path: root/spec
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-18Update set_backtrace documentationJean Boussier
2024-03-17[rubygems/rubygems] Ignore commented out keys in config fileDavid Rodriguez
2024-03-16Prefer the simple read/write `File` singleton methodsNobuyoshi Nakada
2024-03-14Update to ruby/spec@89175b2Benoit Daloze
2024-03-14Update to ruby/mspec@b8f8f4eBenoit Daloze
2024-03-14[Feature #20265] Remove rb_newobj_of and RB_NEWOBJ_OFPeter Zhu
2024-03-14`Exception#set_backtrace` accept arrays of `Backtrace::Location`Jean Boussier
2024-03-13Make `const_source_location` return the real constant as soon as definedJean Boussier
2024-03-07Removed unused fixtures at time examplesHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-03-06Run `binding.irb` in cleaner environment and clean the history fileNobuyoshi Nakada
2024-03-06Use include instead of equal assertion.Hiroshi SHIBATA
2024-03-05[DOC] fix some commentscui fliter
2024-03-05[rubygems/rubygems] Clear generated files recursivelyNobuyoshi Nakada
2024-03-04[rubygems/rubygems] Clear `RUBY_CODESIGN` env var while running testsYuta Saito
2024-03-03[Bug #20322] Fix rb_enc_interned_str_cstr null encodingThomas Marshall
2024-03-01Add an example for fallback to shNobuyoshi Nakada
2024-02-28[PRISM] Fix version spec to account for prismKevin Newton
2024-02-27Handle zero-like imaginary part as zero in to_r (#9581)Kenta Murata
2024-02-26Update to ruby/spec@3a510bbBenoit Daloze
2024-02-26Update to ruby/mspec@36e8ed8Benoit Daloze
2024-02-23Stop using rb_fstring publiclyPeter Zhu
2024-02-19[Bug #20280] Fix wrong testsNobuyoshi Nakada
2024-02-19[rubygems/rubygems] Use FileUtils.mkdir_pHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-16Avoid to fail with race conditionHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-16Try to test net-ftp examples againHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-16[rubygems/rubygems] bin/rubocop -aHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-16[rubygems/rubygems] Add `gitlab:` Git source shorthandJason Garber
2024-02-15[rubygems/rubygems] use full path for instance_evalCody Cutrer
2024-02-15Skip failing examples at Ruby 3.2+Hiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15Surpressing constant redefinition warningHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15Exclude net-ftp examples because it has dependency issueHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15Re-enabled old bundled gemsHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15ruby-spec: Accept the receiver in backtracesYusuke Endoh
2024-02-15Rename and restructured net/ftp and net/http examplesHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15Move examples related core extension feature by Bigdecimal to under the libra...Hiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15Surpressing constant redefinition warningHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15Added new ruby/spec task for bundled gemsHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15Disable to run for bundled gems in test-specHiroshi SHIBATA
2024-02-15Update the error message format in bundlerYusuke Endoh
2024-02-15ruby-spec: Accept both a backtick and a single quote in error messagesYusuke Endoh
2024-02-15Only check constant leaks by default for `make test-spec`Benoit Daloze
2024-02-12proc.c: get rid of `CLONESETUP`Jean Boussier
2024-02-12Skip spec failing on i686Benoit Daloze
2024-02-12Exclude a problematic spec when run in CRuby via make test-spec until fixedBenoit Daloze
2024-02-12Update to ruby/spec@ce834adBenoit Daloze
2024-02-08[rubygems/rubygems] Improve assertionDavid Rodriguez
2024-02-08[rubygems/rubygems] Run definition specs in an isolated locationDavid Rodriguez
2024-02-08[rubygems/rubygems] Fix incorrect 4th parameter to Definition.newDavid Rodriguez
2024-02-08[rubygems/rubygems] Move `subject` to top level contextDavid Rodriguez
2024-02-08[rubygems/rubygems] Refactor lockfile generationDavid Rodríguez