path: root/test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2285 deletions
diff --git a/test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb b/test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0228240506..0000000000
--- a/test/bigdecimal/test_bigdecimal.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2285 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: false
-require_relative "helper"
-require 'bigdecimal/math'
-class TestBigDecimal < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include TestBigDecimalBase
- if defined? RbConfig::LIMITS
- else
- require 'fiddle'
- LONG_MAX = (1 << (Fiddle::SIZEOF_LONG*8 - 1)) - 1
- LONG_MIN = [LONG_MAX + 1].pack("L!").unpack("l!")[0]
- LLONG_MAX = (1 << (Fiddle::SIZEOF_LONG_LONG*8 - 1)) - 1
- LLONG_MIN = [LLONG_MAX + 1].pack("Q!").unpack("q!")[0]
- ULLONG_MAX = (1 << Fiddle::SIZEOF_LONG_LONG*8) - 1
- LIMITS = {
- "INT64_MIN" => -9223372036854775808,
- "INT64_MAX" => 9223372036854775807,
- "UINT64_MAX" => 18446744073709551615,
- }.freeze
- end
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_UP, :up],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_DOWN, :down],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_DOWN, :truncate],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_UP, :half_up],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_UP, :default],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN, :half_down],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN, :half_even],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN, :banker],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING, :ceiling],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING, :ceil],
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR, :floor],
- ]
- def assert_nan(x)
- assert(x.nan?, "Expected #{x.inspect} to be NaN")
- end
- def assert_positive_infinite(x)
- assert(x.infinite?, "Expected #{x.inspect} to be positive infinite")
- assert_operator(x, :>, 0)
- end
- def assert_negative_infinite(x)
- assert(x.infinite?, "Expected #{x.inspect} to be negative infinite")
- assert_operator(x, :<, 0)
- end
- def assert_positive_zero(x)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, x.sign,
- "Expected #{x.inspect} to be positive zero")
- end
- def assert_negative_zero(x)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO, x.sign,
- "Expected #{x.inspect} to be negative zero")
- end
- def test_not_equal
- assert_not_equal BigDecimal("1"), BigDecimal("2")
- end
- def test_BigDecimal
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("1"))
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("1", 1))
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(" 1 "))
- assert_equal(111, BigDecimal("1_1_1_"))
- assert_equal(10**(-1), BigDecimal("1E-1"), '#4825')
- assert_equal(1234, BigDecimal(" \t\n\r \r1234 \t\n\r \r"))
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { BigDecimal("1", -1) }
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /"1__1_1"/) { BigDecimal("1__1_1") }
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /"_1_1_1"/) { BigDecimal("_1_1_1") }
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal("Infinity"))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal("1E1111111111111111111"))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal(" \t\n\r \rInfinity \t\n\r \r"))
- assert_negative_infinite(BigDecimal("-Infinity"))
- assert_negative_infinite(BigDecimal(" \t\n\r \r-Infinity \t\n\r \r"))
- assert_nan(BigDecimal("NaN"))
- assert_nan(BigDecimal(" \t\n\r \rNaN \t\n\r \r"))
- end
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_bug7522
- bd = BigDecimal("1.12", 1)
- assert_same(bd, BigDecimal(bd))
- assert_same(bd, BigDecimal(bd, exception: false))
- assert_not_same(bd, BigDecimal(bd, 1))
- assert_not_same(bd, BigDecimal(bd, 1, exception: false))
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_issue_192
- #
- #
- if BASE_FIG == 9
- int = 1_000_000_000_12345_0000
- big = BigDecimal("0.100000000012345e19")
- else # BASE_FIG == 4
- int = 1_0000_12_00
- big = BigDecimal("0.1000012e9")
- end
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(int), big, "[ruby/bigdecimal#192]")
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_with_invalid_string
- [
- '', '.', 'e1', 'd1', '.e', '.d', '1.e', '1.d', '.1e', '.1d',
- '2,30', '19,000.0', '-2,30', '-19,000.0', '+2,30', '+19,000.0',
- '2.3,0', '19.000,0', '-2.3,0', '-19.000,0', '+2.3,0', '+19.000,0',
- '2.3.0', '19.000.0', '-2.3.0', '-19.000.0', '+2.3.0', '+19.000.0',
- 'invlaid value', '123 xyz'
- ].each do |invalid_string|
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, %Q[invalid value for BigDecimal(): "#{invalid_string}"]) do
- BigDecimal(invalid_string)
- end
- end
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /"Infinity_"/) { BigDecimal("Infinity_") }
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /"\+Infinity_"/) { BigDecimal("+Infinity_") }
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /"-Infinity_"/) { BigDecimal("-Infinity_") }
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /"NaN_"/) { BigDecimal("NaN_") }
- end
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_with_integer
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0"), BigDecimal(0))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("1"), BigDecimal(1))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("-1"), BigDecimal(-1))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal((2**100).to_s), BigDecimal(2**100))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal((-2**100).to_s), BigDecimal(-2**100))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(LIMITS["FIXNUM_MIN"].to_s), BigDecimal(LIMITS["FIXNUM_MIN"]))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(LIMITS["FIXNUM_MAX"].to_s), BigDecimal(LIMITS["FIXNUM_MAX"]))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(LIMITS["INT64_MIN"].to_s), BigDecimal(LIMITS["INT64_MIN"]))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(LIMITS["INT64_MAX"].to_s), BigDecimal(LIMITS["INT64_MAX"]))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(LIMITS["UINT64_MAX"].to_s), BigDecimal(LIMITS["UINT64_MAX"]))
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_with_rational
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.333333333333333333333"), BigDecimal(1.quo(3), 21))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("-0.333333333333333333333"), BigDecimal(-1.quo(3), 21))
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, "can't omit precision for a Rational.") { BigDecimal(42.quo(7)) }
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_with_float
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.1235"), BigDecimal(0.1234567, 4))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("-0.1235"), BigDecimal(-0.1234567, 4))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.01"), BigDecimal(0.01, Float::DIG + 1))
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, "can't omit precision for a Float.") { BigDecimal(4.2) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { BigDecimal(0.1, Float::DIG + 2) }
- assert_nothing_raised { BigDecimal(0.1, Float::DIG + 1) }
- assert_same(BigDecimal(0.0), BigDecimal(0.0))
- assert_same(BigDecimal(-0.0), BigDecimal(-0.0))
- bug9214 = '[ruby-core:58858]'
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(-0.0).sign, -1, bug9214)
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal(Float::NAN))
- assert_same(BigDecimal(Float::NAN), BigDecimal(Float::NAN))
- end
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal(Float::INFINITY))
- assert_same(BigDecimal(Float::INFINITY), BigDecimal(Float::INFINITY))
- assert_negative_infinite(BigDecimal(-Float::INFINITY))
- assert_same(BigDecimal(-Float::INFINITY), BigDecimal(-Float::INFINITY))
- end
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_with_complex
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("1"), BigDecimal(Complex(1, 0)))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.333333333333333333333"), BigDecimal(Complex(1.quo(3), 0), 21))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.1235"), BigDecimal(Complex(0.1234567, 0), 4))
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, "Unable to make a BigDecimal from non-zero imaginary number") { BigDecimal(Complex(1, 1)) }
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_with_big_decimal
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(1), BigDecimal(BigDecimal(1)))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('+0'), BigDecimal(BigDecimal('+0')))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-0'), BigDecimal(BigDecimal('-0')))
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal(BigDecimal('Infinity')))
- assert_negative_infinite(BigDecimal(BigDecimal('-Infinity')))
- assert_nan(BigDecimal(BigDecimal('NaN')))
- end
- end
- if RUBY_VERSION < '2.7'
- def test_BigDecimal_with_tainted_string
- {
- $SAFE = 1
- BigDecimal('1'.taint)
- }.join
- ensure
- $SAFE = 0
- end
- end
- def test_BigDecimal_with_exception_keyword
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
- BigDecimal('.', exception: true)
- }
- assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) {
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(".", exception: false))
- }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
- BigDecimal("1", -1, exception: true)
- }
- assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) {
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal("1", -1, exception: false))
- }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
- BigDecimal(42.quo(7), exception: true)
- }
- assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) {
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(42.quo(7), exception: false))
- }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) {
- BigDecimal(4.2, exception: true)
- }
- assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) {
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(4.2, exception: false))
- }
- # TODO: support conversion from complex
- # assert_raise(RangeError) {
- # BigDecimal(1i, exception: true)
- # }
- # assert_nothing_raised(RangeError) {
- # assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(1i, exception: false))
- # }
- assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, "can't convert nil into BigDecimal") {
- BigDecimal(nil, exception: true)
- }
- assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, "can't convert true into BigDecimal") {
- BigDecimal(true, exception: true)
- }
- assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, "can't convert false into BigDecimal") {
- BigDecimal(false, exception: true)
- }
- assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, "can't convert Object into BigDecimal") {
- BigDecimal(, exception: true)
- }
- assert_nothing_raised(TypeError) {
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(nil, exception: false))
- }
- assert_nothing_raised(TypeError) {
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(:test, exception: false))
- }
- assert_nothing_raised(TypeError) {
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(, exception: false))
- }
- assert_nothing_raised(TypeError) {
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(, exception: false))
- }
- # TODO: support to_d
- # assert_nothing_raised(TypeError) {
- # o =
- # def o.to_d; 3.14; end
- # assert_equal(3.14, BigDecimal(o, exception: false))
- # }
- # assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError) {
- # o =
- # def o.to_d; raise; end
- # assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal(o, exception: false))
- # }
- end
- def test_s_ver
- assert_raise_with_message(NoMethodError, /undefined method `ver'/) { BigDecimal.ver }
- end
- def test_s_allocate
- assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /allocator undefined for BigDecimal/) { BigDecimal.allocate }
- end
- def test_s_new
- assert_raise_with_message(NoMethodError, /undefined method `new'/) {"1") }
- end
- def test_s_interpret_loosely
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("1__1_1"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.5'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("2.5"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.5'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("2.5 degrees"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.5e1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("2.5e1 degrees"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('0'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("degrees 100.0"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('0.125'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("0.1_2_5"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('0.125'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("0.1_2_5__"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("1_.125"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("1._125"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('0.1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("0.1__2_5"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('0.1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("0.1_e10"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('0.1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("0.1e_10"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("0.1e1__0"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('1.2'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("1.2.3"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("1."))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('1'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("1e"))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('0.0'), BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("invalid"))
- assert(BigDecimal.interpret_loosely("2.5").frozen?)
- end
- def _test_mode(type)
- BigDecimal.mode(type, true)
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { yield }
- BigDecimal.mode(type, false)
- assert_nothing_raised { yield }
- end
- def test_mode
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_ALL, 1) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, 256) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, :xyzzy) }
- assert_raise(TypeError) { BigDecimal.mode(0xf000, true) }
- begin
- saved_mode = BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE)
- [ BigDecimal::ROUND_UP,
- BigDecimal::ROUND_DOWN,
- BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_UP,
- BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN,
- BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING,
- BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR,
- BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN,
- ].each do |mode|
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, mode)
- assert_equal(mode, BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE))
- end
- ensure
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, saved_mode)
- end
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- ROUNDING_MODE_MAP.each do |const, sym|
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, sym)
- assert_equal(const, BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE))
- end
- end
- end
- def test_thread_local_mode
- begin
- saved_mode = BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_UP)
- Thread.start {
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN, BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE))
- }.join
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::ROUND_UP, BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE))
- ensure
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, saved_mode)
- end
- end
- def test_save_exception_mode
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- mode = BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW)
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, true)
- end
- assert_equal(mode, BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW))
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR)
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
- end
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN, BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE))
- assert_equal(42, BigDecimal.save_exception_mode { 42 })
- end
- def test_save_rounding_mode
- saved_mode = BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR)
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
- end
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR, BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE))
- assert_equal(42, BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode { 42 })
- ensure
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, saved_mode)
- end
- def test_save_limit
- begin
- old = BigDecimal.limit
- BigDecimal.limit(100)
- BigDecimal.save_limit do
- BigDecimal.limit(200)
- end
- assert_equal(100, BigDecimal.limit);
- ensure
- BigDecimal.limit(old)
- end
- assert_equal(42, BigDecimal.save_limit { 42 })
- end
- def test_exception_nan
- _test_mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN) { BigDecimal("NaN") }
- end
- def test_exception_infinity
- _test_mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY) { BigDecimal("Infinity") }
- end
- def test_exception_underflow
- _test_mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW) do
- x = BigDecimal("0.1")
- 100.times do
- x *= x
- end
- end
- end
- def test_exception_overflow
- _test_mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW) do
- x = BigDecimal("10")
- 100.times do
- x *= x
- end
- end
- end
- def test_exception_zerodivide
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- _test_mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE) { 1 / BigDecimal("0") }
- _test_mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE) { -1 / BigDecimal("0") }
- end
- def test_round_up
- n4 = BigDecimal("4") # n4 / 9 = 0.44444...
- n5 = BigDecimal("5") # n5 / 9 = 0.55555...
- n6 = BigDecimal("6") # n6 / 9 = 0.66666...
- m4, m5, m6 = -n4, -n5, -n6
- n2h = BigDecimal("2.5")
- n3h = BigDecimal("3.5")
- m2h, m3h = -n2h, -n3h
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_UP)
- assert_operator(n4, :<, n4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n5, :<, n5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n6, :<, n6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m4, :>, m4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m5, :>, m5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m6, :>, m6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_equal(3, n2h.round)
- assert_equal(4, n3h.round)
- assert_equal(-3, m2h.round)
- assert_equal(-4, m3h.round)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_DOWN)
- assert_operator(n4, :>, n4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n5, :>, n5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n6, :>, n6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m4, :<, m4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m5, :<, m5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m6, :<, m6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_equal(2, n2h.round)
- assert_equal(3, n3h.round)
- assert_equal(-2, m2h.round)
- assert_equal(-3, m3h.round)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_UP)
- assert_operator(n4, :>, n4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n5, :<, n5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n6, :<, n6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m4, :<, m4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m5, :>, m5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m6, :>, m6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_equal(3, n2h.round)
- assert_equal(4, n3h.round)
- assert_equal(-3, m2h.round)
- assert_equal(-4, m3h.round)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN)
- assert_operator(n4, :>, n4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n5, :>, n5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n6, :<, n6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m4, :<, m4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m5, :<, m5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m6, :>, m6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_equal(2, n2h.round)
- assert_equal(3, n3h.round)
- assert_equal(-2, m2h.round)
- assert_equal(-3, m3h.round)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
- assert_operator(n4, :>, n4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n5, :<, n5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n6, :<, n6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m4, :<, m4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m5, :>, m5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m6, :>, m6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_equal(2, n2h.round)
- assert_equal(4, n3h.round)
- assert_equal(-2, m2h.round)
- assert_equal(-4, m3h.round)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING)
- assert_operator(n4, :<, n4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n5, :<, n5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n6, :<, n6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m4, :<, m4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m5, :<, m5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m6, :<, m6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_equal(3, n2h.round)
- assert_equal(4, n3h.round)
- assert_equal(-2, m2h.round)
- assert_equal(-3, m3h.round)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR)
- assert_operator(n4, :>, n4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n5, :>, n5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(n6, :>, n6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m4, :>, m4 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m5, :>, m5 / 9 * 9)
- assert_operator(m6, :>, m6 / 9 * 9)
- assert_equal(2, n2h.round)
- assert_equal(3, n3h.round)
- assert_equal(-3, m2h.round)
- assert_equal(-4, m3h.round)
- end
- def test_zero_p
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_equal(true, BigDecimal("0").zero?)
- assert_equal(true, BigDecimal("-0").zero?)
- assert_equal(false, BigDecimal("1").zero?)
- assert_equal(true, BigDecimal("0E200000000000000").zero?)
- assert_equal(false, BigDecimal("Infinity").zero?)
- assert_equal(false, BigDecimal("-Infinity").zero?)
- assert_equal(false, BigDecimal("NaN").zero?)
- end
- def test_nonzero_p
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal("0").nonzero?)
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal("-0").nonzero?)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("1"), BigDecimal("1").nonzero?)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal("Infinity").nonzero?)
- assert_negative_infinite(BigDecimal("-Infinity").nonzero?)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal("NaN").nonzero?)
- end
- def test_double_fig
- assert_kind_of(Integer, BigDecimal.double_fig)
- end
- def test_cmp
- n1 = BigDecimal("1")
- n2 = BigDecimal("2")
- assert_equal( 0, n1 <=> n1)
- assert_equal( 1, n2 <=> n1)
- assert_equal(-1, n1 <=> n2)
- assert_operator(n1, :==, n1)
- assert_operator(n1, :!=, n2)
- assert_operator(n1, :<, n2)
- assert_operator(n1, :<=, n1)
- assert_operator(n1, :<=, n2)
- assert_operator(n2, :>, n1)
- assert_operator(n2, :>=, n1)
- assert_operator(n1, :>=, n1)
- assert_operator(BigDecimal("-0"), :==, BigDecimal("0"))
- assert_operator(BigDecimal("0"), :<, BigDecimal("1"))
- assert_operator(BigDecimal("1"), :>, BigDecimal("0"))
- assert_operator(BigDecimal("1"), :>, BigDecimal("-1"))
- assert_operator(BigDecimal("-1"), :<, BigDecimal("1"))
- assert_operator(BigDecimal((2**100).to_s), :>, BigDecimal("1"))
- assert_operator(BigDecimal("1"), :<, BigDecimal((2**100).to_s))
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- inf = BigDecimal("Infinity")
- assert_operator(inf, :>, 1)
- assert_operator(1, :<, inf)
- assert_operator(BigDecimal("1E-1"), :==, 10**(-1), '#4825')
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("1E-1") <=> 10**(-1), '#4825')
- end
- def test_cmp_issue9192
- bug9192 = '[ruby-core:58756] [#9192]'
- operators = { :== => :==, :< => :>, :> => :<, :<= => :>=, :>= => :<= }
- 5.upto(8) do |i|
- s = "706.0#{i}"
- d = BigDecimal(s)
- f = s.to_f
- operators.each do |op, inv|
- assert_equal(d.send(op, f), f.send(inv, d),
- "(BigDecimal(#{s.inspect}) #{op} #{s}) and (#{s} #{inv} BigDecimal(#{s.inspect})) is different #{bug9192}")
- end
- end
- end
- def test_cmp_nan
- n1 = BigDecimal("1")
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal("NaN") <=> n1)
- assert_equal(false, BigDecimal("NaN") > n1)
- assert_equal(nil, BigDecimal("NaN") <=> BigDecimal("NaN"))
- assert_equal(false, BigDecimal("NaN") == BigDecimal("NaN"))
- end
- def test_cmp_failing_coercion
- n1 = BigDecimal("1")
- assert_equal(nil, n1 <=> nil)
- assert_raise(ArgumentError){n1 > nil}
- end
- def test_cmp_coerce
- n1 = BigDecimal("1")
- n2 = BigDecimal("2")
- o1 =; def o1.coerce(x); [x, BigDecimal("1")]; end
- o2 =; def o2.coerce(x); [x, BigDecimal("2")]; end
- assert_equal( 0, n1 <=> o1)
- assert_equal( 1, n2 <=> o1)
- assert_equal(-1, n1 <=> o2)
- assert_operator(n1, :==, o1)
- assert_operator(n1, :!=, o2)
- assert_operator(n1, :<, o2)
- assert_operator(n1, :<=, o1)
- assert_operator(n1, :<=, o2)
- assert_operator(n2, :>, o1)
- assert_operator(n2, :>=, o1)
- assert_operator(n1, :>=, 1)
- bug10109 = '[ruby-core:64190]'
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert_operator(BigDecimal(0), :<, Float::INFINITY, bug10109)
- assert_operator(Float::INFINITY, :>, BigDecimal(0), bug10109)
- end
- def test_cmp_bignum
- assert_operator(BigDecimal((2**100).to_s), :==, 2**100)
- end
- def test_cmp_data
- d =; def d.coerce(x); [x, x]; end
- assert_operator(BigDecimal((2**100).to_s), :==, d)
- end
- def test_precs_deprecated
- assert_warn(/BigDecimal#precs is deprecated and will be removed in the future/) do
- Warning[:deprecated] = true if defined?(Warning.[])
- BigDecimal("1").precs
- end
- end
- def test_precs
- assert_separately(["-rbigdecimal"], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}")
- begin;
- $VERBOSE = nil
- a = BigDecimal("1").precs
- assert_instance_of(Array, a)
- assert_equal(2, a.size)
- assert_kind_of(Integer, a[0])
- assert_kind_of(Integer, a[1])
- end;
- end
- def test_hash
- a = []
- b = BigDecimal("1")
- 10.times { a << b *= 10 }
- h = {}
- a.each_with_index {|x, i| h[x] = i }
- a.each_with_index do |x, i|
- assert_equal(i, h[x])
- end
- end
- def test_marshal
- s = Marshal.dump(BigDecimal("1", 1))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("1", 1), Marshal.load(s))
- # corrupt data
- s = s.gsub(/BigDecimal.*\z/m) {|x| x.gsub(/\d/m, "-") }
- assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.load(s) }
- end
- def test_finite_infinite_nan
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE, false)
- x = BigDecimal("0")
- assert_equal(true, x.finite?)
- assert_equal(nil, x.infinite?)
- assert_equal(false, x.nan?)
- y = 1 / x
- assert_equal(false, y.finite?)
- assert_equal(1, y.infinite?)
- assert_equal(false, y.nan?)
- y = -1 / x
- assert_equal(false, y.finite?)
- assert_equal(-1, y.infinite?)
- assert_equal(false, y.nan?)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- y = 0 / x
- assert_equal(false, y.finite?)
- assert_equal(nil, y.infinite?)
- assert_equal(true, y.nan?)
- end
- def test_to_i
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- x = BigDecimal("0")
- assert_kind_of(Integer, x.to_i)
- assert_equal(0, x.to_i)
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError){( 1 / x).to_i}
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError){(-1 / x).to_i}
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError) {( 0 / x).to_i}
- x = BigDecimal("1")
- assert_equal(1, x.to_i)
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(2**100, x.to_i)
- end
- def test_to_f
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE, false)
- x = BigDecimal("0")
- assert_instance_of(Float, x.to_f)
- assert_equal(0.0, x.to_f)
- assert_equal( 1.0 / 0.0, ( 1 / x).to_f)
- assert_equal(-1.0 / 0.0, (-1 / x).to_f)
- assert_nan(( 0 / x).to_f)
- x = BigDecimal("1")
- assert_equal(1.0, x.to_f)
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal((2**100).to_f, x.to_f)
- x = BigDecimal("1" + "0" * 10000)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("-0").to_f)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, true)
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { x.to_f }
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- assert_kind_of(Float, x .to_f)
- assert_kind_of(Float, (-x).to_f)
- bug6944 = '[ruby-core:47342]'
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW, true)
- x = "1e#{Float::MIN_10_EXP - 2*Float::DIG}"
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError, x) {BigDecimal(x).to_f}
- x = "-#{x}"
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError, x) {BigDecimal(x).to_f}
- x = "1e#{Float::MIN_10_EXP - Float::DIG}"
- assert_nothing_raised(FloatDomainError, x) {
- assert_in_delta(0.0, BigDecimal(x).to_f, 10**Float::MIN_10_EXP, bug6944)
- }
- x = "-#{x}"
- assert_nothing_raised(FloatDomainError, x) {
- assert_in_delta(0.0, BigDecimal(x).to_f, 10**Float::MIN_10_EXP, bug6944)
- }
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_UNDERFLOW, false)
- x = "1e#{Float::MIN_10_EXP - 2*Float::DIG}"
- assert_equal( 0.0, BigDecimal(x).to_f, x)
- x = "-#{x}"
- assert_equal(-0.0, BigDecimal(x).to_f, x)
- x = "1e#{Float::MIN_10_EXP - Float::DIG}"
- assert_nothing_raised(FloatDomainError, x) {
- assert_in_delta(0.0, BigDecimal(x).to_f, 10**Float::MIN_10_EXP, bug6944)
- }
- x = "-#{x}"
- assert_nothing_raised(FloatDomainError, x) {
- assert_in_delta(0.0, BigDecimal(x).to_f, 10**Float::MIN_10_EXP, bug6944)
- }
- assert_equal( 0.0, BigDecimal( '9e-325').to_f)
- assert_equal( 0.0, BigDecimal( '10e-325').to_f)
- assert_equal(-0.0, BigDecimal( '-9e-325').to_f)
- assert_equal(-0.0, BigDecimal('-10e-325').to_f)
- end
- def test_to_r
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- x = BigDecimal("0")
- assert_kind_of(Rational, x.to_r)
- assert_equal(0, x.to_r)
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError) {( 1 / x).to_r}
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError) {(-1 / x).to_r}
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError) {( 0 / x).to_r}
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("1").to_r)
- assert_equal(Rational(3, 2), BigDecimal("1.5").to_r)
- assert_equal((2**100).to_r, BigDecimal((2**100).to_s).to_r)
- end
- def test_coerce
- a, b = BigDecimal("1").coerce(1.0)
- assert_instance_of(BigDecimal, a)
- assert_instance_of(BigDecimal, b)
- assert_equal(2, 1 + BigDecimal("1"), '[ruby-core:25697]')
- a, b = BigDecimal("1").coerce(1.quo(10))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.1"), a, '[ruby-core:34318]')
- a, b = BigDecimal("0.11111").coerce(1.quo(3))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0." + "3"*a.precision), a)
- assert_nothing_raised(TypeError, '#7176') do
- BigDecimal('1') + Rational(1)
- end
- end
- def test_uplus
- x = BigDecimal("1")
- assert_equal(x, x.send(:+@))
- end
- def test_neg
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("-1"), BigDecimal("1").send(:-@))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("-0"), BigDecimal("0").send(:-@))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0"), BigDecimal("-0").send(:-@))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("-Infinity"), BigDecimal("Infinity").send(:-@))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("Infinity"), BigDecimal("-Infinity").send(:-@))
- assert_equal(true, BigDecimal("NaN").send(:-@).nan?)
- end
- def test_add
- x = BigDecimal("1")
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("2"), x + x)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("0") + 1)
- assert_equal(1, x + 0)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, (BigDecimal("0") + 0).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, (BigDecimal("-0") + 0).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO, (BigDecimal("-0") + BigDecimal("-0")).sign)
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal((2**100+1).to_s), x + 1)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- inf = BigDecimal("Infinity")
- neginf = BigDecimal("-Infinity")
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, true)
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "Computation results to 'Infinity'") { inf + inf }
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "Computation results to '-Infinity'") { neginf + neginf }
- end
- def test_sub
- x = BigDecimal("1")
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0"), x - x)
- assert_equal(-1, BigDecimal("0") - 1)
- assert_equal(1, x - 0)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, (BigDecimal("0") - 0).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO, (BigDecimal("-0") - 0).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, (BigDecimal("-0") - BigDecimal("-0")).sign)
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal((2**100-1).to_s), x - 1)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- inf = BigDecimal("Infinity")
- neginf = BigDecimal("-Infinity")
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, true)
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "Computation results to 'Infinity'") { inf - neginf }
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "Computation results to '-Infinity'") { neginf - inf }
- end
- def test_sub_with_float
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3") - 1.0)
- end
- def test_sub_with_rational
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3") - 1.quo(3))
- end
- def test_mult
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal((2**100 * 3).to_s), (x * 3).to_i)
- assert_equal(x, (x * 1).to_i)
- assert_equal(x, (BigDecimal("1") * x).to_i)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal((2**200).to_s), (x * x).to_i)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- inf = BigDecimal("Infinity")
- neginf = BigDecimal("-Infinity")
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, true)
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "Computation results to 'Infinity'") { inf * inf }
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "Computation results to '-Infinity'") { neginf * inf }
- end
- def test_mult_with_float
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3") * 1.5)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("64.4"), BigDecimal(1) * 64.4)
- end
- def test_mult_with_rational
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3") * 1.quo(3))
- end
- def test_mult_with_nil
- assert_raise(TypeError) {
- BigDecimal('1.1') * nil
- }
- end
- def test_div
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal((2**100 / 3).to_s), (x / 3).to_i)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, (BigDecimal("0") / 1).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO, (BigDecimal("-0") / 1).sign)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("2") / 1)
- assert_equal(-2, BigDecimal("2") / -1)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('1486.868686869'),
- (BigDecimal('1472.0') / BigDecimal('0.99')).round(9),
- '[ruby-core:59365] [#9316]')
- assert_in_delta(4.124045235,
- (BigDecimal('0.9932') / (700 * BigDecimal('0.344045') / BigDecimal('1000.0'))).round(9, half: :up),
- 10**Float::MIN_10_EXP, '[#9305]')
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal("1.0") / BigDecimal("Infinity"))
- assert_negative_zero(BigDecimal("-1.0") / BigDecimal("Infinity"))
- assert_negative_zero(BigDecimal("1.0") / BigDecimal("-Infinity"))
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal("-1.0") / BigDecimal("-Infinity"))
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, true)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE, false)
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "Computation results in 'Infinity'") { BigDecimal("1") / 0 }
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "Computation results in '-Infinity'") { BigDecimal("-1") / 0 }
- end
- def test_div_gh220
- x = BigDecimal("1.0")
- y = BigDecimal("3672577333.6608990499165058135986328125")
- c = BigDecimal("0.272288343892592687909520102748926752911779209181321744700032723729015151607289998e-9")
- assert_equal(c, x / y, "[GH-220]")
- end
- def test_div_precision
- bug13754 = '[ruby-core:82107] [Bug #13754]'
- a = BigDecimal('101')
- b = BigDecimal('0.9163472602589686')
- c = a/b
- assert(c.precision > b.precision,
- "(101/0.9163472602589686).precision >= (0.9163472602589686).precision #{bug13754}")
- end
- def test_div_with_float
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3") / 1.5)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.5"), BigDecimal(1) / 2.0)
- end
- def test_div_with_rational
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3") / 1.quo(3))
- end
- def test_div_with_complex
- q = BigDecimal("3") / 1i
- assert_kind_of(Complex, q)
- end
- def test_div_error
- assert_raise(TypeError) { BigDecimal(20) / '2' }
- end
- def test_mod
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(1, x % 3)
- assert_equal(2, (-x) % 3)
- assert_equal(-2, x % -3)
- assert_equal(-1, (-x) % -3)
- end
- def test_mod_with_float
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3") % 1.5)
- end
- def test_mod_with_rational
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3") % 1.quo(3))
- end
- def test_remainder
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(1, x.remainder(3))
- assert_equal(-1, (-x).remainder(3))
- assert_equal(1, x.remainder(-3))
- assert_equal(-1, (-x).remainder(-3))
- end
- def test_remainder_with_float
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3").remainder(1.5))
- end
- def test_remainder_with_rational
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, BigDecimal("3").remainder(1.quo(3)))
- end
- def test_divmod
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal([(x / 3).floor, 1], x.divmod(3))
- assert_equal([(-x / 3).floor, 2], (-x).divmod(3))
- assert_equal([0, 0], BigDecimal("0").divmod(2))
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_raise(ZeroDivisionError){BigDecimal("0").divmod(0)}
- end
- def test_divmod_precision
- a = BigDecimal('2e55')
- b = BigDecimal('1.23456789e10')
- q, r = a.divmod(b)
- assert_equal((a/b).round(0, :down), q)
- assert_equal((a - q*b), r)
- b = BigDecimal('-1.23456789e10')
- q, r = a.divmod(b)
- assert_equal((a/b).round(0, :down) - 1, q)
- assert_equal((a - q*b), r)
- end
- def test_divmod_error
- assert_raise(TypeError) { BigDecimal(20).divmod('2') }
- end
- def test_add_bigdecimal
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(3000000000000000000000000000000, x.add(x, 1))
- assert_equal(2500000000000000000000000000000, x.add(x, 2))
- assert_equal(2540000000000000000000000000000, x.add(x, 3))
- end
- def test_sub_bigdecimal
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(1000000000000000000000000000000, x.sub(1, 1))
- assert_equal(1300000000000000000000000000000, x.sub(1, 2))
- assert_equal(1270000000000000000000000000000, x.sub(1, 3))
- end
- def test_mult_bigdecimal
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(4000000000000000000000000000000, x.mult(3, 1))
- assert_equal(3800000000000000000000000000000, x.mult(3, 2))
- assert_equal(3800000000000000000000000000000, x.mult(3, 3))
- end
- def test_div_bigdecimal
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(422550200076076467165567735125, x.div(3))
- assert_equal(400000000000000000000000000000, x.div(3, 1))
- assert_equal(420000000000000000000000000000, x.div(3, 2))
- assert_equal(423000000000000000000000000000, x.div(3, 3))
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("0").div(BigDecimal("Infinity")))
- end
- end
- def test_div_bigdecimal_with_float_and_precision
- x = BigDecimal(5)
- y = 5.1
- assert_equal(x.div(BigDecimal(y, 0), 8),
- x.div(y, 8))
- assert_equal(x.div(BigDecimal(y, 0), 100),
- x.div(y, 100))
- end
- def test_quo_without_prec
- x = BigDecimal(5)
- y = BigDecimal(229)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.021834061135371179039301310043668122"), x.quo(y))
- end
- def test_quo_with_prec
- begin
- saved_mode = BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, :half_up)
- x = BigDecimal(5)
- y = BigDecimal(229)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.021834061135371179039301310043668122"), x.quo(y, 0))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.022"), x.quo(y, 2))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.0218"), x.quo(y, 3))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.0218341"), x.quo(y, 6))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.02183406114"), x.quo(y, 10))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.021834061135371179039301310043668122270742358078603"), x.quo(y, 50))
- ensure
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, saved_mode)
- end
- end
- def test_abs_bigdecimal
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(1267650600228229401496703205376, x.abs)
- x = BigDecimal("-" + (2**100).to_s)
- assert_equal(1267650600228229401496703205376, x.abs)
- x = BigDecimal("0")
- assert_equal(0, x.abs)
- x = BigDecimal("-0")
- assert_equal(0, x.abs)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- x = BigDecimal("Infinity")
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("Infinity"), x.abs)
- x = BigDecimal("-Infinity")
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("Infinity"), x.abs)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- x = BigDecimal("NaN")
- assert_nan(x.abs)
- end
- def test_sqrt_bigdecimal
- x = BigDecimal("0.09")
- assert_in_delta(0.3, x.sqrt(1), 0.001)
- x = BigDecimal((2**100).to_s)
- y = BigDecimal("1125899906842624")
- e = y.exponent
- assert_equal(true, (x.sqrt(100) - y).abs < BigDecimal("1E#{e-100}"))
- assert_equal(true, (x.sqrt(200) - y).abs < BigDecimal("1E#{e-200}"))
- assert_equal(true, (x.sqrt(300) - y).abs < BigDecimal("1E#{e-300}"))
- x = BigDecimal("-" + (2**100).to_s)
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "sqrt of negative value") { x.sqrt(1) }
- x = BigDecimal((2**200).to_s)
- assert_equal(2**100, x.sqrt(1))
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "sqrt of 'NaN'(Not a Number)") { BigDecimal("NaN").sqrt(1) }
- assert_raise_with_message(FloatDomainError, "sqrt of negative value") { BigDecimal("-Infinity").sqrt(1) }
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("0").sqrt(1))
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("-0").sqrt(1))
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("1").sqrt(1))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal("Infinity").sqrt(1))
- end
- def test_sqrt_5266
- x = BigDecimal('2' + '0'*100)
- assert_equal('0.14142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480731',
- x.sqrt(56).to_s(56).split(' ')[0])
- assert_equal('0.1414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948073',
- x.sqrt(55).to_s(55).split(' ')[0])
- x = BigDecimal('2' + '0'*200)
- assert_equal('0.14142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480731766797379907324784621070388503875343276415727350138462',
- x.sqrt(110).to_s(110).split(' ')[0])
- assert_equal('0.1414213562373095048801688724209698078569671875376948073176679737990732478462107038850387534327641572735013846',
- x.sqrt(109).to_s(109).split(' ')[0])
- end
- def test_fix
- x = BigDecimal("1.1")
- assert_equal(1, x.fix)
- assert_kind_of(BigDecimal, x.fix)
- end
- def test_frac
- x = BigDecimal("1.1")
- assert_equal(0.1, x.frac)
- assert_equal(0.1, BigDecimal("0.1").frac)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal("NaN").frac)
- end
- def test_round
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("3.14159").round)
- assert_equal(9, BigDecimal("8.7").round)
- assert_equal(3.142, BigDecimal("3.14159").round(3))
- assert_equal(13300.0, BigDecimal("13345.234").round(-2))
- x = BigDecimal("111.111")
- assert_equal(111 , x.round)
- assert_equal(111.1 , x.round(1))
- assert_equal(111.11 , x.round(2))
- assert_equal(111.111, x.round(3))
- assert_equal(111.111, x.round(4))
- assert_equal(110 , x.round(-1))
- assert_equal(100 , x.round(-2))
- assert_equal( 0 , x.round(-3))
- assert_equal( 0 , x.round(-4))
- x = BigDecimal("2.5")
- assert_equal(3, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_UP))
- assert_equal(2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_DOWN))
- assert_equal(3, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_UP))
- assert_equal(2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN))
- assert_equal(2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN))
- assert_equal(3, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING))
- assert_equal(2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR))
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { x.round(0, 256) }
- x = BigDecimal("-2.5")
- assert_equal(-3, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_UP))
- assert_equal(-2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_DOWN))
- assert_equal(-3, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_UP))
- assert_equal(-2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN))
- assert_equal(-2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN))
- assert_equal(-2, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING))
- assert_equal(-3, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR))
- ROUNDING_MODE_MAP.each do |const, sym|
- assert_equal(x.round(0, const), x.round(0, sym))
- end
- bug3803 = '[ruby-core:32136]'
- 15.times do |n|
- x = BigDecimal("5#{'0'*n}1")
- assert_equal(10**(n+2), x.round(-(n+2), BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN), bug3803)
- assert_equal(10**(n+2), x.round(-(n+2), BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN), bug3803)
- x = BigDecimal("0.5#{'0'*n}1")
- assert_equal(1, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN), bug3803)
- assert_equal(1, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN), bug3803)
- x = BigDecimal("-0.5#{'0'*n}1")
- assert_equal(-1, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN), bug3803)
- assert_equal(-1, x.round(0, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN), bug3803)
- end
- assert_instance_of(Integer, x.round)
- assert_instance_of(Integer, x.round(0))
- assert_instance_of(Integer, x.round(-1))
- assert_instance_of(BigDecimal, x.round(1))
- end
- def test_round_half_even
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('12.0'), BigDecimal('12.5').round(half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('14.0'), BigDecimal('13.5').round(half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.2'), BigDecimal('2.15').round(1, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.2'), BigDecimal('2.25').round(1, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.4'), BigDecimal('2.35').round(1, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.2'), BigDecimal('-2.15').round(1, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.2'), BigDecimal('-2.25').round(1, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.4'), BigDecimal('-2.35').round(1, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1364'), BigDecimal('7.13645').round(4, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1365'), BigDecimal('7.1364501').round(4, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1364'), BigDecimal('7.1364499').round(4, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1364'), BigDecimal('-7.13645').round(4, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1365'), BigDecimal('-7.1364501').round(4, half: :even))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1364'), BigDecimal('-7.1364499').round(4, half: :even))
- end
- def test_round_half_up
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('13.0'), BigDecimal('12.5').round(half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('14.0'), BigDecimal('13.5').round(half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.2'), BigDecimal('2.15').round(1, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.3'), BigDecimal('2.25').round(1, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.4'), BigDecimal('2.35').round(1, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.2'), BigDecimal('-2.15').round(1, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.3'), BigDecimal('-2.25').round(1, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.4'), BigDecimal('-2.35').round(1, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1365'), BigDecimal('7.13645').round(4, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1365'), BigDecimal('7.1364501').round(4, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1364'), BigDecimal('7.1364499').round(4, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1365'), BigDecimal('-7.13645').round(4, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1365'), BigDecimal('-7.1364501').round(4, half: :up))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1364'), BigDecimal('-7.1364499').round(4, half: :up))
- end
- def test_round_half_down
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('12.0'), BigDecimal('12.5').round(half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('13.0'), BigDecimal('13.5').round(half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.1'), BigDecimal('2.15').round(1, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.2'), BigDecimal('2.25').round(1, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('2.3'), BigDecimal('2.35').round(1, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.1'), BigDecimal('-2.15').round(1, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.2'), BigDecimal('-2.25').round(1, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-2.3'), BigDecimal('-2.35').round(1, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1364'), BigDecimal('7.13645').round(4, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1365'), BigDecimal('7.1364501').round(4, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('7.1364'), BigDecimal('7.1364499').round(4, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1364'), BigDecimal('-7.13645').round(4, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1365'), BigDecimal('-7.1364501').round(4, half: :down))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('-7.1364'), BigDecimal('-7.1364499').round(4, half: :down))
- end
- def test_round_half_nil
- x = BigDecimal("2.5")
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_UP)
- assert_equal(3, x.round(0, half: nil))
- end
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_DOWN)
- assert_equal(2, x.round(0, half: nil))
- end
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_UP)
- assert_equal(3, x.round(0, half: nil))
- end
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_DOWN)
- assert_equal(2, x.round(0, half: nil))
- end
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_HALF_EVEN)
- assert_equal(2, x.round(0, half: nil))
- end
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING)
- assert_equal(3, x.round(0, half: nil))
- end
- BigDecimal.save_rounding_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE, BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR)
- assert_equal(2, x.round(0, half: nil))
- end
- end
- def test_round_half_invalid_option
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, "invalid rounding mode (upp)") do
- BigDecimal('12.5').round(half: :upp)
- end
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, "invalid rounding mode (evenn)") do
- BigDecimal('2.15').round(1, half: :evenn)
- end
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, "invalid rounding mode (downn)") do
- BigDecimal('2.15').round(1, half: :downn)
- end
- assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, "invalid rounding mode (42)") do
- BigDecimal('2.15').round(1, half: 42)
- end
- end
- def test_truncate
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("3.14159").truncate)
- assert_equal(8, BigDecimal("8.7").truncate)
- assert_equal(3.141, BigDecimal("3.14159").truncate(3))
- assert_equal(13300.0, BigDecimal("13345.234").truncate(-2))
- assert_equal(-3, BigDecimal("-3.14159").truncate)
- assert_equal(-8, BigDecimal("-8.7").truncate)
- assert_equal(-3.141, BigDecimal("-3.14159").truncate(3))
- assert_equal(-13300.0, BigDecimal("-13345.234").truncate(-2))
- end
- def test_floor
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("3.14159").floor)
- assert_equal(-10, BigDecimal("-9.1").floor)
- assert_equal(3.141, BigDecimal("3.14159").floor(3))
- assert_equal(13300.0, BigDecimal("13345.234").floor(-2))
- end
- def test_ceil
- assert_equal(4, BigDecimal("3.14159").ceil)
- assert_equal(-9, BigDecimal("-9.1").ceil)
- assert_equal(3.142, BigDecimal("3.14159").ceil(3))
- assert_equal(13400.0, BigDecimal("13345.234").ceil(-2))
- end
- def test_to_s
- assert_equal('-123.45678 90123 45678 9', BigDecimal('-123.45678901234567890').to_s('5F'))
- assert_equal('+123.45678901 23456789', BigDecimal('123.45678901234567890').to_s('+8F'))
- assert_equal(' 123.4567890123456789', BigDecimal('123.45678901234567890').to_s(' F'))
- assert_equal('0.1234567890123456789e3', BigDecimal('123.45678901234567890').to_s)
- assert_equal('0.12345 67890 12345 6789e3', BigDecimal('123.45678901234567890').to_s(5))
- end
- def test_split
- x = BigDecimal('-123.45678901234567890')
- assert_equal([-1, "1234567890123456789", 10, 3], x.split)
- assert_equal([1, "0", 10, 0], BigDecimal("0").split)
- assert_equal([-1, "0", 10, 0], BigDecimal("-0").split)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_equal([0, "NaN", 10, 0], BigDecimal("NaN").split)
- assert_equal([1, "Infinity", 10, 0], BigDecimal("Infinity").split)
- assert_equal([-1, "Infinity", 10, 0], BigDecimal("-Infinity").split)
- end
- def test_exponent
- x = BigDecimal('-123.45678901234567890')
- assert_equal(3, x.exponent)
- end
- def test_inspect
- assert_equal("0.123456789012e0", BigDecimal("0.123456789012").inspect)
- assert_equal("0.123456789012e4", BigDecimal("1234.56789012").inspect)
- assert_equal("0.123456789012e-4", BigDecimal("0.0000123456789012").inspect)
- end
- def test_power
- assert_nothing_raised(TypeError, '[ruby-core:47632]') do
- 1000.times { BigDecimal('1001.10')**0.75 }
- end
- end
- def test_power_with_nil
- assert_raise(TypeError) do
- BigDecimal(3) ** nil
- end
- end
- def test_power_of_nan
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** 0)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** 1)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** 42)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** -42)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** 42.0)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** -42.0)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** BigDecimal(42))
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** BigDecimal(-42))
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** BigDecimal::INFINITY)
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN ** (-BigDecimal::INFINITY))
- end
- end
- end
- def test_power_with_Bignum
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(0) ** (2**100))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal(0) ** -(2**100))
- assert_positive_infinite((-BigDecimal(0)) ** -(2**100))
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal(0)) ** -(2**100 + 1))
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(1) ** (2**100))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal(3) ** (2**100))
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal(3) ** (-2**100))
- assert_negative_infinite(BigDecimal(-3) ** (2**100))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal(-3) ** (2**100 + 1))
- assert_negative_zero(BigDecimal(-3) ** (-2**100))
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal(-3) ** (-2**100 - 1))
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal(0.5, Float::DIG) ** (2**100))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal(0.5, Float::DIG) ** (-2**100))
- assert_negative_zero(BigDecimal(-0.5, Float::DIG) ** (2**100))
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal(-0.5, Float::DIG) ** (2**100 - 1))
- assert_negative_infinite(BigDecimal(-0.5, Float::DIG) ** (-2**100))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal(-0.5, Float::DIG) ** (-2**100 - 1))
- end
- end
- def test_power_with_BigDecimal
- assert_nothing_raised do
- assert_in_delta(3 ** 3, BigDecimal(3) ** BigDecimal(3))
- end
- end
- def test_power_of_finite_with_zero
- x = BigDecimal(1)
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0)
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0.quo(1))
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0.0)
- assert_equal(1, x ** BigDecimal(0))
- x = BigDecimal(42)
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0)
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0.quo(1))
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0.0)
- assert_equal(1, x ** BigDecimal(0))
- x = BigDecimal(-42)
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0)
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0.quo(1))
- assert_equal(1, x ** 0.0)
- assert_equal(1, x ** BigDecimal(0))
- end
- def test_power_of_three
- x = BigDecimal(3)
- assert_equal(81, x ** 4)
- assert_equal(1.quo(81), x ** -4)
- assert_in_delta(1.0/81, x ** -4)
- end
- def test_power_of_zero
- zero = BigDecimal(0)
- assert_equal(0, zero ** 4)
- assert_equal(0, zero ** 4.quo(1))
- assert_equal(0, zero ** 4.0)
- assert_equal(0, zero ** BigDecimal(4))
- assert_equal(1, zero ** 0)
- assert_equal(1, zero ** 0.quo(1))
- assert_equal(1, zero ** 0.0)
- assert_equal(1, zero ** BigDecimal(0))
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- assert_positive_infinite(zero ** -1)
- assert_positive_infinite(zero ** -1.quo(1))
- assert_positive_infinite(zero ** -1.0)
- assert_positive_infinite(zero ** BigDecimal(-1))
- m_zero = BigDecimal("-0")
- assert_negative_infinite(m_zero ** -1)
- assert_negative_infinite(m_zero ** -1.quo(1))
- assert_negative_infinite(m_zero ** -1.0)
- assert_negative_infinite(m_zero ** BigDecimal(-1))
- assert_positive_infinite(m_zero ** -2)
- assert_positive_infinite(m_zero ** -2.quo(1))
- assert_positive_infinite(m_zero ** -2.0)
- assert_positive_infinite(m_zero ** BigDecimal(-2))
- end
- end
- def test_power_of_positive_infinity
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 3)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 3.quo(1))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 3.0)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** BigDecimal(3))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 2)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 2.quo(1))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 2.0)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** BigDecimal(2))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 1)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 1.quo(1))
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 1.0)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** BigDecimal(1))
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 0)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 0.quo(1))
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal::INFINITY ** 0.0)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal::INFINITY ** BigDecimal(0))
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** -1)
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** -1.quo(1))
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** -1.0)
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** BigDecimal(-1))
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** -2)
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** -2.0)
- assert_positive_zero(BigDecimal::INFINITY ** BigDecimal(-2))
- end
- end
- def test_power_of_negative_infinity
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 3)
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 3.quo(1))
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 3.0)
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** BigDecimal(3))
- assert_positive_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 2)
- assert_positive_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 2.quo(1))
- assert_positive_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 2.0)
- assert_positive_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** BigDecimal(2))
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 1)
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 1.quo(1))
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 1.0)
- assert_negative_infinite((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** BigDecimal(1))
- assert_equal(1, (-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 0)
- assert_equal(1, (-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 0.quo(1))
- assert_equal(1, (-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** 0.0)
- assert_equal(1, (-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** BigDecimal(0))
- assert_negative_zero((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** -1)
- assert_negative_zero((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** -1.quo(1))
- assert_negative_zero((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** -1.0)
- assert_negative_zero((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** BigDecimal(-1))
- assert_positive_zero((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** -2)
- assert_positive_zero((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** -2.quo(1))
- assert_positive_zero((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** -2.0)
- assert_positive_zero((-BigDecimal::INFINITY) ** BigDecimal(-2))
- end
- end
- def test_power_without_prec
- pi = BigDecimal("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511")
- e = BigDecimal("2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996")
- pow = BigDecimal("0.2245915771836104547342715220454373502758931513399678438732330680117143493477164265678321738086407229773690574073268002736527e2")
- assert_equal(pow, pi.power(e))
- n = BigDecimal("2222")
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.5171353084572525892492416e12"), (n ** 3.5))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.517135308457252592e12"), (n ** 3.5r))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("0.517135308457252589249241582e12"), (n ** BigDecimal("3.5",15)))
- end
- def test_power_with_prec
- pi = BigDecimal("3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511")
- e = BigDecimal("2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996")
- pow = BigDecimal("22.459157718361045473")
- assert_equal(pow, pi.power(e, 20))
- b = BigDecimal('1.034482758620689655172413793103448275862068965517241379310344827586206896551724')
- assert_equal(BigDecimal('0.114523E1'), b.power(4, 5), '[Bug #8818] [ruby-core:56802]')
- end
- def test_limit
- BigDecimal.save_limit do
- BigDecimal.limit(1)
- x = BigDecimal("3")
- assert_equal(90, x ** 4) # OK? must it be 80?
- # 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 10 * 3 * 3 = 30 * 3 = 90 ???
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { BigDecimal.limit(-1) }
- bug7458 = '[ruby-core:50269] [#7458]'
- one = BigDecimal('1')
- epsilon = BigDecimal('0.7E-18')
- BigDecimal.limit(0)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("1.0000000000000000007"), one + epsilon, "limit(0) #{bug7458}")
- 1.upto(18) do |lim|
- BigDecimal.limit(lim)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("1.0"), one + epsilon, "limit(#{lim}) #{bug7458}")
- end
- BigDecimal.limit(19)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("1.000000000000000001"), one + epsilon, "limit(19) #{bug7458}")
- BigDecimal.limit(20)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal("1.0000000000000000007"), one + epsilon, "limit(20) #{bug7458}")
- end
- end
- def test_sign
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_ZERODIVIDE, false)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, BigDecimal("0").sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO, BigDecimal("-0").sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_FINITE, BigDecimal("1").sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_FINITE, BigDecimal("-1").sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_INFINITE, (BigDecimal("1") / 0).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_INFINITE, (BigDecimal("-1") / 0).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NaN, (BigDecimal("0") / 0).sign)
- end
- def test_inf
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- inf = BigDecimal("Infinity")
- assert_equal(inf, inf + inf)
- assert_nan((inf + (-inf)))
- assert_nan((inf - inf))
- assert_equal(inf, inf - (-inf))
- assert_equal(inf, inf * inf)
- assert_nan((inf / inf))
- assert_equal(inf, inf + 1)
- assert_equal(inf, inf - 1)
- assert_equal(inf, inf * 1)
- assert_nan((inf * 0))
- assert_equal(inf, inf / 1)
- assert_equal(inf, 1 + inf)
- assert_equal(-inf, 1 - inf)
- assert_equal(inf, 1 * inf)
- assert_equal(-inf, -1 * inf)
- assert_nan((0 * inf))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, (1 / inf).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO, (-1 / inf).sign)
- end
- def assert_equal_us_ascii_string(a, b)
- assert_equal(a, b)
- assert_equal(Encoding::US_ASCII, b.encoding)
- end
- def test_to_special_string
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- nan = BigDecimal("NaN")
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string("NaN", nan.to_s)
- inf = BigDecimal("Infinity")
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string("Infinity", inf.to_s)
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string(" Infinity", inf.to_s(" "))
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string("+Infinity", inf.to_s("+"))
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string("-Infinity", (-inf).to_s)
- pzero = BigDecimal("0")
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string("0.0", pzero.to_s)
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string(" 0.0", pzero.to_s(" "))
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string("+0.0", pzero.to_s("+"))
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string("-0.0", (-pzero).to_s)
- end
- def test_to_string
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string("0.01", BigDecimal("0.01").to_s("F"))
- s = "0." + "0" * 100 + "1"
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string(s, BigDecimal(s).to_s("F"))
- s = "1" + "0" * 100 + ".0"
- assert_equal_us_ascii_string(s, BigDecimal(s).to_s("F"))
- end
- def test_ctov
- assert_equal(0.1, BigDecimal("1E-1"))
- assert_equal(10, BigDecimal("1E+1"))
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("+1"))
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_INFINITE, BigDecimal("1E1" + "0" * 10000).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_INFINITE, BigDecimal("-1E1" + "0" * 10000).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_POSITIVE_ZERO, BigDecimal("1E-1" + "0" * 10000).sign)
- assert_equal(BigDecimal::SIGN_NEGATIVE_ZERO, BigDecimal("-1E-1" + "0" * 10000).sign)
- end
- def test_split_under_gc_stress
- bug3258 = '[ruby-dev:41213]'
- expect = 10.upto(20).map{|i|[1, "1", 10, i+1].inspect}
- assert_in_out_err(%w[-rbigdecimal --disable-gems], <<-EOS, expect, [], bug3258)
- GC.stress = true
- 10.upto(20) do |i|
- p BigDecimal("1"+"0"*i).split
- end
- end
- def test_coerce_under_gc_stress
- assert_in_out_err(%w[-rbigdecimal --disable-gems], <<-EOS, [], [])
- expect = ":too_long_to_embed_as_string can't be coerced into BigDecimal"
- b = BigDecimal("1")
- GC.stress = true
- 10.times do
- begin
- b.coerce(:too_long_to_embed_as_string)
- rescue => e
- raise unless e.is_a?(TypeError)
- raise "'\#{expect}' is expected, but '\#{e.message}'" unless e.message == expect
- end
- end
- end
- def test_INFINITY
- assert_positive_infinite(BigDecimal::INFINITY)
- end
- def test_NAN
- assert_nan(BigDecimal::NAN)
- end
- def test_exp_with_zero_precision
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.exp(1, 0)
- end
- end
- def test_exp_with_negative_precision
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.exp(1, -42)
- end
- end
- def test_exp_with_complex
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.exp(Complex(1, 2), 20)
- end
- end
- def test_exp_with_negative
- x = BigDecimal(-1)
- y = BigMath.exp(x, 20)
- assert_equal(y, BigMath.exp(-1, 20))
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(-1), x)
- end
- def test_exp_with_negative_infinite
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert_equal(0, BigMath.exp(-BigDecimal::INFINITY, 20))
- end
- end
- def test_exp_with_positive_infinite
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert(BigMath.exp(BigDecimal::INFINITY, 20) > 0)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigMath.exp(BigDecimal::INFINITY, 20))
- end
- end
- def test_exp_with_nan
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_nan(BigMath.exp(BigDecimal::NAN, 20))
- end
- end
- def test_exp_with_1
- assert_in_epsilon(Math::E, BigMath.exp(1, 20))
- end
- def test_BigMath_exp
- prec = 20
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(20), BigMath.exp(BigDecimal("20"), prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(40), BigMath.exp(BigDecimal("40"), prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(-20), BigMath.exp(BigDecimal("-20"), prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(-40), BigMath.exp(BigDecimal("-40"), prec))
- end
- def test_BigMath_exp_with_float
- prec = 20
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(20), BigMath.exp(20.0, prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(40), BigMath.exp(40.0, prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(-20), BigMath.exp(-20.0, prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(-40), BigMath.exp(-40.0, prec))
- end
- def test_BigMath_exp_with_fixnum
- prec = 20
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(20), BigMath.exp(20, prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(40), BigMath.exp(40, prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(-20), BigMath.exp(-20, prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(-40), BigMath.exp(-40, prec))
- end
- def test_BigMath_exp_with_rational
- prec = 20
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(20), BigMath.exp(Rational(40,2), prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(40), BigMath.exp(Rational(80,2), prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(-20), BigMath.exp(Rational(-40,2), prec))
- assert_in_epsilon(Math.exp(-40), BigMath.exp(Rational(-80,2), prec))
- end
- def test_BigMath_exp_under_gc_stress
- assert_in_out_err(%w[-rbigdecimal --disable-gems], <<-EOS, [], [])
- expect = ":too_long_to_embed_as_string can't be coerced into BigDecimal"
- 10.times do
- begin
- BigMath.exp(:too_long_to_embed_as_string, 6)
- rescue => e
- raise unless e.is_a?(ArgumentError)
- raise "'\#{expect}' is expected, but '\#{e.message}'" unless e.message == expect
- end
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_string
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.log("foo", 20)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_nil
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.log(nil, 20)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_non_integer_precision
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.log(1, 0.5)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_nil_precision
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.log(1, nil)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_complex
- assert_raise(Math::DomainError) do
- BigMath.log(Complex(1, 2), 20)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_zero_arg
- assert_raise(Math::DomainError) do
- BigMath.log(0, 20)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_negative_arg
- assert_raise(Math::DomainError) do
- BigMath.log(-1, 20)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_zero_precision
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.log(1, 0)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_negative_precision
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
- BigMath.log(1, -42)
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_negative_infinite
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert_raise(Math::DomainError) do
- BigMath.log(-BigDecimal::INFINITY, 20)
- end
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_positive_infinite
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_INFINITY, false)
- assert(BigMath.log(BigDecimal::INFINITY, 20) > 0)
- assert_positive_infinite(BigMath.log(BigDecimal::INFINITY, 20))
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_nan
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_nan(BigMath.log(BigDecimal::NAN, 20))
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_float_nan
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_nan(BigMath.log(Float::NAN, 20))
- end
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_1
- assert_in_delta(0.0, BigMath.log(1, 20))
- assert_in_delta(0.0, BigMath.log(1.0, 20))
- assert_in_delta(0.0, BigMath.log(BigDecimal(1), 20))
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_exp_1
- assert_in_delta(1.0, BigMath.log(BigMath.E(10), 10))
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_2
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(2), BigMath.log(2, 20))
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(2), BigMath.log(2.0, 20))
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(2), BigMath.log(BigDecimal(2), 20))
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_square_of_E
- assert_in_delta(2, BigMath.log(BigMath.E(20)**2, 20))
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_high_precision_case
- e = BigDecimal('2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996')
- e_3 = e.mult(e, 50).mult(e, 50)
- log_3 = BigMath.log(e_3, 50)
- assert_in_delta(3, log_3, 0.0000000000_0000000000_0000000000_0000000000_0000000001)
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_42
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(42), BigMath.log(42, 20))
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(42), BigMath.log(42.0, 20))
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(42), BigMath.log(BigDecimal(42), 20))
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_101
- # this is mainly a performance test (should be very fast, not the 0.3 s)
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(101), BigMath.log(101, 20), 1E-15)
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_with_reciprocal_of_42
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(1e-42), BigMath.log(1e-42, 20))
- assert_in_delta(Math.log(1e-42), BigMath.log(BigDecimal("1e-42"), 20))
- end
- def test_BigMath_log_under_gc_stress
- assert_in_out_err(%w[-rbigdecimal --disable-gems], <<-EOS, [], [])
- expect = ":too_long_to_embed_as_string can't be coerced into BigDecimal"
- 10.times do
- begin
- BigMath.log(:too_long_to_embed_as_string, 6)
- rescue => e
- raise unless e.is_a?(ArgumentError)
- raise "'\#{expect}' is expected, but '\#{e.message}'" unless e.message == expect
- end
- end
- end
- def test_frozen_p
- x = BigDecimal(1)
- assert(x.frozen?)
- assert((x + x).frozen?)
- end
- def test_clone
- assert_warning(/^$/) do
- x = BigDecimal(0)
- assert_same(x, x.clone)
- end
- end
- def test_dup
- assert_warning(/^$/) do
- [1, -1, 2**100, -2**100].each do |i|
- x = BigDecimal(i)
- assert_same(x, x.dup)
- end
- end
- end
- def test_new_subclass
- c =
- assert_raise_with_message(NoMethodError, /undefined method `new'/) { }
- end
- def test_to_d
- bug6093 = '[ruby-core:42969]'
- code = "exit(BigDecimal('10.0') == 10.0.to_d)"
- assert_ruby_status(%w[-rbigdecimal -rbigdecimal/util -rmathn -], code, bug6093)
- end if RUBY_VERSION < '2.5' # mathn was removed from Ruby 2.5
- def test_bug6406
- assert_in_out_err(%w[-rbigdecimal --disable-gems], <<-EOS, [], [])
- Thread.current.keys.to_s
- end
- def test_precision_only_integer
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(0).precision)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(1).precision)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(-1).precision)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal(10).precision)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal(-10).precision)
- assert_equal(9, BigDecimal(100_000_000).precision)
- assert_equal(9, BigDecimal(-100_000_000).precision)
- assert_equal(12, BigDecimal(100_000_000_000).precision)
- assert_equal(12, BigDecimal(-100_000_000_000).precision)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal(100_000_000_000_000_000_000).precision)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal(-100_000_000_000_000_000_000).precision)
- assert_equal(103, BigDecimal("111e100").precision)
- assert_equal(103, BigDecimal("-111e100").precision)
- end
- def test_precision_only_fraction
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("0.1").precision)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("-0.1").precision)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("0.01").precision)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-0.01").precision)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("0.11").precision)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-0.11").precision)
- assert_equal(9, BigDecimal("0.000_000_001").precision)
- assert_equal(9, BigDecimal("-0.000_000_001").precision)
- assert_equal(10, BigDecimal("0.000_000_000_1").precision)
- assert_equal(10, BigDecimal("-0.000_000_000_1").precision)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal("0.000_000_000_000_000_000_001").precision)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal("-0.000_000_000_000_000_000_001").precision)
- assert_equal(100, BigDecimal("111e-100").precision)
- assert_equal(100, BigDecimal("-111e-100").precision)
- end
- def test_precision_full
- assert_equal(5, BigDecimal("11111e-2").precision)
- assert_equal(5, BigDecimal("-11111e-2").precision)
- assert_equal(5, BigDecimal("11111e-2").precision)
- assert_equal(5, BigDecimal("-11111e-2").precision)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal("100.000_000_000_000_000_001").precision)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal("-100.000_000_000_000_000_001").precision)
- end
- def test_precision_special
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("Infinity").precision)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("-Infinity").precision)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("NaN").precision)
- end
- end
- def test_scale_only_integer
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(0).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(1).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(-1).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(10).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(-10).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(100_000_000).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(-100_000_000).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(100_000_000_000).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(-100_000_000_000).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(100_000_000_000_000_000_000).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(-100_000_000_000_000_000_000).scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("111e100").scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("-111e100").scale)
- end
- def test_scale_only_fraction
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("0.1").scale)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("-0.1").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("0.01").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-0.01").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("0.11").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-0.11").scale)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal("0.000_000_000_000_000_000_001").scale)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal("-0.000_000_000_000_000_000_001").scale)
- assert_equal(100, BigDecimal("111e-100").scale)
- assert_equal(100, BigDecimal("-111e-100").scale)
- end
- def test_scale_full
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("0.1").scale)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("-0.1").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("0.01").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-0.01").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("0.11").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-0.11").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("11111e-2").scale)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-11111e-2").scale)
- assert_equal(18, BigDecimal("100.000_000_000_000_000_001").scale)
- assert_equal(18, BigDecimal("-100.000_000_000_000_000_001").scale)
- end
- def test_scale_special
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("Infinity").scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("-Infinity").scale)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("NaN").scale)
- end
- end
- def test_precision_scale
- assert_equal([2, 0], BigDecimal("11.0").precision_scale)
- assert_equal([2, 1], BigDecimal("1.1").precision_scale)
- assert_equal([2, 2], BigDecimal("0.11").precision_scale)
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- assert_equal([0, 0], BigDecimal("Infinity").precision_scale)
- end
- end
- def test_n_significant_digits_only_integer
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal(0).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(1).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(-1).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(10).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(-10).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal(101).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal(-101).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(100_000_000_000_000_000_000).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal(-100_000_000_000_000_000_000).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal(100_000_000_000_000_000_001).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal(-100_000_000_000_000_000_001).n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("111e100").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("-111e100").n_significant_digits)
- end
- def test_n_significant_digits_only_fraction
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("0.1").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("-0.1").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("0.01").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("-0.01").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("0.11").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-0.11").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("0.000_000_000_000_000_000_001").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(1, BigDecimal("-0.000_000_000_000_000_000_001").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("111e-100").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("-111e-100").n_significant_digits)
- end
- def test_n_significant_digits_full
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("1.1").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(2, BigDecimal("-1.1").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("1.01").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(3, BigDecimal("-1.01").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(5, BigDecimal("11111e-2").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(5, BigDecimal("-11111e-2").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal("100.000_000_000_000_000_001").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(21, BigDecimal("-100.000_000_000_000_000_001").n_significant_digits)
- end
- def test_n_significant_digits_special
- BigDecimal.save_exception_mode do
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_OVERFLOW, false)
- BigDecimal.mode(BigDecimal::EXCEPTION_NaN, false)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("Infinity").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("-Infinity").n_significant_digits)
- assert_equal(0, BigDecimal("NaN").n_significant_digits)
- end
- end
- def test_initialize_copy_dup_clone_frozen_error
- bd = BigDecimal(1)
- bd2 = BigDecimal(2)
- err = RUBY_VERSION >= '2.5' ? FrozenError : TypeError
- assert_raise(err) { bd.send(:initialize_copy, bd2) }
- assert_raise(err) { bd.send(:initialize_clone, bd2) }
- assert_raise(err) { bd.send(:initialize_dup, bd2) }
- end
- def test_llong_min_gh_200
- #
- # Between LLONG_MIN and -ULLONG_MAX
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(LIMITS["LLONG_MIN"].to_s), BigDecimal(LIMITS["LLONG_MIN"]), "[GH-200]")
- minus_ullong_max = -LIMITS["ULLONG_MAX"]
- assert_equal(BigDecimal(minus_ullong_max.to_s), BigDecimal(minus_ullong_max), "[GH-200]")
- end
- def assert_no_memory_leak(code, *rest, **opt)
- code = "8.times {20_000.times {begin #{code}; rescue NoMemoryError; end}; GC.start}"
- super(["-rbigdecimal"],
- "b = BigDecimal('10'); b.nil?; " \
- "GC.add_stress_to_class(BigDecimal); "\
- "#{code}", code, *rest, rss: true, limit: 1.1, **opt)
- end
- if EnvUtil.gc_stress_to_class?
- def test_no_memory_leak_allocate
- assert_no_memory_leak("BigDecimal.allocate")
- end
- def test_no_memory_leak_initialize
- assert_no_memory_leak("BigDecimal()")
- end
- def test_no_memory_leak_BigDecimal
- assert_no_memory_leak("BigDecimal('10')")
- assert_no_memory_leak("BigDecimal(b)")
- end
- def test_no_memory_leak_create
- assert_no_memory_leak("b + 10")
- end
- end