path: root/tool/lrama/lib/lrama
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/lrama/lib/lrama')
68 files changed, 7645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/bitmap.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/bitmap.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8349a23c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/bitmap.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+module Lrama
+ module Bitmap
+ def self.from_array(ary)
+ bit = 0
+ ary.each do |int|
+ bit |= (1 << int)
+ end
+ bit
+ end
+ def self.to_array(int)
+ a = []
+ i = 0
+ while int > 0 do
+ if int & 1 == 1
+ a << i
+ end
+ i += 1
+ int >>= 1
+ end
+ a
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/command.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12fc4fc7ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Command
+ LRAMA_LIB = File.realpath(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__)))
+ STDLIB_FILE_PATH = File.join(LRAMA_LIB, 'grammar', 'stdlib.y')
+ def run(argv)
+ begin
+ options =
+ rescue => e
+ message = e.message
+ message = message.gsub(/.+/, "\e[1m\\&\e[m") if Exception.to_tty?
+ abort message
+ end
+ Report::Duration.enable if options.trace_opts[:time]
+ warning =
+ text =
+ options.y.close if options.y != STDIN
+ begin
+ grammar =, options.grammar_file, options.debug).parse
+ unless grammar.no_stdlib
+ stdlib_grammar =, STDLIB_FILE_PATH, options.debug).parse
+ grammar.insert_before_parameterizing_rules(stdlib_grammar.parameterizing_rules)
+ end
+ grammar.prepare
+ grammar.validate!
+ rescue => e
+ raise e if options.debug
+ message = e.message
+ message = message.gsub(/.+/, "\e[1m\\&\e[m") if Exception.to_tty?
+ abort message
+ end
+ states =, warning, trace_state: (options.trace_opts[:automaton] || options.trace_opts[:closure]))
+ states.compute
+ context =
+ if options.report_file
+ reporter =
+, "w+") do |f|
+, **options.report_opts)
+ end
+ end
+ if options.trace_opts && options.trace_opts[:rules]
+ puts "Grammar rules:"
+ puts grammar.rules
+ end
+ if options.trace_opts && options.trace_opts[:actions]
+ puts "Grammar rules with actions:"
+ grammar.rules.each { |rule| puts rule.with_actions }
+ end
+, "w+") do |f|
+ out: f,
+ output_file_path: options.outfile,
+ template_name: options.skeleton,
+ grammar_file_path: options.grammar_file,
+ header_file_path: options.header_file,
+ context: context,
+ grammar: grammar,
+ error_recovery: options.error_recovery,
+ ).render
+ end
+ if warning.has_error?
+ exit false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/context.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/context.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32017e65fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/context.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+require "lrama/report/duration"
+module Lrama
+ # This is passed to a template
+ class Context
+ include Report::Duration
+ ErrorActionNumber = -Float::INFINITY
+ BaseMin = -Float::INFINITY
+ # TODO: It might be better to pass `states` to Output directly?
+ attr_reader :states, :yylast, :yypact_ninf, :yytable_ninf, :yydefact, :yydefgoto
+ def initialize(states)
+ @states = states
+ @yydefact = nil
+ @yydefgoto = nil
+ # Array of array
+ @_actions = []
+ compute_tables
+ end
+ # enum yytokentype
+ def yytokentype
+ @states.terms.reject do |term|
+ 0 < term.token_id && term.token_id < 128
+ do |term|
+ [, term.token_id, term.display_name]
+ end.unshift(["YYEMPTY", -2, nil])
+ end
+ # enum yysymbol_kind_t
+ def yysymbol_kind_t
+ do |sym|
+ [sym.enum_name, sym.number, sym.comment]
+ end.unshift(["YYSYMBOL_YYEMPTY", -2, nil])
+ end
+ # State number of final (accepted) state
+ def yyfinal
+ @states.states.find do |state|
+ state.items.find do |item|
+ item.lhs.accept_symbol? && item.end_of_rule?
+ end
+ end
+ # Number of terms
+ def yyntokens
+ @states.terms.count
+ end
+ # Number of nterms
+ def yynnts
+ @states.nterms.count
+ end
+ # Number of rules
+ def yynrules
+ @states.rules.count
+ end
+ # Number of states
+ def yynstates
+ @states.states.count
+ end
+ # Last token number
+ def yymaxutok
+ end
+ #
+ # yytranslate is a mapping from token id to symbol number
+ def yytranslate
+ a =, 2)
+ @states.terms.each do |term|
+ a[term.token_id] = term.number
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ def yytranslate_inverted
+ a =, @states.undef_symbol.token_id)
+ @states.terms.each do |term|
+ a[term.number] = term.token_id
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ # Mapping from rule number to line number of the rule is defined.
+ # Dummy rule is appended as the first element whose value is 0
+ # because 0 means error in yydefact.
+ def yyrline
+ a = [0]
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ a << rule.lineno
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ # Mapping from symbol number to its name
+ def yytname
+ @states.symbols.sort_by(&:number).map do |sym|
+ sym.display_name
+ end
+ end
+ def yypact
+ @base[0...yynstates]
+ end
+ def yypgoto
+ @base[yynstates..-1]
+ end
+ def yytable
+ @table
+ end
+ def yycheck
+ @check
+ end
+ def yystos
+ do |state|
+ state.accessing_symbol.number
+ end
+ end
+ # Mapping from rule number to symbol number of LHS.
+ # Dummy rule is appended as the first element whose value is 0
+ # because 0 means error in yydefact.
+ def yyr1
+ a = [0]
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ a << rule.lhs.number
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ # Mapping from rule number to length of RHS.
+ # Dummy rule is appended as the first element whose value is 0
+ # because 0 means error in yydefact.
+ def yyr2
+ a = [0]
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ a << rule.rhs.count
+ end
+ return a
+ end
+ private
+ # Compute these
+ #
+ # See also: "src/tables.c" of Bison.
+ #
+ # * yydefact
+ # * yydefgoto
+ # * yypact and yypgoto
+ # * yytable
+ # * yycheck
+ # * yypact_ninf
+ # * yytable_ninf
+ def compute_tables
+ report_duration(:compute_yydefact) { compute_yydefact }
+ report_duration(:compute_yydefgoto) { compute_yydefgoto }
+ report_duration(:sort_actions) { sort_actions }
+ # debug_sorted_actions
+ report_duration(:compute_packed_table) { compute_packed_table }
+ end
+ def vectors_count
+ @states.states.count + @states.nterms.count
+ end
+ # In compressed table, rule 0 is appended as an error case
+ # and reduce is represented as minus number.
+ def rule_id_to_action_number(rule_id)
+ (rule_id + 1) * -1
+ end
+ # Symbol number is assigned to term first then nterm.
+ # This method calculates sequence_number for nterm.
+ def nterm_number_to_sequence_number(nterm_number)
+ nterm_number - @states.terms.count
+ end
+ # Vector is states + nterms
+ def nterm_number_to_vector_number(nterm_number)
+ @states.states.count + (nterm_number - @states.terms.count)
+ end
+ def compute_yydefact
+ # Default action (shift/reduce/error) for each state.
+ # Index is state id, value is `rule id + 1` of a default reduction.
+ @yydefact =, 0)
+ @states.states.each do |state|
+ # Action number means
+ #
+ # * number = 0, default action
+ # * number = -Float::INFINITY, error by %nonassoc
+ # * number > 0, shift then move to state "number"
+ # * number < 0, reduce by "-number" rule. Rule "number" is already added by 1.
+ actions =, 0)
+ if {|la| !la.empty? }
+ # Iterate reduces with reverse order so that first rule is used.
+ state.reduces.reverse_each do |reduce|
+ reduce.look_ahead.each do |term|
+ actions[term.number] = rule_id_to_action_number(
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Shift is selected when S/R conflict exists.
+ state.selected_term_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ actions[shift.next_sym.number] =
+ end
+ do |conflict|
+ conflict.which == :error
+ end.each do |conflict|
+ actions[conflict.symbol.number] = ErrorActionNumber
+ end
+ # If default_reduction_rule, replace default_reduction_rule in
+ # actions with zero.
+ if state.default_reduction_rule
+! do |e|
+ if e == rule_id_to_action_number(
+ 0
+ else
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # If no default_reduction_rule, default behavior is an
+ # error then replace ErrorActionNumber with zero.
+ if !state.default_reduction_rule
+! do |e|
+ if e == ErrorActionNumber
+ 0
+ else
+ e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ s = do |n, i|
+ [i, n]
+ end.reject do |i, n|
+ # Remove default_reduction_rule entries
+ n == 0
+ end
+ if s.count != 0
+ # Entry of @_actions is an array of
+ #
+ # * State id
+ # * Array of tuple, [from, to] where from is term number and to is action.
+ # * The number of "Array of tuple" used by sort_actions
+ # * "width" used by sort_actions
+ @_actions << [, s, s.count, s.last[0] - s.first[0] + 1]
+ end
+ @yydefact[] = state.default_reduction_rule ? + 1 : 0
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_yydefgoto
+ # Default GOTO (nterm transition) for each nterm.
+ # Index is sequence number of nterm, value is state id
+ # of a default nterm transition destination.
+ @yydefgoto =, 0)
+ # Mapping from nterm to next_states
+ nterm_to_next_states = {}
+ @states.states.each do |state|
+ state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ key = shift.next_sym
+ nterm_to_next_states[key] ||= []
+ nterm_to_next_states[key] << [state, next_state] # [from_state, to_state]
+ end
+ end
+ @states.nterms.each do |nterm|
+ if !(states = nterm_to_next_states[nterm])
+ default_goto = 0
+ not_default_gotos = []
+ else
+ default_state = {|s| s }.max_by {|_, v| v.count }.first
+ default_goto =
+ not_default_gotos = []
+ states.each do |from_state, to_state|
+ next if == default_goto
+ not_default_gotos << [,]
+ end
+ end
+ k = nterm_number_to_sequence_number(nterm.number)
+ @yydefgoto[k] = default_goto
+ if not_default_gotos.count != 0
+ v = nterm_number_to_vector_number(nterm.number)
+ # Entry of @_actions is an array of
+ #
+ # * Nterm number as vector number
+ # * Array of tuple, [from, to] where from is state number and to is state number.
+ # * The number of "Array of tuple" used by sort_actions
+ # * "width" used by sort_actions
+ @_actions << [v, not_default_gotos, not_default_gotos.count, not_default_gotos.last[0] - not_default_gotos.first[0] + 1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def sort_actions
+ # This is not same with #sort_actions
+ #
+ # @sorted_actions = @_actions.sort_by do |_, _, count, width|
+ # [-width, -count]
+ # end
+ @sorted_actions = []
+ @_actions.each do |action|
+ if @sorted_actions.empty?
+ @sorted_actions << action
+ next
+ end
+ j = @sorted_actions.count - 1
+ _state_id, _froms_and_tos, count, width = action
+ while (j >= 0) do
+ case
+ when @sorted_actions[j][3] < width
+ j -= 1
+ when @sorted_actions[j][3] == width && @sorted_actions[j][2] < count
+ j -= 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ @sorted_actions.insert(j + 1, action)
+ end
+ end
+ def debug_sorted_actions
+ ary =
+ @sorted_actions.each do |state_id, froms_and_tos, count, width|
+ ary[state_id] = [state_id, froms_and_tos, count, width]
+ end
+ print sprintf("table_print:\n\n")
+ print sprintf("order [\n")
+ vectors_count.times do |i|
+ print sprintf("%d, ", @sorted_actions[i] ? @sorted_actions[i][0] : 0)
+ print "\n" if i % 10 == 9
+ end
+ print sprintf("]\n\n")
+ print sprintf("width [\n")
+ vectors_count.times do |i|
+ print sprintf("%d, ", ary[i] ? ary[i][3] : 0)
+ print "\n" if i % 10 == 9
+ end
+ print sprintf("]\n\n")
+ print sprintf("tally [\n")
+ vectors_count.times do |i|
+ print sprintf("%d, ", ary[i] ? ary[i][2] : 0)
+ print "\n" if i % 10 == 9
+ end
+ print sprintf("]\n\n")
+ end
+ def compute_packed_table
+ # yypact and yypgoto
+ @base =, BaseMin)
+ # yytable
+ @table = []
+ # yycheck
+ @check = []
+ # Key is froms_and_tos, value is index position
+ pushed = {}
+ userd_res = {}
+ lowzero = 0
+ high = 0
+ @sorted_actions.each do |state_id, froms_and_tos, _, _|
+ if (res = pushed[froms_and_tos])
+ @base[state_id] = res
+ next
+ end
+ res = lowzero - froms_and_tos.first[0]
+ while true do
+ ok = true
+ froms_and_tos.each do |from, to|
+ loc = res + from
+ if @table[loc]
+ # If the cell of table is set, can not use the cell.
+ ok = false
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if ok && userd_res[res]
+ ok = false
+ end
+ if ok
+ break
+ else
+ res += 1
+ end
+ end
+ loc = 0
+ froms_and_tos.each do |from, to|
+ loc = res + from
+ @table[loc] = to
+ @check[loc] = from
+ end
+ while (@table[lowzero]) do
+ lowzero += 1
+ end
+ high = loc if high < loc
+ @base[state_id] = res
+ pushed[froms_and_tos] = res
+ userd_res[res] = true
+ end
+ @yylast = high
+ # replace_ninf
+ @yypact_ninf = (@base.reject {|i| i == BaseMin } + [0]).min - 1
+! do |i|
+ case i
+ when BaseMin
+ @yypact_ninf
+ else
+ i
+ end
+ end
+ @yytable_ninf = (@table.compact.reject {|i| i == ErrorActionNumber } + [0]).min - 1
+! do |i|
+ case i
+ when nil
+ 0
+ when ErrorActionNumber
+ @yytable_ninf
+ else
+ i
+ end
+ end
+! do |i|
+ case i
+ when nil
+ -1
+ else
+ i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..046265da59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+require "set"
+require "lrama/counterexamples/derivation"
+require "lrama/counterexamples/example"
+require "lrama/counterexamples/path"
+require "lrama/counterexamples/production_path"
+require "lrama/counterexamples/start_path"
+require "lrama/counterexamples/state_item"
+require "lrama/counterexamples/transition_path"
+require "lrama/counterexamples/triple"
+module Lrama
+ # See:
+ # 4. Constructing Nonunifying Counterexamples
+ class Counterexamples
+ attr_reader :transitions, :productions
+ def initialize(states)
+ @states = states
+ setup_transitions
+ setup_productions
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#<Counterexamples>"
+ end
+ alias :inspect :to_s
+ def compute(conflict_state)
+ conflict_state.conflicts.flat_map do |conflict|
+ case conflict.type
+ when :shift_reduce
+ shift_reduce_example(conflict_state, conflict)
+ when :reduce_reduce
+ reduce_reduce_examples(conflict_state, conflict)
+ end
+ end.compact
+ end
+ private
+ def setup_transitions
+ # Hash [StateItem, Symbol] => StateItem
+ @transitions = {}
+ # Hash [StateItem, Symbol] => Set(StateItem)
+ @reverse_transitions = {}
+ @states.states.each do |src_state|
+ trans = {}
+ src_state.transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ trans[shift.next_sym] = next_state
+ end
+ src_state.items.each do |src_item|
+ next if src_item.end_of_rule?
+ sym = src_item.next_sym
+ dest_state = trans[sym]
+ dest_state.kernels.each do |dest_item|
+ next unless (src_item.rule == dest_item.rule) && (src_item.position + 1 == dest_item.position)
+ src_state_item =, src_item)
+ dest_state_item =, dest_item)
+ @transitions[[src_state_item, sym]] = dest_state_item
+ key = [dest_state_item, sym]
+ @reverse_transitions[key] ||=
+ @reverse_transitions[key] << src_state_item
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def setup_productions
+ # Hash [StateItem] => Set(Item)
+ @productions = {}
+ # Hash [State, Symbol] => Set(Item). Symbol is nterm
+ @reverse_productions = {}
+ @states.states.each do |state|
+ # LHS => Set(Item)
+ h = {}
+ state.closure.each do |item|
+ sym = item.lhs
+ h[sym] ||=
+ h[sym] << item
+ end
+ state.items.each do |item|
+ next if item.end_of_rule?
+ next if item.next_sym.term?
+ sym = item.next_sym
+ state_item =, item)
+ key = [state, sym]
+ @productions[state_item] = h[sym]
+ @reverse_productions[key] ||=
+ @reverse_productions[key] << item
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def shift_reduce_example(conflict_state, conflict)
+ conflict_symbol = conflict.symbols.first
+ shift_conflict_item = conflict_state.items.find { |item| item.next_sym == conflict_symbol }
+ path2 = shortest_path(conflict_state, conflict.reduce.item, conflict_symbol)
+ path1 = find_shift_conflict_shortest_path(path2, conflict_state, shift_conflict_item)
+, path2, conflict, conflict_symbol, self)
+ end
+ def reduce_reduce_examples(conflict_state, conflict)
+ conflict_symbol = conflict.symbols.first
+ path1 = shortest_path(conflict_state, conflict.reduce1.item, conflict_symbol)
+ path2 = shortest_path(conflict_state, conflict.reduce2.item, conflict_symbol)
+, path2, conflict, conflict_symbol, self)
+ end
+ def find_shift_conflict_shortest_path(reduce_path, conflict_state, conflict_item)
+ state_items = find_shift_conflict_shortest_state_items(reduce_path, conflict_state, conflict_item)
+ build_paths_from_state_items(state_items)
+ end
+ def find_shift_conflict_shortest_state_items(reduce_path, conflict_state, conflict_item)
+ target_state_item =, conflict_item)
+ result = [target_state_item]
+ reversed_reduce_path = reduce_path.to_a.reverse
+ # Index for state_item
+ i = 0
+ while (path = reversed_reduce_path[i])
+ # Index for prev_state_item
+ j = i + 1
+ _j = j
+ while (prev_path = reversed_reduce_path[j])
+ if prev_path.production?
+ j += 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ state_item =
+ prev_state_item = prev_path&.to
+ if target_state_item == state_item || target_state_item.item.start_item?
+ result.concat(reversed_reduce_path[_j..-1].map(&:to))
+ break
+ end
+ if target_state_item.item.beginning_of_rule?
+ queue = []
+ queue << [target_state_item]
+ # Find reverse production
+ while (sis = queue.shift)
+ si = sis.last
+ # Reach to start state
+ if si.item.start_item?
+ sis.shift
+ result.concat(sis)
+ target_state_item = si
+ break
+ end
+ if !si.item.beginning_of_rule?
+ key = [si, si.item.previous_sym]
+ @reverse_transitions[key].each do |prev_target_state_item|
+ next if prev_target_state_item.state != prev_state_item.state
+ sis.shift
+ result.concat(sis)
+ result << prev_target_state_item
+ target_state_item = prev_target_state_item
+ i = j
+ queue.clear
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ key = [si.state, si.item.lhs]
+ @reverse_productions[key].each do |item|
+ state_item =, item)
+ queue << (sis + [state_item])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # Find reverse transition
+ key = [target_state_item, target_state_item.item.previous_sym]
+ @reverse_transitions[key].each do |prev_target_state_item|
+ next if prev_target_state_item.state != prev_state_item.state
+ result << prev_target_state_item
+ target_state_item = prev_target_state_item
+ i = j
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ result.reverse
+ end
+ def build_paths_from_state_items(state_items)
+[nil] + state_items).map do |si, prev_si|
+ case
+ when prev_si.nil?
+ when si.item.beginning_of_rule?
+, si)
+ else
+, si)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def shortest_path(conflict_state, conflict_reduce_item, conflict_term)
+ # queue: is an array of [Triple, [Path]]
+ queue = []
+ visited = {}
+ start_state = @states.states.first
+ raise "BUG: Start state should be just one kernel." if start_state.kernels.count != 1
+ start =, start_state.kernels.first,[@states.eof_symbol]))
+ queue << [start, []]
+ while true
+ triple, paths = queue.shift
+ next if visited[triple]
+ visited[triple] = true
+ # Found
+ if triple.state == conflict_state && triple.item == conflict_reduce_item && triple.l.include?(conflict_term)
+ return paths
+ end
+ # transition
+ triple.state.transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ next unless triple.item.next_sym && triple.item.next_sym == shift.next_sym
+ next_state.kernels.each do |kernel|
+ next if kernel.rule != triple.item.rule
+ t =, kernel, triple.l)
+ queue << [t, paths + [, t.state_item)]]
+ end
+ end
+ # production step
+ triple.state.closure.each do |item|
+ next unless triple.item.next_sym && triple.item.next_sym == item.lhs
+ l = follow_l(triple.item, triple.l)
+ t =, item, l)
+ queue << [t, paths + [, t.state_item)]]
+ end
+ break if queue.empty?
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def follow_l(item, current_l)
+ # 1. follow_L (A -> X1 ... Xn-1 • Xn) = L
+ # 2. follow_L (A -> X1 ... Xk • Xk+1 Xk+2 ... Xn) = {Xk+2} if Xk+2 is a terminal
+ # 3. follow_L (A -> X1 ... Xk • Xk+1 Xk+2 ... Xn) = FIRST(Xk+2) if Xk+2 is a nonnullable nonterminal
+ # 4. follow_L (A -> X1 ... Xk • Xk+1 Xk+2 ... Xn) = FIRST(Xk+2) + follow_L (A -> X1 ... Xk+1 • Xk+2 ... Xn) if Xk+2 is a nullable nonterminal
+ case
+ when item.number_of_rest_symbols == 1
+ current_l
+ when item.next_next_sym.term?
+ when !item.next_next_sym.nullable
+ item.next_next_sym.first_set
+ else
+ item.next_next_sym.first_set + follow_l(item.new_by_next_position, current_l)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/derivation.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/derivation.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..691e935356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/derivation.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Counterexamples
+ class Derivation
+ attr_reader :item, :left, :right
+ attr_writer :right
+ def initialize(item, left, right = nil)
+ @item = item
+ @left = left
+ @right = right
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#<Derivation(#{item.display_name})>"
+ end
+ alias :inspect :to_s
+ def render_strings_for_report
+ result = []
+ _render_for_report(self, 0, result, 0)
+ end
+ def render_for_report
+ render_strings_for_report.join("\n")
+ end
+ private
+ def _render_for_report(derivation, offset, strings, index)
+ item = derivation.item
+ if strings[index]
+ strings[index] << " " * (offset - strings[index].length)
+ else
+ strings[index] = " " * offset
+ end
+ str = strings[index]
+ str << "#{item.rule_id}: #{" ")} "
+ if derivation.left
+ len = str.length
+ str << "#{item.next_sym.display_name}"
+ length = _render_for_report(derivation.left, len, strings, index + 1)
+ # I want String#ljust!
+ str << " " * (length - str.length)
+ else
+ str << " • #{" ")} "
+ return str.length
+ end
+ if derivation.right&.left
+ length = _render_for_report(derivation.right.left, str.length, strings, index + 1)
+ str << "#{item.symbols_after_dot[1..-1].map(&:display_name).join(" ")} "
+ str << " " * (length - str.length) if length > str.length
+ elsif item.next_next_sym
+ str << "#{item.symbols_after_dot[1..-1].map(&:display_name).join(" ")} "
+ end
+ return str.length
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/example.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/example.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62244a77e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/example.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Counterexamples
+ class Example
+ attr_reader :path1, :path2, :conflict, :conflict_symbol
+ # path1 is shift conflict when S/R conflict
+ # path2 is always reduce conflict
+ def initialize(path1, path2, conflict, conflict_symbol, counterexamples)
+ @path1 = path1
+ @path2 = path2
+ @conflict = conflict
+ @conflict_symbol = conflict_symbol
+ @counterexamples = counterexamples
+ end
+ def type
+ @conflict.type
+ end
+ def path1_item
+ end
+ def path2_item
+ end
+ def derivations1
+ @derivations1 ||= _derivations(path1)
+ end
+ def derivations2
+ @derivations2 ||= _derivations(path2)
+ end
+ private
+ def _derivations(paths)
+ derivation = nil
+ current = :production
+ lookahead_sym = ? @conflict_symbol : nil
+ paths.reverse_each do |path|
+ item =
+ case current
+ when :production
+ case path
+ when StartPath
+ derivation =, derivation)
+ current = :start
+ when TransitionPath
+ derivation =, derivation)
+ current = :transition
+ when ProductionPath
+ derivation =, derivation)
+ current = :production
+ end
+ if lookahead_sym && item.next_next_sym && item.next_next_sym.first_set.include?(lookahead_sym)
+ state_item = @counterexamples.transitions[[, item.next_sym]]
+ derivation2 = find_derivation_for_symbol(state_item, lookahead_sym)
+ derivation.right = derivation2
+ lookahead_sym = nil
+ end
+ when :transition
+ case path
+ when StartPath
+ derivation =, derivation)
+ current = :start
+ when TransitionPath
+ # ignore
+ current = :transition
+ when ProductionPath
+ # ignore
+ current = :production
+ end
+ else
+ raise "BUG: Unknown #{current}"
+ end
+ break if current == :start
+ end
+ derivation
+ end
+ def find_derivation_for_symbol(state_item, sym)
+ queue = []
+ queue << [state_item]
+ while (sis = queue.shift)
+ si = sis.last
+ next_sym = si.item.next_sym
+ if next_sym == sym
+ derivation = nil
+ sis.reverse_each do |si|
+ derivation =, derivation)
+ end
+ return derivation
+ end
+ if next_sym.nterm? && next_sym.first_set.include?(sym)
+[si].each do |next_item|
+ next if next_item.empty_rule?
+ next_si =, next_item)
+ next if sis.include?(next_si)
+ queue << (sis + [next_si])
+ end
+ if next_sym.nullable
+ next_si = @counterexamples.transitions[[si, next_sym]]
+ queue << (sis + [next_si])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/path.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edba67a3b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Counterexamples
+ class Path
+ def initialize(from_state_item, to_state_item)
+ @from_state_item = from_state_item
+ @to_state_item = to_state_item
+ end
+ def from
+ @from_state_item
+ end
+ def to
+ @to_state_item
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#<Path(#{type})>"
+ end
+ alias :inspect :to_s
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/production_path.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/production_path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7db688518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/production_path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Counterexamples
+ class ProductionPath < Path
+ def type
+ :production
+ end
+ def transition?
+ false
+ end
+ def production?
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/start_path.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/start_path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a6821cd0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/start_path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Counterexamples
+ class StartPath < Path
+ def initialize(to_state_item)
+ super nil, to_state_item
+ end
+ def type
+ :start
+ end
+ def transition?
+ false
+ end
+ def production?
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/state_item.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/state_item.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..930ff4a5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/state_item.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Counterexamples
+ class StateItem <, :item)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/transition_path.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/transition_path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96e611612a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/transition_path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Counterexamples
+ class TransitionPath < Path
+ def type
+ :transition
+ end
+ def transition?
+ true
+ end
+ def production?
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/triple.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/triple.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e802beccf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/counterexamples/triple.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Counterexamples
+ # s: state
+ # itm: item within s
+ # l: precise lookahead set
+ class Triple <, :itm, :l)
+ alias :state :s
+ alias :item :itm
+ alias :precise_lookahead_set :l
+ def state_item
+, item)
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "#{state.inspect}. #{item.display_name}. #{}"
+ end
+ alias :to_s :inspect
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/digraph.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/digraph.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbaa86019f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/digraph.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+module Lrama
+ # Algorithm Digraph of (P. 625)
+ class Digraph
+ def initialize(sets, relation, base_function)
+ # X in the paper
+ @sets = sets
+ # R in the paper
+ @relation = relation
+ # F' in the paper
+ @base_function = base_function
+ # S in the paper
+ @stack = []
+ # N in the paper
+ @h =
+ # F in the paper
+ @result = {}
+ end
+ def compute
+ @sets.each do |x|
+ next if @h[x] != 0
+ traverse(x)
+ end
+ return @result
+ end
+ private
+ def traverse(x)
+ @stack.push(x)
+ d = @stack.count
+ @h[x] = d
+ @result[x] = @base_function[x] # F x = F' x
+ @relation[x]&.each do |y|
+ traverse(y) if @h[y] == 0
+ @h[x] = [@h[x], @h[y]].min
+ @result[x] |= @result[y] # F x = F x + F y
+ end
+ if @h[x] == d
+ while (z = @stack.pop) do
+ @h[z] = Float::INFINITY
+ break if z == x
+ @result[z] = @result[x] # F (Top of S) = F x
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a816b8261b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+require "forwardable"
+require "lrama/grammar/auxiliary"
+require "lrama/grammar/binding"
+require "lrama/grammar/code"
+require "lrama/grammar/counter"
+require "lrama/grammar/destructor"
+require "lrama/grammar/error_token"
+require "lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule"
+require "lrama/grammar/percent_code"
+require "lrama/grammar/precedence"
+require "lrama/grammar/printer"
+require "lrama/grammar/reference"
+require "lrama/grammar/rule"
+require "lrama/grammar/rule_builder"
+require "lrama/grammar/symbol"
+require "lrama/grammar/symbols"
+require "lrama/grammar/type"
+require "lrama/grammar/union"
+require "lrama/lexer"
+module Lrama
+ # Grammar is the result of parsing an input grammar file
+ class Grammar
+ extend Forwardable
+ attr_reader :percent_codes, :eof_symbol, :error_symbol, :undef_symbol, :accept_symbol, :aux
+ attr_accessor :union, :expect,
+ :printers, :error_tokens,
+ :lex_param, :parse_param, :initial_action,
+ :after_shift, :before_reduce, :after_reduce, :after_shift_error_token, :after_pop_stack,
+ :symbols_resolver, :types,
+ :rules, :rule_builders,
+ :sym_to_rules, :no_stdlib
+ def_delegators "@symbols_resolver", :symbols, :nterms, :terms, :add_nterm, :add_term,
+ :find_symbol_by_number!, :find_symbol_by_id!, :token_to_symbol,
+ :find_symbol_by_s_value!, :fill_symbol_number, :fill_nterm_type,
+ :fill_printer, :fill_destructor, :fill_error_token, :sort_by_number!
+ def initialize(rule_counter)
+ @rule_counter = rule_counter
+ # Code defined by "%code"
+ @percent_codes = []
+ @printers = []
+ @destructors = []
+ @error_tokens = []
+ @symbols_resolver =
+ @types = []
+ @rule_builders = []
+ @rules = []
+ @sym_to_rules = {}
+ @parameterizing_rule_resolver =
+ @empty_symbol = nil
+ @eof_symbol = nil
+ @error_symbol = nil
+ @undef_symbol = nil
+ @accept_symbol = nil
+ @aux =
+ @no_stdlib = false
+ append_special_symbols
+ end
+ def add_percent_code(id:, code:)
+ @percent_codes <<, code.s_value)
+ end
+ def add_destructor(ident_or_tags:, token_code:, lineno:)
+ @destructors << ident_or_tags, token_code: token_code, lineno: lineno)
+ end
+ def add_printer(ident_or_tags:, token_code:, lineno:)
+ @printers << ident_or_tags, token_code: token_code, lineno: lineno)
+ end
+ def add_error_token(ident_or_tags:, token_code:, lineno:)
+ @error_tokens << ident_or_tags, token_code: token_code, lineno: lineno)
+ end
+ def add_type(id:, tag:)
+ @types << id, tag: tag)
+ end
+ def add_nonassoc(sym, precedence)
+ set_precedence(sym, :nonassoc, precedence: precedence))
+ end
+ def add_left(sym, precedence)
+ set_precedence(sym, :left, precedence: precedence))
+ end
+ def add_right(sym, precedence)
+ set_precedence(sym, :right, precedence: precedence))
+ end
+ def add_precedence(sym, precedence)
+ set_precedence(sym, :precedence, precedence: precedence))
+ end
+ def set_precedence(sym, precedence)
+ raise "" if sym.nterm?
+ sym.precedence = precedence
+ end
+ def set_union(code, lineno)
+ @union = code, lineno: lineno)
+ end
+ def add_rule_builder(builder)
+ @rule_builders << builder
+ end
+ def add_parameterizing_rule(rule)
+ @parameterizing_rule_resolver.add_parameterizing_rule(rule)
+ end
+ def parameterizing_rules
+ @parameterizing_rule_resolver.rules
+ end
+ def insert_before_parameterizing_rules(rules)
+ @parameterizing_rule_resolver.rules = rules + @parameterizing_rule_resolver.rules
+ end
+ def prologue_first_lineno=(prologue_first_lineno)
+ @aux.prologue_first_lineno = prologue_first_lineno
+ end
+ def prologue=(prologue)
+ @aux.prologue = prologue
+ end
+ def epilogue_first_lineno=(epilogue_first_lineno)
+ @aux.epilogue_first_lineno = epilogue_first_lineno
+ end
+ def epilogue=(epilogue)
+ @aux.epilogue = epilogue
+ end
+ def prepare
+ normalize_rules
+ collect_symbols
+ set_lhs_and_rhs
+ fill_default_precedence
+ fill_symbols
+ fill_sym_to_rules
+ compute_nullable
+ compute_first_set
+ end
+ # TODO: More validation methods
+ #
+ # * Validation for no_declared_type_reference
+ def validate!
+ @symbols_resolver.validate!
+ validate_rule_lhs_is_nterm!
+ end
+ def find_rules_by_symbol!(sym)
+ find_rules_by_symbol(sym) || (raise "Rules for #{sym} not found")
+ end
+ def find_rules_by_symbol(sym)
+ @sym_to_rules[sym.number]
+ end
+ private
+ def compute_nullable
+ @rules.each do |rule|
+ case
+ when rule.empty_rule?
+ rule.nullable = true
+ when rule.rhs.any?(&:term)
+ rule.nullable = false
+ else
+ # noop
+ end
+ end
+ while true do
+ rs = {|e| e.nullable.nil? }
+ nts = {|e| e.nullable.nil? }
+ rule_count_1 = rs.count
+ nterm_count_1 = nts.count
+ rs.each do |rule|
+ if rule.rhs.all?(&:nullable)
+ rule.nullable = true
+ end
+ end
+ nts.each do |nterm|
+ find_rules_by_symbol!(nterm).each do |rule|
+ if rule.nullable
+ nterm.nullable = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ rule_count_2 = @rules.count {|e| e.nullable.nil? }
+ nterm_count_2 = nterms.count {|e| e.nullable.nil? }
+ if (rule_count_1 == rule_count_2) && (nterm_count_1 == nterm_count_2)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ {|r| r.nullable.nil? }.each do |rule|
+ rule.nullable = false
+ end
+ {|e| e.nullable.nil? }.each do |nterm|
+ nterm.nullable = false
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_first_set
+ terms.each do |term|
+ term.first_set =[term]).freeze
+ term.first_set_bitmap = Lrama::Bitmap.from_array([term.number])
+ end
+ nterms.each do |nterm|
+ nterm.first_set =[]).freeze
+ nterm.first_set_bitmap = Lrama::Bitmap.from_array([])
+ end
+ while true do
+ changed = false
+ @rules.each do |rule|
+ rule.rhs.each do |r|
+ if rule.lhs.first_set_bitmap | r.first_set_bitmap != rule.lhs.first_set_bitmap
+ changed = true
+ rule.lhs.first_set_bitmap = rule.lhs.first_set_bitmap | r.first_set_bitmap
+ end
+ break unless r.nullable
+ end
+ end
+ break unless changed
+ end
+ nterms.each do |nterm|
+ nterm.first_set = Lrama::Bitmap.to_array(nterm.first_set_bitmap).map do |number|
+ find_symbol_by_number!(number)
+ end.to_set
+ end
+ end
+ def setup_rules
+ @rule_builders.each do |builder|
+ builder.setup_rules(@parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ end
+ end
+ def append_special_symbols
+ # YYEMPTY (token_id: -2, number: -2) is added when a template is evaluated
+ # term = add_term(id:, "YYEMPTY"), token_id: -2)
+ # term.number = -2
+ # @empty_symbol = term
+ term = add_term(id: "YYEOF"), alias_name: "\"end of file\"", token_id: 0)
+ term.number = 0
+ term.eof_symbol = true
+ @eof_symbol = term
+ # YYerror
+ term = add_term(id: "YYerror"), alias_name: "error")
+ term.number = 1
+ term.error_symbol = true
+ @error_symbol = term
+ term = add_term(id: "YYUNDEF"), alias_name: "\"invalid token\"")
+ term.number = 2
+ term.undef_symbol = true
+ @undef_symbol = term
+ # $accept
+ term = add_nterm(id: "$accept"))
+ term.accept_symbol = true
+ @accept_symbol = term
+ end
+ def normalize_rules
+ # Add $accept rule to the top of rules
+ lineno = @rule_builders.first ? @rule_builders.first.line : 0
+ @rules << @rule_counter.increment, _lhs:, _rhs: [@rule_builders.first.lhs,], token_code: nil, lineno: lineno)
+ setup_rules
+ @rule_builders.each do |builder|
+ builder.rules.each do |rule|
+ add_nterm(id: rule._lhs, tag: rule.lhs_tag)
+ @rules << rule
+ end
+ end
+ @rules.sort_by!(&:id)
+ end
+ # Collect symbols from rules
+ def collect_symbols
+ @rules.flat_map(&:_rhs).each do |s|
+ case s
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Char
+ add_term(id: s)
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token
+ # skip
+ else
+ raise "Unknown class: #{s}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def set_lhs_and_rhs
+ @rules.each do |rule|
+ rule.lhs = token_to_symbol(rule._lhs) if rule._lhs
+ rule.rhs = do |t|
+ token_to_symbol(t)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Rule inherits precedence from the last term in RHS.
+ #
+ #
+ def fill_default_precedence
+ @rules.each do |rule|
+ # Explicitly specified precedence has the highest priority
+ next if rule.precedence_sym
+ precedence_sym = nil
+ rule.rhs.each do |sym|
+ precedence_sym = sym if sym.term?
+ end
+ rule.precedence_sym = precedence_sym
+ end
+ end
+ def fill_symbols
+ fill_symbol_number
+ fill_nterm_type(@types)
+ fill_printer(@printers)
+ fill_destructor(@destructors)
+ fill_error_token(@error_tokens)
+ sort_by_number!
+ end
+ def fill_sym_to_rules
+ @rules.each do |rule|
+ key = rule.lhs.number
+ @sym_to_rules[key] ||= []
+ @sym_to_rules[key] << rule
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_rule_lhs_is_nterm!
+ errors = []
+ rules.each do |rule|
+ next if rule.lhs.nterm?
+ errors << "[BUG] LHS of #{rule} (line: #{rule.lineno}) is term. It should be nterm."
+ end
+ return if errors.empty?
+ raise errors.join("\n")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/auxiliary.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/auxiliary.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..933574b0f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/auxiliary.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ # Grammar file information not used by States but by Output
+ class Auxiliary <, :prologue, :epilogue_first_lineno, :epilogue, keyword_init: true)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/binding.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/binding.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5ea3fb037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/binding.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Binding
+ attr_reader :actual_args, :count
+ def initialize(parameterizing_rule, actual_args)
+ @parameters = parameterizing_rule.parameters
+ @actual_args = actual_args
+ @parameter_to_arg = do |param, arg|
+ [param.s_value, arg]
+ end.to_h
+ end
+ def resolve_symbol(symbol)
+ if symbol.is_a?(Lexer::Token::InstantiateRule)
+ resolved_args = { |arg| resolve_symbol(arg) }
+ symbol.s_value, location: symbol.location, args: resolved_args, lhs_tag: symbol.lhs_tag)
+ else
+ @parameter_to_arg[symbol.s_value] || symbol
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bad599dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+require "forwardable"
+require "lrama/grammar/code/destructor_code"
+require "lrama/grammar/code/initial_action_code"
+require "lrama/grammar/code/no_reference_code"
+require "lrama/grammar/code/printer_code"
+require "lrama/grammar/code/rule_action"
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Code
+ extend Forwardable
+ def_delegators "token_code", :s_value, :line, :column, :references
+ attr_reader :type, :token_code
+ def initialize(type:, token_code:)
+ @type = type
+ @token_code = token_code
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ self.class == other.class &&
+ self.type == other.type &&
+ self.token_code == other.token_code
+ end
+ # $$, $n, @$, @n are translated to C code
+ def translated_code
+ t_code = s_value.dup
+ references.reverse_each do |ref|
+ first_column = ref.first_column
+ last_column = ref.last_column
+ str = reference_to_c(ref)
+ t_code[first_column...last_column] = str
+ end
+ return t_code
+ end
+ private
+ def reference_to_c(ref)
+ raise"#reference_to_c is not implemented")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/destructor_code.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/destructor_code.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70360eb90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/destructor_code.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Code
+ class DestructorCode < Code
+ def initialize(type:, token_code:, tag:)
+ super(type: type, token_code: token_code)
+ @tag = tag
+ end
+ private
+ # * ($$) *yyvaluep
+ # * (@$) *yylocationp
+ # * ($:$) error
+ # * ($1) error
+ # * (@1) error
+ # * ($:1) error
+ def reference_to_c(ref)
+ case
+ when ref.type == :dollar && == "$" # $$
+ member = @tag.member
+ "((*yyvaluep).#{member})"
+ when ref.type == :at && == "$" # @$
+ "(*yylocationp)"
+ when ref.type == :index && == "$" # $:$
+ raise "$:#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ when ref.type == :dollar # $n
+ raise "$#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ when ref.type == :at # @n
+ raise "@#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ when ref.type == :index # $:n
+ raise "$:#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected. #{self}, #{ref}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/initial_action_code.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/initial_action_code.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a694f193cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/initial_action_code.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Code
+ class InitialActionCode < Code
+ private
+ # * ($$) yylval
+ # * (@$) yylloc
+ # * ($:$) error
+ # * ($1) error
+ # * (@1) error
+ # * ($:1) error
+ def reference_to_c(ref)
+ case
+ when ref.type == :dollar && == "$" # $$
+ "yylval"
+ when ref.type == :at && == "$" # @$
+ "yylloc"
+ when ref.type == :index && == "$" # $:$
+ raise "$:#{ref.value} can not be used in initial_action."
+ when ref.type == :dollar # $n
+ raise "$#{ref.value} can not be used in initial_action."
+ when ref.type == :at # @n
+ raise "@#{ref.value} can not be used in initial_action."
+ when ref.type == :index # $:n
+ raise "$:#{ref.value} can not be used in initial_action."
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected. #{self}, #{ref}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/no_reference_code.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/no_reference_code.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e614cc64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/no_reference_code.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Code
+ class NoReferenceCode < Code
+ private
+ # * ($$) error
+ # * (@$) error
+ # * ($:$) error
+ # * ($1) error
+ # * (@1) error
+ # * ($:1) error
+ def reference_to_c(ref)
+ case
+ when ref.type == :dollar # $$, $n
+ raise "$#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ when ref.type == :at # @$, @n
+ raise "@#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ when ref.type == :index # $:$, $:n
+ raise "$:#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected. #{self}, #{ref}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/printer_code.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/printer_code.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffccd89395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/printer_code.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Code
+ class PrinterCode < Code
+ def initialize(type:, token_code:, tag:)
+ super(type: type, token_code: token_code)
+ @tag = tag
+ end
+ private
+ # * ($$) *yyvaluep
+ # * (@$) *yylocationp
+ # * ($:$) error
+ # * ($1) error
+ # * (@1) error
+ # * ($:1) error
+ def reference_to_c(ref)
+ case
+ when ref.type == :dollar && == "$" # $$
+ member = @tag.member
+ "((*yyvaluep).#{member})"
+ when ref.type == :at && == "$" # @$
+ "(*yylocationp)"
+ when ref.type == :index && == "$" # $:$
+ raise "$:#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ when ref.type == :dollar # $n
+ raise "$#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ when ref.type == :at # @n
+ raise "@#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ when ref.type == :index # $:n
+ raise "$:#{ref.value} can not be used in #{type}."
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected. #{self}, #{ref}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/rule_action.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/rule_action.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3c0eab64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/code/rule_action.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Code
+ class RuleAction < Code
+ def initialize(type:, token_code:, rule:)
+ super(type: type, token_code: token_code)
+ @rule = rule
+ end
+ private
+ # * ($$) yyval
+ # * (@$) yyloc
+ # * ($:$) error
+ # * ($1) yyvsp[i]
+ # * (@1) yylsp[i]
+ # * ($:1) i - 1
+ #
+ #
+ # Consider a rule like
+ #
+ # class: keyword_class { $1 } tSTRING { $2 + $3 } keyword_end { $class = $1 + $keyword_end }
+ #
+ # For the semantic action of original rule:
+ #
+ # "Rule" class: keyword_class { $1 } tSTRING { $2 + $3 } keyword_end { $class = $1 + $keyword_end }
+ # "Position in grammar" $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
+ # "Index for yyvsp" -4 -3 -2 -1 0
+ # "$:n" $:1 $:2 $:3 $:4 $:5
+ # "index of $:n" -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
+ #
+ #
+ # For the first midrule action:
+ #
+ # "Rule" class: keyword_class { $1 } tSTRING { $2 + $3 } keyword_end { $class = $1 + $keyword_end }
+ # "Position in grammar" $1
+ # "Index for yyvsp" 0
+ # "$:n" $:1
+ def reference_to_c(ref)
+ case
+ when ref.type == :dollar && == "$" # $$
+ tag = ref.ex_tag || lhs.tag
+ raise_tag_not_found_error(ref) unless tag
+ "(yyval.#{tag.member})"
+ when ref.type == :at && == "$" # @$
+ "(yyloc)"
+ when ref.type == :index && == "$" # $:$
+ raise "$:$ is not supported"
+ when ref.type == :dollar # $n
+ i = -position_in_rhs + ref.index
+ tag = ref.ex_tag || rhs[ref.index - 1].tag
+ raise_tag_not_found_error(ref) unless tag
+ "(yyvsp[#{i}].#{tag.member})"
+ when ref.type == :at # @n
+ i = -position_in_rhs + ref.index
+ "(yylsp[#{i}])"
+ when ref.type == :index # $:n
+ i = -position_in_rhs + ref.index
+ "(#{i} - 1)"
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected. #{self}, #{ref}"
+ end
+ end
+ def position_in_rhs
+ # If rule is not derived rule, User Code is only action at
+ # the end of rule RHS. In such case, the action is located on
+ # `@rule.rhs.count`.
+ @rule.position_in_original_rule_rhs || @rule.rhs.count
+ end
+ # If this is midrule action, RHS is a RHS of the original rule.
+ def rhs
+ (@rule.original_rule || @rule).rhs
+ end
+ # Unlike `rhs`, LHS is always a LHS of the rule.
+ def lhs
+ @rule.lhs
+ end
+ def raise_tag_not_found_error(ref)
+ raise "Tag is not specified for '$#{ref.value}' in '#{@rule}'"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/counter.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/counter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c13f4ec3e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/counter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Counter
+ def initialize(number)
+ @number = number
+ end
+ def increment
+ n = @number
+ @number += 1
+ n
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/destructor.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/destructor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b7059e923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/destructor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Destructor <, :token_code, :lineno, keyword_init: true)
+ def translated_code(tag)
+ :destructor, token_code: token_code, tag: tag).translated_code
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/error_token.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/error_token.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8efde7df33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/error_token.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class ErrorToken <, :token_code, :lineno, keyword_init: true)
+ def translated_code(tag)
+ :error_token, token_code: token_code, tag: tag).translated_code
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d371805f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+require_relative 'parameterizing_rule/resolver'
+require_relative 'parameterizing_rule/rhs'
+require_relative 'parameterizing_rule/rule'
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/resolver.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/resolver.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8f3ae7897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/resolver.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class ParameterizingRule
+ class Resolver
+ attr_accessor :rules, :created_lhs_list
+ def initialize
+ @rules = []
+ @created_lhs_list = []
+ end
+ def add_parameterizing_rule(rule)
+ @rules << rule
+ end
+ def find_rule(token)
+ select_rules(@rules, token).last
+ end
+ def find_inline(token)
+ { |rule| == token.s_value && rule.is_inline }.last
+ end
+ def created_lhs(lhs_s_value)
+ @created_lhs_list.reverse.find { |created_lhs| created_lhs.s_value == lhs_s_value }
+ end
+ private
+ def select_rules(rules, token)
+ rules = select_not_inline_rules(rules)
+ rules = select_rules_by_name(rules, token.rule_name)
+ rules = { |rule| rule.required_parameters_count == token.args_count }
+ if rules.empty?
+ raise "Invalid number of arguments. `#{token.rule_name}`"
+ else
+ rules
+ end
+ end
+ def select_not_inline_rules(rules)
+ { |rule| !rule.is_inline }
+ end
+ def select_rules_by_name(rules, rule_name)
+ rules = { |rule| == rule_name }
+ if rules.empty?
+ raise "Parameterizing rule does not exist. `#{rule_name}`"
+ else
+ rules
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/rhs.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/rhs.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3eb92f8ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/rhs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class ParameterizingRule
+ class Rhs
+ attr_accessor :symbols, :user_code, :precedence_sym
+ def initialize
+ @symbols = []
+ @user_code = nil
+ @precedence_sym = nil
+ end
+ def resolve_user_code(bindings)
+ return unless user_code
+ var_to_arg = {}
+ symbols.each do |sym|
+ resolved_sym = bindings.resolve_symbol(sym)
+ if resolved_sym != sym
+ var_to_arg[sym.s_value] = resolved_sym.s_value
+ end
+ end
+ var_to_arg.each do |var, arg|
+ user_code.references.each do |ref|
+ if == var
+ = arg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return user_code
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/rule.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/rule.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38f0fca4ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/parameterizing_rule/rule.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class ParameterizingRule
+ class Rule
+ attr_reader :name, :parameters, :rhs_list, :required_parameters_count, :tag, :is_inline
+ def initialize(name, parameters, rhs_list, tag: nil, is_inline: false)
+ @name = name
+ @parameters = parameters
+ @rhs_list = rhs_list
+ @tag = tag
+ @is_inline = is_inline
+ @required_parameters_count = parameters.count
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/percent_code.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/percent_code.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cbc5aef2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/percent_code.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class PercentCode
+ attr_reader :name, :code
+ def initialize(name, code)
+ @name = name
+ @code = code
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/precedence.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/precedence.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fed739b3c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/precedence.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Precedence <, :precedence, keyword_init: true)
+ include Comparable
+ def <=>(other)
+ self.precedence <=> other.precedence
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/printer.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/printer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8984a96e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/printer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Printer <, :token_code, :lineno, keyword_init: true)
+ def translated_code(tag)
+ :printer, token_code: token_code, tag: tag).translated_code
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/reference.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/reference.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c56e7673a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/reference.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ # type: :dollar or :at
+ # name: String (e.g. $$, $foo, $expr.right)
+ # number: Integer (e.g. $1)
+ # index: Integer
+ # ex_tag: "$<tag>1" (Optional)
+ class Reference <, :name, :number, :index, :ex_tag, :first_column, :last_column, keyword_init: true)
+ def value
+ name || number
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/rule.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/rule.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e06edc80d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/rule.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ # _rhs holds original RHS element. Use rhs to refer to Symbol.
+ class Rule <, :_lhs, :lhs, :lhs_tag, :_rhs, :rhs, :token_code, :position_in_original_rule_rhs, :nullable, :precedence_sym, :lineno, keyword_init: true)
+ attr_accessor :original_rule
+ def ==(other)
+ self.class == other.class &&
+ self.lhs == other.lhs &&
+ self.lhs_tag == other.lhs_tag &&
+ self.rhs == other.rhs &&
+ self.token_code == other.token_code &&
+ self.position_in_original_rule_rhs == other.position_in_original_rule_rhs &&
+ self.nullable == other.nullable &&
+ self.precedence_sym == other.precedence_sym &&
+ self.lineno == other.lineno
+ end
+ # TODO: Change this to display_name
+ def to_s
+ l =
+ r = empty_rule? ? "ε" : {|r| }.join(" ")
+ "#{l} -> #{r}"
+ end
+ # Used by #user_actions
+ def as_comment
+ l =
+ r = empty_rule? ? "%empty" :" ")
+ "#{l}: #{r}"
+ end
+ def with_actions
+ "#{to_s} {#{token_code&.s_value}}"
+ end
+ # opt_nl: ε <-- empty_rule
+ # | '\n' <-- not empty_rule
+ def empty_rule?
+ rhs.empty?
+ end
+ def precedence
+ precedence_sym&.precedence
+ end
+ def initial_rule?
+ id == 0
+ end
+ def translated_code
+ return nil unless token_code
+ :rule_action, token_code: token_code, rule: self).translated_code
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/rule_builder.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/rule_builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ccb41e67f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/rule_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class RuleBuilder
+ attr_accessor :lhs, :line
+ attr_reader :lhs_tag, :rhs, :user_code, :precedence_sym
+ def initialize(rule_counter, midrule_action_counter, position_in_original_rule_rhs = nil, lhs_tag: nil, skip_preprocess_references: false)
+ @rule_counter = rule_counter
+ @midrule_action_counter = midrule_action_counter
+ @position_in_original_rule_rhs = position_in_original_rule_rhs
+ @skip_preprocess_references = skip_preprocess_references
+ @lhs = nil
+ @lhs_tag = lhs_tag
+ @rhs = []
+ @user_code = nil
+ @precedence_sym = nil
+ @line = nil
+ @rules = []
+ @rule_builders_for_parameterizing_rules = []
+ @rule_builders_for_derived_rules = []
+ @rule_builders_for_inline_rules = []
+ @parameterizing_rules = []
+ @inline_rules = []
+ @midrule_action_rules = []
+ end
+ def add_rhs(rhs)
+ if !@line
+ @line = rhs.line
+ end
+ flush_user_code
+ @rhs << rhs
+ end
+ def user_code=(user_code)
+ if !@line
+ @line = user_code&.line
+ end
+ flush_user_code
+ @user_code = user_code
+ end
+ def precedence_sym=(precedence_sym)
+ flush_user_code
+ @precedence_sym = precedence_sym
+ end
+ def complete_input
+ freeze_rhs
+ end
+ def setup_rules(parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ preprocess_references unless @skip_preprocess_references
+ if rhs.any? { |token| parameterizing_rule_resolver.find_inline(token) }
+ resolve_inline(parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ else
+ process_rhs(parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ end
+ build_rules
+ end
+ def rules
+ @parameterizing_rules + @inline_rules + @midrule_action_rules + @rules
+ end
+ private
+ def freeze_rhs
+ @rhs.freeze
+ end
+ def preprocess_references
+ numberize_references
+ end
+ def build_rules
+ tokens = @replaced_rhs
+ if tokens
+ rule =
+ id: @rule_counter.increment, _lhs: lhs, _rhs: tokens, lhs_tag: lhs_tag, token_code: user_code,
+ position_in_original_rule_rhs: @position_in_original_rule_rhs, precedence_sym: precedence_sym, lineno: line
+ )
+ @rules = [rule]
+ @parameterizing_rules = do |rule_builder|
+ rule_builder.rules
+ end.flatten
+ @midrule_action_rules = do |rule_builder|
+ rule_builder.rules
+ end.flatten
+ @midrule_action_rules.each do |r|
+ r.original_rule = rule
+ end
+ else
+ @inline_rules = do |rule_builder|
+ rule_builder.rules
+ end.flatten
+ end
+ end
+ # rhs is a mixture of variety type of tokens like `Ident`, `InstantiateRule`, `UserCode` and so on.
+ # `#process_rhs` replaces some kind of tokens to `Ident` so that all `@replaced_rhs` are `Ident` or `Char`.
+ def process_rhs(parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ return if @replaced_rhs
+ @replaced_rhs = []
+ rhs.each_with_index do |token, i|
+ case token
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Char
+ @replaced_rhs << token
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Ident
+ @replaced_rhs << token
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::InstantiateRule
+ parameterizing_rule = parameterizing_rule_resolver.find_rule(token)
+ raise "Unexpected token. #{token}" unless parameterizing_rule
+ bindings =, token.args)
+ lhs_s_value = lhs_s_value(token, bindings)
+ if (created_lhs = parameterizing_rule_resolver.created_lhs(lhs_s_value))
+ @replaced_rhs << created_lhs
+ else
+ lhs_token = lhs_s_value, location: token.location)
+ @replaced_rhs << lhs_token
+ parameterizing_rule_resolver.created_lhs_list << lhs_token
+ parameterizing_rule.rhs_list.each do |r|
+ rule_builder =, @midrule_action_counter, lhs_tag: token.lhs_tag || parameterizing_rule.tag)
+ rule_builder.lhs = lhs_token
+ r.symbols.each { |sym| rule_builder.add_rhs(bindings.resolve_symbol(sym)) }
+ rule_builder.line = line
+ rule_builder.precedence_sym = r.precedence_sym
+ rule_builder.user_code = r.resolve_user_code(bindings)
+ rule_builder.complete_input
+ rule_builder.setup_rules(parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ @rule_builders_for_parameterizing_rules << rule_builder
+ end
+ end
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::UserCode
+ prefix = token.referred ? "@" : "$@"
+ tag = token.tag || lhs_tag
+ new_token = prefix + @midrule_action_counter.increment.to_s)
+ @replaced_rhs << new_token
+ rule_builder =, @midrule_action_counter, i, lhs_tag: tag, skip_preprocess_references: true)
+ rule_builder.lhs = new_token
+ rule_builder.user_code = token
+ rule_builder.complete_input
+ rule_builder.setup_rules(parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ @rule_builders_for_derived_rules << rule_builder
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected token. #{token}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def lhs_s_value(token, bindings)
+ s_values = do |arg|
+ resolved = bindings.resolve_symbol(arg)
+ if resolved.is_a?(Lexer::Token::InstantiateRule)
+ [resolved.s_value,]
+ else
+ resolved.s_value
+ end
+ end
+ "#{token.rule_name}_#{s_values.join('_')}"
+ end
+ def resolve_inline(parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ rhs.each_with_index do |token, i|
+ if inline_rule = parameterizing_rule_resolver.find_inline(token)
+ inline_rule.rhs_list.each_with_index do |inline_rhs|
+ rule_builder =, @midrule_action_counter, lhs_tag: lhs_tag, skip_preprocess_references: true)
+ resolve_inline_rhs(rule_builder, inline_rhs, i)
+ rule_builder.lhs = lhs
+ rule_builder.line = line
+ rule_builder.user_code = replace_inline_user_code(inline_rhs, i)
+ rule_builder.complete_input
+ rule_builder.setup_rules(parameterizing_rule_resolver)
+ @rule_builders_for_inline_rules << rule_builder
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def resolve_inline_rhs(rule_builder, inline_rhs, index)
+ rhs.each_with_index do |token, i|
+ if index == i
+ inline_rhs.symbols.each { |sym| rule_builder.add_rhs(sym) }
+ else
+ rule_builder.add_rhs(token)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def replace_inline_user_code(inline_rhs, index)
+ return user_code if inline_rhs.user_code.nil?
+ return user_code if user_code.nil?
+ code = user_code.s_value.gsub(/\$#{index + 1}/, inline_rhs.user_code.s_value)
+ code, location: user_code.location)
+ end
+ def numberize_references
+ # Bison n'th component is 1-origin
+ (rhs + [user_code]).compact.each.with_index(1) do |token, i|
+ next unless token.is_a?(Lrama::Lexer::Token::UserCode)
+ token.references.each do |ref|
+ ref_name =
+ if ref_name
+ if ref_name == '$'
+ = '$'
+ else
+ candidates = ([lhs] + rhs) {|token, _i| token.referred_by?(ref_name) }
+ if candidates.size >= 2
+ token.invalid_ref(ref, "Referring symbol `#{ref_name}` is duplicated.")
+ end
+ unless (referring_symbol = candidates.first)
+ token.invalid_ref(ref, "Referring symbol `#{ref_name}` is not found.")
+ end
+ if referring_symbol[1] == 0 # Refers to LHS
+ = '$'
+ else
+ ref.number = referring_symbol[1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if ref.number
+ # TODO: When Inlining is implemented, for example, if `$1` is expanded to multiple RHS tokens,
+ # `$2` needs to access `$2 + n` to actually access it. So, after the Inlining implementation,
+ # it needs resolves from number to index.
+ ref.index = ref.number
+ end
+ # TODO: Need to check index of @ too?
+ next if ref.type == :at
+ if ref.index
+ # TODO: Prohibit $0 even so Bison allows it?
+ # See:
+ token.invalid_ref(ref, "Can not refer following component. #{ref.index} >= #{i}.") if ref.index >= i
+ rhs[ref.index - 1].referred = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def flush_user_code
+ if (c = @user_code)
+ @rhs << c
+ @user_code = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/stdlib.y b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/stdlib.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6e89c908c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/stdlib.y
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ stdlib.y
+ This is lrama's standard library. It provides a number of
+ parameterizing rule definitions, such as options and lists,
+ that should be useful in a number of situations.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Options
+ * program: option(number)
+ *
+ * =>
+ *
+ * program: option_number
+ * option_number: %empty
+ * option_number: number
+ */
+%rule option(X): /* empty */
+ | X
+ ;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Sequences
+ * program: preceded(opening, X)
+ *
+ * =>
+ *
+ * program: preceded_opening_X
+ * preceded_opening_X: opening X
+ */
+%rule preceded(opening, X): opening X { $$ = $2; }
+ ;
+ * program: terminated(X, closing)
+ *
+ * =>
+ *
+ * program: terminated_X_closing
+ * terminated_X_closing: X closing
+ */
+%rule terminated(X, closing): X closing { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ * program: delimited(opening, X, closing)
+ *
+ * =>
+ *
+ * program: delimited_opening_X_closing
+ * delimited_opening_X_closing: opening X closing
+ */
+%rule delimited(opening, X, closing): opening X closing { $$ = $2; }
+ ;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Lists
+ * program: list(number)
+ *
+ * =>
+ *
+ * program: list_number
+ * list_number: %empty
+ * list_number: list_number number
+ */
+%rule list(X): /* empty */
+ | list(X) X
+ ;
+ * program: nonempty_list(number)
+ *
+ * =>
+ *
+ * program: nonempty_list_number
+ * nonempty_list_number: number
+ * nonempty_list_number: nonempty_list_number number
+ */
+%rule nonempty_list(X): X
+ | nonempty_list(X) X
+ ;
+ * program: separated_nonempty_list(comma, number)
+ *
+ * =>
+ *
+ * program: separated_nonempty_list_comma_number
+ * separated_nonempty_list_comma_number: number
+ * separated_nonempty_list_comma_number: separated_nonempty_list_comma_number comma number
+ */
+%rule separated_nonempty_list(separator, X): X
+ | separated_nonempty_list(separator, X) separator X
+ ;
+ * program: separated_list(comma, number)
+ *
+ * =>
+ *
+ * program: separated_list_comma_number
+ * separated_list_comma_number: option_separated_nonempty_list_comma_number
+ * option_separated_nonempty_list_comma_number: %empty
+ * option_separated_nonempty_list_comma_number: separated_nonempty_list_comma_number
+ * separated_nonempty_list_comma_number: number
+ * separated_nonempty_list_comma_number: comma separated_nonempty_list_comma_number number
+ */
+%rule separated_list(separator, X): option(separated_nonempty_list(separator, X))
+ ;
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbol.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbol.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..deb67ad9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbol.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Symbol is both of nterm and term
+# `number` is both for nterm and term
+# `token_id` is tokentype for term, internal sequence number for nterm
+# TODO: Add validation for ASCII code range for Token::Char
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Symbol
+ attr_accessor :id, :alias_name, :tag, :number, :token_id, :nullable, :precedence,
+ :printer, :destructor, :error_token, :first_set, :first_set_bitmap
+ attr_reader :term
+ attr_writer :eof_symbol, :error_symbol, :undef_symbol, :accept_symbol
+ def initialize(id:, term:, alias_name: nil, number: nil, tag: nil, token_id: nil, nullable: nil, precedence: nil, printer: nil, destructor: nil)
+ @id = id
+ @alias_name = alias_name
+ @number = number
+ @tag = tag
+ @term = term
+ @token_id = token_id
+ @nullable = nullable
+ @precedence = precedence
+ @printer = printer
+ @destructor = destructor
+ end
+ def term?
+ term
+ end
+ def nterm?
+ !term
+ end
+ def eof_symbol?
+ !!@eof_symbol
+ end
+ def error_symbol?
+ !!@error_symbol
+ end
+ def undef_symbol?
+ !!@undef_symbol
+ end
+ def accept_symbol?
+ !!@accept_symbol
+ end
+ def display_name
+ alias_name || id.s_value
+ end
+ # name for yysymbol_kind_t
+ #
+ # See: b4_symbol_kind_base
+ # @type var name: String
+ def enum_name
+ case
+ when accept_symbol?
+ name = "YYACCEPT"
+ when eof_symbol?
+ name = "YYEOF"
+ when term? && id.is_a?(Lrama::Lexer::Token::Char)
+ name = number.to_s + display_name
+ when term? && id.is_a?(Lrama::Lexer::Token::Ident)
+ name = id.s_value
+ when nterm? && (id.s_value.include?("$") || id.s_value.include?("@"))
+ name = number.to_s + id.s_value
+ when nterm?
+ name = id.s_value
+ else
+ raise "Unexpected #{self}"
+ end
+ "YYSYMBOL_" + name.gsub(/\W+/, "_")
+ end
+ # comment for yysymbol_kind_t
+ def comment
+ case
+ when accept_symbol?
+ id.s_value
+ when eof_symbol?
+ alias_name
+ when (term? && 0 < token_id && token_id < 128)
+ # YYSYMBOL_3_backslash_, YYSYMBOL_14_
+ alias_name || id.s_value
+ when id.s_value.include?("$") || id.s_value.include?("@")
+ # YYSYMBOL_21_1
+ id.s_value
+ else
+ # YYSYMBOL_keyword_class, YYSYMBOL_strings_1
+ alias_name || id.s_value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbols.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbols.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc9b4ec559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbols.rb
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+require_relative "symbols/resolver"
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbols/resolver.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbols/resolver.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1788ed63fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/symbols/resolver.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Symbols
+ class Resolver
+ attr_reader :terms, :nterms
+ def initialize
+ @terms = []
+ @nterms = []
+ end
+ def symbols
+ @symbols ||= (@terms + @nterms)
+ end
+ def sort_by_number!
+ symbols.sort_by!(&:number)
+ end
+ def add_term(id:, alias_name: nil, tag: nil, token_id: nil, replace: false)
+ if token_id && (sym = find_symbol_by_token_id(token_id))
+ if replace
+ = id
+ sym.alias_name = alias_name
+ sym.tag = tag
+ end
+ return sym
+ end
+ if (sym = find_symbol_by_id(id))
+ return sym
+ end
+ @symbols = nil
+ term =
+ id: id, alias_name: alias_name, number: nil, tag: tag,
+ term: true, token_id: token_id, nullable: false
+ )
+ @terms << term
+ term
+ end
+ def add_nterm(id:, alias_name: nil, tag: nil)
+ return if find_symbol_by_id(id)
+ @symbols = nil
+ nterm =
+ id: id, alias_name: alias_name, number: nil, tag: tag,
+ term: false, token_id: nil, nullable: nil,
+ )
+ @nterms << nterm
+ nterm
+ end
+ def find_symbol_by_s_value(s_value)
+ symbols.find { |s| == s_value }
+ end
+ def find_symbol_by_s_value!(s_value)
+ find_symbol_by_s_value(s_value) || (raise "Symbol not found. value: `#{s_value}`")
+ end
+ def find_symbol_by_id(id)
+ symbols.find do |s|
+ == id || s.alias_name == id.s_value
+ end
+ end
+ def find_symbol_by_id!(id)
+ find_symbol_by_id(id) || (raise "Symbol not found. #{id}")
+ end
+ def find_symbol_by_token_id(token_id)
+ symbols.find {|s| s.token_id == token_id }
+ end
+ def find_symbol_by_number!(number)
+ sym = symbols[number]
+ raise "Symbol not found. number: `#{number}`" unless sym
+ raise "[BUG] Symbol number mismatch. #{number}, #{sym}" if sym.number != number
+ sym
+ end
+ def fill_symbol_number
+ # YYEMPTY = -2
+ # YYEOF = 0
+ # YYerror = 1
+ # YYUNDEF = 2
+ @number = 3
+ fill_terms_number
+ fill_nterms_number
+ end
+ def fill_nterm_type(types)
+ types.each do |type|
+ nterm = find_nterm_by_id!(
+ nterm.tag = type.tag
+ end
+ end
+ def fill_printer(printers)
+ symbols.each do |sym|
+ printers.each do |printer|
+ printer.ident_or_tags.each do |ident_or_tag|
+ case ident_or_tag
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Ident
+ sym.printer = printer if == ident_or_tag
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Tag
+ sym.printer = printer if sym.tag == ident_or_tag
+ else
+ raise "Unknown token type. #{printer}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def fill_destructor(destructors)
+ symbols.each do |sym|
+ destructors.each do |destructor|
+ destructor.ident_or_tags.each do |ident_or_tag|
+ case ident_or_tag
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Ident
+ sym.destructor = destructor if == ident_or_tag
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Tag
+ sym.destructor = destructor if sym.tag == ident_or_tag
+ else
+ raise "Unknown token type. #{destructor}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def fill_error_token(error_tokens)
+ symbols.each do |sym|
+ error_tokens.each do |token|
+ token.ident_or_tags.each do |ident_or_tag|
+ case ident_or_tag
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Ident
+ sym.error_token = token if == ident_or_tag
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token::Tag
+ sym.error_token = token if sym.tag == ident_or_tag
+ else
+ raise "Unknown token type. #{token}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def token_to_symbol(token)
+ case token
+ when Lrama::Lexer::Token
+ find_symbol_by_id!(token)
+ else
+ raise "Unknown class: #{token}"
+ end
+ end
+ def validate!
+ validate_number_uniqueness!
+ validate_alias_name_uniqueness!
+ end
+ private
+ def find_nterm_by_id!(id)
+ @nterms.find do |s|
+ == id
+ end || (raise "Symbol not found. #{id}")
+ end
+ def fill_terms_number
+ # Character literal in grammar file has
+ # token id corresponding to ASCII code by default,
+ # so start token_id from 256.
+ token_id = 256
+ @terms.each do |sym|
+ while used_numbers[@number] do
+ @number += 1
+ end
+ if sym.number.nil?
+ sym.number = @number
+ used_numbers[@number] = true
+ @number += 1
+ end
+ # If id is Token::Char, it uses ASCII code
+ if sym.token_id.nil?
+ if
+ # Ignore ' on the both sides
+ case[1..-2]
+ when "\\b"
+ sym.token_id = 8
+ when "\\f"
+ sym.token_id = 12
+ when "\\n"
+ sym.token_id = 10
+ when "\\r"
+ sym.token_id = 13
+ when "\\t"
+ sym.token_id = 9
+ when "\\v"
+ sym.token_id = 11
+ when "\""
+ sym.token_id = 34
+ when "'"
+ sym.token_id = 39
+ when "\\\\"
+ sym.token_id = 92
+ when /\A\\(\d+)\z/
+ unless (id = Integer($1, 8)).nil?
+ sym.token_id = id
+ else
+ raise "Unknown Char s_value #{sym}"
+ end
+ when /\A(.)\z/
+ unless (id = $1&.bytes&.first).nil?
+ sym.token_id = id
+ else
+ raise "Unknown Char s_value #{sym}"
+ end
+ else
+ raise "Unknown Char s_value #{sym}"
+ end
+ else
+ sym.token_id = token_id
+ token_id += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def fill_nterms_number
+ token_id = 0
+ @nterms.each do |sym|
+ while used_numbers[@number] do
+ @number += 1
+ end
+ if sym.number.nil?
+ sym.number = @number
+ used_numbers[@number] = true
+ @number += 1
+ end
+ if sym.token_id.nil?
+ sym.token_id = token_id
+ token_id += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def used_numbers
+ return @used_numbers if defined?(@used_numbers)
+ @used_numbers = {}
+ do |n|
+ @used_numbers[n] = true
+ end
+ @used_numbers
+ end
+ def validate_number_uniqueness!
+ invalid = symbols.group_by(&:number).select do |number, syms|
+ syms.count > 1
+ end
+ return if invalid.empty?
+ raise "Symbol number is duplicated. #{invalid}"
+ end
+ def validate_alias_name_uniqueness!
+ invalid = do |alias_name, syms|
+ syms.count > 1
+ end
+ return if invalid.empty?
+ raise "Symbol alias name is duplicated. #{invalid}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/type.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/type.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b4b0961a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/type.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Type
+ attr_reader :id, :tag
+ def initialize(id:, tag:)
+ @id = id
+ @tag = tag
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ self.class == other.class &&
+ == &&
+ self.tag == other.tag
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/union.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/union.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..854bffb5c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/grammar/union.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Grammar
+ class Union <, :lineno, keyword_init: true)
+ def braces_less_code
+ # Braces is already removed by lexer
+ code.s_value
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40622a51b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+require "strscan"
+require "lrama/lexer/grammar_file"
+require "lrama/lexer/location"
+require "lrama/lexer/token"
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ attr_reader :head_line, :head_column, :line
+ attr_accessor :status, :end_symbol
+ SYMBOLS = ['%{', '%}', '%%', '{', '}', '\[', '\]', '\(', '\)', '\,', ':', '\|', ';']
+ %union
+ %token
+ %type
+ %left
+ %right
+ %nonassoc
+ %expect
+ %define
+ %require
+ %printer
+ %destructor
+ %lex-param
+ %parse-param
+ %initial-action
+ %precedence
+ %prec
+ %error-token
+ %before-reduce
+ %after-reduce
+ %after-shift-error-token
+ %after-shift
+ %after-pop-stack
+ %empty
+ %code
+ %rule
+ %no-stdlib
+ %inline
+ )
+ def initialize(grammar_file)
+ @grammar_file = grammar_file
+ @scanner =
+ @head_column = @head = @scanner.pos
+ @head_line = @line = 1
+ @status = :initial
+ @end_symbol = nil
+ end
+ def next_token
+ case @status
+ when :initial
+ lex_token
+ when :c_declaration
+ lex_c_code
+ end
+ end
+ def column
+ @scanner.pos - @head
+ end
+ def location
+ grammar_file: @grammar_file,
+ first_line: @head_line, first_column: @head_column,
+ last_line: line, last_column: column
+ )
+ end
+ def lex_token
+ while !@scanner.eos? do
+ case
+ when @scanner.scan(/\n/)
+ newline
+ when @scanner.scan(/\s+/)
+ # noop
+ when @scanner.scan(/\/\*/)
+ lex_comment
+ when @scanner.scan(/\/\/.*(?<newline>\n)?/)
+ newline if @scanner[:newline]
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ reset_first_position
+ case
+ when @scanner.eos?
+ return
+ when @scanner.scan(/#{SYMBOLS.join('|')}/)
+ return [@scanner.matched, @scanner.matched]
+ when @scanner.scan(/#{PERCENT_TOKENS.join('|')}/)
+ return [@scanner.matched, @scanner.matched]
+ when @scanner.scan(/[\?\+\*]/)
+ return [@scanner.matched, @scanner.matched]
+ when @scanner.scan(/<\w+>/)
+ return [:TAG, @scanner.matched, location: location)]
+ when @scanner.scan(/'.'/)
+ return [:CHARACTER, @scanner.matched, location: location)]
+ when @scanner.scan(/'\\\\'|'\\b'|'\\t'|'\\f'|'\\r'|'\\n'|'\\v'|'\\13'/)
+ return [:CHARACTER, @scanner.matched, location: location)]
+ when @scanner.scan(/".*?"/)
+ return [:STRING, %Q(#{@scanner.matched})]
+ when @scanner.scan(/\d+/)
+ return [:INTEGER, Integer(@scanner.matched)]
+ when @scanner.scan(/([a-zA-Z_.][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/)
+ token = @scanner.matched, location: location)
+ type =
+ if @scanner.check(/\s*(\[\s*[a-zA-Z_.][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\s*\])?\s*:/)
+ else
+ end
+ return [type, token]
+ else
+ raise ParseError, "Unexpected token: #{@scanner.peek(10).chomp}."
+ end
+ end
+ def lex_c_code
+ nested = 0
+ code = ''
+ reset_first_position
+ while !@scanner.eos? do
+ case
+ when @scanner.scan(/{/)
+ code += @scanner.matched
+ nested += 1
+ when @scanner.scan(/}/)
+ if nested == 0 && @end_symbol == '}'
+ @scanner.unscan
+ return [:C_DECLARATION, code, location: location)]
+ else
+ code += @scanner.matched
+ nested -= 1
+ end
+ when @scanner.check(/#{@end_symbol}/)
+ return [:C_DECLARATION, code, location: location)]
+ when @scanner.scan(/\n/)
+ code += @scanner.matched
+ newline
+ when @scanner.scan(/".*?"/)
+ code += %Q(#{@scanner.matched})
+ @line += @scanner.matched.count("\n")
+ when @scanner.scan(/'.*?'/)
+ code += %Q(#{@scanner.matched})
+ when @scanner.scan(/[^\"'\{\}\n]+/)
+ code += @scanner.matched
+ when @scanner.scan(/#{Regexp.escape(@end_symbol)}/)
+ code += @scanner.matched
+ else
+ code += @scanner.getch
+ end
+ end
+ raise ParseError, "Unexpected code: #{code}."
+ end
+ private
+ def lex_comment
+ while !@scanner.eos? do
+ case
+ when @scanner.scan(/\n/)
+ newline
+ when @scanner.scan(/\*\//)
+ return
+ else
+ @scanner.getch
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def reset_first_position
+ @head_line = line
+ @head_column = column
+ end
+ def newline
+ @line += 1
+ @head = @scanner.pos
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/grammar_file.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/grammar_file.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d3368625d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/grammar_file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ class GrammarFile
+ class Text < String
+ def inspect
+ length <= 50 ? super : "#{self[0..47]}...".inspect
+ end
+ end
+ attr_reader :path, :text
+ def initialize(path, text)
+ @path = path
+ @text =
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "<#{self.class}: @path=#{path}, @text=#{text.inspect}>"
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ self.class == other.class &&
+ self.path == other.path
+ end
+ def lines
+ @lines ||= text.split("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/location.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/location.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aefce3e16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/location.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ class Location
+ attr_reader :grammar_file, :first_line, :first_column, :last_line, :last_column
+ def initialize(grammar_file:, first_line:, first_column:, last_line:, last_column:)
+ @grammar_file = grammar_file
+ @first_line = first_line
+ @first_column = first_column
+ @last_line = last_line
+ @last_column = last_column
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ self.class == other.class &&
+ self.grammar_file == other.grammar_file &&
+ self.first_line == other.first_line &&
+ self.first_column == other.first_column &&
+ self.last_line == other.last_line &&
+ self.last_column == other.last_column
+ end
+ def partial_location(left, right)
+ offset = -first_column
+ new_first_line = -1
+ new_first_column = -1
+ new_last_line = -1
+ new_last_column = -1
+ _text.each.with_index do |line, index|
+ new_offset = offset + line.length + 1
+ if offset <= left && left <= new_offset
+ new_first_line = first_line + index
+ new_first_column = left - offset
+ end
+ if offset <= right && right <= new_offset
+ new_last_line = first_line + index
+ new_last_column = right - offset
+ end
+ offset = new_offset
+ end
+ grammar_file: grammar_file,
+ first_line: new_first_line, first_column: new_first_column,
+ last_line: new_last_line, last_column: new_last_column
+ )
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{path} (#{first_line},#{first_column})-(#{last_line},#{last_column})"
+ end
+ def generate_error_message(error_message)
+ <<~ERROR.chomp
+ #{path}:#{first_line}:#{first_column}: #{error_message}
+ #{line_with_carets}
+ end
+ def line_with_carets
+ <<~TEXT
+ #{text}
+ #{carets}
+ end
+ private
+ def path
+ grammar_file.path
+ end
+ def blanks
+ (text[0...first_column] or raise "#{first_column} is invalid").gsub(/[^\t]/, ' ')
+ end
+ def carets
+ blanks + '^' * (last_column - first_column)
+ end
+ def text
+ @text ||= _text.join("\n")
+ end
+ def _text
+ @_text ||=begin
+ range = (first_line - 1)...last_line
+ grammar_file.lines[range] or raise "#{range} is invalid"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59b49d5fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require 'lrama/lexer/token/char'
+require 'lrama/lexer/token/ident'
+require 'lrama/lexer/token/instantiate_rule'
+require 'lrama/lexer/token/tag'
+require 'lrama/lexer/token/user_code'
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ class Token
+ attr_reader :s_value, :location
+ attr_accessor :alias_name, :referred
+ def initialize(s_value:, alias_name: nil, location: nil)
+ s_value.freeze
+ @s_value = s_value
+ @alias_name = alias_name
+ @location = location
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "value: `#{s_value}`, location: #{location}"
+ end
+ def referred_by?(string)
+ [self.s_value, self.alias_name].compact.include?(string)
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ self.class == other.class && self.s_value == other.s_value
+ end
+ def first_line
+ location.first_line
+ end
+ alias :line :first_line
+ def first_column
+ location.first_column
+ end
+ alias :column :first_column
+ def last_line
+ location.last_line
+ end
+ def last_column
+ location.last_column
+ end
+ def invalid_ref(ref, message)
+ location = self.location.partial_location(ref.first_column, ref.last_column)
+ raise location.generate_error_message(message)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/char.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/char.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec3560ca09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/char.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ class Token
+ class Char < Token
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/ident.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/ident.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e576eaeccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/ident.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ class Token
+ class Ident < Token
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/instantiate_rule.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/instantiate_rule.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c4d1095c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/instantiate_rule.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ class Token
+ class InstantiateRule < Token
+ attr_reader :args, :lhs_tag
+ def initialize(s_value:, alias_name: nil, location: nil, args: [], lhs_tag: nil)
+ super s_value: s_value, alias_name: alias_name, location: location
+ @args = args
+ @lhs_tag = lhs_tag
+ end
+ def rule_name
+ s_value
+ end
+ def args_count
+ args.count
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/tag.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/tag.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e54d773915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/tag.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ class Token
+ class Tag < Token
+ # Omit "<>"
+ def member
+ s_value[1..-2] or raise "Unexpected Tag format (#{s_value})"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/user_code.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/user_code.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d487bf01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/lexer/token/user_code.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+require "strscan"
+module Lrama
+ class Lexer
+ class Token
+ class UserCode < Token
+ attr_accessor :tag
+ def references
+ @references ||= _references
+ end
+ private
+ def _references
+ scanner =
+ references = []
+ while !scanner.eos? do
+ case
+ when reference = scan_reference(scanner)
+ references << reference
+ when scanner.scan(/\/\*/)
+ scanner.scan_until(/\*\//)
+ else
+ scanner.getch
+ end
+ end
+ references
+ end
+ def scan_reference(scanner)
+ start = scanner.pos
+ case
+ # $ references
+ # It need to wrap an identifier with brackets to use ".-" for identifiers
+ when scanner.scan(/\$(<[a-zA-Z0-9_]+>)?\$/) # $$, $<long>$
+ tag = scanner[1] ? scanner[1]) : nil
+ return :dollar, name: "$", ex_tag: tag, first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/\$(<[a-zA-Z0-9_]+>)?(\d+)/) # $1, $2, $<long>1
+ tag = scanner[1] ? scanner[1]) : nil
+ return :dollar, number: Integer(scanner[2]), index: Integer(scanner[2]), ex_tag: tag, first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/\$(<[a-zA-Z0-9_]+>)?([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) # $foo, $expr, $<long>program (named reference without brackets)
+ tag = scanner[1] ? scanner[1]) : nil
+ return :dollar, name: scanner[2], ex_tag: tag, first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/\$(<[a-zA-Z0-9_]+>)?\[([a-zA-Z_.][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)\]/) # $[expr.right], $[expr-right], $<long>[expr.right] (named reference with brackets)
+ tag = scanner[1] ? scanner[1]) : nil
+ return :dollar, name: scanner[2], ex_tag: tag, first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ # @ references
+ # It need to wrap an identifier with brackets to use ".-" for identifiers
+ when scanner.scan(/@\$/) # @$
+ return :at, name: "$", first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/@(\d+)/) # @1
+ return :at, number: Integer(scanner[1]), index: Integer(scanner[1]), first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/@([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) # @foo, @expr (named reference without brackets)
+ return :at, name: scanner[1], first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/@\[([a-zA-Z_.][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)\]/) # @[expr.right], @[expr-right] (named reference with brackets)
+ return :at, name: scanner[1], first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ # $: references
+ when scanner.scan(/\$:\$/) # $:$
+ return :index, name: "$", first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/\$:(\d+)/) # $:1
+ return :index, number: Integer(scanner[1]), first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/\$:([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) # $:foo, $:expr (named reference without brackets)
+ return :index, name: scanner[1], first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ when scanner.scan(/\$:\[([a-zA-Z_.][-a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)\]/) # $:[expr.right], $:[expr-right] (named reference with brackets)
+ return :index, name: scanner[1], first_column: start, last_column: scanner.pos)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/option_parser.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/option_parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e4d448fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/option_parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+require 'optparse'
+module Lrama
+ # Handle option parsing for the command line interface.
+ class OptionParser
+ def initialize
+ @options =
+ @trace = []
+ @report = []
+ end
+ def parse(argv)
+ parse_by_option_parser(argv)
+ @options.trace_opts = validate_trace(@trace)
+ @options.report_opts = validate_report(@report)
+ @options.grammar_file = argv.shift
+ if !@options.grammar_file
+ abort "File should be specified\n"
+ end
+ if @options.grammar_file == '-'
+ @options.grammar_file = argv.shift or abort "File name for STDIN should be specified\n"
+ else
+ @options.y =, 'r')
+ end
+ if !@report.empty? && @options.report_file.nil? && @options.grammar_file
+ @options.report_file = File.dirname(@options.grammar_file) + "/" + File.basename(@options.grammar_file, ".*") + ".output"
+ end
+ if !@options.header_file && @options.header
+ case
+ when @options.outfile
+ @options.header_file = File.dirname(@options.outfile) + "/" + File.basename(@options.outfile, ".*") + ".h"
+ when @options.grammar_file
+ @options.header_file = File.dirname(@options.grammar_file) + "/" + File.basename(@options.grammar_file, ".*") + ".h"
+ end
+ end
+ @options
+ end
+ private
+ def parse_by_option_parser(argv)
+ do |o|
+ o.banner = <<~BANNER
+ Lrama is LALR (1) parser generator written by Ruby.
+ Usage: lrama [options] FILE
+ o.separator ''
+ o.separator 'STDIN mode:'
+ o.separator 'lrama [options] - FILE read grammar from STDIN'
+ o.separator ''
+ o.separator 'Tuning the Parser:'
+ o.on('-S', '--skeleton=FILE', 'specify the skeleton to use') {|v| @options.skeleton = v }
+ o.on('-t', 'reserved, do nothing') { }
+ o.on('--debug', 'display debugging outputs of internal parser') {|v| @options.debug = true }
+ o.separator ''
+ o.separator 'Output:'
+ o.on('-H', '--header=[FILE]', 'also produce a header file named FILE') {|v| @options.header = true; @options.header_file = v }
+ o.on('-d', 'also produce a header file') { @options.header = true }
+ o.on('-r', '--report=THINGS', Array, 'also produce details on the automaton') {|v| @report = v }
+ o.on_tail ''
+ o.on_tail 'Valid Reports:'
+ o.on_tail " #{VALID_REPORTS.join(' ')}"
+ o.on('--report-file=FILE', 'also produce details on the automaton output to a file named FILE') {|v| @options.report_file = v }
+ o.on('-o', '--output=FILE', 'leave output to FILE') {|v| @options.outfile = v }
+ o.on('--trace=THINGS', Array, 'also output trace logs at runtime') {|v| @trace = v }
+ o.on_tail ''
+ o.on_tail 'Valid Traces:'
+ o.on_tail " #{VALID_TRACES.join(' ')}"
+ o.on('-v', 'reserved, do nothing') { }
+ o.separator ''
+ o.separator 'Error Recovery:'
+ o.on('-e', 'enable error recovery') {|v| @options.error_recovery = true }
+ o.separator ''
+ o.separator 'Other options:'
+ o.on('-V', '--version', "output version information and exit") {|v| puts "lrama #{Lrama::VERSION}"; exit 0 }
+ o.on('-h', '--help', "display this help and exit") {|v| puts o; exit 0 }
+ o.on_tail
+ o.parse!(argv)
+ end
+ end
+ BISON_REPORTS = %w[states itemsets lookaheads solved counterexamples cex all none]
+ OTHER_REPORTS = %w[verbose]
+ NOT_SUPPORTED_REPORTS = %w[cex none]
+ def validate_report(report)
+ h = { grammar: true }
+ report.each do |r|
+ if list.include?(r)
+ h[r.to_sym] = true
+ else
+ raise "Invalid report option \"#{r}\"."
+ end
+ end
+ if h[:all]
+ h[r.to_sym] = true
+ end
+ h.delete(:all)
+ end
+ return h
+ end
+ none locations scan parse automaton bitsets
+ closure grammar rules actions resource
+ sets muscles tools m4-early m4 skeleton time
+ ielr cex all
+ ]
+ def validate_trace(trace)
+ h = {}
+ trace.each do |t|
+ if list.include?(t)
+ h[t.to_sym] = true
+ else
+ raise "Invalid trace option \"#{t}\"."
+ end
+ end
+ return h
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/options.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/options.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..739ca16f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/options.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module Lrama
+ # Command line options.
+ class Options
+ attr_accessor :skeleton, :header, :header_file,
+ :report_file, :outfile,
+ :error_recovery, :grammar_file,
+ :trace_opts, :report_opts, :y,
+ :debug
+ def initialize
+ @skeleton = "bison/yacc.c"
+ @header = false
+ @header_file = nil
+ @report_file = nil
+ @outfile = ""
+ @error_recovery = false
+ @grammar_file = nil
+ @trace_opts = nil
+ @report_opts = nil
+ @y = STDIN
+ @debug = false
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/output.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/output.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..642c8b4708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/output.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+require "erb"
+require "forwardable"
+require "lrama/report/duration"
+module Lrama
+ class Output
+ extend Forwardable
+ include Report::Duration
+ attr_reader :grammar_file_path, :context, :grammar, :error_recovery, :include_header
+ def_delegators "@context", :yyfinal, :yylast, :yyntokens, :yynnts, :yynrules, :yynstates,
+ :yymaxutok, :yypact_ninf, :yytable_ninf
+ def_delegators "@grammar", :eof_symbol, :error_symbol, :undef_symbol, :accept_symbol
+ def initialize(
+ out:, output_file_path:, template_name:, grammar_file_path:,
+ context:, grammar:, header_out: nil, header_file_path: nil, error_recovery: false
+ )
+ @out = out
+ @output_file_path = output_file_path
+ @template_name = template_name
+ @grammar_file_path = grammar_file_path
+ @header_out = header_out
+ @header_file_path = header_file_path
+ @context = context
+ @grammar = grammar
+ @error_recovery = error_recovery
+ @include_header = header_file_path ? header_file_path.sub("./", "") : nil
+ end
+ if ERB.instance_method(:initialize).parameters.last.first == :key
+ def self.erb(input)
+, trim_mode: '-')
+ end
+ else
+ def self.erb(input)
+, nil, '-')
+ end
+ end
+ def render_partial(file)
+ render_template(partial_file(file))
+ end
+ def render
+ report_duration(:render) do
+ tmp = eval_template(template_file, @output_file_path)
+ @out << tmp
+ if @header_file_path
+ tmp = eval_template(header_template_file, @header_file_path)
+ if @header_out
+ @header_out << tmp
+ else
+ File.write(@header_file_path, tmp)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # A part of b4_token_enums
+ def token_enums
+ str = ""
+ @context.yytokentype.each do |s_value, token_id, display_name|
+ s = sprintf("%s = %d%s", s_value, token_id, token_id == yymaxutok ? "" : ",")
+ if display_name
+ str << sprintf(" %-30s /* %s */\n", s, display_name)
+ else
+ str << sprintf(" %s\n", s)
+ end
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ # b4_symbol_enum
+ def symbol_enum
+ str = ""
+ last_sym_number = @context.yysymbol_kind_t.last[1]
+ @context.yysymbol_kind_t.each do |s_value, sym_number, display_name|
+ s = sprintf("%s = %d%s", s_value, sym_number, (sym_number == last_sym_number) ? "" : ",")
+ if display_name
+ str << sprintf(" %-40s /* %s */\n", s, display_name)
+ else
+ str << sprintf(" %s\n", s)
+ end
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ def yytranslate
+ int_array_to_string(@context.yytranslate)
+ end
+ def yytranslate_inverted
+ int_array_to_string(@context.yytranslate_inverted)
+ end
+ def yyrline
+ int_array_to_string(@context.yyrline)
+ end
+ def yytname
+ string_array_to_string(@context.yytname) + " YY_NULLPTR"
+ end
+ # b4_int_type_for
+ def int_type_for(ary)
+ min = ary.min
+ max = ary.max
+ case
+ when (-127 <= min && min <= 127) && (-127 <= max && max <= 127)
+ "yytype_int8"
+ when (0 <= min && min <= 255) && (0 <= max && max <= 255)
+ "yytype_uint8"
+ when (-32767 <= min && min <= 32767) && (-32767 <= max && max <= 32767)
+ "yytype_int16"
+ when (0 <= min && min <= 65535) && (0 <= max && max <= 65535)
+ "yytype_uint16"
+ else
+ "int"
+ end
+ end
+ def symbol_actions_for_printer
+ str = ""
+ @grammar.symbols.each do |sym|
+ next unless sym.printer
+ str << <<-STR
+ case #{sym.enum_name}: /* #{sym.comment} */
+#line #{sym.printer.lineno} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{sym.printer.translated_code(sym.tag)}}
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ break;
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ def symbol_actions_for_destructor
+ str = ""
+ @grammar.symbols.each do |sym|
+ next unless sym.destructor
+ str << <<-STR
+ case #{sym.enum_name}: /* #{sym.comment} */
+#line #{sym.destructor.lineno} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{sym.destructor.translated_code(sym.tag)}}
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ break;
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ # b4_user_initial_action
+ def user_initial_action(comment = "")
+ return "" unless @grammar.initial_action
+ <<-STR
+ #{comment}
+#line #{@grammar.initial_action.line} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{@grammar.initial_action.translated_code}}
+ end
+ def after_shift_function(comment = "")
+ return "" unless @grammar.after_shift
+ <<-STR
+ #{comment}
+#line #{@grammar.after_shift.line} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{@grammar.after_shift.s_value}(#{parse_param_name});}
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ end
+ def before_reduce_function(comment = "")
+ return "" unless @grammar.before_reduce
+ <<-STR
+ #{comment}
+#line #{@grammar.before_reduce.line} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{@grammar.before_reduce.s_value}(yylen#{user_args});}
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ end
+ def after_reduce_function(comment = "")
+ return "" unless @grammar.after_reduce
+ <<-STR
+ #{comment}
+#line #{@grammar.after_reduce.line} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{@grammar.after_reduce.s_value}(yylen#{user_args});}
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ end
+ def after_shift_error_token_function(comment = "")
+ return "" unless @grammar.after_shift_error_token
+ <<-STR
+ #{comment}
+#line #{@grammar.after_shift_error_token.line} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{@grammar.after_shift_error_token.s_value}(#{parse_param_name});}
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ end
+ def after_pop_stack_function(len, comment = "")
+ return "" unless @grammar.after_pop_stack
+ <<-STR
+ #{comment}
+#line #{@grammar.after_pop_stack.line} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{@grammar.after_pop_stack.s_value}(#{len}#{user_args});}
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ end
+ def symbol_actions_for_error_token
+ str = ""
+ @grammar.symbols.each do |sym|
+ next unless sym.error_token
+ str << <<-STR
+ case #{sym.enum_name}: /* #{sym.comment} */
+#line #{sym.error_token.lineno} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+ {#{sym.error_token.translated_code(sym.tag)}}
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ break;
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ # b4_user_actions
+ def user_actions
+ str = ""
+ @context.states.rules.each do |rule|
+ next unless rule.token_code
+ code = rule.token_code
+ spaces = " " * (code.column - 1)
+ str << <<-STR
+ case #{ + 1}: /* #{rule.as_comment} */
+#line #{code.line} "#{@grammar_file_path}"
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ break;
+ end
+ str << <<-STR
+#line [@oline@] [@ofile@]
+ str
+ end
+ def omit_blanks(param)
+ param.strip
+ end
+ # b4_parse_param
+ def parse_param
+ if @grammar.parse_param
+ omit_blanks(@grammar.parse_param)
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ def lex_param
+ if @grammar.lex_param
+ omit_blanks(@grammar.lex_param)
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ # b4_user_formals
+ def user_formals
+ if @grammar.parse_param
+ ", #{parse_param}"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ # b4_user_args
+ def user_args
+ if @grammar.parse_param
+ ", #{parse_param_name}"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ def extract_param_name(param)
+ param[/\b([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?=\s*\z)/]
+ end
+ def parse_param_name
+ if @grammar.parse_param
+ extract_param_name(parse_param)
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ def lex_param_name
+ if @grammar.lex_param
+ extract_param_name(lex_param)
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ # b4_parse_param_use
+ def parse_param_use(val, loc)
+ str = <<-STR
+ YY_USE (#{val});
+ YY_USE (#{loc});
+ if @grammar.parse_param
+ str << " YY_USE (#{parse_param_name});"
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ # b4_yylex_formals
+ def yylex_formals
+ ary = ["&yylval", "&yylloc"]
+ if @grammar.lex_param
+ ary << lex_param_name
+ end
+ "(#{ary.join(', ')})"
+ end
+ # b4_table_value_equals
+ def table_value_equals(table, value, literal, symbol)
+ if literal < table.min || table.max < literal
+ "0"
+ else
+ "((#{value}) == #{symbol})"
+ end
+ end
+ # b4_yyerror_args
+ def yyerror_args
+ ary = ["&yylloc"]
+ if @grammar.parse_param
+ ary << parse_param_name
+ end
+ "#{ary.join(', ')}"
+ end
+ def template_basename
+ File.basename(template_file)
+ end
+ def aux
+ @grammar.aux
+ end
+ def int_array_to_string(ary)
+ last = ary.count - 1
+ s = ary.each_with_index.each_slice(10).map do |slice|
+ str = " "
+ slice.each do |e, i|
+ str << sprintf("%6d%s", e, (i == last) ? "" : ",")
+ end
+ str
+ end
+ s.join("\n")
+ end
+ def spec_mapped_header_file
+ @header_file_path
+ end
+ def b4_cpp_guard__b4_spec_mapped_header_file
+ if @header_file_path
+ "YY_YY_" + @header_file_path.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z_0-9]+/, "_").upcase + "_INCLUDED"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ # b4_percent_code_get
+ def percent_code(name)
+ do |percent_code|
+ == name
+ do |percent_code|
+ percent_code.code
+ end.join
+ end
+ private
+ def eval_template(file, path)
+ tmp = render_template(file)
+ replace_special_variables(tmp, path)
+ end
+ def render_template(file)
+ erb = self.class.erb(
+ erb.filename = file
+ erb.result_with_hash(context: @context, output: self)
+ end
+ def template_file
+ File.join(template_dir, @template_name)
+ end
+ def header_template_file
+ File.join(template_dir, "bison/yacc.h")
+ end
+ def partial_file(file)
+ File.join(template_dir, file)
+ end
+ def template_dir
+ File.expand_path("../../../template", __FILE__)
+ end
+ def string_array_to_string(ary)
+ str = ""
+ tmp = " "
+ ary.each do |s|
+ s = s.gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\')
+ s = s.gsub('"', '\\"')
+ if (tmp + s + " \"\",").length > 75
+ str << tmp << "\n"
+ tmp = " \"#{s}\","
+ else
+ tmp << " \"#{s}\","
+ end
+ end
+ str << tmp
+ end
+ def replace_special_variables(str, ofile)
+ str.each_line.with_index(1).map do |line, i|
+ line.gsub!("[@oline@]", (i + 1).to_s)
+ line.gsub!("[@ofile@]", "\"#{ofile}\"")
+ line
+ end.join
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/parser.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04603105b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2234 @@
+# This file is automatically generated by Racc 1.7.3
+# from Racc grammar file "parser.y".
+###### racc/parser.rb begin
+unless $".find {|p| p.end_with?('/racc/parser.rb')}
+$".push "#{__dir__}/racc/parser.rb"
+self.class.module_eval(<<'...end racc/parser.rb/module_eval...', 'racc/parser.rb', 1)
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Minero Aoki
+# This program is free software.
+# You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of ruby.
+# As a special exception, when this code is copied by Racc
+# into a Racc output file, you may use that output file
+# without restriction.
+unless $".find {|p| p.end_with?('/racc/info.rb')}
+$".push "#{__dir__}/racc/info.rb"
+module Racc
+ VERSION = '1.7.3'
+ Version = VERSION
+ Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Minero Aoki'
+unless defined?(NotImplementedError)
+ NotImplementedError = NotImplementError # :nodoc:
+module Racc
+ class ParseError < StandardError; end
+unless defined?(::ParseError)
+ ParseError = Racc::ParseError # :nodoc:
+# Racc is a LALR(1) parser generator.
+# It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby programs.
+# == Command-line Reference
+# racc [-o<var>filename</var>] [--output-file=<var>filename</var>]
+# [-e<var>rubypath</var>] [--executable=<var>rubypath</var>]
+# [-v] [--verbose]
+# [-O<var>filename</var>] [--log-file=<var>filename</var>]
+# [-g] [--debug]
+# [-E] [--embedded]
+# [-l] [--no-line-convert]
+# [-c] [--line-convert-all]
+# [-a] [--no-omit-actions]
+# [-C] [--check-only]
+# [-S] [--output-status]
+# [--version] [--copyright] [--help] <var>grammarfile</var>
+# [+grammarfile+]
+# Racc grammar file. Any extension is permitted.
+# [-o+outfile+, --output-file=+outfile+]
+# A filename for output. default is <+filename+>.tab.rb
+# [-O+filename+, --log-file=+filename+]
+# Place logging output in file +filename+.
+# Default log file name is <+filename+>.output.
+# [-e+rubypath+, --executable=+rubypath+]
+# output executable file(mode 755). where +path+ is the Ruby interpreter.
+# [-v, --verbose]
+# verbose mode. create +filename+.output file, like yacc's y.output file.
+# [-g, --debug]
+# add debug code to parser class. To display debugging information,
+# use this '-g' option and set @yydebug true in parser class.
+# [-E, --embedded]
+# Output parser which doesn't need runtime files (racc/parser.rb).
+# [-F, --frozen]
+# Output parser which declares frozen_string_literals: true
+# [-C, --check-only]
+# Check syntax of racc grammar file and quit.
+# [-S, --output-status]
+# Print messages time to time while compiling.
+# [-l, --no-line-convert]
+# turns off line number converting.
+# [-c, --line-convert-all]
+# Convert line number of actions, inner, header and footer.
+# [-a, --no-omit-actions]
+# Call all actions, even if an action is empty.
+# [--version]
+# print Racc version and quit.
+# [--copyright]
+# Print copyright and quit.
+# [--help]
+# Print usage and quit.
+# == Generating Parser Using Racc
+# To compile Racc grammar file, simply type:
+# $ racc parse.y
+# This creates Ruby script file "". The -o option can change the output filename.
+# == Writing A Racc Grammar File
+# If you want your own parser, you have to write a grammar file.
+# A grammar file contains the name of your parser class, grammar for the parser,
+# user code, and anything else.
+# When writing a grammar file, yacc's knowledge is helpful.
+# If you have not used yacc before, Racc is not too difficult.
+# Here's an example Racc grammar file.
+# class Calcparser
+# rule
+# target: exp { print val[0] }
+# exp: exp '+' exp
+# | exp '*' exp
+# | '(' exp ')'
+# end
+# Racc grammar files resemble yacc files.
+# But (of course), this is Ruby code.
+# yacc's $$ is the 'result', $0, $1... is
+# an array called 'val', and $-1, $-2... is an array called '_values'.
+# See the {Grammar File Reference}[rdoc-ref:lib/racc/rdoc/grammar.en.rdoc] for
+# more information on grammar files.
+# == Parser
+# Then you must prepare the parse entry method. There are two types of
+# parse methods in Racc, Racc::Parser#do_parse and Racc::Parser#yyparse
+# Racc::Parser#do_parse is simple.
+# It's yyparse() of yacc, and Racc::Parser#next_token is yylex().
+# This method must returns an array like [TOKENSYMBOL, ITS_VALUE].
+# EOF is [false, false].
+# (TOKENSYMBOL is a Ruby symbol (taken from String#intern) by default.
+# If you want to change this, see the grammar reference.
+# Racc::Parser#yyparse is little complicated, but useful.
+# It does not use Racc::Parser#next_token, instead it gets tokens from any iterator.
+# For example, <code>yyparse(obj, :scan)</code> causes
+# calling +obj#scan+, and you can return tokens by yielding them from +obj#scan+.
+# == Debugging
+# When debugging, "-v" or/and the "-g" option is helpful.
+# "-v" creates verbose log file (.output).
+# "-g" creates a "Verbose Parser".
+# Verbose Parser prints the internal status when parsing.
+# But it's _not_ automatic.
+# You must use -g option and set +@yydebug+ to +true+ in order to get output.
+# -g option only creates the verbose parser.
+# === Racc reported syntax error.
+# Isn't there too many "end"?
+# grammar of racc file is changed in v0.10.
+# Racc does not use '%' mark, while yacc uses huge number of '%' marks..
+# === Racc reported "XXXX conflicts".
+# Try "racc -v xxxx.y".
+# It causes producing racc's internal log file, xxxx.output.
+# === Generated parsers does not work correctly
+# Try "racc -g xxxx.y".
+# This command let racc generate "debugging parser".
+# Then set @yydebug=true in your parser.
+# It produces a working log of your parser.
+# == Re-distributing Racc runtime
+# A parser, which is created by Racc, requires the Racc runtime module;
+# racc/parser.rb.
+# Ruby 1.8.x comes with Racc runtime module,
+# you need NOT distribute Racc runtime files.
+# If you want to include the Racc runtime module with your parser.
+# This can be done by using '-E' option:
+# $ racc -E -omyparser.rb myparser.y
+# This command creates myparser.rb which `includes' Racc runtime.
+# Only you must do is to distribute your parser file (myparser.rb).
+# Note: parser.rb is ruby license, but your parser is not.
+# Your own parser is completely yours.
+module Racc
+ unless defined?(Racc_No_Extensions)
+ Racc_No_Extensions = false # :nodoc:
+ end
+ class Parser
+ Racc_Runtime_Version = ::Racc::VERSION
+ Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_R = ::Racc::VERSION
+ begin
+ if Object.const_defined?(:RUBY_ENGINE) and RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby'
+ require 'jruby'
+ require 'racc/cparse-jruby.jar'
+, false)
+ else
+ require 'racc/cparse'
+ end
+ unless new.respond_to?(:_racc_do_parse_c, true)
+ raise LoadError, 'old'
+ end
+ if Racc_No_Extensions
+ raise LoadError, 'selecting ruby version of racc runtime core'
+ end
+ Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine = :_racc_do_parse_c # :nodoc:
+ Racc_YY_Parse_Method = :_racc_yyparse_c # :nodoc:
+ Racc_Runtime_Core_Version = Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_C # :nodoc:
+ Racc_Runtime_Type = 'c' # :nodoc:
+ rescue LoadError
+ Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine = :_racc_do_parse_rb
+ Racc_YY_Parse_Method = :_racc_yyparse_rb
+ Racc_Runtime_Core_Version = Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_R
+ Racc_Runtime_Type = 'ruby'
+ end
+ def Parser.racc_runtime_type # :nodoc:
+ Racc_Runtime_Type
+ end
+ def _racc_setup
+ @yydebug = false unless self.class::Racc_debug_parser
+ @yydebug = false unless defined?(@yydebug)
+ if @yydebug
+ @racc_debug_out = $stderr unless defined?(@racc_debug_out)
+ @racc_debug_out ||= $stderr
+ end
+ arg = self.class::Racc_arg
+ arg[13] = true if arg.size < 14
+ arg
+ end
+ def _racc_init_sysvars
+ @racc_state = [0]
+ @racc_tstack = []
+ @racc_vstack = []
+ @racc_t = nil
+ @racc_val = nil
+ @racc_read_next = true
+ @racc_user_yyerror = false
+ @racc_error_status = 0
+ end
+ # The entry point of the parser. This method is used with #next_token.
+ # If Racc wants to get token (and its value), calls next_token.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ # def parse
+ # @q = [[1,1],
+ # [2,2],
+ # [3,3],
+ # [false, '$']]
+ # do_parse
+ # end
+ #
+ # def next_token
+ # @q.shift
+ # end
+ class_eval <<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def do_parse
+ #{Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine}(_racc_setup(), false)
+ end
+ # The method to fetch next token.
+ # If you use #do_parse method, you must implement #next_token.
+ #
+ # The format of return value is [TOKEN_SYMBOL, VALUE].
+ # +token-symbol+ is represented by Ruby's symbol by default, e.g. :IDENT
+ # for 'IDENT'. ";" (String) for ';'.
+ #
+ # The final symbol (End of file) must be false.
+ def next_token
+ raise NotImplementedError, "#{self.class}\#next_token is not defined"
+ end
+ def _racc_do_parse_rb(arg, in_debug)
+ action_table, action_check, action_default, action_pointer,
+ _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, token_table, * = arg
+ _racc_init_sysvars
+ tok = act = i = nil
+ catch(:racc_end_parse) {
+ while true
+ if i = action_pointer[@racc_state[-1]]
+ if @racc_read_next
+ if @racc_t != 0 # not EOF
+ tok, @racc_val = next_token()
+ unless tok # EOF
+ @racc_t = 0
+ else
+ @racc_t = (token_table[tok] or 1) # error token
+ end
+ racc_read_token(@racc_t, tok, @racc_val) if @yydebug
+ @racc_read_next = false
+ end
+ end
+ i += @racc_t
+ unless i >= 0 and
+ act = action_table[i] and
+ action_check[i] == @racc_state[-1]
+ act = action_default[@racc_state[-1]]
+ end
+ else
+ act = action_default[@racc_state[-1]]
+ end
+ while act = _racc_evalact(act, arg)
+ ;
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ # Another entry point for the parser.
+ # If you use this method, you must implement RECEIVER#METHOD_ID method.
+ #
+ # RECEIVER#METHOD_ID is a method to get next token.
+ # It must 'yield' the token, which format is [TOKEN-SYMBOL, VALUE].
+ class_eval <<~RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def yyparse(recv, mid)
+ #{Racc_YY_Parse_Method}(recv, mid, _racc_setup(), false)
+ end
+ def _racc_yyparse_rb(recv, mid, arg, c_debug)
+ action_table, action_check, action_default, action_pointer,
+ _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, token_table, * = arg
+ _racc_init_sysvars
+ catch(:racc_end_parse) {
+ until i = action_pointer[@racc_state[-1]]
+ while act = _racc_evalact(action_default[@racc_state[-1]], arg)
+ ;
+ end
+ end
+ recv.__send__(mid) do |tok, val|
+ unless tok
+ @racc_t = 0
+ else
+ @racc_t = (token_table[tok] or 1) # error token
+ end
+ @racc_val = val
+ @racc_read_next = false
+ i += @racc_t
+ unless i >= 0 and
+ act = action_table[i] and
+ action_check[i] == @racc_state[-1]
+ act = action_default[@racc_state[-1]]
+ end
+ while act = _racc_evalact(act, arg)
+ ;
+ end
+ while !(i = action_pointer[@racc_state[-1]]) ||
+ ! @racc_read_next ||
+ @racc_t == 0 # $
+ unless i and i += @racc_t and
+ i >= 0 and
+ act = action_table[i] and
+ action_check[i] == @racc_state[-1]
+ act = action_default[@racc_state[-1]]
+ end
+ while act = _racc_evalact(act, arg)
+ ;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ ###
+ ### common
+ ###
+ def _racc_evalact(act, arg)
+ action_table, action_check, _, action_pointer,
+ _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, shift_n,
+ reduce_n, * = arg
+ nerr = 0 # tmp
+ if act > 0 and act < shift_n
+ #
+ # shift
+ #
+ if @racc_error_status > 0
+ @racc_error_status -= 1 unless @racc_t <= 1 # error token or EOF
+ end
+ @racc_vstack.push @racc_val
+ @racc_state.push act
+ @racc_read_next = true
+ if @yydebug
+ @racc_tstack.push @racc_t
+ racc_shift @racc_t, @racc_tstack, @racc_vstack
+ end
+ elsif act < 0 and act > -reduce_n
+ #
+ # reduce
+ #
+ code = catch(:racc_jump) {
+ @racc_state.push _racc_do_reduce(arg, act)
+ false
+ }
+ if code
+ case code
+ when 1 # yyerror
+ @racc_user_yyerror = true # user_yyerror
+ return -reduce_n
+ when 2 # yyaccept
+ return shift_n
+ else
+ raise '[Racc Bug] unknown jump code'
+ end
+ end
+ elsif act == shift_n
+ #
+ # accept
+ #
+ racc_accept if @yydebug
+ throw :racc_end_parse, @racc_vstack[0]
+ elsif act == -reduce_n
+ #
+ # error
+ #
+ case @racc_error_status
+ when 0
+ unless arg[21] # user_yyerror
+ nerr += 1
+ on_error @racc_t, @racc_val, @racc_vstack
+ end
+ when 3
+ if @racc_t == 0 # is $
+ # We're at EOF, and another error occurred immediately after
+ # attempting auto-recovery
+ throw :racc_end_parse, nil
+ end
+ @racc_read_next = true
+ end
+ @racc_user_yyerror = false
+ @racc_error_status = 3
+ while true
+ if i = action_pointer[@racc_state[-1]]
+ i += 1 # error token
+ if i >= 0 and
+ (act = action_table[i]) and
+ action_check[i] == @racc_state[-1]
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ throw :racc_end_parse, nil if @racc_state.size <= 1
+ @racc_state.pop
+ @racc_vstack.pop
+ if @yydebug
+ @racc_tstack.pop
+ racc_e_pop @racc_state, @racc_tstack, @racc_vstack
+ end
+ end
+ return act
+ else
+ raise "[Racc Bug] unknown action #{act.inspect}"
+ end
+ racc_next_state(@racc_state[-1], @racc_state) if @yydebug
+ nil
+ end
+ def _racc_do_reduce(arg, act)
+ _, _, _, _,
+ goto_table, goto_check, goto_default, goto_pointer,
+ nt_base, reduce_table, _, _,
+ _, use_result, * = arg
+ state = @racc_state
+ vstack = @racc_vstack
+ tstack = @racc_tstack
+ i = act * -3
+ len = reduce_table[i]
+ reduce_to = reduce_table[i+1]
+ method_id = reduce_table[i+2]
+ void_array = []
+ tmp_t = tstack[-len, len] if @yydebug
+ tmp_v = vstack[-len, len]
+ tstack[-len, len] = void_array if @yydebug
+ vstack[-len, len] = void_array
+ state[-len, len] = void_array
+ # tstack must be updated AFTER method call
+ if use_result
+ vstack.push __send__(method_id, tmp_v, vstack, tmp_v[0])
+ else
+ vstack.push __send__(method_id, tmp_v, vstack)
+ end
+ tstack.push reduce_to
+ racc_reduce(tmp_t, reduce_to, tstack, vstack) if @yydebug
+ k1 = reduce_to - nt_base
+ if i = goto_pointer[k1]
+ i += state[-1]
+ if i >= 0 and (curstate = goto_table[i]) and goto_check[i] == k1
+ return curstate
+ end
+ end
+ goto_default[k1]
+ end
+ # This method is called when a parse error is found.
+ #
+ # ERROR_TOKEN_ID is an internal ID of token which caused error.
+ # You can get string representation of this ID by calling
+ # #token_to_str.
+ #
+ # ERROR_VALUE is a value of error token.
+ #
+ # value_stack is a stack of symbol values.
+ # DO NOT MODIFY this object.
+ #
+ # This method raises ParseError by default.
+ #
+ # If this method returns, parsers enter "error recovering mode".
+ def on_error(t, val, vstack)
+ raise ParseError, sprintf("parse error on value %s (%s)",
+ val.inspect, token_to_str(t) || '?')
+ end
+ # Enter error recovering mode.
+ # This method does not call #on_error.
+ def yyerror
+ throw :racc_jump, 1
+ end
+ # Exit parser.
+ # Return value is +Symbol_Value_Stack[0]+.
+ def yyaccept
+ throw :racc_jump, 2
+ end
+ # Leave error recovering mode.
+ def yyerrok
+ @racc_error_status = 0
+ end
+ # For debugging output
+ def racc_read_token(t, tok, val)
+ @racc_debug_out.print 'read '
+ @racc_debug_out.print tok.inspect, '(', racc_token2str(t), ') '
+ @racc_debug_out.puts val.inspect
+ @racc_debug_out.puts
+ end
+ def racc_shift(tok, tstack, vstack)
+ @racc_debug_out.puts "shift #{racc_token2str tok}"
+ racc_print_stacks tstack, vstack
+ @racc_debug_out.puts
+ end
+ def racc_reduce(toks, sim, tstack, vstack)
+ out = @racc_debug_out
+ out.print 'reduce '
+ if toks.empty?
+ out.print ' <none>'
+ else
+ toks.each {|t| out.print ' ', racc_token2str(t) }
+ end
+ out.puts " --> #{racc_token2str(sim)}"
+ racc_print_stacks tstack, vstack
+ @racc_debug_out.puts
+ end
+ def racc_accept
+ @racc_debug_out.puts 'accept'
+ @racc_debug_out.puts
+ end
+ def racc_e_pop(state, tstack, vstack)
+ @racc_debug_out.puts 'error recovering mode: pop token'
+ racc_print_states state
+ racc_print_stacks tstack, vstack
+ @racc_debug_out.puts
+ end
+ def racc_next_state(curstate, state)
+ @racc_debug_out.puts "goto #{curstate}"
+ racc_print_states state
+ @racc_debug_out.puts
+ end
+ def racc_print_stacks(t, v)
+ out = @racc_debug_out
+ out.print ' ['
+ t.each_index do |i|
+ out.print ' (', racc_token2str(t[i]), ' ', v[i].inspect, ')'
+ end
+ out.puts ' ]'
+ end
+ def racc_print_states(s)
+ out = @racc_debug_out
+ out.print ' ['
+ s.each {|st| out.print ' ', st }
+ out.puts ' ]'
+ end
+ def racc_token2str(tok)
+ self.class::Racc_token_to_s_table[tok] or
+ raise "[Racc Bug] can't convert token #{tok} to string"
+ end
+ # Convert internal ID of token symbol to the string.
+ def token_to_str(t)
+ self.class::Racc_token_to_s_table[t]
+ end
+ end
+...end racc/parser.rb/module_eval...
+###### racc/parser.rb end
+module Lrama
+ class Parser < Racc::Parser
+module_eval(<<'...end parser.y/module_eval...', 'parser.y', 536)
+include Lrama::Report::Duration
+def initialize(text, path, debug = false)
+ @grammar_file =, text)
+ @yydebug = debug
+ @rule_counter =
+ @midrule_action_counter =
+def parse
+ report_duration(:parse) do
+ @lexer =
+ @grammar =
+ @precedence_number = 0
+ reset_precs
+ do_parse
+ @grammar
+ end
+def next_token
+ @lexer.next_token
+def on_error(error_token_id, error_value, value_stack)
+ if error_value.is_a?(Lrama::Lexer::Token)
+ location = error_value.location
+ value = "'#{error_value.s_value}'"
+ else
+ location = @lexer.location
+ value = error_value.inspect
+ end
+ error_message = "parse error on value #{value} (#{token_to_str(error_token_id) || '?'})"
+ raise_parse_error(error_message, location)
+def on_action_error(error_message, error_value)
+ if error_value.is_a?(Lrama::Lexer::Token)
+ location = error_value.location
+ else
+ location = @lexer.location
+ end
+ raise_parse_error(error_message, location)
+def reset_precs
+ @prec_seen = false
+ @code_after_prec = false
+def begin_c_declaration(end_symbol)
+ @lexer.status = :c_declaration
+ @lexer.end_symbol = end_symbol
+def end_c_declaration
+ @lexer.status = :initial
+ @lexer.end_symbol = nil
+def raise_parse_error(error_message, location)
+ raise ParseError, location.generate_error_message(error_message)
+...end parser.y/module_eval...
+##### State transition tables begin ###
+racc_action_table = [
+ 98, 51, 99, 163, 88, 79, 51, 51, 180, 163,
+ 79, 79, 51, 162, 180, 156, 79, 165, 157, 51,
+ 3, 50, 181, 165, 70, 51, 8, 50, 181, 79,
+ 75, 51, 6, 50, 7, 161, 82, 47, 51, 51,
+ 50, 50, 89, 82, 82, 166, 41, 51, 100, 50,
+ 182, 166, 82, 51, 48, 50, 182, 23, 25, 26,
+ 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
+ 37, 38, 47, 51, 51, 50, 50, 93, 79, 197,
+ 51, 51, 50, 50, 79, 197, 51, 51, 50, 50,
+ 79, 197, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
+ 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 9, 51, 54,
+ 50, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 54, 54, 20,
+ 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
+ 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 51, 51,
+ 50, 50, 79, 197, 51, 51, 50, 50, 79, 197,
+ 51, 51, 50, 50, 79, 197, 51, 51, 50, 50,
+ 79, 79, 51, 51, 50, 50, 79, 79, 51, 51,
+ 50, 50, 79, 79, 51, 51, 50, 207, 79, 79,
+ 51, 51, 207, 207, 79, 79, 51, 51, 50, 50,
+ 79, 187, 188, 189, 96, 187, 188, 189, 96, 217,
+ 221, 229, 218, 218, 218, 51, 51, 50, 50, 187,
+ 188, 189, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
+ 65, 66, 67, 90, 94, 96, 101, 101, 101, 103,
+ 109, 113, 114, 117, 117, 117, 117, 120, 47, 124,
+ 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 140, 141,
+ 142, 143, 146, 147, 148, 150, 160, 168, 170, 171,
+ 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 146, 184, 192, 193,
+ 200, 160, 204, 176, 211, 160, 215, 216, 178, 176,
+ 226, 176, 228, 96, 96, 176 ]
+racc_action_check = [
+ 49, 145, 49, 145, 39, 145, 159, 183, 159, 183,
+ 159, 183, 201, 144, 201, 139, 201, 145, 139, 33,
+ 1, 33, 159, 183, 33, 34, 3, 34, 201, 34,
+ 34, 35, 2, 35, 2, 144, 35, 9, 36, 37,
+ 36, 37, 39, 36, 37, 145, 7, 38, 49, 38,
+ 159, 183, 38, 15, 14, 15, 201, 9, 9, 9,
+ 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
+ 9, 9, 42, 69, 172, 69, 172, 42, 172, 172,
+ 173, 70, 173, 70, 173, 173, 174, 81, 174, 81,
+ 174, 174, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42,
+ 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 4, 82, 16,
+ 82, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 17, 18, 4,
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
+ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 194, 109,
+ 194, 109, 194, 194, 198, 111, 198, 111, 198, 198,
+ 199, 117, 199, 117, 199, 199, 74, 75, 74, 75,
+ 74, 75, 114, 116, 114, 116, 114, 116, 137, 166,
+ 137, 166, 137, 166, 182, 184, 182, 184, 182, 184,
+ 204, 216, 204, 216, 204, 216, 218, 119, 218, 119,
+ 218, 164, 164, 164, 164, 179, 179, 179, 179, 208,
+ 214, 223, 208, 214, 223, 134, 138, 134, 138, 209,
+ 209, 209, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
+ 30, 31, 32, 40, 45, 46, 53, 55, 56, 57,
+ 68, 72, 73, 80, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 95,
+ 96, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 120, 121,
+ 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 141, 149, 151, 152,
+ 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 163, 167, 169,
+ 175, 178, 180, 186, 190, 200, 205, 207, 213, 217,
+ 220, 221, 222, 226, 228, 230 ]
+racc_action_pointer = [
+ nil, 20, 22, 26, 98, nil, nil, 39, nil, 33,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 48, 50, 90, 98, 99, 207,
+ 194, nil, nil, 195, nil, 196, 197, 198, 213, 214,
+ 215, 216, 217, 16, 22, 28, 35, 36, 44, -1,
+ 221, nil, 68, nil, nil, 201, 174, nil, nil, -5,
+ nil, nil, nil, 207, nil, 208, 209, 210, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 222, 70,
+ 78, nil, 225, 224, 153, 154, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 225, 84, 105, nil, nil, 226, 227, 228, 197, 234,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 197, 235, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 239, nil, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 136,
+ nil, 142, 240, nil, 159, nil, 160, 148, nil, 184,
+ 243, 207, 239, 249, 206, 201, 252, nil, 253, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 202, nil, nil, 165, 203, -26,
+ nil, 210, nil, nil, -10, -2, nil, nil, nil, 237,
+ nil, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 255, 259, 220, 3,
+ nil, 220, nil, 227, 143, nil, 166, 248, nil, 249,
+ nil, nil, 71, 77, 83, 228, nil, nil, 225, 147,
+ 232, nil, 171, 4, 172, nil, 265, nil, nil, nil,
+ 272, nil, nil, nil, 135, nil, nil, nil, 141, 147,
+ 229, 9, nil, nil, 177, 274, nil, 237, 158, 161,
+ nil, nil, nil, 233, 159, nil, 178, 271, 183, nil,
+ 260, 273, 262, 160, nil, nil, 232, nil, 233, nil,
+ 277, nil, nil ]
+racc_action_default = [
+ -2, -138, -8, -138, -138, -3, -4, -138, 233, -138,
+ -9, -10, -11, -12, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138,
+ -138, -24, -25, -138, -29, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138,
+ -138, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138,
+ -138, -7, -123, -96, -98, -138, -120, -122, -13, -127,
+ -94, -95, -126, -15, -85, -16, -17, -138, -21, -26,
+ -30, -33, -36, -39, -40, -41, -42, -43, -44, -50,
+ -138, -53, -71, -45, -75, -138, -78, -80, -81, -135,
+ -46, -88, -138, -91, -93, -47, -48, -49, -138, -138,
+ -5, -1, -97, -124, -99, -138, -138, -14, -128, -129,
+ -130, -82, -138, -18, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138,
+ -54, -51, -73, -72, -138, -79, -76, -138, -92, -89,
+ -138, -138, -138, -138, -104, -138, -138, -86, -138, -22,
+ -27, -31, -34, -37, -52, -55, -74, -77, -90, -138,
+ -58, -62, -6, -125, -100, -101, -105, -121, -83, -138,
+ -19, -138, -138, -138, -138, -138, -136, -138, -57, -60,
+ -63, -104, -103, -94, -120, -109, -138, -138, -87, -138,
+ -23, -28, -138, -138, -138, -138, -137, -59, -62, -120,
+ -94, -67, -138, -102, -138, -106, -136, -113, -114, -115,
+ -138, -112, -84, -20, -32, -131, -133, -134, -35, -38,
+ -62, -61, -64, -65, -138, -138, -70, -94, -138, -116,
+ -107, -110, -132, -56, -138, -68, -138, -136, -138, -118,
+ -138, -136, -138, -138, -108, -117, -120, -66, -120, -119,
+ -136, -69, -111 ]
+racc_goto_table = [
+ 76, 95, 69, 52, 74, 158, 110, 175, 118, 119,
+ 145, 208, 1, 212, 186, 2, 43, 212, 212, 4,
+ 42, 72, 91, 84, 84, 84, 84, 5, 40, 203,
+ 122, 214, 80, 85, 86, 87, 10, 210, 11, 111,
+ 115, 76, 12, 223, 138, 116, 118, 183, 110, 92,
+ 53, 55, 56, 194, 198, 199, 13, 72, 72, 219,
+ 49, 97, 128, 169, 213, 118, 104, 151, 224, 84,
+ 84, 110, 227, 105, 152, 106, 153, 107, 134, 154,
+ 76, 232, 115, 108, 137, 155, 68, 73, 112, 135,
+ 139, 121, 201, 205, 222, 126, 167, 72, 102, 72,
+ 149, 144, 190, 115, 220, 84, 123, 84, nil, nil,
+ nil, 164, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 185,
+ nil, nil, 72, nil, nil, 179, 84, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 191, nil, 202, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 206, 164,
+ 209, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 179, nil, nil,
+ 209, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 230, 209, 231, 225 ]
+racc_goto_check = [
+ 43, 44, 33, 35, 49, 40, 34, 39, 56, 55,
+ 60, 46, 1, 64, 45, 2, 57, 64, 64, 3,
+ 4, 35, 5, 35, 35, 35, 35, 6, 7, 45,
+ 8, 46, 32, 32, 32, 32, 9, 39, 10, 33,
+ 43, 43, 11, 46, 55, 49, 56, 60, 34, 57,
+ 15, 15, 15, 21, 21, 21, 12, 35, 35, 45,
+ 13, 14, 16, 17, 40, 56, 18, 19, 39, 35,
+ 35, 34, 39, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, 27,
+ 43, 39, 43, 28, 49, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37,
+ 38, 41, 42, 47, 48, 51, 52, 35, 53, 35,
+ 54, 59, 61, 43, 62, 35, 63, 35, nil, nil,
+ nil, 43, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 44,
+ nil, nil, 35, nil, nil, 43, 35, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, 43, nil, 44, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 43, 43,
+ 43, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 43, nil, nil,
+ 43, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 44, 43, 44, 43 ]
+racc_goto_pointer = [
+ nil, 12, 15, 17, 11, -20, 25, 22, -60, 32,
+ 34, 38, 52, 45, 12, 34, -41, -87, 8, -62,
+ nil, -119, 14, -56, 15, -55, 16, -53, 21, -48,
+ 53, 53, -3, -31, -63, -12, 16, -23, -30, -149,
+ -136, 2, -86, -34, -45, -150, -173, -88, -121, -30,
+ nil, -6, -52, 44, -27, -73, -73, 7, nil, -23,
+ -114, -63, -107, 13, -181 ]
+racc_goto_default = [
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 45, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 24, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 71, 77, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ nil, 46, 159, 196, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
+ 78, nil, nil, nil, nil, 81, 83, nil, 44, nil,
+ nil, nil, nil, nil, 195 ]
+racc_reduce_table = [
+ 0, 0, :racc_error,
+ 5, 55, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 56, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 61, :_reduce_4,
+ 0, 62, :_reduce_5,
+ 5, 60, :_reduce_6,
+ 2, 60, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 57, :_reduce_8,
+ 2, 57, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 63, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 63, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 63, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 63, :_reduce_13,
+ 3, 63, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 63, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 63, :_reduce_16,
+ 2, 63, :_reduce_17,
+ 0, 70, :_reduce_18,
+ 0, 71, :_reduce_19,
+ 7, 63, :_reduce_20,
+ 0, 72, :_reduce_21,
+ 0, 73, :_reduce_22,
+ 6, 63, :_reduce_23,
+ 1, 63, :_reduce_24,
+ 1, 63, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 76, :_reduce_26,
+ 0, 77, :_reduce_27,
+ 6, 64, :_reduce_28,
+ 1, 64, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 78, :_reduce_30,
+ 0, 79, :_reduce_31,
+ 7, 64, :_reduce_32,
+ 0, 80, :_reduce_33,
+ 0, 81, :_reduce_34,
+ 7, 64, :_reduce_35,
+ 0, 82, :_reduce_36,
+ 0, 83, :_reduce_37,
+ 7, 64, :_reduce_38,
+ 2, 64, :_reduce_39,
+ 2, 64, :_reduce_40,
+ 2, 64, :_reduce_41,
+ 2, 64, :_reduce_42,
+ 2, 64, :_reduce_43,
+ 2, 74, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 74, :_reduce_45,
+ 2, 74, :_reduce_46,
+ 2, 74, :_reduce_47,
+ 2, 74, :_reduce_48,
+ 2, 74, :_reduce_49,
+ 1, 84, :_reduce_50,
+ 2, 84, :_reduce_51,
+ 3, 84, :_reduce_52,
+ 1, 87, :_reduce_53,
+ 2, 87, :_reduce_54,
+ 3, 88, :_reduce_55,
+ 8, 65, :_reduce_56,
+ 5, 66, :_reduce_57,
+ 1, 92, :_reduce_58,
+ 3, 92, :_reduce_59,
+ 1, 94, :_reduce_60,
+ 3, 94, :_reduce_61,
+ 0, 96, :_reduce_62,
+ 1, 96, :_reduce_63,
+ 3, 96, :_reduce_64,
+ 3, 96, :_reduce_65,
+ 6, 96, :_reduce_66,
+ 0, 101, :_reduce_67,
+ 0, 102, :_reduce_68,
+ 7, 96, :_reduce_69,
+ 3, 96, :_reduce_70,
+ 0, 90, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 90, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 91, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 91, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 85, :_reduce_75,
+ 2, 85, :_reduce_76,
+ 3, 85, :_reduce_77,
+ 1, 103, :_reduce_78,
+ 2, 103, :_reduce_79,
+ 1, 97, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 97, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 105, :_reduce_82,
+ 0, 106, :_reduce_83,
+ 6, 69, :_reduce_84,
+ 0, 107, :_reduce_85,
+ 0, 108, :_reduce_86,
+ 5, 69, :_reduce_87,
+ 1, 86, :_reduce_88,
+ 2, 86, :_reduce_89,
+ 3, 86, :_reduce_90,
+ 1, 109, :_reduce_91,
+ 2, 109, :_reduce_92,
+ 1, 110, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 89, :_reduce_94,
+ 1, 89, :_reduce_95,
+ 1, 58, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 58, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 111, :_reduce_none,
+ 2, 111, :_reduce_none,
+ 4, 112, :_reduce_100,
+ 1, 113, :_reduce_101,
+ 3, 113, :_reduce_102,
+ 2, 113, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 114, :_reduce_104,
+ 1, 114, :_reduce_105,
+ 3, 114, :_reduce_106,
+ 4, 114, :_reduce_107,
+ 6, 114, :_reduce_108,
+ 0, 115, :_reduce_109,
+ 0, 116, :_reduce_110,
+ 8, 114, :_reduce_111,
+ 3, 114, :_reduce_112,
+ 1, 99, :_reduce_113,
+ 1, 99, :_reduce_114,
+ 1, 99, :_reduce_115,
+ 1, 100, :_reduce_116,
+ 3, 100, :_reduce_117,
+ 2, 100, :_reduce_118,
+ 4, 100, :_reduce_119,
+ 0, 98, :_reduce_none,
+ 3, 98, :_reduce_121,
+ 1, 95, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 59, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 117, :_reduce_124,
+ 3, 59, :_reduce_125,
+ 1, 67, :_reduce_none,
+ 0, 68, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 68, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 68, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 68, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 75, :_reduce_131,
+ 2, 75, :_reduce_132,
+ 1, 118, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 118, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 104, :_reduce_135,
+ 0, 93, :_reduce_none,
+ 1, 93, :_reduce_none ]
+racc_reduce_n = 138
+racc_shift_n = 233
+racc_token_table = {
+ false => 0,
+ :error => 1,
+ :CHARACTER => 3,
+ :IDENT_COLON => 4,
+ :INTEGER => 6,
+ :STRING => 7,
+ :TAG => 8,
+ "%%" => 9,
+ "%{" => 10,
+ "%}" => 11,
+ "%require" => 12,
+ "%expect" => 13,
+ "%define" => 14,
+ "%param" => 15,
+ "%lex-param" => 16,
+ "%parse-param" => 17,
+ "%code" => 18,
+ "{" => 19,
+ "}" => 20,
+ "%initial-action" => 21,
+ "%no-stdlib" => 22,
+ ";" => 23,
+ "%union" => 24,
+ "%destructor" => 25,
+ "%printer" => 26,
+ "%error-token" => 27,
+ "%after-shift" => 28,
+ "%before-reduce" => 29,
+ "%after-reduce" => 30,
+ "%after-shift-error-token" => 31,
+ "%after-pop-stack" => 32,
+ "%token" => 33,
+ "%type" => 34,
+ "%left" => 35,
+ "%right" => 36,
+ "%precedence" => 37,
+ "%nonassoc" => 38,
+ "%rule" => 39,
+ "(" => 40,
+ ")" => 41,
+ ":" => 42,
+ "%inline" => 43,
+ "," => 44,
+ "|" => 45,
+ "%empty" => 46,
+ "%prec" => 47,
+ "?" => 48,
+ "+" => 49,
+ "*" => 50,
+ "[" => 51,
+ "]" => 52,
+ "{...}" => 53 }
+racc_nt_base = 54
+racc_use_result_var = true
+Racc_arg = [
+ racc_action_table,
+ racc_action_check,
+ racc_action_default,
+ racc_action_pointer,
+ racc_goto_table,
+ racc_goto_check,
+ racc_goto_default,
+ racc_goto_pointer,
+ racc_nt_base,
+ racc_reduce_table,
+ racc_token_table,
+ racc_shift_n,
+ racc_reduce_n,
+ racc_use_result_var ]
+Ractor.make_shareable(Racc_arg) if defined?(Ractor)
+Racc_token_to_s_table = [
+ "$end",
+ "error",
+ "TAG",
+ "\"%%\"",
+ "\"%{\"",
+ "\"%}\"",
+ "\"%require\"",
+ "\"%expect\"",
+ "\"%define\"",
+ "\"%param\"",
+ "\"%lex-param\"",
+ "\"%parse-param\"",
+ "\"%code\"",
+ "\"{\"",
+ "\"}\"",
+ "\"%initial-action\"",
+ "\"%no-stdlib\"",
+ "\";\"",
+ "\"%union\"",
+ "\"%destructor\"",
+ "\"%printer\"",
+ "\"%error-token\"",
+ "\"%after-shift\"",
+ "\"%before-reduce\"",
+ "\"%after-reduce\"",
+ "\"%after-shift-error-token\"",
+ "\"%after-pop-stack\"",
+ "\"%token\"",
+ "\"%type\"",
+ "\"%left\"",
+ "\"%right\"",
+ "\"%precedence\"",
+ "\"%nonassoc\"",
+ "\"%rule\"",
+ "\"(\"",
+ "\")\"",
+ "\":\"",
+ "\"%inline\"",
+ "\",\"",
+ "\"|\"",
+ "\"%empty\"",
+ "\"%prec\"",
+ "\"?\"",
+ "\"+\"",
+ "\"*\"",
+ "\"[\"",
+ "\"]\"",
+ "\"{...}\"",
+ "$start",
+ "input",
+ "prologue_declarations",
+ "bison_declarations",
+ "grammar",
+ "epilogue_opt",
+ "prologue_declaration",
+ "@1",
+ "@2",
+ "bison_declaration",
+ "grammar_declaration",
+ "rule_declaration",
+ "inline_declaration",
+ "variable",
+ "value",
+ "params",
+ "@3",
+ "@4",
+ "@5",
+ "@6",
+ "symbol_declaration",
+ "generic_symlist",
+ "@7",
+ "@8",
+ "@9",
+ "@10",
+ "@11",
+ "@12",
+ "@13",
+ "@14",
+ "token_declarations",
+ "symbol_declarations",
+ "token_declarations_for_precedence",
+ "token_declaration_list",
+ "token_declaration",
+ "id",
+ "int_opt",
+ "alias",
+ "rule_args",
+ "tag_opt",
+ "rule_rhs_list",
+ "id_colon",
+ "rule_rhs",
+ "symbol",
+ "named_ref_opt",
+ "parameterizing_suffix",
+ "parameterizing_args",
+ "@15",
+ "@16",
+ "symbol_declaration_list",
+ "string_as_id",
+ "@17",
+ "@18",
+ "@19",
+ "@20",
+ "token_declaration_list_for_precedence",
+ "token_declaration_for_precedence",
+ "rules_or_grammar_declaration",
+ "rules",
+ "rhs_list",
+ "rhs",
+ "@21",
+ "@22",
+ "@23",
+ "generic_symlist_item" ]
+Ractor.make_shareable(Racc_token_to_s_table) if defined?(Ractor)
+Racc_debug_parser = true
+##### State transition tables end #####
+# reduce 0 omitted
+# reduce 1 omitted
+# reduce 2 omitted
+# reduce 3 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 14)
+ def _reduce_4(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("%}")
+ @grammar.prologue_first_lineno = @lexer.line
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 19)
+ def _reduce_5(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 23)
+ def _reduce_6(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.prologue = val[2].s_value
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 7 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 27)
+ def _reduce_8(val, _values, result)
+ result = ""
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 9 omitted
+# reduce 10 omitted
+# reduce 11 omitted
+# reduce 12 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 33)
+ def _reduce_13(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.expect = val[1]
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 14 omitted
+# reduce 15 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 38)
+ def _reduce_16(val, _values, result)
+ val[1].each {|token|
+ @grammar.lex_param = :lex_param, token_code: token).token_code.s_value
+ }
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 44)
+ def _reduce_17(val, _values, result)
+ val[1].each {|token|
+ @grammar.parse_param = :parse_param, token_code: token).token_code.s_value
+ }
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 50)
+ def _reduce_18(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 54)
+ def _reduce_19(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 58)
+ def _reduce_20(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.add_percent_code(id: val[1], code: val[4])
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 62)
+ def _reduce_21(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 66)
+ def _reduce_22(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 70)
+ def _reduce_23(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.initial_action = :initial_action, token_code: val[3])
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 72)
+ def _reduce_24(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.no_stdlib = true
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 25 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 77)
+ def _reduce_26(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 81)
+ def _reduce_27(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 85)
+ def _reduce_28(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.set_union(
+ :union, token_code: val[3]),
+ val[3].line
+ )
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 29 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 93)
+ def _reduce_30(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 97)
+ def _reduce_31(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 101)
+ def _reduce_32(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.add_destructor(
+ ident_or_tags: val[6],
+ token_code: val[3],
+ lineno: val[3].line
+ )
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 109)
+ def _reduce_33(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 113)
+ def _reduce_34(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 117)
+ def _reduce_35(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.add_printer(
+ ident_or_tags: val[6],
+ token_code: val[3],
+ lineno: val[3].line
+ )
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 125)
+ def _reduce_36(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 129)
+ def _reduce_37(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 133)
+ def _reduce_38(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.add_error_token(
+ ident_or_tags: val[6],
+ token_code: val[3],
+ lineno: val[3].line
+ )
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 141)
+ def _reduce_39(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.after_shift = val[1]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 145)
+ def _reduce_40(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.before_reduce = val[1]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 149)
+ def _reduce_41(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.after_reduce = val[1]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 153)
+ def _reduce_42(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.after_shift_error_token = val[1]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 157)
+ def _reduce_43(val, _values, result)
+ @grammar.after_pop_stack = val[1]
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 44 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 163)
+ def _reduce_45(val, _values, result)
+ val[1].each {|hash|
+ hash[:tokens].each {|id|
+ @grammar.add_type(id: id, tag: hash[:tag])
+ }
+ }
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 171)
+ def _reduce_46(val, _values, result)
+ val[1].each {|hash|
+ hash[:tokens].each {|id|
+ sym = @grammar.add_term(id: id)
+ @grammar.add_left(sym, @precedence_number)
+ }
+ }
+ @precedence_number += 1
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 181)
+ def _reduce_47(val, _values, result)
+ val[1].each {|hash|
+ hash[:tokens].each {|id|
+ sym = @grammar.add_term(id: id)
+ @grammar.add_right(sym, @precedence_number)
+ }
+ }
+ @precedence_number += 1
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 191)
+ def _reduce_48(val, _values, result)
+ val[1].each {|hash|
+ hash[:tokens].each {|id|
+ sym = @grammar.add_term(id: id)
+ @grammar.add_precedence(sym, @precedence_number)
+ }
+ }
+ @precedence_number += 1
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 201)
+ def _reduce_49(val, _values, result)
+ val[1].each {|hash|
+ hash[:tokens].each {|id|
+ sym = @grammar.add_term(id: id)
+ @grammar.add_nonassoc(sym, @precedence_number)
+ }
+ }
+ @precedence_number += 1
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 212)
+ def _reduce_50(val, _values, result)
+ val[0].each {|token_declaration|
+ @grammar.add_term(id: token_declaration[0], alias_name: token_declaration[2], token_id: token_declaration[1], tag: nil, replace: true)
+ }
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 218)
+ def _reduce_51(val, _values, result)
+ val[1].each {|token_declaration|
+ @grammar.add_term(id: token_declaration[0], alias_name: token_declaration[2], token_id: token_declaration[1], tag: val[0], replace: true)
+ }
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 224)
+ def _reduce_52(val, _values, result)
+ val[2].each {|token_declaration|
+ @grammar.add_term(id: token_declaration[0], alias_name: token_declaration[2], token_id: token_declaration[1], tag: val[1], replace: true)
+ }
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 229)
+ def _reduce_53(val, _values, result)
+ result = [val[0]]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 230)
+ def _reduce_54(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append(val[1])
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 232)
+ def _reduce_55(val, _values, result)
+ result = val
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 236)
+ def _reduce_56(val, _values, result)
+ rule =[1].s_value, val[3], val[7], tag: val[5])
+ @grammar.add_parameterizing_rule(rule)
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 242)
+ def _reduce_57(val, _values, result)
+ rule =[2].s_value, [], val[4], is_inline: true)
+ @grammar.add_parameterizing_rule(rule)
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 246)
+ def _reduce_58(val, _values, result)
+ result = [val[0]]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 247)
+ def _reduce_59(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append(val[2])
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 251)
+ def _reduce_60(val, _values, result)
+ builder = val[0]
+ result = [builder]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 256)
+ def _reduce_61(val, _values, result)
+ builder = val[2]
+ result = val[0].append(builder)
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 262)
+ def _reduce_62(val, _values, result)
+ reset_precs
+ result =
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 267)
+ def _reduce_63(val, _values, result)
+ reset_precs
+ result =
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 272)
+ def _reduce_64(val, _values, result)
+ token = val[1]
+ token.alias_name = val[2]
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.symbols << token
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 280)
+ def _reduce_65(val, _values, result)
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.symbols << val[2], location: @lexer.location, args: [val[1]])
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 286)
+ def _reduce_66(val, _values, result)
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.symbols << val[1].s_value, location: @lexer.location, args: val[3], lhs_tag: val[5])
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 292)
+ def _reduce_67(val, _values, result)
+ if @prec_seen
+ on_action_error("multiple User_code after %prec", val[0]) if @code_after_prec
+ @code_after_prec = true
+ end
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 300)
+ def _reduce_68(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 304)
+ def _reduce_69(val, _values, result)
+ user_code = val[3]
+ user_code.alias_name = val[6]
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.user_code = user_code
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 312)
+ def _reduce_70(val, _values, result)
+ sym = @grammar.find_symbol_by_id!(val[2])
+ @prec_seen = true
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.precedence_sym = sym
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 71 omitted
+# reduce 72 omitted
+# reduce 73 omitted
+# reduce 74 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 327)
+ def _reduce_75(val, _values, result)
+ result = [{tag: nil, tokens: val[0]}]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 331)
+ def _reduce_76(val, _values, result)
+ result = [{tag: val[0], tokens: val[1]}]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 335)
+ def _reduce_77(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append({tag: val[1], tokens: val[2]})
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 338)
+ def _reduce_78(val, _values, result)
+ result = [val[0]]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 339)
+ def _reduce_79(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append(val[1])
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 80 omitted
+# reduce 81 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 346)
+ def _reduce_82(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 350)
+ def _reduce_83(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 354)
+ def _reduce_84(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append(val[3])
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 358)
+ def _reduce_85(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 362)
+ def _reduce_86(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 366)
+ def _reduce_87(val, _values, result)
+ result = [val[2]]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 371)
+ def _reduce_88(val, _values, result)
+ result = [{tag: nil, tokens: val[0]}]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 375)
+ def _reduce_89(val, _values, result)
+ result = [{tag: val[0], tokens: val[1]}]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 379)
+ def _reduce_90(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append({tag: val[1], tokens: val[2]})
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 382)
+ def _reduce_91(val, _values, result)
+ result = [val[0]]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 383)
+ def _reduce_92(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append(val[1])
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 93 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 387)
+ def _reduce_94(val, _values, result)
+ on_action_error("ident after %prec", val[0]) if @prec_seen
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 388)
+ def _reduce_95(val, _values, result)
+ on_action_error("char after %prec", val[0]) if @prec_seen
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 96 omitted
+# reduce 97 omitted
+# reduce 98 omitted
+# reduce 99 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 398)
+ def _reduce_100(val, _values, result)
+ lhs = val[0]
+ lhs.alias_name = val[1]
+ val[3].each do |builder|
+ builder.lhs = lhs
+ builder.complete_input
+ @grammar.add_rule_builder(builder)
+ end
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 409)
+ def _reduce_101(val, _values, result)
+ builder = val[0]
+ if !builder.line
+ builder.line = @lexer.line - 1
+ end
+ result = [builder]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 417)
+ def _reduce_102(val, _values, result)
+ builder = val[2]
+ if !builder.line
+ builder.line = @lexer.line - 1
+ end
+ result = val[0].append(builder)
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 103 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 427)
+ def _reduce_104(val, _values, result)
+ reset_precs
+ result =, @midrule_action_counter)
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 432)
+ def _reduce_105(val, _values, result)
+ reset_precs
+ result =, @midrule_action_counter)
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 437)
+ def _reduce_106(val, _values, result)
+ token = val[1]
+ token.alias_name = val[2]
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.add_rhs(token)
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 445)
+ def _reduce_107(val, _values, result)
+ token = val[2], location: @lexer.location, args: [val[1]], lhs_tag: val[3])
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.add_rhs(token)
+ builder.line = val[1].first_line
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 453)
+ def _reduce_108(val, _values, result)
+ token = val[1].s_value, location: @lexer.location, args: val[3], lhs_tag: val[5])
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.add_rhs(token)
+ builder.line = val[1].first_line
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 461)
+ def _reduce_109(val, _values, result)
+ if @prec_seen
+ on_action_error("multiple User_code after %prec", val[0]) if @code_after_prec
+ @code_after_prec = true
+ end
+ begin_c_declaration("}")
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 469)
+ def _reduce_110(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 473)
+ def _reduce_111(val, _values, result)
+ user_code = val[3]
+ user_code.alias_name = val[6]
+ user_code.tag = val[7]
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.user_code = user_code
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 482)
+ def _reduce_112(val, _values, result)
+ sym = @grammar.find_symbol_by_id!(val[2])
+ @prec_seen = true
+ builder = val[0]
+ builder.precedence_sym = sym
+ result = builder
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 489)
+ def _reduce_113(val, _values, result)
+ result = "option"
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 490)
+ def _reduce_114(val, _values, result)
+ result = "nonempty_list"
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 491)
+ def _reduce_115(val, _values, result)
+ result = "list"
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 493)
+ def _reduce_116(val, _values, result)
+ result = [val[0]]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 494)
+ def _reduce_117(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append(val[2])
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 495)
+ def _reduce_118(val, _values, result)
+ result = [ val[1].s_value, location: @lexer.location, args: val[0])]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 496)
+ def _reduce_119(val, _values, result)
+ result = [ val[0].s_value, location: @lexer.location, args: val[2])]
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 120 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 499)
+ def _reduce_121(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[1].s_value
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 122 omitted
+# reduce 123 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 506)
+ def _reduce_124(val, _values, result)
+ begin_c_declaration('\Z')
+ @grammar.epilogue_first_lineno = @lexer.line + 1
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 511)
+ def _reduce_125(val, _values, result)
+ end_c_declaration
+ @grammar.epilogue = val[2].s_value
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 126 omitted
+# reduce 127 omitted
+# reduce 128 omitted
+# reduce 129 omitted
+# reduce 130 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 522)
+ def _reduce_131(val, _values, result)
+ result = [val[0]]
+ result
+ end
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 523)
+ def _reduce_132(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0].append(val[1])
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 133 omitted
+# reduce 134 omitted
+module_eval(<<'.,.,', 'parser.y', 528)
+ def _reduce_135(val, _values, result)
+ result = val[0])
+ result
+ end
+# reduce 136 omitted
+# reduce 137 omitted
+def _reduce_none(val, _values, result)
+ val[0]
+ end # class Parser
+end # module Lrama
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..650ac09d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+require 'lrama/report/duration'
+require 'lrama/report/profile'
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report/duration.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report/duration.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7afe284f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report/duration.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Report
+ module Duration
+ def self.enable
+ @_report_duration_enabled = true
+ end
+ def self.enabled?
+ !!@_report_duration_enabled
+ end
+ def report_duration(method_name)
+ time1 =
+ result = yield
+ time2 =
+ if Duration.enabled?
+ puts sprintf("%s %10.5f s", method_name, time2 - time1)
+ end
+ return result
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report/profile.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report/profile.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36156800a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/report/profile.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Report
+ module Profile
+ # See "Profiling Lrama" in for how to use.
+ def self.report_profile
+ require "stackprof"
+ :cpu, raw: true, out: 'tmp/stackprof-cpu-myapp.dump') do
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ceb74d856a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+require "lrama/state/reduce"
+require "lrama/state/reduce_reduce_conflict"
+require "lrama/state/resolved_conflict"
+require "lrama/state/shift"
+require "lrama/state/shift_reduce_conflict"
+module Lrama
+ class State
+ attr_reader :id, :accessing_symbol, :kernels, :conflicts, :resolved_conflicts,
+ :default_reduction_rule, :closure, :items
+ attr_accessor :shifts, :reduces
+ def initialize(id, accessing_symbol, kernels)
+ @id = id
+ @accessing_symbol = accessing_symbol
+ @kernels = kernels.freeze
+ @items = @kernels
+ # Manage relationships between items to state
+ # to resolve next state
+ @items_to_state = {}
+ @conflicts = []
+ @resolved_conflicts = []
+ @default_reduction_rule = nil
+ end
+ def closure=(closure)
+ @closure = closure
+ @items = @kernels + @closure
+ end
+ def non_default_reduces
+ reduces.reject do |reduce|
+ reduce.rule == @default_reduction_rule
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_shifts_reduces
+ _shifts = {}
+ reduces = []
+ items.each do |item|
+ # TODO: Consider what should be pushed
+ if item.end_of_rule?
+ reduces <<
+ else
+ key = item.next_sym
+ _shifts[key] ||= []
+ _shifts[key] << item.new_by_next_position
+ end
+ end
+ # It seems Bison 3.8.2 iterates transitions order by symbol number
+ shifts = _shifts.sort_by do |next_sym, new_items|
+ next_sym.number
+ do |next_sym, new_items|
+, new_items.flatten)
+ end
+ self.shifts = shifts.freeze
+ self.reduces = reduces.freeze
+ end
+ def set_items_to_state(items, next_state)
+ @items_to_state[items] = next_state
+ end
+ def set_look_ahead(rule, look_ahead)
+ reduce = reduces.find do |r|
+ r.rule == rule
+ end
+ reduce.look_ahead = look_ahead
+ end
+ def nterm_transitions
+ @nterm_transitions ||= {|shift, _| shift.next_sym.nterm? }
+ end
+ def term_transitions
+ @term_transitions ||= {|shift, _| shift.next_sym.term? }
+ end
+ def transitions
+ @transitions ||= {|shift| [shift, @items_to_state[shift.next_items]] }
+ end
+ def selected_term_transitions
+ term_transitions.reject do |shift, next_state|
+ shift.not_selected
+ end
+ end
+ # Move to next state by sym
+ def transition(sym)
+ result = nil
+ if sym.term?
+ term_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ term = shift.next_sym
+ result = next_state if term == sym
+ end
+ else
+ nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ nterm = shift.next_sym
+ result = next_state if nterm == sym
+ end
+ end
+ raise "Can not transit by #{sym} #{self}" if result.nil?
+ result
+ end
+ def find_reduce_by_item!(item)
+ reduces.find do |r|
+ r.item == item
+ end || (raise "reduce is not found. #{item}")
+ end
+ def default_reduction_rule=(default_reduction_rule)
+ @default_reduction_rule = default_reduction_rule
+ reduces.each do |r|
+ if r.rule == default_reduction_rule
+ r.default_reduction = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def has_conflicts?
+ !@conflicts.empty?
+ end
+ def sr_conflicts
+ do |conflict|
+ conflict.type == :shift_reduce
+ end
+ end
+ def rr_conflicts
+ do |conflict|
+ conflict.type == :reduce_reduce
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/reduce.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/reduce.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ba51f45f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/reduce.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+module Lrama
+ class State
+ class Reduce
+ #
+ attr_reader :item, :look_ahead, :not_selected_symbols
+ attr_accessor :default_reduction
+ def initialize(item)
+ @item = item
+ @look_ahead = nil
+ @not_selected_symbols = []
+ end
+ def rule
+ @item.rule
+ end
+ def look_ahead=(look_ahead)
+ @look_ahead = look_ahead.freeze
+ end
+ def add_not_selected_symbol(sym)
+ @not_selected_symbols << sym
+ end
+ def selected_look_ahead
+ if @look_ahead
+ @look_ahead - @not_selected_symbols
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/reduce_reduce_conflict.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/reduce_reduce_conflict.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a0e4dc20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/reduce_reduce_conflict.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Lrama
+ class State
+ class ReduceReduceConflict <, :reduce1, :reduce2, keyword_init: true)
+ def type
+ :reduce_reduce
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/resolved_conflict.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/resolved_conflict.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02ea892147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/resolved_conflict.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+module Lrama
+ class State
+ # * symbol: A symbol under discussion
+ # * reduce: A reduce under discussion
+ # * which: For which a conflict is resolved. :shift, :reduce or :error (for nonassociative)
+ class ResolvedConflict <, :reduce, :which, :same_prec, keyword_init: true)
+ def report_message
+ s = symbol.display_name
+ r = reduce.rule.precedence_sym.display_name
+ case
+ when which == :shift && same_prec
+ msg = "resolved as #{which} (%right #{s})"
+ when which == :shift
+ msg = "resolved as #{which} (#{r} < #{s})"
+ when which == :reduce && same_prec
+ msg = "resolved as #{which} (%left #{s})"
+ when which == :reduce
+ msg = "resolved as #{which} (#{s} < #{r})"
+ when which == :error
+ msg = "resolved as an #{which} (%nonassoc #{s})"
+ else
+ raise "Unknown direction. #{self}"
+ end
+ "Conflict between rule #{} and token #{s} #{msg}."
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/shift.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/shift.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2021eb61f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/shift.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module Lrama
+ class State
+ class Shift
+ attr_reader :next_sym, :next_items
+ attr_accessor :not_selected
+ def initialize(next_sym, next_items)
+ @next_sym = next_sym
+ @next_items = next_items
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/shift_reduce_conflict.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/shift_reduce_conflict.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f80bd5f352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/state/shift_reduce_conflict.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Lrama
+ class State
+ class ShiftReduceConflict <, :shift, :reduce, keyword_init: true)
+ def type
+ :shift_reduce
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..290e996b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+require "forwardable"
+require "lrama/report/duration"
+require "lrama/states/item"
+module Lrama
+ # States is passed to a template file
+ #
+ # "Efficient Computation of LALR(1) Look-Ahead Sets"
+ #
+ class States
+ extend Forwardable
+ include Lrama::Report::Duration
+ def_delegators "@grammar", :symbols, :terms, :nterms, :rules,
+ :accept_symbol, :eof_symbol, :undef_symbol, :find_symbol_by_s_value!
+ attr_reader :states, :reads_relation, :includes_relation, :lookback_relation
+ def initialize(grammar, warning, trace_state: false)
+ @grammar = grammar
+ @warning = warning
+ @trace_state = trace_state
+ @states = []
+ # `DR(p, A) = {t ∈ T | p -(A)-> r -(t)-> }`
+ # where p is state, A is nterm, t is term.
+ #
+ # `@direct_read_sets` is a hash whose
+ # key is [, nterm.token_id],
+ # value is bitmap of term.
+ @direct_read_sets = {}
+ # Reads relation on nonterminal transitions (pair of state and nterm)
+ # `(p, A) reads (r, C) iff p -(A)-> r -(C)-> and C =>* ε`
+ # where p, r are state, A, C are nterm.
+ #
+ # `@reads_relation` is a hash whose
+ # key is [, nterm.token_id],
+ # value is array of [, nterm.token_id].
+ @reads_relation = {}
+ # `@read_sets` is a hash whose
+ # key is [, nterm.token_id],
+ # value is bitmap of term.
+ @read_sets = {}
+ # `(p, A) includes (p', B) iff B -> βAγ, γ =>* ε, p' -(β)-> p`
+ # where p, p' are state, A, B are nterm, β, γ is sequence of symbol.
+ #
+ # `@includes_relation` is a hash whose
+ # key is [, nterm.token_id],
+ # value is array of [, nterm.token_id].
+ @includes_relation = {}
+ # `(q, A -> ω) lookback (p, A) iff p -(ω)-> q`
+ # where p, q are state, A -> ω is rule, A is nterm, ω is sequence of symbol.
+ #
+ # `@lookback_relation` is a hash whose
+ # key is [,],
+ # value is array of [, nterm.token_id].
+ @lookback_relation = {}
+ # `@follow_sets` is a hash whose
+ # key is [,],
+ # value is bitmap of term.
+ @follow_sets = {}
+ # `LA(q, A -> ω) = ∪{Follow(p, A) | (q, A -> ω) lookback (p, A)`
+ #
+ # `@la` is a hash whose
+ # key is [,],
+ # value is bitmap of term.
+ @la = {}
+ end
+ def compute
+ # Look Ahead Sets
+ report_duration(:compute_lr0_states) { compute_lr0_states }
+ report_duration(:compute_direct_read_sets) { compute_direct_read_sets }
+ report_duration(:compute_reads_relation) { compute_reads_relation }
+ report_duration(:compute_read_sets) { compute_read_sets }
+ report_duration(:compute_includes_relation) { compute_includes_relation }
+ report_duration(:compute_lookback_relation) { compute_lookback_relation }
+ report_duration(:compute_follow_sets) { compute_follow_sets }
+ report_duration(:compute_look_ahead_sets) { compute_look_ahead_sets }
+ # Conflicts
+ report_duration(:compute_conflicts) { compute_conflicts }
+ report_duration(:compute_default_reduction) { compute_default_reduction }
+ check_conflicts
+ end
+ def reporter
+ end
+ def states_count
+ @states.count
+ end
+ def direct_read_sets
+ @direct_read_sets.transform_values do |v|
+ bitmap_to_terms(v)
+ end
+ end
+ def read_sets
+ @read_sets.transform_values do |v|
+ bitmap_to_terms(v)
+ end
+ end
+ def follow_sets
+ @follow_sets.transform_values do |v|
+ bitmap_to_terms(v)
+ end
+ end
+ def la
+ @la.transform_values do |v|
+ bitmap_to_terms(v)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def sr_conflicts
+ @states.flat_map(&:sr_conflicts)
+ end
+ def rr_conflicts
+ @states.flat_map(&:rr_conflicts)
+ end
+ def trace_state
+ if @trace_state
+ yield STDERR
+ end
+ end
+ def create_state(accessing_symbol, kernels, states_created)
+ # A item can appear in some states,
+ # so need to use `kernels` (not `kernels.first`) as a key.
+ #
+ # For example...
+ #
+ # %%
+ # program: '+' strings_1
+ # | '-' strings_2
+ # ;
+ #
+ # strings_1: string_1
+ # ;
+ #
+ # strings_2: string_1
+ # | string_2
+ # ;
+ #
+ # string_1: string
+ # ;
+ #
+ # string_2: string '+'
+ # ;
+ #
+ # string: tSTRING
+ # ;
+ # %%
+ #
+ # For these grammar, there are 2 states
+ #
+ # State A
+ # string_1: string •
+ #
+ # State B
+ # string_1: string •
+ # string_2: string • '+'
+ #
+ return [states_created[kernels], false] if states_created[kernels]
+ state =, accessing_symbol, kernels)
+ @states << state
+ states_created[kernels] = state
+ return [state, true]
+ end
+ def setup_state(state)
+ # closure
+ closure = []
+ visited = {}
+ queued = {}
+ items = state.kernels.dup
+ items.each do |item|
+ queued[item] = true
+ end
+ while (item = items.shift) do
+ visited[item] = true
+ if (sym = item.next_sym) && sym.nterm?
+ @grammar.find_rules_by_symbol!(sym).each do |rule|
+ i = rule, position: 0)
+ next if queued[i]
+ closure << i
+ items << i
+ queued[i] = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ state.closure = closure.sort_by {|i| }
+ # Trace
+ trace_state do |out|
+ out << "Closure: input\n"
+ state.kernels.each do |item|
+ out << " #{item.display_rest}\n"
+ end
+ out << "\n\n"
+ out << "Closure: output\n"
+ state.items.each do |item|
+ out << " #{item.display_rest}\n"
+ end
+ out << "\n\n"
+ end
+ # shift & reduce
+ state.compute_shifts_reduces
+ end
+ def enqueue_state(states, state)
+ # Trace
+ previous = state.kernels.first.previous_sym
+ trace_state do |out|
+ out << sprintf("state_list_append (state = %d, symbol = %d (%s))",
+ @states.count, previous.number, previous.display_name)
+ end
+ states << state
+ end
+ def compute_lr0_states
+ # State queue
+ states = []
+ states_created = {}
+ state, _ = create_state(symbols.first, [ @grammar.rules.first, position: 0)], states_created)
+ enqueue_state(states, state)
+ while (state = states.shift) do
+ # Trace
+ #
+ # Bison 3.8.2 renders "(reached by "end-of-input")" for State 0 but
+ # I think it is not correct...
+ previous = state.kernels.first.previous_sym
+ trace_state do |out|
+ out << "Processing state #{} (reached by #{previous.display_name})\n"
+ end
+ setup_state(state)
+ state.shifts.each do |shift|
+ new_state, created = create_state(shift.next_sym, shift.next_items, states_created)
+ state.set_items_to_state(shift.next_items, new_state)
+ enqueue_state(states, new_state) if created
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def nterm_transitions
+ a = []
+ @states.each do |state|
+ state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ nterm = shift.next_sym
+ a << [state, nterm, next_state]
+ end
+ end
+ a
+ end
+ def compute_direct_read_sets
+ @states.each do |state|
+ state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ nterm = shift.next_sym
+ ary = do |shift, _|
+ shift.next_sym.number
+ end
+ key = [, nterm.token_id]
+ @direct_read_sets[key] = Bitmap.from_array(ary)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_reads_relation
+ @states.each do |state|
+ state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ nterm = shift.next_sym
+ next_state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift2, _next_state2|
+ nterm2 = shift2.next_sym
+ if nterm2.nullable
+ key = [, nterm.token_id]
+ @reads_relation[key] ||= []
+ @reads_relation[key] << [, nterm2.token_id]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_read_sets
+ sets = do |state, nterm, next_state|
+ [, nterm.token_id]
+ end
+ @read_sets =, @reads_relation, @direct_read_sets).compute
+ end
+ # Execute transition of state by symbols
+ # then return final state.
+ def transition(state, symbols)
+ symbols.each do |sym|
+ state = state.transition(sym)
+ end
+ state
+ end
+ def compute_includes_relation
+ @states.each do |state|
+ state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ nterm = shift.next_sym
+ @grammar.find_rules_by_symbol!(nterm).each do |rule|
+ i = rule.rhs.count - 1
+ while (i > -1) do
+ sym = rule.rhs[i]
+ break if sym.term?
+ state2 = transition(state, rule.rhs[0...i])
+ # p' = state, B = nterm, p = state2, A = sym
+ key = [, sym.token_id]
+ # TODO: need to omit if state == state2 ?
+ @includes_relation[key] ||= []
+ @includes_relation[key] << [, nterm.token_id]
+ break if !sym.nullable
+ i -= 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_lookback_relation
+ @states.each do |state|
+ state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ nterm = shift.next_sym
+ @grammar.find_rules_by_symbol!(nterm).each do |rule|
+ state2 = transition(state, rule.rhs)
+ # p = state, A = nterm, q = state2, A -> ω = rule
+ key = [,]
+ @lookback_relation[key] ||= []
+ @lookback_relation[key] << [, nterm.token_id]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_follow_sets
+ sets = do |state, nterm, next_state|
+ [, nterm.token_id]
+ end
+ @follow_sets =, @includes_relation, @read_sets).compute
+ end
+ def compute_look_ahead_sets
+ @states.each do |state|
+ rules.each do |rule|
+ ary = @lookback_relation[[,]]
+ next if !ary
+ ary.each do |state2_id, nterm_token_id|
+ # q = state, A -> ω = rule, p = state2, A = nterm
+ follows = @follow_sets[[state2_id, nterm_token_id]]
+ next if follows == 0
+ key = [,]
+ @la[key] ||= 0
+ look_ahead = @la[key] | follows
+ @la[key] |= look_ahead
+ # No risk of conflict when
+ # * the state only has single reduce
+ # * the state only has nterm_transitions (GOTO)
+ next if state.reduces.count == 1 && state.term_transitions.count == 0
+ state.set_look_ahead(rule, bitmap_to_terms(look_ahead))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def bitmap_to_terms(bit)
+ ary = Bitmap.to_array(bit)
+ do |i|
+ @grammar.find_symbol_by_number!(i)
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_conflicts
+ compute_shift_reduce_conflicts
+ compute_reduce_reduce_conflicts
+ end
+ def compute_shift_reduce_conflicts
+ states.each do |state|
+ state.shifts.each do |shift|
+ state.reduces.each do |reduce|
+ sym = shift.next_sym
+ next unless reduce.look_ahead
+ next if !reduce.look_ahead.include?(sym)
+ # Shift/Reduce conflict
+ shift_prec = sym.precedence
+ reduce_prec = reduce.item.rule.precedence
+ # Can resolve only when both have prec
+ unless shift_prec && reduce_prec
+ state.conflicts << [sym], shift: shift, reduce: reduce)
+ next
+ end
+ case
+ when shift_prec < reduce_prec
+ # Reduce is selected
+ state.resolved_conflicts << sym, reduce: reduce, which: :reduce)
+ shift.not_selected = true
+ next
+ when shift_prec > reduce_prec
+ # Shift is selected
+ state.resolved_conflicts << sym, reduce: reduce, which: :shift)
+ reduce.add_not_selected_symbol(sym)
+ next
+ end
+ # shift_prec == reduce_prec, then check associativity
+ case sym.precedence.type
+ when :precedence
+ # %precedence only specifies precedence and not specify associativity
+ # then a conflict is unresolved if precedence is same.
+ state.conflicts << [sym], shift: shift, reduce: reduce)
+ next
+ when :right
+ # Shift is selected
+ state.resolved_conflicts << sym, reduce: reduce, which: :shift, same_prec: true)
+ reduce.add_not_selected_symbol(sym)
+ next
+ when :left
+ # Reduce is selected
+ state.resolved_conflicts << sym, reduce: reduce, which: :reduce, same_prec: true)
+ shift.not_selected = true
+ next
+ when :nonassoc
+ # Can not resolve
+ #
+ # nonassoc creates "run-time" error, precedence creates "compile-time" error.
+ # Then omit both the shift and reduce.
+ #
+ #
+ state.resolved_conflicts << sym, reduce: reduce, which: :error)
+ shift.not_selected = true
+ reduce.add_not_selected_symbol(sym)
+ else
+ raise "Unknown precedence type. #{sym}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_reduce_reduce_conflicts
+ states.each do |state|
+ count = state.reduces.count
+ for i in 0...count do
+ reduce1 = state.reduces[i]
+ next if reduce1.look_ahead.nil?
+ for j in (i+1)...count do
+ reduce2 = state.reduces[j]
+ next if reduce2.look_ahead.nil?
+ intersection = reduce1.look_ahead & reduce2.look_ahead
+ if !intersection.empty?
+ state.conflicts << intersection, reduce1: reduce1, reduce2: reduce2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def compute_default_reduction
+ states.each do |state|
+ next if state.reduces.empty?
+ # Do not set, if conflict exist
+ next if !state.conflicts.empty?
+ # Do not set, if shift with `error` exists.
+ next if
+ state.default_reduction_rule = do |r|
+ [r.rule,, (r.look_ahead || []).count]
+ end.min_by do |rule, rule_id, count|
+ [-count, rule_id]
+ end.first
+ end
+ end
+ def check_conflicts
+ sr_count = sr_conflicts.count
+ rr_count = rr_conflicts.count
+ if @grammar.expect
+ expected_sr_conflicts = @grammar.expect
+ expected_rr_conflicts = 0
+ if expected_sr_conflicts != sr_count
+ @warning.error("shift/reduce conflicts: #{sr_count} found, #{expected_sr_conflicts} expected")
+ end
+ if expected_rr_conflicts != rr_count
+ @warning.error("reduce/reduce conflicts: #{rr_count} found, #{expected_rr_conflicts} expected")
+ end
+ else
+ if sr_count != 0
+ @warning.warn("shift/reduce conflicts: #{sr_count} found")
+ end
+ if rr_count != 0
+ @warning.warn("reduce/reduce conflicts: #{rr_count} found")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states/item.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states/item.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31b74b9d34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states/item.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# TODO: Validate position is not over rule rhs
+require "forwardable"
+module Lrama
+ class States
+ class Item <, :position, keyword_init: true)
+ extend Forwardable
+ def_delegators "rule", :lhs, :rhs
+ # Optimization for States#setup_state
+ def hash
+ [rule_id, position].hash
+ end
+ def rule_id
+ end
+ def empty_rule?
+ rule.empty_rule?
+ end
+ def number_of_rest_symbols
+ rhs.count - position
+ end
+ def next_sym
+ rhs[position]
+ end
+ def next_next_sym
+ rhs[position + 1]
+ end
+ def previous_sym
+ rhs[position - 1]
+ end
+ def end_of_rule?
+ rhs.count == position
+ end
+ def beginning_of_rule?
+ position == 0
+ end
+ def start_item?
+ rule.initial_rule? && beginning_of_rule?
+ end
+ def new_by_next_position
+ rule, position: position + 1)
+ end
+ def symbols_before_dot
+ rhs[0...position]
+ end
+ def symbols_after_dot
+ rhs[position..-1]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{}: #{display_name}"
+ end
+ def display_name
+ r =, "•").join(" ")
+ "#{r} (rule #{rule_id})"
+ end
+ # Right after position
+ def display_rest
+ r = rhs[position..-1].map(&:display_name).join(" ")
+ ". #{r} (rule #{rule_id})"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states_reporter.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states_reporter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f96cc6f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/states_reporter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+module Lrama
+ class StatesReporter
+ include Lrama::Report::Duration
+ def initialize(states)
+ @states = states
+ end
+ def report(io, **options)
+ report_duration(:report) do
+ _report(io, **options)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def _report(io, grammar: false, states: false, itemsets: false, lookaheads: false, solved: false, counterexamples: false, verbose: false)
+ # TODO: Unused terms
+ # TODO: Unused rules
+ report_conflicts(io)
+ report_grammar(io) if grammar
+ report_states(io, itemsets, lookaheads, solved, counterexamples, verbose)
+ end
+ def report_conflicts(io)
+ has_conflict = false
+ @states.states.each do |state|
+ messages = []
+ cs = state.conflicts.group_by(&:type)
+ if cs[:shift_reduce]
+ messages << "#{cs[:shift_reduce].count} shift/reduce"
+ end
+ if cs[:reduce_reduce]
+ messages << "#{cs[:reduce_reduce].count} reduce/reduce"
+ end
+ if !messages.empty?
+ has_conflict = true
+ io << "State #{} conflicts: #{messages.join(', ')}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if has_conflict
+ io << "\n\n"
+ end
+ end
+ def report_grammar(io)
+ io << "Grammar\n"
+ last_lhs = nil
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ if rule.empty_rule?
+ r = "ε"
+ else
+ r =" ")
+ end
+ if rule.lhs == last_lhs
+ io << sprintf("%5d %s| %s\n",, " " * rule.lhs.display_name.length, r)
+ else
+ io << "\n"
+ io << sprintf("%5d %s: %s\n",, rule.lhs.display_name, r)
+ end
+ last_lhs = rule.lhs
+ end
+ io << "\n\n"
+ end
+ def report_states(io, itemsets, lookaheads, solved, counterexamples, verbose)
+ if counterexamples
+ cex =
+ end
+ @states.states.each do |state|
+ # Report State
+ io << "State #{}\n\n"
+ # Report item
+ last_lhs = nil
+ list = itemsets ? state.items : state.kernels
+ list.sort_by {|i| [i.rule_id, i.position] }.each do |item|
+ if item.empty_rule?
+ r = "ε •"
+ else
+ r =, "•").join(" ")
+ end
+ if item.lhs == last_lhs
+ l = " " * + "|"
+ else
+ l = + ":"
+ end
+ la = ""
+ if lookaheads && item.end_of_rule?
+ reduce = state.find_reduce_by_item!(item)
+ look_ahead = reduce.selected_look_ahead
+ if !look_ahead.empty?
+ la = " [#{", ")}]"
+ end
+ end
+ last_lhs = item.lhs
+ io << sprintf("%5i %s %s%s\n", item.rule_id, l, r, la)
+ end
+ io << "\n"
+ # Report shifts
+ tmp = state.term_transitions.reject do |shift, _|
+ shift.not_selected
+ do |shift, next_state|
+ [shift.next_sym,]
+ end
+ max_len =
+ tmp.each do |term, state_id|
+ io << " #{term.display_name.ljust(max_len)} shift, and go to state #{state_id}\n"
+ end
+ io << "\n" if !tmp.empty?
+ # Report error caused by %nonassoc
+ nl = false
+ tmp = do |resolved|
+ resolved.which == :error
+ do |error|
+ error.symbol.display_name
+ end
+ max_len =
+ tmp.each do |name|
+ nl = true
+ io << " #{name.ljust(max_len)} error (nonassociative)\n"
+ end
+ io << "\n" if !tmp.empty?
+ # Report reduces
+ nl = false
+ max_len = state.non_default_reduces.flat_map(&:look_ahead) || 0
+ max_len = [max_len, "$default".length].max if state.default_reduction_rule
+ ary = []
+ state.non_default_reduces.each do |reduce|
+ reduce.look_ahead.each do |term|
+ ary << [term, reduce]
+ end
+ end
+ ary.sort_by do |term, reduce|
+ term.number
+ end.each do |term, reduce|
+ rule = reduce.item.rule
+ io << " #{term.display_name.ljust(max_len)} reduce using rule #{} (#{rule.lhs.display_name})\n"
+ nl = true
+ end
+ if (r = state.default_reduction_rule)
+ nl = true
+ s = "$default".ljust(max_len)
+ if r.initial_rule?
+ io << " #{s} accept\n"
+ else
+ io << " #{s} reduce using rule #{} (#{r.lhs.display_name})\n"
+ end
+ end
+ io << "\n" if nl
+ # Report nonterminal transitions
+ tmp = []
+ max_len = 0
+ state.nterm_transitions.each do |shift, next_state|
+ nterm = shift.next_sym
+ tmp << [nterm,]
+ max_len = [max_len,].max
+ end
+ tmp.uniq!
+ tmp.sort_by! do |nterm, state_id|
+ nterm.number
+ end
+ tmp.each do |nterm, state_id|
+ io << " #{} go to state #{state_id}\n"
+ end
+ io << "\n" if !tmp.empty?
+ if solved
+ # Report conflict resolutions
+ state.resolved_conflicts.each do |resolved|
+ io << " #{resolved.report_message}\n"
+ end
+ io << "\n" if !state.resolved_conflicts.empty?
+ end
+ if counterexamples && state.has_conflicts?
+ # Report counterexamples
+ examples = cex.compute(state)
+ examples.each do |example|
+ label0 = example.type == :shift_reduce ? "shift/reduce" : "reduce/reduce"
+ label1 = example.type == :shift_reduce ? "Shift derivation" : "First Reduce derivation"
+ label2 = example.type == :shift_reduce ? "Reduce derivation" : "Second Reduce derivation"
+ io << " #{label0} conflict on token #{}:\n"
+ io << " #{example.path1_item}\n"
+ io << " #{example.path2_item}\n"
+ io << " #{label1}\n"
+ example.derivations1.render_strings_for_report.each do |str|
+ io << " #{str}\n"
+ end
+ io << " #{label2}\n"
+ example.derivations2.render_strings_for_report.each do |str|
+ io << " #{str}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if verbose
+ # Report direct_read_sets
+ io << " [Direct Read sets]\n"
+ direct_read_sets = @states.direct_read_sets
+ @states.nterms.each do |nterm|
+ terms = direct_read_sets[[, nterm.token_id]]
+ next if !terms
+ next if terms.empty?
+ str = {|sym| }.join(", ")
+ io << " read #{} shift #{str}\n"
+ end
+ io << "\n"
+ # Report reads_relation
+ io << " [Reads Relation]\n"
+ @states.nterms.each do |nterm|
+ a = @states.reads_relation[[, nterm.token_id]]
+ next if !a
+ a.each do |state_id2, nterm_id2|
+ n = @states.nterms.find {|n| n.token_id == nterm_id2 }
+ io << " (State #{state_id2}, #{})\n"
+ end
+ end
+ io << "\n"
+ # Report read_sets
+ io << " [Read sets]\n"
+ read_sets = @states.read_sets
+ @states.nterms.each do |nterm|
+ terms = read_sets[[, nterm.token_id]]
+ next if !terms
+ next if terms.empty?
+ terms.each do |sym|
+ io << " #{}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ io << "\n"
+ # Report includes_relation
+ io << " [Includes Relation]\n"
+ @states.nterms.each do |nterm|
+ a = @states.includes_relation[[, nterm.token_id]]
+ next if !a
+ a.each do |state_id2, nterm_id2|
+ n = @states.nterms.find {|n| n.token_id == nterm_id2 }
+ io << " (State #{}, #{}) -> (State #{state_id2}, #{})\n"
+ end
+ end
+ io << "\n"
+ # Report lookback_relation
+ io << " [Lookback Relation]\n"
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ a = @states.lookback_relation[[,]]
+ next if !a
+ a.each do |state_id2, nterm_id2|
+ n = @states.nterms.find {|n| n.token_id == nterm_id2 }
+ io << " (Rule: #{rule}) -> (State #{state_id2}, #{})\n"
+ end
+ end
+ io << "\n"
+ # Report follow_sets
+ io << " [Follow sets]\n"
+ follow_sets = @states.follow_sets
+ @states.nterms.each do |nterm|
+ terms = follow_sets[[, nterm.token_id]]
+ next if !terms
+ terms.each do |sym|
+ io << " #{} -> #{}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ io << "\n"
+ # Report LA
+ io << " [Look-Ahead Sets]\n"
+ tmp = []
+ max_len = 0
+ @states.rules.each do |rule|
+ syms =[[,]]
+ next if !syms
+ tmp << [rule, syms]
+ max_len = ([max_len] + {|s| }).max
+ end
+ tmp.each do |rule, syms|
+ syms.each do |sym|
+ io << " #{} reduce using rule #{} (#{})\n"
+ end
+ end
+ io << "\n" if !tmp.empty?
+ end
+ # End of Report State
+ io << "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/version.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef840ce435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module Lrama
+ VERSION = "0.6.9".freeze
diff --git a/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/warning.rb b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/warning.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c99791ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tool/lrama/lib/lrama/warning.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module Lrama
+ class Warning
+ attr_reader :errors, :warns
+ def initialize(out = STDERR)
+ @out = out
+ @errors = []
+ @warns = []
+ end
+ def error(message)
+ @out << message << "\n"
+ @errors << message
+ end
+ def warn(message)
+ @out << message << "\n"
+ @warns << message
+ end
+ def has_error?
+ !@errors.empty?
+ end
+ end