path: root/lib/rubygems/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/dependency_graph.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rubygems/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/dependency_graph.rb')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rubygems/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/dependency_graph.rb b/lib/rubygems/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/dependency_graph.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dbbc589dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rubygems/vendor/molinillo/lib/molinillo/dependency_graph.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative '../../../../vendored_tsort'
+require_relative 'dependency_graph/log'
+require_relative 'dependency_graph/vertex'
+module Gem::Molinillo
+ # A directed acyclic graph that is tuned to hold named dependencies
+ class DependencyGraph
+ include Enumerable
+ # Enumerates through the vertices of the graph.
+ # @return [Array<Vertex>] The graph's vertices.
+ def each
+ return vertices.values.each unless block_given?
+ vertices.values.each { |v| yield v }
+ end
+ include Gem::TSort
+ # @!visibility private
+ alias tsort_each_node each
+ # @!visibility private
+ def tsort_each_child(vertex, &block)
+ vertex.successors.each(&block)
+ end
+ # Topologically sorts the given vertices.
+ # @param [Enumerable<Vertex>] vertices the vertices to be sorted, which must
+ # all belong to the same graph.
+ # @return [Array<Vertex>] The sorted vertices.
+ def self.tsort(vertices)
+ Gem::TSort.tsort(
+ lambda { |b| vertices.each(&b) },
+ lambda { |v, &b| (v.successors & vertices).each(&b) }
+ )
+ end
+ # A directed edge of a {DependencyGraph}
+ # @attr [Vertex] origin The origin of the directed edge
+ # @attr [Vertex] destination The destination of the directed edge
+ # @attr [Object] requirement The requirement the directed edge represents
+ Edge =, :destination, :requirement)
+ # @return [{String => Vertex}] the vertices of the dependency graph, keyed
+ # by {Vertex#name}
+ attr_reader :vertices
+ # @return [Log] the op log for this graph
+ attr_reader :log
+ # Initializes an empty dependency graph
+ def initialize
+ @vertices = {}
+ @log =
+ end
+ # Tags the current state of the dependency as the given tag
+ # @param [Object] tag an opaque tag for the current state of the graph
+ # @return [Void]
+ def tag(tag)
+ log.tag(self, tag)
+ end
+ # Rewinds the graph to the state tagged as `tag`
+ # @param [Object] tag the tag to rewind to
+ # @return [Void]
+ def rewind_to(tag)
+ log.rewind_to(self, tag)
+ end
+ # Initializes a copy of a {DependencyGraph}, ensuring that all {#vertices}
+ # are properly copied.
+ # @param [DependencyGraph] other the graph to copy.
+ def initialize_copy(other)
+ super
+ @vertices = {}
+ @log = other.log.dup
+ traverse = lambda do |new_v, old_v|
+ return if new_v.outgoing_edges.size == old_v.outgoing_edges.size
+ old_v.outgoing_edges.each do |edge|
+ destination = add_vertex(, edge.destination.payload)
+ add_edge_no_circular(new_v, destination, edge.requirement)
+, edge.destination)
+ end
+ end
+ other.vertices.each do |name, vertex|
+ new_vertex = add_vertex(name, vertex.payload, vertex.root?)
+ new_vertex.explicit_requirements.replace(vertex.explicit_requirements)
+, vertex)
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [String] a string suitable for debugging
+ def inspect
+ "#{self.class}:#{vertices.values.inspect}"
+ end
+ # @param [Hash] options options for dot output.
+ # @return [String] Returns a dot format representation of the graph
+ def to_dot(options = {})
+ edge_label = options.delete(:edge_label)
+ raise ArgumentError, "Unknown options: #{options.keys}" unless options.empty?
+ dot_vertices = []
+ dot_edges = []
+ vertices.each do |n, v|
+ dot_vertices << " #{n} [label=\"{#{n}|#{v.payload}}\"]"
+ v.outgoing_edges.each do |e|
+ label = edge_label ? : e.requirement
+ dot_edges << " #{} -> #{} [label=#{label.to_s.dump}]"
+ end
+ end
+ dot_vertices.uniq!
+ dot_vertices.sort!
+ dot_edges.uniq!
+ dot_edges.sort!
+ dot = dot_vertices.unshift('digraph G {').push('') + dot_edges.push('}')
+ dot.join("\n")
+ end
+ # @param [DependencyGraph] other
+ # @return [Boolean] whether the two dependency graphs are equal, determined
+ # by a recursive traversal of each {#root_vertices} and its
+ # {Vertex#successors}
+ def ==(other)
+ return false unless other
+ return true if equal?(other)
+ vertices.each do |name, vertex|
+ other_vertex = other.vertex_named(name)
+ return false unless other_vertex
+ return false unless vertex.payload == other_vertex.payload
+ return false unless other_vertex.successors.to_set == vertex.successors.to_set
+ end
+ end
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @param [Object] payload
+ # @param [Array<String>] parent_names
+ # @param [Object] requirement the requirement that is requiring the child
+ # @return [void]
+ def add_child_vertex(name, payload, parent_names, requirement)
+ root = !parent_names.delete(nil) { true }
+ vertex = add_vertex(name, payload, root)
+ vertex.explicit_requirements << requirement if root
+ parent_names.each do |parent_name|
+ parent_vertex = vertex_named(parent_name)
+ add_edge(parent_vertex, vertex, requirement)
+ end
+ vertex
+ end
+ # Adds a vertex with the given name, or updates the existing one.
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @param [Object] payload
+ # @return [Vertex] the vertex that was added to `self`
+ def add_vertex(name, payload, root = false)
+ log.add_vertex(self, name, payload, root)
+ end
+ # Detaches the {#vertex_named} `name` {Vertex} from the graph, recursively
+ # removing any non-root vertices that were orphaned in the process
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @return [Array<Vertex>] the vertices which have been detached
+ def detach_vertex_named(name)
+ log.detach_vertex_named(self, name)
+ end
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @return [Vertex,nil] the vertex with the given name
+ def vertex_named(name)
+ vertices[name]
+ end
+ # @param [String] name
+ # @return [Vertex,nil] the root vertex with the given name
+ def root_vertex_named(name)
+ vertex = vertex_named(name)
+ vertex if vertex && vertex.root?
+ end
+ # Adds a new {Edge} to the dependency graph
+ # @param [Vertex] origin
+ # @param [Vertex] destination
+ # @param [Object] requirement the requirement that this edge represents
+ # @return [Edge] the added edge
+ def add_edge(origin, destination, requirement)
+ if destination.path_to?(origin)
+ raise, origin))
+ end
+ add_edge_no_circular(origin, destination, requirement)
+ end
+ # Deletes an {Edge} from the dependency graph
+ # @param [Edge] edge
+ # @return [Void]
+ def delete_edge(edge)
+ log.delete_edge(self,,, edge.requirement)
+ end
+ # Sets the payload of the vertex with the given name
+ # @param [String] name the name of the vertex
+ # @param [Object] payload the payload
+ # @return [Void]
+ def set_payload(name, payload)
+ log.set_payload(self, name, payload)
+ end
+ private
+ # Adds a new {Edge} to the dependency graph without checking for
+ # circularity.
+ # @param (see #add_edge)
+ # @return (see #add_edge)
+ def add_edge_no_circular(origin, destination, requirement)
+ log.add_edge_no_circular(self,,, requirement)
+ end
+ # Returns the path between two vertices
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if there is no path between the vertices
+ # @param [Vertex] from
+ # @param [Vertex] to
+ # @return [Array<Vertex>] the shortest path from `from` to `to`
+ def path(from, to)
+ distances = + 1)
+ distances[] = 0
+ predecessors = {}
+ each do |vertex|
+ vertex.successors.each do |successor|
+ if distances[] > distances[] + 1
+ distances[] = distances[] + 1
+ predecessors[successor] = vertex
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ path = [to]
+ while before = predecessors[to]
+ path << before
+ to = before
+ break if to == from
+ end
+ unless path.last.equal?(from)
+ raise ArgumentError, "There is no path from #{} to #{}"
+ end
+ path.reverse
+ end
+ end