path: root/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/code_block.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ruby_vm/rjit/code_block.rb')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/code_block.rb b/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/code_block.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21ae2386b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ruby_vm/rjit/code_block.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+module RubyVM::MJIT
+ class CodeBlock
+ # @param mem_block [Integer] JIT buffer address
+ # @param mem_size [Integer] JIT buffer size
+ # @param outliend [TrueClass,FalseClass] true for outlined CodeBlock
+ def initialize(mem_block:, mem_size:, outlined: false)
+ @comments = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ @mem_block = mem_block
+ @mem_size = mem_size
+ @write_pos = 0
+ @outlined = outlined
+ end
+ # @param asm [RubyVM::MJIT::Assembler]
+ def write(asm)
+ return 0 if @write_pos + asm.size >= @mem_size
+ start_addr = write_addr
+ # Write machine code
+ C.mjit_mark_writable
+ @write_pos += asm.assemble(start_addr)
+ C.mjit_mark_executable
+ end_addr = write_addr
+ # Convert comment indexes to addresses
+ asm.comments.each do |index, comments|
+ @comments[start_addr + index] += comments
+ end
+ asm.comments.clear
+ # Dump disasm if --mjit-dump-disasm
+ if C.mjit_opts.dump_disasm && start_addr < end_addr
+ dump_disasm(start_addr, end_addr)
+ end
+ start_addr
+ end
+ def set_write_addr(addr)
+ @write_pos = addr - @mem_block
+ @comments.delete(addr) # TODO: clean up old comments for all the overwritten range?
+ end
+ def with_write_addr(addr)
+ old_write_pos = @write_pos
+ set_write_addr(addr)
+ yield
+ ensure
+ @write_pos = old_write_pos
+ end
+ def write_addr
+ @mem_block + @write_pos
+ end
+ def include?(addr)
+ (@mem_block...(@mem_block + @mem_size)).include?(addr)
+ end
+ private
+ def dump_disasm(from, to)
+ C.dump_disasm(from, to).each do |address, mnemonic, op_str|
+ @comments.fetch(address, []).each do |comment|
+ puts colorize(" # #{comment}", bold: true)
+ end
+ puts colorize(" 0x#{format("%x", address)}: #{mnemonic} #{op_str}")
+ end
+ puts
+ end
+ def colorize(text, bold: false)
+ buf = +''
+ buf << "\e[1m" if bold
+ buf << "\e[34m" if @outlined
+ buf << text
+ buf << "\e[0m"
+ buf
+ end
+ def bold(text)
+ "\e[1m#{text}\e[0m"
+ end
+ end