path: root/tool/test/test_sync_default_gems.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/test/test_sync_default_gems.rb')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tool/test/test_sync_default_gems.rb b/tool/test/test_sync_default_gems.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e64c6c6fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/test/test_sync_default_gems.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'stringio'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require_relative '../sync_default_gems'
+module Test_SyncDefaultGems
+ class TestMessageFilter < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def assert_message_filter(expected, trailers, input, repo = "ruby/test", sha = "0123456789")
+ subject, *expected = expected
+ expected = [
+ "[#{repo}] #{subject}\n",
+ * {_1+"\n"},
+ "\n",
+ "{repo}/commit/#{sha[0, 10]}\n",
+ ]
+ if trailers
+ expected << "\n"
+ expected.concat( {_1+"\n"})
+ end
+ out, err = capture_output do
+ SyncDefaultGems.message_filter(repo, sha, input:, "r"))
+ end
+ all_assertions do |a|
+ a.for("error") {assert_empty err}
+ a.for("result") {assert_pattern_list(expected, out)}
+ end
+ end
+ def test_subject_only
+ expected = [
+ "initial commit",
+ ]
+ assert_message_filter(expected, nil, "initial commit")
+ end
+ def test_link_in_parenthesis
+ expected = [
+ "fix (",
+ ]
+ assert_message_filter(expected, nil, "fix (#1)")
+ end
+ def test_co_authored_by
+ expected = [
+ "commit something",
+ ]
+ trailers = [
+ "Co-Authored-By: git <>",
+ ]
+ assert_message_filter(expected, trailers, [expected, "", trailers, ""].join("\n"))
+ end
+ def test_multiple_co_authored_by
+ expected = [
+ "many commits",
+ ]
+ trailers = [
+ "Co-authored-by: git <>",
+ "Co-authored-by: svn <>",
+ ]
+ assert_message_filter(expected, trailers, [expected, "", trailers, ""].join("\n"))
+ end
+ def test_co_authored_by_no_newline
+ expected = [
+ "commit something",
+ ]
+ trailers = [
+ "Co-Authored-By: git <>",
+ ]
+ assert_message_filter(expected, trailers, [expected, "", trailers].join("\n"))
+ end
+ def test_dot_ending_subject
+ expected = [
+ "subject with a dot.",
+ "",
+ "- next body line",
+ ]
+ assert_message_filter(expected, nil, [expected[0], expected[2], ""].join("\n"))
+ end
+ end
+ class TestSyncWithCommits < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @target = nil
+ pend "No git" unless system("git --version", out: IO::NULL)
+ @testdir = Dir.mktmpdir("sync")
+ @git_config = %W"HOME GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL".each_with_object({}) {|k, c| c[k] = ENV[k]}
+ ENV["HOME"] = @testdir
+ ENV["GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL"] = @testdir + "/gitconfig"
+ git(*%W"config --global")
+ git(*%W"config --global", "Ruby")
+ git(*%W"config --global init.defaultBranch default")
+ @target = "sync-test"
+ SyncDefaultGems::REPOSITORIES[@target] = ["ruby/#{@target}", "default"]
+ @sha = {}
+ @origdir = Dir.pwd
+ Dir.chdir(@testdir)
+ ["src", @target].each do |dir|
+ git(*%W"init -q #{dir}")
+ File.write("#{dir}/.gitignore", "*~\n")
+ Dir.mkdir("#{dir}/lib")
+ File.write("#{dir}/lib/common.rb", ":ok\n")
+ Dir.mkdir("#{dir}/.github")
+ Dir.mkdir("#{dir}/.github/workflows")
+ File.write("#{dir}/.github/workflows/default.yml", "default:\n")
+ git(*%W"add .gitignore lib/common.rb .github", chdir: dir)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Initialize", chdir: dir)
+ if dir == "src"
+ File.write("#{dir}/lib/fine.rb", "return\n")
+ Dir.mkdir("#{dir}/test")
+ File.write("#{dir}/test/test_fine.rb", "return\n")
+ git(*%W"add lib/fine.rb test/test_fine.rb", chdir: dir)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Looks fine", chdir: dir)
+ end
+ Dir.mkdir("#{dir}/tool")
+ File.write("#{dir}/tool/ok", "#!/bin/sh\n""echo ok\n")
+ git(*%W"add tool/ok", chdir: dir)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Add tool #{dir}", chdir: dir)
+ @sha[dir] = top_commit(dir)
+ end
+ git(*%W"remote add #{@target} ../#{@target}", chdir: "src")
+ end
+ def teardown
+ if @target
+ Dir.chdir(@origdir)
+ SyncDefaultGems::REPOSITORIES.delete(@target)
+ ENV.update(@git_config)
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(@testdir)
+ end
+ super
+ end
+ def capture_process_output_to(outputs)
+ return yield unless outputs&.empty? == false
+ IO.pipe do |r, w|
+ orig = {|out| out.dup}
+ outputs.each {|out| out.reopen(w)}
+ w.close
+ reader = Thread.start {}
+ yield
+ ensure
+ outputs.each {|out| o = orig.shift; out.reopen(o); o.close}
+ return reader.value
+ end
+ end
+ def capture_process_outputs
+ out = err = nil
+ synchronize do
+ out = capture_process_output_to(STDOUT) do
+ err = capture_process_output_to(STDERR) do
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return out, err
+ end
+ def git(*commands, **opts)
+ system("git", *commands, exception: true, **opts)
+ end
+ def top_commit(dir, format: "%H")
+ IO.popen(%W[git log --format=#{format} -1], chdir: dir, &:read)&.chomp
+ end
+ def assert_sync(commits = true, success: true, editor: nil)
+ result = nil
+ out = capture_process_output_to([STDOUT, STDERR]) do
+ Dir.chdir("src") do
+ orig_editor = ENV["GIT_EDITOR"]
+ ENV["GIT_EDITOR"] = editor || 'false'
+ edit = true if editor
+ result = SyncDefaultGems.sync_default_gems_with_commits(@target, commits, edit: edit)
+ ensure
+ ENV["GIT_EDITOR"] = orig_editor
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal(success, result, out)
+ out
+ end
+ def test_sync
+ File.write("#@target/lib/common.rb", "# OK!\n")
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "OK", "lib/common.rb", chdir: @target)
+ out = assert_sync()
+ assert_not_equal(@sha["src"], top_commit("src"), out)
+ assert_equal("# OK!\n","src/lib/common.rb"))
+ log = top_commit("src", format: "%B").lines
+ assert_equal("[ruby/#@target] OK\n", log.first, out)
+ assert_match(%r[/ruby/#{@target}/commit/\h+$], log.last, out)
+ assert_operator(top_commit(@target), :start_with?, log.last[/\h+$/], out)
+ end
+ def test_skip_tool
+ git(*%W"rm -q tool/ok", chdir: @target)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Remove tool", chdir: @target)
+ out = assert_sync()
+ assert_equal(@sha["src"], top_commit("src"), out)
+ end
+ def test_skip_test_fixtures
+ Dir.mkdir("#@target/test")
+ Dir.mkdir("#@target/test/fixtures")
+ File.write("#@target/test/fixtures/fixme.rb", "")
+ git(*%W"add test/fixtures/fixme.rb", chdir: @target)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Add fixtures", chdir: @target)
+ out = assert_sync(["#{@sha[@target]}..#{@target}/default"])
+ assert_equal(@sha["src"], top_commit("src"), out)
+ end
+ def test_skip_toplevel
+ Dir.mkdir("#@target/docs")
+ File.write("#@target/docs/", "= NEWS!!!\n")
+ git(*%W"add --", "docs/", chdir: @target)
+ File.write("#@target/docs/", "Hello\n")
+ git(*%W"add --", "docs/", chdir: @target)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "It's a news", chdir: @target)
+ out = assert_sync()
+ assert_equal(@sha["src"], top_commit("src"), out)
+ end
+ def test_adding_toplevel
+ Dir.mkdir("#@target/docs")
+ File.write("#@target/docs/", "= New library\n")
+ File.write("#@target/lib/news.rb", "return\n")
+ git(*%W"add --", "docs/", "lib/news.rb", chdir: @target)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "New lib", chdir: @target)
+ out = assert_sync()
+ assert_not_equal(@sha["src"], top_commit("src"), out)
+ assert_equal "return\n","src/lib/news.rb")
+ assert_include top_commit("src", format: "oneline"), "[ruby/#{@target}] New lib"
+ assert_not_operator File, :exist?, "src/docs"
+ end
+ def test_gitignore
+ File.write("#@target/.gitignore", "*.bak\n", mode: "a")
+ File.write("#@target/lib/common.rb", "Should.be_merged\n", mode: "a")
+ File.write("#@target/.github/workflows/main.yml", "# Should not merge\n", mode: "a")
+ git(*%W"add .github", chdir: @target)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Should be common.rb only",
+ *%W".gitignore lib/common.rb .github", chdir: @target)
+ out = assert_sync()
+ assert_not_equal(@sha["src"], top_commit("src"), out)
+ assert_equal("*~\n","src/.gitignore"), out)
+ assert_equal("#!/bin/sh\n""echo ok\n","src/tool/ok"), out)
+ assert_equal(":ok\n""Should.be_merged\n","src/lib/common.rb"), out)
+ assert_not_operator(File, :exist?, "src/.github/workflows/main.yml", out)
+ end
+ def test_gitignore_after_conflict
+ File.write("src/Gemfile", "# main\n")
+ git(*%W"add Gemfile", chdir: "src")
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Add Gemfile", chdir: "src")
+ File.write("#@target/Gemfile", "# conflict\n", mode: "a")
+ File.write("#@target/lib/common.rb", "Should.be_merged\n", mode: "a")
+ File.write("#@target/.github/workflows/main.yml", "# Should not merge\n", mode: "a")
+ git(*%W"add Gemfile .github lib/common.rb", chdir: @target)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Should be common.rb only", chdir: @target)
+ out = assert_sync()
+ assert_not_equal(@sha["src"], top_commit("src"), out)
+ assert_equal("# main\n","src/Gemfile"), out)
+ assert_equal(":ok\n""Should.be_merged\n","src/lib/common.rb"), out)
+ assert_not_operator(File, :exist?, "src/.github/workflows/main.yml", out)
+ end
+ def test_delete_after_conflict
+ File.write("#@target/lib/bad.rb", "raise\n")
+ git(*%W"add lib/bad.rb", chdir: @target)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Add bad.rb", chdir: @target)
+ out = assert_sync
+ assert_equal("raise\n","src/lib/bad.rb"))
+ git(*%W"rm lib/bad.rb", chdir: "src", out: IO::NULL)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Remove bad.rb", chdir: "src")
+ File.write("#@target/lib/bad.rb", "raise 'bar'\n")
+ File.write("#@target/lib/common.rb", "Should.be_merged\n", mode: "a")
+ git(*%W"add lib/bad.rb lib/common.rb", chdir: @target)
+ git(*%W"commit -q -m", "Add conflict", chdir: @target)
+ head = top_commit("src")
+ out = assert_sync(editor: "git rm -f lib/bad.rb")
+ assert_not_equal(head, top_commit("src"))
+ assert_equal(":ok\n""Should.be_merged\n","src/lib/common.rb"), out)
+ assert_not_operator(File, :exist?, "src/lib/bad.rb", out)
+ end
+ end