path: root/lib/rdoc/generators/html_generator.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2004-05-26Allow "do" after "for". Fix up css for standalone code windowdave
2004-05-10Change symbol lookup scheme in HTML generationdave
2004-05-10Search parent for unqualified constantsdave
2004-05-05Don't include &block if we have yield parametersdave
2004-04-04Remove leading ./ from filenames so that cross references work OKdave
2004-03-24Allow templates to be specified outside the RDoc treedave
2004-02-24Deal with case where first file processed contains a :stopdoc:dave
2004-02-23Fix constant value extraction. Escape HTML in constant valuesdave
2004-02-19Support visibility modifiers for attributesdave
2004-02-06Support https in hyperlinksdave
2004-01-20Document lib/English. Add top-level aliases to rdoc html outputdave
2003-12-31Fix problem with private alias to public methoddave
2003-12-24Forgot to save buffer.... sighdave
2003-12-07Support inline source in Kilmer templatedave
2003-12-01Add RDocdave