path: root/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/context.rb
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1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/context.rb b/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/context.rb
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index 0000000000..a2a7ecc6dc
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+++ b/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/context.rb
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+module RubyVM::RJIT
+ # Maximum number of temp value types we keep track of
+ # Maximum number of local variable types we keep track of
+ # Operand to a YARV bytecode instruction
+ SelfOpnd = :SelfOpnd # The value is self
+ StackOpnd = Data.define(:index) # Temporary stack operand with stack index
+ # Potential mapping of a value on the temporary stack to self,
+ # a local variable, or constant so that we can track its type
+ MapToStack = :MapToStack # Normal stack value
+ MapToSelf = :MapToSelf # Temp maps to the self operand
+ MapToLocal = Data.define(:local_index) # Temp maps to a local variable with index
+ class Context <
+ :stack_size, # @param [Integer] The number of values on the stack
+ :sp_offset, # @param [Integer] JIT sp offset relative to the interpreter's sp
+ :chain_depth, # @param [Integer] jit_chain_guard depth
+ :local_types, # @param [Array<RubyVM::RJIT::Type>] Local variable types we keep track of
+ :temp_types, # @param [Array<RubyVM::RJIT::Type>] Temporary variable types we keep track of
+ :self_type, # @param [RubyVM::RJIT::Type] Type we track for self
+ :temp_mapping, # @param [Array<Symbol>] Mapping of temp stack entries to types we track
+ )
+ def initialize(
+ stack_size: 0,
+ sp_offset: 0,
+ chain_depth: 0,
+ local_types: [Type::Unknown] * MAX_LOCAL_TYPES,
+ temp_types: [Type::Unknown] * MAX_TEMP_TYPES,
+ self_type: Type::Unknown,
+ temp_mapping: [MapToStack] * MAX_TEMP_TYPES
+ ) = super
+ # Deep dup by default for safety
+ def dup
+ ctx = super
+ ctx.local_types = ctx.local_types.dup
+ ctx.temp_types = ctx.temp_types.dup
+ ctx.temp_mapping = ctx.temp_mapping.dup
+ ctx
+ end
+ # Create a new Context instance with a given stack_size and sp_offset adjusted
+ # accordingly. This is useful when you want to virtually rewind a stack_size for
+ # generating a side exit while considering past sp_offset changes on gen_save_sp.
+ def with_stack_size(stack_size)
+ ctx = self.dup
+ ctx.sp_offset -= ctx.stack_size - stack_size
+ ctx.stack_size = stack_size
+ ctx
+ end
+ def stack_opnd(depth_from_top)
+ [SP, C.VALUE.size * (self.sp_offset - 1 - depth_from_top)]
+ end
+ def sp_opnd(offset_bytes = 0)
+ [SP, (C.VALUE.size * self.sp_offset) + offset_bytes]
+ end
+ # Push one new value on the temp stack with an explicit mapping
+ # Return a pointer to the new stack top
+ def stack_push_mapping(mapping_temp_type)
+ stack_size = self.stack_size
+ # Keep track of the type and mapping of the value
+ if stack_size < MAX_TEMP_TYPES
+ mapping, temp_type = mapping_temp_type
+ self.temp_mapping[stack_size] = mapping
+ self.temp_types[stack_size] = temp_type
+ case mapping
+ in MapToLocal[idx]
+ assert(idx < MAX_LOCAL_TYPES)
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ self.stack_size += 1
+ self.sp_offset += 1
+ return self.stack_opnd(0)
+ end
+ # Push one new value on the temp stack
+ # Return a pointer to the new stack top
+ def stack_push(val_type)
+ return self.stack_push_mapping([MapToStack, val_type])
+ end
+ # Push the self value on the stack
+ def stack_push_self
+ return self.stack_push_mapping([MapToStack, Type::Unknown])
+ end
+ # Push a local variable on the stack
+ def stack_push_local(local_idx)
+ if local_idx >= MAX_LOCAL_TYPES
+ return self.stack_push(Type::Unknown)
+ end
+ return self.stack_push_mapping([MapToLocal[local_idx], Type::Unknown])
+ end
+ # Pop N values off the stack
+ # Return a pointer to the stack top before the pop operation
+ def stack_pop(n = 1)
+ assert(n <= self.stack_size)
+ top = self.stack_opnd(0)
+ # Clear the types of the popped values
+ n.times do |i|
+ idx = self.stack_size - i - 1
+ if idx < MAX_TEMP_TYPES
+ self.temp_types[idx] = Type::Unknown
+ self.temp_mapping[idx] = MapToStack
+ end
+ end
+ self.stack_size -= n
+ self.sp_offset -= n
+ return top
+ end
+ def shift_stack(argc)
+ assert(argc < self.stack_size)
+ method_name_index = self.stack_size - argc - 1
+ (method_name_index...(self.stack_size - 1)).each do |i|
+ if i + 1 < MAX_TEMP_TYPES
+ self.temp_types[i] = self.temp_types[i + 1]
+ self.temp_mapping[i] = self.temp_mapping[i + 1]
+ end
+ end
+ self.stack_pop(1)
+ end
+ # Get the type of an instruction operand
+ def get_opnd_type(opnd)
+ case opnd
+ in SelfOpnd
+ self.self_type
+ in StackOpnd[idx]
+ assert(idx < self.stack_size)
+ stack_idx = self.stack_size - 1 - idx
+ # If outside of tracked range, do nothing
+ if stack_idx >= MAX_TEMP_TYPES
+ return Type::Unknown
+ end
+ mapping = self.temp_mapping[stack_idx]
+ case mapping
+ in MapToSelf
+ self.self_type
+ in MapToStack
+ self.temp_types[self.stack_size - 1 - idx]
+ in MapToLocal[idx]
+ assert(idx < MAX_LOCAL_TYPES)
+ self.local_types[idx]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Get the currently tracked type for a local variable
+ def get_local_type(idx)
+ self.local_types[idx] || Type::Unknown
+ end
+ # Upgrade (or "learn") the type of an instruction operand
+ # This value must be compatible and at least as specific as the previously known type.
+ # If this value originated from self, or an lvar, the learned type will be
+ # propagated back to its source.
+ def upgrade_opnd_type(opnd, opnd_type)
+ case opnd
+ in SelfOpnd
+ self.self_type = self.self_type.upgrade(opnd_type)
+ in StackOpnd[idx]
+ assert(idx < self.stack_size)
+ stack_idx = self.stack_size - 1 - idx
+ # If outside of tracked range, do nothing
+ if stack_idx >= MAX_TEMP_TYPES
+ return
+ end
+ mapping = self.temp_mapping[stack_idx]
+ case mapping
+ in MapToSelf
+ self.self_type = self.self_type.upgrade(opnd_type)
+ in MapToStack
+ self.temp_types[stack_idx] = self.temp_types[stack_idx].upgrade(opnd_type)
+ in MapToLocal[idx]
+ assert(idx < MAX_LOCAL_TYPES)
+ self.local_types[idx] = self.local_types[idx].upgrade(opnd_type)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Get both the type and mapping (where the value originates) of an operand.
+ # This is can be used with stack_push_mapping or set_opnd_mapping to copy
+ # a stack value's type while maintaining the mapping.
+ def get_opnd_mapping(opnd)
+ opnd_type = self.get_opnd_type(opnd)
+ case opnd
+ in SelfOpnd
+ return [MapToSelf, opnd_type]
+ in StackOpnd[idx]
+ assert(idx < self.stack_size)
+ stack_idx = self.stack_size - 1 - idx
+ if stack_idx < MAX_TEMP_TYPES
+ return [self.temp_mapping[stack_idx], opnd_type]
+ else
+ # We can't know the source of this stack operand, so we assume it is
+ # a stack-only temporary. type will be UNKNOWN
+ assert(opnd_type == Type::Unknown)
+ return [MapToStack, opnd_type]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Overwrite both the type and mapping of a stack operand.
+ def set_opnd_mapping(opnd, mapping_opnd_type)
+ case opnd
+ in SelfOpnd
+ raise 'self always maps to self'
+ in StackOpnd[idx]
+ assert(idx < self.stack_size)
+ stack_idx = self.stack_size - 1 - idx
+ # If outside of tracked range, do nothing
+ if stack_idx >= MAX_TEMP_TYPES
+ return
+ end
+ mapping, opnd_type = mapping_opnd_type
+ self.temp_mapping[stack_idx] = mapping
+ # Only used when mapping == MAP_STACK
+ self.temp_types[stack_idx] = opnd_type
+ end
+ end
+ # Set the type of a local variable
+ def set_local_type(local_idx, local_type)
+ if local_idx >= MAX_LOCAL_TYPES
+ return
+ end
+ # If any values on the stack map to this local we must detach them
+ MAX_TEMP_TYPES.times do |stack_idx|
+ case self.temp_mapping[stack_idx]
+ in MapToStack
+ # noop
+ in MapToSelf
+ # noop
+ in MapToLocal[idx]
+ if idx == local_idx
+ self.temp_types[stack_idx] = self.local_types[idx]
+ self.temp_mapping[stack_idx] = MapToStack
+ else
+ # noop
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.local_types[local_idx] = local_type
+ end
+ # Erase local variable type information
+ # eg: because of a call we can't track
+ def clear_local_types
+ # When clearing local types we must detach any stack mappings to those
+ # locals. Even if local values may have changed, stack values will not.
+ MAX_TEMP_TYPES.times do |stack_idx|
+ case self.temp_mapping[stack_idx]
+ in MapToStack
+ # noop
+ in MapToSelf
+ # noop
+ in MapToLocal[local_idx]
+ self.temp_types[stack_idx] = self.local_types[local_idx]
+ self.temp_mapping[stack_idx] = MapToStack
+ end
+ end
+ # Clear the local types
+ self.local_types = [Type::Unknown] * MAX_LOCAL_TYPES
+ end
+ # Compute a difference score for two context objects
+ def diff(dst)
+ # Self is the source context (at the end of the predecessor)
+ src = self
+ # Can only lookup the first version in the chain
+ if dst.chain_depth != 0
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ end
+ # Blocks with depth > 0 always produce new versions
+ # Sidechains cannot overlap
+ if src.chain_depth != 0
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ end
+ if dst.stack_size != src.stack_size
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ end
+ if dst.sp_offset != src.sp_offset
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ end
+ # Difference sum
+ diff = 0
+ # Check the type of self
+ diff += case src.self_type.diff(dst.self_type)
+ in TypeDiff::Compatible[diff] then diff
+ in TypeDiff::Incompatible then return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ end
+ # For each local type we track
+ src.local_types.size.times do |i|
+ t_src = src.local_types[i]
+ t_dst = dst.local_types[i]
+ diff += case t_src.diff(t_dst)
+ in TypeDiff::Compatible[diff] then diff
+ in TypeDiff::Incompatible then return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ end
+ end
+ # For each value on the temp stack
+ src.stack_size.times do |i|
+ src_mapping, src_type = src.get_opnd_mapping(StackOpnd[i])
+ dst_mapping, dst_type = dst.get_opnd_mapping(StackOpnd[i])
+ # If the two mappings aren't the same
+ if src_mapping != dst_mapping
+ if dst_mapping == MapToStack
+ # We can safely drop information about the source of the temp
+ # stack operand.
+ diff += 1
+ else
+ return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ end
+ end
+ diff += case src_type.diff(dst_type)
+ in TypeDiff::Compatible[diff] then diff
+ in TypeDiff::Incompatible then return TypeDiff::Incompatible
+ end
+ end
+ return TypeDiff::Compatible[diff]
+ end
+ private
+ def assert(cond)
+ unless cond
+ raise "'#{cond.inspect}' was not true"
+ end
+ end
+ end