path: root/tool/test/testunit/test_minitest_unit.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/test/testunit/test_minitest_unit.rb')
1 files changed, 1488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tool/test/testunit/test_minitest_unit.rb b/tool/test/testunit/test_minitest_unit.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84b6cf688c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/test/testunit/test_minitest_unit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1488 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# frozen_string_literal: false
+require 'pathname'
+require_relative 'metametameta'
+module MyModule; end
+class AnError < StandardError; include MyModule; end
+class ImmutableString < String; def inspect; super.freeze; end; end
+class TestMiniTestUnit < MetaMetaMetaTestCase
+ pwd = File.expand_path Dir.pwd
+ basedir = "lib/test")
+ basedir = basedir.relative_path_from(pwd).to_s
+ MINITEST_BASE_DIR = basedir[/\A\./] ? basedir : "./#{basedir}"
+ BT_MIDDLE = ["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:161:in `each'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:158:in `each'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:139:in `run'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:106:in `run'"]
+ def test_class_puke_with_assertion_failed
+ exception = "Oh no!"
+ exception.set_backtrace ["unhappy"]
+ assert_equal 'F', @tu.puke('SomeClass', 'method_name', exception)
+ assert_equal 1, @tu.failures
+ assert_match(/^Failure.*Oh no!/m,
+ assert_match("SomeClass#method_name [unhappy]",
+ end
+ def test_class_puke_with_assertion_failed_and_long_backtrace
+ bt = (["test/test_some_class.rb:615:in `method_name'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/unit.rb:140:in `assert_raise'",
+ "test/test_some_class.rb:615:in `each'",
+ "test/test_some_class.rb:614:in `test_method_name'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+ ["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:29"])
+ bt = util_expand_bt bt
+ ex_location = util_expand_bt(["test/test_some_class.rb:615"]).first
+ exception = "Oh no!"
+ exception.set_backtrace bt
+ assert_equal 'F', @tu.puke('TestSomeClass', 'test_method_name', exception)
+ assert_equal 1, @tu.failures
+ assert_match(/^Failure.*Oh no!/m,
+ assert_match("TestSomeClass#test_method_name [#{ex_location}]",
+ end
+ def test_class_puke_with_assertion_failed_and_user_defined_assertions
+ bt = (["lib/test/my/util.rb:16:in `another_method_name'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/unit.rb:140:in `assert_raise'",
+ "lib/test/my/util.rb:15:in `block in assert_something'",
+ "lib/test/my/util.rb:14:in `each'",
+ "lib/test/my/util.rb:14:in `assert_something'",
+ "test/test_some_class.rb:615:in `each'",
+ "test/test_some_class.rb:614:in `test_method_name'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+ ["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:29"])
+ bt = util_expand_bt bt
+ ex_location = util_expand_bt(["test/test_some_class.rb:615"]).first
+ exception = "Oh no!"
+ exception.set_backtrace bt
+ assert_equal 'F', @tu.puke('TestSomeClass', 'test_method_name', exception)
+ assert_equal 1, @tu.failures
+ assert_match(/^Failure.*Oh no!/m,
+ assert_match("TestSomeClass#test_method_name [#{ex_location}]",
+ end
+ def test_class_puke_with_failure_and_flunk_in_backtrace
+ exception = begin
+'fake tc').flunk
+ rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => failure
+ failure
+ end
+ assert_equal 'F', @tu.puke('SomeClass', 'method_name', exception)
+ refute{|line| line =~ /in .flunk/}
+ end
+ def test_class_puke_with_flunk_and_user_defined_assertions
+ bt = (["lib/test/my/util.rb:16:in `flunk'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/unit.rb:140:in `assert_raise'",
+ "lib/test/my/util.rb:15:in `block in assert_something'",
+ "lib/test/my/util.rb:14:in `each'",
+ "lib/test/my/util.rb:14:in `assert_something'",
+ "test/test_some_class.rb:615:in `each'",
+ "test/test_some_class.rb:614:in `test_method_name'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+ ["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:29"])
+ bt = util_expand_bt bt
+ ex_location = util_expand_bt(["test/test_some_class.rb:615"]).first
+ exception = "Oh no!"
+ exception.set_backtrace bt
+ assert_equal 'F', @tu.puke('TestSomeClass', 'test_method_name', exception)
+ assert_equal 1, @tu.failures
+ assert_match(/^Failure.*Oh no!/m,
+ assert_match("TestSomeClass#test_method_name [#{ex_location}]",
+ end
+ def test_class_puke_with_non_failure_exception
+ exception ="Oh no again!")
+ assert_equal 'E', @tu.puke('SomeClass', 'method_name', exception)
+ assert_equal 1, @tu.errors
+ assert_match(/^Exception.*Oh no again!/m,
+ end
+ def test_filter_backtrace
+ # this is a semi-lame mix of relative paths.
+ # I cheated by making the autotest parts not have ./
+ bt = (["lib/autotest.rb:571:in `add_exception'",
+ "test/test_autotest.rb:62:in `test_add_exception'",
+ "#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+ ["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:29",
+ "test/test_autotest.rb:422"])
+ bt = util_expand_bt bt
+ ex = ["lib/autotest.rb:571:in `add_exception'",
+ "test/test_autotest.rb:62:in `test_add_exception'"]
+ ex = util_expand_bt ex
+ fu = Test::filter_backtrace(bt)
+ assert_equal ex, fu
+ end
+ def test_filter_backtrace_all_unit
+ bt = (["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+ ["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:29"])
+ ex = bt.clone
+ fu = Test::filter_backtrace(bt)
+ assert_equal ex, fu
+ end
+ def test_filter_backtrace_unit_starts
+ bt = (["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/test.rb:165:in `__send__'"] +
+ ["#{MINITEST_BASE_DIR}/mini/test.rb:29",
+ "-e:1"])
+ bt = util_expand_bt bt
+ ex = ["-e:1"]
+ fu = Test::filter_backtrace bt
+ assert_equal ex, fu
+ end
+ def test_default_runner_is_minitest_unit
+ assert_instance_of Test::Unit::Runner, Test::Unit::Runner.runner
+ end
+ def test_passed_eh_teardown_good
+ test_class = Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ def teardown; assert true; end
+ def test_omg; assert true; end
+ end
+ test = :test_omg
+ @tu
+ assert test.passed?
+ end
+ def test_passed_eh_teardown_skipped
+ test_class = Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ def teardown; assert true; end
+ def test_omg; omit "bork"; end
+ end
+ test = :test_omg
+ @tu
+ assert test.passed?
+ end
+ def test_passed_eh_teardown_flunked
+ test_class = Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ def teardown; flunk; end
+ def test_omg; assert true; end
+ end
+ test = :test_omg
+ @tu
+ refute test.passed?
+ end
+ def util_expand_bt bt
+ { |f| (f =~ /^\./) ? File.expand_path(f) : f }
+ end
+class TestMiniTestUnitInherited < MetaMetaMetaTestCase
+ def with_overridden_include
+ Class.class_eval do
+ def inherited_with_hacks klass
+ throw :inherited_hook
+ end
+ alias inherited_without_hacks inherited
+ alias inherited inherited_with_hacks
+ alias IGNORE_ME! inherited # 1.8 bug. god I love venture bros
+ end
+ yield
+ ensure
+ Class.class_eval do
+ alias inherited inherited_without_hacks
+ undef_method :inherited_with_hacks
+ undef_method :inherited_without_hacks
+ end
+ refute_respond_to Class, :inherited_with_hacks
+ refute_respond_to Class, :inherited_without_hacks
+ end
+ def test_inherited_hook_plays_nice_with_others
+ with_overridden_include do
+ assert_throws :inherited_hook do
+ Test::Unit::TestCase
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class TestMiniTestRunner < MetaMetaMetaTestCase
+ # do not parallelize this suite... it just can't handle it.
+ def test_class_test_suites
+ @assertion_count = 0
+ tc =
+ assert_equal 2, Test::Unit::TestCase.test_suites.size
+ assert_equal [tc, Test::Unit::TestCase], Test::Unit::TestCase.test_suites.sort_by {|ts|}
+ end
+ def assert_filtering name, expected, a = false
+ args = %W[--name #{name} --seed 42]
+ alpha = Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ define_method :test_something do
+ assert a
+ end
+ end
+ Object.const_set(:Alpha, alpha)
+ beta = Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ define_method :test_something do
+ assert true
+ end
+ end
+ Object.const_set(:Beta, beta)
+ assert_report expected, args
+ ensure
+ Object.send :remove_const, :Alpha
+ Object.send :remove_const, :Beta
+ end
+ def test_run_with_other_runner
+ pend "We don't imagine to replace the default runner with ruby/ruby test suite."
+ Test::Unit::Runner.runner = Test::Unit::Runner do
+ def _run_suite suite, type
+ suite.before_suite # Run once before each suite
+ super suite, type
+ end
+ Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ def; "wacky!" end
+ def self.before_suite
+ Test::Unit::Runner.output.puts "Running #{} tests"
+ @@foo = 1
+ end
+ def test_something
+ assert_equal 1, @@foo
+ end
+ def test_something_else
+ assert_equal 1, @@foo
+ end
+ end
+ expected = clean <<-EOM
+ Running wacky! tests
+ ..
+ Finished tests in 0.00
+ 2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
+ assert_report expected
+ end
+ require 'monitor'
+ class Latch
+ def initialize count = 1
+ @count = count
+ @lock =
+ @cv = @lock.new_cond
+ end
+ def release
+ @lock.synchronize do
+ @count -= 1 if @count > 0
+ @cv.broadcast if @count == 0
+ end
+ end
+ def await
+ @lock.synchronize { @cv.wait_while { @count > 0 } }
+ end
+ end
+class TestMiniTestUnitOrder < MetaMetaMetaTestCase
+ # do not parallelize this suite... it just can't handle it.
+ def test_before_setup
+ pend "Surpressing the raise message when running with tests"
+ call_order = []
+ Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ define_method :setup do
+ super()
+ call_order << :setup
+ end
+ define_method :before_setup do
+ call_order << :before_setup
+ end
+ def test_omg; assert true; end
+ end
+ with_output do
+ %w[--seed 42]
+ end
+ expected = [:before_setup, :setup]
+ assert_equal expected, call_order
+ end
+ def test_after_teardown
+ pend "Surpressing the result message of this tests"
+ call_order = []
+ Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ define_method :teardown do
+ super()
+ call_order << :teardown
+ end
+ define_method :after_teardown do
+ call_order << :after_teardown
+ end
+ def test_omg; assert true; end
+ end
+ with_output do
+ %w[--seed 42]
+ end
+ expected = [:teardown, :after_teardown]
+ assert_equal expected, call_order
+ end
+ def test_all_teardowns_are_guaranteed_to_run
+ pend "Surpressing the raise message when running with tests"
+ call_order = []
+ Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ define_method :after_teardown do
+ super()
+ call_order << :after_teardown
+ raise
+ end
+ define_method :teardown do
+ super()
+ call_order << :teardown
+ raise
+ end
+ define_method :before_teardown do
+ super()
+ call_order << :before_teardown
+ raise
+ end
+ def test_omg; assert true; end
+ end
+ with_output do
+ %w[--seed 42]
+ end
+ expected = [:before_teardown, :teardown, :after_teardown]
+ assert_equal expected, call_order
+ end
+ def test_setup_and_teardown_survive_inheritance
+ pend "Surpressing the result message of this tests"
+ call_order = []
+ parent = Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ define_method :setup do
+ call_order << :setup_method
+ end
+ define_method :teardown do
+ call_order << :teardown_method
+ end
+ define_method :test_something do
+ call_order << :test
+ end
+ end
+ _ = parent
+ with_output do
+ %w[--seed 42]
+ end
+ # Once for the parent class, once for the child
+ expected = [:setup_method, :test, :teardown_method] * 2
+ assert_equal expected, call_order
+ end
+class TestMiniTestUnitTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ # do not call parallelize_me! - teardown accesses @tc._assertions
+ # which is not threadsafe. Nearly every method in here is an
+ # assertion test so it isn't worth splitting it out further.
+ def setup
+ super
+ Test::Unit::TestCase.reset
+ @tc = 'fake tc'
+ @zomg = "zomg ponies!"
+ @assertion_count = 1
+ end
+ def teardown
+ assert_equal(@assertion_count, @tc._assertions,
+ "expected #{@assertion_count} assertions to be fired during the test, not #{@tc._assertions}") if @tc.passed?
+ end
+ def non_verbose
+ orig_verbose = $VERBOSE
+ $VERBOSE = false
+ yield
+ ensure
+ $VERBOSE = orig_verbose
+ end
+ def test_assert
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.assert_equal true, @tc.assert(true), "returns true on success"
+ end
+ def test_assert__triggered
+ util_assert_triggered "Failed assertion, no message given." do
+ @tc.assert false
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert__triggered_message
+ util_assert_triggered @zomg do
+ @tc.assert false, @zomg
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_empty
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.assert_empty []
+ end
+ def test_assert_empty_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected [1] to be empty." do
+ @tc.assert_empty [1]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal
+ @tc.assert_equal 1, 1
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_collection_array_hex_invisible
+ object1 =
+ object2 =
+ msg = "<[#{object1.inspect}]> expected but was
+ <[#{object2.inspect}]>.".gsub(/^ +/, "")
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ @tc.assert_equal [object1], [object2]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_collection_hash_hex_invisible
+ h1, h2 = {}, {}
+ h1[1] =
+ h2[1] =
+ msg = "<#{h1.inspect}> expected but was
+ <#{h2.inspect}>.".gsub(/^ +/, "")
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ @tc.assert_equal h1, h2
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_diff_deactivated
+ without_diff do
+ util_assert_triggered util_msg("haha" * 10, "blah" * 10) do
+ o1 = "haha" * 10
+ o2 = "blah" * 10
+ @tc.assert_equal o1, o2
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_hex
+ c = do
+ def initialize s; @name = s; end
+ end
+ o1 = "a"
+ o2 = "b"
+ msg = "<#{o1.inspect}> expected but was
+ <#{o2.inspect}>.".gsub(/^ +/, "")
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ @tc.assert_equal o1, o2
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_hex_invisible
+ o1 =
+ o2 =
+ msg = "<#{o1.inspect}> expected but was
+ <#{o2.inspect}>.".gsub(/^ +/, "")
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ @tc.assert_equal o1, o2
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_long
+ msg = "<\"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha\"> expected but was
+ <\"blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah\">.".gsub(/^ +/, "")
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ o1 = "haha" * 10
+ o2 = "blah" * 10
+ @tc.assert_equal o1, o2
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_long_invisible
+ msg = "<\"blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah\"> (UTF-8) expected but was
+ <\"blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah\"> (UTF-8).".gsub(/^ +/, "")
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ o1 = "blah" * 10
+ o2 = "blah" * 10
+ def o1.== o
+ false
+ end
+ @tc.assert_equal o1, o2
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_long_msg
+ msg = "message.
+ <\"hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha\"> expected but was
+ <\"blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah\">.".gsub(/^ +/, "")
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ o1 = "haha" * 10
+ o2 = "blah" * 10
+ @tc.assert_equal o1, o2, "message"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_short
+ util_assert_triggered util_msg(1, 2) do
+ @tc.assert_equal 1, 2
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_short_msg
+ util_assert_triggered util_msg(1, 2, "message") do
+ @tc.assert_equal 1, 2, "message"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_short_multiline
+ msg = "<\"a\\n\" + \"b\"> expected but was\n<\"a\\n\" + \"c\">."
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ @tc.assert_equal "a\nb", "a\nc"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_equal_different_escaped_newline
+ msg = "<\"xxx\\n\" + \"a\\\\nb\"> expected but was\n<\"xxx\\n\" + \"a\\\\nc\">."
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ @tc.assert_equal "xxx\na\\nb", "xxx\na\\nc"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_in_delta
+ @tc.assert_in_delta 0.0, 1.0 / 1000, 0.1
+ end
+ def test_delta_consistency
+ @tc.assert_in_delta 0, 1, 1
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected |0 - 1| (1) to not be <= 1." do
+ @tc.refute_in_delta 0, 1, 1
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_in_delta_triggered
+ x = "1.0e-06"
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected |0.0 - 0.001| (0.001) to be <= #{x}." do
+ @tc.assert_in_delta 0.0, 1.0 / 1000, 0.000001
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_in_epsilon
+ @assertion_count = 10
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 10000, 9991
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 9991, 10000
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.0, 1.001
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.001, 1.0
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 10000, 9999.1, 0.0001
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 9999.1, 10000, 0.0001
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.0, 1.0001, 0.0001
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.0001, 1.0, 0.0001
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon(-1, -1)
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon(-10000, -9991)
+ end
+ def test_epsilon_consistency
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 1.0, 1.001
+ msg = "Expected |1.0 - 1.001| (0.000999xxx) to not be <= 0.001."
+ util_assert_triggered msg do
+ @tc.refute_in_epsilon 1.0, 1.001
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_in_epsilon_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected |10000 - 9990| (10) to be <= 9.99.' do
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon 10000, 9990
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_in_epsilon_triggered_negative_case
+ x = "0.100000xxx"
+ y = "0.1"
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected |-1.1 - -1| (#{x}) to be <= #{y}." do
+ @tc.assert_in_epsilon(-1.1, -1, 0.1)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_includes
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.assert_includes [true], true
+ end
+ def test_assert_includes_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 3
+ e = @tc.assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ @tc.assert_includes [true], false
+ end
+ expected = "Expected [true] to include false."
+ assert_equal expected, e.message
+ end
+ def test_assert_instance_of
+ @tc.assert_instance_of String, "blah"
+ end
+ def test_assert_instance_of_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to be an instance of Array, not String.' do
+ @tc.assert_instance_of Array, "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_kind_of
+ @tc.assert_kind_of String, "blah"
+ end
+ def test_assert_kind_of_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to be a kind of Array, not String.' do
+ @tc.assert_kind_of Array, "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_match
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.assert_match(/\w+/, "blah blah blah")
+ end
+ def test_assert_match_matcher_object
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ pattern =
+ def pattern.=~(other) true end
+ @tc.assert_match pattern, 5
+ end
+ def test_assert_match_matchee_to_str
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ obj =
+ def obj.to_str; "blah" end
+ @tc.assert_match "blah", obj
+ end
+ def test_assert_match_object_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ pattern =
+ def pattern.=~(other) false end
+ def pattern.inspect; "[Object]" end
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected [Object] to match 5.' do
+ @tc.assert_match pattern, 5
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_match_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected /\d+/ to match "blah blah blah".' do
+ @tc.assert_match(/\d+/, "blah blah blah")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_nil
+ @tc.assert_nil nil
+ end
+ def test_assert_nil_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected 42 to be nil.' do
+ @tc.assert_nil 42
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_operator
+ @tc.assert_operator 2, :>, 1
+ end
+ def test_assert_operator_bad_object
+ bad =
+ def bad.==(other) true end
+ @tc.assert_operator bad, :equal?, bad
+ end
+ def test_assert_operator_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected 2 to be < 1." do
+ @tc.assert_operator 2, :<, 1
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_output_both
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.assert_output "yay", "blah" do
+ print "yay"
+ $stderr.print "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_output_both_regexps
+ @assertion_count = 4
+ @tc.assert_output(/y.y/, /bl.h/) do
+ print "yay"
+ $stderr.print "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_output_err
+ @tc.assert_output nil, "blah" do
+ $stderr.print "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_output_neither
+ @assertion_count = 0
+ @tc.assert_output do
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_output_out
+ @tc.assert_output "blah" do
+ print "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_output_triggered_both
+ util_assert_triggered util_msg("blah", "blah blah", "In stderr") do
+ @tc.assert_output "yay", "blah" do
+ print "boo"
+ $stderr.print "blah blah"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_output_triggered_err
+ util_assert_triggered util_msg("blah", "blah blah", "In stderr") do
+ @tc.assert_output nil, "blah" do
+ $stderr.print "blah blah"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_output_triggered_out
+ util_assert_triggered util_msg("blah", "blah blah", "In stdout") do
+ @tc.assert_output "blah" do
+ print "blah blah"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_predicate
+ @tc.assert_predicate "", :empty?
+ end
+ def test_assert_predicate_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to be empty?.' do
+ @tc.assert_predicate "blah", :empty?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_raise
+ @tc.assert_raise RuntimeError do
+ raise "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_raise_module
+ @tc.assert_raise MyModule do
+ raise AnError
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # *sigh* This is quite an odd scenario, but it is from real (albeit
+ # ugly) test code in ruby-core:
+ #
+ #
+ def test_assert_raise_skip
+ @assertion_count = 0
+ util_assert_triggered "skipped", Test::Unit::PendedError do
+ @tc.assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ begin
+ raise "blah"
+ rescue
+ omit "skipped"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_raise_triggered_different
+ e = assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ @tc.assert_raise RuntimeError do
+ raise SyntaxError, "icky"
+ end
+ end
+ expected = clean <<-EOM.chomp
+ [RuntimeError] exception expected, not #<SyntaxError: icky>.
+ actual = e.message.gsub(/^.+:\d+/, 'FILE:LINE')
+ actual.gsub!(/block \(\d+ levels\) in /, '') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0'
+ assert_equal expected, actual
+ end
+ def test_assert_raise_triggered_different_msg
+ e = assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ @tc.assert_raise RuntimeError, "XXX" do
+ raise SyntaxError, "icky"
+ end
+ end
+ expected = clean <<-EOM
+ XXX.
+ [RuntimeError] exception expected, not #<SyntaxError: icky>.
+ actual = e.message.gsub(/^.+:\d+/, 'FILE:LINE')
+ actual.gsub!(/block \(\d+ levels\) in /, '') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0'
+ assert_equal expected.chomp, actual
+ end
+ def test_assert_raise_triggered_none
+ e = assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ @tc.assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ end
+ expected = "Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError expected but nothing was raised."
+ assert_equal expected, e.message
+ end
+ def test_assert_raise_triggered_none_msg
+ e = assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ @tc.assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError, "XXX" do
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ end
+ expected = "XXX.\nTest::Unit::AssertionFailedError expected but nothing was raised."
+ assert_equal expected, e.message
+ end
+ def test_assert_raise_triggered_subclass
+ e = assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ @tc.assert_raise StandardError do
+ raise AnError
+ end
+ end
+ expected = clean <<-EOM.chomp
+ [StandardError] exception expected, not #<AnError: AnError>.
+ actual = e.message.gsub(/^.+:\d+/, 'FILE:LINE')
+ actual.gsub!(/block \(\d+ levels\) in /, '') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0'
+ assert_equal expected, actual
+ end
+ def test_assert_respond_to
+ @tc.assert_respond_to "blah", :empty?
+ end
+ def test_assert_respond_to_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" (String) to respond to #rawr!.' do
+ @tc.assert_respond_to "blah", :rawr!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_same
+ @assertion_count = 3
+ o = "blah"
+ @tc.assert_same 1, 1
+ @tc.assert_same :blah, :blah
+ @tc.assert_same o, o
+ end
+ def test_assert_same_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected 2 (oid=N) to be the same as 1 (oid=N).' do
+ @tc.assert_same 1, 2
+ end
+ s1 = "blah"
+ s2 = "blah"
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" (oid=N) to be the same as "blah" (oid=N).' do
+ @tc.assert_same s1, s2
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_send
+ @tc.assert_send [1, :<, 2]
+ end
+ def test_assert_send_bad
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected 1.>(2) to return true." do
+ @tc.assert_send [1, :>, 2]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_silent
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.assert_silent do
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_silent_triggered_err
+ util_assert_triggered util_msg("", "blah blah", "In stderr") do
+ @tc.assert_silent do
+ $stderr.print "blah blah"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_silent_triggered_out
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ util_assert_triggered util_msg("", "blah blah", "In stdout") do
+ @tc.assert_silent do
+ print "blah blah"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_throws
+ @tc.assert_throws :blah do
+ throw :blah
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_throws_different
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected :blah to have been thrown, not :not_blah.' do
+ @tc.assert_throws :blah do
+ throw :not_blah
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assert_throws_unthrown
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected :blah to have been thrown.' do
+ @tc.assert_throws :blah do
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_capture_output
+ @assertion_count = 0
+ non_verbose do
+ out, err = capture_output do
+ puts 'hi'
+ $stderr.puts 'bye!'
+ end
+ assert_equal "hi\n", out
+ assert_equal "bye!\n", err
+ end
+ end
+ def test_flunk
+ util_assert_triggered 'Epic Fail!' do
+ @tc.flunk
+ end
+ end
+ def test_flunk_message
+ util_assert_triggered @zomg do
+ @tc.flunk @zomg
+ end
+ end
+ def test_message
+ @assertion_count = 0
+ assert_equal "blah2.", @tc.message { "blah2" }.call
+ assert_equal "blah2.", @tc.message("") { "blah2" }.call
+ assert_equal "blah1.\nblah2.", @tc.message(:blah1) { "blah2" }.call
+ assert_equal "blah1.\nblah2.", @tc.message("blah1") { "blah2" }.call
+ message = proc { "blah1" }
+ assert_equal "blah1.\nblah2.", @tc.message(message) { "blah2" }.call
+ message = @tc.message { "blah1" }
+ assert_equal "blah1.\nblah2.", @tc.message(message) { "blah2" }.call
+ end
+ def test_message_message
+ util_assert_triggered "whoops.\n<1> expected but was\n<2>." do
+ @tc.assert_equal 1, 2, message { "whoops" }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_message_lambda
+ util_assert_triggered "whoops.\n<1> expected but was\n<2>." do
+ @tc.assert_equal 1, 2, lambda { "whoops" }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_message_deferred
+ @assertion_count, var = 0, nil
+ msg = message { var = "blah" }
+ assert_nil var
+ assert_equal "blah", var
+ end
+ def test_pass
+ @tc.pass
+ end
+ def test_prints
+ printer = { extend Test::Unit::CoreAssertions }
+ @tc.assert_equal '"test"', printer.mu_pp( 'test')
+ end
+ def test_refute
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.assert_equal false, @tc.refute(false), "returns false on success"
+ end
+ def test_refute_empty
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.refute_empty [1]
+ end
+ def test_refute_empty_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected [] to not be empty." do
+ @tc.refute_empty []
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_equal
+ @tc.refute_equal "blah", "yay"
+ end
+ def test_refute_equal_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to not be equal to "blah".' do
+ @tc.refute_equal "blah", "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_in_delta
+ @tc.refute_in_delta 0.0, 1.0 / 1000, 0.000001
+ end
+ def test_refute_in_delta_triggered
+ x = "0.1"
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected |0.0 - 0.001| (0.001) to not be <= #{x}." do
+ @tc.refute_in_delta 0.0, 1.0 / 1000, 0.1
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_in_epsilon
+ @tc.refute_in_epsilon 10000, 9990-1
+ end
+ def test_refute_in_epsilon_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected |10000 - 9990| (10) to not be <= 10.0.' do
+ @tc.refute_in_epsilon 10000, 9990
+ fail
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_includes
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.refute_includes [true], false
+ end
+ def test_refute_includes_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 3
+ e = @tc.assert_raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ @tc.refute_includes [true], true
+ end
+ expected = "Expected [true] to not include true."
+ assert_equal expected, e.message
+ end
+ def test_refute_instance_of
+ @tc.refute_instance_of Array, "blah"
+ end
+ def test_refute_instance_of_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to not be an instance of String.' do
+ @tc.refute_instance_of String, "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_kind_of
+ @tc.refute_kind_of Array, "blah"
+ end
+ def test_refute_kind_of_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to not be a kind of String.' do
+ @tc.refute_kind_of String, "blah"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_match
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ @tc.refute_match(/\d+/, "blah blah blah")
+ end
+ def test_refute_match_matcher_object
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ non_verbose do
+ obj =
+ def obj.=~(other); false; end
+ @tc.refute_match obj, 5
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_match_object_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ pattern =
+ def pattern.=~(other) true end
+ def pattern.inspect; "[Object]" end
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected [Object] to not match 5.' do
+ @tc.refute_match pattern, 5
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_match_triggered
+ @assertion_count = 2
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected /\w+/ to not match "blah blah blah".' do
+ @tc.refute_match(/\w+/, "blah blah blah")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_nil
+ @tc.refute_nil 42
+ end
+ def test_refute_nil_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected nil to not be nil.' do
+ @tc.refute_nil nil
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_predicate
+ @tc.refute_predicate "42", :empty?
+ end
+ def test_refute_predicate_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "" to not be empty?.' do
+ @tc.refute_predicate "", :empty?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_operator
+ @tc.refute_operator 2, :<, 1
+ end
+ def test_refute_operator_bad_object
+ bad =
+ def bad.==(other) true end
+ @tc.refute_operator true, :equal?, bad
+ end
+ def test_refute_operator_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered "Expected 2 to not be > 1." do
+ @tc.refute_operator 2, :>, 1
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_respond_to
+ @tc.refute_respond_to "blah", :rawr!
+ end
+ def test_refute_respond_to_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected "blah" to not respond to empty?.' do
+ @tc.refute_respond_to "blah", :empty?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_refute_same
+ @tc.refute_same 1, 2
+ end
+ def test_refute_same_triggered
+ util_assert_triggered 'Expected 1 (oid=N) to not be the same as 1 (oid=N).' do
+ @tc.refute_same 1, 1
+ end
+ end
+ def test_omit
+ @assertion_count = 0
+ util_assert_triggered "haha!", Test::Unit::PendedError do
+ @tc.omit "haha!"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_pend
+ @assertion_count = 0
+ util_assert_triggered "haha!", Test::Unit::PendedError do
+ @tc.pend "haha!"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_test_methods
+ @assertion_count = 0
+ sample_test_case = Test::Unit::TestCase do
+ def test_test1; assert "does not matter" end
+ def test_test2; assert "does not matter" end
+ def test_test3; assert "does not matter" end
+ end
+ expected = %i(test_test1 test_test2 test_test3)
+ assert_equal expected, sample_test_case.test_methods.sort
+ end
+ def assert_triggered expected, klass = Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError
+ e = assert_raise klass do
+ yield
+ end
+ msg = e.message.sub(/(---Backtrace---).*/m, '\1')
+ msg.gsub!(/\(oid=[-0-9]+\)/, '(oid=N)')
+ msg.gsub!(/(\d\.\d{6})\d+/, '\1xxx') # normalize: ruby version, impl, platform
+ assert_equal expected, msg
+ end
+ alias util_assert_triggered assert_triggered
+ def util_msg exp, act, msg = nil
+ s = "<#{exp.inspect}> expected but was\n<#{act.inspect}>."
+ s = "#{msg}.\n#{s}" if msg
+ s
+ end
+ def without_diff
+ old_diff = Test::Unit::Assertions.diff
+ Test::Unit::Assertions.diff = nil
+ yield
+ ensure
+ Test::Unit::Assertions.diff = old_diff
+ end
+class TestMiniTestGuard < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_mri_eh
+ assert self.class.mri? "ruby blah"
+ assert self.mri? "ruby blah"
+ end
+ def test_jruby_eh
+ assert self.class.jruby? "java"
+ assert self.jruby? "java"
+ end
+ def test_windows_eh
+ assert "mswin"
+ assert "mswin"
+ end
+class TestMiniTestUnitRecording < MetaMetaMetaTestCase
+ # do not parallelize this suite... it just can't handle it.
+ def assert_run_record(*expected, &block)
+ pend "Test::Unit::Runner#run was changed about recoding feature. We should fix it."
+ def @tu.record suite, method, assertions, time, error
+ recording[method] << error
+ end
+ def @tu.recording
+ @recording ||= { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
+ end
+ Test::Unit::Runner.runner = @tu
+ Test::Unit::TestCase, &block
+ with_output do
+ end
+ recorded = @tu.recording.fetch("test_method").map(&:class)
+ assert_equal expected, recorded
+ end
+ def test_record_passing
+ assert_run_record NilClass do
+ def test_method
+ assert true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_record_failing
+ assert_run_record Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError do
+ def test_method
+ assert false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_record_error
+ assert_run_record RuntimeError do
+ def test_method
+ raise "unhandled exception"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_record_error_teardown
+ assert_run_record NilClass, RuntimeError do
+ def test_method
+ assert true
+ end
+ def teardown
+ raise "unhandled exception"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_record_error_in_test_and_teardown
+ assert_run_record AnError, RuntimeError do
+ def test_method
+ raise AnError
+ end
+ def teardown
+ raise "unhandled exception"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_record_skip
+ assert_run_record Test::Unit::PendedError do
+ def test_method
+ omit "not yet"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_run_record Test::Unit::PendedError do
+ def test_method
+ pend "not yet"
+ end
+ end
+ end