path: root/lib/mini/spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mini/spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mini/spec.rb b/lib/mini/spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f8eac144c..0000000000
--- a/lib/mini/spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# This file is imported from a different project.
-# DO NOT make modifications in this repo.
-# File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis
-#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
-require 'mini/test'
-class Module
- def infect_with_assertions pos_prefix, neg_prefix, skip_re, map = {}
- Mini::Assertions.public_instance_methods(false).each do |meth|
- meth = meth.to_s
- new_name = case meth
- when /^assert/ then
- meth.sub(/^assert/, pos_prefix.to_s)
- when /^refute/ then
- meth.sub(/^refute/, neg_prefix.to_s)
- end
- next unless new_name
- next if new_name =~ skip_re
- regexp, replacement = map.find { |re, _| new_name =~ re }
- new_name.sub! regexp, replacement if replacement
- # warn "%-22p -> %p %p" % [meth, new_name, regexp]
- self.class_eval <<-EOM
- def #{new_name} *args, &block
- return Mini::Spec.current.#{meth}(*args, &self) if Proc === self
- return Mini::Spec.current.#{meth}(args.first, self) if args.size == 1
- return Mini::Spec.current.#{meth}(self, *args)
- end
- end
- end
-Object.infect_with_assertions(:must, :wont,
- /^(must|wont)$|wont_(throw)|
- must_(block|not?_|nothing|raise$)/x,
- /(must_throw)s/ => '\1',
- /(?!not)_same/ => '_be_same_as',
- /_in_/ => '_be_within_',
- /_operator/ => '_be',
- /_includes/ => '_include',
- /(must|wont)_(.*_of|nil|empty)/ => '\1_be_\2',
- /must_raises/ => 'must_raise')
-class Object
- alias :must_be_close_to :must_be_within_delta
- alias :wont_be_close_to :wont_be_within_delta
-module Kernel
- def describe desc, &block
- cls =
- Object.const_set desc.to_s.split(/\W+/).map { |s| s.capitalize }.join, cls
- cls.class_eval(&block)
- end
-class Mini::Spec < Mini::Test::TestCase
- def self.current
- @@current_spec
- end
- def initialize name
- super
- @@current_spec = self
- end
- def self.before(type = :each, &block)
- raise "unsupported before type: #{type}" unless type == :each
- define_method :setup, &block
- end
- def self.after(type = :each, &block)
- raise "unsupported after type: #{type}" unless type == :each
- define_method :teardown, &block
- end
- def desc, &block
- define_method "test_#{desc.gsub(/\W+/, '_').downcase}", &block
- end