path: root/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb')
1 files changed, 2351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..03db850f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/tk/lib/tk/font.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,2351 @@
+# tk/font.rb - the class to treat fonts on Ruby/Tk
+# by Hidetoshi NAGAI (
+require 'tk'
+class TkFont
+ include Tk
+ extend TkCore
+ TkCommandNames = ['font'.freeze].freeze
+ (Tk_FontID = ["@font".freeze, TkUtil.untrust("00000")]).instance_eval{
+ @mutex =
+ def mutex; @mutex; end
+ freeze
+ }
+ Tk_FontNameTBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
+ Tk_FontUseTBL = TkCore::INTERP.create_table
+ TkCore::INTERP.init_ip_env{
+ Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_FontNameTBL.clear }
+ Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_FontUseTBL.clear }
+ }
+ # option_type : default => string
+ OptionType =
+ OptionType['size'] = ?n
+ OptionType['pointadjust'] = ?n
+ OptionType['underline'] = ?b
+ OptionType['overstrike'] = ?b
+ # metric_type : default => num_or_str
+ MetricType =
+ MetricType['fixed'] = ?b
+ # system font names
+ def SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.add(font_names)
+ (@mutex ||={
+ self.replace(self |{|name| name.to_s})
+ }
+ end
+ def SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.include?(name)
+ (@mutex ||={
+ super(name.to_s)
+ }
+ end
+ # set default font
+ case Tk::TK_VERSION
+ when /^4\..*/
+ DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'a14'.freeze
+ DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'k14'.freeze
+ when /^8\.[0-4]/
+ begin
+ fontnames = tk_call('font', 'names')
+ case fontnames
+ when /defaultgui/
+ # Tcl/Tk-JP for Windows
+ ltn = 'defaultgui'
+ knj = 'defaultgui'
+ when /Mincho:Helvetica-Bold-12/
+ # Tcl/Tk-JP for UNIX/X
+ ltn, knj = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
+ 'Mincho:Helvetica-Bold-12',
+ '-compound'))
+ else
+ # unknown Tcl/Tk-JP
+ #platform = tk_call('set', 'tcl_platform(platform)')
+ platform = Tk::PLATFORM['platform']
+ case platform
+ when 'unix'
+ ltn = {'family'=>'Helvetica'.freeze,
+ 'size'=>-12, 'weight'=>'bold'.freeze}
+ #knj = 'k14'
+ #knj = '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0'
+ knj = '-*-fixed-bold-r-normal--12-*-*-*-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0'
+ when 'windows'
+ ltn = {'family'=>'MS Sans Serif'.freeze, 'size'=>8}
+ knj = 'mincho'
+ when 'macintosh'
+ ltn = 'system'
+ knj = 'mincho'
+ else # unknown
+ ltn = 'Helvetica'
+ knj = 'mincho'
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ ltn = 'Helvetica'
+ knj = 'mincho'
+ end
+ else # not JAPANIZED_TK
+ begin
+ #platform = tk_call('set', 'tcl_platform(platform)')
+ platform = Tk::PLATFORM['platform']
+ case platform
+ when 'unix'
+ ltn = {'family'=>'Helvetica'.freeze,
+ 'size'=>-12, 'weight'=>'bold'.freeze}
+ when 'windows'
+ ltn = {'family'=>'MS Sans Serif'.freeze, 'size'=>8}
+ when 'macintosh'
+ ltn = 'system'
+ else # unknown
+ ltn = 'Helvetica'
+ end
+ rescue
+ ltn = 'Helvetica'
+ end
+ knj = ltn.dup
+ end
+ when /^8\.[5-9]/, /^9\..*/
+ if tk_call('font', 'names') =~ /\bTkDefaultFont\b/
+ DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'TkDefaultFont'.freeze
+ DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'TkDefaultFont'.freeze
+ else
+ DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'Helvetica'.freeze
+ DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'mincho'.freeze
+ end
+ else # unknown version
+ DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME = 'Helvetica'.freeze
+ DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME = 'mincho'.freeze
+ end
+ if $DEBUG
+ print "default latin font = "; p DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME
+ print "default kanji font = "; p DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME
+ end
+ ###################################
+ class DescendantFont
+ def initialize(compound, type)
+ unless compound.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fail ArgumentError, "a TkFont object is expected for the 1st argument"
+ end
+ @compound = compound
+ case type
+ when 'kanji', 'latin', 'ascii'
+ @type = type
+ when :kanji, :latin, :ascii
+ @type = type.to_s
+ else
+ fail ArgumentError, "unknown type '#{type}'"
+ end
+ end
+ def dup
+ fail RuntimeError, "cannot dupulicate a descendant font"
+ end
+ def clone
+ fail RuntimeError, "cannot clone a descendant font"
+ end
+ def to_eval
+ @compound.__send__(@type + '_font_id')
+ end
+ def font
+ @compound.__send__(@type + '_font_id')
+ end
+ alias font_id font
+ alias name font
+ alias to_s font
+ def [](slot)
+ @compound.__send__(@type + '_configinfo', slot)
+ end
+ def []=(slot, value)
+ @compound.__send__(@type + '_configure', slot, value)
+ value
+ end
+ def method_missing(id, *args)
+ @compound.__send__(@type + '_' + id.id2name, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################
+ # class methods
+ ###################################
+ def TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
+ # true --> system font which is available on the current system
+ # false --> not system font (or unknown system font)
+ # nil --> system font name, but not available on the current system
+ fnt = fnt.to_s
+ SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.include?(fnt) && self.names.index(fnt) && true
+ end
+ def TkFont.actual(fnt, option=nil)
+ fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt.actual(option)
+ else
+ actual_core(fnt, nil, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.actual_hash(fnt, option=nil)
+ Hash[TkFont.actual(fnt, option)]
+ end
+ def TkFont.actual_displayof(fnt, win, option=nil)
+ fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt.actual_displayof(win, option)
+ else
+ win = '.' unless win
+ actual_core(fnt, win, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.actual_hash_displayof(fnt, option=nil)
+ Hash[TkFont.actual_displayof(fnt, option)]
+ end
+ def TkFont.configure(fnt, slot, value=None)
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt.configure(fnt, slot, value)
+ else
+ configure_core(fnt, slot, value)
+ end
+ fnt
+ end
+ def TkFont.configinfo(fnt, slot=nil)
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt.configinfo(fnt, slot)
+ else
+ configinfo_core(fnt, slot)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.current_configinfo(fnt, slot=nil)
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt.current_configinfo(fnt, slot)
+ else
+ current_configinfo_core(fnt, slot)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.measure(fnt, text)
+ fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt.measure(text)
+ else
+ measure_core(fnt, nil, text)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.measure_displayof(fnt, win, text)
+ fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt.measure_displayof(win, text)
+ else
+ win = '.' unless win
+ measure_core(fnt, win, text)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.metrics(fnt, option=nil)
+ fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fnt.metrics(option)
+ else
+ metrics_core(fnt, nil, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.metrics_hash(fnt, option=nil)
+ if option
+ val = TkFont.metrics(fnt, option)
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ val = TkComm::bool(val)
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ h = Hash[TkFont.metrics(fnt)]
+ h.keys.each{|k|
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
+ when ?b
+ h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ def TkFont.metrics_displayof(fnt, win, option=nil)
+ fnt = '{}' if fnt == ''
+ if fnt.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ font.metrics_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ else
+ win = '.' unless win
+ metrics_core(fnt, win, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.metrics_hash_displayof(fnt, win, option=nil)
+ if option
+ val = TkFont.metrics_displayof(fnt, win, option)
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ val = TkComm::bool(val)
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ h = Hash[TkFont.metrics_displayof(fnt, win, option)]
+ h.keys.each{|k|
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
+ when ?b
+ h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ def TkFont.families(win=nil)
+ case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
+ when /^4\..*/
+ ['fixed']
+ when /^8\..*/
+ if win
+ tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'families', '-displayof', win))
+ else
+ tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'families'))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.names
+ case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
+ when /^4\..*/
+ r = ['fixed']
+ r += ['a14', 'k14'] if JAPANIZED_TK
+ Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ Tk_FontNameTBL.each_value{|obj| r.push(obj)}
+ }
+ #r | []
+ r.uniq
+ when /^8\..*/
+ tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'names'))
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.create_copy(font)
+ fail 'source-font must be a TkFont object' unless font.kind_of? TkFont
+ keys = {}
+ font.configinfo.each{|key,value| keys[key] = value }
+, font.kanji_font_id, keys)
+, font.kanji_font_id, font.configinfo)
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.get_obj(name)
+ name = name.to_s
+ if name =~ /^(@font[0-9]+)(|c|l|k)$/
+ Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ Tk_FontNameTBL[$1]
+ }
+ else
+ Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ Tk_FontNameTBL[name]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.init_widget_font(pathname, *args)
+ win, tag, key = pathname.split(';')
+ key = 'font' if key == nil || key == ''
+ path = [win, tag, key].join(';')
+ case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
+ when /^4\..*/
+ regexp = /^-(|kanji)#{key} /
+ conf_list = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call(*args)).
+ find_all{|prop| prop =~ regexp}.
+ collect{|prop| tk_split_simplelist(prop)}
+ if conf_list.size == 0
+ raise RuntimeError, "the widget may not support 'font' option"
+ end
+ args << {}
+ ltn_key = "-#{key}"
+ knj_key = "-kanji#{key}"
+ ltn_info = conf_list.find{|conf| conf[0] == ltn_key}
+ ltn = ltn_info[-1]
+ ltn = nil if ltn == [] || ltn == ""
+ knj_info = conf_list.find{|conf| conf[0] == knj_key}
+ knj = knj_info[-1]
+ knj = nil if knj == [] || knj == ""
+, knj).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
+ when /^8\.[0-4]/
+ regexp = /^-#{key} /
+ conf_list = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call(*args)).
+ find_all{|prop| prop =~ regexp}.
+ collect{|prop| tk_split_simplelist(prop)}
+ if conf_list.size == 0
+ raise RuntimeError, "the widget may not support 'font' option"
+ end
+ args << {}
+ optkey = "-#{key}"
+ info = conf_list.find{|conf| conf[0] == optkey}
+ fnt = info[-1]
+ fnt = nil if fnt == [] || fnt == ""
+ unless fnt
+ # create dummy
+ #, nil).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
+ dummy_fnt = TkFont.allocate
+ dummy_fnt.instance_eval{ init_dummy_fontobj() }
+ dummy_fnt
+ else
+ begin
+ compound = tk_split_simplelist(
+ Hash[*tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
+ fnt))].collect{|k,v|
+ [k[1..-1], v]
+ }.assoc('compound')[1])
+ rescue
+ compound = []
+ end
+ if compound == []
+ if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
+[path, key], *args)
+ else
+[path, key], *args)
+ end
+ else
+ compound[1]).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
+ end
+ end
+ when /^8\.[5-9]/, /^9\..*/
+ regexp = /^-#{key} /
+ conf_list = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call(*args)).
+ find_all{|prop| prop =~ regexp}.
+ collect{|prop| tk_split_simplelist(prop)}
+ if conf_list.size == 0
+ raise RuntimeError, "the widget may not support 'font' option"
+ end
+ args << {}
+ optkey = "-#{key}"
+ info = conf_list.find{|conf| conf[0] == optkey}
+ fnt = info[-1]
+ fnt = nil if fnt == [] || fnt == ""
+ unless fnt
+ # create dummy
+ #, nil).call_font_configure([path, key], *args)
+ dummy_fnt = TkFont.allocate
+ dummy_fnt.instance_eval{ init_dummy_fontobj() }
+ dummy_fnt
+ else
+ if TkFont.is_system_font?(fnt)
+[path, key], *args)
+ else
+[path, key], *args)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def TkFont.used_on(path=nil)
+ Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ if path
+ Tk_FontUseTBL[path]
+ else
+ # Tk_FontUseTBL.values | []
+ Tk_FontUseTBL.values.uniq
+ end
+ }
+ end
+ def TkFont.failsafe(font)
+ begin
+ if /^8\..*/ === Tk::TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
+ tk_call('font', 'failsafe', font)
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################
+ # instance methods
+ ###################################
+ private
+ ###################################
+ def init_dummy_fontobj
+ Tk_FontID.mutex.synchronize{
+ @id = Tk_FontID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
+ Tk_FontID[1].succ!
+ }
+ Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = self
+ }
+ # @latin_desscendant = nil
+ # @kanji_desscendant = nil
+ @descendant = [nil, nil] # [latin, kanji]
+ case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
+ when /^4\..*/
+ @latinfont = ""
+ @kanjifont = ""
+ @compoundfont = [[@latinfont], [@kanjifont]]
+ @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont, 'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont}
+ else
+ @compoundfont = @latinfont
+ @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont}
+ end
+ else
+ @latinfont = @id + 'l'
+ @kanjifont = @id + 'k'
+ @compoundfont = @id + 'c'
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-charset', 'iso8859')
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
+ '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont])
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont)
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont)
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont)
+ end
+ @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def initialize(ltn=nil, knj=nil, keys=nil)
+ ltn = '{}' if ltn == ''
+ knj = '{}' if knj == ''
+ Tk_FontID.mutex.synchronize{
+ # @id = Tk_FontID.join('')
+ @id = Tk_FontID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_)
+ Tk_FontID[1].succ!
+ }
+ Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = self
+ }
+ # @latin_desscendant = nil
+ # @kanji_desscendant = nil
+ @descendant = [nil, nil] # [latin, kanji]
+ # @latinfont = @id + 'l'
+ # @kanjifont = @id + 'k'
+ # @compoundfont = @id + 'c'
+ # @fontslot = {}
+ if knj.kind_of?(Hash) && !keys
+ keys = knj
+ knj = nil
+ end
+ # compound font check
+ if Tk::TK_VERSION == '8.0' && JAPANIZED_TK
+ begin
+ compound = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
+ ltn, '-compound'))
+ if knj == nil
+ if compound != []
+ ltn, knj = compound
+ end
+ else
+ if compound != []
+ ltn = compound[0]
+ end
+ compound = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
+ knj, '-compound'))
+ if compound != []
+ knj = compound[1]
+ end
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ end
+ if ltn
+ if JAPANIZED_TK && !knj
+ if Tk::TK_VERSION =~ /^4..*/
+ else
+ knj = ltn
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ end
+ create_compoundfont(ltn, knj, keys)
+ end
+ def initialize_copy(font)
+ unless font.kind_of?(TkFont)
+ fail TypeError, '"initialize_copy should take same class object'
+ end
+ keys = {}
+ font.configinfo.each{|key,value| keys[key] = value }
+ initialize(font.latin_font_id, font.kanji_font_id, keys)
+ initialize(font.latin_font_id, font.kanji_font_id, font.configinfo)
+ end
+ end
+ def _get_font_info_from_hash(font)
+ font = _symbolkey2str(font)
+ foundry = (info = font['foundry'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ family = (info = font['family'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ weight = (info = font['weight'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ slant = (info = font['slant'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ swidth = (info = font['swidth'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ adstyle = (info = font['adstyle'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ pixels = (info = font['pixels'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ points = (info = font['points'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ resx = (info = font['resx'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ resy = (info = font['resy'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ space = (info = font['space'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ avgWidth = (info = font['avgWidth'].to_s)? info: '*'
+ charset = (info = font['charset'] .to_s)? info: '*'
+ encoding = (info = font['encoding'].to_s)? info: '*'
+ [foundry, family, weight, slant, swidth, adstyle,
+ pixels, points, resx, resy, space, avgWidth, charset, encoding]
+ end
+ def create_latinfont_tk4x(font)
+ if font.kind_of? Hash
+ @latinfont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(font).join('-') + '-'
+ elsif font.kind_of? Array
+ finfo = {}
+ finfo['family'] = font[0].to_s
+ if font[1]
+ fsize = font[1].to_s
+ if fsize != '0' && fsize =~ /^(|\+|-)([0-9]+)$/
+ if $1 == '-'
+ finfo['pixels'] = $2
+ else
+ finfo['points'] = $2
+ end
+ else
+ finfo['points'] = '13'
+ end
+ end
+ font[2..-1].each{|style|
+ case (style)
+ when 'normal'
+ finfo['weight'] = style
+ when 'bold'
+ finfo['weight'] = style
+ when 'roman'
+ finfo['slant'] = 'r'
+ when 'italic'
+ finfo['slant'] = 'i'
+ end
+ }
+ @latinfont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(finfo).join('-') + '-'
+ elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
+ @latinfont = font.latin_font
+ else
+ if font
+ @latinfont = font
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_kanjifont_tk4x(font)
+ @kanjifont = ""
+ return
+ end
+ if font.kind_of? Hash
+ @kanjifont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(font).join('-') + '-'
+ elsif font.kind_of? Array
+ finfo = {}
+ finfo['family'] = font[0].to_s
+ if font[1]
+ fsize = font[1].to_s
+ if fsize != '0' && fsize =~ /^(|\+|-)([0-9]+)$/
+ if $1 == '-'
+ finfo['pixels'] = $2
+ else
+ finfo['points'] = $2
+ end
+ else
+ finfo['points'] = '13'
+ end
+ end
+ font[2..-1].each{|style|
+ case (style)
+ when 'normal'
+ finfo['weight'] = style
+ when 'bold'
+ finfo['weight'] = style
+ when 'roman'
+ finfo['slant'] = 'r'
+ when 'italic'
+ finfo['slant'] = 'i'
+ end
+ }
+ @kanjifont = '-' + _get_font_info_from_hash(finfo).join('-') + '-'
+ elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
+ @kanjifont = font.kanji_font_id
+ else
+ if font
+ @kanjifont = font
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_compoundfont_tk4x(ltn, knj, keys)
+ create_latinfont(ltn)
+ create_kanjifont(knj)
+ @compoundfont = [[@latinfont], [@kanjifont]]
+ @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont, 'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont}
+ # @fontslot.clear
+ # @fontslot['font'] = @latinfont
+ # @fontslot['kanjifont'] = @kanjifont
+ else
+ @compoundfont = @latinfont
+ @fontslot = {'font'=>@latinfont}
+ # @fontslot.clear
+ # @fontslot['font'] = @latinfont
+ end
+ end
+ def create_latinfont_tk8x(font)
+ @latinfont = @id + 'l'
+ if font.kind_of? Hash
+ if font[:charset] || font['charset']
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(font))
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont,
+ '-charset', 'iso8859', *hash_kv(font))
+ end
+ elsif font.kind_of? Array
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', array2tk_list(font))
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @latinfont, '-charset', 'iso8859')
+ elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', font.latin_font)
+ elsif font
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', font,
+ '-charset', 'iso8859')
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-charset', 'iso8859')
+ end
+ else
+ if font.kind_of? Hash
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(font))
+ else
+ keys = {}
+ if font.kind_of? Array
+ actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
+ elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
+ actual_core(font.latin_font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
+ elsif font
+ actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
+ end
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, *hash_kv(keys))
+ end
+ if font && @compoundfont
+ keys = {}
+ actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_kanjifont_tk8x(font)
+ @kanjifont = @id + 'k'
+ if font.kind_of? Hash
+ if font[:charset] || font['charset']
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(font))
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont,
+ '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983', *hash_kv(font))
+ end
+ elsif font.kind_of? Array
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', array2tk_list(font))
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
+ elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', font.kanji_font_id)
+ elsif font
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', font,
+ '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-charset', 'jisx0208.1983')
+ end
+ # end of JAPANIZED_TK
+ else
+ if font.kind_of? Hash
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(font))
+ else
+ keys = {}
+ if font.kind_of? Array
+ actual_core(array2tk_list(font)).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
+ elsif font.kind_of? TkFont
+ actual_core(font.kanji_font_id).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
+ elsif font
+ actual_core(font).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
+ end
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, *hash_kv(keys))
+ end
+ if font && @compoundfont
+ keys = {}
+ actual_core(@kanjifont).each{|key,val| keys[key] = val}
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_compoundfont_tk8x(ltn, knj, keys)
+ if knj
+ create_latinfont(ltn)
+ create_kanjifont(knj)
+ else
+ cfnt = ltn
+ create_kanjifont(cfnt)
+ create_latinfont(cfnt)
+ end
+ @compoundfont = @id + 'c'
+ unless keys
+ keys = {}
+ else
+ keys = keys.dup
+ end
+ if (tk_call('font', 'configure', @latinfont, '-underline') == '1' &&
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, '-underline') == '1' &&
+ !keys.key?('underline'))
+ keys['underline'] = true
+ end
+ if (tk_call('font', 'configure', @latinfont, '-overstrike') == '1' &&
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, '-overstrike') == '1' &&
+ !keys.key?('overstrike'))
+ keys['overstrike'] = true
+ end
+ @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
+ # @fontslot['font'] = @compoundfont
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
+ '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
+ rescue RuntimeError => e
+ if ltn == knj
+ if e.message =~ /kanji font .* specified/
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont)
+ create_latinfont(DEFAULT_LATIN_FONT_NAME)
+ opts = []
+ Hash[*(tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
+ @kanjifont)))].each{|k,v|
+ case k
+ when '-size', '-weight', '-slant', '-underline', '-overstrike'
+ opts << k << v
+ end
+ }
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @latinfont, *opts)
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
+ '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
+ elsif e.message =~ /ascii font .* specified/
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont)
+ create_kanjifont(DEFAULT_KANJI_FONT_NAME)
+ opts = []
+ Hash[*(tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
+ @latinfont)))].each{|k,v|
+ case k
+ when '-size', '-weight', '-slant', '-underline', '-overstrike'
+ opts << k << v
+ end
+ }
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @kanjifont, *opts)
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
+ '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
+ else
+ raise e
+ end
+ else
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont)
+ latinkeys = {}
+ begin
+ actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
+ rescue
+ latinkeys = {}
+ end
+ if latinkeys != {}
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
+ end
+ if knj
+ compoundkeys = nil
+ kanjikeys = {}
+ begin
+ actual_core(@kanjifont).each{|key,val| kanjikeys[key] = val}
+ rescue
+ kanjikeys = {}
+ end
+ if kanjikeys != {}
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(kanjikeys))
+ end
+ end
+ if cfnt
+ if cfnt.kind_of?(Hash)
+ compoundkeys = cfnt.dup
+ else
+ compoundkeys = {}
+ actual_core(cfnt).each{|key,val| compoundkeys[key] = val}
+ end
+ compoundkeys.update(_symbolkey2str(keys))
+ keys = compoundkeys
+ end
+ @fontslot = {'font'=>@compoundfont}
+ # @fontslot['font'] = @compoundfont
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(keys))
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################
+ public
+ ###################################
+ def inspect
+ sprintf("#<%s:%0x:%s>", self.class.inspect, self.__id__, @compoundfont)
+ end
+ def method_missing(id, *args)
+ name = id.id2name
+ case args.length
+ when 1
+ if name[-1] == ?=
+ configure name[0..-2], args[0]
+ args[0]
+ else
+ configure name, args[0]
+ self
+ end
+ when 0
+ begin
+ configinfo name
+ rescue
+ super(id, *args)
+# fail NameError, "undefined local variable or method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
+ end
+ else
+ super(id, *args)
+# fail NameError, "undefined method `#{name}' for #{self.to_s}", error_at
+ end
+ end
+ def call_font_configure(path, *args)
+ if path.kind_of?(Array)
+ # [path, optkey]
+ win, tag = path[0].split(';')
+ optkey = path[1].to_s
+ else
+ win, tag, optkey = path.split(';')
+ end
+ fontslot = _symbolkey2str(@fontslot)
+ if optkey && optkey != ""
+ ltn = fontslot.delete('font')
+ knj = fontslot.delete('kanjifont')
+ fontslot[optkey] = ltn if ltn
+ fontslot["kanji#{optkey}"] = knj if knj
+ end
+ keys = _symbolkey2str(args.pop).update(fontslot)
+ args.concat(hash_kv(keys))
+ begin
+ tk_call(*args)
+ rescue => e
+ fail e
+ end
+ end
+ Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ Tk_FontUseTBL[[win, tag, optkey].join(';')] = self
+ }
+ self
+ end
+ def used
+ ret = []
+ table = nil
+ Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ table = Tk_FontUseTBL.clone # to avoid deadlock
+ }
+ table.each{|key,value|
+ next unless self == value
+ if key.include?(';')
+ win, tag, optkey = key.split(';')
+ winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
+ #if winobj.kind_of? TkText
+ if winobj.kind_of?(TkText) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
+ if optkey
+ ret.push([winobj, winobj.tagid2obj(tag), optkey])
+ else
+ ret.push([winobj, winobj.tagid2obj(tag)])
+ end
+ #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
+ elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkCanvas) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
+ if (tagobj = TkcTag.id2obj(winobj, tag)).kind_of? TkcTag
+ if optkey
+ ret.push([winobj, tagobj, optkey])
+ else
+ ret.push([winobj, tagobj])
+ end
+ elsif (tagobj = TkcItem.id2obj(winobj, tag)).kind_of? TkcItem
+ if optkey
+ ret.push([winobj, tagobj, optkey])
+ else
+ ret.push([winobj, tagobj])
+ end
+ else
+ if optkey
+ ret.push([winobj, tag, optkey])
+ else
+ ret.push([winobj, tag])
+ end
+ end
+ #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
+ elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkMenu) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Menu)
+ if optkey
+ ret.push([winobj, tag, optkey])
+ else
+ ret.push([winobj, tag])
+ end
+ else
+ if optkey
+ ret.push([win, tag, optkey])
+ else
+ ret.push([win, tag])
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ ret.push(tk_tcl2ruby(key))
+ end
+ }
+ ret
+ end
+ def id
+ @id
+ end
+ def to_eval
+ font
+ end
+ def font
+ @compoundfont
+ end
+ alias font_id font
+ alias name font
+ alias to_s font
+ def latin_font_id
+ @latinfont
+ end
+ def latin_font
+ # @latinfont
+ if @descendant[0] # [0] -> latin
+ @descendant[0]
+ else
+ @descendant[0] =, 'latin')
+ end
+ if @latin_descendant
+ @latin_descendant
+ else
+ @latin_descendant =, 'latin')
+ end
+ end
+ alias latinfont latin_font
+ def kanji_font_id
+ @kanjifont
+ end
+ def kanji_font
+ # @kanjifont
+ if @descendant[1] # [1] -> kanji
+ @descendant[1]
+ else
+ @descendant[1] =, 'kanji')
+ end
+ if @kanji_descendant
+ @kanji_descendant
+ else
+ @kanji_descendant =, 'kanji')
+ end
+ end
+ alias kanjifont kanji_font
+ def actual(option=nil)
+ actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option)
+ end
+ def actual_hash(option=nil)
+ Hash[actual(option)]
+ end
+ def actual_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ win = '.' unless win
+ actual_core(@compoundfont, win, option)
+ end
+ def actual_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ Hash[actual_displayof(win, option)]
+ end
+ def latin_actual(option=nil)
+ if @latinfont == nil
+ actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
+ else
+ actual_core(@latinfont, nil, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def latin_actual_hash(option=nil)
+ Hash[latin_actual(option)]
+ end
+ def latin_actual_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ win = '.' unless win
+ if @latinfont == nil
+ actual_core(@compoundfont, win, option) # use @compoundfont
+ else
+ actual_core(@latinfont, win, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def latin_actual_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ Hash[latin_actual_displayof(win, option)]
+ end
+ def kanji_actual(option=nil)
+ if @kanjifont == nil
+ actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
+ elsif @kanjifont != ""
+ actual_core(@kanjifont, nil, option)
+ else
+ actual_core_tk4x(nil, nil, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def kanji_actual_hash(option=nil)
+ Hash[kanji_actual(option)]
+ end
+ def kanji_actual_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ if @kanjifont == nil
+ actual_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
+ elsif @kanjifont != ""
+ win = '.' unless win
+ actual_core(@kanjifont, win, option)
+ else
+ actual_core_tk4x(nil, win, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def kanji_actual_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ Hash[kanji_actual_displayof(win, option)]
+ end
+ def [](slot)
+ configinfo slot
+ end
+ def []=(slot, val)
+ configure slot, val
+ val
+ end
+ def configure(slot, value=None)
+ configure_core(@compoundfont, slot, value)
+ self
+ end
+ def configinfo(slot=nil)
+ configinfo_core(@compoundfont, slot)
+ end
+ def current_configinfo(slot=nil)
+ current_configinfo_core(@compoundfont, slot)
+ end
+ def delete
+ delete_core
+ end
+ def latin_configure(slot, value=None)
+ configure_core(@latinfont, slot, value)
+ else
+ configure(slot, value)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def latin_configinfo(slot=nil)
+ configinfo_core(@latinfont, slot)
+ else
+ configinfo(slot)
+ end
+ end
+ def latin_current_configinfo(slot=nil)
+ Hash[latin_configinfo(slot)]
+ end
+ def kanji_configure(slot, value=None)
+ if @kanjifont == nil
+ configure_core(@compoundfont, slot, value) # use @compoundfont
+ elsif @kanjifont != ""
+ configure_core(@kanjifont, slot, value)
+ configure('size'=>configinfo('size')) # to reflect new configuration
+ else
+ #""
+ configure(slot, value)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def kanji_configinfo(slot=nil)
+ if @kanjifont == nil
+ configure_core(@compoundfont, slot) # use @compoundfont
+ elsif @kanjifont != ""
+ configinfo_core(@kanjifont, slot)
+ else
+ #[]
+ configinfo(slot)
+ end
+ end
+ def kanji_current_configinfo(slot=nil)
+ Hash[kanji_configinfo(slot)]
+ end
+ def replace(ltn, knj=None)
+ knj = ltn if knj == None
+ latin_replace(ltn)
+ kanji_replace(knj)
+ self
+ end
+ def latin_replace(ltn)
+ if @latinfont
+ latin_replace_core(ltn)
+ reset_pointadjust
+ else
+ # not compound font -> copy properties of ltn
+ latinkeys = {}
+ begin
+ actual_core(ltn).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
+ rescue
+ latinkeys = {}
+ end
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
+ rescue
+ # not exist? (deleted?) -> create font
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def kanji_replace(knj)
+ return self unless @kanjifont # ignore
+ kanji_replace_core(knj)
+ reset_pointadjust
+ self
+ end
+ def measure(text)
+ measure_core(@compoundfont, nil, text)
+ end
+ def measure_displayof(win, text)
+ win = '.' unless win
+ measure_core(@compoundfont, win, text)
+ end
+ def metrics(option=nil)
+ metrics_core(@compoundfont, nil, option)
+ end
+ def metrics_hash(option=nil)
+ if option
+ val = metrics(option)
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ val = TkComm::bool(val)
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ h = Hash[metrics(option)]
+ h.keys.each{|k|
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
+ when ?b
+ h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ def metrics_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ win = '.' unless win
+ metrics_core(@compoundfont, win, option)
+ end
+ def metrics_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ if option
+ val = metrics_displayof(win, option)
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ val = TkComm::bool(val)
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ h = Hash[metrics_displayof(win, option)]
+ h.keys.each{|k|
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
+ when ?b
+ h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ def latin_metrics(option=nil)
+ if @latinfont == nil
+ metrics_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
+ else
+ metrics_core(@latinfont, nil, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def latin_metrics_hash(option=nil)
+ if option
+ val = latin_metrics(option)
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ val = TkComm::bool(val)
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ h = Hash[latin_metrics(option)]
+ h.keys.each{|k|
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
+ when ?b
+ h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ def latin_metrics_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ win = '.' unless win
+ if @latinfont == nil
+ metrics_core(@compoundfont, win, option) # use @compoundfont
+ else
+ metrics_core(@latinfont, win, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def latin_metrics_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ if option
+ val = latin_metrics_displayof(win, option)
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ val = TkComm::bool(val)
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ h = Hash[latin_metrics_displayof(win, option)]
+ h.keys.each{|k|
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
+ when ?b
+ h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ def kanji_metrics(option=nil)
+ if @latinfont == nil
+ metrics_core(@compoundfont, nil, option) # use @compoundfont
+ metrics_core(@kanjifont, nil, option)
+ else
+ metrics_core_tk4x(nil, nil, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def kanji_metrics_hash(option=nil)
+ if option
+ val = kanji_metrics(option)
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ val = TkComm::bool(val)
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ h = Hash[kanji_metrics(option)]
+ h.keys.each{|k|
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
+ when ?b
+ h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ def kanji_metrics_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ win = '.' unless win
+ if @latinfont == nil
+ metrics_core(@compoundfont, win, option) # use @compoundfont
+ metrics_core(@kanjifont, win, option)
+ else
+ metrics_core_tk4x(nil, win, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def kanji_metrics_hash_displayof(win, option=nil)
+ if option
+ val = kanji_metrics_displayof(win, option)
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ val = TkComm::num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ val = TkComm::bool(val)
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ return val
+ end
+ h = Hash[kanji_metrics_displayof(win, option)]
+ h.keys.each{|k|
+ case TkFont::MetricsType[k.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ h[k] = TkComm::num_or_str(h[k])
+ when ?b
+ h[k] = TkComm::bool(h[k])
+ else
+ # do nothing
+ end
+ }
+ h
+ end
+ def reset_pointadjust
+ begin
+ if /^8\..*/ === Tk::TK_VERSION && JAPANIZED_TK
+ configure('pointadjust' => latin_actual.assoc('size')[1].to_f /
+ kanji_actual.assoc('size')[1].to_f )
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ ###################################
+ # private alias
+ ###################################
+ case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
+ when /^4\..*/
+ alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk4x
+ alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk4x
+ alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk4x
+ when /^8\.[0-5]/
+ alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk8x
+ alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk8x
+ alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk8x
+ else
+ alias create_latinfont create_latinfont_tk8x
+ alias create_kanjifont create_kanjifont_tk8x
+ alias create_compoundfont create_compoundfont_tk8x
+ end
+ ###################################
+ # public alias
+ ###################################
+ alias ascii_font latin_font
+ alias asciifont latinfont
+ alias create_asciifont create_latinfont
+ alias ascii_actual latin_actual
+ alias ascii_actual_displayof latin_actual_displayof
+ alias ascii_configure latin_configure
+ alias ascii_configinfo latin_configinfo
+ alias ascii_replace latin_replace
+ alias ascii_metrics latin_metrics
+ ###################################
+ def dup
+ end
+ def clone
+ end
+module TkFont::CoreMethods
+ include Tk
+ extend TkCore
+ private
+ def actual_core_tk4x(font, win=nil, option=nil)
+ # dummy
+ if option == 'pointadjust' || option == :pointadjust
+ 1.0
+ elsif option
+ case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ 0
+ when ?b
+ false
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ else
+ [['family',''], ['size',0], ['weight',''], ['slant',''],
+ ['underline',false], ['overstrike',false], ['charset',''],
+ ['pointadjust',0]]
+ end
+ end
+ def actual_core_tk8x(font, win=nil, option=nil)
+ font = '{}' if font == ''
+ if option == 'compound' || option == :compound
+ ""
+ elsif option
+ if win
+ val = tk_call('font', 'actual', font,
+ "-displayof", win, "-#{option}")
+ else
+ val = tk_call('font', 'actual', font, "-#{option}")
+ end
+ case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ bool(val)
+ else
+ val
+ end
+ else
+ l = tk_split_simplelist(if win
+ tk_call('font', 'actual', font,
+ "-displayof", win)
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'actual', font)
+ end)
+ r = []
+ while key=l.shift
+ if key == '-compound'
+ l.shift
+ else
+ key = key[1..-1]
+ val = l.shift
+ case TkFont::OptionType[key]
+ when ?n
+ r.push [key, num_or_str(val)]
+ when ?b
+ r.push [key, bool(val)]
+ else
+ r.push [key, val]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ r
+ end
+ end
+ def configure_core_tk4x(font, slot, value=None)
+ #""
+ self
+ end
+ def configinfo_core_tk4x(font, option=nil)
+ # dummy
+ if option == 'pointadjust' || option == :pointadjust
+ 1.0
+ elsif option
+ case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ 0
+ when ?b
+ false
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ else
+ [['family',''], ['size',0], ['weight',''], ['slant',''],
+ ['underline',false], ['overstrike',false], ['charset',''],
+ ['pointadjust',1.0]]
+ end
+ current_configinfo_core_tk4x(font, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def current_configinfo_core_tk4x(font, option=nil)
+ if option
+ case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ 0
+ when ?b
+ false
+ else
+ ''
+ end
+ else
+ {'family'=>'', 'size'=>0, 'weight'=>'', 'slant'=>'',
+ 'underline'=>false, 'overstrike'=>false,
+ 'charset'=>false, 'pointadjust'=>1.0}
+ end
+ end
+ def configure_core_tk8x(font, slot, value=None)
+ begin
+ padjust = tk_call('font', 'configure', font, '-pointadjust')
+ rescue
+ padjust = nil
+ end
+ else
+ padjust = nil
+ end
+ if slot.kind_of? Hash
+ if JAPANIZED_TK && (slot.key?('family') || slot.key?(:family))
+ slot = _symbolkey2str(slot)
+ configure_core_tk8x(font, 'family', slot.delete('family'))
+ end
+ if ((slot.key?('size') || slot.key?(:size)) &&
+ padjust && !slot.key?('pointadjust') && !slot.key?(:pointadjust))
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', font,
+ '-pointadjust', padjust, *hash_kv(slot))
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', font, *hash_kv(slot))
+ end
+ elsif (slot == 'size' || slot == :size) && padjust != nil
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', font,
+ "-#{slot}", value, '-pointadjust', padjust)
+ elsif JAPANIZED_TK && (slot == 'family' || slot == :family)
+ # coumpund font?
+ begin
+ compound = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure',
+ font, '-compound'))
+ rescue
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', font, '-family', value)
+ return self
+ end
+ if compound == []
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', font, '-family', value)
+ return self
+ end
+ ltn, knj = compound
+ lfnt = tk_call('font', 'create', '-copy', ltn)
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', lfnt, '-family', value)
+ latin_replace_core_tk8x(lfnt)
+ rescue RuntimeError => e
+ fail e if $DEBUG
+ ensure
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', lfnt) if lfnt != ''
+ end
+ kfnt = tk_call('font', 'create', '-copy', knj)
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', kfnt, '-family', value)
+ kanji_replace_core_tk8x(lfnt)
+ rescue RuntimeError => e
+ fail e if $DEBUG
+ ensure
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', kfnt) if kfnt != ''
+ end
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', font, "-#{slot}", value)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def configinfo_core_tk8x(font, option=nil)
+ if option == 'compound' || option == :compound
+ ""
+ elsif option
+ val = tk_call('font', 'configure', font, "-#{option}")
+ case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ bool(val)
+ else
+ val
+ end
+ else
+ l = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure', font))
+ r = []
+ while key=l.shift
+ if key == '-compound'
+ l.shift
+ else
+ key = key[1..-1]
+ val = l.shift
+ case TkFont::OptionType[key]
+ when ?n
+ r.push [key, num_or_str(val)]
+ when ?b
+ r.push [key, bool(val)]
+ else
+ r.push [key, val]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ r
+ end
+ current_configinfo_core_tk8x(font, option)
+ end
+ end
+ def current_configinfo_core_tk8x(font, option=nil)
+ if option == 'compound'
+ ""
+ elsif option
+ val = tk_call('font', 'configure', font, "-#{option}")
+ case TkFont::OptionType[option.to_s]
+ when ?n
+ num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ bool(val)
+ else
+ val
+ end
+ else
+ l = tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('font', 'configure', font))
+ h = {}
+ while key=l.shift
+ if key == '-compound'
+ l.shift
+ else
+ key = key[1..-1]
+ val = l.shift
+ case TkFont::OptionType[key]
+ when ?n
+ h[key] = num_or_str(val)
+ when ?b
+ h[key] = bool(val)
+ else
+ h[key] = val
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ h
+ end
+ end
+ def delete_core_tk4x
+ TkFont::Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ TkFont::Tk_FontNameTBL.delete(@id)
+ }
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.delete_if{|key,value| value == self}
+ }
+ end
+ def delete_core_tk8x
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont) if @latinfont
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont) if @kanjifont
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @compoundfont) if @compoundfont
+ rescue
+ end
+ TkFont::Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ TkFont::Tk_FontNameTBL.delete(@id)
+ }
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.delete_if{|key,value| value == self}
+ }
+ end
+ def latin_replace_core_tk4x(ltn)
+ create_latinfont_tk4x(ltn)
+ @compoundfont[0] = [@latinfont] if JAPANIZED_TK
+ @fontslot['font'] = @latinfont
+ table = nil
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ table = TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.clone
+ }
+ table.each{|w, fobj|
+ if self == fobj
+ begin
+ if w.include?(';')
+ win, tag, optkey = w.split(';')
+ optkey = 'font' if optkey == nil || optkey == ''
+ winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
+# winobj.tagfont_configure(tag, {'font'=>@latinfont})
+ #if winobj.kind_of? TkText
+ if winobj.kind_of?(TkText) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
+ tk_call(win, 'tag', 'configure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @latinfont)
+ #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
+ elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkCanvas) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
+ tk_call(win, 'itemconfigure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @latinfont)
+ #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
+ elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkMenu) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Menu)
+ tk_call(win, 'entryconfigure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @latinfont)
+ else
+ raise RuntimeError, "unknown widget type"
+ end
+ else
+# tk_tcl2ruby(w).font_configure('font'=>@latinfont)
+ tk_call(w, 'configure', '-font', @latinfont)
+ end
+ rescue
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.delete(w)
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ self
+ end
+ def kanji_replace_core_tk4x(knj)
+ return self unless JAPANIZED_TK
+ create_kanjifont_tk4x(knj)
+ @compoundfont[1] = [@kanjifont]
+ @fontslot['kanjifont'] = @kanjifont
+ table = nil
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ table = TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.clone
+ }
+ table.dup.each{|w, fobj|
+ if self == fobj
+ begin
+ if w.include?(';')
+ win, tag, optkey = w.split(';')
+ optkey = 'kanjifont' unless optkey
+ winobj = tk_tcl2ruby(win)
+# winobj.tagfont_configure(tag, {'kanjifont'=>@kanjifont})
+ #if winobj.kind_of? TkText
+ if winobj.kind_of?(TkText) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Text)
+ tk_call(win, 'tag', 'configure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @kanjifont)
+ #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkCanvas
+ elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkCanvas) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Canvas)
+ tk_call(win, 'itemconfigure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @kanjifont)
+ #elsif winobj.kind_of? TkMenu
+ elsif winobj.kind_of?(TkMenu) || winobj.kind_of?(Tk::Menu)
+ tk_call(win, 'entryconfigure', tag, "-#{optkey}", @latinfont)
+ else
+ raise RuntimeError, "unknown widget type"
+ end
+ else
+# tk_tcl2ruby(w).font_configure('kanjifont'=>@kanjifont)
+ tk_call(w, 'configure', '-kanjifont', @kanjifont)
+ end
+ rescue
+ Tk_FontUseTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ TkFont::Tk_FontUseTBL.delete(w)
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ self
+ end
+ def latin_replace_core_tk8x(ltn)
+ ltn = '{}' if ltn == ''
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', '@font_tmp')
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ fnt_bup = tk_call('font', 'create', '@font_tmp', '-copy', @latinfont)
+ rescue
+ #fnt_bup = ''
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont)
+ rescue
+ end
+ create_latinfont(ltn)
+ keys = self.configinfo
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @compoundfont)
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
+ '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
+ latinkeys = {}
+ begin
+ actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
+ rescue
+ latinkeys = {}
+ end
+ if latinkeys != {}
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
+ end
+ rescue RuntimeError => e
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @latinfont)
+ if fnt_bup && fnt_bup != ''
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @latinfont, '-copy', fnt_bup)
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
+ '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', fnt_bup)
+ else
+ fail e
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ latinkeys = {}
+ begin
+ actual_core(@latinfont).each{|key,val| latinkeys[key] = val}
+ rescue
+ latinkeys = {}
+ end
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
+ rescue
+ # not exist? (deleted?) -> create font
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont, *hash_kv(latinkeys))
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def kanji_replace_core_tk8x(knj)
+ knj = '{}' if knj == ''
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', '@font_tmp')
+ rescue
+ end
+ begin
+ fnt_bup = tk_call('font', 'create', '@font_tmp', '-copy', @kanjifont)
+ rescue
+ #fnt_bup = ''
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont)
+ rescue
+ end
+ create_kanjifont(knj)
+ keys = self.configinfo
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @compoundfont)
+ begin
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
+ '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
+ rescue RuntimeError => e
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', @kanjifont)
+ if fnt_bup && fnt_bup != ''
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @kanjifont, '-copy', fnt_bup)
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont,
+ '-compound', [@latinfont, @kanjifont], *hash_kv(keys))
+ tk_call('font', 'delete', fnt_bup)
+ else
+ fail e
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ def measure_core_tk4x(font, win, text)
+ 0
+ end
+ def measure_core_tk8x(font, win, text)
+ font = '{}' if font == ''
+ if win
+ number(tk_call('font', 'measure', font,
+ '-displayof', win, text))
+ else
+ number(tk_call('font', 'measure', font, text))
+ end
+ end
+ def metrics_core_tk4x(font, win, option=nil)
+ # dummy
+ if option
+ ""
+ else
+ [['ascent',[]], ['descent',[]], ['linespace',[]], ['fixed',[]]]
+ end
+ end
+ def metrics_core_tk8x(font, win, option=nil)
+ font = '{}' if font == ''
+ if option
+ if win
+ number(tk_call('font', 'metrics', font,
+ "-displayof", win, "-#{option}"))
+ else
+ number(tk_call('font', 'metrics', font, "-#{option}"))
+ end
+ else
+ l = tk_split_list(if win
+ tk_call('font','metrics',font,"-displayof",win)
+ else
+ tk_call('font','metrics',font)
+ end)
+ r = []
+ while key=l.shift
+ r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift.to_i]
+ if key == '-fixed' # boolean value
+ r.push [key[1..-1], bool(l.shift)]
+ else
+ r.push [key[1..-1], l.shift.to_i]
+ end
+ end
+ r
+ end
+ end
+ ###################################
+ # private alias
+ ###################################
+ case (Tk::TK_VERSION)
+ when /^4\..*/
+ alias actual_core actual_core_tk4x
+ alias configure_core configure_core_tk4x
+ alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk4x
+ alias current_configinfo_core current_configinfo_core_tk4x
+ alias delete_core delete_core_tk4x
+ alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk4x
+ alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk4x
+ alias measure_core measure_core_tk4x
+ alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk4x
+ when /^8\.[0-9]/
+ alias actual_core actual_core_tk8x
+ alias configure_core configure_core_tk8x
+ alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk8x
+ alias current_configinfo_core current_configinfo_core_tk8x
+ alias delete_core delete_core_tk8x
+ alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk8x
+ alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk8x
+ alias measure_core measure_core_tk8x
+ alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk8x
+ else
+ alias actual_core actual_core_tk8x
+ alias configure_core configure_core_tk8x
+ alias configinfo_core configinfo_core_tk8x
+ alias current_configinfo_core current_configinfo_core_tk8x
+ alias delete_core delete_core_tk8x
+ alias latin_replace_core latin_replace_core_tk8x
+ alias kanji_replace_core kanji_replace_core_tk8x
+ alias measure_core measure_core_tk8x
+ alias metrics_core metrics_core_tk8x
+ end
+class TkFont
+ include TkFont::CoreMethods
+ extend TkFont::CoreMethods
+class TkNamedFont < TkFont
+ # for built-in named fonts
+ def TkNamedFont.find(name)
+ name = name.to_s
+ unless (obj = Tk_FontNameTBL[name])
+ obj = if TkFont.is_system_font?(name)
+ end
+ obj
+ end
+ def, keys=nil)
+ name = name.to_s
+ obj = nil
+ Tk_FontNameTBL.mutex.synchronize{
+ unless (obj = Tk_FontNameTBL[name])
+ (obj = self.allocate).instance_eval{
+ @id = @compoundfont = name.to_s
+ @latinfont = nil
+ @kanjifont = nil
+ @descendant = [self, self] # [latin, kanji] : dummy
+ Tk_FontNameTBL[@id] = self
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ obj.instance_eval{ initialize(name, keys) }
+ obj
+ end
+ ###########################
+ private
+ ###########################
+ def initialize(name, keys=nil)
+ @id = @compoundfont = name.to_s
+ # if not exist named font, create it.
+ begin
+ if keys
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont, keys)
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'configure', @compoundfont)
+ end
+ rescue
+ # the named font doesn't exist -> create
+ if keys
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont, keys)
+ else
+ tk_call('font', 'create', @compoundfont)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_latinfont(fnt)
+ # ignore
+ end
+ def create_kanjifont(fnt)
+ # ignore
+ end
+ def create_compoundfont(ltn, knj, keys)
+ # ignore
+ end
+ ###########################
+ public
+ ###########################
+ def latin_font_id
+ @compoundfont
+ end
+ def kanji_font_id
+ @compoundfont
+ end
+# define system font names
+if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
+ # add standard fonts of Tcl/Tk 8.5+
+ 'TkDefaultFont', 'TkTextFont', 'TkFixedFont', 'TkMenuFont',
+ 'TkHeadingFont', 'TkCaptionFont', 'TkSmallCaptionFont',
+ 'TkIconFont', 'TkTooltipFont'
+ ]
+# platform-specific fonts
+# -- windows
+ 'ansifixed', 'ansi', 'device', 'oemfixed', 'systemfixed', 'system'
+# -- macintosh, macosx
+TkFont::SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.add ['system', 'application']
+if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
+ TkFont::SYSTEM_FONT_NAMES.add ['menu']
+# -- macosx (Aqua theme)
+if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 ||
+ 'systemSystemFont', 'systemEmphasizedSystemFont',
+ 'systemSmallSystemFont', 'systemSmallEmphasizedSystemFont',
+ 'systemApplicationFont', 'systemLabelFont', 'systemViewsFont',
+ 'systemMenuTitleFont', 'systemMenuItemFont', 'systemMenuItemMarkFont',
+ 'systemMenuItemCmdKeyFont', 'systemWindowTitleFont',
+ 'systemPushButtonFont', 'systemUtilityWindowTitleFont',
+ 'systemAlertHeaderFont', 'systemToolbarFont', 'systemMiniSystemFont',
+ 'systemDetailSystemFont', 'systemDetailEmphasizedSystemFont'
+ ]
+# autoload
+class TkFont
+ autoload :Chooser, 'tk/fontchooser'