path: root/lib/irb/debug/ui.rb
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-10-11[ruby/irb] Avoid locking the debug UI to a single threadStan Lo
( Since `debug` stores and updates the target thread via its Session's `@tc` variable, we don't need to and shouldn't lock the UI to the thread that activates the integration.
2023-08-13[ruby/irb] Support seamless integration with ruby/debugStan Lo
( * Support native integration with ruby/debug * Prevent using multi-irb and activating debugger at the same time Multi-irb makes a few assumptions: - IRB will manage all threads that host sub-irb sessions - All IRB sessions will be run on the threads created by IRB itself However, when using the debugger these assumptions are broken: - `debug` will freeze ALL threads when it suspends the session (e.g. when hitting a breakpoint, or performing step-debugging). - Since the irb-debug integration runs IRB as the debugger's interface, it will be run on the debugger's thread, which is not managed by IRB. So we should prevent the 2 features from being used at the same time. To do that, we check if the other feature is already activated when executing the commands that would activate the other feature.