path: root/yjit/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yjit/src/')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yjit/src/ b/yjit/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97edc786bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+use crate::asm::*;
+use crate::codegen::*;
+use crate::core::*;
+use crate::cruby::*;
+use crate::yjit::yjit_enabled_p;
+use std::fmt::Write;
+/// Primitive called in yjit.rb
+/// Produce a string representing the disassembly for an ISEQ
+pub extern "C" fn rb_yjit_disasm_iseq(_ec: EcPtr, _ruby_self: VALUE, iseqw: VALUE) -> VALUE {
+ #[cfg(not(feature = "disasm"))]
+ {
+ let _ = iseqw;
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+ {
+ // TODO:
+ //if unsafe { CLASS_OF(iseqw) != rb_cISeq } {
+ // return Qnil;
+ //}
+ if !yjit_enabled_p() {
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ // Get the iseq pointer from the wrapper
+ let iseq = unsafe { rb_iseqw_to_iseq(iseqw) };
+ let out_string = disasm_iseq(iseq);
+ return rust_str_to_ruby(&out_string);
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+fn disasm_iseq(iseq: IseqPtr) -> String {
+ let mut out = String::from("");
+ // Get a list of block versions generated for this iseq
+ let mut block_list = get_iseq_block_list(iseq);
+ // Get a list of codeblocks relevant to this iseq
+ let global_cb = CodegenGlobals::get_inline_cb();
+ // Sort the blocks by increasing start addresses
+ block_list.sort_by(|a, b| {
+ use std::cmp::Ordering;
+ // Get the start addresses for each block
+ let addr_a = a.borrow().get_start_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
+ let addr_b = b.borrow().get_start_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
+ if addr_a < addr_b {
+ Ordering::Less
+ } else if addr_a == addr_b {
+ Ordering::Equal
+ } else {
+ Ordering::Greater
+ }
+ });
+ // Compute total code size in bytes for all blocks in the function
+ let mut total_code_size = 0;
+ for blockref in &block_list {
+ total_code_size += blockref.borrow().code_size();
+ }
+ // Initialize capstone
+ extern crate capstone;
+ use capstone::prelude::*;
+ let cs = Capstone::new()
+ .x86()
+ .mode(arch::x86::ArchMode::Mode64)
+ .syntax(arch::x86::ArchSyntax::Intel)
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ out.push_str(&format!("NUM BLOCK VERSIONS: {}\n", block_list.len()));
+ out.push_str(&format!(
+ "TOTAL INLINE CODE SIZE: {} bytes\n",
+ total_code_size
+ ));
+ // For each block, sorted by increasing start address
+ for block_idx in 0..block_list.len() {
+ let block = block_list[block_idx].borrow();
+ let blockid = block.get_blockid();
+ let end_idx = block.get_end_idx();
+ let start_addr = block.get_start_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
+ let end_addr = block.get_end_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
+ let code_size = block.code_size();
+ // Write some info about the current block
+ let block_ident = format!(
+ "BLOCK {}/{}, ISEQ RANGE [{},{}), {} bytes ",
+ block_idx + 1,
+ block_list.len(),
+ blockid.idx,
+ end_idx,
+ code_size
+ );
+ out.push_str(&format!("== {:=<60}\n", block_ident));
+ // Disassemble the instructions
+ let code_slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(start_addr, code_size) };
+ let insns = cs.disasm_all(code_slice, start_addr as u64).unwrap();
+ // For each instruction in this block
+ for insn in insns.as_ref() {
+ // Comments for this block
+ if let Some(comment_list) = global_cb.comments_at(insn.address() as usize) {
+ for comment in comment_list {
+ out.push_str(&format!(" \x1b[1m# {}\x1b[0m\n", comment));
+ }
+ }
+ out.push_str(&format!(" {}\n", insn));
+ }
+ // If this is not the last block
+ if block_idx < block_list.len() - 1 {
+ // Compute the size of the gap between this block and the next
+ let next_block = block_list[block_idx + 1].borrow();
+ let next_start_addr = next_block.get_start_addr().unwrap().raw_ptr();
+ let gap_size = (next_start_addr as usize) - (end_addr as usize);
+ // Log the size of the gap between the blocks if nonzero
+ if gap_size > 0 {
+ out.push_str(&format!("... {} byte gap ...\n", gap_size));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
+/// Primitive called in yjit.rb
+/// Produce a list of instructions compiled for an isew
+pub extern "C" fn rb_yjit_insns_compiled(_ec: EcPtr, _ruby_self: VALUE, iseqw: VALUE) -> VALUE {
+ {
+ // TODO:
+ //if unsafe { CLASS_OF(iseqw) != rb_cISeq } {
+ // return Qnil;
+ //}
+ if !yjit_enabled_p() {
+ return Qnil;
+ }
+ // Get the iseq pointer from the wrapper
+ let iseq = unsafe { rb_iseqw_to_iseq(iseqw) };
+ // Get the list of instructions compiled
+ let insn_vec = insns_compiled(iseq);
+ unsafe {
+ let insn_ary = rb_ary_new_capa((insn_vec.len() * 2) as i64);
+ // For each instruction compiled
+ for idx in 0..insn_vec.len() {
+ let op_name = &insn_vec[idx].0;
+ let insn_idx = insn_vec[idx].1;
+ let op_sym = rust_str_to_sym(&op_name);
+ // Store the instruction index and opcode symbol
+ rb_ary_store(
+ insn_ary,
+ (2 * idx + 0) as i64,
+ VALUE::fixnum_from_usize(insn_idx as usize),
+ );
+ rb_ary_store(insn_ary, (2 * idx + 1) as i64, op_sym);
+ }
+ insn_ary
+ }
+ }
+fn insns_compiled(iseq: IseqPtr) -> Vec<(String, u32)> {
+ let mut insn_vec = Vec::new();
+ // Get a list of block versions generated for this iseq
+ let block_list = get_iseq_block_list(iseq);
+ // For each block associated with this iseq
+ for blockref in &block_list {
+ let block = blockref.borrow();
+ let start_idx = block.get_blockid().idx;
+ let end_idx = block.get_end_idx();
+ assert!(end_idx <= unsafe { get_iseq_encoded_size(iseq) });
+ // For each YARV instruction in the block
+ let mut insn_idx = start_idx;
+ while insn_idx < end_idx {
+ // Get the current pc and opcode
+ let pc = unsafe { rb_iseq_pc_at_idx(iseq, insn_idx) };
+ // try_into() call below is unfortunate. Maybe pick i32 instead of usize for opcodes.
+ let opcode: usize = unsafe { rb_iseq_opcode_at_pc(iseq, pc) }
+ .try_into()
+ .unwrap();
+ // Get the mnemonic for this opcode
+ let op_name = insn_name(opcode);
+ // Add the instruction to the list
+ insn_vec.push((op_name, insn_idx));
+ // Move to the next instruction
+ insn_idx += insn_len(opcode);
+ }
+ }
+ return insn_vec;