path: root/lib/rubygems/ext/cargo_builder.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rubygems/ext/cargo_builder.rb')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rubygems/ext/cargo_builder.rb b/lib/rubygems/ext/cargo_builder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09ad1407c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rubygems/ext/cargo_builder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../shellwords"
+# This class is used by rubygems to build Rust extensions. It is a thin-wrapper
+# over the `cargo rustc` command which takes care of building Rust code in a way
+# that Ruby can use.
+class Gem::Ext::CargoBuilder < Gem::Ext::Builder
+ attr_accessor :spec, :runner, :profile
+ def initialize
+ require_relative "../command"
+ require_relative "cargo_builder/link_flag_converter"
+ @runner = self.class.method(:run)
+ @profile = :release
+ end
+ def build(extension, dest_path, results, args = [], lib_dir = nil, cargo_dir = Dir.pwd)
+ require "tempfile"
+ require "fileutils"
+ # Where's the Cargo.toml of the crate we're building
+ cargo_toml = File.join(cargo_dir, "Cargo.toml")
+ # What's the crate's name
+ crate_name = cargo_crate_name(cargo_dir, cargo_toml, results)
+ begin
+ # Create a tmp dir to do the build in
+ tmp_dest = Dir.mktmpdir(".gem.", cargo_dir)
+ # Run the build
+ cmd = cargo_command(cargo_toml, tmp_dest, args, crate_name)
+, results, "cargo", cargo_dir, build_env)
+ # Where do we expect Cargo to write the compiled library
+ dylib_path = cargo_dylib_path(tmp_dest, crate_name)
+ # Helpful error if we didn't find the compiled library
+ raise DylibNotFoundError, tmp_dest unless File.exist?(dylib_path)
+ # Cargo and Ruby differ on how the library should be named, rename from
+ # what Cargo outputs to what Ruby expects
+ dlext_name = "#{crate_name}.#{makefile_config("DLEXT")}"
+ dlext_path = File.join(File.dirname(dylib_path), dlext_name)
+ FileUtils.cp(dylib_path, dlext_path)
+ nesting = extension_nesting(extension)
+ if Gem.install_extension_in_lib && lib_dir
+ nested_lib_dir = File.join(lib_dir, nesting)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p nested_lib_dir
+ FileUtils.cp_r dlext_path, nested_lib_dir, remove_destination: true
+ end
+ # move to final destination
+ nested_dest_path = File.join(dest_path, nesting)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p nested_dest_path
+ FileUtils.cp_r dlext_path, nested_dest_path, remove_destination: true
+ ensure
+ # clean up intermediary build artifacts
+ FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dest if tmp_dest
+ end
+ results
+ end
+ def build_env
+ build_env = rb_config_env
+ build_env["RUBY_STATIC"] = "true" if ruby_static? && ENV.key?("RUBY_STATIC")
+ cfg = "--cfg=rb_sys_gem --cfg=rubygems --cfg=rubygems_#{".", "_")}"
+ build_env["RUSTFLAGS"] = [ENV["RUSTFLAGS"], cfg].compact.join(" ")
+ build_env
+ end
+ def cargo_command(cargo_toml, dest_path, args = [], crate_name = nil)
+ cmd = []
+ cmd += [cargo, "rustc"]
+ cmd += ["--crate-type", "cdylib"]
+ cmd += ["--target", ENV["CARGO_BUILD_TARGET"]] if ENV["CARGO_BUILD_TARGET"]
+ cmd += ["--target-dir", dest_path]
+ cmd += ["--manifest-path", cargo_toml]
+ cmd += ["--lib"]
+ cmd += ["--profile", profile.to_s]
+ cmd += ["--locked"]
+ cmd += Gem::Command.build_args
+ cmd += args
+ cmd += ["--"]
+ cmd += [*cargo_rustc_args(dest_path, crate_name)]
+ cmd
+ end
+ private
+ def cargo
+ ENV.fetch("CARGO", "cargo")
+ end
+ # returns the directory nesting of the extension, ignoring the first part, so
+ # "ext/foo/bar/Cargo.toml" becomes "foo/bar"
+ def extension_nesting(extension)
+ parts = extension.to_s.split(Regexp.union([File::SEPARATOR, File::ALT_SEPARATOR].compact))
+ parts = parts.each_with_object([]) do |segment, final|
+ next if segment == "."
+ if segment == ".."
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "extension outside of gem root" if final.empty?
+ next final.pop
+ end
+ final << segment
+ end
+ File.join(parts[1...-1])
+ end
+ def rb_config_env
+ result = {}
+ RbConfig::CONFIG.each {|k, v| result["RBCONFIG_#{k}"] = v }
+ result
+ end
+ def cargo_rustc_args(dest_dir, crate_name)
+ [
+ *linker_args,
+ *mkmf_libpath,
+ *rustc_dynamic_linker_flags(dest_dir, crate_name),
+ *rustc_lib_flags(dest_dir),
+ *platform_specific_rustc_args(dest_dir),
+ ]
+ end
+ def platform_specific_rustc_args(dest_dir, flags = [])
+ if mingw_target?
+ # On mingw platforms, mkmf adds libruby to the linker flags
+ flags += libruby_args(dest_dir)
+ # Make sure ALSR is used on mingw
+ # see
+ flags += ["-C", "link-arg=-Wl,--dynamicbase"]
+ flags += ["-C", "link-arg=-Wl,--disable-auto-image-base"]
+ # If the gem is installed on a host with build tools installed, but is
+ # run on one that isn't the missing libraries will cause the extension
+ # to fail on start.
+ flags += ["-C", "link-arg=-static-libgcc"]
+ elsif darwin_target?
+ # Ventura does not always have this flag enabled
+ flags += ["-C", "link-arg=-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup"]
+ end
+ flags
+ end
+ # We want to use the same linker that Ruby uses, so that the linker flags from
+ # mkmf work properly.
+ def linker_args
+ cc_flag = Shellwords.split(makefile_config("CC"))
+ linker = cc_flag.shift
+ link_args = cc_flag.flat_map {|a| ["-C", "link-arg=#{a}"] }
+ return mswin_link_args if linker == "cl"
+ ["-C", "linker=#{linker}", *link_args]
+ end
+ def mswin_link_args
+ args = []
+ args += ["-l", makefile_config("LIBRUBYARG_SHARED").chomp(".lib")]
+ args += split_flags("LIBS").flat_map {|lib| ["-l", lib.chomp(".lib")] }
+ args += split_flags("LOCAL_LIBS").flat_map {|lib| ["-l", lib.chomp(".lib")] }
+ args
+ end
+ def libruby_args(dest_dir)
+ libs = makefile_config(ruby_static? ? "LIBRUBYARG_STATIC" : "LIBRUBYARG_SHARED")
+ raw_libs = Shellwords.split(libs)
+ raw_libs.flat_map {|l| ldflag_to_link_modifier(l) }
+ end
+ def ruby_static?
+ return true if %w[1 true].include?(ENV["RUBY_STATIC"])
+ makefile_config("ENABLE_SHARED") == "no"
+ end
+ def cargo_dylib_path(dest_path, crate_name)
+ so_ext = RbConfig::CONFIG["SOEXT"]
+ prefix = so_ext == "dll" ? "" : "lib"
+ path_parts = [dest_path]
+ path_parts += ["release", "#{prefix}#{crate_name}.#{so_ext}"]
+ File.join(*path_parts)
+ end
+ def cargo_crate_name(cargo_dir, manifest_path, results)
+ require "open3"
+ Gem.load_yaml
+ output, status =
+ begin
+ Open3.capture2e(cargo, "metadata", "--no-deps", "--format-version", "1", chdir: cargo_dir)
+ rescue StandardError => error
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "cargo metadata failed #{error.message}"
+ end
+ unless status.success?
+ if Gem.configuration.really_verbose
+ puts output
+ else
+ results << output
+ end
+ exit_reason =
+ if status.exited?
+ ", exit code #{status.exitstatus}"
+ elsif status.signaled?
+ ", uncaught signal #{status.termsig}"
+ end
+ raise Gem::InstallError, "cargo metadata failed#{exit_reason}"
+ end
+ # cargo metadata output is specified as json, but with the
+ # --format-version 1 option the output is compatible with YAML, so we can
+ # avoid the json dependency
+ metadata = Gem::SafeYAML.safe_load(output)
+ package = metadata["packages"].find {|pkg| normalize_path(pkg["manifest_path"]) == manifest_path }
+ unless package
+ found = metadata["packages"].map {|md| "#{md["name"]} at #{md["manifest_path"]}" }
+ raise Gem::InstallError, <<-EOF
+failed to determine cargo package name
+looking for: #{manifest_path}
+ end
+ package["name"].tr("-", "_")
+ end
+ def normalize_path(path)
+ return path unless File::ALT_SEPARATOR
+ end
+ def rustc_dynamic_linker_flags(dest_dir, crate_name)
+ split_flags("DLDFLAGS").
+ map {|arg| maybe_resolve_ldflag_variable(arg, dest_dir, crate_name) }.
+ compact.
+ flat_map {|arg| ldflag_to_link_modifier(arg) }
+ end
+ def rustc_lib_flags(dest_dir)
+ split_flags("LIBS").flat_map {|arg| ldflag_to_link_modifier(arg) }
+ end
+ def split_flags(var)
+ Shellwords.split(RbConfig::CONFIG.fetch(var, ""))
+ end
+ def ldflag_to_link_modifier(arg)
+ LinkFlagConverter.convert(arg)
+ end
+ def msvc_target?
+ makefile_config("target_os").include?("msvc")
+ end
+ def darwin_target?
+ makefile_config("target_os").include?("darwin")
+ end
+ def mingw_target?
+ makefile_config("target_os").include?("mingw")
+ end
+ def win_target?
+ target_platform = RbConfig::CONFIG["target_os"]
+ !!Gem::WIN_PATTERNS.find {|r| target_platform =~ r }
+ end
+ # Interpolate substitution vars in the arg (i.e. $(DEFFILE))
+ def maybe_resolve_ldflag_variable(input_arg, dest_dir, crate_name)
+ var_matches = input_arg.match(/\$\((\w+)\)/)
+ return input_arg unless var_matches
+ var_name = var_matches[1]
+ return input_arg if var_name.nil? || var_name.chomp.empty?
+ case var_name
+ # On windows, it is assumed that mkmf has setup an exports file for the
+ # extension, so we have to create one ourselves.
+ when "DEFFILE"
+ write_deffile(dest_dir, crate_name)
+ else
+ RbConfig::CONFIG[var_name]
+ end
+ end
+ def write_deffile(dest_dir, crate_name)
+ deffile_path = File.join(dest_dir, "#{crate_name}-#{RbConfig::CONFIG["arch"]}.def")
+ export_prefix = makefile_config("EXPORT_PREFIX") || ""
+, "w") do |f|
+ f.puts "EXPORTS"
+ f.puts "#{export_prefix.strip}Init_#{crate_name}"
+ end
+ deffile_path
+ end
+ # Corresponds to $(LIBPATH) in mkmf
+ def mkmf_libpath
+ ["-L", "native=#{makefile_config("libdir")}"]
+ end
+ def makefile_config(var_name)
+ val = RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG[var_name]
+ return unless val
+ RbConfig.expand(val.dup)
+ end
+ # Error raised when no cdylib artifact was created
+ class DylibNotFoundError < StandardError
+ def initialize(dir)
+ files = Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "**", "*")).map {|f| "- #{f}" }.join "\n"
+ super <<~MSG
+ Dynamic library not found for Rust extension (in #{dir})
+ Make sure you set "crate-type" in Cargo.toml to "cdylib"
+ Found files:
+ #{files}
+ end
+ end