path: root/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/stats.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ruby_vm/rjit/stats.rb')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/stats.rb b/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/stats.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e353c698e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/stats.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module RubyVM::RJIT
+ # Return a Hash for \RJIT statistics. \--rjit-stats makes more information available.
+ def self.runtime_stats
+ stats = {}
+ # Insn exits
+ INSNS.each_value do |insn|
+ exits = C.rjit_insn_exits[insn.bin]
+ if exits > 0
+ stats[:"exit_#{}"] = exits
+ end
+ end
+ # Runtime stats
+ C.rb_rjit_runtime_counters.members.each do |member|
+ stats[member] = C.rb_rjit_counters.public_send(member)
+ end
+ stats[:vm_insns_count] = C.rb_vm_insns_count
+ # Other stats are calculated here
+ stats[:side_exit_count] = { |name, _count| name.start_with?('exit_') }.sum(&:last)
+ if stats[:vm_insns_count] > 0
+ retired_in_rjit = stats[:rjit_insns_count] - stats[:side_exit_count]
+ stats[:total_insns_count] = retired_in_rjit + stats[:vm_insns_count]
+ stats[:ratio_in_rjit] = 100.0 * retired_in_rjit / stats[:total_insns_count]
+ else
+ stats.delete(:vm_insns_count)
+ end
+ stats
+ end
+ # :nodoc: all
+ class << self
+ private
+ # --yjit-stats at_exit
+ def print_stats
+ stats = runtime_stats
+ $stderr.puts("***RJIT: Printing RJIT statistics on exit***")
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'send_', prompt: 'method call exit reasons')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'invokeblock_', prompt: 'invokeblock exit reasons')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'invokesuper_', prompt: 'invokesuper exit reasons')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'getblockpp_', prompt: 'getblockparamproxy exit reasons')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'getivar_', prompt: 'getinstancevariable exit reasons')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'setivar_', prompt: 'setinstancevariable exit reasons')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'optaref_', prompt: 'opt_aref exit reasons')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'optgetconst_', prompt: 'opt_getconstant_path exit reasons')
+ print_counters(stats, prefix: 'expandarray_', prompt: 'expandarray exit reasons')
+ $stderr.puts "compiled_block_count: #{format_number(13, stats[:compiled_block_count])}"
+ $stderr.puts "side_exit_count: #{format_number(13, stats[:side_exit_count])}"
+ $stderr.puts "total_insns_count: #{format_number(13, stats[:total_insns_count])}" if stats.key?(:total_insns_count)
+ $stderr.puts "vm_insns_count: #{format_number(13, stats[:vm_insns_count])}" if stats.key?(:vm_insns_count)
+ $stderr.puts "rjit_insns_count: #{format_number(13, stats[:rjit_insns_count])}"
+ $stderr.puts "ratio_in_rjit: #{format('%12.1f', stats[:ratio_in_rjit])}%" if stats.key?(:ratio_in_rjit)
+ print_exit_counts(stats)
+ end
+ def print_counters(stats, prefix:, prompt:)
+ $stderr.puts("#{prompt}: ")
+ counters = stats.filter { |key, _| key.start_with?(prefix) }
+ counters.filter! { |_, value| value != 0 }
+ counters.transform_keys! { |key| key.to_s.delete_prefix(prefix) }
+ if counters.empty?
+ $stderr.puts(" (all relevant counters are zero)")
+ return
+ end
+ counters = counters.to_a
+ counters.sort_by! { |(_, counter_value)| counter_value }
+ longest_name_length = counters.max_by { |(name, _)| name.length }.first.length
+ total = counters.sum { |(_, counter_value)| counter_value }
+ counters.reverse_each do |(name, value)|
+ percentage = value.fdiv(total) * 100
+ $stderr.printf(" %*s %s (%4.1f%%)\n", longest_name_length, name, format_number(10, value), percentage)
+ end
+ end
+ def print_exit_counts(stats, how_many: 20, padding: 2)
+ exits = stats.filter_map { |name, count| [name.to_s.delete_prefix('exit_'), count] if name.start_with?('exit_') }.to_h
+ return if exits.empty?
+ top_exits = exits.sort_by { |_name, count| -count }.first(how_many).to_h
+ total_exits = exits.values.sum
+ $stderr.puts "Top-#{top_exits.size} most frequent exit ops (#{format("%.1f", 100.0 * top_exits.values.sum / total_exits)}% of exits):"
+ name_width = { |name, _count| name.length }.max + padding
+ count_width = { |_name, count| format_number(10, count).length }.max + padding
+ top_exits.each do |name, count|
+ ratio = 100.0 * count / total_exits
+ $stderr.puts "#{format("%#{name_width}s", name)}: #{format_number(count_width, count)} (#{format('%4.1f', ratio)}%)"
+ end
+ end
+ # Format large numbers with comma separators for readability
+ def format_number(pad, number)
+ integer, decimal = number.to_s.split('.')
+ d_groups = integer.chars.reverse.each_slice(3)
+ with_commas =',').reverse
+ [with_commas, decimal].compact.join('.').rjust(pad, ' ')
+ end
+ # --yjit-trace-exits at_exit
+ def dump_trace_exits
+ filename = "#{Dir.pwd}/rjit_exit_locations.dump"
+ File.binwrite(filename, Marshal.dump(exit_traces))
+ $stderr.puts("RJIT exit locations dumped to:\n#{filename}")
+ end
+ # Convert rb_rjit_raw_samples and rb_rjit_line_samples into a StackProf format.
+ def exit_traces
+ results = C.rjit_exit_traces
+ raw_samples = results[:raw].dup
+ line_samples = results[:lines].dup
+ frames = results[:frames].dup
+ samples_count = 0
+ # Loop through the instructions and set the frame hash with the data.
+ # We use nonexistent.def for the file name, otherwise insns.def will be displayed
+ # and that information isn't useful in this context.
+ RubyVM::INSTRUCTION_NAMES.each_with_index do |name, frame_id|
+ frame_hash = { samples: 0, total_samples: 0, edges: {}, name: name, file: "nonexistent.def", line: nil, lines: {} }
+ results[:frames][frame_id] = frame_hash
+ frames[frame_id] = frame_hash
+ end
+ # Loop through the raw_samples and build the hashes for StackProf.
+ # The loop is based off an example in the StackProf documentation and therefore
+ # this functionality can only work with that library.
+ #
+ # Raw Samples:
+ # [ length, frame1, frame2, frameN, ..., instruction, count
+ #
+ # Line Samples
+ # [ length, line_1, line_2, line_n, ..., dummy value, count
+ i = 0
+ while i < raw_samples.length
+ stack_length = raw_samples[i] + 1
+ i += 1 # consume the stack length
+ prev_frame_id = nil
+ stack_length.times do |idx|
+ idx += i
+ frame_id = raw_samples[idx]
+ if prev_frame_id
+ prev_frame = frames[prev_frame_id]
+ prev_frame[:edges][frame_id] ||= 0
+ prev_frame[:edges][frame_id] += 1
+ end
+ frame_info = frames[frame_id]
+ frame_info[:total_samples] += 1
+ frame_info[:lines][line_samples[idx]] ||= [0, 0]
+ frame_info[:lines][line_samples[idx]][0] += 1
+ prev_frame_id = frame_id
+ end
+ i += stack_length # consume the stack
+ top_frame_id = prev_frame_id
+ top_frame_line = 1
+ sample_count = raw_samples[i]
+ frames[top_frame_id][:samples] += sample_count
+ frames[top_frame_id][:lines] ||= {}
+ frames[top_frame_id][:lines][top_frame_line] ||= [0, 0]
+ frames[top_frame_id][:lines][top_frame_line][1] += sample_count
+ samples_count += sample_count
+ i += 1
+ end
+ results[:samples] = samples_count
+ # Set missed_samples and gc_samples to 0 as their values
+ # don't matter to us in this context.
+ results[:missed_samples] = 0
+ results[:gc_samples] = 0
+ results
+ end
+ end