path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-03-17* array.c, enum.c: make rdoc format consistent.mame
2016-03-17* NEWS: add Array#max, #min, and the optimization. [Feature #12172]mame
2016-03-17* compile.c (NODE_CALL): add optimization shortcut for Array#max/min.mame
2016-03-17* array.c (rb_ary_max, rb_ary_min): implement Array#max and min withmame
2016-03-17* array.c (rb_ary_max, rb_ary_min): implement a block by itself insteadmame
2016-03-17* array.c (rb_ary_max, rb_ary_min): Array#max and Array#min added.mame
2016-03-17* internal.c: struct cmp_opt_data added for refactoring out a datamame
2016-03-17* enum.c (ary_inject_op): Extracted from enum_inject.akr
2016-03-17* enum.c (enum_inject): Implement the specialized code for sum ofakr
2016-03-17thread_sync.c: Update rdoc for Queue [skip ci]nobu
2016-03-17gc.c: tick for POWER archnobu
2016-03-17* lib/securerandom.rb (gen_random): to avoid blocking on Windows.naruse
2016-03-17* enc/unicode.c: Fixed two macro definitions.duerst
2016-03-17socket/option.c: accurate conditionnobu
2016-03-16* test/-ext-/time/test_new.rb (test_timespec_new): Time#gmtoff valuesodaira
2016-03-16* marshal.c (r_object0): raise ArgumentError when linking to undefineddrbrain
2016-03-16* test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: Make sure to use Bignum values in the tests.mrkn
2016-03-16parse.y: symbol literals for alias/undefnobu
2016-03-16* enc/trans/JIS: update Unicode's notice. [Bug #11844]naruse
2016-03-16proc.c: fail symbol proc bindingnobu
2016-03-16* test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Fixed and activated a test for Cherokee.duerst
2016-03-16* test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Fixed a logical error.duerst
2016-03-16* test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Adding tests for Cherokee.duerst
2016-03-16* test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Adding tests for actual Unicodeduerst
2016-03-15* enum.c (enum_inject): Consider redefinition of Fixnum#+.akr
2016-03-15fix a typo [ci skip]kazu
2016-03-15* enum.c (enum_inject): Implement the specialied code for :+ operatorakr
2016-03-15* enum.c (enum_inject): Implement the specialized code for self is anakr
2016-03-15* enc/unicode.c: Eliminating common code.duerst
2016-03-15* enc/unicode.c: Expansion of some code repetition in preparation forduerst
2016-03-15* enc/unicode.c: Additional macros and code to use mapping data induerst
2016-03-15internal.h: private rb_gc_mark_global_tblnobu
2016-03-15* doc/extension.ja.rdoc: Fix RDoc markup in doc/extension*.rdoc.hsbt
2016-03-15* time.c: Minor typo in Time#dst? documentation.hsbt
2016-03-14* test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb (test_disable): add tests forheadius
2016-03-14* marshal.c (r_object0): Fix Marshal crash for corrupt extended object.drbrain
2016-03-14* test/ruby/test_rubyoptions.rb: make version matching supportheadius
2016-03-14* bignum.c (big2str_2bdigits): reduce div instruction.naruse
2016-03-14* include/ruby/oniguruma.h, enc/unicode.c: Adjusting flag assignmentsduerst
2016-03-14optimize named capture assignmentnobu
2016-03-14ruby.c: reduce fstatnobu
2016-03-14* numeric.c (fix2str): improve r54092 like rb_int2big().naruse
2016-03-14document OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#setup as MT-unsafenormal
2016-03-13win32.h: fix O_SHARE_DELETEnobu
2016-03-13numeric.c: fix edge casenobu
2016-03-12Malformed RDoc syntax in catch [ci skip]nobu
2016-03-11* test/lib/test/unit.rb: describe !/REGEXP/ in the help message.akr
2016-03-11testunit: negative filternobu
2016-03-11* enc/unicode/case-folding.rb, casefold.h: Streamlining approach toduerst
2016-03-10iseq.h: coverage_enabled flagnobu