path: root/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/shell/basic.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/shell/basic.rb')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/shell/basic.rb b/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/shell/basic.rb
index 7f414e9a08..dc3179e5f3 100644
--- a/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/shell/basic.rb
+++ b/lib/bundler/vendor/thor/lib/thor/shell/basic.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+require_relative "column_printer"
+require_relative "table_printer"
+require_relative "wrapped_printer"
class Bundler::Thor
module Shell
class Basic
attr_accessor :base
attr_reader :padding
@@ -145,14 +147,14 @@ class Bundler::Thor
# "yes".
def yes?(statement, color = nil)
- !!(ask(statement, color, :add_to_history => false) =~ is?(:yes))
+ !!(ask(statement, color, add_to_history: false) =~ is?(:yes))
# Make a question the to user and returns true if the user replies "n" or
# "no".
def no?(statement, color = nil)
- !!(ask(statement, color, :add_to_history => false) =~ is?(:no))
+ !!(ask(statement, color, add_to_history: false) =~ is?(:no))
# Prints values in columns
@@ -161,16 +163,8 @@ class Bundler::Thor
# Array[String, String, ...]
def print_in_columns(array)
- return if array.empty?
- colwidth = ( { |el| el.to_s.size }.max || 0) + 2
- array.each_with_index do |value, index|
- # Don't output trailing spaces when printing the last column
- if ((((index + 1) % (terminal_width / colwidth))).zero? && ! || index + 1 == array.length
- stdout.puts value
- else
- stdout.printf("%-#{colwidth}s", value)
- end
- end
+ printer =
+ printer.print(array)
# Prints a table.
@@ -181,58 +175,11 @@ class Bundler::Thor
# ==== Options
# indent<Integer>:: Indent the first column by indent value.
# colwidth<Integer>:: Force the first column to colwidth spaces wide.
+ # borders<Boolean>:: Adds ascii borders.
def print_table(array, options = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
- return if array.empty?
- formats = []
- indent = options[:indent].to_i
- colwidth = options[:colwidth]
- options[:truncate] = terminal_width if options[:truncate] == true
- formats << "%-#{colwidth + 2}s".dup if colwidth
- start = colwidth ? 1 : 0
- colcount = array.max { |a, b| a.size <=> b.size }.size
- maximas = []
- start.upto(colcount - 1) do |index|
- maxima = { |row| row[index] ? row[index].to_s.size : 0 }.max
- maximas << maxima
- formats << if index == colcount - 1
- # Don't output 2 trailing spaces when printing the last column
- "%-s".dup
- else
- "%-#{maxima + 2}s".dup
- end
- end
- formats[0] = formats[0].insert(0, " " * indent)
- formats << "%s"
- array.each do |row|
- sentence = "".dup
- row.each_with_index do |column, index|
- maxima = maximas[index]
- f = if column.is_a?(Numeric)
- if index == row.size - 1
- # Don't output 2 trailing spaces when printing the last column
- "%#{maxima}s"
- else
- "%#{maxima}s "
- end
- else
- formats[index]
- end
- sentence << f % column.to_s
- end
- sentence = truncate(sentence, options[:truncate]) if options[:truncate]
- stdout.puts sentence
- end
+ printer =, options)
+ printer.print(array)
# Prints a long string, word-wrapping the text to the current width of the
@@ -245,33 +192,8 @@ class Bundler::Thor
# indent<Integer>:: Indent each line of the printed paragraph by indent value.
def print_wrapped(message, options = {})
- indent = options[:indent] || 0
- width = terminal_width - indent
- paras = message.split("\n\n")
-! do |unwrapped|
- words = unwrapped.split(" ")
- counter = words.first.length
- words.inject do |memo, word|
- word = word.gsub(/\n\005/, "\n").gsub(/\005/, "\n")
- counter = 0 if word.include? "\n"
- if (counter + word.length + 1) < width
- memo = "#{memo} #{word}"
- counter += (word.length + 1)
- else
- memo = "#{memo}\n#{word}"
- counter = word.length
- end
- memo
- end
- end.compact!
- paras.each do |para|
- para.split("\n").each do |line|
- stdout.puts line.insert(0, " " * indent)
- end
- stdout.puts unless para == paras.last
- end
+ printer =, options)
+ printer.print(message)
# Deals with file collision and returns true if the file should be
@@ -289,7 +211,7 @@ class Bundler::Thor
loop do
answer = ask(
%[Overwrite #{destination}? (enter "h" for help) #{options}],
- :add_to_history => false
+ add_to_history: false
case answer
@@ -316,24 +238,11 @@ class Bundler::Thor
say "Please specify merge tool to `THOR_MERGE` env."
- say file_collision_help
+ say file_collision_help(block_given?)
- # This code was copied from Rake, available under MIT-LICENSE
- # Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Jim Weirich
- def terminal_width
- result = if ENV["THOR_COLUMNS"]
- else
- unix? ? dynamic_width : DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH
- end
- result < 10 ? DEFAULT_TERMINAL_WIDTH : result
- rescue
- end
# Called if something goes wrong during the execution. This is used by Bundler::Thor
# internally and should not be used inside your scripts. If something went
# wrong, you can always raise an exception. If you raise a Bundler::Thor::Error, it
@@ -384,16 +293,21 @@ class Bundler::Thor
- def file_collision_help #:nodoc:
- <<-HELP
+ def file_collision_help(block_given) #:nodoc:
+ help = <<-HELP
Y - yes, overwrite
n - no, do not overwrite
a - all, overwrite this and all others
q - quit, abort
- d - diff, show the differences between the old and the new
h - help, show this help
- m - merge, run merge tool
+ if block_given
+ help << <<-HELP
+ d - diff, show the differences between the old and the new
+ m - merge, run merge tool
+ end
+ help
def show_diff(destination, content) #:nodoc:
@@ -411,46 +325,8 @@ class Bundler::Thor
mute? || (base && base.options[:quiet])
- # Calculate the dynamic width of the terminal
- def dynamic_width
- @dynamic_width ||= (dynamic_width_stty.nonzero? || dynamic_width_tput)
- end
- def dynamic_width_stty
- `stty size 2>/dev/null`.split[1].to_i
- end
- def dynamic_width_tput
- `tput cols 2>/dev/null`.to_i
- end
def unix?
- RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(aix|darwin|linux|(net|free|open)bsd|cygwin|solaris)/i
- end
- def truncate(string, width)
- as_unicode do
- chars = string.chars.to_a
- if chars.length <= width
- chars.join
- else
- chars[0, width - 3].join + "..."
- end
- end
- end
- if "".respond_to?(:encode)
- def as_unicode
- yield
- end
- else
- def as_unicode
- old = $KCODE
- $KCODE = "U"
- yield
- ensure
- $KCODE = old
- end
+ Terminal.unix?
def ask_simply(statement, color, options)