path: root/lib/syntax_suggest/left_right_lex_count.rb
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1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/syntax_suggest/left_right_lex_count.rb b/lib/syntax_suggest/left_right_lex_count.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fcae7482b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/syntax_suggest/left_right_lex_count.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module SyntaxSuggest
+ # Find mis-matched syntax based on lexical count
+ #
+ # Used for detecting missing pairs of elements
+ # each keyword needs an end, each '{' needs a '}'
+ # etc.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # left_right =
+ # left_right.count_kw
+ # left_right.missing.first
+ # # => "end"
+ #
+ # left_right =
+ # source = "{ a: b, c: d" # Note missing '}'
+ # source).each do |lex|
+ # left_right.count_lex(lex)
+ # end
+ # left_right.missing.first
+ # # => "}"
+ class LeftRightLexCount
+ def initialize
+ @kw_count = 0
+ @end_count = 0
+ @count_for_char = {
+ "{" => 0,
+ "}" => 0,
+ "[" => 0,
+ "]" => 0,
+ "(" => 0,
+ ")" => 0,
+ "|" => 0
+ }
+ end
+ def count_kw
+ @kw_count += 1
+ end
+ def count_end
+ @end_count += 1
+ end
+ # Count source code characters
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # left_right =
+ # left_right.count_lex(, :on_lbrace, "{", Ripper::EXPR_BEG))
+ # left_right.count_for_char("{")
+ # # => 1
+ # left_right.count_for_char("}")
+ # # => 0
+ def count_lex(lex)
+ case lex.type
+ when :on_tstring_content
+ # ^^^
+ # Means it's a string or a symbol `"{"` rather than being
+ # part of a data structure (like a hash) `{ a: b }`
+ # ignore it.
+ when :on_words_beg, :on_symbos_beg, :on_qwords_beg,
+ :on_qsymbols_beg, :on_regexp_beg, :on_tstring_beg
+ # ^^^
+ # Handle shorthand syntaxes like `%Q{ i am a string }`
+ #
+ # The start token will be the full thing `%Q{` but we
+ # need to count it as if it's a `{`. Any token
+ # can be used
+ char = lex.token[-1]
+ @count_for_char[char] += 1 if @count_for_char.key?(char)
+ when :on_embexpr_beg
+ # ^^^
+ # Embedded string expressions like `"#{foo} <-embed"`
+ # are parsed with chars:
+ #
+ # `#{` as :on_embexpr_beg
+ # `}` as :on_embexpr_end
+ #
+ # We cannot ignore both :on_emb_expr_beg and :on_embexpr_end
+ # because sometimes the lexer thinks something is an embed
+ # string end, when it is not like `lol = }` (no clue why).
+ #
+ # When we see `#{` count it as a `{` or we will
+ # have a mis-match count.
+ #
+ case lex.token
+ when "\#{"
+ @count_for_char["{"] += 1
+ end
+ else
+ @end_count += 1 if lex.is_end?
+ @kw_count += 1 if lex.is_kw?
+ @count_for_char[lex.token] += 1 if @count_for_char.key?(lex.token)
+ end
+ end
+ def count_for_char(char)
+ @count_for_char[char]
+ end
+ # Returns an array of missing syntax characters
+ # or `"end"` or `"keyword"`
+ #
+ # left_right.missing
+ # # => ["}"]
+ def missing
+ out = missing_pairs
+ out << missing_pipe
+ out << missing_keyword_end
+ out.compact!
+ out
+ end
+ PAIRS = {
+ "{" => "}",
+ "[" => "]",
+ "(" => ")"
+ }.freeze
+ # Opening characters like `{` need closing characters # like `}`.
+ #
+ # When a mis-match count is detected, suggest the
+ # missing member.
+ #
+ # For example if there are 3 `}` and only two `{`
+ # return `"{"`
+ private def missing_pairs
+ do |(left, right)|
+ case @count_for_char[left] <=> @count_for_char[right]
+ when 1
+ right
+ when 0
+ nil
+ when -1
+ left
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Keywords need ends and ends need keywords
+ #
+ # If we have more keywords, there's a missing `end`
+ # if we have more `end`-s, there's a missing keyword
+ private def missing_keyword_end
+ case @kw_count <=> @end_count
+ when 1
+ "end"
+ when 0
+ nil
+ when -1
+ "keyword"
+ end
+ end
+ # Pipes come in pairs.
+ # If there's an odd number of pipes then we
+ # are missing one
+ private def missing_pipe
+ if @count_for_char["|"].odd?
+ "|"
+ end
+ end
+ end