path: root/lib/racc/statetransitiontable.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/racc/statetransitiontable.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/lib/racc/statetransitiontable.rb b/lib/racc/statetransitiontable.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cae411c98b..0000000000
--- a/lib/racc/statetransitiontable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Minero Aoki
-# This program is free software.
-# You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of ruby.
-# see the file "COPYING".
-require 'racc/parser'
-module Racc
- StateTransitionTable =,
- :action_check,
- :action_default,
- :action_pointer,
- :goto_table,
- :goto_check,
- :goto_default,
- :goto_pointer,
- :token_table,
- :reduce_table,
- :reduce_n,
- :shift_n,
- :nt_base,
- :token_to_s_table,
- :use_result_var,
- :debug_parser)
- class StateTransitionTable # reopen
- def StateTransitionTable.generate(states)
- end
- def initialize(states)
- super()
- @states = states
- @grammar = states.grammar
- self.use_result_var = true
- self.debug_parser = true
- end
- attr_reader :states
- attr_reader :grammar
- def parser_class
- end
- def token_value_table
- h = {}
- token_table().each do |sym, i|
- h[sym.value] = i
- end
- h
- end
- end
- class StateTransitionTableGenerator
- def initialize(states)
- @states = states
- @grammar = states.grammar
- end
- def generate
- t =
- gen_action_tables t, @states
- gen_goto_tables t, @grammar
- t.token_table = token_table(@grammar)
- t.reduce_table = reduce_table(@grammar)
- t.reduce_n = @states.reduce_n
- t.shift_n = @states.shift_n
- t.nt_base = @grammar.nonterminal_base
- t.token_to_s_table = {|sym| sym.to_s }
- t
- end
- def reduce_table(grammar)
- t = [0, 0, :racc_error]
- grammar.each_with_index do |rule, idx|
- next if idx == 0
- t.push rule.size
- t.push
- t.push(if rule.action.empty? # and @params.omit_action_call?
- then :_reduce_none
- else "_reduce_#{idx}".intern
- end)
- end
- t
- end
- def token_table(grammar)
- h = {}
- grammar.symboltable.terminals.each do |t|
- h[t] = t.ident
- end
- h
- end
- def gen_action_tables(t, states)
- t.action_table = yytable = []
- t.action_check = yycheck = []
- t.action_default = yydefact = []
- t.action_pointer = yypact = []
- e1 = []
- e2 = []
- states.each do |state|
- yydefact.push act2actid(state.defact)
- if state.action.empty?
- yypact.push nil
- next
- end
- vector = []
- state.action.each do |tok, act|
- vector[tok.ident] = act2actid(act)
- end
- addent e1, vector, state.ident, yypact
- end
- set_table e1, e2, yytable, yycheck, yypact
- end
- def gen_goto_tables(t, grammar)
- t.goto_table = yytable2 = []
- t.goto_check = yycheck2 = []
- t.goto_pointer = yypgoto = []
- t.goto_default = yydefgoto = []
- e1 = []
- e2 = []
- grammar.each_nonterminal do |tok|
- tmp = []
- # decide default
- freq =, 0)
- @states.each do |state|
- st = state.goto_table[tok]
- if st
- st = st.ident
- freq[st] += 1
- end
- tmp[state.ident] = st
- end
- max = freq.max
- if max > 1
- default = freq.index(max)
-! {|i| default == i ? nil : i }
- else
- default = nil
- end
- yydefgoto.push default
- # delete default value
- tmp.pop until tmp.last or tmp.empty?
- if tmp.compact.empty?
- # only default
- yypgoto.push nil
- next
- end
- addent e1, tmp, (tok.ident - grammar.nonterminal_base), yypgoto
- end
- set_table e1, e2, yytable2, yycheck2, yypgoto
- end
- def addent(all, arr, chkval, ptr)
- max = arr.size
- min = nil
- arr.each_with_index do |item, idx|
- if item
- min ||= idx
- end
- end
- ptr.push(-7777) # mark
- arr = arr[min...max]
- all.push [arr, chkval, mkmapexp(arr), min, ptr.size - 1]
- end
- n = 2 ** 16
- begin
- Regexp.compile("a{#{n}}")
- RE_DUP_MAX = n
- rescue RegexpError
- n /= 2
- retry
- end
- def mkmapexp(arr)
- i = ii = 0
- as = arr.size
- map =
- maxdup = RE_DUP_MAX
- curr = nil
- while i < as
- ii = i + 1
- if arr[i]
- ii += 1 while ii < as and arr[ii]
- curr = '-'
- else
- ii += 1 while ii < as and not arr[ii]
- curr = '.'
- end
- offset = ii - i
- if offset == 1
- map << curr
- else
- while offset > maxdup
- map << "#{curr}{#{maxdup}}"
- offset -= maxdup
- end
- map << "#{curr}{#{offset}}" if offset > 1
- end
- i = ii
- end
- Regexp.compile(map, nil, 'n')
- end
- def set_table(entries, dummy, tbl, chk, ptr)
- upper = 0
- map = '-' * 10240
- # sort long to short
- entries.sort_by!.with_index {|a,i| [-a[0].size, i] }
- entries.each do |arr, chkval, expr, min, ptri|
- if upper + arr.size > map.size
- map << '-' * (arr.size + 1024)
- end
- idx = map.index(expr)
- ptr[ptri] = idx - min
- arr.each_with_index do |item, i|
- if item
- i += idx
- tbl[i] = item
- chk[i] = chkval
- map[i] = ?o
- end
- end
- upper = idx + arr.size
- end
- end
- def act2actid(act)
- case act
- when Shift then act.goto_id
- when Reduce then -act.ruleid
- when Accept then @states.shift_n
- when Error then @states.reduce_n * -1
- else
- raise "racc: fatal: wrong act type #{act.class} in action table"
- end
- end
- end
- class ParserClassGenerator
- def initialize(states)
- @states = states
- @grammar = states.grammar
- end
- def generate
- table = @states.state_transition_table
- c =
- c.const_set :Racc_arg, [table.action_table,
- table.action_check,
- table.action_default,
- table.action_pointer,
- table.goto_table,
- table.goto_check,
- table.goto_default,
- table.goto_pointer,
- table.nt_base,
- table.reduce_table,
- table.token_value_table,
- table.shift_n,
- table.reduce_n,
- false]
- c.const_set :Racc_token_to_s_table, table.token_to_s_table
- c.const_set :Racc_debug_parser, true
- define_actions c
- c
- end
- private
- def define_actions(c)
- c.module_eval "def _reduce_none(vals, vstack) vals[0] end"
- @grammar.each do |rule|
- if rule.action.empty?
- c.alias_method("_reduce_#{rule.ident}", :_reduce_none)
- else
- c.define_method("_racc_action_#{rule.ident}", &rule.action.proc)
- c.module_eval(<<-End, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- def _reduce_#{rule.ident}(vals, vstack)
- _racc_action_#{rule.ident}(*vals)
- end
- End
- end
- end
- end
- end
-end # module Racc