[あ,い,う#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["あ" , "い", "う"]))
- end
- def test_encoding_euc_jp
- row = ["あ", "い", "う"].collect {|field| field.encode("EUC-JP")}
- assert_equal(%Q[あ,い,う#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}].encode("EUC-JP"),
- generate_line(row))
- end
- def test_encoding_with_default_internal
- with_default_internal(Encoding::UTF_8) do
- row = ["あ", "い", "う"].collect {|field| field.encode("EUC-JP")}
- assert_equal(%Q[あ,い,う#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}].encode("EUC-JP"),
- generate_line(row, encoding: Encoding::EUC_JP))
- end
- end
- def test_with_default_internal
- with_default_internal(Encoding::UTF_8) do
- row = ["あ", "い", "う"].collect {|field| field.encode("EUC-JP")}
- assert_equal(%Q[あ,い,う#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}].encode("EUC-JP"),
- generate_line(row))
- end
- end
-class TestCSVWriteGeneralGenerateLine < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestCSVWriteGeneral
- extend DifferentOFS
- def generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- CSV.generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- end
-class TestCSVWriteGeneralGenerate < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestCSVWriteGeneral
- extend DifferentOFS
- def generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- CSV.generate(**kwargs) do |csv|
- csv << row
- end
- end
diff --git a/test/csv/write/test_quote_empty.rb b/test/csv/write/test_quote_empty.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 70f73dad4a..0000000000
--- a/test/csv/write/test_quote_empty.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "../helper"
-module TestCSVWriteQuoteEmpty
- def test_quote_empty_default
- assert_equal(%Q["""",""#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([%Q["], ""]))
- end
- def test_quote_empty_false
- assert_equal(%Q["""",#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([%Q["], ""],
- quote_empty: false))
- end
- def test_empty_default
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,"",baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "", "baz"]))
- end
- def test_empty_false
- assert_equal(%Q[foo,,baz#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["foo", "", "baz"],
- quote_empty: false))
- end
- def test_empty_only_default
- assert_equal(%Q[""#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([""]))
- end
- def test_empty_only_false
- assert_equal(%Q[#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line([""],
- quote_empty: false))
- end
- def test_empty_double_default
- assert_equal(%Q["",""#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["", ""]))
- end
- def test_empty_double_false
- assert_equal(%Q[,#{$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR}],
- generate_line(["", ""],
- quote_empty: false))
- end
-class TestCSVWriteQuoteEmptyGenerateLine < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestCSVWriteQuoteEmpty
- extend DifferentOFS
- def generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- CSV.generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- end
-class TestCSVWriteQuoteEmptyGenerate < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestCSVWriteQuoteEmpty
- extend DifferentOFS
- def generate_line(row, **kwargs)
- CSV.generate(**kwargs) do |csv|
- csv << row
- end
- end