path: root/test/prism/warnings_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/prism/warnings_test.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/test/prism/warnings_test.rb b/test/prism/warnings_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ad704918a..0000000000
--- a/test/prism/warnings_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-return if RUBY_VERSION < "3.1"
-require_relative "test_helper"
-require "stringio"
-module Prism
- class WarningsTest < TestCase
- def test_ambiguous_uminus
- assert_warning("a -b", "ambiguous first argument")
- end
- def test_ambiguous_uplus
- assert_warning("a +b", "ambiguous first argument")
- end
- def test_ambiguous_ustar
- assert_warning("a *b", "argument prefix")
- end
- def test_ambiguous_regexp
- assert_warning("a /b/", "wrap regexp in parentheses")
- end
- def test_binary_operator
- [
- [:**, "argument prefix"],
- [:*, "argument prefix"],
- [:<<, "here document"],
- [:&, "argument prefix"],
- [:+, "unary operator"],
- [:-, "unary operator"],
- [:/, "regexp literal"],
- [:%, "string literal"]
- ].each do |(operator, warning)|
- assert_warning("puts 1 #{operator}0", warning)
- assert_warning("puts :a #{operator}0", warning)
- assert_warning("m = 1; puts m #{operator}0", warning)
- end
- end
- def test_equal_in_conditional
- assert_warning("if a = 1; end; a = a", "should be ==")
- end
- def test_dot_dot_dot_eol
- assert_warning("_ = foo...", "... at EOL")
- assert_warning("def foo(...) = bar ...", "... at EOL")
- assert_warning("_ = foo... #", "... at EOL")
- assert_warning("_ = foo... \t\v\f\n", "... at EOL")
- refute_warning("p")
- refute_warning("p foo... bar")
- end
- def test_END_in_method
- assert_warning("def foo; END {}; end", "END in method")
- end
- def test_duplicated_hash_key
- assert_warning("{ a: 1, a: 2 }", "duplicated and overwritten")
- assert_warning("{ a: 1, **{ a: 2 } }", "duplicated and overwritten")
- end
- def test_duplicated_when_clause
- assert_warning("case 1; when 1, 1; end", "when' clause")
- end
- def test_float_out_of_range
- assert_warning("_ = 1.0e100000", "out of range")
- end
- def test_integer_in_flip_flop
- assert_warning("1 if", "integer")
- end
- def test_keyword_eol
- assert_warning("if\ntrue; end", "end of line")
- assert_warning("if true\nelsif\nfalse; end", "end of line")
- end
- def test_shareable_constant_value
- assert_warning("foo # shareable_constant_value: none", "ignored")
- assert_warning("\v # shareable_constant_value: none", "ignored")
- refute_warning("# shareable_constant_value: none")
- refute_warning(" # shareable_constant_value: none")
- refute_warning("\t\t# shareable_constant_value: none")
- end
- def test_string_in_predicate
- assert_warning("if 'foo'; end", "string")
- assert_warning("if \"\#{foo}\"; end", "string")
- assert_warning("if __FILE__; end", "string")
- end
- def test_symbol_in_predicate
- assert_warning("if :foo; end", "symbol")
- assert_warning("if :\"\#{foo}\"; end", "symbol")
- end
- def test_literal_in_predicate
- assert_warning("if __LINE__; end", "literal")
- assert_warning("if __ENCODING__; end", "literal")
- assert_warning("if 1; end", "literal")
- assert_warning("if 1.0; end", "literal")
- assert_warning("if 1r; end", "literal")
- assert_warning("if 1i; end", "literal")
- end
- def test_regexp_in_predicate
- assert_warning("if /foo/; end", "regex")
- assert_warning("if /foo\#{bar}/; end", "regex")
- end
- def test_unused_local_variables
- assert_warning("foo = 1", "unused")
- refute_warning("foo = 1", compare: false, command_line: "e")
- refute_warning("foo = 1", compare: false, scopes: [[]])
- assert_warning("def foo; bar = 1; end", "unused")
- assert_warning("def foo; bar, = 1; end", "unused")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar &&= 1; end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar ||= 1; end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar += 1; end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar = bar; end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar = bar = 1; end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar = (bar = 1); end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar = begin; bar = 1; end; end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar = (qux; bar = 1); end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar, = bar = 1; end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar, = 1, bar = 1; end")
- refute_warning("def foo(bar); end")
- refute_warning("def foo(bar = 1); end")
- refute_warning("def foo((bar)); end")
- refute_warning("def foo(*bar); end")
- refute_warning("def foo(*, bar); end")
- refute_warning("def foo(*, (bar)); end")
- refute_warning("def foo(bar:); end")
- refute_warning("def foo(**bar); end")
- refute_warning("def foo(&bar); end")
- refute_warning("->(bar) {}")
- refute_warning("->(; bar) {}", compare: false)
- refute_warning("def foo; bar = 1; tap { bar }; end")
- refute_warning("def foo; bar = 1; tap { baz = bar; baz }; end")
- end
- def test_void_statements
- assert_warning("foo = 1; foo", "a variable in void")
- assert_warning("@foo", "a variable in void")
- assert_warning("@@foo", "a variable in void")
- assert_warning("$foo", "a variable in void")
- assert_warning("$+", "a variable in void")
- assert_warning("$1", "a variable in void")
- assert_warning("self", "self in void")
- assert_warning("nil", "nil in void")
- assert_warning("true", "true in void")
- assert_warning("false", "false in void")
- assert_warning("1", "literal in void")
- assert_warning("1.0", "literal in void")
- assert_warning("1r", "literal in void")
- assert_warning("1i", "literal in void")
- assert_warning(":foo", "literal in void")
- assert_warning("\"foo\"", "literal in void")
- assert_warning("\"foo\#{1}\"", "literal in void")
- assert_warning("/foo/", "literal in void")
- assert_warning("/foo\#{1}/", "literal in void")
- assert_warning("Foo", "constant in void")
- assert_warning("::Foo", ":: in void")
- assert_warning("Foo::Bar", ":: in void")
- assert_warning("1..2", ".. in void")
- assert_warning("1..", ".. in void")
- assert_warning("..2", ".. in void")
- assert_warning("1...2", "... in void")
- assert_warning("1...;", "... in void")
- assert_warning("...2", "... in void")
- assert_warning("defined?(foo)", "defined? in void")
- assert_warning("1 + 1", "+ in void")
- assert_warning("1 - 1", "- in void")
- assert_warning("1 * 1", "* in void")
- assert_warning("1 / 1", "/ in void")
- assert_warning("1 % 1", "% in void")
- assert_warning("1 | 1", "| in void")
- assert_warning("1 ^ 1", "^ in void")
- assert_warning("1 & 1", "& in void")
- assert_warning("1 > 1", "> in void")
- assert_warning("1 < 1", "< in void")
- assert_warning("1 ** 1", "** in void")
- assert_warning("1 <= 1", "<= in void")
- assert_warning("1 >= 1", ">= in void")
- assert_warning("1 != 1", "!= in void")
- assert_warning("1 == 1", "== in void")
- assert_warning("1 <=> 1", "<=> in void")
- assert_warning("+foo", "+@ in void")
- assert_warning("-foo", "-@ in void")
- assert_warning("def foo; @bar; @baz; end", "variable in void")
- refute_warning("def foo; @bar; end")
- refute_warning("@foo", compare: false, scopes: [[]])
- end
- def test_unreachable_statement
- assert_warning("begin; rescue; retry; foo; end", "statement not reached")
- assert_warning("return; foo", "statement not reached")
- assert_warning("tap { break; foo }", "statement not reached")
- assert_warning("tap { break 1; foo }", "statement not reached")
- assert_warning("tap { next; foo }", "statement not reached")
- assert_warning("tap { next 1; foo }", "statement not reached")
- assert_warning("tap { redo; foo }", "statement not reached")
- end
- private
- def assert_warning(source, message)
- warnings = Prism.parse(source).warnings
- assert_equal 1, warnings.length
- assert_include warnings.first.message, message
- if defined?(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree)
- assert_include capture_warning { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(source) }, message
- end
- end
- def refute_warning(source, compare: true, **options)
- assert_empty Prism.parse(source, **options).warnings
- if compare && defined?(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree)
- assert_empty capture_warning { RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(source) }
- end
- end
- def capture_warning
- stderr, $stderr, verbose, $VERBOSE = $stderr,, $VERBOSE, true
- begin
- yield
- $stderr.string
- ensure
- $stderr, $VERBOSE = stderr, verbose
- end
- end
- end