AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-05-22azure-pipelines.yml: Do not run CI on trunkTakashi Kokubun
2019-05-22wercker.yml: Notify master branch instead of trunkTakashi Kokubun
2019-05-23range.c (inspect_range): omit beginless "nil"Yusuke Endoh
2019-05-22appveyor.yml: Do not doubly run CI on trunkTakashi Kokubun
2019-05-22.travis.yml: Test master branch instead of trunkTakashi Kokubun
2019-05-23hash.c (rb_hash_s_create): Reject `Hash[[nil]]`Yusuke Endoh
2019-05-23* 2019-05-23git
2019-05-22Make RUBY_REVISION full lengthNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22Default to the current branchNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22Fix revision nameNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22Fix revision nameNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22Fixed the method to delegateNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22* expand tabs.git
2019-05-22gc.c: revert b00f280d4b "Eagerly name modules and classes"Nobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22ast.c: update inspect results in the documentsNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22Set namespace treeNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22Extract build_const_pathnameAlan Wu
2019-05-22Eagerly name modules and classesAlan Wu
2019-05-22Ripper: no documents of fallback methodsNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-22Remove unnecessary variable in LineEditoraycabta
2019-05-22Support CSI sequences in promptaycabta
2019-05-22Use Reline.test_mode in Reline's test tooaycabta
2019-05-22Reline#reset should initalize @rest_height and @screen_size eveytimeaycabta
2019-05-22* 2019-05-22git
2019-05-22Reopen $stderr with specified fd by RELINE_STDERR_TTYaycabta
2019-05-21Use conssitent documentation about repository [ci skip]Takashi Kokubun
2019-05-21Remove ~/.inputrc not found error messageaycabta
2019-05-21Copy config to make IRB::Context#use_colorize? functionalTakashi Kokubun
2019-05-21Symbol beginning token may take a constant tokenaycabta
2019-05-21Cursor should be at line head after line breakingaycabta
2019-05-21IRB should eval and show an error when only `.` is inputtedaycabta
2019-05-21re-skip tests of GC.compact.Koichi Sasada
2019-05-21Support DEL keyaycabta
2019-05-21enable test for GC.compact to reproduce an issue on CIKoichi Sasada
2019-05-21unify normal and verify ver.Koichi Sasada
2019-05-21do not use RARRAY_SET() directly in array.c.Koichi Sasada
2019-05-21Fix typoNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-21Do not modify shared arrayNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-21Simplified the guard against old versionsNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-21Add "require 'irb'" to use IRB.confaycabta
2019-05-21Check whether IRB.conf is nil in IRB::WorkSpace#code_around_bindingaycabta
2019-05-21Add --colorize and --nocolorize options to IRBaycabta
2019-05-21Fix vertical cursor moving when splitting lineaycabta
2019-05-21Finish only when buffer contains non-blank lineaycabta
2019-05-21Cursor up should reduce 1 than editing heightaycabta
2019-05-21* 2019-05-21git
2019-05-21Check bytesize in vi command mode last char backaycabta
2019-05-20* expand tabs.git
2019-05-20Get rid of undefined behavior that source and destination buffers overlapNobuyoshi Nakada
2019-05-20Remove redundant ignore rule for Process#clock_getres specsBenoit Daloze