path: root/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib
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16 files changed, 0 insertions, 2057 deletions
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-# -*- mode: ruby; ruby-indent-level: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- vim: sw=4 ts=4
-# $Id$
-# = yaml.rb: top-level module with methods for loading and parsing YAML documents
-# Author:: why the lucky stiff
-require 'yaml/syck'
-# == YAML
-# YAML(tm) (rhymes with 'camel') is a
-# straightforward machine parsable data serialization format designed for
-# human readability and interaction with scripting languages such as Perl
-# and Python. YAML is optimized for data serialization, formatted
-# dumping, configuration files, log files, Internet messaging and
-# filtering. This specification describes the YAML information model and
-# serialization format. Together with the Unicode standard for characters, it
-# provides all the information necessary to understand YAML Version 1.0
-# and construct computer programs to process it.
-# See for more information. For a quick tutorial, please
-# visit YAML In Five Minutes (
-# == About This Library
-# The YAML 1.0 specification outlines four stages of YAML loading and dumping.
-# This library honors all four of those stages, although data is really only
-# available to you in three stages.
-# The four stages are: native, representation, serialization, and presentation.
-# The native stage refers to data which has been loaded completely into Ruby's
-# own types. (See +YAML::load+.)
-# The representation stage means data which has been composed into
-# +YAML::BaseNode+ objects. In this stage, the document is available as a
-# tree of node objects. You can perform YPath queries and transformations
-# at this level. (See +YAML::parse+.)
-# The serialization stage happens inside the parser. The YAML parser used in
-# Ruby is called Syck. Serialized nodes are available in the extension as
-# SyckNode structs.
-# The presentation stage is the YAML document itself. This is accessible
-# to you as a string. (See +YAML::dump+.)
-# For more information about the various information models, see Chapter
-# 3 of the YAML 1.0 Specification (
-# The YAML module provides quick access to the most common loading (YAML::load)
-# and dumping (YAML::dump) tasks. This module also provides an API for registering
-# global types (YAML::add_domain_type).
-# == Example
-# A simple round-trip (load and dump) of an object.
-# require "yaml"
-# test_obj = ["dogs", "cats", "badgers"]
-# yaml_obj = YAML::dump( test_obj )
-# # -> ---
-# - dogs
-# - cats
-# - badgers
-# ruby_obj = YAML::load( yaml_obj )
-# # => ["dogs", "cats", "badgers"]
-# ruby_obj == test_obj
-# # => true
-# To register your custom types with the global resolver, use +add_domain_type+.
-# YAML::add_domain_type( ",2004", "widget" ) do |type, val|
-# val )
-# end
-module Syck
- DefaultResolver.use_types_at( @@tagged_classes )
- # Returns a new default parser
- def self.parser; self.resolver ); end
- # Returns a new generic parser
- def self.generic_parser
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.generic_parser is deprecated, switch to psych" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- GenericResolver )
- end
- # Returns the default resolver
- def self.resolver
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.resolver is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- DefaultResolver
- end
- # Returns a new default emitter
- def self.emitter
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.emitter is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- self.resolver )
- end
- #
- # Converts _obj_ to YAML and writes the YAML result to _io_.
- #
- # 'animals.yaml', 'w' ) do |out|
- # YAML.dump( ['badger', 'elephant', 'tiger'], out )
- # end
- #
- # If no _io_ is provided, a string containing the dumped YAML
- # is returned.
- #
- # YAML.dump( :locked )
- # #=> "--- :locked"
- #
- def self.dump( obj, io = nil )
- obj.to_yaml( io || io2 = )
- io || ( io2.rewind; )
- end
- #
- # Load a document from the current _io_ stream.
- #
- # 'animals.yaml' ) { |yf| YAML::load( yf ) }
- # #=> ['badger', 'elephant', 'tiger']
- #
- # Can also load from a string.
- #
- # YAML.load( "--- :locked" )
- # #=> :locked
- #
- def self.load( io )
- parser.load( io )
- end
- #
- # Load a document from the file located at _filepath_.
- #
- # YAML.load_file( 'animals.yaml' )
- # #=> ['badger', 'elephant', 'tiger']
- #
- def self.load_file( filepath )
- filepath ) do |f|
- load( f )
- end
- end
- #
- # Parse the first document from the current _io_ stream
- #
- # 'animals.yaml' ) { |yf| YAML::load( yf ) }
- # #=> #<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82ccce0
- # @kind=:seq,
- # @value=
- # [#<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82ccd94
- # @kind=:scalar,
- # @type_id="str",
- # @value="badger">,
- # #<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82ccd58
- # @kind=:scalar,
- # @type_id="str",
- # @value="elephant">,
- # #<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82ccd1c
- # @kind=:scalar,
- # @type_id="str",
- # @value="tiger">]>
- #
- # Can also load from a string.
- #
- # YAML.parse( "--- :locked" )
- # #=> #<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82edddc
- # @type_id=",2002:sym",
- # @value=":locked", @kind=:scalar>
- #
- def self.parse( io )
- generic_parser.load( io )
- end
- #
- # Parse a document from the file located at _filepath_.
- #
- # YAML.parse_file( 'animals.yaml' )
- # #=> #<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82ccce0
- # @kind=:seq,
- # @value=
- # [#<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82ccd94
- # @kind=:scalar,
- # @type_id="str",
- # @value="badger">,
- # #<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82ccd58
- # @kind=:scalar,
- # @type_id="str",
- # @value="elephant">,
- # #<YAML::Syck::Node:0x82ccd1c
- # @kind=:scalar,
- # @type_id="str",
- # @value="tiger">]>
- #
- def self.parse_file( filepath )
- filepath ) do |f|
- parse( f )
- end
- end
- #
- # Calls _block_ with each consecutive document in the YAML
- # stream contained in _io_.
- #
- # 'many-docs.yaml' ) do |yf|
- # YAML.each_document( yf ) do |ydoc|
- # ## ydoc contains the single object
- # ## from the YAML document
- # end
- # end
- #
- def self.each_document( io, &block )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.each_document is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- parser.load_documents( io, &block )
- end
- #
- # Calls _block_ with each consecutive document in the YAML
- # stream contained in _io_.
- #
- # 'many-docs.yaml' ) do |yf|
- # YAML.load_documents( yf ) do |ydoc|
- # ## ydoc contains the single object
- # ## from the YAML document
- # end
- # end
- #
- def self.load_documents( io, &doc_proc )
- parser.load_documents( io, &doc_proc )
- end
- #
- # Calls _block_ with a tree of +YAML::BaseNodes+, one tree for
- # each consecutive document in the YAML stream contained in _io_.
- #
- # 'many-docs.yaml' ) do |yf|
- # YAML.each_node( yf ) do |ydoc|
- # ## ydoc contains a tree of nodes
- # ## from the YAML document
- # end
- # end
- #
- def self.each_node( io, &doc_proc )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.each_node is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- generic_parser.load_documents( io, &doc_proc )
- end
- #
- # Calls _block_ with a tree of +YAML::BaseNodes+, one tree for
- # each consecutive document in the YAML stream contained in _io_.
- #
- # 'many-docs.yaml' ) do |yf|
- # YAML.parse_documents( yf ) do |ydoc|
- # ## ydoc contains a tree of nodes
- # ## from the YAML document
- # end
- # end
- #
- def self.parse_documents( io, &doc_proc )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.parse_documents is deprecated, use load_stream" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- self.each_node( io, &doc_proc )
- end
- #
- # Loads all documents from the current _io_ stream,
- # returning a +YAML::Stream+ object containing all
- # loaded documents.
- #
- def self.load_stream( io )
- d = nil
- parser.load_documents( io ) do |doc|
- d = if not d
- d.add( doc )
- end
- return d
- end
- #
- # Returns a YAML stream containing each of the items in +objs+,
- # each having their own document.
- #
- # YAML.dump_stream( 0, [], {} )
- # #=> --- 0
- # --- []
- # --- {}
- #
- def self.dump_stream( *objs )
- d =
- objs.each do |doc|
- d.add( doc )
- end
- d.emit
- end
- #
- # Add a global handler for a YAML domain type.
- #
- def self.add_domain_type( domain, type_tag, &transfer_proc )
- resolver.add_type( "tag:#{ domain }:#{ type_tag }", transfer_proc )
- end
- #
- # Add a transfer method for a builtin type
- #
- def self.add_builtin_type( type_tag, &transfer_proc )
- resolver.add_type( ",2002:#{ type_tag }", transfer_proc )
- end
- #
- # Add a transfer method for a builtin type
- #
- def self.add_ruby_type( type_tag, &transfer_proc )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.add_ruby_type is deprecated, use add_domain_type" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- resolver.add_type( ",2002:#{ type_tag }", transfer_proc )
- end
- #
- # Add a private document type
- #
- def self.add_private_type( type_re, &transfer_proc )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.add_private_type is deprecated, use add_domain_type" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- resolver.add_type( "x-private:" + type_re, transfer_proc )
- end
- #
- # Detect typing of a string
- #
- def self.detect_implicit( val )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.detect_implicit is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- resolver.detect_implicit( val )
- end
- #
- # Convert a type_id to a taguri
- #
- def self.tagurize( val )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.tagurize is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- resolver.tagurize( val )
- end
- #
- # Apply a transfer method to a Ruby object
- #
- def self.transfer( type_id, obj )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.transfer is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- resolver.transfer( tagurize( type_id ), obj )
- end
- #
- # Apply any implicit a node may qualify for
- #
- def self.try_implicit( obj )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.try_implicit is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- transfer( detect_implicit( obj ), obj )
- end
- #
- # Method to extract colon-seperated type and class, returning
- # the type and the constant of the class
- #
- def self.read_type_class( type, obj_class )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.read_type_class is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- type, tclass = type.split( ':', 4 ).last(2)
- tclass.split( "::" ).each { |c| obj_class = obj_class.const_get( c ) } if tclass
- return [ type, obj_class ]
- end
- #
- # Allocate blank object
- #
- def self.object_maker( obj_class, val )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.object_maker is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- if Hash === val
- o = obj_class.allocate
- val.each_pair { |k,v|
- o.instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v)
- }
- o
- else
- raise Error, "Invalid object explicitly tagged !ruby/Object: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- #
- # Allocate an Emitter if needed
- #
- def self.quick_emit( oid, opts = {}, &e )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.quick_emit is deprecated" if $VERBOSE && !caller[0].start_with?(File.dirname(__FILE__))
- out =
- if opts.is_a? Emitter
- opts
- else
- emitter.reset( opts )
- end
- out.emit( oid, &e )
- end
-module Kernel
- #
- # ryan:: You know how Kernel.p is a really convenient way to dump ruby
- # structures? The only downside is that it's not as legible as
- # YAML.
- #
- # _why:: (listening)
- #
- # ryan:: I know you don't want to urinate all over your users' namespaces.
- # But, on the other hand, convenience of dumping for debugging is,
- # IMO, a big YAML use case.
- #
- # _why:: Go nuts! Have a pony parade!
- #
- # ryan:: Either way, I certainly will have a pony parade.
- #
- # Prints any supplied _objects_ out in YAML. Intended as
- # a variation on +Kernel::p+.
- #
- # S =, :state)
- # s = S['dave', 'TX']
- # y s
- #
- # _produces:_
- #
- # --- !ruby/struct:S
- # name: dave
- # state: TX
- #
- def y( object, *objects )
- objects.unshift object
- puts( if objects.length == 1
- YAML.dump( *objects )
- else
- YAML.dump_stream( *objects )
- end )
- end
- private :y
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/baseemitter.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/baseemitter.rb
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--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/baseemitter.rb
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-# BaseEmitter
-require 'syck/constants'
-require 'syck/encoding'
-require 'syck/error'
-module Syck
- module BaseEmitter
- def options( opt = nil )
- if opt
- @options[opt] || DEFAULTS[opt]
- else
- @options
- end
- end
- def options=( opt )
- @options = opt
- end
- #
- # Emit binary data
- #
- def binary_base64( value )
- self << "!binary "
- self.node_text( [value].pack("m"), '|' )
- end
- #
- # Emit plain, normal flowing text
- #
- def node_text( value, block = nil )
- @seq_map = false
- valx = value.dup
- unless block
- block =
- if options(:UseBlock)
- '|'
- elsif not options(:UseFold) and valx =~ /\n[ \t]/ and not valx =~ /#{ESCAPE_CHAR}/
- '|'
- else
- '>'
- end
- indt = $&.to_i if block =~ /\d+/
- if valx =~ /(\A\n*[ \t#]|^---\s+)/
- indt = options(:Indent) unless indt.to_i > 0
- block += indt.to_s
- end
- block +=
- if valx =~ /\n\Z\n/
- "+"
- elsif valx =~ /\Z\n/
- ""
- else
- "-"
- end
- end
- block += "\n"
- if block[0] == ?"
- esc_skip = ( "\t\n" unless valx =~ /^[ \t]/ ) || ""
- valx = fold( Syck.escape( valx, esc_skip ) + "\"" ).chomp
- self << '"' + indent_text( valx, indt, false )
- else
- if block[0] == ?>
- valx = fold( valx )
- end
- #p [block, indt]
- self << block + indent_text( valx, indt )
- end
- end
- #
- # Emit a simple, unqouted string
- #
- def simple( value )
- @seq_map = false
- self << value.to_s
- end
- #
- # Emit double-quoted string
- #
- def double( value )
- "\"#{Syck.escape( value )}\""
- end
- #
- # Emit single-quoted string
- #
- def single( value )
- "'#{value}'"
- end
- #
- # Write a text block with the current indent
- #
- def indent_text( text, mod, first_line = true )
- return "" if text.to_s.empty?
- spacing = indent( mod )
- text = text.gsub( /\A([^\n])/, "#{ spacing }\\1" ) if first_line
- return text.gsub( /\n^([^\n])/, "\n#{spacing}\\1" )
- end
- #
- # Write a current indent
- #
- def indent( mod = nil )
- #p [, level, mod, :INDENT ]
- if level <= 0
- mod ||= 0
- else
- mod ||= options(:Indent)
- mod += ( level - 1 ) * options(:Indent)
- end
- return " " * mod
- end
- #
- # Add indent to the buffer
- #
- def indent!
- self << indent
- end
- #
- # Folding paragraphs within a column
- #
- def fold( value )
- value.gsub( /(^[ \t]+.*$)|(\S.{0,#{options(:BestWidth) - 1}})(?:[ \t]+|(\n+(?=[ \t]|\Z))|$)/ ) do
- $1 || $2 + ( $3 || "\n" )
- end
- end
- #
- # Quick mapping
- #
- def map( type, &e )
- val =
- val )
- self << "#{type} " if type.length.nonzero?
- #
- # Empty hashes
- #
- if
- self << "{}"
- @seq_map = false
- else
- # if @buffer.length == 1 and options(:UseHeader) == false and
- # @headless = 1
- # end
- defkey = @options.delete( :DefaultKey )
- if defkey
- seq_map_shortcut
- self << "= : "
- defkey.to_yaml( :Emitter => self )
- end
- #
- # Emit the key and value
- #
- val.each { |v|
- seq_map_shortcut
- if v[0].is_complex_yaml?
- self << "? "
- end
- v[0].to_yaml( :Emitter => self )
- if v[0].is_complex_yaml?
- self << "\n"
- indent!
- end
- self << ": "
- v[1].to_yaml( :Emitter => self )
- }
- end
- end
- def seq_map_shortcut
- # FIXME: seq_map needs to work with the new anchoring system
- # if @seq_map
- # @anchor_extras[@buffer.length - 1] = "\n" + indent
- # @seq_map = false
- # else
- self << "\n"
- indent!
- # end
- end
- #
- # Quick sequence
- #
- def seq( type, &e )
- @seq_map = false
- val =
- val )
- self << "#{type} " if type.length.nonzero?
- #
- # Empty arrays
- #
- if
- self << "[]"
- else
- # if @buffer.length == 1 and options(:UseHeader) == false and
- # @headless = 1
- # end
- #
- # Emit the key and value
- #
- val.each { |v|
- self << "\n"
- indent!
- self << "- "
- @seq_map = true if v.class == Hash
- v.to_yaml( :Emitter => self )
- }
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Emitter helper classes
- #
- class Mapping < Array
- def add( k, v )
- push [k, v]
- end
- end
- class Sequence < Array
- def add( v )
- push v
- end
- end
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index 5dc27bfdfe..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/basenode.rb
+++ /dev/null
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-# YAML::BaseNode class
-module Syck
- #
- # YAML Generic Model container
- #
- module BaseNode
- #
- # Search for YPath entry and return
- # qualified nodes.
- #
- def select( ypath_str )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: select is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- matches = match_path( ypath_str )
- #
- # Create a new generic view of the elements selected
- #
- if matches
- result = []
- matches.each { |m|
- result.push m.last
- }
- Syck.transfer( 'seq', result )
- end
- end
- #
- # Search for YPath entry and return
- # transformed nodes.
- #
- def select!( ypath_str )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: select!() is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- matches = match_path( ypath_str )
- #
- # Create a new generic view of the elements selected
- #
- if matches
- result = []
- matches.each { |m|
- result.push m.last.transform
- }
- result
- end
- end
- #
- # Search for YPath entry and return a list of
- # qualified paths.
- #
- def search( ypath_str )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: search() is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- matches = match_path( ypath_str )
- if matches
- matches.collect { |m|
- path = []
- m.each_index { |i|
- path.push m[i] if ( i % 2 ).zero?
- }
- "/" + path.compact.join( "/" )
- }
- end
- end
- def at( seg )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: at() is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- if Hash === @value
- self[seg]
- elsif Array === @value and seg =~ /\A\d+\Z/ and @value[seg.to_i]
- @value[seg.to_i]
- end
- end
- #
- # YPath search returning a complete depth array
- #
- def match_path( ypath_str )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: match_path is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- require 'syck/ypath'
- matches = []
- YPath.each_path( ypath_str ) do |ypath|
- seg = match_segment( ypath, 0 )
- matches += seg if seg
- end
- matches.uniq
- end
- #
- # Search a node for a single YPath segment
- #
- def match_segment( ypath, depth )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: match_segment is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- deep_nodes = []
- seg = ypath.segments[ depth ]
- if seg == "/"
- unless String === @value
- idx = -1
- @value.collect { |v|
- idx += 1
- if Hash === @value
- match_init = [v[0].transform, v[1]]
- match_deep = v[1].match_segment( ypath, depth )
- else
- match_init = [idx, v]
- match_deep = v.match_segment( ypath, depth )
- end
- if match_deep
- match_deep.each { |m|
- deep_nodes.push( match_init + m )
- }
- end
- }
- end
- depth += 1
- seg = ypath.segments[ depth ]
- end
- match_nodes =
- case seg
- when "."
- [[nil, self]]
- when ".."
- [["..", nil]]
- when "*"
- if @value.is_a? Enumerable
- idx = -1
- @value.collect { |h|
- idx += 1
- if Hash === @value
- [h[0].transform, h[1]]
- else
- [idx, h]
- end
- }
- end
- else
- if seg =~ /^"(.*)"$/
- seg = $1
- elsif seg =~ /^'(.*)'$/
- seg = $1
- end
- if ( v = at( seg ) )
- [[ seg, v ]]
- end
- end
- return deep_nodes unless match_nodes
- pred = ypath.predicates[ depth ]
- if pred
- case pred
- when /^\.=/
- pred = $' # '
- match_nodes.reject! { |n|
- n.last.value != pred
- }
- else
- match_nodes.reject! { |n|
- pred ).nil?
- }
- end
- end
- return match_nodes + deep_nodes unless ypath.segments.length > depth + 1
- #puts "DEPTH: #{depth + 1}"
- deep_nodes = []
- match_nodes.each { |n|
- if n[1].is_a? BaseNode
- match_deep = n[1].match_segment( ypath, depth + 1 )
- if match_deep
- match_deep.each { |m|
- deep_nodes.push( n + m )
- }
- end
- else
- deep_nodes = []
- end
- }
- deep_nodes = nil if deep_nodes.length == 0
- deep_nodes
- end
- #
- # We want the node to act like as Hash
- # if it is.
- #
- def []( *key )
- if Hash === @value
- v = @value.detect { |k,| k.transform == key.first }
- v[1] if v
- elsif Array === @value
- @value.[]( *key )
- end
- end
- def children
- if Hash === @value
- @value.values.collect { |c| c[1] }
- elsif Array === @value
- @value
- end
- end
- def children_with_index
- warn "#{caller[0]}: children_with_index is deprecated, use children" if $VERBOSE
- if Hash === @value
- @value.keys.collect { |i| [self[i], i] }
- elsif Array === @value
- i = -1; @value.collect { |v| i += 1; [v, i] }
- end
- end
- def emit
- transform.to_yaml
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/constants.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/constants.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 19fe42ef85..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/constants.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Constants used throughout the library
-module Syck
- #
- # Constants
- #
- VERSION = '0.60'
- #
- # Parser tokens
- #
- WORD_CHAR = 'A-Za-z0-9'
- PRINTABLE_CHAR = '-_A-Za-z0-9!?/()$\'". '
- NOT_PLAIN_CHAR = '\x7f\x0-\x1f\x80-\x9f'
- ESCAPE_CHAR = '[\\x00-\\x09\\x0b-\\x1f]'
- INDICATOR_CHAR = '*&!|\\\\^@%{}[]='
- DNS_COMP_RE = "\\w(?:[-\\w]*\\w)?"
- DNS_NAME_RE = "(?:(?:#{DNS_COMP_RE}\\.)+#{DNS_COMP_RE}|#{DNS_COMP_RE})"
- ESCAPES = %w{\x00 \x01 \x02 \x03 \x04 \x05 \x06 \a
- \x08 \t \n \v \f \r \x0e \x0f
- \x10 \x11 \x12 \x13 \x14 \x15 \x16 \x17
- \x18 \x19 \x1a \e \x1c \x1d \x1e \x1f
- }
- 'a' => "\x07", 'b' => "\x08", 't' => "\x09",
- 'n' => "\x0a", 'v' => "\x0b", 'f' => "\x0c",
- 'r' => "\x0d", 'e' => "\x1b", '\\' => '\\',
- }
- #
- # Default settings
- #
- :Indent => 2, :UseHeader => false, :UseVersion => false, :Version => '1.0',
- :SortKeys => false, :AnchorFormat => 'id%03d', :ExplicitTypes => false,
- :WidthType => 'absolute', :BestWidth => 80,
- :UseBlock => false, :UseFold => false, :Encoding => :None
- }
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/encoding.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/encoding.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dad062994c..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/encoding.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Handle Unicode-to-Internal conversion
-module Syck
- #
- # Escape the string, condensing common escapes
- #
- def self.escape( value, skip = "" )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.escape is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- value.gsub( /\\/, "\\\\\\" ).
- gsub( /"/, "\\\"" ).
- gsub( /([\x00-\x1f])/ ) do
- skip[$&] || ESCAPES[ $&.unpack("C")[0] ]
- end
- end
- #
- # Unescape the condenses escapes
- #
- def self.unescape( value )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML.unescape is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- value.gsub( /\\(?:([nevfbart\\])|0?x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|u([0-9a-fA-F]{4}))/ ) {
- if $3
- ["#$3".hex ].pack('U*')
- elsif $2
- [$2].pack( "H2" )
- else
- end
- }
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/error.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/error.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bac872411..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/error.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Error messages and exception class
-module Syck
- #
- # Error messages
- #
- ERROR_NO_HEADER_NODE = "With UseHeader=false, the node Array or Hash must have elements"
- ERROR_NEED_HEADER = "With UseHeader=false, the node must be an Array or Hash"
- ERROR_BAD_EXPLICIT = "Unsupported explicit transfer: '%s'"
- ERROR_MANY_EXPLICIT = "More than one explicit transfer"
- ERROR_MANY_IMPLICIT = "More than one implicit request"
- ERROR_NO_ANCHOR = "No anchor for alias '%s'"
- ERROR_BAD_ANCHOR = "Invalid anchor: %s"
- ERROR_MANY_ANCHOR = "More than one anchor"
- ERROR_ANCHOR_ALIAS = "Can't define both an anchor and an alias"
- ERROR_BAD_ALIAS = "Invalid alias: %s"
- ERROR_MANY_ALIAS = "More than one alias"
- ERROR_ZERO_INDENT = "Can't use zero as an indentation width"
- ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = "This release of YAML.rb does not support YAML version %s"
- ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ENCODING = "Attempt to use unsupported encoding: %s"
- #
- # YAML Error classes
- #
- class Error < StandardError; end
- class ParseError < Error; end
- class TypeError < StandardError; end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/loader.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/loader.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 925c9ee4b2..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/loader.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# YAML::Loader class
-# .. type handling ..
-module Syck
- class Loader
- ',2002' => {},
- ',2002' => {}
- }
- IMPLICIT_TYPES = [ 'null', 'bool', 'time', 'int', 'float' ]
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/rubytypes.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/rubytypes.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b6869c4b8b..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/rubytypes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,467 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: ruby; ruby-indent-level: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- vim: sw=4 ts=4
-require 'date'
-class Class
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- raise TypeError, "can't dump anonymous class %s" % self.class
- end
-class Object
- yaml_as ",2002:object"
- def to_yaml_style; end
- undef to_yaml_properties rescue nil
- def to_yaml_properties; instance_variables.sort; end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- to_yaml_properties.each do |m|
- map.add( m[1..-1], instance_variable_get( m ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- alias :syck_to_yaml :to_yaml
-class Hash
- yaml_as ",2002:hash"
- yaml_as ",2002:map"
- def yaml_initialize( tag, val )
- if Array === val
- update Hash.[]( *val ) # Convert the map to a sequence
- elsif Hash === val
- update val
- else
- raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid map explicitly tagged #{ tag }: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- each do |k, v|
- map.add( k, v )
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Struct
- yaml_as ",2002:struct"
- def self.yaml_tag_class_name; "Struct::", "" ); end
- def self.yaml_tag_read_class( name ); "Struct::#{ name }"; end
- def self.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- if Hash === val
- struct_type = nil
- #
- # Use existing Struct if it exists
- #
- props = {}
- val.delete_if { |k,v| props[k] = v if k =~ /^@/ }
- begin
- struct_type = YAML.read_type_class( tag, Struct ).last
- rescue NameError
- end
- if not struct_type
- struct_def = [ tag.split( ':', 4 ).last ]
- struct_type = *struct_def.concat( val.keys.collect { |k| k.intern } ) )
- end
- #
- # Set the Struct properties
- #
- st = YAML::object_maker( struct_type, {} )
- st.members.each do |m|
- st.send( "#{m}=", val[m.to_s] )
- end
- props.each do |k,v|
- st.instance_variable_set(k, v)
- end
- st
- else
- raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Ruby Struct: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- #
- # Basic struct is passed as a YAML map
- #
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- self.members.each do |m|
- map.add( m.to_s, self[m.to_s] )
- end
- self.to_yaml_properties.each do |m|
- map.add( m, instance_variable_get( m ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Array
- yaml_as ",2002:array"
- yaml_as ",2002:seq"
- def yaml_initialize( tag, val ); concat( val.to_a ); end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- out.seq( taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |seq|
- each do |x|
- seq.add( x )
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Exception
- yaml_as ",2002:exception"
- def Exception.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- o = klass.allocate
- Exception.instance_method(:initialize).bind(o).call(val.delete('message'))
- val.each_pair do |k,v|
- o.instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v)
- end
- o
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- map.add( 'message', message )
- to_yaml_properties.each do |m|
- map.add( m[1..-1], instance_variable_get( m ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class String
- yaml_as ",2002:string"
- yaml_as ",2002:binary"
- yaml_as ",2002:str"
- def is_complex_yaml?
- to_yaml_style or not to_yaml_properties.empty? or self =~ /\n.+/
- end
- def is_binary_data?
- self.count("\x00-\x7F", "^ -~\t\r\n").fdiv(self.size) > 0.3 || self.index("\x00") unless self.empty?
- end
- def String.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- val = val.unpack("m")[0] if tag == ",2002:binary"
- val = { 'str' => val } if String === val
- if Hash === val
- s = klass.allocate
- # Thank you, NaHi
- String.instance_method(:initialize).
- bind(s).
- call( val.delete( 'str' ) )
- val.each { |k,v| s.instance_variable_set( k, v ) }
- s
- else
- raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid String: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( is_complex_yaml? ? self : nil, opts ) do |out|
- if is_binary_data?
- out.scalar( ",2002:binary", [self].pack("m"), :literal )
- elsif to_yaml_properties.empty?
- out.scalar( taguri, self, self =~ /^:/ ? :quote2 : to_yaml_style )
- else
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- map.add( 'str', "#{self}" )
- to_yaml_properties.each do |m|
- map.add( m, instance_variable_get( m ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Symbol
- yaml_as ",2002:symbol"
- yaml_as ",2002:sym"
- def Symbol.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- if String === val
- val = YAML::load( val ) if val =~ /\A(["']).*\1\z/
- val.intern
- else
- raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Symbol: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) do |out|
- out.scalar( ",2002:str", self.inspect, :plain )
- end
- end
-class Range
- yaml_as ",2002:range"
- def Range.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- inr = %r'(\w+|[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]\d+)?|"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*")'
- opts = {}
- if String === val and val =~ /^#{inr}(\.{2,3})#{inr}$/o
- r1, rdots, r2 = $1, $2, $3
- opts = {
- 'begin' => YAML.load( "--- #{r1}" ),
- 'end' => YAML.load( "--- #{r2}" ),
- 'excl' => rdots.length == 3
- }
- val = {}
- elsif Hash === val
- opts['begin'] = val.delete('begin')
- opts['end'] = val.delete('end')
- opts['excl'] = val.delete('excl')
- end
- if Hash === opts
- r = YAML::object_maker( klass, {} )
- # Thank you, NaHi
- Range.instance_method(:initialize).
- bind(r).
- call( opts['begin'], opts['end'], opts['excl'] )
- val.each { |k,v| r.instance_variable_set( k, v ) }
- r
- else
- raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Range: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- # if self.begin.is_complex_yaml? or self.begin.respond_to? :to_str or
- # self.end.is_complex_yaml? or self.end.respond_to? :to_str or
- # not to_yaml_properties.empty?
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- map.add( 'begin', self.begin )
- map.add( 'end', self.end )
- map.add( 'excl', self.exclude_end? )
- to_yaml_properties.each do |m|
- map.add( m, instance_variable_get( m ) )
- end
- end
- # else
- # out.scalar( taguri ) do |sc|
- # sc.embed( self.begin )
- # sc.concat( self.exclude_end? ? "..." : ".." )
- # sc.embed( self.end )
- # end
- # end
- end
- end
-class Regexp
- yaml_as ",2002:regexp"
- def Regexp.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- if String === val and val =~ /^\/(.*)\/([mixn]*)$/
- val = { 'regexp' => $1, 'mods' => $2 }
- end
- if Hash === val
- mods = nil
- unless val['mods'].to_s.empty?
- mods = 0x00
- mods |= Regexp::EXTENDED if val['mods'].include?( 'x' )
- mods |= Regexp::IGNORECASE if val['mods'].include?( 'i' )
- mods |= Regexp::MULTILINE if val['mods'].include?( 'm' )
- mods |= Regexp::NOENCODING if val['mods'].include?( 'n' )
- end
- val.delete( 'mods' )
- r = YAML::object_maker( klass, {} )
- Regexp.instance_method(:initialize).
- bind(r).
- call( val.delete( 'regexp' ), mods )
- val.each { |k,v| r.instance_variable_set( k, v ) }
- r
- else
- raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Regular expression: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) do |out|
- if to_yaml_properties.empty?
- out.scalar( taguri, self.inspect, :plain )
- else
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- src = self.inspect
- if src =~ /\A\/(.*)\/([a-z]*)\Z/
- map.add( 'regexp', $1 )
- map.add( 'mods', $2 )
- else
- raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Regular expression: " + src
- end
- to_yaml_properties.each do |m|
- map.add( m, instance_variable_get( m ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Time
- yaml_as ",2002:time"
- yaml_as ",2002:timestamp"
- def Time.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- if Hash === val
- t = val.delete( 'at' )
- val.each { |k,v| t.instance_variable_set( k, v ) }
- t
- else
- raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Time: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- tz = "Z"
- # from the tidy Tobias Peters <> Thanks!
- unless self.utc?
- utc_same_instant = self.dup.utc
- utc_same_writing = Time.utc(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,usec)
- difference_to_utc = utc_same_writing - utc_same_instant
- if (difference_to_utc < 0)
- difference_sign = '-'
- absolute_difference = -difference_to_utc
- else
- difference_sign = '+'
- absolute_difference = difference_to_utc
- end
- difference_minutes = (absolute_difference/60).round
- tz = "%s%02d:%02d" % [ difference_sign, difference_minutes / 60, difference_minutes % 60]
- end
- standard = self.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )
- standard += ".%06d" % [usec] if usec.nonzero?
- standard += " %s" % [tz]
- if to_yaml_properties.empty?
- out.scalar( taguri, standard, :plain )
- else
- taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- map.add( 'at', standard )
- to_yaml_properties.each do |m|
- map.add( m, instance_variable_get( m ) )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-class Date
- yaml_as ",2002:timestamp#ymd"
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- out.scalar( ",2002:timestamp", self.to_s, :plain )
- end
- end
-class Integer
- yaml_as ",2002:int"
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) do |out|
- out.scalar( ",2002:int", self.to_s, :plain )
- end
- end
-class Float
- yaml_as ",2002:float"
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) do |out|
- str = self.to_s
- if str == "Infinity"
- str = ".Inf"
- elsif str == "-Infinity"
- str = "-.Inf"
- elsif str == "NaN"
- str = ".NaN"
- end
- out.scalar( ",2002:float", str, :plain )
- end
- end
-class Rational
- yaml_as ",2002:object:Rational"
- def Rational.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- if val.is_a? String
- Rational( val )
- else
- Rational( val['numerator'], val['denominator'] )
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- taguri, nil ) do |map|
- map.add( 'denominator', denominator )
- map.add( 'numerator', numerator )
- end
- end
- end
-class Complex
- yaml_as ",2002:object:Complex"
- def Complex.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
- if val.is_a? String
- Complex( val )
- else
- Complex( val['real'], val['image'] )
- end
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- taguri, nil ) do |map|
- map.add( 'image', imaginary )
- map.add( 'real', real )
- end
- end
- end
-class TrueClass
- yaml_as ",2002:bool#yes"
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) do |out|
- out.scalar( taguri, "true", :plain )
- end
- end
-class FalseClass
- yaml_as ",2002:bool#no"
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) do |out|
- out.scalar( taguri, "false", :plain )
- end
- end
-class NilClass
- yaml_as ",2002:null"
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- return super unless YAML::ENGINE.syck?
- YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) do |out|
- out.scalar( taguri, "", :plain )
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/stream.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/stream.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cd77a033c6..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/stream.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-module Syck
- #
- # YAML::Stream -- for emitting many documents
- #
- class Stream
- attr_accessor :documents, :options
- def initialize( opts = {} )
- @options = opts
- @documents = []
- end
- def []( i )
- @documents[ i ]
- end
- def add( doc )
- @documents << doc
- end
- def edit( doc_num, doc )
- warn "#{caller[0]}: edit is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
- @documents[ doc_num ] = doc
- end
- def emit( io = nil )
- # opts = @options.dup
- # opts[:UseHeader] = true if @documents.length > 1
- out = Syck.emitter
- out.reset( io || io2 = )
- @documents.each { |v|
- v.to_yaml( out )
- }
- io || ( io2.rewind; )
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/stringio.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/stringio.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 77a2b827e5..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/stringio.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-warn "#{caller[0]}: yaml/stringio is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
-# Limited StringIO if no core lib is available
-require 'stringio'
-rescue LoadError
- # StringIO based on code by MoonWolf
- class StringIO
- def initialize(string="")
- @string=string
- @pos=0
- @eof=(string.size==0)
- end
- def pos
- @pos
- end
- def eof
- @eof
- end
- alias eof? eof
- def readline(rs=$/)
- if @eof
- raise EOFError
- else
- if p = @string[@pos..-1]=~rs
- line = @string[@pos,p+1]
- else
- line = @string[@pos..-1]
- end
- @pos+=line.size
- @eof =true if @pos==@string.size
- $_ = line
- end
- end
- def rewind
- seek(0,0)
- end
- def seek(offset,whence)
- case whence
- when 0
- @pos=offset
- when 1
- @pos+=offset
- when 2
- @pos=@string.size+offset
- end
- @eof=(@pos>=@string.size)
- 0
- end
- end
- #
- # Class method for creating streams
- #
- def Syck.make_stream( io )
- if String === io
- io = io )
- elsif not IO === io
- raise Syck::Error, "YAML stream must be an IO or String object."
- end
- if Syck::unicode
- def io.readline
- Syck.utf_to_internal( readline( @ln_sep ), @utf_encoding )
- end
- def io.check_unicode
- @utf_encoding = Syck.sniff_encoding( read( 4 ) )
- @ln_sep = Syck.enc_separator( @utf_encoding )
- seek( -4, IO::SEEK_CUR )
- end
- def io.utf_encoding
- @utf_encoding
- end
- io.check_unicode
- else
- def io.utf_encoding
- :None
- end
- end
- io
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/syck.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/syck.rb
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index 10e5023f46..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/syck.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# YAML::Syck module
-# .. glues syck and yaml.rb together ..
-require 'syck/basenode'
-module Syck
- #
- # Mixin BaseNode functionality
- #
- class Node
- include Syck::BaseNode
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/tag.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/tag.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c6de57953..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/tag.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: ruby; ruby-indent-level: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- vim: sw=4 ts=4
-# $Id$
-# = yaml/tag.rb: methods for associating a taguri to a class.
-# Author:: why the lucky stiff
-module Syck
- # A dictionary of taguris which map to
- # Ruby classes.
- @@tagged_classes = {}
- #
- # Associates a taguri _tag_ with a Ruby class _cls_. The taguri is used to give types
- # to classes when loading YAML. Taguris are of the form:
- #
- # tag:authorityName,date:specific
- #
- # The +authorityName+ is a domain name or email address. The +date+ is the date the type
- # was issued in YYYY or YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD format. The +specific+ is a name for
- # the type being added.
- #
- # For example, built-in YAML types have '' as the +authorityName+ and '2002' as the
- # +date+. The +specific+ is simply the name of the type:
- #
- #,2002:int
- #,2002:float
- #,2002:timestamp
- #
- # The domain must be owned by you on the +date+ declared. If you don't own any domains on the
- # date you declare the type, you can simply use an e-mail address.
- #
- #,2004:notes/personal
- #
- def self.tag_class( tag, cls )
- if @@tagged_classes.has_key? tag
- warn "class #{ @@tagged_classes[tag] } held ownership of the #{ tag } tag"
- end
- @@tagged_classes[tag] = cls
- end
- # Returns the complete dictionary of taguris, paired with classes. The key for
- # the dictionary is the full taguri. The value for each key is the class constant
- # associated to that taguri.
- #
- # YAML.tagged_classes[",2002:int"] => Integer
- #
- def self.tagged_classes
- @@tagged_classes
- end
-class Module
- # :stopdoc:
- # Adds a taguri _tag_ to a class, used when dumping or loading the class
- # in YAML. See YAML::tag_class for detailed information on typing and
- # taguris.
- def syck_yaml_as( tag, sc = true )
- verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
- class_eval <<-"END", __FILE__, __LINE__+1
- attr_writer :taguri
- def taguri
- if respond_to? :to_yaml_type
- Syck.tagurize( to_yaml_type[1..-1] )
- else
- return @taguri if defined?(@taguri) and @taguri
- tag = #{ tag.dump }
- if self.class.yaml_tag_subclasses? and self.class != Syck.tagged_classes[tag]
- tag = "\#{ tag }:\#{ self.class.yaml_tag_class_name }"
- end
- tag
- end
- end
- def self.yaml_tag_subclasses?; #{ sc ? 'true' : 'false' }; end
- Syck.tag_class tag, self
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = verbose
- end
- remove_method :yaml_as rescue nil
- alias :yaml_as :syck_yaml_as
- # Transforms the subclass name into a name suitable for display
- # in a subclassed tag.
- def yaml_tag_class_name
- end
- # Transforms the subclass name found in the tag into a Ruby
- # constant name.
- def yaml_tag_read_class( name )
- name
- end
- # :startdoc:
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/types.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/types.rb
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index 5c129acba4..0000000000
--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/types.rb
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@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# -*- mode: ruby; ruby-indent-level: 4 -*- vim: sw=4
-# Classes required by the full core typeset
-module Syck
- #
- # Default private type
- #
- class PrivateType
- def self.tag_subclasses?; false; end
- verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
- def initialize( type, val )
- @type_id = type; @value = val
- @value.taguri = "x-private:#{ @type_id }"
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- @value.to_yaml( opts )
- end
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = verbose
- end
- #
- # Default domain type
- #
- class DomainType
- def self.tag_subclasses?; false; end
- verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
- def initialize( domain, type, val )
- @domain = domain; @type_id = type; @value = val
- @value.taguri = "tag:#{ @domain }:#{ @type_id }"
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- @value.to_yaml( opts )
- end
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = verbose
- end
- #
- # Unresolved objects
- #
- class Object
- def self.tag_subclasses?; false; end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- Syck.quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- ",2002:object:#{ @class }", to_yaml_style ) do |map|
- @ivars.each do |k,v|
- map.add( k, v )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # YAML Hash class to support comments and defaults
- #
- class SpecialHash < ::Hash
- attr_accessor :default
- def inspect
- self.default.to_s
- end
- def to_s
- self.default.to_s
- end
- def update( h )
- if Syck::SpecialHash === h
- @default = h.default if h.default
- end
- super( h )
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- opts[:DefaultKey] = self.default
- super( opts )
- end
- end
- #
- # Builtin collection: !omap
- #
- class Omap < ::Array
- yaml_as ",2002:omap"
- def yaml_initialize( tag, val )
- if Array === val
- val.each do |v|
- if Hash === v
- concat( v.to_a ) # Convert the map to a sequence
- else
- raise Syck::Error, "Invalid !omap entry: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- else
- raise Syck::Error, "Invalid !omap: " + val.inspect
- end
- self
- end
- def self.[]( *vals )
- o =
- 0.step( vals.length - 1, 2 ) do |i|
- o[vals[i]] = vals[i+1]
- end
- o
- end
- def []( k )
- self.assoc( k ).to_a[1]
- end
- def []=( k, *rest )
- val, set = rest.reverse
- if ( tmp = self.assoc( k ) ) and not set
- tmp[1] = val
- else
- self << [ k, val ]
- end
- val
- end
- def has_key?( k )
- self.assoc( k ) ? true : false
- end
- def is_complex_yaml?
- true
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- Syck.quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- out.seq( taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |seq|
- self.each do |v|
- seq.add( Hash[ *v ] )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Builtin collection: !pairs
- #
- class Pairs < ::Array
- yaml_as ",2002:pairs"
- def yaml_initialize( tag, val )
- if Array === val
- val.each do |v|
- if Hash === v
- concat( v.to_a ) # Convert the map to a sequence
- else
- raise Syck::Error, "Invalid !pairs entry: " + val.inspect
- end
- end
- else
- raise Syck::Error, "Invalid !pairs: " + val.inspect
- end
- self
- end
- def self.[]( *vals )
- p =
- 0.step( vals.length - 1, 2 ) { |i|
- p[vals[i]] = vals[i+1]
- }
- p
- end
- def []( k )
- self.assoc( k ).to_a
- end
- def []=( k, val )
- self << [ k, val ]
- val
- end
- def has_key?( k )
- self.assoc( k ) ? true : false
- end
- def is_complex_yaml?
- true
- end
- def to_yaml( opts = {} )
- Syck.quick_emit( self, opts ) do |out|
- out.seq( taguri, to_yaml_style ) do |seq|
- self.each do |v|
- seq.add( Hash[ *v ] )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Builtin collection: !set
- #
- class Set < ::Hash
- yaml_as ",2002:set"
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/yamlnode.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/yamlnode.rb
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--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/yamlnode.rb
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-# YAML::YamlNode class
-require 'syck/basenode'
-module Syck
- #
- # YAML Generic Model container
- #
- class YamlNode
- include BaseNode
- attr_accessor :kind, :type_id, :value, :anchor
- def initialize(t, v)
- @type_id = t
- if Hash === v
- @kind = 'map'
- @value = {}
- v.each {|key,val|
- @value[key.transform] = [key, val]
- }
- elsif Array === v
- @kind = 'seq'
- @value = v
- elsif String === v
- @kind = 'scalar'
- @value = v
- end
- end
- #
- # Transform this node fully into a native type
- #
- def transform
- t = nil
- if @value.is_a? Hash
- t = {}
- @value.each { |k,v|
- t[ k ] = v[1].transform
- }
- elsif @value.is_a? Array
- t = []
- @value.each { |v|
- t.push v.transform
- }
- else
- t = @value
- end
- Syck.transfer_method( @type_id, t )
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/ypath.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/ypath.rb
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--- a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/syck/ypath.rb
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@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# YAML::YPath
-warn "#{caller[0]}: YAML::YPath is deprecated" if $VERBOSE
-module Syck
- class YPath
- attr_accessor :segments, :predicates, :flags
- def initialize( str )
- @segments = []
- @predicates = []
- @flags = nil
- while str =~ /^\/?(\/|[^\/\[]+)(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?/
- @segments.push $1
- @predicates.push $2
- str = $'
- end
- unless str.to_s.empty?
- @segments += str.split( "/" )
- end
- if @segments.length == 0
- @segments.push "."
- end
- end
- def self.each_path( str )
- #
- # Find choices
- #
- paths = []
- str = "(#{ str })"
- while str.sub!( /\(([^()]+)\)/, "\n#{ paths.length }\n" )
- paths.push $1.split( '|' )
- end
- #
- # Construct all possible paths
- #
- all = [ str ]
- ( paths.length - 1 ).downto( 0 ) do |i|
- all = all.collect do |a|
- paths[i].collect do |p|
- a.gsub( /\n#{ i }\n/, p )
- end
- end.flatten.uniq
- end
- all.collect do |path|
- yield path )
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/yaml/syck.rb b/ruby_1_9_3/ext/syck/lib/yaml/syck.rb
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-# $Id$
-# = yaml/syck.rb:
-require 'stringio'
-require ''
-require 'syck/error'
-require 'syck/syck'
-require 'syck/tag'
-require 'syck/stream'
-require 'syck/constants'
-require 'syck/rubytypes'
-require 'syck/types'