path: root/yjit/src/backend/
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Diffstat (limited to 'yjit/src/backend/')
1 files changed, 2095 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yjit/src/backend/ b/yjit/src/backend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edc0eaf390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,2095 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::convert::From;
+use std::mem::take;
+use crate::codegen::{gen_outlined_exit, gen_counted_exit};
+use crate::cruby::{vm_stack_canary, SIZEOF_VALUE_I32, VALUE};
+use crate::virtualmem::CodePtr;
+use crate::asm::{CodeBlock, OutlinedCb};
+use crate::core::{Context, RegTemps, MAX_REG_TEMPS};
+use crate::options::*;
+use crate::stats::*;
+use crate::backend::current::*;
+pub const EC: Opnd = _EC;
+pub const CFP: Opnd = _CFP;
+pub const SP: Opnd = _SP;
+pub const C_ARG_OPNDS: [Opnd; 6] = _C_ARG_OPNDS;
+pub const C_RET_OPND: Opnd = _C_RET_OPND;
+pub use crate::backend::current::{Reg, C_RET_REG};
+// Memory operand base
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum MemBase
+ Reg(u8),
+ InsnOut(usize),
+// Memory location
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Mem
+ // Base register number or instruction index
+ pub(super) base: MemBase,
+ // Offset relative to the base pointer
+ pub(super) disp: i32,
+ // Size in bits
+ pub(super) num_bits: u8,
+impl fmt::Debug for Mem {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(fmt, "Mem{}[{:?}", self.num_bits, self.base)?;
+ if self.disp != 0 {
+ let sign = if self.disp > 0 { '+' } else { '-' };
+ write!(fmt, " {sign} {}", self.disp)?;
+ }
+ write!(fmt, "]")
+ }
+/// Operand to an IR instruction
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum Opnd
+ None, // For insns with no output
+ // Immediate Ruby value, may be GC'd, movable
+ Value(VALUE),
+ /// C argument register. The alloc_regs resolves its register dependencies.
+ CArg(Reg),
+ // Output of a preceding instruction in this block
+ InsnOut{ idx: usize, num_bits: u8 },
+ /// Pointer to a slot on the VM stack
+ Stack {
+ /// Index from stack top. Used for conversion to StackOpnd.
+ idx: i32,
+ /// Number of bits for Opnd::Reg and Opnd::Mem.
+ num_bits: u8,
+ /// ctx.stack_size when this operand is made. Used with idx for Opnd::Reg.
+ stack_size: u8,
+ /// ctx.sp_offset when this operand is made. Used with idx for Opnd::Mem.
+ sp_offset: i8,
+ /// ctx.reg_temps when this operand is read. Used for register allocation.
+ reg_temps: Option<RegTemps>
+ },
+ // Low-level operands, for lowering
+ Imm(i64), // Raw signed immediate
+ UImm(u64), // Raw unsigned immediate
+ Mem(Mem), // Memory location
+ Reg(Reg), // Machine register
+impl fmt::Debug for Opnd {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ use Opnd::*;
+ match self {
+ Self::None => write!(fmt, "None"),
+ Value(val) => write!(fmt, "Value({val:?})"),
+ CArg(reg) => write!(fmt, "CArg({reg:?})"),
+ Stack { idx, sp_offset, .. } => write!(fmt, "SP[{}]", *sp_offset as i32 - idx - 1),
+ InsnOut { idx, num_bits } => write!(fmt, "Out{num_bits}({idx})"),
+ Imm(signed) => write!(fmt, "{signed:x}_i64"),
+ UImm(unsigned) => write!(fmt, "{unsigned:x}_u64"),
+ // Say Mem and Reg only once
+ Mem(mem) => write!(fmt, "{mem:?}"),
+ Reg(reg) => write!(fmt, "{reg:?}"),
+ }
+ }
+impl Opnd
+ /// Convenience constructor for memory operands
+ pub fn mem(num_bits: u8, base: Opnd, disp: i32) -> Self {
+ match base {
+ Opnd::Reg(base_reg) => {
+ assert!(base_reg.num_bits == 64);
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem {
+ base: MemBase::Reg(base_reg.reg_no),
+ disp: disp,
+ num_bits: num_bits,
+ })
+ },
+ Opnd::InsnOut{idx, num_bits: out_num_bits } => {
+ assert!(num_bits <= out_num_bits);
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem {
+ base: MemBase::InsnOut(idx),
+ disp: disp,
+ num_bits: num_bits,
+ })
+ },
+ _ => unreachable!("memory operand with non-register base")
+ }
+ }
+ /// Constructor for constant pointer operand
+ pub fn const_ptr(ptr: *const u8) -> Self {
+ Opnd::UImm(ptr as u64)
+ }
+ /// Constructor for a C argument operand
+ pub fn c_arg(reg_opnd: Opnd) -> Self {
+ match reg_opnd {
+ Opnd::Reg(reg) => Opnd::CArg(reg),
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Unwrap a register operand
+ pub fn unwrap_reg(&self) -> Reg {
+ match self {
+ Opnd::Reg(reg) => *reg,
+ _ => unreachable!("trying to unwrap {:?} into reg", self)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the size in bits for this operand if there is one.
+ pub fn num_bits(&self) -> Option<u8> {
+ match *self {
+ Opnd::Reg(Reg { num_bits, .. }) => Some(num_bits),
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem { num_bits, .. }) => Some(num_bits),
+ Opnd::InsnOut { num_bits, .. } => Some(num_bits),
+ _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn with_num_bits(&self, num_bits: u8) -> Option<Opnd> {
+ assert!(num_bits == 8 || num_bits == 16 || num_bits == 32 || num_bits == 64);
+ match *self {
+ Opnd::Reg(reg) => Some(Opnd::Reg(reg.with_num_bits(num_bits))),
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem { base, disp, .. }) => Some(Opnd::Mem(Mem { base, disp, num_bits })),
+ Opnd::InsnOut { idx, .. } => Some(Opnd::InsnOut { idx, num_bits }),
+ Opnd::Stack { idx, stack_size, sp_offset, reg_temps, .. } => Some(Opnd::Stack { idx, num_bits, stack_size, sp_offset, reg_temps }),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the size in bits for register/memory operands.
+ pub fn rm_num_bits(&self) -> u8 {
+ self.num_bits().unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Maps the indices from a previous list of instructions to a new list of
+ /// instructions.
+ pub fn map_index(self, indices: &Vec<usize>) -> Opnd {
+ match self {
+ Opnd::InsnOut { idx, num_bits } => {
+ Opnd::InsnOut { idx: indices[idx], num_bits }
+ }
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem { base: MemBase::InsnOut(idx), disp, num_bits }) => {
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem { base: MemBase::InsnOut(indices[idx]), disp, num_bits })
+ },
+ _ => self
+ }
+ }
+ /// When there aren't any operands to check against, this is the number of
+ /// bits that should be used for any given output variable.
+ const DEFAULT_NUM_BITS: u8 = 64;
+ /// Determine the size in bits from the iterator of operands. If any of them
+ /// are different sizes this will panic.
+ pub fn match_num_bits_iter<'a>(opnds: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Opnd>) -> u8 {
+ let mut value: Option<u8> = None;
+ for opnd in opnds {
+ if let Some(num_bits) = opnd.num_bits() {
+ match value {
+ None => {
+ value = Some(num_bits);
+ },
+ Some(value) => {
+ assert_eq!(value, num_bits, "operands of incompatible sizes");
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ value.unwrap_or(Self::DEFAULT_NUM_BITS)
+ }
+ /// Determine the size in bits of the slice of the given operands. If any of
+ /// them are different sizes this will panic.
+ pub fn match_num_bits(opnds: &[Opnd]) -> u8 {
+ Self::match_num_bits_iter(opnds.iter())
+ }
+ /// Calculate Opnd::Stack's index from the stack bottom.
+ pub fn stack_idx(&self) -> u8 {
+ self.get_stack_idx().unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Calculate Opnd::Stack's index from the stack bottom if it's Opnd::Stack.
+ pub fn get_stack_idx(&self) -> Option<u8> {
+ match self {
+ Opnd::Stack { idx, stack_size, .. } => {
+ Some((*stack_size as isize - *idx as isize - 1) as u8)
+ },
+ _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the index for stack temp registers.
+ pub fn reg_idx(&self) -> usize {
+ match self {
+ Opnd::Stack { .. } => {
+ self.stack_idx() as usize % get_option!(num_temp_regs)
+ },
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+impl From<usize> for Opnd {
+ fn from(value: usize) -> Self {
+ Opnd::UImm(value.try_into().unwrap())
+ }
+impl From<u64> for Opnd {
+ fn from(value: u64) -> Self {
+ Opnd::UImm(value)
+ }
+impl From<i64> for Opnd {
+ fn from(value: i64) -> Self {
+ Opnd::Imm(value)
+ }
+impl From<i32> for Opnd {
+ fn from(value: i32) -> Self {
+ Opnd::Imm(value.try_into().unwrap())
+ }
+impl From<u32> for Opnd {
+ fn from(value: u32) -> Self {
+ Opnd::UImm(value as u64)
+ }
+impl From<VALUE> for Opnd {
+ fn from(value: VALUE) -> Self {
+ Opnd::Value(value)
+ }
+/// Branch target (something that we can jump to)
+/// for branch instructions
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
+pub enum Target
+ /// Pointer to a piece of YJIT-generated code
+ CodePtr(CodePtr),
+ /// Side exit with a counter
+ SideExit { counter: Counter, context: Option<SideExitContext> },
+ /// Pointer to a side exit code
+ SideExitPtr(CodePtr),
+ /// A label within the generated code
+ Label(usize),
+impl Target
+ pub fn side_exit(counter: Counter) -> Target {
+ Target::SideExit { counter, context: None }
+ }
+ pub fn unwrap_label_idx(&self) -> usize {
+ match self {
+ Target::Label(idx) => *idx,
+ _ => unreachable!("trying to unwrap {:?} into label", self)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn unwrap_code_ptr(&self) -> CodePtr {
+ match self {
+ Target::CodePtr(ptr) => *ptr,
+ Target::SideExitPtr(ptr) => *ptr,
+ _ => unreachable!("trying to unwrap {:?} into code ptr", self)
+ }
+ }
+impl From<CodePtr> for Target {
+ fn from(code_ptr: CodePtr) -> Self {
+ Target::CodePtr(code_ptr)
+ }
+type PosMarkerFn = Box<dyn Fn(CodePtr, &CodeBlock)>;
+/// YJIT IR instruction
+pub enum Insn {
+ /// Add two operands together, and return the result as a new operand.
+ Add { left: Opnd, right: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// This is the same as the OP_ADD instruction, except that it performs the
+ /// binary AND operation.
+ And { left: Opnd, right: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Bake a string directly into the instruction stream.
+ BakeString(String),
+ // Trigger a debugger breakpoint
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ Breakpoint,
+ /// Add a comment into the IR at the point that this instruction is added.
+ /// It won't have any impact on that actual compiled code.
+ Comment(String),
+ /// Compare two operands
+ Cmp { left: Opnd, right: Opnd },
+ /// Pop a register from the C stack
+ CPop { out: Opnd },
+ /// Pop all of the caller-save registers and the flags from the C stack
+ CPopAll,
+ /// Pop a register from the C stack and store it into another register
+ CPopInto(Opnd),
+ /// Push a register onto the C stack
+ CPush(Opnd),
+ /// Push all of the caller-save registers and the flags to the C stack
+ CPushAll,
+ // C function call with N arguments (variadic)
+ CCall { opnds: Vec<Opnd>, fptr: *const u8, out: Opnd },
+ // C function return
+ CRet(Opnd),
+ /// Conditionally select if equal
+ CSelE { truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Conditionally select if greater
+ CSelG { truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Conditionally select if greater or equal
+ CSelGE { truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Conditionally select if less
+ CSelL { truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Conditionally select if less or equal
+ CSelLE { truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Conditionally select if not equal
+ CSelNE { truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Conditionally select if not zero
+ CSelNZ { truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Conditionally select if zero
+ CSelZ { truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Set up the frame stack as necessary per the architecture.
+ FrameSetup,
+ /// Tear down the frame stack as necessary per the architecture.
+ FrameTeardown,
+ // Atomically increment a counter
+ // Input: memory operand, increment value
+ // Produces no output
+ IncrCounter { mem: Opnd, value: Opnd },
+ /// Jump if below or equal (unsigned)
+ Jbe(Target),
+ /// Jump if below (unsigned)
+ Jb(Target),
+ /// Jump if equal
+ Je(Target),
+ /// Jump if lower
+ Jl(Target),
+ /// Jump if greater
+ Jg(Target),
+ /// Jump if greater or equal
+ Jge(Target),
+ // Unconditional jump to a branch target
+ Jmp(Target),
+ // Unconditional jump which takes a reg/mem address operand
+ JmpOpnd(Opnd),
+ /// Jump if not equal
+ Jne(Target),
+ /// Jump if not zero
+ Jnz(Target),
+ /// Jump if overflow
+ Jo(Target),
+ /// Jump if overflow in multiplication
+ JoMul(Target),
+ /// Jump if zero
+ Jz(Target),
+ /// Jump if operand is zero (only used during lowering at the moment)
+ Joz(Opnd, Target),
+ /// Jump if operand is non-zero (only used during lowering at the moment)
+ Jonz(Opnd, Target),
+ // Add a label into the IR at the point that this instruction is added.
+ Label(Target),
+ /// Get the code address of a jump target
+ LeaJumpTarget { target: Target, out: Opnd },
+ // Load effective address
+ Lea { opnd: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Take a specific register. Signal the register allocator to not use it.
+ LiveReg { opnd: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ // A low-level instruction that loads a value into a register.
+ Load { opnd: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ // A low-level instruction that loads a value into a specified register.
+ LoadInto { dest: Opnd, opnd: Opnd },
+ // A low-level instruction that loads a value into a register and
+ // sign-extends it to a 64-bit value.
+ LoadSExt { opnd: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Shift a value left by a certain amount.
+ LShift { opnd: Opnd, shift: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ // A low-level mov instruction. It accepts two operands.
+ Mov { dest: Opnd, src: Opnd },
+ // Perform the NOT operation on an individual operand, and return the result
+ // as a new operand. This operand can then be used as the operand on another
+ // instruction.
+ Not { opnd: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ // This is the same as the OP_ADD instruction, except that it performs the
+ // binary OR operation.
+ Or { left: Opnd, right: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ /// Pad nop instructions to accommodate Op::Jmp in case the block or the insn
+ /// is invalidated.
+ PadInvalPatch,
+ // Mark a position in the generated code
+ PosMarker(PosMarkerFn),
+ /// Shift a value right by a certain amount (signed).
+ RShift { opnd: Opnd, shift: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ // Low-level instruction to store a value to memory.
+ Store { dest: Opnd, src: Opnd },
+ // This is the same as the add instruction, except for subtraction.
+ Sub { left: Opnd, right: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ // Integer multiplication
+ Mul { left: Opnd, right: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ // Bitwise AND test instruction
+ Test { left: Opnd, right: Opnd },
+ /// Shift a value right by a certain amount (unsigned).
+ URShift { opnd: Opnd, shift: Opnd, out: Opnd },
+ // This is the same as the OP_ADD instruction, except that it performs the
+ // binary XOR operation.
+ Xor { left: Opnd, right: Opnd, out: Opnd }
+impl Insn {
+ /// Create an iterator that will yield a non-mutable reference to each
+ /// operand in turn for this instruction.
+ pub(super) fn opnd_iter(&self) -> InsnOpndIterator {
+ InsnOpndIterator::new(self)
+ }
+ /// Create an iterator that will yield a mutable reference to each operand
+ /// in turn for this instruction.
+ pub(super) fn opnd_iter_mut(&mut self) -> InsnOpndMutIterator {
+ InsnOpndMutIterator::new(self)
+ }
+ /// Get a mutable reference to a Target if it exists.
+ pub(super) fn target_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Target> {
+ match self {
+ Insn::Jbe(target) |
+ Insn::Jb(target) |
+ Insn::Je(target) |
+ Insn::Jl(target) |
+ Insn::Jg(target) |
+ Insn::Jge(target) |
+ Insn::Jmp(target) |
+ Insn::Jne(target) |
+ Insn::Jnz(target) |
+ Insn::Jo(target) |
+ Insn::Jz(target) |
+ Insn::Label(target) |
+ Insn::JoMul(target) |
+ Insn::Joz(_, target) |
+ Insn::Jonz(_, target) |
+ Insn::LeaJumpTarget { target, .. } => {
+ Some(target)
+ }
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a string that describes which operation this instruction is
+ /// performing. This is used for debugging.
+ fn op(&self) -> &'static str {
+ match self {
+ Insn::Add { .. } => "Add",
+ Insn::And { .. } => "And",
+ Insn::BakeString(_) => "BakeString",
+ Insn::Breakpoint => "Breakpoint",
+ Insn::Comment(_) => "Comment",
+ Insn::Cmp { .. } => "Cmp",
+ Insn::CPop { .. } => "CPop",
+ Insn::CPopAll => "CPopAll",
+ Insn::CPopInto(_) => "CPopInto",
+ Insn::CPush(_) => "CPush",
+ Insn::CPushAll => "CPushAll",
+ Insn::CCall { .. } => "CCall",
+ Insn::CRet(_) => "CRet",
+ Insn::CSelE { .. } => "CSelE",
+ Insn::CSelG { .. } => "CSelG",
+ Insn::CSelGE { .. } => "CSelGE",
+ Insn::CSelL { .. } => "CSelL",
+ Insn::CSelLE { .. } => "CSelLE",
+ Insn::CSelNE { .. } => "CSelNE",
+ Insn::CSelNZ { .. } => "CSelNZ",
+ Insn::CSelZ { .. } => "CSelZ",
+ Insn::FrameSetup => "FrameSetup",
+ Insn::FrameTeardown => "FrameTeardown",
+ Insn::IncrCounter { .. } => "IncrCounter",
+ Insn::Jbe(_) => "Jbe",
+ Insn::Jb(_) => "Jb",
+ Insn::Je(_) => "Je",
+ Insn::Jl(_) => "Jl",
+ Insn::Jg(_) => "Jg",
+ Insn::Jge(_) => "Jge",
+ Insn::Jmp(_) => "Jmp",
+ Insn::JmpOpnd(_) => "JmpOpnd",
+ Insn::Jne(_) => "Jne",
+ Insn::Jnz(_) => "Jnz",
+ Insn::Jo(_) => "Jo",
+ Insn::JoMul(_) => "JoMul",
+ Insn::Jz(_) => "Jz",
+ Insn::Joz(..) => "Joz",
+ Insn::Jonz(..) => "Jonz",
+ Insn::Label(_) => "Label",
+ Insn::LeaJumpTarget { .. } => "LeaJumpTarget",
+ Insn::Lea { .. } => "Lea",
+ Insn::LiveReg { .. } => "LiveReg",
+ Insn::Load { .. } => "Load",
+ Insn::LoadInto { .. } => "LoadInto",
+ Insn::LoadSExt { .. } => "LoadSExt",
+ Insn::LShift { .. } => "LShift",
+ Insn::Mov { .. } => "Mov",
+ Insn::Not { .. } => "Not",
+ Insn::Or { .. } => "Or",
+ Insn::PadInvalPatch => "PadEntryExit",
+ Insn::PosMarker(_) => "PosMarker",
+ Insn::RShift { .. } => "RShift",
+ Insn::Store { .. } => "Store",
+ Insn::Sub { .. } => "Sub",
+ Insn::Mul { .. } => "Mul",
+ Insn::Test { .. } => "Test",
+ Insn::URShift { .. } => "URShift",
+ Insn::Xor { .. } => "Xor"
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return a non-mutable reference to the out operand for this instruction
+ /// if it has one.
+ pub fn out_opnd(&self) -> Option<&Opnd> {
+ match self {
+ Insn::Add { out, .. } |
+ Insn::And { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CCall { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CPop { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelE { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelG { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelGE { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelL { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelLE { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelNE { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelNZ { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelZ { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Lea { out, .. } |
+ Insn::LeaJumpTarget { out, .. } |
+ Insn::LiveReg { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Load { out, .. } |
+ Insn::LoadSExt { out, .. } |
+ Insn::LShift { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Not { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Or { out, .. } |
+ Insn::RShift { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Sub { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Mul { out, .. } |
+ Insn::URShift { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Xor { out, .. } => Some(out),
+ _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Return a mutable reference to the out operand for this instruction if it
+ /// has one.
+ pub fn out_opnd_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Opnd> {
+ match self {
+ Insn::Add { out, .. } |
+ Insn::And { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CCall { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CPop { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelE { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelG { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelGE { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelL { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelLE { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelNE { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelNZ { out, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelZ { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Lea { out, .. } |
+ Insn::LeaJumpTarget { out, .. } |
+ Insn::LiveReg { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Load { out, .. } |
+ Insn::LoadSExt { out, .. } |
+ Insn::LShift { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Not { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Or { out, .. } |
+ Insn::RShift { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Sub { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Mul { out, .. } |
+ Insn::URShift { out, .. } |
+ Insn::Xor { out, .. } => Some(out),
+ _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the target for this instruction if there is one.
+ pub fn target(&self) -> Option<&Target> {
+ match self {
+ Insn::Jbe(target) |
+ Insn::Jb(target) |
+ Insn::Je(target) |
+ Insn::Jl(target) |
+ Insn::Jg(target) |
+ Insn::Jge(target) |
+ Insn::Jmp(target) |
+ Insn::Jne(target) |
+ Insn::Jnz(target) |
+ Insn::Jo(target) |
+ Insn::Jz(target) |
+ Insn::LeaJumpTarget { target, .. } => Some(target),
+ _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the text associated with this instruction if there is some.
+ pub fn text(&self) -> Option<&String> {
+ match self {
+ Insn::BakeString(text) |
+ Insn::Comment(text) => Some(text),
+ _ => None
+ }
+ }
+/// An iterator that will yield a non-mutable reference to each operand in turn
+/// for the given instruction.
+pub(super) struct InsnOpndIterator<'a> {
+ insn: &'a Insn,
+ idx: usize,
+impl<'a> InsnOpndIterator<'a> {
+ fn new(insn: &'a Insn) -> Self {
+ Self { insn, idx: 0 }
+ }
+impl<'a> Iterator for InsnOpndIterator<'a> {
+ type Item = &'a Opnd;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ match self.insn {
+ Insn::BakeString(_) |
+ Insn::Breakpoint |
+ Insn::Comment(_) |
+ Insn::CPop { .. } |
+ Insn::CPopAll |
+ Insn::CPushAll |
+ Insn::FrameSetup |
+ Insn::FrameTeardown |
+ Insn::Jbe(_) |
+ Insn::Jb(_) |
+ Insn::Je(_) |
+ Insn::Jl(_) |
+ Insn::Jg(_) |
+ Insn::Jge(_) |
+ Insn::Jmp(_) |
+ Insn::Jne(_) |
+ Insn::Jnz(_) |
+ Insn::Jo(_) |
+ Insn::JoMul(_) |
+ Insn::Jz(_) |
+ Insn::Label(_) |
+ Insn::LeaJumpTarget { .. } |
+ Insn::PadInvalPatch |
+ Insn::PosMarker(_) => None,
+ Insn::CPopInto(opnd) |
+ Insn::CPush(opnd) |
+ Insn::CRet(opnd) |
+ Insn::JmpOpnd(opnd) |
+ Insn::Lea { opnd, .. } |
+ Insn::LiveReg { opnd, .. } |
+ Insn::Load { opnd, .. } |
+ Insn::LoadSExt { opnd, .. } |
+ Insn::Joz(opnd, _) |
+ Insn::Jonz(opnd, _) |
+ Insn::Not { opnd, .. } => {
+ match self.idx {
+ 0 => {
+ self.idx += 1;
+ Some(&opnd)
+ },
+ _ => None
+ }
+ },
+ Insn::Add { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::And { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Cmp { left: opnd0, right: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::CSelE { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelG { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelGE { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelL { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelLE { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelNE { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelNZ { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelZ { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::IncrCounter { mem: opnd0, value: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::LoadInto { dest: opnd0, opnd: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::LShift { opnd: opnd0, shift: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Mov { dest: opnd0, src: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::Or { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::RShift { opnd: opnd0, shift: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Store { dest: opnd0, src: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::Sub { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Mul { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Test { left: opnd0, right: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::URShift { opnd: opnd0, shift: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Xor { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } => {
+ match self.idx {
+ 0 => {
+ self.idx += 1;
+ Some(&opnd0)
+ }
+ 1 => {
+ self.idx += 1;
+ Some(&opnd1)
+ }
+ _ => None
+ }
+ },
+ Insn::CCall { opnds, .. } => {
+ if self.idx < opnds.len() {
+ let opnd = &opnds[self.idx];
+ self.idx += 1;
+ Some(opnd)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// An iterator that will yield each operand in turn for the given instruction.
+pub(super) struct InsnOpndMutIterator<'a> {
+ insn: &'a mut Insn,
+ idx: usize,
+impl<'a> InsnOpndMutIterator<'a> {
+ fn new(insn: &'a mut Insn) -> Self {
+ Self { insn, idx: 0 }
+ }
+ pub(super) fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Opnd> {
+ match self.insn {
+ Insn::BakeString(_) |
+ Insn::Breakpoint |
+ Insn::Comment(_) |
+ Insn::CPop { .. } |
+ Insn::CPopAll |
+ Insn::CPushAll |
+ Insn::FrameSetup |
+ Insn::FrameTeardown |
+ Insn::Jbe(_) |
+ Insn::Jb(_) |
+ Insn::Je(_) |
+ Insn::Jl(_) |
+ Insn::Jg(_) |
+ Insn::Jge(_) |
+ Insn::Jmp(_) |
+ Insn::Jne(_) |
+ Insn::Jnz(_) |
+ Insn::Jo(_) |
+ Insn::JoMul(_) |
+ Insn::Jz(_) |
+ Insn::Label(_) |
+ Insn::LeaJumpTarget { .. } |
+ Insn::PadInvalPatch |
+ Insn::PosMarker(_) => None,
+ Insn::CPopInto(opnd) |
+ Insn::CPush(opnd) |
+ Insn::CRet(opnd) |
+ Insn::JmpOpnd(opnd) |
+ Insn::Lea { opnd, .. } |
+ Insn::LiveReg { opnd, .. } |
+ Insn::Load { opnd, .. } |
+ Insn::LoadSExt { opnd, .. } |
+ Insn::Joz(opnd, _) |
+ Insn::Jonz(opnd, _) |
+ Insn::Not { opnd, .. } => {
+ match self.idx {
+ 0 => {
+ self.idx += 1;
+ Some(opnd)
+ },
+ _ => None
+ }
+ },
+ Insn::Add { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::And { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Cmp { left: opnd0, right: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::CSelE { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelG { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelGE { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelL { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelLE { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelNE { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelNZ { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::CSelZ { truthy: opnd0, falsy: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::IncrCounter { mem: opnd0, value: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::LoadInto { dest: opnd0, opnd: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::LShift { opnd: opnd0, shift: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Mov { dest: opnd0, src: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::Or { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::RShift { opnd: opnd0, shift: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Store { dest: opnd0, src: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::Sub { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Mul { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Test { left: opnd0, right: opnd1 } |
+ Insn::URShift { opnd: opnd0, shift: opnd1, .. } |
+ Insn::Xor { left: opnd0, right: opnd1, .. } => {
+ match self.idx {
+ 0 => {
+ self.idx += 1;
+ Some(opnd0)
+ }
+ 1 => {
+ self.idx += 1;
+ Some(opnd1)
+ }
+ _ => None
+ }
+ },
+ Insn::CCall { opnds, .. } => {
+ if self.idx < opnds.len() {
+ let opnd = &mut opnds[self.idx];
+ self.idx += 1;
+ Some(opnd)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for Insn {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(fmt, "{}(", self.op())?;
+ // Print list of operands
+ let mut opnd_iter = self.opnd_iter();
+ if let Some(first_opnd) = {
+ write!(fmt, "{first_opnd:?}")?;
+ }
+ for opnd in opnd_iter {
+ write!(fmt, ", {opnd:?}")?;
+ }
+ write!(fmt, ")")?;
+ // Print text, target, and pos if they are present
+ if let Some(text) = self.text() {
+ write!(fmt, " {text:?}")?
+ }
+ if let Some(target) = {
+ write!(fmt, " target={target:?}")?;
+ }
+ write!(fmt, " -> {:?}", self.out_opnd().unwrap_or(&Opnd::None))
+ }
+/// Set of variables used for generating side exits
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+pub struct SideExitContext {
+ /// PC of the instruction being compiled
+ pub pc: *mut VALUE,
+ /// Context fields used by get_generic_ctx()
+ pub stack_size: u8,
+ pub sp_offset: i8,
+ pub reg_temps: RegTemps,
+ pub is_return_landing: bool,
+ pub is_deferred: bool,
+impl SideExitContext {
+ /// Convert PC and Context into SideExitContext
+ pub fn new(pc: *mut VALUE, ctx: Context) -> Self {
+ let exit_ctx = SideExitContext {
+ pc,
+ stack_size: ctx.get_stack_size(),
+ sp_offset: ctx.get_sp_offset(),
+ reg_temps: ctx.get_reg_temps(),
+ is_return_landing: ctx.is_return_landing(),
+ is_deferred: ctx.is_deferred(),
+ };
+ if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+ // Assert that we're not losing any mandatory metadata
+ assert_eq!(exit_ctx.get_ctx(), ctx.get_generic_ctx());
+ }
+ exit_ctx
+ }
+ /// Convert SideExitContext to Context
+ fn get_ctx(&self) -> Context {
+ let mut ctx = Context::default();
+ ctx.set_stack_size(self.stack_size);
+ ctx.set_sp_offset(self.sp_offset);
+ ctx.set_reg_temps(self.reg_temps);
+ if self.is_return_landing {
+ ctx.set_as_return_landing();
+ }
+ if self.is_deferred {
+ ctx.mark_as_deferred();
+ }
+ ctx
+ }
+/// Initial capacity for asm.insns vector
+const ASSEMBLER_INSNS_CAPACITY: usize = 256;
+/// Object into which we assemble instructions to be
+/// optimized and lowered
+pub struct Assembler {
+ pub(super) insns: Vec<Insn>,
+ /// Parallel vec with insns
+ /// Index of the last insn using the output of this insn
+ pub(super) live_ranges: Vec<usize>,
+ /// Names of labels
+ pub(super) label_names: Vec<String>,
+ /// Context for generating the current insn
+ pub ctx: Context,
+ /// Side exit caches for each SideExitContext
+ pub(super) side_exits: HashMap<SideExitContext, CodePtr>,
+ /// PC for Target::SideExit
+ side_exit_pc: Option<*mut VALUE>,
+ /// Stack size for Target::SideExit
+ side_exit_stack_size: Option<u8>,
+ /// If true, the next ccall() should verify its leafness
+ leaf_ccall: bool,
+impl Assembler
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self::new_with_label_names(Vec::default(), HashMap::default())
+ }
+ pub fn new_with_label_names(label_names: Vec<String>, side_exits: HashMap<SideExitContext, CodePtr>) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ insns: Vec::with_capacity(ASSEMBLER_INSNS_CAPACITY),
+ live_ranges: Vec::with_capacity(ASSEMBLER_INSNS_CAPACITY),
+ label_names,
+ ctx: Context::default(),
+ side_exits,
+ side_exit_pc: None,
+ side_exit_stack_size: None,
+ leaf_ccall: false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the list of registers that can be used for stack temps.
+ pub fn get_temp_regs() -> &'static [Reg] {
+ let num_regs = get_option!(num_temp_regs);
+ &TEMP_REGS[0..num_regs]
+ }
+ /// Set a context for generating side exits
+ pub fn set_side_exit_context(&mut self, pc: *mut VALUE, stack_size: u8) {
+ self.side_exit_pc = Some(pc);
+ self.side_exit_stack_size = Some(stack_size);
+ }
+ /// Build an Opnd::InsnOut from the current index of the assembler and the
+ /// given number of bits.
+ pub(super) fn next_opnd_out(&self, num_bits: u8) -> Opnd {
+ Opnd::InsnOut { idx: self.insns.len(), num_bits }
+ }
+ /// Append an instruction onto the current list of instructions and update
+ /// the live ranges of any instructions whose outputs are being used as
+ /// operands to this instruction.
+ pub fn push_insn(&mut self, mut insn: Insn) {
+ // Index of this instruction
+ let insn_idx = self.insns.len();
+ let mut opnd_iter = insn.opnd_iter_mut();
+ while let Some(opnd) = {
+ match opnd {
+ // If we find any InsnOut from previous instructions, we're going to update
+ // the live range of the previous instruction to point to this one.
+ Opnd::InsnOut { idx, .. } => {
+ assert!(*idx < self.insns.len());
+ self.live_ranges[*idx] = insn_idx;
+ }
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem { base: MemBase::InsnOut(idx), .. }) => {
+ assert!(*idx < self.insns.len());
+ self.live_ranges[*idx] = insn_idx;
+ }
+ // Set current ctx.reg_temps to Opnd::Stack.
+ Opnd::Stack { idx, num_bits, stack_size, sp_offset, reg_temps: None } => {
+ assert_eq!(
+ self.ctx.get_stack_size() as i16 - self.ctx.get_sp_offset() as i16,
+ *stack_size as i16 - *sp_offset as i16,
+ "Opnd::Stack (stack_size: {}, sp_offset: {}) expects a different SP position from asm.ctx (stack_size: {}, sp_offset: {})",
+ *stack_size, *sp_offset, self.ctx.get_stack_size(), self.ctx.get_sp_offset(),
+ );
+ *opnd = Opnd::Stack {
+ idx: *idx,
+ num_bits: *num_bits,
+ stack_size: *stack_size,
+ sp_offset: *sp_offset,
+ reg_temps: Some(self.ctx.get_reg_temps()),
+ };
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ // Set a side exit context to Target::SideExit
+ if let Some(Target::SideExit { context, .. }) = insn.target_mut() {
+ // We should skip this when this instruction is being copied from another Assembler.
+ if context.is_none() {
+ *context = Some(SideExitContext::new(
+ self.side_exit_pc.unwrap(),
+ self.ctx.with_stack_size(self.side_exit_stack_size.unwrap()),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ self.insns.push(insn);
+ self.live_ranges.push(insn_idx);
+ }
+ /// Get a cached side exit, wrapping a counter if specified
+ pub fn get_side_exit(&mut self, side_exit_context: &SideExitContext, counter: Option<Counter>, ocb: &mut OutlinedCb) -> Option<CodePtr> {
+ // Get a cached side exit
+ let side_exit = match self.side_exits.get(&side_exit_context) {
+ None => {
+ let exit_code = gen_outlined_exit(side_exit_context.pc, &side_exit_context.get_ctx(), ocb)?;
+ self.side_exits.insert(*side_exit_context, exit_code);
+ exit_code
+ }
+ Some(code_ptr) => *code_ptr,
+ };
+ // Wrap a counter if needed
+ gen_counted_exit(side_exit_context.pc, side_exit, ocb, counter)
+ }
+ /// Create a new label instance that we can jump to
+ pub fn new_label(&mut self, name: &str) -> Target
+ {
+ assert!(!name.contains(' '), "use underscores in label names, not spaces");
+ let label_idx = self.label_names.len();
+ self.label_names.push(name.to_string());
+ Target::Label(label_idx)
+ }
+ /// Convert Opnd::Stack to Opnd::Mem or Opnd::Reg
+ pub fn lower_stack_opnd(&self, opnd: &Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ // Convert Opnd::Stack to Opnd::Mem
+ fn mem_opnd(opnd: &Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ if let Opnd::Stack { idx, sp_offset, num_bits, .. } = *opnd {
+ incr_counter!(temp_mem_opnd);
+ Opnd::mem(num_bits, SP, (sp_offset as i32 - idx - 1) * SIZEOF_VALUE_I32)
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert Opnd::Stack to Opnd::Reg
+ fn reg_opnd(opnd: &Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let regs = Assembler::get_temp_regs();
+ if let Opnd::Stack { num_bits, .. } = *opnd {
+ incr_counter!(temp_reg_opnd);
+ Opnd::Reg(regs[opnd.reg_idx()]).with_num_bits(num_bits).unwrap()
+ } else {
+ unreachable!()
+ }
+ }
+ match opnd {
+ Opnd::Stack { reg_temps, .. } => {
+ if opnd.stack_idx() < MAX_REG_TEMPS && reg_temps.unwrap().get(opnd.stack_idx()) {
+ reg_opnd(opnd)
+ } else {
+ mem_opnd(opnd)
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Allocate a register to a stack temp if available.
+ pub fn alloc_temp_reg(&mut self, stack_idx: u8) {
+ if get_option!(num_temp_regs) == 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Allocate a register if there's no conflict.
+ let mut reg_temps = self.ctx.get_reg_temps();
+ if reg_temps.conflicts_with(stack_idx) {
+ assert!(!reg_temps.get(stack_idx));
+ } else {
+ reg_temps.set(stack_idx, true);
+ self.set_reg_temps(reg_temps);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Erase local variable type information
+ /// eg: because of a call we can't track
+ pub fn clear_local_types(&mut self) {
+ asm_comment!(self, "clear local variable types");
+ self.ctx.clear_local_types();
+ }
+ /// Spill all live stack temps from registers to the stack
+ pub fn spill_temps(&mut self) {
+ // Forget registers above the stack top
+ let mut reg_temps = self.ctx.get_reg_temps();
+ for stack_idx in self.ctx.get_stack_size()..MAX_REG_TEMPS {
+ reg_temps.set(stack_idx, false);
+ }
+ self.set_reg_temps(reg_temps);
+ // Spill live stack temps
+ if self.ctx.get_reg_temps() != RegTemps::default() {
+ asm_comment!(self, "spill_temps: {:08b} -> {:08b}", self.ctx.get_reg_temps().as_u8(), RegTemps::default().as_u8());
+ for stack_idx in 0..u8::min(MAX_REG_TEMPS, self.ctx.get_stack_size()) {
+ if self.ctx.get_reg_temps().get(stack_idx) {
+ let idx = self.ctx.get_stack_size() - 1 - stack_idx;
+ self.spill_temp(self.stack_opnd(idx.into()));
+ reg_temps.set(stack_idx, false);
+ }
+ }
+ self.ctx.set_reg_temps(reg_temps);
+ }
+ // Every stack temp should have been spilled
+ assert_eq!(self.ctx.get_reg_temps(), RegTemps::default());
+ }
+ /// Spill a stack temp from a register to the stack
+ fn spill_temp(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) {
+ assert!(self.ctx.get_reg_temps().get(opnd.stack_idx()));
+ // Use different RegTemps for dest and src operands
+ let reg_temps = self.ctx.get_reg_temps();
+ let mut mem_temps = reg_temps;
+ mem_temps.set(opnd.stack_idx(), false);
+ // Move the stack operand from a register to memory
+ match opnd {
+ Opnd::Stack { idx, num_bits, stack_size, sp_offset, .. } => {
+ Opnd::Stack { idx, num_bits, stack_size, sp_offset, reg_temps: Some(mem_temps) },
+ Opnd::Stack { idx, num_bits, stack_size, sp_offset, reg_temps: Some(reg_temps) },
+ );
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+ incr_counter!(temp_spill);
+ }
+ /// Update which stack temps are in a register
+ pub fn set_reg_temps(&mut self, reg_temps: RegTemps) {
+ if self.ctx.get_reg_temps() != reg_temps {
+ asm_comment!(self, "reg_temps: {:08b} -> {:08b}", self.ctx.get_reg_temps().as_u8(), reg_temps.as_u8());
+ self.ctx.set_reg_temps(reg_temps);
+ self.verify_reg_temps();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Assert there's no conflict in stack temp register allocation
+ fn verify_reg_temps(&self) {
+ for stack_idx in 0..MAX_REG_TEMPS {
+ if self.ctx.get_reg_temps().get(stack_idx) {
+ assert!(!self.ctx.get_reg_temps().conflicts_with(stack_idx));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Sets the out field on the various instructions that require allocated
+ /// registers because their output is used as the operand on a subsequent
+ /// instruction. This is our implementation of the linear scan algorithm.
+ pub(super) fn alloc_regs(mut self, regs: Vec<Reg>) -> Assembler
+ {
+ //dbg!(&self);
+ // First, create the pool of registers.
+ let mut pool: u32 = 0;
+ // Mutate the pool bitmap to indicate that the register at that index
+ // has been allocated and is live.
+ fn alloc_reg(pool: &mut u32, regs: &Vec<Reg>) -> Option<Reg> {
+ for (index, reg) in regs.iter().enumerate() {
+ if (*pool & (1 << index)) == 0 {
+ *pool |= 1 << index;
+ return Some(*reg);
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ // Allocate a specific register
+ fn take_reg(pool: &mut u32, regs: &Vec<Reg>, reg: &Reg) -> Reg {
+ let reg_index = regs.iter().position(|elem| elem.reg_no == reg.reg_no);
+ if let Some(reg_index) = reg_index {
+ assert_eq!(*pool & (1 << reg_index), 0, "register already allocated");
+ *pool |= 1 << reg_index;
+ }
+ return *reg;
+ }
+ // Mutate the pool bitmap to indicate that the given register is being
+ // returned as it is no longer used by the instruction that previously
+ // held it.
+ fn dealloc_reg(pool: &mut u32, regs: &Vec<Reg>, reg: &Reg) {
+ let reg_index = regs.iter().position(|elem| elem.reg_no == reg.reg_no);
+ if let Some(reg_index) = reg_index {
+ *pool &= !(1 << reg_index);
+ }
+ }
+ // Reorder C argument moves, sometimes adding extra moves using SCRATCH_REG,
+ // so that they will not rewrite each other before they are used.
+ fn reorder_c_args(c_args: &Vec<(Reg, Opnd)>) -> Vec<(Reg, Opnd)> {
+ // Return the index of a move whose destination is not used as a source if any.
+ fn find_safe_arg(c_args: &Vec<(Reg, Opnd)>) -> Option<usize> {
+ c_args.iter().enumerate().find(|(_, &(dest_reg, _))| {
+ c_args.iter().all(|&(_, src_opnd)| src_opnd != Opnd::Reg(dest_reg))
+ }).map(|(index, _)| index)
+ }
+ // Remove moves whose source and destination are the same
+ let mut c_args: Vec<(Reg, Opnd)> = c_args.clone().into_iter()
+ .filter(|&(reg, opnd)| Opnd::Reg(reg) != opnd).collect();
+ let mut moves = vec![];
+ while c_args.len() > 0 {
+ // Keep taking safe moves
+ while let Some(index) = find_safe_arg(&c_args) {
+ moves.push(c_args.remove(index));
+ }
+ // No safe move. Load the source of one move into SCRATCH_REG, and
+ // then load SCRATCH_REG into the destination when it's safe.
+ if c_args.len() > 0 {
+ // Make sure it's safe to use SCRATCH_REG
+ assert!(c_args.iter().all(|&(_, opnd)| opnd != Opnd::Reg(Assembler::SCRATCH_REG)));
+ // Move SCRATCH <- opnd, and delay reg <- SCRATCH
+ let (reg, opnd) = c_args.remove(0);
+ moves.push((Assembler::SCRATCH_REG, opnd));
+ c_args.push((reg, Opnd::Reg(Assembler::SCRATCH_REG)));
+ }
+ }
+ moves
+ }
+ // Adjust the number of entries in live_ranges so that it can be indexed by mapped indexes.
+ fn shift_live_ranges(live_ranges: &mut Vec<usize>, start_index: usize, shift_offset: isize) {
+ if shift_offset >= 0 {
+ for index in 0..(shift_offset as usize) {
+ live_ranges.insert(start_index + index, start_index + index);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for _ in 0..-shift_offset {
+ live_ranges.remove(start_index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Dump live registers for register spill debugging.
+ fn dump_live_regs(insns: Vec<Insn>, live_ranges: Vec<usize>, num_regs: usize, spill_index: usize) {
+ // Convert live_ranges to live_regs: the number of live registers at each index
+ let mut live_regs: Vec<usize> = vec![];
+ let mut end_idxs: Vec<usize> = vec![];
+ for (cur_idx, &end_idx) in live_ranges.iter().enumerate() {
+ end_idxs.push(end_idx);
+ while let Some(end_idx) = end_idxs.iter().position(|&end_idx| cur_idx == end_idx) {
+ end_idxs.remove(end_idx);
+ }
+ live_regs.push(end_idxs.len());
+ }
+ // Dump insns along with live registers
+ for (insn_idx, insn) in insns.iter().enumerate() {
+ eprint!("{:3} ", if spill_index == insn_idx { "==>" } else { "" });
+ for reg in 0..=num_regs {
+ eprint!("{:1}", if reg < live_regs[insn_idx] { "|" } else { "" });
+ }
+ eprintln!(" [{:3}] {:?}", insn_idx, insn);
+ }
+ }
+ // We may need to reorder LoadInto instructions with a C argument operand.
+ // This buffers the operands of such instructions to process them in batches.
+ let mut c_args: Vec<(Reg, Opnd)> = vec![];
+ // live_ranges is indexed by original `index` given by the iterator.
+ let live_ranges: Vec<usize> = take(&mut self.live_ranges);
+ // shifted_live_ranges is indexed by mapped indexes in insn operands.
+ let mut shifted_live_ranges: Vec<usize> = live_ranges.clone();
+ let mut asm = Assembler::new_with_label_names(take(&mut self.label_names), take(&mut self.side_exits));
+ let mut iterator = self.into_draining_iter();
+ while let Some((index, mut insn)) = iterator.next_mapped() {
+ // Check if this is the last instruction that uses an operand that
+ // spans more than one instruction. In that case, return the
+ // allocated register to the pool.
+ for opnd in insn.opnd_iter() {
+ match opnd {
+ Opnd::InsnOut { idx, .. } |
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem { base: MemBase::InsnOut(idx), .. }) => {
+ // Since we have an InsnOut, we know it spans more that one
+ // instruction.
+ let start_index = *idx;
+ // We're going to check if this is the last instruction that
+ // uses this operand. If it is, we can return the allocated
+ // register to the pool.
+ if shifted_live_ranges[start_index] == index {
+ if let Some(Opnd::Reg(reg)) = asm.insns[start_index].out_opnd() {
+ dealloc_reg(&mut pool, &regs, reg);
+ } else {
+ unreachable!("no register allocated for insn {:?}", insn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ // C return values need to be mapped to the C return register
+ if matches!(insn, Insn::CCall { .. }) {
+ assert_eq!(pool, 0, "register lives past C function call");
+ }
+ // If this instruction is used by another instruction,
+ // we need to allocate a register to it
+ if live_ranges[index] != index {
+ // If we get to this point where the end of the live range is
+ // not equal to the index of the instruction, then it must be
+ // true that we set an output operand for this instruction. If
+ // it's not true, something has gone wrong.
+ assert!(
+ !matches!(insn.out_opnd(), None),
+ "Instruction output reused but no output operand set"
+ );
+ // This is going to be the output operand that we will set on
+ // the instruction.
+ let mut out_reg: Option<Reg> = None;
+ // C return values need to be mapped to the C return register
+ if matches!(insn, Insn::CCall { .. }) {
+ out_reg = Some(take_reg(&mut pool, &regs, &C_RET_REG));
+ }
+ // If this instruction's first operand maps to a register and
+ // this is the last use of the register, reuse the register
+ // We do this to improve register allocation on x86
+ // e.g. out = add(reg0, reg1)
+ // reg0 = add(reg0, reg1)
+ if out_reg.is_none() {
+ let mut opnd_iter = insn.opnd_iter();
+ if let Some(Opnd::InsnOut{ idx, .. }) = {
+ if shifted_live_ranges[*idx] == index {
+ if let Some(Opnd::Reg(reg)) = asm.insns[*idx].out_opnd() {
+ out_reg = Some(take_reg(&mut pool, &regs, reg));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Allocate a new register for this instruction if one is not
+ // already allocated.
+ if out_reg.is_none() {
+ out_reg = match &insn {
+ Insn::LiveReg { opnd, .. } => {
+ // Allocate a specific register
+ let reg = opnd.unwrap_reg();
+ Some(take_reg(&mut pool, &regs, &reg))
+ },
+ _ => match alloc_reg(&mut pool, &regs) {
+ Some(reg) => Some(reg),
+ None => {
+ let mut insns = asm.insns;
+ insns.push(insn);
+ for insn in iterator.insns {
+ insns.push(insn);
+ }
+ dump_live_regs(insns, live_ranges, regs.len(), index);
+ unreachable!("Register spill not supported");
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // Set the output operand on the instruction
+ let out_num_bits = Opnd::match_num_bits_iter(insn.opnd_iter());
+ // If we have gotten to this point, then we're sure we have an
+ // output operand on this instruction because the live range
+ // extends beyond the index of the instruction.
+ let out = insn.out_opnd_mut().unwrap();
+ *out = Opnd::Reg(out_reg.unwrap().with_num_bits(out_num_bits));
+ }
+ // Replace InsnOut operands by their corresponding register
+ let mut opnd_iter = insn.opnd_iter_mut();
+ while let Some(opnd) = {
+ match *opnd {
+ Opnd::InsnOut { idx, num_bits } => {
+ *opnd = (*asm.insns[idx].out_opnd().unwrap()).with_num_bits(num_bits).unwrap();
+ },
+ Opnd::Mem(Mem { base: MemBase::InsnOut(idx), disp, num_bits }) => {
+ let base = MemBase::Reg(asm.insns[idx].out_opnd().unwrap().unwrap_reg().reg_no);
+ *opnd = Opnd::Mem(Mem { base, disp, num_bits });
+ }
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ }
+ // Push instruction(s). Batch and reorder C argument operations if needed.
+ if let Insn::LoadInto { dest: Opnd::CArg(reg), opnd } = insn {
+ // Buffer C arguments
+ c_args.push((reg, opnd));
+ } else {
+ // C arguments are buffered until CCall
+ if c_args.len() > 0 {
+ // Resolve C argument dependencies
+ let c_args_len = c_args.len() as isize;
+ let moves = reorder_c_args(&c_args.drain(..).into_iter().collect());
+ shift_live_ranges(&mut shifted_live_ranges, asm.insns.len(), moves.len() as isize - c_args_len);
+ // Push batched C arguments
+ for (reg, opnd) in moves {
+ asm.load_into(Opnd::Reg(reg), opnd);
+ }
+ }
+ // Other instructions are pushed as is
+ asm.push_insn(insn);
+ }
+ iterator.map_insn_index(&mut asm);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(pool, 0, "Expected all registers to be returned to the pool");
+ asm
+ }
+ /// Compile the instructions down to machine code.
+ /// Can fail due to lack of code memory and inopportune code placement, among other reasons.
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn compile(self, cb: &mut CodeBlock, ocb: Option<&mut OutlinedCb>) -> Option<(CodePtr, Vec<u32>)>
+ {
+ #[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+ let start_addr = cb.get_write_ptr();
+ let alloc_regs = Self::get_alloc_regs();
+ let ret = self.compile_with_regs(cb, ocb, alloc_regs);
+ #[cfg(feature = "disasm")]
+ if let Some(dump_disasm) = get_option_ref!(dump_disasm) {
+ use crate::disasm::dump_disasm_addr_range;
+ let end_addr = cb.get_write_ptr();
+ dump_disasm_addr_range(cb, start_addr, end_addr, dump_disasm)
+ }
+ ret
+ }
+ /// Compile with a limited number of registers. Used only for unit tests.
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ pub fn compile_with_num_regs(self, cb: &mut CodeBlock, num_regs: usize) -> (CodePtr, Vec<u32>)
+ {
+ let mut alloc_regs = Self::get_alloc_regs();
+ let alloc_regs = alloc_regs.drain(0..num_regs).collect();
+ self.compile_with_regs(cb, None, alloc_regs).unwrap()
+ }
+ /// Consume the assembler by creating a new draining iterator.
+ pub fn into_draining_iter(self) -> AssemblerDrainingIterator {
+ AssemblerDrainingIterator::new(self)
+ }
+ /// Return true if the next ccall() is expected to be leaf.
+ pub fn get_leaf_ccall(&mut self) -> bool {
+ self.leaf_ccall
+ }
+ /// Assert that the next ccall() is going to be leaf.
+ pub fn expect_leaf_ccall(&mut self) {
+ self.leaf_ccall = true;
+ }
+/// A struct that allows iterating through an assembler's instructions and
+/// consuming them as it iterates.
+pub struct AssemblerDrainingIterator {
+ insns: std::iter::Peekable<std::vec::IntoIter<Insn>>,
+ index: usize,
+ indices: Vec<usize>
+impl AssemblerDrainingIterator {
+ fn new(asm: Assembler) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ insns: asm.insns.into_iter().peekable(),
+ index: 0,
+ indices: Vec::with_capacity(ASSEMBLER_INSNS_CAPACITY),
+ }
+ }
+ /// When you're working with two lists of instructions, you need to make
+ /// sure you do some bookkeeping to align the indices contained within the
+ /// operands of the two lists.
+ ///
+ /// This function accepts the assembler that is being built and tracks the
+ /// end of the current list of instructions in order to maintain that
+ /// alignment.
+ pub fn map_insn_index(&mut self, asm: &mut Assembler) {
+ self.indices.push(asm.insns.len().saturating_sub(1));
+ }
+ /// Map an operand by using this iterator's list of mapped indices.
+ #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
+ pub fn map_opnd(&self, opnd: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ opnd.map_index(&self.indices)
+ }
+ /// Returns the next instruction in the list with the indices corresponding
+ /// to the next list of instructions.
+ pub fn next_mapped(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, Insn)> {
+ self.next_unmapped().map(|(index, mut insn)| {
+ let mut opnd_iter = insn.opnd_iter_mut();
+ while let Some(opnd) = {
+ *opnd = opnd.map_index(&self.indices);
+ }
+ (index, insn)
+ })
+ }
+ /// Returns the next instruction in the list with the indices corresponding
+ /// to the previous list of instructions.
+ pub fn next_unmapped(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, Insn)> {
+ let index = self.index;
+ self.index += 1;
+|insn| (index, insn))
+ }
+ /// Returns the next instruction without incrementing the iterator's index.
+ pub fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<&Insn> {
+ self.insns.peek()
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for Assembler {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ writeln!(fmt, "Assembler")?;
+ for (idx, insn) in self.insns.iter().enumerate() {
+ writeln!(fmt, " {idx:03} {insn:?}")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl Assembler {
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn add(&mut self, left: Opnd, right: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[left, right]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Add { left, right, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn and(&mut self, left: Opnd, right: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[left, right]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::And { left, right, out });
+ out
+ }
+ pub fn bake_string(&mut self, text: &str) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::BakeString(text.to_string()));
+ }
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub fn breakpoint(&mut self) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Breakpoint);
+ }
+ pub fn ccall(&mut self, fptr: *const u8, opnds: Vec<Opnd>) -> Opnd {
+ // Let vm_check_canary() assert this ccall's leafness if leaf_ccall is set
+ let canary_opnd = self.set_stack_canary(&opnds);
+ let old_temps = self.ctx.get_reg_temps(); // with registers
+ // Spill stack temp registers since they are caller-saved registers.
+ // Note that this doesn't spill stack temps that are already popped
+ // but may still be used in the C arguments.
+ self.spill_temps();
+ let new_temps = self.ctx.get_reg_temps(); // all spilled
+ // Temporarily manipulate RegTemps so that we can use registers
+ // to pass stack operands that are already spilled above.
+ self.ctx.set_reg_temps(old_temps);
+ // Call a C function
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&opnds));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CCall { fptr, opnds, out });
+ // Registers in old_temps may be clobbered by the above C call,
+ // so rollback the manipulated RegTemps to a spilled version.
+ self.ctx.set_reg_temps(new_temps);
+ // Clear the canary after use
+ if let Some(canary_opnd) = canary_opnd {
+, 0.into());
+ }
+ out
+ }
+ /// Let vm_check_canary() assert the leafness of this ccall if leaf_ccall is set
+ fn set_stack_canary(&mut self, opnds: &Vec<Opnd>) -> Option<Opnd> {
+ // Use the slot right above the stack top for verifying leafness.
+ let canary_opnd = self.stack_opnd(-1);
+ // If the slot is already used, which is a valid optimization to avoid spills,
+ // give up the verification.
+ let canary_opnd = if cfg!(debug_assertions) && self.leaf_ccall && opnds.iter().all(|opnd|
+ opnd.get_stack_idx() != canary_opnd.get_stack_idx()
+ ) {
+ asm_comment!(self, "set stack canary");
+, vm_stack_canary().into());
+ Some(canary_opnd)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ // Avoid carrying the flag to the next instruction whether we verified it or not.
+ self.leaf_ccall = false;
+ canary_opnd
+ }
+ pub fn cmp(&mut self, left: Opnd, right: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Cmp { left, right });
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn cpop(&mut self) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::DEFAULT_NUM_BITS);
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CPop { out });
+ out
+ }
+ pub fn cpop_all(&mut self) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CPopAll);
+ // Re-enable ccall's RegTemps assertion disabled by cpush_all.
+ // cpush_all + cpop_all preserve all stack temp registers, so it's safe.
+ self.set_reg_temps(self.ctx.get_reg_temps());
+ }
+ pub fn cpop_into(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CPopInto(opnd));
+ }
+ pub fn cpush(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CPush(opnd));
+ }
+ pub fn cpush_all(&mut self) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CPushAll);
+ // Mark all temps as not being in registers.
+ // Temps will be marked back as being in registers by cpop_all.
+ // We assume that cpush_all + cpop_all are used for C functions in
+ // that don't require spill_temps for GC.
+ self.set_reg_temps(RegTemps::default());
+ }
+ pub fn cret(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CRet(opnd));
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn csel_e(&mut self, truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[truthy, falsy]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CSelE { truthy, falsy, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn csel_g(&mut self, truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[truthy, falsy]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CSelG { truthy, falsy, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn csel_ge(&mut self, truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[truthy, falsy]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CSelGE { truthy, falsy, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn csel_l(&mut self, truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[truthy, falsy]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CSelL { truthy, falsy, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn csel_le(&mut self, truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[truthy, falsy]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CSelLE { truthy, falsy, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn csel_ne(&mut self, truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[truthy, falsy]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CSelNE { truthy, falsy, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn csel_nz(&mut self, truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[truthy, falsy]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CSelNZ { truthy, falsy, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn csel_z(&mut self, truthy: Opnd, falsy: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[truthy, falsy]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::CSelZ { truthy, falsy, out });
+ out
+ }
+ pub fn frame_setup(&mut self) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::FrameSetup);
+ }
+ pub fn frame_teardown(&mut self) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::FrameTeardown);
+ }
+ pub fn incr_counter(&mut self, mem: Opnd, value: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::IncrCounter { mem, value });
+ }
+ pub fn jbe(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jbe(target));
+ }
+ pub fn jb(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jb(target));
+ }
+ pub fn je(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Je(target));
+ }
+ pub fn jl(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jl(target));
+ }
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub fn jg(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jg(target));
+ }
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub fn jge(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jge(target));
+ }
+ pub fn jmp(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jmp(target));
+ }
+ pub fn jmp_opnd(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::JmpOpnd(opnd));
+ }
+ pub fn jne(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jne(target));
+ }
+ pub fn jnz(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jnz(target));
+ }
+ pub fn jo(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jo(target));
+ }
+ pub fn jo_mul(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::JoMul(target));
+ }
+ pub fn jz(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Jz(target));
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn lea(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[opnd]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Lea { opnd, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn lea_jump_target(&mut self, target: Target) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::DEFAULT_NUM_BITS);
+ self.push_insn(Insn::LeaJumpTarget { target, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn live_reg_opnd(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[opnd]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::LiveReg { opnd, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn load(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[opnd]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Load { opnd, out });
+ out
+ }
+ pub fn load_into(&mut self, dest: Opnd, opnd: Opnd) {
+ match (dest, opnd) {
+ (Opnd::Reg(dest), Opnd::Reg(opnd)) if dest == opnd => {}, // skip if noop
+ _ => self.push_insn(Insn::LoadInto { dest, opnd }),
+ }
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn load_sext(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[opnd]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::LoadSExt { opnd, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn lshift(&mut self, opnd: Opnd, shift: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[opnd, shift]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::LShift { opnd, shift, out });
+ out
+ }
+ pub fn mov(&mut self, dest: Opnd, src: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Mov { dest, src });
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn not(&mut self, opnd: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[opnd]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Not { opnd, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn or(&mut self, left: Opnd, right: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[left, right]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Or { left, right, out });
+ out
+ }
+ pub fn pad_inval_patch(&mut self) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::PadInvalPatch);
+ }
+ //pub fn pos_marker<F: FnMut(CodePtr)>(&mut self, marker_fn: F)
+ pub fn pos_marker(&mut self, marker_fn: impl Fn(CodePtr, &CodeBlock) + 'static) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::PosMarker(Box::new(marker_fn)));
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn rshift(&mut self, opnd: Opnd, shift: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[opnd, shift]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::RShift { opnd, shift, out });
+ out
+ }
+ pub fn store(&mut self, dest: Opnd, src: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Store { dest, src });
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn sub(&mut self, left: Opnd, right: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[left, right]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Sub { left, right, out });
+ out
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn mul(&mut self, left: Opnd, right: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[left, right]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Mul { left, right, out });
+ out
+ }
+ pub fn test(&mut self, left: Opnd, right: Opnd) {
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Test { left, right });
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub fn urshift(&mut self, opnd: Opnd, shift: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[opnd, shift]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::URShift { opnd, shift, out });
+ out
+ }
+ /// Verify the leafness of the given block
+ pub fn with_leaf_ccall<F, R>(&mut self, mut block: F) -> R
+ where F: FnMut(&mut Self) -> R {
+ let old_leaf_ccall = self.leaf_ccall;
+ self.leaf_ccall = true;
+ let ret = block(self);
+ self.leaf_ccall = old_leaf_ccall;
+ ret
+ }
+ /// Add a label at the current position
+ pub fn write_label(&mut self, target: Target) {
+ assert!(target.unwrap_label_idx() < self.label_names.len());
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Label(target));
+ }
+ #[must_use]
+ pub fn xor(&mut self, left: Opnd, right: Opnd) -> Opnd {
+ let out = self.next_opnd_out(Opnd::match_num_bits(&[left, right]));
+ self.push_insn(Insn::Xor { left, right, out });
+ out
+ }
+/// Macro to use format! for Insn::Comment, which skips a format! call
+/// when disasm is not supported.
+macro_rules! asm_comment {
+ ($asm:expr, $($fmt:tt)*) => {
+ if cfg!(feature = "disasm") {
+ $asm.push_insn(Insn::Comment(format!($($fmt)*)));
+ }
+ };
+pub(crate) use asm_comment;
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_opnd_iter() {
+ let insn = Insn::Add { left: Opnd::None, right: Opnd::None, out: Opnd::None };
+ let mut opnd_iter = insn.opnd_iter();
+ assert!(matches!(, Some(Opnd::None)));
+ assert!(matches!(, Some(Opnd::None)));
+ assert!(matches!(, None));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_opnd_iter_mut() {
+ let mut insn = Insn::Add { left: Opnd::None, right: Opnd::None, out: Opnd::None };
+ let mut opnd_iter = insn.opnd_iter_mut();
+ assert!(matches!(, Some(Opnd::None)));
+ assert!(matches!(, Some(Opnd::None)));
+ assert!(matches!(, None));
+ }