AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-18Add section on build requirements to the READMEJeremy Evans
2021-06-18Enable USE_ISEQ_NODE_ID by defaultYusuke Endoh
2021-06-18Make it possible to get AST::Node from Thread::Backtrace::LocationYusuke Endoh
2021-06-18Remove LOCATION_TYPE_ISEQ_CALCED state from Backtrace::LocationYusuke Endoh
2021-06-18* 2021-06-18 [ci skip]git
2021-06-18node.h: Reduce struct size to fit with Ruby object size (five VALUEs)Yusuke Endoh
2021-06-18ast.rb: RubyVM::AST.parse and .of accepts `save_script_lines: true`Yusuke Endoh
2021-06-17Refactor heap_set_incrementPeter Zhu
2021-06-17[rubygems/rubygems] Close then unlink tempfiles on WindowsNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-17Adjust styles [ci skip]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-17* 2021-06-17 [ci skip]git
2021-06-17* expand tabs. [ci skip]git
2021-06-16Enable frozen_string_literal in builtin_iseq_loadJohn Hawthorn
2021-06-16[ruby/net-protocol] Get rid of `__send__`Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-16Fixed comments in cmd.exe script [ci skip]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-16Removed redundant NUM2IOCTLREQ definition [Bug #17759]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-16Configure ioctl request argument type [Bug #17759]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-16* 2021-06-16 [ci skip]git
2021-06-16Make ext directory before extinit.c when out-of-place buildNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-15Time#getlocal tests for [Feature #17544]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-15Convert initial contents before allocating queue bufferNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-15[ruby/ostruct] v0.4.0Marc-Andre Lafortune
2021-06-14[Bug #17880] Set leaf false on opt_setinlinecache (#4565)Eileen M. Uchitelle
2021-06-14[lib/ostruct] Fix YAML testMarc-Andre Lafortune
2021-06-14[lib/ostruct] Allow overriding of `block_given?`Marc-Andre Lafortune
2021-06-15* 2021-06-15 [ci skip]git
2021-06-15Suppress exception report in inner threadNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-15Close leaked file descriptorsNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-14[ruby/ostruct] bump upNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-14Suppress gcc11 clobbered warningNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-14Add fallback block to `OpenStruct#delete_field` (#1409)jfrazx
2021-06-14prefer cc/gcc over clang on solaris卜部昌平
2021-06-14Fixed method names in exception messagesNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-14Fix fiber scheduler address resolve solaris testsBruno Sutic
2021-06-14Revert "Suppress gcc11 clobbered warning"Samuel Williams
2021-06-14Wake up join list within thread EC context. (#4471)Samuel Williams
2021-06-14Removed no longer used variablesNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-14Pack values to preserveNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-14Suppress gcc11 clobbered warningNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-14Add scheduler hook `Addrinfo.getaddrinfo`. (#4375)Samuel Williams
2021-06-14time.c: Check if defined(RUBY_MSVCRT_VERSION) to build on SolarisYusuke Endoh
2021-06-14* 2021-06-14 [ci skip]git
2021-06-14parse.y: Fix the location of a target constant of OP_CDECLYusuke Endoh
2021-06-13Suppress array-parameter warnings by gcc 11Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-13Added parentheses to silence sizeof-array-div warningsNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-13Removed duplicate includeNobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-13Check if alternative malloc header can work in C++Nobuyoshi Nakada
2021-06-13* 2021-06-13 [ci skip]git
2021-06-13Refactor rb_block_call functionS.H
2021-06-12* 2021-06-12 [ci skip]git