path: root/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/rexe.rb.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/rexe.rb.txt')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/rexe.rb.txt b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/rexe.rb.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..92e44d4d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/syntax_suggest/fixtures/rexe.rb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# rexe - Ruby Command Line Executor Filter
+# Inspired by
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'bundler'
+require 'date'
+require 'optparse'
+require 'ostruct'
+require 'shellwords'
+class Rexe
+ VERSION = '1.5.1'
+ module Helpers
+ # Try executing code. If error raised, print message (but not stack trace) & exit -1.
+ def try
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue Exception => e
+ unless e.class == SystemExit
+ $stderr.puts("rexe: #{e}")
+ $stderr.puts("Use the -h option to get help.")
+ exit(-1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Options <
+ :input_filespec,
+ :input_format,
+ :input_mode,
+ :loads,
+ :output_format,
+ :output_format_tty,
+ :output_format_block,
+ :requires,
+ :log_format,
+ :noop)
+ def initialize
+ super
+ clear
+ end
+ def clear
+ self.input_filespec = nil
+ self.input_format = :none
+ self.input_mode = :none
+ self.output_format = :none
+ self.output_format_tty = :none
+ self.output_format_block = :none
+ self.loads = []
+ self.requires = []
+ self.log_format = :none
+ self.noop = false
+ end
+ end
+ class Lookups
+ def input_modes
+ @input_modes ||= {
+ 'l' => :line,
+ 'e' => :enumerator,
+ 'b' => :one_big_string,
+ 'n' => :none
+ }
+ end
+ def input_formats
+ @input_formats ||= {
+ 'j' => :json,
+ 'm' => :marshal,
+ 'n' => :none,
+ 'y' => :yaml,
+ }
+ end
+ def input_parsers
+ @input_parsers ||= {
+ json: ->(string) { JSON.parse(string) },
+ marshal: ->(string) { Marshal.load(string) },
+ none: ->(string) { string },
+ yaml: ->(string) { YAML.load(string) },
+ }
+ end
+ def output_formats
+ @output_formats ||= {
+ 'a' => :amazing_print,
+ 'i' => :inspect,
+ 'j' => :json,
+ 'J' => :pretty_json,
+ 'm' => :marshal,
+ 'n' => :none,
+ 'p' => :puts, # default
+ 'P' => :pretty_print,
+ 's' => :to_s,
+ 'y' => :yaml,
+ }
+ end
+ def formatters
+ @formatters ||= {
+ amazing_print: ->(obj) { + "\n" },
+ inspect: ->(obj) { obj.inspect + "\n" },
+ json: ->(obj) { obj.to_json },
+ marshal: ->(obj) { Marshal.dump(obj) },
+ none: ->(_obj) { nil },
+ pretty_json: ->(obj) { JSON.pretty_generate(obj) },
+ pretty_print: ->(obj) { obj.pretty_inspect },
+ puts: ->(obj) { require 'stringio'; sio =; sio.puts(obj); sio.string },
+ to_s: ->(obj) { obj.to_s + "\n" },
+ yaml: ->(obj) { obj.to_yaml },
+ }
+ end
+ def format_requires
+ @format_requires ||= {
+ json: 'json',
+ pretty_json: 'json',
+ amazing_print: 'amazing_print',
+ pretty_print: 'pp',
+ yaml: 'yaml'
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ class CommandLineParser
+ include Helpers
+ attr_reader :lookups, :options
+ def initialize
+ @lookups =
+ @options =
+ end
+ # Inserts contents of REXE_OPTIONS environment variable at the beginning of ARGV.
+ private def prepend_environment_options
+ env_opt_string = ENV['REXE_OPTIONS']
+ if env_opt_string
+ args_to_prepend = Shellwords.shellsplit(env_opt_string)
+ ARGV.unshift(args_to_prepend).flatten!
+ end
+ end
+ private def add_format_requires_to_requires_list
+ formats = [options.input_format, options.output_format, options.log_format]
+ requires = { |format| lookups.format_requires[format] }.uniq.compact
+ requires.each { |r| options.requires << r }
+ end
+ private def help_text
+ unless @help_text
+ @help_text ||= <<~HEREDOC
+ rexe -- Ruby Command Line Executor/Filter -- v#{VERSION} -- #{PROJECT_URL}
+ Executes Ruby code on the command line,
+ optionally automating management of standard input and standard output,
+ and optionally parsing input and formatting output with YAML, JSON, etc.
+ rexe [options] [Ruby source code]
+ Options:
+ -c --clear_options Clear all previous command line options specified up to now
+ -f --input_file Use this file instead of stdin for preprocessed input;
+ if filespec has a YAML and JSON file extension,
+ sets input format accordingly and sets input mode to -mb
+ -g --log_format FORMAT Log format, logs to stderr, defaults to -gn (none)
+ (see -o for format options)
+ -h, --help Print help and exit
+ -i, --input_format FORMAT Input format, defaults to -in (None)
+ -ij JSON
+ -im Marshal
+ -in None (default)
+ -iy YAML
+ -l, --load RUBY_FILE(S) Ruby file(s) to load, comma separated;
+ ! to clear all, or precede a name with '-' to remove
+ -m, --input_mode MODE Input preprocessing mode (determines what `self` will be)
+ defaults to -mn (none)
+ -ml line; each line is ingested as a separate string
+ -me enumerator (each_line on STDIN or File)
+ -mb big string; all lines combined into one string
+ -mn none (default); no input preprocessing;
+ self is an
+ -n, --[no-]noop Do not execute the code (useful with -g);
+ For true: yes, true, y, +; for false: no, false, n
+ -o, --output_format FORMAT Output format, defaults to -on (no output):
+ -oa Amazing Print
+ -oi Inspect
+ -oj JSON
+ -oJ Pretty JSON
+ -om Marshal
+ -on No Output (default)
+ -op Puts
+ -oP Pretty Print
+ -os to_s
+ -oy YAML
+ If 2 letters are provided, 1st is for tty devices, 2nd for block
+ --project-url Outputs project URL on Github, then exits
+ -r, --require REQUIRE(S) Gems and built-in libraries to require, comma separated;
+ ! to clear all, or precede a name with '-' to remove
+ -v, --version Prints version and exits
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ In many cases you will need to enclose your source code in single or double quotes.
+ If source code is not specified, it will default to 'self',
+ which is most likely useful only in a filter mode (-ml, -me, -mb).
+ If there is a .rexerc file in your home directory, it will be run as Ruby code
+ before processing the input.
+ If there is a REXE_OPTIONS environment variable, its content will be prepended
+ to the command line so that you can specify options implicitly
+ (e.g. `export REXE_OPTIONS="-r amazing_print,yaml"`)
+ @help_text.freeze
+ end
+ @help_text
+ end
+ # File file input mode; detects the input mode (JSON, YAML, or None) from the extension.
+ private def autodetect_file_format(filespec)
+ extension = File.extname(filespec).downcase
+ if extension == '.json'
+ :json
+ elsif extension == '.yml' || extension == '.yaml'
+ :yaml
+ else
+ :none
+ end
+ end
+ private def open_resource(resource_identifier)
+ command = case (`uname`.chomp)
+ when 'Darwin'
+ 'open'
+ when 'Linux'
+ 'xdg-open'
+ else
+ 'start'
+ end
+ `#{command} #{resource_identifier}`
+ end
+ # Using 'optparse', parses the command line.
+ # Settings go into this instance's properties (see Struct declaration).
+ def parse
+ prepend_environment_options
+ do |parser|
+ parser.on('-c', '--clear_options', "Clear all previous command line options") do |v|
+ options.clear
+ end
+ parser.on('-f', '--input_file FILESPEC',
+ 'Use this file instead of stdin; autodetects YAML and JSON file extensions') do |v|
+ unless File.exist?(v)
+ raise "File #{v} does not exist."
+ end
+ options.input_filespec = v
+ options.input_format = autodetect_file_format(v)
+ if [:json, :yaml].include?(options.input_format)
+ options.input_mode = :one_big_string
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-g', '--log_format FORMAT', 'Log format, logs to stderr, defaults to none (see -o for format options)') do |v|
+ options.log_format = lookups.output_formats[v]
+ if options.log_format.nil?
+ raise("Output mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.output_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show help") do |_help_requested|
+ puts help_text
+ exit
+ end
+ parser.on('-i', '--input_format FORMAT',
+ 'Mode with which to parse input values (n = none (default), j = JSON, m = Marshal, y = YAML') do |v|
+ options.input_format = lookups.input_formats[v]
+ if options.input_format.nil?
+ raise("Input mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.input_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-l', '--load RUBY_FILE(S)', 'Ruby file(s) to load, comma separated, or ! to clear') do |v|
+ if v == '!'
+ options.loads.clear
+ else
+ loadfiles = v.split(',').map(&:strip).map { |s| File.expand_path(s) }
+ removes, adds = loadfiles.partition { |filespec| filespec[0] == '-' }
+ existent, nonexistent = adds.partition { |filespec| File.exists?(filespec) }
+ if nonexistent.any?
+ raise("\nDid not find the following files to load: #{nonexistent}\n\n")
+ else
+ existent.each { |filespec| options.loads << filespec }
+ end
+ removes.each { |filespec| options.loads -= [filespec[1..-1]] }
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-m', '--input_mode MODE',
+ 'Mode with which to handle input (-ml, -me, -mb, -mn (default)') do |v|
+ options.input_mode = lookups.input_modes[v]
+ if options.input_mode.nil?
+ raise("Input mode was '#{v}' but must be one of #{lookups.input_modes.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ # See
+ # for an excellent explanation of this optparse incantation.
+ # According to the answer, valid options are:
+ # -n no, -n yes, -n false, -n true, -n n, -n y, -n +, but not -n -.
+ parser.on('-n', '--[no-]noop [FLAG]', TrueClass, "Do not execute the code (useful with -g)") do |v|
+ options.noop = (v.nil? ? true : v)
+ end
+ parser.on('-o', '--output_format FORMAT',
+ 'Mode with which to format values for output (`-o` + [aijJmnpsy])') do |v|
+ options.output_format_tty = lookups.output_formats[v[0]]
+ options.output_format_block = lookups.output_formats[v[-1]]
+ options.output_format = ($stdout.tty? ? options.output_format_tty : options.output_format_block)
+ if [options.output_format_tty, options.output_format_block].include?(nil)
+ raise("Bad output mode '#{v}'; each must be one of #{lookups.output_formats.keys}.")
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-r', '--require REQUIRE(S)',
+ 'Gems and built-in libraries (e.g. shellwords, yaml) to require, comma separated, or ! to clear') do |v|
+ if v == '!'
+ options.requires.clear
+ else
+ v.split(',').map(&:strip).each do |r|
+ if r[0] == '-'
+ options.requires -= [r[1..-1]]
+ else
+ options.requires << r
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ parser.on('-v', '--version', 'Print version') do
+ puts VERSION
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ # Undocumented feature: open Github project with default web browser on a Mac
+ parser.on('', '--open-project') do
+ open_resource(PROJECT_URL)
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ parser.on('', '--project-url') do
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ end.parse!
+ # We want to do this after all options have been processed because we don't want any clearing of the
+ # options (by '-c', etc.) to result in exclusion of these needed requires.
+ add_format_requires_to_requires_list
+ options.requires = options.requires.sort.uniq
+ options.loads.uniq!
+ options
+ end
+ end
+ class Main
+ include Helpers
+ attr_reader :callable, :input_parser, :lookups,
+ :options, :output_formatter,
+ :log_formatter, :start_time, :user_source_code
+ def initialize
+ @lookups =
+ @start_time =
+ end
+ private def load_global_config_if_exists
+ filespec = File.join(Dir.home, '.rexerc')
+ load(filespec) if File.exists?(filespec)
+ end
+ private def init_parser_and_formatters
+ @input_parser = lookups.input_parsers[options.input_format]
+ @output_formatter = lookups.formatters[options.output_format]
+ @log_formatter = lookups.formatters[options.log_format]
+ end
+ # Executes the user specified code in the manner appropriate to the input mode.
+ # Performs any optionally specified parsing on input and formatting on output.
+ private def execute(eval_context_object, code)
+ if options.input_format != :none && options.input_mode != :none
+ eval_context_object = input_parser.(eval_context_object)
+ end
+ value = eval_context_object.instance_eval(&code)
+ unless options.output_format == :none
+ print output_formatter.(value)
+ end
+ rescue Errno::EPIPE
+ exit(-13)
+ end
+ # The global $RC (Rexe Context) OpenStruct is available in your user code.
+ # In order to make it possible to access this object in your loaded files, we are not creating
+ # it here; instead we add properties to it. This way, you can initialize an OpenStruct yourself
+ # in your loaded code and it will still work. If you do that, beware, any properties you add will be
+ # included in the log output. If the to_s of your added objects is large, that might be a pain.
+ private def init_rexe_context
+ $RC ||=
+ $RC.count = 0
+ $RC.rexe_version = VERSION
+ $RC.start_time = start_time.iso8601
+ $RC.source_code = user_source_code
+ $RC.options = options.to_h
+ def $RC.i; count end # `i` aliases `count` so you can more concisely get the count in your user code
+ end
+ private def create_callable
+ eval(" { #{user_source_code} }")
+ end
+ private def lookup_action(mode)
+ input = options.input_filespec ? : STDIN
+ {
+ line: -> { input.each { |l| execute(l.chomp, callable); $RC.count += 1 } },
+ enumerator: -> { execute(input.each_line, callable); $RC.count += 1 },
+ one_big_string: -> { big_string =; execute(big_string, callable); $RC.count += 1 },
+ none: -> { execute(, callable) }
+ }.fetch(mode)
+ end
+ private def output_log_entry
+ if options.log_format != :none
+ $RC.duration_secs = - start_time.to_time
+ STDERR.puts(log_formatter.($RC.to_h))
+ end
+ end
+ # Bypasses Bundler's restriction on loading gems
+ # (see
+ private def require!(the_require)
+ begin
+ require the_require
+ rescue LoadError => error
+ gem_path = `gem which #{the_require}`
+ if gem_path.chomp.strip.empty?
+ raise error # re-raise the error, can't fix it
+ else
+ load_dir = File.dirname(gem_path)
+ $LOAD_PATH += load_dir
+ require the_require
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # This class' entry point.
+ def call
+ try do
+ @options =
+ options.requires.each { |r| require!(r) }
+ load_global_config_if_exists
+ options.loads.each { |file| load(file) }
+ @user_source_code = ARGV.join(' ')
+ @user_source_code = 'self' if @user_source_code == ''
+ @callable = create_callable
+ init_rexe_context
+ init_parser_and_formatters
+ # This is where the user's source code will be executed; the action will in turn call `execute`.
+ lookup_action(options.input_mode).call unless options.noop
+ output_log_entry
+ end
+ end
+ end
+def bundler_run(&block)
+ # This used to be an unconditional call to with_clean_env but that method is now deprecated:
+ # [DEPRECATED] `Bundler.with_clean_env` has been deprecated in favor of `Bundler.with_unbundled_env`.
+ # If you instead want the environment before bundler was originally loaded,
+ # use `Bundler.with_original_env`
+ if Bundler.respond_to?(:with_unbundled_env)
+ Bundler.with_unbundled_env { }
+ else
+ Bundler.with_clean_env { }
+ end
+bundler_run { }