path: root/sample
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4 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sample/find_calls.rb b/sample/find_calls.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30af56c719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/find_calls.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# This script finds calls to a specific method with a certain keyword parameter
+# within a given source file.
+require "prism"
+require "pp"
+# For deprecation or refactoring purposes, it's often useful to find all of the
+# places that call a specific method with a specific k eyword parameter. This is
+# easily accomplished with a visitor such as this one.
+class QuxParameterVisitor < Prism::Visitor
+ def initialize(calls)
+ @calls = calls
+ end
+ def visit_call_node(node)
+ @calls << node if qux?(node)
+ super
+ end
+ private
+ def qux?(node)
+ # All nodes implement pattern matching, so you can use the `in` operator to
+ # pull out all of their individual fields. As you can see by this extensive
+ # pattern match, this is quite a powerful feature.
+ node in {
+ # This checks that the receiver is the constant Qux or the constant path
+ # ::Qux. We are assuming relative constants are fine in this case.
+ receiver: (
+ Prism::ConstantReadNode[name: :Qux] |
+ Prism::ConstantPathNode[parent: nil, name: :Qux]
+ ),
+ # This checks that the name of the method is qux. We purposefully are not
+ # checking the call operator (., ::, or &.) because we want all of them.
+ # In other ASTs, this would be multiple node types, but prism combines
+ # them all into one for convenience.
+ name: :qux,
+ arguments: Prism::ArgumentsNode[
+ # Here we're going to use the "find" pattern to find the keyword hash
+ # node that has the correct key.
+ arguments: [
+ *,
+ Prism::KeywordHashNode[
+ # Here we'll use another "find" pattern to find the key that we are
+ # specifically looking for.
+ elements: [
+ *,
+ # Finally, we can assert against the key itself. Note that we are
+ # not looking at the value of hash pair, because we are only
+ # specifically looking for a key.
+ Prism::AssocNode[key: Prism::SymbolNode[unescaped: "qux"]],
+ *
+ ]
+ ],
+ *
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ end
+calls = []
+calls.each do |call|
+ print "CallNode "
+ puts PP.pp(call.location, +"")
+ print " "
+ puts call.slice
+# =>
+# CallNode (5,6)-(5,29)
+# Qux.qux(222, qux: true)
+# CallNode (9,6)-(9,30)
+# Qux&.qux(333, qux: true)
+# CallNode (20,6)-(20,51)
+# Qux::qux(888, qux: ::Qux.qux(999, qux: true))
+# CallNode (20,25)-(20,50)
+# ::Qux.qux(999, qux: true)
+module Foo
+ class Bar
+ def baz1
+ Qux.qux(111)
+ Qux.qux(222, qux: true)
+ end
+ def baz2
+ Qux&.qux(333, qux: true)
+ Qux&.qux(444)
+ end
+ def baz3
+ qux(555, qux: false)
+ 666.qux(666)
+ end
+ def baz4
+ Qux::qux(777)
+ Qux::qux(888, qux: ::Qux.qux(999, qux: true))
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/sample/find_comments.rb b/sample/find_comments.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a26cd32b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/find_comments.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# This script finds all of the comments within a given source file for a method.
+require "prism"
+class FindMethodComments < Prism::Visitor
+ def initialize(target, comments, nesting = [])
+ @target = target
+ @comments = comments
+ @nesting = nesting
+ end
+ # These visit methods are specific to each class. Defining a visitor allows
+ # you to group functionality that applies to all node types into a single
+ # class. You can find which method corresponds to which node type by looking
+ # at the class name, calling #type on the node, or by looking at the #accept
+ # method definition on the node.
+ def visit_module_node(node)
+ visitor =, @comments, [*@nesting,])
+ node.compact_child_nodes.each { |child| child.accept(visitor) }
+ end
+ def visit_class_node(node)
+ # We could keep track of an internal state where we push the class name here
+ # and then pop it after the visit is complete. However, it is often simpler
+ # and cleaner to generate a new visitor instance when the state changes,
+ # because then the state is immutable and it's easier to reason about. This
+ # also provides for more debugging opportunity in the initializer.
+ visitor =, @comments, [*@nesting,])
+ node.compact_child_nodes.each { |child| child.accept(visitor) }
+ end
+ def visit_def_node(node)
+ if [*@nesting,] == @target
+ # Comments are always attached to locations (either inner locations on a
+ # node like the location of a keyword or the location on the node itself).
+ # Nodes are considered either "leading" or "trailing", which means that
+ # they occur before or after the location, respectively. In this case of
+ # documentation, we only want to consider leading comments. You can also
+ # fetch all of the comments on a location with #comments.
+ @comments.concat(node.location.leading_comments)
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+# Most of the time, the concept of "finding" something in the AST can be
+# accomplished either with a queue or with a visitor. In this case we will use a
+# visitor, but a queue would work just as well.
+def find_comments(result, path)
+ target = path.split(/::|#/).map(&:to_sym)
+ comments = []
+ result.value.accept(, comments))
+ comments
+result = Prism.parse_stream(DATA)
+find_comments(result, "Foo#foo").each do |comment|
+ puts comment.inspect
+ puts comment.slice
+# =>
+# #<Prism::InlineComment @location=#<Prism::Location @start_offset=205 @length=27 start_line=13>>
+# # This is the documentation
+# #<Prism::InlineComment @location=#<Prism::Location @start_offset=235 @length=21 start_line=14>>
+# # for the foo method.
+find_comments(result, "Foo::Bar#bar").each do |comment|
+ puts comment.inspect
+ puts comment.slice
+# =>
+# #<Prism::InlineComment @location=#<Prism::Location @start_offset=126 @length=23 start_line=7>>
+# # This is documentation
+# #<Prism::InlineComment @location=#<Prism::Location @start_offset=154 @length=21 start_line=8>>
+# # for the bar method.
+# This is the documentation
+# for the Foo module.
+module Foo
+ # This is documentation
+ # for the Bar class.
+ class Bar
+ # This is documentation
+ # for the bar method.
+ def bar
+ end
+ end
+ # This is the documentation
+ # for the foo method.
+ def foo
+ end
diff --git a/sample/locate_nodes.rb b/sample/locate_nodes.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a51db4367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/locate_nodes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# This script locates a set of nodes determined by a line and column (in bytes).
+require "prism"
+require "pp"
+# This method determines if the given location covers the given line and column.
+# It's important to note that columns (and offsets) in prism are always in
+# bytes. This is because prism supports all 90 source encodings that Ruby
+# supports. You can always retrieve the column (or offset) of a location in
+# other units with other provided APIs, like #start_character_column or
+# #start_code_units_column.
+def covers?(location, line:, column:)
+ start_line = location.start_line
+ end_line = location.end_line
+ if start_line == end_line
+ # If the location only spans one line, then we only check if the line
+ # matches and that the column is covered by the column range.
+ line == start_line && (location.start_column...location.end_column).cover?(column)
+ else
+ # Otherwise, we check that it is on the start line and the column is greater
+ # than or equal to the start column, or that it is on the end line and the
+ # column is less than the end column, or that it is between the start and
+ # end lines.
+ (line == start_line && column >= location.start_column) ||
+ (line == end_line && column < location.end_column) ||
+ (line > start_line && line < end_line)
+ end
+# This method descends down into the AST whose root is `node` and returns the
+# array of all of the nodes that cover the given line and column.
+def locate(node, line:, column:)
+ queue = [node]
+ result = []
+ # We could use a recursive method here instead if we wanted, but it's
+ # important to note that that will not work for ASTs that are nested deeply
+ # enough to cause a stack overflow.
+ while (node = queue.shift)
+ result << node
+ # Nodes have `child_nodes` and `compact_child_nodes`. `child_nodes` have
+ # consistent indices but include `nil` for optional fields that are not
+ # present, whereas `compact_child_nodes` has inconsistent indices but does
+ # not include `nil` for optional fields that are not present.
+ node.compact_child_nodes.find do |child|
+ queue << child if covers?(child.location, line: line, column: column)
+ end
+ end
+ result
+result = Prism.parse_stream(DATA)
+locate(result.value, line: 4, column: 14).each_with_index do |node, index|
+ print " " * index
+ print"::", 2).last
+ print " "
+ puts PP.pp(node.location, +"")
+# =>
+# ProgramNode (1,0)-(7,3)
+# StatementsNode (1,0)-(7,3)
+# ModuleNode (1,0)-(7,3)
+# StatementsNode (2,2)-(6,5)
+# ClassNode (2,2)-(6,5)
+# StatementsNode (3,4)-(5,7)
+# DefNode (3,4)-(5,7)
+# StatementsNode (4,6)-(4,21)
+# CallNode (4,6)-(4,21)
+# CallNode (4,6)-(4,15)
+# ArgumentsNode (4,12)-(4,15)
+# IntegerNode (4,12)-(4,15)
+module Foo
+ class Bar
+ def baz
+ 111 + 222 + 333
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/sample/visit_nodes.rb b/sample/visit_nodes.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ba703b0a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample/visit_nodes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# This script visits all of the nodes of a specific type within a given source
+# file. It uses the visitor class to traverse the AST.
+require "prism"
+require "pp"
+class CaseInsensitiveRegularExpressionVisitor < Prism::Visitor
+ def initialize(regexps)
+ @regexps = regexps
+ end
+ # As the visitor is walking the tree, this method will only be called when it
+ # encounters a regular expression node. We can then call any regular
+ # expression -specific APIs. In this case, we are only interested in the
+ # regular expressions that are case-insensitive, which we can retrieve with
+ # the #ignore_case? method.
+ def visit_regular_expression_node(node)
+ @regexps << node if node.ignore_case?
+ super
+ end
+ def visit_interpolated_regular_expression_node(node)
+ @regexps << node if node.ignore_case?
+ # The default behavior of the visitor is to continue visiting the children
+ # of the node. Because Ruby is so dynamic, it's actually possible for
+ # another regular expression to be interpolated in statements contained
+ # within the #{} contained in this interpolated regular expression node. By
+ # calling `super`, we ensure the visitor will continue. Failing to call
+ # `super` will cause the visitor to stop the traversal of the tree, which
+ # can also be useful in some cases.
+ super
+ end
+result = Prism.parse_stream(DATA)
+regexps = []
+regexps.each do |node|
+ print"::", 2).last
+ print " "
+ puts PP.pp(node.location, +"")
+ if node.is_a?(Prism::RegularExpressionNode)
+ print " "
+ p node.unescaped
+ end
+# =>
+# InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode (3,9)-(3,47)
+# RegularExpressionNode (3,16)-(3,22)
+# "bar"
+# RegularExpressionNode (4,9)-(4,15)
+# "bar"
+class Foo
+ REG1 = /foo/
+ REG2 = /foo #{/bar/i =~ "" ? "bar" : "baz"}/i
+ REG3 = /bar/i