path: root/lib/xsd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/xsd')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 2941 deletions
diff --git a/lib/xsd/charset.rb b/lib/xsd/charset.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cd4d8a074c..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/charset.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - Charset handling library.
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-module XSD
-module Charset
- @internal_encoding = "ASCII"
- class XSDError < StandardError; end
- class CharsetError < XSDError; end
- class UnknownCharsetError < CharsetError; end
- class CharsetConversionError < CharsetError; end
- ###
- ## Maps
- #
- EncodingConvertMap = {}
- def Charset.init
- EncodingConvertMap[['UTF8', 'X_ISO8859_1']] =
- { |str| str.unpack('U*').pack('C*') }
- EncodingConvertMap[['X_ISO8859_1', 'UTF8']] =
- { |str| str.unpack('C*').pack('U*') }
- begin
- require 'xsd/iconvcharset'
- @internal_encoding = 'UTF8'
- sjtag = (/(mswin|bccwin|mingw|cygwin|emx)/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) ? 'cp932' :
- 'shift_jis'
- EncodingConvertMap[['UTF8', 'EUC' ]] =
- { |str| IconvCharset.safe_iconv("euc-jp", "utf-8", str) }
- EncodingConvertMap[['EUC' , 'UTF8']] =
- { |str| IconvCharset.safe_iconv("utf-8", "euc-jp", str) }
- EncodingConvertMap[['EUC' , 'SJIS']] =
- { |str| IconvCharset.safe_iconv(sjtag, "euc-jp", str) }
- EncodingConvertMap[['UTF8', 'SJIS']] =
- { |str| IconvCharset.safe_iconv(sjtag, "utf-8", str) }
- EncodingConvertMap[['SJIS', 'UTF8']] =
- { |str| IconvCharset.safe_iconv("utf-8", sjtag, str) }
- EncodingConvertMap[['SJIS', 'EUC' ]] =
- { |str| IconvCharset.safe_iconv("euc-jp", sjtag, str) }
- rescue LoadError
- begin
- require 'nkf'
- EncodingConvertMap[['EUC' , 'SJIS']] =
- { |str| NKF.nkf('-sXm0', str) }
- EncodingConvertMap[['SJIS', 'EUC' ]] =
- { |str| NKF.nkf('-eXm0', str) }
- rescue LoadError
- end
- begin
- require 'uconv'
- @internal_encoding = 'UTF8'
- EncodingConvertMap[['UTF8', 'EUC' ]] = Uconv.method(:u8toeuc)
- EncodingConvertMap[['UTF8', 'SJIS']] = Uconv.method(:u8tosjis)
- EncodingConvertMap[['EUC' , 'UTF8']] = Uconv.method(:euctou8)
- EncodingConvertMap[['SJIS', 'UTF8']] = Uconv.method(:sjistou8)
- rescue LoadError
- end
- end
- end
- self.init
- CharsetMap = {
- 'NONE' => 'us-ascii',
- 'EUC' => 'euc-jp',
- 'SJIS' => 'shift_jis',
- 'UTF8' => 'utf-8',
- 'X_ISO_8859_1' => 'iso-8859-1',
- 'X_UNKNOWN' => nil,
- }
- ###
- ## handlers
- #
- def Charset.encoding
- @internal_encoding
- end
- def Charset.encoding=(encoding)
- warn("xsd charset is set to #{encoding}") if $DEBUG
- @internal_encoding = encoding
- end
- def Charset.xml_encoding_label
- charset_label(@internal_encoding)
- end
- def Charset.encoding_to_xml(str, charset)
- encoding_conv(str, @internal_encoding, charset_str(charset))
- end
- def Charset.encoding_from_xml(str, charset)
- encoding_conv(str, charset_str(charset), @internal_encoding)
- end
- def Charset.encoding_conv(str, enc_from, enc_to)
- if enc_from == enc_to or enc_from == 'NONE' or enc_to == 'NONE'
- str
- elsif converter = EncodingConvertMap[[enc_from, enc_to]]
- else
- raise
- "Converter not found: #{enc_from} -> #{enc_to}")
- end
- end
- def Charset.charset_label(encoding)
- CharsetMap[encoding.upcase]
- end
- def Charset.charset_str(label)
- if CharsetMap.respond_to?(:key)
- CharsetMap.key(label.downcase) || 'X_UNKNOWN'
- else
- CharsetMap.index(label.downcase) || 'X_UNKNOWN'
- end
- end
- # us_ascii = '[\x00-\x7F]'
- us_ascii = '[\x9\xa\xd\x20-\x7F]' # XML 1.0 restricted.
- USASCIIRegexp ="\\A#{us_ascii}*\\z", nil, "NONE")
- twobytes_euc = '(?:[\x8E\xA1-\xFE][\xA1-\xFE])'
- threebytes_euc = '(?:\x8F[\xA1-\xFE][\xA1-\xFE])'
- character_euc = "(?:#{us_ascii}|#{twobytes_euc}|#{threebytes_euc})"
- EUCRegexp ="\\A#{character_euc}*\\z", nil, "NONE")
- # onebyte_sjis = '[\x00-\x7F\xA1-\xDF]'
- onebyte_sjis = '[\x9\xa\xd\x20-\x7F\xA1-\xDF]' # XML 1.0 restricted.
- twobytes_sjis = '(?:[\x81-\x9F\xE0-\xFC][\x40-\x7E\x80-\xFC])'
- character_sjis = "(?:#{onebyte_sjis}|#{twobytes_sjis})"
- SJISRegexp ="\\A#{character_sjis}*\\z", nil, "NONE")
- # 0xxxxxxx
- # 110yyyyy 10xxxxxx
- twobytes_utf8 = '(?:[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])'
- # 1110zzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
- threebytes_utf8 = '(?:[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])'
- # 11110uuu 10uuuzzz 10yyyyyy 10xxxxxx
- fourbytes_utf8 = '(?:[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])'
- character_utf8 =
- "(?:#{us_ascii}|#{twobytes_utf8}|#{threebytes_utf8}|#{fourbytes_utf8})"
- UTF8Regexp ="\\A#{character_utf8}*\\z", nil, "NONE")
- def Charset.is_us_ascii(str)
- USASCIIRegexp =~ str
- end
- def Charset.is_utf8(str)
- UTF8Regexp =~ str
- end
- def Charset.is_euc(str)
- EUCRegexp =~ str
- end
- def Charset.is_sjis(str)
- SJISRegexp =~ str
- end
- def Charset.is_ces(str, code = $KCODE)
- case code
- when 'NONE'
- is_us_ascii(str)
- when 'UTF8'
- is_utf8(str)
- when 'EUC'
- is_euc(str)
- when 'SJIS'
- is_sjis(str)
- else
- raise"Unknown charset: #{code}")
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/codegen.rb b/lib/xsd/codegen.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d820ebf1f2..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/codegen.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - Generating code library
-# Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport'
-require 'xsd/codegen/moduledef'
-require 'xsd/codegen/classdef'
-require 'xsd/codegen/methoddef'
diff --git a/lib/xsd/codegen/classdef.rb b/lib/xsd/codegen/classdef.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eb1ce6607..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/codegen/classdef.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - Generating class definition code
-# Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport'
-require 'xsd/codegen/moduledef'
-require 'xsd/codegen/methoddef'
-module XSD
-module CodeGen
-class ClassDef < ModuleDef
- include GenSupport
- def initialize(name, baseclass = nil)
- super(name)
- @baseclass = baseclass
- @classvar = []
- @attrdef = []
- end
- def def_classvar(var, value)
- var = var.sub(/\A@@/, "")
- unless safevarname?(var)
- raise"#{var} seems to be unsafe")
- end
- @classvar << [var, value]
- end
- def def_attr(attrname, writable = true, varname = nil)
- unless safevarname?(varname || attrname)
- raise"#{varname || attrname} seems to be unsafe")
- end
- @attrdef << [attrname, writable, varname]
- end
- def dump
- buf = ""
- unless @requirepath.empty?
- buf << dump_requirepath
- end
- buf << dump_emptyline unless buf.empty?
- package = @name.split(/::/)[0..-2]
- buf << dump_package_def(package) unless package.empty?
- buf << dump_comment if @comment
- buf << dump_class_def
- spacer = false
- unless @classvar.empty?
- spacer = true
- buf << dump_classvar
- end
- unless @const.empty?
- buf << dump_emptyline if spacer
- spacer = true
- buf << dump_const
- end
- unless @code.empty?
- buf << dump_emptyline if spacer
- spacer = true
- buf << dump_code
- end
- unless @attrdef.empty?
- buf << dump_emptyline if spacer
- spacer = true
- buf << dump_attributes
- end
- unless @methoddef.empty?
- buf << dump_emptyline if spacer
- spacer = true
- buf << dump_methods
- end
- buf << dump_class_def_end
- buf << dump_package_def_end(package) unless package.empty?
- buf.gsub(/^\s+$/, '')
- end
- def dump_class_def
- name = @name.to_s.split(/::/)
- if @baseclass
- format("class #{name.last} < #{@baseclass}")
- else
- format("class #{name.last}")
- end
- end
- def dump_class_def_end
- str = format("end")
- end
- def dump_classvar
- dump_static(
- @classvar.collect { |var, value|
- %Q(@@#{var.sub(/^@@/, "")} = #{dump_value(value)})
- }.join("\n")
- )
- end
- def dump_attributes
- str = ""
- @attrdef.each do |attrname, writable, varname|
- varname ||= attrname
- if attrname == varname
- str << format(dump_accessor(attrname, writable), 2)
- end
- end
- @attrdef.each do |attrname, writable, varname|
- varname ||= attrname
- if attrname != varname
- str << "\n" unless str.empty?
- str << format(dump_attribute(attrname, writable, varname), 2)
- end
- end
- str
- end
- def dump_accessor(attrname, writable)
- if writable
- "attr_accessor :#{attrname}"
- else
- "attr_reader :#{attrname}"
- end
- end
- def dump_attribute(attrname, writable, varname)
- str = nil
- mr =
- mr.definition = "@#{varname}"
- str = mr.dump
- if writable
- mw = + "=", 'value')
- mw.definition = "@#{varname} = value"
- str << "\n" + mw.dump
- end
- str
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- require 'xsd/codegen/classdef'
- include XSD::CodeGen
- c ="Foo::Bar::HobbitName", String)
- c.def_require("foo/bar")
- c.comment = <<-EOD
- foo
- bar
- baz
- c.def_const("FOO", 1)
- c.def_classvar("@@foo", "var".dump)
- c.def_classvar("baz", "1".dump)
- c.def_attr("Foo", true, "foo")
- c.def_attr("bar")
- c.def_attr("baz", true)
- c.def_attr("Foo2", true, "foo2")
- c.def_attr("foo3", false, "foo3")
- c.def_method("foo") do
- <<-EOD
- = 1
-\tbaz.each do |ele|
-\t ele
- end
- end
- c.def_method("baz", "qux") do
- <<-EOD
- [1, 2, 3].each do |i|
- p i
- end
- end
- m ="qux", "quxx", "quxxx") do
- <<-EOD
- p quxx + quxxx
- end
- m.comment = "hello world\n123"
- c.add_method(m)
- c.def_code <<-EOD
- Bar.z
- c.def_code <<-EOD
- Bar.z
- c.def_privatemethod("foo", "baz", "*arg", "&block")
- puts c.dump
diff --git a/lib/xsd/codegen/commentdef.rb b/lib/xsd/codegen/commentdef.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c9493a1363..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/codegen/commentdef.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - Generating comment definition code
-# Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport'
-module XSD
-module CodeGen
-module CommentDef
- include GenSupport
- attr_accessor :comment
- def dump_comment
- if /\A#/ =~ @comment
- format(@comment)
- else
- format(@comment).gsub(/^/, '# ')
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/codegen/gensupport.rb b/lib/xsd/codegen/gensupport.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c2bb0d901..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/codegen/gensupport.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - Code generation support
-# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-module XSD
-module CodeGen
-# from the file 'keywords' in 1.9.
-).each { |k| KEYWORD[k] = nil }
-module GenSupport
- def capitalize(target)
- target.sub(/^([a-z])/) { $!('[a-z]', '[A-Z]') }
- end
- module_function :capitalize
- def uncapitalize(target)
- target.sub(/^([A-Z])/) { $!('[A-Z]', '[a-z]') }
- end
- module_function :uncapitalize
- def safeconstname(name)
- safename = name.scan(/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/).collect { |ele|
- GenSupport.capitalize(ele)
- }.join
- if /^[A-Z]/ !~ safename or keyword?(safename)
- safename = "C_#{safename}"
- end
- safename
- end
- module_function :safeconstname
- def safeconstname?(name)
- /\A[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\z/ =~ name and !keyword?(name)
- end
- module_function :safeconstname?
- def safemethodname(name)
- safename = name.scan(/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/).join('_')
- safename = uncapitalize(safename)
- if /^[a-z]/ !~ safename
- safename = "m_#{safename}"
- end
- safename
- end
- module_function :safemethodname
- def safemethodname?(name)
- /\A[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*[=!?]?\z/ =~ name
- end
- module_function :safemethodname?
- def safevarname(name)
- safename = uncapitalize(name.scan(/[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/).join('_'))
- if /^[a-z]/ !~ safename or keyword?(safename)
- "v_#{safename}"
- else
- safename
- end
- end
- module_function :safevarname
- def safevarname?(name)
- /\A[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\z/ =~ name and !keyword?(name)
- end
- module_function :safevarname?
- def keyword?(word)
- KEYWORD.key?(word)
- end
- module_function :keyword?
- def format(str, indent = nil)
- str = trim_eol(str)
- str = trim_indent(str)
- if indent
- str.gsub(/^/, " " * indent)
- else
- str
- end
- end
- def trim_eol(str)
- str.lines.collect { |line|
- line.sub(/\r?\n\z/, "") + "\n"
- }.join
- end
- def trim_indent(str)
- indent = nil
- str = str.lines.collect { |line| untab(line) }.join
- str.each_line do |line|
- head = line.index(/\S/)
- if !head.nil? and (indent.nil? or head < indent)
- indent = head
- end
- end
- return str unless indent
- str.lines.collect { |line|
- line.sub(/^ {0,#{indent}}/, "")
- }.join
- end
- def untab(line, ts = 8)
- while pos = line.index(/\t/)
- line = line.sub(/\t/, " " * (ts - (pos % ts)))
- end
- line
- end
- def dump_emptyline
- "\n"
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/codegen/methoddef.rb b/lib/xsd/codegen/methoddef.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 15892fc5bf..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/codegen/methoddef.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - Generating method definition code
-# Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport'
-require 'xsd/codegen/commentdef'
-module XSD
-module CodeGen
-class MethodDef
- include GenSupport
- include CommentDef
- attr_accessor :definition
- def initialize(name, *params)
- unless safemethodname?(name)
- raise"name '#{name}' seems to be unsafe")
- end
- @name = name
- @params = params
- @comment = nil
- @definition = yield if block_given?
- end
- def dump
- buf = ""
- buf << dump_comment if @comment
- buf << dump_method_def
- buf << dump_definition if @definition and !@definition.empty?
- buf << dump_method_def_end
- buf
- end
- def dump_method_def
- if @params.empty?
- format("def #{@name}")
- else
- format("def #{@name}(#{@params.join(", ")})")
- end
- end
- def dump_method_def_end
- format("end")
- end
- def dump_definition
- format(@definition, 2)
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/codegen/moduledef.rb b/lib/xsd/codegen/moduledef.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 744af2ff97..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/codegen/moduledef.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - Generating module definition code
-# Copyright (C) 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/codegen/gensupport'
-require 'xsd/codegen/methoddef'
-require 'xsd/codegen/commentdef'
-module XSD
-module CodeGen
-class ModuleDef
- include GenSupport
- include CommentDef
- def initialize(name)
- @name = name
- @comment = nil
- @const = []
- @code = []
- @requirepath = []
- @methoddef = []
- end
- def def_require(path)
- @requirepath << path
- end
- def def_const(const, value)
- unless safeconstname?(const)
- raise"#{const} seems to be unsafe")
- end
- @const << [const, value]
- end
- def def_code(code)
- @code << code
- end
- def def_method(name, *params)
- add_method(, *params) { yield if block_given? }, :public)
- end
- alias def_publicmethod def_method
- def def_protectedmethod(name, *params)
- add_method(, *params) { yield if block_given? },
- :protected)
- end
- def def_privatemethod(name, *params)
- add_method(, *params) { yield if block_given? }, :private)
- end
- def add_method(m, visibility = :public)
- @methoddef << [visibility, m]
- end
- def dump
- buf = ""
- unless @requirepath.empty?
- buf << dump_requirepath
- end
- buf << dump_emptyline unless buf.empty?
- package = @name.split(/::/)[0..-2]
- buf << dump_package_def(package) unless package.empty?
- buf << dump_comment if @comment
- buf << dump_module_def
- spacer = false
- unless @const.empty?
- buf << dump_emptyline if spacer
- spacer = true
- buf << dump_const
- end
- unless @code.empty?
- buf << dump_emptyline if spacer
- spacer = true
- buf << dump_code
- end
- unless @methoddef.empty?
- buf << dump_emptyline if spacer
- spacer = true
- buf << dump_methods
- end
- buf << dump_module_def_end
- buf << dump_package_def_end(package) unless package.empty?
- buf.gsub(/^\s+$/, '')
- end
- def dump_requirepath
- format(
- @requirepath.collect { |path|
- %Q(require '#{path}')
- }.join("\n")
- )
- end
- def dump_const
- dump_static(
- @const.sort.collect { |var, value|
- %Q(#{var} = #{dump_value(value)})
- }.join("\n")
- )
- end
- def dump_code
- dump_static(@code.join("\n"))
- end
- def dump_static(str)
- format(str, 2)
- end
- def dump_methods
- methods = {}
- @methoddef.each do |visibility, method|
- (methods[visibility] ||= []) << method
- end
- str = ""
- [:public, :protected, :private].each do |visibility|
- if methods[visibility]
- str << "\n" unless str.empty?
- str << visibility.to_s << "\n\n" unless visibility == :public
- str << methods[visibility].collect { |m| format(m.dump, 2) }.join("\n")
- end
- end
- str
- end
- def dump_value(value)
- if value.respond_to?(:to_src)
- value.to_src
- else
- value
- end
- end
- def dump_package_def(package)
- format(package.collect { |ele| "module #{ele}" }.join("; ")) + "\n\n"
- end
- def dump_package_def_end(package)
- "\n\n" + format(package.collect { |ele| "end" }.join("; "))
- end
- def dump_module_def
- name = @name.to_s.split(/::/)
- format("module #{name.last}")
- end
- def dump_module_def_end
- format("end")
- end
-if __FILE__ == $0
- require 'xsd/codegen/moduledef'
- include XSD::CodeGen
- m ="Foo::Bar::HobbitName")
- m.def_require("foo/bar")
- m.def_require("baz")
- m.comment = <<-EOD
- foo
- bar
- baz
- m.def_method("foo") do
- <<-EOD
- = 1
- baz.each do |ele|
- ele + 1
- end
- end
- m.def_method("baz", "qux")
- #m.def_protectedmethod("aaa")
- m.def_privatemethod("bbb")
- puts m.dump
diff --git a/lib/xsd/datatypes.rb b/lib/xsd/datatypes.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe6c8578f..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/datatypes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1269 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XML Schema Datatype implementation.
-# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/qname'
-require 'xsd/charset'
-require 'uri'
-## XMLSchamaDatatypes general definitions.
-module XSD
-Namespace = ''
-InstanceNamespace = ''
-AttrType = 'type'
-NilValue = 'true'
-AnyTypeLiteral = 'anyType'
-AnySimpleTypeLiteral = 'anySimpleType'
-NilLiteral = 'nil'
-StringLiteral = 'string'
-BooleanLiteral = 'boolean'
-DecimalLiteral = 'decimal'
-FloatLiteral = 'float'
-DoubleLiteral = 'double'
-DurationLiteral = 'duration'
-DateTimeLiteral = 'dateTime'
-TimeLiteral = 'time'
-DateLiteral = 'date'
-GYearMonthLiteral = 'gYearMonth'
-GYearLiteral = 'gYear'
-GMonthDayLiteral = 'gMonthDay'
-GDayLiteral = 'gDay'
-GMonthLiteral = 'gMonth'
-HexBinaryLiteral = 'hexBinary'
-Base64BinaryLiteral = 'base64Binary'
-AnyURILiteral = 'anyURI'
-QNameLiteral = 'QName'
-NormalizedStringLiteral = 'normalizedString'
-#3.3.2 token
-#3.3.3 language
-#3.3.4 NMTOKEN
-#3.3.5 NMTOKENS
-#3.3.6 Name
-#3.3.7 NCName
-#3.3.8 ID
-#3.3.9 IDREF
-#3.3.10 IDREFS
-#3.3.11 ENTITY
-#3.3.12 ENTITIES
-IntegerLiteral = 'integer'
-NonPositiveIntegerLiteral = 'nonPositiveInteger'
-NegativeIntegerLiteral = 'negativeInteger'
-LongLiteral = 'long'
-IntLiteral = 'int'
-ShortLiteral = 'short'
-ByteLiteral = 'byte'
-NonNegativeIntegerLiteral = 'nonNegativeInteger'
-UnsignedLongLiteral = 'unsignedLong'
-UnsignedIntLiteral = 'unsignedInt'
-UnsignedShortLiteral = 'unsignedShort'
-UnsignedByteLiteral = 'unsignedByte'
-PositiveIntegerLiteral = 'positiveInteger'
-AttrTypeName =, AttrType)
-AttrNilName =, NilLiteral)
-AnyTypeName =, AnyTypeLiteral)
-AnySimpleTypeName =, AnySimpleTypeLiteral)
-class Error < StandardError; end
-class ValueSpaceError < Error; end
-## The base class of all datatypes with Namespace.
-class NSDBase
- @@types = []
- attr_accessor :type
- def self.inherited(klass)
- @@types << klass
- end
- def self.types
- @@types
- end
- def initialize
- end
- def init(type)
- @type = type
- end
-## The base class of XSD datatypes.
-class XSDAnySimpleType < NSDBase
- include XSD
- Type =, AnySimpleTypeLiteral)
- # @data represents canonical space (ex. Integer: 123).
- attr_reader :data
- # @is_nil represents this data is nil or not.
- attr_accessor :is_nil
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- # true or raise
- def check_lexical_format(value)
- screen_data(value)
- true
- end
- # set accepts a string which follows lexical space (ex. String: "+123"), or
- # an object which follows canonical space (ex. Integer: 123).
- def set(value)
- if value.nil?
- @is_nil = true
- @data = nil
- _set(nil)
- else
- @is_nil = false
- _set(screen_data(value))
- end
- end
- # to_s creates a string which follows lexical space (ex. String: "123").
- def to_s()
- if @is_nil
- ""
- else
- _to_s
- end
- end
- def init(type, value)
- super(type)
- set(value)
- end
- # raises ValueSpaceError if check failed
- def screen_data(value)
- value
- end
- def _set(value)
- @data = value
- end
- def _to_s
- @data.to_s
- end
-class XSDNil < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, NilLiteral)
- Value = 'true'
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
-## Primitive datatypes.
-class XSDString < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, StringLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- unless XSD::Charset.is_ces(value, XSD::Charset.encoding)
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ value }'.")
- end
- value
- end
-class XSDBoolean < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, BooleanLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- if value.is_a?(String)
- str = value.strip
- if str == 'true' || str == '1'
- true
- elsif str == 'false' || str == '0'
- false
- else
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ str }'.")
- end
- else
- value ? true : false
- end
- end
-class XSDDecimal < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, DecimalLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def nonzero?
- (@number != '0')
- end
- def screen_data(d)
- if d.is_a?(String)
- # Integer("00012") => 10 in Ruby.
- d.sub!(/^([+\-]?)0*(?=\d)/, "\\1")
- end
- screen_data_str(d)
- end
- def screen_data_str(str)
- /^([+\-]?)(\d*)(?:\.(\d*)?)?$/ =~ str.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ str }'.")
- end
- sign = $1 || '+'
- int_part = $2
- frac_part = $3
- int_part = '0' if int_part.empty?
- frac_part = frac_part ? frac_part.sub(/0+$/, '') : ''
- point = - frac_part.size
- number = int_part + frac_part
- # normalize
- if sign == '+'
- sign = ''
- elsif sign == '-'
- if number == '0'
- sign = ''
- end
- end
- [sign, point, number]
- end
- def _set(data)
- if data.nil?
- @sign = @point = @number = @data = nil
- return
- end
- @sign, @point, @number = data
- @data = _to_s
- @data.freeze
- end
- # 0.0 -> 0; right?
- def _to_s
- str = @number.dup
- if @point.nonzero?
- str[@number.size + @point, 0] = '.'
- end
- @sign + str
- end
-module FloatConstants
- NaN = 0.0/0.0
- POSITIVE_INF = +1.0/0.0
- NEGATIVE_INF = -1.0/0.0
- MIN_POSITIVE_SINGLE = 2.0 ** -149
-class XSDFloat < XSDAnySimpleType
- include FloatConstants
- Type =, FloatLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- # "NaN".to_f => 0 in some environment. libc?
- if value.is_a?(Float)
- return narrow32bit(value)
- end
- str = value.to_s.strip
- if str == 'NaN'
- NaN
- elsif str == 'INF'
- elsif str == '-INF'
- else
- if /^[+\-\.\deE]+$/ !~ str
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ str }'.")
- end
- # Float("-1.4E") might fail on some system.
- str << '0' if /e$/i =~ str
- begin
- return narrow32bit(Float(str))
- rescue ArgumentError
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ str }'.")
- end
- end
- end
- def _to_s
- if @data.nan?
- 'NaN'
- elsif @data.infinite? == 1
- 'INF'
- elsif @data.infinite? == -1
- '-INF'
- else
- sign = XSDFloat.positive?(@data) ? '+' : '-'
- sign + sprintf("%.10g", @data.abs).sub(/[eE]([+-])?0+/) { 'e' + $1 }
- end
- end
- # Convert to single-precision 32-bit floating point value.
- def narrow32bit(f)
- if f.nan? || f.infinite?
- f
- elsif f.abs < MIN_POSITIVE_SINGLE
- else
- f
- end
- end
- def self.positive?(value)
- (1 / value) > 0.0
- end
-# Ruby's Float is double-precision 64-bit floating point value.
-class XSDDouble < XSDAnySimpleType
- include FloatConstants
- Type =, DoubleLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- # "NaN".to_f => 0 in some environment. libc?
- if value.is_a?(Float)
- return value
- end
- str = value.to_s.strip
- if str == 'NaN'
- NaN
- elsif str == 'INF'
- elsif str == '-INF'
- else
- begin
- return Float(str)
- rescue ArgumentError
- # '1.4e' cannot be parsed on some architecture.
- if /e\z/i =~ str
- begin
- return Float(str + '0')
- rescue ArgumentError
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ str }'.")
- end
- else
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ str }'.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def _to_s
- if @data.nan?
- 'NaN'
- elsif @data.infinite? == 1
- 'INF'
- elsif @data.infinite? == -1
- '-INF'
- else
- sign = (1 / @data > 0.0) ? '+' : '-'
- sign + sprintf("%.16g", @data.abs).sub(/[eE]([+-])?0+/) { 'e' + $1 }
- end
- end
-class XSDDuration < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, DurationLiteral)
- attr_accessor :sign
- attr_accessor :year
- attr_accessor :month
- attr_accessor :day
- attr_accessor :hour
- attr_accessor :min
- attr_accessor :sec
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- /^([+\-]?)P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)D)?(T(?:(\d+)H)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)S)?)?$/ =~ value.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ value }'.")
- end
- if ($5 and ((!$2 and !$3 and !$4) or (!$6 and !$7 and !$8)))
- # Should we allow 'PT5S' here?
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ value }'.")
- end
- sign = $1
- year = $2.to_i
- month = $3.to_i
- day = $4.to_i
- hour = $6.to_i
- min = $7.to_i
- sec = $8 ?$8) : 0
- [sign, year, month, day, hour, min, sec]
- end
- def _set(data)
- if data.nil?
- @sign = @year = @month = @day = @hour = @min = @sec = @data = nil
- return
- end
- @sign, @year, @month, @day, @hour, @min, @sec = data
- @data = _to_s
- @data.freeze
- end
- def _to_s
- str = ''
- str << @sign if @sign
- str << 'P'
- l = ''
- l << "#{ @year }Y" if @year.nonzero?
- l << "#{ @month }M" if @month.nonzero?
- l << "#{ @day }D" if @day.nonzero?
- r = ''
- r << "#{ @hour }H" if @hour.nonzero?
- r << "#{ @min }M" if @min.nonzero?
- r << "#{ @sec }S" if @sec.nonzero?
- str << l
- if l.empty?
- str << "0D"
- end
- unless r.empty?
- str << "T" << r
- end
- str
- end
-require 'rational'
-require 'date'
-module XSDDateTimeImpl
- SecInDay = 86400 # 24 * 60 * 60
- def to_obj(klass)
- if klass == Time
- to_time
- elsif klass == Date
- to_date
- elsif klass == DateTime
- to_datetime
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def to_time
- begin
- if @data.offset * SecInDay ==
- d = @data
- usec = (d.sec_fraction * SecInDay * 1000000).round
- Time.local(d.year, d.month, d.mday, d.hour, d.min, d.sec, usec)
- else
- d = @data.newof
- usec = (d.sec_fraction * SecInDay * 1000000).round
-, d.month, d.mday, d.hour, d.min, d.sec, usec)
- end
- rescue ArgumentError
- nil
- end
- end
- def to_date
- Date.new0(@data.class.jd_to_ajd(@data.jd, 0, 0), 0, @data.start)
- end
- def to_datetime
- data
- end
- def tz2of(str)
- /^(?:Z|(?:([+\-])(\d\d):(\d\d))?)$/ =~ str
- sign = $1
- hour = $2.to_i
- min = $3.to_i
- of = case sign
- when '+'
- of = +(hour.to_r * 60 + min) / 1440 # 24 * 60
- when '-'
- of = -(hour.to_r * 60 + min) / 1440 # 24 * 60
- else
- 0
- end
- of
- end
- def of2tz(offset)
- diffmin = offset * 24 * 60
- if
- 'Z'
- else
- ((diffmin < 0) ? '-' : '+') << format('%02d:%02d',
- (diffmin.abs / 60.0).to_i, (diffmin.abs % 60.0).to_i)
- end
- end
- def screen_data(t)
- # convert t to a DateTime as an internal representation.
- if t.respond_to?(:to_datetime) # 1.9 or later
- t.to_datetime
- elsif t.is_a?(DateTime)
- t
- elsif t.is_a?(Date)
- t = screen_data_str(t)
- t <<= 12 if t.year < 0
- t
- elsif t.is_a?(Time)
- jd = DateTime.civil_to_jd(t.year, t.mon, t.mday, DateTime::ITALY)
- fr = DateTime.time_to_day_fraction(t.hour, t.min, [t.sec, 59].min) +
- t.usec.to_r / 1000000 / SecInDay
- of = t.utc_offset.to_r / SecInDay
- DateTime.new0(DateTime.jd_to_ajd(jd, fr, of), of, DateTime::ITALY)
- else
- screen_data_str(t)
- end
- end
- def add_tz(s)
- s + of2tz(@data.offset)
- end
-class XSDDateTime < XSDAnySimpleType
- include XSDDateTimeImpl
- Type =, DateTimeLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(t)
- /^([+\-]?\d{4,})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d(?:\.(\d*))?)(Z|(?:[+\-]\d\d:\d\d)?)?$/ =~ t.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- if $1 == '0000'
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- year = $1.to_i
- if year < 0
- year += 1
- end
- mon = $2.to_i
- mday = $3.to_i
- hour = $4.to_i
- min = $5.to_i
- sec = $6.to_i
- secfrac = $7
- zonestr = $8
- data = DateTime.civil(year, mon, mday, hour, min, sec, tz2of(zonestr))
- if secfrac
- diffday = secfrac.to_i.to_r / (10 ** secfrac.size) / SecInDay
- data += diffday
- # FYI: new0 and jd_to_rjd are not necessary to use if you don't have
- # exceptional reason.
- end
- [data, secfrac]
- end
- def _set(data)
- if data.nil?
- @data = @secfrac = nil
- return
- end
- @data, @secfrac = data
- end
- def _to_s
- year = (@data.year > 0) ? @data.year : @data.year - 1
- s = format('%.4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d',
- year, @data.mon, @data.mday, @data.hour, @data.min, @data.sec)
- if @data.sec_fraction.nonzero?
- if @secfrac
- s << ".#{ @secfrac }"
- else
- s << sprintf("%.16f",
- (@data.sec_fraction * SecInDay).to_f).sub(/^0/, '').sub(/0*$/, '')
- end
- end
- add_tz(s)
- end
-class XSDTime < XSDAnySimpleType
- include XSDDateTimeImpl
- Type =, TimeLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(t)
- /^(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d(?:\.(\d*))?)(Z|(?:([+\-])(\d\d):(\d\d))?)?$/ =~ t.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- hour = $1.to_i
- min = $2.to_i
- sec = $3.to_i
- secfrac = $4
- zonestr = $5
- data = DateTime.civil(1, 1, 1, hour, min, sec, tz2of(zonestr))
- if secfrac
- diffday = secfrac.to_i.to_r / (10 ** secfrac.size) / SecInDay
- data += diffday
- end
- [data, secfrac]
- end
- def _set(data)
- if data.nil?
- @data = @secfrac = nil
- return
- end
- @data, @secfrac = data
- end
- def _to_s
- s = format('%02d:%02d:%02d', @data.hour, @data.min, @data.sec)
- if @data.sec_fraction.nonzero?
- if @secfrac
- s << ".#{ @secfrac }"
- else
- s << sprintf("%.16f",
- (@data.sec_fraction * SecInDay).to_f).sub(/^0/, '').sub(/0*$/, '')
- end
- end
- add_tz(s)
- end
-class XSDDate < XSDAnySimpleType
- include XSDDateTimeImpl
- Type =, DateLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(t)
- /^([+\-]?\d{4,})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)(Z|(?:([+\-])(\d\d):(\d\d))?)?$/ =~ t.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- year = $1.to_i
- if year < 0
- year += 1
- end
- mon = $2.to_i
- mday = $3.to_i
- zonestr = $4
- DateTime.civil(year, mon, mday, 0, 0, 0, tz2of(zonestr))
- end
- def _to_s
- year = (@data.year > 0) ? @data.year : @data.year - 1
- s = format('%.4d-%02d-%02d', year, @data.mon, @data.mday)
- add_tz(s)
- end
-class XSDGYearMonth < XSDAnySimpleType
- include XSDDateTimeImpl
- Type =, GYearMonthLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(t)
- /^([+\-]?\d{4,})-(\d\d)(Z|(?:([+\-])(\d\d):(\d\d))?)?$/ =~ t.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- year = $1.to_i
- if year < 0
- year += 1
- end
- mon = $2.to_i
- zonestr = $3
- DateTime.civil(year, mon, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz2of(zonestr))
- end
- def _to_s
- year = (@data.year > 0) ? @data.year : @data.year - 1
- s = format('%.4d-%02d', year, @data.mon)
- add_tz(s)
- end
-class XSDGYear < XSDAnySimpleType
- include XSDDateTimeImpl
- Type =, GYearLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(t)
- /^([+\-]?\d{4,})(Z|(?:([+\-])(\d\d):(\d\d))?)?$/ =~ t.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- year = $1.to_i
- if year < 0
- year += 1
- end
- zonestr = $2
- DateTime.civil(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz2of(zonestr))
- end
- def _to_s
- year = (@data.year > 0) ? @data.year : @data.year - 1
- s = format('%.4d', year)
- add_tz(s)
- end
-class XSDGMonthDay < XSDAnySimpleType
- include XSDDateTimeImpl
- Type =, GMonthDayLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(t)
- /^(\d\d)-(\d\d)(Z|(?:[+\-]\d\d:\d\d)?)?$/ =~ t.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- mon = $1.to_i
- mday = $2.to_i
- zonestr = $3
- DateTime.civil(1, mon, mday, 0, 0, 0, tz2of(zonestr))
- end
- def _to_s
- s = format('%02d-%02d', @data.mon, @data.mday)
- add_tz(s)
- end
-class XSDGDay < XSDAnySimpleType
- include XSDDateTimeImpl
- Type =, GDayLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(t)
- /^(\d\d)(Z|(?:[+\-]\d\d:\d\d)?)?$/ =~ t.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- mday = $1.to_i
- zonestr = $2
- DateTime.civil(1, 1, mday, 0, 0, 0, tz2of(zonestr))
- end
- def _to_s
- s = format('%02d', @data.mday)
- add_tz(s)
- end
-class XSDGMonth < XSDAnySimpleType
- include XSDDateTimeImpl
- Type =, GMonthLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(t)
- /^(\d\d)(Z|(?:[+\-]\d\d:\d\d)?)?$/ =~ t.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ t }'.")
- end
- mon = $1.to_i
- zonestr = $2
- DateTime.civil(1, mon, 1, 0, 0, 0, tz2of(zonestr))
- end
- def _to_s
- s = format('%02d', @data.mon)
- add_tz(s)
- end
-class XSDHexBinary < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, HexBinaryLiteral)
- # String in Ruby could be a binary.
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def set_encoded(value)
- if /^[0-9a-fA-F]*$/ !~ value
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ value }'.")
- end
- @data =
- @is_nil = false
- end
- def string
- [@data].pack("H*")
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- value.unpack("H*")[0].tr('a-f', 'A-F')
- end
-class XSDBase64Binary < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, Base64BinaryLiteral)
- # String in Ruby could be a binary.
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def set_encoded(value)
- if /^[A-Za-z0-9+\/=]*$/ !~ value
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ value }'.")
- end
- @data =
- @is_nil = false
- end
- def string
- @data.unpack("m")[0]
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- [value].pack("m").strip
- end
-class XSDAnyURI < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, AnyURILiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- begin
- URI.parse(value.to_s.strip)
- rescue URI::InvalidURIError
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ value }'.")
- end
- end
-class XSDQName < XSDAnySimpleType
- Type =, QNameLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- /^(?:([^:]+):)?([^:]+)$/ =~ value.to_s.strip
- unless Regexp.last_match
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ value }'.")
- end
- prefix = $1
- localpart = $2
- [prefix, localpart]
- end
- def _set(data)
- if data.nil?
- @prefix = @localpart = @data = nil
- return
- end
- @prefix, @localpart = data
- @data = _to_s
- @data.freeze
- end
- def _to_s
- if @prefix
- "#{ @prefix }:#{ @localpart }"
- else
- "#{ @localpart }"
- end
- end
-## Derived types
-class XSDNormalizedString < XSDString
- Type =, NormalizedStringLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data(value)
- if /[\t\r\n]/ =~ value
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ value }'.")
- end
- super
- end
-class XSDInteger < XSDDecimal
- Type =, IntegerLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def screen_data_str(str)
- begin
- data = Integer(str)
- rescue ArgumentError
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ str }'.")
- end
- unless validate(data)
- raise"#{ type }: cannot accept '#{ str }'.")
- end
- data
- end
- def _set(value)
- @data = value
- end
- def _to_s()
- @data.to_s
- end
- def validate(v)
- max = maxinclusive
- min = mininclusive
- (max.nil? or v <= max) and (min.nil? or v >= min)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- nil
- end
- def mininclusive
- nil
- end
- PositiveMinInclusive = 1
- def positive(v)
- PositiveMinInclusive <= v
- end
-class XSDNonPositiveInteger < XSDInteger
- Type =, NonPositiveIntegerLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- 0
- end
- def mininclusive
- nil
- end
-class XSDNegativeInteger < XSDNonPositiveInteger
- Type =, NegativeIntegerLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- -1
- end
- def mininclusive
- nil
- end
-class XSDLong < XSDInteger
- Type =, LongLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- +9223372036854775807
- end
- def mininclusive
- -9223372036854775808
- end
-class XSDInt < XSDLong
- Type =, IntLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- +2147483647
- end
- def mininclusive
- -2147483648
- end
-class XSDShort < XSDInt
- Type =, ShortLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- +32767
- end
- def mininclusive
- -32768
- end
-class XSDByte < XSDShort
- Type =, ByteLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- +127
- end
- def mininclusive
- -128
- end
-class XSDNonNegativeInteger < XSDInteger
- Type =, NonNegativeIntegerLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- nil
- end
- def mininclusive
- 0
- end
-class XSDUnsignedLong < XSDNonNegativeInteger
- Type =, UnsignedLongLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- +18446744073709551615
- end
- def mininclusive
- 0
- end
-class XSDUnsignedInt < XSDUnsignedLong
- Type =, UnsignedIntLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- +4294967295
- end
- def mininclusive
- 0
- end
-class XSDUnsignedShort < XSDUnsignedInt
- Type =, UnsignedShortLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- +65535
- end
- def mininclusive
- 0
- end
-class XSDUnsignedByte < XSDUnsignedShort
- Type =, UnsignedByteLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- +255
- end
- def mininclusive
- 0
- end
-class XSDPositiveInteger < XSDNonNegativeInteger
- Type =, PositiveIntegerLiteral)
- def initialize(value = nil)
- init(Type, value)
- end
- def maxinclusive
- nil
- end
- def mininclusive
- 1
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/datatypes1999.rb b/lib/xsd/datatypes1999.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d6479e54..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/datatypes1999.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XML Schema Datatype 1999 support
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/datatypes'
-module XSD
- Namespace.replace('')
- InstanceNamespace.replace('')
- AnyTypeLiteral.replace('ur-type')
- AnySimpleTypeLiteral.replace('ur-type')
- NilLiteral.replace('null')
- NilValue.replace('1')
- DateTimeLiteral.replace('timeInstant')
diff --git a/lib/xsd/iconvcharset.rb b/lib/xsd/iconvcharset.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e629d569b..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/iconvcharset.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - Charset handling with iconv.
-# Copyright (C) 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'iconv'
-module XSD
-class IconvCharset
- def self.safe_iconv(to, from, str)
- iconv =, from)
- out = ""
- begin
- out << iconv.iconv(str)
- rescue Iconv::IllegalSequence => e
- out << e.success
- ch, str = e.failed.split(//, 2)
- out << '?'
- warn("Failed to convert #{ch}")
- retry
- end
- return out
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/mapping.rb b/lib/xsd/mapping.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 06d30d4cbf..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/mapping.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XML Mapping for Ruby
-# Copyright (C) 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require "soap/parser"
-require 'soap/encodingstyle/literalHandler'
-require "soap/generator"
-require "soap/mapping"
-require "soap/mapping/wsdlliteralregistry"
-module XSD
-module Mapping
- MappingRegistry =
- MappingOpt = {:default_encodingstyle => SOAP::LiteralNamespace}
- def self.obj2xml(obj, elename = nil, io = nil)
- if !elename.nil? and !elename.is_a?(XSD::QName)
- elename =, elename)
- end
- elename ||=, SOAP::Mapping.name2elename(obj.class.to_s))
- soap = SOAP::Mapping.obj2soap(obj, MappingRegistry)
- soap.elename = elename
- generator =
- generator.generate(soap, io)
- end
- def self.xml2obj(stream)
- parser =
- soap = parser.parse(stream)
- SOAP::Mapping.soap2obj(soap, MappingRegistry)
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/namedelements.rb b/lib/xsd/namedelements.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a13396bb71..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/namedelements.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - WSDL named element collection.
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-module XSD
-class NamedElements
- include Enumerable
- def initialize
- @elements = []
- @cache = {}
- end
- def dup
- o =
- o.elements = @elements.dup
- o
- end
- def freeze
- super
- @elements.freeze
- self
- end
- def empty?
- size == 0
- end
- def size
- @elements.size
- end
- def [](idx)
- if idx.is_a?(Numeric)
- @elements[idx]
- else
- @cache[idx] ||= @elements.find { |item| == idx }
- end
- end
- def find_name(name)
- @elements.find { |item| == name }
- end
- def keys
- collect { |element| }
- end
- def each
- @elements.each do |element|
- yield(element)
- end
- end
- def <<(rhs)
- @elements << rhs
- self
- end
- def delete(rhs)
- @elements.delete(rhs)
- end
- def +(rhs)
- o =
- o.elements = @elements + rhs.elements
- o
- end
- def concat(rhs)
- @elements.concat(rhs.elements)
- self
- end
- Empty =
- def elements=(rhs)
- @elements = rhs
- end
- def elements
- @elements
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/ns.rb b/lib/xsd/ns.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 53eeae7130..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/ns.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XML Schema Namespace library
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2003, 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/datatypes'
-module XSD
-class NS
- class Assigner
- def initialize
- @count = 0
- end
- def assign(ns)
- @count += 1
- "n#{@count}"
- end
- end
- attr_reader :default_namespace
- class FormatError < Error; end
- def initialize(tag2ns = {})
- @tag2ns = tag2ns
- @assigner = nil
- @ns2tag = {}
- @tag2ns.each do |tag, ns|
- @ns2tag[ns] = tag
- end
- @default_namespace = nil
- end
- def assign(ns, tag = nil)
- if (tag == '')
- @default_namespace = ns
- tag
- else
- @assigner ||=
- tag ||= @assigner.assign(ns)
- @ns2tag[ns] = tag
- @tag2ns[tag] = ns
- tag
- end
- end
- def assigned?(ns)
- @default_namespace == ns or @ns2tag.key?(ns)
- end
- def assigned_tag?(tag)
- @tag2ns.key?(tag)
- end
- def clone_ns
- cloned =
- cloned.assigner = @assigner
- cloned.assign(@default_namespace, '') if @default_namespace
- cloned
- end
- def name(name)
- if (name.namespace == @default_namespace)
- elsif @ns2tag.key?(name.namespace)
- "#{@ns2tag[name.namespace]}:#{}"
- else
- raise"namespace: #{name.namespace} not defined yet")
- end
- end
- def compare(ns, name, rhs)
- if (ns == @default_namespace)
- return true if (name == rhs)
- end
- @tag2ns.each do |assigned_tag, assigned_ns|
- if assigned_ns == ns && "#{assigned_tag}:#{name}" == rhs
- return true
- end
- end
- false
- end
- # $1 and $2 are necessary.
- ParseRegexp ='^([^:]+)(?::(.+))?$')
- def parse(str, local = false)
- if ParseRegexp =~ str
- if (name = $2) and (ns = @tag2ns[$1])
- return, name)
- end
- end
- ? nil : @default_namespace, str)
- end
- # For local attribute key parsing
- # <foo xmlns="urn:a" xmlns:n1="urn:a" bar="1" n1:baz="2" />
- # =>
- # {}bar, {urn:a}baz
- def parse_local(elem)
- ParseRegexp =~ elem
- if $2
- ns = @tag2ns[$1]
- name = $2
- if !ns
- raise"unknown namespace qualifier: #{$1}")
- end
- elsif $1
- ns = nil
- name = $1
- else
- raise"illegal element format: #{elem}")
- end
-, name)
- end
- def each_ns
- @ns2tag.each do |ns, tag|
- yield(ns, tag)
- end
- end
- def assigner=(assigner)
- @assigner = assigner
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/qname.rb b/lib/xsd/qname.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bb9763a69a..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/qname.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XML QName definition.
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-module XSD
-class QName
- attr_accessor :namespace
- attr_accessor :name
- attr_accessor :source
- def initialize(namespace = nil, name = nil)
- @namespace = namespace
- @name = name
- @source = nil
- end
- def dup_name(name)
-, name)
- end
- def dump
- ns = @namespace.nil? ? 'nil' : @namespace.dump
- name = @name.nil? ? 'nil' : @name.dump
- "{ns}, #{name})"
- end
- def match(rhs)
- if rhs.namespace and (rhs.namespace != @namespace)
- return false
- end
- if and ( != @name)
- return false
- end
- true
- end
- def ==(rhs)
- !rhs.nil? and @namespace == rhs.namespace and @name ==
- end
- def ===(rhs)
- (self == rhs)
- end
- def eql?(rhs)
- (self == rhs)
- end
- def hash
- @namespace.hash ^ @name.hash
- end
- def to_s
- "{#{ namespace }}#{ name }"
- end
- def inspect
- sprintf("#<%s:0x%x %s>",, __id__,
- "{#{ namespace }}#{ name }")
- end
- NormalizedNameRegexp = /^\{([^}]*)\}(.*)$/
- def parse(str)
- NormalizedNameRegexp =~ str
-$1, $2)
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/xmlparser.rb b/lib/xsd/xmlparser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e79e36c58c..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/xmlparser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XML Instance parser library.
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/xmlparser/parser'
-module XSD
-module XMLParser
- def create_parser(host, opt)
- XSD::XMLParser::Parser.create_parser(host, opt)
- end
- module_function :create_parser
- # $1 is necessary.
- NSParseRegexp ='^xmlns:?(.*)$')
- def filter_ns(ns, attrs)
- return attrs if attrs.nil? or attrs.empty?
- newattrs = {}
- attrs.each do |key, value|
- if (NSParseRegexp =~ key)
- # '' means 'default namespace'.
- tag = $1 || ''
- ns.assign(value, tag)
- else
- newattrs[key] = value
- end
- end
- newattrs
- end
- module_function :filter_ns
-# Try to load XML processor.
-loaded = false
- 'xsd/xmlparser/xmlparser',
- 'xsd/xmlparser/xmlscanner',
- 'xsd/xmlparser/rexmlparser',
-].each do |lib|
- begin
- require lib
- loaded = true
- break
- rescue LoadError
- end
-unless loaded
- raise"XML processor module not found.")
diff --git a/lib/xsd/xmlparser/parser.rb b/lib/xsd/xmlparser/parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad01d55aa0..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/xmlparser/parser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XML Instance parser library.
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/qname'
-require 'xsd/ns'
-require 'xsd/charset'
-module XSD
-module XMLParser
-class Parser
- class ParseError < Error; end
- class FormatDecodeError < ParseError; end
- class UnknownElementError < FormatDecodeError; end
- class UnknownAttributeError < FormatDecodeError; end
- class UnexpectedElementError < FormatDecodeError; end
- class ElementConstraintError < FormatDecodeError; end
- @@parser_factory = nil
- def self.factory
- @@parser_factory
- end
- def self.create_parser(host, opt = {})
-, opt)
- end
- def self.add_factory(factory)
- if $DEBUG
- puts "Set #{ factory } as XML processor."
- end
- @@parser_factory = factory
- end
- attr_accessor :charset
- def initialize(host, opt = {})
- @host = host
- @charset = opt[:charset] || nil
- end
- def parse(string_or_readable)
- @textbuf = ''
- prologue
- do_parse(string_or_readable)
- epilogue
- end
- def do_parse(string_or_readable)
- raise
- 'Method do_parse must be defined in derived class.')
- end
- def start_element(name, attrs)
- @host.start_element(name, attrs)
- end
- def characters(text)
- @host.characters(text)
- end
- def end_element(name)
- @host.end_element(name)
- end
- def prologue
- end
- def epilogue
- end
- def xmldecl_encoding=(charset)
- if @charset.nil?
- @charset = charset
- else
- # Definition in a stream (like HTTP) has a priority.
- p "encoding definition: #{ charset } is ignored." if $DEBUG
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/xsd/xmlparser/rexmlparser.rb b/lib/xsd/xmlparser/rexmlparser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 61da9aafc7..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/xmlparser/rexmlparser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - REXMLParser XML parser library.
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/xmlparser'
-require 'rexml/streamlistener'
-require 'rexml/document'
-module XSD
-module XMLParser
-class REXMLParser < XSD::XMLParser::Parser
- include REXML::StreamListener
- def do_parse(string_or_readable)
- source = nil
- source = REXML::SourceFactory.create_from(string_or_readable)
- source.encoding = charset if charset
- # Listener passes a String in utf-8.
- @charset = 'utf-8'
- REXML::Document.parse_stream(source, self)
- end
- def epilogue
- end
- def tag_start(name, attrs)
- start_element(name, attrs)
- end
- def tag_end(name)
- end_element(name)
- end
- def text(text)
- characters(text)
- end
- def xmldecl(version, encoding, standalone)
- # Version should be checked.
- end
- add_factory(self)
diff --git a/lib/xsd/xmlparser/xmlparser.rb b/lib/xsd/xmlparser/xmlparser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db914cd37..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/xmlparser/xmlparser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XMLParser XML parser library.
-# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/xmlparser'
-require 'xml/parser'
-module XSD
-module XMLParser
-class XMLParser < XSD::XMLParser::Parser
- class Listener < XML::Parser
- begin
- require 'xml/encoding-ja'
- include XML::Encoding_ja
- rescue LoadError
- # uconv may not be installed.
- end
- end
- def do_parse(string_or_readable)
- # XMLParser passes a String in utf-8.
- @charset = 'utf-8'
- @parser =
- @parser.parse(string_or_readable) do |type, name, data|
- case type
- when XML::Parser::START_ELEM
- start_element(name, data)
- when XML::Parser::END_ELEM
- end_element(name)
- when XML::Parser::CDATA
- characters(data)
- else
- raise"Unexpected XML: #{ type }/#{ name }/#{ data }.")
- end
- end
- end
- add_factory(self)
diff --git a/lib/xsd/xmlparser/xmlscanner.rb b/lib/xsd/xmlparser/xmlscanner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c80dc23910..0000000000
--- a/lib/xsd/xmlparser/xmlscanner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# XSD4R - XMLScan XML parser library.
-# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <>.
-# This program is copyrighted free software by NAKAMURA, Hiroshi. You can
-# redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's license;
-# either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
-require 'xsd/xmlparser'
-require 'xmlscan/scanner'
-module XSD
-module XMLParser
-class XMLScanner < XSD::XMLParser::Parser
- include XMLScan::Visitor
- def do_parse(string_or_readable)
- @attrs = {}
- @curattr = nil
- @scanner =
- @scanner.kcode = XSD::Charset.charset_str(charset) if charset
- @scanner.parse(string_or_readable)
- end
- def scanner_kcode=(charset)
- @scanner.kcode = XSD::Charset.charset_str(charset) if charset
- self.xmldecl_encoding = charset
- end
- 'lt' => '<',
- 'gt' => '>',
- 'amp' => '&',
- 'quot' => '"',
- 'apos' => '\''
- }
- def parse_error(msg)
- raise
- end
- def wellformed_error(msg)
- raise
- end
- def valid_error(msg)
- raise
- end
- def warning(msg)
- p msg if $DEBUG
- end
- # def on_xmldecl; end
- def on_xmldecl_version(str)
- # 1.0 expected.
- end
- def on_xmldecl_encoding(str)
- self.scanner_kcode = str
- end
- # def on_xmldecl_standalone(str); end
- # def on_xmldecl_other(name, value); end
- # def on_xmldecl_end; end
- # def on_doctype(root, pubid, sysid); end
- # def on_prolog_space(str); end
- # def on_comment(str); end
- # def on_pi(target, pi); end
- def on_chardata(str)
- characters(str)
- end
- # def on_cdata(str); end
- def on_etag(name)
- end_element(name)
- end
- def on_entityref(ref)
- characters(ENTITY_REF_MAP[ref])
- end
- def on_charref(code)
- characters([code].pack('U'))
- end
- def on_charref_hex(code)
- on_charref(code)
- end
- # def on_start_document; end
- # def on_end_document; end
- def on_stag(name)
- @attrs = {}
- end
- def on_attribute(name)
- @attrs[name] = @curattr = ''
- end
- def on_attr_value(str)
- @curattr << str
- end
- def on_attr_entityref(ref)
- @curattr << ENTITY_REF_MAP[ref]
- end
- def on_attr_charref(code)
- @curattr << [code].pack('U')
- end
- def on_attr_charref_hex(code)
- on_attr_charref(code)
- end
- # def on_attribute_end(name); end
- def on_stag_end_empty(name)
- on_stag_end(name)
- on_etag(name)
- end
- def on_stag_end(name)
- start_element(name, @attrs)
- end
- add_factory(self)