AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-08-18Implement SizedQueue#push(timeout: sec)Jean Boussier
2022-08-18Update bundled gems list at 2022-08-18git
2022-08-18[Bug #18964] Update the code range of appended portionNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-18ext/pty/extconf.rb: Try libutil only on OpenBSDYusuke Endoh
2022-08-18Suppress detached head warnings [ci skip]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-18* 2022-08-18 [ci skip]git
2022-08-17Added vm setivar benchmark from yjit-benchJemma Issroff
2022-08-17Fix flaky test for GC thrashingPeter Zhu
2022-08-17Extract common code from `rb_enc_vsprintf` and `rb_str_vcatf`Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-17Update dependenciesNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-17yjit.h is not necessary for all sources using mjit.hNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-17Move `mjit_exec` to vm.cNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-17Make date in installed gemspec files stableNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-17Refactor `RbInstall::Specs::FileCollector`Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-17* 2022-08-17 [ci skip]git
2022-08-17The tzdata 2022c removed Amsterdam Mean TimeNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-16[ruby/cgi] Implement `CGI.url_encode` and `CGI.url_decode`Jean Boussier
2022-08-16Update the excluding message for Psych [ci skip]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-15Optimize Marshal dump/load for large (> 31-bit) FIXNUM (#6229)John Hawthorn
2022-08-15Do not clone method entries when bind_call is usedPenelope Phippen
2022-08-16[ruby/rdoc] [DOC] Remove duplicated line in RDoc::MarkupReferencePeter Zhu
2022-08-16* 2022-08-16 [ci skip]git
2022-08-15Simplify around `USE_YJIT` macro (#6240)Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-15Add test for GC thrashing of young object creationPeter Zhu
2022-08-15[ruby/date] [DOC] Enhanced intro for Date ( Lamar
2022-08-15[rubygems/rubygems] Fix Ruby platform incorrectly removed on `bundle update`David Rodríguez
2022-08-15* 2022-08-15 [ci skip]git
2022-08-15[ruby/rinda] Handle situations where IPv4 multicast is not availableJeremy Evans
2022-08-14Update dependenciesNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-14* 2022-08-14 [ci skip]git
2022-08-14Silent configure does not output cached configurationsNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-13[DOC] Add the link to [Feature #18809]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-13Add a NEWS entry about Integer#ceildiv [ci skip]Kouhei Yanagita
2022-08-13* 2022-08-13 [ci skip]git
2022-08-13[ruby/rdoc] [DOC] Enhances text about escapes ( Lamar
2022-08-12Adjust columns in gems/bundled_gems [ci skip]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12Preserve each column positions in gems/bundled_gemsNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12Bundle unreleased debugNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12Introduce with_warn_vsprintf macroS-H-GAMELINKS
2022-08-12Short-circuit `Process._fork`Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12[Bug #18962] Do not read again once reached EOFNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12Improve performance of Integer#ceildivKouhei Yanagita
2022-08-12Remove Numeric#ceildivKouhei Yanagita
2022-08-12Add Numeric#ceildiv and Integer#ceildivKouhei Yanagita
2022-08-12Stop defining `RUBY_ABI_VERSION` if released versionsNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12Add missing `rb_enc_iscntrl`Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12[DOC] Use `true`/`false` for `@retval`s which are `bool`Nobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12No bundled gems to be installed from gem nowNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12All extensions in bundled gems are built by build-ext nowNobuyoshi Nakada
2022-08-12[ruby/error_highlight] Add a note about the current limitation of ErrorHighli...Yusuke Endoh