path: root/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems')
91 files changed, 21695 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/builder.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25e8fc8321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+require 'rubygems/package'
+# The Builder class processes RubyGem specification files
+# to produce a .gem file.
+class Gem::Builder
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ ##
+ # Constructs a builder instance for the provided specification
+ #
+ # spec:: [Gem::Specification] The specification instance
+ def initialize(spec)
+ @spec = spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds the gem from the specification. Returns the name of the file
+ # written.
+ def build(skip_validation=false)
+ @spec.mark_version
+ @spec.validate unless skip_validation
+ @signer = sign
+ write_package
+ say success if Gem.configuration.verbose
+ File.basename @spec.cache_file
+ end
+ def success
+ <<-EOM
+ Successfully built RubyGem
+ Name: #{}
+ Version: #{@spec.version}
+ File: #{File.basename @spec.cache_file}
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # If the signing key was specified, then load the file, and swap to the
+ # public key (TODO: we should probably just omit the signing key in favor of
+ # the signing certificate, but that's for the future, also the signature
+ # algorithm should be configurable)
+ def sign
+ signer = nil
+ if @spec.respond_to?(:signing_key) and @spec.signing_key then
+ require 'rubygems/security'
+ signer = @spec.signing_key, @spec.cert_chain
+ @spec.signing_key = nil
+ @spec.cert_chain = { |cert| cert.to_s }
+ end
+ signer
+ end
+ def write_package
+ file_name = File.basename @spec.cache_file
+ open file_name, 'wb' do |gem_io|
+ gem_io, 'w', @signer do |pkg|
+ yaml = @spec.to_yaml
+ pkg.metadata = yaml
+ @spec.files.each do |file|
+ next if
+ next if file == file_name # Don't add gem onto itself
+ stat = File.stat(file)
+ mode = stat.mode & 0777
+ size = stat.size
+ pkg.add_file_simple file, mode, size do |tar_io|
+ tar_io.write open(file, "rb") { |f| }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49253ef56b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'optparse'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+# Base class for all Gem commands. When creating a new gem command, define
+# #new, #execute, #arguments, #defaults_str, #description and #usage
+# (as appropriate). See the above mentioned methods for details.
+# A very good example to look at is Gem::Commands::ContentsCommand
+class Gem::Command
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ ##
+ # The name of the command.
+ attr_reader :command
+ ##
+ # The options for the command.
+ attr_reader :options
+ ##
+ # The default options for the command.
+ attr_accessor :defaults
+ ##
+ # The name of the command for command-line invocation.
+ attr_accessor :program_name
+ ##
+ # A short description of the command.
+ attr_accessor :summary
+ ##
+ # Arguments used when building gems
+ def self.build_args
+ @build_args ||= []
+ end
+ def self.build_args=(value)
+ @build_args = value
+ end
+ def self.common_options
+ @common_options ||= []
+ end
+ def self.add_common_option(*args, &handler)
+ Gem::Command.common_options << [args, handler]
+ end
+ def self.extra_args
+ @extra_args ||= []
+ end
+ def self.extra_args=(value)
+ case value
+ when Array
+ @extra_args = value
+ when String
+ @extra_args = value.split
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return an array of extra arguments for the command. The extra arguments
+ # come from the gem configuration file read at program startup.
+ def self.specific_extra_args(cmd)
+ specific_extra_args_hash[cmd]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add a list of extra arguments for the given command. +args+ may be an
+ # array or a string to be split on white space.
+ def self.add_specific_extra_args(cmd,args)
+ args = args.split(/\s+/) if args.kind_of? String
+ specific_extra_args_hash[cmd] = args
+ end
+ ##
+ # Accessor for the specific extra args hash (self initializing).
+ def self.specific_extra_args_hash
+ @specific_extra_args_hash ||= do |h,k|
+ h[k] =
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Initializes a generic gem command named +command+. +summary+ is a short
+ # description displayed in `gem help commands`. +defaults+ are the default
+ # options. Defaults should be mirrored in #defaults_str, unless there are
+ # none.
+ #
+ # When defining a new command subclass, use add_option to add command-line
+ # switches.
+ #
+ # Unhandled arguments (gem names, files, etc.) are left in
+ # <tt>options[:args]</tt>.
+ def initialize(command, summary=nil, defaults={})
+ @command = command
+ @summary = summary
+ @program_name = "gem #{command}"
+ @defaults = defaults
+ @options = defaults.dup
+ @option_groups = { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
+ @parser = nil
+ @when_invoked = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # True if +long+ begins with the characters from +short+.
+ def begins?(long, short)
+ return false if short.nil?
+ long[0, short.length] == short
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to provide command handling.
+ #
+ # #options will be filled in with your parsed options, unparsed options will
+ # be left in <tt>options[:args]</tt>.
+ #
+ # See also: #get_all_gem_names, #get_one_gem_name,
+ # #get_one_optional_argument
+ def execute
+ raise Gem::Exception, "generic command has no actions"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display to the user that a gem couldn't be found and reasons why
+ def show_lookup_failure(gem_name, version, errors, domain)
+ if errors and !errors.empty?
+ alert_error "Could not find a valid gem '#{gem_name}' (#{version}), here is why:"
+ errors.each { |x| say " #{x.wordy}" }
+ else
+ alert_error "Could not find a valid gem '#{gem_name}' (#{version}) in any repository"
+ end
+ unless domain == :local then # HACK
+ suggestions = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.suggest_gems_from_name gem_name
+ unless suggestions.empty?
+ alert_error "Possible alternatives: #{suggestions.join(", ")}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Get all gem names from the command line.
+ def get_all_gem_names
+ args = options[:args]
+ if args.nil? or args.empty? then
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError,
+ "Please specify at least one gem name (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)"
+ end
+ { |arg| arg !~ /^-/ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Get a single gem name from the command line. Fail if there is no gem name
+ # or if there is more than one gem name given.
+ def get_one_gem_name
+ args = options[:args]
+ if args.nil? or args.empty? then
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError,
+ "Please specify a gem name on the command line (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)"
+ end
+ if args.size > 1 then
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError,
+ "Too many gem names (#{args.join(', ')}); please specify only one"
+ end
+ args.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Get a single optional argument from the command line. If more than one
+ # argument is given, return only the first. Return nil if none are given.
+ def get_one_optional_argument
+ args = options[:args] || []
+ args.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to provide details of the arguments a command takes. It should
+ # return a left-justified string, one argument per line.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # def usage
+ # "#{program_name} FILE [FILE ...]"
+ # end
+ #
+ # def arguments
+ # "FILE name of file to find"
+ # end
+ def arguments
+ ""
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to display the default values of the command options. (similar to
+ # +arguments+, but displays the default values).
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # def defaults_str
+ # --no-gems-first --no-all
+ # end
+ def defaults_str
+ ""
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to display a longer description of what this command does.
+ def description
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Override to display the usage for an individual gem command.
+ #
+ # The text "[options]" is automatically appended to the usage text.
+ def usage
+ program_name
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display the help message for the command.
+ def show_help
+ parser.program_name = usage
+ say parser
+ end
+ ##
+ # Invoke the command with the given list of arguments.
+ def invoke(*args)
+ handle_options args
+ if options[:help] then
+ show_help
+ elsif @when_invoked then
+ options
+ else
+ execute
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Call the given block when invoked.
+ #
+ # Normal command invocations just executes the +execute+ method of the
+ # command. Specifying an invocation block allows the test methods to
+ # override the normal action of a command to determine that it has been
+ # invoked correctly.
+ def when_invoked(&block)
+ @when_invoked = block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add a command-line option and handler to the command.
+ #
+ # See OptionParser#make_switch for an explanation of +opts+.
+ #
+ # +handler+ will be called with two values, the value of the argument and
+ # the options hash.
+ #
+ # If the first argument of add_option is a Symbol, it's used to group
+ # options in output. See `gem help list` for an example.
+ def add_option(*opts, &handler) # :yields: value, options
+ group_name = Symbol === opts.first ? opts.shift : :options
+ @option_groups[group_name] << [opts, handler]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Remove previously defined command-line argument +name+.
+ def remove_option(name)
+ @option_groups.each do |_, option_list|
+ option_list.reject! { |args, _| args.any? { |x| x =~ /^#{name}/ } }
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Merge a set of command options with the set of default options (without
+ # modifying the default option hash).
+ def merge_options(new_options)
+ @options = @defaults.clone
+ new_options.each do |k,v| @options[k] = v end
+ end
+ ##
+ # True if the command handles the given argument list.
+ def handles?(args)
+ begin
+ parser.parse!(args.dup)
+ return true
+ rescue
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Handle the given list of arguments by parsing them and recording the
+ # results.
+ def handle_options(args)
+ args = add_extra_args(args)
+ @options = @defaults.clone
+ parser.parse!(args)
+ @options[:args] = args
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds extra args from ~/.gemrc
+ def add_extra_args(args)
+ result = []
+ s_extra = Gem::Command.specific_extra_args(@command)
+ extra = Gem::Command.extra_args + s_extra
+ until extra.empty? do
+ ex = []
+ ex << extra.shift
+ ex << extra.shift if extra.first.to_s =~ /^[^-]/
+ result << ex if handles?(ex)
+ end
+ result.flatten!
+ result.concat(args)
+ result
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Create on demand parser.
+ def parser
+ create_option_parser if @parser.nil?
+ @parser
+ end
+ def create_option_parser
+ @parser =
+ @parser.separator nil
+ regular_options = @option_groups.delete :options
+ configure_options "", regular_options
+ @option_groups.sort_by { |n,_| n.to_s }.each do |group_name, option_list|
+ @parser.separator nil
+ configure_options group_name, option_list
+ end
+ @parser.separator nil
+ configure_options "Common", Gem::Command.common_options
+ unless arguments.empty?
+ @parser.separator nil
+ @parser.separator " Arguments:"
+ arguments.split(/\n/).each do |arg_desc|
+ @parser.separator " #{arg_desc}"
+ end
+ end
+ if @summary then
+ @parser.separator nil
+ @parser.separator " Summary:"
+ wrap(@summary, 80 - 4).split("\n").each do |line|
+ @parser.separator " #{line.strip}"
+ end
+ end
+ if description then
+ formatted = description.split("\n\n").map do |chunk|
+ wrap chunk, 80 - 4
+ end.join "\n"
+ @parser.separator nil
+ @parser.separator " Description:"
+ formatted.split("\n").each do |line|
+ @parser.separator " #{line.rstrip}"
+ end
+ end
+ unless defaults_str.empty?
+ @parser.separator nil
+ @parser.separator " Defaults:"
+ defaults_str.split(/\n/).each do |line|
+ @parser.separator " #{line}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def configure_options(header, option_list)
+ return if option_list.nil? or option_list.empty?
+ header = header.to_s.empty? ? '' : "#{header} "
+ @parser.separator " #{header}Options:"
+ option_list.each do |args, handler|
+ { |arg| arg =~ /^-/ }
+ @parser.on(*args) do |value|
+, @options)
+ end
+ end
+ @parser.separator ''
+ end
+ ##
+ # Wraps +text+ to +width+
+ def wrap(text, width) # :doc:
+ text.gsub(/(.{1,#{width}})( +|$\n?)|(.{1,#{width}})/, "\\1\\3\n")
+ end
+ # ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Add the options common to all commands.
+ add_common_option('-h', '--help',
+ 'Get help on this command') do |value, options|
+ options[:help] = true
+ end
+ add_common_option('-V', '--[no-]verbose',
+ 'Set the verbose level of output') do |value, options|
+ # Set us to "really verbose" so the progress meter works
+ if Gem.configuration.verbose and value then
+ Gem.configuration.verbose = 1
+ else
+ Gem.configuration.verbose = value
+ end
+ end
+ add_common_option('-q', '--quiet', 'Silence commands') do |value, options|
+ Gem.configuration.verbose = false
+ end
+ # Backtrace and config-file are added so they show up in the help
+ # commands. Both options are actually handled before the other
+ # options get parsed.
+ add_common_option('--config-file FILE',
+ 'Use this config file instead of default') do
+ end
+ add_common_option('--backtrace',
+ 'Show stack backtrace on errors') do
+ end
+ add_common_option('--debug',
+ 'Turn on Ruby debugging') do
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ HELP = <<-HELP
+RubyGems is a sophisticated package manager for Ruby. This is a
+basic help message containing pointers to more information.
+ Usage:
+ gem -h/--help
+ gem -v/--version
+ gem command [arguments...] [options...]
+ Examples:
+ gem install rake
+ gem list --local
+ gem build package.gemspec
+ gem help install
+ Further help:
+ gem help commands list all 'gem' commands
+ gem help examples show some examples of usage
+ gem help platforms show information about platforms
+ gem help <COMMAND> show help on COMMAND
+ (e.g. 'gem help install')
+ gem server present a web page at
+ http://localhost:8808/
+ with info about installed gems
+ Further information:
+ # :startdoc:
+# This is where Commands will be placed in the namespace
+module Gem::Commands
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/command_manager.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/command_manager.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9edd550136
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/command_manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+# The command manager registers and installs all the individual sub-commands
+# supported by the gem command.
+# Extra commands can be provided by writing a rubygems_plugin.rb
+# file in an installed gem. You should register your command against the
+# Gem::CommandManager instance, like this:
+# # file rubygems_plugin.rb
+# require 'rubygems/command_manager'
+# class Gem::Commands::EditCommand < Gem::Command
+# # ...
+# end
+# Gem::CommandManager.instance.register_command :edit
+# See Gem::Command for instructions on writing gem commands.
+class Gem::CommandManager
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ ##
+ # Return the authoritative instance of the command manager.
+ def self.instance
+ @command_manager ||= new
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reset the authoritative instance of the command manager.
+ def self.reset
+ @command_manager = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Register all the subcommands supported by the gem command.
+ def initialize
+ require 'timeout'
+ @commands = {}
+ register_command :build
+ register_command :cert
+ register_command :check
+ register_command :cleanup
+ register_command :contents
+ register_command :dependency
+ register_command :environment
+ register_command :fetch
+ register_command :generate_index
+ register_command :help
+ register_command :install
+ register_command :list
+ register_command :lock
+ register_command :outdated
+ register_command :owner
+ register_command :pristine
+ register_command :push
+ register_command :query
+ register_command :rdoc
+ register_command :search
+ register_command :server
+ register_command :sources
+ register_command :specification
+ register_command :stale
+ register_command :uninstall
+ register_command :unpack
+ register_command :update
+ register_command :which
+ end
+ ##
+ # Register the Symbol +command+ as a gem command.
+ def register_command(command)
+ @commands[command] = false
+ end
+ ##
+ # Unregister the Symbol +command+ as a gem command.
+ def unregister_command(command)
+ @commands.delete command
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the registered command from the command name.
+ def [](command_name)
+ command_name = command_name.intern
+ return nil if @commands[command_name].nil?
+ @commands[command_name] ||= load_and_instantiate(command_name)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a sorted list of all command names (as strings).
+ def command_names
+ @commands.keys.collect {|key| key.to_s}.sort
+ end
+ ##
+ # Run the config specified by +args+.
+ def run(args)
+ process_args(args)
+ rescue StandardError, Timeout::Error => ex
+ alert_error "While executing gem ... (#{ex.class})\n #{ex.to_s}"
+ ui.errs.puts "\t#{ex.backtrace.join "\n\t"}" if
+ Gem.configuration.backtrace
+ terminate_interaction(1)
+ rescue Interrupt
+ alert_error "Interrupted"
+ terminate_interaction(1)
+ end
+ def process_args(args)
+ args = args.to_str.split(/\s+/) if args.respond_to?(:to_str)
+ if args.size == 0
+ say Gem::Command::HELP
+ terminate_interaction(1)
+ end
+ case args[0]
+ when '-h', '--help'
+ say Gem::Command::HELP
+ terminate_interaction(0)
+ when '-v', '--version'
+ say Gem::VERSION
+ terminate_interaction(0)
+ when /^-/
+ alert_error "Invalid option: #{args[0]}. See 'gem --help'."
+ terminate_interaction(1)
+ else
+ cmd_name = args.shift.downcase
+ cmd = find_command(cmd_name)
+ cmd.invoke(*args)
+ end
+ end
+ def find_command(cmd_name)
+ possibilities = find_command_possibilities cmd_name
+ if possibilities.size > 1 then
+ raise "Ambiguous command #{cmd_name} matches [#{possibilities.join(', ')}]"
+ elsif possibilities.size < 1 then
+ raise "Unknown command #{cmd_name}"
+ end
+ self[possibilities.first]
+ end
+ def find_command_possibilities(cmd_name)
+ len = cmd_name.length
+ { |n| cmd_name == n[0, len] }
+ end
+ private
+ def load_and_instantiate(command_name)
+ command_name = command_name.to_s
+ const_name = command_name.capitalize.gsub(/_(.)/) { $1.upcase } << "Command"
+ commands = Gem::Commands
+ retried = false
+ begin
+ commands.const_get(const_name).new
+ rescue NameError
+ raise if retried
+ retried = true
+ begin
+ require "rubygems/commands/#{command_name}_command"
+ rescue Exception => e
+ alert_error "Loading command: #{command_name} (#{e.class})\n #{e}"
+ ui.errs.puts "\t#{e.backtrace.join "\n\t"}" if
+ Gem.configuration.backtrace
+ end
+ retry
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/build_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/build_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36a6fe48f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/build_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/builder'
+class Gem::Commands::BuildCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'build', 'Build a gem from a gemspec'
+ add_option '--force', 'skip validation of the spec' do |value, options|
+ options[:force] = true
+ end
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMSPEC_FILE gemspec file name to build a gem for"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMSPEC_FILE"
+ end
+ def execute
+ gemspec = get_one_gem_name
+ if File.exist? gemspec
+ spec = load_gemspec gemspec
+ if spec then
+ options[:force]
+ else
+ alert_error "Error loading gemspec. Aborting."
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ else
+ alert_error "Gemspec file not found: #{gemspec}"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ end
+ def load_gemspec filename
+ if yaml?(filename)
+ open(filename) do |f|
+ begin
+ Gem::Specification.from_yaml(f)
+ rescue Gem::EndOfYAMLException
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ Gem::Specification.load(filename) # can return nil
+ end
+ end
+ def yaml?(filename)
+ line = open(filename) { |f| line = f.gets }
+ result = line =~ %r{!ruby/object:Gem::Specification}
+ result
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b416b3863d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/cert_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/security'
+class Gem::Commands::CertCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'cert', 'Manage RubyGems certificates and signing settings'
+ add_option('-a', '--add CERT',
+ 'Add a trusted certificate.') do |value, options|
+ cert =
+ Gem::Security.add_trusted_cert(cert)
+ say "Added '#{cert.subject.to_s}'"
+ end
+ add_option('-l', '--list',
+ 'List trusted certificates.') do |value, options|
+ glob_str = File::join(Gem::Security::OPT[:trust_dir], '*.pem')
+ Dir::glob(glob_str) do |path|
+ begin
+ cert =
+ # this could probably be formatted more gracefully
+ say cert.subject.to_s
+ rescue OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ add_option('-r', '--remove STRING',
+ 'Remove trusted certificates containing',
+ 'STRING.') do |value, options|
+ trust_dir = Gem::Security::OPT[:trust_dir]
+ glob_str = File::join(trust_dir, '*.pem')
+ Dir::glob(glob_str) do |path|
+ begin
+ cert =
+ if cert.subject.to_s.downcase.index(value)
+ say "Removed '#{cert.subject.to_s}'"
+ File.unlink(path)
+ end
+ rescue OpenSSL::X509::CertificateError
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ add_option('-b', '--build EMAIL_ADDR',
+ 'Build private key and self-signed',
+ 'certificate for EMAIL_ADDR.') do |value, options|
+ vals = Gem::Security.build_self_signed_cert(value)
+ FileUtils.chmod 0600, vals[:key_path]
+ say "Public Cert: #{vals[:cert_path]}"
+ say "Private Key: #{vals[:key_path]}"
+ say "Don't forget to move the key file to somewhere private..."
+ end
+ add_option('-C', '--certificate CERT',
+ 'Certificate for --sign command.') do |value, options|
+ cert =
+ options[:issuer_cert] = cert
+ end
+ add_option('-K', '--private-key KEY',
+ 'Private key for --sign command.') do |value, options|
+ key =
+ options[:issuer_key] = key
+ end
+ add_option('-s', '--sign NEWCERT',
+ 'Sign a certificate with my key and',
+ 'certificate.') do |value, options|
+ cert =
+ my_cert = options[:issuer_cert]
+ my_key = options[:issuer_key]
+ cert = Gem::Security.sign_cert(cert, my_key, my_cert)
+, 'wb') { |file| file.write(cert.to_pem) }
+ end
+ end
+ def execute
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/check_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/check_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a1bfd4f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/check_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+require 'rubygems/validator'
+class Gem::Commands::CheckCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'check', 'Check installed gems',
+ :verify => false, :alien => false
+ add_option( '--verify FILE',
+ 'Verify gem file against its internal',
+ 'checksum') do |value, options|
+ options[:verify] = value
+ end
+ add_option('-a', '--alien', "Report 'unmanaged' or rogue files in the",
+ "gem repository") do |value, options|
+ options[:alien] = true
+ end
+ add_version_option 'check'
+ end
+ def execute
+ if options[:alien]
+ say "Performing the 'alien' operation"
+ say
+ gems = get_all_gem_names rescue []
+ do |key, val|
+ unless val.empty? then
+ say "#{key} has #{val.size} problems"
+ val.each do |error_entry|
+ say " #{error_entry.path}:"
+ say " #{error_entry.problem}"
+ end
+ else
+ say "#{key} is error-free" if Gem.configuration.verbose
+ end
+ say
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:verify]
+ gem_name = options[:verify]
+ unless gem_name
+ alert_error "Must specify a .gem file with --verify NAME"
+ return
+ end
+ unless File.exist?(gem_name)
+ alert_error "Unknown file: #{gem_name}."
+ return
+ end
+ say "Verifying gem: '#{gem_name}'"
+ begin
+ rescue Exception
+ alert_error "#{gem_name} is invalid."
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/cleanup_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/cleanup_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..124c4c203a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/cleanup_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/dependency_list'
+require 'rubygems/uninstaller'
+class Gem::Commands::CleanupCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'cleanup',
+ 'Clean up old versions of installed gems in the local repository',
+ :force => false, :install_dir => Gem.dir
+ add_option('-d', '--dryrun', "") do |value, options|
+ options[:dryrun] = true
+ end
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME name of gem to cleanup"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--no-dryrun"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+The cleanup command removes old gems from GEM_HOME. If an older version is
+installed elsewhere in GEM_PATH the cleanup command won't touch it.
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} [GEMNAME ...]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ say "Cleaning up installed gems..."
+ primary_gems = {}
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ if primary_gems[].nil? or
+ primary_gems[].version < spec.version then
+ primary_gems[] = spec
+ end
+ end
+ gems_to_cleanup = unless options[:args].empty? then
+ options[:args].map do |gem_name|
+ Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name gem_name
+ end.flatten
+ else
+ Gem::Specification.to_a
+ end
+ gems_to_cleanup = { |spec|
+ primary_gems[].version != spec.version
+ }
+ deplist =
+ gems_to_cleanup.uniq.each do |spec| deplist.add spec end
+ deps = deplist.strongly_connected_components.flatten.reverse
+ original_path = Gem.path
+ deps.each do |spec|
+ if options[:dryrun] then
+ say "Dry Run Mode: Would uninstall #{spec.full_name}"
+ else
+ say "Attempting to uninstall #{spec.full_name}"
+ options[:args] = []
+ uninstall_options = {
+ :executables => false,
+ :version => "= #{spec.version}",
+ }
+ uninstall_options[:user_install] = Gem.user_dir == spec.base_dir
+ uninstaller =, uninstall_options
+ begin
+ uninstaller.uninstall
+ rescue Gem::DependencyRemovalException, Gem::InstallError,
+ Gem::GemNotInHomeException, Gem::FilePermissionError => e
+ say "Unable to uninstall #{spec.full_name}:"
+ say "\t#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Restore path Gem::Uninstaller may have change
+ Gem.use_paths(*original_path)
+ end
+ say "Clean Up Complete"
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/contents_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/contents_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e483484615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/contents_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+class Gem::Commands::ContentsCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'contents', 'Display the contents of the installed gems',
+ :specdirs => [], :lib_only => false, :prefix => true
+ add_version_option
+ add_option( '--all',
+ "Contents for all gems") do |all, options|
+ options[:all] = all
+ end
+ add_option('-s', '--spec-dir a,b,c', Array,
+ "Search for gems under specific paths") do |spec_dirs, options|
+ options[:specdirs] = spec_dirs
+ end
+ add_option('-l', '--[no-]lib-only',
+ "Only return files in the Gem's lib_dirs") do |lib_only, options|
+ options[:lib_only] = lib_only
+ end
+ add_option( '--[no-]prefix',
+ "Don't include installed path prefix") do |prefix, options|
+ options[:prefix] = prefix
+ end
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME name of gem to list contents for"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--no-lib-only --prefix"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMNAME [GEMNAME ...]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ version = options[:version] || Gem::Requirement.default
+ spec_dirs = options[:specdirs].map do |i|
+ [i, File.join(i, "specifications")]
+ end.flatten
+ path_kind = if spec_dirs.empty? then
+ spec_dirs = Gem::Specification.dirs
+ "default gem paths"
+ else
+ "specified path"
+ end
+ gem_names = if options[:all] then
+ else
+ get_all_gem_names
+ end
+ gem_names.each do |name|
+ # HACK: find_by_name fails for some reason... ARGH
+ # How many places must we embed our resolve logic?
+ spec = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(name, version).last
+ unless spec then
+ say "Unable to find gem '#{name}' in #{path_kind}"
+ if Gem.configuration.verbose then
+ say "\nDirectories searched:"
+ spec_dirs.each { |dir| say dir }
+ end
+ terminate_interaction 1 if gem_names.length == 1
+ end
+ gem_path = spec.full_gem_path
+ extra = "/{#{spec.require_paths.join ','}}" if options[:lib_only]
+ glob = "#{gem_path}#{extra}/**/*"
+ files = Dir[glob]
+ gem_path = File.join gem_path, '' # add trailing / if missing
+ files.sort.each do |file|
+ next if file
+ file = file.sub gem_path, '' unless options[:prefix]
+ say file
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/dependency_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/dependency_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67cbbc1d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/dependency_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+class Gem::Commands::DependencyCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'dependency',
+ 'Show the dependencies of an installed gem',
+ :version => Gem::Requirement.default, :domain => :local
+ add_version_option
+ add_platform_option
+ add_prerelease_option
+ add_option('-R', '--[no-]reverse-dependencies',
+ 'Include reverse dependencies in the output') do
+ |value, options|
+ options[:reverse_dependencies] = value
+ end
+ add_option('-p', '--pipe',
+ "Pipe Format (name --version ver)") do |value, options|
+ options[:pipe_format] = value
+ end
+ add_local_remote_options
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME name of gem to show dependencies for"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--local --version '#{Gem::Requirement.default}' --no-reverse-dependencies"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMNAME"
+ end
+ def execute
+ if options[:reverse_dependencies] and remote? and not local? then
+ alert_error 'Only reverse dependencies for local gems are supported.'
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ options[:args] << '' if options[:args].empty?
+ pattern = if options[:args].length == 1 and
+ options[:args].first =~ /\A\/(.*)\/(i)?\z/m then
+ flags = $2 ? Regexp::IGNORECASE : nil
+ $1, flags
+ else
+ /\A#{Regexp.union(*options[:args])}/
+ end
+ # TODO: deprecate for real damnit
+ dependency = Gem::Deprecate.skip_during {
+ pattern, options[:version]
+ }
+ dependency.prerelease = options[:prerelease]
+ specs = []
+ specs.concat dependency.matching_specs if local?
+ if remote? and not options[:reverse_dependencies] then
+ fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher
+ # REFACTOR: fetcher.find_specs_matching => specs
+ specs_and_sources = fetcher.find_matching(dependency,
+ dependency.specific?, true,
+ dependency.prerelease?)
+ specs.concat { |spec_tuple, source_uri|
+ fetcher.fetch_spec spec_tuple, URI.parse(source_uri)
+ }
+ end
+ if specs.empty? then
+ patterns = options[:args].join ','
+ say "No gems found matching #{patterns} (#{options[:version]})" if
+ Gem.configuration.verbose
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ specs = specs.uniq.sort
+ reverse = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ if options[:reverse_dependencies] then
+ specs.each do |spec|
+ reverse[spec.full_name] = find_reverse_dependencies spec
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:pipe_format] then
+ specs.each do |spec|
+ unless spec.dependencies.empty?
+ spec.dependencies.sort_by { |dep| }.each do |dep|
+ say "#{} --version '#{dep.requirement}'"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ response = ''
+ specs.each do |spec|
+ response << print_dependencies(spec)
+ unless reverse[spec.full_name].empty? then
+ response << " Used by\n"
+ reverse[spec.full_name].each do |sp, dep|
+ response << " #{sp} (#{dep})\n"
+ end
+ end
+ response << "\n"
+ end
+ say response
+ end
+ end
+ def print_dependencies(spec, level = 0)
+ response = ''
+ response << ' ' * level + "Gem #{spec.full_name}\n"
+ unless spec.dependencies.empty? then
+ spec.dependencies.sort_by { |dep| }.each do |dep|
+ response << ' ' * level + " #{dep}\n"
+ end
+ end
+ response
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns an Array of [specification, dep] that are satisfied by +spec+.
+ def find_reverse_dependencies(spec)
+ result = []
+ Gem::Specification.each do |sp|
+ sp.dependencies.each do |dep|
+ dep =*dep) unless Gem::Dependency === dep
+ if == and
+ dep.requirement.satisfied_by?(spec.version) then
+ result << [sp.full_name, dep]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9585c71250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/environment_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+class Gem::Commands::EnvironmentCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'environment', 'Display information about the RubyGems environment'
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ args = <<-EOF
+ packageversion display the package version
+ gemdir display the path where gems are installed
+ gempath display path used to search for gems
+ version display the gem format version
+ remotesources display the remote gem servers
+ platform display the supported gem platforms
+ <omitted> display everything
+ return args.gsub(/^\s+/, '')
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+The RubyGems environment can be controlled through command line arguments,
+gemrc files, environment variables and built-in defaults.
+Command line argument defaults and some RubyGems defaults can be set in
+~/.gemrc file for individual users and a /etc/gemrc for all users. A gemrc
+is a YAML file with the following YAML keys:
+ :sources: A YAML array of remote gem repositories to install gems from
+ :verbose: Verbosity of the gem command. false, true, and :really are the
+ levels
+ :update_sources: Enable/disable automatic updating of repository metadata
+ :backtrace: Print backtrace when RubyGems encounters an error
+ :gempath: The paths in which to look for gems
+ gem_command: A string containing arguments for the specified gem command
+ :verbose: false
+ install: --no-wrappers
+ update: --no-wrappers
+RubyGems' default local repository can be overridden with the GEM_PATH and
+GEM_HOME environment variables. GEM_HOME sets the default repository to
+install into. GEM_PATH allows multiple local repositories to be searched for
+If you are behind a proxy server, RubyGems uses the HTTP_PROXY,
+HTTP_PROXY_USER and HTTP_PROXY_PASS environment variables to discover the
+proxy server.
+If you are packaging RubyGems all of RubyGems' defaults are in
+lib/rubygems/defaults.rb. You may override these in
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} [arg]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ out = ''
+ arg = options[:args][0]
+ case arg
+ when /^packageversion/ then
+ out << Gem::RubyGemsPackageVersion
+ when /^version/ then
+ out << Gem::VERSION
+ when /^gemdir/, /^gemhome/, /^home/, /^GEM_HOME/ then
+ out << Gem.dir
+ when /^gempath/, /^path/, /^GEM_PATH/ then
+ out << Gem.path.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ when /^remotesources/ then
+ out << Gem.sources.join("\n")
+ when /^platform/ then
+ out << Gem.platforms.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+ when nil then
+ out = "RubyGems Environment:\n"
+ out << " - RUBYGEMS VERSION: #{Gem::VERSION}\n"
+ out << " patchlevel #{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" if defined? RUBY_PATCHLEVEL
+ out << ") [#{RUBY_PLATFORM}]\n"
+ out << " - INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: #{Gem.dir}\n"
+ out << " - RUBYGEMS PREFIX: #{Gem.prefix}\n" unless Gem.prefix.nil?
+ out << " - RUBY EXECUTABLE: #{Gem.ruby}\n"
+ out << " - EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY: #{Gem.bindir}\n"
+ out << " - RUBYGEMS PLATFORMS:\n"
+ Gem.platforms.each do |platform|
+ out << " - #{platform}\n"
+ end
+ out << " - GEM PATHS:\n"
+ out << " - #{Gem.dir}\n"
+ path = Gem.path.dup
+ path.delete Gem.dir
+ path.each do |p|
+ out << " - #{p}\n"
+ end
+ out << " - GEM CONFIGURATION:\n"
+ Gem.configuration.each do |name, value|
+ value = value.gsub(/./, '*') if name == 'gemcutter_key'
+ out << " - #{name.inspect} => #{value.inspect}\n"
+ end
+ out << " - REMOTE SOURCES:\n"
+ Gem.sources.each do |s|
+ out << " - #{s}\n"
+ end
+ else
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError, "Unknown environment option [#{arg}]"
+ end
+ say out
+ true
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/fetch_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/fetch_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7c9cc9525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/fetch_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+class Gem::Commands::FetchCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'fetch', 'Download a gem and place it in the current directory'
+ add_bulk_threshold_option
+ add_proxy_option
+ add_source_option
+ add_clear_sources_option
+ add_version_option
+ add_platform_option
+ add_prerelease_option
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ 'GEMNAME name of gem to download'
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--version '#{Gem::Requirement.default}'"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMNAME [GEMNAME ...]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ version = options[:version] || Gem::Requirement.default
+ all = Gem::Requirement.default != version
+ platform = Gem.platforms.last
+ gem_names = get_all_gem_names
+ gem_names.each do |gem_name|
+ dep = gem_name, version
+ dep.prerelease = options[:prerelease]
+ specs_and_sources, errors =
+ Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch_with_errors(dep, all, true,
+ dep.prerelease?)
+ if platform then
+ filtered = { |s,| s.platform == platform }
+ specs_and_sources = filtered unless filtered.empty?
+ end
+ spec, source_uri = specs_and_sources.sort_by { |s,| s.version }.last
+ if spec.nil? then
+ show_lookup_failure gem_name, version, errors, options[:domain]
+ next
+ end
+ file = "#{spec.full_name}.gem"
+ remote_path = URI.parse(source_uri) + "gems/#{file}"
+ fetch = Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher
+ gem = fetch.fetch_path remote_path.to_s
+ file, "wb" do |f|
+ f.write gem
+ end
+ say "Downloaded #{spec.full_name}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/generate_index_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/generate_index_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4b4790649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/generate_index_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/indexer'
+# Generates a index files for use as a gem server.
+# See `gem help generate_index`
+class Gem::Commands::GenerateIndexCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'generate_index',
+ 'Generates the index files for a gem server directory',
+ :directory => '.', :build_legacy => true, :build_modern => true
+ add_option '-d', '--directory=DIRNAME',
+ 'repository base dir containing gems subdir' do |dir, options|
+ options[:directory] = File.expand_path dir
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]legacy',
+ 'Generate Marshal.4.8' do |value, options|
+ unless options[:build_modern] or value then
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, 'no indicies will be built'
+ end
+ options[:build_legacy] = value
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]modern',
+ 'Generate indexes for RubyGems newer',
+ 'than 1.2.0' do |value, options|
+ unless options[:build_legacy] or value then
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, 'no indicies will be built'
+ end
+ options[:build_modern] = value
+ end
+ add_option '--update',
+ 'Update modern indexes with gems added',
+ 'since the last update' do |value, options|
+ options[:update] = value
+ end
+ add_option :RSS, '--rss-gems-host=GEM_HOST',
+ 'Host name where gems are served from,',
+ 'used for GUID and enclosure values' do |value, options|
+ options[:rss_gems_host] = value
+ end
+ add_option :RSS, '--rss-host=HOST',
+ 'Host name for more gems information,',
+ 'used for RSS feed link' do |value, options|
+ options[:rss_host] = value
+ end
+ add_option :RSS, '--rss-title=TITLE',
+ 'Set title for RSS feed' do |value, options|
+ options[:rss_title] = value
+ end
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--directory . --legacy --modern"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+The generate_index command creates a set of indexes for serving gems
+statically. The command expects a 'gems' directory under the path given to
+the --directory option. The given directory will be the directory you serve
+as the gem repository.
+For `gem generate_index --directory /path/to/repo`, expose /path/to/repo via
+your HTTP server configuration (not /path/to/repo/gems).
+When done, it will generate a set of files like this:
+ gems/*.gem # .gem files you want to
+ # index
+ specs.<version>.gz # specs index
+ latest_specs.<version>.gz # latest specs index
+ prerelease_specs.<version>.gz # prerelease specs index
+ quick/Marshal.<version>/<gemname>.gemspec.rz # Marshal quick index file
+ # these files support legacy RubyGems
+ Marshal.<version>
+ Marshal.<version>.Z # Marshal full index
+The .Z and .rz extension files are compressed with the inflate algorithm.
+The Marshal version number comes from ruby's Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION and
+Marshal::MINOR_VERSION constants. It is used to ensure compatibility.
+If --rss-host and --rss-gem-host are given an RSS feed will be generated at
+index.rss containing gems released in the last two days.
+ end
+ def execute
+ if options[:update] and
+ (options[:rss_host] or options[:rss_gems_host]) then
+ alert_error '--update not compatible with RSS generation'
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ if not File.exist?(options[:directory]) or
+ not[:directory]) then
+ alert_error "unknown directory name #{directory}."
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ else
+ indexer = options.delete(:directory), options
+ if options[:update] then
+ indexer.update_index
+ else
+ indexer.generate_index
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/help_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/help_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20b52429b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/help_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+class Gem::Commands::HelpCommand < Gem::Command
+ # :stopdoc:
+Some examples of 'gem' usage.
+* Install 'rake', either from local directory or remote server:
+ gem install rake
+* Install 'rake', only from remote server:
+ gem install rake --remote
+* Install 'rake', but only version 0.3.1, even if dependencies
+ are not met, and into a user-specific directory:
+ gem install rake --version 0.3.1 --force --user-install
+* List local gems whose name begins with 'D':
+ gem list D
+* List local and remote gems whose name contains 'log':
+ gem search log --both
+* List only remote gems whose name contains 'log':
+ gem search log --remote
+* Uninstall 'rake':
+ gem uninstall rake
+* Create a gem:
+ See
+* See information about RubyGems:
+ gem environment
+* Update all gems on your system:
+ gem update
+RubyGems platforms are composed of three parts, a CPU, an OS, and a
+version. These values are taken from values in rbconfig.rb. You can view
+your current platform by running `gem environment`.
+RubyGems matches platforms as follows:
+ * The CPU must match exactly, unless one of the platforms has
+ "universal" as the CPU.
+ * The OS must match exactly.
+ * The versions must match exactly unless one of the versions is nil.
+For commands that install, uninstall and list gems, you can override what
+RubyGems thinks your platform is with the --platform option. The platform
+you pass must match "#{cpu}-#{os}" or "#{cpu}-#{os}-#{version}". On mswin
+platforms, the version is the compiler version, not the OS version. (Ruby
+compiled with VC6 uses "60" as the compiler version, VC8 uses "80".)
+Example platforms:
+ x86-freebsd # Any FreeBSD version on an x86 CPU
+ universal-darwin-8 # Darwin 8 only gems that run on any CPU
+ x86-mswin32-80 # Windows gems compiled with VC8
+When building platform gems, set the platform in the gem specification to
+Gem::Platform::CURRENT. This will correctly mark the gem with your ruby's
+ # :startdoc:
+ def initialize
+ super 'help', "Provide help on the 'gem' command"
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ args = <<-EOF
+ commands List all 'gem' commands
+ examples Show examples of 'gem' usage
+ <command> Show specific help for <command>
+ return args.gsub(/^\s+/, '')
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} ARGUMENT"
+ end
+ def execute
+ command_manager = Gem::CommandManager.instance
+ arg = options[:args][0]
+ if begins? "commands", arg then
+ out = []
+ out << "GEM commands are:"
+ out << nil
+ margin_width = 4
+ desc_width = { |n| n.size }.max + 4
+ summary_width = 80 - margin_width - desc_width
+ wrap_indent = ' ' * (margin_width + desc_width)
+ format = "#{' ' * margin_width}%-#{desc_width}s%s"
+ command_manager.command_names.each do |cmd_name|
+ summary = command_manager[cmd_name].summary
+ summary = wrap(summary, summary_width).split "\n"
+ out << sprintf(format, cmd_name, summary.shift)
+ until summary.empty? do
+ out << "#{wrap_indent}#{summary.shift}"
+ end
+ end
+ out << nil
+ out << "For help on a particular command, use 'gem help COMMAND'."
+ out << nil
+ out << "Commands may be abbreviated, so long as they are unambiguous."
+ out << "e.g. 'gem i rake' is short for 'gem install rake'."
+ say out.join("\n")
+ elsif begins? "options", arg then
+ say Gem::Command::HELP
+ elsif begins? "examples", arg then
+ elsif begins? "platforms", arg then
+ elsif options[:help] then
+ command = command_manager[options[:help]]
+ if command
+ # help with provided command
+ command.invoke("--help")
+ else
+ alert_error "Unknown command #{options[:help]}. Try 'gem help commands'"
+ end
+ elsif arg then
+ possibilities = command_manager.find_command_possibilities(arg.downcase)
+ if possibilities.size == 1
+ command = command_manager[possibilities.first]
+ command.invoke("--help")
+ elsif possibilities.size > 1
+ alert_warning "Ambiguous command #{arg} (#{possibilities.join(', ')})"
+ else
+ alert_warning "Unknown command #{arg}. Try gem help commands"
+ end
+ else
+ say Gem::Command::HELP
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..003ba8601c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/install_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/doc_manager'
+require 'rubygems/install_update_options'
+require 'rubygems/dependency_installer'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/validator'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+# Gem installer command line tool
+# See `gem help install`
+class Gem::Commands::InstallCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::InstallUpdateOptions
+ def initialize
+ defaults = Gem::DependencyInstaller::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge({
+ :generate_rdoc => true,
+ :generate_ri => true,
+ :format_executable => false,
+ :version => Gem::Requirement.default,
+ })
+ super 'install', 'Install a gem into the local repository', defaults
+ add_install_update_options
+ add_local_remote_options
+ add_platform_option
+ add_version_option
+ add_prerelease_option "to be installed. (Only for listed gems)"
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME name of gem to install"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--both --version '#{Gem::Requirement.default}' --rdoc --ri --no-force\n" \
+ "--install-dir #{Gem.dir}"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+The install command installs local or remote gem into a gem repository.
+For gems with executables ruby installs a wrapper file into the executable
+directory by default. This can be overridden with the --no-wrappers option.
+The wrapper allows you to choose among alternate gem versions using _version_.
+For example `rake _0.7.3_ --version` will run rake version 0.7.3 if a newer
+version is also installed.
+If an extension fails to compile during gem installation the gem
+specification is not written out, but the gem remains unpacked in the
+repository. You may need to specify the path to the library's headers and
+libraries to continue. You can do this by adding a -- between RubyGems'
+options and the extension's build options:
+ $ gem install some_extension_gem
+ [build fails]
+ Gem files will remain installed in \\
+ /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0 for inspection.
+ Results logged to /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0/gem_make.out
+ $ gem install some_extension_gem -- --with-extension-lib=/path/to/lib
+ [build succeeds]
+ $ gem list some_extension_gem
+ *** LOCAL GEMS ***
+ some_extension_gem (1.0)
+ $
+If you correct the compilation errors by editing the gem files you will need
+to write the specification by hand. For example:
+ $ gem install some_extension_gem
+ [build fails]
+ Gem files will remain installed in \\
+ /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0 for inspection.
+ Results logged to /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0/gem_make.out
+ $ [cd /path/to/gems/some_extension_gem-1.0]
+ $ [edit files or what-have-you and run make]
+ $ gem spec ../../cache/some_extension_gem-1.0.gem --ruby > \\
+ ../../specifications/some_extension_gem-1.0.gemspec
+ $ gem list some_extension_gem
+ *** LOCAL GEMS ***
+ some_extension_gem (1.0)
+ $
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMNAME [GEMNAME ...] [options] -- --build-flags"
+ end
+ def execute
+ if options[:include_dependencies] then
+ alert "`gem install -y` is now default and will be removed"
+ alert "use --ignore-dependencies to install only the gems you list"
+ end
+ installed_gems = []
+ ENV.delete 'GEM_PATH' if options[:install_dir].nil? and RUBY_VERSION > '1.9'
+ exit_code = 0
+ get_all_gem_names.each do |gem_name|
+ begin
+ next if options[:conservative] and
+ not, options[:version]).matching_specs.empty?
+ inst = options
+ inst.install gem_name, options[:version]
+ inst.installed_gems.each do |spec|
+ say "Successfully installed #{spec.full_name}"
+ end
+ installed_gems.push(*inst.installed_gems)
+ rescue Gem::InstallError => e
+ alert_error "Error installing #{gem_name}:\n\t#{e.message}"
+ exit_code |= 1
+ rescue Gem::GemNotFoundException => e
+ show_lookup_failure, e.version, e.errors, options[:domain]
+ exit_code |= 2
+ end
+ end
+ unless installed_gems.empty? then
+ gems = installed_gems.length == 1 ? 'gem' : 'gems'
+ say "#{installed_gems.length} #{gems} installed"
+ # NOTE: *All* of the RI documents must be generated first. For some
+ # reason, RI docs cannot be generated after any RDoc documents are
+ # generated.
+ if options[:generate_ri] then
+ installed_gems.each do |gem|
+, options[:rdoc_args]).generate_ri
+ end
+ Gem::DocManager.update_ri_cache
+ end
+ if options[:generate_rdoc] then
+ installed_gems.each do |gem|
+, options[:rdoc_args]).generate_rdoc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ raise Gem::SystemExitException, exit_code
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/list_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/list_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3e5da9551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/list_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/commands/query_command'
+# An alternate to Gem::Commands::QueryCommand that searches for gems starting
+# with the the supplied argument.
+class Gem::Commands::ListCommand < Gem::Commands::QueryCommand
+ def initialize
+ super 'list', 'Display gems whose name starts with STRING'
+ remove_option('--name-matches')
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "STRING start of gem name to look for"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--local --no-details"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} [STRING]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ string = get_one_optional_argument || ''
+ options[:name] = /^#{string}/i
+ super
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/lock_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/lock_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6dca320ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/lock_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+class Gem::Commands::LockCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'lock', 'Generate a lockdown list of gems',
+ :strict => false
+ add_option '-s', '--[no-]strict',
+ 'fail if unable to satisfy a dependency' do |strict, options|
+ options[:strict] = strict
+ end
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME name of gem to lock\nVERSION version of gem to lock"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--no-strict"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+The lock command will generate a list of +gem+ statements that will lock down
+the versions for the gem given in the command line. It will specify exact
+versions in the requirements list to ensure that the gems loaded will always
+be consistent. A full recursive search of all effected gems will be
+ gemlock rails-1.0.0 > lockdown.rb
+will produce in lockdown.rb:
+ require "rubygems"
+ gem 'rails', '= 1.0.0'
+ gem 'rake', '='
+ gem 'activesupport', '= 1.2.5'
+ gem 'activerecord', '= 1.13.2'
+ gem 'actionpack', '= 1.11.2'
+ gem 'actionmailer', '= 1.1.5'
+ gem 'actionwebservice', '= 1.0.0'
+Just load lockdown.rb from your application to ensure that the current
+versions are loaded. Make sure that lockdown.rb is loaded *before* any
+other require statements.
+Notice that rails 1.0.0 only requires that rake 0.6.2 or better be used.
+Rake- is the most recent version installed that satisfies that, so we
+lock it down to the exact version.
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMNAME-VERSION [GEMNAME-VERSION ...]"
+ end
+ def complain(message)
+ if options[:strict] then
+ raise Gem::Exception, message
+ else
+ say "# #{message}"
+ end
+ end
+ def execute
+ say "require 'rubygems'"
+ locked = {}
+ pending = options[:args]
+ until pending.empty? do
+ full_name = pending.shift
+ spec = Gem::Specification.load spec_path(full_name)
+ if spec.nil? then
+ complain "Could not find gem #{full_name}, try using the full name"
+ next
+ end
+ say "gem '#{}', '= #{spec.version}'" unless locked[]
+ locked[] = true
+ spec.runtime_dependencies.each do |dep|
+ next if locked[]
+ candidates = dep.matching_specs
+ if candidates.empty? then
+ complain "Unable to satisfy '#{dep}' from currently installed gems"
+ else
+ pending << candidates.last.full_name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def spec_path(gem_full_name)
+ gemspecs = { |path|
+ File.join path, "specifications", "#{gem_full_name}.gemspec"
+ }
+ gemspecs.find { |path| File.exist? path }
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/outdated_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/outdated_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea6b9f0abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/outdated_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+class Gem::Commands::OutdatedCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'outdated', 'Display all gems that need updates'
+ add_local_remote_options
+ add_platform_option
+ end
+ def execute
+ Gem::Specification.outdated.sort.each do |name|
+ local = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(name).max
+ dep =, ">= #{local.version}"
+ remotes = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch dep
+ next if remotes.empty?
+ remote = remotes.last.first
+ say "#{} (#{local.version} < #{remote.version})"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/owner_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/owner_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ebf9aa1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/owner_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/gemcutter_utilities'
+class Gem::Commands::OwnerCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::GemcutterUtilities
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ 'Manage gem owners on'
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEM gem to manage owners for"
+ end
+ def initialize
+ super 'owner', description
+ add_proxy_option
+ add_key_option
+ defaults.merge! :add => [], :remove => []
+ add_option '-a', '--add EMAIL', 'Add an owner' do |value, options|
+ options[:add] << value
+ end
+ add_option '-r', '--remove EMAIL', 'Remove an owner' do |value, options|
+ options[:remove] << value
+ end
+ end
+ def execute
+ sign_in
+ name = get_one_gem_name
+ add_owners name, options[:add]
+ remove_owners name, options[:remove]
+ show_owners name
+ end
+ def show_owners name
+ response = rubygems_api_request :get, "api/v1/gems/#{name}/owners.yaml" do |request|
+ request.add_field "Authorization", api_key
+ end
+ with_response response do |resp|
+ owners = YAML.load resp.body
+ say "Owners for gem: #{name}"
+ owners.each do |owner|
+ say "- #{owner['email']}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def add_owners name, owners
+ manage_owners :post, name, owners
+ end
+ def remove_owners name, owners
+ manage_owners :delete, name, owners
+ end
+ def manage_owners method, name, owners
+ owners.each do |owner|
+ response = rubygems_api_request method, "api/v1/gems/#{name}/owners" do |request|
+ request.set_form_data 'email' => owner
+ request.add_field "Authorization", api_key
+ end
+ with_response response
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/pristine_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/pristine_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83e6cc7a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/pristine_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/format'
+require 'rubygems/installer'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+class Gem::Commands::PristineCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'pristine',
+ 'Restores installed gems to pristine condition from files located in the gem cache',
+ :version => Gem::Requirement.default, :extensions => true,
+ :all => false
+ add_option('--all',
+ 'Restore all installed gems to pristine',
+ 'condition') do |value, options|
+ options[:all] = value
+ end
+ add_option('--[no-]extensions',
+ 'Restore gems with extensions') do |value, options|
+ options[:extensions] = value
+ end
+ add_version_option('restore to', 'pristine condition')
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME gem to restore to pristine condition (unless --all)"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--all --extensions"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+The pristine command compares the installed gems with the contents of the
+cached gem and restores any files that don't match the cached gem's copy.
+If you have made modifications to your installed gems, the pristine command
+will revert them. After all the gem's files have been checked all bin stubs
+for the gem are regenerated.
+If the cached gem cannot be found, you will need to use `gem install` to
+revert the gem.
+If --no-extensions is provided pristine will not attempt to restore gems with
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} [args]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ specs = if options[:all] then
+ else
+ do |gem_name|
+ Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name gem_name, options[:version]
+ end.flatten
+ end
+ if specs.to_a.empty? then
+ raise Gem::Exception,
+ "Failed to find gems #{options[:args]} #{options[:version]}"
+ end
+ install_dir = Gem.dir # TODO use installer option
+ raise unless
+ File.writable?(install_dir)
+ say "Restoring gems to pristine condition..."
+ specs.each do |spec|
+ unless spec.extensions.empty? or options[:extensions] then
+ say "Skipped #{spec.full_name}, it needs to compile an extension"
+ next
+ end
+ gem = spec.cache_file
+ unless File.exist? gem then
+ require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher'
+ say "Cached gem for #{spec.full_name} not found, attempting to fetch..."
+ dep =, spec.version
+ Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher.download_to_cache dep
+ end
+ # TODO use installer options
+ install_defaults = Gem::ConfigFile::PLATFORM_DEFAULTS['install']
+ installer_env_shebang = install_defaults.to_s['--env-shebang']
+ installer =,
+ :wrappers => true,
+ :force => true,
+ :install_dir => spec.base_dir,
+ :env_shebang => installer_env_shebang)
+ installer.install
+ say "Restored #{spec.full_name}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/push_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/push_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7663edf4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/push_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/gemcutter_utilities'
+class Gem::Commands::PushCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::GemcutterUtilities
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ 'Push a gem up to'
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEM built gem to push up"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEM"
+ end
+ def initialize
+ super 'push', description
+ add_proxy_option
+ add_key_option
+ add_option(
+ '--host HOST',
+ 'Push to another gemcutter-compatible host'
+ ) do |value, options|
+ options[:host] = value
+ end
+ end
+ def execute
+ sign_in
+ send_gem get_one_gem_name
+ end
+ def send_gem name
+ args = [:post, "api/v1/gems"]
+ args << options[:host] if options[:host]
+ if Gem.latest_rubygems_version < then
+ alert_error "Using beta/unreleased version of rubygems. Not pushing."
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ response = rubygems_api_request(*args) do |request|
+ request.body = Gem.read_binary name
+ request.add_field "Content-Length", request.body.size
+ request.add_field "Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"
+ request.add_field "Authorization", api_key
+ end
+ with_response response
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..725da8787b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/query_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+require 'rubygems/text'
+class Gem::Commands::QueryCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::Text
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize(name = 'query',
+ summary = 'Query gem information in local or remote repositories')
+ super name, summary,
+ :name => //, :domain => :local, :details => false, :versions => true,
+ :installed => false, :version => Gem::Requirement.default
+ add_option('-i', '--[no-]installed',
+ 'Check for installed gem') do |value, options|
+ options[:installed] = value
+ end
+ add_version_option command, "for use with --installed"
+ add_option('-n', '--name-matches REGEXP',
+ 'Name of gem(s) to query on matches the',
+ 'provided REGEXP') do |value, options|
+ options[:name] = /#{value}/i
+ end
+ add_option('-d', '--[no-]details',
+ 'Display detailed information of gem(s)') do |value, options|
+ options[:details] = value
+ end
+ add_option( '--[no-]versions',
+ 'Display only gem names') do |value, options|
+ options[:versions] = value
+ options[:details] = false unless value
+ end
+ add_option('-a', '--all',
+ 'Display all gem versions') do |value, options|
+ options[:all] = value
+ end
+ add_option( '--[no-]prerelease',
+ 'Display prerelease versions') do |value, options|
+ options[:prerelease] = value
+ end
+ add_local_remote_options
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--local --name-matches // --no-details --versions --no-installed"
+ end
+ def execute
+ exit_code = 0
+ name = options[:name]
+ prerelease = options[:prerelease]
+ if options[:installed] then
+ if name.source.empty? then
+ alert_error "You must specify a gem name"
+ exit_code |= 4
+ elsif installed? name, options[:version] then
+ say "true"
+ else
+ say "false"
+ exit_code |= 1
+ end
+ terminate_interaction exit_code
+ end
+ req = Gem::Requirement.default
+ # TODO: deprecate for real
+ dep = Gem::Deprecate.skip_during { name, req }
+ if local? then
+ if prerelease and not both? then
+ alert_warning "prereleases are always shown locally"
+ end
+ if ui.outs.tty? or both? then
+ say
+ say "*** LOCAL GEMS ***"
+ say
+ end
+ specs = Gem::Specification.find_all { |s|
+ =~ name and req =~ s.version
+ }
+ spec_tuples = do |spec|
+ [[, spec.version, spec.original_platform, spec], :local]
+ end
+ output_query_results spec_tuples
+ end
+ if remote? then
+ if ui.outs.tty? or both? then
+ say
+ say "*** REMOTE GEMS ***"
+ say
+ end
+ all = options[:all]
+ fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher
+ spec_tuples = fetcher.find_matching dep, all, false, prerelease
+ spec_tuples += fetcher.find_matching dep, false, false, true if
+ prerelease and all
+ output_query_results spec_tuples
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Check if gem +name+ version +version+ is installed.
+ def installed?(name, req = Gem::Requirement.default)
+ Gem::Specification.any? { |s| =~ name and req =~ s.version }
+ end
+ def output_query_results(spec_tuples)
+ output = []
+ versions = { |h,name| h[name] = [] }
+ spec_tuples.each do |spec_tuple, source_uri|
+ versions[spec_tuple.first] << [spec_tuple, source_uri]
+ end
+ versions = versions.sort_by do |(name,_),_|
+ name.downcase
+ end
+ versions.each do |gem_name, matching_tuples|
+ matching_tuples = matching_tuples.sort_by do |(_, version,_),_|
+ version
+ end.reverse
+ platforms = { |h,version| h[version] = [] }
+ do |(_, version, platform,_),_|
+ platforms[version] << platform if platform
+ end
+ seen = {}
+ matching_tuples.delete_if do |(_, version,_),_|
+ if seen[version] then
+ true
+ else
+ seen[version] = true
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ entry = gem_name.dup
+ if options[:versions] then
+ list = if platforms.empty? or options[:details] then
+ { |(_, version,_),_| version }.uniq
+ else
+ do |version, pls|
+ if pls == [Gem::Platform::RUBY] then
+ version
+ else
+ ruby = pls.delete Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ platform_list = [ruby, *pls.sort].compact
+ "#{version} #{platform_list.join ' '}"
+ end
+ end
+ end.join ', '
+ entry << " (#{list})"
+ end
+ if options[:details] then
+ detail_tuple = matching_tuples.first
+ spec = if detail_tuple.first.length == 4 then
+ detail_tuple.first.last
+ else
+ uri = URI.parse detail_tuple.last
+ Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch_spec detail_tuple.first, uri
+ end
+ entry << "\n"
+ non_ruby = platforms.any? do |_, pls|
+ pls.any? { |pl| pl != Gem::Platform::RUBY }
+ end
+ if non_ruby then
+ if platforms.length == 1 then
+ title = platforms.values.length == 1 ? 'Platform' : 'Platforms'
+ entry << " #{title}: #{platforms.values.sort.join ', '}\n"
+ else
+ entry << " Platforms:\n"
+ platforms.sort_by do |version,|
+ version
+ end.each do |version, pls|
+ label = " #{version}: "
+ data = format_text pls.sort.join(', '), 68, label.length
+ data[0, label.length] = label
+ entry << data << "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ authors = "Author#{spec.authors.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}: "
+ authors << spec.authors.join(', ')
+ entry << format_text(authors, 68, 4)
+ if spec.rubyforge_project and not spec.rubyforge_project.empty? then
+ rubyforge = "Rubyforge:{spec.rubyforge_project}"
+ entry << "\n" << format_text(rubyforge, 68, 4)
+ end
+ if spec.homepage and not spec.homepage.empty? then
+ entry << "\n" << format_text("Homepage: #{spec.homepage}", 68, 4)
+ end
+ if spec.license and not spec.license.empty? then
+ licenses = "License#{spec.licenses.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}: "
+ licenses << spec.licenses.join(', ')
+ entry << "\n" << format_text(licenses, 68, 4)
+ end
+ if spec.loaded_from then
+ if matching_tuples.length == 1 then
+ loaded_from = File.dirname File.dirname(spec.loaded_from)
+ entry << "\n" << " Installed at: #{loaded_from}"
+ else
+ label = 'Installed at'
+ matching_tuples.each do |(_,version,_,s),|
+ loaded_from = File.dirname File.dirname(s.loaded_from)
+ entry << "\n" << " #{label} (#{version}): #{loaded_from}"
+ label = ' ' * label.length
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ entry << "\n\n" << format_text(spec.summary, 68, 4)
+ end
+ output << entry
+ end
+ say output.join(options[:details] ? "\n\n" : "\n")
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/rdoc_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/rdoc_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea0f3ad592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/rdoc_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+require 'rubygems/doc_manager'
+class Gem::Commands::RdocCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'rdoc', 'Generates RDoc for pre-installed gems',
+ :version => Gem::Requirement.default,
+ :include_rdoc => true, :include_ri => true, :overwrite => false
+ add_option('--all',
+ 'Generate RDoc/RI documentation for all',
+ 'installed gems') do |value, options|
+ options[:all] = value
+ end
+ add_option('--[no-]rdoc',
+ 'Generate RDoc HTML') do |value, options|
+ options[:include_rdoc] = value
+ end
+ add_option('--[no-]ri',
+ 'Generate RI data') do |value, options|
+ options[:include_ri] = value
+ end
+ add_option('--[no-]overwrite',
+ 'Overwrite installed documents') do |value, options|
+ options[:overwrite] = value
+ end
+ add_version_option
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME gem to generate documentation for (unless --all)"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--version '#{Gem::Requirement.default}' --rdoc --ri --no-overwrite"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-DESC
+The rdoc command builds RDoc and RI documentation for installed gems. Use
+--overwrite to force rebuilding of documentation.
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} [args]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ if options[:all] then
+ specs = Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems.collect { |name, spec|
+ spec
+ }
+ else
+ gem_name = get_one_gem_name
+ dep = gem_name, options[:version]
+ specs = dep
+ end
+ if specs.empty?
+ raise "Failed to find gem #{gem_name} to generate RDoc for #{options[:version]}"
+ end
+ if options[:include_ri]
+ specs.sort.each do |spec|
+ doc =
+ doc.generate_ri if options[:overwrite] || !doc.ri_installed?
+ end
+ Gem::DocManager.update_ri_cache
+ end
+ if options[:include_rdoc]
+ specs.sort.each do |spec|
+ doc =
+ doc.generate_rdoc if options[:overwrite] || !doc.rdoc_installed?
+ end
+ end
+ true
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/search_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/search_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..52e96fd1ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/search_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/commands/query_command'
+class Gem::Commands::SearchCommand < Gem::Commands::QueryCommand
+ def initialize
+ super 'search', 'Display all gems whose name contains STRING'
+ remove_option '--name-matches'
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "STRING fragment of gem name to search for"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--local --no-details"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} [STRING]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ string = get_one_optional_argument
+ options[:name] = /#{string}/i
+ super
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/server_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/server_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b65d48c4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/server_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/server'
+class Gem::Commands::ServerCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'server', 'Documentation and gem repository HTTP server',
+ :port => 8808, :gemdir => [], :daemon => false
+ OptionParser.accept :Port do |port|
+ if port =~ /\A\d+\z/ then
+ port = Integer port
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{port}: not a port number" if
+ port > 65535
+ port
+ else
+ begin
+ Socket.getservbyname port
+ rescue SocketError
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "#{port}: no such named service"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ add_option '-p', '--port=PORT', :Port,
+ 'port to listen on' do |port, options|
+ options[:port] = port
+ end
+ add_option '-d', '--dir=GEMDIR',
+ 'directories from which to serve gems',
+ 'multiple directories may be provided' do |gemdir, options|
+ options[:gemdir] << File.expand_path(gemdir)
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]daemon', 'run as a daemon' do |daemon, options|
+ options[:daemon] = daemon
+ end
+ add_option '-b', '--bind=HOST,HOST',
+ 'addresses to bind', Array do |address, options|
+ options[:addresses] ||= []
+ options[:addresses].push(*address)
+ end
+ add_option '-l', '--launch[=COMMAND]',
+ 'launches a browser window',
+ "COMMAND defaults to 'start' on Windows",
+ "and 'open' on all other platforms" do |launch, options|
+ launch ||= Gem.win_platform? ? 'start' : 'open'
+ options[:launch] = launch
+ end
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--port 8808 --dir #{Gem.dir} --no-daemon"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+The server command starts up a web server that hosts the RDoc for your
+installed gems and can operate as a server for installation of gems on other
+The cache files for installed gems must exist to use the server as a source
+for gem installation.
+To install gems from a running server, use `gem install GEMNAME --source
+You can set up a shortcut to gem server documentation using the URL:
+ http://localhost:8808/rdoc?q=%s - Firefox
+ http://localhost:8808/rdoc?q=* - LaunchBar
+ end
+ def execute
+ options[:gemdir] << Gem.dir if options[:gemdir].empty?
+ options
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c957393d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/setup_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+# Installs RubyGems itself. This command is ordinarily only available from a
+# RubyGems checkout or tarball.
+class Gem::Commands::SetupCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ require 'tmpdir'
+ super 'setup', 'Install RubyGems',
+ :format_executable => true, :rdoc => true, :ri => true,
+ :site_or_vendor => :sitelibdir,
+ :destdir => '', :prefix => ''
+ add_option '--prefix=PREFIX',
+ 'Prefix path for installing RubyGems',
+ 'Will not affect gem repository location' do |prefix, options|
+ options[:prefix] = File.expand_path prefix
+ end
+ add_option '--destdir=DESTDIR',
+ 'Root directory to install RubyGems into',
+ 'Mainly used for packaging RubyGems' do |destdir, options|
+ options[:destdir] = File.expand_path destdir
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]vendor',
+ 'Install into vendorlibdir not sitelibdir' do |vendor, options|
+ options[:site_or_vendor] = vendor ? :vendorlibdir : :sitelibdir
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]format-executable',
+ 'Makes `gem` match ruby',
+ 'If ruby is ruby18, gem will be gem18' do |value, options|
+ options[:format_executable] = value
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]rdoc',
+ 'Generate RDoc documentation for RubyGems' do |value, options|
+ options[:rdoc] = value
+ end
+ add_option '--[no-]ri',
+ 'Generate RI documentation for RubyGems' do |value, options|
+ options[:ri] = value
+ end
+ end
+ def check_ruby_version
+ required_version = '>= 1.8.7'
+ unless required_version.satisfied_by? Gem.ruby_version then
+ alert_error "Expected Ruby version #{required_version}, is #{Gem.ruby_version}"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--format-executable --rdoc --ri"
+ end
+ def description # :nodoc:
+ <<-EOF
+Installs RubyGems itself.
+RubyGems installs RDoc for itself in GEM_HOME. By default this is:
+ #{Gem.dir}
+If you prefer a different directory, set the GEM_HOME environment variable.
+RubyGems will install the gem command with a name matching ruby's
+prefix and suffix. If ruby was installed as `ruby18`, gem will be
+installed as `gem18`.
+By default, this RubyGems will install gem as:
+ #{Gem.default_exec_format % 'gem'}
+ end
+ def execute
+ @verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ install_destdir = options[:destdir]
+ unless install_destdir.empty? then
+ ENV['GEM_HOME'] ||= File.join(install_destdir,
+ Gem.default_dir.gsub(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, ''))
+ end
+ check_ruby_version
+ require 'fileutils'
+ if Gem.configuration.really_verbose then
+ extend FileUtils::Verbose
+ else
+ extend FileUtils
+ end
+ lib_dir, bin_dir = make_destination_dirs install_destdir
+ install_lib lib_dir
+ install_executables bin_dir
+ remove_old_bin_files bin_dir
+ say "RubyGems #{Gem::VERSION} installed"
+ uninstall_old_gemcutter
+ install_rdoc
+ say
+ if @verbose then
+ say "-" * 78
+ say
+ end
+ release_notes = File.join Dir.pwd, 'History.txt'
+ release_notes = if File.exist? release_notes then
+ open release_notes do |io|
+ text = io.gets '==='
+ text << io.gets('===')
+ text[0...-3].sub(/^# coding:.*?^=/m, '')
+ end
+ else
+ "Oh-no! Unable to find release notes!"
+ end
+ say release_notes
+ say
+ say "-" * 78
+ say
+ say "RubyGems installed the following executables:"
+ say { |name| "\t#{name}\n" }
+ say
+ unless @bin_file_names.grep(/#{File::SEPARATOR}gem$/) then
+ say "If `gem` was installed by a previous RubyGems installation, you may need"
+ say "to remove it by hand."
+ say
+ end
+ end
+ def install_executables(bin_dir)
+ say "Installing gem executable" if @verbose
+ @bin_file_names = []
+ Dir.chdir 'bin' do
+ bin_files = Dir['*']
+ bin_files.delete 'update_rubygems'
+ bin_files.each do |bin_file|
+ bin_file_formatted = if options[:format_executable] then
+ Gem.default_exec_format % bin_file
+ else
+ bin_file
+ end
+ dest_file = File.join bin_dir, bin_file_formatted
+ bin_tmp_file = File.join Dir.tmpdir, bin_file
+ begin
+ bin = File.readlines bin_file
+ bin[0] = "#!#{Gem.ruby}\n"
+ bin_tmp_file, 'w' do |fp|
+ fp.puts bin.join
+ end
+ install bin_tmp_file, dest_file, :mode => 0755
+ @bin_file_names << dest_file
+ ensure
+ rm bin_tmp_file
+ end
+ next unless Gem.win_platform?
+ begin
+ bin_cmd_file = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "#{bin_file}.bat"
+ bin_cmd_file, 'w' do |file|
+ file.puts <<-TEXT
+IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT
+@"#{File.basename(Gem.ruby).chomp('"')}" "#{dest_file}" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+@"#{File.basename(Gem.ruby).chomp('"')}" "%~dpn0" %*
+ end
+ install bin_cmd_file, "#{dest_file}.bat", :mode => 0755
+ ensure
+ rm bin_cmd_file
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def install_lib(lib_dir)
+ say "Installing RubyGems" if @verbose
+ Dir.chdir 'lib' do
+ lib_files = Dir[File.join('**', '*rb')]
+ lib_files.each do |lib_file|
+ dest_file = File.join lib_dir, lib_file
+ dest_dir = File.dirname dest_file
+ mkdir_p dest_dir unless dest_dir
+ install lib_file, dest_file, :mode => 0644
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def install_rdoc
+ gem_doc_dir = File.join Gem.dir, 'doc'
+ rubygems_name = "rubygems-#{Gem::VERSION}"
+ rubygems_doc_dir = File.join gem_doc_dir, rubygems_name
+ if File.writable? gem_doc_dir and
+ (not File.exist? rubygems_doc_dir or
+ File.writable? rubygems_doc_dir) then
+ say "Removing old RubyGems RDoc and ri" if @verbose
+ Dir[File.join(Gem.dir, 'doc', 'rubygems-[0-9]*')].each do |dir|
+ rm_rf dir
+ end
+ if options[:ri] then
+ ri_dir = File.join rubygems_doc_dir, 'ri'
+ say "Installing #{rubygems_name} ri into #{ri_dir}" if @verbose
+ run_rdoc '--ri', '--op', ri_dir
+ end
+ if options[:rdoc] then
+ rdoc_dir = File.join rubygems_doc_dir, 'rdoc'
+ say "Installing #{rubygems_name} rdoc into #{rdoc_dir}" if @verbose
+ run_rdoc '--op', rdoc_dir
+ end
+ elsif @verbose then
+ say "Skipping RDoc generation, #{gem_doc_dir} not writable"
+ say "Set the GEM_HOME environment variable if you want RDoc generated"
+ end
+ end
+ def make_destination_dirs(install_destdir)
+ lib_dir, bin_dir = Gem.default_rubygems_dirs
+ unless lib_dir
+ lib_dir, bin_dir = generate_default_dirs(install_destdir)
+ end
+ mkdir_p lib_dir
+ mkdir_p bin_dir
+ return lib_dir, bin_dir
+ end
+ def generate_default_dirs(install_destdir)
+ prefix = options[:prefix]
+ site_or_vendor = options[:site_or_vendor]
+ if prefix.empty? then
+ lib_dir = Gem::ConfigMap[site_or_vendor]
+ bin_dir = Gem::ConfigMap[:bindir]
+ else
+ # Apple installed RubyGems into libdir, and RubyGems <= 1.1.0 gets
+ # confused about installation location, so switch back to
+ # sitelibdir/vendorlibdir.
+ if defined?(APPLE_GEM_HOME) and
+ # just in case Apple and RubyGems don't get this patched up proper.
+ (prefix == Gem::ConfigMap[:libdir] or
+ # this one is important
+ prefix == File.join(Gem::ConfigMap[:libdir], 'ruby')) then
+ lib_dir = Gem::ConfigMap[site_or_vendor]
+ bin_dir = Gem::ConfigMap[:bindir]
+ else
+ lib_dir = File.join prefix, 'lib'
+ bin_dir = File.join prefix, 'bin'
+ end
+ end
+ unless install_destdir.empty? then
+ lib_dir = File.join install_destdir, lib_dir.gsub(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, '')
+ bin_dir = File.join install_destdir, bin_dir.gsub(/^[a-zA-Z]:/, '')
+ end
+ [lib_dir, bin_dir]
+ end
+ def remove_old_bin_files(bin_dir)
+ old_bin_files = {
+ 'gem_mirror' => 'gem mirror',
+ 'gem_server' => 'gem server',
+ 'gemlock' => 'gem lock',
+ 'gemri' => 'ri',
+ 'gemwhich' => 'gem which',
+ 'index_gem_repository.rb' => 'gem generate_index',
+ }
+ old_bin_files.each do |old_bin_file, new_name|
+ old_bin_path = File.join bin_dir, old_bin_file
+ next unless File.exist? old_bin_path
+ deprecation_message = "`#{old_bin_file}` has been deprecated. Use `#{new_name}` instead."
+ old_bin_path, 'w' do |fp|
+ fp.write <<-EOF
+abort "#{deprecation_message}"
+ end
+ next unless Gem.win_platform?
+ "#{old_bin_path}.bat", 'w' do |fp|
+ fp.puts %{@ECHO.#{deprecation_message}}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def run_rdoc(*args)
+ begin
+ gem 'rdoc'
+ rescue Gem::LoadError
+ end
+ require 'rdoc/rdoc'
+ args << '--main' << 'README.rdoc' << '--quiet'
+ args << '.'
+ args << 'README.rdoc' << 'UPGRADING.rdoc'
+ args << 'LICENSE.txt' << 'MIT.txt' << 'History.txt'
+ r =
+ r.document args
+ end
+ def uninstall_old_gemcutter
+ require 'rubygems/uninstaller'
+ ui ='gemcutter', :all => true, :ignore => true,
+ :version => '< 0.4')
+ ui.uninstall
+ rescue Gem::InstallError
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/sources_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/sources_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac14313e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/sources_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+class Gem::Commands::SourcesCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ def initialize
+ require 'fileutils'
+ super 'sources',
+ 'Manage the sources and cache file RubyGems uses to search for gems'
+ add_option '-a', '--add SOURCE_URI', 'Add source' do |value, options|
+ options[:add] = value
+ end
+ add_option '-l', '--list', 'List sources' do |value, options|
+ options[:list] = value
+ end
+ add_option '-r', '--remove SOURCE_URI', 'Remove source' do |value, options|
+ options[:remove] = value
+ end
+ add_option '-c', '--clear-all',
+ 'Remove all sources (clear the cache)' do |value, options|
+ options[:clear_all] = value
+ end
+ add_option '-u', '--update', 'Update source cache' do |value, options|
+ options[:update] = value
+ end
+ add_proxy_option
+ end
+ def defaults_str
+ '--list'
+ end
+ def execute
+ options[:list] = !(options[:add] ||
+ options[:clear_all] ||
+ options[:remove] ||
+ options[:update])
+ if options[:clear_all] then
+ path = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.dir
+ FileUtils.rm_rf path
+ unless File.exist? path then
+ say "*** Removed specs cache ***"
+ else
+ unless File.writable? path then
+ say "*** Unable to remove source cache (write protected) ***"
+ else
+ say "*** Unable to remove source cache ***"
+ end
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:add] then
+ source_uri = options[:add]
+ uri = URI.parse source_uri
+ begin
+ Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.load_specs uri, 'specs'
+ Gem.sources << source_uri
+ Gem.configuration.write
+ say "#{source_uri} added to sources"
+ rescue URI::Error, ArgumentError
+ say "#{source_uri} is not a URI"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError => e
+ say "Error fetching #{source_uri}:\n\t#{e.message}"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:remove] then
+ source_uri = options[:remove]
+ unless Gem.sources.include? source_uri then
+ say "source #{source_uri} not present in cache"
+ else
+ Gem.sources.delete source_uri
+ Gem.configuration.write
+ say "#{source_uri} removed from sources"
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:update] then
+ fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher
+ Gem.sources.each do |update_uri|
+ update_uri = URI.parse update_uri
+ fetcher.load_specs update_uri, 'specs'
+ fetcher.load_specs update_uri, 'latest_specs'
+ end
+ say "source cache successfully updated"
+ end
+ if options[:list] then
+ say "*** CURRENT SOURCES ***"
+ say
+ Gem.sources.each do |source|
+ say source
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def remove_cache_file(desc, path)
+ FileUtils.rm_rf path
+ if not File.exist?(path) then
+ say "*** Removed #{desc} source cache ***"
+ elsif not File.writable?(path) then
+ say "*** Unable to remove #{desc} source cache (write protected) ***"
+ else
+ say "*** Unable to remove #{desc} source cache ***"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/specification_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/specification_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..566a9cc66e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/specification_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+require 'rubygems/format'
+class Gem::Commands::SpecificationCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ Gem.load_yaml
+ super 'specification', 'Display gem specification (in yaml)',
+ :domain => :local, :version => Gem::Requirement.default,
+ :format => :yaml
+ add_version_option('examine')
+ add_platform_option
+ add_option('--all', 'Output specifications for all versions of',
+ 'the gem') do |value, options|
+ options[:all] = true
+ end
+ add_option('--ruby', 'Output ruby format') do |value, options|
+ options[:format] = :ruby
+ end
+ add_option('--yaml', 'Output RUBY format') do |value, options|
+ options[:format] = :yaml
+ end
+ add_option('--marshal', 'Output Marshal format') do |value, options|
+ options[:format] = :marshal
+ end
+ add_local_remote_options
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ <<-ARGS
+GEMFILE name of gem to show the gemspec for
+FIELD name of gemspec field to show
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--local --version '#{Gem::Requirement.default}' --yaml"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} [GEMFILE] [FIELD]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ specs = []
+ gem = options[:args].shift
+ unless gem then
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError,
+ "Please specify a gem name or file on the command line"
+ end
+ case options[:version]
+ when String
+ req = Gem::Requirement.parse options[:version]
+ when Gem::Requirement
+ req = options[:version]
+ else
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError, "Unsupported version type: #{options[:version]}"
+ end
+ if !req.none? and options[:all]
+ alert_error "Specify --all or -v, not both"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ if options[:all]
+ dep = gem
+ else
+ dep = gem, options[:version]
+ end
+ field = get_one_optional_argument
+ raise Gem::CommandLineError, "--ruby and FIELD are mutually exclusive" if
+ field and options[:format] == :ruby
+ if local? then
+ if File.exist? gem then
+ specs << Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(gem).spec rescue nil
+ end
+ if specs.empty? then
+ specs.push(*dep.matching_specs)
+ end
+ end
+ if remote? then
+ found = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch dep, true
+ if dep.prerelease? or options[:prerelease]
+ found += Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch dep, false, true, true
+ end
+ specs.push(* { |spec,| spec })
+ end
+ if specs.empty? then
+ alert_error "Unknown gem '#{gem}'"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ unless options[:all] then
+ specs = [specs.sort_by { |s| s.version }.last]
+ end
+ specs.each do |s|
+ s = s.send field if field
+ say case options[:format]
+ when :ruby then s.to_ruby
+ when :marshal then Marshal.dump s
+ else s.to_yaml
+ end
+ say "\n"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/stale_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/stale_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..36c517e27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/stale_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+class Gem::Commands::StaleCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super('stale', 'List gems along with access times')
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name}"
+ end
+ def execute
+ gem_to_atime = {}
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ name = spec.full_name
+ Dir["#{spec.full_gem_path}/**/*.*"].each do |file|
+ next if
+ stat = File.stat(file)
+ gem_to_atime[name] ||= stat.atime
+ gem_to_atime[name] = stat.atime if gem_to_atime[name] < stat.atime
+ end
+ end
+ gem_to_atime.sort_by { |_, atime| atime }.each do |name, atime|
+ say "#{name} at #{atime.strftime '%c'}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/uninstall_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/uninstall_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aaadb762b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/uninstall_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+require 'rubygems/uninstaller'
+# Gem uninstaller command line tool
+# See `gem help uninstall`
+class Gem::Commands::UninstallCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'uninstall', 'Uninstall gems from the local repository',
+ :version => Gem::Requirement.default, :user_install => true
+ add_option('-a', '--[no-]all',
+ 'Uninstall all matching versions'
+ ) do |value, options|
+ options[:all] = value
+ end
+ add_option('-I', '--[no-]ignore-dependencies',
+ 'Ignore dependency requirements while',
+ 'uninstalling') do |value, options|
+ options[:ignore] = value
+ end
+ add_option('-x', '--[no-]executables',
+ 'Uninstall applicable executables without',
+ 'confirmation') do |value, options|
+ options[:executables] = value
+ end
+ add_option('-i', '--install-dir DIR',
+ 'Directory to uninstall gem from') do |value, options|
+ options[:install_dir] = File.expand_path(value)
+ end
+ add_option('-n', '--bindir DIR',
+ 'Directory to remove binaries from') do |value, options|
+ options[:bin_dir] = File.expand_path(value)
+ end
+ add_option('--[no-]user-install',
+ 'Uninstall from user\'s home directory',
+ 'in addition to GEM_HOME.') do |value, options|
+ options[:user_install] = value
+ end
+ add_option('--[no-]format-executable',
+ 'Assume executable names match Ruby\'s prefix and suffix.') do |value, options|
+ options[:format_executable] = value
+ end
+ add_version_option
+ add_platform_option
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME name of gem to uninstall"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--version '#{Gem::Requirement.default}' --no-force " \
+ "--install-dir #{Gem.dir}\n" \
+ "--user-install"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMNAME [GEMNAME ...]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ original_path = Gem.path
+ get_all_gem_names.each do |gem_name|
+ begin
+, options).uninstall
+ rescue Gem::InstallError => e
+ alert e.message
+ rescue Gem::GemNotInHomeException => e
+ spec = e.spec
+ alert("In order to remove #{}, please execute:\n" \
+ "\tgem uninstall #{} --install-dir=#{spec.installation_path}")
+ ensure
+ Gem.use_paths(*original_path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/unpack_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/unpack_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64b8ad64f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/unpack_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/installer'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher'
+class Gem::Commands::UnpackCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ require 'fileutils'
+ super 'unpack', 'Unpack an installed gem to the current directory',
+ :version => Gem::Requirement.default,
+ :target => Dir.pwd
+ add_option('--target=DIR',
+ 'target directory for unpacking') do |value, options|
+ options[:target] = value
+ end
+ add_option('--spec', 'unpack the gem specification') do |value, options|
+ options[:spec] = true
+ end
+ add_version_option
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME name of gem to unpack"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--version '#{Gem::Requirement.default}'"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMNAME"
+ end
+ #--
+ # TODO: allow, e.g., 'gem unpack rake-0.3.1'. Find a general solution for
+ # this, so that it works for uninstall as well. (And check other commands
+ # at the same time.)
+ def execute
+ get_all_gem_names.each do |name|
+ dependency = name, options[:version]
+ path = get_path dependency
+ unless path then
+ alert_error "Gem '#{name}' not installed nor fetchable."
+ next
+ end
+ if @options[:spec] then
+ spec, metadata = get_metadata path
+ if metadata.nil? then
+ alert_error "--spec is unsupported on '#{name}' (old format gem)"
+ next
+ end
+ spec_file = File.basename spec.spec_file
+ open spec_file, 'w' do |io|
+ io.write metadata
+ end
+ else
+ basename = File.basename path, '.gem'
+ target_dir = File.expand_path basename, options[:target]
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p target_dir
+, :unpack => true).unpack target_dir
+ say "Unpacked gem: '#{target_dir}'"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ #
+ # Find cached filename in Gem.path. Returns nil if the file cannot be found.
+ #
+ #--
+ # TODO: see comments in get_path() about general service.
+ def find_in_cache(filename)
+ Gem.path.each do |path|
+ this_path = File.join(path, "cache", filename)
+ return this_path if File.exist? this_path
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the full path to the cached gem file matching the given
+ # name and version requirement. Returns 'nil' if no match.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # get_path 'rake', '> 0.4' # "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache/rake-0.4.2.gem"
+ # get_path 'rake', '< 0.1' # nil
+ # get_path 'rak' # nil (exact name required)
+ #--
+ # TODO: This should be refactored so that it's a general service. I don't
+ # think any of our existing classes are the right place though. Just maybe
+ # 'Cache'?
+ #
+ # TODO: It just uses Gem.dir for now. What's an easy way to get the list of
+ # source directories?
+ def get_path dependency
+ return if =~ /\.gem$/i
+ specs = dependency.matching_specs
+ selected = specs.sort_by { |s| s.version }.last # HACK: hunt last down
+ return Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher.download_to_cache(dependency) unless
+ selected
+ return unless =~ /^#{}$/i
+ # We expect to find (basename).gem in the 'cache' directory. Furthermore,
+ # the name match must be exact (ignoring case).
+ path = find_in_cache File.basename selected.cache_file
+ return Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher.download_to_cache(dependency) unless path
+ path
+ end
+ ##
+ # Extracts the Gem::Specification and raw metadata from the .gem file at
+ # +path+.
+ def get_metadata path
+ format = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path path
+ spec = format.spec
+ metadata = nil
+ open path, Gem.binary_mode do |io|
+ tar = io
+ tar.each_entry do |entry|
+ case entry.full_name
+ when 'metadata' then
+ metadata =
+ when 'metadata.gz' then
+ metadata = Gem.gunzip
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return spec, metadata
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/update_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/update_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d63b943c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/update_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+require 'rubygems/command_manager'
+require 'rubygems/install_update_options'
+require 'rubygems/local_remote_options'
+require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/version_option'
+require 'rubygems/commands/install_command'
+class Gem::Commands::UpdateCommand < Gem::Command
+ include Gem::InstallUpdateOptions
+ include Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ include Gem::VersionOption
+ def initialize
+ super 'update',
+ 'Update the named gems (or all installed gems) in the local repository',
+ :generate_rdoc => true,
+ :generate_ri => true,
+ :force => false
+ add_install_update_options
+ OptionParser.accept Gem::Version do |value|
+ value
+ value
+ end
+ add_option('--system [VERSION]', Gem::Version,
+ 'Update the RubyGems system software') do |value, options|
+ value = true unless value
+ options[:system] = value
+ end
+ add_local_remote_options
+ add_platform_option
+ add_prerelease_option "as update targets"
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "GEMNAME name of gem to update"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--rdoc --ri --no-force --install-dir #{Gem.dir}"
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} GEMNAME [GEMNAME ...]"
+ end
+ def execute
+ @installer = options
+ @updated = []
+ hig = {}
+ if options[:system] then
+ update_rubygems
+ return
+ else
+ say "Updating installed gems"
+ hig = {} # highest installed gems
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ if hig[].nil? or hig[].version < spec.version then
+ hig[] = spec
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ gems_to_update = which_to_update hig, options[:args].uniq
+ updated = update_gems gems_to_update
+ if updated.empty? then
+ say "Nothing to update"
+ else
+ say "Gems updated: #{ { |spec| }.join ', '}"
+ if options[:generate_ri] then
+ updated.each do |gem|
+, options[:rdoc_args]).generate_ri
+ end
+ Gem::DocManager.update_ri_cache
+ end
+ if options[:generate_rdoc] then
+ updated.each do |gem|
+, options[:rdoc_args]).generate_rdoc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def update_gem name, version = Gem::Requirement.default
+ return if @updated.any? { |spec| == name }
+ success = false
+ say "Updating #{name}"
+ begin
+ @installer.install name, version
+ success = true
+ rescue Gem::InstallError => e
+ alert_error "Error installing #{name}:\n\t#{e.message}"
+ success = false
+ end
+ @installer.installed_gems.each do |spec|
+ @updated << spec
+ say "Successfully installed #{spec.full_name}" if success
+ end
+ end
+ def update_gems gems_to_update
+ gems_to_update.uniq.sort.each do |(name, version)|
+ update_gem name, version
+ end
+ @updated
+ end
+ ##
+ # Update RubyGems software to the latest version.
+ def update_rubygems
+ unless options[:args].empty? then
+ alert_error "Gem names are not allowed with the --system option"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ options[:user_install] = false
+ # TODO: rename version and other variable name conflicts
+ # TODO: get rid of all this indirection on name and other BS
+ version = options[:system]
+ if version == true then
+ version = Gem::VERSION
+ requirement = ">= #{Gem::VERSION}"
+ else
+ version = version
+ requirement = version
+ end
+ rubygems_update =
+ = 'rubygems-update'
+ rubygems_update.version = version
+ hig = {
+ 'rubygems-update' => rubygems_update
+ }
+ gems_to_update = which_to_update hig, options[:args], :system
+ name, up_ver = gems_to_update.first
+ current_ver = Gem::VERSION
+ target = if options[:system] == true then
+ up_ver
+ else
+ version
+ end
+ if current_ver == target then
+ # if options[:system] != true and version == current_ver then
+ say "Latest version currently installed. Aborting."
+ terminate_interaction
+ end
+ update_gem name, target
+ installed_gems = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name 'rubygems-update', requirement
+ version = installed_gems.last.version
+ args = []
+ args << '--prefix' << Gem.prefix if Gem.prefix
+ args << '--no-rdoc' unless options[:generate_rdoc]
+ args << '--no-ri' unless options[:generate_ri]
+ args << '--no-format-executable' if options[:no_format_executable]
+ update_dir = File.join Gem.dir, 'gems', "rubygems-update-#{version}"
+ Dir.chdir update_dir do
+ say "Installing RubyGems #{version}"
+ setup_cmd = "#{Gem.ruby} setup.rb #{args.join ' '}"
+ # Make sure old rubygems isn't loaded
+ old = ENV["RUBYOPT"]
+ ENV.delete("RUBYOPT") if old
+ installed = system setup_cmd
+ say "RubyGems system software updated" if installed
+ ENV["RUBYOPT"] = old if old
+ end
+ end
+ def which_to_update highest_installed_gems, gem_names, system = false
+ result = []
+ highest_installed_gems.each do |l_name, l_spec|
+ next if not gem_names.empty? and
+ gem_names.all? { |name| /#{name}/ !~ }
+ dependency =, "> #{l_spec.version}"
+ fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher
+ spec_tuples = fetcher.find_matching dependency
+ matching_gems = do |(name, _, platform),|
+ name == l_name and Gem::Platform.match platform
+ end
+ highest_remote_gem = matching_gems.sort_by do |(_, version),|
+ version
+ end.last
+ highest_remote_gem ||= [[nil,, nil]] # "null" object
+ highest_remote_ver = highest_remote_gem.first[1]
+ if system or (l_spec.version < highest_remote_ver) then
+ result << [, [l_spec.version, highest_remote_ver].max]
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/which_command.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/which_command.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6495278a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/commands/which_command.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+require 'rubygems/command'
+class Gem::Commands::WhichCommand < Gem::Command
+ def initialize
+ super 'which', 'Find the location of a library file you can require',
+ :search_gems_first => false, :show_all => false
+ add_option '-a', '--[no-]all', 'show all matching files' do |show_all, options|
+ options[:show_all] = show_all
+ end
+ add_option '-g', '--[no-]gems-first',
+ 'search gems before non-gems' do |gems_first, options|
+ options[:search_gems_first] = gems_first
+ end
+ end
+ def arguments # :nodoc:
+ "FILE name of file to find"
+ end
+ def defaults_str # :nodoc:
+ "--no-gems-first --no-all"
+ end
+ def execute
+ found = false
+ options[:args].each do |arg|
+ arg = arg.sub(/#{Regexp.union(*Gem.suffixes)}$/, '')
+ dirs = $LOAD_PATH
+ spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_path arg
+ if spec then
+ if options[:search_gems_first] then
+ dirs = gem_paths(spec) + $LOAD_PATH
+ else
+ dirs = $LOAD_PATH + gem_paths(spec)
+ end
+ end
+ # TODO: this is totally redundant and stupid
+ paths = find_paths arg, dirs
+ if paths.empty? then
+ alert_error "Can't find ruby library file or shared library #{arg}"
+ else
+ say paths
+ found = true
+ end
+ end
+ terminate_interaction 1 unless found
+ end
+ def find_paths(package_name, dirs)
+ result = []
+ dirs.each do |dir|
+ Gem.suffixes.each do |ext|
+ full_path = File.join dir, "#{package_name}#{ext}"
+ if File.exist? full_path and not full_path then
+ result << full_path
+ return result unless options[:show_all]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ def gem_paths(spec)
+ spec.require_paths.collect { |d| File.join spec.full_gem_path, d }
+ end
+ def usage # :nodoc:
+ "#{program_name} FILE [FILE ...]"
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/config_file.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/config_file.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..136e8b4610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/config_file.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+# Gem::ConfigFile RubyGems options and gem command options from ~/.gemrc.
+# ~/.gemrc is a YAML file that uses strings to match gem command arguments and
+# symbols to match RubyGems options.
+# Gem command arguments use a String key that matches the command name and
+# allow you to specify default arguments:
+# install: --no-rdoc --no-ri
+# update: --no-rdoc --no-ri
+# You can use <tt>gem:</tt> to set default arguments for all commands.
+# RubyGems options use symbol keys. Valid options are:
+# +:backtrace+:: See #backtrace
+# +:benchmark+:: See #benchmark
+# +:sources+:: Sets Gem::sources
+# +:verbose+:: See #verbose
+require 'rbconfig'
+class Gem::ConfigFile
+ ##
+ # For Ruby packagers to set configuration defaults. Set in
+ # rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb
+ ##
+ # For Ruby implementers to set configuration defaults. Set in
+ # rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb
+ system_config_path =
+ begin
+ require "etc"
+ Etc.sysconfdir
+ rescue LoadError, NoMethodError
+ begin
+ # TODO: remove after we drop 1.8.7 and 1.9.1
+ require 'Win32API'
+ path = 0.chr * 260
+ if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' then
+ SHGetFolderPath = 'shell32', 'SHGetFolderPath', 'PLPLP',
+ 'L', :stdcall
+ nil, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, nil, 1, path
+ else
+ SHGetFolderPath = 'shell32', 'SHGetFolderPath', 'LLLLP',
+ 'L'
+ 0, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, 0, 1, path
+ end
+ path.strip
+ rescue LoadError
+ RbConfig::CONFIG["sysconfdir"] || "/etc"
+ end
+ end
+ SYSTEM_WIDE_CONFIG_FILE = File.join system_config_path, 'gemrc'
+ ##
+ # List of arguments supplied to the config file object.
+ attr_reader :args
+ ##
+ # Where to look for gems (deprecated)
+ attr_accessor :path
+ ##
+ # Where to install gems (deprecated)
+ attr_accessor :home
+ ##
+ # True if we print backtraces on errors.
+ attr_writer :backtrace
+ ##
+ # True if we are benchmarking this run.
+ attr_accessor :benchmark
+ ##
+ # Bulk threshold value. If the number of missing gems are above this
+ # threshold value, then a bulk download technique is used. (deprecated)
+ attr_accessor :bulk_threshold
+ ##
+ # Verbose level of output:
+ # * false -- No output
+ # * true -- Normal output
+ # * :loud -- Extra output
+ attr_accessor :verbose
+ ##
+ # True if we want to update the SourceInfoCache every time, false otherwise
+ attr_accessor :update_sources
+ ##
+ # API key for
+ attr_reader :rubygems_api_key
+ ##
+ # Hash of and alternate API keys
+ attr_reader :api_keys
+ ##
+ # openssl verify mode value, used for remote https connection
+ attr_reader :ssl_verify_mode
+ ##
+ # Path name of directory or file of openssl CA certificate, used for remote https connection
+ attr_reader :ssl_ca_cert
+ ##
+ # Create the config file object. +args+ is the list of arguments
+ # from the command line.
+ #
+ # The following command line options are handled early here rather
+ # than later at the time most command options are processed.
+ #
+ # <tt>--config-file</tt>, <tt>--config-file==NAME</tt>::
+ # Obviously these need to be handled by the ConfigFile object to ensure we
+ # get the right config file.
+ #
+ # <tt>--backtrace</tt>::
+ # Backtrace needs to be turned on early so that errors before normal
+ # option parsing can be properly handled.
+ #
+ # <tt>--debug</tt>::
+ # Enable Ruby level debug messages. Handled early for the same reason as
+ # --backtrace.
+ def initialize(arg_list)
+ @config_file_name = nil
+ need_config_file_name = false
+ arg_list = do |arg|
+ if need_config_file_name then
+ @config_file_name = arg
+ need_config_file_name = false
+ nil
+ elsif arg =~ /^--config-file=(.*)/ then
+ @config_file_name = $1
+ nil
+ elsif arg =~ /^--config-file$/ then
+ need_config_file_name = true
+ nil
+ else
+ arg
+ end
+ end.compact
+ @backtrace = DEFAULT_BACKTRACE
+ @benchmark = DEFAULT_BENCHMARK
+ @bulk_threshold = DEFAULT_BULK_THRESHOLD
+ @update_sources = DEFAULT_UPDATE_SOURCES
+ operating_system_config = Marshal.load Marshal.dump(OPERATING_SYSTEM_DEFAULTS)
+ platform_config = Marshal.load Marshal.dump(PLATFORM_DEFAULTS)
+ system_config = load_file SYSTEM_WIDE_CONFIG_FILE
+ user_config = load_file config_file_name.dup.untaint
+ @hash = operating_system_config.merge platform_config
+ @hash = @hash.merge system_config
+ @hash = @hash.merge user_config
+ # HACK these override command-line args, which is bad
+ @backtrace = @hash[:backtrace] if @hash.key? :backtrace
+ @benchmark = @hash[:benchmark] if @hash.key? :benchmark
+ @bulk_threshold = @hash[:bulk_threshold] if @hash.key? :bulk_threshold
+ @home = @hash[:gemhome] if @hash.key? :gemhome
+ @path = @hash[:gempath] if @hash.key? :gempath
+ @update_sources = @hash[:update_sources] if @hash.key? :update_sources
+ @verbose = @hash[:verbose] if @hash.key? :verbose
+ @ssl_verify_mode = @hash[:ssl_verify_mode] if @hash.key? :ssl_verify_mode
+ @ssl_ca_cert = @hash[:ssl_ca_cert] if @hash.key? :ssl_ca_cert
+ load_api_keys
+ Gem.sources = @hash[:sources] if @hash.key? :sources
+ handle_arguments arg_list
+ end
+ ##
+ # Location of credentials
+ def credentials_path
+ File.join Gem.user_home, '.gem', 'credentials'
+ end
+ def load_api_keys
+ @api_keys = if File.exist? credentials_path then
+ load_file(credentials_path)
+ else
+ @hash
+ end
+ if @api_keys.key? :rubygems_api_key then
+ @rubygems_api_key = @api_keys[:rubygems_api_key]
+ @api_keys[:rubygems] = @api_keys.delete :rubygems_api_key unless @api_keys.key? :rubygems
+ end
+ end
+ def rubygems_api_key=(api_key)
+ config = load_file(credentials_path).merge(:rubygems_api_key => api_key)
+ dirname = File.dirname credentials_path
+ Dir.mkdir(dirname) unless File.exist? dirname
+ Gem.load_yaml
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f.write config.to_yaml
+ end
+ @rubygems_api_key = api_key
+ end
+ def load_file(filename)
+ Gem.load_yaml
+ return {} unless filename and File.exist? filename
+ begin
+ YAML.load(
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ warn "Failed to load #{config_file_name}"
+ rescue Errno::EACCES
+ warn "Failed to load #{config_file_name} due to permissions problem."
+ end or {}
+ end
+ # True if the backtrace option has been specified, or debug is on.
+ def backtrace
+ @backtrace or $DEBUG
+ end
+ # The name of the configuration file.
+ def config_file_name
+ @config_file_name || Gem.config_file
+ end
+ # Delegates to @hash
+ def each(&block)
+ hash = @hash.dup
+ hash.delete :update_sources
+ hash.delete :verbose
+ hash.delete :benchmark
+ hash.delete :backtrace
+ hash.delete :bulk_threshold
+ yield :update_sources, @update_sources
+ yield :verbose, @verbose
+ yield :benchmark, @benchmark
+ yield :backtrace, @backtrace
+ yield :bulk_threshold, @bulk_threshold
+ yield 'config_file_name', @config_file_name if @config_file_name
+ hash.each(&block)
+ end
+ # Handle the command arguments.
+ def handle_arguments(arg_list)
+ @args = []
+ arg_list.each do |arg|
+ case arg
+ when /^--(backtrace|traceback)$/ then
+ @backtrace = true
+ when /^--bench(mark)?$/ then
+ @benchmark = true
+ when /^--debug$/ then
+ $DEBUG = true
+ else
+ @args << arg
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Really verbose mode gives you extra output.
+ def really_verbose
+ case verbose
+ when true, false, nil then false
+ else true
+ end
+ end
+ # to_yaml only overwrites things you can't override on the command line.
+ def to_yaml # :nodoc:
+ yaml_hash = {}
+ yaml_hash[:backtrace] = @hash.key?(:backtrace) ? @hash[:backtrace] :
+ yaml_hash[:benchmark] = @hash.key?(:benchmark) ? @hash[:benchmark] :
+ yaml_hash[:bulk_threshold] = @hash.key?(:bulk_threshold) ?
+ @hash[:bulk_threshold] : DEFAULT_BULK_THRESHOLD
+ yaml_hash[:sources] = Gem.sources
+ yaml_hash[:update_sources] = @hash.key?(:update_sources) ?
+ @hash[:update_sources] : DEFAULT_UPDATE_SOURCES
+ yaml_hash[:verbose] = @hash.key?(:verbose) ? @hash[:verbose] :
+ keys = { |key| key.to_s }
+ keys << 'debug'
+ re = Regexp.union(*keys)
+ @hash.each do |key, value|
+ key = key.to_s
+ next if key =~ re
+ yaml_hash[key.to_s] = value
+ end
+ yaml_hash.to_yaml
+ end
+ # Writes out this config file, replacing its source.
+ def write
+ open config_file_name, 'w' do |io|
+ io.write to_yaml
+ end
+ end
+ # Return the configuration information for +key+.
+ def [](key)
+ @hash[key.to_s]
+ end
+ # Set configuration option +key+ to +value+.
+ def []=(key, value)
+ @hash[key.to_s] = value
+ end
+ def ==(other) # :nodoc:
+ self.class === other and
+ @backtrace == other.backtrace and
+ @benchmark == other.benchmark and
+ @bulk_threshold == other.bulk_threshold and
+ @verbose == other.verbose and
+ @update_sources == other.update_sources and
+ @hash == other.hash
+ end
+ protected
+ attr_reader :hash
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/custom_require.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/custom_require.rb
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/custom_require.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+module Kernel
+ if defined?(gem_original_require) then
+ # Ruby ships with a custom_require, override its require
+ remove_method :require
+ else
+ ##
+ # The Kernel#require from before RubyGems was loaded.
+ alias gem_original_require require
+ private :gem_original_require
+ end
+ ##
+ # When RubyGems is required, Kernel#require is replaced with our own which
+ # is capable of loading gems on demand.
+ #
+ # When you call <tt>require 'x'</tt>, this is what happens:
+ # * If the file can be loaded from the existing Ruby loadpath, it
+ # is.
+ # * Otherwise, installed gems are searched for a file that matches.
+ # If it's found in gem 'y', that gem is activated (added to the
+ # loadpath).
+ #
+ # The normal <tt>require</tt> functionality of returning false if
+ # that file has already been loaded is preserved.
+ def require path
+ if Gem.unresolved_deps.empty? then
+ gem_original_require path
+ else
+ spec = Gem::Specification.find { |s|
+ s.activated? and s.contains_requirable_file? path
+ }
+ unless spec then
+ found_specs = Gem::Specification.find_in_unresolved path
+ unless found_specs.empty? then
+ found_specs = [found_specs.last]
+ else
+ found_specs = Gem::Specification.find_in_unresolved_tree path
+ end
+ found_specs.each do |found_spec|
+ found_spec.activate
+ end
+ end
+ return gem_original_require path
+ end
+ rescue LoadError => load_error
+ if load_error.message.start_with?("Could not find") or
+ (load_error.message.end_with?(path) and Gem.try_activate(path)) then
+ return gem_original_require(path)
+ end
+ raise load_error
+ end
+ private :require
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/defaults.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+module Gem
+ # TODO: move this whole file back into rubygems.rb
+ @post_install_hooks ||= []
+ @post_uninstall_hooks ||= []
+ @pre_uninstall_hooks ||= []
+ @pre_install_hooks ||= []
+ ##
+ # An Array of the default sources that come with RubyGems
+ def self.default_sources
+ %w[]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Default home directory path to be used if an alternate value is not
+ # specified in the environment
+ def self.default_dir
+ path = if defined? RUBY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION then
+ [
+ File.dirname(ConfigMap[:sitedir]),
+ 'Gems',
+ ConfigMap[:ruby_version]
+ ]
+ elsif ConfigMap[:rubylibprefix] then
+ [
+ ConfigMap[:rubylibprefix],
+ 'gems',
+ ConfigMap[:ruby_version]
+ ]
+ else
+ [
+ ConfigMap[:libdir],
+ ruby_engine,
+ 'gems',
+ ConfigMap[:ruby_version]
+ ]
+ end
+ @default_dir ||= File.join(*path)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Paths where RubyGems' .rb files and bin files are installed
+ def self.default_rubygems_dirs
+ nil # default to standard layout
+ end
+ ##
+ # Path for gems in the user's home directory
+ def self.user_dir
+ File.join Gem.user_home, '.gem', ruby_engine, ConfigMap[:ruby_version]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Default gem load path
+ def self.default_path
+ if File.exist? Gem.user_home then
+ [user_dir, default_dir]
+ else
+ [default_dir]
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Deduce Ruby's --program-prefix and --program-suffix from its install name
+ def self.default_exec_format
+ exec_format = ConfigMap[:ruby_install_name].sub('ruby', '%s') rescue '%s'
+ unless exec_format =~ /%s/ then
+ raise Gem::Exception,
+ "[BUG] invalid exec_format #{exec_format.inspect}, no %s"
+ end
+ exec_format
+ end
+ ##
+ # The default directory for binaries
+ def self.default_bindir
+ if defined? RUBY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION then # mac framework support
+ '/usr/bin'
+ else # generic install
+ ConfigMap[:bindir]
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # The default system-wide source info cache directory
+ def self.default_system_source_cache_dir
+ File.join(Gem.dir, 'source_cache')
+ end
+ ##
+ # The default user-specific source info cache directory
+ def self.default_user_source_cache_dir
+ #
+ # NOTE Probably an argument for moving this to per-ruby supported dirs like
+ # user_dir
+ #
+ File.join(Gem.user_home, '.gem', 'source_cache')
+ end
+ ##
+ # A wrapper around RUBY_ENGINE const that may not be defined
+ def self.ruby_engine
+ if defined? RUBY_ENGINE then
+ else
+ 'ruby'
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency.rb
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+require "rubygems/requirement"
+# The Dependency class holds a Gem name and a Gem::Requirement.
+class Gem::Dependency
+ ##
+ # Valid dependency types.
+ #--
+ # When this list is updated, be sure to change
+ # Gem::Specification::CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION as well.
+ TYPES = [
+ :development,
+ :runtime,
+ ]
+ ##
+ # Dependency name or regular expression.
+ attr_accessor :name
+ ##
+ # Allows you to force this dependency to be a prerelease.
+ attr_writer :prerelease
+ ##
+ # Constructs a dependency with +name+ and +requirements+. The last
+ # argument can optionally be the dependency type, which defaults to
+ # <tt>:runtime</tt>.
+ def initialize name, *requirements
+ if Regexp === name then
+ msg = ["NOTE: w/ a regexp is deprecated.",
+ " called from #{Gem.location_of_caller.join(":")}"]
+ warn msg.join("\n") unless Gem::Deprecate.skip
+ end
+ type = Symbol === requirements.last ? requirements.pop : :runtime
+ requirements = requirements.first if 1 == requirements.length # unpack
+ unless TYPES.include? type
+ raise ArgumentError, "Valid types are #{TYPES.inspect}, "
+ + "not #{type.inspect}"
+ end
+ @name = name
+ @requirement = Gem::Requirement.create requirements
+ @type = type
+ @prerelease = false
+ # This is for Marshal backwards compatibility. See the comments in
+ # +requirement+ for the dirty details.
+ @version_requirements = @requirement
+ end
+ ##
+ # A dependency's hash is the XOR of the hashes of +name+, +type+,
+ # and +requirement+.
+ def hash # :nodoc:
+ name.hash ^ type.hash ^ requirement.hash
+ end
+ def inspect # :nodoc:
+ "<%s type=%p name=%p requirements=%p>" %
+ [self.class, self.type,, requirement.to_s]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Does this dependency require a prerelease?
+ def prerelease?
+ @prerelease || requirement.prerelease?
+ end
+ def pretty_print q # :nodoc:
+ 1, '', ')' do
+ q.pp name
+ q.text ','
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp requirement
+ q.text ','
+ q.breakable
+ q.pp type
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # What does this dependency require?
+ def requirement
+ return @requirement if defined?(@requirement) and @requirement
+ # @version_requirements and @version_requirement are legacy ivar
+ # names, and supported here because older gems need to keep
+ # working and Dependency doesn't implement marshal_dump and
+ # marshal_load. In a happier world, this would be an
+ # attr_accessor. The horrifying instance_variable_get you see
+ # below is also the legacy of some old restructurings.
+ #
+ # Note also that because of backwards compatibility (loading new
+ # gems in an old RubyGems installation), we can't add explicit
+ # marshaling to this class until we want to make a big
+ # break. Maybe 2.0.
+ #
+ # Children, define explicit marshal and unmarshal behavior for
+ # public classes. Marshal formats are part of your public API.
+ if defined?(@version_requirement) && @version_requirement
+ version = @version_requirement.instance_variable_get :@version
+ @version_requirement = nil
+ @version_requirements = version
+ end
+ @requirement = @version_requirements if defined?(@version_requirements)
+ end
+ def requirements_list
+ requirement.as_list
+ end
+ def to_s # :nodoc:
+ if type != :runtime then
+ "#{name} (#{requirement}, #{type})"
+ else
+ "#{name} (#{requirement})"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Dependency type.
+ def type
+ @type ||= :runtime
+ end
+ def == other # :nodoc:
+ Gem::Dependency === other &&
+ == &&
+ self.type == other.type &&
+ self.requirement == other.requirement
+ end
+ ##
+ # Dependencies are ordered by name.
+ def <=> other
+ <=>
+ end
+ ##
+ # Uses this dependency as a pattern to compare to +other+. This
+ # dependency will match if the name matches the other's name, and
+ # other has only an equal version requirement that satisfies this
+ # dependency.
+ def =~ other
+ unless Gem::Dependency === other
+ return unless other.respond_to?(:name) && other.respond_to?(:version)
+ other =, other.version
+ end
+ return false unless name ===
+ reqs = other.requirement.requirements
+ return false unless reqs.length == 1
+ return false unless reqs.first.first == '='
+ version = reqs.first.last
+ requirement.satisfied_by? version
+ end
+ def match? name, version
+ return false unless === name
+ return true if requirement.none?
+ requirement.satisfied_by?
+ end
+ def matches_spec? spec
+ return false unless name ===
+ return true if requirement.none?
+ requirement.satisfied_by?(spec.version)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Merges the requirements of +other+ into this dependency
+ def merge other
+ unless name == then
+ raise ArgumentError,
+ "#{self} and #{other} have different names"
+ end
+ default = Gem::Requirement.default
+ self_req = self.requirement
+ other_req = other.requirement
+ return name, self_req if other_req == default
+ return name, other_req if self_req == default
+ name, self_req.as_list.concat(other_req.as_list)
+ end
+ def matching_specs platform_only = false
+ matches = Gem::Specification.find_all { |spec|
+ === and # TODO: == instead of ===
+ requirement.satisfied_by? spec.version
+ }
+ if platform_only
+ matches.reject! { |spec|
+ not Gem::Platform.match spec.platform
+ }
+ end
+ matches = matches.sort_by { |s| s.sort_obj } # HACK: shouldn't be needed
+ end
+ ##
+ # True if the dependency will not always match the latest version.
+ def specific?
+ @requirement.specific?
+ end
+ def to_specs
+ matches = matching_specs true
+ # TODO: check Gem.activated_spec[] in case matches falls outside
+ if matches.empty? then
+ specs = Gem::Specification.all_names.join ", "
+ error = "Could not find #{name} (#{requirement}) amongst [#{specs}]"
+ =
+ error.requirement = self.requirement
+ raise error
+ end
+ # TODO: any other resolver validations should go here
+ matches
+ end
+ def to_spec
+ matches = self.to_specs
+ matches.find { |spec| spec.activated? } or matches.last
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6303e8e9ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency_installer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/dependency_list'
+require 'rubygems/installer'
+require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+# Installs a gem along with all its dependencies from local and remote gems.
+class Gem::DependencyInstaller
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ attr_reader :gems_to_install
+ attr_reader :installed_gems
+ :env_shebang => false,
+ :domain => :both, # HACK dup
+ :force => false,
+ :format_executable => false, # HACK dup
+ :ignore_dependencies => false,
+ :prerelease => false,
+ :security_policy => nil, # HACK NoSecurity requires OpenSSL. AlmostNo? Low?
+ :wrappers => true,
+ }
+ ##
+ # Creates a new installer instance.
+ #
+ # Options are:
+ # :cache_dir:: Alternate repository path to store .gem files in.
+ # :domain:: :local, :remote, or :both. :local only searches gems in the
+ # current directory. :remote searches only gems in Gem::sources.
+ # :both searches both.
+ # :env_shebang:: See Gem::Installer::new.
+ # :force:: See Gem::Installer#install.
+ # :format_executable:: See Gem::Installer#initialize.
+ # :ignore_dependencies:: Don't install any dependencies.
+ # :install_dir:: See Gem::Installer#install.
+ # :prerelease:: Allow prerelease versions. See #install.
+ # :security_policy:: See Gem::Installer::new and Gem::Security.
+ # :user_install:: See
+ # :wrappers:: See Gem::Installer::new
+ def initialize(options = {})
+ if options[:install_dir] then
+ @gem_home = options[:install_dir]
+ Gem::Specification.dirs = @gem_home
+ Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gem_home
+ options[:install_dir] = @gem_home # FIX: because we suck and reuse below
+ end
+ options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge options
+ @bin_dir = options[:bin_dir]
+ @development = options[:development]
+ @domain = options[:domain]
+ @env_shebang = options[:env_shebang]
+ @force = options[:force]
+ @format_executable = options[:format_executable]
+ @ignore_dependencies = options[:ignore_dependencies]
+ @prerelease = options[:prerelease]
+ @security_policy = options[:security_policy]
+ @user_install = options[:user_install]
+ @wrappers = options[:wrappers]
+ @installed_gems = []
+ @install_dir = options[:install_dir] || Gem.dir
+ @cache_dir = options[:cache_dir] || @install_dir
+ # Set with any errors that SpecFetcher finds while search through
+ # gemspecs for a dep
+ @errors = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a list of pairs of gemspecs and source_uris that match
+ # Gem::Dependency +dep+ from both local (Dir.pwd) and remote (Gem.sources)
+ # sources. Gems are sorted with newer gems preferred over older gems, and
+ # local gems preferred over remote gems.
+ def find_gems_with_sources(dep)
+ # Reset the errors
+ @errors = nil
+ gems_and_sources = []
+ if @domain == :both or @domain == :local then
+ Dir[File.join(Dir.pwd, "#{}-[0-9]*.gem")].each do |gem_file|
+ spec = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(gem_file).spec
+ gems_and_sources << [spec, gem_file] if ==
+ end
+ end
+ if @domain == :both or @domain == :remote then
+ begin
+ # REFACTOR: all = dep.requirement.needs_all?
+ requirements = do |req, ver|
+ req
+ end
+ all = !dep.prerelease? &&
+ # we only need latest if there's one requirement and it is
+ # guaranteed to match the newest specs
+ (requirements.length > 1 or
+ (requirements.first != ">=" and requirements.first != ">"))
+ found, @errors = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch_with_errors dep, all, true, dep.prerelease?
+ gems_and_sources.push(*found)
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError => e
+ if Gem.configuration.really_verbose then
+ say "Error fetching remote data:\t\t#{e.message}"
+ say "Falling back to local-only install"
+ end
+ @domain = :local
+ end
+ end
+ gems_and_sources.sort_by do |gem, source|
+ [gem, source =~ /^http:\/\// ? 0 : 1] # local gems win
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Gathers all dependencies necessary for the installation from local and
+ # remote sources unless the ignore_dependencies was given.
+ def gather_dependencies
+ specs = { |spec,_| spec }
+ # these gems were listed by the user, always install them
+ keep_names = { |spec| spec.full_name }
+ dependency_list = @development
+ dependency_list.add(*specs)
+ to_do = specs.dup
+ add_found_dependencies to_do, dependency_list unless @ignore_dependencies
+ dependency_list.specs.reject! { |spec|
+ not keep_names.include?(spec.full_name) and
+ Gem::Specification.include?(spec)
+ }
+ unless dependency_list.ok? or @ignore_dependencies or @force then
+ reason = dependency_list.why_not_ok?.map { |k,v|
+ "#{k} requires #{v.join(", ")}"
+ }.join("; ")
+ raise Gem::DependencyError, "Unable to resolve dependencies: #{reason}"
+ end
+ @gems_to_install = dependency_list.dependency_order.reverse
+ end
+ def add_found_dependencies to_do, dependency_list
+ seen = {}
+ dependencies = { |h, name| h[name] = name }
+ until to_do.empty? do
+ spec = to_do.shift
+ next if spec.nil? or seen[]
+ seen[] = true
+ deps = spec.runtime_dependencies
+ deps |= spec.development_dependencies if @development
+ deps.each do |dep|
+ dependencies[] = dependencies[].merge dep
+ results = find_gems_with_sources(dep).reverse
+ results.reject! do |dep_spec,|
+ to_do.push dep_spec
+ # already locally installed
+ Gem::Specification.any? do |installed_spec|
+ == and
+ dep.requirement.satisfied_by? installed_spec.version
+ end
+ end
+ results.each do |dep_spec, source_uri|
+ @specs_and_sources << [dep_spec, source_uri]
+ dependency_list.add dep_spec
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ dependency_list.remove_specs_unsatisfied_by dependencies
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds a spec and the source_uri it came from for gem +gem_name+ and
+ # +version+. Returns an Array of specs and sources required for
+ # installation of the gem.
+ def find_spec_by_name_and_version(gem_name,
+ version = Gem::Requirement.default,
+ prerelease = false)
+ spec_and_source = nil
+ glob = if File::ALT_SEPARATOR then
+ gem_name.gsub File::ALT_SEPARATOR, File::SEPARATOR
+ else
+ gem_name
+ end
+ local_gems = Dir["#{glob}*"].sort.reverse
+ local_gems.each do |gem_file|
+ next unless gem_file =~ /gem$/
+ begin
+ spec = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(gem_file).spec
+ spec_and_source = [spec, gem_file]
+ break
+ rescue SystemCallError, Gem::Package::FormatError
+ end
+ end
+ unless spec_and_source then
+ dep = gem_name, version
+ dep.prerelease = true if prerelease
+ spec_and_sources = find_gems_with_sources(dep).reverse
+ spec_and_source = spec_and_sources.find { |spec, source|
+ Gem::Platform.match spec.platform
+ }
+ end
+ if spec_and_source.nil? then
+ raise
+ "Could not find a valid gem '#{gem_name}' (#{version}) locally or in a repository",
+ gem_name, version, @errors)
+ end
+ @specs_and_sources = [spec_and_source]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Installs the gem +dep_or_name+ and all its dependencies. Returns an Array
+ # of installed gem specifications.
+ #
+ # If the +:prerelease+ option is set and there is a prerelease for
+ # +dep_or_name+ the prerelease version will be installed.
+ #
+ # Unless explicitly specified as a prerelease dependency, prerelease gems
+ # that +dep_or_name+ depend on will not be installed.
+ #
+ # If c-1.a depends on b-1 and a-1.a and there is a gem b-1.a available then
+ # c-1.a, b-1 and a-1.a will be installed. b-1.a will need to be installed
+ # separately.
+ def install dep_or_name, version = Gem::Requirement.default
+ if String === dep_or_name then
+ find_spec_by_name_and_version dep_or_name, version, @prerelease
+ else
+ dep_or_name.prerelease = @prerelease
+ @specs_and_sources = [find_gems_with_sources(dep_or_name).last]
+ end
+ @installed_gems = []
+ gather_dependencies
+ last = @gems_to_install.size - 1
+ @gems_to_install.each_with_index do |spec, index|
+ next if Gem::Specification.include?(spec) and index != last
+ # TODO: make this sorta_verbose so other users can benefit from it
+ say "Installing gem #{spec.full_name}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ _, source_uri = @specs_and_sources.assoc spec
+ begin
+ local_gem_path = spec, source_uri,
+ @cache_dir
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError
+ next if @force
+ raise
+ end
+ inst = local_gem_path,
+ :bin_dir => @bin_dir,
+ :development => @development,
+ :env_shebang => @env_shebang,
+ :force => @force,
+ :format_executable => @format_executable,
+ :ignore_dependencies => @ignore_dependencies,
+ :install_dir => @install_dir,
+ :security_policy => @security_policy,
+ :user_install => @user_install,
+ :wrappers => @wrappers
+ spec = inst.install
+ @installed_gems << spec
+ end
+ @installed_gems
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency_list.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency_list.rb
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/dependency_list.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'tsort'
+require 'rubygems/deprecate'
+# Gem::DependencyList is used for installing and uninstalling gems in the
+# correct order to avoid conflicts.
+class Gem::DependencyList
+ attr_reader :specs
+ include Enumerable
+ include TSort
+ ##
+ # Allows enabling/disabling use of development dependencies
+ attr_accessor :development
+ ##
+ # Creates a DependencyList from the current specs.
+ def self.from_specs
+ list = new
+ list.add(*
+ list
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a DependencyList from a Gem::SourceIndex +source_index+
+ def self.from_source_index(ignored=nil)
+ warn "NOTE: DependencyList.from_source_index ignores it's arg" if ignored
+ from_specs
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new DependencyList. If +development+ is true, development
+ # dependencies will be included.
+ def initialize development = false
+ @specs = []
+ @development = development
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +gemspecs+ to the dependency list.
+ def add(*gemspecs)
+ @specs.push(*gemspecs)
+ end
+ def clear
+ @specs.clear
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a list of the gem specifications in the dependency list, sorted in
+ # order so that no gemspec in the list depends on a gemspec earlier in the
+ # list.
+ #
+ # This is useful when removing gems from a set of installed gems. By
+ # removing them in the returned order, you don't get into as many dependency
+ # issues.
+ #
+ # If there are circular dependencies (yuck!), then gems will be returned in
+ # order until only the circular dependents and anything they reference are
+ # left. Then arbitrary gemspecs will be returned until the circular
+ # dependency is broken, after which gems will be returned in dependency
+ # order again.
+ def dependency_order
+ sorted = strongly_connected_components.flatten
+ result = []
+ seen = {}
+ sorted.each do |spec|
+ if index = seen[] then
+ if result[index].version < spec.version then
+ result[index] = spec
+ end
+ else
+ seen[] = result.length
+ result << spec
+ end
+ end
+ result.reverse
+ end
+ ##
+ # Iterator over dependency_order
+ def each(&block)
+ dependency_order.each(&block)
+ end
+ def find_name(full_name)
+ @specs.find { |spec| spec.full_name == full_name }
+ end
+ def inspect # :nodoc:
+ "#<%s:0x%x %p>" % [self.class, object_id, map { |s| s.full_name }]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Are all the dependencies in the list satisfied?
+ def ok?
+ why_not_ok?(:quick).empty?
+ end
+ def why_not_ok? quick = false
+ unsatisfied = { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
+ each do |spec|
+ spec.runtime_dependencies.each do |dep|
+ inst = Gem::Specification.any? { |installed_spec|
+ == and
+ dep.requirement.satisfied_by? installed_spec.version
+ }
+ unless inst or @specs.find { |s| s.satisfies_requirement? dep } then
+ unsatisfied[] << dep
+ return unsatisfied if quick
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ unsatisfied
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is is ok to remove a gemspec from the dependency list?
+ #
+ # If removing the gemspec creates breaks a currently ok dependency, then it
+ # is NOT ok to remove the gemspec.
+ def ok_to_remove?(full_name)
+ gem_to_remove = find_name full_name
+ siblings = @specs.find_all { |s|
+ == &&
+ s.full_name != gem_to_remove.full_name
+ }
+ deps = []
+ @specs.each do |spec|
+ spec.dependencies.each do |dep|
+ deps << dep if gem_to_remove.satisfies_requirement?(dep)
+ end
+ end
+ deps.all? { |dep|
+ siblings.any? { |s|
+ s.satisfies_requirement? dep
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Remove everything in the DependencyList that matches but doesn't
+ # satisfy items in +dependencies+ (a hash of gem names to arrays of
+ # dependencies).
+ def remove_specs_unsatisfied_by dependencies
+ specs.reject! { |spec|
+ dep = dependencies[]
+ dep and not dep.requirement.satisfied_by? spec.version
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes the gemspec matching +full_name+ from the dependency list
+ def remove_by_name(full_name)
+ @specs.delete_if { |spec| spec.full_name == full_name }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a hash of predecessors. <tt>result[spec]</tt> is an Array of
+ # gemspecs that have a dependency satisfied by the named gemspec.
+ def spec_predecessors
+ result = { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
+ specs = @specs.sort.reverse
+ specs.each do |spec|
+ specs.each do |other|
+ next if spec == other
+ other.dependencies.each do |dep|
+ if spec.satisfies_requirement? dep then
+ result[spec] << other
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ def tsort_each_node(&block)
+ @specs.each(&block)
+ end
+ def tsort_each_child(node, &block)
+ specs = @specs.sort.reverse
+ dependencies = node.runtime_dependencies
+ dependencies.push(*node.development_dependencies) if @development
+ dependencies.each do |dep|
+ specs.each do |spec|
+ if spec.satisfies_requirement? dep then
+ begin
+ yield spec
+ rescue TSort::Cyclic
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Count the number of gemspecs in the list +specs+ that are not in
+ # +ignored+.
+ def active_count(specs, ignored)
+ specs.count { |spec| ignored[spec.full_name].nil? }
+ end
+class Gem::DependencyList
+ class << self
+ extend Gem::Deprecate
+ deprecate :from_source_index, "from_specs", 2011, 11
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/deprecate.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/deprecate.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a78208ec24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/deprecate.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Provides a single method +deprecate+ to be used to declare when
+# something is going away.
+# class Legacy
+# def self.klass_method
+# # ...
+# end
+# def instance_method
+# # ...
+# end
+# extend Gem::Deprecate
+# deprecate :instance_method, "X.z", 2011, 4
+# class << self
+# extend Gem::Deprecate
+# deprecate :klass_method, :none, 2011, 4
+# end
+# end
+module Gem
+ module Deprecate
+ def self.skip # :nodoc:
+ @skip ||= false
+ end
+ def self.skip= v # :nodoc:
+ @skip = v
+ end
+ ##
+ # Temporarily turn off warnings. Intended for tests only.
+ def skip_during
+ Gem::Deprecate.skip, original = true, Gem::Deprecate.skip
+ yield
+ ensure
+ Gem::Deprecate.skip = original
+ end
+ ##
+ # Simple deprecation method that deprecates +name+ by wrapping it up
+ # in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method
+ # telling the user of +repl+ (unless +repl+ is :none) and the
+ # year/month that it is planned to go away.
+ def deprecate name, repl, year, month
+ class_eval {
+ old = "_deprecated_#{name}"
+ alias_method old, name
+ define_method name do |*args, &block| # TODO: really works on 1.8.7?
+ klass = self.kind_of? Module
+ target = klass ? "#{self}." : "#{self.class}#"
+ msg = [ "NOTE: #{target}#{name} is deprecated",
+ repl == :none ? " with no replacement" : ", use #{repl}",
+ ". It will be removed on or after %4d-%02d-01." % [year, month],
+ "\n#{target}#{name} called from #{Gem.location_of_caller.join(":")}",
+ ]
+ warn "#{msg.join}." unless Gem::Deprecate.skip
+ send old, *args, &block
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ module_function :deprecate, :skip_during
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/doc_manager.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/doc_manager.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..826f57d9dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/doc_manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems'
+# The documentation manager generates RDoc and RI for RubyGems.
+class Gem::DocManager
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ @configured_args = []
+ def self.configured_args
+ @configured_args ||= []
+ end
+ def self.configured_args=(args)
+ case args
+ when Array
+ @configured_args = args
+ when String
+ @configured_args = args.split
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Load RDoc from a gem if it is available, otherwise from Ruby's stdlib
+ def self.load_rdoc
+ begin
+ gem 'rdoc'
+ rescue Gem::LoadError
+ # use built-in RDoc
+ end
+ begin
+ require 'rdoc/rdoc'
+ @rdoc_version = if defined? RDoc::VERSION then
+ else
+ '1.0.1' # HACK parsing is hard
+ end
+ rescue LoadError => e
+ raise Gem::DocumentError,
+ "ERROR: RDoc documentation generator not installed: #{e}"
+ end
+ end
+ def self.rdoc_version
+ @rdoc_version
+ end
+ ##
+ # Updates the RI cache for RDoc 2 if it is installed
+ def self.update_ri_cache
+ load_rdoc rescue return
+ return unless defined? RDoc::VERSION # RDoc 1 does not have VERSION
+ require 'rdoc/ri/driver'
+ options = {
+ :use_cache => true,
+ :use_system => true,
+ :use_site => true,
+ :use_home => true,
+ :use_gems => true,
+ :formatter => RDoc::RI::Formatter,
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Create a document manager for +spec+. +rdoc_args+ contains arguments for
+ # RDoc (template etc.) as a String.
+ def initialize(spec, rdoc_args="")
+ require 'fileutils'
+ @spec = spec
+ @doc_dir = spec.doc_dir
+ @rdoc_args = rdoc_args.nil? ? [] : rdoc_args.split
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is the RDoc documentation installed?
+ def rdoc_installed?
+ File.exist?(File.join(@doc_dir, "rdoc"))
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is the RI documentation installed?
+ def ri_installed?
+ File.exist?(File.join(@doc_dir, "ri"))
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate the RI documents for this gem spec.
+ #
+ # Note that if both RI and RDoc documents are generated from the same
+ # process, the RI docs should be done first (a likely bug in RDoc will cause
+ # RI docs generation to fail if run after RDoc).
+ def generate_ri
+ setup_rdoc
+ install_ri # RDoc bug, ri goes first
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @doc_dir unless File.exist?(@doc_dir)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate the RDoc documents for this gem spec.
+ #
+ # Note that if both RI and RDoc documents are generated from the same
+ # process, the RI docs should be done first (a likely bug in RDoc will cause
+ # RI docs generation to fail if run after RDoc).
+ def generate_rdoc
+ setup_rdoc
+ install_rdoc
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @doc_dir unless File.exist?(@doc_dir)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate and install RDoc into the documentation directory
+ def install_rdoc
+ rdoc_dir = File.join @doc_dir, 'rdoc'
+ FileUtils.rm_rf rdoc_dir
+ say "Installing RDoc documentation for #{@spec.full_name}..."
+ run_rdoc '--op', rdoc_dir
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generate and install RI into the documentation directory
+ def install_ri
+ ri_dir = File.join @doc_dir, 'ri'
+ FileUtils.rm_rf ri_dir
+ say "Installing ri documentation for #{@spec.full_name}..."
+ run_rdoc '--ri', '--op', ri_dir
+ end
+ ##
+ # Run RDoc with +args+, which is an ARGV style argument list
+ def run_rdoc(*args)
+ args << @spec.rdoc_options
+ args << self.class.configured_args
+ args << @spec.require_paths.clone
+ args << @spec.extra_rdoc_files
+ args << '--title' << "#{@spec.full_name} Documentation"
+ args << '--quiet'
+ args = do |arg| arg.to_s end
+ if self.class.rdoc_version >='2.4.0') then
+ args.delete '--inline-source'
+ args.delete '--promiscuous'
+ args.delete '-p'
+ args.delete '--one-file'
+ # HACK more
+ end
+ debug_args = args.dup
+ r =
+ old_pwd = Dir.pwd
+ Dir.chdir @spec.full_gem_path
+ say "rdoc #{args.join ' '}" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ begin
+ r.document args
+ rescue Errno::EACCES => e
+ dirname = File.dirname e.message.split("-")[1].strip
+ raise
+ rescue Interrupt => e
+ raise e
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ alert_error "While generating documentation for #{@spec.full_name}"
+ ui.errs.puts "... MESSAGE: #{ex}"
+ ui.errs.puts "... RDOC args: #{debug_args.join(' ')}"
+ ui.errs.puts "\t#{ex.backtrace.join "\n\t"}" if
+ Gem.configuration.backtrace
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ ensure
+ Dir.chdir old_pwd
+ end
+ end
+ def setup_rdoc
+ if File.exist?(@doc_dir) && !File.writable?(@doc_dir) then
+ raise
+ end
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @doc_dir unless File.exist?(@doc_dir)
+ self.class.load_rdoc
+ end
+ ##
+ # Remove RDoc and RI documentation
+ def uninstall_doc
+ base_dir = @spec.base_dir
+ raise base_dir unless File.writable? base_dir
+ # TODO: ok... that's twice... ugh
+ old_name = [
+, @spec.version, @spec.original_platform].join '-'
+ doc_dir = @spec.doc_dir
+ unless doc_dir then
+ doc_dir = File.join File.dirname(doc_dir), old_name
+ end
+ ri_dir = @spec.ri_dir
+ unless ri_dir then
+ ri_dir = File.join File.dirname(ri_dir), old_name
+ end
+ FileUtils.rm_rf doc_dir
+ FileUtils.rm_rf ri_dir
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/errors.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/errors.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..950b34d744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/errors.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+class Gem::ErrorReason; end
+# Generated when trying to lookup a gem to indicate that the gem
+# was found, but that it isn't usable on the current platform.
+# fetch and install read these and report them to the user to aid
+# in figuring out why a gem couldn't be installed.
+class Gem::PlatformMismatch < Gem::ErrorReason
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_reader :version
+ attr_reader :platforms
+ def initialize(name, version)
+ @name = name
+ @version = version
+ @platforms = []
+ end
+ def add_platform(platform)
+ @platforms << platform
+ end
+ def wordy
+ prefix = "Found #{@name} (#{@version})"
+ if @platforms.size == 1
+ "#{prefix}, but was for platform #{@platforms[0]}"
+ else
+ "#{prefix}, but was for platforms #{@platforms.join(' ,')}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/exceptions.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/exceptions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55d67f9125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/exceptions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Base exception class for RubyGems. All exception raised by RubyGems are a
+# subclass of this one.
+class Gem::Exception < RuntimeError; end
+class Gem::CommandLineError < Gem::Exception; end
+class Gem::DependencyError < Gem::Exception; end
+class Gem::DependencyRemovalException < Gem::Exception; end
+# Raised when attempting to uninstall a gem that isn't in GEM_HOME.
+class Gem::GemNotInHomeException < Gem::Exception
+ attr_accessor :spec
+class Gem::DocumentError < Gem::Exception; end
+# Potentially raised when a specification is validated.
+class Gem::EndOfYAMLException < Gem::Exception; end
+# Signals that a file permission error is preventing the user from
+# installing in the requested directories.
+class Gem::FilePermissionError < Gem::Exception
+ def initialize(path)
+ super("You don't have write permissions into the #{path} directory.")
+ end
+# Used to raise parsing and loading errors
+class Gem::FormatException < Gem::Exception
+ attr_accessor :file_path
+class Gem::GemNotFoundException < Gem::Exception
+ def initialize(msg, name=nil, version=nil, errors=nil)
+ super msg
+ @name = name
+ @version = version
+ @errors = errors
+ end
+ attr_reader :name, :version, :errors
+class Gem::InstallError < Gem::Exception; end
+# Potentially raised when a specification is validated.
+class Gem::InvalidSpecificationException < Gem::Exception; end
+class Gem::OperationNotSupportedError < Gem::Exception; end
+# Signals that a remote operation cannot be conducted, probably due to not
+# being connected (or just not finding host).
+# TODO: create a method that tests connection to the preferred gems server.
+# All code dealing with remote operations will want this. Failure in that
+# method should raise this error.
+class Gem::RemoteError < Gem::Exception; end
+class Gem::RemoteInstallationCancelled < Gem::Exception; end
+class Gem::RemoteInstallationSkipped < Gem::Exception; end
+# Represents an error communicating via HTTP.
+class Gem::RemoteSourceException < Gem::Exception; end
+class Gem::VerificationError < Gem::Exception; end
+# Raised to indicate that a system exit should occur with the specified
+# exit_code
+class Gem::SystemExitException < SystemExit
+ attr_accessor :exit_code
+ def initialize(exit_code)
+ @exit_code = exit_code
+ super "Exiting RubyGems with exit_code #{exit_code}"
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97ee762a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems'
+# Classes for building C extensions live here.
+module Gem::Ext; end
+require 'rubygems/ext/builder'
+require 'rubygems/ext/configure_builder'
+require 'rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder'
+require 'rubygems/ext/rake_builder'
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/builder.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e518962ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+class Gem::Ext::Builder
+ def self.class_name
+ name =~ /Ext::(.*)Builder/
+ $1.downcase
+ end
+ def self.make(dest_path, results)
+ unless File.exist? 'Makefile' then
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "Makefile not found:\n\n#{results.join "\n"}"
+ end
+ mf ='Makefile')
+ mf = mf.gsub(/^RUBYARCHDIR\s*=\s*\$[^$]*/, "RUBYARCHDIR = #{dest_path}")
+ mf = mf.gsub(/^RUBYLIBDIR\s*=\s*\$[^$]*/, "RUBYLIBDIR = #{dest_path}")
+'Makefile', 'wb') {|f| f.print mf}
+ # try to find make program from Ruby configure arguments first
+ RbConfig::CONFIG['configure_args'] =~ /with-make-prog\=(\w+)/
+ make_program = $1 || ENV['make']
+ unless make_program then
+ make_program = (/mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) ? 'nmake' : 'make'
+ end
+ ['', ' install'].each do |target|
+ cmd = "#{make_program}#{target}"
+ results << cmd
+ results << `#{cmd} #{redirector}`
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "make#{target} failed:\n\n#{results}" unless
+ $?.success?
+ end
+ end
+ def self.redirector
+ '2>&1'
+ end
+ def, results)
+ results << command
+ results << `#{command} #{redirector}`
+ unless $?.success? then
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "#{class_name} failed:\n\n#{results.join "\n"}"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/configure_builder.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/configure_builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2087eb5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/configure_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/ext/builder'
+class Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder < Gem::Ext::Builder
+ def, directory, dest_path, results)
+ unless File.exist?('Makefile') then
+ cmd = "sh ./configure --prefix=#{dest_path}"
+ cmd << " #{Gem::Command.build_args.join ' '}" unless Gem::Command.build_args.empty?
+ run cmd, results
+ end
+ make dest_path, results
+ results
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3d588dc9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/ext_conf_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/ext/builder'
+require 'rubygems/command'
+class Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder < Gem::Ext::Builder
+ def, directory, dest_path, results)
+ cmd = "#{Gem.ruby} #{File.basename extension}"
+ cmd << " #{Gem::Command.build_args.join ' '}" unless Gem::Command.build_args.empty?
+ run cmd, results
+ make dest_path, results
+ results
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/rake_builder.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/rake_builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1df694366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ext/rake_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/ext/builder'
+require 'rubygems/command'
+class Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder < Gem::Ext::Builder
+ def, directory, dest_path, results)
+ if File.basename(extension) =~ /mkrf_conf/i then
+ cmd = "#{Gem.ruby} #{File.basename extension}"
+ cmd << " #{Gem::Command.build_args.join " "}" unless Gem::Command.build_args.empty?
+ run cmd, results
+ end
+ # Deal with possible spaces in the path, e.g. C:/Program Files
+ dest_path = '"' + dest_path.to_s + '"' if dest_path.to_s.include?(' ')
+ rake = ENV['rake']
+ rake ||= begin
+ "\"#{Gem.ruby}\" -rubygems #{Gem.bin_path('rake', 'rake')}"
+ rescue Gem::Exception
+ end
+ rake ||= Gem.default_exec_format % 'rake'
+ cmd = "#{rake} RUBYARCHDIR=#{dest_path} RUBYLIBDIR=#{dest_path}" # ENV is frozen
+ run cmd, results
+ results
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/format.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/format.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9644f6ab8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/format.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/package'
+# Gem::Format knows the guts of the RubyGem .gem file format and provides the
+# capability to read gem files
+class Gem::Format
+ attr_accessor :spec
+ attr_accessor :file_entries
+ attr_accessor :gem_path
+ ##
+ # Constructs a Format representing the gem's data which came from +gem_path+
+ def initialize(gem_path)
+ @gem_path = gem_path
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads the gem +file_path+ using +security_policy+ and returns a Format
+ # representing the data in the gem
+ def self.from_file_by_path(file_path, security_policy = nil)
+ unless File.file?(file_path)
+ raise Gem::Exception, "Cannot load gem at [#{file_path}] in #{Dir.pwd}"
+ end
+ start = file_path, 20
+ if start.nil? or start.length < 20 then
+ nil
+ elsif start.include?("MD5SUM =") # old version gems
+ require 'rubygems/old_format'
+ Gem::OldFormat.from_file_by_path file_path
+ else
+ begin
+ open file_path, Gem.binary_mode do |io|
+ from_io io, file_path, security_policy
+ end
+ rescue Gem::Package::TarInvalidError => e
+ message = "corrupt gem (#{e.class}: #{e.message})"
+ raise, file_path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads a gem from +io+ at +gem_path+ using +security_policy+ and returns a
+ # Format representing the data from the gem
+ def self.from_io(io, gem_path="(io)", security_policy = nil)
+ format = new gem_path
+ io, 'r', security_policy do |pkg|
+ format.spec = pkg.metadata
+ format.file_entries = []
+ pkg.each do |entry|
+ size = entry.header.size
+ mode = entry.header.mode
+ format.file_entries << [{
+ "size" => size, "mode" => mode, "path" => entry.full_name,
+ },
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ format
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_openssl.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_openssl.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..682058f2c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_openssl.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+# Some system might not have OpenSSL installed, therefore the core
+# library file openssl might not be available. We localize testing
+# for the presence of OpenSSL in this file.
+module Gem
+ class << self
+ ##
+ # Is SSL (used by the signing commands) available on this
+ # platform?
+ def ssl_available?
+ @ssl_available
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is SSL available?
+ attr_writer :ssl_available
+ ##
+ # Ensure that SSL is available. Throw an exception if it is not.
+ def ensure_ssl_available
+ unless ssl_available?
+ raise Gem::Exception, "SSL is not installed on this system"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# :stopdoc:
+ require 'openssl'
+ # Reference a constant defined in the .rb portion of ssl (just to
+ # make sure that part is loaded too).
+ Gem.ssl_available = !!OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1
+ class OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
+ # Check the validity of this certificate.
+ def check_validity(issuer_cert = nil, time =
+ ret = if @not_before && @not_before > time
+ [false, :expired, "not valid before '#@not_before'"]
+ elsif @not_after && @not_after < time
+ [false, :expired, "not valid after '#@not_after'"]
+ elsif issuer_cert && !verify(issuer_cert.public_key)
+ [false, :issuer, "#{issuer_cert.subject} is not issuer"]
+ else
+ [true, :ok, 'Valid certificate']
+ end
+ # return hash
+ { :is_valid => ret[0], :error => ret[1], :desc => ret[2] }
+ end
+ end
+rescue LoadError, StandardError
+ Gem.ssl_available = false
+module Gem::SSL
+ # We make our own versions of the constants here. This allows us
+ # to reference the constants, even though some systems might not
+ # have SSL installed in the Ruby core package.
+ #
+ # These constants are only used during load time. At runtime, any
+ # method that makes a direct reference to SSL software must be
+ # protected with a Gem.ensure_ssl_available call.
+ if Gem.ssl_available? then
+ DIGEST_SHA1 = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1
+ else
+ PKEY_RSA = :rsa
+ DIGEST_SHA1 = :sha1
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..814b5fb0e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+require "rubygems"
+require "rubygems/deprecate"
+# GemPathSearcher has the capability to find loadable files inside
+# gems. It generates data up front to speed up searches later.
+class Gem::GemPathSearcher
+ ##
+ # Initialise the data we need to make searches later.
+ def initialize
+ # We want a record of all the installed gemspecs, in the order we wish to
+ # examine them.
+ # TODO: remove this stupid method
+ @gemspecs = init_gemspecs
+ # Map gem spec to glob of full require_path directories. Preparing this
+ # information may speed up searches later.
+ @lib_dirs = {}
+ @gemspecs.each do |spec|
+ @lib_dirs[spec.object_id] = lib_dirs_for spec
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Look in all the installed gems until a matching +glob+ is found.
+ # Return the _gemspec_ of the gem where it was found. If no match
+ # is found, return nil.
+ #
+ # The gems are searched in alphabetical order, and in reverse
+ # version order.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # find('log4r') # -> (log4r-1.1 spec)
+ # find('log4r.rb') # -> (log4r-1.1 spec)
+ # find('rake/rdoctask') # -> (rake-0.4.12 spec)
+ # find('foobarbaz') # -> nil
+ #
+ # Matching paths can have various suffixes ('.rb', '.so', and
+ # others), which may or may not already be attached to _file_.
+ # This method doesn't care about the full filename that matches;
+ # only that there is a match.
+ def find(glob)
+ # HACK violation of encapsulation
+ @gemspecs.find do |spec|
+ # TODO: inverted responsibility
+ matching_file? spec, glob
+ end
+ end
+ # Looks through the available gemspecs and finds the first
+ # one that contains +file+ as a requirable file.
+ def find_spec_for_file(file)
+ @gemspecs.find do |spec|
+ return spec if spec.contains_requirable_file?(file)
+ end
+ end
+ def find_active(glob)
+ # HACK violation of encapsulation
+ @gemspecs.find do |spec|
+ # TODO: inverted responsibility
+ spec.loaded? and matching_file? spec, glob
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Works like #find, but finds all gemspecs matching +glob+.
+ def find_all(glob)
+ # HACK violation of encapsulation
+ do |spec|
+ # TODO: inverted responsibility
+ matching_file? spec, glob
+ end || []
+ end
+ def find_in_unresolved(glob)
+ # HACK violation
+ specs = { |dep|
+ dep, true
+ }.flatten
+ do |spec|
+ # TODO: inverted responsibility
+ matching_file? spec, glob
+ end || []
+ end
+ def find_in_unresolved_tree glob
+ # HACK violation
+ # TODO: inverted responsibility
+ specs = { |dep|
+ dep, true
+ }.flatten
+ specs.reverse_each do |spec|
+ trails = matching_paths(spec, glob)
+ next if trails.empty?
+ return
+ end
+ []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Attempts to find a matching path using the require_paths of the given
+ # +spec+.
+ def matching_file?(spec, path)
+ not matching_files(spec, path).empty?
+ end
+ def matching_paths(spec, path)
+ trails = []
+ spec.traverse do |from_spec, dep, to_spec, trail|
+ next unless to_spec.conflicts.empty?
+ trails << trail unless matching_files(to_spec, path).empty?
+ end
+ trails
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns files matching +path+ in +spec+.
+ #--
+ # Some of the intermediate results are cached in @lib_dirs for speed.
+ def matching_files(spec, path)
+ return [] unless @lib_dirs[spec.object_id] # case no paths
+ glob = File.join @lib_dirs[spec.object_id], "#{path}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}"
+ Dir[glob].select { |f| File.file? f.untaint }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a list of all installed gemspecs, sorted by alphabetical order and
+ # in reverse version order. (bar-2, bar-1, foo-2)
+ def init_gemspecs
+ Gem::Specification.sort { |a, b|
+ names = <=>
+ next names if names.nonzero?
+ b.version <=> a.version
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns library directories glob for a gemspec. For example,
+ # '/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/foobar-1.0/{lib,ext}'
+ def lib_dirs_for(spec)
+ "#{spec.full_gem_path}/{#{spec.require_paths.join(',')}}" if
+ spec.require_paths
+ end
+ extend Gem::Deprecate
+ deprecate :initialize, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :find, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :find_active, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :find_all, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :find_in_unresolved, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :find_in_unresolved_tree, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :find_spec_for_file, :none, 2011, 10
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_runner.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_runner.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6197036f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gem_runner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require "rubygems"
+require 'rubygems/command_manager'
+require 'rubygems/config_file'
+require 'rubygems/doc_manager'
+# Load additional plugins from $LOAD_PATH
+Gem.load_env_plugins rescue nil
+# Run an instance of the gem program.
+# Gem::GemRunner is only intended for internal use by RubyGems itself. It
+# does not form any public API and may change at any time for any reason.
+# If you would like to duplicate functionality of `gem` commands, use the
+# classes they call directly.
+class Gem::GemRunner
+ def initialize(options={})
+ # TODO: nuke these options
+ @command_manager_class = options[:command_manager] || Gem::CommandManager
+ @config_file_class = options[:config_file] || Gem::ConfigFile
+ @doc_manager_class = options[:doc_manager] || Gem::DocManager
+ end
+ ##
+ # Run the gem command with the following arguments.
+ def run(args)
+ start_time =
+ if args.include?('--')
+ # We need to preserve the original ARGV to use for passing gem options
+ # to source gems. If there is a -- in the line, strip all options after
+ # it...its for the source building process.
+ build_args = args[args.index("--") + 1...args.length]
+ args = args[0...args.index("--")]
+ end
+ Gem::Command.build_args = build_args if build_args
+ do_configuration args
+ cmd = @command_manager_class.instance
+ cmd.command_names.each do |command_name|
+ config_args = Gem.configuration[command_name]
+ config_args = case config_args
+ when String
+ config_args.split ' '
+ else
+ Array(config_args)
+ end
+ Gem::Command.add_specific_extra_args command_name, config_args
+ end
+ Gem.configuration.args
+ end_time =
+ if Gem.configuration.benchmark then
+ printf "\nExecution time: %0.2f seconds.\n", end_time - start_time
+ puts "Press Enter to finish"
+ STDIN.gets
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def do_configuration(args)
+ Gem.configuration =
+ Gem.use_paths Gem.configuration[:gemhome], Gem.configuration[:gempath]
+ Gem::Command.extra_args = Gem.configuration[:gem]
+ @doc_manager_class.configured_args = Gem.configuration[:rdoc]
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gemcutter_utilities.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gemcutter_utilities.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0e7ee99e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/gemcutter_utilities.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher'
+module Gem::GemcutterUtilities
+ OptionParser.accept Symbol do |value|
+ value.to_sym
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add the --key option
+ def add_key_option
+ add_option('-k', '--key KEYNAME', Symbol,
+ 'Use the given API key',
+ 'from ~/.gem/credentials') do |value,options|
+ options[:key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ def api_key
+ if options[:key] then
+ verify_api_key options[:key]
+ else
+ Gem.configuration.rubygems_api_key
+ end
+ end
+ def sign_in
+ return if Gem.configuration.rubygems_api_key
+ say "Enter your credentials."
+ say "Don't have an account yet? Create one at"
+ email = ask " Email: "
+ password = ask_for_password "Password: "
+ say "\n"
+ response = rubygems_api_request :get, "api/v1/api_key" do |request|
+ request.basic_auth email, password
+ end
+ with_response response do |resp|
+ say "Signed in."
+ Gem.configuration.rubygems_api_key = resp.body
+ end
+ end
+ def rubygems_api_request(method, path, host =, &block)
+ require 'net/http'
+ uri = URI.parse "#{host}/#{path}"
+ say "Pushing gem to #{host}..."
+ request_method = Net::HTTP.const_get method.to_s.capitalize
+ Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher.request(uri, request_method, &block)
+ end
+ def with_response(resp)
+ case resp
+ when Net::HTTPSuccess then
+ if block_given? then
+ yield resp
+ else
+ say resp.body
+ end
+ else
+ say resp.body
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ end
+ def verify_api_key(key)
+ if Gem.configuration.api_keys.key? key then
+ Gem.configuration.api_keys[key]
+ else
+ alert_error "No such API key. You can add it with gem keys --add #{key}"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/indexer.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/indexer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e87e5a3632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/indexer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/format'
+require 'time'
+ gem 'builder'
+ require 'builder/xchar'
+rescue LoadError
+# Top level class for building the gem repository index.
+class Gem::Indexer
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ ##
+ # Build indexes for RubyGems older than 1.2.0 when true
+ attr_accessor :build_legacy
+ ##
+ # Build indexes for RubyGems 1.2.0 and newer when true
+ attr_accessor :build_modern
+ ##
+ # Index install location
+ attr_reader :dest_directory
+ ##
+ # Specs index install location
+ attr_reader :dest_specs_index
+ ##
+ # Latest specs index install location
+ attr_reader :dest_latest_specs_index
+ ##
+ # Prerelease specs index install location
+ attr_reader :dest_prerelease_specs_index
+ ##
+ # Index build directory
+ attr_reader :directory
+ ##
+ # Create an indexer that will index the gems in +directory+.
+ def initialize(directory, options = {})
+ require 'fileutils'
+ require 'tmpdir'
+ require 'zlib'
+ unless defined?(Builder::XChar) then
+ raise "Gem::Indexer requires that the XML Builder library be installed:" \
+ "\n\tgem install builder"
+ end
+ options = { :build_legacy => true, :build_modern => true }.merge options
+ @build_legacy = options[:build_legacy]
+ @build_modern = options[:build_modern]
+ @rss_title = options[:rss_title]
+ @rss_host = options[:rss_host]
+ @rss_gems_host = options[:rss_gems_host]
+ @dest_directory = directory
+ @directory = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "gem_generate_index_#{$$}")
+ marshal_name = "Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}"
+ @master_index = File.join @directory, 'yaml'
+ @marshal_index = File.join @directory, marshal_name
+ @quick_dir = File.join @directory, 'quick'
+ @quick_marshal_dir = File.join @quick_dir, marshal_name
+ @quick_marshal_dir_base = File.join "quick", marshal_name # FIX: UGH
+ @quick_index = File.join @quick_dir, 'index'
+ @latest_index = File.join @quick_dir, 'latest_index'
+ @specs_index = File.join @directory, "specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}"
+ @latest_specs_index =
+ File.join(@directory, "latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}")
+ @prerelease_specs_index =
+ File.join(@directory, "prerelease_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}")
+ @dest_specs_index =
+ File.join(@dest_directory, "specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}")
+ @dest_latest_specs_index =
+ File.join(@dest_directory, "latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}")
+ @dest_prerelease_specs_index =
+ File.join(@dest_directory, "prerelease_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}")
+ @rss_index = File.join @directory, 'index.rss'
+ @files = []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Abbreviate the spec for downloading. Abbreviated specs are only used for
+ # searching, downloading and related activities and do not need deployment
+ # specific information (e.g. list of files). So we abbreviate the spec,
+ # making it much smaller for quicker downloads.
+ def abbreviate(spec)
+ spec.files = []
+ spec.test_files = []
+ spec.rdoc_options = []
+ spec.extra_rdoc_files = []
+ spec.cert_chain = []
+ spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Build various indicies
+ def build_indicies
+ # Marshal gemspecs are used by both modern and legacy RubyGems
+ Gem::Specification.dirs = []
+ Gem::Specification.add_specs(*map_gems_to_specs(gem_file_list))
+ build_marshal_gemspecs
+ build_legacy_indicies if @build_legacy
+ build_modern_indicies if @build_modern
+ build_rss
+ compress_indicies
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds indicies for RubyGems older than 1.2.x
+ def build_legacy_indicies
+ index = collect_specs
+ say "Generating Marshal master index"
+ Gem.time 'Generated Marshal master index' do
+ open @marshal_index, 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write index.dump
+ end
+ end
+ @files << @marshal_index
+ @files << "#{@marshal_index}.Z"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds Marshal quick index gemspecs.
+ def build_marshal_gemspecs
+ count = Gem::Specification.count
+ progress = ui.progress_reporter count,
+ "Generating Marshal quick index gemspecs for #{count} gems",
+ "Complete"
+ files = []
+ Gem.time 'Generated Marshal quick index gemspecs' do
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ spec_file_name = "#{spec.original_name}.gemspec.rz"
+ marshal_name = File.join @quick_marshal_dir, spec_file_name
+ marshal_zipped = Gem.deflate Marshal.dump(spec)
+ open marshal_name, 'wb' do |io| io.write marshal_zipped end
+ files << marshal_name
+ progress.updated spec.original_name
+ end
+ progress.done
+ end
+ @files << @quick_marshal_dir
+ files
+ end
+ ##
+ # Build a single index for RubyGems 1.2 and newer
+ def build_modern_index(index, file, name)
+ say "Generating #{name} index"
+ Gem.time "Generated #{name} index" do
+ open(file, 'wb') do |io|
+ specs = do |*spec|
+ # We have to splat here because latest_specs is an array, while the
+ # others are hashes.
+ spec = spec.flatten.last
+ platform = spec.original_platform
+ # win32-api-1.0.4-x86-mswin32-60
+ unless String === platform then
+ alert_warning "Skipping invalid platform in gem: #{spec.full_name}"
+ next
+ end
+ platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY if platform.nil? or platform.empty?
+ [, spec.version, platform]
+ end
+ specs = compact_specs(specs)
+ Marshal.dump(specs, io)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds indicies for RubyGems 1.2 and newer. Handles full, latest, prerelease
+ def build_modern_indicies
+ prerelease, released = Gem::Specification.partition { |s|
+ s.version.prerelease?
+ }
+ latest_specs = Gem::Specification.latest_specs
+ build_modern_index(released.sort, @specs_index, 'specs')
+ build_modern_index(latest_specs.sort, @latest_specs_index, 'latest specs')
+ build_modern_index(prerelease.sort, @prerelease_specs_index,
+ 'prerelease specs')
+ @files += [@specs_index,
+ "#{@specs_index}.gz",
+ @latest_specs_index,
+ "#{@latest_specs_index}.gz",
+ @prerelease_specs_index,
+ "#{@prerelease_specs_index}.gz"]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds an RSS feed for past two days gem releases according to the gem's
+ # date.
+ def build_rss
+ if @rss_host.nil? or @rss_gems_host.nil? then
+ if Gem.configuration.really_verbose then
+ alert_warning "no --rss-host or --rss-gems-host, RSS generation disabled"
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ require 'cgi'
+ require 'rubygems/text'
+ extend Gem::Text
+ Gem.time 'Generated rss' do
+ open @rss_index, 'wb' do |io|
+ rss_host = CGI.escapeHTML @rss_host
+ rss_title = CGI.escapeHTML(@rss_title || 'gems')
+ io.puts <<-HEADER
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<rss version="2.0">
+ <channel>
+ <title>#{rss_title}</title>
+ <link>http://#{rss_host}</link>
+ <description>Recently released gems from http://#{rss_host}</description>
+ <generator>RubyGems v#{Gem::VERSION}</generator>
+ <docs></docs>
+ today = Gem::Specification::TODAY
+ yesterday = today - 86400
+ index = do |spec|
+ spec_date =
+ # TODO: remove this and make YAML based specs properly normalized
+ spec_date = Time.parse(spec_date.to_s) if Date === spec_date
+ spec_date >= yesterday && spec_date <= today
+ end
+ index.sort_by { |spec| [, spec] }.each do |spec|
+ file_name = File.basename spec.cache_file
+ gem_path = CGI.escapeHTML "http://#{@rss_gems_host}/gems/#{file_name}"
+ size = File.stat(spec.loaded_from).size # rescue next
+ description = spec.description || spec.summary || ''
+ authors = Array spec.authors
+ emails = Array
+ authors = do |email, author|
+ email += " (#{author})" if author and not author.empty?
+ end.join ', '
+ description = description.split(/\n\n+/).map do |chunk|
+ format_text chunk, 78
+ end
+ description = description.join "\n\n"
+ item = ''
+ item << <<-ITEM
+ <item>
+ <title>#{CGI.escapeHTML spec.full_name}</title>
+ <description>
+&lt;pre&gt;#{CGI.escapeHTML description.chomp}&lt;/pre&gt;
+ </description>
+ <author>#{CGI.escapeHTML authors}</author>
+ <guid>#{CGI.escapeHTML spec.full_name}</guid>
+ <enclosure url=\"#{gem_path}\"
+ length=\"#{size}\" type=\"application/octet-stream\" />
+ <pubDate>#{}</pubDate>
+ item << <<-ITEM if spec.homepage
+ <link>#{CGI.escapeHTML spec.homepage}</link>
+ item << <<-ITEM
+ </item>
+ io.puts item
+ end
+ io.puts <<-FOOTER
+ </channel>
+ end
+ end
+ @files << @rss_index
+ end
+ def map_gems_to_specs gems
+ { |gemfile|
+ if File.size(gemfile) == 0 then
+ alert_warning "Skipping zero-length gem: #{gemfile}"
+ next
+ end
+ begin
+ spec = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(gemfile).spec
+ spec.loaded_from = gemfile
+ # HACK: fuck this shit - borks all tests that use pl1
+ # if File.basename(gemfile, ".gem") != spec.original_name then
+ # exp = spec.full_name
+ # exp << " (#{spec.original_name})" if
+ # spec.original_name != spec.full_name
+ # msg = "Skipping misnamed gem: #{gemfile} should be named #{exp}"
+ # alert_warning msg
+ # next
+ # end
+ abbreviate spec
+ sanitize spec
+ spec
+ rescue SignalException => e
+ alert_error "Received signal, exiting"
+ raise
+ rescue Exception => e
+ msg = ["Unable to process #{gemfile}",
+ "#{e.message} (#{e.class})",
+ "\t#{e.backtrace.join "\n\t"}"].join("\n")
+ alert_error msg
+ end
+ }.compact
+ end
+ ##
+ # Collect specifications from .gem files from the gem directory.
+ def collect_specs(gems = gem_file_list)
+ Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do
+ index =
+ map_gems_to_specs(gems).each do |spec|
+ index.add_spec spec, spec.original_name
+ end
+ index
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Compresses indicies on disk
+ #--
+ # All future files should be compressed using gzip, not deflate
+ def compress_indicies
+ say "Compressing indicies"
+ Gem.time 'Compressed indicies' do
+ if @build_legacy then
+ compress @marshal_index, 'Z'
+ paranoid @marshal_index, 'Z'
+ end
+ if @build_modern then
+ gzip @specs_index
+ gzip @latest_specs_index
+ gzip @prerelease_specs_index
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Compacts Marshal output for the specs index data source by using identical
+ # objects as much as possible.
+ def compact_specs(specs)
+ names = {}
+ versions = {}
+ platforms = {}
+ do |(name, version, platform)|
+ names[name] = name unless names.include? name
+ versions[version] = version unless versions.include? version
+ platforms[platform] = platform unless platforms.include? platform
+ [names[name], versions[version], platforms[platform]]
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Compress +filename+ with +extension+.
+ def compress(filename, extension)
+ data = Gem.read_binary filename
+ zipped = Gem.deflate data
+ open "#{filename}.#{extension}", 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write zipped
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # List of gem file names to index.
+ def gem_file_list
+ Dir[File.join(@dest_directory, "gems", '*.gem')]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds and installs indicies.
+ def generate_index
+ make_temp_directories
+ build_indicies
+ install_indicies
+ rescue SignalException
+ ensure
+ FileUtils.rm_rf @directory
+ end
+ ##
+ # Zlib::GzipWriter wrapper that gzips +filename+ on disk.
+ def gzip(filename)
+ "#{filename}.gz" do |io|
+ io.write Gem.read_binary(filename)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Install generated indicies into the destination directory.
+ def install_indicies
+ verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ say "Moving index into production dir #{@dest_directory}" if verbose
+ files = @files
+ files.delete @quick_marshal_dir if files.include? @quick_dir
+ if files.include? @quick_marshal_dir and not files.include? @quick_dir then
+ files.delete @quick_marshal_dir
+ dst_name = File.join(@dest_directory, @quick_marshal_dir_base)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(dst_name), :verbose => verbose
+ FileUtils.rm_rf dst_name, :verbose => verbose
+, dst_name,
+ :verbose => verbose, :force => true)
+ end
+ files = do |path|
+ path.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape @directory}\/?/, '') # HACK?
+ end
+ files.each do |file|
+ src_name = File.join @directory, file
+ dst_name = File.join @dest_directory, file
+ FileUtils.rm_rf dst_name, :verbose => verbose
+, @dest_directory,
+ :verbose => verbose, :force => true)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Make directories for index generation
+ def make_temp_directories
+ FileUtils.rm_rf @directory
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @directory, :mode => 0700
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @quick_marshal_dir
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ensure +path+ and path with +extension+ are identical.
+ def paranoid(path, extension)
+ data = Gem.read_binary path
+ compressed_data = Gem.read_binary "#{path}.#{extension}"
+ unless data == Gem.inflate(compressed_data) then
+ raise "Compressed file #{compressed_path} does not match uncompressed file #{path}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sanitize the descriptive fields in the spec. Sometimes non-ASCII
+ # characters will garble the site index. Non-ASCII characters will
+ # be replaced by their XML entity equivalent.
+ def sanitize(spec)
+ spec.summary = sanitize_string(spec.summary)
+ spec.description = sanitize_string(spec.description)
+ spec.post_install_message = sanitize_string(spec.post_install_message)
+ spec.authors = spec.authors.collect { |a| sanitize_string(a) }
+ spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sanitize a single string.
+ def sanitize_string(string)
+ return string unless string
+ # HACK the #to_s is in here because RSpec has an Array of Arrays of
+ # Strings for authors. Need a way to disallow bad values on gemspec
+ # generation. (Probably won't happen.)
+ string = string.to_s
+ begin
+ Builder::XChar.encode string
+ rescue NameError, NoMethodError
+ string.to_xs
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Perform an in-place update of the repository from newly added gems. Only
+ # works for modern indicies, and sets #build_legacy to false when run.
+ def update_index
+ @build_legacy = false
+ make_temp_directories
+ specs_mtime = File.stat(@dest_specs_index).mtime
+ newest_mtime = 0
+ updated_gems = do |gem|
+ gem_mtime = File.stat(gem).mtime
+ newest_mtime = gem_mtime if gem_mtime > newest_mtime
+ gem_mtime >= specs_mtime
+ end
+ if updated_gems.empty? then
+ say 'No new gems'
+ terminate_interaction 0
+ end
+ specs = map_gems_to_specs updated_gems
+ prerelease, released = specs.partition { |s| s.version.prerelease? }
+ files = build_marshal_gemspecs
+ Gem.time 'Updated indexes' do
+ update_specs_index released, @dest_specs_index, @specs_index
+ update_specs_index released, @dest_latest_specs_index, @latest_specs_index
+ update_specs_index(prerelease,
+ @dest_prerelease_specs_index,
+ @prerelease_specs_index)
+ end
+ compress_indicies
+ verbose = Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ say "Updating production dir #{@dest_directory}" if verbose
+ files << @specs_index
+ files << "#{@specs_index}.gz"
+ files << @latest_specs_index
+ files << "#{@latest_specs_index}.gz"
+ files << @prerelease_specs_index
+ files << "#{@prerelease_specs_index}.gz"
+ files = do |path|
+ path.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape @directory}\/?/, '') # HACK?
+ end
+ files.each do |file|
+ src_name = File.join @directory, file
+ dst_name = File.join @dest_directory, file # REFACTOR: duped above
+ src_name, dst_name, :verbose => verbose,
+ :force => true
+ File.utime newest_mtime, newest_mtime, dst_name
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Combines specs in +index+ and +source+ then writes out a new copy to
+ # +dest+. For a latest index, does not ensure the new file is minimal.
+ def update_specs_index(index, source, dest)
+ specs_index = Marshal.load Gem.read_binary(source)
+ index.each do |spec|
+ platform = spec.original_platform
+ platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY if platform.nil? or platform.empty?
+ specs_index << [, spec.version, platform]
+ end
+ specs_index = compact_specs specs_index.uniq.sort
+ open dest, 'wb' do |io|
+ Marshal.dump specs_index, io
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/install_update_options.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/install_update_options.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ee6432b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/install_update_options.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems'
+# forward-declare
+module Gem::Security # :nodoc:
+ class Policy # :nodoc:
+ end
+# Mixin methods for install and update options for Gem::Commands
+module Gem::InstallUpdateOptions
+ ##
+ # Add the install/update options to the option parser.
+ def add_install_update_options
+ OptionParser.accept Gem::Security::Policy do |value|
+ require 'rubygems/security'
+ value = Gem::Security::Policies[value]
+ valid = Gem::Security::Policies.keys.sort
+ message = "#{value} (#{valid.join ', '} are valid)"
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, message if value.nil?
+ value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '-i', '--install-dir DIR',
+ 'Gem repository directory to get installed',
+ 'gems') do |value, options|
+ options[:install_dir] = File.expand_path(value)
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '-n', '--bindir DIR',
+ 'Directory where binary files are',
+ 'located') do |value, options|
+ options[:bin_dir] = File.expand_path(value)
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '-d', '--[no-]rdoc',
+ 'Generate RDoc documentation for the gem on',
+ 'install') do |value, options|
+ options[:generate_rdoc] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '--[no-]ri',
+ 'Generate RI documentation for the gem on',
+ 'install') do |value, options|
+ options[:generate_ri] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '-E', '--[no-]env-shebang',
+ "Rewrite the shebang line on installed",
+ "scripts to use /usr/bin/env") do |value, options|
+ options[:env_shebang] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '-f', '--[no-]force',
+ 'Force gem to install, bypassing dependency',
+ 'checks') do |value, options|
+ options[:force] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '-w', '--[no-]wrappers',
+ 'Use bin wrappers for executables',
+ 'Not available on dosish platforms') do |value, options|
+ options[:wrappers] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '-P', '--trust-policy POLICY',
+ Gem::Security::Policy,
+ 'Specify gem trust policy') do |value, options|
+ options[:security_policy] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '--ignore-dependencies',
+ 'Do not install any required dependent gems') do |value, options|
+ options[:ignore_dependencies] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '-y', '--include-dependencies',
+ 'Unconditionally install the required',
+ 'dependent gems') do |value, options|
+ options[:include_dependencies] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '--[no-]format-executable',
+ 'Make installed executable names match ruby.',
+ 'If ruby is ruby18, foo_exec will be',
+ 'foo_exec18') do |value, options|
+ options[:format_executable] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", '--[no-]user-install',
+ 'Install in user\'s home directory instead',
+ 'of GEM_HOME.') do |value, options|
+ options[:user_install] = value
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", "--development",
+ "Install any additional development",
+ "dependencies") do |value, options|
+ options[:development] = true
+ end
+ add_option(:"Install/Update", "--conservative",
+ "Don't attempt to upgrade gems already",
+ "meeting version requirement") do |value, options|
+ options[:conservative] = true
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Default options for the gem install command.
+ def install_update_defaults_str
+ '--rdoc --no-force --wrappers'
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/installer.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/installer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..514316f099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/installer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/format'
+require 'rubygems/exceptions'
+require 'rubygems/ext'
+require 'rubygems/require_paths_builder'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+# The installer class processes RubyGem .gem files and installs the files
+# contained in the .gem into the Gem.path.
+# Gem::Installer does the work of putting files in all the right places on the
+# filesystem including unpacking the gem into its gem dir, installing the
+# gemspec in the specifications dir, storing the cached gem in the cache dir,
+# and installing either wrappers or symlinks for executables.
+# The installer invokes pre and post install hooks. Hooks can be added either
+# through a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem or via a
+# rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb or rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb
+# file. See Gem.pre_install and Gem.post_install for details.
+class Gem::Installer
+ ##
+ # Paths where env(1) might live. Some systems are broken and have it in
+ # /bin
+ ENV_PATHS = %w[/usr/bin/env /bin/env]
+ ##
+ # Raised when there is an error while building extensions.
+ #
+ class ExtensionBuildError < Gem::InstallError; end
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ include Gem::RequirePathsBuilder if Gem::QUICKLOADER_SUCKAGE
+ attr_reader :gem
+ ##
+ # The directory a gem's executables will be installed into
+ attr_reader :bin_dir
+ ##
+ # The gem repository the gem will be installed into
+ attr_reader :gem_home
+ ##
+ # The options passed when the Gem::Installer was instantiated.
+ attr_reader :options
+ @path_warning = false
+ class << self
+ ##
+ # True if we've warned about PATH not including Gem.bindir
+ attr_accessor :path_warning
+ attr_writer :exec_format
+ # Defaults to use Ruby's program prefix and suffix.
+ def exec_format
+ @exec_format ||= Gem.default_exec_format
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Constructs an Installer instance that will install the gem located at
+ # +gem+. +options+ is a Hash with the following keys:
+ #
+ # :env_shebang:: Use /usr/bin/env in bin wrappers.
+ # :force:: Overrides all version checks and security policy checks, except
+ # for a signed-gems-only policy.
+ # :ignore_dependencies:: Don't raise if a dependency is missing.
+ # :install_dir:: The directory to install the gem into.
+ # :format_executable:: Format the executable the same as the ruby executable.
+ # If your ruby is ruby18, foo_exec will be installed as
+ # foo_exec18.
+ # :security_policy:: Use the specified security policy. See Gem::Security
+ # :wrappers:: Install wrappers if true, symlinks if false.
+ def initialize(gem, options={})
+ require 'fileutils'
+ @gem = gem
+ @options = options
+ process_options
+ if options[:user_install] and not options[:unpack] then
+ @gem_home = Gem.user_dir
+ check_that_user_bin_dir_is_in_path
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Lazy accessor for the spec's gem directory.
+ def gem_dir
+ @gem_dir ||= spec.gem_dir.dup.untaint
+ end
+ ##
+ # Lazy accessor for the installer's Gem::Format instance.
+ def format
+ begin
+ @format ||= Gem::Format.from_file_by_path gem, @security_policy
+ rescue Gem::Package::FormatError
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "invalid gem format for #{gem}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Lazy accessor for the installer's spec.
+ def spec
+ @spec ||= format.spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Installs the gem and returns a loaded Gem::Specification for the installed
+ # gem.
+ #
+ # The gem will be installed with the following structure:
+ #
+ # @gem_home/
+ # cache/<gem-version>.gem #=> a cached copy of the installed gem
+ # gems/<gem-version>/... #=> extracted files
+ # specifications/<gem-version>.gemspec #=> the Gem::Specification
+ def install
+ current_home = Gem.dir
+ current_path = Gem.paths.path
+ verify_gem_home(options[:unpack])
+ Gem.use_paths gem_home, current_path # HACK: shouldn't need Gem.paths.path
+ # If we're forcing the install then disable security unless the security
+ # policy says that we only install signed gems.
+ @security_policy = nil if @force and @security_policy and
+ not @security_policy.only_signed
+ unless @force
+ ensure_required_ruby_version_met
+ ensure_required_rubygems_version_met
+ ensure_dependencies_met unless @ignore_dependencies
+ end
+ Gem.pre_install_hooks.each do |hook|
+ result = self
+ if result == false then
+ location = " at #{$1}" if hook.inspect =~ /@(.*:\d+)/
+ message = "pre-install hook#{location} failed for #{spec.full_name}"
+ raise Gem::InstallError, message
+ end
+ end
+ Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories gem_home
+ # Completely remove any previous gem files
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(gem_dir) if File.exist? gem_dir
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p gem_dir
+ extract_files
+ build_extensions
+ Gem.post_build_hooks.each do |hook|
+ result = self
+ if result == false then
+ FileUtils.rm_rf gem_dir
+ location = " at #{$1}" if hook.inspect =~ /@(.*:\d+)/
+ message = "post-build hook#{location} failed for #{spec.full_name}"
+ raise Gem::InstallError, message
+ end
+ end
+ generate_bin
+ write_spec
+ write_require_paths_file_if_needed if Gem::QUICKLOADER_SUCKAGE
+ cache_file = spec.cache_file
+ FileUtils.cp gem, cache_file unless File.exist? cache_file
+ say spec.post_install_message unless spec.post_install_message.nil?
+ spec.loaded_from = spec.spec_file
+ Gem::Specification.add_spec spec unless Gem::Specification.include? spec
+ Gem.post_install_hooks.each do |hook|
+ self
+ end
+ return spec
+ rescue Zlib::GzipFile::Error
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "gzip error installing #{gem}"
+ ensure
+ # conditional since we might be here because we're erroring out early.
+ if current_path
+ Gem.use_paths current_home, current_path
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ensure that the dependency is satisfied by the current installation of
+ # gem. If it is not an exception is raised.
+ #
+ # spec :: Gem::Specification
+ # dependency :: Gem::Dependency
+ def ensure_dependency(spec, dependency)
+ unless installation_satisfies_dependency? dependency then
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "#{} requires #{dependency}"
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # True if the gems in the source_index satisfy +dependency+.
+ def installation_satisfies_dependency?(dependency)
+ not dependency.matching_specs.empty?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Unpacks the gem into the given directory.
+ def unpack(directory)
+ @gem_dir = directory
+ @format = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path gem, @security_policy
+ extract_files
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes the .gemspec specification (in Ruby) to the gem home's
+ # specifications directory.
+ def write_spec
+ file_name = spec.spec_file.untaint
+, "w") do |file|
+ file.puts spec.to_ruby_for_cache
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates windows .bat files for easy running of commands
+ def generate_windows_script(filename, bindir)
+ if Gem.win_platform? then
+ script_name = filename + ".bat"
+ script_path = File.join bindir, File.basename(script_name)
+ script_path, 'w' do |file|
+ file.puts windows_stub_script(bindir, filename)
+ end
+ say script_path if Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_bin
+ return if spec.executables.nil? or spec.executables.empty?
+ # If the user has asked for the gem to be installed in a directory that is
+ # the system gem directory, then use the system bin directory, else create
+ # (or use) a new bin dir under the gem_home.
+ bindir = @bin_dir || Gem.bindir(gem_home)
+ Dir.mkdir bindir unless File.exist? bindir
+ raise unless File.writable? bindir
+ spec.executables.each do |filename|
+ filename.untaint
+ bin_path = File.expand_path File.join(gem_dir, spec.bindir, filename)
+ unless File.exist? bin_path
+ warn "Hey?!?! Where did #{bin_path} go??"
+ next
+ end
+ mode = File.stat(bin_path).mode | 0111
+ FileUtils.chmod mode, bin_path
+ if @wrappers then
+ generate_bin_script filename, bindir
+ else
+ generate_bin_symlink filename, bindir
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates the scripts to run the applications in the gem.
+ #--
+ # The Windows script is generated in addition to the regular one due to a
+ # bug or misfeature in the Windows shell's pipe. See
+ #
+ def generate_bin_script(filename, bindir)
+ bin_script_path = File.join bindir, formatted_program_filename(filename)
+ FileUtils.rm_f bin_script_path # prior install may have been --no-wrappers
+ bin_script_path, 'wb', 0755 do |file|
+ file.print app_script_text(filename)
+ end
+ say bin_script_path if Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ generate_windows_script filename, bindir
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates the symlinks to run the applications in the gem. Moves
+ # the symlink if the gem being installed has a newer version.
+ def generate_bin_symlink(filename, bindir)
+ if Gem.win_platform? then
+ alert_warning "Unable to use symlinks on Windows, installing wrapper"
+ generate_bin_script filename, bindir
+ return
+ end
+ src = File.join gem_dir, spec.bindir, filename
+ dst = File.join bindir, formatted_program_filename(filename)
+ if File.exist? dst then
+ if File.symlink? dst then
+ link = File.readlink(dst).split File::SEPARATOR
+ cur_version = Gem::Version.create(link[-3].sub(/^.*-/, ''))
+ return if spec.version < cur_version
+ end
+ File.unlink dst
+ end
+ FileUtils.symlink src, dst, :verbose => Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ end
+ ##
+ # Generates a #! line for +bin_file_name+'s wrapper copying arguments if
+ # necessary.
+ def shebang(bin_file_name)
+ ruby_name = Gem::ConfigMap[:ruby_install_name] if @env_shebang
+ path = spec.bin_file bin_file_name
+ first_line =, "rb") {|file| file.gets}
+ if /\A#!/ =~ first_line then
+ # Preserve extra words on shebang line, like "-w". Thanks RPA.
+ shebang = first_line.sub(/\A\#!.*?ruby\S*((\s+\S+)+)/, "#!#{Gem.ruby}")
+ opts = $1
+ shebang.strip! # Avoid nasty ^M issues.
+ end
+ if not ruby_name then
+ "#!#{Gem.ruby}#{opts}"
+ elsif opts then
+ "#!/bin/sh\n'exec' #{ruby_name.dump} '-x' \"$0\" \"$@\"\n#{shebang}"
+ else
+ # Create a plain shebang line.
+ @env_path ||= ENV_PATHS.find {|env_path| File.executable? env_path }
+ "#!#{@env_path} #{ruby_name}"
+ end
+ end
+ def ensure_required_ruby_version_met
+ if rrv = spec.required_ruby_version then
+ unless rrv.satisfied_by? Gem.ruby_version then
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "#{} requires Ruby version #{rrv}."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def ensure_required_rubygems_version_met
+ if rrgv = spec.required_rubygems_version then
+ unless rrgv.satisfied_by? then
+ raise Gem::InstallError,
+ "#{} requires RubyGems version #{rrgv}. " +
+ "Try 'gem update --system' to update RubyGems itself."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def ensure_dependencies_met
+ deps = spec.runtime_dependencies
+ deps |= spec.development_dependencies if @development
+ deps.each do |dep_gem|
+ ensure_dependency spec, dep_gem
+ end
+ end
+ def process_options
+ @options = {
+ :bin_dir => nil,
+ :env_shebang => false,
+ :exec_format => false,
+ :force => false,
+ :install_dir => Gem.dir,
+ }.merge options
+ @env_shebang = options[:env_shebang]
+ @force = options[:force]
+ @gem_home = options[:install_dir]
+ @ignore_dependencies = options[:ignore_dependencies]
+ @format_executable = options[:format_executable]
+ @security_policy = options[:security_policy]
+ @wrappers = options[:wrappers]
+ @bin_dir = options[:bin_dir]
+ @development = options[:development]
+ raise "NOTE: Installer option :source_index is dead" if
+ options[:source_index]
+ end
+ def check_that_user_bin_dir_is_in_path
+ user_bin_dir = @bin_dir || Gem.bindir(gem_home)
+ user_bin_dir.gsub!(File::SEPARATOR, File::ALT_SEPARATOR) if File::ALT_SEPARATOR
+ path = ENV['PATH']
+ if Gem.win_platform? then
+ path = path.downcase
+ user_bin_dir = user_bin_dir.downcase
+ end
+ unless path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).include? user_bin_dir then
+ unless self.class.path_warning then
+ alert_warning "You don't have #{user_bin_dir} in your PATH,\n\t gem executables will not run."
+ self.class.path_warning = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def verify_gem_home(unpack = false)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p gem_home
+ raise Gem::FilePermissionError, gem_home unless
+ unpack or File.writable?(gem_home)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the text for an application file.
+ def app_script_text(bin_file_name)
+ return <<-TEXT
+#{shebang bin_file_name}
+# This file was generated by RubyGems.
+# The application '#{}' is installed as part of a gem, and
+# this file is here to facilitate running it.
+require 'rubygems'
+version = "#{Gem::Requirement.default}"
+if ARGV.first
+ str = ARGV.first
+ str = str.dup.force_encoding("BINARY") if str.respond_to? :force_encoding
+ if str =~ /\\A_(.*)_\\z/
+ version = $1
+ ARGV.shift
+ end
+gem '#{}', version
+load Gem.bin_path('#{}', '#{bin_file_name}', version)
+ end
+ ##
+ # return the stub script text used to launch the true ruby script
+ def windows_stub_script(bindir, bin_file_name)
+ ruby = File.basename(Gem.ruby).chomp('"')
+ return <<-TEXT
+IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT
+@"#{ruby}" "#{File.join(bindir, bin_file_name)}" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+@"#{ruby}" "%~dpn0" %*
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds extensions. Valid types of extensions are extconf.rb files,
+ # configure scripts and rakefiles or mkrf_conf files.
+ def build_extensions
+ return if spec.extensions.empty?
+ say "Building native extensions. This could take a while..."
+ dest_path = File.join gem_dir, spec.require_paths.first
+ ran_rake = false # only run rake once
+ spec.extensions.each do |extension|
+ break if ran_rake
+ results = []
+ builder = case extension
+ when /extconf/ then
+ Gem::Ext::ExtConfBuilder
+ when /configure/ then
+ Gem::Ext::ConfigureBuilder
+ when /rakefile/i, /mkrf_conf/i then
+ ran_rake = true
+ Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder
+ else
+ results = ["No builder for extension '#{extension}'"]
+ nil
+ end
+ extension_dir = begin
+ File.join gem_dir, File.dirname(extension)
+ rescue TypeError # extension == nil
+ gem_dir
+ end
+ begin
+ Dir.chdir extension_dir do
+ results =, gem_dir, dest_path, results)
+ say results.join("\n") if Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ end
+ rescue
+ results = results.join "\n"
+ gem_make_out = File.join extension_dir, 'gem_make.out'
+ open gem_make_out, 'wb' do |io| io.puts results end
+ message = <<-EOF
+ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
+ #{results}
+Gem files will remain installed in #{gem_dir} for inspection.
+Results logged to #{gem_make_out}
+ raise ExtensionBuildError, message
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads the file index and extracts each file into the gem directory.
+ #
+ # Ensures that files can't be installed outside the gem directory.
+ def extract_files
+ raise ArgumentError, "format required to extract from" if @format.nil?
+ @format.file_entries.each do |entry, file_data|
+ path = entry['path'].untaint
+ if path.start_with? "/" then # for extra sanity
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "attempt to install file into #{entry['path']}"
+ end
+ path = File.expand_path File.join(gem_dir, path)
+ unless path.start_with? gem_dir then
+ msg = "attempt to install file into %p under %s" %
+ [entry['path'], gem_dir]
+ raise Gem::InstallError, msg
+ end
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(path) if File.exist? path
+ dir = File.dirname path
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p dir unless File.exist? dir
+, "wb") do |out|
+ out.write file_data
+ end
+ FileUtils.chmod entry['mode'], path
+ say path if Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prefix and suffix the program filename the same as ruby.
+ def formatted_program_filename(filename)
+ if @format_executable then
+ self.class.exec_format % File.basename(filename)
+ else
+ filename
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ #
+ # Return the target directory where the gem is to be installed. This
+ # directory is not guaranteed to be populated.
+ #
+ def dir
+ gem_dir.to_s
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96a5156995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/installer_test_case.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+require 'rubygems/test_case'
+require 'rubygems/installer'
+class Gem::Installer
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :gem_dir
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :format
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :gem_home
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :env_shebang
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :ignore_dependencies
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :format_executable
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :security_policy
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :spec
+ ##
+ # Available through requiring rubygems/installer_test_case
+ attr_writer :wrappers
+# A test case for Gem::Installer.
+class Gem::InstallerTestCase < Gem::TestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ @installer_tmp = File.join @tempdir, 'installer'
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @installer_tmp
+ Gem.use_paths @installer_tmp
+ Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @installer_tmp
+ @spec = quick_gem 'a'
+ util_make_exec @spec
+ util_build_gem @spec
+ @gem = @spec.cache_file
+ @user_spec = quick_gem 'b'
+ util_make_exec @user_spec
+ util_build_gem @user_spec
+ @user_gem = @user_spec.cache_file
+ Gem.use_paths @gemhome
+ @installer = util_installer @spec, @gemhome
+ @user_installer = util_installer @user_spec, Gem.user_dir, :user
+ Gem.use_paths @gemhome
+ end
+ def util_gem_bindir spec = @spec
+ # TODO: deprecate
+ spec.bin_dir
+ end
+ def util_gem_dir spec = @spec
+ # TODO: deprecate
+ spec.gem_dir
+ end
+ def util_inst_bindir
+ File.join @gemhome, "bin"
+ end
+ def util_make_exec(spec = @spec, shebang = "#!/usr/bin/ruby")
+ spec.executables = %w[executable]
+ spec.files << 'bin/executable'
+ exec_path = spec.bin_file "executable"
+ write_file exec_path do |io|
+ io.puts shebang
+ end
+ bin_path = File.join @tempdir, "bin", "executable"
+ write_file bin_path do |io|
+ io.puts shebang
+ end
+ end
+ def util_setup_gem(ui = @ui) # HACK fix use_ui to make this automatic
+ @spec.files << File.join('lib', 'code.rb')
+ @spec.extensions << File.join('ext', 'a', 'mkrf_conf.rb')
+ Dir.chdir @tempdir do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p 'bin'
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p 'lib'
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join('ext', 'a')
+ File.join('bin', 'executable'), 'w' do |f|
+ f.puts "raise 'ran executable'"
+ end
+ File.join('lib', 'code.rb'), 'w' do |f| f.puts '1' end
+ File.join('ext', 'a', 'mkrf_conf.rb'), 'w' do |f|
+ f << <<-EOF
+ 'Rakefile', 'w' do |rf| rf.puts "task :default" end
+ end
+ use_ui ui do
+ FileUtils.rm @gem
+ @gem =
+ end
+ end
+ @installer = @gem
+ end
+ def util_installer(spec, gem_home, user=false)
+ spec.cache_file, :user_install => user
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/local_remote_options.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/local_remote_options.rb
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/local_remote_options.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'uri'
+require 'rubygems'
+# Mixin methods for local and remote Gem::Command options.
+module Gem::LocalRemoteOptions
+ ##
+ # Allows OptionParser to handle HTTP URIs.
+ def accept_uri_http
+ OptionParser.accept URI::HTTP do |value|
+ begin
+ uri = URI.parse value
+ rescue URI::InvalidURIError
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, value
+ end
+ unless ['http', 'https', 'file'].include?(uri.scheme)
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, value
+ end
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add local/remote options to the command line parser.
+ def add_local_remote_options
+ add_option(:"Local/Remote", '-l', '--local',
+ 'Restrict operations to the LOCAL domain') do |value, options|
+ options[:domain] = :local
+ end
+ add_option(:"Local/Remote", '-r', '--remote',
+ 'Restrict operations to the REMOTE domain') do |value, options|
+ options[:domain] = :remote
+ end
+ add_option(:"Local/Remote", '-b', '--both',
+ 'Allow LOCAL and REMOTE operations') do |value, options|
+ options[:domain] = :both
+ end
+ add_bulk_threshold_option
+ add_clear_sources_option
+ add_source_option
+ add_proxy_option
+ add_update_sources_option
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add the --bulk-threshold option
+ def add_bulk_threshold_option
+ add_option(:"Local/Remote", '-B', '--bulk-threshold COUNT',
+ "Threshold for switching to bulk",
+ "synchronization (default #{Gem.configuration.bulk_threshold})") do
+ |value, options|
+ Gem.configuration.bulk_threshold = value.to_i
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add the --clear-sources option
+ def add_clear_sources_option
+ add_option(:"Local/Remote", '--clear-sources',
+ 'Clear the gem sources') do |value, options|
+ Gem.sources = nil
+ options[:sources_cleared] = true
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add the --http-proxy option
+ def add_proxy_option
+ accept_uri_http
+ add_option(:"Local/Remote", '-p', '--[no-]http-proxy [URL]', URI::HTTP,
+ 'Use HTTP proxy for remote operations') do |value, options|
+ options[:http_proxy] = (value == false) ? :no_proxy : value
+ Gem.configuration[:http_proxy] = options[:http_proxy]
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add the --source option
+ def add_source_option
+ accept_uri_http
+ add_option(:"Local/Remote", '--source URL', URI::HTTP,
+ 'Add URL as a remote source for gems') do |source, options|
+ source << '/' if source !~ /\/\z/
+ if options.delete :sources_cleared then
+ Gem.sources = [source]
+ else
+ Gem.sources << source unless Gem.sources.include?(source)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add the --update-sources option
+ def add_update_sources_option
+ add_option(:Deprecated, '-u', '--[no-]update-sources',
+ 'Update local source cache') do |value, options|
+ Gem.configuration.update_sources = value
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is fetching of local and remote information enabled?
+ def both?
+ options[:domain] == :both
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is local fetching enabled?
+ def local?
+ options[:domain] == :local || options[:domain] == :both
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is remote fetching enabled?
+ def remote?
+ options[:domain] == :remote || options[:domain] == :both
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/mock_gem_ui.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/mock_gem_ui.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13f0bf564b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/mock_gem_ui.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+require 'stringio'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+# This Gem::StreamUI subclass records input and output to StringIO for
+# retrieval during tests.
+class Gem::MockGemUi < Gem::StreamUI
+ class TermError < RuntimeError
+ attr_reader :exit_code
+ def initialize exit_code
+ super
+ @exit_code = exit_code
+ end
+ end
+ class SystemExitException < RuntimeError; end
+ module TTY
+ attr_accessor :tty
+ def tty?()
+ @tty = true unless defined?(@tty)
+ @tty
+ end
+ def noecho
+ yield self
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(input = "")
+ ins = input
+ outs =
+ errs =
+ ins.extend TTY
+ outs.extend TTY
+ errs.extend TTY
+ super ins, outs, errs, true
+ @terminated = false
+ end
+ def input
+ @ins.string
+ end
+ def output
+ @outs.string
+ end
+ def error
+ @errs.string
+ end
+ def terminated?
+ @terminated
+ end
+ def terminate_interaction(status=0)
+ @terminated = true
+ raise TermError, status if status != 0
+ raise SystemExitException
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/old_format.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/old_format.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a44fd533a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/old_format.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems'
+# The format class knows the guts of the RubyGem .gem file format and provides
+# the capability to read gem files
+class Gem::OldFormat
+ attr_accessor :spec, :file_entries, :gem_path
+ ##
+ # Constructs an instance of a Format object, representing the gem's data
+ # structure.
+ #
+ # gem:: [String] The file name of the gem
+ def initialize(gem_path)
+ require 'fileutils'
+ require 'zlib'
+ Gem.load_yaml
+ @gem_path = gem_path
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads the named gem file and returns a Format object, representing the
+ # data from the gem file
+ #
+ # file_path:: [String] Path to the gem file
+ def self.from_file_by_path(file_path)
+ unless File.exist?(file_path)
+ raise Gem::Exception, "Cannot load gem file [#{file_path}]"
+ end
+, 'rb') do |file|
+ from_io(file, file_path)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads a gem from an io stream and returns a Format object, representing
+ # the data from the gem file
+ #
+ # io:: [IO] Stream from which to read the gem
+ def self.from_io(io, gem_path="(io)")
+ format =
+ skip_ruby(io)
+ format.spec = read_spec(io)
+ format.file_entries = []
+ read_files_from_gem(io) do |entry, file_data|
+ format.file_entries << [entry, file_data]
+ end
+ format
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Skips the Ruby self-install header. After calling this method, the
+ # IO index will be set after the Ruby code.
+ #
+ # file:: [IO] The IO to process (skip the Ruby code)
+ def self.skip_ruby(file)
+ end_seen = false
+ loop {
+ line = file.gets
+ if(line == nil || line.chomp == "__END__") then
+ end_seen = true
+ break
+ end
+ }
+ if end_seen == false then
+ raise"Failed to find end of ruby script while reading gem")
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads the specification YAML from the supplied IO and constructs
+ # a Gem::Specification from it. After calling this method, the
+ # IO index will be set after the specification header.
+ #
+ # file:: [IO] The IO to process
+ def self.read_spec(file)
+ yaml = ''
+ read_until_dashes file do |line|
+ yaml << line
+ end
+ Gem::Specification.from_yaml yaml
+ rescue YAML::Error => e
+ raise Gem::Exception, "Failed to parse gem specification out of gem file"
+ rescue ArgumentError => e
+ raise Gem::Exception, "Failed to parse gem specification out of gem file"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads lines from the supplied IO until a end-of-yaml (---) is
+ # reached
+ #
+ # file:: [IO] The IO to process
+ # block:: [String] The read line
+ def self.read_until_dashes(file)
+ while((line = file.gets) && line.chomp.strip != "---") do
+ yield line
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads the embedded file data from a gem file, yielding an entry
+ # containing metadata about the file and the file contents themselves
+ # for each file that's archived in the gem.
+ # NOTE: Many of these methods should be extracted into some kind of
+ # Gem file read/writer
+ #
+ # gem_file:: [IO] The IO to process
+ def self.read_files_from_gem(gem_file)
+ errstr = "Error reading files from gem"
+ header_yaml = ''
+ begin
+ self.read_until_dashes(gem_file) do |line|
+ header_yaml << line
+ end
+ header = YAML.load(header_yaml)
+ raise Gem::Exception, errstr unless header
+ header.each do |entry|
+ file_data = ''
+ self.read_until_dashes(gem_file) do |line|
+ file_data << line
+ end
+ yield [entry, Zlib::Inflate.inflate(file_data.strip.unpack("m")[0])]
+ end
+ rescue Zlib::DataError
+ raise Gem::Exception, errstr
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b50c588ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier
+# See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information.
+require 'rubygems/specification'
+module Gem::Package
+ class Error < StandardError; end
+ class NonSeekableIO < Error; end
+ class ClosedIO < Error; end
+ class BadCheckSum < Error; end
+ class TooLongFileName < Error; end
+ class FormatError < Error
+ attr_reader :path
+ def initialize message, path = nil
+ @path = path
+ message << " in #{path}" if path
+ super message
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Raised when a tar file is corrupt
+ class TarInvalidError < Error; end
+ # FIX: zenspider said: does it really take an IO?
+ # passed to a method called open?!? that seems stupid.
+ def, mode = "r", signer = nil, &block)
+ tar_type = case mode
+ when 'r' then TarInput
+ when 'w' then TarOutput
+ else
+ raise "Unknown Package open mode"
+ end
+, signer, &block)
+ end
+ def self.pack(src, destname, signer = nil)
+, signer) do |outp|
+ dir_class.chdir(src) do
+ outp.metadata = ("RPA/metadata") rescue nil)
+ find_class.find('.') do |entry|
+ case
+ when file_class.file?(entry)
+ entry.sub!(%r{\./}, "")
+ next if entry =~ /\ARPA\//
+ stat = File.stat(entry)
+ outp.add_file_simple(entry, stat.mode, stat.size) do |os|
+, "rb") do |f|
+ os.write( until f.eof?
+ end
+ end
+ when file_class.dir?(entry)
+ entry.sub!(%r{\./}, "")
+ next if entry == "RPA"
+ outp.mkdir(entry, file_class.stat(entry).mode)
+ else
+ raise "Don't know how to pack this yet!"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+require 'rubygems/package/f_sync_dir'
+require 'rubygems/package/tar_header'
+require 'rubygems/package/tar_input'
+require 'rubygems/package/tar_output'
+require 'rubygems/package/tar_reader'
+require 'rubygems/package/tar_reader/entry'
+require 'rubygems/package/tar_writer'
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/f_sync_dir.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/f_sync_dir.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7eb7f3ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/f_sync_dir.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier
+# See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information.
+module Gem::Package::FSyncDir
+ private
+ ##
+ # make sure this hits the disc
+ def fsync_dir(dirname)
+ dir = open dirname, 'r'
+ dir.fsync
+ rescue # ignore IOError if it's an unpatched (old) Ruby
+ ensure
+ dir.close if dir rescue nil
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_header.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_header.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f923b9b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_header.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier
+# See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information.
+# struct tarfile_entry_posix {
+# char name[100]; # ASCII + (Z unless filled)
+# char mode[8]; # 0 padded, octal, null
+# char uid[8]; # ditto
+# char gid[8]; # ditto
+# char size[12]; # 0 padded, octal, null
+# char mtime[12]; # 0 padded, octal, null
+# char checksum[8]; # 0 padded, octal, null, space
+# char typeflag[1]; # file: "0" dir: "5"
+# char linkname[100]; # ASCII + (Z unless filled)
+# char magic[6]; # "ustar\0"
+# char version[2]; # "00"
+# char uname[32]; # ASCIIZ
+# char gname[32]; # ASCIIZ
+# char devmajor[8]; # 0 padded, octal, null
+# char devminor[8]; # o padded, octal, null
+# char prefix[155]; # ASCII + (Z unless filled)
+# };
+# A header for a tar file
+class Gem::Package::TarHeader
+ ##
+ # Fields in the tar header
+ FIELDS = [
+ :checksum,
+ :devmajor,
+ :devminor,
+ :gid,
+ :gname,
+ :linkname,
+ :magic,
+ :mode,
+ :mtime,
+ :name,
+ :prefix,
+ :size,
+ :typeflag,
+ :uid,
+ :uname,
+ :version,
+ ]
+ ##
+ # Pack format for a tar header
+ PACK_FORMAT = 'a100' + # name
+ 'a8' + # mode
+ 'a8' + # uid
+ 'a8' + # gid
+ 'a12' + # size
+ 'a12' + # mtime
+ 'a7a' + # chksum
+ 'a' + # typeflag
+ 'a100' + # linkname
+ 'a6' + # magic
+ 'a2' + # version
+ 'a32' + # uname
+ 'a32' + # gname
+ 'a8' + # devmajor
+ 'a8' + # devminor
+ 'a155' # prefix
+ ##
+ # Unpack format for a tar header
+ UNPACK_FORMAT = 'A100' + # name
+ 'A8' + # mode
+ 'A8' + # uid
+ 'A8' + # gid
+ 'A12' + # size
+ 'A12' + # mtime
+ 'A8' + # checksum
+ 'A' + # typeflag
+ 'A100' + # linkname
+ 'A6' + # magic
+ 'A2' + # version
+ 'A32' + # uname
+ 'A32' + # gname
+ 'A8' + # devmajor
+ 'A8' + # devminor
+ 'A155' # prefix
+ attr_reader(*FIELDS)
+ ##
+ # Creates a tar header from IO +stream+
+ def self.from(stream)
+ header = 512
+ empty = (header == "\0" * 512)
+ fields = header.unpack UNPACK_FORMAT
+ name = fields.shift
+ mode = fields.shift.oct
+ uid = fields.shift.oct
+ gid = fields.shift.oct
+ size = fields.shift.oct
+ mtime = fields.shift.oct
+ checksum = fields.shift.oct
+ typeflag = fields.shift
+ linkname = fields.shift
+ magic = fields.shift
+ version = fields.shift.oct
+ uname = fields.shift
+ gname = fields.shift
+ devmajor = fields.shift.oct
+ devminor = fields.shift.oct
+ prefix = fields.shift
+ new :name => name,
+ :mode => mode,
+ :uid => uid,
+ :gid => gid,
+ :size => size,
+ :mtime => mtime,
+ :checksum => checksum,
+ :typeflag => typeflag,
+ :linkname => linkname,
+ :magic => magic,
+ :version => version,
+ :uname => uname,
+ :gname => gname,
+ :devmajor => devmajor,
+ :devminor => devminor,
+ :prefix => prefix,
+ :empty => empty
+ # HACK unfactor for Rubinius
+ #new :name => fields.shift,
+ # :mode => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :uid => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :gid => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :size => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :mtime => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :checksum => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :typeflag => fields.shift,
+ # :linkname => fields.shift,
+ # :magic => fields.shift,
+ # :version => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :uname => fields.shift,
+ # :gname => fields.shift,
+ # :devmajor => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :devminor => fields.shift.oct,
+ # :prefix => fields.shift,
+ # :empty => empty
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new TarHeader using +vals+
+ def initialize(vals)
+ unless vals[:name] && vals[:size] && vals[:prefix] && vals[:mode] then
+ raise ArgumentError, ":name, :size, :prefix and :mode required"
+ end
+ vals[:uid] ||= 0
+ vals[:gid] ||= 0
+ vals[:mtime] ||= 0
+ vals[:checksum] ||= ""
+ vals[:typeflag] ||= "0"
+ vals[:magic] ||= "ustar"
+ vals[:version] ||= "00"
+ vals[:uname] ||= "wheel"
+ vals[:gname] ||= "wheel"
+ vals[:devmajor] ||= 0
+ vals[:devminor] ||= 0
+ FIELDS.each do |name|
+ instance_variable_set "@#{name}", vals[name]
+ end
+ @empty = vals[:empty]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is the tar entry empty?
+ def empty?
+ @empty
+ end
+ def ==(other) # :nodoc:
+ self.class === other and
+ @checksum == other.checksum and
+ @devmajor == other.devmajor and
+ @devminor == other.devminor and
+ @gid == other.gid and
+ @gname == other.gname and
+ @linkname == other.linkname and
+ @magic == other.magic and
+ @mode == other.mode and
+ @mtime == other.mtime and
+ @name == and
+ @prefix == other.prefix and
+ @size == other.size and
+ @typeflag == other.typeflag and
+ @uid == other.uid and
+ @uname == other.uname and
+ @version == other.version
+ end
+ def to_s # :nodoc:
+ update_checksum
+ header
+ end
+ ##
+ # Updates the TarHeader's checksum
+ def update_checksum
+ header = header " " * 8
+ @checksum = oct calculate_checksum(header), 6
+ end
+ private
+ def calculate_checksum(header)
+ header.unpack("C*").inject { |a, b| a + b }
+ end
+ def header(checksum = @checksum)
+ header = [
+ name,
+ oct(mode, 7),
+ oct(uid, 7),
+ oct(gid, 7),
+ oct(size, 11),
+ oct(mtime, 11),
+ checksum,
+ " ",
+ typeflag,
+ linkname,
+ magic,
+ oct(version, 2),
+ uname,
+ gname,
+ oct(devmajor, 7),
+ oct(devminor, 7),
+ prefix
+ ]
+ header = header.pack PACK_FORMAT
+ header << ("\0" * ((512 - header.size) % 512))
+ end
+ def oct(num, len)
+ "%0#{len}o" % num
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_input.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_input.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77b4d698da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_input.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier
+# See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information.
+require 'zlib'
+class Gem::Package::TarInput
+ include Gem::Package::FSyncDir
+ include Enumerable
+ attr_reader :metadata
+ private_class_method :new
+ def, security_policy = nil, &block)
+ is = new io, security_policy
+ yield is
+ ensure
+ is.close if is
+ end
+ def initialize(io, security_policy = nil)
+ @io = io
+ @tarreader = @io
+ has_meta = false
+ data_sig, meta_sig, data_dgst, meta_dgst = nil, nil, nil, nil
+ dgst_algo = security_policy ? Gem::Security::OPT[:dgst_algo] : nil
+ @tarreader.each do |entry|
+ case entry.full_name
+ when "metadata"
+ @metadata = load_gemspec
+ has_meta = true
+ when "metadata.gz"
+ begin
+ # if we have a security_policy, then pre-read the metadata file
+ # and calculate it's digest
+ sio = nil
+ if security_policy
+ Gem.ensure_ssl_available
+ sio =
+ meta_dgst = dgst_algo.digest(sio.string)
+ sio.rewind
+ end
+ # Ruby 1.8 doesn't have encoding and YAML is UTF-8
+ args = [sio || entry]
+ args << { :external_encoding => Encoding::UTF_8 } if
+ Object.const_defined?(:Encoding)
+ gzis =*args)
+ # YAML wants an instance of IO
+ @metadata = load_gemspec(gzis)
+ has_meta = true
+ ensure
+ gzis.close unless gzis.nil?
+ end
+ when 'metadata.gz.sig'
+ meta_sig =
+ when 'data.tar.gz.sig'
+ data_sig =
+ when 'data.tar.gz'
+ if security_policy
+ Gem.ensure_ssl_available
+ data_dgst = dgst_algo.digest(
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if security_policy then
+ Gem.ensure_ssl_available
+ # map trust policy from string to actual class (or a serialized YAML
+ # file, if that exists)
+ if String === security_policy then
+ if Gem::Security::Policies.key? security_policy then
+ # load one of the pre-defined security policies
+ security_policy = Gem::Security::Policies[security_policy]
+ elsif File.exist? security_policy then
+ # FIXME: this doesn't work yet
+ security_policy = YAML.load
+ else
+ raise Gem::Exception, "Unknown trust policy '#{security_policy}'"
+ end
+ end
+ if data_sig && data_dgst && meta_sig && meta_dgst then
+ # the user has a trust policy, and we have a signed gem
+ # file, so use the trust policy to verify the gem signature
+ begin
+ security_policy.verify_gem(data_sig, data_dgst, @metadata.cert_chain)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ raise "Couldn't verify data signature: #{e}"
+ end
+ begin
+ security_policy.verify_gem(meta_sig, meta_dgst, @metadata.cert_chain)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ raise "Couldn't verify metadata signature: #{e}"
+ end
+ elsif security_policy.only_signed
+ raise Gem::Exception, "Unsigned gem"
+ else
+ # FIXME: should display warning here (trust policy, but
+ # either unsigned or badly signed gem file)
+ end
+ end
+ @tarreader.rewind
+ unless has_meta then
+ path = io.path if io.respond_to? :path
+ error = 'no metadata found', path
+ raise error
+ end
+ end
+ def close
+ @io.close
+ @tarreader.close
+ end
+ def each(&block)
+ @tarreader.each do |entry|
+ next unless entry.full_name == "data.tar.gz"
+ is = zipped_stream entry
+ begin
+ is do |inner|
+ inner.each(&block)
+ end
+ ensure
+ is.close if is
+ end
+ end
+ @tarreader.rewind
+ end
+ def extract_entry(destdir, entry, expected_md5sum = nil)
+ if then
+ dest = File.join destdir, entry.full_name
+ if dest then
+ FileUtils.chmod entry.header.mode, dest, :verbose => false
+ else
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p dest, :mode => entry.header.mode, :verbose => false
+ end
+ fsync_dir dest
+ fsync_dir File.join(dest, "..")
+ return
+ end
+ # it's a file
+ md5 = if expected_md5sum
+ destdir = File.join destdir, File.dirname(entry.full_name)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p destdir, :mode => 0755, :verbose => false
+ destfile = File.join destdir, File.basename(entry.full_name)
+ FileUtils.chmod 0600, destfile, :verbose => false rescue nil # Errno::ENOENT
+ open destfile, "wb", entry.header.mode do |os|
+ loop do
+ data = 4096
+ break unless data
+ # HACK shouldn't we check the MD5 before writing to disk?
+ md5 << data if expected_md5sum
+ os.write(data)
+ end
+ os.fsync
+ end
+ FileUtils.chmod entry.header.mode, destfile, :verbose => false
+ fsync_dir File.dirname(destfile)
+ fsync_dir File.join(File.dirname(destfile), "..")
+ if expected_md5sum && expected_md5sum != md5.hexdigest then
+ raise Gem::Package::BadCheckSum
+ end
+ end
+ # Attempt to YAML-load a gemspec from the given _io_ parameter. Return
+ # nil if it fails.
+ def load_gemspec(io)
+ Gem::Specification.from_yaml io
+ rescue Gem::Exception
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return an IO stream for the zipped entry.
+ #
+ # NOTE: Originally this method used two approaches, Return a GZipReader
+ # directly, or read the GZipReader into a string and return a StringIO on
+ # the string. The string IO approach was used for versions of ZLib before
+ # 1.2.1 to avoid buffer errors on windows machines. Then we found that
+ # errors happened with 1.2.1 as well, so we changed the condition. Then
+ # we discovered errors occurred with versions as late as 1.2.3. At this
+ # point (after some benchmarking to show we weren't seriously crippling
+ # the unpacking speed) we threw our hands in the air and declared that
+ # this method would use the String IO approach on all platforms at all
+ # times. And that's the way it is.
+ #
+ # Revisited. Here's the beginning of the long story.
+ #
+ #
+ # StringIO wraping has never worked as a workaround by definition. Skipping
+ # initial 10 bytes and passing -MAX_WBITS to Zlib::Inflate luckily works as
+ # gzip reader, but it only works if the GZip header is 10 bytes long (see
+ # below) and it does not check inflated stream consistency (CRC value in the
+ # Gzip trailer.)
+ #
+ # RubyGems generated Gzip Header: 10 bytes
+ # magic(2) + method(1) + flag(1) + mtime(4) + exflag(1) + os(1) +
+ # orig_name(0) + comment(0)
+ #
+ # Ideally, it must return a GZipReader without meaningless buffering. We
+ # have lots of CRuby committers around so let's fix windows build when we
+ # received an error.
+ def zipped_stream(entry)
+ entry
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_output.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_output.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdc8f4fb7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_output.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier
+# See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information.
+# TarOutput is a wrapper to TarWriter that builds gem-format tar file.
+# Gem-format tar files contain the following files:
+# [data.tar.gz] A gzipped tar file containing the files that compose the gem
+# which will be extracted into the gem/ dir on installation.
+# [metadata.gz] A YAML format Gem::Specification.
+# [data.tar.gz.sig] A signature for the gem's data.tar.gz.
+# [metadata.gz.sig] A signature for the gem's metadata.gz.
+# See TarOutput::open for usage details.
+class Gem::Package::TarOutput
+ ##
+ # Creates a new TarOutput which will yield a TarWriter object for the
+ # data.tar.gz portion of a gem-format tar file.
+ #
+ # See #initialize for details on +io+ and +signer+.
+ #
+ # See #add_gem_contents for details on adding metadata to the tar file.
+ def, signer = nil, &block) # :yield: data_tar_writer
+ tar_outputter = new io, signer
+ tar_outputter.add_gem_contents(&block)
+ tar_outputter.add_metadata
+ tar_outputter.add_signatures
+ ensure
+ tar_outputter.close
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new TarOutput that will write a gem-format tar file to +io+. If
+ # +signer+ is given, the data.tar.gz and metadata.gz will be signed and
+ # the signatures will be added to the tar file.
+ def initialize(io, signer)
+ @io = io
+ @signer = signer
+ @tar_writer = @io
+ @metadata = nil
+ @data_signature = nil
+ @meta_signature = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Yields a TarWriter for the data.tar.gz inside a gem-format tar file.
+ # The yielded TarWriter has been extended with a #metadata= method for
+ # attaching a YAML format Gem::Specification which will be written by
+ # add_metadata.
+ def add_gem_contents
+ @tar_writer.add_file "data.tar.gz", 0644 do |inner|
+ sio = @signer ? : nil
+ Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(sio || inner) do |os|
+ os do |data_tar_writer|
+ # :stopdoc:
+ def data_tar_writer.metadata() @metadata end
+ def data_tar_writer.metadata=(metadata) @metadata = metadata end
+ # :startdoc:
+ yield data_tar_writer
+ @metadata = data_tar_writer.metadata
+ end
+ end
+ # if we have a signing key, then sign the data
+ # digest and return the signature
+ if @signer then
+ require 'rubygems/security'
+ digest = Gem::Security::OPT[:dgst_algo].digest sio.string
+ @data_signature = @signer.sign digest
+ inner.write sio.string
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds metadata.gz to the gem-format tar file which was saved from a
+ # previous #add_gem_contents call.
+ def add_metadata
+ return if @metadata.nil?
+ @tar_writer.add_file "metadata.gz", 0644 do |io|
+ begin
+ sio = @signer ? : nil
+ gzos = || io)
+ gzos.write @metadata
+ ensure
+ gzos.flush
+ gzos.finish
+ # if we have a signing key, then sign the metadata digest and return
+ # the signature
+ if @signer then
+ require 'rubygems/security'
+ digest = Gem::Security::OPT[:dgst_algo].digest sio.string
+ @meta_signature = @signer.sign digest
+ io.write sio.string
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds data.tar.gz.sig and metadata.gz.sig to the gem-format tar files if
+ # a Gem::Security::Signer was sent to initialize.
+ def add_signatures
+ if @data_signature then
+ @tar_writer.add_file 'data.tar.gz.sig', 0644 do |io|
+ io.write @data_signature
+ end
+ end
+ if @meta_signature then
+ @tar_writer.add_file 'metadata.gz.sig', 0644 do |io|
+ io.write @meta_signature
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Closes the TarOutput.
+ def close
+ @tar_writer.close
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_reader.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_reader.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6a71d386c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_reader.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier
+# See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information.
+# TarReader reads tar files and allows iteration over their items
+class Gem::Package::TarReader
+ include Gem::Package
+ ##
+ # Raised if the tar IO is not seekable
+ class UnexpectedEOF < StandardError; end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new TarReader on +io+ and yields it to the block, if given.
+ def
+ reader = super
+ return reader unless block_given?
+ begin
+ yield reader
+ ensure
+ reader.close
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new tar file reader on +io+ which needs to respond to #pos,
+ # #eof?, #read, #getc and #pos=
+ def initialize(io)
+ @io = io
+ @init_pos = io.pos
+ end
+ ##
+ # Close the tar file
+ def close
+ end
+ ##
+ # Iterates over files in the tarball yielding each entry
+ def each
+ loop do
+ return if @io.eof?
+ header = Gem::Package::TarHeader.from @io
+ return if header.empty?
+ entry = header, @io
+ size = entry.header.size
+ yield entry
+ skip = (512 - (size % 512)) % 512
+ pending = size - entry.bytes_read
+ begin
+ # avoid reading...
+ pending, IO::SEEK_CUR
+ pending = 0
+ rescue Errno::EINVAL, NameError
+ while pending > 0 do
+ bytes_read =[pending, 4096].min).size
+ raise UnexpectedEOF if @io.eof?
+ pending -= bytes_read
+ end
+ end
+ skip # discard trailing zeros
+ # make sure nobody can use #read, #getc or #rewind anymore
+ entry.close
+ end
+ end
+ alias each_entry each
+ ##
+ # NOTE: Do not call #rewind during #each
+ def rewind
+ if @init_pos == 0 then
+ raise Gem::Package::NonSeekableIO unless @io.respond_to? :rewind
+ @io.rewind
+ else
+ raise Gem::Package::NonSeekableIO unless @io.respond_to? :pos=
+ @io.pos = @init_pos
+ end
+ end
+require 'rubygems/package/tar_reader/entry'
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_reader/entry.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_reader/entry.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7034e59210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_reader/entry.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier
+# See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information.
+# Class for reading entries out of a tar file
+class Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry
+ ##
+ # Header for this tar entry
+ attr_reader :header
+ ##
+ # Creates a new tar entry for +header+ that will be read from +io+
+ def initialize(header, io)
+ @closed = false
+ @header = header
+ @io = io
+ @orig_pos = @io.pos
+ @read = 0
+ end
+ def check_closed # :nodoc:
+ raise IOError, "closed #{self.class}" if closed?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Number of bytes read out of the tar entry
+ def bytes_read
+ @read
+ end
+ ##
+ # Closes the tar entry
+ def close
+ @closed = true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is the tar entry closed?
+ def closed?
+ @closed
+ end
+ ##
+ # Are we at the end of the tar entry?
+ def eof?
+ check_closed
+ @read >= @header.size
+ end
+ ##
+ # Full name of the tar entry
+ def full_name
+ if @header.prefix != "" then
+ File.join @header.prefix,
+ else
+ end
+ rescue ArgumentError => e
+ raise unless e.message == 'string contains null byte'
+ raise Gem::Package::TarInvalidError,
+ 'tar is corrupt, name contains null byte'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Read one byte from the tar entry
+ def getc
+ check_closed
+ return nil if @read >= @header.size
+ ret = @io.getc
+ @read += 1 if ret
+ ret
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this tar entry a directory?
+ def directory?
+ @header.typeflag == "5"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this tar entry a file?
+ def file?
+ @header.typeflag == "0"
+ end
+ ##
+ # The position in the tar entry
+ def pos
+ check_closed
+ bytes_read
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads +len+ bytes from the tar file entry, or the rest of the entry if
+ # nil
+ def read(len = nil)
+ check_closed
+ return nil if @read >= @header.size
+ len ||= @header.size - @read
+ max_read = [len, @header.size - @read].min
+ ret = max_read
+ @read += ret.size
+ ret
+ end
+ ##
+ # Rewinds to the beginning of the tar file entry
+ def rewind
+ check_closed
+ raise Gem::Package::NonSeekableIO unless @io.respond_to? :pos=
+ @io.pos = @orig_pos
+ @read = 0
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_test_case.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_test_case.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4601f1328f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_test_case.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+require 'rubygems/test_case'
+require 'rubygems/package'
+# A test case for Gem::Package::Tar* classes
+class Gem::Package::TarTestCase < Gem::TestCase
+ def ASCIIZ(str, length)
+ str + "\0" * (length - str.length)
+ end
+ def SP(s)
+ s + " "
+ end
+ def SP_Z(s)
+ s + " \0"
+ end
+ def Z(s)
+ s + "\0"
+ end
+ def assert_headers_equal(expected, actual)
+ expected = expected.to_s unless String === expected
+ actual = actual.to_s unless String === actual
+ fields = %w[
+ name 100
+ mode 8
+ uid 8
+ gid 8
+ size 12
+ mtime 12
+ checksum 8
+ typeflag 1
+ linkname 100
+ magic 6
+ version 2
+ uname 32
+ gname 32
+ devmajor 8
+ devminor 8
+ prefix 155
+ ]
+ offset = 0
+ until fields.empty? do
+ name = fields.shift
+ length = fields.shift.to_i
+ if name == "checksum" then
+ chksum_off = offset
+ offset += length
+ next
+ end
+ assert_equal expected[offset, length], actual[offset, length],
+ "Field #{name} of the tar header differs."
+ offset += length
+ end
+ assert_equal expected[chksum_off, 8], actual[chksum_off, 8]
+ end
+ def calc_checksum(header)
+ sum = header.unpack("C*").inject{|s,a| s + a}
+ SP(Z(to_oct(sum, 6)))
+ end
+ def header(type, fname, dname, length, mode, checksum = nil)
+ checksum ||= " " * 8
+ arr = [ # struct tarfile_entry_posix
+ ASCIIZ(fname, 100), # char name[100]; ASCII + (Z unless filled)
+ Z(to_oct(mode, 7)), # char mode[8]; 0 padded, octal null
+ Z(to_oct(0, 7)), # char uid[8]; ditto
+ Z(to_oct(0, 7)), # char gid[8]; ditto
+ Z(to_oct(length, 11)), # char size[12]; 0 padded, octal, null
+ Z(to_oct(0, 11)), # char mtime[12]; 0 padded, octal, null
+ checksum, # char checksum[8]; 0 padded, octal, null, space
+ type, # char typeflag[1]; file: "0" dir: "5"
+ "\0" * 100, # char linkname[100]; ASCII + (Z unless filled)
+ "ustar\0", # char magic[6]; "ustar\0"
+ "00", # char version[2]; "00"
+ ASCIIZ("wheel", 32), # char uname[32]; ASCIIZ
+ ASCIIZ("wheel", 32), # char gname[32]; ASCIIZ
+ Z(to_oct(0, 7)), # char devmajor[8]; 0 padded, octal, null
+ Z(to_oct(0, 7)), # char devminor[8]; 0 padded, octal, null
+ ASCIIZ(dname, 155) # char prefix[155]; ASCII + (Z unless filled)
+ ]
+ format = "C100C8C8C8C12C12C8CC100C6C2C32C32C8C8C155"
+ h = if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9" then
+ arr.join
+ else
+ arr = arr.join("").split(//).map{|x| x[0]}
+ arr.pack format
+ end
+ ret = h + "\0" * (512 - h.size)
+ assert_equal(512, ret.size)
+ ret
+ end
+ def tar_dir_header(name, prefix, mode)
+ h = header("5", name, prefix, 0, mode)
+ checksum = calc_checksum(h)
+ header("5", name, prefix, 0, mode, checksum)
+ end
+ def tar_file_header(fname, dname, mode, length)
+ h = header("0", fname, dname, length, mode)
+ checksum = calc_checksum(h)
+ header("0", fname, dname, length, mode, checksum)
+ end
+ def to_oct(n, pad_size)
+ "%0#{pad_size}o" % n
+ end
+ def util_entry(tar)
+ io = tar
+ header = Gem::Package::TarHeader.from io
+ header, io
+ end
+ def util_dir_entry
+ util_entry tar_dir_header("foo", "bar", 0)
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_writer.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_writer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a73b5e5cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package/tar_writer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier
+# See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information.
+# Allows writing of tar files
+class Gem::Package::TarWriter
+ class FileOverflow < StandardError; end
+ ##
+ # IO wrapper that allows writing a limited amount of data
+ class BoundedStream
+ ##
+ # Maximum number of bytes that can be written
+ attr_reader :limit
+ ##
+ # Number of bytes written
+ attr_reader :written
+ ##
+ # Wraps +io+ and allows up to +limit+ bytes to be written
+ def initialize(io, limit)
+ @io = io
+ @limit = limit
+ @written = 0
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes +data+ onto the IO, raising a FileOverflow exception if the
+ # number of bytes will be more than #limit
+ def write(data)
+ if data.size + @written > @limit
+ raise FileOverflow, "You tried to feed more data than fits in the file."
+ end
+ @io.write data
+ @written += data.size
+ data.size
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # IO wrapper that provides only #write
+ class RestrictedStream
+ ##
+ # Creates a new RestrictedStream wrapping +io+
+ def initialize(io)
+ @io = io
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes +data+ onto the IO
+ def write(data)
+ @io.write data
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new TarWriter, yielding it if a block is given
+ def
+ writer = super
+ return writer unless block_given?
+ begin
+ yield writer
+ ensure
+ writer.close
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new TarWriter that will write to +io+
+ def initialize(io)
+ @io = io
+ @closed = false
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds file +name+ with permissions +mode+, and yields an IO for writing the
+ # file to
+ def add_file(name, mode) # :yields: io
+ check_closed
+ raise Gem::Package::NonSeekableIO unless @io.respond_to? :pos=
+ name, prefix = split_name name
+ init_pos = @io.pos
+ @io.write "\0" * 512 # placeholder for the header
+ yield if block_given?
+ size = @io.pos - init_pos - 512
+ remainder = (512 - (size % 512)) % 512
+ @io.write "\0" * remainder
+ final_pos = @io.pos
+ @io.pos = init_pos
+ header = :name => name, :mode => mode,
+ :size => size, :prefix => prefix
+ @io.write header
+ @io.pos = final_pos
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add file +name+ with permissions +mode+ +size+ bytes long. Yields an IO
+ # to write the file to.
+ def add_file_simple(name, mode, size) # :yields: io
+ check_closed
+ name, prefix = split_name name
+ header = => name, :mode => mode,
+ :size => size, :prefix => prefix).to_s
+ @io.write header
+ os = @io, size
+ yield os if block_given?
+ min_padding = size - os.written
+ @io.write("\0" * min_padding)
+ remainder = (512 - (size % 512)) % 512
+ @io.write("\0" * remainder)
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # Raises IOError if the TarWriter is closed
+ def check_closed
+ raise IOError, "closed #{self.class}" if closed?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Closes the TarWriter
+ def close
+ check_closed
+ @io.write "\0" * 1024
+ flush
+ @closed = true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is the TarWriter closed?
+ def closed?
+ @closed
+ end
+ ##
+ # Flushes the TarWriter's IO
+ def flush
+ check_closed
+ @io.flush if @io.respond_to? :flush
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new directory in the tar file +name+ with +mode+
+ def mkdir(name, mode)
+ check_closed
+ name, prefix = split_name(name)
+ header = :name => name, :mode => mode,
+ :typeflag => "5", :size => 0,
+ :prefix => prefix
+ @io.write header
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # Splits +name+ into a name and prefix that can fit in the TarHeader
+ def split_name(name) # :nodoc:
+ raise Gem::Package::TooLongFileName if name.size > 256
+ if name.size <= 100 then
+ prefix = ""
+ else
+ parts = name.split(/\//)
+ newname = parts.pop
+ nxt = ""
+ loop do
+ nxt = parts.pop
+ break if newname.size + 1 + nxt.size > 100
+ newname = nxt + "/" + newname
+ end
+ prefix = (parts + [nxt]).join "/"
+ name = newname
+ if name.size > 100 or prefix.size > 155 then
+ raise Gem::Package::TooLongFileName
+ end
+ end
+ return name, prefix
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package_task.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package_task.rb
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/package_task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Jim Weirich, 2009 Eric Hodel
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+require 'rubygems'
+ gem 'rake'
+rescue Gem::LoadError
+require 'rake/packagetask'
+# Create a package based upon a Gem::Specification. Gem packages, as well as
+# zip files and tar/gzipped packages can be produced by this task.
+# In addition to the Rake targets generated by Rake::PackageTask, a
+# Gem::PackageTask will also generate the following tasks:
+# [<b>"<em>package_dir</em>/<em>name</em>-<em>version</em>.gem"</b>]
+# Create a RubyGems package with the given name and version.
+# Example using a Gem::Specification:
+# require 'rubygems'
+# require 'rubygems/package_task'
+# spec = do |s|
+# s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
+# s.summary = "Ruby based make-like utility."
+# = 'rake'
+# s.version = PKG_VERSION
+# s.requirements << 'none'
+# s.require_path = 'lib'
+# s.autorequire = 'rake'
+# s.files = PKG_FILES
+# s.description = <<-EOF
+# Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks
+# and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax.
+# EOF
+# end
+# do |pkg|
+# pkg.need_zip = true
+# pkg.need_tar = true
+# end
+class Gem::PackageTask < Rake::PackageTask
+ ##
+ # Ruby Gem::Specification containing the metadata for this package. The
+ # name, version and package_files are automatically determined from the
+ # gemspec and don't need to be explicitly provided.
+ attr_accessor :gem_spec
+ ##
+ # Create a Gem Package task library. Automatically define the gem if a
+ # block is given. If no block is supplied, then #define needs to be called
+ # to define the task.
+ def initialize(gem_spec)
+ init gem_spec
+ yield self if block_given?
+ define if block_given?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Initialization tasks without the "yield self" or define operations.
+ def init(gem)
+ super gem.full_name, :noversion
+ @gem_spec = gem
+ @package_files += gem_spec.files if gem_spec.files
+ end
+ ##
+ # Create the Rake tasks and actions specified by this Gem::PackageTask.
+ # (+define+ is automatically called if a block is given to +new+).
+ def define
+ super
+ task :package => [:gem]
+ gem_file = File.basename gem_spec.cache_file
+ gem_path = File.join package_dir, gem_file
+ gem_dir = File.join package_dir, gem_spec.full_name
+ desc "Build the gem file #{gem_file}"
+ task :gem => [gem_path]
+ trace = Rake.application.options.trace
+ Gem.configuration.verbose = trace
+ file gem_path => [package_dir, gem_dir] + @gem_spec.files do
+ chdir(gem_dir) do
+ when_writing "Creating #{gem_spec.file_name}" do
+ verbose trace do
+ mv gem_file, '..'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/path_support.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/path_support.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0aaf2c1bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/path_support.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Gem::PathSupport facilitates the GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH environment settings
+# to the rest of RubyGems.
+class Gem::PathSupport
+ ##
+ # The default system path for managing Gems.
+ attr_reader :home
+ ##
+ # Array of paths to search for Gems.
+ attr_reader :path
+ ##
+ #
+ # Constructor. Takes a single argument which is to be treated like a
+ # hashtable, or defaults to ENV, the system environment.
+ #
+ def initialize(env=ENV)
+ @env = env
+ # note 'env' vs 'ENV'...
+ @home = env["GEM_HOME"] || ENV["GEM_HOME"] || Gem.default_dir
+ if File::ALT_SEPARATOR then
+ @home = @home.gsub(File::ALT_SEPARATOR, File::SEPARATOR)
+ end
+ self.path = env["GEM_PATH"] || ENV["GEM_PATH"]
+ end
+ private
+ ##
+ # Set the Gem home directory (as reported by Gem.dir).
+ def home=(home)
+ @home = home.to_s
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the Gem search path (as reported by Gem.path).
+ def path=(gpaths)
+ gem_path = [@home]
+ # FIX: I can't tell wtf this is doing.
+ gpaths ||= (ENV['GEM_PATH'] || "").empty? ? nil : ENV["GEM_PATH"]
+ if gpaths then
+ if gpaths.kind_of?(Array) then
+ gem_path.push(*gpaths)
+ else
+ gem_path.push(*gpaths.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR))
+ end
+ if File::ALT_SEPARATOR then
+! do |this_path|
+ this_path.gsub File::ALT_SEPARATOR, File::SEPARATOR
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ gem_path.push(*Gem.default_path)
+ gem_path << APPLE_GEM_HOME if defined?(APPLE_GEM_HOME)
+ end
+ @path = gem_path.uniq
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/platform.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/platform.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..682714a5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/platform.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+require "rubygems/deprecate"
+# Available list of platforms for targeting Gem installations.
+class Gem::Platform
+ @local = nil
+ attr_accessor :cpu
+ attr_accessor :os
+ attr_accessor :version
+ def self.local
+ arch = Gem::ConfigMap[:arch]
+ arch = "#{arch}_60" if arch =~ /mswin32$/
+ @local ||= new(arch)
+ end
+ def self.match(platform)
+ Gem.platforms.any? do |local_platform|
+ platform.nil? or local_platform == platform or
+ (local_platform != Gem::Platform::RUBY and local_platform =~ platform)
+ end
+ end
+ def # :nodoc:
+ case arch
+ when Gem::Platform::CURRENT then
+ Gem::Platform.local
+ when Gem::Platform::RUBY, nil, '' then
+ Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(arch)
+ case arch
+ when Array then
+ @cpu, @os, @version = arch
+ when String then
+ arch = arch.split '-'
+ if arch.length > 2 and arch.last !~ /\d/ then # reassemble x86-linux-gnu
+ extra = arch.pop
+ arch.last << "-#{extra}"
+ end
+ cpu = arch.shift
+ @cpu = case cpu
+ when /i\d86/ then 'x86'
+ else cpu
+ end
+ if arch.length == 2 and arch.last =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/ then # for command-line
+ @os, @version = arch
+ return
+ end
+ os, = arch
+ @cpu, os = nil, cpu if os.nil? # legacy jruby
+ @os, @version = case os
+ when /aix(\d+)/ then [ 'aix', $1 ]
+ when /cygwin/ then [ 'cygwin', nil ]
+ when /darwin(\d+)?/ then [ 'darwin', $1 ]
+ when /^macruby$/ then [ 'macruby', nil ]
+ when /freebsd(\d+)/ then [ 'freebsd', $1 ]
+ when /hpux(\d+)/ then [ 'hpux', $1 ]
+ when /^java$/, /^jruby$/ then [ 'java', nil ]
+ when /^java([\d.]*)/ then [ 'java', $1 ]
+ when /^dotnet$/ then [ 'dotnet', nil ]
+ when /^dotnet([\d.]*)/ then [ 'dotnet', $1 ]
+ when /linux/ then [ 'linux', $1 ]
+ when /mingw32/ then [ 'mingw32', nil ]
+ when /(mswin\d+)(\_(\d+))?/ then
+ os, version = $1, $3
+ @cpu = 'x86' if @cpu.nil? and os =~ /32$/
+ [os, version]
+ when /netbsdelf/ then [ 'netbsdelf', nil ]
+ when /openbsd(\d+\.\d+)/ then [ 'openbsd', $1 ]
+ when /solaris(\d+\.\d+)/ then [ 'solaris', $1 ]
+ # test
+ when /^(\w+_platform)(\d+)/ then [ $1, $2 ]
+ else [ 'unknown', nil ]
+ end
+ when Gem::Platform then
+ @cpu = arch.cpu
+ @os = arch.os
+ @version = arch.version
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid argument #{arch.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ def inspect
+ "#<%s:0x%x @cpu=%p, @os=%p, @version=%p>" % [self.class, object_id, *to_a]
+ end
+ def to_a
+ [@cpu, @os, @version]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ to_a.compact.join '-'
+ end
+ def empty?
+ to_s.empty?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is +other+ equal to this platform? Two platforms are equal if they have
+ # the same CPU, OS and version.
+ def ==(other)
+ self.class === other and to_a == other.to_a
+ end
+ alias :eql? :==
+ def hash # :nodoc:
+ to_a.hash
+ end
+ ##
+ # Does +other+ match this platform? Two platforms match if they have the
+ # same CPU, or either has a CPU of 'universal', they have the same OS, and
+ # they have the same version, or either has no version.
+ def ===(other)
+ return nil unless Gem::Platform === other
+ # cpu
+ (@cpu == 'universal' or other.cpu == 'universal' or @cpu == other.cpu) and
+ # os
+ @os == other.os and
+ # version
+ (@version.nil? or other.version.nil? or @version == other.version)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Does +other+ match this platform? If +other+ is a String it will be
+ # converted to a Gem::Platform first. See #=== for matching rules.
+ def =~(other)
+ case other
+ when Gem::Platform then # nop
+ when String then
+ # This data is from on 19 Aug 2007
+ other = case other
+ when /^i686-darwin(\d)/ then ['x86', 'darwin', $1 ]
+ when /^i\d86-linux/ then ['x86', 'linux', nil ]
+ when 'java', 'jruby' then [nil, 'java', nil ]
+ when /dotnet(\-(\d+\.\d+))?/ then ['universal','dotnet', $2 ]
+ when /mswin32(\_(\d+))?/ then ['x86', 'mswin32', $2 ]
+ when 'powerpc-darwin' then ['powerpc', 'darwin', nil ]
+ when /powerpc-darwin(\d)/ then ['powerpc', 'darwin', $1 ]
+ when /sparc-solaris2.8/ then ['sparc', 'solaris', '2.8' ]
+ when /universal-darwin(\d)/ then ['universal', 'darwin', $1 ]
+ else other
+ end
+ other = other
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ self === other
+ end
+ ##
+ # A pure-ruby gem that may use Gem::Specification#extensions to build
+ # binary files.
+ RUBY = 'ruby'
+ ##
+ # A platform-specific gem that is built for the packaging ruby's platform.
+ # This will be replaced with Gem::Platform::local.
+ CURRENT = 'current'
+ extend Gem::Deprecate
+ deprecate :empty?, :none, 2011, 11
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/psych_additions.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/psych_additions.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a46bdaf3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/psych_additions.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This exists just to satify bugs in marshal'd gemspecs that
+# contain a reference to YAML::PrivateType. We prune these out
+# in Specification._load, but if we don't have the constant, Marshal
+# blows up.
+module Psych
+ class PrivateType
+ end
+# This exists just to satify bugs in marshal'd gemspecs that
+# contain a reference to YAML::PrivateType. We prune these out
+# in Specification._load, but if we don't have the constant, Marshal
+# blows up.
+module Psych
+ class PrivateType
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/psych_tree.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/psych_tree.rb
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/psych_tree.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+module Gem
+ if defined? ::Psych::Visitors
+ class NoAliasYAMLTree < Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree
+ def visit_String(str)
+ return super unless str == '=' # or whatever you want
+ quote = Psych::Nodes::Scalar::SINGLE_QUOTED
+ @emitter.scalar str, nil, nil, false, true, quote
+ end
+ # Noop this out so there are no anchors
+ def register(target, obj)
+ end
+ # This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3
+ def format_time time
+ if time.utc?
+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N Z")
+ else
+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N %:z")
+ end
+ end
+ private :format_time
+ end
+ end
+module Gem
+ if defined? ::Psych::Visitors
+ class NoAliasYAMLTree < Psych::Visitors::YAMLTree
+ def visit_String(str)
+ return super unless str == '=' # or whatever you want
+ quote = Psych::Nodes::Scalar::SINGLE_QUOTED
+ @emitter.scalar str, nil, nil, false, true, quote
+ end
+ # Noop this out so there are no anchors
+ def register(target, obj)
+ end
+ # This is ported over from the yaml_tree in 1.9.3
+ def format_time time
+ if time.utc?
+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N Z")
+ else
+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%9N %:z")
+ end
+ end
+ private :format_time
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9827e66f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+require 'uri'
+# RemoteFetcher handles the details of fetching gems and gem information from
+# a remote source.
+class Gem::RemoteFetcher
+ BuiltinSSLCerts = File.expand_path("./ssl_certs/*.pem", File.dirname(__FILE__))
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ ##
+ # A FetchError exception wraps up the various possible IO and HTTP failures
+ # that could happen while downloading from the internet.
+ class FetchError < Gem::Exception
+ ##
+ # The URI which was being accessed when the exception happened.
+ attr_accessor :uri
+ def initialize(message, uri)
+ super message
+ @uri = uri
+ end
+ def to_s # :nodoc:
+ "#{super} (#{uri})"
+ end
+ end
+ @fetcher = nil
+ ##
+ # Cached RemoteFetcher instance.
+ def self.fetcher
+ @fetcher ||= Gem.configuration[:http_proxy]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Initialize a remote fetcher using the source URI and possible proxy
+ # information.
+ #
+ # +proxy+
+ # * [String]: explicit specification of proxy; overrides any environment
+ # variable setting
+ # * nil: respect environment variables (HTTP_PROXY, HTTP_PROXY_USER,
+ # * <tt>:no_proxy</tt>: ignore environment variables and _don't_ use a proxy
+ def initialize(proxy = nil)
+ require 'net/http'
+ require 'stringio'
+ require 'time'
+ require 'uri'
+ Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true
+ @connections = {}
+ @requests = 0
+ @proxy_uri =
+ case proxy
+ when :no_proxy then nil
+ when nil then get_proxy_from_env
+ when URI::HTTP then proxy
+ else URI.parse(proxy)
+ end
+ @user_agent = user_agent
+ end
+ ##
+ # Given a name and requirement, downloads this gem into cache and returns the
+ # filename. Returns nil if the gem cannot be located.
+ #--
+ # Should probably be integrated with #download below, but that will be a
+ # larger, more emcompassing effort. -erikh
+ def download_to_cache dependency
+ found = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch dependency, true, true,
+ dependency.prerelease?
+ return if found.empty?
+ spec, source_uri = found.sort_by { |(s,_)| s.version }.last
+ download spec, source_uri
+ end
+ ##
+ # Moves the gem +spec+ from +source_uri+ to the cache dir unless it is
+ # already there. If the source_uri is local the gem cache dir copy is
+ # always replaced.
+ def download(spec, source_uri, install_dir = Gem.dir)
+ Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories(install_dir) rescue nil
+ if File.writable?(install_dir)
+ cache_dir = File.join install_dir, "cache"
+ else
+ cache_dir = File.join Gem.user_dir, "cache"
+ end
+ gem_file_name = File.basename spec.cache_file
+ local_gem_path = File.join cache_dir, gem_file_name
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_dir rescue nil unless File.exist? cache_dir
+ # Always escape URI's to deal with potential spaces and such
+ unless URI::Generic === source_uri
+ source_uri = URI.parse(URI.const_defined?(:DEFAULT_PARSER) ?
+ URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.escape(source_uri.to_s) :
+ URI.escape(source_uri.to_s))
+ end
+ scheme = source_uri.scheme
+ # URI.parse gets confused by MS Windows paths with forward slashes.
+ scheme = nil if scheme =~ /^[a-z]$/i
+ case scheme
+ when 'http', 'https' then
+ unless File.exist? local_gem_path then
+ begin
+ say "Downloading gem #{gem_file_name}" if
+ Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ remote_gem_path = source_uri + "gems/#{gem_file_name}"
+ gem = self.fetch_path remote_gem_path
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError
+ raise if spec.original_platform == spec.platform
+ alternate_name = "#{spec.original_name}.gem"
+ say "Failed, downloading gem #{alternate_name}" if
+ Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ remote_gem_path = source_uri + "gems/#{alternate_name}"
+ gem = self.fetch_path remote_gem_path
+ end
+ local_gem_path, 'wb' do |fp|
+ fp.write gem
+ end
+ end
+ when 'file' then
+ begin
+ path = source_uri.path
+ path = File.dirname(path) if File.extname(path) == '.gem'
+ remote_gem_path = correct_for_windows_path(File.join(path, 'gems', gem_file_name))
+ FileUtils.cp(remote_gem_path, local_gem_path)
+ rescue Errno::EACCES
+ local_gem_path = source_uri.to_s
+ end
+ say "Using local gem #{local_gem_path}" if
+ Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ when nil then # TODO test for local overriding cache
+ source_path = if Gem.win_platform? && source_uri.scheme &&
+ !source_uri.path.include?(':') then
+ "#{source_uri.scheme}:#{source_uri.path}"
+ else
+ source_uri.path
+ end
+ source_path = unescape source_path
+ begin
+ FileUtils.cp source_path, local_gem_path unless
+ File.expand_path(source_path) == File.expand_path(local_gem_path)
+ rescue Errno::EACCES
+ local_gem_path = source_uri.to_s
+ end
+ say "Using local gem #{local_gem_path}" if
+ Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ else
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "unsupported URI scheme #{source_uri.scheme}"
+ end
+ local_gem_path
+ end
+ ##
+ # File Fetcher. Dispatched by +fetch_path+. Use it instead.
+ def fetch_file uri, *_
+ Gem.read_binary correct_for_windows_path uri.path
+ end
+ ##
+ # HTTP Fetcher. Dispatched by +fetch_path+. Use it instead.
+ def fetch_http uri, last_modified = nil, head = false, depth = 0
+ fetch_type = head ? Net::HTTP::Head : Net::HTTP::Get
+ response = request uri, fetch_type, last_modified
+ case response
+ when Net::HTTPOK, Net::HTTPNotModified then
+ head ? response : response.body
+ when Net::HTTPMovedPermanently, Net::HTTPFound, Net::HTTPSeeOther,
+ Net::HTTPTemporaryRedirect then
+ raise'too many redirects', uri) if depth > 10
+ location = URI.parse response['Location']
+ if https?(uri) && !https?(location)
+ raise"redirecting to non-https resource: #{location}", uri)
+ end
+ fetch_http(location, last_modified, head, depth + 1)
+ else
+ raise"bad response #{response.message} #{response.code}", uri)
+ end
+ end
+ alias :fetch_https :fetch_http
+ ##
+ # Downloads +uri+ and returns it as a String.
+ def fetch_path(uri, mtime = nil, head = false)
+ uri = URI.parse uri unless URI::Generic === uri
+ raise ArgumentError, "bad uri: #{uri}" unless uri
+ raise ArgumentError, "uri scheme is invalid: #{uri.scheme.inspect}" unless
+ uri.scheme
+ data = send "fetch_#{uri.scheme}", uri, mtime, head
+ data = Gem.gunzip data if data and not head and uri.to_s =~ /gz$/
+ data
+ rescue FetchError
+ raise
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ raise'timed out', uri.to_s)
+ rescue IOError, SocketError, SystemCallError => e
+ raise"#{e.class}: #{e}", uri.to_s)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the size of +uri+ in bytes.
+ def fetch_size(uri) # TODO: phase this out
+ response = fetch_path(uri, nil, true)
+ response['content-length'].to_i
+ end
+ def escape(str)
+ return unless str
+ @uri_parser ||= uri_escaper
+ @uri_parser.escape str
+ end
+ def unescape(str)
+ return unless str
+ @uri_parser ||= uri_escaper
+ @uri_parser.unescape str
+ end
+ def uri_escaper
+ rescue NameError
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns an HTTP proxy URI if one is set in the environment variables.
+ def get_proxy_from_env
+ env_proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY']
+ return nil if env_proxy.nil? or env_proxy.empty?
+ uri = URI.parse(normalize_uri(env_proxy))
+ if uri and uri.user.nil? and uri.password.nil? then
+ # Probably we have http_proxy_* variables?
+ uri.user = escape(ENV['http_proxy_user'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY_USER'])
+ uri.password = escape(ENV['http_proxy_pass'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY_PASS'])
+ end
+ uri
+ end
+ ##
+ # Normalize the URI by adding "http://" if it is missing.
+ def normalize_uri(uri)
+ (uri =~ /^(https?|ftp|file):/) ? uri : "http://#{uri}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates or an HTTP connection based on +uri+, or retrieves an existing
+ # connection, using a proxy if needed.
+ def connection_for(uri)
+ net_http_args = [, uri.port]
+ if @proxy_uri then
+ net_http_args += [
+ @proxy_uri.port,
+ @proxy_uri.user,
+ @proxy_uri.password
+ ]
+ end
+ connection_id = [Thread.current.object_id, *net_http_args].join ':'
+ @connections[connection_id] ||=*net_http_args)
+ connection = @connections[connection_id]
+ if https?(uri) and !connection.started? then
+ configure_connection_for_https(connection)
+ end
+ connection.start unless connection.started?
+ connection
+ rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, Errno::EHOSTDOWN => e
+ raise, uri)
+ end
+ def configure_connection_for_https(connection)
+ require 'net/https'
+ connection.use_ssl = true
+ connection.verify_mode =
+ Gem.configuration.ssl_verify_mode || OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
+ store =
+ if Gem.configuration.ssl_ca_cert
+ if Gem.configuration.ssl_ca_cert
+ store.add_path Gem.configuration.ssl_ca_cert
+ else
+ store.add_file Gem.configuration.ssl_ca_cert
+ end
+ else
+ store.set_default_paths
+ add_rubygems_trusted_certs(store)
+ end
+ connection.cert_store = store
+ end
+ def add_rubygems_trusted_certs(store)
+ Dir.glob(BuiltinSSLCerts).each do |ssl_cert_file|
+ store.add_file ssl_cert_file
+ end
+ end
+ def correct_for_windows_path(path)
+ if path[0].chr == '/' && path[1].chr =~ /[a-z]/i && path[2].chr == ':'
+ path = path[1..-1]
+ else
+ path
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Read the data from the (source based) URI, but if it is a file:// URI,
+ # read from the filesystem instead.
+ def open_uri_or_path(uri, last_modified = nil, head = false, depth = 0)
+ raise "NO: Use fetch_path instead"
+ # TODO: deprecate for fetch_path
+ end
+ ##
+ # Performs a Net::HTTP request of type +request_class+ on +uri+ returning
+ # a Net::HTTP response object. request maintains a table of persistent
+ # connections to reduce connect overhead.
+ def request(uri, request_class, last_modified = nil)
+ request = uri.request_uri
+ unless uri.nil? || uri.user.nil? || uri.user.empty? then
+ request.basic_auth uri.user, uri.password
+ end
+ request.add_field 'User-Agent', @user_agent
+ request.add_field 'Connection', 'keep-alive'
+ request.add_field 'Keep-Alive', '30'
+ if last_modified then
+ last_modified = last_modified.utc
+ request.add_field 'If-Modified-Since', last_modified.rfc2822
+ end
+ yield request if block_given?
+ connection = connection_for uri
+ retried = false
+ bad_response = false
+ begin
+ @requests[connection.object_id] += 1
+ say "#{request.method} #{uri}" if
+ Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ file_name = File.basename(uri.path)
+ # perform download progress reporter only for gems
+ if request.response_body_permitted? && file_name =~ /\.gem$/
+ reporter = ui.download_reporter
+ response = connection.request(request) do |incomplete_response|
+ if Net::HTTPOK === incomplete_response
+ reporter.fetch(file_name, incomplete_response.content_length)
+ downloaded = 0
+ data = ''
+ incomplete_response.read_body do |segment|
+ data << segment
+ downloaded += segment.length
+ reporter.update(downloaded)
+ end
+ reporter.done
+ if incomplete_response.respond_to? :body=
+ incomplete_response.body = data
+ else
+ incomplete_response.instance_variable_set(:@body, data)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ response = connection.request request
+ end
+ say "#{response.code} #{response.message}" if
+ Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse
+ say "bad response" if Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ reset connection
+ raise'too many bad responses', uri) if bad_response
+ bad_response = true
+ retry
+ # HACK work around EOFError bug in Net::HTTP
+ # NOTE Errno::ECONNABORTED raised a lot on Windows, and make impossible
+ # to install gems.
+ rescue EOFError, Timeout::Error,
+ requests = @requests[connection.object_id]
+ say "connection reset after #{requests} requests, retrying" if
+ Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ raise'too many connection resets', uri) if retried
+ reset connection
+ retried = true
+ retry
+ end
+ response
+ end
+ ##
+ # Resets HTTP connection +connection+.
+ def reset(connection)
+ @requests.delete connection.object_id
+ connection.finish
+ connection.start
+ end
+ def user_agent
+ ua = "RubyGems/#{Gem::VERSION} #{Gem::Platform.local}"
+ ruby_version = RUBY_VERSION
+ ruby_version += 'dev' if RUBY_PATCHLEVEL == -1
+ ua << " Ruby/#{ruby_version} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}"
+ if RUBY_PATCHLEVEL >= 0 then
+ ua << " patchlevel #{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"
+ elsif defined?(RUBY_REVISION) then
+ ua << " revision #{RUBY_REVISION}"
+ end
+ ua << ")"
+ ua << " #{RUBY_ENGINE}" if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) and RUBY_ENGINE != 'ruby'
+ ua
+ end
+ def https?(uri)
+ uri.scheme.downcase == 'https'
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/require_paths_builder.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/require_paths_builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23e974639f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/require_paths_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+# TODO: remove after 1.9.1 dropped
+module Gem::RequirePathsBuilder
+ def write_require_paths_file_if_needed(spec = @spec, gem_home = @gem_home)
+ return if spec.require_paths == ["lib"] &&
+ (spec.bindir.nil? || spec.bindir == "bin")
+ file_name = File.join(gem_home, 'gems', "#{@spec.full_name}", ".require_paths")
+ file_name.untaint
+, "w") do |file|
+ spec.require_paths.each do |path|
+ file.puts path
+ end
+ file.puts spec.bindir if spec.bindir
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/requirement.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/requirement.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7abff01c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/requirement.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+require "rubygems/version"
+# A Requirement is a set of one or more version restrictions. It supports a
+# few (<tt>=, !=, >, <, >=, <=, ~></tt>) different restriction operators.
+# REFACTOR: The fact that a requirement is singular or plural is kind of
+# awkward. Is Requirement the right name for this? Or should it be one
+# [op, number] pair, and we call the list of requirements something else?
+# Since a Requirement is held by a Dependency, maybe this should be made
+# singular and the list aspect should be pulled up into Dependency?
+require "rubygems/version"
+require "rubygems/deprecate"
+class Gem::Requirement
+ include Comparable
+ OPS = { #:nodoc:
+ "=" => lambda { |v, r| v == r },
+ "!=" => lambda { |v, r| v != r },
+ ">" => lambda { |v, r| v > r },
+ "<" => lambda { |v, r| v < r },
+ ">=" => lambda { |v, r| v >= r },
+ "<=" => lambda { |v, r| v <= r },
+ "~>" => lambda { |v, r| v >= r && v.release < r.bump }
+ }
+ quoted = { |k| Regexp.quote k }.join "|"
+ PATTERN = /\A\s*(#{quoted})?\s*(#{Gem::Version::VERSION_PATTERN})\s*\z/
+ ##
+ # Factory method to create a Gem::Requirement object. Input may be
+ # a Version, a String, or nil. Intended to simplify client code.
+ #
+ # If the input is "weird", the default version requirement is
+ # returned.
+ def self.create input
+ case input
+ when Gem::Requirement then
+ input
+ when Gem::Version, Array then
+ new input
+ else
+ if input.respond_to? :to_str then
+ new [input.to_str]
+ else
+ default
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # A default "version requirement" can surely _only_ be '>= 0'.
+ #--
+ # This comment once said:
+ #
+ # "A default "version requirement" can surely _only_ be '> 0'."
+ def self.default
+ new '>= 0'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Parse +obj+, returning an <tt>[op, version]</tt> pair. +obj+ can
+ # be a String or a Gem::Version.
+ #
+ # If +obj+ is a String, it can be either a full requirement
+ # specification, like <tt>">= 1.2"</tt>, or a simple version number,
+ # like <tt>"1.2"</tt>.
+ #
+ # parse("> 1.0") # => [">", "1.0"]
+ # parse("1.0") # => ["=", "1.0"]
+ # parse("1.0")) # => ["=, "1.0"]
+ def self.parse obj
+ return ["=", obj] if Gem::Version === obj
+ unless PATTERN =~ obj.to_s
+ raise ArgumentError, "Illformed requirement [#{obj.inspect}]"
+ end
+ [$1 || "=",$2)]
+ end
+ ##
+ # An array of requirement pairs. The first element of the pair is
+ # the op, and the second is the Gem::Version.
+ attr_reader :requirements #:nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Constructs a requirement from +requirements+. Requirements can be
+ # Strings, Gem::Versions, or Arrays of those. +nil+ and duplicate
+ # requirements are ignored. An empty set of +requirements+ is the
+ # same as <tt>">= 0"</tt>.
+ def initialize *requirements
+ requirements = requirements.flatten
+ requirements.compact!
+ requirements.uniq!
+ requirements << ">= 0" if requirements.empty?
+ @none = (requirements == ">= 0")
+ @requirements =! { |r| self.class.parse r }
+ end
+ def none?
+ @none ||= (to_s == ">= 0")
+ end
+ def as_list # :nodoc:
+ { |op, version| "#{op} #{version}" }.sort
+ end
+ def hash # :nodoc:
+ requirements.hash
+ end
+ def marshal_dump # :nodoc:
+ fix_syck_default_key_in_requirements
+ [@requirements]
+ end
+ def marshal_load array # :nodoc:
+ @requirements = array[0]
+ fix_syck_default_key_in_requirements
+ end
+ def yaml_initialize(tag, vals) # :nodoc:
+ vals.each do |ivar, val|
+ instance_variable_set "@#{ivar}", val
+ end
+ fix_syck_default_key_in_requirements
+ end
+ def init_with coder # :nodoc:
+ yaml_initialize coder.tag,
+ end
+ def prerelease?
+ requirements.any? { |r| r.last.prerelease? }
+ end
+ def pretty_print q # :nodoc:
+ 1, '', ')' do
+ q.pp as_list
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # True if +version+ satisfies this Requirement.
+ def satisfied_by? version
+ # #28965: syck has a bug with unquoted '=' YAML.loading as YAML::DefaultKey
+ requirements.all? { |op, rv| (OPS[op] || OPS["="]).call version, rv }
+ end
+ alias :=== :satisfied_by?
+ alias :=~ :satisfied_by?
+ ##
+ # True if the requirement will not always match the latest version.
+ def specific?
+ return true if @requirements.length > 1 # GIGO, > 1, > 2 is silly
+ not %w[> >=].include? @requirements.first.first # grab the operator
+ end
+ def to_s # :nodoc:
+ as_list.join ", "
+ end
+ def <=> other # :nodoc:
+ to_s <=> other.to_s
+ end
+ private
+ def fix_syck_default_key_in_requirements
+ Gem.load_yaml
+ # Fixup the Syck DefaultKey bug
+ @requirements.each do |r|
+ if r[0].kind_of? Gem::SyckDefaultKey
+ r[0] = "="
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# :stopdoc:
+# Gem::Version::Requirement is used in a lot of old YAML specs. It's aliased
+# here for backwards compatibility. I'd like to remove this, maybe in RubyGems
+# 2.0.
+::Gem::Version::Requirement = ::Gem::Requirement
+# :startdoc:
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/security.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/security.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f51da65b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/security.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/exceptions'
+require 'rubygems/gem_openssl'
+require 'fileutils'
+# = Signed Gems README
+# == Table of Contents
+# * Overview
+# * Walkthrough
+# * Command-Line Options
+# * OpenSSL Reference
+# * Bugs/TODO
+# * About the Author
+# == Overview
+# Gem::Security implements cryptographic signatures in RubyGems. The section
+# below is a step-by-step guide to using signed gems and generating your own.
+# == Walkthrough
+# In order to start signing your gems, you'll need to build a private key and
+# a self-signed certificate. Here's how:
+# # build a private key and certificate for
+# $ gem cert --build
+# This could take anywhere from 5 seconds to 10 minutes, depending on the
+# speed of your computer (public key algorithms aren't exactly the speediest
+# crypto algorithms in the world). When it's finished, you'll see the files
+# "gem-private_key.pem" and "gem-public_cert.pem" in the current directory.
+# First things first: take the "gem-private_key.pem" file and move it
+# somewhere private, preferably a directory only you have access to, a floppy
+# (yuck!), a CD-ROM, or something comparably secure. Keep your private key
+# hidden; if it's compromised, someone can sign packages as you (note: PKI has
+# ways of mitigating the risk of stolen keys; more on that later).
+# Now, let's sign an existing gem. I'll be using my Imlib2-Ruby bindings, but
+# you can use whatever gem you'd like. Open up your existing gemspec file and
+# add the following lines:
+# # signing key and certificate chain
+# s.signing_key = '/mnt/floppy/gem-private_key.pem'
+# s.cert_chain = ['gem-public_cert.pem']
+# (Be sure to replace "/mnt/floppy" with the ultra-secret path to your private
+# key).
+# After that, go ahead and build your gem as usual. Congratulations, you've
+# just built your first signed gem! If you peek inside your gem file, you'll
+# see a couple of new files have been added:
+# $ tar tf tar tf Imlib2-Ruby-0.5.0.gem
+# data.tar.gz
+# data.tar.gz.sig
+# metadata.gz
+# metadata.gz.sig
+# Now let's verify the signature. Go ahead and install the gem, but add the
+# following options: "-P HighSecurity", like this:
+# # install the gem with using the security policy "HighSecurity"
+# $ sudo gem install Imlib2-Ruby-0.5.0.gem -P HighSecurity
+# The -P option sets your security policy -- we'll talk about that in just a
+# minute. Eh, what's this?
+# Attempting local installation of 'Imlib2-Ruby-0.5.0.gem'
+# ERROR: Error installing gem Imlib2-Ruby-0.5.0.gem[.gem]: Couldn't
+# verify data signature: Untrusted Signing Chain Root: cert =
+# '/CN=gemmaster/DC=example/DC=com', error = 'path
+# "/root/.rubygems/trust/cert-15dbb43a6edf6a70a85d4e784e2e45312cff7030.pem"
+# does not exist'
+# The culprit here is the security policy. RubyGems has several different
+# security policies. Let's take a short break and go over the security
+# policies. Here's a list of the available security policies, and a brief
+# description of each one:
+# * NoSecurity - Well, no security at all. Signed packages are treated like
+# unsigned packages.
+# * LowSecurity - Pretty much no security. If a package is signed then
+# RubyGems will make sure the signature matches the signing
+# certificate, and that the signing certificate hasn't expired, but
+# that's it. A malicious user could easily circumvent this kind of
+# security.
+# * MediumSecurity - Better than LowSecurity and NoSecurity, but still
+# fallible. Package contents are verified against the signing
+# certificate, and the signing certificate is checked for validity,
+# and checked against the rest of the certificate chain (if you don't
+# know what a certificate chain is, stay tuned, we'll get to that).
+# The biggest improvement over LowSecurity is that MediumSecurity
+# won't install packages that are signed by untrusted sources.
+# Unfortunately, MediumSecurity still isn't totally secure -- a
+# malicious user can still unpack the gem, strip the signatures, and
+# distribute the gem unsigned.
+# * HighSecurity - Here's the bugger that got us into this mess.
+# The HighSecurity policy is identical to the MediumSecurity policy,
+# except that it does not allow unsigned gems. A malicious user
+# doesn't have a whole lot of options here; he can't modify the
+# package contents without invalidating the signature, and he can't
+# modify or remove signature or the signing certificate chain, or
+# RubyGems will simply refuse to install the package. Oh well, maybe
+# he'll have better luck causing problems for CPAN users instead :).
+# So, the reason RubyGems refused to install our shiny new signed gem was
+# because it was from an untrusted source. Well, my code is infallible
+# (hah!), so I'm going to add myself as a trusted source.
+# Here's how:
+# # add trusted certificate
+# gem cert --add gem-public_cert.pem
+# I've added my public certificate as a trusted source. Now I can install
+# packages signed my private key without any hassle. Let's try the install
+# command above again:
+# # install the gem with using the HighSecurity policy (and this time
+# # without any shenanigans)
+# $ sudo gem install Imlib2-Ruby-0.5.0.gem -P HighSecurity
+# This time RubyGems should accept your signed package and begin installing.
+# While you're waiting for RubyGems to work it's magic, have a look at some of
+# the other security commands:
+# Usage: gem cert [options]
+# Options:
+# -a, --add CERT Add a trusted certificate.
+# -l, --list List trusted certificates.
+# -r, --remove STRING Remove trusted certificates containing STRING.
+# -b, --build EMAIL_ADDR Build private key and self-signed certificate
+# for EMAIL_ADDR.
+# -C, --certificate CERT Certificate for --sign command.
+# -K, --private-key KEY Private key for --sign command.
+# -s, --sign NEWCERT Sign a certificate with my key and certificate.
+# (By the way, you can pull up this list any time you'd like by typing "gem
+# cert --help")
+# Hmm. We've already covered the "--build" option, and the "--add", "--list",
+# and "--remove" commands seem fairly straightforward; they allow you to add,
+# list, and remove the certificates in your trusted certificate list. But
+# what's with this "--sign" option?
+# To answer that question, let's take a look at "certificate chains", a
+# concept I mentioned earlier. There are a couple of problems with
+# self-signed certificates: first of all, self-signed certificates don't offer
+# a whole lot of security. Sure, the certificate says Yukihiro Matsumoto, but
+# how do I know it was actually generated and signed by matz himself unless he
+# gave me the certificate in person?
+# The second problem is scalability. Sure, if there are 50 gem authors, then
+# I have 50 trusted certificates, no problem. What if there are 500 gem
+# authors? 1000? Having to constantly add new trusted certificates is a
+# pain, and it actually makes the trust system less secure by encouraging
+# RubyGems users to blindly trust new certificates.
+# Here's where certificate chains come in. A certificate chain establishes an
+# arbitrarily long chain of trust between an issuing certificate and a child
+# certificate. So instead of trusting certificates on a per-developer basis,
+# we use the PKI concept of certificate chains to build a logical hierarchy of
+# trust. Here's a hypothetical example of a trust hierarchy based (roughly)
+# on geography:
+# --------------------------
+# | |
+# --------------------------
+# |
+# -----------------------------------
+# | |
+# ---------------------------- -----------------------------
+# | | | |
+# ---------------------------- -----------------------------
+# | | | |
+# --------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------
+# | alf@seattle | | bob@portland | | pabs@dc | | tomcope@dc |
+# --------------- ---------------- ----------- --------------
+# Now, rather than having 4 trusted certificates (one for alf@seattle,
+# bob@portland, pabs@dc, and tomecope@dc), a user could actually get by with 1
+# certificate: the "" certificate. Here's how it works:
+# I install "Alf2000-Ruby-0.1.0.gem", a package signed by "alf@seattle". I've
+# never heard of "alf@seattle", but his certificate has a valid signature from
+# the "" certificate, which in turn has a valid
+# signature from the "" certificate. Voila! At this
+# point, it's much more reasonable for me to trust a package signed by
+# "alf@seattle", because I can establish a chain to "",
+# which I do trust.
+# And the "--sign" option allows all this to happen. A developer creates
+# their build certificate with the "--build" option, then has their
+# certificate signed by taking it with them to their next regional Ruby meetup
+# (in our hypothetical example), and it's signed there by the person holding
+# the regional RubyGems signing certificate, which is signed at the next
+# RubyConf by the holder of the top-level RubyGems certificate. At each point
+# the issuer runs the same command:
+# # sign a certificate with the specified key and certificate
+# # (note that this modifies client_cert.pem!)
+# $ gem cert -K /mnt/floppy/issuer-priv_key.pem -C issuer-pub_cert.pem
+# --sign client_cert.pem
+# Then the holder of issued certificate (in this case, our buddy
+# "alf@seattle"), can start using this signed certificate to sign RubyGems.
+# By the way, in order to let everyone else know about his new fancy signed
+# certificate, "alf@seattle" would change his gemspec file to look like this:
+# # signing key (still kept in an undisclosed location!)
+# s.signing_key = '/mnt/floppy/alf-private_key.pem'
+# # certificate chain (includes the issuer certificate now too)
+# s.cert_chain = ['/home/alf/doc/seattlerb-public_cert.pem',
+# '/home/alf/doc/alf_at_seattle-public_cert.pem']
+# Obviously, this RubyGems trust infrastructure doesn't exist yet. Also, in
+# the "real world" issuers actually generate the child certificate from a
+# certificate request, rather than sign an existing certificate. And our
+# hypothetical infrastructure is missing a certificate revocation system.
+# These are that can be fixed in the future...
+# I'm sure your new signed gem has finished installing by now (unless you're
+# installing rails and all it's dependencies, that is ;D). At this point you
+# should know how to do all of these new and interesting things:
+# * build a gem signing key and certificate
+# * modify your existing gems to support signing
+# * adjust your security policy
+# * modify your trusted certificate list
+# * sign a certificate
+# If you've got any questions, feel free to contact me at the email address
+# below. The next couple of sections
+# == Command-Line Options
+# Here's a brief summary of the certificate-related command line options:
+# gem install
+# -P, --trust-policy POLICY Specify gem trust policy.
+# gem cert
+# -a, --add CERT Add a trusted certificate.
+# -l, --list List trusted certificates.
+# -r, --remove STRING Remove trusted certificates containing
+# -b, --build EMAIL_ADDR Build private key and self-signed
+# certificate for EMAIL_ADDR.
+# -C, --certificate CERT Certificate for --sign command.
+# -K, --private-key KEY Private key for --sign command.
+# -s, --sign NEWCERT Sign a certificate with my key and
+# certificate.
+# A more detailed description of each options is available in the walkthrough
+# above.
+# == Manually verifying signatures
+# In case you don't trust RubyGems you can verify gem signatures manually:
+# 1. Fetch and unpack the gem
+# gem fetch some_signed_gem
+# tar -xf some_signed_gem-1.0.gem
+# 2. Grab the public key from the gemspec
+# gem spec some_signed_gem-1.0.gem cert_chain | \
+# ruby -pe 'sub(/^ +/, "")' > public_key.crt
+# 3. Generate a SHA1 hash of the data.tar.gz
+# openssl dgst -sha1 < data.tar.gz > my.hash
+# 4. Verify the signature
+# openssl rsautl -verify -inkey public_key.crt -certin \
+# -in data.tar.gz.sig > verified.hash
+# 5. Compare your hash to the verified hash
+# diff -s verified.hash my.hash
+# 6. Repeat 5 and 6 with metadata.gz
+# == OpenSSL Reference
+# The .pem files generated by --build and --sign are just basic OpenSSL PEM
+# files. Here's a couple of useful commands for manipulating them:
+# # convert a PEM format X509 certificate into DER format:
+# # (note: Windows .cer files are X509 certificates in DER format)
+# $ openssl x509 -in input.pem -outform der -out output.der
+# # print out the certificate in a human-readable format:
+# $ openssl x509 -in input.pem -noout -text
+# And you can do the same thing with the private key file as well:
+# # convert a PEM format RSA key into DER format:
+# $ openssl rsa -in input_key.pem -outform der -out output_key.der
+# # print out the key in a human readable format:
+# $ openssl rsa -in input_key.pem -noout -text
+# == Bugs/TODO
+# * There's no way to define a system-wide trust list.
+# * custom security policies (from a YAML file, etc)
+# * Simple method to generate a signed certificate request
+# * Support for OCSP, SCVP, CRLs, or some other form of cert
+# status check (list is in order of preference)
+# * Support for encrypted private keys
+# * Some sort of semi-formal trust hierarchy (see long-winded explanation
+# above)
+# * Path discovery (for gem certificate chains that don't have a self-signed
+# root) -- by the way, since we don't have this, THE ROOT OF THE CERTIFICATE
+# CHAIN MUST BE SELF SIGNED if Policy#verify_root is true (and it is for the
+# MediumSecurity and HighSecurity policies)
+# * Better explanation of X509 naming (ie, we don't have to use email
+# addresses)
+# * Possible alternate signing mechanisms (eg, via PGP). this could be done
+# pretty easily by adding a :signing_type attribute to the gemspec, then add
+# the necessary support in other places
+# * Honor AIA field (see note about OCSP above)
+# * Maybe honor restriction extensions?
+# * Might be better to store the certificate chain as a PKCS#7 or PKCS#12
+# file, instead of an array embedded in the metadata. ideas?
+# * Possibly embed signature and key algorithms into metadata (right now
+# they're assumed to be the same as what's set in Gem::Security::OPT)
+# == About the Author
+# Paul Duncan <>
+module Gem::Security
+ ##
+ # Gem::Security default exception type
+ class Exception < Gem::Exception; end
+ ##
+ # Default options for most of the methods below
+ OPT = {
+ # private key options
+ :key_algo => Gem::SSL::PKEY_RSA,
+ :key_size => 2048,
+ # public cert options
+ :cert_age => 365 * 24 * 3600, # 1 year
+ :dgst_algo => Gem::SSL::DIGEST_SHA1,
+ # x509 certificate extensions
+ :cert_exts => {
+ 'basicConstraints' => 'CA:FALSE',
+ 'subjectKeyIdentifier' => 'hash',
+ 'keyUsage' => 'keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment,digitalSignature',
+ },
+ # save the key and cert to a file in build_self_signed_cert()?
+ :save_key => true,
+ :save_cert => true,
+ # if you define either of these, then they'll be used instead of
+ # the output_fmt macro below
+ :save_key_path => nil,
+ :save_cert_path => nil,
+ # output name format for self-signed certs
+ :output_fmt => 'gem-%s.pem',
+ :munge_re =>[^a-z0-9_.-]+/),
+ # output directory for trusted certificate checksums
+ :trust_dir => File.join(Gem.user_home, '.gem', 'trust'),
+ # default permissions for trust directory and certs
+ :perms => {
+ :trust_dir => 0700,
+ :trusted_cert => 0600,
+ :signing_cert => 0600,
+ :signing_key => 0600,
+ },
+ }
+ ##
+ # A Gem::Security::Policy object encapsulates the settings for verifying
+ # signed gem files. This is the base class. You can either declare an
+ # instance of this or use one of the preset security policies below.
+ class Policy
+ attr_accessor :verify_data, :verify_signer, :verify_chain,
+ :verify_root, :only_trusted, :only_signed
+ #
+ # Create a new Gem::Security::Policy object with the given mode and
+ # options.
+ #
+ def initialize(policy = {}, opt = {})
+ # set options
+ @opt = Gem::Security::OPT.merge(opt)
+ # build policy
+ policy.each_pair do |key, val|
+ case key
+ when :verify_data then @verify_data = val
+ when :verify_signer then @verify_signer = val
+ when :verify_chain then @verify_chain = val
+ when :verify_root then @verify_root = val
+ when :only_trusted then @only_trusted = val
+ when :only_signed then @only_signed = val
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Get the path to the file for this cert.
+ #
+ def self.trusted_cert_path(cert, opt = {})
+ opt = Gem::Security::OPT.merge(opt)
+ # get digest algorithm, calculate checksum of root.subject
+ algo = opt[:dgst_algo]
+ dgst = algo.hexdigest(cert.subject.to_s)
+ # build path to trusted cert file
+ name = "cert-#{dgst}.pem"
+ # join and return path components
+ File::join(opt[:trust_dir], name)
+ end
+ #
+ # Verify that the gem data with the given signature and signing chain
+ # matched this security policy at the specified time.
+ #
+ def verify_gem(signature, data, chain, time =
+ Gem.ensure_ssl_available
+ cert_class = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
+ exc = Gem::Security::Exception
+ chain ||= []
+ chain ={ |str| }
+ signer, ch_len = chain[-1], chain.size
+ # make sure signature is valid
+ if @verify_data
+ # get digest algorithm (TODO: this should be configurable)
+ dgst = @opt[:dgst_algo]
+ # verify the data signature (this is the most important part, so don't
+ # screw it up :D)
+ v = signer.public_key.verify(, signature, data)
+ raise exc, "Invalid Gem Signature" unless v
+ # make sure the signer is valid
+ if @verify_signer
+ # make sure the signing cert is valid right now
+ v = signer.check_validity(nil, time)
+ raise exc, "Invalid Signature: #{v[:desc]}" unless v[:is_valid]
+ end
+ end
+ # make sure the certificate chain is valid
+ if @verify_chain
+ # iterate down over the chain and verify each certificate against it's
+ # issuer
+ (ch_len - 1).downto(1) do |i|
+ issuer, cert = chain[i - 1, 2]
+ v = cert.check_validity(issuer, time)
+ raise exc, "%s: cert = '%s', error = '%s'" % [
+ 'Invalid Signing Chain', cert.subject, v[:desc]
+ ] unless v[:is_valid]
+ end
+ # verify root of chain
+ if @verify_root
+ # make sure root is self-signed
+ root = chain[0]
+ raise exc, "%s: %s (subject = '%s', issuer = '%s')" % [
+ 'Invalid Signing Chain Root',
+ 'Subject does not match Issuer for Gem Signing Chain',
+ root.subject.to_s,
+ root.issuer.to_s,
+ ] unless root.issuer.to_s == root.subject.to_s
+ # make sure root is valid
+ v = root.check_validity(root, time)
+ raise exc, "%s: cert = '%s', error = '%s'" % [
+ 'Invalid Signing Chain Root', root.subject, v[:desc]
+ ] unless v[:is_valid]
+ # verify that the chain root is trusted
+ if @only_trusted
+ # get digest algorithm, calculate checksum of root.subject
+ algo = @opt[:dgst_algo]
+ path = Gem::Security::Policy.trusted_cert_path(root, @opt)
+ # check to make sure trusted path exists
+ raise exc, "%s: cert = '%s', error = '%s'" % [
+ 'Untrusted Signing Chain Root',
+ root.subject.to_s,
+ "path \"#{path}\" does not exist",
+ ] unless File.exist?(path)
+ # load calculate digest from saved cert file
+ save_cert =
+ save_dgst = algo.digest(save_cert.public_key.to_s)
+ # create digest of public key
+ pkey_str = root.public_key.to_s
+ cert_dgst = algo.digest(pkey_str)
+ # now compare the two digests, raise exception
+ # if they don't match
+ raise exc, "%s: %s (saved = '%s', root = '%s')" % [
+ 'Invalid Signing Chain Root',
+ "Saved checksum doesn't match root checksum",
+ save_dgst, cert_dgst,
+ ] unless save_dgst == cert_dgst
+ end
+ end
+ # return the signing chain
+ { |cert| cert.subject }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # No security policy: all package signature checks are disabled.
+ NoSecurity =
+ :verify_data => false,
+ :verify_signer => false,
+ :verify_chain => false,
+ :verify_root => false,
+ :only_trusted => false,
+ :only_signed => false
+ )
+ ##
+ # AlmostNo security policy: only verify that the signing certificate is the
+ # one that actually signed the data. Make no attempt to verify the signing
+ # certificate chain.
+ #
+ # This policy is basically useless. better than nothing, but can still be
+ # easily spoofed, and is not recommended.
+ AlmostNoSecurity =
+ :verify_data => true,
+ :verify_signer => false,
+ :verify_chain => false,
+ :verify_root => false,
+ :only_trusted => false,
+ :only_signed => false
+ )
+ ##
+ # Low security policy: only verify that the signing certificate is actually
+ # the gem signer, and that the signing certificate is valid.
+ #
+ # This policy is better than nothing, but can still be easily spoofed, and
+ # is not recommended.
+ LowSecurity =
+ :verify_data => true,
+ :verify_signer => true,
+ :verify_chain => false,
+ :verify_root => false,
+ :only_trusted => false,
+ :only_signed => false
+ )
+ ##
+ # Medium security policy: verify the signing certificate, verify the signing
+ # certificate chain all the way to the root certificate, and only trust root
+ # certificates that we have explicitly allowed trust for.
+ #
+ # This security policy is reasonable, but it allows unsigned packages, so a
+ # malicious person could simply delete the package signature and pass the
+ # gem off as unsigned.
+ MediumSecurity =
+ :verify_data => true,
+ :verify_signer => true,
+ :verify_chain => true,
+ :verify_root => true,
+ :only_trusted => true,
+ :only_signed => false
+ )
+ ##
+ # High security policy: only allow signed gems to be installed, verify the
+ # signing certificate, verify the signing certificate chain all the way to
+ # the root certificate, and only trust root certificates that we have
+ # explicitly allowed trust for.
+ #
+ # This security policy is significantly more difficult to bypass, and offers
+ # a reasonable guarantee that the contents of the gem have not been altered.
+ HighSecurity =
+ :verify_data => true,
+ :verify_signer => true,
+ :verify_chain => true,
+ :verify_root => true,
+ :only_trusted => true,
+ :only_signed => true
+ )
+ ##
+ # Hash of configured security policies
+ Policies = {
+ 'NoSecurity' => NoSecurity,
+ 'AlmostNoSecurity' => AlmostNoSecurity,
+ 'LowSecurity' => LowSecurity,
+ 'MediumSecurity' => MediumSecurity,
+ 'HighSecurity' => HighSecurity,
+ }
+ ##
+ # Sign the cert cert with @signing_key and @signing_cert, using the digest
+ # algorithm opt[:dgst_algo]. Returns the newly signed certificate.
+ def self.sign_cert(cert, signing_key, signing_cert, opt = {})
+ opt = OPT.merge(opt)
+ cert.issuer = signing_cert.subject
+ cert.sign signing_key, opt[:dgst_algo].new
+ cert
+ end
+ ##
+ # Make sure the trust directory exists. If it does exist, make sure it's
+ # actually a directory. If not, then create it with the appropriate
+ # permissions.
+ def self.verify_trust_dir(path, perms)
+ # if the directory exists, then make sure it is in fact a directory. if
+ # it doesn't exist, then create it with the appropriate permissions
+ if File.exist?(path)
+ # verify that the trust directory is actually a directory
+ unless
+ err = "trust directory #{path} isn't a directory"
+ raise Gem::Security::Exception, err
+ end
+ else
+ # trust directory doesn't exist, so create it with permissions
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(path)
+ FileUtils.chmod(perms, path)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Build a certificate from the given DN and private key.
+ def self.build_cert(name, key, opt = {})
+ Gem.ensure_ssl_available
+ opt = OPT.merge opt
+ cert =
+ cert.not_after = + opt[:cert_age]
+ cert.not_before =
+ cert.public_key = key.public_key
+ cert.serial = 0
+ cert.subject = name
+ cert.version = 2
+ ef = nil, cert
+ cert.extensions = opt[:cert_exts].map do |ext_name, value|
+ ef.create_extension ext_name, value
+ end
+ i_key = opt[:issuer_key] || key
+ i_cert = opt[:issuer_cert] || cert
+ cert = sign_cert cert, i_key, i_cert, opt
+ cert
+ end
+ ##
+ # Build a self-signed certificate for the given email address.
+ def self.build_self_signed_cert(email_addr, opt = {})
+ Gem.ensure_ssl_available
+ opt = OPT.merge(opt)
+ path = { :key => nil, :cert => nil }
+ name = email_to_name email_addr, opt[:munge_re]
+ key = opt[:key_algo].new opt[:key_size]
+ verify_trust_dir opt[:trust_dir], opt[:perms][:trust_dir]
+ if opt[:save_key] then
+ path[:key] = opt[:save_key_path] || (opt[:output_fmt] % 'private_key')
+ open path[:key], 'wb' do |io|
+ io.chmod opt[:perms][:signing_key]
+ io.write key.to_pem
+ end
+ end
+ cert = build_cert name, key, opt
+ if opt[:save_cert] then
+ path[:cert] = opt[:save_cert_path] || (opt[:output_fmt] % 'public_cert')
+ open path[:cert], 'wb' do |file|
+ file.chmod opt[:perms][:signing_cert]
+ file.write cert.to_pem
+ end
+ end
+ { :key => key, :cert => cert,
+ :key_path => path[:key], :cert_path => path[:cert] }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Turns +email_address+ into an OpenSSL::X509::Name
+ def self.email_to_name email_address, munge_re
+ cn, dcs = email_address.split '@'
+ dcs = dcs.split '.'
+ cn = cn.gsub munge_re, '_'
+ dcs = do |dc|
+ dc.gsub munge_re, '_'
+ end
+ name = "CN=#{cn}/" << { |dc| "DC=#{dc}" }.join('/')
+ OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse name
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add certificate to trusted cert list.
+ #
+ # Note: At the moment these are stored in OPT[:trust_dir], although that
+ # directory may change in the future.
+ def self.add_trusted_cert(cert, opt = {})
+ opt = OPT.merge(opt)
+ # get destination path
+ path = Gem::Security::Policy.trusted_cert_path(cert, opt)
+ # verify trust directory (can't write to nowhere, you know)
+ verify_trust_dir(opt[:trust_dir], opt[:perms][:trust_dir])
+ # write cert to output file
+, 'wb') do |file|
+ file.chmod(opt[:perms][:trusted_cert])
+ file.write(cert.to_pem)
+ end
+ # return nil
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Basic OpenSSL-based package signing class.
+ class Signer
+ attr_accessor :cert_chain
+ attr_accessor :key
+ def initialize(key, cert_chain)
+ Gem.ensure_ssl_available
+ @algo = Gem::Security::OPT[:dgst_algo]
+ @key, @cert_chain = key, cert_chain
+ # check key, if it's a file, and if it's key, leave it alone
+ if @key && !@key.kind_of?(OpenSSL::PKey::PKey)
+ @key =
+ end
+ # check cert chain, if it's a file, load it, if it's cert data, convert
+ # it into a cert object, and if it's a cert object, leave it alone
+ if @cert_chain
+ @cert_chain = do |cert|
+ # check cert, if it's a file, load it, if it's cert data, convert it
+ # into a cert object, and if it's a cert object, leave it alone
+ if cert && !cert.kind_of?(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate)
+ cert = if File::exist?(cert)
+ cert =
+ end
+ cert
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sign data with given digest algorithm
+ def sign(data)
+ @key.sign(, data)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/server.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/server.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47fa7c562d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/server.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+require 'webrick'
+require 'zlib'
+require 'erb'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/doc_manager'
+# Gem::Server and allows users to serve gems for consumption by
+# `gem --remote-install`.
+# gem_server starts an HTTP server on the given port and serves the following:
+# * "/" - Browsing of gem spec files for installed gems
+# * "/specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz" - specs name/version/platform index
+# * "/latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz" - latest specs
+# name/version/platform index
+# * "/quick/" - Individual gemspecs
+# * "/gems" - Direct access to download the installable gems
+# * "/rdoc?q=" - Search for installed rdoc documentation
+# * legacy indexes:
+# * "/Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}" - Full SourceIndex dump of metadata
+# for installed gems
+# == Usage
+# gem_server = Gem.dir, 8089, false
+# TODO Refactor into a real WEBrick servlet to remove code duplication.
+class Gem::Server
+ attr_reader :spec_dirs
+ include ERB::Util
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ <form class="headerSearch" name="headerSearchForm" method="get" action="/rdoc">
+ <div id="search" style="float:right">
+ <label for="q">Filter/Search</label>
+ <input id="q" type="text" style="width:10em" name="q">
+ <button type="submit" style="display:none"></button>
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+ <!DOCTYPE html
+ PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+ <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <title>RubyGems Documentation Index</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="gem-server-rdoc-style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div id="fileHeader">
+<%= SEARCH %>
+ <h1>RubyGems Documentation Index</h1>
+ </div>
+ <!-- banner header -->
+ <div id="bodyContent">
+ <div id="contextContent">
+ <div id="description">
+ <h1>Summary</h1>
+ <p>There are <%=values["gem_count"]%> gems installed:</p>
+ <p>
+ <%= values["specs"].map { |v| "<a href=\"##{v["name"]}\">#{v["name"]}</a>" }.join ', ' %>.
+ <h1>Gems</h1>
+ <dl>
+ <% values["specs"].each do |spec| %>
+ <dt>
+ <% if spec["first_name_entry"] then %>
+ <a name="<%=spec["name"]%>"></a>
+ <% end %>
+ <b><%=spec["name"]%> <%=spec["version"]%></b>
+ <% if spec["rdoc_installed"] then %>
+ <a href="<%=spec["doc_path"]%>">[rdoc]</a>
+ <% else %>
+ <span title="rdoc not installed">[rdoc]</span>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if spec["homepage"] then %>
+ <a href="<%=spec["homepage"]%>" title="<%=spec["homepage"]%>">[www]</a>
+ <% else %>
+ <span title="no homepage available">[www]</span>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if spec["has_deps"] then %>
+ - depends on
+ <%= spec["dependencies"].map { |v| "<a href=\"##{v["name"]}\">#{v["name"]}</a>" }.join ', ' %>.
+ <% end %>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <%=spec["summary"]%>
+ <% if spec["executables"] then %>
+ <br/>
+ <% if spec["only_one_executable"] then %>
+ Executable is
+ <% else %>
+ Executables are
+ <%end%>
+ <%= spec["executables"].map { |v| "<span class=\"context-item-name\">#{v["executable"]}</span>"}.join ', ' %>.
+ <%end%>
+ <br/>
+ <br/>
+ </dd>
+ <% end %>
+ </dl>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="validator-badges">
+ <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
+ </div>
+ </body>
+ </html>
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
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+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="gem-server-rdoc-style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
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+ <body>
+ <div id="fileHeader">
+<%= SEARCH %>
+ <h1>No documentation found</h1>
+ </div>
+ <div id="bodyContent">
+ <div id="contextContent">
+ <div id="description">
+ <p>No gems matched <%= h query.inspect %></p>
+ <p>
+ Back to <a href="/">complete gem index</a>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="validator-badges">
+ <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
+ </div>
+ </body>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
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+<%= SEARCH %>
+ <h1>Found documentation</h1>
+ </div>
+ <!-- banner header -->
+ <div id="bodyContent">
+ <div id="contextContent">
+ <div id="description">
+ <h1>Summary</h1>
+ <p><%=doc_items.length%> documentation topics found.</p>
+ <h1>Topics</h1>
+ <dl>
+ <% doc_items.each do |doc_item| %>
+ <dt>
+ <b><%=doc_item[:name]%></b>
+ <a href="<%=doc_item[:url]%>">[rdoc]</a>
+ </dt>
+ <dd>
+ <%=doc_item[:summary]%>
+ <br/>
+ <br/>
+ </dd>
+ <% end %>
+ </dl>
+ <p>
+ Back to <a href="/">complete gem index</a>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="validator-badges">
+ <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
+ </div>
+ </body>
+ def
+ new(options[:gemdir], options[:port], options[:daemon],
+ options[:launch], options[:addresses]).run
+ end
+ ##
+ # Only the first directory in gem_dirs is used for serving gems
+ def initialize(gem_dirs, port, daemon, launch = nil, addresses = nil)
+ Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true
+ @gem_dirs = Array gem_dirs
+ @port = port
+ @daemon = daemon
+ @launch = launch
+ @addresses = addresses
+ logger = nil, WEBrick::BasicLog::FATAL
+ @server = :DoNotListen => true, :Logger => logger
+ @spec_dirs = do |gem_dir|
+ spec_dir = File.join gem_dir, 'specifications'
+ unless spec_dir then
+ raise ArgumentError, "#{gem_dir} does not appear to be a gem repository"
+ end
+ spec_dir
+ end
+ Gem::Specification.dirs = @gem_dirs
+ end
+ def Marshal(req, res)
+ Gem::Specification.reset
+ add_date res
+ index = Gem::Deprecate.skip_during { Marshal.dump Gem.source_index }
+ if req.request_method == 'HEAD' then
+ res['content-length'] = index.length
+ return
+ end
+ if req.path =~ /Z$/ then
+ res['content-type'] = 'application/x-deflate'
+ index = Gem.deflate index
+ else
+ res['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
+ end
+ res.body << index
+ end
+ def add_date res
+ res['date'] = do |spec_dir|
+ File.stat(spec_dir).mtime
+ end.max
+ end
+ def latest_specs(req, res)
+ Gem::Specification.reset
+ res['content-type'] = 'application/x-gzip'
+ add_date res
+ latest_specs = Gem::Specification.latest_specs
+ specs = do |spec|
+ platform = spec.original_platform || Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ [, spec.version, platform]
+ end
+ specs = Marshal.dump specs
+ if req.path =~ /\.gz$/ then
+ specs = Gem.gzip specs
+ res['content-type'] = 'application/x-gzip'
+ else
+ res['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
+ end
+ if req.request_method == 'HEAD' then
+ res['content-length'] = specs.length
+ else
+ res.body << specs
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates server sockets based on the addresses option. If no addresses
+ # were given a server socket for all interfaces is created.
+ def listen addresses = @addresses
+ addresses = [nil] unless addresses
+ listeners = 0
+ addresses.each do |address|
+ begin
+ @server.listen address, @port
+ @server.listeners[listeners..-1].each do |listener|
+ host, port = listener.addr.values_at 2, 1
+ host = "[#{host}]" if host =~ /:/ # we don't reverse lookup
+ say "Server started at http://#{host}:#{port}"
+ end
+ listeners = @server.listeners.length
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ next
+ end
+ end
+ if @server.listeners.empty? then
+ say "Unable to start a server."
+ say "Check for running servers or your --bind and --port arguments"
+ terminate_interaction 1
+ end
+ end
+ def quick(req, res)
+ Gem::Specification.reset
+ res['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
+ add_date res
+ case req.request_uri.path
+ when %r|^/quick/(Marshal.#{Regexp.escape Gem.marshal_version}/)?(.*?)-([0-9.]+)(-.*?)?\.gemspec\.rz$| then
+ marshal_format, name, version, platform = $1, $2, $3, $4
+ specs = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name name, version
+ selector = [name, version, platform].map(&:inspect).join ' '
+ platform = if platform then
+ platform.sub(/^-/, '')
+ else
+ Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ end
+ specs = { |s| s.platform == platform }
+ if specs.empty? then
+ res.status = 404
+ res.body = "No gems found matching #{selector}"
+ elsif specs.length > 1 then
+ res.status = 500
+ res.body = "Multiple gems found matching #{selector}"
+ elsif marshal_format then
+ res['content-type'] = 'application/x-deflate'
+ res.body << Gem.deflate(Marshal.dump(specs.first))
+ end
+ else
+ raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::NotFound, "`#{req.path}' not found."
+ end
+ end
+ def root(req, res)
+ Gem::Specification.reset
+ add_date res
+ raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::NotFound, "`#{req.path}' not found." unless
+ req.path == '/'
+ specs = []
+ total_file_count = 0
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ total_file_count += spec.files.size
+ deps = { |dep|
+ {
+ "name" =>,
+ "type" => dep.type,
+ "version" => dep.requirement.to_s,
+ }
+ }
+ deps = deps.sort_by { |dep| [dep["name"].downcase, dep["version"]] }
+ deps.last["is_last"] = true unless deps.empty?
+ # executables
+ executables = spec.executables.sort.collect { |exec| {"executable" => exec} }
+ executables = nil if executables.empty?
+ executables.last["is_last"] = true if executables
+ specs << {
+ "authors" => spec.authors.sort.join(", "),
+ "date" =>,
+ "dependencies" => deps,
+ "doc_path" => "/doc_root/#{spec.full_name}/rdoc/index.html",
+ "executables" => executables,
+ "only_one_executable" => (executables && executables.size == 1),
+ "full_name" => spec.full_name,
+ "has_deps" => !deps.empty?,
+ "homepage" => spec.homepage,
+ "name" =>,
+ "rdoc_installed" =>,
+ "summary" => spec.summary,
+ "version" => spec.version.to_s,
+ }
+ end
+ specs << {
+ "authors" => "Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich, Eric Hodel and others",
+ "dependencies" => [],
+ "doc_path" => "/doc_root/rubygems-#{Gem::VERSION}/rdoc/index.html",
+ "executables" => [{"executable" => 'gem', "is_last" => true}],
+ "only_one_executable" => true,
+ "full_name" => "rubygems-#{Gem::VERSION}",
+ "has_deps" => false,
+ "homepage" => "",
+ "name" => 'rubygems',
+ "rdoc_installed" => true,
+ "summary" => "RubyGems itself",
+ "version" => Gem::VERSION,
+ }
+ specs = specs.sort_by { |spec| [spec["name"].downcase, spec["version"]] }
+ specs.last["is_last"] = true
+ # tag all specs with first_name_entry
+ last_spec = nil
+ specs.each do |spec|
+ is_first = last_spec.nil? || (last_spec["name"].downcase != spec["name"].downcase)
+ spec["first_name_entry"] = is_first
+ last_spec = spec
+ end
+ # create page from template
+ template =
+ res['content-type'] = 'text/html'
+ values = { "gem_count" => specs.size.to_s, "specs" => specs,
+ "total_file_count" => total_file_count.to_s }
+ # suppress 1.9.3dev warning about unused variable
+ values = values
+ result = template.result binding
+ res.body = result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Can be used for quick navigation to the rdoc documentation. You can then
+ # define a search shortcut for your browser. E.g. in Firefox connect
+ # 'shortcut:rdoc' to http://localhost:8808/rdoc?q=%s template. Then you can
+ # directly open the ActionPack documentation by typing 'rdoc actionp'. If
+ # there are multiple hits for the search term, they are presented as a list
+ # with links.
+ #
+ # Search algorithm aims for an intuitive search:
+ # 1. first try to find the gems and documentation folders which name
+ # starts with the search term
+ # 2. search for entries, that *contain* the search term
+ # 3. show all the gems
+ #
+ # If there is only one search hit, user is immediately redirected to the
+ # documentation for the particular gem, otherwise a list with results is
+ # shown.
+ #
+ # === Additional trick - install documentation for ruby core
+ #
+ # Note: please adjust paths accordingly use for example 'locate yaml.rb' and
+ # 'gem environment' to identify directories, that are specific for your
+ # local installation
+ #
+ # 1. install ruby sources
+ # cd /usr/src
+ # sudo apt-get source ruby
+ #
+ # 2. generate documentation
+ # rdoc -o /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/core/rdoc \
+ # /usr/lib/ruby/1.8 ruby1.8-
+ #
+ # By typing 'rdoc core' you can now access the core documentation
+ def rdoc(req, res)
+ query = req.query['q']
+ show_rdoc_for_pattern("#{query}*", res) && return
+ show_rdoc_for_pattern("*#{query}*", res) && return
+ res['content-type'] = 'text/html'
+ res.body = template.result binding
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns true and prepares http response, if rdoc for the requested gem
+ # name pattern was found.
+ #
+ # The search is based on the file system content, not on the gems metadata.
+ # This allows additional documentation folders like 'core' for the ruby core
+ # documentation - just put it underneath the main doc folder.
+ def show_rdoc_for_pattern(pattern, res)
+ found_gems = Dir.glob("{#{@gem_dirs.join ','}}/doc/#{pattern}").select {|path|
+ File.exist? File.join(path, 'rdoc/index.html')
+ }
+ case found_gems.length
+ when 0
+ return false
+ when 1
+ new_path = File.basename(found_gems[0])
+ res.status = 302
+ res['Location'] = "/doc_root/#{new_path}/rdoc/index.html"
+ return true
+ else
+ doc_items = []
+ found_gems.each do |file_name|
+ base_name = File.basename(file_name)
+ doc_items << {
+ :name => base_name,
+ :url => "/doc_root/#{base_name}/rdoc/index.html",
+ :summary => ''
+ }
+ end
+ template =
+ res['content-type'] = 'text/html'
+ result = template.result binding
+ res.body = result
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ def run
+ listen
+ WEBrick::Daemon.start if @daemon
+ @server.mount_proc "/Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}", method(:Marshal)
+ @server.mount_proc "/Marshal.#{Gem.marshal_version}.Z", method(:Marshal)
+ @server.mount_proc "/specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}", method(:specs)
+ @server.mount_proc "/specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz", method(:specs)
+ @server.mount_proc "/latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}",
+ method(:latest_specs)
+ @server.mount_proc "/latest_specs.#{Gem.marshal_version}.gz",
+ method(:latest_specs)
+ @server.mount_proc "/quick/", method(:quick)
+ @server.mount_proc("/gem-server-rdoc-style.css") do |req, res|
+ res['content-type'] = 'text/css'
+ add_date res
+ res.body << RDOC_CSS
+ end
+ @server.mount_proc "/", method(:root)
+ @server.mount_proc "/rdoc", method(:rdoc)
+ paths = { "/gems" => "/cache/", "/doc_root" => "/doc/" }
+ paths.each do |mount_point, mount_dir|
+ @server.mount(mount_point, WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler,
+ File.join(@gem_dirs.first, mount_dir), true)
+ end
+ trap("INT") { @server.shutdown; exit! }
+ trap("TERM") { @server.shutdown; exit! }
+ launch if @launch
+ @server.start
+ end
+ def specs(req, res)
+ Gem::Specification.reset
+ add_date res
+ specs = Gem::Specification.sort_by(&:sort_obj).map do |spec|
+ platform = spec.original_platform || Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ [, spec.version, platform]
+ end
+ specs = Marshal.dump specs
+ if req.path =~ /\.gz$/ then
+ specs = Gem.gzip specs
+ res['content-type'] = 'application/x-gzip'
+ else
+ res['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
+ end
+ if req.request_method == 'HEAD' then
+ res['content-length'] = specs.length
+ else
+ res.body << specs
+ end
+ end
+ def launch
+ listeners ={|l| l.addr[2] }
+ # TODO: == any, not localhost.
+ host = listeners.any?{|l| l == ''} ? 'localhost' : listeners.first
+ say "Launching browser to http://#{host}:#{@port}"
+ system("#{@launch} http://#{host}:#{@port}")
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/source_index.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/source_index.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fe92c0a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/source_index.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/specification'
+require 'rubygems/deprecate'
+# The SourceIndex object indexes all the gems available from a
+# particular source (e.g. a list of gem directories, or a remote
+# source). A SourceIndex maps a gem full name to a gem
+# specification.
+# NOTE:: The class used to be named Cache, but that became
+# confusing when cached source fetchers where introduced. The
+# constant Gem::Cache is an alias for this class to allow old
+# YAMLized source index objects to load properly.
+class Gem::SourceIndex
+ include Enumerable
+ attr_reader :gems # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Directories to use to refresh this SourceIndex when calling refresh!
+ attr_accessor :spec_dirs
+ ##
+ # Factory method to construct a source index instance for a given
+ # path.
+ #
+ # deprecated::
+ # If supplied, from_installed_gems will act just like
+ # +from_gems_in+. This argument is deprecated and is provided
+ # just for backwards compatibility, and should not generally
+ # be used.
+ #
+ # return::
+ # SourceIndex instance
+ def self.from_installed_gems(*deprecated)
+ if deprecated.empty?
+ from_gems_in(*installed_spec_directories)
+ else
+ warn "NOTE: from_installed_gems(arg) is deprecated. From #{caller.first}"
+ from_gems_in(*deprecated) # HACK warn
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a list of directories from Gem.path that contain specifications.
+ def self.installed_spec_directories
+ # TODO: move to Gem::Utils
+ Gem.path.collect { |dir| File.join(dir, "specifications") }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a new SourceIndex from the ruby format gem specifications in
+ # +spec_dirs+.
+ def self.from_gems_in(*spec_dirs)
+ new spec_dirs
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads a ruby-format specification from +file_name+ and returns the
+ # loaded spec.
+ def self.load_specification(file_name)
+ Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do
+ Gem::Specification.load
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Constructs a source index instance from the provided specifications, which
+ # is a Hash of gem full names and Gem::Specifications.
+ def initialize specs_or_dirs = []
+ @gems = {}
+ @spec_dirs = nil
+ case specs_or_dirs
+ when Hash then
+ specs_or_dirs.each do |full_name, spec|
+ add_spec spec
+ end
+ when Array, String then
+ self.spec_dirs = Array(specs_or_dirs)
+ refresh!
+ else
+ arg = specs_or_dirs.inspect
+ warn "NOTE:{arg}) is deprecated; From #{caller.first}."
+ end
+ end
+ def all_gems
+ gems
+ end
+ def prerelease_gems
+ @gems.reject { |name, gem| !gem.version.prerelease? }
+ end
+ def released_gems
+ @gems.reject { |name, gem| gem.version.prerelease? }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reconstruct the source index from the specifications in +spec_dirs+.
+ def load_gems_in(*spec_dirs)
+ @gems.clear
+ spec_dirs.reverse_each do |spec_dir|
+ spec_files = Dir[File.join(spec_dir, "*.gemspec")]
+ spec_files.each do |spec_file|
+ gemspec = Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do
+ Gem::Specification.load spec_file
+ end
+ add_spec gemspec if gemspec
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns an Array specifications for the latest released versions
+ # of each gem in this index.
+ def latest_specs(include_prerelease=false)
+ result = { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
+ latest = {}
+ sort.each do |_, spec|
+ name =
+ curr_ver = spec.version
+ prev_ver = latest.key?(name) ? latest[name].version : nil
+ next if !include_prerelease && curr_ver.prerelease?
+ next unless prev_ver.nil? or curr_ver >= prev_ver or
+ latest[name].platform != Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ if prev_ver.nil? or
+ (curr_ver > prev_ver and spec.platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY) then
+ result[name].clear
+ latest[name] = spec
+ end
+ if spec.platform != Gem::Platform::RUBY then
+ result[name].delete_if do |result_spec|
+ result_spec.platform == spec.platform
+ end
+ end
+ result[name] << spec
+ end
+ result.values.flatten
+ end
+ ##
+ # An array including only the prerelease gemspecs
+ def prerelease_specs
+ prerelease_gems.values
+ end
+ ##
+ # An array including only the released gemspecs
+ def released_specs
+ released_gems.values
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add a gem specification to the source index.
+ def add_spec(gem_spec, name = gem_spec.full_name)
+ # No idea why, but the Indexer wants to insert them using original_name
+ # instead of full_name. So we make it an optional arg.
+ @gems[name] = gem_spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add gem specifications to the source index.
+ def add_specs(*gem_specs)
+ Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do
+ gem_specs.each do |spec|
+ add_spec spec
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Remove a gem specification named +full_name+.
+ def remove_spec(full_name)
+ @gems.delete full_name
+ end
+ ##
+ # Iterate over the specifications in the source index.
+ def each(&block) # :yields: gem.full_name, gem
+ @gems.each(&block)
+ end
+ ##
+ # The gem specification given a full gem spec name.
+ def specification(full_name)
+ @gems[full_name]
+ end
+ ##
+ # The signature for the source index. Changes in the signature indicate a
+ # change in the index.
+ def index_signature
+ require 'digest'
+ end
+ ##
+ # The signature for the given gem specification.
+ def gem_signature(gem_full_name)
+ require 'digest'
+ end
+ def size
+ @gems.size
+ end
+ alias length size
+ ##
+ # Find a gem by an exact match on the short name.
+ def find_name(gem_name, requirement = Gem::Requirement.default)
+ dep = gem_name, requirement
+ Gem::Deprecate.skip_during do
+ search dep
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Search for a gem by Gem::Dependency +gem_pattern+. If +only_platform+
+ # is true, only gems matching Gem::Platform.local will be returned. An
+ # Array of matching Gem::Specification objects is returned.
+ #
+ # For backwards compatibility, a String or Regexp pattern may be passed as
+ # +gem_pattern+, and a Gem::Requirement for +platform_only+. This
+ # behavior is deprecated and will be removed.
+ def search(gem_pattern, platform_or_requirement = false)
+ requirement = nil
+ only_platform = false # FIX: WTF is this?!?
+ # TODO - Remove support and warning for legacy arguments after 2008/11
+ unless Gem::Dependency === gem_pattern
+ warn "#{Gem.location_of_caller.join ':'}:Warning: Gem::SourceIndex#search support for #{gem_pattern.class} patterns is deprecated, use #find_name"
+ end
+ case gem_pattern
+ when Regexp then
+ requirement = platform_or_requirement || Gem::Requirement.default
+ when Gem::Dependency then
+ only_platform = platform_or_requirement
+ requirement = gem_pattern.requirement
+ gem_pattern = if Regexp === then
+ elsif then
+ //
+ else
+ /^#{Regexp.escape}$/
+ end
+ else
+ requirement = platform_or_requirement || Gem::Requirement.default
+ gem_pattern = /#{gem_pattern}/i
+ end
+ unless Gem::Requirement === requirement then
+ requirement = Gem::Requirement.create requirement
+ end
+ specs = do |spec|
+ =~ gem_pattern and
+ requirement.satisfied_by? spec.version
+ end
+ if only_platform then
+ specs = do |spec|
+ Gem::Platform.match spec.platform
+ end
+ end
+ specs.sort_by { |s| s.sort_obj }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Replaces the gems in the source index from specifications in the
+ # directories this source index was created from. Raises an exception if
+ # this source index wasn't created from a directory (via from_gems_in or
+ # from_installed_gems, or having spec_dirs set).
+ def refresh!
+ raise 'source index not created from disk' if @spec_dirs.nil?
+ load_gems_in(*@spec_dirs)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns an Array of Gem::Specifications that are not up to date.
+ def outdated
+ outdateds = []
+ latest_specs.each do |local|
+ dependency =, ">= #{local.version}"
+ fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher
+ remotes = fetcher.find_matching dependency
+ remotes = { |(_, version, _), _| version }
+ latest = remotes.sort.last
+ outdateds << if latest and local.version < latest
+ end
+ outdateds
+ end
+ def ==(other) # :nodoc:
+ self.class === other and @gems == other.gems
+ end
+ def dump
+ Marshal.dump(self)
+ end
+# :stopdoc:
+module Gem
+ ##
+ # Cache is an alias for SourceIndex to allow older YAMLized source index
+ # objects to load properly.
+ Cache = SourceIndex
+class Gem::SourceIndex
+ extend Gem::Deprecate
+ deprecate :all_gems, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :==, :none, 2011, 11 # noisy
+ deprecate :add_specs, :none, 2011, 11 # noisy
+ deprecate :each, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :gems, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :load_gems_in, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :refresh!, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :spec_dirs=, "Specification.dirs=", 2011, 11 # noisy
+ deprecate :add_spec, "Specification.add_spec", 2011, 11
+ deprecate :find_name, "Specification.find_by_name", 2011, 11
+ deprecate :gem_signature, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :index_signature, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :initialize, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :latest_specs, "Specification.latest_specs", 2011, 11
+ deprecate :length, "Specification.all.length", 2011, 11
+ deprecate :outdated, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :prerelease_gems, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :prerelease_specs, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :released_gems, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :released_specs, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :remove_spec, "Specification.remove_spec", 2011, 11
+ deprecate :search, :none, 2011, 11
+ deprecate :size, "Specification.all.size", 2011, 11
+ deprecate :spec_dirs, "Specification.dirs", 2011, 11
+ deprecate :specification, "Specification.find", 2011, 11
+ class << self
+ extend Gem::Deprecate
+ deprecate :from_gems_in, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :from_installed_gems, :none, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :installed_spec_directories, "Specification.dirs", 2011, 11
+ deprecate :load_specification, :none, 2011, 10
+ end
+# :startdoc:
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7302ad9ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+require 'rubygems/errors'
+require 'rubygems/text'
+# SpecFetcher handles metadata updates from remote gem repositories.
+class Gem::SpecFetcher
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ include Gem::Text
+ FILES = {
+ :all => 'specs',
+ :latest => 'latest_specs',
+ :prerelease => 'prerelease_specs',
+ }
+ ##
+ # The SpecFetcher cache dir.
+ attr_reader :dir # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Cache of latest specs
+ attr_reader :latest_specs # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Cache of all released specs
+ attr_reader :specs # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # Cache of prerelease specs
+ attr_reader :prerelease_specs # :nodoc:
+ @fetcher = nil
+ def self.fetcher
+ @fetcher ||= new
+ end
+ def self.fetcher=(fetcher) # :nodoc:
+ @fetcher = fetcher
+ end
+ def initialize
+ require 'fileutils'
+ @dir = File.join Gem.user_home, '.gem', 'specs'
+ @update_cache = File.stat(Gem.user_home).uid == Process.uid
+ @specs = {}
+ @latest_specs = {}
+ @prerelease_specs = {}
+ @caches = {
+ :latest => @latest_specs,
+ :prerelease => @prerelease_specs,
+ :all => @specs
+ }
+ @fetcher = Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the local directory to write +uri+ to.
+ def cache_dir(uri)
+ # Correct for windows paths
+ escaped_path = uri.path.sub(/^\/([a-z]):\//i, '/\\1-/')
+ File.join @dir, "#{}%#{uri.port}", File.dirname(escaped_path)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Fetch specs matching +dependency+. If +all+ is true, all matching
+ # (released) versions are returned. If +matching_platform+ is
+ # false, all platforms are returned. If +prerelease+ is true,
+ # prerelease versions are included.
+ def fetch_with_errors(dependency,
+ all = false,
+ matching_platform = true,
+ prerelease = false)
+ specs_and_sources, errors = find_matching_with_errors(dependency,
+ all,
+ matching_platform,
+ prerelease)
+ ss = do |spec_tuple, source_uri|
+ [fetch_spec(spec_tuple, URI.parse(source_uri)), source_uri]
+ end
+ return [ss, errors]
+ end
+ def fetch(*args)
+ fetch_with_errors(*args).first
+ end
+ def fetch_spec(spec, source_uri)
+ source_uri = URI.parse source_uri if String === source_uri
+ spec = spec - [nil, 'ruby', '']
+ spec_file_name = "#{spec.join '-'}.gemspec"
+ uri = source_uri + "#{Gem::MARSHAL_SPEC_DIR}#{spec_file_name}"
+ cache_dir = cache_dir uri
+ local_spec = File.join cache_dir, spec_file_name
+ if File.exist? local_spec then
+ spec = Gem.read_binary local_spec
+ else
+ uri.path << '.rz'
+ spec = @fetcher.fetch_path uri
+ spec = Gem.inflate spec
+ if @update_cache then
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_dir
+ open local_spec, 'wb' do |io|
+ io.write spec
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # TODO: Investigate setting Gem::Specification#loaded_from to a URI
+ Marshal.load spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Find spec names that match +dependency+. If +all+ is true, all
+ # matching released versions are returned. If +matching_platform+
+ # is false, gems for all platforms are returned.
+ def find_matching_with_errors(dependency,
+ all = false,
+ matching_platform = true,
+ prerelease = false)
+ found = {}
+ rejected_specs = {}
+ list(all, prerelease).each do |source_uri, specs|
+ found[source_uri] = do |spec_name, version, spec_platform|
+ if dependency.match?(spec_name, version)
+ if matching_platform and !Gem::Platform.match(spec_platform)
+ pm = (rejected_specs[dependency] ||=, version))
+ pm.add_platform spec_platform
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ errors = rejected_specs.values
+ specs_and_sources = []
+ found.each do |source_uri, specs|
+ uri_str = source_uri.to_s
+ specs_and_sources.concat( { |spec| [spec, uri_str] })
+ end
+ [specs_and_sources, errors]
+ end
+ def find_matching(*args)
+ find_matching_with_errors(*args).first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Suggests a gem based on the supplied +gem_name+. Returns a string
+ # of the gem name if an approximate match can be found or nil
+ # otherwise. NOTE: for performance reasons only gems which exactly
+ # match the first character of +gem_name+ are considered.
+ def suggest_gems_from_name gem_name
+ gem_name = gem_name.downcase
+ max = gem_name.size / 2
+ specs = list.values.flatten 1
+ matches = { |name, version, platform|
+ next unless Gem::Platform.match platform
+ distance = levenshtein_distance gem_name, name.downcase
+ next if distance >= max
+ return [name] if distance == 0
+ [name, distance]
+ }.compact
+ matches = matches.uniq.sort_by { |name, dist| dist }
+ matches.first(5).map { |name, dist| name }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a list of gems available for each source in Gem::sources. If
+ # +all+ is true, all released versions are returned instead of only latest
+ # versions. If +prerelease+ is true, include prerelease versions.
+ def list(all = false, prerelease = false)
+ # TODO: make type the only argument
+ type = if all
+ :all
+ elsif prerelease
+ :prerelease
+ else
+ :latest
+ end
+ list = {}
+ file = FILES[type]
+ cache = @caches[type]
+ Gem.sources.each do |source_uri|
+ source_uri = URI.parse source_uri
+ unless cache.include? source_uri
+ cache[source_uri] = load_specs source_uri, file
+ end
+ list[source_uri] = cache[source_uri]
+ end
+ if type == :all
+ do |gems|
+ gems.reject! { |g| !g[1] || g[1].prerelease? }
+ end
+ end
+ list
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads specs in +file+, fetching from +source_uri+ if the on-disk cache is
+ # out of date.
+ def load_specs(source_uri, file)
+ file_name = "#{file}.#{Gem.marshal_version}"
+ spec_path = source_uri + "#{file_name}.gz"
+ cache_dir = cache_dir spec_path
+ local_file = File.join(cache_dir, file_name)
+ loaded = false
+ if File.exist? local_file then
+ begin
+ spec_dump =
+ @fetcher.fetch_path(spec_path, File.mtime(local_file))
+ rescue Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError => e
+ alert_warning "Error fetching data: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ loaded = true if spec_dump
+ spec_dump ||= Gem.read_binary local_file
+ else
+ spec_dump = @fetcher.fetch_path spec_path
+ loaded = true
+ end
+ specs = begin
+ Marshal.load spec_dump
+ rescue ArgumentError
+ spec_dump = @fetcher.fetch_path spec_path
+ loaded = true
+ Marshal.load spec_dump
+ end
+ if loaded and @update_cache then
+ begin
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p cache_dir
+ open local_file, 'wb' do |io|
+ io << spec_dump
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ specs
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/specification.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/specification.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70a3fd09b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/specification.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2171 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/version'
+require 'rubygems/requirement'
+require 'rubygems/platform'
+require "rubygems/deprecate"
+# :stopdoc:
+class Date; end # for ruby_code if date.rb wasn't required
+# :startdoc:
+# The Specification class contains the metadata for a Gem. Typically
+# defined in a .gemspec file or a Rakefile, and looks like this:
+# spec = do |s|
+# = 'example'
+# s.version = '1.0'
+# s.summary = 'Example gem specification'
+# ...
+# end
+# For a great way to package gems, use Hoe.
+class Gem::Specification
+ ##
+ # The the version number of a specification that does not specify one
+ # (i.e. RubyGems 0.7 or earlier).
+ ##
+ # The specification version applied to any new Specification instances
+ # created. This should be bumped whenever something in the spec format
+ # changes.
+ #
+ # Specification Version History:
+ #
+ # spec ruby
+ # ver ver yyyy-mm-dd description
+ # -1 <0.8.0 pre-spec-version-history
+ # 1 0.8.0 2004-08-01 Deprecated "test_suite_file" for "test_files"
+ # "test_file=x" is a shortcut for "test_files=[x]"
+ # 2 0.9.5 2007-10-01 Added "required_rubygems_version"
+ # Now forward-compatible with future versions
+ # 3 1.3.2 2009-01-03 Added Fixnum validation to specification_version
+ #--
+ # When updating this number, be sure to also update #to_ruby.
+ #
+ # NOTE RubyGems < 1.2 cannot load specification versions > 2.
+ # :stopdoc:
+ # version => # of fields
+ MARSHAL_FIELDS = { -1 => 16, 1 => 16, 2 => 16, 3 => 17 }
+ today =
+ TODAY = Time.utc(today.year, today.month,
+ # :startdoc:
+ ##
+ # List of attribute names: [:name, :version, ...]
+ @@required_attributes = [:rubygems_version,
+ :specification_version,
+ :name,
+ :version,
+ :date,
+ :summary,
+ :require_paths]
+ ##
+ # Map of attribute names to default values.
+ @@default_value = {
+ :authors => [],
+ :autorequire => nil,
+ :bindir => 'bin',
+ :cert_chain => [],
+ :date => TODAY,
+ :dependencies => [],
+ :description => nil,
+ :email => nil,
+ :executables => [],
+ :extensions => [],
+ :extra_rdoc_files => [],
+ :files => [],
+ :homepage => nil,
+ :licenses => [],
+ :name => nil,
+ :platform => Gem::Platform::RUBY,
+ :post_install_message => nil,
+ :rdoc_options => [],
+ :require_paths => ['lib'],
+ :required_ruby_version => Gem::Requirement.default,
+ :required_rubygems_version => Gem::Requirement.default,
+ :requirements => [],
+ :rubyforge_project => nil,
+ :rubygems_version => Gem::VERSION,
+ :signing_key => nil,
+ :specification_version => CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION,
+ :summary => nil,
+ :test_files => [],
+ :version => nil,
+ }
+ @@attributes = @@default_value.keys.sort_by { |s| s.to_s }
+ @@array_attributes = @@default_value.reject { |k,v| v != [] }.keys
+ @@nil_attributes, @@non_nil_attributes = @@default_value.keys.partition { |k|
+ @@default_value[k].nil?
+ }
+ ######################################################################
+ # :section: Required gemspec attributes
+ ##
+ # This gem's name
+ attr_accessor :name
+ ##
+ # This gem's version
+ attr_reader :version
+ ##
+ # Paths in the gem to add to $LOAD_PATH when this gem is activated.
+ #
+ # The default ['lib'] is typically sufficient.
+ attr_accessor :require_paths
+ ##
+ # The version of RubyGems used to create this gem.
+ #
+ # Do not set this, it is set automatically when the gem is packaged.
+ attr_accessor :rubygems_version
+ ##
+ # The Gem::Specification version of this gemspec.
+ #
+ # Do not set this, it is set automatically when the gem is packaged.
+ attr_accessor :specification_version
+ ##
+ # A short summary of this gem's description. Displayed in `gem list -d`.
+ #
+ # The description should be more detailed than the summary. For example,
+ # you might wish to copy the entire README into the description.
+ attr_reader :summary
+ ######################################################################
+ # :section: Optional gemspec attributes
+ ##
+ # Autorequire was used by old RubyGems to automatically require a file.
+ #
+ # Deprecated: It is neither supported nor functional.
+ attr_accessor :autorequire
+ ##
+ # The path in the gem for executable scripts. Usually 'bin'
+ attr_accessor :bindir
+ ##
+ # The certificate chain used to sign this gem. See Gem::Security for
+ # details.
+ attr_accessor :cert_chain
+ ##
+ # A long description of this gem
+ attr_reader :description
+ ##
+ # Sets the default executable for this gem.
+ #
+ # Deprecated: You must now specify the executable name to Gem.bin_path.
+ attr_writer :default_executable
+ ##
+ # A contact email for this gem
+ #
+ # If you are providing multiple authors and multiple emails they should be
+ # in the same order such that:
+ #
+ # Hash[*]
+ #
+ # Gives a hash of author name to email address.
+ attr_accessor :email
+ ##
+ # The URL of this gem's home page
+ attr_accessor :homepage
+ ##
+ # True when this gemspec has been activated. This attribute is not persisted.
+ attr_accessor :loaded # :nodoc:
+ alias :loaded? :loaded # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # True when this gemspec has been activated. This attribute is not persisted.
+ attr_accessor :activated
+ alias :activated? :activated
+ ##
+ # Path this gemspec was loaded from. This attribute is not persisted.
+ attr_reader :loaded_from
+ ##
+ # Allows deinstallation of gems with legacy platforms.
+ attr_writer :original_platform # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # A message that gets displayed after the gem is installed
+ attr_accessor :post_install_message
+ ##
+ # The version of ruby required by this gem
+ attr_reader :required_ruby_version
+ ##
+ # The RubyGems version required by this gem
+ attr_reader :required_rubygems_version
+ ##
+ # The rubyforge project this gem lives under. i.e. RubyGems'
+ # rubyforge_project is "rubygems".
+ attr_accessor :rubyforge_project
+ ##
+ # The key used to sign this gem. See Gem::Security for details.
+ attr_accessor :signing_key
+ def self._all # :nodoc:
+ unless defined?(@@all) && @@all then
+ specs = {}
+ self.dirs.each { |dir|
+ Dir[File.join(dir, "*.gemspec")].each { |path|
+ spec = Gem::Specification.load path.untaint
+ # #load returns nil if the spec is bad, so we just ignore
+ # it at this stage
+ specs[spec.full_name] ||= spec if spec
+ }
+ }
+ @@all = specs.values
+ _resort!
+ end
+ @@all
+ end
+ def self._resort! # :nodoc:
+ @@all.sort! { |a, b|
+ names = <=>
+ next names if names.nonzero?
+ b.version <=> a.version
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds +spec+ to the known specifications, keeping the collection
+ # properly sorted.
+ def self.add_spec spec
+ # TODO: find all extraneous adds
+ # puts
+ # p :add_spec => [spec.full_name, caller.reject { |s| s =~ /minitest/ }]
+ # TODO: flush the rest of the crap from the tests
+ # raise "no dupes #{spec.full_name} in #{all_names.inspect}" if
+ # _all.include? spec
+ raise "nil spec!" unless spec # TODO: remove once we're happy with tests
+ return if _all.include? spec
+ _all << spec
+ _resort!
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds multiple specs to the known specifications.
+ def self.add_specs *specs
+ raise "nil spec!" if specs.any?(&:nil?) # TODO: remove once we're happy
+ # TODO: this is much more efficient, but we need the extra checks for now
+ # _all.concat specs
+ # _resort!
+ specs.each do |spec| # TODO: slow
+ add_spec spec
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns all specifications. This method is discouraged from use.
+ # You probably want to use one of the Enumerable methods instead.
+ def self.all
+ warn "NOTE: Specification.all called from #{caller.first}" unless
+ Gem::Deprecate.skip
+ _all
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets the known specs to +specs+. Not guaranteed to work for you in
+ # the future. Use at your own risk. Caveat emptor. Doomy doom doom.
+ # Etc etc.
+ #
+ #--
+ # Makes +specs+ the known specs
+ # Listen, time is a river
+ # Winter comes, code breaks
+ #
+ # -- wilsonb
+ def self.all= specs
+ @@all = specs
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return full names of all specs in sorted order.
+ def self.all_names
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the list of all array-oriented instance variables.
+ #--
+ # Not sure why we need to use so much stupid reflection in here...
+ def self.array_attributes
+ @@array_attributes.dup
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the list of all instance variables.
+ #--
+ # Not sure why we need to use so much stupid reflection in here...
+ def self.attribute_names
+ @@attributes.dup
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the directories that Specification uses to find specs.
+ def self.dirs
+ @@dirs ||= Gem.path.collect { |dir|
+ File.join dir, "specifications"
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the directories that Specification uses to find specs. Setting
+ # this resets the list of known specs.
+ def self.dirs= dirs
+ # TODO: find extra calls to dir=
+ # warn "NOTE: dirs= called from #{caller.first} for #{dirs.inspect}"
+ self.reset
+ # ugh
+ @@dirs = Array(dirs).map { |dir| File.join dir, "specifications" }
+ end
+ extend Enumerable
+ ##
+ # Enumerate every known spec. See ::dirs= and ::add_spec to set the list of
+ # specs.
+ def self.each
+ return enum_for(:each) unless block_given?
+ self._all.each do |x|
+ yield x
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns every spec that matches +name+ and optional +requirements+.
+ def self.find_all_by_name name, *requirements
+ requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty?
+ # TODO: maybe try: find_all { |s| spec === dep }
+, *requirements).matching_specs
+ end
+ ##
+ # Find the best specification matching a +name+ and +requirements+. Raises
+ # if the dependency doesn't resolve to a valid specification.
+ def self.find_by_name name, *requirements
+ requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty?
+ # TODO: maybe try: find { |s| spec === dep }
+, *requirements).to_spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the best specification that contains the file matching +path+.
+ def self.find_by_path path
+ self.find { |spec|
+ spec.contains_requirable_file? path
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return currently unresolved specs that contain the file matching +path+.
+ def self.find_in_unresolved path
+ # TODO: do we need these?? Kill it
+ specs = { |dep| dep.to_specs }.flatten
+ specs.find_all { |spec| spec.contains_requirable_file? path }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Search through all unresolved deps and sub-dependencies and return
+ # specs that contain the file matching +path+.
+ def self.find_in_unresolved_tree path
+ specs = { |dep| dep.to_specs }.flatten
+ specs.reverse_each do |spec|
+ trails = []
+ spec.traverse do |from_spec, dep, to_spec, trail|
+ next unless to_spec.conflicts.empty?
+ trails << trail if to_spec.contains_requirable_file? path
+ end
+ next if trails.empty?
+ return
+ end
+ []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Special loader for YAML files. When a Specification object is loaded
+ # from a YAML file, it bypasses the normal Ruby object initialization
+ # routine (#initialize). This method makes up for that and deals with
+ # gems of different ages.
+ #
+ # +input+ can be anything that YAML.load() accepts: String or IO.
+ def self.from_yaml(input)
+ Gem.load_yaml
+ input = normalize_yaml_input input
+ spec = YAML.load input
+ if spec && spec.class == FalseClass then
+ raise Gem::EndOfYAMLException
+ end
+ unless Gem::Specification === spec then
+ raise Gem::Exception, "YAML data doesn't evaluate to gem specification"
+ end
+ unless (spec.instance_variables.include? '@specification_version' or
+ spec.instance_variables.include? :@specification_version) and
+ spec.instance_variable_get :@specification_version
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@specification_version,
+ end
+ spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return the latest specs, optionally including prerelease specs if
+ # +prerelease+ is true.
+ def self.latest_specs prerelease = false
+ result = { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
+ native = {}
+ Gem::Specification._all.reverse_each do |spec|
+ next if spec.version.prerelease? unless prerelease
+ native[] = spec.version if spec.platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ result[][spec.platform] = spec
+ end
+ { |spec|
+ minimum = native[]
+ minimum && spec.version < minimum
+ }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Loads Ruby format gemspec from +file+.
+ def self.load file
+ return unless file && File.file?(file)
+ file = file.dup.untaint
+ code = if defined? Encoding
+ file, :mode => 'r:UTF-8:-'
+ else
+ file
+ end
+ code.untaint
+ begin
+ spec = eval code, binding, file
+ if Gem::Specification === spec
+ spec.loaded_from = file.to_s
+ return spec
+ end
+ warn "[#{file}] isn't a Gem::Specification (#{spec.class} instead)."
+ rescue SignalException, SystemExit
+ raise
+ rescue SyntaxError, Exception => e
+ warn "Invalid gemspec in [#{file}]: #{e}"
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Specification attributes that must be non-nil
+ def self.non_nil_attributes
+ @@non_nil_attributes.dup
+ end
+ ##
+ # Make sure the YAML specification is properly formatted with dashes
+ def self.normalize_yaml_input(input)
+ result = input.respond_to?(:read) ? : input
+ result = "--- " + result unless result =~ /\A--- /
+ result.gsub!(/ !!null \n/, " \n")
+ # date: 2011-04-26 00:00:00.000000000Z
+ # date: 2011-04-26 00:00:00.000000000 Z
+ result.gsub!(/^(date: \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+?)Z/, '\1 Z')
+ result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a list of all outdated specifications. This method is HEAVY
+ # as it must go fetch specifications from the server.
+ def self.outdated
+ outdateds = []
+ # TODO: maybe we should switch to rubygems' version service?
+ fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher
+ latest_specs.each do |local|
+ dependency =, ">= #{local.version}"
+ remotes = fetcher.find_matching dependency
+ remotes = { |(_, version, _), _| version }
+ latest = remotes.sort.last
+ outdateds << if latest and local.version < latest
+ end
+ outdateds
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes +spec+ from the known specs.
+ def self.remove_spec spec
+ # TODO: beat on the tests
+ raise "wtf: #{spec.full_name} not in #{all_names.inspect}" unless
+ _all.include? spec
+ _all.delete spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is +name+ a required attribute?
+ def self.required_attribute?(name)
+ @@required_attributes.include? name.to_sym
+ end
+ ##
+ # Required specification attributes
+ def self.required_attributes
+ @@required_attributes.dup
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reset the list of known specs, running pre and post reset hooks
+ # registered in Gem.
+ def self.reset
+ @@dirs = nil
+ # from = caller.first(10).reject { |s| s =~ /minitest/ }
+ # warn ""
+ # warn "NOTE: Specification.reset from #{from.inspect}"
+ Gem.pre_reset_hooks.each { |hook| }
+ @@all = nil
+ Gem.post_reset_hooks.each { |hook| }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Load custom marshal format, re-initializing defaults as needed
+ def self._load(str)
+ array = Marshal.load str
+ spec =
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@specification_version, array[1]
+ field_count = if spec.specification_version > current_version then
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@specification_version,
+ current_version
+ MARSHAL_FIELDS[current_version]
+ else
+ MARSHAL_FIELDS[spec.specification_version]
+ end
+ if array.size < field_count then
+ raise TypeError, "invalid Gem::Specification format #{array.inspect}"
+ end
+ # Cleanup any YAML::PrivateType. They only show up for an old bug
+ # where nil => null, so just convert them to nil based on the type.
+! { |e| e.kind_of?(YAML::PrivateType) ? nil : e }
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@rubygems_version, array[0]
+ # spec version
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@name, array[2]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@version, array[3]
+ = array[4]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@summary, array[5]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@required_ruby_version, array[6]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@required_rubygems_version, array[7]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@original_platform, array[8]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@dependencies, array[9]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@rubyforge_project, array[10]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@email, array[11]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@authors, array[12]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@description, array[13]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@homepage, array[14]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@has_rdoc, array[15]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@new_platform, array[16]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@platform, array[16].to_s
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@license, array[17]
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@loaded, false
+ spec.instance_variable_set :@activated, false
+ spec
+ end
+ def <=>(other) # :nodoc:
+ sort_obj <=> other.sort_obj
+ end
+ def == other # :nodoc:
+ self.class === other &&
+ name == &&
+ version == other.version &&
+ platform == other.platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Dump only crucial instance variables.
+ #--
+ # (down with the man)
+ def _dump(limit)
+ Marshal.dump [
+ @rubygems_version,
+ @specification_version,
+ @name,
+ @version,
+ date,
+ @summary,
+ @required_ruby_version,
+ @required_rubygems_version,
+ @original_platform,
+ @dependencies,
+ @rubyforge_project,
+ @email,
+ @authors,
+ @description,
+ @homepage,
+ true, # has_rdoc
+ @new_platform,
+ @licenses
+ ]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Activate this spec, registering it as a loaded spec and adding
+ # it's lib paths to $LOAD_PATH. Returns true if the spec was
+ # activated, false if it was previously activated. Freaks out if
+ # there are conflicts upon activation.
+ def activate
+ raise_if_conflicts
+ return false if Gem.loaded_specs[]
+ activate_dependencies
+ add_self_to_load_path
+ Gem.loaded_specs[] = self
+ @activated = true
+ @loaded = true
+ return true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Activate all unambiguously resolved runtime dependencies of this
+ # spec. Add any ambigous dependencies to the unresolved list to be
+ # resolved later, as needed.
+ def activate_dependencies
+ self.runtime_dependencies.each do |spec_dep|
+ if loaded = Gem.loaded_specs[]
+ next if spec_dep.matches_spec? loaded
+ msg = "can't satisfy '#{spec_dep}', already activated '#{loaded.full_name}'"
+ e = msg
+ =
+ raise e
+ end
+ specs = spec_dep.to_specs
+ if specs.size == 1 then
+ specs.first.activate
+ else
+ name =
+ Gem.unresolved_deps[name] = Gem.unresolved_deps[name].merge spec_dep
+ end
+ end
+ Gem.unresolved_deps.delete
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns an array with bindir attached to each executable in the
+ # +executables+ list
+ def add_bindir(executables)
+ return nil if executables.nil?
+ if @bindir then
+ Array(executables).map { |e| File.join(@bindir, e) }
+ else
+ executables
+ end
+ rescue
+ return nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds a dependency on gem +dependency+ with type +type+ that requires
+ # +requirements+. Valid types are currently <tt>:runtime</tt> and
+ # <tt>:development</tt>.
+ def add_dependency_with_type(dependency, type, *requirements)
+ requirements = if requirements.empty? then
+ Gem::Requirement.default
+ else
+ requirements.flatten
+ end
+ unless dependency.respond_to?(:name) &&
+ dependency.respond_to?(:version_requirements)
+ dependency =, requirements, type)
+ end
+ dependencies << dependency
+ end
+ private :add_dependency_with_type
+ ##
+ # Adds a development dependency named +gem+ with +requirements+ to this
+ # Gem. For example:
+ #
+ # spec.add_development_dependency 'example', '~> 1.1', '>= 1.1.4'
+ #
+ # Development dependencies aren't installed by default and aren't
+ # activated when a gem is required.
+ def add_development_dependency(gem, *requirements)
+ add_dependency_with_type(gem, :development, *requirements)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Adds a runtime dependency named +gem+ with +requirements+ to this Gem.
+ # For example:
+ #
+ # spec.add_runtime_dependency 'example', '~> 1.1', '>= 1.1.4'
+ def add_runtime_dependency(gem, *requirements)
+ add_dependency_with_type(gem, :runtime, *requirements)
+ end
+ alias add_dependency add_runtime_dependency
+ ##
+ # Adds this spec's require paths to LOAD_PATH, in the proper location.
+ def add_self_to_load_path
+ paths = do |path|
+ File.join full_gem_path, path
+ end
+ # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB']
+ insert_index = Gem.load_path_insert_index
+ if insert_index then
+ # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB']
+ $LOAD_PATH.insert(insert_index, *paths)
+ else
+ # we are probably testing in core, -I and RUBYLIB don't apply
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*paths)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular reader for #authors
+ def author
+ val = authors and val.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular writer for #authors
+ def author= o
+ self.authors = [o]
+ end
+ ##
+ # The list of author names who wrote this gem.
+ #
+ # If you are providing multiple authors and multiple emails they should be
+ # in the same order such that:
+ #
+ # Hash[*]
+ #
+ # Gives a hash of author name to email address.
+ def authors
+ @authors ||= []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets the list of authors, ensuring it is an array.
+ def authors= value
+ @authors = Array(value).flatten.grep(String)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to the base gem directory.
+ #
+ # eg: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
+ def base_dir
+ return Gem.dir unless loaded_from
+ @base_dir ||= File.dirname File.dirname loaded_from
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to installed gem's bin directory.
+ #
+ # NOTE: do not confuse this with +bindir+, which is just 'bin', not
+ # a full path.
+ def bin_dir
+ @bin_dir ||= File.join gem_dir, bindir # TODO: this is unfortunate
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to an executable named +name+ in this gem.
+ def bin_file name
+ File.join bin_dir, name
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to the cache directory containing this
+ # spec's cached gem.
+ def cache_dir
+ @cache_dir ||= File.join base_dir, "cache"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to the cached gem for this spec.
+ def cache_file
+ @cache_file ||= File.join cache_dir, "#{full_name}.gem"
+ end
+ alias :cache_gem :cache_file
+ ##
+ # Return any possible conflicts against the currently loaded specs.
+ def conflicts
+ conflicts = {}
+ Gem.loaded_specs.values.each do |spec|
+ bad = self.runtime_dependencies.find_all { |dep|
+ == and not spec.satisfies_requirement? dep
+ }
+ conflicts[spec] = bad unless bad.empty?
+ end
+ conflicts
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return true if this spec can require +file+.
+ def contains_requirable_file? file
+ root = full_gem_path
+ require_paths.each do |lib|
+ base = "#{root}/#{lib}/#{file}"
+ Gem.suffixes.each do |suf|
+ path = "#{base}#{suf}"
+ return true if File.file? path
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ ##
+ # The date this gem was created. Lazily defaults to TODAY.
+ def date
+ @date ||= TODAY
+ end
+ ##
+ # The date this gem was created
+ #
+ # Do not set this, it is set automatically when the gem is packaged.
+ def date= date
+ # We want to end up with a Time object with one-day resolution.
+ # This is the cleanest, most-readable, faster-than-using-Date
+ # way to do it.
+ @date = case date
+ when String then
+ if /\A(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\Z/ =~ date then
+ Time.utc($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i)
+ # Workaround for where the date format output from psych isn't
+ # parsed as a Time object by syck and thus comes through as a
+ # string.
+ elsif /\A(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+?Z\z/ =~ date then
+ Time.utc($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i)
+ else
+ raise(Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "invalid date format in specification: #{date.inspect}")
+ end
+ when Time, Date then
+ Time.utc(date.year, date.month,
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # The default executable for this gem.
+ #
+ # Deprecated: The name of the gem is assumed to be the name of the
+ # executable now. See Gem.bin_path.
+ def default_executable
+ if defined?(@default_executable) and @default_executable
+ result = @default_executable
+ elsif @executables and @executables.size == 1
+ result = Array(@executables).first
+ else
+ result = nil
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ ##
+ # The default value for specification attribute +name+
+ def default_value name
+ @@default_value[name]
+ end
+ ##
+ # A list of Gem::Dependency objects this gem depends on.
+ #
+ # Use #add_dependency or #add_development_dependency to add dependencies to
+ # a gem.
+ def dependencies
+ @dependencies ||= []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a list of all gems that have a dependency on this gemspec. The
+ # list is structured with entries that conform to:
+ #
+ # [depending_gem, dependency, [list_of_gems_that_satisfy_dependency]]
+ def dependent_gems
+ out = []
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ spec.dependencies.each do |dep|
+ if self.satisfies_requirement?(dep) then
+ sats = []
+ find_all_satisfiers(dep) do |sat|
+ sats << sat
+ end
+ out << [spec, dep, sats]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ out
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns all specs that matches this spec's runtime dependencies.
+ def dependent_specs
+ { |dep| dep.to_specs }.flatten
+ end
+ ##
+ # A long description of this gem
+ def description= str
+ @description = str.to_s
+ end
+ ##
+ # List of dependencies that are used for development
+ def development_dependencies
+ { |d| d.type == :development }
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to this spec's documentation directory.
+ def doc_dir
+ @doc_dir ||= File.join base_dir, 'doc', full_name
+ end
+ def encode_with coder # :nodoc:
+ mark_version
+ coder.add 'name', @name
+ coder.add 'version', @version
+ platform = case @original_platform
+ when nil, '' then
+ 'ruby'
+ when String then
+ @original_platform
+ else
+ @original_platform.to_s
+ end
+ coder.add 'platform', platform
+ attributes = - %w[name version platform]
+ attributes.each do |name|
+ coder.add name, instance_variable_get("@#{name}")
+ end
+ end
+ def eql? other # :nodoc:
+ self.class === other && same_attributes?(other)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular accessor for #executables
+ def executable
+ val = executables and val.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular accessor for #executables
+ def executable=o
+ self.executables = [o]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Executables included in the gem.
+ def executables
+ @executables ||= []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets executables to +value+, ensuring it is an array. Don't
+ # use this, push onto the array instead.
+ def executables= value
+ # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing
+ @executables = Array(value)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Extensions to build when installing the gem. See
+ # Gem::Installer#build_extensions for valid values.
+ def extensions
+ @extensions ||= []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets extensions to +extensions+, ensuring it is an array. Don't
+ # use this, push onto the array instead.
+ def extensions= extensions
+ # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing
+ @extensions = Array extensions
+ end
+ ##
+ # Extra files to add to RDoc such as README or doc/examples.txt
+ def extra_rdoc_files
+ @extra_rdoc_files ||= []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets extra_rdoc_files to +files+, ensuring it is an array. Don't
+ # use this, push onto the array instead.
+ def extra_rdoc_files= files
+ # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing
+ @extra_rdoc_files = Array files
+ end
+ ##
+ # The default (generated) file name of the gem. See also #spec_name.
+ #
+ # spec.file_name # => "example-1.0.gem"
+ def file_name
+ "#{full_name}.gem"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Files included in this gem. You cannot append to this accessor, you must
+ # assign to it.
+ #
+ # Only add files you can require to this list, not directories, etc.
+ #
+ # Directories are automatically stripped from this list when building a gem,
+ # other non-files cause an error.
+ def files
+ # DO NOT CHANGE TO ||= ! This is not a normal accessor. (yes, it sucks)
+ @files = [@files,
+ @test_files,
+ add_bindir(@executables),
+ @extra_rdoc_files,
+ @extensions,
+ ].flatten.uniq.compact
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets files to +files+, ensuring it is an array.
+ def files= files
+ @files = Array files
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds all gems that satisfy +dep+
+ def find_all_satisfiers dep
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ yield spec if spec.satisfies_requirement? dep
+ end
+ end
+ private :find_all_satisfiers
+ ##
+ # Creates a duplicate spec without large blobs that aren't used at runtime.
+ def for_cache
+ spec = dup
+ spec.files = nil
+ spec.test_files = nil
+ spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # The full path to the gem (install path + full name).
+ def full_gem_path
+ # TODO: try to get rid of this... or the awkward
+ # TODO: also, shouldn't it default to full_name if it hasn't been written?
+ return @full_gem_path if defined?(@full_gem_path) && @full_gem_path
+ @full_gem_path = File.expand_path File.join(gems_dir, full_name)
+ return @full_gem_path if @full_gem_path
+ @full_gem_path = File.expand_path File.join(gems_dir, original_name)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full name (name-version) of this Gem. Platform information
+ # is included (name-version-platform) if it is specified and not the
+ # default Ruby platform.
+ def full_name
+ if platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY or platform.nil? then
+ "#{@name}-#{@version}"
+ else
+ "#{@name}-#{@version}-#{platform}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to this spec's gem directory.
+ # eg: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/gems/mygem-1.0
+ def gem_dir
+ @gem_dir ||= File.expand_path File.join(gems_dir, full_name)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to the gems directory containing this spec's
+ # gem directory. eg: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/gems
+ def gems_dir
+ # TODO: this logic seems terribly broken, but tests fail if just base_dir
+ @gems_dir ||= File.join(loaded_from && base_dir || Gem.dir, "gems")
+ end
+ ##
+ # Deprecated and ignored, defaults to true.
+ #
+ # Formerly used to indicate this gem was RDoc-capable.
+ def has_rdoc
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Deprecated and ignored.
+ #
+ # Formerly used to indicate this gem was RDoc-capable.
+ def has_rdoc= ignored
+ @has_rdoc = true
+ end
+ alias :has_rdoc? :has_rdoc
+ ##
+ # True if this gem has files in test_files
+ def has_unit_tests?
+ not test_files.empty?
+ end
+ # :stopdoc:
+ alias has_test_suite? has_unit_tests?
+ # :startdoc:
+ def hash # :nodoc:
+ @@attributes.inject(0) { |hash_code, (name, _)|
+ hash_code ^ self.send(name).hash
+ }
+ end
+ def init_with coder # :nodoc:
+ yaml_initialize coder.tag,
+ end
+ ##
+ # Specification constructor. Assigns the default values to the attributes
+ # and yields itself for further initialization. Optionally takes +name+ and
+ # +version+.
+ def initialize name = nil, version = nil
+ @loaded = false
+ @activated = false
+ @loaded_from = nil
+ @original_platform = nil
+ @@nil_attributes.each do |key|
+ instance_variable_set "@#{key}", nil
+ end
+ @@non_nil_attributes.each do |key|
+ default = default_value(key)
+ value = case default
+ when Time, Numeric, Symbol, true, false, nil then default
+ else default.dup
+ end
+ instance_variable_set "@#{key}", value
+ end
+ @new_platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ = name if name
+ self.version = version if version
+ yield self if block_given?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Duplicates array_attributes from +other_spec+ so state isn't shared.
+ def initialize_copy other_spec
+ other_ivars = other_spec.instance_variables
+ other_ivars = { |ivar| ivar.intern } if # for 1.9
+ String === other_ivars.first
+ self.class.array_attributes.each do |name|
+ name = :"@#{name}"
+ next unless other_ivars.include? name
+ begin
+ val = other_spec.instance_variable_get(name)
+ if val then
+ instance_variable_set name, val.dup
+ elsif Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ warn "WARNING: #{full_name} has an invalid nil value for #{name}"
+ end
+ rescue TypeError
+ e = \
+ "#{full_name} has an invalid value for #{name}"
+ e.file_path = loaded_from
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # The directory that this gem was installed into.
+ # TODO: rename - horrible. this is the base_dir for a gem path
+ def installation_path
+ loaded_from && base_dir
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a string usable in Dir.glob to match all requirable paths
+ # for this spec.
+ def lib_dirs_glob
+ dirs = if self.require_paths.size > 1 then
+ "{#{self.require_paths.join(',')}}"
+ else
+ self.require_paths.first
+ end
+ "#{self.full_gem_path}/#{dirs}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Files in the Gem under one of the require_paths
+ def lib_files
+ do |file|
+ require_paths.any? do |path|
+ file.index(path) == 0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular accessor for #licenses
+ def license
+ val = licenses and val.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular accessor for #licenses
+ def license=o
+ self.licenses = [o]
+ end
+ ##
+ # The license(s) for the library. Each license must be a short name, no
+ # more than 64 characters.
+ def licenses
+ @licenses ||= []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set licenses to +licenses+, ensuring it is an array.
+ def licenses= licenses
+ @licenses = Array licenses
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the location a Specification was loaded from. +obj+ is converted
+ # to a String.
+ def loaded_from= path
+ @loaded_from = path.to_s
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets the rubygems_version to the current RubyGems version.
+ def mark_version
+ @rubygems_version = Gem::VERSION
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return all files in this gem that match for +glob+.
+ def matches_for_glob glob # TODO: rename?
+ # TODO: do we need these?? Kill it
+ glob = File.join(self.lib_dirs_glob, glob)
+ Dir[glob].map { |f| f.untaint } # FIX our tests are broken, run w/ SAFE=1
+ end
+ ##
+ # Warn about unknown attributes while loading a spec.
+ def method_missing(sym, *a, &b) # :nodoc:
+ if @specification_version > CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION and
+ sym.to_s =~ /=$/ then
+ warn "ignoring #{sym} loading #{full_name}" if $DEBUG
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Normalize the list of files so that:
+ # * All file lists have redundancies removed.
+ # * Files referenced in the extra_rdoc_files are included in the package
+ # file list.
+ def normalize
+ if defined?(@extra_rdoc_files) and @extra_rdoc_files then
+ @extra_rdoc_files.uniq!
+ @files ||= []
+ @files.concat(@extra_rdoc_files)
+ end
+ @files = @files.uniq if @files
+ @extensions = @extensions.uniq if @extensions
+ @test_files = @test_files.uniq if @test_files
+ @executables = @executables.uniq if @executables
+ @extra_rdoc_files = @extra_rdoc_files.uniq if @extra_rdoc_files
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full name (name-version) of this gemspec using the original
+ # platform. For use with legacy gems.
+ def original_name # :nodoc:
+ if platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY or platform.nil? then
+ "#{@name}-#{@version}"
+ else
+ "#{@name}-#{@version}-#{@original_platform}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Cruft. Use +platform+.
+ def original_platform # :nodoc:
+ @original_platform ||= platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # The platform this gem runs on. See Gem::Platform for details.
+ def platform
+ @new_platform ||= Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ end
+ ##
+ # The platform this gem runs on. See Gem::Platform for details.
+ #
+ # Setting this to any value other than Gem::Platform::RUBY or
+ # Gem::Platform::CURRENT is probably wrong.
+ def platform= platform
+ if @original_platform.nil? or
+ @original_platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY then
+ @original_platform = platform
+ end
+ case platform
+ when Gem::Platform::CURRENT then
+ @new_platform = Gem::Platform.local
+ @original_platform = @new_platform.to_s
+ when Gem::Platform then
+ @new_platform = platform
+ # legacy constants
+ when nil, Gem::Platform::RUBY then
+ @new_platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ when 'mswin32' then # was Gem::Platform::WIN32
+ @new_platform = 'x86-mswin32'
+ when 'i586-linux' then # was Gem::Platform::LINUX_586
+ @new_platform = 'x86-linux'
+ when 'powerpc-darwin' then # was Gem::Platform::DARWIN
+ @new_platform = 'ppc-darwin'
+ else
+ @new_platform = platform
+ end
+ @platform = @new_platform.to_s
+ @new_platform
+ end
+ def pretty_print(q) # :nodoc:
+ 2, ' do |s|', 'end' do
+ q.breakable
+ # REFACTOR: each_attr - use in to_yaml as well
+ @@attributes.each do |attr_name|
+ current_value = self.send attr_name
+ if current_value != default_value(attr_name) or
+ self.class.required_attribute? attr_name then
+ q.text "s.#{attr_name} = "
+ if attr_name == :date then
+ current_value = current_value.utc
+ q.text "Time.utc(#{current_value.year}, #{current_value.month}, #{})"
+ else
+ q.pp current_value
+ end
+ q.breakable
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Check the spec for possible conflicts and freak out if there are any.
+ def raise_if_conflicts
+ other = Gem.loaded_specs[]
+ if other and self.version != other.version then
+ # This gem is already loaded. If the currently loaded gem is not in the
+ # list of candidate gems, then we have a version conflict.
+ msg = "can't activate #{full_name}, already activated #{other.full_name}"
+ e = msg
+ =
+ # TODO: e.requirement = dep.requirement
+ raise e
+ end
+ conf = self.conflicts
+ unless conf.empty? then
+ y = { |act,con|
+ "#{act.full_name} conflicts with #{con.join(", ")}"
+ }.join ", "
+ # TODO: improve message by saying who activated `con`
+ raise Gem::LoadError, "Unable to activate #{self.full_name}, because #{y}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # An ARGV style array of options to RDoc
+ def rdoc_options
+ @rdoc_options ||= []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets rdoc_options to +value+, ensuring it is an array. Don't
+ # use this, push onto the array instead.
+ def rdoc_options= options
+ # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing
+ @rdoc_options = Array options
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular accessor for #require_paths
+ def require_path
+ val = require_paths and val.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular accessor for #require_paths
+ def require_path= path
+ self.require_paths = [path]
+ end
+ ##
+ # The version of ruby required by this gem
+ def required_ruby_version= req
+ @required_ruby_version = Gem::Requirement.create req
+ end
+ ##
+ # The RubyGems version required by this gem
+ def required_rubygems_version= req
+ @required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.create req
+ end
+ ##
+ # An array or things required by this gem. Not used by anything
+ # presently.
+ def requirements
+ @requirements ||= []
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set requirements to +req+, ensuring it is an array. Don't
+ # use this, push onto the array instead.
+ def requirements= req
+ # TODO: warn about setting instead of pushing
+ @requirements = Array req
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to this spec's ri directory.
+ def ri_dir
+ @ri_dir ||= File.join base_dir, 'ri', full_name
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a string containing a Ruby code representation of the given
+ # object.
+ def ruby_code(obj)
+ case obj
+ when String then obj.dump
+ when Array then '[' + { |x| ruby_code x }.join(", ") + ']'
+ when Gem::Version then obj.to_s.dump
+ when Date then obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').dump
+ when Time then obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').dump
+ when Numeric then obj.inspect
+ when true, false, nil then obj.inspect
+ when Gem::Platform then "{obj.to_a.inspect})"
+ when Gem::Requirement then "{obj.to_s.inspect})"
+ else raise Gem::Exception, "ruby_code case not handled: #{obj.class}"
+ end
+ end
+ private :ruby_code
+ ##
+ # List of dependencies that will automatically be activated at runtime.
+ def runtime_dependencies
+ { |d| d.type == :runtime }
+ end
+ ##
+ # True if this gem has the same attributes as +other+.
+ def same_attributes? spec
+ @@attributes.all? { |name, default| self.send(name) == spec.send(name) }
+ end
+ private :same_attributes?
+ ##
+ # Checks if this specification meets the requirement of +dependency+.
+ def satisfies_requirement? dependency
+ return @name == &&
+ dependency.requirement.satisfied_by?(@version)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns an object you can use to sort specifications in #sort_by.
+ def sort_obj
+ # TODO: this is horrible. Deprecate it.
+ [@name, @version, @new_platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY ? -1 : 1]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to the directory containing this spec's
+ # gemspec file. eg: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications
+ def spec_dir
+ @spec_dir ||= File.join base_dir, "specifications"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the full path to this spec's gemspec file.
+ # eg: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications/mygem-1.0.gemspec
+ def spec_file
+ @spec_file ||= File.join spec_dir, "#{full_name}.gemspec"
+ end
+ ##
+ # The default name of the gemspec. See also #file_name
+ #
+ # spec.spec_name # => "example-1.0.gemspec"
+ def spec_name
+ "#{full_name}.gemspec"
+ end
+ ##
+ # A short summary of this gem's description.
+ def summary= str
+ @summary = str.to_s.strip.
+ gsub(/(\w-)\n[ \t]*(\w)/, '\1\2').gsub(/\n[ \t]*/, " ") # so. weird.
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular accessor for #test_files
+ def test_file
+ val = test_files and val.first
+ end
+ ##
+ # Singular accessor for #test_files
+ def test_file= file
+ self.test_files = [file]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Test files included in this gem. You cannot append to this accessor, you
+ # must assign to it.
+ def test_files
+ # Handle the possibility that we have @test_suite_file but not
+ # @test_files. This will happen when an old gem is loaded via
+ # YAML.
+ if defined? @test_suite_file then
+ @test_files = [@test_suite_file].flatten
+ @test_suite_file = nil
+ end
+ if defined?(@test_files) and @test_files then
+ @test_files
+ else
+ @test_files = []
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set test_files to +files+, ensuring it is an array.
+ def test_files= files
+ @test_files = Array files
+ end
+ def test_suite_file # :nodoc:
+ # TODO: deprecate
+ test_files.first
+ end
+ def test_suite_file= file # :nodoc:
+ # TODO: deprecate
+ @test_files = [] unless defined? @test_files
+ @test_files << file
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a Ruby code representation of this specification, such that it can
+ # be eval'ed and reconstruct the same specification later. Attributes that
+ # still have their default values are omitted.
+ def to_ruby
+ mark_version
+ result = []
+ result << "# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-"
+ result << nil
+ result << " do |s|"
+ result << " = #{ruby_code name}"
+ result << " s.version = #{ruby_code version}"
+ unless platform.nil? or platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY then
+ result << " s.platform = #{ruby_code original_platform}"
+ end
+ result << ""
+ result << " s.required_rubygems_version = #{ruby_code required_rubygems_version} if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version="
+ handled = [
+ :dependencies,
+ :name,
+ :platform,
+ :required_rubygems_version,
+ :specification_version,
+ :version,
+ :has_rdoc,
+ :default_executable,
+ ]
+ @@attributes.each do |attr_name|
+ next if handled.include? attr_name
+ current_value = self.send(attr_name)
+ if current_value != default_value(attr_name) or
+ self.class.required_attribute? attr_name then
+ result << " s.#{attr_name} = #{ruby_code current_value}"
+ end
+ end
+ result << nil
+ result << " if s.respond_to? :specification_version then"
+ result << " s.specification_version = #{specification_version}"
+ result << nil
+ result << " if >='1.2.0') then"
+ dependencies.each do |dep|
+ req = dep.requirements_list.inspect
+ dep.instance_variable_set :@type, :runtime if dep.type.nil? # HACK
+ result << " s.add_#{dep.type}_dependency(%q<#{}>, #{req})"
+ end
+ result << " else"
+ dependencies.each do |dep|
+ version_reqs_param = dep.requirements_list.inspect
+ result << " s.add_dependency(%q<#{}>, #{version_reqs_param})"
+ end
+ result << ' end'
+ result << " else"
+ dependencies.each do |dep|
+ version_reqs_param = dep.requirements_list.inspect
+ result << " s.add_dependency(%q<#{}>, #{version_reqs_param})"
+ end
+ result << " end"
+ result << "end"
+ result << nil
+ result.join "\n"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns a Ruby lighter-weight code representation of this specification,
+ # used for indexing only.
+ #
+ # See #to_ruby.
+ def to_ruby_for_cache
+ for_cache.to_ruby
+ end
+ def to_s # :nodoc:
+ "#<Gem::Specification name=#{@name} version=#{@version}>"
+ end
+ def to_yaml(opts = {}) # :nodoc:
+ if YAML.const_defined?(:ENGINE) && !YAML::ENGINE.syck? then
+ # Because the user can switch the YAML engine behind our
+ # back, we have to check again here to make sure that our
+ # psych code was properly loaded, and load it if not.
+ unless Gem.const_defined?(:NoAliasYAMLTree)
+ require 'rubygems/psych_tree'
+ end
+ builder ={})
+ builder << self
+ ast = builder.tree
+ io =
+ io.string.gsub(/ !!null \n/, " \n")
+ else
+ YAML.quick_emit object_id, opts do |out|
+ taguri, to_yaml_style do |map|
+ encode_with map
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Recursively walk dependencies of this spec, executing the +block+ for each
+ # hop.
+ def traverse trail = [], &block
+ trail = trail + [self]
+ runtime_dependencies.each do |dep|
+ dep.to_specs.each do |dep_spec|
+ block[self, dep, dep_spec, trail + [dep_spec]]
+ dep_spec.traverse(trail, &block) unless
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Checks that the specification contains all required fields, and does a
+ # very basic sanity check.
+ #
+ # Raises InvalidSpecificationException if the spec does not pass the
+ # checks..
+ def validate packaging = true
+ require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+ extend Gem::UserInteraction
+ normalize
+ nil_attributes = self.class.non_nil_attributes.find_all do |name|
+ instance_variable_get("@#{name}").nil?
+ end
+ unless nil_attributes.empty? then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "#{nil_attributes.join ', '} must not be nil"
+ end
+ if packaging and rubygems_version != Gem::VERSION then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "expected RubyGems version #{Gem::VERSION}, was #{rubygems_version}"
+ end
+ @@required_attributes.each do |symbol|
+ unless self.send symbol then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "missing value for attribute #{symbol}"
+ end
+ end
+ unless String === name then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "invalid value for attribute name: \"#{name.inspect}\""
+ end
+ if require_paths.empty? then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ 'specification must have at least one require_path'
+ end
+ @files.delete_if { |x| }
+ @test_files.delete_if { |x| }
+ @executables.delete_if { |x|, x)) }
+ @extra_rdoc_files.delete_if { |x| }
+ @extensions.delete_if { |x| }
+ non_files = files.reject { |x| File.file?(x) }
+ unless not packaging or non_files.empty? then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "[\"#{non_files.join "\", \""}\"] are not files"
+ end
+ unless specification_version.is_a?(Fixnum)
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ 'specification_version must be a Fixnum (did you mean version?)'
+ end
+ case platform
+ when Gem::Platform, Gem::Platform::RUBY then # ok
+ else
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "invalid platform #{platform.inspect}, see Gem::Platform"
+ end
+ self.class.array_attributes.each do |field|
+ val = self.send field
+ klass = case field
+ when :dependencies
+ Gem::Dependency
+ else
+ String
+ end
+ unless Array === val and val.all? { |x| x.kind_of?(klass) } then
+ raise(Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "#{field} must be an Array of #{klass}")
+ end
+ end
+ [:authors].each do |field|
+ val = self.send field
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{field} may not be empty" if
+ val.empty?
+ end
+ licenses.each { |license|
+ if license.length > 64
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "each license must be 64 characters or less"
+ end
+ }
+ # reject lazy developers:
+ lazy = '"FIxxxXME" or "TOxxxDO"'.gsub(/xxx/, '')
+ unless authors.grep(/FI XME|TO DO/x).empty? then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{lazy} is not an author"
+ end
+ unless Array(email).grep(/FI XME|TO DO/x).empty? then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{lazy} is not an email"
+ end
+ if description =~ /FI XME|TO DO/x then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{lazy} is not a description"
+ end
+ if summary =~ /FI XME|TO DO/x then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException, "#{lazy} is not a summary"
+ end
+ if homepage and not homepage.empty? and
+ homepage !~ /\A[a-z][a-z\d+.-]*:/i then
+ raise Gem::InvalidSpecificationException,
+ "\"#{homepage}\" is not a URI"
+ end
+ # Warnings
+ %w[author description email homepage summary].each do |attribute|
+ value = self.send attribute
+ alert_warning "no #{attribute} specified" if value.nil? or value.empty?
+ end
+ if description == summary then
+ alert_warning 'description and summary are identical'
+ end
+ # TODO: raise at some given date
+ alert_warning "deprecated autorequire specified" if autorequire
+ executables.each do |executable|
+ executable_path = File.join(bindir, executable)
+ shebang =, 2) == '#!'
+ alert_warning "#{executable_path} is missing #! line" unless shebang
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the version to +version+, potentially also setting
+ # required_rubygems_version if +version+ indicates it is a
+ # prerelease.
+ def version= version
+ @version = Gem::Version.create(version)
+ self.required_rubygems_version = '> 1.3.1' if @version.prerelease?
+ return @version
+ end
+ # FIX: have this handle the platform/new_platform/original_platform bullshit
+ def yaml_initialize(tag, vals) # :nodoc:
+ vals.each do |ivar, val|
+ case ivar
+ when "date"
+ # Force Date to go through the extra coerce logic in date=
+ = val.untaint
+ else
+ instance_variable_set "@#{ivar}", val.untaint
+ end
+ end
+ @original_platform = @platform # for backwards compatibility
+ self.platform = @platform
+ end
+ extend Gem::Deprecate
+ deprecate :test_suite_file, :test_file, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :test_suite_file=, :test_file=, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :loaded, :activated, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :loaded?, :activated?, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :loaded=, :activated=, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :installation_path, :base_dir, 2011, 10
+ deprecate :cache_gem, :cache_file, 2011, 10
+ # TODO:
+ # deprecate :has_rdoc, :none, 2011, 10
+ # deprecate :has_rdoc?, :none, 2011, 10
+ # deprecate :has_rdoc=, :none, 2011, 10
+ # deprecate :default_executable, :none, 2011, 10
+ # deprecate :default_executable=, :none, 2011, 10
+ # deprecate :spec_name, :spec_file, 2011, 10
+ # deprecate :file_name, :cache_file, 2011, 10
+ # deprecate :full_gem_path, :cache_file, 2011, 10
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/ca-bundle.pem b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/ca-bundle.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4dac9112f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/ssl_certs/ca-bundle.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,3366 @@
+## ca-bundle.crt -- Bundle of CA Root Certificates
+## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Sun Feb 19 04:03:37 2012
+## This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate Authorities
+## (CA). These were automatically extracted from Mozilla's root certificates
+## file (certdata.txt). This file can be found in the mozilla source tree:
+## It contains the certificates in PEM format and therefore
+## can be directly used with curl / libcurl / php_curl, or with
+## an Apache+mod_ssl webserver for SSL client authentication.
+## Just configure this file as the SSLCACertificateFile.
+# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+# License.
+# The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+# Netscape Communications Corporation.
+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1994-2000
+# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s):
+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+# @(#) $RCSfile: certdata.txt,v $ $Revision: 1.82 $ $Date: 2012/02/18 21:41:46 $
+GTE CyberTrust Global Root
+Thawte Server CA
+Thawte Premium Server CA
+Equifax Secure CA
+Digital Signature Trust Co. Global CA 1
+Digital Signature Trust Co. Global CA 3
+Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
+Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
+GlobalSign Root CA
+GlobalSign Root CA - R2
+ValiCert Class 1 VA
+ValiCert Class 2 VA
+RSA Root Certificate 1
+Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
+Verisign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
+ Secure Server CA
+ Premium 2048 Secure Server CA
+Baltimore CyberTrust Root
+Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA
+Equifax Secure eBusiness CA 1
+Equifax Secure eBusiness CA 2
+AddTrust Low-Value Services Root
+AddTrust External Root
+AddTrust Public Services Root
+AddTrust Qualified Certificates Root
+Entrust Root Certification Authority
+RSA Security 2048 v3
+GeoTrust Global CA
+GeoTrust Global CA 2
+GeoTrust Universal CA
+GeoTrust Universal CA 2
+America Online Root Certification Authority 1
+America Online Root Certification Authority 2
+Visa eCommerce Root
+Certum Root CA
+Comodo AAA Services root
+Comodo Secure Services root
+Comodo Trusted Services root
+QuoVadis Root CA
+QuoVadis Root CA 2
+QuoVadis Root CA 3
+Security Communication Root CA
+Sonera Class 2 Root CA
+Staat der Nederlanden Root CA
+TDC Internet Root CA
+UTN USERFirst Hardware Root CA
+Camerfirma Chambers of Commerce Root
+Camerfirma Global Chambersign Root
+NetLock Notary (Class A) Root
+NetLock Business (Class B) Root
+NetLock Express (Class C) Root
+XRamp Global CA Root
+Go Daddy Class 2 CA
+Starfield Class 2 CA
+StartCom Certification Authority
+Taiwan GRCA
+Firmaprofesional Root CA
+Wells Fargo Root CA
+Swisscom Root CA 1
+DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
+DigiCert Global Root CA
+DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
+Certplus Class 2 Primary CA
+DST Root CA X3
+TURKTRUST Certificate Services Provider Root 1
+TURKTRUST Certificate Services Provider Root 2
+SwissSign Gold CA - G2
+SwissSign Silver CA - G2
+GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority
+thawte Primary Root CA
+VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
+SecureTrust CA
+Secure Global CA
+COMODO Certification Authority
+Network Solutions Certificate Authority
+WellsSecure Public Root Certificate Authority
+COMODO ECC Certification Authority
+Security Communication EV RootCA1
+OISTE WISeKey Global Root GA CA
+Microsec e-Szigno Root CA
+AC Ra\xC3\xADz Certic\xC3\xA1mara S.A.
+TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA II
+TC TrustCenter Class 3 CA II
+TC TrustCenter Universal CA I
+Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2
+ComSign Secured CA
+Cybertrust Global Root
+ePKI Root Certification Authority
+T\xc3\x9c\x42\xC4\xB0TAK UEKAE K\xC3\xB6k Sertifika Hizmet Sa\xC4\x9Flay\xc4\xb1\x63\xc4\xb1s\xc4\xb1 - S\xC3\xBCr\xC3\xBCm 3
+Buypass Class 2 CA 1
+Buypass Class 3 CA 1
+EBG Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Sa\xC4\x9Flay\xc4\xb1\x63\xc4\xb1s\xc4\xb1
+ApplicationCA - Japanese Government
+GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G3
+thawte Primary Root CA - G2
+thawte Primary Root CA - G3
+GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2
+VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority
+VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G4
+NetLock Arany (Class Gold) Főtanúsítvány
+Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G2
+CA Disig
+Hongkong Post Root CA 1
+SecureSign RootCA11
+Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
+Microsec e-Szigno Root CA 2009
+E-Guven Kok Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Saglayicisi
+GlobalSign Root CA - R3
+TC TrustCenter Universal CA III
+Autoridad de Certificacion Firmaprofesional CIF A62634068
+Chambers of Commerce Root - 2008
+Global Chambersign Root - 2008
+Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority - G2
+Starfield Root Certificate Authority - G2
+Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority - G2
+AffirmTrust Commercial
+AffirmTrust Networking
+AffirmTrust Premium
+AffirmTrust Premium ECC
+Certum Trusted Network CA
+Certinomis - Autorité Racine
+Root CA Generalitat Valenciana
+TWCA Root Certification Authority
+Security Communication RootCA2
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/syck_hack.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/syck_hack.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1971165452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/syck_hack.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# :stopdoc:
+# Hack to handle syck's DefaultKey bug
+# This file is always loaded AFTER either syck or psych are already
+# loaded. It then looks at what constants are available and creates
+# a consistent view on all rubys.
+# All this is so that there is always a YAML::Syck::DefaultKey
+# class no matter if the full yaml library has loaded or not.
+module YAML
+ # In newer 1.9.2, there is a Syck toplevel constant instead of it
+ # being underneith YAML. If so, reference it back under YAML as
+ # well.
+ if defined? ::Syck
+ # for tests that change YAML::ENGINE
+ # 1.8 does not support the second argument to const_defined?
+ remove_const :Syck rescue nil
+ Syck = ::Syck
+ # JRuby's "Syck" is called "Yecht"
+ elsif defined? YAML::Yecht
+ Syck = YAML::Yecht
+ # Otherwise, if there is no YAML::Syck, then we've got just psych
+ # loaded, so lets define a stub for DefaultKey.
+ elsif !defined? YAML::Syck
+ module Syck
+ class DefaultKey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Now that we've got something that is always here, define #to_s
+ # so when code tries to use this, it at least just shows up like it
+ # should.
+ module Syck
+ class DefaultKey
+ remove_method :to_s rescue nil
+ def to_s
+ '='
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# Sometime in the 1.9 dev cycle, the Syck constant was moved from under YAML
+# to be a toplevel constant. So gemspecs created under these versions of Syck
+# will have references to Syck::DefaultKey.
+# So we need to be sure that we reference Syck at the toplevel too so that
+# we can always load these kind of gemspecs.
+if !defined?(Syck)
+ Syck = YAML::Syck
+# Now that we've got Syck setup in all the right places, store
+# a reference to the DefaultKey class inside Gem. We do this so that
+# if later on YAML, etc are redefined, we've still got a consistent
+# place to find the DefaultKey class for comparison.
+module Gem
+ # for tests that change YAML::ENGINE
+ remove_const :SyckDefaultKey if const_defined? :SyckDefaultKey
+ SyckDefaultKey = YAML::Syck::DefaultKey
+# :startdoc:
+# :stopdoc:
+# Hack to handle syck's DefaultKey bug
+# This file is always loaded AFTER either syck or psych are already
+# loaded. It then looks at what constants are available and creates
+# a consistent view on all rubys.
+# All this is so that there is always a YAML::Syck::DefaultKey
+# class no matter if the full yaml library has loaded or not.
+module YAML
+ # In newer 1.9.2, there is a Syck toplevel constant instead of it
+ # being underneith YAML. If so, reference it back under YAML as
+ # well.
+ if defined? ::Syck
+ # for tests that change YAML::ENGINE
+ remove_const :Syck if const_defined? :Syck, false
+ Syck = ::Syck
+ # JRuby's "Syck" is called "Yecht"
+ elsif defined? YAML::Yecht
+ Syck = YAML::Yecht
+ # Otherwise, if there is no YAML::Syck, then we've got just psych
+ # loaded, so lets define a stub for DefaultKey.
+ elsif !defined? YAML::Syck
+ module Syck
+ class DefaultKey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Now that we've got something that is always here, define #to_s
+ # so when code tries to use this, it at least just shows up like it
+ # should.
+ module Syck
+ class DefaultKey
+ def to_s
+ '='
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# Sometime in the 1.9 dev cycle, the Syck constant was moved from under YAML
+# to be a toplevel constant. So gemspecs created under these versions of Syck
+# will have references to Syck::DefaultKey.
+# So we need to be sure that we reference Syck at the toplevel too so that
+# we can always load these kind of gemspecs.
+if !defined?(Syck)
+ Syck = YAML::Syck
+# Now that we've got Syck setup in all the right places, store
+# a reference to the DefaultKey class inside Gem. We do this so that
+# if later on YAML, etc are redefined, we've still got a consistent
+# place to find the DefaultKey class for comparison.
+module Gem
+ # for tests that change YAML::ENGINE
+ remove_const :SyckDefaultKey if const_defined? :SyckDefaultKey
+ SyckDefaultKey = YAML::Syck::DefaultKey
+# :startdoc:
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/test_case.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/test_case.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fbdfca52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/test_case.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+at_exit { $SAFE = 1 }
+if defined? Gem::QuickLoader
+ Gem::QuickLoader.load_full_rubygems_library
+ require 'rubygems'
+ gem 'minitest'
+rescue Gem::LoadError
+require "rubygems/deprecate"
+require 'minitest/autorun'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'tmpdir'
+require 'uri'
+require 'rubygems/package'
+require 'rubygems/test_utilities'
+require 'pp'
+require 'zlib'
+require 'pathname'
+require 'rubygems/mock_gem_ui'
+module Gem
+ ##
+ # Allows setting the gem path searcher. This method is available when
+ # requiring 'rubygems/test_case'
+ def self.searcher=(searcher)
+ @searcher = searcher
+ end
+ ##
+ # Allows setting the default SourceIndex. This method is available when
+ # requiring 'rubygems/test_case'
+ def self.source_index=(si)
+ raise "This method is not supported"
+ Gem::Specification.reset if si # HACK
+ @@source_index = si
+ end
+ ##
+ # Allows toggling Windows behavior. This method is available when requiring
+ # 'rubygems/test_case'
+ def self.win_platform=(val)
+ @@win_platform = val
+ end
+ ##
+ # Allows setting path to ruby. This method is available when requiring
+ # 'rubygems/test_case'
+ def self.ruby= ruby
+ @ruby = ruby
+ end
+ ##
+ # When rubygems/test_case is required the default user interaction is a
+ # MockGemUi.
+ module DefaultUserInteraction
+ @ui =
+ end
+# RubyGemTestCase provides a variety of methods for testing rubygems and
+# gem-related behavior in a sandbox. Through RubyGemTestCase you can install
+# and uninstall gems, fetch remote gems through a stub fetcher and be assured
+# your normal set of gems is not affected.
+# Tests are always run at a safe level of 1.
+class Gem::TestCase < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+ # TODO: move to minitest
+ def assert_path_exists path, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected path '#{path}' to exist" }
+ assert File.exist?(path), msg
+ end
+ # TODO: move to minitest
+ def refute_path_exists path, msg = nil
+ msg = message(msg) { "Expected path '#{path}' to not exist" }
+ refute File.exist?(path), msg
+ end
+ include Gem::DefaultUserInteraction
+ undef_method :default_test if instance_methods.include? 'default_test' or
+ instance_methods.include? :default_test
+ @@project_dir = Dir.pwd unless defined?(@@project_dir)
+ ##
+ # #setup prepares a sandboxed location to install gems. All installs are
+ # directed to a temporary directory. All install plugins are removed.
+ #
+ # If the +RUBY+ environment variable is set the given path is used for
+ # Gem::ruby. The local platform is set to <tt>i386-mswin32</tt> for Windows
+ # or <tt>i686-darwin8.10.1</tt> otherwise.
+ #
+ # If the +KEEP_FILES+ environment variable is set the files will not be
+ # removed from <tt>/tmp/test_rubygems_#{$$}.#{}</tt>.
+ def setup
+ super
+ @orig_gem_home = ENV['GEM_HOME']
+ @orig_gem_path = ENV['GEM_PATH']
+ @current_dir = Dir.pwd
+ @ui =
+ tmpdir = nil
+ Dir.chdir Dir.tmpdir do tmpdir = Dir.pwd end # HACK OSX /private/tmp
+ if ENV['KEEP_FILES'] then
+ @tempdir = File.join(tmpdir, "test_rubygems_#{$$}.#{}")
+ else
+ @tempdir = File.join(tmpdir, "test_rubygems_#{$$}")
+ end
+ @tempdir.untaint
+ @gemhome = File.join @tempdir, 'gemhome'
+ @userhome = File.join @tempdir, 'userhome'
+ @orig_ruby = if ruby = ENV['RUBY'] then
+ Gem.class_eval { ruby, @ruby = @ruby, ruby }
+ ruby
+ end
+ Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories @gemhome
+ @orig_LOAD_PATH = $LOAD_PATH.dup
+ $! { |s| File.expand_path s }
+ Dir.chdir @tempdir
+ @orig_ENV_HOME = ENV['HOME']
+ ENV['HOME'] = @userhome
+ Gem.instance_variable_set :@user_home, nil
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @gemhome
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p @userhome
+ Gem.use_paths(@gemhome)
+ Gem.loaded_specs.clear
+ Gem.unresolved_deps.clear
+ Gem.configuration.verbose = true
+ Gem.configuration.update_sources = true
+ @gem_repo = ""
+ @uri = URI.parse @gem_repo
+ Gem.sources.replace [@gem_repo]
+ Gem.searcher = nil
+ Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher = nil
+ @orig_BASERUBY = Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY]
+ Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY] = Gem::ConfigMap[:ruby_install_name]
+ @orig_arch = Gem::ConfigMap[:arch]
+ if win_platform?
+ util_set_arch 'i386-mswin32'
+ else
+ util_set_arch 'i686-darwin8.10.1'
+ end
+ @marshal_version = "#{Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION}.#{Marshal::MINOR_VERSION}"
+ # TODO: move to installer test cases
+ Gem.post_build_hooks.clear
+ Gem.post_install_hooks.clear
+ Gem.post_uninstall_hooks.clear
+ Gem.pre_install_hooks.clear
+ Gem.pre_uninstall_hooks.clear
+ # TODO: move to installer test cases
+ Gem.post_build do |installer|
+ @post_build_hook_arg = installer
+ true
+ end
+ Gem.post_install do |installer|
+ @post_install_hook_arg = installer
+ end
+ Gem.post_uninstall do |uninstaller|
+ @post_uninstall_hook_arg = uninstaller
+ end
+ Gem.pre_install do |installer|
+ @pre_install_hook_arg = installer
+ true
+ end
+ Gem.pre_uninstall do |uninstaller|
+ @pre_uninstall_hook_arg = uninstaller
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # #teardown restores the process to its original state and removes the
+ # tempdir unless the +KEEP_FILES+ environment variable was set.
+ def teardown
+ $LOAD_PATH.replace @orig_LOAD_PATH
+ Gem::ConfigMap[:BASERUBY] = @orig_BASERUBY
+ Gem::ConfigMap[:arch] = @orig_arch
+ if defined? Gem::RemoteFetcher then
+ Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = nil
+ end
+ Dir.chdir @current_dir
+ FileUtils.rm_rf @tempdir unless ENV['KEEP_FILES']
+ ENV['GEM_HOME'] = @orig_gem_home
+ ENV['GEM_PATH'] = @orig_gem_path
+ _ = @orig_ruby
+ Gem.class_eval { @ruby = _ } if _
+ if @orig_ENV_HOME then
+ ENV['HOME'] = @orig_ENV_HOME
+ else
+ ENV.delete 'HOME'
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds and installs the Gem::Specification +spec+
+ def install_gem spec, options = {}
+ require 'rubygems/installer'
+ use_ui do
+ Dir.chdir @tempdir do
+ end
+ end
+ gem = File.join(@tempdir, File.basename(spec.cache_file)).untaint
+, options.merge({:wrappers => true})).install
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds and installs the Gem::Specification +spec+ into the user dir
+ def install_gem_user spec
+ install_gem spec, :user_install => true
+ end
+ ##
+ # Uninstalls the Gem::Specification +spec+
+ def uninstall_gem spec
+ require 'rubygems/uninstaller'
+ :executables => true, :user_install => true).uninstall
+ end
+ ##
+ # creates a temporary directory with hax
+ def create_tmpdir
+ tmpdir = nil
+ Dir.chdir Dir.tmpdir do tmpdir = Dir.pwd end # HACK OSX /private/tmp
+ tmpdir = File.join tmpdir, "test_rubygems_#{$$}"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p tmpdir
+ return tmpdir
+ end
+ ##
+ # Enables pretty-print for all tests
+ def mu_pp(obj)
+ s = ''
+ s = PP.pp obj, s
+ s = s.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external) if defined? Encoding
+ s.chomp
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads a Marshal file at +path+
+ def read_cache(path)
+ open path.dup.untaint, 'rb' do |io|
+ Marshal.load
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Reads a binary file at +path+
+ def read_binary(path)
+ Gem.read_binary path
+ end
+ ##
+ # Writes a binary file to +path+ which is relative to +@gemhome+
+ def write_file(path)
+ path = File.join @gemhome, path unless
+ dir = File.dirname path
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
+ open path, 'wb' do |io|
+ yield io if block_given?
+ end
+ path
+ end
+ def all_spec_names
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a Gem::Specification with a minimum of extra work. +name+ and
+ # +version+ are the gem's name and version, platform, author, email,
+ # homepage, summary and description are defaulted. The specification is
+ # yielded for customization.
+ #
+ # The gem is added to the installed gems in +@gemhome+ and to the current
+ # source_index.
+ #
+ # Use this with #write_file to build an installed gem.
+ def quick_gem(name, version='2')
+ require 'rubygems/specification'
+ spec = do |s|
+ s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ = name
+ s.version = version
+ = 'A User'
+ = ''
+ s.homepage = ''
+ s.summary = "this is a summary"
+ s.description = "This is a test description"
+ yield(s) if block_given?
+ end
+ # HACK: force specs to (re-)load before we write
+ written_path = write_file spec.spec_file do |io|
+ io.write spec.to_ruby_for_cache
+ end
+ spec.loaded_from = spec.loaded_from = written_path
+ Gem::Specification.add_spec spec.for_cache
+ return spec
+ end
+ def quick_spec name, version = '2'
+ # TODO: deprecate
+ require 'rubygems/specification'
+ spec = do |s|
+ s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ = name
+ s.version = version
+ = 'A User'
+ = ''
+ s.homepage = ''
+ s.summary = "this is a summary"
+ s.description = "This is a test description"
+ yield(s) if block_given?
+ end
+ spec.loaded_from = spec.spec_file
+ Gem::Specification.add_spec spec
+ return spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Builds a gem from +spec+ and places it in <tt>File.join @gemhome,
+ # 'cache'</tt>. Automatically creates files based on +spec.files+
+ def util_build_gem(spec)
+ dir = spec.gem_dir
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
+ Dir.chdir dir do
+ spec.files.each do |file|
+ next if File.exist? file
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file)
+ file, 'w' do |fp| fp.puts "# #{file}" end
+ end
+ use_ui do
+ end
+ cache = spec.cache_file
+ File.basename(cache), cache
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes all installed gems from +@gemhome+.
+ def util_clear_gems
+ FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(@gemhome, "gems") # TODO: use Gem::Dirs
+ FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(@gemhome, "specifications")
+ Gem::Specification.reset
+ end
+ ##
+ # Install the provided specs
+ def install_specs(*specs)
+ Gem::Specification.add_specs(*specs)
+ Gem.searcher = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Create a new spec (or gem if passed an array of files) and set it
+ # up properly. Use this instead of util_spec and util_gem.
+ def new_spec name, version, deps = nil, *files
+ require 'rubygems/specification'
+ spec = do |s|
+ s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
+ = name
+ s.version = version
+ = 'A User'
+ = ''
+ s.homepage = ''
+ s.summary = "this is a summary"
+ s.description = "This is a test description"
+ Array(deps).each do |n, req|
+ s.add_dependency n, (req || '>= 0')
+ end
+ s.files.push(*files) unless files.empty?
+ yield s if block_given?
+ end
+ spec.loaded_from = spec.spec_file
+ unless files.empty? then
+ write_file spec.spec_file do |io|
+ io.write spec.to_ruby_for_cache
+ end
+ util_build_gem spec
+ cache_file = File.join @tempdir, 'gems', "#{spec.full_name}.gem"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname cache_file
+ spec.cache_file, cache_file
+ FileUtils.rm spec.spec_file
+ end
+ spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a spec with +name+, +version+ and +deps+.
+ def util_spec(name, version, deps = nil, &block)
+ # TODO: deprecate
+ raise "deps or block, not both" if deps and block
+ if deps then
+ block = proc do |s|
+ # Since Hash#each is unordered in 1.8, sort
+ # the keys and iterate that way so the tests are
+ # deteriminstic on all implementations.
+ deps.keys.sort.each do |n|
+ s.add_dependency n, (deps[n] || '>= 0')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ quick_spec(name, version, &block)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates a gem with +name+, +version+ and +deps+. The specification will
+ # be yielded before gem creation for customization. The gem will be placed
+ # in <tt>File.join @tempdir, 'gems'</tt>. The specification and .gem file
+ # location are returned.
+ def util_gem(name, version, deps = nil, &block)
+ # TODO: deprecate
+ raise "deps or block, not both" if deps and block
+ if deps then
+ block = proc do |s|
+ # Since Hash#each is unordered in 1.8, sort
+ # the keys and iterate that way so the tests are
+ # deteriminstic on all implementations.
+ deps.keys.sort.each do |n|
+ s.add_dependency n, (deps[n] || '>= 0')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ spec = quick_gem(name, version, &block)
+ util_build_gem spec
+ cache_file = File.join @tempdir, 'gems', "#{spec.original_name}.gem"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname cache_file
+ spec.cache_file, cache_file
+ FileUtils.rm spec.spec_file
+ spec.loaded_from = nil
+ [spec, cache_file]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Gzips +data+.
+ def util_gzip(data)
+ out =
+ Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap out do |io|
+ io.write data
+ end
+ out.string
+ end
+ ##
+ # Creates several default gems which all have a lib/code.rb file. The gems
+ # are not installed but are available in the cache dir.
+ #
+ # +@a1+:: gem a version 1, this is the best-described gem.
+ # +@a2+:: gem a version 2
+ # +@a3a:: gem a version 3.a
+ # +@a_evil9+:: gem a_evil version 9, use this to ensure similarly-named gems
+ # don't collide with a.
+ # +@b2+:: gem b version 2
+ # +@c1_2+:: gem c version 1.2
+ # +@pl1+:: gem pl version 1, this gem has a legacy platform of i386-linux.
+ #
+ # Additional +prerelease+ gems may also be created:
+ #
+ # +@a2_pre+:: gem a version 2.a
+ # TODO: nuke this and fix tests. this should speed up a lot
+ def util_make_gems(prerelease = false)
+ @a1 = quick_gem 'a', '1' do |s|
+ s.files = %w[lib/code.rb]
+ s.require_paths = %w[lib]
+ = Gem::Specification::TODAY - 86400
+ s.homepage = ''
+ = %w[]
+ s.authors = %w[Example Example2]
+ s.description = <<-DESC
+This line is really, really long. So long, in fact, that it is more than eighty characters long! The purpose of this line is for testing wrapping behavior because sometimes people don't wrap their text to eighty characters. Without the wrapping, the text might not look good in the RSS feed.
+Also, a list:
+ * An entry that\'s actually kind of sort
+ * an entry that\'s really long, which will probably get wrapped funny. That's ok, somebody wasn't thinking straight when they made it more than eighty characters.
+ end
+ init = proc do |s|
+ s.files = %w[lib/code.rb]
+ s.require_paths = %w[lib]
+ end
+ @a2 = quick_gem('a', '2', &init)
+ @a3a = quick_gem('a', '3.a', &init)
+ @a_evil9 = quick_gem('a_evil', '9', &init)
+ @b2 = quick_gem('b', '2', &init)
+ @c1_2 = quick_gem('c', '1.2', &init)
+ @pl1 = quick_gem 'pl', '1' do |s| # l for legacy
+ s.files = %w[lib/code.rb]
+ s.require_paths = %w[lib]
+ s.platform = 'i386-linux'
+ s.instance_variable_set :@original_platform, 'i386-linux'
+ end
+ if prerelease
+ @a2_pre = quick_gem('a', '2.a', &init)
+ write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a2_pre.original_name} lib code.rb])
+ util_build_gem @a2_pre
+ end
+ write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a1.original_name} lib code.rb])
+ write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a2.original_name} lib code.rb])
+ write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@a3a.original_name} lib code.rb])
+ write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@b2.original_name} lib code.rb])
+ write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@c1_2.original_name} lib code.rb])
+ write_file File.join(*%W[gems #{@pl1.original_name} lib code.rb])
+ [@a1, @a2, @a3a, @a_evil9, @b2, @c1_2, @pl1].each do |spec|
+ util_build_gem spec
+ end
+ FileUtils.rm_r File.join(@gemhome, "gems", @pl1.original_name)
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the platform to +arch+
+ def util_set_arch(arch)
+ Gem::ConfigMap[:arch] = arch
+ platform = arch
+ Gem.instance_variable_set :@platforms, nil
+ Gem::Platform.instance_variable_set :@local, nil
+ platform
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets up a fake fetcher using the gems from #util_make_gems. Optionally
+ # additional +prerelease+ gems may be included.
+ #
+ # Gems created by this method may be fetched using Gem::RemoteFetcher.
+ def util_setup_fake_fetcher(prerelease = false)
+ require 'zlib'
+ require 'socket'
+ require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher'
+ @fetcher =
+ util_make_gems(prerelease)
+ Gem::Specification.reset
+ @all_gems = [@a1, @a2, @a3a, @a_evil9, @b2, @c1_2].sort
+ @all_gem_names = { |gem| gem.full_name }
+ gem_names = [@a1.full_name, @a2.full_name, @a3a.full_name, @b2.full_name]
+ @gem_names = gem_names.sort.join("\n")
+ Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = @fetcher
+ end
+ ##
+ # Sets up Gem::SpecFetcher to return information from the gems in +specs+.
+ # Best used with +@all_gems+ from #util_setup_fake_fetcher.
+ def util_setup_spec_fetcher(*specs)
+ specs -= Gem::Specification._all
+ Gem::Specification.add_specs(*specs)
+ spec_fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher
+ prerelease, _ = Gem::Specification.partition { |spec|
+ spec.version.prerelease?
+ }
+ spec_fetcher.specs[@uri] = []
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ spec_tuple = [, spec.version, spec.original_platform]
+ spec_fetcher.specs[@uri] << spec_tuple
+ end
+ spec_fetcher.latest_specs[@uri] = []
+ Gem::Specification.latest_specs.each do |spec|
+ spec_tuple = [, spec.version, spec.original_platform]
+ spec_fetcher.latest_specs[@uri] << spec_tuple
+ end
+ spec_fetcher.prerelease_specs[@uri] = []
+ prerelease.each do |spec|
+ spec_tuple = [, spec.version, spec.original_platform]
+ spec_fetcher.prerelease_specs[@uri] << spec_tuple
+ end
+ v = Gem.marshal_version
+ Gem::Specification.each do |spec|
+ path = "#{@gem_repo}quick/Marshal.#{v}/#{spec.original_name}.gemspec.rz"
+ data = Marshal.dump spec
+ data_deflate = Zlib::Deflate.deflate data
+[path] = data_deflate
+ end unless Gem::RemoteFetcher === @fetcher # HACK for test_download_to_cache
+ nil # force errors
+ end
+ ##
+ # Deflates +data+
+ def util_zip(data)
+ Zlib::Deflate.deflate data
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this test being run on a Windows platform?
+ def self.win_platform?
+ Gem.win_platform?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is this test being run on a Windows platform?
+ def win_platform?
+ Gem.win_platform?
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns whether or not we're on a version of Ruby built with VC++ (or
+ # Borland) versus Cygwin, Mingw, etc.
+ def self.vc_windows?
+ RUBY_PLATFORM.match('mswin')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns whether or not we're on a version of Ruby built with VC++ (or
+ # Borland) versus Cygwin, Mingw, etc.
+ def vc_windows?
+ RUBY_PLATFORM.match('mswin')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the make command for the current platform. For versions of Ruby
+ # built on MS Windows with VC++ or Borland it will return 'nmake'. On all
+ # other platforms, including Cygwin, it will return 'make'.
+ def self.make_command
+ ENV["make"] || (vc_windows? ? 'nmake' : 'make')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns the make command for the current platform. For versions of Ruby
+ # built on MS Windows with VC++ or Borland it will return 'nmake'. On all
+ # other platforms, including Cygwin, it will return 'make'.
+ def make_command
+ ENV["make"] || (vc_windows? ? 'nmake' : 'make')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Returns whether or not the nmake command could be found.
+ def nmake_found?
+ system('nmake /? 1>NUL 2>&1')
+ end
+ ##
+ # Allows tests to use a random (but controlled) port number instead of
+ # a hardcoded one. This helps CI tools when running parallels builds on
+ # the same builder slave.
+ def self.process_based_port
+ @@process_based_port ||= 8000 + $$ % 1000
+ end
+ ##
+ # See ::process_based_port
+ def process_based_port
+ self.class.process_based_port
+ end
+ ##
+ # Allows the proper version of +rake+ to be used for the test.
+ def build_rake_in
+ gem_ruby = Gem.ruby
+ Gem.ruby = @@ruby
+ env_rake = ENV["rake"]
+ ENV["rake"] = @@rake
+ yield @@rake
+ ensure
+ Gem.ruby = gem_ruby
+ if env_rake
+ ENV["rake"] = env_rake
+ else
+ ENV.delete("rake")
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Finds the path to the ruby executable
+ def self.rubybin
+ ruby = ENV["RUBY"]
+ return ruby if ruby
+ ruby = "ruby"
+ rubyexe = "#{ruby}.exe"
+ 3.times do
+ if File.exist? ruby and File.executable? ruby and ! ruby
+ return File.expand_path(ruby)
+ end
+ if File.exist? rubyexe and File.executable? rubyexe
+ return File.expand_path(rubyexe)
+ end
+ ruby = File.join("..", ruby)
+ end
+ begin
+ require "rbconfig"
+ File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG["bindir"],
+ RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_install_name"] +
+ RbConfig::CONFIG["EXEEXT"])
+ rescue LoadError
+ "ruby"
+ end
+ end
+ @@ruby = rubybin
+ env_rake = ENV['rake']
+ ruby19_rake = File.expand_path("bin/rake", @@project_dir)
+ @@rake = if env_rake then
+ ENV["rake"]
+ elsif File.exist? ruby19_rake then
+ @@ruby + " " + ruby19_rake
+ else
+ 'rake'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Construct a new Gem::Dependency.
+ def dep name, *requirements
+ name, *requirements
+ end
+ ##
+ # Constructs a new Gem::Requirement.
+ def req *requirements
+ return requirements.first if Gem::Requirement === requirements.first
+ Gem::Requirement.create requirements
+ end
+ ##
+ # Constructs a new Gem::Specification.
+ def spec name, version, &block
+ name, v(version), &block
+ end
+ ##
+ # Construct a new Gem::Version.
+ def v string
+ Gem::Version.create string
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/test_utilities.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/test_utilities.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a8fb5a0ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/test_utilities.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/remote_fetcher'
+# A fake Gem::RemoteFetcher for use in tests or to avoid real live HTTP
+# requests when testing code that uses RubyGems.
+# Example:
+# @fetcher =
+#[''] = source_index.to_yaml
+# Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher = @fetcher
+# # invoke RubyGems code
+# paths = @fetcher.paths
+# assert_equal '', paths.shift
+# assert paths.empty?, paths.join(', ')
+# See RubyGems' tests for more examples of FakeFetcher.
+class Gem::FakeFetcher
+ attr_reader :data
+ attr_reader :last_request
+ attr_accessor :paths
+ def initialize
+ @data = {}
+ @paths = []
+ end
+ def find_data(path)
+ path = path.to_s
+ @paths << path
+ raise ArgumentError, 'need full URI' unless path =~ %r'^https?://'
+ unless @data.key? path then
+ raise"no data for #{path}", path)
+ end
+ @data[path]
+ end
+ def fetch_path path, mtime = nil
+ data = find_data(path)
+ if data.respond_to?(:call) then
+ else
+ if path.to_s =~ /gz$/ and not data.nil? and not data.empty? then
+ data = Gem.gunzip data
+ end
+ data
+ end
+ end
+ # Thanks, FakeWeb!
+ def open_uri_or_path(path)
+ data = find_data(path)
+ body, code, msg = data
+ response = Net::HTTPResponse.send(:response_class, code.to_s).new("1.0", code.to_s, msg)
+ response.instance_variable_set(:@body, body)
+ response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true)
+ response
+ end
+ def request(uri, request_class, last_modified = nil)
+ data = find_data(uri)
+ body, code, msg = data
+ @last_request = uri.request_uri
+ yield @last_request if block_given?
+ response = Net::HTTPResponse.send(:response_class, code.to_s).new("1.0", code.to_s, msg)
+ response.instance_variable_set(:@body, body)
+ response.instance_variable_set(:@read, true)
+ response
+ end
+ def fetch_size(path)
+ path = path.to_s
+ @paths << path
+ raise ArgumentError, 'need full URI' unless path =~ %r'^http://'
+ unless @data.key? path then
+ raise"no data for #{path}", path)
+ end
+ data = @data[path]
+ data.respond_to?(:call) ? : data.length
+ end
+ def download spec, source_uri, install_dir = Gem.dir
+ name = File.basename spec.cache_file
+ path = File.join install_dir, "cache", name
+ Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories install_dir
+ if source_uri =~ /^http/ then
+, "wb") do |f|
+ f.write fetch_path(File.join(source_uri, "gems", name))
+ end
+ else
+ FileUtils.cp source_uri, path
+ end
+ path
+ end
+ def download_to_cache dependency
+ found = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher.fetch dependency, true, true,
+ dependency.prerelease?
+ return if found.empty?
+ spec, source_uri = found.first
+ download spec, source_uri
+ end
+# :stopdoc:
+class Gem::RemoteFetcher
+ def self.fetcher=(fetcher)
+ @fetcher = fetcher
+ end
+# :startdoc:
+# A StringIO duck-typed class that uses Tempfile instead of String as the
+# backing store.
+# This is available when rubygems/test_utilities is required.
+# This class was added to flush out problems in Rubinius' IO implementation.
+class TempIO < Tempfile
+ def initialize(string = '')
+ super "TempIO"
+ binmode
+ write string
+ rewind
+ end
+ def string
+ flush
+ Gem.read_binary path
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/text.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/text.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..793cd953cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/text.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+# A collection of text-wrangling methods
+module Gem::Text
+ ##
+ # Wraps +text+ to +wrap+ characters and optionally indents by +indent+
+ # characters
+ def format_text(text, wrap, indent=0)
+ result = []
+ work = text.dup
+ while work.length > wrap do
+ if work =~ /^(.{0,#{wrap}})[ \n]/ then
+ result << $1.rstrip
+ work.slice!(0, $&.length)
+ else
+ result << work.slice!(0, wrap)
+ end
+ end
+ result << work if work.length.nonzero?
+ result.join("\n").gsub(/^/, " " * indent)
+ end
+ # This code is based directly on the Text gem implementation
+ # Returns a value representing the "cost" of transforming str1 into str2
+ def levenshtein_distance str1, str2
+ s = str1
+ t = str2
+ n = s.length
+ m = t.length
+ max = n/2
+ return m if (0 == n)
+ return n if (0 == m)
+ return n if (n - m).abs > max
+ d = (0..m).to_a
+ x = nil
+ n.times do |i|
+ e = i+1
+ m.times do |j|
+ cost = (s[i] == t[j]) ? 0 : 1
+ x = [
+ d[j+1] + 1, # insertion
+ e + 1, # deletion
+ d[j] + cost # substitution
+ ].min
+ d[j] = e
+ e = x
+ end
+ d[m] = x
+ end
+ return x
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/uninstaller.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/uninstaller.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc32ea48c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/uninstaller.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'rubygems/dependency_list'
+require 'rubygems/doc_manager'
+require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
+# An Uninstaller.
+# The uninstaller fires pre and post uninstall hooks. Hooks can be added
+# either through a rubygems_plugin.rb file in an installed gem or via a
+# rubygems/defaults/#{RUBY_ENGINE}.rb or rubygems/defaults/operating_system.rb
+# file. See Gem.pre_uninstall and Gem.post_uninstall for details.
+class Gem::Uninstaller
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ ##
+ # The directory a gem's executables will be installed into
+ attr_reader :bin_dir
+ ##
+ # The gem repository the gem will be installed into
+ attr_reader :gem_home
+ ##
+ # The Gem::Specification for the gem being uninstalled, only set during
+ # #uninstall_gem
+ attr_reader :spec
+ ##
+ # Constructs an uninstaller that will uninstall +gem+
+ def initialize(gem, options = {})
+ @gem = gem
+ @version = options[:version] || Gem::Requirement.default
+ @gem_home = File.expand_path(options[:install_dir] || Gem.dir)
+ @force_executables = options[:executables]
+ @force_all = options[:all]
+ @force_ignore = options[:ignore]
+ @bin_dir = options[:bin_dir]
+ @format_executable = options[:format_executable]
+ # only add user directory if install_dir is not set
+ @user_install = false
+ @user_install = options[:user_install] unless options[:install_dir]
+ if @user_install then
+ Gem.use_paths Gem.user_dir, @gem_home
+ else
+ Gem.use_paths @gem_home
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Performs the uninstall of the gem. This removes the spec, the Gem
+ # directory, and the cached .gem file.
+ def uninstall
+ list = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name(@gem, @version)
+ if list.empty? then
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "gem #{@gem.inspect} is not installed"
+ elsif list.size > 1 and @force_all then
+ remove_all list
+ elsif list.size > 1 then
+ gem_names = list.collect {|gem| gem.full_name} + ["All versions"]
+ say
+ _, index = choose_from_list "Select gem to uninstall:", gem_names
+ if index == list.size then
+ remove_all list
+ elsif index >= 0 && index < list.size then
+ uninstall_gem list[index]
+ else
+ say "Error: must enter a number [1-#{list.size+1}]"
+ end
+ else
+ uninstall_gem list.first
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Uninstalls gem +spec+
+ def uninstall_gem(spec)
+ @spec = spec
+ unless dependencies_ok? spec
+ unless ask_if_ok(spec)
+ raise Gem::DependencyRemovalException,
+ "Uninstallation aborted due to dependent gem(s)"
+ end
+ end
+ Gem.pre_uninstall_hooks.each do |hook|
+ self
+ end
+ remove_executables @spec
+ remove @spec
+ Gem.post_uninstall_hooks.each do |hook|
+ self
+ end
+ @spec = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes installed executables and batch files (windows only) for
+ # +gemspec+.
+ def remove_executables(spec)
+ return if spec.nil? or spec.executables.empty?
+ list = Gem::Specification.find_all { |s|
+ == && s.version != spec.version
+ }
+ executables = spec.executables.clone
+ list.each do |s|
+ s.executables.each do |exe_name|
+ executables.delete exe_name
+ end
+ end
+ return if executables.empty?
+ executables = { |exec| formatted_program_filename exec }
+ remove = if @force_executables.nil? then
+ ask_yes_no("Remove executables:\n" \
+ "\t#{executables.join ', '}\n\n" \
+ "in addition to the gem?",
+ true)
+ else
+ @force_executables
+ end
+ unless remove then
+ say "Executables and scripts will remain installed."
+ else
+ bin_dir = @bin_dir || Gem.bindir(spec.base_dir)
+ raise Gem::FilePermissionError, bin_dir unless File.writable? bin_dir
+ executables.each do |exe_name|
+ say "Removing #{exe_name}"
+ exe_file = File.join bin_dir, exe_name
+ FileUtils.rm_f exe_file
+ FileUtils.rm_f "#{exe_file}.bat"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Removes all gems in +list+.
+ #
+ # NOTE: removes uninstalled gems from +list+.
+ def remove_all(list)
+ list.each { |spec| uninstall_gem spec }
+ end
+ ##
+ # spec:: the spec of the gem to be uninstalled
+ # list:: the list of all such gems
+ #
+ # Warning: this method modifies the +list+ parameter. Once it has
+ # uninstalled a gem, it is removed from that list.
+ def remove(spec)
+ unless path_ok?(@gem_home, spec) or
+ (@user_install and path_ok?(Gem.user_dir, spec)) then
+ e = \
+ "Gem is not installed in directory #{@gem_home}"
+ e.spec = spec
+ raise e
+ end
+ raise Gem::FilePermissionError, spec.base_dir unless
+ File.writable?(spec.base_dir)
+ FileUtils.rm_rf spec.full_gem_path
+ # TODO: should this be moved to spec?... I vote eww (also exists in docmgr)
+ old_platform_name = [,
+ spec.version,
+ spec.original_platform].join '-'
+ gemspec = spec.spec_file
+ unless File.exist? gemspec then
+ gemspec = File.join(File.dirname(gemspec), "#{old_platform_name}.gemspec")
+ end
+ FileUtils.rm_rf gemspec
+ gem = spec.cache_file
+ gem = File.join(spec.cache_dir, "#{old_platform_name}.gem") unless
+ File.exist? gem
+ FileUtils.rm_rf gem
+ say "Successfully uninstalled #{spec.full_name}"
+ Gem::Specification.remove_spec spec
+ end
+ ##
+ # Is +spec+ in +gem_dir+?
+ def path_ok?(gem_dir, spec)
+ full_path = File.join gem_dir, 'gems', spec.full_name
+ original_path = File.join gem_dir, 'gems', spec.original_name
+ full_path == spec.full_gem_path || original_path == spec.full_gem_path
+ end
+ def dependencies_ok?(spec)
+ return true if @force_ignore
+ deplist = Gem::DependencyList.from_specs
+ deplist.ok_to_remove?(spec.full_name)
+ end
+ def ask_if_ok(spec)
+ msg = ['']
+ msg << 'You have requested to uninstall the gem:'
+ msg << "\t#{spec.full_name}"
+ spec.dependent_gems.each do |dep_spec, dep, satlist|
+ msg <<
+ ("#{}-#{dep_spec.version} depends on " +
+ "[#{} (#{dep.requirement})]")
+ end
+ msg << 'If you remove this gems, one or more dependencies will not be met.'
+ msg << 'Continue with Uninstall?'
+ return ask_yes_no(msg.join("\n"), true)
+ end
+ def formatted_program_filename(filename)
+ if @format_executable then
+ require 'rubygems/installer'
+ Gem::Installer.exec_format % File.basename(filename)
+ else
+ filename
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8024d37287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/user_interaction.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+# Module that defines the default UserInteraction. Any class including this
+# module will have access to the +ui+ method that returns the default UI.
+module Gem::DefaultUserInteraction
+ ##
+ # The default UI is a class variable of the singleton class for this
+ # module.
+ @ui = nil
+ ##
+ # Return the default UI.
+ def self.ui
+ @ui ||=
+ end
+ ##
+ # Set the default UI. If the default UI is never explicitly set, a simple
+ # console based UserInteraction will be used automatically.
+ def self.ui=(new_ui)
+ @ui = new_ui
+ end
+ ##
+ # Use +new_ui+ for the duration of +block+.
+ def self.use_ui(new_ui)
+ old_ui = @ui
+ @ui = new_ui
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @ui = old_ui
+ end
+ ##
+ # See DefaultUserInteraction::ui
+ def ui
+ Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui
+ end
+ ##
+ # See DefaultUserInteraction::ui=
+ def ui=(new_ui)
+ Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui = new_ui
+ end
+ ##
+ # See DefaultUserInteraction::use_ui
+ def use_ui(new_ui, &block)
+ Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.use_ui(new_ui, &block)
+ end
+# Make the default UI accessible without the "ui." prefix. Classes
+# including this module may use the interaction methods on the default UI
+# directly. Classes may also reference the ui and ui= methods.
+# Example:
+# class X
+# include Gem::UserInteraction
+# def get_answer
+# n = ask("What is the meaning of life?")
+# end
+# end
+module Gem::UserInteraction
+ include Gem::DefaultUserInteraction
+ def alert(*args)
+ ui.alert(*args)
+ end
+ def alert_error(*args)
+ ui.alert_error(*args)
+ end
+ def alert_warning(*args)
+ ui.alert_warning(*args)
+ end
+ def ask(*args)
+ ui.ask(*args)
+ end
+ def ask_for_password(*args)
+ ui.ask_for_password(*args)
+ end
+ def ask_yes_no(*args)
+ ui.ask_yes_no(*args)
+ end
+ def choose_from_list(*args)
+ ui.choose_from_list(*args)
+ end
+ def say(*args)
+ ui.say(*args)
+ end
+ def terminate_interaction(*args)
+ ui.terminate_interaction(*args)
+ end
+# Gem::StreamUI implements a simple stream based user interface.
+class Gem::StreamUI
+ attr_reader :ins, :outs, :errs
+ def initialize(in_stream, out_stream, err_stream=STDERR, usetty=true)
+ @ins = in_stream
+ @outs = out_stream
+ @errs = err_stream
+ @usetty = usetty
+ end
+ def tty?
+ if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3' and RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin/ then
+ @usetty
+ else
+ @usetty && @ins.tty?
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Choose from a list of options. +question+ is a prompt displayed above
+ # the list. +list+ is a list of option strings. Returns the pair
+ # [option_name, option_index].
+ def choose_from_list(question, list)
+ @outs.puts question
+ list.each_with_index do |item, index|
+ @outs.puts " #{index+1}. #{item}"
+ end
+ @outs.print "> "
+ @outs.flush
+ result = @ins.gets
+ return nil, nil unless result
+ result = result.strip.to_i - 1
+ return list[result], result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ask a question. Returns a true for yes, false for no. If not connected
+ # to a tty, raises an exception if default is nil, otherwise returns
+ # default.
+ def ask_yes_no(question, default=nil)
+ unless tty? then
+ if default.nil? then
+ raise Gem::OperationNotSupportedError,
+ "Not connected to a tty and no default specified"
+ else
+ return default
+ end
+ end
+ default_answer = case default
+ when nil
+ 'yn'
+ when true
+ 'Yn'
+ else
+ 'yN'
+ end
+ result = nil
+ while result.nil? do
+ result = case ask "#{question} [#{default_answer}]"
+ when /^y/i then true
+ when /^n/i then false
+ when /^$/ then default
+ else nil
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+ end
+ ##
+ # Ask a question. Returns an answer if connected to a tty, nil otherwise.
+ def ask(question)
+ return nil if not tty?
+ @outs.print(question + " ")
+ @outs.flush
+ result = @ins.gets
+ result.chomp! if result
+ result
+ end
+ if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9.2' then
+ ##
+ # Ask for a password. Does not echo response to terminal.
+ def ask_for_password(question)
+ return nil if not tty?
+ require 'io/console'
+ @outs.print(question + " ")
+ @outs.flush
+ password = @ins.noecho {@ins.gets}
+ password.chomp! if password
+ password
+ end
+ else
+ ##
+ # Ask for a password. Does not echo response to terminal.
+ def ask_for_password(question)
+ return nil if not tty?
+ @outs.print(question + " ")
+ @outs.flush
+ Gem.win_platform? ? ask_for_password_on_windows : ask_for_password_on_unix
+ end
+ ##
+ # Asks for a password that works on windows. Ripped from the Heroku gem.
+ def ask_for_password_on_windows
+ return nil if not tty?
+ require "Win32API"
+ char = nil
+ password = ''
+ while char ="crtdll", "_getch", [ ], "L").Call do
+ break if char == 10 || char == 13 # received carriage return or newline
+ if char == 127 || char == 8 # backspace and delete
+ password.slice!(-1, 1)
+ else
+ password << char.chr
+ end
+ end
+ puts
+ password
+ end
+ ##
+ # Asks for a password that works on unix
+ def ask_for_password_on_unix
+ return nil if not tty?
+ system "stty -echo"
+ password = @ins.gets
+ password.chomp! if password
+ system "stty echo"
+ password
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display a statement.
+ def say(statement="")
+ @outs.puts statement
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display an informational alert. Will ask +question+ if it is not nil.
+ def alert(statement, question=nil)
+ @outs.puts "INFO: #{statement}"
+ ask(question) if question
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display a warning in a location expected to get error messages. Will
+ # ask +question+ if it is not nil.
+ def alert_warning(statement, question=nil)
+ @errs.puts "WARNING: #{statement}"
+ ask(question) if question
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display an error message in a location expected to get error messages.
+ # Will ask +question+ if it is not nil.
+ def alert_error(statement, question=nil)
+ @errs.puts "ERROR: #{statement}"
+ ask(question) if question
+ end
+ ##
+ # Display a debug message on the same location as error messages.
+ def debug(statement)
+ @errs.puts statement
+ end
+ ##
+ # Terminate the application with exit code +status+, running any exit
+ # handlers that might have been defined.
+ def terminate_interaction(status = 0)
+ raise Gem::SystemExitException, status
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a progress reporter object chosen from the current verbosity.
+ def progress_reporter(*args)
+ if self.kind_of?(Gem::SilentUI)
+ return, *args)
+ end
+ case Gem.configuration.verbose
+ when nil, false
+, *args)
+ when true
+, *args)
+ else
+, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # An absolutely silent progress reporter.
+ class SilentProgressReporter
+ attr_reader :count
+ def initialize(out_stream, size, initial_message, terminal_message = nil)
+ end
+ def updated(message)
+ end
+ def done
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # A basic dotted progress reporter.
+ class SimpleProgressReporter
+ include Gem::DefaultUserInteraction
+ attr_reader :count
+ def initialize(out_stream, size, initial_message,
+ terminal_message = "complete")
+ @out = out_stream
+ @total = size
+ @count = 0
+ @terminal_message = terminal_message
+ @out.puts initial_message
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints out a dot and ignores +message+.
+ def updated(message)
+ @count += 1
+ @out.print "."
+ @out.flush
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints out the terminal message.
+ def done
+ @out.puts "\n#{@terminal_message}"
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # A progress reporter that prints out messages about the current progress.
+ class VerboseProgressReporter
+ include Gem::DefaultUserInteraction
+ attr_reader :count
+ def initialize(out_stream, size, initial_message,
+ terminal_message = 'complete')
+ @out = out_stream
+ @total = size
+ @count = 0
+ @terminal_message = terminal_message
+ @out.puts initial_message
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints out the position relative to the total and the +message+.
+ def updated(message)
+ @count += 1
+ @out.puts "#{@count}/#{@total}: #{message}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Prints out the terminal message.
+ def done
+ @out.puts @terminal_message
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a download reporter object chosen from the current verbosity
+ def download_reporter(*args)
+ if self.kind_of?(Gem::SilentUI)
+ return, *args)
+ end
+ case Gem.configuration.verbose
+ when nil, false
+, *args)
+ else
+, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # An absolutely silent download reporter.
+ class SilentDownloadReporter
+ def initialize(out_stream, *args)
+ end
+ def fetch(filename, filesize)
+ end
+ def update(current)
+ end
+ def done
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # A progress reporter that prints out messages about the current progress.
+ class VerboseDownloadReporter
+ attr_reader :file_name, :total_bytes, :progress
+ def initialize(out_stream, *args)
+ @out = out_stream
+ @progress = 0
+ end
+ def fetch(file_name, total_bytes)
+ @file_name = file_name
+ @total_bytes = total_bytes.to_i
+ @units = ? 'B' : '%'
+ update_display(false)
+ end
+ def update(bytes)
+ new_progress = if @units == 'B' then
+ bytes
+ else
+ ((bytes.to_f * 100) / total_bytes.to_f).ceil
+ end
+ return if new_progress == @progress
+ @progress = new_progress
+ update_display
+ end
+ def done
+ @progress = 100 if @units == '%'
+ update_display(true, true)
+ end
+ private
+ def update_display(show_progress = true, new_line = false)
+ return unless @out.tty?
+ if show_progress then
+ @out.print "\rFetching: %s (%3d%s)" % [@file_name, @progress, @units]
+ else
+ @out.print "Fetching: %s" % @file_name
+ end
+ @out.puts if new_line
+ end
+ end
+# Subclass of StreamUI that instantiates the user interaction using STDIN,
+class Gem::ConsoleUI < Gem::StreamUI
+ def initialize
+ super STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, true
+ end
+# SilentUI is a UI choice that is absolutely silent.
+class Gem::SilentUI < Gem::StreamUI
+ def initialize
+ reader, writer = nil, nil
+ begin
+ reader ='/dev/null', 'r')
+ writer ='/dev/null', 'w')
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ reader ='nul', 'r')
+ writer ='nul', 'w')
+ end
+ super reader, writer, writer, false
+ end
+ def download_reporter(*args)
+, *args)
+ end
+ def progress_reporter(*args)
+, *args)
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/validator.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/validator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffeed88660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/validator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems/format'
+require 'rubygems/installer'
+# Validator performs various gem file and gem database validation
+class Gem::Validator
+ include Gem::UserInteraction
+ def initialize
+ require 'find'
+ require 'digest'
+ end
+ ##
+ # Given a gem file's contents, validates against its own MD5 checksum
+ # gem_data:: [String] Contents of the gem file
+ def verify_gem(gem_data)
+ raise Gem::VerificationError, 'empty gem file' if gem_data.size == 0
+ unless gem_data =~ /MD5SUM/ then
+ return # Don't worry about it...this sucks. Need to fix MD5 stuff for
+ # new format
+ end
+ sum_data = gem_data.gsub(/MD5SUM = "([a-z0-9]+)"/,
+ "MD5SUM = \"#{"F" * 32}\"")
+ unless Digest::MD5.hexdigest(sum_data) == $1.to_s then
+ raise Gem::VerificationError, 'invalid checksum for gem file'
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Given the path to a gem file, validates against its own MD5 checksum
+ #
+ # gem_path:: [String] Path to gem file
+ def verify_gem_file(gem_path)
+ open gem_path, Gem.binary_mode do |file|
+ gem_data =
+ verify_gem gem_data
+ end
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EINVAL
+ raise Gem::VerificationError, "missing gem file #{gem_path}"
+ end
+ private
+ def find_files_for_gem(gem_directory)
+ installed_files = []
+ Find.find gem_directory do |file_name|
+ fn = file_name[gem_directory.size..file_name.size-1].sub(/^\//, "")
+ installed_files << fn unless
+ fn =~ /CVS/ || fn.empty? ||
+ end
+ installed_files
+ end
+ public
+ ErrorData = :path, :problem
+ ##
+ # Checks the gem directory for the following potential
+ # inconsistencies/problems:
+ #
+ # * Checksum gem itself
+ # * For each file in each gem, check consistency of installed versions
+ # * Check for files that aren't part of the gem but are in the gems directory
+ # * 1 cache - 1 spec - 1 directory.
+ #
+ # returns a hash of ErrorData objects, keyed on the problem gem's name.
+ def alien(gems=[])
+ errors = { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
+ Gem::SourceIndex.from_installed_gems.each do |gem_name, gem_spec|
+ next unless gems.include? unless gems.empty?
+ install_dir = gem_spec.installation_path
+ gem_path = Gem.cache_gem(gem_spec.file_name, install_dir)
+ spec_path = File.join install_dir, "specifications", gem_spec.spec_name
+ gem_directory = gem_spec.full_gem_path
+ unless gem_directory then
+ errors[gem_name][gem_spec.full_name] =
+ "Gem registered but doesn't exist at #{gem_directory}"
+ next
+ end
+ unless File.exist? spec_path then
+ errors[gem_name][spec_path] = "Spec file missing for installed gem"
+ end
+ begin
+ verify_gem_file(gem_path)
+ good, gone, unreadable = nil, nil, nil, nil
+ open gem_path, Gem.binary_mode do |file|
+ format = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path(gem_path)
+ good, gone = format.file_entries.partition { |entry, _|
+ File.exist? File.join(gem_directory, entry['path'])
+ }
+! { |entry, _| entry['path'] }
+ gone.sort.each do |path|
+ errors[gem_name][path] = "Missing file"
+ end
+ good, unreadable = good.partition { |entry, _|
+ File.readable? File.join(gem_directory, entry['path'])
+ }
+! { |entry, _| entry['path'] }
+ unreadable.sort.each do |path|
+ errors[gem_name][path] = "Unreadable file"
+ end
+ good.each do |entry, data|
+ begin
+ next unless data # HACK `gem check -a mkrf`
+ open File.join(gem_directory, entry['path']), Gem.binary_mode do |f|
+ unless Digest::MD5.hexdigest( ==
+ Digest::MD5.hexdigest(data).to_s then
+ errors[gem_name][entry['path']] = "Modified from original"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ installed_files = find_files_for_gem(gem_directory)
+! { |entry, _| entry['path'] }
+ extras = installed_files - good - unreadable
+ extras.each do |extra|
+ errors[gem_name][extra] = "Extra file"
+ end
+ rescue Gem::VerificationError => e
+ errors[gem_name][gem_path] = e.message
+ end
+ end
+ errors.each do |name, subhash|
+ errors[name] = { |path, msg|, msg) }
+ end
+ errors
+ end
+ def remove_leading_dot_dir(path)
+ path.sub(/^\.\//, "")
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/version.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ced9ccdfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# The Version class processes string versions into comparable
+# values. A version string should normally be a series of numbers
+# separated by periods. Each part (digits separated by periods) is
+# considered its own number, and these are used for sorting. So for
+# instance, 3.10 sorts higher than 3.2 because ten is greater than
+# two.
+# If any part contains letters (currently only a-z are supported) then
+# that version is considered prerelease. Versions with a prerelease
+# part in the Nth part sort less than versions with N-1
+# parts. Prerelease parts are sorted alphabetically using the normal
+# Ruby string sorting rules. If a prerelease part contains both
+# letters and numbers, it will be broken into multiple parts to
+# provide expected sort behavior (1.0.a10 becomes 1.0.a.10, and is
+# greater than 1.0.a9).
+# Prereleases sort between real releases (newest to oldest):
+# 1. 1.0
+# 2. 1.0.b1
+# 3. 1.0.a.2
+# 4. 0.9
+# == How Software Changes
+# Users expect to be able to specify a version constraint that gives them
+# some reasonable expectation that new versions of a library will work with
+# their software if the version constraint is true, and not work with their
+# software if the version constraint is false. In other words, the perfect
+# system will accept all compatible versions of the library and reject all
+# incompatible versions.
+# Libraries change in 3 ways (well, more than 3, but stay focused here!).
+# 1. The change may be an implementation detail only and have no effect on
+# the client software.
+# 2. The change may add new features, but do so in a way that client software
+# written to an earlier version is still compatible.
+# 3. The change may change the public interface of the library in such a way
+# that old software is no longer compatible.
+# Some examples are appropriate at this point. Suppose I have a Stack class
+# that supports a <tt>push</tt> and a <tt>pop</tt> method.
+# === Examples of Category 1 changes:
+# * Switch from an array based implementation to a linked-list based
+# implementation.
+# * Provide an automatic (and transparent) backing store for large stacks.
+# === Examples of Category 2 changes might be:
+# * Add a <tt>depth</tt> method to return the current depth of the stack.
+# * Add a <tt>top</tt> method that returns the current top of stack (without
+# changing the stack).
+# * Change <tt>push</tt> so that it returns the item pushed (previously it
+# had no usable return value).
+# === Examples of Category 3 changes might be:
+# * Changes <tt>pop</tt> so that it no longer returns a value (you must use
+# <tt>top</tt> to get the top of the stack).
+# * Rename the methods to <tt>push_item</tt> and <tt>pop_item</tt>.
+# == RubyGems Rational Versioning
+# * Versions shall be represented by three non-negative integers, separated
+# by periods (e.g. 3.1.4). The first integers is the "major" version
+# number, the second integer is the "minor" version number, and the third
+# integer is the "build" number.
+# * A category 1 change (implementation detail) will increment the build
+# number.
+# * A category 2 change (backwards compatible) will increment the minor
+# version number and reset the build number.
+# * A category 3 change (incompatible) will increment the major build number
+# and reset the minor and build numbers.
+# * Any "public" release of a gem should have a different version. Normally
+# that means incrementing the build number. This means a developer can
+# generate builds all day long for himself, but as soon as he/she makes a
+# public release, the version must be updated.
+# === Examples
+# Let's work through a project lifecycle using our Stack example from above.
+# Version 0.0.1:: The initial Stack class is release.
+# Version 0.0.2:: Switched to a linked=list implementation because it is
+# cooler.
+# Version 0.1.0:: Added a <tt>depth</tt> method.
+# Version 1.0.0:: Added <tt>top</tt> and made <tt>pop</tt> return nil
+# (<tt>pop</tt> used to return the old top item).
+# Version 1.1.0:: <tt>push</tt> now returns the value pushed (it used it
+# return nil).
+# Version 1.1.1:: Fixed a bug in the linked list implementation.
+# Version 1.1.2:: Fixed a bug introduced in the last fix.
+# Client A needs a stack with basic push/pop capability. He writes to the
+# original interface (no <tt>top</tt>), so his version constraint looks
+# like:
+# gem 'stack', '~> 0.0'
+# Essentially, any version is OK with Client A. An incompatible change to
+# the library will cause him grief, but he is willing to take the chance (we
+# call Client A optimistic).
+# Client B is just like Client A except for two things: (1) He uses the
+# <tt>depth</tt> method and (2) he is worried about future
+# incompatibilities, so he writes his version constraint like this:
+# gem 'stack', '~> 0.1'
+# The <tt>depth</tt> method was introduced in version 0.1.0, so that version
+# or anything later is fine, as long as the version stays below version 1.0
+# where incompatibilities are introduced. We call Client B pessimistic
+# because he is worried about incompatible future changes (it is OK to be
+# pessimistic!).
+# == Preventing Version Catastrophe:
+# From:
+# Let's say you're depending on the fnord gem version 2.y.z. If you
+# specify your dependency as ">= 2.0.0" then, you're good, right? What
+# happens if fnord 3.0 comes out and it isn't backwards compatible
+# with 2.y.z? Your stuff will break as a result of using ">=". The
+# better route is to specify your dependency with a "spermy" version
+# specifier. They're a tad confusing, so here is how the dependency
+# specifiers work:
+# Specification From ... To (exclusive)
+# ">= 3.0" 3.0 ... &infin;
+# "~> 3.0" 3.0 ... 4.0
+# "~> 3.0.0" 3.0.0 ... 3.1
+# "~> 3.5" 3.5 ... 4.0
+# "~> 3.5.0" 3.5.0 ... 3.6
+class Gem::Version
+ autoload :Requirement, 'rubygems/requirement'
+ include Comparable
+ VERSION_PATTERN = '[0-9]+(\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*' # :nodoc:
+ ##
+ # A string representation of this Version.
+ attr_reader :version
+ alias to_s version
+ ##
+ # True if the +version+ string matches RubyGems' requirements.
+ def self.correct? version
+ end
+ ##
+ # Factory method to create a Version object. Input may be a Version
+ # or a String. Intended to simplify client code.
+ #
+ # ver1 = Version.create('1.3.17') # -> (Version object)
+ # ver2 = Version.create(ver1) # -> (ver1)
+ # ver3 = Version.create(nil) # -> nil
+ def self.create input
+ if input.respond_to? :version then
+ input
+ elsif input.nil? then
+ nil
+ else
+ new input
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Constructs a Version from the +version+ string. A version string is a
+ # series of digits or ASCII letters separated by dots.
+ def initialize version
+ raise ArgumentError, "Malformed version number string #{version}" unless
+ self.class.correct?(version)
+ @version = version.to_s
+ @version.strip!
+ end
+ ##
+ # Return a new version object where the next to the last revision
+ # number is one greater (e.g., 5.3.1 => 5.4).
+ #
+ # Pre-release (alpha) parts, e.g, 5.3.1.b.2 => 5.4, are ignored.
+ def bump
+ segments = self.segments.dup
+ segments.pop while segments.any? { |s| String === s }
+ segments.pop if segments.size > 1
+ segments[-1] = segments[-1].succ
+ segments.join(".")
+ end
+ ##
+ # A Version is only eql? to another version if it's specified to the
+ # same precision. Version "1.0" is not the same as version "1".
+ def eql? other
+ self.class === other and @version == other.version
+ end
+ def hash # :nodoc:
+ @hash ||= segments.hash
+ end
+ def init_with coder # :nodoc:
+ yaml_initialize coder.tag,
+ end
+ def inspect # :nodoc:
+ "#<#{self.class} #{version.inspect}>"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Dump only the raw version string, not the complete object. It's a
+ # string for backwards (RubyGems 1.3.5 and earlier) compatibility.
+ def marshal_dump
+ [version]
+ end
+ ##
+ # Load custom marshal format. It's a string for backwards (RubyGems
+ # 1.3.5 and earlier) compatibility.
+ def marshal_load array
+ initialize array[0]
+ end
+ def yaml_initialize(tag, map)
+ @version = map['version']
+ @segments = nil
+ @hash = nil
+ end
+ ##
+ # A version is considered a prerelease if it contains a letter.
+ def prerelease?
+ @prerelease ||= @version =~ /[a-zA-Z]/
+ end
+ def pretty_print q # :nodoc:
+ q.text "{version.inspect})"
+ end
+ ##
+ # The release for this version (e.g. 1.2.0.a -> 1.2.0).
+ # Non-prerelease versions return themselves.
+ def release
+ return self unless prerelease?
+ segments = self.segments.dup
+ segments.pop while segments.any? { |s| String === s }
+ segments.join('.')
+ end
+ def segments # :nodoc:
+ # segments is lazy so it can pick up version values that come from
+ # old marshaled versions, which don't go through marshal_load.
+ @segments ||= @version.scan(/[0-9]+|[a-z]+/i).map do |s|
+ /^\d+$/ =~ s ? s.to_i : s
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # A recommended version for use with a ~> Requirement.
+ def spermy_recommendation
+ segments = self.segments.dup
+ segments.pop while segments.any? { |s| String === s }
+ segments.pop while segments.size > 2
+ segments.push 0 while segments.size < 2
+ "~> #{segments.join(".")}"
+ end
+ ##
+ # Compares this version with +other+ returning -1, 0, or 1 if the
+ # other version is larger, the same, or smaller than this
+ # one. Attempts to compare to something that's not a
+ # <tt>Gem::Version</tt> return +nil+.
+ def <=> other
+ return unless Gem::Version === other
+ return 0 if @version == other.version
+ lhsegments = segments
+ rhsegments = other.segments
+ lhsize = lhsegments.size
+ rhsize = rhsegments.size
+ limit = (lhsize > rhsize ? lhsize : rhsize) - 1
+ i = 0
+ while i <= limit
+ lhs, rhs = lhsegments[i] || 0, rhsegments[i] || 0
+ i += 1
+ next if lhs == rhs
+ return -1 if String === lhs && Numeric === rhs
+ return 1 if Numeric === lhs && String === rhs
+ return lhs <=> rhs
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/version_option.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/version_option.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3de4dc9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/lib/rubygems/version_option.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright 2006 by Chad Fowler, Rich Kilmer, Jim Weirich and others.
+# All rights reserved.
+# See LICENSE.txt for permissions.
+require 'rubygems'
+# Mixin methods for --version and --platform Gem::Command options.
+module Gem::VersionOption
+ ##
+ # Add the --platform option to the option parser.
+ def add_platform_option(task = command, *wrap)
+ OptionParser.accept Gem::Platform do |value|
+ if value == Gem::Platform::RUBY then
+ value
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ add_option('--platform PLATFORM', Gem::Platform,
+ "Specify the platform of gem to #{task}", *wrap) do
+ |value, options|
+ unless options[:added_platform] then
+ Gem.platforms = [Gem::Platform::RUBY]
+ options[:added_platform] = true
+ end
+ Gem.platforms << value unless Gem.platforms.include? value
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add the --prerelease option to the option parser.
+ def add_prerelease_option(*wrap)
+ add_option("--[no-]prerelease",
+ "Allow prerelease versions of a gem", *wrap) do |value, options|
+ options[:prerelease] = value
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # Add the --version option to the option parser.
+ def add_version_option(task = command, *wrap)
+ OptionParser.accept Gem::Requirement do |value|
+ value
+ end
+ add_option('-v', '--version VERSION', Gem::Requirement,
+ "Specify version of gem to #{task}", *wrap) do
+ |value, options|
+ options[:version] = value
+ options[:prerelease] = true if value.prerelease?
+ end
+ end