path: root/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/ruby/library/net/http/http')
65 files changed, 0 insertions, 2073 deletions
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/Proxy_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/Proxy_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f85ccc0ee9..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/Proxy_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.Proxy" do
- it "returns a new subclass of Net::HTTP" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost").should < Net::HTTP
- end
- it "returns Net::HTTP when the passed address is nil" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy(nil).should == Net::HTTP
- end
- it "sets the returned subclasses' proxy options based on the passed arguments" do
- http_with_proxy = Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks")
- http_with_proxy.proxy_address.should == "localhost"
- http_with_proxy.proxy_port.should eql(1234)
- http_with_proxy.proxy_user.should == "rspec"
- http_with_proxy.proxy_pass.should == "rocks"
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#proxy?" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class instance" do
- it "returns false" do
-"localhost", 3333).proxy?.should be_false
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class instance" do
- it "returns false" do
- http_with_proxy = Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks")
-"localhost", 3333).proxy?.should be_true
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/active_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/active_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ef657243ba..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/active_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/started'
-describe "Net::HTTP#active?" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_started_p, :active?
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/address_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/address_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fce76d767..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/address_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP#address" do
- it "returns the current host name" do
- net ="localhost")
- net.address.should == "localhost"
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/close_on_empty_response_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/close_on_empty_response_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a97b7b6c43..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/close_on_empty_response_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP#close_on_empty_response" do
- it "needs to be reviewed for spec completeness"
-describe "Net::HTTP#close_on_empty_response=" do
- it "needs to be reviewed for spec completeness"
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/copy_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/copy_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ebfdc334e..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/copy_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#copy" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends a COPY request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.copy("/request")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- response.body.should == "Request type: COPY"
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/default_port_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/default_port_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 30db18efae..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/default_port_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.default_port" do
- it "returns 80" do
- Net::HTTP.http_default_port.should eql(80)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/delete_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/delete_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 160c653115..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/delete_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#delete" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends a DELETE request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.delete("/request")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- response.body.should == "Request type: DELETE"
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/finish_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/finish_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f98bc7be13..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/finish_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#finish" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http ="localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when self has been started" do
- it "closes the tcp connection" do
- @http.start
- @http.finish
- @http.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
- describe "when self has not been started yet" do
- it "raises an IOError" do
- -> { @http.finish }.should raise_error(IOError)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/fixtures/http_server.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/fixtures/http_server.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a84e0d47d0..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/fixtures/http_server.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-require 'webrick'
-require 'webrick/httpservlet/abstract'
-module NetHTTPSpecs
- class NullWriter
- def <<(s) end
- def puts(*args) end
- def print(*args) end
- def printf(*args) end
- end
- class SpecServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
- def handle(req, res)
- reply(req, res)
- end
- %w{ do_GET do_HEAD do_POST do_PUT do_PROPPATCH do_LOCK do_UNLOCK
- do_MKCOL do_TRACE }.each do |method|
- alias_method method.to_sym, :handle
- end
- end
- class RequestServlet < SpecServlet
- def reply(req, res)
- res.content_type = "text/plain"
- res.body = "Request type: #{req.request_method}"
- end
- end
- class RequestBodyServlet < SpecServlet
- def reply(req, res)
- res.content_type = "text/plain"
- res.body = req.body
- end
- end
- class RequestHeaderServlet < SpecServlet
- def reply(req, res)
- res.content_type = "text/plain"
- res.body = req.header.inspect
- end
- end
- class RequestBasicAuthServlet < SpecServlet
- def reply(req, res)
- res.content_type = "text/plain"
- WEBrick::HTTPAuth.basic_auth(req, res, "realm") do |user, pass|
- res.body = "username: #{user}\npassword: #{pass}"
- true
- end
- end
- end
- @server = nil
- @server_thread = nil
- class << self
- def port
- raise "server not started" unless @server
- @server.config[:Port]
- end
- def start_server
- server_config = {
- BindAddress: "localhost",
- Port: 0,
- Logger:,
- AccessLog: [],
- ServerType: Thread
- }
- @server =
- @server.mount_proc('/') do |req, res|
- res.content_type = "text/plain"
- res.body = "This is the index page."
- end
- @server.mount('/request', RequestServlet)
- @server.mount("/request/body", RequestBodyServlet)
- @server.mount("/request/header", RequestHeaderServlet)
- @server.mount("/request/basic_auth", RequestBasicAuthServlet)
- @server_thread = @server.start
- end
- def stop_server
- if @server
- begin
- @server.shutdown
- rescue Errno::EPIPE, Errno::EBADF
- # Because WEBrick is not thread-safe and only catches IOError
- # EBADF can happen because WEBrick @server_thread concurrently closes the shutdown pipe
- # once @status = :Shutdown, while the current thread does write_nonblock("\0").
- # On MRI this EBADF is replaced by IOError due to the GIL around both #close and #write_nonblock.
- end
- @server = nil
- end
- if @server_thread
- @server_thread.join
- @server_thread = nil
- end
- timeout = WEBrick::Utils::TimeoutHandler
- timeout.terminate if timeout.respond_to?(:terminate)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get2_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get2_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 519e4c2599..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get2_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/request_get'
-describe "Net::HTTP#get2" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_request_get, :get2
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_print_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_print_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f59dd68c81..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_print_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP.get_print" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @port = NetHTTPSpecs.port
- end
- after :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when passed URI" do
- it "it prints the body of the specified uri to $stdout" do
- -> do
- Net::HTTP.get_print URI.parse("http://localhost:#{@port}/")
- end.should output(/This is the index page\./)
- end
- end
- describe "when passed host, path, port" do
- it "it prints the body of the specified uri to $stdout" do
- -> do
- Net::HTTP.get_print 'localhost', "/", @port
- end.should output(/This is the index page\./)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_response_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_response_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 941b35e773..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_response_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP.get_response" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @port = NetHTTPSpecs.port
- end
- after :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when passed URI" do
- it "returns the response for the specified uri" do
- res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse("http://localhost:#{@port}/"))
- res.content_type.should == "text/plain"
- res.body.should == "This is the index page."
- end
- end
- describe "when passed host, path, port" do
- it "returns the response for the specified host-path-combination" do
- res = Net::HTTP.get_response('localhost', "/", @port)
- res.content_type.should == "text/plain"
- res.body.should == "This is the index page."
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f6c45f26b..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/get_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP.get" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @port = NetHTTPSpecs.port
- end
- after :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when passed URI" do
- it "returns the body of the specified uri" do
- Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("http://localhost:#{@port}/")).should == "This is the index page."
- end
- end
- describe "when passed host, path, port" do
- it "returns the body of the specified host-path-combination" do
- Net::HTTP.get('localhost', "/", @port).should == "This is the index page."
- end
- end
-quarantine! do # These specs fail frequently with CHECK_LEAKS=true
-describe "Net::HTTP.get" do
- describe "when reading gzipped contents" do
- def start_threads
- require 'zlib'
- require 'stringio'
- server = nil
- server_thread = do
- server ="", 0)
- begin
- c = server.accept
- ensure
- server.close
- end
- c.print "HTTP/1.1 200\r\n"
- c.print "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
- c.print "Content-Encoding: gzip\r\n"
- s =
- z =
- begin
- z.write 'Hello World!'
- ensure
- z.close
- end
- c.print "Content-Length: #{s.length}\r\n\r\n"
- # Write partial gzip content
- c.write s.string.byteslice(0..-2)
- c.flush
- c
- end
- Thread.pass until server && server_thread.stop?
- client_thread = do
- Thread.current.report_on_exception = false
- Net::HTTP.get("", '/', server.connect_address.ip_port)
- end
- socket = server_thread.value
- Thread.pass until client_thread.stop?
- [socket, client_thread]
- end
- it "propagates exceptions interrupting the thread and does not replace it with Zlib::BufError" do
- my_exception =
- socket, client_thread = start_threads
- begin
- client_thread.raise my_exception, "my exception"
- -> { client_thread.value }.should raise_error(my_exception)
- ensure
- socket.close
- end
- end
- ruby_version_is "3.0" do #
- it "lets the kill Thread exception goes through and does not replace it with Zlib::BufError" do
- socket, client_thread = start_threads
- begin
- client_thread.kill
- client_thread.value.should == nil
- ensure
- socket.close
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/head2_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/head2_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6958204ee1..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/head2_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/request_head'
-describe "Net::HTTP#head2" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_request_head, :head2
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/head_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/head_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 925a8e6043..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/head_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#head" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends a HEAD request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.head("/request")
- # HEAD requests have no responses
- response.body.should be_nil
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- @http.head("/request").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/http_default_port_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/http_default_port_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cf7f73e630..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/http_default_port_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.http_default_port" do
- it "returns 80" do
- Net::HTTP.http_default_port.should eql(80)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/https_default_port_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/https_default_port_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fbf0bd1abc..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/https_default_port_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.https_default_port" do
- it "returns 443" do
- Net::HTTP.https_default_port.should eql(443)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/initialize_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/initialize_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7683713a0e..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/initialize_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP#initialize" do
- it "is private" do
- Net::HTTP.should have_private_instance_method(:initialize)
- end
- describe "when passed address" do
- before :each do
- @net = Net::HTTP.allocate
- @net.send(:initialize, "localhost")
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's address to the passed address" do
- @net.address.should == "localhost"
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's port to the default HTTP port" do
- @net.port.should eql(Net::HTTP.default_port)
- end
- it "does not start the new Net::HTTP instance" do
- @net.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
- describe "when passed address, port" do
- before :each do
- @net = Net::HTTP.allocate
- @net.send(:initialize, "localhost", 3333)
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's address to the passed address" do
- @net.address.should == "localhost"
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's port to the passed port" do
- @net.port.should eql(3333)
- end
- it "does not start the new Net::HTTP instance" do
- @net.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/inspect_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/inspect_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b1e799ca34..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/inspect_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#inspect" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @port = NetHTTPSpecs.port
- @http ="localhost", @port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "returns a String representation of self" do
- @http.inspect.should be_kind_of(String)
- @http.inspect.should == "#<Net::HTTP localhost:#{@port} open=false>"
- @http.start
- @http.inspect.should == "#<Net::HTTP localhost:#{@port} open=true>"
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/is_version_1_1_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/is_version_1_1_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f37695b777..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/is_version_1_1_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'shared/version_1_1'
-describe "Net::HTTP.is_version_1_1?" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_version_1_1_p, :is_version_1_1?
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/is_version_1_2_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/is_version_1_2_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 82dbdc87aa..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/is_version_1_2_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'shared/version_1_2'
-describe "Net::HTTP.is_version_1_2?" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_version_1_2_p, :is_version_1_2?
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/lock_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/lock_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bb76607a8b..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/lock_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#lock" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends a LOCK request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.lock("/request", "test=test")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- response.body.should == "Request type: LOCK"
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/mkcol_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/mkcol_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 33017625e2..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/mkcol_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#mkcol" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends a MKCOL request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.mkcol("/request")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- response.body.should == "Request type: MKCOL"
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/move_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/move_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d6b828150..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/move_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#head" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends a MOVE request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.move("/request")
- # HEAD requests have no responses
- response.body.should == "Request type: MOVE"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- @http.move("/request").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/new_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/new_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 491d1d01fd..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/new_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "" do
- describe "when passed address" do
- before :each do
- @http ="localhost")
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTP instance" do
- @http.proxy?.should be_false
- @http.instance_of?(Net::HTTP).should be_true
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's address to the passed address" do
- @http.address.should == "localhost"
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's port to the default HTTP port" do
- @http.port.should eql(Net::HTTP.default_port)
- end
- it "does not start the new Net::HTTP instance" do
- @http.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
- describe "when passed address, port" do
- before :each do
- @http ="localhost", 3333)
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTP instance" do
- @http.proxy?.should be_false
- @http.instance_of?(Net::HTTP).should be_true
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's address to the passed address" do
- @http.address.should == "localhost"
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's port to the passed port" do
- @http.port.should eql(3333)
- end
- it "does not start the new Net::HTTP instance" do
- @http.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
- describe "when passed address, port, *proxy_options" do
- it "returns a Net::HTTP instance" do
- http ="localhost", 3333, "localhost")
- http.proxy?.should be_true
- http.instance_of?(Net::HTTP).should be_true
- http.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTP)
- end
- it "correctly sets the passed Proxy options" do
- http ="localhost", 3333, "localhost")
- http.proxy_address.should == "localhost"
- http.proxy_port.should eql(80)
- http.proxy_user.should be_nil
- http.proxy_pass.should be_nil
- http ="localhost", 3333, "localhost", 1234)
- http.proxy_address.should == "localhost"
- http.proxy_port.should eql(1234)
- http.proxy_user.should be_nil
- http.proxy_pass.should be_nil
- http ="localhost", 3333, "localhost", 1234, "rubyspec")
- http.proxy_address.should == "localhost"
- http.proxy_port.should eql(1234)
- http.proxy_user.should == "rubyspec"
- http.proxy_pass.should be_nil
- http ="localhost", 3333, "localhost", 1234, "rubyspec", "rocks")
- http.proxy_address.should == "localhost"
- http.proxy_port.should eql(1234)
- http.proxy_user.should == "rubyspec"
- http.proxy_pass.should == "rocks"
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/newobj_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/newobj_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b261dcc5db..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/newobj_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.newobj" do
- before :each do
- @net = Net::HTTP.newobj("localhost")
- end
- describe "when passed address" do
- it "returns a new Net::HTTP instance" do
- @net.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTP)
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's address to the passed address" do
- @net.address.should == "localhost"
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's port to the default HTTP port" do
- @net.port.should eql(Net::HTTP.default_port)
- end
- it "does not start the new Net::HTTP instance" do
- @net.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
- describe "when passed address, port" do
- before :each do
- @net = Net::HTTP.newobj("localhost", 3333)
- end
- it "returns a new Net::HTTP instance" do
- @net.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTP)
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's address to the passed address" do
- @net.address.should == "localhost"
- end
- it "sets the new Net::HTTP instance's port to the passed port" do
- @net.port.should eql(3333)
- end
- it "does not start the new Net::HTTP instance" do
- @net.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/open_timeout_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/open_timeout_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 44b33615e6..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/open_timeout_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP#open_timeout" do
- it "returns the seconds to wait till the connection is open" do
- net ="localhost")
- net.open_timeout.should eql(60)
- net.open_timeout = 10
- net.open_timeout.should eql(10)
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#open_timeout=" do
- it "sets the seconds to wait till the connection is open" do
- net ="localhost")
- net.open_timeout = 10
- net.open_timeout.should eql(10)
- end
- it "returns the newly set value" do
- net ="localhost")
- (net.open_timeout = 10).should eql(10)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/options_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/options_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d798e69197..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/options_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#options" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends an options request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.options("/request")
- response.body.should == "Request type: OPTIONS"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- @http.options("/request").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/port_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/port_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7de295ca75..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/port_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP#port" do
- it "returns the current port number" do
- net ="localhost", 3333)
- net.port.should eql(3333)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post2_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post2_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc95068fb..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post2_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/request_post'
-describe "Net::HTTP#post2" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_request_post, :post2
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post_form_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post_form_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 891e05e7af..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post_form_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP.post_form when passed URI" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @port = NetHTTPSpecs.port
- end
- after :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "POSTs the passed form data to the given uri" do
- uri = URI.parse("http://localhost:#{@port}/request/body")
- data = { test: :data }
- res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, data)
- res.body.should == "test=data"
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f20a03c85..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/post_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'uri'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- end
- after :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends post request to the specified URI and returns response" do
- response =
- URI("http://localhost:#{NetHTTPSpecs.port}/request"),
- '{ "q": "ruby", "max": "50" }',
- "Content-Type" => "application/json")
- response.body.should == "Request type: POST"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- response ="http://localhost:#{NetHTTPSpecs.port}/request"), "test=test")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- it "sends Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default" do
- response ="http://localhost:#{NetHTTPSpecs.port}/request/header"), "test=test")
- response.body.should include('"content-type"=>["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]')
- end
- it "does not support HTTP Basic Auth" do
- response =
- URI("http://john:qwerty@localhost:#{NetHTTPSpecs.port}/request/basic_auth"),
- "test=test")
- response.body.should == "username: \npassword: "
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#post" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends an post request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response ="/request", "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: POST"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
-"/request", "test=test").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- describe "when passed a block" do
- it "yields fragments of the response body to the passed block" do
- str = ""
-"/request", "test=test") do |res|
- str << res
- end
- str.should == "Request type: POST"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
-"/request", "test=test") {}.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/propfind_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/propfind_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5240171618..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/propfind_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#propfind" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends an propfind request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.propfind("/request", "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: PROPFIND"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- @http.propfind("/request", "test=test").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proppatch_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proppatch_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a761a9f23..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proppatch_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#proppatch" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends an proppatch request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.proppatch("/request", "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: PROPPATCH"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- @http.proppatch("/request", "test=test").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_address_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_address_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d152b8d44..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_address_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.proxy_address" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class" do
- it "returns nil" do
- Net::HTTP.proxy_address.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class" do
- it "returns the address for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks").proxy_address.should == "localhost"
- end
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#proxy_address" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class instance" do
- it "returns nil" do
-"localhost", 3333).proxy_address.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class instance" do
- it "returns the password for self's proxy connection" do
- http_with_proxy = Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks")
-"localhost", 3333).proxy_address.should == "localhost"
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_class_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_class_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d32a39f01..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_class_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.proxy_class?" do
- it "returns true if self is a class created with Net::HTTP.Proxy" do
- Net::HTTP.proxy_class?.should be_false
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost").proxy_class?.should be_true
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_pass_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_pass_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a0034544..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_pass_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.proxy_pass" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class" do
- it "returns nil" do
- Net::HTTP.proxy_pass.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class" do
- it "returns nil if no password was set for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost").proxy_pass.should be_nil
- end
- it "returns the password for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks").proxy_pass.should == "rocks"
- end
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#proxy_pass" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class instance" do
- it "returns nil" do
-"localhost", 3333).proxy_pass.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class instance" do
- it "returns nil if no password was set for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost").new("localhost", 3333).proxy_pass.should be_nil
- end
- it "returns the password for self's proxy connection" do
- http_with_proxy = Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks")
-"localhost", 3333).proxy_pass.should == "rocks"
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_port_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_port_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 339f7ee850..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_port_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.proxy_port" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class" do
- it "returns nil" do
- Net::HTTP.proxy_port.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class" do
- it "returns 80 if no port was set for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost").proxy_port.should eql(80)
- end
- it "returns the port for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks").proxy_port.should eql(1234)
- end
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#proxy_port" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class instance" do
- it "returns nil" do
-"localhost", 3333).proxy_port.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class instance" do
- it "returns 80 if no port was set for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost").new("localhost", 3333).proxy_port.should eql(80)
- end
- it "returns the port for self's proxy connection" do
- http_with_proxy = Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks")
-"localhost", 3333).proxy_port.should eql(1234)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_user_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_user_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 01fda400e9..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/proxy_user_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.proxy_user" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class" do
- it "returns nil" do
- Net::HTTP.proxy_user.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class" do
- it "returns nil if no username was set for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost").proxy_user.should be_nil
- end
- it "returns the username for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks").proxy_user.should == "rspec"
- end
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#proxy_user" do
- describe "when self is no proxy class instance" do
- it "returns nil" do
-"localhost", 3333).proxy_user.should be_nil
- end
- end
- describe "when self is a proxy class instance" do
- it "returns nil if no username was set for self's proxy connection" do
- Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost").new("localhost", 3333).proxy_user.should be_nil
- end
- it "returns the username for self's proxy connection" do
- http_with_proxy = Net::HTTP.Proxy("localhost", 1234, "rspec", "rocks")
-"localhost", 3333).proxy_user.should == "rspec"
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/put2_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/put2_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 99329a5fd9..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/put2_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/request_put'
-describe "Net::HTTP#put2" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_request_put, :put2
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/put_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/put_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ca0d0963e..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/put_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#put" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends an put request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.put("/request", "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: PUT"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- @http.put("/request", "test=test").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/read_timeout_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/read_timeout_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e23ee76025..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/read_timeout_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP#read_timeout" do
- it "returns the seconds to wait until reading one block" do
- net ="localhost")
- net.read_timeout.should eql(60)
- net.read_timeout = 10
- net.read_timeout.should eql(10)
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#read_timeout=" do
- it "sets the seconds to wait till the connection is open" do
- net ="localhost")
- net.read_timeout = 10
- net.read_timeout.should eql(10)
- end
- it "returns the newly set value" do
- net ="localhost")
- (net.read_timeout = 10).should eql(10)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_get_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_get_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9932ef0beb..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_get_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/request_get'
-describe "Net::HTTP#request_get" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_request_get, :get2
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_head_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_head_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 788101c951..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_head_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/request_head'
-describe "Net::HTTP#request_head" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_request_head, :request_head
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_post_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_post_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac67cf95d..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_post_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/request_post'
-describe "Net::HTTP#request_post" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_request_post, :request_post
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_put_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_put_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 110ac43ca6..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_put_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/request_put'
-describe "Net::HTTP#request_put" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_request_put, :request_put
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e63dde9c8d..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#request" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when passed request_object" do
- it "makes a HTTP Request based on the passed request_object" do
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: GET"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should be_nil
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: POST"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: PUT"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: PROPPATCH"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: LOCK"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: UNLOCK"
- # TODO: Does not work?
- #response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- #response.body.should be_nil
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: PROPFIND"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: DELETE"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: MOVE"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: COPY"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: MKCOL"
- response = @http.request("/request"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: TRACE"
- end
- end
- describe "when passed request_object and request_body" do
- it "sends the passed request_body when making the HTTP Request" do
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should be_nil
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- # TODO: Does not work?
- #response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- #response.body.should be_nil
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- response = @http.request("/request/body"), "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_types_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_types_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d754d3d1..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/request_types_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP::Get" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Get.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'GET'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Get::METHOD.should == "GET"
- end
- it "has no Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Get::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_false
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Get::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Head" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Head.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'HEAD'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Head::METHOD.should == "HEAD"
- end
- it "has no Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Head::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_false
- end
- it "has no Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Head::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_false
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Post" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Post.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'POST'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Post::METHOD.should == "POST"
- end
- it "has a Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Post::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Post::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Put" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Put.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'PUT'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Put::METHOD.should == "PUT"
- end
- it "has a Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Put::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Put::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Delete" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Delete.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'DELETE'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Delete::METHOD.should == "DELETE"
- end
- it "has no Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Delete::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_false
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Delete::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Options" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Options.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'OPTIONS'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Options::METHOD.should == "OPTIONS"
- end
- it "has no Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Options::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_false
- end
- it "has no Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Options::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Trace" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Trace.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'TRACE'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Trace::METHOD.should == "TRACE"
- end
- it "has no Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Trace::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_false
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Trace::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Propfind" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Propfind.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'PROPFIND'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Propfind::METHOD.should == "PROPFIND"
- end
- it "has a Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Propfind::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Propfind::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Proppatch" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Proppatch.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'PROPPATCH'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Proppatch::METHOD.should == "PROPPATCH"
- end
- it "has a Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Proppatch::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Proppatch::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Mkcol" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Mkcol.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'MKCOL'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Mkcol::METHOD.should == "MKCOL"
- end
- it "has a Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Mkcol::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Mkcol::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Copy" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Copy.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'COPY'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Copy::METHOD.should == "COPY"
- end
- it "has no Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Copy::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_false
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Copy::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Move" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Move.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'MOVE'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Move::METHOD.should == "MOVE"
- end
- it "has no Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Move::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_false
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Move::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Lock" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Lock.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'LOCK'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Lock::METHOD.should == "LOCK"
- end
- it "has a Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Lock::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Lock::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP::Unlock" do
- it "is a subclass of Net::HTTPRequest" do
- Net::HTTP::Unlock.should < Net::HTTPRequest
- end
- it "represents the 'UNLOCK'-Request-Method" do
- Net::HTTP::Unlock::METHOD.should == "UNLOCK"
- end
- it "has a Request Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Unlock::REQUEST_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
- it "has a Response Body" do
- Net::HTTP::Unlock::RESPONSE_HAS_BODY.should be_true
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/send_request_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/send_request_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 47b3eef5b9..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/send_request_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#send_request" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- # HEAD is special so handled separately
- @methods = %w[
- ]
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- # TODO: Does only work with GET and POST requests
- describe "when passed type, path" do
- it "sends a HTTP Request of the passed type to the passed path" do
- response = @http.send_request("HEAD", "/request")
- response.body.should be_nil
- (@methods - %w[POST PUT]).each do |method|
- response = @http.send_request(method, "/request")
- response.body.should == "Request type: #{method}"
- end
- end
- end
- describe "when passed type, path, body" do
- it "sends a HTTP Request with the passed body" do
- response = @http.send_request("HEAD", "/request/body", "test=test")
- response.body.should be_nil
- @methods.each do |method|
- response = @http.send_request(method, "/request/body", "test=test")
- response.body.should == "test=test"
- end
- end
- end
- describe "when passed type, path, body, headers" do
- it "sends a HTTP Request with the passed headers" do
- referer = ''.freeze
- response = @http.send_request("HEAD", "/request/header", "test=test", "referer" => referer)
- response.body.should be_nil
- @methods.each do |method|
- response = @http.send_request(method, "/request/header", "test=test", "referer" => referer)
- response.body.should include('"referer"=>["' + referer + '"]')
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/set_debug_output_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/set_debug_output_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 94b6f4499d..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/set_debug_output_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require "stringio"
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#set_debug_output when passed io" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http ="localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sets the passed io as output stream for debugging" do
- io =
- @http.set_debug_output(io)
- @http.start
- io.string.should_not be_empty
- size = io.string.size
- @http.get("/")
- io.string.size.should > size
- end
- it "outputs a warning when the connection has already been started" do
- @http.start
- -> { @http.set_debug_output( }.should complain(/Net::HTTP#set_debug_output called after HTTP started/)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_get.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_get.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d25f32049b..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_get.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-describe :net_http_request_get, shared: true do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when passed no block" do
- it "sends a GET request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request")
- response.body.should == "Request type: GET"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse object" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
- describe "when passed a block" do
- it "sends a GET request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request") {}
- response.body.should == "Request type: GET"
- end
- it "yields the response to the passed block" do
- @http.send(@method, "/request") do |response|
- response.body.should == "Request type: GET"
- end
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse object" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request") {}
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_head.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_head.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 78b555884b..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_head.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-describe :net_http_request_head, shared: true do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when passed no block" do
- it "sends a head request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request")
- response.body.should be_nil
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse object" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
- describe "when passed a block" do
- it "sends a head request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request") {}
- response.body.should be_nil
- end
- it "yields the response to the passed block" do
- @http.send(@method, "/request") do |response|
- response.body.should be_nil
- end
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse object" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request") {}
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_post.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_post.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e832411c48..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_post.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-describe :net_http_request_post, shared: true do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when passed no block" do
- it "sends a post request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: POST"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse object" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
- describe "when passed a block" do
- it "sends a post request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test") {}
- response.body.should == "Request type: POST"
- end
- it "yields the response to the passed block" do
- @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test") do |response|
- response.body.should == "Request type: POST"
- end
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse object" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test") {}
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_put.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_put.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b902f4957..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/request_put.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-describe :net_http_request_put, shared: true do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when passed no block" do
- it "sends a put request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: PUT"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse object" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test")
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
- describe "when passed a block" do
- it "sends a put request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test") {}
- response.body.should == "Request type: PUT"
- end
- it "yields the response to the passed block" do
- @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test") do |response|
- response.body.should == "Request type: PUT"
- end
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse object" do
- response = @http.send(@method, "/request", "test=test") {}
- response.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/started.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/started.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ff6272c31..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/started.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-describe :net_http_started_p, shared: true do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http ="localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "returns true when self has been started" do
- @http.start
- @http.send(@method).should be_true
- end
- it "returns false when self has not been started yet" do
- @http.send(@method).should be_false
- end
- it "returns false when self has been stopped again" do
- @http.start
- @http.finish
- @http.send(@method).should be_false
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/version_1_1.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/version_1_1.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index db3d6a986d..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/version_1_1.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-describe :net_http_version_1_1_p, shared: true do
- it "returns the state of net/http 1.1 features" do
- Net::HTTP.version_1_2
- Net::HTTP.send(@method).should be_false
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/version_1_2.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/version_1_2.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b044182c60..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/shared/version_1_2.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-describe :net_http_version_1_2_p, shared: true do
- it "returns the state of net/http 1.2 features" do
- Net::HTTP.version_1_2
- Net::HTTP.send(@method).should be_true
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/socket_type_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/socket_type_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c844ddf94..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/socket_type_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP.socket_type" do
- it "returns BufferedIO" do
- Net::HTTP.socket_type.should == Net::BufferedIO
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/start_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/start_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a2768eed18..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/start_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP.start" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @port = NetHTTPSpecs.port
- end
- after :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- describe "when not passed a block" do
- before :each do
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", @port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- end
- it "returns a new Net::HTTP object for the passed address and port" do
- @http.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTP)
- @http.address.should == "localhost"
- @http.port.should == @port
- end
- it "opens the tcp connection" do
- @http.started?.should be_true
- end
- end
- describe "when passed a block" do
- it "returns the blocks return value" do
- Net::HTTP.start("localhost", @port) { :test }.should == :test
- end
- it "yields the new Net::HTTP object to the block" do
- yielded = false
- Net::HTTP.start("localhost", @port) do |net|
- yielded = true
- net.should be_kind_of(Net::HTTP)
- end
- yielded.should be_true
- end
- it "opens the tcp connection before yielding" do
- Net::HTTP.start("localhost", @port) { |http| http.started?.should be_true }
- end
- it "closes the tcp connection after yielding" do
- net = nil
- Net::HTTP.start("localhost", @port) { |x| net = x }
- net.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP#start" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http ="localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "returns self" do
- @http.start.should equal(@http)
- end
- it "opens the tcp connection" do
- @http.start
- @http.started?.should be_true
- end
- describe "when self has already been started" do
- it "raises an IOError" do
- @http.start
- -> { @http.start }.should raise_error(IOError)
- end
- end
- describe "when passed a block" do
- it "returns the blocks return value" do
- @http.start { :test }.should == :test
- end
- it "yields the new Net::HTTP object to the block" do
- yielded = false
- @http.start do |http|
- yielded = true
- http.should equal(@http)
- end
- yielded.should be_true
- end
- it "opens the tcp connection before yielding" do
- @http.start { |http| http.started?.should be_true }
- end
- it "closes the tcp connection after yielding" do
- @http.start { }
- @http.started?.should be_false
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/started_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/started_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ea441ed16a..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/started_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-require_relative 'shared/started'
-describe "Net::HTTP#started?" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_started_p, :started?
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/trace_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/trace_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a1bf6655..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/trace_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#trace" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends a TRACE request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.trace("/request")
- response.body.should == "Request type: TRACE"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- @http.trace("/request").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/unlock_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/unlock_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a4f1b7a1d1..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/unlock_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'fixtures/http_server'
-describe "Net::HTTP#unlock" do
- before :each do
- NetHTTPSpecs.start_server
- @http = Net::HTTP.start("localhost", NetHTTPSpecs.port)
- end
- after :each do
- @http.finish if @http.started?
- NetHTTPSpecs.stop_server
- end
- it "sends an UNLOCK request to the passed path and returns the response" do
- response = @http.unlock("/request", "test=test")
- response.body.should == "Request type: UNLOCK"
- end
- it "returns a Net::HTTPResponse" do
- @http.unlock("/request", "test=test").should be_kind_of(Net::HTTPResponse)
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/use_ssl_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/use_ssl_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index be1ec7fa25..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/use_ssl_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-describe "Net::HTTP#use_ssl?" do
- it "returns false" do
- http ="localhost")
- http.use_ssl?.should be_false
- end
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/version_1_1_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/version_1_1_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c069e9ea6..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/version_1_1_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'shared/version_1_1'
-describe "Net::HTTP.version_1_1?" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_version_1_1_p, :version_1_1?
diff --git a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/version_1_2_spec.rb b/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/version_1_2_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e601462c9..0000000000
--- a/spec/ruby/library/net/http/http/version_1_2_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../../../../spec_helper'
-require 'net/http'
-require_relative 'shared/version_1_2'
-describe "Net::HTTP.version_1_2" do
- it "turns on net/http 1.2 features" do
- Net::HTTP.version_1_2
- Net::HTTP.version_1_2?.should be_true
- Net::HTTP.version_1_1?.should be_false
- end
- it "returns true" do
- Net::HTTP.version_1_2.should be_true
- end
-describe "Net::HTTP.version_1_2?" do
- it_behaves_like :net_http_version_1_2_p, :version_1_2?