path: root/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/ruby_buildpack.rb.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/ruby_buildpack.rb.txt')
1 files changed, 1344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/ruby_buildpack.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/ruby_buildpack.rb.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9acdbf3a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/ruby_buildpack.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1344 @@
+require "tmpdir"
+require "digest/md5"
+require "benchmark"
+require "rubygems"
+require "language_pack"
+require "language_pack/base"
+require "language_pack/ruby_version"
+require "language_pack/helpers/nodebin"
+require "language_pack/helpers/node_installer"
+require "language_pack/helpers/yarn_installer"
+require "language_pack/helpers/layer"
+require "language_pack/helpers/binstub_check"
+require "language_pack/version"
+# base Ruby Language Pack. This is for any base ruby app.
+class LanguagePack::Ruby < LanguagePack::Base
+ NAME = "ruby"
+ NODE_BP_PATH = "vendor/node/bin"
+ Layer = LanguagePack::Helpers::Layer
+ # detects if this is a valid Ruby app
+ # @return [Boolean] true if it's a Ruby app
+ def self.use?
+ instrument "ruby.use" do
+ File.exist?("Gemfile")
+ end
+ end
+ def self.bundler
+ @@bundler ||=
+ end
+ def bundler
+ self.class.bundler
+ end
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super(*args)
+ @fetchers[:mri] =, @stack)
+ @fetchers[:rbx] =, @stack)
+ @node_installer =
+ @yarn_installer =
+ end
+ def name
+ "Ruby"
+ end
+ def default_addons
+ instrument "ruby.default_addons" do
+ add_dev_database_addon
+ end
+ end
+ def default_config_vars
+ instrument "ruby.default_config_vars" do
+ vars = {
+ "LANG" => env("LANG") || "en_US.UTF-8",
+ }
+ ruby_version.jruby? ? vars.merge({
+ "JRUBY_OPTS" => default_jruby_opts
+ }) : vars
+ end
+ end
+ def default_process_types
+ instrument "ruby.default_process_types" do
+ {
+ "rake" => "bundle exec rake",
+ "console" => "bundle exec irb"
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def best_practice_warnings
+ if bundler.has_gem?("asset_sync")
+ warn(<<-WARNING)
+You are using the `asset_sync` gem.
+This is not recommended.
+See for more information.
+ end
+ end
+ def compile
+ instrument 'ruby.compile' do
+ # check for new app at the beginning of the compile
+ new_app?
+ Dir.chdir(build_path)
+ remove_vendor_bundle
+ warn_bundler_upgrade
+ warn_bad_binstubs
+ install_ruby(slug_vendor_ruby, build_ruby_path)
+ setup_language_pack_environment(
+ ruby_layer_path: File.expand_path("."),
+ gem_layer_path: File.expand_path("."),
+ bundle_path: "vendor/bundle",
+ bundle_default_without: "development:test"
+ )
+ allow_git do
+ install_bundler_in_app(slug_vendor_base)
+ load_bundler_cache
+ build_bundler
+ post_bundler
+ create_database_yml
+ install_binaries
+ run_assets_precompile_rake_task
+ end
+ config_detect
+ best_practice_warnings
+ warn_outdated_ruby
+ setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: "$HOME", gem_layer_path: "$HOME") # $HOME is set to /app at run time
+ setup_export
+ cleanup
+ super
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ warn_outdated_ruby
+ raise e
+ end
+ def build
+ new_app?
+ remove_vendor_bundle
+ warn_bad_binstubs
+ ruby_layer =, "ruby", launch: true)
+ install_ruby("#{ruby_layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_ruby}")
+ ruby_layer.metadata[:version] = ruby_version.version
+ ruby_layer.metadata[:patchlevel] = ruby_version.patchlevel if ruby_version.patchlevel
+ ruby_layer.metadata[:engine] = ruby_version.engine.to_s
+ ruby_layer.metadata[:engine_version] = ruby_version.engine_version
+ ruby_layer.write
+ gem_layer =, "gems", launch: true, cache: true, build: true)
+ setup_language_pack_environment(
+ ruby_layer_path: ruby_layer.path,
+ gem_layer_path: gem_layer.path,
+ bundle_path: "#{gem_layer.path}/vendor/bundle",
+ bundle_default_without: "development:test"
+ )
+ allow_git do
+ # TODO install bundler in separate layer
+ topic "Loading Bundler Cache"
+ gem_layer.validate! do |metadata|
+ valid_bundler_cache?(gem_layer.path, gem_layer.metadata)
+ end
+ install_bundler_in_app("#{gem_layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_base}")
+ build_bundler
+ # TODO post_bundler might need to be done in a new layer
+ bundler.clean
+ gem_layer.metadata[:gems] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest("Gemfile.lock"))
+ gem_layer.metadata[:stack] = @stack
+ gem_layer.metadata[:ruby_version] = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip
+ gem_layer.metadata[:rubygems_version] = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip
+ gem_layer.metadata[:buildpack_version] = BUILDPACK_VERSION
+ gem_layer.write
+ create_database_yml
+ # TODO replace this with multibuildpack stuff? put binaries in their own layer?
+ install_binaries
+ run_assets_precompile_rake_task
+ end
+ setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: ruby_layer.path, gem_layer_path: gem_layer.path)
+ setup_export(gem_layer)
+ config_detect
+ best_practice_warnings
+ cleanup
+ super
+ end
+ def cleanup
+ end
+ def config_detect
+ end
+ # A bad shebang line looks like this:
+ #
+ # ```
+ # #!/usr/bin/env ruby2.5
+ # ```
+ #
+ # Since `ruby2.5` is not a valid binary name
+ #
+ def warn_bad_binstubs
+ check = Dir.pwd, warn_object: self)
+ end
+ def default_malloc_arena_max?
+ return true if @metadata.exists?("default_malloc_arena_max")
+ return @metadata.touch("default_malloc_arena_max") if new_app?
+ return false
+ end
+ def warn_bundler_upgrade
+ old_bundler_version ="bundler_version").strip if @metadata.exists?("bundler_version")
+ if old_bundler_version && old_bundler_version != bundler.version
+ warn(<<-WARNING, inline: true)
+Your app was upgraded to bundler #{ bundler.version }.
+Previously you had a successful deploy with bundler #{ old_bundler_version }.
+If you see problems related to the bundler version please refer to:
+ end
+ end
+ # For example "vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0"
+ def self.slug_vendor_base
+ @slug_vendor_base ||= begin
+ command = %q(ruby -e "require 'rbconfig';puts \"vendor/bundle/#{RUBY_ENGINE}/#{RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version']}\"")
+ out = run_no_pipe(command, user_env: true).strip
+ error "Problem detecting bundler vendor directory: #{out}" unless $?.success?
+ out
+ end
+ end
+ # the relative path to the bundler directory of gems
+ # @return [String] resulting path
+ def slug_vendor_base
+ instrument 'ruby.slug_vendor_base' do
+ @slug_vendor_base ||= self.class.slug_vendor_base
+ end
+ end
+ # the relative path to the vendored ruby directory
+ # @return [String] resulting path
+ def slug_vendor_ruby
+ "vendor/#{ruby_version.version_without_patchlevel}"
+ end
+ # the absolute path of the build ruby to use during the buildpack
+ # @return [String] resulting path
+ def build_ruby_path
+ "/tmp/#{ruby_version.version_without_patchlevel}"
+ end
+ # fetch the ruby version from bundler
+ # @return [String, nil] returns the ruby version if detected or nil if none is detected
+ def ruby_version
+ instrument 'ruby.ruby_version' do
+ return @ruby_version if @ruby_version
+ new_app = !File.exist?("vendor/heroku")
+ last_version_file = "buildpack_ruby_version"
+ last_version = nil
+ last_version = if @metadata.exists?(last_version_file)
+ @ruby_version =,
+ is_new: new_app,
+ last_version: last_version)
+ return @ruby_version
+ end
+ end
+ def set_default_web_concurrency
+ <<-EOF
+case $(ulimit -u) in
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ end
+ # default JRUBY_OPTS
+ # return [String] string of JRUBY_OPTS
+ def default_jruby_opts
+ "-Xcompile.invokedynamic=false"
+ end
+ # sets up the environment variables for the build process
+ def setup_language_pack_environment(ruby_layer_path:, gem_layer_path:, bundle_path:, bundle_default_without:)
+ instrument 'ruby.setup_language_pack_environment' do
+ if ruby_version.jruby?
+ ENV["PATH"] += ":bin"
+ end
+ setup_ruby_install_env(ruby_layer_path)
+ # By default Node can address 1.5GB of memory, a limitation it inherits from
+ # the underlying v8 engine. This can occasionally cause issues during frontend
+ # builds where memory use can exceed this threshold.
+ #
+ # This passes an argument to all Node processes during the build, so that they
+ # can take advantage of all available memory on the build dynos.
+ ENV["NODE_OPTIONS"] ||= "--max_old_space_size=2560"
+ # TODO when buildpack-env-args rolls out, we can get rid of
+ # ||= and the manual setting below
+ default_config_vars.each do |key, value|
+ ENV[key] ||= value
+ end
+ paths = []
+ gem_path = "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}"
+ ENV["GEM_PATH"] = gem_path
+ ENV["GEM_HOME"] = gem_path
+ # Rails has a binstub for yarn that doesn't work for all applications
+ # we need to ensure that yarn comes before local bin dir for that case
+ paths << yarn_preinstall_bin_path if yarn_preinstalled?
+ # Need to remove `./bin` folder since it links to the wrong --prefix ruby binstubs breaking require in Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.8.7.
+ # Because for 1.9.2 and 1.8.7 there is a "build" ruby and a non-"build" Ruby
+ paths << "#{File.expand_path(".")}/bin" unless ruby_version.ruby_192_or_lower?
+ paths << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{bundler_binstubs_path}" # Binstubs from bundler, eg. vendor/bundle/bin
+ paths << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}/bin" # Binstubs from rubygems, eg. vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bin
+ paths << ENV["PATH"]
+ ENV["PATH"] = paths.join(":")
+ ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"] = env("BUNDLE_WITHOUT") || bundle_default_without
+ if ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"].include?(' ')
+ warn("Your BUNDLE_WITHOUT contains a space, we are converting it to a colon `:` BUNDLE_WITHOUT=#{ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"]}", inline: true)
+ end
+ ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"] = bundle_path
+ ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"] = bundler_binstubs_path
+ ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"] = "1" if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path?
+ end
+ end
+ # Sets up the environment variables for subsequent processes run by
+ # muiltibuildpack. We can't use profile.d because $HOME isn't set up
+ def setup_export(layer = nil)
+ instrument 'ruby.setup_export' do
+ if layer
+ paths = ENV["PATH"]
+ else
+ paths = ENV["PATH"].split(":").map do |path|
+ /^\/.*/ !~ path ? "#{build_path}/#{path}" : path
+ end.join(":")
+ end
+ # TODO ensure path exported is correct
+ set_export_path "PATH", paths, layer
+ if layer
+ gem_path = "#{layer.path}/#{slug_vendor_base}"
+ else
+ gem_path = "#{build_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}"
+ end
+ set_export_path "GEM_PATH", gem_path, layer
+ set_export_default "LANG", "en_US.UTF-8", layer
+ # TODO handle jruby
+ if ruby_version.jruby?
+ set_export_default "JRUBY_OPTS", default_jruby_opts
+ end
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_PATH", ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"], layer
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_WITHOUT", ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"], layer
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_BIN", ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"], layer
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE", ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"], layer if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path?
+ set_export_default "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT", ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"], layer if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock
+ end
+ end
+ # sets up the profile.d script for this buildpack
+ def setup_profiled(ruby_layer_path: , gem_layer_path: )
+ instrument 'setup_profiled' do
+ profiled_path = []
+ # Rails has a binstub for yarn that doesn't work for all applications
+ # we need to ensure that yarn comes before local bin dir for that case
+ if yarn_preinstalled?
+ profiled_path << yarn_preinstall_bin_path.gsub(File.expand_path("."), "$HOME")
+ elsif has_yarn_binary?
+ profiled_path << "#{ruby_layer_path}/vendor/#{@yarn_installer.binary_path}"
+ end
+ profiled_path << "$HOME/bin" # /app in production
+ profiled_path << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{bundler_binstubs_path}" # Binstubs from bundler, eg. vendor/bundle/bin
+ profiled_path << "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}/bin" # Binstubs from rubygems, eg. vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bin
+ profiled_path << "$PATH"
+ set_env_default "LANG", "en_US.UTF-8"
+ set_env_override "GEM_PATH", "#{gem_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_base}:$GEM_PATH"
+ set_env_override "PATH", profiled_path.join(":")
+ set_env_override "DISABLE_SPRING", "1"
+ set_env_default "MALLOC_ARENA_MAX", "2" if default_malloc_arena_max?
+ web_concurrency = env("SENSIBLE_DEFAULTS") ? set_default_web_concurrency : ""
+ add_to_profiled(web_concurrency, filename: "", mode: "w") # always write that file, even if its empty (meaning no defaults apply), for interop with other buildpacks - and we overwrite the file rather than appending (which is the default)
+ # TODO handle JRUBY
+ if ruby_version.jruby?
+ set_env_default "JRUBY_OPTS", default_jruby_opts
+ end
+ set_env_default "BUNDLE_PATH", ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"]
+ set_env_default "BUNDLE_BIN", ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"]
+ set_env_default "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE", ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"] if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path?
+ set_env_default "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT", ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock
+ end
+ end
+ def warn_outdated_ruby
+ return unless defined?(@outdated_version_check)
+ @warn_outdated ||= begin
+ @outdated_version_check.join
+ warn_outdated_minor
+ warn_outdated_eol
+ warn_stack_upgrade
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ def warn_stack_upgrade
+ return unless defined?(@ruby_download_check)
+ return unless @ruby_download_check.next_stack(current_stack: stack)
+ return if @ruby_download_check.exists_on_next_stack?(current_stack: stack)
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ Your Ruby version is not present on the next stack
+ You are currently using #{ruby_version.version_for_download} on #{stack} stack.
+ This version does not exist on #{@ruby_download_check.next_stack(current_stack: stack)}. In order to upgrade your stack you will
+ need to upgrade to a supported Ruby version.
+ For a list of supported Ruby versions see:
+ For a list of the oldest Ruby versions present on a given stack see:
+ end
+ def warn_outdated_eol
+ return unless @outdated_version_check.maybe_eol?
+ if @outdated_version_check.eol?
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ EOL Ruby Version
+ You are using a Ruby version that has reached its End of Life (EOL)
+ We strongly suggest you upgrade to Ruby #{@outdated_version_check.suggest_ruby_eol_version} or later
+ Your current Ruby version no longer receives security updates from
+ Ruby Core and may have serious vulnerabilities. While you will continue
+ to be able to deploy on Heroku with this Ruby version you must upgrade
+ to a non-EOL version to be eligible to receive support.
+ Upgrade your Ruby version as soon as possible.
+ For a list of supported Ruby versions see:
+ else
+ # Maybe EOL
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ Potential EOL Ruby Version
+ You are using a Ruby version that has either reached its End of Life (EOL)
+ or will reach its End of Life on December 25th of this year.
+ We suggest you upgrade to Ruby #{@outdated_version_check.suggest_ruby_eol_version} or later
+ Once a Ruby version becomes EOL, it will no longer receive
+ security updates from Ruby core and may have serious vulnerabilities.
+ Please upgrade your Ruby version.
+ For a list of supported Ruby versions see:
+ end
+ end
+ def warn_outdated_minor
+ return if @outdated_version_check.latest_minor_version?
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ There is a more recent Ruby version available for you to use:
+ #{@outdated_version_check.suggested_ruby_minor_version}
+ The latest version will include security and bug fixes. We always recommend
+ running the latest version of your minor release.
+ Please upgrade your Ruby version.
+ For all available Ruby versions see:
+ end
+ # install the vendored ruby
+ # @return [Boolean] true if it installs the vendored ruby and false otherwise
+ def install_ruby(install_path, build_ruby_path = nil)
+ instrument 'ruby.install_ruby' do
+ # Could do a compare operation to avoid re-downloading ruby
+ return false unless ruby_version
+ installer = LanguagePack::Installers::RubyInstaller.installer(ruby_version).new(@stack)
+ @ruby_download_check =
+ if
+ installer.fetch_unpack(ruby_version, build_ruby_path, true)
+ end
+ installer.install(ruby_version, install_path)
+ @outdated_version_check =
+ current_ruby_version: ruby_version,
+ fetcher: installer.fetcher
+ )
+ @metadata.write("buildpack_ruby_version", ruby_version.version_for_download)
+ topic "Using Ruby version: #{ruby_version.version_for_download}"
+ if !ruby_version.set
+ warn(<<~WARNING)
+ You have not declared a Ruby version in your Gemfile.
+ To declare a Ruby version add this line to your Gemfile:
+ ```
+ ruby "#{LanguagePack::RubyVersion::DEFAULT_VERSION_NUMBER}"
+ ```
+ For more information see:
+ end
+ if ruby_version.warn_ruby_26_bundler?
+ warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true)
+ There is a known bundler bug with your version of Ruby
+ Your version of Ruby contains a problem with the built-in integration of bundler. If
+ you encounter a bundler error you need to upgrade your Ruby version. We suggest you upgrade to:
+ #{@outdated_version_check.suggested_ruby_minor_version}
+ For more information see:
+ end
+ end
+ true
+ rescue LanguagePack::Fetcher::FetchError
+ if @ruby_download_check.does_not_exist?
+ message = <<~ERROR
+ The Ruby version you are trying to install does not exist: #{ruby_version.version_for_download}
+ else
+ message = <<~ERROR
+ The Ruby version you are trying to install does not exist on this stack.
+ You are trying to install #{ruby_version.version_for_download} on #{stack}.
+ Ruby #{ruby_version.version_for_download} is present on the following stacks:
+ - #{@ruby_download_check.valid_stack_list.join("\n - ")}
+ if env("CI")
+ message << <<~ERROR
+ On Heroku CI you can set your stack in the `app.json`. For example:
+ ```
+ "stack": "heroku-20"
+ ```
+ end
+ end
+ message << <<~ERROR
+ Heroku recommends you use the latest supported Ruby version listed here:
+ For more information on syntax for declaring a Ruby version see:
+ error message
+ end
+ # TODO make this compatible with CNB
+ def new_app?
+ @new_app ||= !File.exist?("vendor/heroku")
+ end
+ # find the ruby install path for its binstubs during build
+ # @return [String] resulting path or empty string if ruby is not vendored
+ def ruby_install_binstub_path(ruby_layer_path = ".")
+ @ruby_install_binstub_path ||=
+ if
+ "#{build_ruby_path}/bin"
+ elsif ruby_version
+ "#{ruby_layer_path}/#{slug_vendor_ruby}/bin"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ # setup the environment so we can use the vendored ruby
+ def setup_ruby_install_env(ruby_layer_path = ".")
+ instrument 'ruby.setup_ruby_install_env' do
+ ENV["PATH"] = "#{File.expand_path(ruby_install_binstub_path(ruby_layer_path))}:#{ENV["PATH"]}"
+ end
+ end
+ # installs vendored gems into the slug
+ def install_bundler_in_app(bundler_dir)
+ instrument 'ruby.install_language_pack_gems' do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(bundler_dir)
+ Dir.chdir(bundler_dir) do |dir|
+ `cp -R #{bundler.bundler_path}/. .`
+ end
+ # write bundler shim, so we can control the version bundler used
+ # Ruby 2.6.0 started vendoring bundler
+ write_bundler_shim("vendor/bundle/bin") if ruby_version.vendored_bundler?
+ end
+ end
+ # default set of binaries to install
+ # @return [Array] resulting list
+ def binaries
+ add_node_js_binary + add_yarn_binary
+ end
+ # vendors binaries into the slug
+ def install_binaries
+ instrument 'ruby.install_binaries' do
+ binaries.each {|binary| install_binary(binary) }
+ Dir["bin/*"].each {|path| run("chmod +x #{path}") }
+ end
+ end
+ # vendors individual binary into the slug
+ # @param [String] name of the binary package from S3.
+ # Example:, where name is "node-0.4.7"
+ def install_binary(name)
+ topic "Installing #{name}"
+ bin_dir = "bin"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p bin_dir
+ Dir.chdir(bin_dir) do |dir|
+ if name.match(/^node\-/)
+ @node_installer.install
+ # need to set PATH here b/c `node-gyp` can change the CWD, but still depends on executing node.
+ # the current PATH is relative, but it needs to be absolute for this.
+ # doing this here also prevents it from being exported during runtime
+ node_bin_path = File.absolute_path(".")
+ # this needs to be set after so other binaries in bin/ don't take precedence"
+ ENV["PATH"] = "#{ENV["PATH"]}:#{node_bin_path}"
+ elsif name.match(/^yarn\-/)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p("../vendor")
+ Dir.chdir("../vendor") do |vendor_dir|
+ @yarn_installer.install
+ yarn_path = File.absolute_path("#{vendor_dir}/#{@yarn_installer.binary_path}")
+ ENV["PATH"] = "#{yarn_path}:#{ENV["PATH"]}"
+ end
+ else
+ @fetchers[:buildpack].fetch_untar("#{name}.tgz")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # removes a binary from the slug
+ # @param [String] relative path of the binary on the slug
+ def uninstall_binary(path)
+ FileUtils.rm File.join('bin', File.basename(path)), :force => true
+ end
+ def load_default_cache?
+ new_app? && ruby_version.default?
+ end
+ # loads a default bundler cache for new apps to speed up initial bundle installs
+ def load_default_cache
+ instrument "ruby.load_default_cache" do
+ if false # load_default_cache?
+ puts "New app detected loading default bundler cache"
+ patchlevel = run("ruby -e 'puts RUBY_PATCHLEVEL'").strip
+ cache_name = "#{LanguagePack::RubyVersion::DEFAULT_VERSION}-p#{patchlevel}-default-cache"
+ @fetchers[:buildpack].fetch_untar("#{cache_name}.tgz")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # remove `vendor/bundle` that comes from the git repo
+ # in case there are native ext.
+ # users should be using `bundle pack` instead.
+ #
+ def remove_vendor_bundle
+ if File.exists?("vendor/bundle")
+ warn(<<-WARNING)
+Removing `vendor/bundle`.
+Checking in `vendor/bundle` is not supported. Please remove this directory
+and add it to your .gitignore. To vendor your gems with Bundler, use
+`bundle pack` instead.
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/bundle")
+ end
+ end
+ def bundler_binstubs_path
+ "vendor/bundle/bin"
+ end
+ def bundler_path
+ @bundler_path ||= "#{slug_vendor_base}/gems/#{bundler.dir_name}"
+ end
+ def write_bundler_shim(path)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(path)
+ shim_path = "#{path}/bundle"
+, "w") do |file|
+ file.print <<-BUNDLE
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'rubygems'
+version = "#{bundler.version}"
+if ARGV.first
+ str = ARGV.first
+ str = str.dup.force_encoding("BINARY") if str.respond_to? :force_encoding
+ if str =~ /\A_(.*)_\z/ and Gem::Version.correct?($1) then
+ version = $1
+ ARGV.shift
+ end
+if Gem.respond_to?(:activate_bin_path)
+load Gem.activate_bin_path('bundler', 'bundle', version)
+gem "bundler", version
+load Gem.bin_path("bundler", "bundle", version)
+ end
+ FileUtils.chmod(0755, shim_path)
+ end
+ # runs bundler to install the dependencies
+ def build_bundler
+ instrument 'ruby.build_bundler' do
+ log("bundle") do
+ if File.exist?("#{Dir.pwd}/.bundle/config")
+ warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true)
+ You have the `.bundle/config` file checked into your repository
+ It contains local state like the location of the installed bundle
+ as well as configured git local gems, and other settings that should
+ not be shared between multiple checkouts of a single repo. Please
+ remove the `.bundle/` folder from your repo and add it to your `.gitignore` file.
+ end
+ if bundler.windows_gemfile_lock?
+ log("bundle", "has_windows_gemfile_lock")
+ File.unlink("Gemfile.lock")
+ warn(<<~WARNING, inline: true)
+ Removing `Gemfile.lock` because it was generated on Windows.
+ Bundler will do a full resolve so native gems are handled properly.
+ This may result in unexpected gem versions being used in your app.
+ In rare occasions Bundler may not be able to resolve your dependencies at all.
+ end
+ bundle_command ="")
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_WITHOUT='#{ENV["BUNDLE_WITHOUT"]}' "
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_PATH=#{ENV["BUNDLE_PATH"]} "
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_BIN=#{ENV["BUNDLE_BIN"]} "
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT=#{ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"]} " if ENV["BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT"] # Unset on windows since we delete the Gemfile.lock
+ bundle_command << "BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE=#{ENV["BUNDLE_GLOBAL_PATH_APPENDS_RUBY_SCOPE"]} " if bundler.needs_ruby_global_append_path?
+ bundle_command << "bundle install -j4"
+ topic("Installing dependencies using bundler #{bundler.version}")
+ bundler_output ="")
+ bundle_time = nil
+ env_vars = {}
+ Dir.mktmpdir("libyaml-") do |tmpdir|
+ libyaml_dir = "#{tmpdir}/#{LIBYAML_PATH}"
+ # need to setup compile environment for the psych gem
+ yaml_include = File.expand_path("#{libyaml_dir}/include").shellescape
+ yaml_lib = File.expand_path("#{libyaml_dir}/lib").shellescape
+ pwd = Dir.pwd
+ bundler_path = "#{pwd}/#{slug_vendor_base}/gems/#{bundler.dir_name}/lib"
+ # we need to set BUNDLE_CONFIG and BUNDLE_GEMFILE for
+ # codon since it uses bundler.
+ env_vars["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "#{pwd}/Gemfile"
+ env_vars["BUNDLE_CONFIG"] = "#{pwd}/.bundle/config"
+ env_vars["CPATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_include}:$CPATH")
+ env_vars["CPPATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_include}:$CPPATH")
+ env_vars["LIBRARY_PATH"] = noshellescape("#{yaml_lib}:$LIBRARY_PATH")
+ env_vars["RUBYOPT"] = syck_hack
+ env_vars["NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES"] = "true"
+ env_vars["BUNDLE_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK"] = "true"
+ env_vars["BUNDLER_LIB_PATH"] = "#{bundler_path}" if ruby_version.ruby_version == "1.8.7"
+ env_vars["BUNDLE_DISABLE_VERSION_CHECK"] = "true"
+ puts "Running: #{bundle_command}"
+ instrument "ruby.bundle_install" do
+ bundle_time = Benchmark.realtime do
+ bundler_output << pipe("#{bundle_command} --no-clean", out: "2>&1", env: env_vars, user_env: true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if $?.success?
+ puts "Bundle completed (#{"%.2f" % bundle_time}s)"
+ log "bundle", :status => "success"
+ puts "Cleaning up the bundler cache."
+ instrument "ruby.bundle_clean" do
+ # Only show bundle clean output when not using default cache
+ if load_default_cache?
+ run("bundle clean > /dev/null", user_env: true, env: env_vars)
+ else
+ pipe("bundle clean", out: "2> /dev/null", user_env: true, env: env_vars)
+ end
+ end
+ # Keep gem cache out of the slug
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{slug_vendor_base}/cache")
+ else
+ mcount "fail.bundle.install"
+ log "bundle", :status => "failure"
+ error_message = "Failed to install gems via Bundler."
+ puts "Bundler Output: #{bundler_output}"
+ if bundler_output.match(/An error occurred while installing sqlite3/)
+ mcount "fail.sqlite3"
+ error_message += <<~ERROR
+ Detected sqlite3 gem which is not supported on Heroku:
+ end
+ if bundler_output.match(/but your Gemfile specified/)
+ mcount "fail.ruby_version_mismatch"
+ error_message += <<~ERROR
+ Detected a mismatch between your Ruby version installed and
+ Ruby version specified in Gemfile or Gemfile.lock. You can
+ correct this by running:
+ $ bundle update --ruby
+ $ git add Gemfile.lock
+ $ git commit -m "update ruby version"
+ If this does not solve the issue please see this documentation:
+ end
+ error error_message
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def post_bundler
+ instrument "ruby.post_bundler" do
+ Dir[File.join(slug_vendor_base, "**", ".git")].each do |dir|
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(dir)
+ end
+ bundler.clean
+ end
+ end
+ # RUBYOPT line that requires syck_hack file
+ # @return [String] require string if needed or else an empty string
+ def syck_hack
+ instrument "ruby.syck_hack" do
+ syck_hack_file = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../vendor/syck_hack"))
+ rv = run_stdout('ruby -e "puts RUBY_VERSION"').strip
+ # < 1.9.3 includes syck, so we need to use the syck hack
+ if <"1.9.3")
+ "-r#{syck_hack_file}"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # writes ERB based database.yml for Rails. The database.yml uses the DATABASE_URL from the environment during runtime.
+ def create_database_yml
+ instrument 'ruby.create_database_yml' do
+ return false unless"config")
+ return false if bundler.has_gem?('activerecord') && bundler.gem_version('activerecord') >='4.1.0.beta1')
+ log("create_database_yml") do
+ topic("Writing config/database.yml to read from DATABASE_URL")
+"config/database.yml", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts <<-DATABASE_YML
+require 'cgi'
+require 'uri'
+ uri = URI.parse(ENV["DATABASE_URL"])
+rescue URI::InvalidURIError
+ raise "Invalid DATABASE_URL"
+raise "No RACK_ENV or RAILS_ENV found" unless ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"]
+def attribute(name, value, force_string = false)
+ if value
+ value_string =
+ if force_string
+ '"' + value + '"'
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ "\#{name}: \#{value_string}"
+ else
+ ""
+ end
+adapter = uri.scheme
+adapter = "postgresql" if adapter == "postgres"
+database = (uri.path || "").split("/")[1]
+username = uri.user
+password = uri.password
+host =
+port = uri.port
+params = CGI.parse(uri.query || "")
+<%= ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] %>:
+ <%= attribute "adapter", adapter %>
+ <%= attribute "database", database %>
+ <%= attribute "username", username %>
+ <%= attribute "password", password, true %>
+ <%= attribute "host", host %>
+ <%= attribute "port", port %>
+<% params.each do |key, value| %>
+ <%= key %>: <%= value.first %>
+<% end %>
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def rake
+ @rake ||= begin
+ rake_gem_available = bundler.has_gem?("rake") || ruby_version.rake_is_vendored?
+ raise_on_fail = bundler.gem_version('railties') && bundler.gem_version('railties') >'3.x')
+ topic "Detecting rake tasks"
+ rake =
+ rake.load_rake_tasks!({ env: rake_env }, raise_on_fail)
+ rake
+ end
+ end
+ def rake_env
+ if database_url
+ { "DATABASE_URL" => database_url }
+ else
+ {}
+ end.merge(user_env_hash)
+ end
+ def database_url
+ env("DATABASE_URL") if env("DATABASE_URL")
+ end
+ # executes the block with GIT_DIR environment variable removed since it can mess with the current working directory git thinks it's in
+ # @param [block] block to be executed in the GIT_DIR free context
+ def allow_git(&blk)
+ git_dir = ENV.delete("GIT_DIR") # can mess with bundler
+ ENV["GIT_DIR"] = git_dir
+ end
+ # decides if we need to enable the dev database addon
+ # @return [Array] the database addon if the pg gem is detected or an empty Array if it isn't.
+ def add_dev_database_addon
+ pg_adapters.any? {|a| bundler.has_gem?(a) } ? ['heroku-postgresql'] : []
+ end
+ def pg_adapters
+ [
+ "pg",
+ "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter",
+ "jdbc-postgres",
+ "jdbc-postgresql",
+ "jruby-pg",
+ "rjack-jdbc-postgres",
+ "tgbyte-activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter"
+ ]
+ end
+ # decides if we need to install the node.js binary
+ # @note execjs will blow up if no JS RUNTIME is detected and is loaded.
+ # @return [Array] the node.js binary path if we need it or an empty Array
+ def add_node_js_binary
+ return [] if node_js_preinstalled?
+ if Pathname(build_path).join("package.json").exist? ||
+ bundler.has_gem?('execjs') ||
+ bundler.has_gem?('webpacker')
+ [@node_installer.binary_path]
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ def add_yarn_binary
+ return [] if yarn_preinstalled?
+ if Pathname(build_path).join("yarn.lock").exist? || bundler.has_gem?('webpacker')
+ []
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ end
+ def has_yarn_binary?
+ add_yarn_binary.any?
+ end
+ # checks if node.js is installed via the official heroku-buildpack-nodejs using multibuildpack
+ # @return String if it's detected and false if it isn't
+ def node_preinstall_bin_path
+ return @node_preinstall_bin_path if defined?(@node_preinstall_bin_path)
+ legacy_path = "#{Dir.pwd}/#{NODE_BP_PATH}"
+ path = run("which node").strip
+ if path && $?.success?
+ @node_preinstall_bin_path = path
+ elsif run("#{legacy_path}/node -v") && $?.success?
+ @node_preinstall_bin_path = legacy_path
+ else
+ @node_preinstall_bin_path = false
+ end
+ end
+ alias :node_js_preinstalled? :node_preinstall_bin_path
+ def node_not_preinstalled?
+ !node_js_preinstalled?
+ end
+ # Example: tmp/build_8523f77fb96a956101d00988dfeed9d4/.heroku/yarn/bin/ (without the `yarn` at the end)
+ def yarn_preinstall_bin_path
+ (yarn_preinstall_binary_path || "").chomp("/yarn")
+ end
+ # Example `tmp/build_8523f77fb96a956101d00988dfeed9d4/.heroku/yarn/bin/yarn`
+ def yarn_preinstall_binary_path
+ return @yarn_preinstall_binary_path if defined?(@yarn_preinstall_binary_path)
+ path = run("which yarn").strip
+ if path && $?.success?
+ @yarn_preinstall_binary_path = path
+ else
+ @yarn_preinstall_binary_path = false
+ end
+ end
+ def yarn_preinstalled?
+ yarn_preinstall_binary_path
+ end
+ def yarn_not_preinstalled?
+ !yarn_preinstalled?
+ end
+ def run_assets_precompile_rake_task
+ instrument 'ruby.run_assets_precompile_rake_task' do
+ precompile = rake.task("assets:precompile")
+ return true unless precompile.is_defined?
+ topic "Precompiling assets"
+ precompile.invoke(env: rake_env)
+ if precompile.success?
+ puts "Asset precompilation completed (#{"%.2f" % precompile.time}s)"
+ else
+ precompile_fail(precompile.output)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def precompile_fail(output)
+ mcount "fail.assets_precompile"
+ log "assets_precompile", :status => "failure"
+ msg = "Precompiling assets failed.\n"
+ if output.match(/(127\.0\.0\.1)|(org\.postgresql\.util)/)
+ msg << "Attempted to access a nonexistent database:\n"
+ msg << "\n"
+ end
+ sprockets_version = bundler.gem_version('sprockets')
+ if output.match(/Sprockets::FileNotFound/) && (sprockets_version <'4.0.0.beta7') && sprockets_version >'4.0.0.beta4'))
+ mcount "fail.assets_precompile.file_not_found_beta"
+ msg << "If you have this file in your project\n"
+ msg << "try upgrading to Sprockets 4.0.0.beta7 or later:\n"
+ msg << "\n"
+ end
+ error msg
+ end
+ def bundler_cache
+ "vendor/bundle"
+ end
+ def valid_bundler_cache?(path, metadata)
+ full_ruby_version = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip
+ rubygems_version = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip
+ old_rubygems_version = nil
+ old_rubygems_version = metadata[:ruby_version]
+ old_stack = metadata[:stack]
+ old_stack ||= DEFAULT_LEGACY_STACK
+ stack_change = old_stack != @stack
+ if !new_app? && stack_change
+ return [false, "Purging Cache. Changing stack from #{old_stack} to #{@stack}"]
+ end
+ # fix bug from v37 deploy
+ if File.exists?("#{path}/vendor/ruby_version")
+ puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."
+ cache.clear("vendor")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{path}/vendor/ruby_version")
+ return [false, "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."]
+ # fix bug introduced in v38
+ elsif !metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && metadata.include?(:ruby_version)
+ puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."
+ return [false, "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."]
+ elsif (@bundler_cache.exists? || @bundler_cache.old?) && full_ruby_version != metadata[:ruby_version]
+ return [false, <<-MESSAGE]
+Ruby version change detected. Clearing bundler cache.
+Old: #{metadata[:ruby_version]}
+New: #{full_ruby_version}
+ end
+ # fix git gemspec bug from Bundler 1.3.0+ upgrade
+ if File.exists?(bundler_cache) && !metadata.include?(:bundler_version) && !run("find #{path}/vendor/bundle/*/*/bundler/gems/*/ -name *.gemspec").include?("No such file or directory")
+ return [false, "Old bundler cache detected. Clearing bundler cache."]
+ end
+ # fix for
+ if (!metadata.include?(:rubygems_version) ||
+ (old_rubygems_version == "2.0.0" && old_rubygems_version != rubygems_version)) &&
+ metadata.include?(:ruby_version) && metadata[:ruby_version].strip.include?("ruby 2.0.0p0")
+ return [false, "Updating to rubygems #{rubygems_version}. Clearing bundler cache."]
+ end
+ # fix for
+ if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 76
+ return [false, <<-MESSAGE]
+Fixing nokogiri install. Clearing bundler cache.
+ end
+ # recompile nokogiri to use new libyaml
+ if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 99 && bundler.has_gem?("psych")
+ return [false, <<-MESSAGE]
+Need to recompile psych for CVE-2013-6393. Clearing bundler cache.
+ end
+ # recompile gems for libyaml 0.1.7 update
+ if metadata.include?(:buildpack_version) && (bv = metadata[:buildpack_version].sub('v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 147 &&
+ (metadata.include?(:ruby_version) && metadata[:ruby_version].match(/ruby 2\.1\.(9|10)/) ||
+ bundler.has_gem?("psych")
+ )
+ return [false, <<-MESSAGE]
+Need to recompile gems for CVE-2014-2014-9130. Clearing bundler cache.
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def load_bundler_cache
+ instrument "ruby.load_bundler_cache" do
+ cache.load "vendor"
+ full_ruby_version = run_stdout(%q(ruby -v)).strip
+ rubygems_version = run_stdout(%q(gem -v)).strip
+ heroku_metadata = "vendor/heroku"
+ old_rubygems_version = nil
+ ruby_version_cache = "ruby_version"
+ buildpack_version_cache = "buildpack_version"
+ bundler_version_cache = "bundler_version"
+ rubygems_version_cache = "rubygems_version"
+ stack_cache = "stack"
+ # bundle clean does not remove binstubs
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/bundler/bin")
+ old_rubygems_version = if @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache)
+ old_stack = if @metadata.exists?(stack_cache)
+ old_stack ||= DEFAULT_LEGACY_STACK
+ stack_change = old_stack != @stack
+ convert_stack = @bundler_cache.old?
+ @bundler_cache.convert_stack(stack_change) if convert_stack
+ if !new_app? && stack_change
+ puts "Purging Cache. Changing stack from #{old_stack} to #{@stack}"
+ purge_bundler_cache(old_stack)
+ elsif !new_app? && !convert_stack
+ @bundler_cache.load
+ end
+ # fix bug from v37 deploy
+ if File.exists?("vendor/ruby_version")
+ puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."
+ cache.clear("vendor")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("vendor/ruby_version")
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ # fix bug introduced in v38
+ elsif !@metadata.include?(buildpack_version_cache) && @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache)
+ puts "Broken cache detected. Purging build cache."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ elsif (@bundler_cache.exists? || @bundler_cache.old?) && @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) && full_ruby_version !=
+ puts "Ruby version change detected. Clearing bundler cache."
+ puts "Old: #{}"
+ puts "New: #{full_ruby_version}"
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # fix git gemspec bug from Bundler 1.3.0+ upgrade
+ if File.exists?(bundler_cache) && !@metadata.exists?(bundler_version_cache) && !run("find vendor/bundle/*/*/bundler/gems/*/ -name *.gemspec").include?("No such file or directory")
+ puts "Old bundler cache detected. Clearing bundler cache."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # fix for
+ if (!@metadata.exists?(rubygems_version_cache) ||
+ (old_rubygems_version == "2.0.0" && old_rubygems_version != rubygems_version)) &&
+ @metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) &&"ruby 2.0.0p0")
+ puts "Updating to rubygems #{rubygems_version}. Clearing bundler cache."
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # fix for
+ if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv ='v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 76
+ puts "Fixing nokogiri install. Clearing bundler cache."
+ puts "See"
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # recompile nokogiri to use new libyaml
+ if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv ='v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 99 && bundler.has_gem?("psych")
+ puts "Need to recompile psych for CVE-2013-6393. Clearing bundler cache."
+ puts "See"
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ # recompile gems for libyaml 0.1.7 update
+ if @metadata.exists?(buildpack_version_cache) && (bv ='v', '').to_i) && bv != 0 && bv <= 147 &&
+ (@metadata.exists?(ruby_version_cache) && 2\.1\.(9|10)/) ||
+ bundler.has_gem?("psych")
+ )
+ puts "Need to recompile gems for CVE-2014-2014-9130. Clearing bundler cache."
+ puts "See"
+ purge_bundler_cache
+ end
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(heroku_metadata)
+ @metadata.write(ruby_version_cache, full_ruby_version, false)
+ @metadata.write(buildpack_version_cache, BUILDPACK_VERSION, false)
+ @metadata.write(bundler_version_cache, bundler.version, false)
+ @metadata.write(rubygems_version_cache, rubygems_version, false)
+ @metadata.write(stack_cache, @stack, false)
+ end
+ end
+ def purge_bundler_cache(stack = nil)
+ instrument "ruby.purge_bundler_cache" do
+ @bundler_cache.clear(stack)
+ # need to reinstall language pack gems
+ install_bundler_in_app(slug_vendor_base)
+ end
+ end