path: root/lib/prism/node_ext.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/prism/node_ext.rb')
1 files changed, 508 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/prism/node_ext.rb b/lib/prism/node_ext.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dfcebd638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/prism/node_ext.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Here we are reopening the prism module to provide methods on nodes that aren't
+# templated and are meant as convenience methods.
+module Prism
+ class Node
+ def deprecated(*replacements) # :nodoc:
+ location = caller_locations(1, 1)
+ location = location[0].label if location
+ suggest = { |replacement| "#{self.class}##{replacement}" }
+ warn(<<~MSG, category: :deprecated)
+ [deprecation]: #{self.class}##{location} is deprecated and will be \
+ removed in the next major version. Use #{suggest.join("/")} instead.
+ #{(caller(1, 3) || []).join("\n")}
+ end
+ end
+ module RegularExpressionOptions # :nodoc:
+ # Returns a numeric value that represents the flags that were used to create
+ # the regular expression.
+ def options
+ o = 0
+ o |= Regexp::IGNORECASE if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::IGNORE_CASE)
+ o |= Regexp::EXTENDED if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::EXTENDED)
+ o |= Regexp::MULTILINE if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::MULTI_LINE)
+ o |= Regexp::FIXEDENCODING if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::EUC_JP | RegularExpressionFlags::WINDOWS_31J | RegularExpressionFlags::UTF_8)
+ o |= Regexp::NOENCODING if flags.anybits?(RegularExpressionFlags::ASCII_8BIT)
+ o
+ end
+ end
+ class InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode < Node
+ include RegularExpressionOptions
+ end
+ class InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode < Node
+ include RegularExpressionOptions
+ end
+ class MatchLastLineNode < Node
+ include RegularExpressionOptions
+ end
+ class RegularExpressionNode < Node
+ include RegularExpressionOptions
+ end
+ private_constant :RegularExpressionOptions
+ module HeredocQuery # :nodoc:
+ # Returns true if this node was represented as a heredoc in the source code.
+ def heredoc?
+ opening&.start_with?("<<")
+ end
+ end
+ class InterpolatedStringNode < Node
+ include HeredocQuery
+ end
+ class InterpolatedXStringNode < Node
+ include HeredocQuery
+ end
+ class StringNode < Node
+ include HeredocQuery
+ # Occasionally it's helpful to treat a string as if it were interpolated so
+ # that there's a consistent interface for working with strings.
+ def to_interpolated
+ source,
+ -1,
+ location,
+ frozen? ? InterpolatedStringNodeFlags::FROZEN : 0,
+ opening_loc,
+ [copy(location: content_loc, opening_loc: nil, closing_loc: nil)],
+ closing_loc
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ class XStringNode < Node
+ include HeredocQuery
+ # Occasionally it's helpful to treat a string as if it were interpolated so
+ # that there's a consistent interface for working with strings.
+ def to_interpolated
+ source,
+ -1,
+ location,
+ flags,
+ opening_loc,
+ [, node_id, content_loc, 0, nil, content_loc, nil, unescaped)],
+ closing_loc
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ private_constant :HeredocQuery
+ class ImaginaryNode < Node
+ # Returns the value of the node as a Ruby Complex.
+ def value
+ Complex(0, numeric.value)
+ end
+ end
+ class RationalNode < Node
+ # Returns the value of the node as a Ruby Rational.
+ def value
+ Rational(numerator, denominator)
+ end
+ # Returns the value of the node as an IntegerNode or a FloatNode. This
+ # method is deprecated in favor of #value or #numerator/#denominator.
+ def numeric
+ deprecated("value", "numerator", "denominator")
+ if denominator == 1
+, -1, location.chop, flags, numerator)
+ else
+, -1, location.chop, 0, numerator.to_f / denominator)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class ConstantReadNode < Node
+ # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant.
+ # For example: [:Foo]
+ def full_name_parts
+ [name]
+ end
+ # Returns the full name of this constant. For example: "Foo"
+ def full_name
+ name.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ class ConstantWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant.
+ # For example: [:Foo]
+ def full_name_parts
+ [name]
+ end
+ # Returns the full name of this constant. For example: "Foo"
+ def full_name
+ name.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ class ConstantPathNode < Node
+ # An error class raised when dynamic parts are found while computing a
+ # constant path's full name. For example:
+ # Foo::Bar::Baz -> does not raise because all parts of the constant path are
+ # simple constants
+ # var::Bar::Baz -> raises because the first part of the constant path is a
+ # local variable
+ class DynamicPartsInConstantPathError < StandardError; end
+ # An error class raised when missing nodes are found while computing a
+ # constant path's full name. For example:
+ # Foo:: -> raises because the constant path is missing the last part
+ class MissingNodesInConstantPathError < StandardError; end
+ # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant path.
+ # For example: [:Foo, :Bar]
+ def full_name_parts
+ parts = [] #: Array[Symbol]
+ current = self #: node?
+ while current.is_a?(ConstantPathNode)
+ name =
+ if name.nil?
+ raise MissingNodesInConstantPathError, "Constant path contains missing nodes. Cannot compute full name"
+ end
+ parts.unshift(name)
+ current = current.parent
+ end
+ if !current.is_a?(ConstantReadNode) && !current.nil?
+ raise DynamicPartsInConstantPathError, "Constant path contains dynamic parts. Cannot compute full name"
+ end
+ parts.unshift(current&.name || :"")
+ end
+ # Returns the full name of this constant path. For example: "Foo::Bar"
+ def full_name
+ full_name_parts.join("::")
+ end
+ # Previously, we had a child node on this class that contained either a
+ # constant read or a missing node. To not cause a breaking change, we
+ # continue to supply that API.
+ def child
+ deprecated("name", "name_loc")
+ if name
+, -1, name_loc, 0, name)
+ else
+, -1, location, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class ConstantPathTargetNode < Node
+ # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant path.
+ # For example: [:Foo, :Bar]
+ def full_name_parts
+ parts =
+ case parent
+ when ConstantPathNode, ConstantReadNode
+ parent.full_name_parts
+ when nil
+ [:""]
+ else
+ # e.g. self::Foo, (var)::Bar = baz
+ raise ConstantPathNode::DynamicPartsInConstantPathError, "Constant target path contains dynamic parts. Cannot compute full name"
+ end
+ if name.nil?
+ raise ConstantPathNode::MissingNodesInConstantPathError, "Constant target path contains missing nodes. Cannot compute full name"
+ end
+ parts.push(name)
+ end
+ # Returns the full name of this constant path. For example: "Foo::Bar"
+ def full_name
+ full_name_parts.join("::")
+ end
+ # Previously, we had a child node on this class that contained either a
+ # constant read or a missing node. To not cause a breaking change, we
+ # continue to supply that API.
+ def child
+ deprecated("name", "name_loc")
+ if name
+, -1, name_loc, 0, name)
+ else
+, -1, location, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class ConstantTargetNode < Node
+ # Returns the list of parts for the full name of this constant.
+ # For example: [:Foo]
+ def full_name_parts
+ [name]
+ end
+ # Returns the full name of this constant. For example: "Foo"
+ def full_name
+ name.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ class ParametersNode < Node
+ # Mirrors the Method#parameters method.
+ def signature
+ names = [] #: Array[[Symbol, Symbol] | [Symbol]]
+ requireds.each do |param|
+ names << (param.is_a?(MultiTargetNode) ? [:req] : [:req,])
+ end
+ optionals.each { |param| names << [:opt,] }
+ if rest && rest.is_a?(RestParameterNode)
+ names << [:rest, || :*]
+ end
+ posts.each do |param|
+ case param
+ when MultiTargetNode
+ names << [:req]
+ when NoKeywordsParameterNode, KeywordRestParameterNode, ForwardingParameterNode
+ # Invalid syntax, e.g. "def f(**nil, ...)" moves the NoKeywordsParameterNode to posts
+ raise "Invalid syntax"
+ else
+ names << [:req,]
+ end
+ end
+ # Regardless of the order in which the keywords were defined, the required
+ # keywords always come first followed by the optional keywords.
+ keyopt = [] #: Array[OptionalKeywordParameterNode]
+ keywords.each do |param|
+ if param.is_a?(OptionalKeywordParameterNode)
+ keyopt << param
+ else
+ names << [:keyreq,]
+ end
+ end
+ keyopt.each { |param| names << [:key,] }
+ case keyword_rest
+ when ForwardingParameterNode
+ names.concat([[:rest, :*], [:keyrest, :**], [:block, :&]])
+ when KeywordRestParameterNode
+ names << [:keyrest, || :**]
+ when NoKeywordsParameterNode
+ names << [:nokey]
+ end
+ names << [:block, || :&] if block
+ names
+ end
+ end
+ class CallNode < Node
+ # When a call node has the attribute_write flag set, it means that the call
+ # is using the attribute write syntax. This is either a method call to []=
+ # or a method call to a method that ends with =. Either way, the = sign is
+ # present in the source.
+ #
+ # Prism returns the message_loc _without_ the = sign attached, because there
+ # can be any amount of space between the message and the = sign. However,
+ # sometimes you want the location of the full message including the inner
+ # space and the = sign. This method provides that.
+ def full_message_loc
+ attribute_write? ? message_loc&.adjoin("=") : message_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class CallOperatorWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
+ def operator
+ deprecated("binary_operator")
+ binary_operator
+ end
+ # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
+ # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
+ def operator_loc
+ deprecated("binary_operator_loc")
+ binary_operator_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
+ def operator
+ deprecated("binary_operator")
+ binary_operator
+ end
+ # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
+ # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
+ def operator_loc
+ deprecated("binary_operator_loc")
+ binary_operator_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class ConstantOperatorWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
+ def operator
+ deprecated("binary_operator")
+ binary_operator
+ end
+ # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
+ # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
+ def operator_loc
+ deprecated("binary_operator_loc")
+ binary_operator_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
+ def operator
+ deprecated("binary_operator")
+ binary_operator
+ end
+ # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
+ # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
+ def operator_loc
+ deprecated("binary_operator_loc")
+ binary_operator_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
+ def operator
+ deprecated("binary_operator")
+ binary_operator
+ end
+ # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
+ # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
+ def operator_loc
+ deprecated("binary_operator_loc")
+ binary_operator_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class IndexOperatorWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
+ def operator
+ deprecated("binary_operator")
+ binary_operator
+ end
+ # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
+ # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
+ def operator_loc
+ deprecated("binary_operator_loc")
+ binary_operator_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
+ def operator
+ deprecated("binary_operator")
+ binary_operator
+ end
+ # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
+ # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
+ def operator_loc
+ deprecated("binary_operator_loc")
+ binary_operator_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode < Node
+ # Returns the binary operator used to modify the receiver. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #binary_operator.
+ def operator
+ deprecated("binary_operator")
+ binary_operator
+ end
+ # Returns the location of the binary operator used to modify the receiver.
+ # This method is deprecated in favor of #binary_operator_loc.
+ def operator_loc
+ deprecated("binary_operator_loc")
+ binary_operator_loc
+ end
+ end
+ class CaseMatchNode < Node
+ # Returns the else clause of the case match node. This method is deprecated
+ # in favor of #else_clause.
+ def consequent
+ deprecated("else_clause")
+ else_clause
+ end
+ end
+ class CaseNode < Node
+ # Returns the else clause of the case node. This method is deprecated in
+ # favor of #else_clause.
+ def consequent
+ deprecated("else_clause")
+ else_clause
+ end
+ end
+ class IfNode < Node
+ # Returns the subsequent if/elsif/else clause of the if node. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #subsequent.
+ def consequent
+ deprecated("subsequent")
+ subsequent
+ end
+ end
+ class RescueNode < Node
+ # Returns the subsequent rescue clause of the rescue node. This method is
+ # deprecated in favor of #subsequent.
+ def consequent
+ deprecated("subsequent")
+ subsequent
+ end
+ end
+ class UnlessNode < Node
+ # Returns the else clause of the unless node. This method is deprecated in
+ # favor of #else_clause.
+ def consequent
+ deprecated("else_clause")
+ else_clause
+ end
+ end