path: root/test/irb/test_input_method.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/irb/test_input_method.rb')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/irb/test_input_method.rb b/test/irb/test_input_method.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce317b4b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/irb/test_input_method.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: false
+require "irb"
+require "rdoc"
+require_relative "helper"
+module TestIRB
+ class InputMethodTest < TestCase
+ def setup
+ @conf_backup = IRB.conf.dup
+ IRB.conf[:LC_MESSAGES] =
+ save_encodings
+ end
+ def teardown
+ IRB.conf.replace(@conf_backup)
+ restore_encodings
+ # Reset Reline configuration overridden by RelineInputMethod.
+ Reline.instance_variable_set(:@core, nil)
+ end
+ end
+ class RelineInputMethodTest < InputMethodTest
+ def test_initialization
+ Reline.completion_proc = nil
+ Reline.dig_perfect_match_proc = nil
+ assert_nil Reline.completion_append_character
+ assert_equal '', Reline.completer_quote_characters
+ assert_equal IRB::InputMethod::BASIC_WORD_BREAK_CHARACTERS, Reline.basic_word_break_characters
+ assert_not_nil Reline.completion_proc
+ assert_not_nil Reline.dig_perfect_match_proc
+ end
+ def test_initialization_without_use_autocomplete
+ original_show_doc_proc = Reline.dialog_proc(:show_doc)&.dialog_proc
+ empty_proc = {}
+ Reline.add_dialog_proc(:show_doc, empty_proc)
+ IRB.conf[:USE_AUTOCOMPLETE] = false
+ refute Reline.autocompletion
+ assert_equal empty_proc, Reline.dialog_proc(:show_doc).dialog_proc
+ ensure
+ Reline.add_dialog_proc(:show_doc, original_show_doc_proc, Reline::DEFAULT_DIALOG_CONTEXT)
+ end
+ def test_initialization_with_use_autocomplete
+ original_show_doc_proc = Reline.dialog_proc(:show_doc)&.dialog_proc
+ empty_proc = {}
+ Reline.add_dialog_proc(:show_doc, empty_proc)
+ IRB.conf[:USE_AUTOCOMPLETE] = true
+ assert Reline.autocompletion
+ assert_not_equal empty_proc, Reline.dialog_proc(:show_doc).dialog_proc
+ ensure
+ Reline.add_dialog_proc(:show_doc, original_show_doc_proc, Reline::DEFAULT_DIALOG_CONTEXT)
+ end
+ def test_initialization_with_use_autocomplete_but_without_rdoc
+ original_show_doc_proc = Reline.dialog_proc(:show_doc)&.dialog_proc
+ empty_proc = {}
+ Reline.add_dialog_proc(:show_doc, empty_proc)
+ IRB.conf[:USE_AUTOCOMPLETE] = true
+ without_rdoc do
+ end
+ assert Reline.autocompletion
+ # doesn't register show_doc dialog
+ assert_equal empty_proc, Reline.dialog_proc(:show_doc).dialog_proc
+ ensure
+ Reline.add_dialog_proc(:show_doc, original_show_doc_proc, Reline::DEFAULT_DIALOG_CONTEXT)
+ end
+ end
+ class DisplayDocumentTest < InputMethodTest
+ def setup
+ super
+ @driver = true)
+ end
+ def display_document(target, bind, driver = nil)
+ input_method =
+ input_method.instance_variable_set(:@rdoc_ri_driver, driver) if driver
+ input_method.instance_variable_set(:@completion_params, ['', target, '', bind])
+ input_method.display_document(target)
+ end
+ def test_perfectly_matched_namespace_triggers_document_display
+ omit unless has_rdoc_content?
+ out, err = capture_output do
+ display_document("String", binding, @driver)
+ end
+ assert_empty(err)
+ assert_include(out, " S\bSt\btr\bri\bin\bng\bg")
+ end
+ def test_perfectly_matched_multiple_namespaces_triggers_document_display
+ result = nil
+ out, err = capture_output do
+ result = display_document("{}.nil?", binding, @driver)
+ end
+ assert_empty(err)
+ # check if there're rdoc contents (e.g. CI doesn't generate them)
+ if has_rdoc_content?
+ # if there's rdoc content, we can verify by checking stdout
+ # rdoc generates control characters for formatting method names
+ assert_include(out, "P\bPr\bro\boc\bc.\b.n\bni\bil\bl?\b?") # Proc.nil?
+ assert_include(out, "H\bHa\bas\bsh\bh.\b.n\bni\bil\bl?\b?") # Hash.nil?
+ else
+ # this is a hacky way to verify the rdoc rendering code path because CI doesn't have rdoc content
+ # if there are multiple namespaces to be rendered, PerfectMatchedProc renders the result with a document
+ # which always returns the bytes rendered, even if it's 0
+ assert_equal(0, result)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_not_matched_namespace_triggers_nothing
+ result = nil
+ out, err = capture_output do
+ result = display_document("Stri", binding, @driver)
+ end
+ assert_empty(err)
+ assert_empty(out)
+ assert_nil(result)
+ end
+ def test_perfect_matching_stops_without_rdoc
+ result = nil
+ out, err = capture_output do
+ without_rdoc do
+ result = display_document("String", binding)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_empty(err)
+ assert_not_match(/from ruby core/, out)
+ assert_nil(result)
+ end
+ def test_perfect_matching_handles_nil_namespace
+ out, err = capture_output do
+ # symbol literal has `nil` doc namespace so it's a good test subject
+ assert_nil(display_document(":aiueo", binding, @driver))
+ end
+ assert_empty(err)
+ assert_empty(out)
+ end
+ private
+ def has_rdoc_content?
+ File.exist?(RDoc::RI::Paths::BASE)
+ end
+ end