path: root/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb')
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4abbcad85e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/msgcat.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# tk/msgcat.rb : methods for Tcl message catalog
+# by Hidetoshi Nagai <>
+require 'tk'
+#class TkMsgCatalog
+class TkMsgCatalog < TkObject
+ include TkCore
+ extend Tk
+ #extend TkMsgCatalog
+ TkCommandNames = [
+ '::msgcat::mc'.freeze,
+ '::msgcat::mcmax'.freeze,
+ '::msgcat::mclocale'.freeze,
+ '::msgcat::mcpreferences'.freeze,
+ '::msgcat::mcload'.freeze,
+ '::msgcat::mcset'.freeze,
+ '::msgcat::mcmset'.freeze,
+ '::msgcat::mcunknown'.freeze
+ ].freeze
+ tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'Tcl', '8.2')
+ PACKAGE_NAME = 'msgcat'.freeze
+ def self.package_name
+ end
+ if self.const_defined? :FORCE_VERSION
+ tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'msgcat', FORCE_VERSION)
+ else
+ tk_call_without_enc('package', 'require', 'msgcat')
+ end
+ MSGCAT_EXT = '.msg'
+ UNKNOWN_CBTBL = TkUtil.untrust({|hash,key| hash[key] = {}})
+ TkCore::INTERP.add_tk_procs('::msgcat::mcunknown', 'args', <<-'EOL')
+ if {[set st [catch {eval {ruby_cmd TkMsgCatalog callback} [namespace current] $args} ret]] != 0} {
+ #return -code $st $ret
+ set idx [string first "\n\n" $ret]
+ if {$idx > 0} {
+ return -code $st \
+ -errorinfo [string range $ret [expr $idx + 2] \
+ [string length $ret]] \
+ [string range $ret 0 [expr $idx - 1]]
+ } else {
+ return -code $st $ret
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $ret
+ }
+ def self.callback(namespace, locale, src_str, *args)
+ src_str = sprintf(src_str, *args) unless args.empty?
+ cmd_tbl = TkMsgCatalog::UNKNOWN_CBTBL[TkCore::INTERP.__getip]
+ cmd = cmd_tbl[namespace]
+ cmd = cmd_tbl['::'] unless cmd # use global scope as interp default
+ return src_str unless cmd # no cmd -> return src-str (default action)
+ begin
+, src_str)
+ rescue SystemExit
+ exit(0)
+ rescue Interrupt
+ exit!(1)
+ rescue Exception => e
+ begin
+ msg = _toUTF8(e.class.inspect) + ': ' +
+ _toUTF8(e.message) + "\n" +
+ "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
+ _toUTF8(e.backtrace.join("\n")) +
+ "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------"
+ msg.force_encoding('utf-8')
+ else
+ msg.instance_variable_set(:@encoding, 'utf-8')
+ end
+ rescue Exception
+ msg = e.class.inspect + ': ' + e.message + "\n" +
+ "\n---< backtrace of Ruby side >-----\n" +
+ e.backtrace.join("\n") +
+ "\n---< backtrace of Tk side >-------"
+ end
+ fail(e, msg)
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(namespace = nil)
+ if namespace.kind_of?(TkNamespace)
+ @namespace = namespace
+ elsif namespace == nil
+ @namespace ='::') # global namespace
+ else
+ @namespace =
+ end
+ @path = @namespace.path
+ @msgcat_ext = '.msg'
+ end
+ attr_accessor :msgcat_ext
+ def method_missing(id, *args)
+ # locale(src, trans) ==> set_translation(locale, src, trans)
+ loc = id.id2name
+ case args.length
+ when 0 # set locale
+ self.locale=(loc)
+ when 1 # src only, or trans_list
+ if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
+ # trans_list
+ #list = args[0].collect{|src, trans|
+ # [, ]
+ #}
+ self.set_translation_list(loc, args[0])
+ else
+ # src
+ #self.set_translation(loc,[0]))
+ self.set_translation(loc, args[0])
+ end
+ when 2 # src and trans, or, trans_list and enc
+ if args[0].kind_of?(Array)
+ else
+ #self.set_translation(loc, args[0],[1]))
+ self.set_translation(loc, *args)
+ end
+ when 3 # src and trans and enc
+ self.set_translation(loc, *args)
+ else
+ super(id, *args)
+# fail NameError, "undefined method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
+ end
+ end
+ # *args ::= form, arg, arg, ...
+ def self.translate(*args)
+ dst = args.collect{|src|
+ tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mc', _get_eval_string(src, true))
+ }
+ Tk.UTF8_String(sprintf(*dst))
+ end
+ class << self
+ alias mc translate
+ alias [] translate
+ end
+ def translate(*args)
+ dst = args.collect{|src|
+ @namespace.eval{tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mc',
+ _get_eval_string(src, true))}
+ }
+ Tk.UTF8_String(sprintf(*dst))
+ end
+ alias mc translate
+ alias [] translate
+ def self.maxlen(*src_strings)
+ tk_call('::msgcat::mcmax', *src_strings).to_i
+ end
+ def maxlen(*src_strings)
+ @namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mcmax', *src_strings).to_i}
+ end
+ def self.locale
+ tk_call('::msgcat::mclocale')
+ end
+ def locale
+ @namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mclocale')}
+ end
+ def self.locale=(locale)
+ tk_call('::msgcat::mclocale', locale)
+ end
+ def locale=(locale)
+ @namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mclocale', locale)}
+ end
+ def self.preferences
+ tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('::msgcat::mcpreferences'))
+ end
+ def preferences
+ tk_split_simplelist(@namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mcpreferences')})
+ end
+ def self.load_tk(dir)
+ number(tk_call('::msgcat::mcload', dir))
+ end
+ def self.load_rb(dir)
+ count = 0
+ preferences().each{|loc|
+ file = File.join(dir, loc + self::MSGCAT_EXT)
+ if File.readable?(file)
+ count += 1
+ eval(open(file){|f|})
+ end
+ }
+ count
+ end
+ def load_tk(dir)
+ number(@namespace.eval{tk_call('::msgcat::mcload', dir)})
+ end
+ def load_rb(dir)
+ count = 0
+ preferences().each{|loc|
+ file = File.join(dir, loc + @msgcat_ext)
+ if File.readable?(file)
+ count += 1
+ @namespace.eval(open(file){|f|})
+ end
+ }
+ count
+ end
+ def self.load(dir)
+ self.load_rb(dir)
+ end
+ alias load load_rb
+ def self.set_translation(locale, src_str, trans_str=None, enc='utf-8')
+ if trans_str && trans_str != None
+ trans_str = Tk.UTF8_String(_toUTF8(trans_str, enc))
+ Tk.UTF8_String(tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mcset',
+ locale,
+ _get_eval_string(src_str, true),
+ trans_str))
+ else
+ Tk.UTF8_String(tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mcset',
+ locale,
+ _get_eval_string(src_str, true)))
+ end
+ end
+ def set_translation(locale, src_str, trans_str=None, enc='utf-8')
+ if trans_str && trans_str != None
+ trans_str = Tk.UTF8_String(_toUTF8(trans_str, enc))
+ Tk.UTF8_String(@namespace.eval{
+ tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mcset',
+ locale,
+ _get_eval_string(src_str, true),
+ trans_str)
+ })
+ else
+ Tk.UTF8_String(@namespace.eval{
+ tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mcset',
+ locale,
+ _get_eval_string(src_str, true))})
+ end
+ end
+ def self.set_translation_list(locale, trans_list, enc='utf-8')
+ # trans_list ::= [ [src, trans], [src, trans], ... ]
+ list = []
+ trans_list.each{|src, trans|
+ if trans && trans != None
+ list << _get_eval_string(src, true)
+ list << Tk.UTF8_Stirng(_toUTF8(trans, enc))
+ else
+ list << _get_eval_string(src, true) << ''
+ end
+ }
+ number(tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mcmset', locale, list))
+ end
+ def set_translation_list(locale, trans_list, enc='utf-8')
+ # trans_list ::= [ [src, trans], [src, trans], ... ]
+ list = []
+ trans_list.each{|src, trans|
+ if trans && trans != None
+ list << _get_eval_string(src, true)
+ list << Tk.UTF8_String(_toUTF8(trans, enc))
+ else
+ list << _get_eval_string(src, true) << ''
+ end
+ }
+ number(@namespace.eval{
+ tk_call_without_enc('::msgcat::mcmset', locale, list)
+ })
+ end
+ def self.def_unknown_proc(
+ TkMsgCatalog::UNKNOWN_CBTBL[TkCore::INTERP.__getip]['::'] = cmd
+ end
+ def def_unknown_proc(
+ TkMsgCatalog::UNKNOWN_CBTBL[TkCore::INTERP.__getip][@namespace.path] = cmd
+ end
+TkMsgCat = TkMsgCatalog