path: root/tool/lib/test/unit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tool/lib/test/unit')
3 files changed, 852 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb b/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
index c61f296da9..aad422f7e7 100644
--- a/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
+++ b/tool/lib/test/unit/assertions.rb
@@ -1,12 +1,553 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'minitest/unit'
-require_relative '../../core_assertions'
require 'pp'
module Test
module Unit
module Assertions
- include Test::Unit::CoreAssertions
+ ##
+ # Returns the diff command to use in #diff. Tries to intelligently
+ # figure out what diff to use.
+ def self.diff
+ unless defined? @diff
+ exe = RbConfig::CONFIG['EXEEXT']
+ @diff = %W"gdiff#{exe} diff#{exe}".find do |diff|
+ if system(diff, "-u", __FILE__, __FILE__)
+ break "#{diff} -u"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @diff
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the diff command to use in #diff.
+ def self.diff= o
+ @diff = o
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a diff between +exp+ and +act+. If there is no known
+ # diff command or if it doesn't make sense to diff the output
+ # (single line, short output), then it simply returns a basic
+ # comparison between the two.
+ def diff exp, act
+ require "tempfile"
+ expect = mu_pp_for_diff exp
+ butwas = mu_pp_for_diff act
+ result = nil
+ need_to_diff =
+ self.class.diff &&
+ (expect.include?("\n") ||
+ butwas.include?("\n") ||
+ expect.size > 30 ||
+ butwas.size > 30 ||
+ expect == butwas)
+ return "Expected: #{mu_pp exp}\n Actual: #{mu_pp act}" unless
+ need_to_diff
+ tempfile_a = nil
+ tempfile_b = nil
+"expect") do |a|
+ tempfile_a = a
+ a.puts expect
+ a.flush
+"butwas") do |b|
+ tempfile_b = b
+ b.puts butwas
+ b.flush
+ result = `#{self.class.diff} #{a.path} #{b.path}`
+ result.sub!(/^\-\-\- .+/, "--- expected")
+ result.sub!(/^\+\+\+ .+/, "+++ actual")
+ if result.empty? then
+ klass = exp.class
+ result = [
+ "No visible difference in the #{klass}#inspect output.\n",
+ "You should look at the implementation of #== on ",
+ "#{klass} or its members.\n",
+ expect,
+ ].join
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ ensure
+ tempfile_a.close! if tempfile_a
+ tempfile_b.close! if tempfile_b
+ end
+ ##
+ # This returns a diff-able human-readable version of +obj+. This
+ # differs from the regular mu_pp because it expands escaped
+ # newlines and makes hex-values generic (like object_ids). This
+ # uses mu_pp to do the first pass and then cleans it up.
+ def mu_pp_for_diff obj
+ mu_pp(obj).gsub(/(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\K\\n/, "\n").gsub(/:0x[a-fA-F0-9]{4,}/m, ':0xXXXXXX')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +test+ is a true value.
+ def assert test, msg = nil
+ msg ||= "Failed assertion, no message given."
+ self._assertions += 1
+ unless test then
+ msg = if Proc === msg
+ raise Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError, msg
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is empty.
+ def assert_empty obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be empty" }
+ assert_respond_to obj, :empty?
+ assert obj.empty?, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For comparing Floats. Fails unless +exp+ and +act+ are within +delta+
+ # of each other.
+ #
+ # assert_in_delta Math::PI, (22.0 / 7.0), 0.01
+ def assert_in_delta exp, act, delta = 0.001, msg = nil
+ n = (exp - act).abs
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected |#{exp} - #{act}| (#{n}) to be <= #{delta}"
+ }
+ assert delta >= n, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For comparing Floats. Fails unless +exp+ and +act+ have a relative
+ # error less than +epsilon+.
+ def assert_in_epsilon a, b, epsilon = 0.001, msg = nil
+ assert_in_delta a, b, [a.abs, b.abs].min * epsilon, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +collection+ includes +obj+.
+ def assert_includes collection, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(collection)} to include #{mu_pp(obj)}"
+ }
+ assert_respond_to collection, :include?
+ assert collection.include?(obj), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is an instance of +cls+.
+ def assert_instance_of cls, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be an instance of #{cls}, not #{obj.class}"
+ }
+ assert obj.instance_of?(cls), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is a kind of +cls+.
+ def assert_kind_of cls, obj, msg = nil # TODO: merge with instance_of
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be a kind of #{cls}, not #{obj.class}" }
+ assert obj.kind_of?(cls), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +matcher+ <tt>=~</tt> +obj+.
+ def assert_match matcher, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp matcher} to match #{mu_pp obj}" }
+ assert_respond_to matcher, :"=~"
+ matcher = Regexp.escape matcher if String === matcher
+ assert matcher =~ obj, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is nil
+ def assert_nil obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be nil" }
+ assert obj.nil?, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is true
+ def assert_true obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be true" }
+ assert obj == true, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ is false
+ def assert_false obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be false" }
+ assert obj == false, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For testing with binary operators.
+ #
+ # assert_operator 5, :<=, 4
+ def assert_operator o1, op, o2 = (predicate = true; nil), msg = nil
+ return assert_predicate o1, op, msg if predicate
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to be #{op} #{mu_pp(o2)}" }
+ assert o1.__send__(op, o2), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if stdout or stderr do not output the expected results.
+ # Pass in nil if you don't care about that streams output. Pass in
+ # "" if you require it to be silent. Pass in a regexp if you want
+ # to pattern match.
+ #
+ # NOTE: this uses #capture_io, not #capture_subprocess_io.
+ #
+ # See also: #assert_silent
+ def assert_output stdout = nil, stderr = nil
+ out, err = capture_output do
+ yield
+ end
+ err_msg = Regexp === stderr ? :assert_match : :assert_equal if stderr
+ out_msg = Regexp === stdout ? :assert_match : :assert_equal if stdout
+ y = send err_msg, stderr, err, "In stderr" if err_msg
+ x = send out_msg, stdout, out, "In stdout" if out_msg
+ (!stdout || x) && (!stderr || y)
+ end
+ ##
+ # For testing with predicates.
+ #
+ # assert_predicate str, :empty?
+ #
+ # This is really meant for specs and is front-ended by assert_operator:
+ #
+ # str.must_be :empty?
+ def assert_predicate o1, op, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to be #{op}" }
+ assert o1.__send__(op), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +obj+ responds to +meth+.
+ def assert_respond_to obj, meth, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} (#{obj.class}) to respond to ##{meth}"
+ }
+ assert obj.respond_to?(meth), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless +exp+ and +act+ are #equal?
+ def assert_same exp, act, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ data = [mu_pp(act), act.object_id, mu_pp(exp), exp.object_id]
+ "Expected %s (oid=%d) to be the same as %s (oid=%d)" % data
+ }
+ assert exp.equal?(act), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if the block outputs anything to stderr or stdout.
+ #
+ # See also: #assert_output
+ def assert_silent
+ assert_output "", "" do
+ yield
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails unless the block throws +sym+
+ def assert_throws sym, msg = nil
+ default = "Expected #{mu_pp(sym)} to have been thrown"
+ caught = true
+ catch(sym) do
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue ThreadError => e # wtf?!? 1.8 + threads == suck
+ default += ", not \:#{e.message[/uncaught throw \`(\w+?)\'/, 1]}"
+ rescue ArgumentError => e # 1.9 exception
+ default += ", not #{e.message.split(/ /).last}"
+ rescue NameError => e # 1.8 exception
+ default += ", not #{}"
+ end
+ caught = false
+ end
+ assert caught, message(msg) { default }
+ end
+ def assert_path_exists(path, msg = nil)
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected path '#{path}' to exist" }
+ assert File.exist?(path), msg
+ end
+ alias assert_path_exist assert_path_exists
+ alias refute_path_not_exist assert_path_exists
+ def refute_path_exists(path, msg = nil)
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected path '#{path}' to not exist" }
+ refute File.exist?(path), msg
+ end
+ alias refute_path_exist refute_path_exists
+ alias assert_path_not_exist refute_path_exists
+ ##
+ # Captures $stdout and $stderr into strings:
+ #
+ # out, err = capture_output do
+ # puts "Some info"
+ # warn "You did a bad thing"
+ # end
+ #
+ # assert_match %r%info%, out
+ # assert_match %r%bad%, err
+ def capture_output
+ require 'stringio'
+ captured_stdout, captured_stderr =,
+ synchronize do
+ orig_stdout, orig_stderr = $stdout, $stderr
+ $stdout, $stderr = captured_stdout, captured_stderr
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ $stdout = orig_stdout
+ $stderr = orig_stderr
+ end
+ end
+ return captured_stdout.string, captured_stderr.string
+ end
+ def capture_io
+ raise NoMethodError, "use capture_output"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails with +msg+
+ def flunk msg = nil
+ msg ||= "Epic Fail!"
+ assert false, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # used for counting assertions
+ def pass msg = nil
+ assert true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +test+ is a true value
+ def refute test, msg = nil
+ msg ||= "Failed refutation, no message given"
+ not assert(! test, msg)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ is empty.
+ def refute_empty obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be empty" }
+ assert_respond_to obj, :empty?
+ refute obj.empty?, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if <tt>exp == act</tt>.
+ #
+ # For floats use refute_in_delta.
+ def refute_equal exp, act, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(act)} to not be equal to #{mu_pp(exp)}"
+ }
+ refute exp == act, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For comparing Floats. Fails if +exp+ is within +delta+ of +act+.
+ #
+ # refute_in_delta Math::PI, (22.0 / 7.0)
+ def refute_in_delta exp, act, delta = 0.001, msg = nil
+ n = (exp - act).abs
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected |#{exp} - #{act}| (#{n}) to not be <= #{delta}"
+ }
+ refute delta >= n, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For comparing Floats. Fails if +exp+ and +act+ have a relative error
+ # less than +epsilon+.
+ def refute_in_epsilon a, b, epsilon = 0.001, msg = nil
+ refute_in_delta a, b, a * epsilon, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +collection+ includes +obj+.
+ def refute_includes collection, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(collection)} to not include #{mu_pp(obj)}"
+ }
+ assert_respond_to collection, :include?
+ refute collection.include?(obj), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ is an instance of +cls+.
+ def refute_instance_of cls, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be an instance of #{cls}"
+ }
+ refute obj.instance_of?(cls), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ is a kind of +cls+.
+ def refute_kind_of cls, obj, msg = nil # TODO: merge with instance_of
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be a kind of #{cls}" }
+ refute obj.kind_of?(cls), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +matcher+ <tt>=~</tt> +obj+.
+ def refute_match matcher, obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {"Expected #{mu_pp matcher} to not match #{mu_pp obj}"}
+ assert_respond_to matcher, :"=~"
+ matcher = Regexp.escape matcher if String === matcher
+ refute matcher =~ obj, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ is nil.
+ def refute_nil obj, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not be nil" }
+ refute obj.nil?, msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +o1+ is not +op+ +o2+. Eg:
+ #
+ # refute_operator 1, :>, 2 #=> pass
+ # refute_operator 1, :<, 2 #=> fail
+ def refute_operator o1, op, o2 = (predicate = true; nil), msg = nil
+ return refute_predicate o1, op, msg if predicate
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to not be #{op} #{mu_pp(o2)}"}
+ refute o1.__send__(op, o2), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # For testing with predicates.
+ #
+ # refute_predicate str, :empty?
+ #
+ # This is really meant for specs and is front-ended by refute_operator:
+ #
+ # str.wont_be :empty?
+ def refute_predicate o1, op, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(o1)} to not be #{op}" }
+ refute o1.__send__(op), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +obj+ responds to the message +meth+.
+ def refute_respond_to obj, meth, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to not respond to #{meth}" }
+ refute obj.respond_to?(meth), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fails if +exp+ is the same (by object identity) as +act+.
+ def refute_same exp, act, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) {
+ data = [mu_pp(act), act.object_id, mu_pp(exp), exp.object_id]
+ "Expected %s (oid=%d) to not be the same as %s (oid=%d)" % data
+ }
+ refute exp.equal?(act), msg
+ end
+ ##
+ # Skips the current test. Gets listed at the end of the run but
+ # doesn't cause a failure exit code.
+ def pend msg = nil, bt = caller
+ msg ||= "Skipped, no message given"
+ @skip = true
+ raise Test::Unit::PendedError, msg, bt
+ end
+ alias omit pend
+ def skip(msg = nil, bt = caller)
+ raise NoMethodError, "use omit or pend", caller
+ end
+ ##
+ # Was this testcase skipped? Meant for #teardown.
+ def skipped?
+ defined?(@skip) and @skip
+ end
+ ##
+ # Takes a block and wraps it with the runner's shared mutex.
+ def synchronize
+ Test::Unit::Runner.runner.synchronize do
+ yield
+ end
+ end
# :call-seq:
# assert_block( failure_message = nil )
@@ -22,10 +563,6 @@ module Test
assert yield, *msgs
- def assert_raises(*exp, &b)
- raise NoMethodError, "use assert_raise", caller
- end
# :call-seq:
# assert_nothing_thrown( failure_message = nil, &block )
@@ -225,16 +762,20 @@ EOT
assert(failed.empty?, message(m) {failed.pretty_inspect})
- # compatibility with test-unit
- alias pend skip
def assert_syntax_error(code, error, *args, **opt)
prepare_syntax_check(code, *args, **opt) do |src, fname, line, mesg|
yield if defined?(yield)
e = assert_raise(SyntaxError, mesg) do
syntax_check(src, fname, line)
- assert_match(error, e.message, mesg)
+ # Prism adds ANSI escape sequences to syntax error messages to
+ # colorize and format them. We strip them out here to make them easier
+ # to match against in tests.
+ message = e.message
+ message.gsub!(/\e\[.*?m/, "")
+ assert_match(error, message, mesg)
@@ -253,7 +794,7 @@ EOT
# kernel resolution can limit the minimum time we can measure
# [ruby-core:81540]
- MIN_HZ = ? 67 : 100
+ MIN_HZ = /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM ? 67 : 100
def assert_cpu_usage_low(msg = nil, pct: 0.05, wait: 1.0, stop: nil)
@@ -290,14 +831,6 @@ EOT
assert(1.0/f == -Float::INFINITY, "#{f} is not -0.0")
- def assert_all_assertions_foreach(msg = nil, *keys, &block)
- all =
- all.foreach(*keys, &block)
- ensure
- assert(all.pass?, message(msg) {all.message.chomp(".")})
- end
- alias all_assertions_foreach assert_all_assertions_foreach
def build_message(head, template=nil, *arguments) #:nodoc:
template &&= template.chomp
template.gsub(/\G((?:[^\\]|\\.)*?)(\\)?\?/) { $1 + ($2 ? "?" : mu_pp(arguments.shift)) }
diff --git a/tool/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb b/tool/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb
index ccaf1a913a..ac297d4a0e 100644
--- a/tool/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb
+++ b/tool/lib/test/unit/parallel.rb
@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../.."
-require 'test/unit'
-require "profile_test_all" if ENV.key?('RUBY_TEST_ALL_PROFILE')
-require "tracepointchecker"
-require "zombie_hunter"
-require "iseq_loader_checker"
-require "gc_compact_checker"
+require_relative "../../../test/init"
module Test
module Unit
@@ -15,7 +9,6 @@ module Test
undef autorun
- alias orig_run_suite mini_run_suite
undef _run_suite
undef _run_suites
undef run
@@ -32,12 +25,16 @@ module Test
+ def _start_method(inst)
+ _report "start", Marshal.dump([, inst.__name__])
+ end
def _run_suite(suite, type) # :nodoc:
@partial_report = []
- orig_testout = MiniTest::Unit.output
+ orig_testout = Test::Unit::Runner.output
i,o = IO.pipe
- MiniTest::Unit.output = o
+ Test::Unit::Runner.output = o
orig_stdin, orig_stdout = $stdin, $stdout
th = do
@@ -58,7 +55,7 @@ module Test
result = [nil,nil]
- MiniTest::Unit.output = orig_testout
+ Test::Unit::Runner.output = orig_testout
$stdin = orig_stdin
$stdout = orig_stdout
@@ -79,7 +76,7 @@ module Test
_report "done", Marshal.dump(result)
return result
- MiniTest::Unit.output = orig_stdout
+ Test::Unit::Runner.output = orig_stdout
$stdin = orig_stdin if orig_stdin
$stdout = orig_stdout if orig_stdout
o.close if o && !o.closed?
@@ -108,12 +105,12 @@ module Test
case buf.chomp
when /^loadpath (.+?)$/
@old_loadpath = $:.dup
- $:.push(*Marshal.load($1.unpack("m")[0].force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT"))).uniq!
+ $:.push(*Marshal.load($1.unpack1("m").force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT"))).uniq!
when /^run (.+?) (.+?)$/
_report "okay"
@options = @opts.dup
- suites = MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.test_suites
+ suites = Test::Unit::TestCase.test_suites
require File.realpath($1)
@@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ module Test
_report "ready"
- _run_suites MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.test_suites-suites, $2.to_sym
+ _run_suites Test::Unit::TestCase.test_suites-suites, $2.to_sym
if @need_exit
_report "bye"
@@ -160,21 +157,21 @@ module Test
def puke(klass, meth, e) # :nodoc:
- if e.is_a?(MiniTest::Skip)
- new_e =
+ if e.is_a?(Test::Unit::PendedError)
+ new_e =
e = new_e
- @partial_report << [, meth, e.is_a?(MiniTest::Assertion) ? e :]
+ @partial_report << [, meth, e.is_a?(Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError) ? e :]
def record(suite, method, assertions, time, error) # :nodoc:
case error
when nil
- when MiniTest::Assertion, MiniTest::Skip
+ when Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError, Test::Unit::PendedError
case error.cause
- when nil, MiniTest::Assertion, MiniTest::Skip
+ when nil, Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError, Test::Unit::PendedError
bt = error.backtrace
error =
@@ -183,7 +180,7 @@ module Test
error =
- _report "record", Marshal.dump([, method, assertions, time, error])
+ _report "record", Marshal.dump([, method, assertions, time, error, suite.instance_method(method).source_location])
@@ -193,7 +190,7 @@ end
if $0 == __FILE__
module Test
module Unit
- class TestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase # :nodoc: all
+ class TestCase # :nodoc: all
undef on_parallel_worker?
def on_parallel_worker?
@@ -205,5 +202,9 @@ if $0 == __FILE__
require 'rubygems'
+ begin
+ require 'rake'
+ rescue LoadError
+ end
diff --git a/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb b/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
index 68149a4880..51ffff37eb 100644
--- a/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
+++ b/tool/lib/test/unit/testcase.rb
@@ -1,21 +1,287 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'test/unit/assertions'
+require_relative 'assertions'
+require_relative '../../core_assertions'
module Test
module Unit
- # remove silly TestCase class
- remove_const(:TestCase) if defined?(self::TestCase)
- class TestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase # :nodoc: all
- include Assertions
+ ##
+ # Provides a simple set of guards that you can use in your tests
+ # to skip execution if it is not applicable. These methods are
+ # mixed into TestCase as both instance and class methods so you
+ # can use them inside or outside of the test methods.
+ #
+ # def test_something_for_mri
+ # skip "bug 1234" if jruby?
+ # # ...
+ # end
+ #
+ # if windows? then
+ # # ... lots of test methods ...
+ # end
- def on_parallel_worker?
- false
+ module Guard
+ ##
+ # Is this running on jruby?
+ def jruby? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
+ "java" == platform
+ ##
+ # Is this running on mri?
+ def mri? platform = RUBY_DESCRIPTION
+ /^ruby/ =~ platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this running on windows?
+ def windows? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
+ /mswin|mingw/ =~ platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this running on mingw?
+ def mingw? platform = RUBY_PLATFORM
+ /mingw/ =~ platform
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Provides before/after hooks for setup and teardown. These are
+ # meant for library writers, NOT for regular test authors. See
+ # #before_setup for an example.
+ module LifecycleHooks
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test, after setup. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend Test::Unit. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def after_setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test, before setup. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend Test::Unit. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # As a simplistic example:
+ #
+ # module MyTestUnitPlugin
+ # def before_setup
+ # super
+ # # ... stuff to do before setup is run
+ # end
+ #
+ # def after_setup
+ # # ... stuff to do after setup is run
+ # super
+ # end
+ #
+ # def before_teardown
+ # super
+ # # ... stuff to do before teardown is run
+ # end
+ #
+ # def after_teardown
+ # # ... stuff to do after teardown is run
+ # super
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # class Test::Unit::Runner::TestCase
+ # include MyTestUnitPlugin
+ # end
+ def before_setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test, before teardown. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend Test::Unit. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def before_teardown; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test, after teardown. This hook is meant for
+ # libraries to extend Test::Unit. It is not meant to be used by
+ # test developers.
+ #
+ # See #before_setup for an example.
+ def after_teardown; end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Subclass TestCase to create your own tests. Typically you'll want a
+ # TestCase subclass per implementation class.
+ #
+ # See <code>Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError</code>s
+ class TestCase
+ include Assertions
+ include CoreAssertions
+ include LifecycleHooks
+ include Guard
+ extend Guard
+ attr_reader :__name__ # :nodoc:
+ # Method name of this test.
+ alias method_name __name__
+ PASSTHROUGH_EXCEPTIONS = [NoMemoryError, SignalException,
+ Interrupt, SystemExit] # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Runs the tests reporting the status to +runner+
def run runner
- @options = runner.options
- super runner
+ @__runner_options__ = runner.options
+ trap "INFO" do
+ do |msg, i|
+ warn "\n%3d) %s" % [i + 1, msg]
+ end
+ warn ''
+ time = runner.start_time ? - runner.start_time : 0
+ warn "Current Test: %s#%s %.2fs" % [self.class, self.__name__, time]
+ runner.status $stderr
+ end if runner.info_signal
+ start_time =
+ result = ""
+ begin
+ @__passed__ = nil
+ self.before_setup
+ self.setup
+ self.after_setup
+ self.run_test self.__name__
+ result = "." unless io?
+ time = - start_time
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, nil
+ @__passed__ = true
+ raise
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @__passed__ = Test::Unit::PendedError === e
+ time = - start_time
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, e
+ result = runner.puke self.class, self.__name__, e
+ ensure
+ %w{ before_teardown teardown after_teardown }.each do |hook|
+ begin
+ self.send hook
+ raise
+ rescue Exception => e
+ @__passed__ = false
+ runner.record self.class, self.__name__, self._assertions, time, e
+ result = runner.puke self.class, self.__name__, e
+ end
+ end
+ trap 'INFO', 'DEFAULT' if runner.info_signal
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ RUN_TEST_TRACE = "#{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__+3}:in `run_test'".freeze
+ def run_test(name)
+ progname, $0 = $0, "#{$0}: #{self.class}##{name}"
+ self.__send__(name)
+ ensure
+ $@.delete(RUN_TEST_TRACE) if $@
+ $0 = progname
+ end
+ def initialize name # :nodoc:
+ @__name__ = name
+ @__io__ = nil
+ @__passed__ = nil
+ @@__current__ = self # FIX: make thread local
+ end
+ def self.current # :nodoc:
+ @@__current__ # FIX: make thread local
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the output IO object
+ def io
+ @__io__ = true
+ Test::Unit::Runner.output
+ end
+ ##
+ # Have we hooked up the IO yet?
+ def io?
+ @__io__
+ end
+ def self.reset # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites = {}
+ @@test_suites[self] = true
+ end
+ reset
+ def self.inherited klass # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites[klass] = true
+ super
+ end
+ @test_order = :sorted
+ class << self
+ attr_writer :test_order
+ end
+ def self.test_order
+ defined?(@test_order) ? @test_order : superclass.test_order
+ end
+ def self.test_suites # :nodoc:
+ @@test_suites.keys
+ end
+ def self.test_methods # :nodoc:
+ public_instance_methods(true).grep(/^test/)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns true if the test passed.
+ def passed?
+ @__passed__
+ end
+ ##
+ # Runs before every test. Use this to set up before each test
+ # run.
+ def setup; end
+ ##
+ # Runs after every test. Use this to clean up after each test
+ # run.
+ def teardown; end
+ def on_parallel_worker?
+ false
def self.method_added(name)
@@ -23,7 +289,7 @@ module Test
return unless name.to_s.start_with?("test_")
@test_methods ||= {}
if @test_methods[name]
- warn "test/unit warning: method #{ self }##{ name } is redefined"
+ raise AssertionFailedError, "test/unit: method #{ self }##{ name } is redefined"
@test_methods[name] = true