path: root/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
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1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a96805c9f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yjit/src/asm/arm64/inst/
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+use super::super::arg::{Sf, truncate_uimm};
+/// Whether or not this is a NOT instruction.
+enum N {
+ /// This is not a NOT instruction.
+ No = 0,
+ /// This is a NOT instruction.
+ Yes = 1
+/// The type of shift to perform on the second operand register.
+enum Shift {
+ LSL = 0b00, // logical shift left (unsigned)
+ LSR = 0b01, // logical shift right (unsigned)
+ ASR = 0b10, // arithmetic shift right (signed)
+ ROR = 0b11 // rotate right (unsigned)
+// Which operation to perform.
+enum Opc {
+ /// The AND operation.
+ And = 0b00,
+ /// The ORR operation.
+ Orr = 0b01,
+ /// The EOR operation.
+ Eor = 0b10,
+ /// The ANDS operation.
+ Ands = 0b11
+/// The struct that represents an A64 logical register instruction that can be
+/// encoded.
+/// AND/ORR/ANDS (shifted register)
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+/// | 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 04 | 03 02 01 00 |
+/// | 0 1 0 1 0 |
+/// | sf opc.. shift N rm.............. imm6............... rn.............. rd.............. |
+/// +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+
+pub struct LogicalReg {
+ /// The register number of the destination register.
+ rd: u8,
+ /// The register number of the first operand register.
+ rn: u8,
+ /// The amount to shift the second operand register.
+ imm6: u8,
+ /// The register number of the second operand register.
+ rm: u8,
+ /// Whether or not this is a NOT instruction.
+ n: N,
+ /// The type of shift to perform on the second operand register.
+ shift: Shift,
+ /// The opcode for this instruction.
+ opc: Opc,
+ /// Whether or not this instruction is operating on 64-bit operands.
+ sf: Sf
+impl LogicalReg {
+ /// AND (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn and(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::And, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ANDS (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn ands(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Ands, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// EOR (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn eor(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Eor, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// MOV (register)
+ ///
+ pub fn mov(rd: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn: 0b11111, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// MVN (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn mvn(rd: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn: 0b11111, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::Yes, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ORN (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn orn(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::Yes, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// ORR (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn orr(rd: u8, rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Orr, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+ /// TST (shifted register)
+ ///
+ pub fn tst(rn: u8, rm: u8, num_bits: u8) -> Self {
+ Self { rd: 31, rn, imm6: 0, rm, n: N::No, shift: Shift::LSL, opc: Opc::Ands, sf: num_bits.into() }
+ }
+const FAMILY: u32 = 0b0101;
+impl From<LogicalReg> for u32 {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 32-bit value.
+ fn from(inst: LogicalReg) -> Self {
+ 0
+ | ((inst.sf as u32) << 31)
+ | ((inst.opc as u32) << 29)
+ | (FAMILY << 25)
+ | ((inst.shift as u32) << 22)
+ | ((inst.n as u32) << 21)
+ | ((inst.rm as u32) << 16)
+ | (truncate_uimm::<_, 6>(inst.imm6) << 10)
+ | ((inst.rn as u32) << 5)
+ | inst.rd as u32
+ }
+impl From<LogicalReg> for [u8; 4] {
+ /// Convert an instruction into a 4 byte array.
+ fn from(inst: LogicalReg) -> [u8; 4] {
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ result.to_le_bytes()
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_and() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::and(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0x8a020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_ands() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::ands(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xea020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_eor() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::eor(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xca020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mov() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::mov(0, 1, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xaa0103e0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mvn() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::mvn(0, 1, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xaa2103e0, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orn() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::orn(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xaa220020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_orr() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::orr(0, 1, 2, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xaa020020, result);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_tst() {
+ let inst = LogicalReg::tst(0, 1, 64);
+ let result: u32 = inst.into();
+ assert_eq!(0xea01001f, result);
+ }