path: root/test/prism/test_helper.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/prism/test_helper.rb')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/prism/test_helper.rb b/test/prism/test_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6d0abf548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/prism/test_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "prism"
+require "pp"
+require "ripper"
+require "stringio"
+require "test/unit"
+require "tempfile"
+puts "Using prism backend: #{Prism::BACKEND}" if ENV["PRISM_FFI_BACKEND"]
+# It is useful to have a diff even if the strings to compare are big
+# However, ruby/ruby does not have a version of Test::Unit with access to
+# max_diff_target_string_size
+if defined?(Test::Unit::Assertions::AssertionMessage)
+ Test::Unit::Assertions::AssertionMessage.max_diff_target_string_size = 5000
+module Prism
+ # A convenience method for retrieving the first statement in the source string
+ # parsed by Prism.
+ def self.parse_statement(source, **options)
+ parse(source, **options).value.statements.body.first
+ end
+ class ParseResult < Result
+ # Returns the first statement in the body of the parsed source.
+ def statement
+ value.statements.body.first
+ end
+ end
+ class TestCase < ::Test::Unit::TestCase
+ # We have a set of fixtures that we use to test various aspects of the
+ # parser. They are all represented as .txt files under the
+ # test/prism/fixtures directory. Typically in test files you will find calls
+ # to Fixture.each which yields Fixture objects to the given block. These
+ # are used to define test methods that assert against each fixture in some
+ # way.
+ class Fixture
+ BASE = File.join(__dir__, "fixtures")
+ attr_reader :path
+ def initialize(path)
+ @path = path
+ end
+ def read
+, binmode: true, external_encoding: Encoding::UTF_8)
+ end
+ def full_path
+ File.join(BASE, path)
+ end
+ def snapshot_path
+ File.join(__dir__, "snapshots", path)
+ end
+ def test_name
+ :"test_#{path}"
+ end
+ def self.each(except: [], &block)
+ paths = Dir[ENV.fetch("FOCUS") { File.join("**", "*.txt") }, base: BASE] - except
+ paths.each { |path| yield }
+ end
+ end
+ # Yield each encoding that we want to test, along with a range of the
+ # codepoints that should be tested.
+ def self.each_encoding
+ codepoints_1byte = 0...0x100
+ yield Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::US_ASCII, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1253, codepoints_1byte
+ end
+ # By default we don't test every codepoint in these encodings because it
+ # takes a very long time.
+ yield Encoding::CP850, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::CP852, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::CP855, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::GB1988, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM437, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM720, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM737, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM775, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM852, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM855, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM857, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM860, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM861, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM862, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM863, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM864, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM865, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM866, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::IBM869, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_1, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_2, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_3, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_4, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_5, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_6, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_7, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_8, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_9, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_10, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_11, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_13, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_14, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_15, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::ISO_8859_16, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::KOI8_R, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::KOI8_U, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACCENTEURO, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACCROATIAN, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACCYRILLIC, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACGREEK, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACICELAND, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACROMAN, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACROMANIA, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACTHAI, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACTURKISH, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::MACUKRAINE, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::TIS_620, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1250, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1251, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1252, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1254, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1255, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1256, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1257, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_1258, codepoints_1byte
+ yield Encoding::Windows_874, codepoints_1byte
+ codepoints_2bytes = 0...0x10000
+ yield Encoding::Big5, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::Big5_HKSCS, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::Big5_UAO, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::CP949, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::CP950, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::CP951, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::EUC_KR, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::GBK, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::GB12345, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::GB2312, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::MACJAPANESE, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::Shift_JIS, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::SJIS_DoCoMo, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::SJIS_KDDI, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::SJIS_SoftBank, codepoints_2bytes
+ yield Encoding::Windows_31J, codepoints_2bytes
+ codepoints_unicode = (0...0x110000)
+ yield Encoding::UTF_8, codepoints_unicode
+ yield Encoding::UTF8_MAC, codepoints_unicode
+ yield Encoding::UTF8_DoCoMo, codepoints_unicode
+ yield Encoding::UTF8_KDDI, codepoints_unicode
+ yield Encoding::UTF8_SoftBank, codepoints_unicode
+ yield Encoding::CESU_8, codepoints_unicode
+ codepoints_eucjp = [
+ *(0...0x10000),
+ *(0...0x10000).map { |bytes| bytes | 0x8F0000 }
+ ]
+ yield Encoding::CP51932, codepoints_eucjp
+ yield Encoding::EUC_JP, codepoints_eucjp
+ yield Encoding::EUCJP_MS, codepoints_eucjp
+ yield Encoding::EUC_JIS_2004, codepoints_eucjp
+ codepoints_emacs_mule = [
+ *(0...0x80),
+ *((0x81...0x90).flat_map { |byte1| (0x90...0x100).map { |byte2| byte1 << 8 | byte2 } }),
+ *((0x90...0x9C).flat_map { |byte1| (0xA0...0x100).flat_map { |byte2| (0xA0...0x100).flat_map { |byte3| byte1 << 16 | byte2 << 8 | byte3 } } }),
+ *((0xF0...0xF5).flat_map { |byte2| (0xA0...0x100).flat_map { |byte3| (0xA0...0x100).flat_map { |byte4| 0x9C << 24 | byte3 << 16 | byte3 << 8 | byte4 } } }),
+ ]
+ yield Encoding::EMACS_MULE, codepoints_emacs_mule
+ yield Encoding::STATELESS_ISO_2022_JP, codepoints_emacs_mule
+ yield Encoding::STATELESS_ISO_2022_JP_KDDI, codepoints_emacs_mule
+ codepoints_gb18030 = [
+ *(0...0x80),
+ *((0x81..0xFE).flat_map { |byte1| (0x40...0x100).map { |byte2| byte1 << 8 | byte2 } }),
+ *((0x81..0xFE).flat_map { |byte1| (0x30...0x40).flat_map { |byte2| (0x81..0xFE).flat_map { |byte3| (0x2F...0x41).map { |byte4| byte1 << 24 | byte2 << 16 | byte3 << 8 | byte4 } } } }),
+ ]
+ yield Encoding::GB18030, codepoints_gb18030
+ codepoints_euc_tw = [
+ *(0..0x7F),
+ *(0xA1..0xFF).flat_map { |byte1| (0xA1..0xFF).map { |byte2| (byte1 << 8) | byte2 } },
+ *(0xA1..0xB0).flat_map { |byte2| (0xA1..0xFF).flat_map { |byte3| (0xA1..0xFF).flat_map { |byte4| 0x8E << 24 | byte2 << 16 | byte3 << 8 | byte4 } } }
+ ]
+ yield Encoding::EUC_TW, codepoints_euc_tw
+ end
+ private
+ if RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby"
+ # Check that the given source is valid syntax by compiling it with RubyVM.
+ def check_syntax(source)
+ ignore_warnings { RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(source) }
+ end
+ # Assert that the given source is valid Ruby syntax by attempting to
+ # compile it, and then implicitly checking that it does not raise an
+ # syntax errors.
+ def assert_valid_syntax(source)
+ check_syntax(source)
+ end
+ # Refute that the given source is invalid Ruby syntax by attempting to
+ # compile it and asserting that it raises a SyntaxError.
+ def refute_valid_syntax(source)
+ assert_raise(SyntaxError) { check_syntax(source) }
+ end
+ else
+ def assert_valid_syntax(source)
+ end
+ def refute_valid_syntax(source)
+ end
+ end
+ # CRuby has this same method, so define it so that we don't accidentally
+ # break CRuby CI.
+ def assert_raises(*args, &block)
+ raise "Use assert_raise instead"
+ end
+ def assert_equal_nodes(expected, actual, compare_location: true, parent: nil)
+ assert_equal expected.class, actual.class
+ case expected
+ when Array
+ assert_equal(
+ expected.size,
+ actual.size,
+ -> { "Arrays were different sizes. Parent: #{parent.pretty_inspect}" }
+ )
+ do |(expected_element, actual_element)|
+ assert_equal_nodes(
+ expected_element,
+ actual_element,
+ compare_location: compare_location,
+ parent: actual
+ )
+ end
+ when SourceFileNode
+ expected_deconstruct = expected.deconstruct_keys(nil)
+ actual_deconstruct = actual.deconstruct_keys(nil)
+ assert_equal expected_deconstruct.keys, actual_deconstruct.keys
+ # Filepaths can be different if test suites were run on different
+ # machines. We accommodate for this by comparing the basenames, and not
+ # the absolute filepaths.
+ expected_filepath = expected_deconstruct.delete(:filepath)
+ actual_filepath = actual_deconstruct.delete(:filepath)
+ assert_equal expected_deconstruct, actual_deconstruct
+ assert_equal File.basename(expected_filepath), File.basename(actual_filepath)
+ when Node
+ deconstructed_expected = expected.deconstruct_keys(nil)
+ deconstructed_actual = actual.deconstruct_keys(nil)
+ assert_equal deconstructed_expected.keys, deconstructed_actual.keys
+ deconstructed_expected.each_key do |key|
+ assert_equal_nodes(
+ deconstructed_expected[key],
+ deconstructed_actual[key],
+ compare_location: compare_location,
+ parent: actual
+ )
+ end
+ when Location
+ assert_operator actual.start_offset, :<=, actual.end_offset, -> {
+ "start_offset > end_offset for #{actual.inspect}, parent is #{parent.pretty_inspect}"
+ }
+ if compare_location
+ assert_equal(
+ expected.start_offset,
+ actual.start_offset,
+ -> { "Start locations were different. Parent: #{parent.pretty_inspect}" }
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ expected.end_offset,
+ actual.end_offset,
+ -> { "End locations were different. Parent: #{parent.pretty_inspect}" }
+ )
+ end
+ else
+ assert_equal expected, actual
+ end
+ end
+ def ignore_warnings
+ previous = $VERBOSE
+ $VERBOSE = nil
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ $VERBOSE = previous
+ end
+ end
+ end