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diff --git a/complex.c b/complex.c
index a1fde8bf19..62c383b3f7 100644
--- a/complex.c
+++ b/complex.c
@@ -523,39 +523,53 @@ static VALUE nucomp_s_convert(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass);
* call-seq:
- * Complex(x[, y], exception: true) -> numeric or nil
- *
- * Returns x+i*y;
- *
- * Complex(1, 2) #=> (1+2i)
- * Complex('1+2i') #=> (1+2i)
- * Complex(nil) #=> TypeError
- * Complex(1, nil) #=> TypeError
- *
- * Complex(1, nil, exception: false) #=> nil
- * Complex('1+2', exception: false) #=> nil
- *
- * Syntax of string form:
- *
- * string form = extra spaces , complex , extra spaces ;
- * complex = real part | [ sign ] , imaginary part
- * | real part , sign , imaginary part
- * | rational , "@" , rational ;
- * real part = rational ;
- * imaginary part = imaginary unit | unsigned rational , imaginary unit ;
- * rational = [ sign ] , unsigned rational ;
- * unsigned rational = numerator | numerator , "/" , denominator ;
- * numerator = integer part | fractional part | integer part , fractional part ;
- * denominator = digits ;
- * integer part = digits ;
- * fractional part = "." , digits , [ ( "e" | "E" ) , [ sign ] , digits ] ;
- * imaginary unit = "i" | "I" | "j" | "J" ;
- * sign = "-" | "+" ;
- * digits = digit , { digit | "_" , digit };
- * digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
- * extra spaces = ? \s* ? ;
- *
- * See String#to_c.
+ * Complex(abs, arg = 0, exception: true) -> complex or nil
+ * Complex(s, exception: true) -> complex or nil
+ *
+ * Returns a new \Complex object if the arguments are valid;
+ * otherwise raises an exception if +exception+ is +true+;
+ * otherwise returns +nil+.
+ *
+ * With Numeric argument +abs+, returns <tt>Complex.rect(abs, arg)</tt> if the arguments are valid.
+ *
+ * With string argument +s+, returns a new \Complex object if the argument is valid;
+ * the string may have:
+ *
+ * - One or two numeric substrings,
+ * each of which specifies a Complex, Float, Integer, Numeric, or Rational value,
+ * specifying {rectangular coordinates}[rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates]:
+ *
+ * - Sign-separated real and imaginary numeric substrings
+ * (with trailing character <tt>'i'</tt>):
+ *
+ * Complex('1+2i') # => (1+2i)
+ * Complex('+1+2i') # => (1+2i)
+ * Complex('+1-2i') # => (1-2i)
+ * Complex('-1+2i') # => (-1+2i)
+ * Complex('-1-2i') # => (-1-2i)
+ *
+ * - Real-only numeric string (without trailing character <tt>'i'</tt>):
+ *
+ * Complex('1') # => (1+0i)
+ * Complex('+1') # => (1+0i)
+ * Complex('-1') # => (-1+0i)
+ *
+ * - Imaginary-only numeric string (with trailing character <tt>'i'</tt>):
+ *
+ * Complex('1i') # => (0+1i)
+ * Complex('+1i') # => (0+1i)
+ * Complex('-1i') # => (0-1i)
+ *
+ * - At-sign separated real and imaginary rational substrings,
+ * each of which specifies a Rational value,
+ * specifying {polar coordinates}[rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates]:
+ *
+ * Complex('1/2@3/4') # => (0.36584443443691045+0.34081938001166706i)
+ * Complex('+1/2@+3/4') # => (0.36584443443691045+0.34081938001166706i)
+ * Complex('+1/2@-3/4') # => (0.36584443443691045-0.34081938001166706i)
+ * Complex('-1/2@+3/4') # => (-0.36584443443691045-0.34081938001166706i)
+ * Complex('-1/2@-3/4') # => (-0.36584443443691045+0.34081938001166706i)
+ *
static VALUE
nucomp_f_complex(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
@@ -2350,30 +2364,26 @@ float_arg(VALUE self)
- * A \Complex object houses a pair of values
- * called, respectively, the _real_ and _imaginary_ parts;
- * see {Complex number}[].
- *
- * Note that each of the parts may be a an instance of class Numeric,
- * or an instance of one of its subclasses:
- * Complex, Float, Integer, or Rational.
+ * A \Complex object houses a pair of values,
+ * given when the object is created as either <i>rectangular coordinates</i>
+ * or <i>polar coordinates</i>.
- * You can create a \Complex object with:
+ * == Rectangular Coordinates
- * - A {complex literal}[rdoc-ref:syntax/literals.rdoc@Complex+Literals].
- * - \Method {Kernel#Complex}[].
- * - Methods Complex.rect or Complex.polar.
- * - Methods Numeric#to_c or String#to_c;
- * or (trivially) methods Complex#to_c or NilClass#to_c.
+ * The rectangular coordinates of a complex number
+ * are called the _real_ and _imaginary_ parts;
+ * see {Complex number definition}[].
- * == Rectangular Coordinates
+ * You can create a \Complex object from rectangular coordinates with:
- * Each of the methods above (except Complex.polar) takes two "rectangular" arguments
- * representing the _real_ and _imaginary_ parts of the created \Complex object;
- * see {Complex definition}[].
+ * - A {complex literal}[rdoc-ref:doc/syntax/literals.rdoc@Complex+Literals].
+ * - \Method Complex.rect.
+ * - \Method Kernel#Complex, either with numeric arguments or with certain string arguments.
+ * - \Method String#to_c, for certain strings.
- * The created object stores the two values,
- * which may be retrieved:
+ * Note that each of the stored parts may be a an instance one of the classes
+ * Complex, Float, Integer, or Rational;
+ * they may be retrieved:
* - Separately, with methods Complex#real and Complex#imaginary.
* - Together, with method Complex#rect.
@@ -2385,13 +2395,19 @@ float_arg(VALUE self)
* == Polar Coordinates
- * \Method Complex.polar takes two "polar" arguments,
- * representing the _modulus_ (or _absolute_) and _argument_ parts
- * of the created \Complex object;
- * see {Complex plane}[].
+ * The polar coordinates of a complex number
+ * are called the _absolute_ and _argument_ parts;
+ * see {Complex polar plane}[].
+ *
+ * You can create a \Complex object from polar coordinates with:
+ *
+ * - \Method Complex.polar.
+ * - \Method Kernel#Complex, with certain string arguments.
+ * - \Method String#to_c, for certain strings.
- * The created object stores the two values,
- * which may be retrieved:
+ * Note that each of the stored parts may be a an instance one of the classes
+ * Complex, Float, Integer, or Rational;
+ * they may be retrieved:
* - Separately, with methods Complex#abs and Complex#arg.
* - Together, with method Complex#polar.