path: root/lib/irb/nesting_parser.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/irb/nesting_parser.rb')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/irb/nesting_parser.rb b/lib/irb/nesting_parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5aa940cc28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/irb/nesting_parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module IRB
+ module NestingParser
+ IGNORE_TOKENS = %i[on_sp on_ignored_nl on_comment on_embdoc_beg on_embdoc on_embdoc_end]
+ # Scan each token and call the given block with array of token and other information for parsing
+ def self.scan_opens(tokens)
+ opens = []
+ pending_heredocs = []
+ first_token_on_line = true
+ tokens.each do |t|
+ skip = false
+ last_tok, state, args = opens.last
+ case state
+ when :in_alias_undef
+ skip = t.event == :on_kw
+ when :in_unquoted_symbol
+ unless IGNORE_TOKENS.include?(t.event)
+ opens.pop
+ skip = true
+ end
+ when :in_lambda_head
+ opens.pop if t.event == :on_tlambeg || (t.event == :on_kw && t.tok == 'do')
+ when :in_method_head
+ unless IGNORE_TOKENS.include?(t.event)
+ next_args = []
+ body = nil
+ if args.include?(:receiver)
+ case t.event
+ when :on_lparen, :on_ivar, :on_gvar, :on_cvar
+ # def (receiver). | def @ivar. | def $gvar. | def @@cvar.
+ next_args << :dot
+ when :on_kw
+ case t.tok
+ when 'self', 'true', 'false', 'nil'
+ # def self(arg) | def self.
+ next_args.push(:arg, :dot)
+ else
+ # def if(arg)
+ skip = true
+ next_args << :arg
+ end
+ when :on_op, :on_backtick
+ # def +(arg)
+ skip = true
+ next_args << :arg
+ when :on_ident, :on_const
+ # def a(arg) | def a.
+ next_args.push(:arg, :dot)
+ end
+ end
+ if args.include?(:dot)
+ # def
+ next_args << :name if t.event == :on_period || (t.event == :on_op && t.tok == '::')
+ end
+ if args.include?(:name)
+ if %i[on_ident on_const on_op on_kw on_backtick].include?(t.event)
+ # def name(arg) | def
+ next_args << :arg
+ skip = true
+ end
+ end
+ if args.include?(:arg)
+ case t.event
+ when :on_nl, :on_semicolon
+ # def receiver.f;
+ body = :normal
+ when :on_lparen
+ # def receiver.f()
+ next_args << :eq
+ else
+ if t.event == :on_op && t.tok == '='
+ # def receiver.f =
+ body = :oneliner
+ else
+ # def receiver.f arg
+ next_args << :arg_without_paren
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if args.include?(:eq)
+ if t.event == :on_op && t.tok == '='
+ body = :oneliner
+ else
+ body = :normal
+ end
+ end
+ if args.include?(:arg_without_paren)
+ if %i[on_semicolon on_nl].include?(t.event)
+ # def f a;
+ body = :normal
+ else
+ # def f a, b
+ next_args << :arg_without_paren
+ end
+ end
+ if body == :oneliner
+ opens.pop
+ elsif body
+ opens[-1] = [last_tok, nil]
+ else
+ opens[-1] = [last_tok, :in_method_head, next_args]
+ end
+ end
+ when :in_for_while_until_condition
+ if t.event == :on_semicolon || t.event == :on_nl || (t.event == :on_kw && t.tok == 'do')
+ skip = true if t.event == :on_kw && t.tok == 'do'
+ opens[-1] = [last_tok, nil]
+ end
+ end
+ unless skip
+ case t.event
+ when :on_kw
+ case t.tok
+ when 'begin', 'class', 'module', 'do', 'case'
+ opens << [t, nil]
+ when 'end'
+ opens.pop
+ when 'def'
+ opens << [t, :in_method_head, [:receiver, :name]]
+ when 'if', 'unless'
+ unless t.state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_LABEL)
+ opens << [t, nil]
+ end
+ when 'while', 'until'
+ unless t.state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_LABEL)
+ opens << [t, :in_for_while_until_condition]
+ end
+ when 'ensure', 'rescue'
+ unless t.state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_LABEL)
+ opens.pop
+ opens << [t, nil]
+ end
+ when 'alias'
+ opens << [t, :in_alias_undef, 2]
+ when 'undef'
+ opens << [t, :in_alias_undef, 1]
+ when 'elsif', 'else', 'when'
+ opens.pop
+ opens << [t, nil]
+ when 'for'
+ opens << [t, :in_for_while_until_condition]
+ when 'in'
+ if last_tok&.event == :on_kw && %w[case in].include?(last_tok.tok) && first_token_on_line
+ opens.pop
+ opens << [t, nil]
+ end
+ end
+ when :on_tlambda
+ opens << [t, :in_lambda_head]
+ when :on_lparen, :on_lbracket, :on_lbrace, :on_tlambeg, :on_embexpr_beg, :on_embdoc_beg
+ opens << [t, nil]
+ when :on_rparen, :on_rbracket, :on_rbrace, :on_embexpr_end, :on_embdoc_end
+ opens.pop
+ when :on_heredoc_beg
+ pending_heredocs << t
+ when :on_heredoc_end
+ opens.pop
+ when :on_backtick
+ opens << [t, nil] if t.state.allbits?(Ripper::EXPR_BEG)
+ when :on_tstring_beg, :on_words_beg, :on_qwords_beg, :on_symbols_beg, :on_qsymbols_beg, :on_regexp_beg
+ opens << [t, nil]
+ when :on_tstring_end, :on_regexp_end, :on_label_end
+ opens.pop
+ when :on_symbeg
+ if t.tok == ':'
+ opens << [t, :in_unquoted_symbol]
+ else
+ opens << [t, nil]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if t.event == :on_nl || t.event == :on_semicolon
+ first_token_on_line = true
+ elsif t.event != :on_sp
+ first_token_on_line = false
+ end
+ if pending_heredocs.any? && t.tok.include?("\n")
+ pending_heredocs.reverse_each { |t| opens << [t, nil] }
+ pending_heredocs = []
+ end
+ if opens.last && opens.last[1] == :in_alias_undef && !IGNORE_TOKENS.include?(t.event) && t.event != :on_heredoc_end
+ tok, state, arg = opens.pop
+ opens << [tok, state, arg - 1] if arg >= 1
+ end
+ yield t, opens if block_given?
+ end
+ + pending_heredocs.reverse
+ end
+ def self.open_tokens(tokens)
+ # scan_opens without block will return a list of open tokens at last token position
+ scan_opens(tokens)
+ end
+ # Calculates token information [line_tokens, prev_opens, next_opens, min_depth] for each line.
+ # Example code
+ # ["hello
+ # world"+(
+ # First line
+ # line_tokens: [[lbracket, '['], [tstring_beg, '"'], [tstring_content("hello\nworld"), "hello\n"]]
+ # prev_opens: []
+ # next_tokens: [lbracket, tstring_beg]
+ # min_depth: 0 (minimum at beginning of line)
+ # Second line
+ # line_tokens: [[tstring_content("hello\nworld"), "world"], [tstring_end, '"'], [op, '+'], [lparen, '(']]
+ # prev_opens: [lbracket, tstring_beg]
+ # next_tokens: [lbracket, lparen]
+ # min_depth: 1 (minimum just after tstring_end)
+ def self.parse_by_line(tokens)
+ line_tokens = []
+ prev_opens = []
+ min_depth = 0
+ output = []
+ last_opens = scan_opens(tokens) do |t, opens|
+ depth = t == opens.last&.first ? opens.size - 1 : opens.size
+ min_depth = depth if depth < min_depth
+ if t.tok.include?("\n")
+ t.tok.each_line do |line|
+ line_tokens << [t, line]
+ next if line[-1] != "\n"
+ next_opens =
+ output << [line_tokens, prev_opens, next_opens, min_depth]
+ prev_opens = next_opens
+ min_depth = prev_opens.size
+ line_tokens = []
+ end
+ else
+ line_tokens << [t, t.tok]
+ end
+ end
+ output << [line_tokens, prev_opens, last_opens, min_depth] if line_tokens.any?
+ output
+ end
+ end