path: root/yjit.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yjit.rb')
1 files changed, 448 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/yjit.rb b/yjit.rb
index 66c4eaf702..6612d8bd82 100644
--- a/yjit.rb
+++ b/yjit.rb
@@ -1,241 +1,463 @@
-# This module allows for introspection on YJIT, CRuby's experimental in-process
-# just-in-time compiler. This module is for development purposes only;
-# everything in this module is highly implementation specific and comes with no
-# API stability guarantee whatsoever.
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# :markup: markdown
+# This module allows for introspection of \YJIT, CRuby's just-in-time compiler.
+# Everything in the module is highly implementation specific and the API might
+# be less stable compared to the standard library.
-# This module is only defined when YJIT has support for the particular platform
-# on which CRuby is built.
-module YJIT
- if defined?(Disasm)
- def self.disasm(iseq, tty: $stdout && $stdout.tty?)
- iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(iseq)
- blocks = YJIT.blocks_for(iseq)
- return if blocks.empty?
- str =
- str << iseq.disasm
- str << "\n"
- # Sort the blocks by increasing addresses
- sorted_blocks = blocks.sort_by(&:address)
- highlight = ->(str) {
- if tty
- "\x1b[1m#{str}\x1b[0m"
- else
- str
- end
- }
- cs =
- sorted_blocks.each_with_index do |block, i|
- str << "== BLOCK #{i+1}/#{blocks.length}: #{block.code.length} BYTES, ISEQ RANGE [#{block.iseq_start_index},#{block.iseq_end_index}) ".ljust(80, "=")
- str << "\n"
- comments = comments_for(block.address, block.address + block.code.length)
- comment_idx = 0
- cs.disasm(block.code, block.address).each do |i|
- while (comment = comments[comment_idx]) && comment.address <= i.address
- str << " ; #{}\n"
- comment_idx += 1
- end
+# This module may not exist if \YJIT does not support the particular platform
+# for which CRuby is built.
+module RubyVM::YJIT
+ # Check if \YJIT is enabled.
+ def self.enabled?
+ Primitive.cexpr! 'RBOOL(rb_yjit_enabled_p)'
+ end
+ # Check if `--yjit-stats` is used.
+ def self.stats_enabled?
+ Primitive.rb_yjit_stats_enabled_p
+ end
+ # Check if rb_yjit_trace_exit_locations_enabled_p is enabled.
+ def self.trace_exit_locations_enabled? # :nodoc:
+ Primitive.rb_yjit_trace_exit_locations_enabled_p
+ end
- str << sprintf(
- " %<address>08x: %<instruction>s\t%<details>s\n",
- address: i.address,
- instruction: i.mnemonic,
- details: i.op_str
- )
+ # Discard statistics collected for `--yjit-stats`.
+ def self.reset_stats!
+ Primitive.rb_yjit_reset_stats_bang
+ end
+ # Enable \YJIT compilation. `stats` option decides whether to enable \YJIT stats or not.
+ #
+ # * `false`: Disable stats.
+ # * `true`: Enable stats. Print stats at exit.
+ # * `:quiet`: Enable stats. Do not print stats at exit.
+ def self.enable(stats: false)
+ return false if enabled?
+ at_exit { print_and_dump_stats } if stats
+ Primitive.rb_yjit_enable(stats, stats != :quiet)
+ end
+ # If --yjit-trace-exits is enabled parse the hashes from
+ # Primitive.rb_yjit_get_exit_locations into a format readable
+ # by Stackprof. This will allow us to find the exact location of a
+ # side exit in YJIT based on the instruction that is exiting.
+ def self.exit_locations # :nodoc:
+ return unless trace_exit_locations_enabled?
+ results = Primitive.rb_yjit_get_exit_locations
+ raw_samples = results[:raw].dup
+ line_samples = results[:lines].dup
+ frames = results[:frames].dup
+ samples_count = 0
+ # Loop through the instructions and set the frame hash with the data.
+ # We use nonexistent.def for the file name, otherwise insns.def will be displayed
+ # and that information isn't useful in this context.
+ RubyVM::INSTRUCTION_NAMES.each_with_index do |name, frame_id|
+ frame_hash = { samples: 0, total_samples: 0, edges: {}, name: name, file: "nonexistent.def", line: nil, lines: {} }
+ results[:frames][frame_id] = frame_hash
+ frames[frame_id] = frame_hash
+ end
+ # Loop through the raw_samples and build the hashes for StackProf.
+ # The loop is based off an example in the StackProf documentation and therefore
+ # this functionality can only work with that library.
+ #
+ # Raw Samples:
+ # [ length, frame1, frame2, frameN, ..., instruction, count
+ #
+ # Line Samples
+ # [ length, line_1, line_2, line_n, ..., dummy value, count
+ i = 0
+ while i < raw_samples.length
+ stack_length = raw_samples[i]
+ i += 1 # consume the stack length
+ sample_count = raw_samples[i + stack_length]
+ prev_frame_id = nil
+ stack_length.times do |idx|
+ idx += i
+ frame_id = raw_samples[idx]
+ if prev_frame_id
+ prev_frame = frames[prev_frame_id]
+ prev_frame[:edges][frame_id] ||= 0
+ prev_frame[:edges][frame_id] += sample_count
+ frame_info = frames[frame_id]
+ frame_info[:total_samples] += sample_count
+ frame_info[:lines][line_samples[idx]] ||= [0, 0]
+ frame_info[:lines][line_samples[idx]][0] += sample_count
+ prev_frame_id = frame_id
- block_sizes = { |block| block.code.length }
- total_bytes = block_sizes.sum
- str << "\n"
- str << "Total code size: #{total_bytes} bytes"
- str << "\n"
+ i += stack_length # consume the stack
+ top_frame_id = prev_frame_id
+ top_frame_line = 1
+ frames[top_frame_id][:samples] += sample_count
+ frames[top_frame_id][:lines] ||= {}
+ frames[top_frame_id][:lines][top_frame_line] ||= [0, 0]
+ frames[top_frame_id][:lines][top_frame_line][1] += sample_count
- str
+ samples_count += sample_count
+ i += 1
- def self.comments_for(start_address, end_address)
- Primitive.comments_for(start_address, end_address)
+ results[:samples] = samples_count
+ # Set missed_samples and gc_samples to 0 as their values
+ # don't matter to us in this context.
+ results[:missed_samples] = 0
+ results[:gc_samples] = 0
+ results
+ end
+ # Marshal dumps exit locations to the given filename.
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # If `--yjit-exit-locations` is passed, a file named
+ # "yjit_exit_locations.dump" will automatically be generated.
+ #
+ # If you want to collect traces manually, call `dump_exit_locations`
+ # directly.
+ #
+ # Note that calling this in a script will generate stats after the
+ # dump is created, so the stats data may include exits from the
+ # dump itself.
+ #
+ # In a script call:
+ #
+ # at_exit do
+ # RubyVM::YJIT.dump_exit_locations("my_file.dump")
+ # end
+ #
+ # Then run the file with the following options:
+ #
+ # ruby --yjit --yjit-trace-exits test.rb
+ #
+ # Once the code is done running, use Stackprof to read the dump file.
+ # See Stackprof documentation for options.
+ def self.dump_exit_locations(filename)
+ unless trace_exit_locations_enabled?
+ raise ArgumentError, "--yjit-trace-exits must be enabled to use dump_exit_locations."
- def self.graphviz_for(iseq)
- iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(iseq)
- cs =
- highlight = ->(comment) { "<b>#{comment}</b>" }
- linebreak = "<br align=\"left\"/>\n"
- buff = +''
- blocks = blocks_for(iseq).sort_by(&:id)
- buff << "digraph g {\n"
- # Write the iseq info as a legend
- buff << " legend [shape=record fontsize=\"30\" fillcolor=\"lightgrey\" style=\"filled\"];\n"
- buff << " legend [label=\"{ Instruction Disassembly For: | {#{iseq.base_label}@#{iseq.absolute_path}:#{iseq.first_lineno}}}\"];\n"
- # Subgraph contains disassembly
- buff << " subgraph disasm {\n"
- buff << " node [shape=record fontname=\"courier\"];\n"
- buff << " edge [fontname=\"courier\" penwidth=3];\n"
- blocks.each do |block|
- disasm = disasm_block(cs, block, highlight)
- # convert newlines to breaks that graphviz understands
- disasm.gsub!(/\n/, linebreak)
- # strip leading whitespace
- disasm.gsub!(/^\s+/, '')
- buff << "b#{} [label=<#{disasm}>];\n"
- buff << { |id|
- next_block = blocks.bsearch { |nb| id <=> }
- if next_block.address == (block.address + block.code.length)
- "b#{} -> b#{id}[label=\"Fall\"];"
- else
- "b#{} -> b#{id}[label=\"Jump\" style=dashed];"
- end
- }.join("\n")
- buff << "\n"
- end
- buff << " }"
- buff << "}"
- buff
+ File.binwrite(filename, Marshal.dump(RubyVM::YJIT.exit_locations))
+ end
+ # Return a hash for statistics generated for the `--yjit-stats` command line option.
+ # Return `nil` when option is not passed or unavailable.
+ def self.runtime_stats(context: false)
+ stats = Primitive.rb_yjit_get_stats(context)
+ return stats if stats.nil?
+ stats[:object_shape_count] = Primitive.object_shape_count
+ return stats unless Primitive.rb_yjit_stats_enabled_p
+ side_exits = total_exit_count(stats)
+ total_exits = side_exits + stats[:leave_interp_return]
+ # Number of instructions that finish executing in YJIT.
+ # See :count-placement: about the subtraction.
+ retired_in_yjit = stats[:yjit_insns_count] - side_exits
+ # Average length of instruction sequences executed by YJIT
+ avg_len_in_yjit = total_exits > 0 ? retired_in_yjit.to_f / total_exits : 0
+ # Proportion of instructions that retire in YJIT
+ total_insns_count = retired_in_yjit + stats[:vm_insns_count]
+ yjit_ratio_pct = 100.0 * retired_in_yjit.to_f / total_insns_count
+ stats[:total_insns_count] = total_insns_count
+ stats[:ratio_in_yjit] = yjit_ratio_pct
+ # Make those stats available in RubyVM::YJIT.runtime_stats as well
+ stats[:side_exit_count] = side_exits
+ stats[:total_exit_count] = total_exits
+ stats[:avg_len_in_yjit] = avg_len_in_yjit
+ stats
+ end
+ # Format and print out counters as a String. This returns a non-empty
+ # content only when `--yjit-stats` is enabled.
+ def self.stats_string
+ # Lazily require StringIO to avoid breaking miniruby
+ require 'stringio'
+ strio =
+ _print_stats(out: strio)
+ strio.string
+ end
+ # Produce disassembly for an iseq. This requires a `--enable-yjit=dev` build.
+ def self.disasm(iseq) # :nodoc:
+ # If a method or proc is passed in, get its iseq
+ iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(iseq)
+ if !self.enabled?
+ warn(
+ "YJIT needs to be enabled to produce disasm output, e.g.\n" +
+ "ruby --yjit-call-threshold=1 my_script.rb (see doc/yjit/"
+ )
+ return nil
- def self.disasm_block(cs, block, highlight)
- comments = comments_for(block.address, block.address + block.code.length)
- comment_idx = 0
- str = +''
- cs.disasm(block.code, block.address).each do |i|
- while (comment = comments[comment_idx]) && comment.address <= i.address
- str << " ; #{}\n"
- comment_idx += 1
- end
+ disasm_str = Primitive.rb_yjit_disasm_iseq(iseq)
- str << sprintf(
- " %<address>08x: %<instruction>s\t%<details>s\n",
- address: i.address,
- instruction: i.mnemonic,
- details: i.op_str
- )
- end
- str
+ if !disasm_str
+ warn(
+ "YJIT disasm is only available when YJIT is built in dev mode, i.e.\n" +
+ "./configure --enable-yjit=dev (see doc/yjit/\n"
+ )
+ return nil
- end
- # Return a hash for statistics generated for the --yjit-stats command line option.
- # Return nil when option is not passed or unavailable.
- def self.runtime_stats
- # defined in yjit_iface.c
- Primitive.get_yjit_stats
+ # Produce the disassembly string
+ # Include the YARV iseq disasm in the string for additional context
+ iseq.disasm + "\n" + disasm_str
- # Discard statistics collected for --yjit-stats.
- def self.reset_stats!
- # defined in yjit_iface.c
- Primitive.reset_stats_bang
+ # Produce a list of instructions compiled by YJIT for an iseq
+ def self.insns_compiled(iseq) # :nodoc:
+ return nil unless self.enabled?
+ # If a method or proc is passed in, get its iseq
+ iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.of(iseq)
+ Primitive.rb_yjit_insns_compiled(iseq)
- def self.stats_enabled?
- Primitive.yjit_stats_enabled_p
+ # Discard existing compiled code to reclaim memory
+ # and allow for recompilations in the future.
+ def self.code_gc
+ Primitive.rb_yjit_code_gc
- def self.enabled?
- Primitive.cexpr! 'rb_yjit_enabled_p() ? Qtrue : Qfalse'
+ def self.simulate_oom! # :nodoc:
+ Primitive.rb_yjit_simulate_oom_bang
- # Avoid calling a method here to not interfere with compilation tests
- if Primitive.yjit_stats_enabled_p
- at_exit { _print_stats }
+ # Avoid calling a Ruby method here to not interfere with compilation tests
+ if Primitive.rb_yjit_stats_enabled_p
+ at_exit { print_and_dump_stats }
class << self
+ # :stopdoc:
+ # Print stats and dump exit locations
+ def print_and_dump_stats # :nodoc:
+ if Primitive.rb_yjit_print_stats_p
+ _print_stats
+ end
+ _dump_locations
+ end
+ def _dump_locations # :nodoc:
+ return unless trace_exit_locations_enabled?
+ filename = "yjit_exit_locations.dump"
+ dump_exit_locations(filename)
+ $stderr.puts("YJIT exit locations dumped to `#{filename}`.")
+ end
+ # Print a summary of reasons for adverse performance events (e.g. exits)
+ def _print_stats_reasons(stats, out) # :nodoc:
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'send_', prompt: 'method call fallback reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'invokeblock_', prompt: 'invokeblock fallback reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'invokesuper_', prompt: 'invokesuper fallback reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'guard_send_', prompt: 'method call exit reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'guard_invokeblock_', prompt: 'invokeblock exit reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'guard_invokesuper_', prompt: 'invokesuper exit reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'gbpp_', prompt: 'getblockparamproxy exit reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'getivar_', prompt: 'getinstancevariable exit reasons:')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'setivar_', prompt: 'setinstancevariable exit reasons:')
+ %w[
+ branchif
+ branchnil
+ branchunless
+ definedivar
+ expandarray
+ invokebuiltin
+ jump
+ leave
+ objtostring
+ opt_aref
+ opt_aref_with
+ opt_aset
+ opt_case_dispatch
+ opt_div
+ opt_getconstant_path
+ opt_minus
+ opt_mod
+ opt_mult
+ opt_plus
+ opt_succ
+ setlocal
+ splatkw
+ ].each do |insn|
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: "#{insn}_", prompt: "#{insn} exit reasons:", optional: true)
+ end
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'lshift_', prompt: 'left shift (opt_ltlt) exit reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'rshift_', prompt: 'right shift (>>) exit reasons: ')
+ print_counters(stats, out: out, prefix: 'invalidate_', prompt: 'invalidation reasons: ')
+ end
# Format and print out counters
- def _print_stats
- stats = runtime_stats
- return unless stats
- $stderr.puts("***YJIT: Printing YJIT statistics on exit***")
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'send_', prompt: 'method call exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'invokesuper_', prompt: 'invokesuper exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'leave_', prompt: 'leave exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'gbpp_', prompt: 'getblockparamproxy exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'getivar_', prompt: 'getinstancevariable exit reasons:')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'setivar_', prompt: 'setinstancevariable exit reasons:')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'oaref_', prompt: 'opt_aref exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'expandarray_', prompt: 'expandarray exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'opt_getinlinecache_', prompt: 'opt_getinlinecache exit reasons: ')
- print_counters(stats, prefix: 'invalidate_', prompt: 'invalidation reasons: ')
- side_exits = total_exit_count(stats)
- total_exits = side_exits + stats[:leave_interp_return]
- # Number of instructions that finish executing in YJIT.
- # See :count-placement: about the subtraction.
- retired_in_yjit = stats[:exec_instruction] - side_exits
- # Average length of instruction sequences executed by YJIT
- avg_len_in_yjit = retired_in_yjit.to_f / total_exits
- # Proportion of instructions that retire in YJIT
- total_insns_count = retired_in_yjit + stats[:vm_insns_count]
- yjit_ratio_pct = 100.0 * retired_in_yjit.to_f / total_insns_count
- $stderr.puts "bindings_allocations: " + ("%10d" % stats[:binding_allocations])
- $stderr.puts "bindings_set: " + ("%10d" % stats[:binding_set])
- $stderr.puts "compiled_iseq_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:compiled_iseq_count])
- $stderr.puts "compiled_block_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:compiled_block_count])
- $stderr.puts "invalidation_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:invalidation_count])
- $stderr.puts "constant_state_bumps: " + ("%10d" % stats[:constant_state_bumps])
- $stderr.puts "inline_code_size: " + ("%10d" % stats[:inline_code_size])
- $stderr.puts "outlined_code_size: " + ("%10d" % stats[:outlined_code_size])
- $stderr.puts "total_exit_count: " + ("%10d" % total_exits)
- $stderr.puts "total_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % total_insns_count)
- $stderr.puts "vm_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:vm_insns_count])
- $stderr.puts "yjit_insns_count: " + ("%10d" % stats[:exec_instruction])
- $stderr.puts "ratio_in_yjit: " + ("%9.1f" % yjit_ratio_pct) + "%"
- $stderr.puts "avg_len_in_yjit: " + ("%10.1f" % avg_len_in_yjit)
- print_sorted_exit_counts(stats, prefix: "exit_")
+ def _print_stats(out: $stderr) # :nodoc:
+ stats = runtime_stats(context: true)
+ return unless Primitive.rb_yjit_stats_enabled_p
+ out.puts("***YJIT: Printing YJIT statistics on exit***")
+ _print_stats_reasons(stats, out)
+ # Number of failed compiler invocations
+ compilation_failure = stats[:compilation_failure]
+ code_region_overhead = stats[:code_region_size] - (stats[:inline_code_size] + stats[:outlined_code_size])
+ out.puts "num_send: " + format_number(13, stats[:num_send])
+ out.puts "num_send_known_class: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_send_known_class], stats[:num_send])
+ out.puts "num_send_polymorphic: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_send_polymorphic], stats[:num_send])
+ out.puts "num_send_megamorphic: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:send_megamorphic], stats[:num_send])
+ out.puts "num_send_dynamic: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_send_dynamic], stats[:num_send])
+ out.puts "num_send_cfunc: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_send_cfunc], stats[:num_send])
+ out.puts "num_send_cfunc_inline: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_send_cfunc_inline], stats[:num_send_cfunc])
+ out.puts "num_send_iseq: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_send_iseq], stats[:num_send])
+ out.puts "num_send_iseq_leaf: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_send_iseq_leaf], stats[:num_send_iseq])
+ out.puts "num_send_iseq_inline: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_send_iseq_inline], stats[:num_send_iseq])
+ if stats[:num_send_x86_rel32] != 0 || stats[:num_send_x86_reg] != 0
+ out.puts "num_send_x86_rel32: " + format_number(13, stats[:num_send_x86_rel32])
+ out.puts "num_send_x86_reg: " + format_number(13, stats[:num_send_x86_reg])
+ end
+ out.puts "num_getivar_megamorphic: " + format_number(11, stats[:num_getivar_megamorphic])
+ out.puts "num_setivar_megamorphic: " + format_number(11, stats[:num_setivar_megamorphic])
+ out.puts "num_opt_case_megamorphic: " + format_number(10, stats[:num_opt_case_dispatch_megamorphic])
+ out.puts "num_throw: " + format_number(13, stats[:num_throw])
+ out.puts "num_throw_break: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_throw_break], stats[:num_throw])
+ out.puts "num_throw_retry: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_throw_retry], stats[:num_throw])
+ out.puts "num_throw_return: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_throw_return], stats[:num_throw])
+ out.puts "num_lazy_frame_check: " + format_number(13, stats[:num_lazy_frame_check])
+ out.puts "num_lazy_frame_push: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:num_lazy_frame_push], stats[:num_lazy_frame_check])
+ out.puts "lazy_frame_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:lazy_frame_count])
+ out.puts "lazy_frame_failure: " + format_number(13, stats[:lazy_frame_failure])
+ out.puts "iseq_stack_too_large: " + format_number(13, stats[:iseq_stack_too_large])
+ out.puts "iseq_too_long: " + format_number(13, stats[:iseq_too_long])
+ out.puts "temp_reg_opnd: " + format_number(13, stats[:temp_reg_opnd])
+ out.puts "temp_mem_opnd: " + format_number(13, stats[:temp_mem_opnd])
+ out.puts "temp_spill: " + format_number(13, stats[:temp_spill])
+ out.puts "bindings_allocations: " + format_number(13, stats[:binding_allocations])
+ out.puts "bindings_set: " + format_number(13, stats[:binding_set])
+ out.puts "compilation_failure: " + format_number(13, compilation_failure) if compilation_failure != 0
+ out.puts "live_iseq_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:live_iseq_count])
+ out.puts "iseq_alloc_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:iseq_alloc_count])
+ out.puts "compiled_iseq_entry: " + format_number(13, stats[:compiled_iseq_entry])
+ out.puts "cold_iseq_entry: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:cold_iseq_entry], stats[:compiled_iseq_entry] + stats[:cold_iseq_entry])
+ out.puts "compiled_iseq_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:compiled_iseq_count])
+ out.puts "compiled_blockid_count:" + format_number(13, stats[:compiled_blockid_count])
+ out.puts "compiled_block_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:compiled_block_count])
+ if stats[:compiled_blockid_count] != 0
+ out.puts "versions_per_block: " + format_number(13, "%4.3f" % (stats[:compiled_block_count].fdiv(stats[:compiled_blockid_count])))
+ end
+ out.puts "max_inline_versions: " + format_number(13, stats[:max_inline_versions])
+ out.puts "compiled_branch_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:compiled_branch_count])
+ out.puts "compile_time_ms: " + format_number(13, stats[:compile_time_ns] / (1000 * 1000))
+ out.puts "block_next_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:block_next_count])
+ out.puts "defer_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:defer_count])
+ out.puts "defer_empty_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:defer_empty_count])
+ out.puts "branch_insn_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:branch_insn_count])
+ out.puts "branch_known_count: " + format_number_pct(13, stats[:branch_known_count], stats[:branch_insn_count])
+ out.puts "freed_iseq_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:freed_iseq_count])
+ out.puts "invalidation_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:invalidation_count])
+ out.puts "inline_code_size: " + format_number(13, stats[:inline_code_size])
+ out.puts "outlined_code_size: " + format_number(13, stats[:outlined_code_size])
+ out.puts "code_region_size: " + format_number(13, stats[:code_region_size])
+ out.puts "code_region_overhead: " + format_number_pct(13, code_region_overhead, stats[:code_region_size])
+ out.puts "freed_code_size: " + format_number(13, stats[:freed_code_size])
+ out.puts "yjit_alloc_size: " + format_number(13, stats[:yjit_alloc_size]) if stats.key?(:yjit_alloc_size)
+ out.puts "live_context_size: " + format_number(13, stats[:live_context_size])
+ out.puts "live_context_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:live_context_count])
+ out.puts "live_page_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:live_page_count])
+ out.puts "freed_page_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:freed_page_count])
+ out.puts "code_gc_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:code_gc_count])
+ out.puts "num_gc_obj_refs: " + format_number(13, stats[:num_gc_obj_refs])
+ out.puts "object_shape_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:object_shape_count])
+ out.puts "side_exit_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:side_exit_count])
+ out.puts "total_exit_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:total_exit_count])
+ out.puts "total_insns_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:total_insns_count])
+ out.puts "vm_insns_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:vm_insns_count])
+ out.puts "yjit_insns_count: " + format_number(13, stats[:yjit_insns_count])
+ out.puts "ratio_in_yjit: " + ("%12.1f" % stats[:ratio_in_yjit]) + "%"
+ out.puts "avg_len_in_yjit: " + ("%13.1f" % stats[:avg_len_in_yjit])
+ print_sorted_exit_counts(stats, out: out, prefix: "exit_")
+ print_sorted_method_calls(stats[:cfunc_calls], stats[:num_send_cfunc], out: out, type: 'C')
+ print_sorted_method_calls(stats[:iseq_calls], stats[:num_send_iseq], out: out, type: 'ISEQ')
- def print_sorted_exit_counts(stats, prefix:, how_many: 20, left_pad: 4)
- exits = []
- stats.each do |k, v|
- if k.start_with?(prefix)
- exits.push [k.to_s.delete_prefix(prefix), v]
- end
+ def print_sorted_method_calls(calls, num_calls, out:, type:, how_many: 20, left_pad: 4) # :nodoc:
+ return if calls.empty?
+ # Sort calls by decreasing frequency and keep the top N
+ pairs = { |k,v| [k, v] }
+ pairs.sort_by! {|pair| -pair[1] }
+ pairs = pairs[0...how_many]
+ top_n_total = pairs.sum { |name, count| count }
+ top_n_pct = 100.0 * top_n_total / num_calls
+ out.puts "Top-#{pairs.size} most frequent #{type} calls (#{"%.1f" % top_n_pct}% of #{type} calls):"
+ count_width = format_number(0, pairs[0][1]).length
+ pairs.each do |name, count|
+ padded_count = format_number_pct(count_width, count, num_calls)
+ out.puts(" #{padded_count}: #{name}")
+ end
- exits = exits.sort_by { |name, count| -count }[0...how_many]
+ def print_sorted_exit_counts(stats, out:, prefix:, how_many: 20, left_pad: 4) # :nodoc:
total_exits = total_exit_count(stats)
- top_n_total = { |name, count| count }.sum
- top_n_exit_pct = 100.0 * top_n_total / total_exits
+ if total_exits > 0
+ exits = []
+ stats.each do |k, v|
+ if k.start_with?(prefix)
+ exits.push [k.to_s.delete_prefix(prefix), v]
+ end
+ end
+ exits = { |_name, count| count > 0 }.max_by(how_many) { |_name, count| count }
+ top_n_total = exits.sum { |name, count| count }
+ top_n_exit_pct = 100.0 * top_n_total / total_exits
- $stderr.puts "Top-#{how_many} most frequent exit ops (#{"%.1f" % top_n_exit_pct}% of exits):"
+ out.puts "Top-#{exits.size} most frequent exit ops (#{"%.1f" % top_n_exit_pct}% of exits):"
- longest_insn_name_len = { |name, count| name.length }.max
- exits.each do |name, count|
- padding = longest_insn_name_len + left_pad
- padded_name = "%#{padding}s" % name
- padded_count = "%10d" % count
- percent = 100.0 * count / total_exits
- formatted_percent = "%.1f" % percent
- $stderr.puts("#{padded_name}: #{padded_count} (#{formatted_percent}%)" )
+ count_width = format_number(0, exits[0][1]).length
+ exits.each do |name, count|
+ padded_count = format_number_pct(count_width, count, total_exits)
+ out.puts(" #{padded_count}: #{name}")
+ end
+ else
+ out.puts "total_exits: " + format_number(10, total_exits)
- def total_exit_count(stats, prefix: "exit_")
+ def total_exit_count(stats, prefix: "exit_") # :nodoc:
total = 0
stats.each do |k,v|
total += v if k.start_with?(prefix)
@@ -243,15 +465,19 @@ module YJIT
- def print_counters(counters, prefix:, prompt:)
- $stderr.puts(prompt)
+ def print_counters(counters, out:, prefix:, prompt:, optional: false) # :nodoc:
counters = counters.filter { |key, _| key.start_with?(prefix) }
counters.filter! { |_, value| value != 0 }
counters.transform_keys! { |key| key.to_s.delete_prefix(prefix) }
if counters.empty?
- $stderr.puts(" (all relevant counters are zero)")
+ unless optional
+ out.puts(prompt)
+ out.puts(" (all relevant counters are zero)")
+ end
+ else
+ out.puts(prompt)
counters = counters.to_a
@@ -260,9 +486,28 @@ module YJIT
total = counters.sum { |(_, counter_value)| counter_value }
counters.reverse_each do |(name, value)|
- percentage = value.fdiv(total) * 100
- $stderr.printf(" %*s %10d (%4.1f%%)\n", longest_name_length, name, value, percentage);
+ padded_name = name.rjust(longest_name_length, ' ')
+ padded_count = format_number_pct(10, value, total)
+ out.puts(" #{padded_name}: #{padded_count}")
+ # Format large numbers with comma separators for readability
+ def format_number(pad, number) # :nodoc:
+ s = number.to_s
+ i = s.index('.') || s.size
+ s.insert(i -= 3, ',') while i > 3
+ s.rjust(pad, ' ')
+ end
+ # Format a number along with a percentage over a total value
+ def format_number_pct(pad, number, total) # :nodoc:
+ padded_count = format_number(pad, number)
+ percentage = number.fdiv(total) * 100
+ formatted_pct = "%4.1f%%" % percentage
+ "#{padded_count} (#{formatted_pct})"
+ end
+ # :startdoc: