path: root/lib/rinda/ring.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rinda/ring.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 484 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rinda/ring.rb b/lib/rinda/ring.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 948cfaf208..0000000000
--- a/lib/rinda/ring.rb
+++ /dev/null
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-# frozen_string_literal: false
-# Note: Rinda::Ring API is unstable.
-require 'drb/drb'
-require_relative 'rinda'
-require 'ipaddr'
-module Rinda
- ##
- # The default port Ring discovery will use.
- Ring_PORT = 7647
- ##
- # A RingServer allows a Rinda::TupleSpace to be located via UDP broadcasts.
- # Default service location uses the following steps:
- #
- # 1. A RingServer begins listening on the network broadcast UDP address.
- # 2. A RingFinger sends a UDP packet containing the DRb URI where it will
- # listen for a reply.
- # 3. The RingServer receives the UDP packet and connects back to the
- # provided DRb URI with the DRb service.
- #
- # A RingServer requires a TupleSpace:
- #
- # ts =
- # rs =
- #
- # RingServer can also listen on multicast addresses for announcements. This
- # allows multiple RingServers to run on the same host. To use network
- # broadcast and multicast:
- #
- # ts =
- # rs = ts, %w[Socket::INADDR_ANY, ff02::1]
- class RingServer
- include DRbUndumped
- ##
- # Special renewer for the RingServer to allow shutdown
- class Renewer # :nodoc:
- include DRbUndumped
- ##
- # Set to false to shutdown future requests using this Renewer
- attr_writer :renew
- def initialize # :nodoc:
- @renew = true
- end
- def renew # :nodoc:
- @renew ? 1 : true
- end
- end
- ##
- # Advertises +ts+ on the given +addresses+ at +port+.
- #
- # If +addresses+ is omitted only the UDP broadcast address is used.
- #
- # +addresses+ can contain multiple addresses. If a multicast address is
- # given in +addresses+ then the RingServer will listen for multicast
- # queries.
- #
- # If you use IPv4 multicast you may need to set an address of the inbound
- # interface which joins a multicast group.
- #
- # ts =
- # rs =, [['', '']])
- #
- # You can set addresses as an Array Object. The first element of the
- # Array is a multicast address and the second is an inbound interface
- # address. If the second is omitted then '' is used.
- #
- # If you use IPv6 multicast you may need to set both the local interface
- # address and the inbound interface index:
- #
- # rs =, [['ff02::1', '::1', 1]])
- #
- # The first element is a multicast address and the second is an inbound
- # interface address. The third is an inbound interface index.
- #
- # At this time there is no easy way to get an interface index by name.
- #
- # If the second is omitted then '::1' is used.
- # If the third is omitted then 0 (default interface) is used.
- def initialize(ts, addresses=[Socket::INADDR_ANY], port=Ring_PORT)
- @port = port
- if Integer === addresses then
- addresses, @port = [Socket::INADDR_ANY], addresses
- end
- @renewer =
- @ts = ts
- @sockets = []
- addresses.each do |address|
- if Array === address
- make_socket(*address)
- else
- make_socket(address)
- end
- end
- @w_services = write_services
- @r_service = reply_service
- end
- ##
- # Creates a socket at +address+
- #
- # If +address+ is multicast address then +interface_address+ and
- # +multicast_interface+ can be set as optional.
- #
- # A created socket is bound to +interface_address+. If you use IPv4
- # multicast then the interface of +interface_address+ is used as the
- # inbound interface. If +interface_address+ is omitted or nil then
- # '' or '::1' is used.
- #
- # If you use IPv6 multicast then +multicast_interface+ is used as the
- # inbound interface. +multicast_interface+ is a network interface index.
- # If +multicast_interface+ is omitted then 0 (default interface) is used.
- def make_socket(address, interface_address=nil, multicast_interface=0)
- addrinfo = Addrinfo.udp(address, @port)
- socket =, addrinfo.socktype,
- addrinfo.protocol)
- if addrinfo.ipv4_multicast? or addrinfo.ipv6_multicast? then
- if Socket.const_defined?(:SO_REUSEPORT) then
- socket.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :SO_REUSEPORT, true)
- else
- socket.setsockopt(:SOCKET, :SO_REUSEADDR, true)
- end
- if addrinfo.ipv4_multicast? then
- interface_address = '' if interface_address.nil?
- socket.bind(Addrinfo.udp(interface_address, @port))
- mreq = +
- socket.setsockopt(:IPPROTO_IP, :IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, mreq)
- else
- interface_address = '::1' if interface_address.nil?
- socket.bind(Addrinfo.udp(interface_address, @port))
- mreq = +
- [multicast_interface].pack('I')
- socket.setsockopt(:IPPROTO_IPV6, :IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, mreq)
- end
- else
- socket.bind(addrinfo)
- end
- socket
- rescue
- socket = socket.close if socket
- raise
- ensure
- @sockets << socket if socket
- end
- ##
- # Creates threads that pick up UDP packets and passes them to do_write for
- # decoding.
- def write_services
- do |s|
- do |socket|
- loop do
- msg = socket.recv(1024)
- do_write(msg)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Extracts the response URI from +msg+ and adds it to TupleSpace where it
- # will be picked up by +reply_service+ for notification.
- def do_write(msg)
- do
- begin
- tuple, sec = Marshal.load(msg)
- @ts.write(tuple, sec)
- rescue
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Creates a thread that notifies waiting clients from the TupleSpace.
- def reply_service
- do
- loop do
- do_reply
- end
- end
- end
- ##
- # Pulls lookup tuples out of the TupleSpace and sends their DRb object the
- # address of the local TupleSpace.
- def do_reply
- tuple = @ts.take([:lookup_ring, nil], @renewer)
- { tuple[1].call(@ts) rescue nil}
- rescue
- end
- ##
- # Shuts down the RingServer
- def shutdown
- @renewer.renew = false
- @w_services.each do |thread|
- thread.kill
- thread.join
- end
- @sockets.each do |socket|
- socket.close
- end
- @r_service.kill
- @r_service.join
- end
- end
- ##
- # RingFinger is used by RingServer clients to discover the RingServer's
- # TupleSpace. Typically, all a client needs to do is call
- # RingFinger.primary to retrieve the remote TupleSpace, which it can then
- # begin using.
- #
- # To find the first available remote TupleSpace:
- #
- # Rinda::RingFinger.primary
- #
- # To create a RingFinger that broadcasts to a custom list:
- #
- # rf = ['localhost', '']
- # rf.primary
- #
- # Rinda::RingFinger also understands multicast addresses and sets them up
- # properly. This allows you to run multiple RingServers on the same host:
- #
- # rf = ['']
- # rf.primary
- #
- # You can set the hop count (or TTL) for multicast searches using
- # #multicast_hops.
- #
- # If you use IPv6 multicast you may need to set both an address and the
- # outbound interface index:
- #
- # rf = ['ff02::1']
- # rf.multicast_interface = 1
- # rf.primary
- #
- # At this time there is no easy way to get an interface index by name.
- class RingFinger
- @@broadcast_list = ['<broadcast>', 'localhost']
- @@finger = nil
- ##
- # Creates a singleton RingFinger and looks for a RingServer. Returns the
- # created RingFinger.
- def self.finger
- unless @@finger
- @@finger =
- @@finger.lookup_ring_any
- end
- @@finger
- end
- ##
- # Returns the first advertised TupleSpace.
- def self.primary
- finger.primary
- end
- ##
- # Contains all discovered TupleSpaces except for the primary.
- def self.to_a
- finger.to_a
- end
- ##
- # The list of addresses where RingFinger will send query packets.
- attr_accessor :broadcast_list
- ##
- # Maximum number of hops for sent multicast packets (if using a multicast
- # address in the broadcast list). The default is 1 (same as UDP
- # broadcast).
- attr_accessor :multicast_hops
- ##
- # The interface index to send IPv6 multicast packets from.
- attr_accessor :multicast_interface
- ##
- # The port that RingFinger will send query packets to.
- attr_accessor :port
- ##
- # Contain the first advertised TupleSpace after lookup_ring_any is called.
- attr_accessor :primary
- ##
- # Creates a new RingFinger that will look for RingServers at +port+ on
- # the addresses in +broadcast_list+.
- #
- # If +broadcast_list+ contains a multicast address then multicast queries
- # will be made using the given multicast_hops and multicast_interface.
- def initialize(broadcast_list=@@broadcast_list, port=Ring_PORT)
- @broadcast_list = broadcast_list || ['localhost']
- @port = port
- @primary = nil
- @rings = []
- @multicast_hops = 1
- @multicast_interface = 0
- end
- ##
- # Contains all discovered TupleSpaces except for the primary.
- def to_a
- @rings
- end
- ##
- # Iterates over all discovered TupleSpaces starting with the primary.
- def each
- lookup_ring_any unless @primary
- return unless @primary
- yield(@primary)
- @rings.each { |x| yield(x) }
- end
- ##
- # Looks up RingServers waiting +timeout+ seconds. RingServers will be
- # given +block+ as a callback, which will be called with the remote
- # TupleSpace.
- def lookup_ring(timeout=5, &block)
- return lookup_ring_any(timeout) unless block_given?
- msg = Marshal.dump([[:lookup_ring,], timeout])
- @broadcast_list.each do |it|
- send_message(it, msg)
- end
- sleep(timeout)
- end
- ##
- # Returns the first found remote TupleSpace. Any further recovered
- # TupleSpaces can be found by calling +to_a+.
- def lookup_ring_any(timeout=5)
- queue =
- do
- self.lookup_ring(timeout) do |ts|
- queue.push(ts)
- end
- queue.push(nil)
- end
- @primary = queue.pop
- raise('RingNotFound') if @primary.nil?
- do
- while it = queue.pop
- @rings.push(it)
- end
- end
- @primary
- end
- ##
- # Creates a socket for +address+ with the appropriate multicast options
- # for multicast addresses.
- def make_socket(address) # :nodoc:
- addrinfo = Addrinfo.udp(address, @port)
- soc =, addrinfo.socktype, addrinfo.protocol)
- begin
- if addrinfo.ipv4_multicast? then
- soc.setsockopt(Socket::Option.ipv4_multicast_loop(1))
- soc.setsockopt(Socket::Option.ipv4_multicast_ttl(@multicast_hops))
- elsif addrinfo.ipv6_multicast? then
- soc.setsockopt(:IPPROTO_IPV6, :IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP, true)
- soc.setsockopt(:IPPROTO_IPV6, :IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS,
- [@multicast_hops].pack('I'))
- soc.setsockopt(:IPPROTO_IPV6, :IPV6_MULTICAST_IF,
- [@multicast_interface].pack('I'))
- else
- soc.setsockopt(:SOL_SOCKET, :SO_BROADCAST, true)
- end
- soc.connect(addrinfo)
- rescue Exception
- soc.close
- raise
- end
- soc
- end
- def send_message(address, message) # :nodoc:
- soc = make_socket(address)
- soc.send(message, 0)
- rescue
- nil
- ensure
- soc.close if soc
- end
- end
- ##
- # RingProvider uses a RingServer advertised TupleSpace as a name service.
- # TupleSpace clients can register themselves with the remote TupleSpace and
- # look up other provided services via the remote TupleSpace.
- #
- # Services are registered with a tuple of the format [:name, klass,
- # DRbObject, description].
- class RingProvider
- ##
- # Creates a RingProvider that will provide a +klass+ service running on
- # +front+, with a +description+. +renewer+ is optional.
- def initialize(klass, front, desc, renewer = nil)
- @tuple = [:name, klass, front, desc]
- @renewer = renewer ||
- end
- ##
- # Advertises this service on the primary remote TupleSpace.
- def provide
- ts = Rinda::RingFinger.primary
- ts.write(@tuple, @renewer)
- end
- end