path: root/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb')
1 files changed, 718 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcd250026d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/menu.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+# tk/menu.rb : treat menu and menubutton
+require 'tk'
+require 'tk/itemconfig'
+require 'tk/menuspec'
+module TkMenuEntryConfig
+ include TkItemConfigMethod
+ def __item_cget_cmd(id)
+ [self.path, 'entrycget', id]
+ end
+ private :__item_cget_cmd
+ def __item_config_cmd(id)
+ [self.path, 'entryconfigure', id]
+ end
+ private :__item_config_cmd
+ def __item_strval_optkeys(id)
+ super(id) << 'selectcolor'
+ end
+ private :__item_strval_optkeys
+ def __item_listval_optkeys(id)
+ []
+ end
+ private :__item_listval_optkeys
+ def __item_val2ruby_optkeys(id) # { key=>proc, ... }
+ super(id).update('menu'=>proc{|i, v| window(v)})
+ end
+ private :__item_val2ruby_optkeys
+ alias entrycget_tkstring itemcget_tkstring
+ alias entrycget itemcget
+ alias entrycget_strict itemcget_strict
+ alias entryconfigure itemconfigure
+ alias entryconfiginfo itemconfiginfo
+ alias current_entryconfiginfo current_itemconfiginfo
+ private :itemcget_tkstring, :itemcget, :itemcget_strict
+ private :itemconfigure, :itemconfiginfo, :current_itemconfiginfo
+class Tk::Menu<TkWindow
+ include Wm
+ include TkMenuEntryConfig
+ extend TkMenuSpec
+ TkCommandNames = ['menu'.freeze].freeze
+ WidgetClassName = 'Menu'.freeze
+ WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
+ #def create_self(keys)
+ # if keys and keys != None
+ # tk_call_without_enc('menu', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
+ # else
+ # tk_call_without_enc('menu', @path)
+ # end
+ #end
+ #private :create_self
+ def __strval_optkeys
+ super() << 'selectcolor' << 'title'
+ end
+ private :__strval_optkeys
+ def __boolval_optkeys
+ super() << 'tearoff'
+ end
+ private :__boolval_optkeys
+ def self.new_menuspec(menu_spec, parent = nil, tearoff = false, keys = nil)
+ if parent.kind_of?(Hash)
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
+ parent = keys.delete('parent')
+ tearoff = keys.delete('tearoff')
+ elsif tearoff.kind_of?(Hash)
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(tearoff)
+ tearoff = keys.delete('tearoff')
+ elsif keys
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
+ else
+ keys = {}
+ end
+ widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
+ _create_menu(parent, menu_spec, widgetname, tearoff, keys)
+ end
+ def tagid(id)
+ #id.to_s
+ _get_eval_string(id)
+ end
+ def activate(index)
+ tk_send_without_enc('activate', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
+ self
+ end
+ def add(type, keys=nil)
+ tk_send_without_enc('add', type, *hash_kv(keys, true))
+ self
+ end
+ def add_cascade(keys=nil)
+ add('cascade', keys)
+ end
+ def add_checkbutton(keys=nil)
+ add('checkbutton', keys)
+ end
+ def add_command(keys=nil)
+ add('command', keys)
+ end
+ def add_radiobutton(keys=nil)
+ add('radiobutton', keys)
+ end
+ def add_separator(keys=nil)
+ add('separator', keys)
+ end
+ def clone_menu(*args)
+ if args[0].kind_of?(TkWindow)
+ parent = args.shift
+ else
+ parent = self
+ end
+ if args[0].kind_of?(String) || args[0].kind_of?(Symbol) # menu type
+ type = args.shift
+ else
+ type = None # 'normal'
+ end
+ if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(args.shift)
+ else
+ keys = {}
+ end
+ parent = keys.delete('parent') if keys.has_key?('parent')
+ type = keys.delete('type') if keys.has_key?('type')
+ if keys.empty?
+, parent, type)
+ else
+, parent, type, keys)
+ end
+ end
+ def index(idx)
+ ret = tk_send_without_enc('index', _get_eval_enc_str(idx))
+ (ret == 'none')? nil: number(ret)
+ end
+ def invoke(index)
+ _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('invoke', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
+ end
+ def insert(index, type, keys=nil)
+ tk_send_without_enc('insert', _get_eval_enc_str(index),
+ type, *hash_kv(keys, true))
+ self
+ end
+ def delete(first, last=nil)
+ if last
+ tk_send_without_enc('delete', _get_eval_enc_str(first),
+ _get_eval_enc_str(last))
+ else
+ tk_send_without_enc('delete', _get_eval_enc_str(first))
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def popup(x, y, index=nil)
+ if index
+ tk_call_without_enc('tk_popup', path, x, y,
+ _get_eval_enc_str(index))
+ else
+ tk_call_without_enc('tk_popup', path, x, y)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def post(x, y)
+ _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('post', x, y))
+ end
+ def postcascade(index)
+ tk_send_without_enc('postcascade', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
+ self
+ end
+ def postcommand(
+ configure_cmd 'postcommand', cmd
+ self
+ end
+ def set_focus
+ tk_call_without_enc('tk_menuSetFocus', path)
+ self
+ end
+ def tearoffcommand(
+ configure_cmd 'tearoffcommand', cmd
+ self
+ end
+ def menutype(index)
+ tk_send_without_enc('type', _get_eval_enc_str(index))
+ end
+ def unpost
+ tk_send_without_enc('unpost')
+ self
+ end
+ def xposition(index)
+ number(tk_send_without_enc('xposition', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
+ end
+ def yposition(index)
+ number(tk_send_without_enc('yposition', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))
+ end
+ def entrycget(index, key)
+ case key.to_s
+ when 'text', 'label', 'show'
+ _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entrycget',
+ _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{key}"))
+ when 'font', 'kanjifont'
+ #fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(tk_send('entrycget', index, "-#{key}"))
+ fnt = tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entrycget', _get_eval_enc_str(index), '-font')))
+ unless fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt = tagfontobj(index, fnt)
+ end
+ if key.to_s == 'kanjifont' && JAPANIZED_TK && TK_VERSION =~ /^4\.*/
+ # obsolete; just for compatibility
+ fnt.kanji_font
+ else
+ fnt
+ end
+ else
+ tk_tcl2ruby(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entrycget', _get_eval_enc_str(index), "-#{key}")))
+ end
+ end
+ def entryconfigure(index, key, val=None)
+ if key.kind_of? Hash
+ if (key['font'] || key[:font] ||
+ key['kanjifont'] || key[:kanjifont] ||
+ key['latinfont'] || key[:latinfont] ||
+ key['asciifont'] || key[:asciifont])
+ tagfont_configure(index, _symbolkey2str(key))
+ else
+ tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure', _get_eval_enc_str(index),
+ *hash_kv(key, true))
+ end
+ else
+ if (key == 'font' || key == :font ||
+ key == 'kanjifont' || key == :kanjifont ||
+ key == 'latinfont' || key == :latinfont ||
+ key == 'asciifont' || key == :asciifont )
+ if val == None
+ tagfontobj(index)
+ else
+ tagfont_configure(index, {key=>val})
+ end
+ else
+ tk_call('entryconfigure', index, "-#{key}", val)
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
+ if key
+ case key.to_s
+ when 'text', 'label', 'show'
+ conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
+ when 'font', 'kanjifont'
+ conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
+ conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, conf[4])
+ else
+ conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
+ end
+ conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
+ conf
+ else
+ ret = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).collect{|conflist|
+ conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
+ conf[0] = conf[0][1..-1]
+ case conf[0]
+ when 'text', 'label', 'show'
+ else
+ if conf[3]
+ if conf[3].index('{')
+ conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
+ else
+ conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
+ end
+ end
+ if conf[4]
+ if conf[4].index('{')
+ conf[4] = tk_split_list(conf[4])
+ else
+ conf[4] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[4])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ conf[1] = conf[1][1..-1] if conf.size == 2 # alias info
+ conf
+ }
+ if fontconf
+ ret.delete_if{|item| item[0] == 'font' || item[0] == 'kanjifont'}
+ fontconf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, fontconf[4])
+ ret.push(fontconf)
+ else
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+ if key
+ case key.to_s
+ when 'text', 'label', 'show'
+ conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
+ when 'font', 'kanjifont'
+ conf = tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
+ conf[4] = tagfont_configinfo(index, conf[4])
+ else
+ conf = tk_split_list(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure',_get_eval_enc_str(index),"-#{key}")))
+ end
+ key = conf.shift[1..-1]
+ { key => conf }
+ else
+ ret = {}
+ tk_split_simplelist(_fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('entryconfigure', _get_eval_enc_str(index)))).each{|conflist|
+ conf = tk_split_simplelist(conflist)
+ key = conf.shift[1..-1]
+ case key
+ when 'text', 'label', 'show'
+ else
+ if conf[2]
+ if conf[2].index('{')
+ conf[2] = tk_split_list(conf[2])
+ else
+ conf[2] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[2])
+ end
+ end
+ if conf[3]
+ if conf[3].index('{')
+ conf[3] = tk_split_list(conf[3])
+ else
+ conf[3] = tk_tcl2ruby(conf[3])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if conf.size == 1
+ ret[key] = conf[0][1..-1] # alias info
+ else
+ ret[key] = conf
+ end
+ }
+ fontconf = ret['font']
+ if fontconf
+ ret.delete('font')
+ ret.delete('kanjifont')
+ fontconf[3] = tagfont_configinfo(index, fontconf[3])
+ ret['font'] = fontconf
+ end
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def current_entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
+ if key
+ conf = entryconfiginfo(index, key)
+ {conf[0] => conf[4]}
+ else
+ ret = {}
+ entryconfiginfo(index).each{|conf|
+ ret[conf[0]] = conf[4] if conf.size > 2
+ }
+ ret
+ end
+ ret = {}
+ entryconfiginfo(index, key).each{|k, conf|
+ ret[k] = conf[-1] if conf.kind_of?(Array)
+ }
+ ret
+ end
+ end
+#TkMenu = Tk::Menu unless Object.const_defined? :TkMenu
+#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Menu, :TkMenu)
+Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::Menu, :TkMenu)
+module Tk::Menu::TkInternalFunction; end
+class << Tk::Menu::TkInternalFunction
+ # These methods calls internal functions of Tcl/Tk.
+ # So, They may not work on your Tcl/Tk.
+ def next_menu(menu, dir='next')
+ dir = dir.to_s
+ case dir
+ when 'next', 'forward', 'down'
+ dir = 'right'
+ when 'previous', 'backward', 'up'
+ dir = 'left'
+ end
+ Tk.tk_call('::tk::MenuNextMenu', menu, dir)
+ end
+ def next_entry(menu, delta)
+ # delta is increment value of entry index.
+ # For example, +1 denotes 'next entry' and -1 denotes 'previous entry'.
+ Tk.tk_call('::tk::MenuNextEntry', menu, delta)
+ end
+class Tk::MenuClone<Tk::Menu
+ def initialize(parent, type=None)
+ widgetname = nil
+ if parent.kind_of? Hash
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
+ parent = keys.delete('parent')
+ widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
+ type = keys.delete('type'); type = None unless type
+ end
+ #unless parent.kind_of?(TkMenu)
+ # fail ArgumentError, "parent must be TkMenu"
+ #end
+ @parent = parent
+ install_win(@parent.path, widgetname)
+ tk_call_without_enc(@parent.path, 'clone', @path, type)
+ end
+ def initialize(src_menu, *args)
+ widgetname = nil
+ if args[0].kind_of?(TkWindow) # parent window
+ parent = args.shift
+ else
+ parent = src_menu
+ end
+ if args[0].kind_of?(String) || args[0].kind_of?(Symbol) # menu type
+ type = args.shift
+ else
+ type = None # 'normal'
+ end
+ if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(args.shift)
+ parent = keys.delete('parent') if keys.has_key?('parent')
+ widgetname = keys.delete('widgetname')
+ type = keys.delete('type') if keys.has_key?('type')
+ else
+ keys = nil
+ end
+ @src_menu = src_menu
+ @parent = parent
+ @type = type
+ install_win(@parent.path, widgetname)
+ tk_call_without_enc(@src_menu.path, 'clone', @path, @type)
+ configure(keys) if keys && !keys.empty?
+ end
+ def source_menu
+ @src_menu
+ end
+Tk::CloneMenu = Tk::MenuClone
+#TkMenuClone = Tk::MenuClone unless Object.const_defined? :TkMenuClone
+#TkCloneMenu = Tk::CloneMenu unless Object.const_defined? :TkCloneMenu
+#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::MenuClone, :TkMenuClone, :TkCloneMenu)
+Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::MenuClone,
+ :TkMenuClone, :TkCloneMenu)
+module Tk::SystemMenu
+ def initialize(parent, keys=nil)
+ if parent.kind_of? Hash
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(parent)
+ parent = keys.delete('parent')
+ end
+ #unless parent.kind_of? TkMenu
+ # fail ArgumentError, "parent must be a TkMenu object"
+ #end
+ # @path = Kernel.format("%s.%s", parent.path, self.class::SYSMENU_NAME)
+ @path = parent.path + '.' + self.class::SYSMENU_NAME
+ #TkComm::Tk_WINDOWS[@path] = self
+ TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[@path] = self
+ if self.method(:create_self).arity == 0
+ p 'create_self has no arg' if $DEBUG
+ create_self
+ configure(keys) if keys
+ else
+ p 'create_self has an arg' if $DEBUG
+ create_self(keys)
+ end
+ end
+TkSystemMenu = Tk::SystemMenu
+class Tk::SysMenu_Help<Tk::Menu
+ # for all platform
+ include Tk::SystemMenu
+ SYSMENU_NAME = 'help'
+#TkSysMenu_Help = Tk::SysMenu_Help unless Object.const_defined? :TkSysMenu_Help
+#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::SysMenu_Help, :TkSysMenu_Help)
+Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::SysMenu_Help,
+ :TkSysMenu_Help)
+class Tk::SysMenu_System<Tk::Menu
+ # for Windows
+ include Tk::SystemMenu
+ SYSMENU_NAME = 'system'
+#TkSysMenu_System = Tk::SysMenu_System unless Object.const_defined? :TkSysMenu_System
+#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::SysMenu_System, :TkSysMenu_System)
+Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::SysMenu_System,
+ :TkSysMenu_System)
+class Tk::SysMenu_Apple<Tk::Menu
+ # for Machintosh
+ include Tk::SystemMenu
+ SYSMENU_NAME = 'apple'
+#TkSysMenu_Apple = Tk::SysMenu_Apple unless Object.const_defined? :TkSysMenu_Apple
+#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::SysMenu_Apple, :TkSysMenu_Apple)
+Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::SysMenu_Apple,
+ :TkSysMenu_Apple)
+class Tk::Menubutton<Tk::Label
+ TkCommandNames = ['menubutton'.freeze].freeze
+ WidgetClassName = 'Menubutton'.freeze
+ WidgetClassNames[WidgetClassName] ||= self
+ def create_self(keys)
+ if keys and keys != None
+ # tk_call_without_enc('menubutton', @path, *hash_kv(keys, true))
+ tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
+ *hash_kv(keys, true))
+ else
+ begin
+ tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
+ *hash_kv(keys, true))
+ rescue
+ tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
+ keys = __check_available_configure_options(keys)
+ unless keys.empty?
+ tk_call_without_enc('destroy', @path) rescue nil
+ tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path,
+ *hash_kv(keys, true))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # tk_call_without_enc('menubutton', @path)
+ tk_call_without_enc(self.class::TkCommandNames[0], @path)
+ end
+ end
+ private :create_self
+ def __boolval_optkeys
+ super() << 'indicatoron'
+ end
+ private :__boolval_optkeys
+Tk::MenuButton = Tk::Menubutton
+#TkMenubutton = Tk::Menubutton unless Object.const_defined? :TkMenubutton
+#TkMenuButton = Tk::MenuButton unless Object.const_defined? :TkMenuButton
+#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::Menubutton, :TkMenubutton, :TkMenuButton)
+Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::Menubutton,
+ :TkMenubutton, :TkMenuButton)
+class Tk::OptionMenubutton<Tk::Menubutton
+ TkCommandNames = ['tk_optionMenu'.freeze].freeze
+ class OptionMenu<TkMenu
+ def initialize(path) #==> return value of tk_optionMenu
+ @path = path
+ #TkComm::Tk_WINDOWS[@path] = self
+ TkCore::INTERP.tk_windows[@path] = self
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(*args)
+ # args :: [parent,] [var,] [value[, ...],] [keys]
+ # parent --> TkWindow or nil
+ # var --> TkVariable or nil
+ # keys --> Hash
+ # keys[:parent] or keys['parent'] --> parent
+ # keys[:variable] or keys['variable'] --> var
+ # keys[:values] or keys['values'] --> value, ...
+ # other Hash keys are menubutton options
+ keys = {}
+ keys = args.pop if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash)
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(keys)
+ parent = nil
+ if !args.empty? && (args[0].kind_of?(TkWindow) || args[0] == nil)
+ keys.delete('parent') # ignore
+ parent = args.shift
+ else
+ parent = keys.delete('parent')
+ end
+ @variable = nil
+ if !args.empty? && (args[0].kind_of?(TkVariable) || args[0] == nil)
+ keys.delete('variable') # ignore
+ @variable = args.shift
+ else
+ @variable = keys.delete('variable')
+ end
+ @variable = unless @variable
+ (args = keys.delete('values') || []) if args.empty?
+ if args.empty?
+ args << @variable.value
+ else
+ @variable.value = args[0]
+ end
+ install_win(if parent then parent.path end)
+ @menu ='tk_optionMenu',
+ @path,, *args))
+ configure(keys) if keys
+ end
+ def value
+ @variable.value
+ end
+ def value=(val)
+ @variable.value = val
+ end
+ def activate(index)
+ @menu.activate(index)
+ self
+ end
+ def add(value)
+ @menu.add('radiobutton', 'variable'=>@variable,
+ 'label'=>value, 'value'=>value)
+ self
+ end
+ def index(index)
+ @menu.index(index)
+ end
+ def invoke(index)
+ @menu.invoke(index)
+ end
+ def insert(index, value)
+ @menu.insert(index, 'radiobutton', 'variable'=>@variable,
+ 'label'=>value, 'value'=>value)
+ self
+ end
+ def delete(index, last=None)
+ @menu.delete(index, last)
+ self
+ end
+ def xposition(index)
+ @menu.xposition(index)
+ end
+ def yposition(index)
+ @menu.yposition(index)
+ end
+ def menu
+ @menu
+ end
+ def menucget(key)
+ @menu.cget(key)
+ end
+ def menucget_strict(key)
+ @menu.cget_strict(key)
+ end
+ def menuconfigure(key, val=None)
+ @menu.configure(key, val)
+ self
+ end
+ def menuconfiginfo(key=nil)
+ @menu.configinfo(key)
+ end
+ def current_menuconfiginfo(key=nil)
+ @menu.current_configinfo(key)
+ end
+ def entrycget(index, key)
+ @menu.entrycget(index, key)
+ end
+ def entrycget_strict(index, key)
+ @menu.entrycget_strict(index, key)
+ end
+ def entryconfigure(index, key, val=None)
+ @menu.entryconfigure(index, key, val)
+ self
+ end
+ def entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
+ @menu.entryconfiginfo(index, key)
+ end
+ def current_entryconfiginfo(index, key=nil)
+ @menu.current_entryconfiginfo(index, key)
+ end
+Tk::OptionMenuButton = Tk::OptionMenubutton
+#TkOptionMenubutton = Tk::OptionMenubutton unless Object.const_defined? :TkOptionMenubutton
+#TkOptionMenuButton = Tk::OptionMenuButton unless Object.const_defined? :TkOptionMenuButton
+#Tk.__set_toplevel_aliases__(:Tk, Tk::OptionMenubutton,
+# :TkOptionMenubutton, :TkOptionMenuButton)
+Tk.__set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__('tk/menu.rb', :Tk, Tk::OptionMenubutton,
+ :TkOptionMenubutton, :TkOptionMenuButton)